{"schema":{"WorldId":"Long Integer NOT NULL","id":"Long Integer NOT NULL","Title":"Text (100)","Description":"Memo/Hyperlink (255)","Inputs":"Memo/Hyperlink (255)","Assumes":"Memo/Hyperlink (255)","CodeReturns":"Memo/Hyperlink (255)","SideEffects":"Memo/Hyperlink (255)","ApiDeclarations":"Memo/Hyperlink (255)","CategoryId":"Double","CodeLineCount":"Long Integer","PicturePath":"Text (255)","SubmissionTypeId":"Long Integer","ZipFilePath":"Text (100)","CodeDifficultyTypeId":"Long Integer NOT NULL","NumOfUserRatings":"Long Integer NOT NULL","UserRatingTotal":"Long Integer NOT NULL","AuthorName":"Text (255)","ProductId":"Long Integer"},"data":[{"WorldId":1,"id":43076,"Title":"Add Icon to system Tray Easily","Description":"This Example will show you how to easily add a icon to the system try and capture mouse events. also it will show you how to stop your program closeing and minimize it instead. Please comment and vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Add_Icon_t154160292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"┬ºe7eN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43077,"Title":"Change ShowInTaskbar at Runtime","Description":"This code will allow you to change the .ShowInTaskBar at runtime. Please Comment and Vote.","Inputs":"SetShowInTaskbar False, Me.hwnd or SetShowInTaskbar True, Me.hwnd","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":23,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"┬ºe7eN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43088,"Title":"Despeckler (VB + MMX)","Description":"Despeckler by Robert Rayment.(Update Re-load added) This attempts to demonstrate some basic patching, dust & scratch removal, de-spotting, pixel painting, sharp, soft, dark & brightening for pictures. The operations can be for the whole picture or a selected area with varying blemish sizes and thresholds. Color selection and a magnifier help with correcting small areas. Example bitmaps are included. Can be run as VB or VB+ASM. The ASM makes extensive use of MMX. -------------------------------------------------- Optionally the use of i_view32.exe (freeware from www.irfanview.com) is demonstrated for loading and saving any image file format in VB....See Notes.txt. -------------------------------------------------- Thanks to VBAccelerator.com (Dialog class), VBSpeed (Timer class) and Ulli (ToolTips class - PSC CodeId=42051) (Exe tested on WinXP) Win98, Zip 205KB.\n","Inputs":"Pictures","Assumes":"Just run & read notes","CodeReturns":"Pictures","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See code","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003291113507112.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Despeckler1543572132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43090,"Title":"Reconstructor 1.0 RC1","Description":"Shows various image resampling (resizing) interpolation filters like: Nearest Neighbor (Box, Point), Bilinear (Triangle, Tent, Bartlett), Bicubic Cardinal spline, Bicubic B-spline, Bicubic BC-spline (Mitchell & Netravali) with an interactive diagram and Windowed Sinc with these windows: Bartlett, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Bohman, Cosine, Gauss, Hamming, Hann, Lanczos, Rectangular, Welch. Everything is developed under Visual Basic using SafeArray technique to access image pixels. Application is also able to extend edges if the filter demands that by copying edges content out of bounds. Sample pictures are included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003291126152238.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Reconstruc1542382102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"Petr Supina","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43093,"Title":"yx irc client","Description":"This is an irc client using the winsock control, which shows how to parse IRC data, as well as showing how to implement multiple forms for each channel. The coding is as simple as possible and is almost fully commented. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"make sure that the configuration file is in the same directory as the project (but it should be by default anyway)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200329158404698.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/yx_irc_cli154176292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"James Wykes","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43096,"Title":"Talk To Your Computer","Description":"Learn how to talk to your computer, and have it respond! You even have a nice little robot buddy to talk to!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200329173286393.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Talk_To_Yo154184292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":50,"UserRatingTotal":243,"AuthorName":"Mike Gerwitz (Clodaus Teraton)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43101,"Title":"Z Script scripting language","Description":"this is scripting language wich is about 40% ready is a good example of how to load any object at runtime including forms buttons labels etc... hope you'll like it... i think i'll continue it or start it agian using better programming methods... i'll try to make it compile the code although lots of you say that you can't its just that i don't have time :) cu pls leave a comment!!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"this is scripting language wich is about 40% ready is a good example of how to load any object at runtime including forms buttons labels etc... hope you'll like it... i think i'll continue it or start it agian using better programming methods... cu pls leave a comment!!! :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003292117169449.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Z_Script_s154189292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Joseph Borg","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43011,"Title":"Calculator digit&manual&scientific","Description":"!","Inputs":"!","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"!","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Calculator154049272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Eyripides ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49017,"Title":"TCP/UDP Advanced Connections Viewer","Description":"Screenshot pretty much tells all. better desciption inside. Only runs on XP and if theres extra stuff in there dont worry about it because its taken out of a bigger project im making. Please Vote and Comment","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031051020143365.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TCP_UDP_Ad1654141052003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"┬ºe7eN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49021,"Title":"Advanced Address Book","Description":"An addressbook that has features such as contact groups, online access, search, and much more. Uses Microsoft Access database to store data (included). References the DAO 3.6 library. Please send feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031051313338591.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_A1654161052003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":46,"ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49027,"Title":"Neon 2","Description":"Animate any text on an electronical neon board\n┬½ Neon Release 2 ┬╗\nit's algorith is modified so this version is about 100 times faster than previouse release! and is much simpler\nalso use winapi functions BitBlt and GetPixel for more speed<\nExciting program, SEE and Enjoy!\nS.Serpooshan, (2003)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003107719149254.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Neon_21654981072003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":30,"UserRatingTotal":141,"AuthorName":"Saeed Serpooshan [new]","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49033,"Title":"Add ScrollBars in the Form","Description":"This is to show U how to Add ScrollBars in the Form So the Controls in the Form Moves Up & Down or Left & Right According to the Scrollbars. It is very useful when UR Controls Exceed the Width or Height of the Form. No API Functions are Used Simple ScrollBar Controls.\nIf you need support or to give suggestions to improve, you can email me at vikasmadaan25@hotmail.com or thru yahoo messenger vikasmadaan25@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Add_Scroll1654431062003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Vikas Madaan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49037,"Title":"Learn All About API","Description":"If 'API' is a new word to you or you just heard about API but don't know how to use it yet, this program is absolutely for you. This program contains ton of API example. It can be considered as a library of API. The range of API use is very wide; from hiding and showing taskbar and desktop to advance internet related API. This program also has a graphical interface that is easy to use. There is a 'Click Here for More Information' button at each code. Click the button and you will get information about that API call. If you have a look at this program, you will not be disappointed. Please give comments about this program. Also, please vote for my work.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003106102487296.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Learn_All_16573710122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":93,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49038,"Title":"ABC ReadMe Generator (The Quickest, Easiest and Best ReadMe Generator Forever)","Description":"Generate readme file by just filling up the form and click one button. Only 1 sub to generate the readme file. Quick and easy. Leave comments about this code. Also, don't forget to vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310610468360.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ABC_ReadMe1654481062003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49043,"Title":"Laws of Computer Programming","Description":"Miscelaneous laws and corollaries per Murphy as pertaining to programming and computerrs in general ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"D.W.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49051,"Title":"MatrixDisplay","Description":"A LEDMatrix display, very customizable, with built-in text support, multiple colors. For more, see the code. It's heavily commented.\nPlease leave a feedback, and vote!\nThanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003106163456471.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MatrixDisp1654731062003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":98,"AuthorName":"Mih├íly Tall├│di","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49054,"Title":"Sea of Green Calculator2","Description":"Calculates the montly cost of a grow room depending on how many lights there are and the wattage of the light","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031062318445339.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Sea_of_Gre1654821062003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James Bank","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49055,"Title":"VB MANIFEST HELP ( COLOR PALETTE )","Description":"FOUND OUT HOW TO FIX THE COLOR PALETTE IN THE MANIFEST FILE.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031062337177320.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Jrobi7114","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49058,"Title":"C to ASM - a compiler in the development (very early stages)","Description":"THis program translates a subset of C into asm, currently, it supports looping (for, while), conditions (if), maths (+,*,-,/), boolean operators (&&, ||), arrays(partly)\nThis outputs asm code that should work, the output is currently generic asm code, without conforming to the rules of any specific asm compiler, but that can be easily taken care of. \nTHis program is written in excel Visual basic, because my version of Visual basic was deleted, and i lost my visual basic installation cd. anyway, you can still run it. TO view the source code, press ALT+F11 to enter a editor, much like the normal VB editor (sorry about that...)\nSample Code Translation is below (in the \"Windows API section\" below):\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"int main()\n{\n\tmsgbox(hitme(5,6));\n};\nint hitme(int a,int b)\n{\n\ta=a*a+b*b;\n\treturn a;\n};\nTRANSLATES TO::\nconst \\\\ --String Constants\ncode \\\\ --Code Section\n\\\\ --Function: main\nFunc main\npush ebp\nmov ebp, esp\nPush 6\nPush 5\ncall hitme\nPush eax\ncall msgbox\npop ebp\nretn\n\\\\ --Function: hitme\nFunc hitme\npush ebp\nmov ebp, esp\nadd esp, 2\nmov ebx, [ebp-12]\nmov eax, [ebp-12]\nimul ebx\nmov ebx, eax\nmov ecx, [ebp-8]\nmov eax, [ebp-8]\nimul ecx\nmov ecx, eax\nadd ecx, ebx\nmov [ebp-8], ecx\nsub esp, 2\npop ebp\nretn","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/C_to_ASM_-1655731082003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"David Yang","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49917,"Title":"RPG 3D(Beggining)","Description":"It's Supposed To be RPG Game In The Future ..\nBut Still The Collision Detection and Some Animation With A Good Graphics Design.. Anyway Try It Some Code Lines Could Be Useful .. Use The Arrows To move And Z,X To move on Y , and if u enabled the light then L,K,J,I to mive the Light\nhmmm I Hope U Vote For it (I Had To Take Off The Graphics To Be Able To Upload It Here..!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031115431486428.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RPG__3D(Be16721611152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Hassan sameh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49919,"Title":"Flexgrid Sorting","Description":"Sorting the column by clicking the column header of msFlexgrid or MshFlexgrid","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flexgrid_S16721911152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Jeyakumar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49928,"Title":"WebServer Mini","Description":"This is a mini but very good web server it comes with a complete website template that you can edit on notepad soon coming in 2 weeks a version with GET/POST PHP","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031115165554975.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WebServer_16723811152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"RPG MAKER","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49937,"Title":"An screen deformer - please look at the screenshot!","Description":"Hi this code just uses SetLayeredWindowAttributes and then moves a picturebox. The effect is quite nice... Win2K and XP only. If you like it then please leave comments or vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Screen deformation","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031116445223360.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/An_screen_16725011162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Viliam Kubis","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49945,"Title":"Drawing the Chart of a math function","Description":"This code draws the chart of a math function","Inputs":"a math function","Assumes":"working with functions","CodeReturns":"its chart","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311161510332936.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Drawing_th16728311162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"SMA Soft","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49948,"Title":"CountDown Game 2","Description":"This is a new version of the Countdown program I released recently. It is much improved and has two new game types!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031116192117932.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CountDown_16728711162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Darren Hutchison","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49952,"Title":"Direct Memory Access","Description":"Tricky way>> direct access memory by pointer<<\nno copy memory block..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Direct_Mem16730611172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49970,"Title":"XP Theme Support for Built-in VB Controls","Description":"Microsoft is not planning on releasing a new service pack for VB6 and we all know that the intrinsic built-in control are behaving badly when used in themed applications. This submission is an attempt to fix some issues with the VB.Frame control and provides custom themed drawing for graphical buttons: CommandButton, OptionButton and CheckBox controls. This, together with the old common controls from VB5, is enough to provide slick XP user-interface to your users.\n___________________________________________________________\nIt's been a long time since my last submission to this site, so cheers to everyone! Report issues with the code here and enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311171940154570.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Theme_S16733011172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Vlad Vissoultchev","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43598,"Title":"A Complete Web Server with GET, POST, Cookie Support, and PHP!!!","Description":"There are several Web Servers that have some scripting abilities but this one supports EVERYTHING!!! GET REQUEST, POST REQUEST, FORM POSTING, COOKIES, and PHP, IMAGES, MP3's, JPEGS, GIFS, and much more. The php support is so good it is Capable of running the popular web portal PHP-NUKE. If your confused and just want to see what the program can do run it, open your web browser and type in If you want to use the server to host your own site, read the help.html in the enclosed zip file. The server can handle ANY web site, it can handle 50 simultaneous connections and more if you make a few slight changes to the Form_Load() sub. Have Fun with it and please vote for me!! I need it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Its a web server. You don't need a host if you have this program. To access the site that the program is hosting, open up internet explorer and type and hit enter","CodeReturns":"It produces a log file and a settings file if thats what you mean","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003227184006661.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Complete155385332003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":128,"AuthorName":"JokerDoom","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43599,"Title":"Save custom palette GIFs (GDI+)","Description":"Save custom palette GIFs using GDI+. This is a basic application, nevertheless you can easily extend it. __________________________________________________ Zip 92Kb (Screenshot done using this code) __________________________________________________ Last update: 2003.03.13","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200334520293649.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Save_custo1763076282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43605,"Title":"IRCengine v.1.0.21 (UPDATE)","Description":"IRCengine v1.0.21, An IRC parser for IRC Clients compiled in a Class Module...Just an update for the old version of IRCengine v1.0.17, fixed some bugs and added some new features...Now Supports DCC...check it out...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200336050537097.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/IRCengine_155715392003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"aCiDtRip","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43607,"Title":"FRX FILES WHY YOU SHOULD UPLOAD THEM (updated)","Description":"Frx files are a vital part of almost any VB code but many people forget to upload them. This article explains how they work and why you should include them in your uploads. Article also in a zip file for reading off-line.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FRX_FILES_1580284282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43619,"Title":"Mailster POP/SMTP Server","Description":"Mailster is an opensource freeware pop3/smtp server. It doesnt currently support multipart mime-messages, forwarding or webmail, but you can check mailster.sourceforge.net for updates","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"No assumptions, all u need is winsock control","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200322874911991.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mailster_P1551812282003.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Michael D.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43623,"Title":"SendAttachmentWithOutlookExpress","Description":"Attaches a file to send with Outlet Express","Inputs":"Email Address and File to Attach","Assumes":"Program uses MSMAPI32.OCX","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003228936481592.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SendAttach1551862282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"John Cunningham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43627,"Title":"Duration calculater","Description":"This code takes a value of seconds as an input value and then calculates the duration in seconds, minutes, hours and days without using any VB date function. This code runs super fast. I wrote this for my IRC Server and thought it might be any useful for you... if you like it, you may want to vote, if not, well the not, i guess ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Dennis Fisch","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43633,"Title":"Title DupFinder","Description":"This Great Tool Will Help You To Free Up alot of your hard disk space, Tested Compare Engine, you can trust it's results ...and you can vote if you want.\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Title_DupF1552122282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Marco Samy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43638,"Title":"LaVolpe Submenus v2","Description":"9,000 hits indicates you liked 1st version. Then, you'll absolutely love this new one. Complete rewrite fixing all known issues w/previous version and adding way too much to this iteration. ScreenShot hilites a lot of it. So heavily remarked it makes up 1/3 of the file size; a 250+kb html help file with pics, a fair sample project and something unique -- an optional user control you can add to your project while in IDE to view menus as they would look in run-time. Has its limitations, but works well. <br> I'm looking for honest feedback, especially pertaining to bugs experienced on your system; this has been tested to death on Win98 & Win2K. I have been testing this for several weeks and each bug found, it seems I added a new feature. Figured if I didn't put this out now, I'd never put it out. Gotta stop sometime to smell the roses. Unzip the help file images to a folder named \"ReadMe_files\" then put the readme.html in the folder above that. <br> P.S. honest feedback and the \"pat on the back\" votes keep us going. Thank you in advance. <br> Last updated: 12 Mar/4:15PM Eastern.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"User32, GDI32, Shell32, Kernel32, and a couple more.","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033111735188664.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/LaVolpe_Su1558383122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":107,"UserRatingTotal":531,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43640,"Title":"TRANSITIONS MAX!!!!! Coolest Transitions Ever !!!!!! RELOADED (UPDATED)","Description":"See Power Point Transitions(Look-Like)\nMOVIE MAKER EFFECTS,Water Effetcs, Curls, Pixelate,Liquid, Stretch, Twister,A lot More,All ready Installed on your Computer!\nDirect X Needed..Please READ...The README FILE!!! to explain...\nYou can pause the animation(Transition) in the moment that you like and restore it ,great for Lerning a little bit of Direct Show and more.... I RELOADIT and added some instructions because some coders don't understand the logic on this code..IF YOU LIKE THIS OR NOT PLEASE TELL ME WHY?\ni upload this for fun and to get some help..READ THE README FILE FOR MORE....ENJOY!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200331221101784.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TRANSITION155381332003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43145,"Title":"CuteFtp Password Decrypter","Description":"Hi folks :)\nToday I was trying to retrieve a password for a ftp site I have in my CuteFtp list of sites. However, password in CuteFtp are encrypted and using tools such as \"123 Password recovery\" wouldn't work. So I quickly made this little program that's looking into CuteFtp's sm.dat file for the encrypted password and retrieve it.\nThis piece of code which is NOT interesting to learn about programming or encryption, because it's so simple (not much programming, and encryption is only a xor on each character). However, now that I got my password back I thought I might as well share that with you just in case it might be useful :)\nCheers then, take care all! :)\nsorry for not putting a screenshot with real info, but this info is kinda sensitive ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003211832109089.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CuteFtp_Pa1542872112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Cricri","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43146,"Title":"Knowledge Base","Description":"A must for Help Desk and Customer Support. A fully functionnal knowledgebase where you can insert a problem and a solution will appear based on the words you have entered!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Before you start these programs simply create an ODBC connection called KNOWLEGDEBASE to the database included. \n \nThis package includes 3 items :\n1) Knowledge Creator\n \n This program will help you create your solutions for your users to use. Simply insert all the information about the problem and the solution then pick Keywords and add them to the solution with a value. the trick is the more words you put the more chances there is that your solution will come up first on the list if the user inputs them all. they are sorted by value so you can put important solutions on top.\n For example you can create a problem with the following Keywords/Values :\nProblem #1\nKeyboard - 100\nScreen - 100\nBlack - 100\nProblem #2\nScreen - 100\nBlue - 100\nMicrosoft - 100\nIf the user does a search for \"Blue screen when entering Microsoft Windows XP\", both solutions will appear but the problem #2 will be first since it's total score is higher. This will help users get the right solution very fast.\nYou can also modify existing solutions by picking them from the list or simply inputing the ID of the problem.\nNOTE : Messenging is not implemented in the creator for now. You will have to change it manually in the database. Samething goes for changing Keywords/Values.\n2) Knowledge Base\nThis is the search tool. Simply put any text to search for and choose a category. If the General Category is specified the program will look in all categories. If no search words are inserted the program will display all the solutions for that category. Simply click on a solution from the list to view it's content. The solution number will then appear for easy referrence.\n When you enter the program you might get a message if the administrator has inserted important Broadcast messages.\n3) The Database\n The database also includes a knowledge creator for those who do not like the VB one and prefer playing with access. You can also add messages in the Broadcast table. Only active Broadcast will show so that you can keep old casts for refference.\nThis is my first submission and I would greatly appreciate your Comments/Suggestions.\n","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032111243329353.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Knowledge_1542992112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Denis Dubois","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43152,"Title":"DNS Lookup v2.03","Description":"Performs DNS requests. It communicates with the dns server directly, so that it has full control over the requesting of information. This client supports more records than nslookup and most other utilities I've found. I also have a commandline version in the C section which I've most recently created.","Inputs":"A single window GUI is available for all query and report options.","Assumes":"There's 2 buttons on the interface that are permenantly disabled until future functionality is programmed. Also there is one bug in this version where the time interval field have improperly displayed hours if the value is above 99 hours.","CodeReturns":"if you click on the 'report' button it will pop up notepad with the formatted report.","SideEffects":"This is such a funny question. Side effects? I dunno, stomach aches, rashes, and mild cases of death are all purely rumor. This is a safe product for you to use.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DNS_Lookup1543092122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"SilentRage_","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43153,"Title":"MyPiano","Description":"A simple piano application using windows Midi API. Include 3 octave notes, 4 instruments bank, 3 rhythm beats, 12 percussion keys. Great code to download!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200331244250752.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MyPiano1543122122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":79,"AuthorName":"antonukdw","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43154,"Title":"I.P. Site","Description":"With this, you'll be able to host your own HTML/text. Features include: Ip blocker to prevent lag, blocked ip text, random list, hit counter, visitor monitor and the number of times they visited, port chooser, and an info page creator to tell a little about yourself.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032122130445842.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/I_P__Site15431321220.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"keith_escalade","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43166,"Title":"An Adaptable Monopoly Game *UPDATED*","Description":"An adaptable monopoly game using ADO with an MS Access database and sequential file access. It will allow the user to make alterations to both the content of the game such as property Title/Price/Rent and card contents and to the appearance of the games' user interface. Players can Buy/Sell/Mortgage/Unmortgage property and Buy/Sell Houses & Hotels. There's no instructions or help system but I think the game is mostly self-explanatory. \nImprovements include: Choose from 12 different versions including America. Ability to easily create your own versions. Save as many games as you want. More customisation options. Auctions. 6 new actions for Chance/Comm. Chest cards. Improved Jail functions. 12 new tokens. Please comment/vote.\nInfo for other Country versions available at: http://www.muurkrant.nl/monopoly/country_index.htm","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This programme won't run at resolution of less than 800 x 600.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003213921467111.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/An_Adaptab1543442132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"David M Johnston","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43168,"Title":"IP CHATTER","Description":"This is a chat program where you direct connect to your friend and you can do things such as send files, chat, and send e-mails via smtp.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Before you use this program make sure that you have port 9999 and 9998 open to allow chat and file transfer.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/IP_CHATTER1543632132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Matt S","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43170,"Title":"ActionFind","Description":"Ever wanted to find a special value in a database, but don't know in which table or field it's in. This tool helps you scan for a value in a database with 1 ore more tables in it. Only works on SQL Server. This tool can match exact or \"LIKE\" querys and has some other features. If you like it, improve it! :) (and tell me about it)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003213105978016.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Action_Fin1543532132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Martin Idman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43171,"Title":"Another Runtime Control Resize/Move Class Module","Description":"This project contains a simple class module that will allow you to give users the ability to resize and/or move controls at runtime. It will only work with controls that have an hWnd property. Also, read the comments of where more logic will need to be added for different control types.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Another_Ru1543542132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Chloe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43172,"Title":"Click buttons with your voice","Description":"This little example will click on any button just by saying the caption in a microphone. You will need Microsoft's Speech recognition engine. To fully understand how to make it work, I suggest you first read MTGiga's tutorial called 'Talk to your computer'. You can find it here.\nhttp://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=43096&lngWId=1\nDon't forget to train the engine if you want it to better recognize how you speak. Of course this is just an example, it doesn't have code to put it in the tray.\nPlease leave comments and vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032131130317713.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Click_butt1543552132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fr├⌐d├⌐ric C├┤t├⌐","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44078,"Title":"Chat Server(Multi TCP)","Description":"Chat aplications are widely used nowadays.\na complete chat server with options ,login to server,retrieving other friend names,going online or offline,... just like real chat programs.introduces us the basic knowledge that is used.\nDownload the code and compile it then run server\nprogram.now you can run client program many times(at first you should make exe file).It is a multi client chat server with transfering data in both sides .\nyou can visit our electronics projects here:\nwww.ecerc.org/iutmicrobot\nI expanded one psc code i downloaded \nhere:you can download the source here\nhttp://planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=42546&lngWId=1\nand then i improved it to be more usefull.soon I will make a code to login to yahoo using YMSG9.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200331715796193.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Chat_Serve1561093172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Ehsan Azarnasab","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44079,"Title":"Gif Animations No OCX","Description":"This code will display a gif animation (even if transparent). Uses no OCX files. I did not write this code, but found it on a site and thought PSC would make a good home for it. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":143,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Dino Roger","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44083,"Title":"Draw formated text (update)","Description":"Draw formatted text. \nYou can use this control to give users instructions with formatted text. This control have almost all the functionality of a read only text box control, but can NOT select text. \nFeatures: \nfont name, \nbold, \nitalic, \nunderline, \nfont size, \nlines, \nBullets, \nColors, \nWeb links \nAlso, left margin for paragraphs. \nNote: Also, you can set the margin for the second (and other) lines as well.\n \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003328330422463.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Draw_forma1565293282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"UserXP","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44086,"Title":"Terror Alerter","Description":"This program downloads the current Terror Alert Level from www.whitehouse.gov/homeland/ and displays it. Also updates every 5 minutes. It used to display the images...But i took the functionality out. Maby it will be back when i update it, eh? Vote and Comment/Suggest!","Inputs":"-None-","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"-none-","SideEffects":"Slow internet connection for about 3 secs on load.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Terror_Ale1561383182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Nicholas (Polar)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44088,"Title":"Mount drive","Description":"you can mount virtual drives on your pc by specifying a particular physical folder path.\nA drive will be created with contents of that folder with the drive letter you give.visit my site http://www.sonysms.sphosting.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003320228508130.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mount_driv1561363182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"sony.m.s","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44097,"Title":"Play sound from resource","Description":"If you want to play sounds in your program, but don't want to ship extra .wav files and make sure there in the right path, or you don't want people ripping off your stored .wav files, you can play sounds from a resource file built in to your .exe file. Although Windows resources have a \"WAVE\" type, Visual Basic doesn't support it. The answer: use a binary resource and play the sound from memory!","Inputs":"Needs a valid .wav file stored in a resource as binary. Needs the a byte array containing the binary resource.","Assumes":"This function uses PlaySound rather than sndPlaySound, which is what MSDN suggests.\nThe key here is a semi undocumented function called VarPtr, which returns a Long value that is the memory address of a variable. This has been around since the days of DOS BASIC, but it's not as useful anymore in the days of protected memory.\nThe beauty of playing a sound this way, besides protecting your .wav file, is you load it to memory once, and then it's there, waiting to be instantly accessed. If you play a sound from disk, Windows needs to open the file, load it, close it, and play it EVERY time you play the sound. This way, you load it once and use it as many times as you want.","CodeReturns":"No returns.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'PlaySound declare\n'Note that although the first value is \"lpsz,\"\n'which should be a string, I've changed it to a\n'Long to accomidate for the integer address of the\n'sound.\nPublic Declare Function PlaySoundMem Lib \"winmm.dll\" Alias \"PlaySoundA\" (ByVal lpszName As Long, ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long\n'SND_ASYNC: return to program immediatly\n'SND_NOWAIT: don't wait for the sound driver to\n'become available if it's busy, return immediatly\n'SND_NODEFAULT: don't play the default sound if\n'your sound is unable to be played\n'SND_MEMORY: play the sound from memory\n'SND_NOSTOP: don't stop a currently playing sound\nPublic Const SND_ASYNC = &H1\nPublic Const SND_MEMORY = &H4\nPublic Const SND_NODEFAULT = &H2\nPublic Const SND_NOSTOP = &H10\nPublic Const SND_NOWAIT = &H2000\n","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":19,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Jonathan Dean","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44109,"Title":"Change Color Of a Piece Of String In RichTextBox Without Flashing In It","Description":"Hi All .. This Function Solve Problm Of Flashing During Change the Color of a Piece of String in RichTextBox .. It's Useful For CodeBoxes ..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":16,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Abdalla Mahmoud","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44120,"Title":"CompactServer - Compact, Powerful HTTP Server ( HTTP Headers, Generates Directory Indexes)","Description":"Welcome to CompactServer. The name tells you that it is compact, and it is a HTTP Server. This web server should work with all web clients, as it uses HTTP Headers (not just the file data) and corrects links if they contain reserved HTML characters (ie. Space, #, &, <, >). The server has an optional directoy index generator. Some niffty and handy little features are in it like start with windows, Toggle window visibility with CTL+SHIFT+F5, save preferences to ini files... I am going to include PHP and CGI support in later version.\nIf you think this deserves a vote, you probably should vote! :P\nIf you download this code, you should comment, as i want to know what is good/bad about this program.\nPS. This server is compatiple with PicGrab (Another one of my programs)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034201248347603.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CompactSer1576924202003.5 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"SickAnimations","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44121,"Title":"A nice puzzle game :)","Description":"You can play puzzle with any image you want.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just press new game from file menu and you r in the game.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200332024618279.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_nice_puz1562053202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"onlyeyes","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44355,"Title":"An Idle Check","Description":"Idle Check tests your system whether it is in an idle state. Once the system is idle for a specified amount of time it performs a certain function. After it stops being idle a further further procedure is called. (Perfect for screensavers). This is done through checking any mouse cursor movements and any key presses.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib \"user32\" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib \"user32\" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long\n","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":129,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Soluch","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44356,"Title":"DX Morse Code","Description":"Allows users to enter a valid text string and play's it back in Morse Code using DirectX8(DirectSound).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Requires DirectX8","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This code is provided as a sample only! It would be wise to test it heavily as I wrote for someone in the middle of night with little sleep and very little testing.","ApiDeclarations":"Sleep","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DX_Morse_C1566283302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"James A Hersey II","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44357,"Title":"Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures","Description":"Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures &\nVisual Basic For Applications.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Visual_Bas1566293302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Amer Khreim","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44365,"Title":"URLDecode Function","Description":"Decodes a URLEncoded string","Inputs":"sEncodedURL - Encoded String to Decode","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Decoded String","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":31,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Markus Diersbock","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44369,"Title":"Visual Dialog++ Updated!!","Description":"Well, this is an updated version of Visual Dialog++ & it have some improvement. Take a look & tell me what you think about it... :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200333023541508.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Visual_Dia1566603302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Shukri Zahari","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44379,"Title":"xpWellsStatusBar","Description":"Sort of Emulates the Windows XP Statusbar","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003331830423958.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/xpWellsSta1566753312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Richard Wells","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44384,"Title":"Ultimate Source Code Storage Database Xp","Description":"READ THIS┬░ : Do you have so many Source Codes and don't know how to arrange them?. Well, here is the answer to all your problems. The Ultimate Source Code Storage Database utility has come atlast. The program contains whole new features where users can EASILY STORE: CODE NAMES, AUTHOR NAMES, DESRIPTION( Read Me's), PLATFORM, PROJECT LOCATIONS, ZIP FILE LOCATIONS (Backup Locations), RATINGS, DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS, DOWNLOAD DATES, CATEGORIES,COMMENTS and whole lot more. The Code contains BUILT IN advanced SEARCH PROGRAM where users can easily search their code in the Database. Have a look at SCREENSHOT. Users don't have to worry about Zip files that come in unique names, just mention the Zip Location of the code in this program and program will do the rest- by storing the Zip file location in the database. You can EASILY OPEN- Projects, Zip Files, and Screenshots. In the same way you can store author name, readme's, Voting locations, download dates, comments, personal ratings and lotZ more. This program uses a eye catching Visual Styles with Windows Xp like interface. If you want to Print- then this programs ADVANCED PRINT facilty is just for you. This code is optimised for Planet source code users but you can twist it the way you want. This code also contains Easy to Use ADD ENTRY FORM where users can easily add their code and their details to the DATABASE. You will never know How this utility may come in handy for you, until you download the Code. Perviously i was using this utility for my personal use and this time its for you with a bunch of New ADVANCED FEATURES. Please DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR ME. Add this code to the Database first.┬░!!!┬░\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003331164616671.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Ultimate_S1566943312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Sriharish.H","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44385,"Title":"Close all forms within a project.","Description":"Add this code to a module and simply use CloseAll to unload all forms in your project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None that I know off, I haven't had any problems yet... a decrease in use of Unload and End?","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":9,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Mike","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44389,"Title":"Recursive permutations","Description":"Takes in a string and spits out all possible permutations of the inputted characters using a simple recursive routine. Good recursive example.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Put the lot onto a form, put a command button \"command1\" on the form, put a textbox \"text1\" on the form, and run.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":20,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jolyon Bloomfield","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44396,"Title":"WinSecure","Description":"WinSecure 1.0.0 is designed to give windows user a bit of control over what is being displayed and what sort of access is given to users.\nThis is done with the help of APIs and Registry Tweaking. This code contains more than 70 different settings.\nFeatures:-\n \n1) Disks - HideAllDrives, Restrict access to various combination of drives. \n2) Start Menu - Alphabetic start menu, Clear recent documents on exit, Disable Drag Drop in start menu, Remove Shut down, Remove Favorites menu, Remove Folder Options, Remove Logoff, Remove recent documents menu, Remove Run button, Remove Find button, Remove taskbar context menu, Remove windows update, Hide Start Button. \n3)Explorer - Disable Registry Tools, Remove File Menu, Show Hidden Files, Show File Extension for known File types, Show Operating System Files, Hide Tips On Items.\n4)Desktop - Disable ALT+CTL+DEL,ALT+TAb,Start Button, Disable Right Click, Hide Desktop, Hide Taskbar, Empty Recycle Bin, Remove Network Neighbourhood Icon, Hide Date Time and Icon Tray.\n5)Control Panel - Disable Password Control Panel, Hide Appearance Page, Hide Background Page, Hide Device Manager Page, Disable Display Control Panel, Hide File System Page, Hide Hardware Profile Page, Hide Password Change page, Hide Remote Admin Applet, Hide Settings Page, Hide Screen Saver Page, Disable User Profiles Page, Hide Virtual Memory Button.\n6)Internet Explorer - Disable Close, Disable Right Click, Disable Internet Option Menu, Disable Save as, Disable Favourites, Disable File/New, Disable File/Open, Disable Find Files, Disable Downloaded Directory Options, Disable Full Screen View Option.\n7)Network - Hide Network Security Page, Hide/Disable Network in Control Panel, Hide Identification Page, Disable File Sharing Controls, Disable Print Sharing Controls.\n8)Logon Messages \n9)Mix Settings - Remove Shortcut Arrow, Remove tips from Min/Max/Close buttons on window, Disable MS-DOS Prompt, Disable Single Mode MS-DOS, Create Shut Down Shortcut on Desktop, Create Folder Options Shortcut on Desktop, Create taskbar and Start menu properties Shortcut on Desktop.\n10)Recycle Bin - Set RecycleBin to always Delete, Add Rename to right click menu, Add Delete to right click menu, Add Rename+Delete to right click menu, Add Cut,Copy,Paste to right click, Add Rename,Delete,Cut,Copy,Paste to right click menu.\n11)Set Owner Etc - Change Registered Owner/Organization Name, Change Windows Media Player Title, Change IE Default Home Page.\n12)Clear - Clear Run commands, Clear Found Files, Clear Found Computers, Clear Recent Documents, Clear Text Search.\n13)Tool Tips - Change Tool Tips of My Computer, My Documents, My Network, Recycle Bin, Control Panel, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express.\n14)Change Folder Icon - Allows You to change that old yellow folder icon.\n15)Blue Screen Of Death - Allows you to change foreground and background color of BSOD.\n16)LOGOFF/RESTART/SHUTDOWN from this software.\n17)Others...- Load WinSecure at startup, Ask for password to open and close this software, Show Time since computer started in tray icon tool tip, Change Password.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200341852504933.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/WinSecure156719412003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":34,"UserRatingTotal":156,"AuthorName":"ravi bhatt","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44401,"Title":"An e-Book Reader, like Adobe Arcobat Reader","Description":"A 30 minutes e-book reading program to replace Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is a simple one. Thanks to J. Kelly Jr. for his GREAT File Binder submission.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003411021174946.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/An_e-Book_156727412003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Shukri Zahari","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44395,"Title":"VB Home Theater","Description":"This is base on a previous code I found on PSC for a video player. I added addtional useful functions (keyboard menu shortcuts for maximize, show playlist, show rate, play, pause, stop, and more importantly OLE Drop implementation for file dragdrop into playlist and player Interface!!) Very Useful for a media player to be intuitively easy and sufficient in GUI features.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Home_Th156716412003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"John Y. (MCSD)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44407,"Title":"Mario's Effect Workshop","Description":"Effects on the Fly with Mario's Effect Workshop do most of the common effects the fastes way (Scripting Java and VB script)...lots of them included,see how you can turn script to a powerfull tool to make awsome photos..\nPLEASE TO RUN BE SURE TO READ THE README FILE...\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034819913532.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mario's_Ef156755412003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44408,"Title":"Close all MDI Child except me","Description":"This code will close all other MDI Child except the current activated one.Simply put this procedure in Module or Form itself..There are two different way to use it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":36,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Mihir Solanki","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44409,"Title":"TabDock Version 2.4","Description":"Update:\nThanks to neal who added the support for the maximize like button which makes the docked window maximize along with titlebar appearing on the side on top/bottom windows.\n\nTabDock is designed to provide Docking support similiar to that seen in Visual Basic itself, VC++, and a number of other programs available on the market today. It was originally written by Marclei V Silva and though an excellent control it was somewhat on the buggy side and was missing a number of features. \nThis version has many of the desired features and all the known bugs have been worked out of it. It also directly incorperates the ssubtmr.dll from vbaccelerator so it is no longer a seperate requirement. New titlebar drawing methods are offered as well to give you options on how titlebars are drawn, and bottom/top docking is done side by side instead of on top of eachother. Also a persistant option is included which allows the tabdock control to automaticly load it's saved state up for you. It saves it even if the persistant state is off but will only read it and use it if the persistant state is on. It uses the registry.\nComments are welcome, and appreciated. You may modify and repost this code. The original author gave myself and Neal permission and the same permission is extended from us to you. This code is fairly advanced, and uses a lot of subclassing to achieve it's effect. Please note it is not recomended you close the IDE while running this through the IDE, it will likely crash if you do. Anyway enjoy :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200345524185268.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TabDock_Ve156942452003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":44,"UserRatingTotal":216,"AuthorName":"Ackbar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43177,"Title":"The Web Server 2","Description":"This is an update of \"The Web Server\", a submission I made a few weeks ago. This IS the most stable version of the server. It is very fast flexible and easy to use. Start it up and place a index.html in the app directory and tada.\nOr place it in the server directory. A server directory is where a server looks for the files it serves. You can set this using Ctrl-D on my program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032131552256083.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Http_Web_S1543662132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"JokerDoom","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":27236,"Title":"Scroll / Scrolling Form","Description":"activex control which Scrolls all the controls on the form in any direction [4 directions]\nPlease Vote for it\nYou might had faced problems of small resolution and bigger form requirement.\nHere is the Solution\nYou just need to paste the control on any form and register it with the form in form_load event using StartScroll method.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You might had faced problems of small resolution and bigger form requirement.\nHere is the Solution\nYou just need to paste the control on any form and register it woth the form in form_load event using StartScroll method.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Scroll _ S264349142001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"m-rizwan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":27238,"Title":"Shell + Wait","Description":"This code launched an application and wait for it until it terminate. Good for batch processing in windows.\nI have seen some code with similar functionality already posted here, but this one only use API calls and doesn't need other dll references.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Shell + Wa264379142001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Luthfi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":27243,"Title":"CockroHacker","Description":"It is similar to password cracker and behind the astriks.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CockroHack264459142001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"cockrosoft corporation","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":43181,"Title":"a+ 3D Snake - The best snake game on PSC!!","Description":"Tired of the old 2D snake game? Then 3D Snake will be a blast! Uses DirectX 8 and 3D isometric rendering. Features 10 levels, music that changes tempo depending on game speed, sound effects, help, options, pause, and more!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Please read the Instructions.txt file after downloading.\nEnjoy!","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032131811387866.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/a+_3D_Snak1543742132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"_andy_","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43198,"Title":"Auto-Size","Description":"The BEST auto resize code on here. automatically resizing forms and controls with varying screen resolutions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Auto-Size1544102142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Shane Wallis","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43213,"Title":"Client Sample Program/Tutorial Graphical Telnet!","Description":"This is to show you how to make your very own Telnet or client program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003214211054614.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Client_Sam1544402142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"JokerDoom","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49976,"Title":"Complex Calculator","Description":"This program is a show case of my complex math module. This program does basic math operatons but with complex numbers. (a+bi) where i^2=-1","Inputs":"you put in the real and imaginary values of the complex numbers and then select the operation desired.","Assumes":"I'm sorry or the low amount of commenting. I'm just not used to it. this is all in VB so there shouldn't be any problems.","CodeReturns":"Gives you a final complex number in string format","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Complex_Ca16733911172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Daniel Whitmer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49979,"Title":"VB6 IDE MOUSE WHEEL","Description":"VB6 mouse wheel to any VB6 IDE [CODE/IMMEDIATE/WATCH/LOCALS/...],works only while VB6 Ide Server running..\n[Project requires compilation]!\nMajor code writen in ASSEMBLER by VF-fCRO,also VB6 Ide Server code in VB by VF-fCRO.\n(So many ideas was provided,but i think it's the best/comfortable solution..)\nUPDATED to v1.1.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB6_IDE_MO16875612292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49985,"Title":"HookMenu 1.5","Description":"This control is an update to the excellent HookMenu control written by Vlad\nVissoultchev.\nNew features/fixes include\no fully customisable colour scheme (allowing Office 2003 style menus)\no new properties dialog\no menu column support\no Accelerator Key support for NT os (thanks Vlad)\no various menu drawing issues\no + Many More\nThanks to Vlad, originally for the control, for help with the Accelerator\nkey support and his agreement to repost this updated version of the\nHookmenu control.\nAlso thanks to:\nCarles P.V. for his coolist - that was ammended to suit this control.\nAny bugs please report.\n\nUpdated: 20/11/2003\nThanks To Neal Who Fixed The Bug Relating To The Seperator Lines Being Selected When They Shouldn't.\n\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031118759445921.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HookMenu_116741711202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":199,"AuthorName":"NR/GN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49988,"Title":"StarCraft & SC Brood War Map Hack (1.10 only)","Description":"This program show you how to use WriteProcessMemory & ReadProcessMemory api. With this program you can see the full map while playing starcraft (1.10 only) (it work's on b.net and offline). I didn't find a similar program here so i post it. Don't ask me how i find the offsets try www.gamehacking.com to learn to hack games.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311181045175172.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/StarCraft_16738311192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kostas86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49995,"Title":"Basic Visual Basic pointers demo! Your wish has been granted!","Description":"Awe at the wonderful world of pointers allowing\nsuper fast memory manipulation! Do things you could never do before like bitmap manipulation directly through the memory and more!\nThis demo demonstrates 2 diffrent methods of\npointers in VB along with some links for more\ninformation on it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!\nDirect manipulation of the memory is very\ndangerous since it can lock up you computer and\ncause whatever you doing to suddenly stop and\nbe lost forever.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Basic_Visu16737011182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James J. Kelly Jr.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50000,"Title":"Sokoban","Description":"Sokoban is a game where you have to push boxes to a target area.\nFirst 12 levels are \"AutoPlayable\" & level 17, more levels will be \"AutoPlayable\" as You finish them. (Choose level, press [start], press [AutoPlay])\nOriginal JAVA game can be found at: http://www.pimpernel.com/sokoban/sokoban.html\nCan You break My score??\nProgramming: Bobbek\nGraphics and Layout: Duncan","Inputs":"Keyboard, Mouse","Assumes":"Nothing really, assumes You know how to push a box in front of you...","CodeReturns":"Hours and hours of fun :-)","SideEffects":"Minor,\nTried arms\nSquared eyes\nWasted time ;-)","ApiDeclarations":"Some, for getting:\nKeyPress\nActiveWindow\nINI","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031119230367957.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Sokoban16748911222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Bobbek","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50004,"Title":"Convert Fonts to Vector Graphics using GetGlyphOutline","Description":"This application can convert any True-Type Font into a series of polygons made entirely of straight lines defined by vertices. Possible Uses: Create your own 3D font applications ala \"Xara 3D\" style. Design assistance with large signs, corporate logos or banners. Create vector-style game graphics based on exotic fonts (ie. Wingdings)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003129911395808.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Convert_Fo1682101292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":105,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50006,"Title":"GAGU'S 3D BATHROOM","Description":"\nTITLE:GAGU'S 3D BATHROOM\nthis is a complete program which\ncreates 3d bathroom in which you \ncan move around, all four walls and \nwith flooring excellent texture quality\ni had worked a long on it(abt 1 month)\nplease give me 5 votes for this\nit includes all basic features of directx\ne.g. it includes everything mipmaping,texture\nor transperanvy by using gif/bmp/jpg file\nAND COLLISION DETECTION ALSO\ni hope u like it\nif any suggessions are there then plz\nmail me at \ngaurangvyas@hotmail.com\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GAGU'S_3D_16739411192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"gaurang","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50007,"Title":"Simple Matrix","Description":"Replicate a simplified version of the Matrix from the Film \"The Matrix\" (Raining Code). Using just a Timer and a PictureBox. I threw a Sysinfo in to save time and API calls. Enjoy ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It rocks!","CodeReturns":"Raining Text, Matrix Style!","SideEffects":"Look at it for too long and you will actually start to see green code verywhere you look!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Mat16739611192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Doctor Filter","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50017,"Title":"RT Full Duplex","Description":"The purpose of this program is to provide a way to stream the aural sounds captured from a capture device(microphone) to a sound device in real time. Full Duplex Without Any Latency Is The Goal!! Currently i have not found any other example that can provide this ability. Now The program does have a latency issue, but it still is the best that i have seen. Try It Out!! if anyone can find a way to get this to provide better performance pleeze let me know.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"U need to have directx 8 installed on the box. Note when using the program the user might want to play with the physical size of the capture buffer and sound buffer, this can help alittle with the quallity issue. Also Mess with the interval of the timer, this helps with the latency issue. I Cannot figure this problem out, maybe the design is bad. Have Fun, Vote For Me!!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This version only handles one sound card. I am developing software that will provide this ability using up to 4 sound cards in the same machine..","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RT_Full_Du1680271242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Brian Black","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50450,"Title":"Pacman with Level Editor","Description":"This is my version of Pacman. Thanks to all the people from this site that made this project possible. Try out the level editor and see how the enemies make their way around the course.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031214459364299.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Pacman_wit16836312142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Dino Scarcella","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50467,"Title":"Line Art v2.0","Description":"Draw Line Art With Ease. Thank you to those who gave me positive suggestions on improving this program. You can now Load/Save/Copy/Undo/Size as well as change how the lines are generated. Please vote and give more suggestions - I really like where this program is going! P.S. The screen shot was colorized in MSPaint - cause I haven't figure out FloodFill in a PictureBox (yet)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031215725118232.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Line_Art_v16840312152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"Jerome A. Simon","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50470,"Title":"Spaceship - full game","Description":"You controll a spaceship. You fight against a large ammount of enemies. Game is not a tutorial or something like that (source is not commented) so you won't learn anything. Becouse of this I had a free hand creating it so it is quite funny. However I spent just one weekend working on it so it doesn't have many levels and you should be able to finish it in less than hour. I used the engine from my older game Lander (also here on PSC). Have fun !\nPS: Don't forget to read readme.txt becouse the game is quite complex and you might have problems playing it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312151444135306.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Spaceship_16841212152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Milan Satala","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50480,"Title":"ActiveMovie Control Module","Description":"This module allows you to easily implement and control Video objects (Without the un-stable MediaPlayer object) using DirectX ActiveMovie(DirectShow) object. Vastly documented, very easy to use! Including example project.\nDon't forget to add a reference to 'ActiveMovie Control Library' in your project if using the module.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003121666301310.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ActiveMovi16843112162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Fade (Amit BS)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50484,"Title":"Compiled HTML","Description":"Installs a HTML website or help system into any VB application. Just use the BAT file to compile the HTML pages, stylesheets and images then include the RES file in your VB app, COMPILE to an EXE then point your WEBBROWSER control to your EXE using the RES protocol.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Compiled_H16844212162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Eddie Clarke","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50487,"Title":"Remote Desktop Viewer","Description":"You can watch the screen of any computer in network or internet where\nRemote Desktop Viewer server Installed\neg:\nIn a home network you watch what ever your child doing","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You can watch the screen of any computer in network or internet where\nRemote Desktop Viewer server Installed\neg:\nIn a home network you watch what ever your child doing","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312161330529700.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Remote_Des1878984202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Priyan R","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50498,"Title":"Vb Code To HTml","Description":"Creates html files of your vb project with highlighting and \ncreates an index page","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Creates html files of your vb project with highlighting and \ncreates an index page","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031217926553735.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Vb_Code_To16848212182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Priyan R","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44127,"Title":"Components... without Project/Components","Description":"Here is a method to incorporate controls as the StatusBar, ProgressBar, TreeView, MonthCalendar and other \"non-IDE-default\" components, WITHOUT need to checking their libraries from Project/Components menu. A very convenient method to use a StatusBar without need of distributing the MSCOMCTL.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"CreateWindowEx","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200332085017544.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Components1562163202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Viktor E","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44128,"Title":"TOOLBAR like Office97","Description":"Use FLAT BUTTON IN TOOLBAR like Office 97 without OCX... Just an API function. Very simple and optimizing code size.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TOOLBAR_li1562183202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Far├¿s Hanini","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44131,"Title":"HTTP File Download using Winsock","Description":"This is an example of how to use the Winsock control to download a file from an Web Server(HTTP Server). It is real simple to do, but it took me a few hours to figure out. I hope everyone likes it. I decided to do this, because I haven't seen much like it on Planet Source Code. I've updated it, fixing a couple bugs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003320152920661.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/HTTP_File_1562253202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Christopher Pietschmann, MCSD, MCAD","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44132,"Title":"Open File Common Dialog replacement","Description":"A nice replacement for the open file common dialog. Coded to be very simple to undersatnd and change. Includes a nice picture previewer on right click. Thanks to planet-source for the file extraction code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Open_File_1562273202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Keith Gibb","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44134,"Title":"Using Cards.dll","Description":"I've seen a lot of posts on here that use cards.dll, but none of them really explain what the functions do; so I'm gonna...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Using_Card1562283202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jonathan Dean","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44135,"Title":"Download files from the Web (No Winsock)","Description":"This project will show how you can download any file (image, file, page etc) from the internet without the use of Winsock or API calls. All done with straight VB code (and not much of it either). Very straight forward (at least to me). The logic here can easily be added to ANY project without any modification.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Download_f1562613212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":110,"AuthorName":"Chloe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44137,"Title":"A Mike's theory interpretation about Image Compresion","Description":"This source code is the interpretation about the Mike's theory about image compresion.\nThis is an algorythm to find the similar pieces of image and try to make it one. \nI think that it is useful for who wants to make an image scanner or similar work and too for who want to make FX with image due the tratament of image in this code. \nI use CopyMemory, FillMemory and GetDIs to make the process faster than a common VB functions.\nI think you can learn about this API that are very useful when you wanna make a better and faster algorythm.\nI don't make the module of GetDIs, this module was written by Marco Samy - marco_s2@hotmail.com.\nYou can download his source code at:\nhttp://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=43687&lngWId=1\nIf you think that this code is useful and you wanna make it better, feel free.\nAnd please, post comments about it to say what do you think.\nThe Mike theory is in the zip file but you can download at:\nhttp://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?lngWId=1&txtCodeId=43809\nThanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Mike's_t1562313202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Santiago F.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44139,"Title":"Desktop Magnifier & Color Picker","Description":"Desktop Magnifier & Color Picker by Robert Rayment. Always on top, x2, x4 & x8 magnification, RGB to Clipboard, exact location of cursor shown on magnifier with a black dot. Magnifier can be moved to any part of the screen and the code can easily be changed to alter the area of magnification if wanted. Smooth operation. Win98 (exe WinXP) Zip 7 KB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033211281583.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Desktop_Ma1562363212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44146,"Title":"List Directories and their sizes!","Description":"Ever looked at your C:\\ drive and wondered where that 1.8gb have gone?!?!!? here's your answer - this app will list the directory you choose and all it's subdirectories, with their sizes so you can see how much room each directory take up! Please vote - I find it really helpful as windoze won't help you with this!!! please vote and comment","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function FindFirstFile Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"FindFirstFileA\" (ByVal lpFileName As String, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long\nDeclare Function FindNextFile Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"FindNextFileA\" (ByVal hFindFile As Long, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long\nDeclare Function GetFileAttributes Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetFileAttributesA\" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long\nDeclare Function FindClose Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hFindFile As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib \"kernel32\" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME) As Long\nDeclare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib \"kernel32\" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) As Long\nDeclare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib \"shell32.dll\" Alias \"SHGetPathFromIDListA\" (ByVal pidl As Long, ByVal pszPath As String) As Long\nDeclare Function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation Lib \"shell32.dll\" (ByVal hwndOwner As Long, ByVal nFolder As Long, pidl As ITEMIDLIST) As Long\nDeclare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib \"shell32.dll\" Alias \"SHBrowseForFolderA\" (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) As Long 'ITEMIDLIST\nPrivate Declare Function ShowScrollBar Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wBar As Long, ByVal bShow As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003321728594023.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/List_Direc1562483212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44149,"Title":"RAM Optimizer And Indicator","Description":"This application uses follwing api to optimize availablity of Physical RAM\n1. Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As \nLong) As Long\n2. Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long\n \nCode are commented and also shows the maximum physical ram available and and total physical ram \navaialble for application to use after running application.\nemail id for further query sksahir@yahoo.com\n","Inputs":"This application uses follwing api to optimize availablity of Physical RAM\n1. Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As \nLong) As Long\n2. Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long\n \nCode are commented and also shows the maximum physical ram available and and total physical ram \navaialble for application to use after running application.\nemail id for further query sksahir@yahoo.com\n","Assumes":"This application uses follwing api to optimize availablity of Physical RAM\n1. Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As \nLong) As Long\n2. Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long\n \nCode are commented and also shows the maximum physical ram available and and total physical ram \navaialble for application to use after running application.\nemail id for further query sksahir@yahoo.com\n","CodeReturns":"This application uses follwing api to optimize availablity of Physical RAM\n1. Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As \nLong) As Long\n2. Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long\n \nCode are commented and also shows the maximum physical ram available and and total physical ram \navaialble for application to use after running application.\nemail id for further query sksahir@yahoo.com\n","SideEffects":"note yet seen","ApiDeclarations":"This application uses follwing api to optimize availablity of Physical RAM\n1. Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As \nLong) As Long\n2. Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003321848161700.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RAM_Optimi1562463212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"Sahir ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44151,"Title":"____A Listbox Rearrange With Mouse","Description":"This code allows you to move items in a list box just using the mouse. Every line commented. It is very simple. I have searched high and low for a code that JUST DOES THIS without any other jargon but couldn't find any so I made it and posted it. Please give me suggestions/comments. I have edited the code to allow multi select to be enabled due to someone asking for it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":36,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Michael Anderson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44154,"Title":"Multi-Chat Server and Client","Description":"A server and a client application. Using the winsock array, it's a wonderful example of how to create multiple winsock sockets and a public chat room. The server supports content filtering, blocking all swear words in chat messages, multiple chat channels and actions. Important lines are commented so you will be able to learn from my program. This is an excellent code structure for any socket application and it is incredibly easy to understand.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033221536467783.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Multi-Chat1563103222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Matthew Goslett","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44159,"Title":"A Msn Style popup","Description":"This code was originally from Robin Schuil's msn popup all i did was change the look so the credit goes to him. i jus gave it a msn feel to it now with a close button (screenshot) and msn's original sounds it has a more msn feel to it. If you like this porject please vote. Once again thanx to Robin Schuil for this code","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003321147105914.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Msn_Styl1562653212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"3CP","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44169,"Title":"Extract String Function","Description":"This code will search a string for a given starting point(strFind) and a given end point(strSentinel) and return all the text in between. You can also add to the length of the start point if you don't want to include a number of unknown characters in the result","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":28,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Peter B","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44172,"Title":"Print & Preview MS Access Report In VB(*.mdw Protected Database)","Description":"This project will show you how to utlize MS Access as your report generator. \nIf you are tired of designing your report using other third party report generators \nand if you want to create dynamic reports without making major revisions of \nyour app, then perhaps this project can help you.\nBe sure to reference the MS DAO library, MS ADO Library and MS Access \nObject library. If you have comments, email me.If you like it, then vote.\nUse the following:\nUsername: BetaTester\nPassword: BetaTester","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003322047465809.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Print_&_Pr1562843222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Erick Asas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44232,"Title":"Disable textboxes without graying them out! (NO API)","Description":"This article will allow you to enable/disable a textbox using a picture box to control it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Carroll Dearstone","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44238,"Title":"updated RamOptimizer And Indicator","Description":"updated version\nThis application uses follwing api to optimize availablity of Physical RAM\n1. Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long\n2. Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long\n \nCode are commented and also shows the maximum physical ram available and and total physical ram avaialble for application to use after running application.\nemail id for further query sksahir@yahoo.com\n","Inputs":"updated version\nThis application uses follwing api to optimize availablity of Physical RAM\n1. Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long\n2. Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long\n \nCode are commented and also shows the maximum physical ram available and and total physical ram avaialble for application to use after running application.\nemail id for further query sksahir@yahoo.com\n","Assumes":"updated version\nThis application uses follwing api to optimize availablity of Physical RAM\n1. Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long\n2. Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long\n \nCode are commented and also shows the maximum physical ram available and and total physical ram avaialble for application to use after running application.\nemail id for further query sksahir@yahoo.com\n","CodeReturns":"updated version\nThis application uses follwing api to optimize availablity of Physical RAM\n1. Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long\n2. Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long\n \nCode are commented and also shows the maximum physical ram available and and total physical ram avaialble for application to use after running application.\nemail id for further query sksahir@yahoo.com\n","SideEffects":"not yet known","ApiDeclarations":"This application uses follwing api to optimize availablity of Physical RAM\n1. Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long\n2. Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003325736335774.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/updated_Ra1564293252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sahir ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44239,"Title":"Filter numbers or characters from sting","Description":"Filter a string and return numbers or characters","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"only numbers or only characters and optional the filtered numbers and characters in textbox","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":17,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Richard_W","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44254,"Title":"ifriends.net Cam viewer","Description":"This program let you watch ifriends.net Cams for free. It is also great for people who wants to learn how to use Winsock and other great controls.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033251641192520.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ifriends_n1564533252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":99,"AuthorName":" Violent","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44259,"Title":"Black-Scholes (1973) Option Pricing Formula","Description":"Calculates Call & Put values using the Black-Scholes option pricing formula.","Inputs":"The price of the underlying stock (S), the strike price (x), the continuously compounded risk free interest rate (r), the time in years until the expiration of the option (t), the implied volatility for the underlying stock (v), the standard normal cumulative distribution function (CND).","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033251941282781.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Black-Scho1564583252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Charles Toepfer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44261,"Title":"MAC Address Look-up (with DB)","Description":"This code will show you how to lookup a MAC address via its IP. It also has a 1500+ database of vendors and will match it with the MAC adress Instantly. Also Because It looked a bit empty I threw in a skined titlebar example and my cusom menu as well. Dont ask me why. Anyways please Vote and leave comments","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033252026136960.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MAC_Addres1564593252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"┬ºe7eN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44266,"Title":"A Msn Style popup *UPDATED*","Description":"This is an updated version of the msn style popup.. (Screenshot) In this version you can select the sound to play on popup and it also has an about section plus and icon.. ***Please Vote for my code***","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003326950124795.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Msn_Styl1564703262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"3CP","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44267,"Title":"A On Screen Display Example (OSD, shows text on screen like TV remote controls)","Description":"This code will show text on the screen like TV remote controls. You can set the font size, name, bold, italic, etc. It┬┤s really simple to use, i have made a Class that encapsulates all the logic. Hope you like this piece of code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_On_Scree1564733262003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Federico Bridger","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44273,"Title":"Balloon Text Pop Up","Description":"Create balloon pop ups simular to XP.\nDynamically creates the balloon by calling one function \nThe form has to have \n4 Shape objects \nAnd one label control\n2 of the shape objects are used to make the balloon \n1 the fore balloon \n1 for the shadow\nThe other 2 make up the small circles \nThat lead up to the balloon \nThe label is contained in side the balloon and displays the text. \nVery easy to do !\nExample Use:\n Make_ballon Picture1.Top, Picture1.Left, Picture1.Width, \"Hello World Again, Still way cool !\", 0\nthe zero determines which side to display \nthe balloon on 1 is for left 0 for right.\nI forgot to add Pleaze Vote ! \ni would like to know.","Inputs":"control.top\ncontrol.left\ncontrol.width \ntext to display","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none known","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003328945575105.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Ballon_Tex1564773262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"GShuten","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44275,"Title":"Change XP's logon Screensaver","Description":"Shows a list of your system's screensavers and lets you replace logon.scr with what you wish (it's backed up first) thus changing your system's logon/welcome screensaver, only with a better gui than other programs that do this. You can preview the screensaver(s) by double clicking on them","Inputs":"fixed bad reference to a module","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003326173307907.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Change_XP'1565793282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44048,"Title":"Professional Clipboard","Description":"This example shows you how to capture the 'WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD' message via Subclassing to determine when the status of the Clipboard has changed.\nIt adds a more 'Professional' look to your application and shows you some of the reasons why Subclassing can help make your applications more professional.\nCredits goto Steve McMahon(you legend) for his excellent subclassing control, Gonchuki for reminding me to add this baby to HotHTML 3 (thanks) and anyone else i may have forgotten(?)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You have downloaded the SSubTmr6.dll component - Subclassing Timer Assitant from vbAccelerator.com.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"People think your a pro?","ApiDeclarations":"See in Code","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003316235309118.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Profession1560323162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Thushan Fernando","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44051,"Title":"LAN Messenger v1.3","Description":"This application is for Local Area Network only. It's used to communicate between users on LAN w/o server.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"this application using some netbios-like function to gather information from LAN therefore it will take some times for LAN with more than 4 segments when it gathers some information (e.g computers enumaration)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003316442351560.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/LAN_Messen157083482003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"M. Novan Adrian","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44054,"Title":"Calander(A day finder)","Description":"A greate discovery in computational Math to find the day name of a known date of millions years ago.This is my own eefort of months to find it out.now you can find the day of week from year 0 A.D to the Max limit of your data type .I am working to discover method to find out day of week of B.C dates and i have got near to success and soon i will uncovered that.Sample project is not enough work this is just for demonstration of one use of actual algo.My effort is \"Private Function Dnum(dae As Integer, mon As Integer, Yea As Long) As Integer\n\" check it out and grab my logic out.dont forget to vote this effort.","Inputs":"the sample application included as uncompiled form.Main algorthim is {[(Dnum)]} named function which accepts three Numbers which are stands for Day,Month and Year factors of a date.","Assumes":"Visual Basic,Maths","CodeReturns":"Dnum function return a number \nwithin rage of 0 to 6 \nthese numbers are relative of days of week \n0 Friday\n1 saturday\n2 sunday\n............ so on","SideEffects":"Nothing","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033162146417072.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Calander(A1560713162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"S.Tahir A. Naqvi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44060,"Title":"DM Bitblt Clock Example","Description":"Hi This is just a simple little example of a Clock Yes a Clock you all seen them before anyway felt a little board so made this uses Bitblt to skin a clock on a form. I think this be good for beginners as thay learn how to use some basic API calling and how to use Bitblt and other things anyway hope someone find a use for it O also you can change the view to show the date and fold up the form please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033161253408400.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Bitblt_1560553162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":42015,"Title":"SHAREWARE PROTECTOR","Description":"Protect your shareware programs with this code, the program generates a serial number using the hard-disk serial number, so the program won't work on a different hard-disk!\nIf you like this code please vote for it! ;=)\nYou can use this code in your own programs. The program provided is for testing the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SHAREWARE_15208112302002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Matias A. Villagarcia","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":42016,"Title":"A Readme txt File Generator","Description":"Tired of writing readme files for your programs? Fear not, for there is now a generator for you to compile them with the ease. This may seem like a simple process, but it will save you time in the long run. The code is quite simple, and I use classes extensively, so if you want to learn classes check this out. It has a previewer, save function (obviously), and it is easy to use. Code is easy to read; this may actually help you out!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20021230198413449.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Readme_t15208212302002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Jaime Muscatelli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":42017,"Title":"A Window Handle Grabber (a.k.a. API Spy) Updated ***","Description":"***Updated Again (3/15/03)*** Drag the cursor over a window and get all of the parent Class Names and Captions, which are needed in the FindWindow() and FindWindowEx() API calls. Changed code (made it faster by using arrays and while loops instead of ifs)! Great tool, a lot easier to use than Spy++ (comes with VStudio) KEYWORDS: API api Api Spy SPY spy Class CLASS class NAMES names Names jaime Jaime Muscatelli MUSCATELLI Array array","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200212302042438910.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Window_H1560793172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Jaime Muscatelli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44063,"Title":"Folder Protect _Errors Fixed","Description":"This is a super program using this program you can password protect folders\nAfter Locking a folder when you double click the folder you will be prompted for password\nThis program prevents from viewing th contents of the folder but the folder can be deleted\nI am now trying to protect thefolder from deletion if any one found it please send it to me\nIt has one error before now it is fixed(the error was lock folder does not appear in the context menu)\nDon't forgot to vote for me\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033161950363188.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Folder_Pro1561173172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Priyan R","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44065,"Title":"Pop Up Blocker","Description":"This utility either stops or permits the Messenger service. This service, if permitted, allows users to send annoying 'Net Send' messages to your computer. I have seen tons of requests for a program like this; and even websites that are selling an application with the exact same functionality as this one for over $50...crazy. Anyway, if these messages are annoying you, this is the program for you. Hope it helps you out. Comments, threats, jokes are always appreciated! :) By the way, this was tested on a Windows XP machine; nothing else. If it doesn't work for any other operating system, please let me know.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033162140383928.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Pop_Up_Blo1560703162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Daniel W. Elkins","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44075,"Title":"VBMorpher2","Description":"THIS PROJECT IS A MUST SEE!. Ever wanted to create morphing movies like you see on tv, well now its possible. This project is an improvement to my last Morphing program submission. With this version, you can create an AVI video file of your morph, or you can choose to save it frame by frame. My last attempt a morphing produced excellent resulte but was rather slow, this one produces much better results and the speed is simply LIGHTNING. Just look and see!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033171310339342.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VBMorpher21561053172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":45,"UserRatingTotal":220,"AuthorName":"Niranjan Paudyal","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44439,"Title":"NEW_LIST.OCX","Description":"This is a new_LIST STYLE.\nLike the Winamp3 list../in VB 6.)/\nBugs to my mail, please...thanks.\nVote if u like it..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003431338441748.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/NEW_LIST156801422003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"lacasrac","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44441,"Title":"Bug Report tool","Description":"Its avery basic program that you include with a program your writing to allow users to easily report bugs,errors,problems or send suggestion.\nYou can easily customize it, and with a a bit of work you could send the programs errors in the email.\nThis program is for reporting errors/commenst/etc by email via this program\nAny comments or improvments you make please email me a copy.\nI hope to use this with my new Mp3 program @ www.surf.to/mrdjmusicstudio\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003421252431967.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Bug_Report156804422003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"irish_bloke","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44442,"Title":"New Style Menu","Description":"A group menu like Ms Access, it can scroll when you click the button. When you over the button it will enlarging the size with sound. No need an api, it was simple and good for basic of a beginer. Vote me if you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003421319581292.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/New_Style_156805422003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"uud ashr","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44448,"Title":"To Keep a form on top of another (Only on top of one form, not of the whole application)","Description":"This is a very simple and precise solution to keep a form on top of only one other form. I was looking for a solution, but couldn't find it anywhere. All the codes and suggestions either keep the form on top of All windows programs or on top of the whole application. But this one will only keep one form on top of another one.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Faisal Nawaz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":57295,"Title":"VTH - Visual Basic Source Code to Html Syntax Highlighting Converter","Description":"VTH is a vb code to html converter, its good for creating help file snippets with a colored background. See included read me for more info. Please post any code it wont process here.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041117111405484.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VTH_-_Visu18195911182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Deth","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":45670,"Title":"Biorhythm Ver 3.5","Description":"Biorhythm V3.5 (may be the last version )comes with a LANGUAGE plugin system. I HAVE MADE THE PUGLINS FOR GERMAN FRENCH ITALIAN AND SPANISH. BUT IF U WANT U CAN MAKE UR OWN PUGLIN THAT IS AN EASY TASK.Like the previous version It produces 10 types of biorhythmic cycles which are NAMELY Emotional Physical Intellectual Passion Mastery Wisdom Aesthetic Intutive Self-Awareness and Spiritual. I have added HELP WHICH ACTUALLY GUIDES U THROUGH A PROCESS !!CHECK IT OUT ITS COOL !!. Also the interface has been changed, I HAVE PUT A METALIC SKIN. CREDITS: i would like to thank FOR TRANSLATION PREGUILI FOR ITALIAN, CV FOR SPANISH and THE TRANSLATOR BOTS ON THE INTERNET FOR GERMAN FRENCH AND PARTS OF SPANISH. THE BOT TANSLATIONS ARE NOT PERFECT SO PLEASE EXCUSE ME FOR THAT IF U KNOW ONE OF THESE LANGUAGES THEN PLEASE SEND ME THE CORRECT TRANSLATIONS. I COULD NOT UPLOAD THE SKIN FILE BECAUSE IT WAS NOT ALLOWING ME TO DO SO.. SO PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE FILE FROM http://www.geocities.com/anshukk/ \n.DO GIVE UR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS.","Inputs":"DATE OF BIRTH","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"BIORHYTHMIC WAVES","SideEffects":"NO SIDE EFFECTS","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Biorhythm_1592335252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"anshukk@hotmail.com","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45671,"Title":"uSc_MultiOption","Description":"[v 1.01]\nThis is a control that provide selection one of more options. It's builded from standard option button control but instead of true/false it returns an index of selected option.\nIt's usefull when you need many options controls.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003523141225758.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/uSc_MultiO1592915272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"uScream","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45684,"Title":"Get number of days from month (one Line)","Description":"Get number of days from any date.","Inputs":"ChkDate = <any date>","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"the number of days","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":3,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"J. Berz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45685,"Title":"Bobo PSC Monitor Update","Description":"This tiny app will inform you of new submissions on PSC and demonstrates how\nto implement ownerdrawn menus to add icons and change the font/color of your menus\nin the simplest way possible.\nYears ago I posted a submission to monitor for new submissions on PSC. That\nsubmission did much more than check for new postings and as such it broke\none of codings' golden rules - never hardcode addresses/strings. For that app\nit was neccessary, but as is inevitable, things changed at PSC and elements \nof that app have become inoperative accordingly. I've simplified this app to\nonly check for new submissions and the only hard coded address used is one that\nis unlikely to change until a complete revamp of PSC occurs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035241055497667.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Bobo_PSC_M1592045242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45398,"Title":"avsbutton","Description":"avsbutton \"The dream button\" make your dream graphics on the form \nusing this control.\nThis is not completed,Please send ur opinion about this button and please \nvote for this code.A sample project is also included (avsmp3 player: an mp3 \nplayer).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003510169302892.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/avsbutton1586135102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":101,"AuthorName":"Sarath Babu A.V","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45403,"Title":"Learn BitBlt - Step 2","Description":"Part 2 of little tutorial that will learn you how to draw a picture from memory [RAM]. || \n-Put picture in memory || \n-Draw picture from memory || \n-Moving picture on the screen using KeyCode || \n-Draw text on the screen using API-TextOut ||||| \n \nCode well commented and easy to understand!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003510230469244.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Learn_BitB1586195102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Edi Budimilic","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45405,"Title":"VB6 Compile & Compact Add-In","Description":"This application is a Visual Basic 6 IDE Add-In which allows users to compile, compress and scramble their applications at a press of a button on the VB IDE. This simplifies the compilation/compaction/scrambling process into one Button. Compaction significantly reduces the size of the compiled application and gives it a layer of protection (minimal).-------------------------------------------------------------------Once you compile the add-in you need to register it for VB6 IDE to load it. Just go to the directory in which your add-in dll is in and run 'regsvr32 compilact.dll' in MSDOS console. After this the add-in should automatically load on VB startup. If you wish to use it with VB5 you will to load the add-in through the Add-In manager or by adding it to the vbaddin.ini file.-------------------------------------------------------------------The add-in assumes that you have UPX.EXE (http://upx.sourceforge.net) in your WINDOWS or WINNT directory.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you wish to see the add-in without having to compile the code you can download it from here: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://tical.vze.com/files/compilact.zip---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'UPX' is Copyright (C) 1996-2002-----------------------------Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer---------------------Laszlo Molnar----------------------------------------------\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035102358428216.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB6_Compil1587135132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"TiCaL","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45411,"Title":"toolbar buttons","Description":"Internet Explorer standard toolbar managment tool and library. you can add/remove tool bar buttons from the standard tool bar of IE.Extensions can easily be written to support other features.Run the wizard,reopen IE and right click the toolbar,Customize and you will find the new defined button.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"IE 5 or later required","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003511554158183.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/toolbar_bu1586325112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Islam Elewady","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43585,"Title":"VB MsgBox Creator","Description":"I think this is the most easy, user friendly & working mssage box wizard for VB. It supports multy line and double quote, it codes as you type! A few mouse clicks, type in your message and it is done! See the screen shot.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032270018847.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB_MsgBox_155227312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Broken Arrow","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43648,"Title":"Advance XP Calculator","Description":"A very kool and advance XP-style calculator. many advance options never seen in any calculator before.saves ur result and many phusical values..also fully keyboard attached..next version will be talking soon.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Advance_XP155254312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"realminds","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43652,"Title":"Reconstructor 2.0","Description":"Shows various image resampling (resizing) interpolation filters like: Nearest Neighbor (Box, Point), Bilinear (Triangle, Tent, Bartlett), Bicubic Cardinal spline, Bicubic B-spline, Bicubic BC-spline (Mitchell & Netravali) with an interactive diagram and Windowed Sinc with these windows: Bartlett, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Bohman, Cosine, Gauss, Hamming, Hann, Kaiser, Lanczos, Parzen, Rectangular, Welch. For all interpolation filters is shown spatial domain. Everything is developed under Visual Basic using SafeArray technique to access image pixels. Application is also able to extend edges if the filter demands that by copying edges content out of bounds. Sample pictures are included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003311328369406.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Reconstruc155267312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":85,"AuthorName":"Petr Supina","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43655,"Title":"Falling particles using PSet","Description":"It displays falling particles in 14 different colors using QBColor and Pset","Inputs":"You use the mouse to click and drag so particles will exist like some kind of dust.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Sometimes the dots aren't erased well.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Falling_pa155279312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Nico Bottema","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43664,"Title":"Add watermark to AVI!","Description":"Now you can leave your mark on your favorite AVI movie! With AVI Watermark you just load the image, choose the AVI movie, and let the windows AVI apis do the rest! You can even decide where the watermark is placed on your AVI and the transparency! You can also choose the compression method (divx, cinemax, etc) to save the AVI in! Original code, nothing like this on planetsourcecode. I worked a long time on this writing it (mostly) from scratch. Look at the screenshot to see what this program can do! I'm sure you'll find this useful! Oh and please vote for me. I worked hard building this program from the ground up. I don't care if you do or not I made the program to help people out and when people vote I know i accomplished that :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Quite a few, actually :)\nOnly the windows avi apis, no mci apis.","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003312123581234.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Add_waterm155310322003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"PyroKid4u2","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46669,"Title":"Facturacion y stock","Description":"Este programa factura y lleva un stock de mercaderias","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Facturacio161027752003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Julio Andres","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49308,"Title":"VBScripter 1.0","Description":"This application has vbscript debugging, colorizing, previewing vbscript, nice toolbar, plug-ins (if you want to include plugins, make the directory named 'plugin' and insert it there) They are not actually plugins. Output=>Clipboard Contents! Whatever! Check it out. Look at the screenshot. Rate it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031018223314919.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBScripter16775611292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"vb876","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49309,"Title":"page-flipping demo - update 1","Description":"This project uses a vector field to simulate flow within a 2d environment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031018343178827.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/page-flipp16644410292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"dafhi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49314,"Title":"Dependency Viewer of Win32 PE","Description":"A application to get the dependencies of Win32 PE Files, A handy tool for Visual Basic programmers, to deploy and package applications.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This program may not work properly with self-extracting archives","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dependency16639710282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Dipankar Basu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49315,"Title":"Listbox resize demo","Description":"This demo shows how to control the width of a standard list box's text area so its widest string is always visible.\nVB's list box control automatically adds a vertical scrollbar when there are too many items to show vertically. The demo detects the vertical scrollbar and includes it in the list box's width.\n","Inputs":"(n/a)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"(n/a)","SideEffects":"A desire to do more coding, maybe...? :?)","ApiDeclarations":"1. GetSystemMetrics (determines user's scrollbar size)\n2. GetWindowLong (determines if listbox currently has a scrollbar)\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310212221512395.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Listbox_re16639610282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Andy Fielding","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47125,"Title":"Silly Drawing Tool","Description":"Make shapes with this code.\nYou can choose: color, shape, background; save your drawing, and more...\nI say it is silly, but you may not.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003723135705729.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Silly_Draw1619217232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Waleed Nassef","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47129,"Title":"skater boy! (small update)","Description":"This is a small update to my previous submission,fixed some bugs,added a new background,more detailed comments.Handling of PAK files,Use of DirectX7,Some physics(gravity)...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037231613401245.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/skater_boy1619257232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Levent Baykan Bayar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47130,"Title":"GetDateDiff","Description":"This post is sort of a response to auJohnm posting of Date and Time Difference. This function uses the DafeDiff function built into VB to return a string like \"1 Month, 2 Weeks, 4 Days\" - without the time difference. I was just messing around and want to know what you think.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GetDateDif1619267232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"John Phillips","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47136,"Title":"A Directory Lister","Description":"The code is essentially a catalging program with a variety of output formats. The source code is continually updated and a compiled version is available at http://www.octa4.net.au/tonywaite/vb/vb.html\nLet me know what you think?\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The program was designed on Win98. It will work on others including XP but you will have to get some DLL's (freely available on the web anyway)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None that I am aware of","ApiDeclarations":"stdole2.tlb\nSCRRUN.DLL\nEXCEL8.OLB\nmsado21.tlb\nMSSTDFMT.DLL\ndao2535.tlb\ncomdlg32.ocx\nMSCOMCTL.OCX\nRICHTX32.OCX\nMSINET.OCX","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Director1619357232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Tony Waite","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47137,"Title":"A The Browser","Description":"Simply an internet browser using the IE dll's. Has a lot of functionality which people may find usefull. It is made up also of code from PSC so due reference is given to those people. No need to vote but ideas would be appreciated.\nYou can get other VB programs (both src and compiled) from\nhttp://www.octa4.net.au/tonywaite/vb/vb.html","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_The_Brow1619367232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Tony Waite","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47515,"Title":"Lets Play Lotto","Description":"This is an off-shoot of the Phillippine Lottery Game..... You enter 6 number combination and hope youll hit the jackpot...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Actually this is how I use timers on my project. Sure hope you guys could learn something about using timers...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Lets_Play_162614882003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"DENCIO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47516,"Title":"Midi File Reader","Description":"This code is a re-write of the module \"midi\" in the PSC code entry \"Advanced Midi Programming / Utility\"\ni was looking for a Midi file reader to read all the file's data in notes, control notations, and be able to extract comments in the files etc., i found this code that could do so but it was unreadeable (the code i used as a template to re-write was the original, which is in the project as ModOriginal) so i re-wrote it so other's could learn what i wanted to learn (unfortunately some of the byte translations are still in dutch, i couldn't translate Some of them, most are in english and the routines and helper routines are in english.)\nEDIT: My Code is in ClsMidi, compare it with the code in ModOriginal to see it's advantages for learning!\nAlso thanks to peter wilson, i stole his space oddysey midi :p","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Need to know just a little about file structures and reading to be able to understand .","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003881456292276.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Midi_File_162619882003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Steven Paterson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47519,"Title":"Texture Creator","Description":"Create Textures for Webpages or Apps or... in seconds. Save Textures as BMP or JPG. If you want to save as JPG you need to Download DIjpg from www.disoft.com. The Program will work without.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003881548496559.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Texture_Cr162624882003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Scythe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47521,"Title":"MiniPanel","Description":"Here is another piece of code for the people who want to give their applications access to the world of windows... See screenshot!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200388162249660.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MiniPanel162628882003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ness","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44076,"Title":"Memory Mapped File Wrapper Class","Description":"A Memory Mapped File resides in virtual memory from the moment it is opened until it is closed.\nThis makes access to it very fast, in fact read and write merely consist of data moves in memory.\nAll parts of the file are accessible by means of a zero based offset and the length of\nthe data chunks you can transfer is only limited by the file size itself. The system will\nswap out and in pages of virtual memory as necessary.\nOnly when you close the file the data are \"lazily\" written to disc, and the Physical\nWrite Operations are limited to the altered memory pages.\nWhen you open an MMF you are required to supply an estimate of how large the file is gonna\nbe. Any reasonable estimate will be fine, however, you cannot exceed this estimate, ie you\ncan't extend a file while it is open, but you can truncate the file size to the actual\nsize used when you close it. You can extend an existing file by giving the appropriate\nestimate when you open it and truncating it to the larger size when closing.\nMMFs are byte oriented and that requires a bit of understanding the data types which VB uses\nand how they are represented physically. The class contains tools however to handle the\ndifferent aspects.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"a few...","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Memory_Map1561063172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44069,"Title":"DynDns Smartupdate","Description":"Update DynDns-Settings very easily :)\nPlease send me a eMail if you like this little (and fast) program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"NOTHING!","CodeReturns":"ReturnCodes from DynDns.org","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003317326428185.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DynDns_Sma1560823172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Frank Diehl","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44071,"Title":"Stop Net Send (Pop Up) Messages!","Description":"This article tells you how to either permit or deny the sending of messages to your computer, also known as Net Sends.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Daniel W. Elkins","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44072,"Title":"website hitter example","Description":"what this does is loads up a url in multiple browsers and keeps loading them on a set interval to give a website hits.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/website_hi1560903172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Mr. Koww","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44073,"Title":"Mailster 1.0.3 POP3/SMTP Server","Description":"Mailster 1.0.3 (new release) of the Pop3/SMTP server. This server supports all relay and message types. No multi part messages, if you request it i may add it. Please vote. Uses Winsock. Theres a BUG where windows thing cpu usage is 100%","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mailster_11560913172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Michael D.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44283,"Title":"ASHRAE Unit Conversion Factors","Description":"Conversion factors derived from 2001 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook (SI) page 37.2","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003327153247321.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ASHRAE_Uni1564993272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Al Moledina","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44288,"Title":"Smart Buttons","Description":"This small program shows you how to use a label as a command button and how to apply some cool effects to these labels, like lighting up when your mouse pointer hovers over them etc. This example also explains how mouse based events work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Smart_Butt1565053272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Johan van den Berg","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44292,"Title":"PLAY AVI from RESOURCE FILE","Description":"A simple function API in a class to play/animate AVI file from resource file **optimizing code and memory**","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PLAY_AVI_f1565093272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Far├¿s Hanini","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44293,"Title":"A - Hide and Show your application from Task Manager in Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP (CTRL+ALT+DELETE)","Description":"Hide your application from the Task Manager in Windows 98, Me, 2000 and XP.\nTo hide your application in Windows 2000/XP you just need to set app.title = \"\"\nTo hide your application in Windows 98/Me you need to use an API called RegisterServiceProcess.\nI encapsulated all the logic you need in 2 classes cAppHider.cls and cWinVersion.cls","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_-_Hide_a1565113272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":28,"UserRatingTotal":125,"AuthorName":"Federico Bridger","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44296,"Title":"Web Cam Portal","Description":"The other day I posted some code on how to download files from the web without the use of Winsock or API calls. I decided to take it a step further to actually make a project using that code to show how it can be used in an application. This post is a simple WebCamPortal type application. Just provide the interface with URL's to Web Cam images and you can open multiple web cam viewers and watch away.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033271428457468.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Web_Cam_Po1565153272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Chloe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44297,"Title":"Building Classes","Description":"Learning the right way to build classes and collection of a class.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"VisualProgman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44300,"Title":"Visual Dialog++","Description":"Hi, this my new submission. Please take a look at it & vote. It is a form designer but still in BETA stage. See the preview or download the code. Sorry for bad preview (to cut time uploading coz my ISP slow)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200332818456468.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Visual_Dia1565263282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Shukri Zahari","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44353,"Title":"xpWellsTab","Description":"Lots of people including me, have or still are, creating custom controls that emulate the look and feel of Windows XP. To some this may seem as a waste of time because a Manifest will do all the hard work for you and repaint the boring normal controls in the new XP look. However so many client machines don't have XP yet and if someone has made these XP style of controls for you then why not use them. Also if you want to use a Progress Bar, Status Bar or Tab Strip control you still have to carry around that Comctrl32.ocx which almost every Vb`er hates.\nIf its a Tab Strip control you are looking for, then I hope this one is good enough for you to freely use in any of your projects. The control is far from being perfect and future enhancements will be made when I have the time.\nEnjoy\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033292235509078.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/xpWellsTab1566243292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Richard Wells","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44566,"Title":"Easy Skin System saves to INI","Description":"You can pick colors, a title and a picture to add to a form and save the settings to an INI file. This also can be used for learning to; read and write INI files, use a mouse over event, transparent form, and borderless form moving.","Inputs":"You pick the colors, title, and picture.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"an INI file with all the settings","SideEffects":"If you add a picture the picture must be in the same folder as the INI file","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Easy_Skin_157029472003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"TMB a.k.a. The Majekal Bum","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44568,"Title":"Easy NT Service (updated April 9)","Description":"Updated on April 9. Added the ocx and dll. You can run install.bat which will rename and register these. This is probably the easiest way to create your own true NT service. Just look at the testService project. This has all the code you need. Instructions: Before opening the testService project you first need to compile cwService and vaService. The cwService.ocx is written in Visual C. If you do not have Visual C then you can rename cwService_ocx to cwService.ocx. Don't forget to use regsvr32 to register this ocx and dll. If you want to see how it works, then try this: Open the task scheduler (to see what is hapening) Start the executable. Install the service with Desktop interaction enabled. Also look what happens if you start the executable twice. If you look at the services (in computer management) then you must be aware that it needs a refresh for showing an changed state.\n \n--------------------------------------------------If you want a valuable developers tool/library then look at http://siteskinner.com This will give you a library with some great objects that you can use. Like: FTP, POP, SMTP, Telnet, DOS, publishing database information as HTML (plus email), triple des encryption, hook into internet explorer, Internet connection state, Windows task scheduler, generic tcp/ip client and server, Web page data grabber, capture dos command output, ...\n--------------------------------------------------","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"A windows operating system that support services is required (like NT 4, 2000, 2003 and XP)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034710453868.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Easy_NT_Se157136492003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"Edwin Vermeer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44569,"Title":"UTF-8 Encoder/Decoder","Description":"Encodes/Decodes text with a given codepage such as UTF-8/UTF-7 etc. Can be easily altered to be used in some notepad application.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetACP Lib \"Kernel32\" () As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetLocaleInfoA Lib \"Kernel32\" (ByVal Locale As Long, ByVal LCType As Long, ByVal lpLCData As String, ByVal cchData As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetSystemDefaultLCID Lib \"Kernel32\" () As Long\nPrivate Declare Function IsWindowUnicode Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function TranslateCharsetInfo Lib \"gdi32\" (lpSrc As Long, lpcs As CHARSETINFO, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function MultiByteToWideChar Lib \"Kernel32\" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpMultiByteStr As Long, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, ByVal cchWideChar As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function WideCharToMultiByte Lib \"Kernel32\" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, ByVal cchWideChar As Long, ByVal lpMultiByteStr As Long, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, ByVal lpDefaultChar As Long, lpUsedDefaultChar As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function MsoCpgFromLid Lib \"c:\\program files\\common files\\microsoft shared\\vba\\mso97rt.dll\" Alias \"#307\" (ByVal lid As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function MsoMultiByteToWideChar Lib \"c:\\program files\\common files\\microsoft shared\\vba\\mso97rt.dll\" Alias \"#778\" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpMultiByteStr As Long, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, ByVal cchWideChar As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function MsoWideCharToMultiByte Lib \"c:\\program files\\common files\\microsoft shared\\vba\\mso97rt.dll\" Alias \"#915\" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, ByVal cchWideChar As Long, ByVal lpMultiByteStr As Long, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, ByVal lpDefaultChar As Long, lpUsedDefaultChar As Long) As Long","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200347143223833.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/UTF-8_Enco157037472003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":72,"AuthorName":"Divide By ZeroΓäó","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44570,"Title":"Advance - Multiple Choice Quiz System","Description":"A complete multiple choice quiz system, with results analysis and administration.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200347150155873.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Advance_-_157038472003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Mike Brook","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44561,"Title":"Multiple Plugins (updated)","Description":"This is my update of Shane Reidy's \"Multiple Plugins\" This is his code and does all that it did except i added examples how to interact with the Main App and added an option to choose where the plugins are located.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003461741443922.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Multiple_P157019462003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Stryksta Guy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44571,"Title":"Address Book v4","Description":"VCard import/export; save both business and home addresses, phone numbers; send an email using your default email app, dial the phone number, many ways to sort your information.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003471721485654.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Address_Bo157080482003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44574,"Title":"BsnVideoFil Avi Compress","Description":"Makes easy the compression of an avi file by leting you choose and configure one of the available(installed) video codecs while it enhances the process a bit .Also it provides a handy preview.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/BsnVideoFi157052472003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Christos Lignos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44576,"Title":"BsnVideoFil Avi to Bmp","Description":"A \"frame to bitmap' converter actually which after you select the *.avi file it starts IMMEDIATELY to convert every frame to bitmap.A frame preview would come in handy.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/BsnVideoFi157054472003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Christos Lignos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44577,"Title":"Mouse out _ leave","Description":"an easy way to get the mouse out event, it uses a little subclassing, but nothing too hard, if this helps you out then give me some feedback and/or vote... thanks pscode.com, and allapi.com ... i dont know if this really belongs in the intermediate catagory, but oh well, maybe somewhere between beginner and intermediate","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_out_157059472003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"George E.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44584,"Title":"Active-X_BrowseFile","Description":"Don't expect miracle. This is a useable DriveListBox/DirListBox/FileListBox (VB default control) usercontrol. Its purpose is to browse a file. It is fully commented and good for beginner that interested in creating Active-X as a starting point because it only had basic property so you won't get confuse. You can drop this control to your app for quick file browser. Or you can make it as a template to simplified your project that needed the use of the three controls. I need feedback,comments etc., thanx","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Don't expect miracle. This is a useable DriveListBox/DirListBox/FileListBox (VB default control) usercontrol. Its purpose is to browse a file. It is fully commented and good for beginner that interested in creating Active-X as a starting point because it only had basic property so you won't get confuse. You can drop this control to your app for quick file browser. Or you can make it as a template to simplified your project that needed the use of the three controls. I need feedback,comments etc., thanx","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003481556807.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Active-X_B157065482003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mil-X Pro","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44586,"Title":"IRAQ BodyCount (really downloading *g*) // now show U.S. Troops killed in War","Description":"Yesterday i've seen a code on PSC that \"reads\" the IRAQ bodycount. So i've decided to programm this little software. This software really reads the minimum and the maximum IRQA bodycount from the website www.iraqbodycount.net. Autoupdate every Minute.\nNEW:\nNow you can see the US Troops Killed in War\nI HATE WAR, LET'S START WITH PEACE ON EARTH","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200349435102984.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/IRAQ_BodyC157137492003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"borisbuehler","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44590,"Title":"Generic Client and Server (Winsock API only, dll wrapper, suporting multiple instances, subclassing)","Description":"With this it is easy to run multiple instances of a client or server. It is an API only winsock wrapper setup as an active X dll. The bennefit of this is that it uses very litle memory (compared to the inet control), it's very fast, you do not need a form and its very easy to create multiple instances. I tested it with 4 servers and 400 clients on 1 machine. Also included in this submition is the best subclass code there is (Thanks Paul) and the best Error handling code there is (Thanks Thushan) It even includes support for GPF errors. If you want to see the Error handling in action, then unmark the line with err.raise in the Subclass.cls. Changed in this version: 1. Fixed the Stack overflow when there were to manny clients sending to much data at the same time. This happened when ther was about 5MB of data that still needed to be processed. 2. Fixed the overflow error in the subclass code than sometimes could happen on a win98. 3. Improved the error handling. If you are tinking of creating a server then also have a look at my other submition for creating a NT service (very easy) http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=44568&lngWId=1\n--------------------------------------------------Advertisement: If you want a valuable developers tool then look at http://siteskinner.com This will give you a library with some great objects that you can use. Like: FTP, POP, SMTP, Telnet, DOS, publishing database information as HTML (plus email), triple des encryption, hook into internet explorer, internet connection state, Windows task scheduler, generic tcp/ip client and server, Web page data grabber, capture dos command output, ...\n--------------------------------------------------","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200348455578573.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Generic_Cl158201522003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Edwin Vermeer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44593,"Title":"[ Print form the Richtextbox control WYSIWYG ]","Description":"I seen that every code can't do it right when printing from the richTextBox Control it seems to print out source code, Well, I found what you need! I did not write this code I was researching on how to do this. As soon as I found it and seen it work, I uploaded it here on PSC. It will print WYSIWYG(What you see is what you get) What ever is in the richtext control is how it will print. Now I can move on and finish my other program needing this code :-) I hope this helps you!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[_Print_fo157074482003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Brian D. Link","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44596,"Title":"Get Shortcut's Target","Description":"After looking all over on PSC i was unable to find Short, Simple and Clean code to get the target path of a window's shortcut (.lnk) file, so here is an easier way.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":20,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Michael L. Canejo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44306,"Title":"No XP But XP","Description":"Here is a nice way when you dont have windows XP and without any ocx controll skinning your vb forms, you can add more functions to make it customizeable for your need, thx a lot guys","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033281010552179.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/No_XP_But_1565373282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44312,"Title":"Adding multiline balloon tooltips to ListView column headers (updated)","Description":"The code uses subclassing technique to trap the WM_MOUSEMOVE event of the Header control which is a constituent part of the ListView control. The handler for this event determines the index of the column header under the mouse pointer and changes the tooltip text respectively; it uses the HDM_HITTEST message for this purpose.\nTo find the handle of the Header control inside ListView from MSCOMCTL.OCX, the code uses the FindWindowEx function which searches for the child window with the \"msvb_lib_header\" class inside the ListView control.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The code also can be used to subclass the \"pure\" ListView control (its class name is \"SysListView32\"); to do it, you must replace the \"msvb_lib_header\" string on \"SysHeader32\".\nThe sample creates MS Windows tooltips with the CreateWindowEx function passing to this function the \"tooltips_class32\" class name. Balloon tooltips work only in Windows 2000/XP; in the previous versions of Windows you'll see old-style rectangular tooltips.\nYou can use this technique to create multiline balloon tooltips for any control that contains Windows Header control. For instance, we use this technique to create such tooltips for the grid control we produce (10Tec iGrid ActiveX control - visit www.10Tec.com for more info).","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200341933219575.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Adding_mul1576104192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"10Tec Company","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44313,"Title":"Disable Ctrl+Alt+Del Windows 2000!!!!","Description":"I swear it took forever to do this.... so i hope you appreciate my efforts in building this...the bas file included isn't mine but i thank whoever made it. This basically edits the registry to disable the Task List button on the ctrl alt del screen (at least that was my purpose) This prevents users from closing apps in that section.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Disable_Ct1565503282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Jesse Hart","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44314,"Title":"Beginners tools!","Description":"If your a BEGGINER and want some code for the basic tools, take this, it has, mouse over....progressbar.....listbox....... etc.... only recomended for begginers, please give feedback. thank you","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Beginners_1565483282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Rod (richard)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44316,"Title":"A Web Browser with ALL of the trimmings","Description":"This browser has practically every feature that IE has. History, favorites etc. It is almost a clone. Almost everything that I have learned about VB I have learned here, THANKS! I would appreciate any helpful feedback you have to offer.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033281434501336.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Web_Brow1565533282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Steve Trout","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44318,"Title":"Gudds Balloon popUp","Description":"Ever though of a Balloon popUp like u see in the Win XP.. Here it goes ..\"Gudds Balloon popUp\"\n You can configure it the way you want, ie you can set to close it automatically, set the icon or having no icon at all, show/hide close button, font face, font size. You can position at three places..at current mouse cursor position, at some defined co-ordinate (X,Y position) or at the location of a particular control..Check it!\nI am trying to introduce the fade out effect.\nPlease give ur feedback","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Use it anywhere you want...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003328164344701.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Gudds_Ball1565603282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Kundan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44323,"Title":"Hex Color Code Generator 1.0","Description":"With this handy tool you can try different color combination to get right one for your web pages.It gives you Hex code for selected color, which you can straight copy paste to your pages.All Web developer must have this tool.I am working on it to make it more usefull.The next version will allow you to save your custom color to collection,which you can easily import export to xml and other file formats.Thanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033281839363249.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Hex_Color_1566893312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mihir Solanki","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44325,"Title":"TEXT TO SPEECH *UPDATE*","Description":"This is a text to speech program that allows you to type in text/load text files and have the voice repeat it, you can also copy/paste say news articles, emails, etc., you can also alter the way the voice sounds. NOTE: This only works with Windows 2000. From past feedback it sounds like windows NT & XP aren't compatible with this :( This requires XVOICE.DLL. if you don't have the DLL i've just posted the XVOICE.DLL file on the net.\nftp://\nthe link IS case sensitive.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033311645595982.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TEXT_TO_SP1566933312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Brian Lindquist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44328,"Title":"File Lock","Description":"This code is based on the Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows 98 Second Edition glitch in file viewing. Be very careful with this tool for if you lock the folder that contains the program, the program will not run. For example if this program is in your C:\\Program Files\\Lock\\ folder and you lock Program Files the program will not run. There a few safety features. First you need to create a shortcut to the EXE (when you compile it or just rem the line in the frmLoad Form_Load section that checks for the Command$). Create a shortcut to the EXE and give it a command line of shortcut. (If you edit the properties of the shortcut file and find the location of the program. at the end of that add \"shortcut\" without quotes). Next your mouse needs to be in the upper left hand corner of the screen at co-ordinates 0,0. I would suggest giving the shortcut a \"hot key\" or using the keyboard to open it. Without the command line \"shortcut\" and the mouse being in the upper left hand corner of the screen the password box will not appear. Now the initial password (default) is \"maxx\" without the quotes. Once in the program you can change the password. You can always delete the string from the registry and the password will default back to maxx. The file/folder locking feature is due to windows 98se and belows glitch. DOS can read characters windows can not. So by going in dos and using an ALT code to rename a file/folder it will rename it. However windows will not be able to read the alt code and will give the file/folder an underscore. You will not be able to open/explore or delete the locked folder/file. In my program I use the alt code of alt+0254 or chr$(254).\nIf for some reason you mess up a file or folder and the program can not rename it or if you locked the program itself you can manually fix it. Either load a dos prompt or restart in dos. The command used to rename files in DOS is REN or RENAME. The format for ren or rename is the same and goes as follows. \nREN (Source Path and File Name) (New File Name) \nfor example: \nREN C:\\Clever.txt Smart.txt \nthis will rename the file Clever to Smart. To get rid of the lock you will need to use alt plus the number-pad. Lets say clever was locked. You would need to do this REN C:\\Clever(hold alt and press 0254).txt Clever.txt When you hold alt and press 0254 it will insert a box, that is the alt code. When you hit enter the file/folder should be renamed and everything should be okay.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003328205121316.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/File_Lock1565743282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jesse McAllister","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44339,"Title":"Beginners stuff V2","Description":"Rite!i had submitted a file and so far it got 4/4. this is a better version of that with lots of more useful things for beginners added! it has msgbox's, moving text, colors.....lots of things, it is only for beginners to learn from, so. please vote, AND give feedback, thank you....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Beginners_1565923292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Rod (richard)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44340,"Title":"Music Composer II (Notation Interface)","Description":"Compose real Music!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200332983725769.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Music_Comp1565933292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44739,"Title":"xpWellsTab Version 2","Description":"A Tab strip control emulating the look of Win XP\nLooks the same as version 1 but more features.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003414930539632.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/xpWellsTab1573564142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":81,"AuthorName":"Richard Wells","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44743,"Title":"An Access Database EASY Tutorial","Description":"This tutorial is written so that even the beginner will have no problem. It is designed for the absolute beginner. It utilizes the AdoDC and the DataGrid controls. The tutorial is a step by step program to create a simple \"Contacts\" database with Name, Address, Email and Phone #. This is a VERY easy to follow tutorial with the sample project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/An_Access_1573644142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Steve Trout","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44755,"Title":"TabDock 3.1","Description":"08/05/2003 - Updated \nchanged VSNET collapsed drawing style.\nSome Minor Bug Fixes \n06/05/2003 - Updated. \nImplemented PanelSizing And PanelDockedForm Sizing Property. \n30/04/2003 - Updated. \nImplemented New Captions Style VB.Net \n28/04/03 - Updated. \nProcedure: DockChange - this allows docked forms to be moved from one panel to another through code.\nProperty: SmartSizing - Reduces panel flicker when sizing and looks much better.\nPlus Many Bug Fixes. Check The Revisions.rtf.\n25/04/03 - Further Bug Fix. Collapsed Panel Captions and Panel Visible property.\nUpdate: The Focus Problem When The TabDock App Pops To The Front When It Doesn't Have The Focus, Has Now Been Fixed.\nThanks To Neal Rushforth For Sorting This Bug.\nVersion Updated To 3.0.1\nHere It Is.\nTabDock 3.0\nNeal And My Self Didn't Give This To Ackbar Because Ackbar Has Not Uploaded The Last Update From Neal As Yet!\nSo Neal And I Have Decided To Upload It Seperatley.\nSome Major Changes Have Been Made:\n-Updated Splitter Bar \n-New Properties : HasClose Button And HasMaxButton\n-Disabling Of Close Button When Floating\n-Max Button Disables When ThereΓÇÖs Only One Form In The Panel\n-Bug Fixed ΓÇô Caption Bar Styles \n-Flickering When You Activate A Panel Is Now Sorted\n-AutoExpand property added\n-AutoCollapseLeft, AutoCollapseRight, AutoCollapseTop, AutoCollapseBottom \n- AutoShowCaptionOnCollapse \nSee The Revisions.rtf For Complete History!\nHope You Like It!\nIf You Like It Don't Forget To Vote.\nComments Welcome!\nCredit Must Be Given To Ackbar For Version 2.4.\nWithout It, This Version Would Not Be Available.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003415554547003.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TabDock_3_158493582003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":63,"UserRatingTotal":305,"AuthorName":"NR/GN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44758,"Title":"Bobo Bitmap Menus Simplified","Description":"There are quite a few submissions on PSC demonstrating the use of ownerdrawn menus. Most are very good, I voted for them ! However, for some folks they were a bit complex and hard to understand. I hope this helps clarify the process for less experienced coders. Most professional VB programmers have been doing this for years. This submission seeks to simplify, as much as possible, the process of converting VB menus to ownerdrawn menus. No side panels, crazy fonts/colors - just the default menu with a true color icon. This small module is a cut-down version of a template I wrote a long, long time ago. I hope I haven't introduced too many bugs in the process of simplifying it, but if I have they shouldn't be too major and the concepts involved are still well demonstrated.\nThe tasks :\n1. Locate all VBmenus on a form and determine thier actual handle according to Windows\n2. Change the type of each menu to 'Ownerdrawn'\n3. Subclass the form so we can respond to the messages 'WM_MEASUREITEM' and 'WM_DRAWITEM'\n4. Use the API to print a caption and paint an icon, either Enabled/Disabled or Checked, in response to those messages.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003415833449280.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Bobo_Bitma1574024152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":79,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44760,"Title":"AutoFileCopy","Description":"I made Auto File Copy to do a auto backup of a folder and subfolders twice a day to me USB drive, and only copy the new and modified files. All setting is stored in the registry. At 16:55 you can backup 5 GIGΓÇÖs and only copy the files that have changes. \nEnjoy and please leave comments and a vote if you like it. Thanks to the two submissions that I borrowed code from (mentioned in code)\nThe zip has been replaced with corrected code.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003415955411103.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AutoFileCo1574694162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Tony Albutt","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44762,"Title":"Real Assembler","Description":"\n This program illustrates the function of a assembler with limited error handling and\ndebugging. It shows how different mnemonics are translated into computer codes. \nThere is one instruction compiled for every assembly key word. This assembler is in \ninitial stage and supports a few op codes. There are a few interesting examples included.\n The project is the result of hours of my work. So plz comment and vote even if it is 1 *.\n It will encourage me to prepare a full fledged compiler.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Real_Assem1574104152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"LogicGenius (FaranM.)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44772,"Title":"FastBasic Compiler","Description":"FastBasic is a programming language made in Visual Basic 6. It is NOT a scripting language: FastBasic compiles to a p-code that is executed by a runtime (or Virtual Machine, whatever you prefer). The language itself is very simple. It only handles if's, do's, and things like that, but it can be expanded easily. Keep in mind that you can't do anything very useful in FastBasic, it is just an educational tool. Take a look at the examples provided to see some of the things it is capable of doing.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003416143561262.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FastBasic_1574374162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Paul Guerra","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44773,"Title":"[___Form XP ( Without XP )********UPDATE**********","Description":"***UPDATE : ___\nYou can make your application layout like Windows XP, although you run your application in others OS ( such as Win98 ).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034211954297291.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[___Form_X1577624212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":47,"UserRatingTotal":226,"AuthorName":"Osen Kusnadi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44775,"Title":"Easy SLE4442","Description":"I think this is the first example on PSC of managing Smart Card reader and memory card handling. It's my first submission, a few line of code but with great contents. It's anx OCx to manage read/write of an SLE4442 memory card with a RS232 generic smart card reader. Code is full implemented with basic functions and is a great HOWTO for MSCOmm programmers. To see it works you must have a rs232 smart card reader(for my work I tried with ELV reader www.elv.de). Sorry, the code is well commented but in Italian. Vote for me and make me a winner!! Also I hope this can help developers community.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003416341408356.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Easy_SLE441574474162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"MaxSoft71","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43885,"Title":"Ulli's Code Profiler Add-In (updated)","Description":"This AddIn will put all necessary instrumentation into your project to create a run profile. Then during execution profile data are acquired and finally evaluated and shown. The data include:\n ~ number of hits for each line of code\n ~ total time spent executing each line of code\n ~ average time spent executing each line of code\n ~ the code line itself ~\nTiming accuracy is quite good and depends on the CPU high resolution timer (which in my AMD Athlon XP1800+ ticks about 3.5 million times a second giving a resolution of .279 ┬╡secs), and utmost care has been taken to remove all data acquisition overhead effects from the execution times shown. \nUpdates include check for isDirty (in which case you may loose the changes you made), better evaluation routine and printing.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200339212117313.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Ulli's_Cod1558233122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":130,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43886,"Title":"Convert a number to a string words like 19.50 to \"Nineteen Dollars And Fifty Cents \"","Description":"Hello to all PSC users. I have updated My submission now it can Convert a number to a string words up to 999 billion in American format And also up to 99 Crore in Indian Format. Thanks for sending Me your comments And Suggestions to Me. You can use it where ever you like. You have all the right for updating this or uploading it to any other server other than PSC. A mention of My name in the code which you use or update or upload will be greatly appreciated. This code is free for all. I donΓÇÖt request you to vote for Me. Please donΓÇÖt vote for any one without knowing about the code. If you Like this code then vote for Me. With Love And Prayer John Manavalan Web Site: www.Manavalan.com Email: johnmanavalan@hotmail.com Call Me : +91 9447002517 ( Send Me TXT Msg )","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003392313406786.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Convert_a_155716392003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"John Manavalan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43879,"Title":"Alpha Blender (Sexy fade in and fade out of Pictures)","Description":"Hello Everybody!..\nThis is an Alpa Blender project.. That is : it uses two image files(which u give ofcourse;).. And it fades them in and out in the SIMPLEST possible way.. It is faster too;--) You can specify the program the interval(time) to take to fade in and out.. It uses only one main API to do so called : \"AlphaBlend\". And it is Flicker-free too. The code is FULLY Commented! Enjoy!.. I would appreciate your votes and comments,! :)\nUpdate : Now I have added a slider control too on the form, So that you can see the Fastest Blending speed of this program in action. This is the Fastest Blending program i have ever seen on net;) No matter how bigger are your blending images, it would not effect the blending speed :) Please vote\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033102119312934.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Alpha_Blen1557663102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"ThinkBase","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43881,"Title":"Direct 3D Step-by-Step Tutorial","Description":"This tutorial will help you improove your DirectX tutorials to the 3D level. Useful for every beginner.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003391220144955.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43900,"Title":"Module For Read and Write Registry .. But With a New Idea You Must See It","Description":"Hi All .. This is a module that is read and write registery .. Im sure you have one better than mine .. But If you use Windows XP , You can not Delete a Registery Key that's Include SubKeys .. For Eample You Can not Say :\nCall RegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,\"MyKey1\\MyKey2\\MyKey3\")\nIt Will Make Nothing .. So You Will Have To Delete (\"MyKey3\") First then (\"MyKey2\") .etc ..\nBut In This Module You Will Be Able To Delete a Key and all It's SubKeys In Window XP ..\nThis Module Incude Other Functions Yo Will need With Registery ..\nPlease Comment and Vote For Me :Q)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Module_For1557403102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Abdalla Mahmoud","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43894,"Title":"How to read XML and convert to SQL statement","Description":"To convert XML data format into MySQL SQL Statement. Simple demo, how to use MSXML, Reading and Creating XML Data.","Inputs":"XML Data","Assumes":"Must know the exact XML Structure before\ninputing data into the application.","CodeReturns":"SQL Statement","SideEffects":"Error if wrong XML Structure.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003310548107192.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/How_to_rea1557803112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mohd Idzuan Alias","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43895,"Title":"_**A 4 player Capture the flag**_","Description":"a great game to play in school with your mates. Features four player gaming and 9 different levels to compete on.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Capture_th1557343102003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"jason fish","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43907,"Title":"Disable webbrowser control script errors","Description":"Like many people, I've played around with the web browser control and vb. One of things that has always ticked me off is the fact that you can try to cancel popups by using cancel=true in the newwindow2 event. But many times you get a small window showing some kind of script error. I've even tried using ppdisp=webbrowser2.object where webbrowser2.visible=false. No matter what I try I still get the window with a Internet Explorer Script Error. I started to look at the webbrowser.silent property but every time I set it to true it doesn't work. Finally, I know why. You see every time a webbrowser control is run, it automatically sets webbrowser.silent=false. Setting it to true during development doesn't work. What you need to do is run a seperate control. I used a timer control in the form load event, to set the .silent property to true. I then set the timer.enabled=false. The silent property is now set and you won't have to worry about script messages again. So far every web site with popups has been blocked and no script errors. In the source example I also included a way to control popups using the ctrl key.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Disable_we1557483102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Karl J. Sak","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43911,"Title":"a AutoComplete Very Simple!","Description":"VERY SIMPLE cut and paste funtion for the Keypress event of a combobox. Just paste this code into a module or form and call the function from the KeyPress event. KeyAscii = AutoComplete(cboCombobox, KeyAscii,Optional UpperCase)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":42,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"James Berard","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43915,"Title":"SaverSwitch FULL Version Screensaver Manager","Description":"Tray icon can select & configure screensaver, run with double-click or temporarily enable/disable the saver with a single click.\nThis version has a list of all the screensavers in the system & windows directory WITH THE PROPER NAMES as listed on the display settings panel. (thanks to 'Ark' for pointing me in the right direction here.) Also options for setting timeout, password protection and launching configuration dialog (if there is one--might just start SS if there isn't...)\nAlso avoided the problem with last version that made it appear you could run the SS when none was available.\nSeveral new options and icons (CoolMenu system)\nVB5 users will need a function to replace Replace$().\nOld version is still available for those who want the tiny & simple app (http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/default.asp?lngCId=43788&lngWId=1)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003310198451191.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SaverSwitc1557643102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Dan Redding - Blue Knot Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43918,"Title":"EmptyFolderFinder","Description":"This program search empty folder from any specified folder or drive.User can remove selected folder and all folder from result.If user want to store a history for management then they can do it from this software i provide copyclip facility","Inputs":"Specify Drive and folder","Assumes":"They need how built the recursive functions.","CodeReturns":"List of empty folders","SideEffects":"No side effect","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003311119348660.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EmptyFolde1557703112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Farhan Alam","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43924,"Title":"Add Bitmaps To Menu","Description":"Demonstrates how to add bitmaps to menus using VB 5 or 6","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function GetMenuItemCount Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hMenu As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function GetMenuItemInfo Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetMenuItemInfoA\" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal un As Long, ByVal b As Boolean, lpMenuItemInfo As MENUITEMINFO) As Boolean\nDeclare Function GetMenu Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function GetSubMenu Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPos As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function GetMenuItemID Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPos As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function SetMenuItemBitmaps Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPosition As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal hBitmapUnchecked As Long, ByVal hBitmapChecked As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200331162344378.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Add_Bitmap1557823112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Philip Pierce","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43933,"Title":"Every vb controll is progress bar","Description":"Here is an easy way to bypass the simple and normal progress bar in vb any controll in vb can be a progress bar itself see the code its very easy this is for beginners as well as for some advanced users can be a nice simple example, i place an option controll you can place whatever you like as well ( label, button, shape, line, textbox, etc ) Thx enjoy :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033111116119292.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Every_vb_c1557963112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43938,"Title":"PSC Jumbo CD--VB 2002 Edition","Description":"Planet source code cd visual basic jumbo 2002\n\nSuppport this beautifull site by purchasing the full cd of visual basic 2002 jumbo\nthis cd contain many great usefull source codes as well as many tutorials with graphics,\nfor me i try this cd and purchase it beleive me its very beautifull work by lan ippolito\nWebsite: http://www.exhedra.com/Exhedra/ProductCatalog/Download/PSCCD_2002VB.aspx","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43941,"Title":"Mailster 1.0.2","Description":"Mailster 1.0.2 is a pop3/smtp server. This is a new release...You can allow incoming relay now, and work on R-Admin support is well underway. Uses Winsock and Sysinfo control","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Michael D.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43942,"Title":"Customize the icons in the VB Project Explorer Tree","Description":"Purpose:<br>\nAllows customization of the icons displayed in the VB Project Explorer window.<br>\nIcons can be customized on a global level (eg all form icons) or on an individual per-component level.<br>\nI personally use it for visually separating collection classes, interfaces and normal classes.<br>\nIt allows 32-bit colour icons to be used, as opposed to VB's standard 16-colour ones.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Known issues:<br>\n* Because the addin uses windows messages involving pointers, it must execute from within the VB process. This means it will only work in compiled mode, you can't run it from the IDE.<br>\n* Changing the view in the VB project explorer from foldered to nonfoldered causes a complete refresh of the tree, and customized icons are lost until the project is reloaded.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033111653372270.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Customize_1558253122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"grigri","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43943,"Title":"Simple Browser + timed refresher","Description":"auto refreshes after a certant amount of time set by the user.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"a refreshed web page","SideEffects":"no known side effects. if any e-mail me!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Bro1558093112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Ian M.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43949,"Title":"MyPuzzle","Description":"This code show you how to do a GDI programming to create a desktop game. The game provides a solution to create on-fly transparent effect pattern. User will be able to drag and drop pattern to complete puzzle. Puzzle can be created from any picture image. You can save and load your game too.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003312354484178.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MyPuzzle1560653162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"antonukdw","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43963,"Title":"IP to Serial port Pass-Through Server","Description":"IP to Serial port Pass-Through Server\nUpdate 22-MAR-2005\nThis project takes TCP and UDP messages from other applications\nand routes them to the proper serial port to control serial\ndevices (ex. Telephone systems, IP Routers console port etc.)\nor other device on a PC COM Port from a remote site.\nCommunication can be one way (App --> COM Port) via UDP packets, or\nCommunication can be two way (App <-> COM Port) via a TCP connection.\nApp can support up to four connections to four serial ports. App also starts in the SysTray so it's out of the way and a double click brings it onto the desk top. App has a monitor feature, look at the packets in Raw Text, Verbose Text and HEX values.\nTCP connections release the serial port when there is no connection\nIn UDP mode, serial port is always active.\nApplication has been tested on Win2000 Pro and XP Pro.\nSerial applications tested have been ΓǪ\nConnection to Comdial Telephone Systems (DXP, DPX Plus, FXS, FXT, FXII)\nusing the programming software (VMMI).\nUnix box via a Procomm Plus Telnet connection with terminal negotiate off.\nKenwood TS870 Amateur Radio serial control\nNetopia 5000 router console port using Procomm Plus as above.\nComments welcome \n","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033171217388769.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IP_to_Seri1866733222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":28,"UserRatingTotal":133,"AuthorName":"Mark Mokoski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43964,"Title":"Ant Simulator","Description":"This code will simulate an Ant Colony. This is a bit of fun and not something to be taken seriously. There are no comments and may be scruffy in places. Perhaps someone out there would like to make a screen saver of it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033121732138656.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Ant_Simula1558403122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"David Alan Edwards","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43956,"Title":"A 2D Rotation Lesson - Fly a UFO","Description":"I can't believe how much trouble I went to, to show you how to rotate objects (like a space-ship) around the Z-Axis. This should be a great learning project for people wanting to create their own vector-graphics games... like Asteroids.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003312104499374.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_2D_Rotat1558313122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43959,"Title":"Weather Forecast (5 Day)","Description":"\"Weather\" is an application which will query a weather server and display a 5 day forecast for the entered area. Cheap and cheerful!! :-)\nJim - www.jimbooth.co.uk","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033121258226742.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Weather_Fo1558343122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jim Booth","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43965,"Title":"Stryksta MP3 2.0","Description":"Plays Mp3's, cda, and wav, and more if needed, just a simple player, nothing special. Custom Highlight in playlist, nice progress bar, drag and snap, and more. Can't remove from playlist yet, and there are a few bugs, i am working on them. I will update with better options and more functions. Note: Some of the Code is not mine, i apoligize, i forgot the authors names","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033121832289194.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Stryksta_M1558433122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Stryksta Guy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43966,"Title":"CodeBox v0.8","Description":"Syntax Highlighter with linenumbers. Also has the ability to load syntax and colors at runtime, which makes it great for multi-language code books. \n## EDIT ##\nI managed to get the tabs to work nicely using Paul Caton's Keyboard Hook (http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=42918&lngWId=1)\nFor the next version I am looking to have Undo/Redo capabilities.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003312193032958.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CodeBox_v01558843132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Chris Thomas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43967,"Title":"DjGee - simple dj program","Description":"quad mp3s in pure mci, quad-fader, simple mixer, speed adjustment, !scratching!...nothing too hard...VOTE plz. and i'd like to thank everyone that submits to planet-source-code.com, without you i wouldnt have been able to do this. This is a work in progress, so if you make revisions to my code, besides skinning it, then tell me what you did.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200331312236965.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DjGee_-_si1558523132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"George E.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48676,"Title":"TechniColor Mouse Trails","Description":"Simple mouse trails using recursion. Move the mouse over the form to display a colourful rainbow of colours that follow the mouse movement. You'll enjoy this, if you like watching pretty colours dance about the screen.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003921138571676.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TechniColo1648389212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48683,"Title":"A Complete Network Utility Program - Ping,Broadcast Messaging,Port Scanner","Description":"This is a very essential application for system administrators and developers.This application will be able to ping on user defined interval and verify active nodes and then able to send broadcast message to all nodes in a LAN.It also able to connect and scan the ports and detect which port is open and identify what service is using that port and brief description of that port.A colorful logical map will be displayed for all nodes stating whether they are active or not active.\nIt will have the ability to \"save\" the current map settings, and load settings when the application restarts. Meaning that, a list of IP addresses from the previous execution of the application will be saved.\nAs a extra,i have attached a file called Port Number Reference.txt.Learn and equip yourself with port knowledge, how they are assigned,what port number belong to which service,how they are categorised etc - Very Useful.\nWhat can be learn from this system:\n*1.Textfile manipulation in Append,Input,Output Mode and how to Kill a file.\n*2.Detect whether a file is exist else create a instance.\n*3.Using shell Ping command and what are the command format and usage and how to store the Ping result to a file.\n*4.How to verify that a node is Active or Not Active.\n*5.A graphical display of the Ping result.\n*6.Sending broadcast message to all the active nodes in the LAN.\n*7.Text manipulation co-joined with List box interaction.\n*8.Connecting and detecting ports which are opened and what service using that particular port using Winsock programming.\n*9.A simple and professional looking progress bar only using 4 lines of code.\n*10.Learn more about ports and how they are assigned,what port number belong to which service,how they are categorised etc.\nThe program is heavily commented as I want to share all the coding concepts,API's used, their functionality and why they are used.Every single module,code is commented so that the users can understand what is happening.\nIf you like what I have done,then vote for me and recommend it to your friends.Thank you.\n**************************************************","Inputs":"************************************************\nPrior to Ping,user need to\n*1.Enter nodes,IP Address\n*2.User defined interval\n*3.No of time to Ping\n*4.Broadcast Message to be sent.\n*5.From details\n**************************************************","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"**************************************************\nThere returns will be store in txt file for reference.The files can be accesed by a click of a mouse.\nActive.txt:Stores all the active nodes in the LAN\nNotActive.txt:Stores all the not active nodes in the LAN.\nPorts.txt:All the ports opened for a particular node and the services using the port.\nMapSetting.txt:To save all the IP Address which will be loaded when the program is started.\nPing.txt: To store the result of the ping process.\n**************************************************","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Complete1650239262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":53,"UserRatingTotal":244,"AuthorName":"Kalyana Kumar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48687,"Title":"TechniColor Mouse Trails v 2","Description":"TechniColor Mouse Trails using recursion. Move the mouse over the form to display a colourful rainbow of colours that follow the mouse movement. Click the mouse button to change the Offset values (and thus the patterns). You'll enjoy this, if you like watching pretty colours dance about the screen.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003922312331231.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TechniColo1648469222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48692,"Title":"SOFTPAE - VB Controls (update) / Dead for OCX","Description":"Absolute super code based on Paul Caton \"Win Sub Hook\" sample !! You do not need OCX later, only one vb CTL file for control. Create new control is simple - use template. This controls is used in B++ Builder IDE. To use it in design time, copy files from \"required\" folder to system folder... see readme.txt. Please, vote for me :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003922610557888.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SOFTPAE_-_1648579222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Anthonius","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48695,"Title":"Fast count of the selected items in a listview control (with the api SendMessage)","Description":"returns the number of selected items in a listview control\nits a lot faster then looping te listitems one by one and check the (.selected) state of each item","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Count_sele1648629222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"pvdv","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48697,"Title":"VB-Snake","Description":"Yes finally a great implimentation of a replica snake game!!! includes bonus points, and also custom mazes!!! does not use dx or bitblt!!!! plz vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003922947271600.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB-Snake1648649222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Steve Bailey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48698,"Title":"Hellbound: Paltalk Room Info Collector","Description":"Please Vote and Comment On This Code, The more votes n Comments i get the more i will post :)<br>\n<br>\nI put this cleaner version of the code to find the paltalk room window and to get some info about it, when i started programming for paltalk this was the hardest part of it, coz the title changes every time!, This code will find Red Room (non voice) and Blue Rooms (Voice) and works weather admin or not! Hope this is helpfull :) Comments Please","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039221052313520.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hellbound_1648659222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Steve (Cenobitez)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48700,"Title":"Isometric 3d Heightmap renderer","Description":"Using this program you can get heightmaps like those in Habbo.com or others, or make your own and then it will display a 3d Isometric Render of it, which can be rotated","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039221150179133.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Isometric_1648689222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Kevin Pfister","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48703,"Title":"_Create Shortcut_","Description":"This simple program creates a shortcut. Well commented.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003922135419756.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Create_Sh1648749222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"BelgiumBoy_007","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48704,"Title":"Counting en Getting Selected listview items with the SendMessage Api","Description":"!! Update !!\nNow counting the selected items in a listview\nand get the selected items quick from the listview","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Counting_e1648759222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"pvdv","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48710,"Title":"HTMLGen","Description":"Generates a HTML file by the click of a button, you can edit the title, bgcolor, txtcolor and much more... pretty cool code... please vote !...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTMLGen1648829222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Lee S. Cook","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48714,"Title":"Scientific Calculator 1.0","Description":"This is a S.Calculator, It has a faculty of measument conversion functions too. plz plz check it out and leave a comment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Scientific1649009232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"AsiF Karim","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48715,"Title":"Media Player 1.0","Description":"This is a media player, with almost all the functinality, it can run both mp3s and Video files. plz leave a comment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Media_Play1649029232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"AsiF Karim","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48705,"Title":"Change order of letters in a word","Description":"This code is just for fun, it demostrates an interesting phenomenon and some ways to manipulate strings, and arrays. According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in which order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letters \nare in the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without a problem. This is because we do not read every letter by itself but the \nword as a whole. This works with nearly every language. IMPORTANT: A similar program was posted a little before mine, but I posted mine without knowledge of that, and without seeing any portion of the code. This program (and I'm sure the other one too) was inspired in an email that got forwarded around the world a few days ago. The main difference between my program and the other one is that this one uses a byte array and totally randomizes the order of the words, the other program merely reverses the order of the letters. Thank you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039221612558957.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Change_ord1649299232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Luis Cantero","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48707,"Title":"Text Automated Rotating & Moving Demo","Description":"This code makes a text moves! The colour of the text will change automatically. This code uses Direct Animation Library and only 1 sub. Comments are welcomed. Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003922195696900.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Text_Autom1648799222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48716,"Title":"LabeledTextBox UserControl","Description":"New features: LabelStyle [was:Color properties and font properties.]\nI create this user control because I am tired of having to repeatedly put a label control whenever I put a textbox control. Basically, this user control is a combination of a label and a textbox control. However, I have added an optional lookup button at the right side of the control so you can use it as a lookup button.\nOther features include auto highlight of text inside the textbox, make ENTER key in textbox behave like pressing TAB key (ie. move focus to next control), and set keyboard shortcut to click the lookup button.\nPlease let me know if there are any bugs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This code is free for your commercial and non-commercial use as long as you acknowledge and mention my name as the copyright owner of this code at some place visible to the user of your software.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003929137144909.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LabeledTex1650219262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Adhimas Setianegara","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48717,"Title":"A simple way to add contents from one RichTextBox to another without losing formatting","Description":"This shows how the richtext of one richtextbox control can be inserted into another without losing any of its formatting.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":11,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Dound","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48719,"Title":"Virtual Drive","Description":"This code adds or removes a virtual drive to your system. This is a simple and basic code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Virtual_Dr1651079272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Hemanth Kumar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48720,"Title":"TextBox (Formatted)","Description":"This isn't a standard validation that checks the text after it's entered. Every time a change is made (a key press, pasted text, or code populated), this code checks and modifies, if necessary, the text to meet the established criteria. Please read the included ΓÇ£ReadMeΓÇ¥ file for more information. Let me know if you have any comments, suggestions, or bug reports. Thanks! (And don't forget to vote).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TextBox_(F16650310302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47893,"Title":"Did you know there is a visual assembler for windows ?","Description":"Make the next step and learn something new. Create assembler windows applications of just 1k size in less then 30 seonds. See screenshot.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038211455468006.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Ranma Saotome","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47896,"Title":"w32.sobig.f@mm remover","Description":"This will remove the SOBIG virus. Nothing greatly fantastic, feel free to post creative comments or suggestions. Any 'flaming' will be removed, and reported.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038212112326984.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/w32_sobig_1633468212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Christopher J. Bradley","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47905,"Title":"waTrayAlert v1.2","Description":"I was inspired by Clint's vcTrayAlert Control at http://vbasic.iscool.net/ It was cool but he did not make the source code available. So I decided to write my very own control. Along the way I have added many cool features. I have used a gradient-drawing class that I found on PSC by Kath-Rock. I made a help file for my control and as you will easily figure out, I have invested alot of my spare time into this large project. It is made free but make sure to check out the license agreement and copyright info. All I'd like to ask you is your encouragement - IF you DO like my control. So I'll be waiting for your feedbacks and emails :) Oh, I'd like to ask you for one more thing. Help me debug this control, report any bugs you might find to me on my email addres. Thanx. KEYWORDS: MSN Style Tray Alert Control, ActiveX Control, User Control, Play WAVE WAV File Resource, Always On Top, Top Most, Transparency, Transparent, Fade, Mask, Borders, Gradient, Error Handling.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200382246543822.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/waTrayAler1633618222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Waleed A. Aly","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47906,"Title":"Sobig Network Remover","Description":"I have designed this code to check a subnet range for the sobig.f virus. If it is found, the virus will be removed from the machine (Please Vote) - Sorry, I found a bug which is now fixed\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003822519581946.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Sobig_Netw1633678222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Santa's Little Helper","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47917,"Title":"Print preview using xml","Description":":::An easy way to implement Print Preview:::\n1. On Form Load, the ADO data control will fetch records from the database and bind to datagrid to be displayed.\n2. The data control then clone a copy of the recordset and set to a local variable\n3. When user selects Print Preview, the cloned recordset will be saved as an xml file to the system temp folder, with a unique file name created using CoCreateGuid API.\n4. Once the xml file is created, it will be launched in the hidden Web Browser control. When the download of the xml file is completed, it will fire a download complete event, after which the print preview screen will be launched.\n5. User can change the page orientation, select print type etc. via the print preview screen without using sophisticated Active X controls.\n6. For additional security, the footer of the preview screen is always set to empty. This is to prevent user from locating the xml file using the printed url. The xml file is deleted each time user closes the print preview screen.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Print_prev1633798222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Hawke","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47913,"Title":"JPeg Exif Reader","Description":"It mostly reads the information stored in the header of a JPeg file - like when you have downloaded pictures from your camera","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/JPeg_Exif_1633738222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Xon_Matt","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47914,"Title":"Telnet Client","Description":"This is very Dumb, I think its mode is TTY or VT100 or something like that. I created it because Win XP does not remember the last set of hosts you connected to.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Telnet_Cli1633748222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Xon_Matt","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47921,"Title":"Highlight Textbox that has Focus","Description":"A simple function and small demo that changes the background color of the textbox that has the focus.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Highlight_1633978222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44646,"Title":"Rename Controls","Description":"This program will load a VB form and allow you to change the name of the controls and all refrences to the control in the body. You can then save the form after editing. Shows the use of ListView.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Rename_Con157170492003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Donald Culler","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44648,"Title":"Simple ADO DataCombo Example","Description":"Explains how to hook a 'lookup' combobox to a data field at runtime. Doesn't use the ADO control - uses pure recordset manipulation. Illustrates what the differences are between 'DataSource' 'RowSource', 'BoundColumn', 'DataField', and 'ListField'.\nM$ documentation is truly bad at explaining this topic.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200341034036042.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_ADO1571754102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Kamilche","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44654,"Title":"City Search - Version 1.1","Description":"This utility is a simply searches the entire US city postal database to find your results. This is a revamped version of an earlier submission I made. You can search by city, state, zip code, area code, or by county. This code was well commented and should be a good example for anyone wanting to learn by example. The download is 736k since the database file itself is included in the download.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034101058392562.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/City_Searc1571844102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"L. M. Trivette ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44655,"Title":"Advanced Windows NT Eventlogger","Description":"A VB6 class file that allows to easily write messages - even with more than one parameter (best used with additional messagetable in resource DLL) to the windows eventlog.","Inputs":"type and content of a message to be logged to the eventlog","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function RegisterEventSource Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegisterEventSourceA\" (ByVal lpUNCServerName As String, ByVal lpSourceName As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DeregisterEventSource Lib \"advapi32.dll\" (ByVal hEventLog As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ReportEvent Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"ReportEventA\" (ByVal hEventLog As Long, ByVal wType As Integer, ByVal wCategory As Integer, ByVal dwEventID As Long, ByVal lpUserSid As Any, ByVal wNumStrings As Integer, ByVal dwDataSize As Long, plpStrings As Long, lpRawData As Any) As Boolean\nPrivate Declare Function GetLastError Lib \"kernel32\" () As Long\nPrivate Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"RtlMoveMemory\" (hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)\nPrivate Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GlobalFree Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long\nPrivate Const EVENTLOG_SUCCESS = 0\nPrivate Const EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE = &H1\nPrivate Const EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE = &H2\nPrivate Const EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE = &H4\nPrivate Const EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS = 8\nPrivate Const EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE = 10","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_W1571864102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Holger Sauer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44656,"Title":"make your own activeX control","Description":"my tutorial series 1 will help you to build an understanding for how activeX controls work and then you can make your own by me providing step by step.\nits not mine but i got it from but i will provide all the series that u can learn from how to make activeX controls","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":6,"AuthorName":"Rakan Alhneiti","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44660,"Title":"PSC Quick Search 2.0","Description":"PSC Quick Search 2.0 with the results in a list box","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003410213258386.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PSC_Quick_1572054102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Kris Morrison","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44663,"Title":"NemoX 3D engine tutorial 10 -How to load milkshape3D mesh and perform smooth collision detection","Description":"This tutorial is the 10th that comes with NemoX engine: to demonstrate how meshes made by the popular Milshape3d modeler can be loaded and rendered fastly.\nFor more details on how use NemoX engine classes\ncheck at the Engine website\nwww.nemox.fr.st\nI'M SORRY PEOPLE YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE ADDITIONAL ENGINE FILE AT nemox.fr.st\ndirect link:\nhttp://perso.wanadoo.fr/malakoff/NemoXsetup.exe\nleave feedbacks.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003410238396926.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/NemoX_3D_e1572164102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"polaris","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44668,"Title":"Multiple Flexgrid XP Stile","Description":"This program is an example on how to handle flexgrid objects to show multiple tables. This saves a lot of space since you can expand the tables you want to see while keeping hidden the others. The interface looks very similar to Win XP.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003411753533137.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Multiple_F1572254112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":113,"AuthorName":"Lorenzo Nocentini","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50939,"Title":"DeadZone Aka Zone Looker","Description":"Basicly tells you hidden files etc... etc... i made it for school but im realsing it...,\n***Update*** Looks Better Works Better!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"erm.. its v simple but if you use please at least put my name some wher :)","CodeReturns":"hidden files etc","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DeadZone_A1693521122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Matthew Fenton","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50951,"Title":"Cuballs, logic game","Description":"CERTAINLY one of the best logic games ever (at least open-source :) !\nThe game is based on Microsoft┬« Finty-Flush, the only difference is that this game is totaly free, and you have the full source code. Have a look at the screenshot.\nNow, the objective is to fill all empty grids (four small boxes) with the balls of the same color. You must drop the columns from the upper grid to the lower grid by clicking on the upper table (grid), you can rotate the lower grid by clicking the left or right mouse button. There are five levels, each level adds new color in the game, the last level is almost impossible to complete, so it is great challenge. You must fill out three grids to complete a level, you can manipulate four grids at the same time. For each 4 or 8 seconds new row is added, so when there are 25 rows in the upper grid, guess what - game over. \nYou can play this game for a long time, without getting bored (which is the most case in logic games), there are many, many, many combinations of colors, many tricks, and you need fast thinking. You can learn here how to make the best brain games, the code is simple and commented. But the game is not only for learning of course, it is VERY interesting, so why to buy it from Microsoft, when you can play it in vb. \nAnd one more thing: VOTE !!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"(download the code)","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411213340136.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cuballs__l1693401122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"TheAlas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50952,"Title":"Timers, simplified","Description":"Now updated with some comments!\nThis is a simple timer module with a standard implementation class. The module uses only a single timer resource, but it can fire events to a nearly unlimited number of subscribers. The worst precision that I have gotten is just under 2 hundredths of a second. The code uses the system time to determine when to fire, so there is no uptime limitation as with GetTickCount.","Inputs":"Implement the iTimer interface on any of your classes, and then call:\nSetATimer Me, (Interval), (Tag)\nwhere interval is in milliseconds and Tag is an identifier for the timer to be returned with each fire. You can set multiple timers for one object without creating any new objects.","Assumes":"Uses an illegal object reference to allow the object to terminate without forcing you to have a dispose-type method. This works just fine, as long as you call KillTimers Me in the terminate event of your class.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This code kills the timer after each entry to TimerProc. It goes through all of the subscribers and decides when the next one should be, and sets a timer for the appropriate duration. This allows many timers with different intervals to be fired, never using more than a single timer resource.","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Timers__si1694001132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50953,"Title":"PSCNews New Code Downloader","Description":"***** MUST SEE *****\nPSCNews Complete Project!\nThis program supporting Planet Source Code.\nHow can i know New articles and codes automatical? Bonus!\nThis program retrieves new codes on if uploaded!\n* Easy download method (Learn!)\n(How can i use easy and powerfull download module on my project?)\n* Convertible project settings (Learn!)\n(How can i use settings module on my project?)\n* Multi Language Support! (Learn!)\n(How can i use different language on my project?)\n* TrayBar example and using..\n* How can i set my project Windows auto start?)\nand easy PSC Search BAR\nExamine this excellent project.\n \nThank you for your votes!\nNote: Do yo see my convertible email project on PSC ?\nhttp://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=50814&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041121321417933.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PSCNews_Ne1693441122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"B.Cem HANER","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50958,"Title":"a MouseRecorder - Record Mouse Movement and Clicks and Save it to File","Description":"Record Mouse Movement and Clicks (Mouse Actions) and Save it to File.\nYou can load the Files and Playback it!\nplease vote! thx!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004112192535827.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_MouseRec1693551122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"CodeXP","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50959,"Title":"a add / join wave files","Description":"join 2 or more wave files in to one wave file, all files must be the same (kHZ, Mono/Streo, Bits). also I use text to speech and text to wave.\nI was looking for somting like that I coun't find any code that works, so I took the graph from some other code and fnish it up for the join of the files. the text to speech was taken from microsot example files","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041122016404520.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/join_wave_1693561122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"hz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50960,"Title":"Very functional messagebox","Description":"This code shows how you can make very functional and very pretty messageboxes and inputboxes, and it provides an implemented interface to allow all of the dialogs in your applications to be standardized for simple access. See the OPC directory for the two items used by this code that are 'Other people's code'. (Winsubhook and lvButtons.) You MUST register the Winsubhook type library before this group will run. This can be done with the references dialog of VB, using the browse button. Vote/Comments are unnecessary (Bug reports are very much appreciated), I just hope that someone finds this as useful as I have found much of the code on this site.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041122016594056.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Very_funct1693571122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50028,"Title":"RAW IP Sniffer v2.","Description":"a new version with a lot of changes.\nTo download goto previous submission:\nhttp://www.pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=49879 \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":2,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003112183327157.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"MaRiØ G. Serrano","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50031,"Title":"Bmp2Icon.zip","Description":"Grab a 32 x 32 sized 'Icon'from a picture source.\nScreen capture,client capture.Save as a TRUE icon,NOT BMP based.","Inputs":"No special requirements,but knowledge of API's would be good.","Assumes":"How to load a Visual Basic Project VB6.When compiled into an 'exe' it will be XP orientated and as such should only be run in an XP environment.It MAY work on other Windows platforms,but no guarantees.","CodeReturns":"As above 'purpose'","SideEffects":"Icons can be saved as : Mono,4Bit,8Bit or 24Bit.\nSome color saves are only as good as the original source picture,so experiment with the 'save as'options","ApiDeclarations":"A lot","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311211018412809.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Bmp2Icon_z16745111212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Best Computing","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50039,"Title":"DirectX Help","Description":"This is my VERY FIRST DirectX project. It draws a 3D diamond, then rotates it about the y-axis. Every line is commented, so I REALLY hope this helps somebody! Don't forget to vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311222012335784.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DirectX_He169016142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Wes Combs","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50040,"Title":"Colour Percentage Fader","Description":"Colour Percentage Fader\nInspired by 'ColorFade' upload. Code lets you choose the start and end colours for a simple colour percentage bar. Screenshot added as requested","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311242237312189.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Colour_Per16746611212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50048,"Title":"Creating Excel files with VB","Description":"Gives an example of how to Create an Excel File, Enter data into cells, Save the file and close the application. I notices alot of how to write to excel file examples but not much on creating and saving them.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None that i know of","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Creating_E16749211222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Andy Guppy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50049,"Title":"University Student Elections System","Description":"this is fully usable. all it needs is to get networked so many voters can access it one at a time. i haven't got the time to have it networked now but i 'think' i know how, just have not time. (too much school projects).","Inputs":"i don't know what an INPUT PARAMETER means.","Assumes":"make a new vb project then add all the FORMS and MODULES i have. make the frmMain form the initial form to be runned by the program project.","CodeReturns":"huh? i don't get it.","SideEffects":"nothin'.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/University16749311222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"erick linsangan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50050,"Title":"Code Hunter (Function Finder)","Description":"Point This Tool At A Folder And Let It Hunt For That Snippet Of Code For You! If your like me you have a huge library of code stored in a folder somewhere, mostly used for reference for code snippets and examples. The fun part is trying to find that one function you know is there somwhere but arent sure where. Well thats what happened to me one to many times. I created this tool to automate that search, its fast and efficent and uses very little API, mostly just pure vb code. I probably re-invented a wheel with this, but i am seldom happy with other code :) Vote if you find it useful, comment if you find bugs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"some api for folder browsing","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003112291873146.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Code_Hunte16750011222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Deth","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50056,"Title":"XP Controls without manifest file","Description":"DonΓÇÖt do XP controls on WinXP the hard way, add these 2 files to your project, job done. No manifest file required.\nThe traditional way is to create a manifest file and distribute this along with your program. The more advanced way is to create it dynamically at run time. Both ways are messy and I have seen lots of bad examples and ripped off code on PSC. After this submisson I hope I wont see any more!\nThis code takes it a step further and gets rid of the manifest file completely and replaces it with a resource which compiles directly into your exe. No more .exe.manifest files!\nPlease give feedback.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311221632127001.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Control16751111222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Lee Hughes","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50061,"Title":"Code Hunter 2 (With Zip Search)","Description":"Its back an better than ever with the ability to now search through zip files, find that elusive piece of code fast! This could also be modified to make a good general search program for anything else... vote if you find it useful, comment if you find bugs. *Updated 11/26/03*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311262223399188.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Code_Hunte16766311262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":110,"AuthorName":"Deth","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50063,"Title":"Francis' Security Database","Description":"The code uses the Microsoft Access security utility that sets database password by which the program is only the one who can access the database. It also allows you to create and delete an account by having a \"USER LEVEL\" and a \"ADMINISTRATOR LEVEL\" feature. To summarize up this code helps you to add a security form to your application...generally looks like WINDOWS logon...","Inputs":"A username and password must be fed to enter to the program...\nEXAMPLE:\nUsername:francis\nPassword:jkl\nIf in case you are an administrator you can create or delete an account.Else you are just limited to the \"Main\" menu...","Assumes":"The user should know database concepts, some controls such as combo boxes,tab strip, command button,labels, and some logical operations...\nTo run it the user should activate the MIcrosoft DAO 2.51/3.51 Library located in the References in Visual Basic...You should check it...","CodeReturns":"If you do not get the proper username and password you cannot enter the sample application.","SideEffects":"The user should not emptied the database file. It should have at least one account stored in it..","ApiDeclarations":"This doesn't uses WINDOWS API.","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Francis'_S16752411232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Francis Salvador B. Co","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50065,"Title":"JPEG Encoder Class","Description":"Save a picture as a baseline JPG file using only vb code. Open source, NO THIRD PARTY DEPENDENCIES, and as fast as typical commercial software when compiled. All JPEG compression code is contained in a single class that can be added to existing projects. There is also an Integer DCT version of this class written by Ron van Tilburg available on PSC. (CodeId=50351)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/JPEG_Encod1793309142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":137,"UserRatingTotal":680,"AuthorName":"korejwa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50066,"Title":"_ Unique way of Encryption / Encoding","Description":"A very unique way to encrypt a string. You can have it return ALL numbers and the encrypted string or Alpha Encode it, which will return unreadable characters. See Screen Shot. Please vote!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003112362076407.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Unique_w16752611232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48471,"Title":"FileDude (vb file manager)","Description":"Simple windows explorer clone, have all the needed functions:\nfiles/dirs copy, move, delete or send them to r. bin.\nOh yea, and rename too :) !\nIt is very simple, just to show on how to manage files, or create nice\nlooking file/dirs-view. Pretty easy code...\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FileDude_(1645059132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"TheAlas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48472,"Title":"[ Crazy Form ]","Description":"This code makes the form jump around the screen and changes it's size. Please vote and comment :)","Inputs":"One Timer called, Timer1, with an interval of about 100.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":15,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"JamesJD","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48474,"Title":"Cool Calculator with some cool skins","Description":"This is one of my first programs that i have done on my own. I am 15 and i just started to take visual basics in highschool. So i built this for some practice. It also fun to look at the backgrounds","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Calcu1645089132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Keith Hammond","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48521,"Title":"_~~~Simple Hide App From Task Manager~~~_","Description":"This tut. shows how-to hide apps from the task manager!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":51,"AuthorName":"|P|h|r|o|z|e|n| Entertainment - Joker","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48524,"Title":"A Wicked Way To Animated GIF Without Using GIF89a.dll","Description":"This tutorial shows how to animate gif in your form without using GIF89a.dll","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48526,"Title":"PropertyList","Description":"This is a generic property list control.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Be sure to download the SSubtimer6.dll from vbaccelerator site","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003916215352524.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PropertyLi1645929162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Andr├⌐ De Beer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48534,"Title":"ID3Plus OCX","Description":"Here it is...\nThis is an ID3 Tag v1/v2 Reader / Writer and mp3/wav info viewer...\nYes i understand that it wuld be better to make a class but so it is easier to understand by begginers... And it is easy to put in a project...\nHave fun... The code was picked from other authors as well, but (if not comented) i can't remember them... If anyone recognizes their code, let me know, so i will give u credits... Otherwise have fun...\nSory for my English...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ID3Plus_OC1645979162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"3nity","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48537,"Title":"HTML Reports (Updated)","Description":"Everyone knows, that VB's reports can only make static reports... And what can we do to make report from dynamically selected data? Here is the answer: we only need to use HTML Reports - easy and powerful solution for creating HTML-based reports. This is the initial version, I think, that some improvements can be implemented in the future... Please leave your suggestions, comments AND VOTES :-) Thx.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003917185551235.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Repor1646699172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":28,"UserRatingTotal":137,"AuthorName":"Tomasz Puwalski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48545,"Title":"MAKE BATCH","Description":"This program will make a batch file & run the batch file the batch will show TXTS & it will creat a Sleep.vbs to make the batch stey open for some time.The stuff what this batch makes will delete all the stuff what it makes & it will delete it self","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039161138517424.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MAKE_BATCH1646069162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Stewart Bland","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48549,"Title":"Multi-Purpose Alarm Clock","Description":"Well i don't know if you have seen the movie \"Hackers\", but when i saw it, i saw a showing program that run at a specific time and completes a task. That's what my program does. You choose the time that you want to run and the task you wish to accomlish (Play a music song to wake you up, run a specific program or shutdown the PC) Well, that's all. Please feel free to mail me at al_fa@mail.gr for any ideas. Please vote even if it is a bad vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This Program uses only one .ocx file, the windows media player ocx. (it is included in the zip file, just copy it and paste it on the system32 dir.)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Multi-Purp1646079162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Alexander Faro","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48555,"Title":"MsgSender","Description":"This a simple Message Sender, I wrote this coz my friend need this kind of program. Very simple and basic, fully commented so its easy to understand. If you find any bugs please report or if you have some questions, suggestions or comments, please email me. The concept of this program is to avoid permanent connections, so if the client send a message, the host get it and disconnect the client immediately. If you may find this usefull, then thanx... good luck to you all and God Bless.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003916157235685.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MsgSender1646169162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Vanni Alora","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48556,"Title":"_`~`~`Ping An IP`~`~`_","Description":"to show everyone to ping an IP... PLEASE VOTE!!!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_`~`~`Ping1646189162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"|P|h|r|o|z|e|n| Entertainment - Joker","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48560,"Title":"TreeView - Check parent nodes when all child nodes are checked","Description":"Will check the parent node of a Treeview control when all of its child nodes are checked. will uncheck parent node when any one of it's child nodes are unchecked","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Assumes: Treeview control named TreeView1","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none that I am aware of","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":52,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Steve Gillham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48562,"Title":"_`~`~`Visual Basic Tutor`~`~`_","Description":"this program shows you how to use all the pieces of visual basic and tells you how to use them! it is a great application please vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_`~`~`Visu1646249162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"|P|h|r|o|z|e|n| Entertainment - Joker","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48563,"Title":"Ir Remote Control","Description":"This version only works reliably with olderstyle Panosonic or REC-80 remotes, and a PC with pentium 200 Mhz or better. VB does not interface well with the hardware directly. I will admit that VC will do a better job at what I am doing with VB. I have used the Receive line as it is more stable and I have figured out how to read the signals. I began with using a 850 MHz Celeron machine, it captured the IR signal well on the DCD line, however slower machines did not fair so well.\n I first used Winlirc to decode the buttons of the remotes I am using, and compared them with a digital scope reading, and figured that the raw signal looked a lot similar to a signal being transmitted beteen 9600 and 14400 baud.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"For REC-80 Remotes it will return a button code, somewhat close to the way Winlirc does, however not in as much broken down detail.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005424181754896.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ir_Remote_1880754242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"CrackerBox","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44786,"Title":"Full screen code window ! (by pressing ONE button) UPDATED on 18 apr 2003 !","Description":"With this code (Visual Basic Add-in actually) you can switch your code window to full screen! It becomes very usefull when our screen is filled with a lot of extra toolbars, commandbars ans properties-windows. By pressing ALT-C you switch to full screen, which means that all the extra toolbars and commandbars (exept the main toolbar) disappear. By pressing ALT-C again, all your toolbars are back in place.\nAll you have to do is open the project, compile the DLL, register it and restart VB. An extra commandbar will be added then with one button: 'Switch to wide screen'\nEnjoy! - Any feedback appreciated UPDATE*UPDATE*UPDATE*UPDATE 18 apr 2003 UPDATE: The commandbar is no more floating but fixed and still available with ALT-C ! I also added comments .. and fixed a bug that came up when there were no windows or commandbars to hide!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200341611246505.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Full_scree1575664182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Willem Pardaens","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44794,"Title":"Multiple Flexgrid ActiveX","Description":"Since many people asked me this, I made an ActiveX version of my Multiple FlexGrid project.\nI have added the possibility to choose the number of tables (up to 10 for now), a real time scroll and a dynamic creation of the tables.\nUpdate: it is now possible to control manually each flexgrid. In the example you can see how to connect to a database to show values in the multiple flexgrid.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004430735336913.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Multiple_F174105542004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Lorenzo Nocentini","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44800,"Title":"Mysterious Overflow Problem","Description":"One day, I was performing calculation on numeric variables.I kept getting error message \"Overflow\" so I checked my variable declaration, it's declared as Long, but the operation of the two numeric values gave 2500. I was confused at first, finally I brought up MSDN help and discovered the solution.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"deepblue99999999","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44801,"Title":"WINSOCK SNIFFER","Description":"*UPDATED 4/25/2003* This Is A ActiveX Control (ocx) Drop-In Solution For Programmers Who Want To Make A Quick Packet Spy. Pure Winsock API And No Dll's !! Will Only Work On NT Based Systems (nt,xp, longhorn etc)...This was coded in Visual Basic 6, So You May Have To Change A Few Things To Work In VB5...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"alot of winsock api :)","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200341711512530.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/WINSOCK_SN1579214252003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"Deth","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44796,"Title":"Plugin, Plug-in","Description":"This plugin code is better than i've seen here (no i'm NOT trying to show off). It sends data using ARRAYS (so you could say send winsock using CALL PUSHINFO(\"pluginid\", array(\"sck\",winsock1) etc! Very simple to use... not a sample included but extremely versatile and can handle \"events\"... which is information PUSHED to the HOST FORM.<br><br><br><b>\nOk.. somebody thought i was s-t-u-p-i-d.. i'm not.... plugin.bas is atcually just a connector... lol! see <font color=\"red\">http://www.3d-reality.com/misc/rgbplugin.zip\"></font></b>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Plugin__Pl1574884162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"John C. H. Fricker","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44804,"Title":"KLT PCA eigenvectors","Description":"This module implements the Karhunen-Loeve transform (also called Principal Component Analysis) of a symmetrical matrix (usually this will be the correlation/covariance matrix).\nThe routines are an ALGOL porting.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/KLT_PCA_ei1575834182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Marco Cecchi, M. Sc.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44812,"Title":"MSN Messenger Emoticon Macro Maker (v3)","Description":"Simple program in nature. This program will allow you to build emoticon picture macros. I am sure many of you have seen them when chatting. It is when a person uses a bunch of emoticons to build a bigger picture. Like the word \"Hello\" spelled out with smile faces. Take a look at the screen shot for a clearer understanding. Anyhow, this is my third post of this (I have removed the other posts of it to help clean PSC clean from older versions of the same software [wish others would do the same sometimes but I am getting off on a tangent]). The latest update now gives you a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) feel. A person asked form that in my last post. This version will still read the older macro files the other versions generated if you did find yourself using my last version. Next step (if I find the time) is to make it a real MSN Messenger Add-In. Hope you all like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003417122346496.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_Messen1575164172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Chloe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44813,"Title":"Mouse Wheel Support","Description":"Grab mousewheel messages (the events Microsoft forgot). This will direct the wheel message to as many forms or controls as have need of them.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Programs littered with unneeded mouse wheel eye candy.","ApiDeclarations":"SetWindowLong\nGetWindowLong\nCallWindowProc","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_Whee1575244172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"AlKlein","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44815,"Title":"Socks4 Proxy Server","Description":"Updated. This is a working SOCKS4 Proxy Server.. \nAllow Multi Connection and can kill selected connection on request. Easy to understand programming code. Comments Added.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Port Number is 1080..\nIs Changable in the Load Function (in the menu)..","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Slows down the computer a bit?","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003417235079915.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Socks4_Pro1575434182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Tyler","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44874,"Title":"PSC Chat 4 Beta 1","Description":"PSC Chat 4 is a Chat room we made for pscode.com this new version supports rtf, Private Messaging, Web Cam support, Whiteboard and a hole lot more. I hope that all of you try PSC Chat4 and hope that you enjoy this new version of Psc Chat. We have been testing this edition for a long time and have found a few bugs which have been removed. But before we make the final release of PSC Chat we would like to have more testing done to PSC chat. This beta version works perfect as far as we tested but of course there will always be some bugs that werenΓÇÖt discovered while the main testing took place. We hope to have the Server running 24/7, so if you find the servers down please donΓÇÖt be mad and give up your hopes. Also be sure to extract the converter.zip inside the folders of Client XP and Client 9x. And I would also like to thank everyone that participated in this project. The IntraDream Team, Carsten Dressler, Timothy Marin","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034191545259459.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PSC_Chat_41576464192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":36,"UserRatingTotal":177,"AuthorName":"Carsten Dressler","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44176,"Title":"Cool Hover Button 1.5","Description":"Makes a cool button like what you see on MSDN or Microsoft's ASP.NET Web Matrix.\nUPDATED TO VERSION 1.5. FIXES:\n- Fixed when label is clicked, click event works.\n- Added \"Option Explicit\".\n- Fixed enabling/disabling of button.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"If there is any problems please let me know. :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib \"user32\" (lpPoint As POINT_API) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ScreenToClient Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpPoint As POINT_API) As Long\nPrivate Type POINT_API\n X As Long\n Y As Long\nEnd Type","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003322410482204.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Hover1562893222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kevin Kanowitz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44179,"Title":"Winsock Tutorial","Description":"I wrote this tutorial for beginners who have very little or no knowledge about the winsock control & client/server programming. I tried to explain things the best I could; so hopefully by after reading this tutorial you'll be on your way to making more advanced client/server applications. The tutorial comes with a sample client/server program which simulates the Microsoft Daytime Service, as an easy example of the basics. The tutorial itself is in Rich Text Format (*.rtf) and can be opened (cleanly) with Wordpad or Microsoft Word. Leave comments so I know if this has helped anyone. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003322650331343.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_Tu1562933222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Daniel W. Elkins","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44181,"Title":"MemMan","Description":"Automatic free your Physical Ram. Show the actual ramstatus as TrayIcon and free ram if its getting low. I get about 85% of free Ram on Win98 (installed 98 :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200332292246377.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MemMan1562963222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Scythe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44195,"Title":"Stryksta MP3 2.5","Description":"Plays Windows Media files and more This is an update from 2.0 weeks ago. Nothign Special . Neat Highlight in playlist, nice progress bar, drag and snap, save to M3U, The open does not work ye it has bugs wbeing worked out now. Remove from playlist was fixed.Better updates soon.* some not my code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003323113258775.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Stryksta_M1563273232003.5 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Stryksta Guy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44198,"Title":"AI based Tic Tac Toe","Description":"Simply emulates a Game environment challenging user to win if they can","Inputs":"Mouse clicks","Assumes":"AN AI agent made in a manner that the user should not win.","CodeReturns":"Returns Computer move and status if the user won,lost or drew the game","SideEffects":"No Side Effects seen by testing yet","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AI_based_T1563343232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Syed Rizwan Muhammad Rizvi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44202,"Title":"Beginner's Guide to SImple API (Part1)","Description":"Part One introduces you to the Win32 API. It shows you how to set up VB to make the most of API and how to use a popular API call. The tutorial is in Word format. To download the rtf format, visit www.hendriks-psc.vze.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Beginner's1563443232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Tom Hendriks","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44213,"Title":"Google Toolbar","Description":"It searches google for your search terms and displays them in a web browser","Inputs":"Just type in your search terms","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A list from google with all the search results","SideEffects":"NONE!!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Google_Too1563703232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":6,"AuthorName":"Michael J.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44215,"Title":"Counter-Strike Dedicated Server Manager","Description":"With this code U can create dedicated half-life/counter-strike server in your system. Possibility to create more than 1 server. (up to 5) Getting the game path (half-life) from registry automatically. Also getting all maps installed in your system.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You should have installed half-life/MOD version of counter-strike.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003324144322224.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Counter-St1563763242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Abdul Rasheed","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44207,"Title":"XCyteMail Email Server","Description":"YOU PEOPLE SUCK SO IM TAKING DOWN THE SERVER\nGEEZUS... LEARN HOW TO CODE YOU BUNCH O N00BES","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031016215476467.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XCyteMail_16596510162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Andrew C","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44216,"Title":"VB Gif Library (includes a native LZW decoder)","Description":"VB Gif Library includes a set of classes for reading GIF images (both 87a and 89a variations) and rendering them through bitmaps or icons. The library features a native LZW decoder implemented in pure VB so there is no need anymore to rely on LoadPicture hacks for those animated GIFs. The decoder class is ~650 lines of code so it's really simple and easy to understand. The classes are designed with ease of integration with image processing applications in mind. Sample viewers are includes as to illustrate the usage of the renderer classes. Please, try test with various (animated) GIFs as much as possible and in case of problems comment here. Greetings go to Carles P. V. for his image processing submissions. Enjoy and leave your votes! Check out my other submissions too!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200332454279712.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Gif_Lib1563783242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":114,"AuthorName":"Vlad Vissoultchev","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44218,"Title":"Medical Terminology","Description":"The words, or terms, which make up the language of medicine are referred to as the terminology of the medical field, or Medical Terminology. This app is a sort-of quizzer that reads aloud (using text-to-speech) to the user over 500 words from a supplied Access database. The user has the option to manually or automatically show the meanings of the words.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033241126438613.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Medical_Te1563843242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Steven Lees","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":53236,"Title":"Split control 1.0","Description":"TSplit and TPanel control version 1.0. Add spliting capabilities to your MDI and SDI applications.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004418108378208.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Split_cont1734764182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Marclei V Silva","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53239,"Title":"Tray Icon with Balloon Tips (UserControl)","Description":"This code makes it incredibly easy (one line to add one) to add system notification icons (aka tray icons) to your program! You can even call up Balloon Tips on compatible OSes (XP and 2000, I believe). Functions are structured to be as close to their VB counterparts as possible (BalloonTip is structured like MsgBox for example)","Inputs":"Read the ReadMe.txt file for in-depth instructions, but basically, the Create function adds the tray icon, the Delete function removes it, and the events notify you if the user has clicked on the tray or balloon tip, and how.","Assumes":"While it's better coding to manually call the remove function to remove the tray before you end your program, the usercontrol DOES automatically remove it if you unload the form correctly.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044202026234623.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tray_Icon_1734864182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"David Schneider","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53241,"Title":"Exploding Flowers Screensaver (w/Blur)","Description":"This is a modification of Paul Bahlawan's original Planet Source code post. My version adds a few extra things, most notably a reasonably fast (for VB, that is) blur effect. It also includes the abililty to dynamically set the screen resolution and buffer size (for varying degrees of speed/smoothness) and the ability to render transparent flowers. See the README.txt file for more information.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044181618534948.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Exploding_1734904182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"redbird77","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53242,"Title":"Fruity Fruit Machine","Description":"I am only 10 and this is my first programe it is a fruit machine with 2 gamble features and a registration code features so please please vote.\nThank you from Ben.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fruity_Fru1735184192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Ben Ranshaw","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53249,"Title":"word searcher, see screen shot","Description":"word searcher with about 110,000 words, crossword finder, unscramble letters to words and more.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200441819136760.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/word_searc1735024182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"stephen whittle","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53255,"Title":"Star Systems Vida de Jesus","Description":"A software that presents parts of the life of Jesus Christ the Lord of Lord and King of Kings. Un programa que presenta algunas partes de la vida de Jesus.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"God bless you and Mary our Mother protect you. Dios te bendiga y Maria nuestra Madre te proteja.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044182341225578.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Star_Syste1735114182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Luis Lazo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53259,"Title":"Simple Batch Tutorial + Examples","Description":"This article I am not finnished yet, but I wanted to released it. I want to add tons more to it, like how to get user input (yes possiable in batch) and more and get alot more advanced. Here is the pre-release... Also I have no idea where to put this, so sorry its in the vb 6 section.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Bat1735174192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Invision Software","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53276,"Title":"OCX Control Coder 2","Description":"Tired of coding in the property let/get and the read/write properties for ActiveX controls? This does it for you, then adds the code to the control file. Uses an intellisense clone to enter container variables, and variable types. Assimilates your control file to obtain the values. These advanced features were added cause a certain user felt moving my command buttons around meant he could submit my code with his name on it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200442115390663.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/OCX_Contro1736084212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57804,"Title":"[ NewStyle Form Animations ]","Description":"This is a smooth , efficient 'NewStyle Form Animation' for all the 'Form Animation' lovers.It is very easy to use. The 'New' is that the form 'Orginates' and 'Terminates' in itsown icon. [ ie The function draws the icon of the form on the screen and the form is generated from exactly from the icon.( Exicute the code to get this )].I think the code is well explained. Its upto you to Vote for this code. But please send me your 'FeedBacks'. Good Luck!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_NewStyle18310912192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57805,"Title":"Enhanced 3D Rubiks Cube (OCX Control)","Description":"I've download this program here in Planet-Source-Code, I just enhanced it, organize its buttons and convert it to an OCX control. Don't need a vote, I'm just sharing these codes..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041219122413557.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Enhanced_318310412192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Master Yeoh","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57807,"Title":"[ Draw Regular Filled Polygon ] - An Ultimate Solution.","Description":"This is a 'Draw Polygon' function which can draw a regular-filled Polygon with advanced filling options like 'Filling Bitmap Pattern' .The main importance of this code is that, you need only to specify the 'Side-length' and 'SideLength'.It is not needed to specify all the verticies included. It can draw unlimited sides and can 'Rotate' the polygon about the centre as well as the specified vertex.You can specify the filling color by setting the \"FillColor' of the PictureBox. It works smooth and fast. It contains some equations which derived myself.\nThe 'New Feature' of this update is it's better nine 'Filliling Options'\n 1. Transparent \n 2. HorizontalLine\n 3.VerticalLine \n 4. UpwardDiagonal \n 5.DownwardDiogonal \n 6.Cross \n 7.DiagonalCross \n 8. Solid \n 9.FillBitmap \nIts Upto you to Vote for this code. Anyway please don't forget to add your Comments/Feedbacks. Good Luck!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Draw_Reg18311112192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57652,"Title":"Unload Event","Description":"Shows programmers how to program visually.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Unload_Eve18278512102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Fredrick Turner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57654,"Title":"[ Great Uncle Worm ] - 360 degree Nibbles Game","Description":"This is much more than a simple four-directional worm game. Players can move in all directions and can play in a variety of modes and settings. High scores for each mode are saved and calculated. Updated version adds music and several bug fixes and optimizations. Thanks for checking out my game and please vote and give feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041210202066266.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Great_Un18311312192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"Michael Bentley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57815,"Title":"Browse HTML Files Easily","Description":"Easily browse saved HTML files, using the WebBrowser control...\nFolder Treeview by Scythe <scythe@cablenet.de>\nSplitter control by Tim Humphrey <zzhumphreyt@techie.com> modified by <dseaman@ieg.com.br>\nALL the rest is mine!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412192039431769.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Browse_HTM18312912192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57816,"Title":"Little Animation With Blur","Description":"Little Nice Animation with Blur Effect\nUsing Just one API BitBlt","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004122064537434.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Little_Ani18314212202004__with_Blur_Effect_Using.Bitblt ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"AMITECH","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57818,"Title":"Ma Frame","Description":"** PLEASE VOTE ** The first version of my Frame control. Includes header,gradient color, ambient backcolour, differents border lines, ability to change each border line's colour separately, etc...(it's a beta version)\nSEE SCREENSHOT","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041220123595476.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ma_Frame18315312202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Flex dit Tannos","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57829,"Title":"[ New Professional Form Animation ]","Description":"This is a new Idea form animation I did yesterday.The effect is more professional than many others.The 'New' is that the function can automatically detect the 'Controll's position which calls the 'Form Load' the form orginates from that controll itself. The code is not so huge and the animation runs smoothly. One More - when you exicute the compiled exe, it orginates from 'it's own Icon'. You can also select the animation color. Hope you all like it. Its upto you to Vote for this code.Enjoy!.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[__New_Pro18317812212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57834,"Title":"MECH v8","Description":"Mechanical simulation with COLLISION detection. UPDATE: DRAW BY MOUSE ! Simulate Bridges, Buildings, constructions and walking ROBOTs. Largely improoved version, easier, simpler, more fun !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004122184607581.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MECH_v818321612222004.22dec04 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Martin Smidt","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57837,"Title":"A CountChar - Better than looping through a string!!!","Description":"It used to be, when I wanted to count the number of times a charector appeared in a string, I would loop through the string letter by letter and keep a count. I have replace my old methodolgies with this one, which also allows you to search for substrings (more than 1-digit long)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57843,"Title":"VBScript Editor + Regular Expression Editor","Description":"VBScript Editor + Regular Expression Editor\na very good source on how to use the powerful Script Control, also provides a comprehensive RegExp editor, this code is part of a larger project called Axiom (there is an *older* version here on psc if u r interested) and i didn't spend much time cleaning it so ther is code that's not used here and could be removed...blah blah blah....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041221210396600.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBScript_E18319812212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57844,"Title":"________________________________<_..::Malayalam Rich Text Box (& Text Box Also)","Description":"Malayalam RTF Text Box and Text Box.\nYou can type in Malayalam. Start Creating Malayalam Software with Malayalam Text boxes and in MALAYALAM LANGUAGE","Inputs":"Malayalam Notepad, Malayalam Writer, Free Malayalam Software, Best malayalam Software, Best Malayalam Writer, Malayalam Wordpad, Malayalam Word, Malayalam Notepad, Malayalam Writer, Free Malayalam Software, Best malayalam Software, Best Malayalam Writer, Malayalam Wordpad, Malayalam Word, Malayalam Notepad, Malayalam Writer, Free Malayalam Software, Best malayalam Software, Best Malayalam Writer, Malayalam Wordpad, Malayalam Word","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__________1869733302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":78,"AuthorName":"SIJO","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57848,"Title":"Singing Reindeer Mk 2","Description":"merry new year and a happy christmas to all at PSC.\nInspired by 'Singing Reindeer' by Chris Seelbach at xtCodeId=57776; any votes go to him.\nNo Screen shot (it's a surprise but check Chris's version for a hint)\nI decided to developed a christmas tree using the ideas (and the graphic) in the original. In the process I realised there were some problems in the original (artifacts around the animated bits cleverly hidden by careful backgrounding). I thought I'd try to make a single super deer UserControl but couldn't extract the images from the original controls, so developed mouth and eye UserControls (using the images that I could extract and some screen captures) that are designed to be placed on the main usercontrols.\n-----------\nTime presses so not much commentry but will develop it into a tutorial over the break as there is some quite trick stuff going on here.\n----------------\nThanks Tom Law for catching that I left out the sound files, check the file times, it was laaaaate.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Singing_Re18322012222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":44616,"Title":"Computer Information","Description":"This simply uses the built-in Environ() function to return useful information about your computer. I've found it useful in several applications that I've made. I'm sure almost everyone has learned this, but if you haven't, it's definately something you should.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"These are the results I got in this exact order.\nALLUSERSPROFILE\nAPPDATA\nCLIENTNAME\nCommonProgramFiles\nCOMPUTERNAME\nComSpec\nHOMEDRIVE\nHOMEPATH\ninclude\nLOGONSERVER\nMSDevDir\nNUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS\nOS\nPath\nPATHEXT\nPROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE\nPROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER\nPROCESSOR_LEVEL\nPROCESSOR_REVISION\nProgramFiles\nSESSIONNAME\nSystemDrive\nSystemRoot\nTEMP\nTMP\nUSERDOMAIN\nUSERNAME\nUSERPROFILE\nwindir","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":8,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Daniel W. Elkins","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44620,"Title":"Digital Clock Display ActiveX Control","Description":"Displays Numbers. Looks like a real LED display like the one used in Digital Clocks. (Except it offers more colors)","Inputs":"Just the number you want to display. Accepts decimals.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Excessive good looks for your application :)","ApiDeclarations":"BitBlt function","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034822561712.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Digital_Cl157129492003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Rick Ilyasov","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44623,"Title":"Custom List Box","Description":"This is a very good example of how you can create your own custom list box. This code shows how can it be done but its not xactly a user control. the code is undestandable and the listbox is very flaxible. It uses a class to initialise the list. Hope u like it and drop a vote if u like it. (plz dont take this as a perfect project, I designed it to only show a listbox can be made. If u can enhance it plz share it with me}","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200349128501832.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Custom_Lis157125492003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Zubuyer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44629,"Title":"truecolor frame delta compression update 1","Description":"A very cool scalable delta compression project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034974211036.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/truecolor_16603710182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"dafhi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44631,"Title":"Recursive Scan Directory","Description":"The first procedure scans any directory specified and all its subdirectories and fills an array with all the files found.\nThe other procedure returns the number of files in the directory specified and all its sub directories.","Inputs":"the inputs are the \"Directory to scan\", the number of files(which is only required if u wanna have a progress bar,the fpgrid (third party grid)not used if u don't have the FarPoint Grid...can be modifed to use any other grid, listbox etc.","Assumes":"include the Microsoft Scripting Runtime from references","CodeReturns":"nothing, it has a public filelist array which stores all the files with their paths.","SideEffects":"U must specify the sFol(directory to scan) parameter as i have not included any checks in this code for that.(if it is blank)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":60,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Anumeet Soni","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44635,"Title":"How to make an ActiveX control (OCX) Shareware.","Description":"The biggest problem with trying to make ActiveX controls shareware or trialware is knowing when the control is in the IDE. This is a demonstration on how to use the property bag to make a control shareware.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200349141227407.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/How_to_mak157155492003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Donathan Hutchings","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45892,"Title":"A Complete ADO Code Database Programming (Updated)","Description":"Confused how to make a database programming using ADO Code? This project shows you how to make a complete ADO Code database programming with: navigation (move first, move next, move previous, move last), add, update, delete, cancel, refresh, find first, find next, filter, unfilter, sort (ascending-descending), bookmark, and adjust datagrid's column. This project uses reference \"Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library\" and database Microsoft Access 97.\nI made this project by using \"VB Application Wizard\" in Visual Basic's Project Type Dialog Box and I choose \"ADO Code\" and \"Master-Detail\" through \"Data Access From\". Then I modified the code by adding find, filter, sort, and bookmark procedure - each of them in one form. I made findfirst and findnext procedure because there is no findfirst and findnext in ADO. I added \"Match whole word only\" checkbox in Find form, also in filter procedure/form. I made \"Bookmark\" procedure, too. I didn't use ADO's bookmark property.\nThe first time I posted this code, I used Indonesia language for comments in source code. Now I have translated them to English, include Label, Field Name, Help, etc. I hope this will help you to understand the code. Any comments and votes would be appreciated. Enjoy!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Confused how to make a database programming using ADO Code? This project shows you how to make a complete ADO Code database programming with: navigation (move first, move next, move previous, move last), add, update, delete, cancel, refresh, find first, find next, filter, unfilter, sort (ascending-descending), bookmark, and adjust datagrid's column. This project uses reference \"Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library\" and database Microsoft Access 97.\nI made this project by using \"VB Application Wizard\" in Visual Basic's Project Type Dialog Box and I choose \"ADO Code\" and \"Master-Detail\" through \"Data Access From\". Then I modified the code by adding find, filter, sort, and bookmark procedure - each of them in one form. I made findfirst and findnext procedure because there is no findfirst and findnext in ADO. I added \"Match whole word only\" checkbox in Find form, also in filter procedure/form. I made \"Bookmark\" procedure, too. I didn't use ADO's bookmark property.\nThe first time I posted this code, I used Indonesia language for comments in source code. Now I have translated them to English, include Label, Field Name, Help, etc. I hope this will help you to understand the code. Any comments and votes would be appreciated. Enjoy!!!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036121384278.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Complete159607632003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":47,"UserRatingTotal":227,"AuthorName":"Masino Sinaga","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45899,"Title":"Image 8-bpp ditherer + native GIF encoder","Description":"First: All thanks to Ron van Tilburg for the amazing VB GIF encoder (original post: CodeId=14210. For GIF decoding, check Vlad Vissoultchev's work: CodeId=44216). This simple application lets you import (dither) to 8-bpp bitmaps and save as GIF format. Transparency and trailing comment now supported. About palette imports: only Halftone-216 and optimal palette are allowed, anyway, you could easily add custom palette import.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003644623598.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Image_8-bp1763056282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45901,"Title":"XPButton 1.01","Description":"This is the XP Command Button recreated by me. There are 7 custom borderstyles and of course the original windows xp borderstyle. Like the original button it responds to the mouse entering and leaving. This button has the Default and Cancel Button property so it can be the default button. It also reacts very similarly to the original buttons. It has accesskeys set up so that any alt combo can make the control click (like standard buttons) You can choose gradient background or solid background (solid is fast, while gradient is slower) The great thing about this control is that I have seen other Xp controls and i have spent so much time making my one fast aswell as good. It can redraw at 2000 times a second (with gradient background) on my Pentium III 866 MHz. Similar controls I have tried redraw at 20 times a second. \nThere are transparent corner pixels now and a few other things I changed which I don't remember. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/XPButton_1159560622003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Adam","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45903,"Title":"Show File Property Dialog","Description":"This function will display the file property dialog for any file you specify - it is the same one that Windows Explorer shows when you right click and goto 'Properties'.\nThe original article can be found at: http://www.mvps.org/vbnet/code/shell/propertypage.htm","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":81,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Edward Catchpole","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45904,"Title":"MAIM (an AIM clone)","Description":"This is an AIM (aol instant messenger) clone. It demonstrates how to connect and send messages to the AOL server by using the TOC protocol.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003621114416700.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MAIM_(an_A159570622003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Jason Stracner","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45905,"Title":"Secret of QueryUnload event","Description":"Determine when your app is being closed by Windows OS, or by Task Manager or by user.\nThis can be useful when you have to do cleaning up before your app exits.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Chinese Guy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45925,"Title":"Compact Microsoft Access Database Through ADO","Description":"Although ADO specification does not provide objects to compact Microsoft Access databases, this capability can be achieved by using the ADO extension: Microsoft Jet OLE DB Provider and Replication Objects (JRO). This capability was implemented for the first time in the JET OLE DB Provider version 4.0 (Msjetoledb40.dll) and JRO version 2.1 (Msjro.dll). These DLL files are available after the install of MDAC 2.1. You can download the latest version of MDAC from the following Web site:\n","Inputs":"the file you want to compact","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No Side Effects","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":24,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Roni Saar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45926,"Title":"Collect Sys Info, convert it to a bitmap and set it as desktop wallpaper!","Description":"This app will collect your system information, save it to a bitmap and then set your desktop wallpaper to the system info bitmap. This is an excellent tool for support centres to aid with information gathering when a client PC and/or application is not behaving.\nThere's a lot of code here:\nCollect CPU info\nGet IP Address (no winsock)\nCapture the screen\nSave a bitmap\nSet the desktop wallpaper bitmap\nSet the desktop wallpaper tiling off\nRefresh the desktop\nAll this code is extractable for your own uses.\nThis app requires GetCPU.dll. I have included it in the zip (renamed to GetCPU.txt - I wonder if PSC will allow it - simply rename it from txt to dll and place it in c:\\windows or winnt\\system32\\).\nPlease vote and comment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200363414238263.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Collect_Sy159605632003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44828,"Title":"Mini Scripter v1.3","Description":"Here it is again! With this mini scripter you can code your vb code without vb. This is just a BETA and please read the about form in 'Mini Scriper'.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003418530198365.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mini_Scrip1575504182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Kristoffer...","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44830,"Title":"VB5 Round(), Split(), Join(), Replace(), InStrRev(), StrReverse()","Description":"This gives vb5 the functionality of the 6 main vb6 built-in functions which vb5 doesn't support. I wrote these a couple years ago for a friend using vb5, and although there were many at psc, I disliked them. The functions are as close to the original as I could get them, enjoy. [update: Added Round(Number,NumDigitsAfterDecimal) function to the module also included demonstration examples for each function! (screenshot), enjoy!]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003418145971393.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB5_Round(1578134222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Michael L. Canejo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44840,"Title":"Newbie Observation (Events Order)","Description":"This is just an outcome of my observation. Don't scoff, I'm a newbie. I would like to share this with other newbies.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Newbie_Obs1575794182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"deepblue99999999","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44842,"Title":"EZFrame","Description":"EZFrame is flat frame similar to VB standard frame but with some extented features. It demonstrates few basic ways of creating a clean and lightweight user control.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034181557385127.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EZFrame1575824182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sami Riihilahti","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44843,"Title":"Very Easy Keyboard Shortcuts... F1, F2, F3... Without hooks Garbage...","Description":"Ever wanted to have function keys in your application (F1, F2, F3 etc..)? Here is the very simple and streight forward solution to it. Moreover, its very very solid to impliment. No API calls, no HOOKS grabage. Just use form functions. Download code and see the instructions on form.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Very_Easy_1575844182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Faisal Nawaz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44844,"Title":"Gravity Simulator (2D)","Description":"A simple 2D gravity simulator between particles of varying sizes.\nThe gravity strength, along with other parameters can be modified, with the program also performing 2D collision detection and reaction, using conservation of momentum and energy laws.\nThis is a small program I knocked up for school, so is unfortunately not commented and has scope for improvement, but it could be of interest for basic graphics and physics programming.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034181615588331.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Gravity_Si1575864182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rich Hayden","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44845,"Title":"UNIX Epoch Timestamp via API (+ Other Time-Related Subs) Updated!","Description":"This module is a collection of various time functions, including the generation of GMT offset UNIX Epoch timestamps, Leap Year calculation, Days In Month calculation, and the completely unique GetTimeZoneOffset(), GetCurrentTimeZoneOffset() and isDaylightSavings() functions! I was unable to find any VB code for timestamp generation, so I had to make my own! Have you ever needed to compare dates that were created in two different countries? If so then you've probably run into the differences in dates in various regions of the world. The US formats dates as \"mm/dd/yy\" where as most of the rest of the world uses \"dd/mm/yy\". This is all fine and good, until you need to compare one to the other. According to VB's documentation, the date format is defined by the local systems settings. This has the effect of improper comparison when equating dates generated in two different regions. IE - is CDate(\"3/4/03\") March 4th or April 3rd? VB makes the assumption that the date was generated on the local system, so if the local system's format is different then the system that generated the date it will be incorrect. It becomes even more fun when dealing with other languages! CDate(\"Mar 4, 2003\") will generate an error on a non English machine as \"Mar\" is not a recognized month or abbreviation. Utilizing a GMT offset UNIX Epoch timestamp can avert this issue. The timestamp is the number of seconds that have elapsed since the epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). So instead of storing \"3/4/03\" you store \"1046700000\" which is the number of seconds between March 4th, 2003 and the epoch. Best of all, this module allows you to convert back from a timestamp into a date variable, allowing you to format it for the local user. ** In a nutshell, utilizing a timestamp in place of a locally formatted date will allow you to correctly compare dates no matter what language or format was used during the creation of either date you're attempting to compare. ** The other unique functionality of this module is the GetTimeZoneOffset(), GetCurrentTimeZoneOffset() and isDaylightSavings() functions. These allow you to determine the Time Zone Offset and Current Time Zone Offset of the local system. IE - Canberra, Australia is GMT + 10:00, so 10 is Canberra's Time Zone Offset. During summer daylight savings, Canberra's Current Time Zone Offset is 9. If you didn't follow that, then you'll probably never need this functionality (but it's in here if you do)! The rest of the functions are pretty standard, though well-commented and optimized functions concerning leap year and days in a month calculation. The module is pretty well tested, but your mileage may vary. Please leave a comment or send an email if you find a bug or have a new feature to add or request! Thank and enjoy! UPDATED - (Finially) fixed the leap year bug. Please let me know if you find any issues!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034181830344617.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/UNIX_Epoch1762566262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Nick Campbeln","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44847,"Title":"CPU Usage on all 32bit Windows OS","Description":"A simple to use class that returns the current CPU load usage of the system as a percentage. Works with all 32bit Windows operating systems (9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP) and also works with multiple processors.\nI couldn't find any CPU usage code on PSC that would work with XP, so I had a hunt around the web and came across the NtQuerySystemInformation API.\nThe class detects the OS and uses the appropriate CPU usage retrieval system.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Developers should find this class straight-forward to use. Let me know if you have any dfficulties.","CodeReturns":"CurrentCPUUsage As Long (percentage of current CPU loading)","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function NtQuerySystemInformation Lib \"ntdll\" (ByVal dwInfoType As Long, ByVal lpStructure As Long, ByVal dwSize As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib \"KERNEL32\" Alias \"RtlMoveMemory\" (pDst As Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long)\nPrivate Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib \"KERNEL32\" Alias \"GetVersionExA\" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegOpenKeyA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegOpenKeyExA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegQueryValueExA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib \"advapi32.dll\" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CPU_Usage_1575974182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"ketamine","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44855,"Title":"Get Files In A Directory","Description":"This gets a list of files in a directory using the Dir$() function and displays them in a ListView control with their FileName, FileSize, and Path. Comments are always appreciated...:)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003419622426555.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Get_Files_1576204192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Daniel W. Elkins","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44861,"Title":"Windows IN Windows (like VB)","Description":"Hi, all dudes out there. This thing is very cool. Have you ever imagine that you could make a window within a window without using MDI form? Well, this is the solution. Using only couple of API, you can create window inside window like vb does...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003419102578829.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Windows_IN1576304192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Shukri Zahari","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44920,"Title":"[!!!!! C00l Ch@t !!!!!]","Description":"A Basic Chat Program written in extremely clean and reader friendly code. Good for the newbies to Socket programming. 2 ppl can use this program in a chat room at a particualr time . This program can also be run from a single computer by running 2 copies simultaneously.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This program demonstrates basic use of Winsick controls in VB 6.0.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If One of the two persons using this program is not ready (meaning has not configured this program) & the second person tries to connect then this will result into a Run time error.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003421623544352.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/C00l_Ch@t1577324212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Amey Chaugule","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44924,"Title":"GUI Design Tips v2.0","Description":"I am very surprised to see the lack of information in the area of Graphical User Interface (GUI) Design on this web site. Here are some tips to get you seriously thinking about how people use your software.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":93,"AuthorName":"Daniel Cassar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44932,"Title":"[_a particle system, pure VB 1.3_]","Description":"A particle system, done in pure VB. It shows how to create such an effect system. The program is not accelerated in any way and does not use DirectX or OpenGL. It just demonstrates the technique. It can be great fun to watch the animation and play arround with the gravity settings etc. ;)\n<br><br>\nI added some animation stuff in this version which is not necessary for the system itself but makes the code more interesting ;) If you only want to understand the basics please download version 1.1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003421163055560.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[_a_partic1577554212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"over","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44934,"Title":"[____A Great and Easy Mouse Position Recorder]","Description":"This is a mouse recorder example. It records an unlimited amount of mouse moves and then replayes them! (See ScreenShot). Uses imtermediate loops, the vb Split() function, and the mouse API. Give it a try. KEYWORDS: Jaime jaime Muscatelli muscatelli api API Api Split split SPLIT mouse Mouse MOUSE recorder Recorder RECORDER Play play PLAY GetCursorPos SetCursorPos GetCursorPos() SetCursorPos() pointapi PointApi POINTAPI cursor CURSOR Cursor","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034211741181122.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/__A_Great_1577584212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Jaime Muscatelli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44943,"Title":"MP3 Explorer 1.0","Description":"MP3 Explorer is a program for making lists of MP3's that are saved on your hard disk.\nYou can delete, rename, copy, move files...\nexport list in txt files or in HTML, play files...\nTry it, make changes... anything you want... and please vote for me :))","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MP3_Explor1577714222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Josip Pejakovic","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44945,"Title":"WinKontrol v0.7","Description":"The code consists of two programs which act as a server and a client. When connected, the client program can then 'control' the machine running the server. Screenshots are sent from the server to the client. Client can send mouse movement and clicks, and keyboard keys.","Inputs":"Screenshots are sent from the server to the client. Client can send mouse movement and clicks, and keyboard keys.","Assumes":"If you can think of ANYTHING to help me make this better, please let me know. Please leave your comments and please vote for me.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Still in BETA Version: May crash.\nAlso, can be tested on same machine. But may run out of memory after a while on older machines.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003422125513089.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/WinKontrol1577754222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"5aTaN Si","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44946,"Title":"Vsual Basic & MySQL using DAO","Description":"This piece of code shows how to connect to mySQL database\nusing Visual Basic, myODBC 3.51 and DAO 3.5.\nIt is very simple for understanding and code is commented.\nIf you think that code is very helpful, you can vote for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Vsual_Basi1577794222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Josip Pejakovic","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44951,"Title":"BMS - Boutique Management System","Description":"This is a complete application that was designed for\nsome boutique to manage their clothes inventory and\nsales etc. This uses the MS Acess database and\nsubstitution encryption/decryption technique to hide\npasswords of users. The aplication also has a flash\nbased intro in it that welcomes the user after being\nlogged on. The System has an account builtin initially\nto help u log in for the first time: user =\nadministrator, password: 5834940. After loggin in you\ncan create, delete, edit a user. PLus the app has a\ncontrol panel giving options like: Clothes (add, edit,\ndelete), customers(add edit,delete) and clothes sales.\nApart from normal sales some times customers give\nadvance or sometimes they have dues. To solve this\nproblem you can use customers tab to account those.\nReport can be genrated. This system does not use\ncrystal reports, rather another approach not\nrecommended which is called a pre-made template of rtf\nfile called in a rich text box, then replacing the\ntemplate variables with database returned values.\nThere can be three reports generated: Selling &\nincome, Losses & profits and Customers Reports. This\ndoes not have any dependancy as such except the\nreports template rtf files. I hope this helps you out.\nDont forget to give Five Globes.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BMS_-_Bout1853942172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Asim.S.Baig (The System Analyst)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44952,"Title":"Basics of VB in Easy Steps(51 Programs)","Description":"This archieve contains 51 programs for\nBeginners. basic knowlwdge of VB is assumed. Also\ndesign time settings are not included. Very few\ncomments. But, I think programs are so easy and self explanatory that no one will require such additional things. And if you like it and want some additions or deletions. Please contact me at: acube3@yahoo.com Please Vote for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Basics_of_1577874222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Amol Ashok Ambardekar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44962,"Title":"CoolFlex2 *updated*","Description":"This is an alteration to a control I found on freevbcode.com. You can set cells to checkboxes, comboboxes, textboxes or a button.\nI previously submitted a version here. I have now added the ability to set the check mark on load by setting the cell value to \"C\".\nI do not know how to save the colors on the control. I will leave that to someone else.\nThis could very easily be adapted to fill the grid from a database.\n(I resubmitted this as new since I dont think it overwrote the original)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034221656566831.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Flexgrid21578024222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Phred","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44963,"Title":"Importance of Option Explicit","Description":"So many people (especially beginners) do not realize the importance of the simple statement Option Explicit in their code. Find out why it is so important.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Triumph","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44964,"Title":"A Simple Dynamic IP Tracker","Description":"Very simple dynamic ip address tracker. We use this to quickly get the IP address of our cable modem. We like the IP to change all the time for security reasons. This application will let you know when your IP changes. For an instant update simply move the cursor over the icon in the system tray. Or right click on the icon and select Refresh","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Simple_D1578044222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James Berard","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45014,"Title":"Decent Beginner Tips","Description":"Just some handy little tips, vote if you want, thanks pscode.com, everyone here, and Nod Programming Inc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"George E.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45015,"Title":"Dr. Venturanger (Bot)","Description":"Over 900 lines of coding for this single bot. Talk trash to it, and it'll talk trash back. Worthless really. I talk to it to kill time and for entertainment. The possibilities are endless! Check it out for yourself! Please report any missing modules or such. Thanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Dr__Ventur1579064252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"keith_escalade","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45023,"Title":"USENET (Newsgroup) Automated Posting","Description":"This is a fully functional, although probably not entirely bug free application. This application is designed to allow you to post messages to numerous newsgroups automatically. It can handle multiple servers. Allows you to save groups of newsgroups to post to. Automatically UUEncodes attachments. Specify the number of groups to cross post to at a time, etc.\nI spent about 4 days learning the NNTP specs and programming this program, I certainly hope that you find some educational value in it. If you like it let me know, send me an e-mail and vote for me if you want. If you need any help with any part of it, don't hesitate to ask.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/USENET_(Ne1579224252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Andrew Taylor","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45031,"Title":"CSV string parser","Description":"This function takes a comma separated string and parses the values into a variable-length array, which can then be assigned to a predefined number of variables, or iterated with a For-Next loop. This code is roughly based on Brant Gluth's submission entitled \"Parse Delimited Text\", with the addition of a demo form and improved string handling. Most noticeably, this code can handle strings enclosed in quotes and will not break on delimiter characters within the quotes.","Inputs":"strSource - string containing CSV text.\nstrDelimiter - optional string value representing the delimiter, default is a comma.\nstrQuote - optional string value representing the quotation mark character, default is \".","Assumes":"All you need to implement this code in your own program is the module \"readcsv.bas\".","CodeReturns":"variable-length variant array containing each field from the CSV line.","SideEffects":"None. Does not crash when given an empty string or improperly formatted text.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CSV_string1579344252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mike Baldwin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45032,"Title":"RainbowText v1.00","Description":"This is just a trivial little app that creates actual rainbowed colored text (unlike that ubiquitous random colored letter code).\nSee the README.txt for more info on the color conversion functions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003425154064139.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RainbowTex1579364252003.00 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"redbird77","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45034,"Title":"html encode","Description":"Encodes HTML\nTakes HTML and encodes it to HEX.\nThis is a simple app. You may use as you see fit.\nBut Please Vote for me! Thanks ;-)","Inputs":"Any valid HTML page","Assumes":"This is a simple app. You may use as you see fit.\nBut Please Vote for me! Thanks ;-)","CodeReturns":"Encode HTML source","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034251643271021.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/html_encod1579394252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kevin Xiong","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45039,"Title":"Transparent Control Container","Description":"This Usercontrol it draws the Control's container Transparent but not the controls inside.Few lines easy to understand and very fast. No Api Calls\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Transparet Control Container","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034252054488588.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Transparen1579534252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Toni","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45046,"Title":"_____...:::SIJO Soft Invoice Manager:::...____","Description":"Invoice managerfor all kind of Purchase and Sales activities. Easy billing System. I want to convert its database to .MDB from Windows .INI\nPlease anyone help me to complete it.\nSide effects:\nPurchase 2 pen from wholesaler then stock of pen is 2.\nAgain purchase 3 pen from wholesaler then stock of pen is 3 that is the only one problem.\n===================================\nIt is a part of SIJO Soft Accountant","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/__________1579654262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"SIJO Soft Corp","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45048,"Title":"explorer dictionary","Description":"it learns how to add menu to ie explorer\n..How to run jawascript in a dll\nfinds mean english words and writes to ie titlebar.\n1-double click ane word from internet explorer\n2-right click selected word and select your new menu(transfer to turkish)\n3-look at title bar\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/explorer_d1579694262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ugur Catak","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45051,"Title":"A Simple MSN Messenger Ver 8 Protocol","Description":"This is a update from my ver 7, yes that is right someone has posted the code for the login part of the protocol....the hardest part about it. So what is it about... well it uses SSL client to get 2 cookies then send them to another web site to get your final key! SIMPLE Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Simple_M1579724262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Easen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45103,"Title":"VB Tetris","Description":"Simple sample of tetris in VB 6","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003428144991553.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Tetris1580574282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ivan B.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45110,"Title":"BubbleDestroyer Revisited","Description":"I was just looking through some old files, and stumbled across my old BubbleDestroyer code, the first game that I ever finished! Well, I started it up, and I just could not stand the flashing and jittering, so I fixed it. I also modified a few other things. Enjoy!\n(BubbleDestroyer is an asteroids-style game. Sorry to all you MJ fans!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/BubbleDest1580764292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Nathan Masters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45115,"Title":"The Complete Registry Module","Description":"Complete registry access code, including procedures for file associations, NT Ctrl+alt+del menus, shelling files, getting windows directories (system, my documents, history, temp, temp internet file, cookies etc), runing an app at startup etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'=================================================\n'AUTHOR : Eric O'Sullivan\n' -----------------------------------------------\n'DATE : 11 Januarary 2001\n' -----------------------------------------------\n'CONTACT: DiskJunky@hotmail.com\n' -----------------------------------------------\n'TITLE : Registry Access Module\n' -----------------------------------------------\n'COMMENTS :\n'This was made to retrieve various information\n'that is stored in the registry.\n'=================================================\n'all variables must be declared\nOption Explicit\n'this module cannot be accessed from outside this project\nOption Private Module\n'text comparisons are not case sensitive\nOption Compare Text\n'------------------------------------------------\n' API DECLARATIONS\n'------------------------------------------------\n'api calls to retereive the system and windows folders\nPrivate Declare Function GetSystemDirectory _\n Lib \"kernel32\" _\n Alias \"GetSystemDirectoryA\" _\n (ByVal lpBuffer As String, _\n ByVal nSize As Long) _\n As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory _\n Lib \"kernel32\" _\n Alias \"GetWindowsDirectoryA\" _\n (ByVal lpBuffer As String, _\n ByVal nSize As Long) _\n As Long\n'get the location of the temp directory on the system\nPrivate Declare Function GetTempDirectory _\n Lib \"kernel32\" _\n Alias \"GetTempPathA\" _\n (ByVal lBufferLength As Long, _\n ByVal strBuffer As String) _\n As Long\n'get information about the current operating system\nPrivate Declare Function GetVersionEx _\n Lib \"kernel32\" _\n Alias \"GetVersionExA\" _\n (ByRef lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) _\n As Long\n'registry api calls\n'close an open registry key\nPrivate Declare Function RegCloseKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long) _\n As Long\n \n'connect with the registry on a remote machine\nPrivate Declare Function RegConnectRegistry _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegConnectRegistryA\" _\n (ByVal lpMachineName As String, _\n ByVal hKey As Long, _\n phkResult As Long) _\n As Long\n'create a new registry key\nPrivate Declare Function RegCreateKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegCreateKeyA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpSubKey As String, _\n phkResult As Long) _\n As Long\n'create new - entended\nPrivate Declare Function RegCreateKeyEx _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegCreateKeyExA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpSubKey As String, _\n ByVal Reserved As Long, _\n ByVal lpClass As String, _\n ByVal dwOptions As Long, _\n ByVal samDesired As Long, _\n lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, _\n phkResult As Long, _\n lpdwDisposition As Long) _\n As Long\n'delete the specified registry key (also any sub keys\n'for non-NT based systems)\nPrivate Declare Function RegDeleteKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegDeleteKeyA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpSubKey As String) _\n As Long\n'delete a registry value\nPrivate Declare Function RegDeleteValue _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegDeleteValueA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpValueName As String) _\n As Long\n'return a list of registry sub keys in the specified key\nPrivate Declare Function RegEnumKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegEnumKeyA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal dwIndex As Long, _\n ByVal lpName As String, _\n ByVal cbName As Long) _\n As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RegEnumKeyEx _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegEnumKeyExA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal dwIndex As Long, _\n ByVal lpName As String, _\n lpcbName As Long, _\n ByVal lpReserved As Long, _\n ByVal lpClass As String, _\n lpcbClass As Long, _\n lpftLastWriteTime As FILETIME) _\n As Long\n'get a list of registry values in a key\nPrivate Declare Function RegEnumValue _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegEnumValueA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal dwIndex As Long, _\n ByVal lpValueName As String, _\n lpcbValueName As Long, _\n ByVal lpReserved As Long, _\n lpType As Long, _\n lpData As Byte, _\n lpcbData As Long) _\n As Long\n'writes all the attributes of the specified open key\n'into the registry\nPrivate Declare Function RegFlushKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long) _\n As Long\n'get the security attributes of the specified key\nPrivate Declare Function RegGetKeySecurity _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal SecurityInformation As Long, _\n pSecurityDescriptor As SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, _\n lpcbSecurityDescriptor As Long) _\n As Long\n'creates a subkey under HKEY_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\n'and stores registration information from a specified\n'file into that subkey. This registration information\n'is in the form of a hive. A hive is a discrete body of\n'keys, subkeys, and values that is rooted at the top of\n'the registry hierarchy. A hive is backed by a single\n'file and .LOG file\nPrivate Declare Function RegLoadKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegLoadKeyA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpSubKey As String, _\n ByVal lpFile As String) _\n As Long\n'notify a specified procedure (use the AddressOf\n'operator), that a key has changed\nPrivate Declare Function RegNotifyChangeKeyValue _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal bWatchSubtree As Long, _\n ByVal dwNotifyFilter As Long, _\n ByVal hEvent As Long, _\n ByVal fAsynchronus As Long) _\n As Long\n'open a registry key for access\nPrivate Declare Function RegOpenKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegOpenKeyA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpSubKey As String, _\n phkResult As Long) _\n As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegOpenKeyExA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpSubKey As String, _\n ByVal ulOptions As Long, _\n ByVal samDesired As Long, _\n phkResult As Long) _\n As Long\n'get key information\nPrivate Declare Function RegQueryInfoKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegQueryInfoKeyA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpClass As String, _\n lpcbClass As Long, _\n ByVal lpReserved As Long, _\n lpcSubKeys As Long, _\n lpcbMaxSubKeyLen As Long, _\n lpcbMaxClassLen As Long, _\n lpcValues As Long, _\n lpcbMaxValueNameLen As Long, _\n lpcbMaxValueLen As Long, _\n lpcbSecurityDescriptor As Long, _\n lpftLastWriteTime As FILETIME) _\n As Long\n'get value information. Note that if you declare the\n'lpData parameter as String, you must pass it By Value.\nPrivate Declare Function RegQueryValue _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegQueryValueA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpSubKey As String, _\n ByVal lpValue As String, _\n lpcbValue As Long) _\n As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RegQueryValueEx _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegQueryValueExA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpValueName As String, _\n ByVal lpReserved As Long, _\n lpType As Long, _\n lpData As Any, _\n lpcbData As Long) _\n As Long\n'replace one key with another\nPrivate Declare Function RegReplaceKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegReplaceKeyA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpSubKey As String, _\n ByVal lpNewFile As String, _\n ByVal lpOldFile As String) _\n As Long\n'reads registry information from a file and enters it\n'into the registry\nPrivate Declare Function RegRestoreKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegRestoreKeyA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpFile As String, _\n ByVal dwFlags As Long) _\n As Long\n'saves a registry key and all its values to a file\nPrivate Declare Function RegSaveKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegSaveKeyA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpFile As String, _\n lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) _\n As Long\n'set the security attributes of the specified registry\n'key\nPrivate Declare Function RegSetKeySecurity _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal SecurityInformation As Long, _\n pSecurityDescriptor As SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) _\n As Long\n'set the information of an existing value. Note that if\n'you declare the lpData parameter as String, you must\n'pass it By Value.\nPrivate Declare Function RegSetValue _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegSetValueA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpSubKey As String, _\n ByVal dwType As Long, _\n ByVal lpData As String, _\n ByVal cbData As Long) _\n As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RegSetValueEx _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegSetValueExA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpValueName As String, _\n ByVal Reserved As Long, _\n ByVal dwType As Long, _\n lpData As Any, _\n ByVal cbData As Long) _\n As Long\n \n'unloads a registry key and its values from the registry\nPrivate Declare Function RegUnLoadKey _\n Lib \"advapi32.dll\" _\n Alias \"RegUnLoadKeyA\" _\n (ByVal hKey As Long, _\n ByVal lpSubKey As String) _\n As Long\n'system information api calls\nPrivate Declare Sub GlobalMemoryStatus _\n Lib \"kernel32\" _\n (lpBuffer As MEMORYSTATUS)\nPrivate Declare Function GetDiskFreeSpace _\n Lib \"kernel32\" _\n Alias \"GetDiskFreeSpaceA\" _\n (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, _\n lpSectorsPerCluster As Long, _\n lpBytesPerSector As Long, _\n lpNumberOfFreeClusters As Long, _\n lpTotalNumberOfClusters As Long) _\n As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetTickCount _\n Lib \"kernel32\" _\n () As Long\n'------------------------------------------------\n' ENUMERATORS\n'------------------------------------------------\nPublic Enum MemType\n CPUUsage\n MemoryUsage\n TotalPhysical\n AvailablePhysical\n TotalPageFile\n AvailablePageFile\n TotalVirtual\n AvailableVirtual\n TotalDisk\n AvailableDisk\nEnd Enum\nPublic Enum AccessType\n FileInput = 0\n FileOutPut = 1\n FileRandom = 2\n FileBinary = 3\n FileAppend = 4\nEnd Enum\n'registry root directory constants\nPublic Enum RegistryHives\n HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000\n HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = &H80000005\n HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001\n HKEY_DYN_DATA = &H80000006\n HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002\n HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA = &H80000004\n HKEY_USERS = &H80000003\nEnd Enum\n'registry key constants\nPublic Enum RegistryKeyAccess\n KEY_CREATE_LINK = &H20\n KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY = &H4\n KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS = &H8\n KEY_EVENT = &H1 ' Event contains key event record\n KEY_NOTIFY = &H10\n KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H1\n KEY_SET_VALUE = &H2\n READ_CONTROL = &H20000\n STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL = &H1F0000\n STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED = &HF0000\n SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000\n STANDARD_RIGHTS_EXECUTE = (READ_CONTROL)\n STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ = (READ_CONTROL)\n STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE = (READ_CONTROL)\n KEY_ALL_ACCESS = ((STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL + KEY_QUERY_VALUE + KEY_SET_VALUE + KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY + KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS + KEY_NOTIFY + KEY_CREATE_LINK) And (Not SYNCHRONIZE))\n KEY_READ = ((STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ Or KEY_QUERY_VALUE Or KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS Or KEY_NOTIFY) And (Not SYNCHRONIZE))\n KEY_EXECUTE = ((KEY_READ) And (Not SYNCHRONIZE))\n KEY_WRITE = ((STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE Or KEY_SET_VALUE Or KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY) And (Not SYNCHRONIZE))\nEnd Enum\n'registry value attributes\nPublic Enum RegistryKeyValues\n REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY = &H1 ' New Registry Key created\n REG_EXPAND_SZ = 2 ' Unicode nul terminated string\n REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR = 9 ' Resource list in the hardware description\n REG_LINK = 6 ' Symbolic Link (unicode)\n REG_MULTI_SZ = 7 ' Multiple Unicode strings\n REG_NONE = 0 ' No value type\n REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES = &H2\n REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET = &H4 ' Time stamp\n REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME = &H1 ' Create or delete (child)\n REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY = &H8\n REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY = &H2 ' Existing Key opened\n REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE = 4 ' open for backup or restore\n REG_OPTION_CREATE_LINK = 2 ' Created key is a symbolic link\n REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE = 0 ' Key is preserved when system is rebooted\n REG_OPTION_RESERVED = 0 ' Parameter is reserved\n REG_OPTION_VOLATILE = 1 ' Key is not preserved when system is rebooted\n REG_REFRESH_HIVE = &H2 ' Unwind changes to last flush\n REG_RESOURCE_LIST = 8 ' Resource list in the resource map\n REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST = 10\n REG_SZ = 1 ' Unicode nul terminated string\n REG_WHOLE_HIVE_VOLATILE = &H1 ' Restore whole hive volatile\n REG_LEGAL_CHANGE_FILTER = (REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME Or REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES Or REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET Or REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY)\n REG_LEGAL_OPTION = (REG_OPTION_RESERVED Or REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE Or REG_OPTION_VOLATILE Or REG_OPTION_CREATE_LINK Or REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE)\nEnd Enum\nPublic Enum RegistryDataTypes\n REG_DT_SZ = 1 ' string data\n REG_DT_BINARY = 3 ' Free form binary\n REG_DT_DWORD = 4 ' 32-bit number\n REG_DT_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN = 5 ' 32-bit number\n REG_DT_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 4 ' 32-bit number (same as REG_DWORD)\nEnd Enum\nPublic Enum RegistryLongTypes\n REG_BINARY = 3 ' Free form binary\n REG_DWORD = 4 ' 32-bit number\n REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN = 5 ' 32-bit number\n REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 4 ' 32-bit number (same as REG_DWORD)\nEnd Enum\n'error codes returned\nPublic Enum RegistryErrorCodes\n ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5&\n ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87 ' dderror\n ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234 ' dderror\n ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&\nEnd Enum\n'the shell folders like my documents, recycle bin, temp directory etc.\nPublic Enum ShellFoldersType\n 'registry entry names\n ApplicationDataDir = 0\n TempInetFilesDir = 1\n CookiesDir = 2\n DesktopDir = 3\n FavouritesDir = 4\n FontsDir = 5\n HistoryDir = 6\n LocalAppDataDir = 7\n NetHoodDir = 8\n MyDocumentsDir = 9\n PrintHoodDir = 10\n StartProgramsDir = 11\n RecentDir = 12\n SendToDir = 13\n StartMenuDir = 14\n StartupDir = 15\n TemplatesDir = 16\n \n 'these next items are not stored in the registry\n SystemDir = 17\n WindowsDir = 18\n TempDir = 19 'temperory folder is always in the Windows directory\nEnd Enum\nPublic Enum StartLoginType\n RunBeforeLogin\n RunAfterLogin\nEnd Enum\n'the different nt privilages that can be set/unset\nPublic Enum EnumNTSettings\n 'items that can be disabled on the Lock Screen\n CHANGE_PASSWORD = 0\n LOCK_WORKSTATION = 1\n REGISTRY_TOOLS = 2\n TASK_MGR = 3\n \n 'the tabs on the Display Properties dialog box\n DISP_APPEARANCE_PAGE = 4\n DISP_BACKGROUND_PAGE = 5\n DISP_CPL = 6\n DISP_SCREENSAVER = 7\n DISP_SETTINGS = 8\nEnd Enum\n'------------------------------------------------\n' USER-DEFINED TYPES\n'------------------------------------------------\n'holds information about the current operating system that the program is\n'running on\nPrivate Type OSVERSIONINFO\n dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long\n dwMajorVersion As Long\n dwMinorVersion As Long\n dwBuildNumber As Long\n dwPlatformId As Long\n szCSDVersion As String * 128\nEnd Type\n'the current status of physical (ram), virtual memory and the page file.\nPublic Type MEMORYSTATUS\n dwLength As Long\n dwMemoryLoad As Long\n dwTotalPhys As Long\n dwAvailPhys As Long\n dwTotalPageFile As Long\n dwAvailPageFile As Long\n dwTotalVirtual As Long\n dwAvailVirtual As Long\nEnd Type\n'defined structures needed\nPublic Type ACL\n AclRevision As Byte\n Sbz1 As Byte\n AclSize As Integer\n AceCount As Integer\n Sbz2 As Integer\nEnd Type\nPublic Type FILETIME\n dwLowDateTime As Long\n dwHighDateTime As Long\nEnd Type\nPublic Type SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES\n nLength As Long\n lpSecurityDescriptor As Long\n bInheritHandle As Long\nEnd Type\nPublic Type SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR\n Revision As Byte\n Sbz1 As Byte\n Control As Long\n gstrOwner As Long\n Group As Long\n Sacl As ACL\n Dacl As ACL\nEnd Type\n'------------------------------------------------\n' MODULE-LEVEL CONSTANTS\n'------------------------------------------------\n'module constants\nPrivate Const WIN_INFO_SUBKEY As String = \"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\" 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nPrivate Const WIN_NT_INFO_SUBKEY As String = \"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\" 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nPrivate Const SHELL_FOLDERS_SUBKEY As String = \".Default\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\\" + _\n \"CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders\" 'HKEY_USERS\nPrivate Const COUNTRY_SUBKEY As String = \".Default\\Control Panel\\International\" 'HKEY_USERS\nPrivate Const NT_SETTINGS As String = WIN_INFO_SUBKEY & \"\\Policies\\System\" 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\nPrivate Const W2K_SETTINGS As String = WIN_INFO_SUBKEY & \"\\Group Policy Objects\\LocalUser\\\" + _\n \"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System\" 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\nPrivate Const STARTUP_AL_SUBKEY As String = WIN_INFO_SUBKEY & \"\\Run\" 'run after login screen\nPrivate Const STARTUP_BL_SUBKEY As String = WIN_INFO_SUBKEY & \"\\RunServices\" 'run before login screen\n","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":1868,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Eric O'Sullivan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45118,"Title":"Alpha blending with alpha mask","Description":"32bit Alpha blending with alpha-translucent mask, very fast. Compile for full speed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200342993529240.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Alpha_blen1580864292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Tecc","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45125,"Title":"opengl quake 3 bsp viewer","Description":"my code demonstrates the posibilities of quake3 style graphics in vb","Inputs":"w s a d -> flying around\nv -> view mode\nt -> turn on/off textures\nl -> turn on/off lighting","Assumes":"it might be buggy, if you find a bug, please report it to me so i can fix it.","CodeReturns":"it renders a bsp","SideEffects":"might be buggy and probably gives a low FPS and is not recommended for low spec computers","ApiDeclarations":"about 800 lines of opengl api declaration (Thanks to W-Buffer)\nsome other apis for mouse/keyboard input and some other generic apis","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034292052258286.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/opengl_qua1580984292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Rene Kersten","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45127,"Title":"Vary Simple IRC Client","Description":"A Vart Simple And Basic IRC Client To Help Beginners To Connect To A IRC Server. It Will Just Connect And Get Data. It Has Ident And Ping Reply.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Add 2-Buttons 1-richtextbox 2-winsocks (1 named wsMain and 1 names wsIDENT) and 1-timmer(interval set to 10) Then Copy And Paste All The Code","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Dim IdentName As String","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":54,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Ryan Roy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45132,"Title":"Debuggy 0.95","Description":"Debuggy is a Windows debugger, disassembler, Windows resource extractor, file hex editor, window sniffer and API spy all rolled into one.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Debuggy_0_1581114302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45136,"Title":"Minesweeper Hexagonal","Description":"This is a new twist on Minesweeper with its hexagonal tiles. Uses recursive subrutine to clear out open area and transperant BitBlt to draw the tiles.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034301310441872.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Minesweepe1581154302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Paul Bahlawan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45137,"Title":"A System Tray Icon Handler","Description":"A class which lets you put an icon in the system tray and handle nine mouse events: MouseUp, MouseDown and DoubleClick with the Left, Middle and Right buttons. Hope you like it. Don't forget to leave comments, suggestions, report bugs or say anything you want.\nVery clean programming style and extensively commented code...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_System_T1581164302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Luis Rivera","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52366,"Title":"An Inter-App Messaging Control v2","Description":"MsgLink - An Inter-Application Messaging Control v2.\nThis is a complete and functional control that uses the Copy Data Structure to pass data between applications that utilize this control. It allows you to pass numeric data, strings, dates, currency, in fact all data types except variants, including arrays and udts, and arrays of udts (except arrays of variants and strings). Possibly could be extended to handle arrays of pointers to the data (strings and variants).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004314450518915.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/An_Inter-A1783598192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52374,"Title":"A simple file finder","Description":"The Shortest way to find a file without API's it built with a few lines in a mudule and a few lines in a form and thats it :) i hope you will like it... If it desire vote feel free and thx for any comments or sugestions .","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004314121988705.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_simple_f1720083142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52375,"Title":"Stretch Picture Box","Description":"you can stretch Picture Box in one line of code","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Stretch_Pi1720093142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Ali Ghanem","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52379,"Title":"PageBuilder v1.0 e2.1b","Description":"PageBuilder is a program that allows the user to make web pages by pointing and clicking (with minimal editing). PageBuilder currently supports the most commonly used HTML tags, CSS commands, JavaScript commands (editing is still required for the javascript to work properly), and XML, along with an XML previewer.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043142036518437.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PageBuilde1722453202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Erick B.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52385,"Title":"CoolWindow","Description":"Actually This is a custom control window.. we can change the background colour of a window, caption font size and etc.... That mean esay we can have a coolwindow by just setting up it's properties..","Inputs":"Take a look at it's properties","Assumes":"No..","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"During your development time, if you want to resize it's and you must click on it and drag it's to a side and then click on the your form and resize your form.... It's will automatically follow the size of your form.","ApiDeclarations":"Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = &HA1\nConst HTCAPTION = 2\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Sub ReleaseCapture Lib \"user32\" ()\nPrivate Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib \"user32\" (lpPoint As PointAPI) As Long","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004315325445561.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CoolWindow1720283152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Joshua Kan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52388,"Title":"Baggy Files","Description":"Demonstrates the use of a property bag to store \"things\" in a file in any order and to retrieve those things from that file in any order. \"Things\" include strings, numerics, results of arithmetic or string operations, booleans, fonts and even pictures.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Baggy_File1720313152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52391,"Title":"Exploding Flower Screen Saver","Description":"This is a complete screen saver featuring my exploding flower routine. It has several options for you to play with in the setting screen. And of course it supports the preview window and passwords!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004315957157111.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Exploding_1720353152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Paul Bahlawan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52400,"Title":"Advanced MP3 renamer","Description":"This is an advanced MP3 renamer, including an ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag reading AND writing class! The program is easy to use and uses very intelligent file analysing algorithms. MP3 renamer reads out the ID3v1 tags, ID3v2 tags and file names and analyses them to generate a new file name. I'm sure you'll be surprised in how many cases this will work well. But you also have the possibility to alter the data analysing results manually on a per file basis. MP3 renamer will then rewrite the ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags and, of course, will rename the file so that you're going to have perfectly named MP3 files.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043151558415538.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_M1720433152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Mathias Kunter","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52401,"Title":"VBBruceLee (Beta version) *Updated Color & VB5.0 Compatibility*","Description":"VBBruceLee its a remake of a classical U.S. Gold 1984 CPC 464 game (See the screenshot). The 80 % of the game its completed, but enemy AI and other stuff still needs to be implemented. The original U.S. Gold game have 19 screen (plus finish screen) In this beta there are 18 of this 19 screens. The code uses DX7 only for fullscreen initialization and playing some wav files, all the rest its done using Win32 API. Original, the code was for myself, for this reason there isn't much coments (if u want 1 line of code and 20 lines with comments, buy a book, or read a very very nOob pre-beginner tutorial. :)\nI programed this game under AMD K6-2 at 350 Mhz, but runs fine on PII 233 Mhz (tested under Win98 with S3 4Mb video card, with DirectX 8)\nYou can do with this piece of code what you want, only one thing: Don't change Lives variable to set more than 99 lives...hahaha! (its a joke, of course).\nI you like this, please vote, and i you don't like this, well, report why not!\nEnjoy.\n*UPDATED* I'm just Updated VBBruceLee with option to play with colors (See new screen shot)\n*UPDATED* Now, the game its compatible with VB5.0 (Split Modification changed. May be it's compatible with VB4.0 too)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043161938311314.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBBruceLee1721093172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":74,"AuthorName":"John Ripper","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52403,"Title":"VB Project Reporter","Description":"This is the latest version of the VB Project Reporter, a source code documentation generation program originally written by 'kerlin'. I have now added support for all the VB document types (.vbg, .vbp, .bas, .cls, .frm, .ctl, .dob, .dsr, .pag). Also new in this version: documentation for form/module level declarations (variables and constants), types, enums and API declares; comment lines at the beginning of a file are included in documentation, as well as comment lines preceding and following sub/function definition; total code and comment lines are tallied; more version information from the project file is included; procedure attributes are now included, where defined for a procedure; an expanded interface allows all components to be switched on or off. Output is to HTML with style sheet controls, and optionally (if the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop software is installed) the program can generate HTML Help files (.chm). The style sheet can be overridden if required. The program has been re-written to use classes. I'd appreciate some constructive comments about the code, along with any ideas for new features. And if anyone knows how to extract meaningful information from a .res file before it is compiled into a VB program, I'll add more detailed info on resource files to the documentation. The program uses a registry class written by Steve McMahon (www.vbaccelerator.com). Thanks to 'Eugene', 'Adrian' and 'PROBRO' for the suggestions implemented in this version. Bug Fix: Corrected some out of bounds and Type Mismatch errors. Updated 31 Aug 2004: Fixed a couple of small bugs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048302149516022.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Project1787748302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Nick Rogers","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52415,"Title":"Is Form Loaded check without causing form to load (EASY!)","Description":"Check to see if a form is loaded without actually loading the form, or access public form variables without causing the form to load","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":61,"AuthorName":"Dave Gallant","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52416,"Title":"Api Functions From most common DLLs","Description":"Shows all function in DLLs that i included...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Api_Functi1720693162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Jovica Mizdrak","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52061,"Title":"BRICKGAME","Description":"DEMONSTRATES HOW WE CAN BUILD GAMES USING VB6","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004229732448814.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BRICKGAME1714502292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"nemmaluri taraka rama sastry","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52063,"Title":"Bouncing Polygon screensaver","Description":"This screensaver is a result of when i get really bored. there are ten randomly placed polygons, with 3 to 10 sides. they have different radii and spin direction. when they crash together new polygons are formed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042291051181337.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Bouncing_P1714532292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Brian_A ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52065,"Title":"[Shutdown Xp much faster *Patch*]","Description":"Tired of waiting that WindowsXp shuts down?! Try this patch! Your computer will Shutdown the next times much faster!\nVote and leave a comment!\nThx","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042291341209427.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Shutdown_1714562292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Thorben Linneweber","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52098,"Title":"Intelligent Solutions For CommandButtons","Description":"Intelligent Solutions For CommandButtons. You can align you caption any where in command button and also you can change the command button to optionbutton or radiobutton or what so ever... and PLEASE VOTE !!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Intelligen171519322004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Jovica Mizdrak","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52099,"Title":"Who's blocking me 1.1 For MSN Messenger 6.x","Description":"A piece of code to check who is blocking you on your MSN Messenger buddy list, please make sure this block check will not bypass that security settings that currently found in your messenger that says: \"Only people on my allow list will see my online status and message me\". Hope this is usefull for msn fan people ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200432645232697.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Who's_bloc171520322004.1 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52100,"Title":"Cool Mp3 Player2004","Description":"not just a player \nmp3 player with many and many feauters and Functions like:\n1-add mp3 files with multi select\n2-add directory\n3-Player commands : play,stop,pause,next,prev\n4-options with position bar + volume bar + change sound source to left or right side\n5-load mp3 files info like (Album ,Artist ,Genre, Title, Year, Comment\n6-save songs list\n7-load songs list\n8-clear list\n9-Mp3 file properties to change mp3 file info\n10-search for mp3 files in your computer and get them all\n11-Songs Lyrics: here you can save songs Lyrice and all what you want\n--------------------------------------------------\n12-Please Vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043284123127.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Mp3_P171525322004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Ali Ghanem","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":45721,"Title":"xpWellsStatusbar 2","Description":"Added the Office Xp look to Richard Wells' Statusbar.\nAlso added AutoSize to the panels.\nHere is the link to Richards Pevious submition\nhttp://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=44379&lngWId=1\nThe statusbar more closely resembles Visual Studio Dotnet's statusbar than Office XP's.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003526103856579.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/xpWellsSta1592755262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Mick-S","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45724,"Title":"GetPut FTP","Description":"PutGet FTP is a simple app that uses only the very required API's to upload or download files from an FTP Server. NO CLASS Required, easy to understand. It's useful to implement update services between applications and web sites.","Inputs":"Server, directory, user, password, file to download or upload","Assumes":"NO CLASS Required, easy to understand. It's useful to implement update services between applications and web sites.","CodeReturns":"download or upload a file to an FTP Site,","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function InternetOpen Lib \"wininet.dll\" Alias \"InternetOpenA\" (ByVal sAgent As String, ByVal lAccessType As Long, ByVal sProxyName As String, ByVal sProxyBypass As String, ByVal lFlags As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function InternetConnect Lib \"wininet.dll\" Alias \"InternetConnectA\" (ByVal hInternetSession As Long, ByVal sServerName As String, ByVal nServerPort As Integer, ByVal sUsername As String, ByVal sPassword As String, ByVal lService As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long, ByVal lContext As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function FtpSetCurrentDirectory Lib \"wininet.dll\" Alias \"FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA\" (ByVal hFtpSession As Long, ByVal lpszDirectory As String) As Boolean\nPublic Declare Function FTPPutFile Lib \"wininet.dll\" Alias \"FtpPutFileA\" (ByVal hFtpSession As Long, ByVal lpszLocalFile As String, ByVal lpszRemoteFile As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwContext As Long) As Boolean\nPublic Declare Function InternetCloseHandle Lib \"wininet.dll\" (ByVal hInet As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function FTPGetFile Lib \"wininet.dll\" Alias \"FtpGetFileA\" (ByVal hFtpSession As Long, ByVal lpszRemoteFile As String, ByVal lpszNewFile As String, ByVal fFailIfExists As Boolean, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwContext As Long) As Boolean\n","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200352613187084.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/GetPut_FTP1592505262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"JMoreno","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45730,"Title":"Using Hostname instead of IP Address","Description":"Do you have a webserver but hate the IP Address you have to type in? This article explains how to use a hostname instead of a IP Address.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"David McCloskey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45751,"Title":"VAT Input / Output Data Entry System","Description":"A simple system used to calculate VAT input, witholding tax of a certain vendor and VAT output/VAT output (exempt) of a certain customer. Transactions are converted into a text file and can be remitted to BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) office. \nIt can be used by any company especially in the philippines...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200352764567000.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VAT_Input_1592875272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Adel D. Mendoza","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45756,"Title":"Keystates for all windows versions","Description":"This program will allow you to examine and toggle the Caps, Scroll and Num Lock settings on all versions of windows.\nI found several examples on PSC, but none that seemed to work on all versions so I put together the best of what I could find and after a little adapting I had what I believe to be some usefull code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035271134516469.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Keystates_1592945272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Phobos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45757,"Title":"Extract Icon Utility","Description":"The application will extract a icon from a file. Also you can extract icon of the hard drives or cd-drives attached to your machine. You can also save the extracted icon but the format will be BMP.","Inputs":"File or Folder name or drive name.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Displays the Extracted icon in picture box.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Extract_Ic1594025302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"rMatrix","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45762,"Title":"How to figure out secret control functions.","Description":"You can find these hidden setting with a little work,","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":83,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":61,"AuthorName":"Jerrame Hertz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45763,"Title":"CircularProgress","Description":"Basically, this control is a \"progress circle,\" rather than a progress bar. It enables the programmer to take a rather high amount of ustomization into a \"progress circle\" that will help to enhance the interface of their program.\nUnique Features:\n- Ultra-fast graph rendering\n - Was tested on a 166 mHz Pentium with 32mb RAM, 1mb video memory, on Windows 95a, on a 400x400 graph.\n - The result of the above test was that the circle was drawn almost instantaneously: It took an average of 80-100 ticks (milliseconds) for each test! Now talk about speed!\n- Primitive but powerful customization\n - 7 different Fill Styles\n - 16.7 million Fill & Outline Colors (plus system colors!)\n - 2 types of graphs drawn (experimental)\nYou MUST note, however, that even though I have tested it rather thoroughly for bugs, it is hard to cure bugs between XP and 95 (the two platforms I tested it on). You have any trouble, explain the problem, and explain how you fixed it, or if you need help. I hope you enjoy it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003527192326214.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CircularPr1593065272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Rodent from the Pointe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45764,"Title":"vb beginners win","Description":"shows how to get windows handle (recycle bin)\nand some show and hide codes for start button,task bar running apps,clock","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/vb_beginne1593075272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Cpvio","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51247,"Title":"A 6 axis and 4 axis Scara Robot Simulator","Description":"Hello,\nThis source was my first project concerning simulation. So it's an earlier project compare to the 5 axis machine simulator. Comments on this source are quite similar to the previous project :\nMost of the code in French. Only tested on NT4, W2000 and XP with an minimum requirement for hardware PIII and OpenGL compatible graphics card.\nYou will find a copy of the Zip file at : http://5axes.free.fr/devel_robot/robotsimul-en.zip\nIt's just a prototype whit out any \"Commercial\" application. \nYou can load two type of robot : one 6 axis robot (polymorph) and a 4 axis Scara model.\nIt's possible to move the robot via a direct action on the Join value or it's also possible to give a Goto point . For a robot you have, for the save coordinates several position ( what's why you can find some option boxes for Top and Left position) Depending of the axis limits all this position are not reachable. Just for the Demo you can click on the \"execute movement\" to have a sample movement. etc...\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004126617245117.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_6_axis_a1699621262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"CUQ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51252,"Title":"Color your Form's Border Based on the Background Color","Description":"Ever get frustrated that when you change the background color of a form the forms border doesn't change as well. Now it can.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"GetSystemMetrics\nGetWindowDC\nReleaseDC\nCreatePen\nDeleteObject\nSelectObject\nLineTo\nOleTranslateColor","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412611552288.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Color_your1699791262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"james kahl","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51259,"Title":"Chopper - 3D Choplifter game","Description":"Chopper is basically a 3D version of teh Apple II classic, Choplifter. Your mission is to rescue hostages without being blown up by enemy tanks.\nMake sure to read READ_FIRST.TXT\nPlease vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412617311086.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Chopper_-_1699961262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Marshall H.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51262,"Title":"Accept Only Numbers in Textbox !","Description":"Do you want to input only numbers in a textbox? and just want a few lines of code ?Well this code is for you....See it for yourself....Want to know more of my codes then email me....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Mark Anthony Dinglasa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51264,"Title":"An Xor explanation","Description":"A simple guide to understanding Xor.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"DMJefff","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51268,"Title":"Mac OS X Control Set + Titlebar Control","Description":"As a OS X lover, I know there is alot of you out there also! For you people who seek that wonderful aqua look in your applications, I have a control set to offer you! The controls in THIS set include: Button, checkbox, and titlebar! The screenshot you see is not a Windows XP skin, it is all the actual controls! You may have seen my other control set on PSC, the KDE Control Set, which I had planned to release another set, but never did. For this set, I promise you youll see another set! Look at this submission to find out what I have planned for the next set! \nAlso note that the GIF screenshot that I took reduced the quality significantly, the actual controls have excellent quality!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041262340162283.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mac_OS_X_C1700061262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51271,"Title":"___ Get Yahoo! PM and Chat Text ___","Description":"Have You Ever Wanted to Get The Yahoo! Messenger IM Windows Text get copied with colors and Smileys? this will do It and Will Do It With Style. It enumerates the Y!IMWindows and let you select and save each one. Supports the Word XP Formats and IE (html, mht, txt) formats.\nPlease, leave comments and If You Want (please!) votes.\nIf you want only the executable, you gan get it on my web page: http://mx.geocities.com/fred_cpp/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"lots","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004127336528923.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/____Get_Ya1700181272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fred.cpp","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51281,"Title":"Titan Web Server","Description":"Titan Web Server 1.3\nhttp://enw.uni.cc\nmade by steven dorman\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"steven dorman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51284,"Title":"MiMsgBox v. 1.1.5","Description":"MiMsgBox v. 1.1.5\nVisual Design inspired in Kevin Figg's custom MsgBox\nbut all the code as new, by me.\nSuper easy to use Custom MsgBox.\nJust add one form and one module in your Proyect and call one Function.\nIf you like, change the form design with your preferences... and i'ts all.\nEasy, fast, nice.\nProyect Start - Dec/15/2003\nActual Revision - Jan/24/2004\nComments, sugestions, etc. are welcome.\n┬╖ Use the gonchuki ChameleonButton and 13 button styles.\n┬╖ You can set the number of buttons (1, 2, 3 or none)\n┬╖ Button(s) AutoCentering\n┬╖ Any text for any button\n┬╖ Self hiding MsgBox in x seconds","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041271643392416.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MiMsgBox_v1700431272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jos├⌐ Luis Far├¡as","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51288,"Title":"A Hungry Cat","Description":"This is a little cat which yearns for the mouse - at least it follows it with the eyes all the time. You can drag it anywhere you like, and it goes away when you doubleclick it.\nTry it, download is only five kB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004127185745166.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Hungry_C1700481272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45449,"Title":"GpPicview1.1","Description":"load and preview images,like as acdsee. \nIntel JPG Library(ijl15.zip) is needed: http://www.itkhan.com/reference/ijl15.zip\nADDED: CreateThumbImagePack method\nADDED: LoadThumbPack method\nFIXED:\nyou can Pack thumbnail images by scaling the image to the size specified in the thumbWidth and thumbHeight parameters to a file, and load the specified thumbpack file to display every thumbnail images","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003513238516770.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/GpPicview11586995132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Genghis Khan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45451,"Title":"GpGDIPlus Wrapper v1.0---Using GDI+ From VB","Description":"Special thanks to: Avery P.\nThe GpGDIPlus project is a DLL that provide COM applications with a wrapper providing equivalent functionality to the C++ GDI+ classes. \nThe current version provides the following classes:\ncAdjustableArrowCap,cBitmap,cBrush,\ncCachedBitmap,cCharacterRange,cColor,\ncCustomLineCap,cFont,cFontCollection,\ncFontFamily,cGraphics,cGraphicsPath,\ncGraphicsPathIterator,cHatchBrush,\ncImage,cImageAttributes,cImageCodecInfo,\ncImageDecoderList,cImageEncoderList,\ncImageSaveParameters,cInstalledFontCollection,\ncLinearGradientBrush,cMatrix,cPathGradientBrush,\ncPen,cPoint,cPointF,cPrivateFontCollection,\ncPropertyItem,cRect,cRectF,cRegion,cSize,\ncSizeF,cSolidBrush,cStringFormat,cTextureBrush\nHow to use the GDI+?\nPlatform SDK describe how to use the GDI+ and provide reference information or please visit \nMSDN(http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdicpp/GDIPlus/GDIPlus.asp)\nHappy everyone likes it. Any suggestions feel free.\nE-Mail: webmaster@itkhan.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/GpGDIPlus_1587025132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Genghis Khan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45452,"Title":"VB&Excel&MSaccess","Description":"with the questionnaire.xls u can record answers to a .mdb file and with the analysis.xls u can select any question and how many answers given per option with a chart","Inputs":"no need for any correction","Assumes":"it also uses ADO during data access..in the access file there is a stored procedure which does the sorting for results...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"there is only one thing u have to do!u should create a dsn named \"isvdsn\" than both files will be related to the database","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003513516107623.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB&Excel&M1587035132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"gladiator&CG","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45459,"Title":"OpenBrowser Updated+Plugin Example","Description":"Updated+Plugin Example! Please Vote for my project,OpenBrowser the best WebBrowser and eXPerience over Internet posted on PSC. See the screenshot! It is an art work!!! All Browsers in one. mmm it is based only partly of Mozilla, in fact it has something of IE, Mozilla, Opera, Neoplanet and others. Any Features: In English and Spanish(Regional setting) Planet-Source-Code Engine. Load up to 200 Web pages, translate web pages(English,Spanish,German and more) Smartpopup more smart, get favorites, view source code, Plugins compatible(Send me an email to get Plugin Template), Extract links(good for MP3, Videos, Exe's and Zip's),Note pad inside, Control your system from OpenBrowser, QuickTab, TabIndex(Navigation tools),Open, save web pages, Print, Preview, Open your Windows Explorer, Default mail client, Search Engines inside, like Google,Altavista,Yahoo,hotbot,Excite, Amazon,eBay, etc...and more! This version is single available to learn to remove the maximum power to IE, Visit me on http://www.cyberox.tk Don't forget vote. Enjoy! Excuse my poor English i'm Chilean NOTE: Run Register.bat located in \\Bin Folder before run project.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035131057387737.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/OpenBrowse1587265132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":32,"UserRatingTotal":149,"AuthorName":"Cyberox Corporation","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45462,"Title":"_( Learn how to create and use DLL projects )_","Description":"Check it out.. This code is the simplest way to learn about Visual Basic DLL (ActiveX DLL) creating and using. Just 3 lines of code, and u got it running ;)\nPlease Rate...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Nothing","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/_(_Learn_h1587335132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":95,"AuthorName":"Taher Ahmed","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45464,"Title":"Brick_Game","Description":"I have made this program for my 4th Semester project. Its a simple Brick Game with 9 levels and sounds.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003514338475007.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Brick_Game1587545142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Muhammad Asif Hafeez","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45465,"Title":"Use BitBlt Masks for flicker free animation","Description":"Call me sad, but I wanted a moving starfield with fading in text for my splash screen. Using bitBlt, masking and frame buffering, it can easily be done looking professional and flicker free! (The *dynamic* masking of the text enables the stars to pass behind the gaps in the text)\nIf you type in new text it'll fade it back in from black.\nRemember it doesn't have to be a starfield or text, but it shows how BitBlt'ng everything to a buffer first really makes a difference when producing flicker free gfx.\nPlease comment and vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"BitBlt, Get/SetPixel","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003514351417606.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Use_BitBlt1587555142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45479,"Title":"Different On Top Forms","Description":"Different On Top Forms\nThis demonstrates you how to load form on deferent modes.\n1. Normal form loading.\n2. Model form loading.\n3. On top form within application.\n4. Global On top form (The form will be on Top even if your focus is on other application).\n5. Loading inactive form (loading and showing a form while keeping the focus on the main form.).\nExpecting your valuable feedback. Thanks!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003514116547109.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Different_1587785142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Deepak Kumar Shaw","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45489,"Title":"Memory Read\\Write Functions","Description":"This is a module that contain functions to easily read\\write Byte, Integer and Long datatypes (which is the three most common datatypes you would need in a basic trainer) to a process' memory and you are free to use the module in your own programs\\trainers or just use it for educational purpose if you like.\nIn the same project file as the module, there is a little memory manipulation program I wrote that shows how to use each of the read\\write functions, and to make the test-suite complete, I wrote a small program you can test the functions on by manipulating Byte, Integer and Long variables. \nYou can find the memory offsets for each variable in a text file named Offsets.txt, though the program was also designed so you can try to find the offsets by using a memory search tool such as GameHack or TSearch. \nThe whole project is widely commented and I suggest you read through it for a better understanding of what's going on.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"I don't really know much about compatibility in other Windows versions than Win98SE so a feedback on that would come in handy.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003514178233157.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Memory_Rea1593025272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Cola-Kattn","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51094,"Title":"PalmerGSM QuickCrypt Pro","Description":"Text encryption program based on randombyte and a cyclic rotational frequency. Use for very high encryption on messages and text. Encryption is based upon a key which is defined when you start. Encryption is then saved to a 'QCF' file","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PalmerGSM_1696281182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ryan Palmer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51095,"Title":"MSOutlook XP Reg","Description":"Microsoft Outlook XP (2002) does not allow you to receive certain attachments in your emails and there is no way to change this in ANY of the program settings. I know that Microsoft is only trying to protect the users from malicious emails but, as an advanced and careful user of Outlook, I would like to be able to screen my own emails. After some research, I found a registry entry that will enable the blocked extensions. All this simple code does is make it easy for you to add these registry entries. Some votes and comments on this would be nice because even though this is very simple, it is useful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004118213230477.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MSOutlook_1696331182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Eugene Wolff","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51109,"Title":"EuixChat Chatroom","Description":"My chatroom uses a seperate central server, so that everyone all connects to one place. This is what some major chat system do, such as AIM and MSN. My chatroom includes Private Messages, Color Coded Names, Custom Font Settings, Administration Commands, and a few other easter eggs. Have fun, and please vote! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041191537204827.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/EuixChat_C1696581192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Euix","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51110,"Title":"SpyEx 2.0 (UPGRADE)","Description":"SpyEx runs with windows in the background and logs the time, keys pressed, and window title of every place you've been. Each time the user switches to a new window the report is automatically updated. Now you can have SpyEx e-mail the report every time the file gets to a certain size! Also, SpyEx now accepts command-line arguments, so you can change the set options. Want to know what your kids or employees are doing, or maybee to see what's going on at your computer? Well here's your chance. Let me know what you think.\nThe dll file to send email was automatically removed when I submitted the code. You can go to http://www.spyex.net to download the dll.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Too Many to list","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041191445401509.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SpyEx_2_0_1696601192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Chris Richmond","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51125,"Title":"Basic Encryptor","Description":"encrypts / decrypts the string","Inputs":"string, encrypted string","Assumes":"basic coding is all u need","CodeReturns":"encrypted string, decrypted string,","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Basic_Encr1701631302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"paolo parungao","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51126,"Title":"Super Mario Bros. 1","Description":"updated-- the physics make more sense and are much more similar to the real mario game. there are still some minor glitches with jumping and they appear to be random or just really hard to figure out. the level editor is worthless, i just made it for my purposes, but you do need the level file in that level editor directory so keep it. \"11.txt\" keep the comments coming. thanks for checking it out. the game is not really close to complete yet, but it looks pretty cool and works for the most part. have fun","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041192037369470.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Super_Mari175345632004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":86,"AuthorName":"john hollister","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51128,"Title":"Better XP Styles","Description":"In this new version, you don't have to carry an external XML file, which makes your app look unprofessional and you don't have to deal with all the resource files that you have to configure so accurately to make XP styles work. This is very simple and straight to the point. Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041192324454930.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Better_XP_1696971192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Hou Xiong","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51129,"Title":"GoroUnreal Software - GoroUnreal Browser v1.1.0","Description":"This is an update to my previous submittion (Simple Web Browser). This update includes a better pop-up remover, history function, plus other littles things to make it run better.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GoroUnreal1697011202004.1 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Brendan Ryan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45256,"Title":"Outlook Style Day View Control","Description":"This ActiveX control attempts to duplicate the Day View of the Outlook 2002 Calendar. As of yet, the code is sloppy and not well commented...but it works quite nicely! This control relies on GDI32 calls.\nYou will notice that the highlighting of time slots can not yet be persisted (I already have a plan for this, it just needs to be implemented), that means that every resize or scroll event will wipe any white highlights off the screen.\nI am submitting this earlier than I wanted to because I would like some feedback (cut me some slack on the code-comments though because I haven't had much time to clean it up!) and advice on anything at all. Keep in mind that I already intend on persisting data, allowing font and color changes, 'on-the-fly' resizing and dragging of appointments, and allowing week, month, and year views.\nThis control is a lot of work and rather time consuming so, if you feel so inclined, please vote for it!","Inputs":"No input parameters yet.","Assumes":"This was (as you can see from the screenshot) developed on WinXP. I have no idea if it will work on another OS.","CodeReturns":"N/A.","SideEffects":"None that I am aware of.","ApiDeclarations":"Plenty, see for yourself:\nCurrently, the code mostly relies on MoveToEx, CreateSolidBrush, LineTo, ShowText, DeleteObject, FillRect and CreatePen.\n'GDI32 Declares for drawing\nPublic Declare Function CreateBrushIndirect Lib \"gdi32\" (lpLogBrush As LOGBRUSH) As Long\nPublic Declare Function CreateFont Lib \"gdi32\" Alias \"CreateFontA\" (ByVal H As Long, ByVal W As Long, ByVal E As Long, ByVal O As Long, ByVal W As Long, ByVal I As Long, ByVal u As Long, ByVal S As Long, ByVal C As Long, ByVal OP As Long, ByVal CP As Long, ByVal Q As Long, ByVal PAF As Long, ByVal F As String) As Long\nPublic Declare Function CreatePen Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal nPenStyle As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function CreateRectRgn Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function DeleteObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function FillRgn Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal hbrush As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetRgnBox Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hRgn As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long\nPublic Declare Function LineTo Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function MoveToEx Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, lpPoint As POINT_TYPE) As Long\nPublic Declare Function SelectObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function SetBkColor Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function SetBkMode Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nBkMode As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function SetTextAlign Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function SetTextColor Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function TextOut Lib \"gdi32\" Alias \"TextOutA\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long\n'User32 Declares\nPublic Declare Function DrawFocusRect Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long\nPublic Declare Function FillRect Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpRect As RECT, ByVal hbrush As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib \"user32\" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long\nPublic Declare Function IntersectRect Lib \"user32\" (lpDestRect As RECT, lpSrc1Rect As RECT, lpSrc2Rect As RECT) As Long\nPublic Declare Function IsRectEmpty Lib \"user32\" (lpRect As RECT) As Long\nPublic Declare Function RedrawWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lprcUpdate As Any, ByVal hrgnUpdate As Long, ByVal fuRedraw As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function SetRectEmpty Lib \"user32\" (lpRect As RECT) As Long\nPublic Declare Function SetRect Lib \"user32\" (lpRect As RECT, ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003541730459857.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Outlook_St158353542003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Anson Delaware","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45259,"Title":"PSC Chat 5","Description":"PSC Chat 5 is a Chat room we made for pscode.com this new version supports Scripting , FileTransfer, Whiteboard, Status Icons, Admin Functions, Whos Typing, PM's, Nice GUI and alot more. I hope that all of you try PSC Chat5 and hope that you enjoy this new version of Psc Chat. We have been making this server very stable and secure based on an acces DB much more secure than v4 server. THER IS NOW A FLASH CLIENT you may try it befor u download at http://idream.no-ip.com:56/Client.swf . as is always the case with pscchat all aspects are open source client/server/flash client included. We hope to have the Server running 24/7, so if you find the servers down please donΓÇÖt be mad and give up your hopes. I would also like to thank everyone that participated in this project. The IntraDream Team, Carsten Dressler, Timothy Marin","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200354205072877.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PSC_Chat_5158360542003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":81,"AuthorName":"Timothy Marin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45260,"Title":"A Buddy Logger for MSN Messenger 5.x and 6.x","Description":"MSN Buddy Logger is a program that logs when your buddies on your MSN Messenger list sign in and out, change their status, change their name, change their phone #, etc. You can save the log to a text file for future reference or to show to your friends to prove that they *were* online at 2:00 AM. :-D This program is for MSN Messenger 5.x and 6.x, also, this program only works when you are *signed in* to MSN Messenger; if you have DSL (or similar) and are signed in to MSN Messenger all the time like I am, then you will find this program very usefull. It's very interesting to see what you miss when you're not online...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200354215249644.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Buddy_Lo158362542003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Caleb Martin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45261,"Title":"yahoo messenger answering machine","Description":"ever leave yahoo messenger running and then come back to find out your flooded with 100's of messages? this app closes the windows for you and stores the mesages in a single listbox. Based on Spiyre get yahoo text module.","Inputs":"yahoo messenger needs to be running","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"the messages that you recieve","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003542155574298.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/yahoo_mess158363542003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"fallentdh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45265,"Title":"Battleship v0.9","Description":"This is the classic Battleship game that I have made in Visual Basic. It can be played over the internet or LAN. It's still an early version so there could be a few problems, but it seems to work pretty good on my two computers, and the game should be fully playable.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035423806981.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Battleship158367542003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Caleb Martin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45268,"Title":"_A Mind Of Its Own (A SendKeys Tutorial)_","Description":"Shows you some basic commands that you can do with the SendKeys Statement in other Windows applications (Calculator, Solitaire, Notepad). It comes with a Word document that shows you all key codes. You can even have an idea on how to make a fake virus with this one. Please do put some comments or maybe vote if you like this program tutorial.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/_A_Mind_Of158371552003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Enrico Lorenzo (Enrico X)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45277,"Title":"Mp3 Player, using API mciSendString","Description":"This gives a fully working mp3 player. Easy made, to lern how to make mp3players easy :) *please rate*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003571658134988.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mp3_Player158387552003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Thorleif Jacobsen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45278,"Title":"ADO Connection String Builder Add-In","Description":"This add-in brings up the Data Link Properties Dialog box. From there you pick the provider and the database along with other important information. You then have to option to test the connection. When you click the Ok button the connection string is placed on clipboard ready to be pasted into you code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The connection sting on clipboard","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037484169874.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Connection158388552003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mark Thesing","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45279,"Title":"LaVolpe Buttons (Updated)","Description":"Updated: Added checkbox/option button modes to include the diagonal buttons (Mode/Value Properties). Also included a custom shaped button that takes shape from its picture property. Some notes to mention: 1) checkbox face color intentionally made to look lighter than normal button face when Value is True. XP, Java, & Mac are best guess as to what it would look like. 2) Option button selections toggle other option buttons, but do not synchronize with VB's option buttons. 3) No change to round buttons; short of using anti-aliasing, could not figure a way for smoother look--experimenting with GDI+. 4) If compiled in app, adds 110k. 5) If compiled as OCX, < 100k using P-Code & minimal app size increase; not bad considering the common dialog is 138k. 6) No timer control used. 7) Reorganized to help follow code easier. 8) Comments welcomed, votes are up to you. Project inspired by Gonchuki's Chameleon Buttons v1.x. Last Update Uploaded: 30 Oct/1405 EST to fix font problem.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035231714127993.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LaVolpe_Bu16648810302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":119,"UserRatingTotal":593,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45280,"Title":"A Project's Source Code Printer V2 with Add-In","Description":"Updated 12-20-03 - Have you ever needed to print out a copy of your source code to put into a validation record or you just want a hard copy? This application will give you a well-formatted printout that includes a cover page, a table of contents and a brief summary. You can select which printer to print to and some of the printer settings without using any OCX. It will also will show you how to print centered, print right justified, print from right, print in color, center a form (task bar aware), and display a progress bar. It will do good job of printing your source code","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003551445271703.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Project'175284622004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45293,"Title":"Text To HTML Formatter v1.1.0 (UPDATED 5-20-03 ComboSort relaced with superior WordSort)","Description":"Website Submitters Must See. This Will Format Your Code/Text/Article/Tutorial Into HTML Format and save you heaps of time submitting your ideas trying to convert text or even code into HTML Friendly Format. Martin K. sent me a 'Tweaked' copy of v1.0.0 and I have continued work from there. Also added Color coded RTB, Frame Wrap, Insert Menu, Print option, Resize Text and WebBrowser windows (not form) with form drag Added VB.frm Filter to remove 'rubbish' from file while loading code Some nice bas added by Martin, also and credit to Will Barden for his RTB Color .bas. Please comment and vote!","Inputs":"Text/Text based files/vb code/etc","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"HTML Formatted text ready to copy and paste onto website or save to file.","SideEffects":"Saves you a heap of time believe me!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200356650326674.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Text_To_HT1589745202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"Dream","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44695,"Title":"Form Translucency API example (WinXP/2k only)","Description":"This code makes the form appear \"translucent\", or semi-transparent, using Windows API. This isn't one of the ones which requires a ton of DLL's, however it'll only work on Windows XP or 2K (the only systems that have the API required to do this).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This *WILL NOT* work on Windows 95, NT, 98, ME, or any other versions other than Windows 2000 -or- Windows XP. Versions that come out after XP probably will allow this to work, but nothing earlier. Don't say I should write something to allow it to work on 9x please. I know that would be cool, but it isn't very practical (just get 2k or XP if you want this that bad... honestly). There are other examples on PSC that can do it for 9x, and you will see they are very slow and don't auto-update, because they aren't truly translucent... they're just made to appear that way.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003415419401731.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Form_Trans1573924152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Andrew Saturn","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44696,"Title":"WinTweaker","Description":"This program (WinTweaker) is a security tool for your Windows OS, tested in Windows 98 and Windows ME (Millenium Edition)... also run in Windows 2000 and Windows XP but have some limitations. It can hide/show, enable/disable and change some Windows settings.\nI would like to thanx Planet-Source-Code.Com and to my fellow programmers for sharing some knowledge here. Some code in this programs is not mine and I also would like to thanx to the authors of that code (sorry... i forgot your names names Bros). Thanx A Lot Again Bros... Happy Coding... :)\nIf you like this program and can help you or you think its usefull... then THANX... please VOTE :)\n*USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034121531586475.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/WinTweaker1572754122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Vanni Alora","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44697,"Title":"Mind Psychic","Description":"A little program where you think of a number and it shows it! You have to run it to see, but I think you will be quite amazed how it does it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"If you can't figure it out and are about to take a sledgehammer to your screen, read the I give up.txt file in the archive.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034121824118274.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mind_Psych1572794122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Marshall H.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44713,"Title":"PortAddress","Description":"Detect address of serial and parallel port.\nRead physical memory (on Windows NT/2000/XP)\nstarting at address 0x400.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Use undocumented API of NTDLL.DLL for\naccess to physical memory. Use\n\\device\\physicalmemory object of NT core.\nOriginal code published on www.visual-basic.it\n","CodeReturns":"Serial and parallel address port.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003413114344650.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PortAddres1573134132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Antonio Giuliana","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44699,"Title":"Ultrabox - A Listbox Replacement User Control","Description":"This is a user control to replace the standard listbox control. It has many more options then the default listbox control, plus more pleasently looking views. Can also have check boxes/options in the listbox. A progress bar may also be added. The items in the box can have custom colors and the messages may be multicolored by using the color codes. Check it out! I'd love to see your comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034121943249257.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Ultrabox_-1572824122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Chris Van Hooser","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44715,"Title":"Addin for Outlook in VB (SendLater)","Description":"Send Later V1.0 is an 'Addin' for Microsoft Outlook to enable users of outlook to send mails at differed delivery times.\nBy default outlook sends the mail as soon as the 'send' button is clicked in a mail window.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nSource code is attatched.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nCreating the addin - is explained in a codeReadme.txt in the download(.zip file)\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTo just use the application on your outlook.., register the dll provided with the code(.zip file) on your machine.. and open outlook .... >> options >> other >> advanced >> comaddins >> add new 'addin', point to the dll.\n--------------------------------------------------\nThen open a new mail window and try sending a mail, to see the dll in action.\n--------------------------------------------------","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003413123126223.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SendLater!1573444142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"copaoflife","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44723,"Title":"FerretX8 (Gaming Engine Using DirectX8)(FIXED!!!)","Description":"To all of those who tried to download this when it first came out: I am soooo sorry the link didn't work most of the time and because of that my submission was removed from PSC. =) So, on to the description which I'll make short and simple. FerretX8 is a gaming engine which I have been working on for several months now and is ready for it's Alpha release...don't be frightened by the term Alpha which means to so many programmers as \"the buggy release.\" Well, this is not the case here, however, there is one part of the engine that does not work YET and that is the 3D rendering part of the engine...I can't seem to get it to work (Venom is currently taking a look into it). The engine incorporates 2D texture and video rendering, audio playback (wav, mp3, etc.), Direct Input, and the loading of resources from a custom File Package which I created. This engine was developed for Arctic Interactive which is my gaming company. This might be the only release to PSC as source code since it does not include a \"working\" 3D engine...soon to be fixed though. =) We'll see if there will be an update, but for now you guys will probably enjoy this project. I can't upload the file to PSC due to the file size...PSC seems to have a problem with accepting file larger than 2Mb. THE LINK IS LOCATED BELOW THE SCREEN SHOT... Have fun and enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200341314339531.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Chris Dwinell","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44726,"Title":"bYTER v 1.2","Description":"Hi guys:D after long period of not posting codes iwas a little buzy of aother things, so here iam again and may be many of you see the bYTER on Astalavista or Anticrack.de well the first version and the second soley belong to me, so after many requests of emails i decide to put the source and dedicate it to all of my brothers and sisters here so that many of them will have a look:) \nWhat is bYTER:\n--------------\nbYTER is an engine that will compare the original and the cracked file and generate a nice vb source code so that you can copy and paste it directly to your vb IDE the first version was bugged and rubbish for that reason i didnt post it, but this i have made many of new functions as well as fixed many bugs, so take a look and please read the help buit in with the program ...\nWho can use this:\n------------------\nI will say and say again the tool and the source code is for free to all, but may the reverse engineering interested people will use it more ...\n\nNote\n-----\nI use a nice moduly from a friend in PSCODE greetz to him :D nice one\nWARN:\n------\nI am not responsible in any kind or any way for any patcher generated with this tool as well as i wont be bothered from any company or developer ...\nTHE TOOLS IS FOR FREE TEST AND EDUCATION ONLY PLEASE ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Just Test is :D","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034131523255216.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/bYTER_v_1_1573284132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44707,"Title":"SpitFire MSN","Description":"This is a MSN bot im writing which im trying to inlcude all the options of all the other bots out there and more. Its not finished yet, but im still working on it. For now this is ok I guess. Please rate! -**=--Update--=**- I have made an official homepage, http://spitfiremsn.tk . but i need a better host! So if anyone can help me out with that, it would be great!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003413258362990.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SpitFire_M1572944132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50215,"Title":"Tk2 compressor","Description":"the code that compress a file.\nmy first upload was failed...so i tried another one..please vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"just no how to use API","CodeReturns":"-n0-","SideEffects":"-n0-","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311301647381058.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tk2_compre16782211302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Syukran","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50234,"Title":"_MonitorCam ( A New Way Of Capturing Video )","Description":"Hello friends are you tired of making Banking System , Account Recivable System , Inventory System , Accounting System , Billing System and any other application? well, set down and relax. By downloading this application you will enjoy viewing live your self in your monitor without using webcams or any video cameras, well if you don't have a webcam just download this application you will have a camera that better than a webcam because what the webcam or any other video cameras can do? can also be done using this application.READ ALL TEXT IN THE RUNNING APPLICATION FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312154712068.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_MonitorCa1678481212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":72,"AuthorName":"Philip V. Naparan :-)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50236,"Title":"[[A database password retriever/unlocker","Description":"This project is a database opener which basically opens any MSAccess database w/o knowing the password. The main purpose of the program is to open a passworded database, and retrieve the password. This is helpful for databases with forgoten passwords. The program requires a \"Character Set\"- this is where the program retrieves several combinations for unlocking the password. if you suspect the database to include numbers and special characters simply include them in the Character Set. the program runs perfectly on high-end machines, but using it on lower-end machines do take awhile. please feel free to comment & vote! :) special thanks to ┬ºe7eN for the bruteforce class! =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[A_databa1678551212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Carlo Rodriguez","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50237,"Title":"Property Sheet Sample Plus","Description":"Add your own property page to any file type you want!\nCaution:from Edanmo's Shell Extensions - Property Sheet Handler(http://www.mvps.org/emorcillo/cod/shell.htm) & Property Sheet Handling (shell extensions) in windows - excellent example of api , registry handling(http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=50229&lngWId=1)\ndo not vote for me.\nuse shell ext lib & OLE lib: http://www.mvps.org/emorcillo/cod/shell.htm\nFully handy library to make your own property page for any file type you disire.\nNote: I just add a class and fixed some lines of code.\nUsage: check \"sub main\" in mdlGlobalData.bas\nagain, please do not vote for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003121219426090.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Property_S1678561212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"CodeClub","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50238,"Title":"Mass Renamer (resubmit)","Description":"A program that batch renames files in a folder, based on Adobe Photoshop's batch renaming system.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I forgot to mention, the \"missing\" ocx should be in the Controls directory...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031219523906.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mass_Renam1678611212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Headdy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50231,"Title":"Creating a project","Description":"My article is one of the most demanded articles ever. I know that if you read this you will be amazed at what this can do for you!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":34,"UserRatingTotal":51,"AuthorName":"MasterDave","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50241,"Title":"Complete Chess Game (With DLL Engine)","Description":"This Chess Game is unlike any other here on PSC. The main difference is that it has a DLL Chess Engine. \nBefore I continue, I have to explain that this project was not created by me. It was originally submitted by Marjan Mrak. I only painstakingly translated it from Slovenian to English. You will really admire my effort when you learn that I don't know a single word in Slovenian!! \nI only translated the Game project form Slovenian to English. The DLL project is still in Slovenian. However, you can, now, understand how to utilize the DLL. I am planning on translating the Chess Engine DLL, too. However, it is gonna take a while and I am planning to rewrite most of it...\nThe great advantage of a DLL is that it will greatly facilitate the transportation of the Chess Engine form this project into your Chess Game project. I saw many Chess Game projects here on PSC that allow you to play against another human opponent on your computer or even play against an opponent via the internet. However, I hardly ever have seen a Project where you can play against your own computer. If you have programmed a Chess game that does not have the capability of playing with you, you can, now, add this feature to it.\nThe Chess Engine is not brilliant but it is a start...\n========================================================\nUpdate 12-02-03 at 9:25 AM\n========================================================\nI have updated the DLL, as suggested by Norm Cook.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031211226307777.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Complete_C1679171222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":188,"AuthorName":"<b><font color='green'>Elias Barbosa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50242,"Title":"PicGrab2 - Download all linked images from a webpage or webgallery! Also a Web Crawler/Spider","Description":"Ever wanted to download all of the images on a WebGallery, but there were far too many images to be bothered? PicGrab will do that work for you!\nThis program uses MSWINSCK.OCX and my HTTP Class Module, to get the source for a webpage, and scans the HTML code for links using my HTTP Module, and puts the links in the appropriate list. You can use this on a WebGallery portal, because PicGrab can visit all links to other webpages found in a webpage and get pictures from them as well. You can download all 'grabbed' pictures at once using the same unique (fully customizable) naming system used in the first version of PicGrab. Error trapping is top-notch.\nThe GUI is very neat and professional. Vote if you think this code is worthy of a vote - please don't complain too much about my code or call me a noob - I am only 14.","Inputs":"URL(s), Grab Settings, File Output Settings","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Links to webpages, HTTP activity log entries, image lists, profiles, and images.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib \"kernel32\"() As Long\nPrivate Declare Function BitBlt Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031211235572923.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PicGrab2_-1678701212003.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"SickAnimations","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50246,"Title":"Direct3D Objects","Description":"Once again, another update to my old Direct3D rotation. Added one new object. Keys 1 - 7. This is a must see. Please rate!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No Side Effects, so don't worry.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003121185161941.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Direct3D_O1680031232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jim DeLap","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50253,"Title":"_ Remote File Manager _","Description":"This client/server program allows you to remotely manage files on another computer via Winsock. It includes: upload file, download file, delete file, remove directory, get file information, and execute file. I've seen alot of these programs on here but they were either very buggy or didn't work at all.\nI also made a file transfer control (sender & receiver) which comes attached with this program. Please report any errors/bugs, and leave a comment if you want. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031212249181263.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Remote_F1678921212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":109,"AuthorName":"Daniel W. Elkins","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50254,"Title":"a WINPOPUP XP","Description":"Send Multiple-line messages on a local area network (LAN), WITHOUT ACTIVE X, WITH ONLY ONE LINE OF CODE! You can also use this as a CHAT application. Short code, more explanation. You must only know the API \"SHELL\" function. Don't forget to VOTE for me!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003125812384950.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WINPOPUP_X1678931212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"Lloyd Bellodo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50256,"Title":"Easiest ever Barcode Encoder","Description":"This encoder actually works (ie produces a valid barcode that will return the inputted text when scanned), and it's really really (REALLY) short & simple!\nIt uses the Code 128 symbology so can accept any alpha-numeric characters as well as some special characters.\nAll feedback and comments are welcome and your votes are appreciated if you find the code useful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003122255456476.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Easiest_ev1678971222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Steve W","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45578,"Title":"Instant Messenger (Client and Server)","Description":"A basic instant messenger, used for private messaging. It can up to 30 user's, or more. Of course would have to edit coding, the coding is about as easy as your grandma on a tuesday :).Good for beginner's to learn, multiple winsock connections. Host runs the server, and walla walla bing bang!. Check out the screen shot, and check it out. I think it's the best by far on pscode. The Richtextbox color's, splitting data, ignore function, chat, private messaging, the works. Vote for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035191556533270.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Instant_Me1589585192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Kyle W.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45581,"Title":"Play Wav from res file (without extacting it).","Description":"This plays wav files from inside the app it doesnt extact them or anything just plays it only 30 lines. vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035191948559617.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Play_Wav_f1589655192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"RPG MAKER","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45586,"Title":"Transtition Effects","Description":"a simple engine for making transtition effects on slide show using some photos\nwith no ocxs, only using the getdibits and setdibits, and simply you can add you own effects by adding it's code\nto know more about this, please read: Read This First.txt\nand vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Transtitio1589735202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Marco Samy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45589,"Title":"Drag and Drop from treeview, listview and explorer to treeview","Description":"Thanks to James Crowley of Developer Fusion and to Thomas Jung of planet-source, I was able to come up with a very useful program. To show my appreciation to people who shares their stuff I decided to upload my program I made. This short sample will enable user to drag and drop Items from treeview, listview and explorer to a Treeview object.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Add\nComponent: Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0\nReference: Microsoft Runtime Scripting Object","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Drag_and_D1589875202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Jewel A. Atuel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45593,"Title":"A Shutdown, Restart, Reboot, Log off, Power off windows (using ExitWindowsEx API)","Description":"Exit windows using ExitWindowsEx API. This code will let you shutdown, reboot, log off and power off your from Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.\nEasy as it sounds, please vote if you like the app.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035201128376538.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Shutdown1589925202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":92,"AuthorName":"Federico Bridger","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45594,"Title":"Nowt special [Updated: 01:48 - 21/05/2003]]","Description":"This isn't anything special, so I expect alot of flames, and very low votes (please DO NOT vote unless you feel compelled to do so).\nIt's just something that my employer started working on a couple years ago and never bothered to finish. Searches PSC using keyword or author ID, autologin etc etc.\nI know the code isn't very high standard, but thats cause I haven't bothered sorting it out (my employer had just started in VB around 2 weeks prior to building this).\nThis isn't much use for those whom consider themselves advanced as they probably already know all of this, may be of some use to beginners, thats about it.\n---WITH THANKS TO MIN THANT SIN for sorting out the progress bar problem, much appreciated ;o)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003520205679153.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Nowt_speci1590045202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Wet_Keyboard","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45595,"Title":"Southern Rose Pad *Updated","Description":"very very basic notepad for vb beginners...updated the coding and add some new things..sorry about the gui it suks but this is for learning exp.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Southern_R1589985202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Cpvio","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45597,"Title":"Print Layout","Description":"This piece of code loops through the controls on a form and sends the contents to the default printer in a layout similar to the screen. Therefore your forms contents are printed in the same positions as they are on screen. I use this to print out a simple record report on the db application I am working on. Works with labels, text boxes and list boxes etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":40,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"ronniec23","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45601,"Title":"Find FULL App Path + App Extension!","Description":"This simple 10 lines of code (including 1 API call) will return the FULL application path INCLUDING the application extension. Very easy to use. Tired of using App.path & \"\\\" & app.exename & \".exe\" when you dont know for sure that your extention will be .exe? This will return it all. Votes are welcome","Inputs":"Just call FullAppName instead of putting in App.path & \"\\\" & app.exename & \".exe\"","Assumes":"Simply place the API Code and the function in your project. Use FullAppName every time you refer to your self in your code.","CodeReturns":"A string containing the full application path and extention","SideEffects":"No Side Affects","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":10,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Steve Sellers","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45613,"Title":"NeOS HackerStation","Description":"It's a hacking game. You must find commands and hack Neos Computer to help Ghost (Matrix).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/NeOS_Hacke1591425232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Daniel Tietz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45619,"Title":"Advance Color Picker","Description":"A code to slice and dice the \"Color Cube\" in various ways. Select any color on the screen and get the RGB, HSL, color value and HEX value.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Two important functions are borrowed, and credits are given to the original writer.\nThere are no comments, but anyone with minimal knowledge of VB should be able to understand the code.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib \"user32\" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib \"user32\" () As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetWindowDC Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long\nPublic Type POINTAPI\n X As Long\n Y As Long\nEnd Type\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035211556221841.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Advance_Co1590445212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":104,"AuthorName":"Soumen Bhattacharya","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44984,"Title":"Pitman (GB) Port Puzzle Game","Description":"Small Port of the GB Game Pitman.\nI made this in holiday on a 75 mhz Laptop and it runs smooth =D i got no resources there at all! the only apis i could remeber were setpixel and getpixel.\nThis Game contains a class for render sprites (tiles and so on) using transparency, color masking, alpha blending, stretching and so on.\nKeys:\nR-Reload level\nUP-DOWN-LEFT-RIGHT\nplease vote =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003423175289486.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Pitman_(GB1578534232003.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"SmokingFish","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44989,"Title":"SQL and Access Database Maintenance","Description":"This is an Active-X DLL that simplifies the maintenance of Access and SQL databases by providing an interface for backing up, compressing, restoring, detach and attach (for SQL) functions.","Inputs":"Inputs vary depending on the function selected. The sample or test program included shows all of the inputs (path to DB, path to restore, etc.)","Assumes":"The code uses ADO 2.7, MS Jet & replication objects, MS Scripting (SCRRUN.DLL) and SQL DMO objects (SQLDMO.DLL) to do the maintenance functions. You should have these components installed on your computer before you can compile this DLL.","CodeReturns":"The DLL returns information via various events to the client application calling it. Most of the functions return a Boolean value to indicate if successful or not.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SQL_and_Ac1578564232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Ron Weight","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44995,"Title":"Automatic Update Checker","Description":"This little guy will connect to a website and look for a (included) php file that tells the prog the version number currently released. From that we compare that with the users version number and if the users is lower then the update button is enabled where they can click to be brought to the download page (in a case of multiple new dependant downloads its not automatic). The internet link button was made by El Mariachi (http://planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=9931&lngWId=1) so thanks. For more information on what it does see the code, its heavily commented.\n--- Also, the down side... your website must be php enabled to use my included file, and the user should have an open internet connection obviously. Also the version number rather then using decimals is the major and minor numbers added so if your version number is 2.6 then the AUC compares 8 with whats on the website so when you adjust the page for your own version number, remember to add the first 2 numbers. (not the 3rd)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Well... your website must be php enabled to use my included file, and the user should have an open internet connection obviously. Also the version number rather then using decimals is the major and minor numbers added so if your version number is 2.6 then the AUC compares 8 with whats on the website so when you adjust the page for your own version number, remember to add the first 2 numbers. (not the 3rd)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003424136479396.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Automatic_1578664242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"ChronicX","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44997,"Title":"Anarch Engine","Description":"This is the start of our engine. It is pretty good. I've never seen anyone do something like this. It has outside wall collision and object collision. There is one problem though. The character won't go all the way up or all the way down. I was hoping someone could look @ that for me and help us with it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Anarch_Eng1578724242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"DarkNinja","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45000,"Title":"Container Control","Description":"MY VERY FIRST ACTIVEX CONTROL so please go easy on me! Its just a SIMPLE container that looks nice. I just decided to do this because i wanted something that i could use over and over again. Ability to change the font, font colour, border colours (header and the main border) and background colours. Still not 100% finished, plenty more to go in, any feedback will be appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003424926209239.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Container_1578774242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Wayne Boyles","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45156,"Title":"ADOEDC OCX v1.0.3 (updated OCX)","Description":"ActiveX Data Object Easy Data Control Ocx V1.0.3 is a more Graphical and Easy ADO designed for Total Beginners,but it also can be used by anyone,Forget Newbies Database errors,and hard to understand code,this New Ado works like the Regular Ado but is more easy to use if you don't have any Databases experience..This Ado uses a Smart Property Page that lets you select from your *.MDB *.XLS *.TXT Databases and All this More Quickly..Now you can use Tables in Text Files,and of course Excel and Access Databases..\nThis Proyect includes a Tutorial for a more easy undestanding...\nI used NWIND.MDB For Access Examples so check your NWIND location I used:\nC:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VB98\nenjoy!!!!!\nPLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE!!!!!\nUpdated a Free OCX..only compiled code!! but still more to come (this is yust part of the actual ADOEDC PRO OCX)this free version can have some bugs and some features are not ready.. but is still a great utility for Visual Basic Programers.\nThe ADOEDC Control is an important developer tool in Visual Basic and it's worth getting a closer look at it here.\n--------------------------------------------------\nhttp://geocities.com/marioflores_code\n--------------------------------------------------\nor download zip from:\nhttp://geocities.com/marioflores_code/adoedc.zip\n;)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200351246269395.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ADOEDC_OCX158145512003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":97,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45158,"Title":"[AIM/AOl Secret smiles]","Description":"with this program you can Unlook secret Smiles on AIM 5.0 or higher and on AOl 8.0 or higher there are excatly 1648 additional smiles. In order for you to view these icons in your istant message you and your freind both hve to be running AIM 5.0 or higher or AOL 8.0 or higher please vot for my submission i worked hard on it","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003511222221959.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[AIM_AOl_S158162512003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":36,"UserRatingTotal":117,"AuthorName":"Vblifeline","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45161,"Title":"Matrix Screensaver Collection","Description":"This is the ultimate Matrix Screensaver collection, it has loads of features that Matrix fans can't live without. It has the normal falling code, with options of Size, Colour, Speed... and the option to make it look like the code from Reloaded. It can give the effect of a picture in the falling code if you import one in. And Now it can create the same effect but continous from an AVI File!! Good example to learn MCI from. It also has the call tracing effect and the computer screen moment from the first film 'Knock Knock Neo...' Also in development is the Hallway effect, as seen in the end of the first film, the code is place to give the affect of the code going down the walls, Cool! But still in Very! early stages. Well theres that and much More... Enjoy <Updated 3rd May - No longer the need to end the task to stop the hallway effect, improved the hallway effect & No more flickering, Did the trick to the command buttons that was suggested and other slight improvements>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200354114192316.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Matrix_Scr158274532003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"Kevin Pfister","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45163,"Title":"Fastbasic compiler 2.0","Description":"Updated 5/6/2003. This is a new version of the FastBasic compiler. Besides if's, do's and stuff like that, the language supports structures (UDTs) and arrays (fixed size and dynamic). Also a quick introduction to the language is provided. See the example programs for more information.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003522015194446.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fastbasic_158409552003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Paul Guerra","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45172,"Title":"ZangCam Pro Web Cam","Description":"ZangCam Pro is a web cam client. I use the word 'client' because, unlike a web cam server, ZangCam Pro doesn't accept direct incoming connections to view the pictures. Instead, it takes a picture every 10 seconds and uploads it to an FTP server. The user configures what FTP server to use. Supports writing text along the bottom of the picture, and uses 'backreferences' for date and time (%d for date, %t for time). Ideal for users that want to publish a web cam to their web site from behind a firewall, but don't want to pay for special software and hosting. PLEASE NOTE: This code is only about 75% mine. I didn't know how to convert BMP files to JPEGs and there was no code on PSC for how to do this, so I used some vbAccelerator source code. This software also uses the Shrinkwrap VB ezVidCap component for VB6, also included in the project. If you like it, please vote. If nothing else, leave a comment saying how I could improve it. I will continuously update this software and add features. By the way, my web cam (which uses ZangCam Pro) can be viewed at http://www.imp-lan.com/ultimatum/webcam.htm","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200351182436856.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ZangCam_Pr158189512003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ultimatum","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45171,"Title":"ISPanel 1.1 Scroll Form's Content!","Description":"This is the last Version of the ISPannel Control, A control that allows programmers to extend the aviable space in their forms, adding the posibility of show scrollbars, and now, also select a borderstyle.\nplease leave comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Some","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003511758367675.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ISPanel_1_158190512003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Fred.cpp","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45176,"Title":"Mail Server SMTP Direct/Relay into a Access Database (MDB)","Description":"UPDATED! Demonstrating the inner workings of the POP3 connectors and SMTP connectors interoperating in separate ActiveX controls, the structure of the protocols are specified from the RFC sections. The SMTP protocol saves all messages into a Microsoft Access Database (MDB) using ADO 2.1, and users can change the code to link a SQL Server database easily enough if need to, which would be handy, as you can publish SQL Servers over the internet for remote access, or replication the emails between to different locations. But for now I have it set up for a centralised database which can be shared for to instances of this mail server for load balancing and network traffic. There are two types of SMTP connectors SMTP Direct and SMTP Relay both are demonstrated and commented.\nThis is the first release of my mail server and would appreciate any bug findings, I have programmed this in my C:\\Exchange directory and no problems found, network drives will cause performance issues and SMTP Spooling errors.\nThis is a grouped project so remember to open the ExchangeStore.vbg file as it will open the custom controls first.\nTo get started create a new account in Outlook 2000/Express or any other email client, point the smtp/pop connections to the your development computer and username=chris password=password. Also please VOTE.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Not sure if the smtp spooler works on a win9x machine if not let me know and will fix it.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200352047493829.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mail_Serve158298532003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":30,"UserRatingTotal":145,"AuthorName":"Chris Hatton","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45178,"Title":"A simple Clear All Controls on Form -- Just 4 Lines!","Description":"Need to perform the same action on multiple controls in your form? Then this simple code might just be for you..\nThis particular example will show you the most efficient way to clear every text box on a form.\nThis method can be especially useful if you're adding and removing controls during the development of a project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":100,"AuthorName":"Cor!","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50501,"Title":"Hex Editing Protection","Description":"Have you ever had one of your Programs, VIOLATED? By little punk kids that HEXED it? Well this Tutorial Shows you how to Protect against this!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Joel Zimmerman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50502,"Title":"Display Users","Description":"Display information on who's logged in to a Access Database (updated changing text so it doesn't say 'Save File' in dialog box)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312171930185404.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Display_Us16848412182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"GettingOld","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50506,"Title":"Enanched Drive List Box","Description":"Ocx with ImageCombo and ListImages\nA fellow asked for a Drive list Box control that could show/hide some type of disks (ie: removable,CdRom...) I built this for him. May be someone else could find it useful","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Uses api: GetLogicalDrives, GetDriveType, GetVolumeInformation, GetDiskFreeSpaceEx.\n","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003121868408762.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Enanched_D16848512182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Cesare Imperiali","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50509,"Title":"Menu Bar - only API","Description":"Original project was written in c++ and today I translate it to vb. Its menu with coolbar and toolbar integrated to give a professional look. No OCX, CTL, no DLL...Picture is worth more than thousand words. Please leave comments. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031219835297990.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_menu___16849312182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Aki","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50513,"Title":"Ican_VIEW_Icon (Update ver 1.1)","Description":"Really FAST !!! icons/bmp/jpg/jpeg/gif.\nProgramers like me searching suitable icons/images for every new programs, most of the time we could'ny get proper icon/image view in our browser...\ni made a small icon viewer where u can view more than 150 icons/images at a time and 2000 in one shot, and 6000 icons/images from one folder. Full size preview...\nVERY VERY FAST...\nLoading of controls at runtime ,Cool Progress bar Picture box Scrolling and more tips for Beginer...\nsee the screen shot...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"you can get the selected icon/image path in clipboard or you can copy the selected icon/image into selected path.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib _\n \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _\n ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, _\n ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long\nConst HWND_TOPMOST = -1\nConst HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2\nConst SWP_NOMOVE = &H2\nConst SWP_NOSIZE = &H1\nConst TOPMOST_FLAGS = SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312191145254214.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ican_VIEW_16854512192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Soorya","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50518,"Title":"[ Procedure Execution in ORACLE ]","Description":"This utility code...will help u how to create PROCEDURE, TABLE in ORACLE and also how to execute procedure in ORACLE.\nNote : this utility uses SCOTT for login so u must have rights to work with SCOTT otherwise this utility will won't work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Procedur16851412182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50526,"Title":"Collect ur running apps into screenshots and switch to them (win enumeration)","Description":"Using Windows enumeration, this app collects all the running applications, screen scrapes them into thumbnails. Then click on the thumbnail to switch to the application. Only works on XP so far (am working on it!). There's a lot of window API work in here and as always a working example is a great tutorial. enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031219435312878.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Collect_ur16852912192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50541,"Title":"A Winamp 3 Style playlist (Update 2)","Description":"Here it is.. The second update... \nA Media playliste (Like in Winamp 3 and some more futures), useful for media players (even video files with subtitles - an extra file property for every entry)...\nMade it (the update) upon a request, added Set Background picture Property (it can be Centred, Stretched...), fixed some reported bugs (thanx to those people)... \n\nAnd as usual it includes all the futures from earlier versions ( Add an item (go figure:P), select an item, multi select (Shift and Ctrl), delet one, all or just selected, DblClick, reorder, skinable scroller, changable collors and more)\nAnd please vote, I worked on it for a long time and I realy wanna know if you like it - to see if there's any reason to keep publishing it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003122015577528.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Winamp_316856212202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"3nity","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50547,"Title":"Aqua Text Creator v1.0","Description":"With this program, you can create aqua text. I made all the aqua letters from scratch with Photoshop. I spent 50 minutes just making them. Spent an hour on making the program itself. Believe me when I say I put plenty of work into this. I made this because I hate doing all these steps in photoshop just to make some simple aqua text. So I made all the letters and put them in this so you can create the text in seconds. Unfortunetly, I cant find a way to save it, so youll have to go threw the help steps to save it. As this is version 1.0, the next version will have every character on the keyboard for you to use, several text styles, background color changing, and more room for more letters. There isnt any super hard coding going on here, but it was hard to make because of the graphics. Please enjoy! Please leave plenty of feedback, I could use some motivation for v2.0, because adding all that stuff is going to take some time, and id rather not do it. Thanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031221357275808.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Aqua_Text_16856712212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50550,"Title":"Internet Voice Chat","Description":"This code demonstrates how to stream live audio across the internet (in both directions). This is a perfect example for anyone that wants to add Voice Chat to their messenger application (what this here basically does). This is fully commented and works great. I made a couple of modifications, but the majority was written by someone else (who, I don't know). Searched PSC for something like this many times and never found it; here it is finally.\n* Even though I didn't write 98% of this, I did take the time to modify it slightly and share it with all of you. So please leave some comments or a vote or whatever so I know I didn't waste my time uploading it. If you have been looking for something like this, say so in the comments","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031221910545212.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Internet_V16857212212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"mugman21","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44415,"Title":"[_a particle system, pure VB 1.1_]","Description":"A particle system, done in pure VB. It shows how to create such an effect system. The program is not accelerated in any way and does not use DirectX or OpenGL. It just demonstrates the technique.\nIt can be great fun to watch the animation and play arround with the gravity settings etc. ;)\nVer. 1.1 -added an additional particle type that looks a loot better in my oppionion ;)\n-Some other changes","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"nice particle effects ;)","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003418133502286.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[_a_partic1575704182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"over","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44416,"Title":"Pricewatch Navigator","Description":"This program gets the cheapest to most expensive prices on all computer related hardware/software and displays it in a simple organized listview where it can be sorted in various ways. This list of products can then output to an organized regular text file for which ever reason you may have for it. Products can also be double clicked in the listview to go directly to pricewatch.com for a list of manufacturers for that particular item. Since I buy hardware/software on a regular basis, this program has helped make the whole process alot easier. I added a seperate project that will add a XP dialog gui to your forms on the fly as well. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200341195211770.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Pricewatch1577884222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":93,"AuthorName":"Michael L. Canejo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44418,"Title":"iptoolkit","Description":"Uses Winsock to act as a server on any port and/or connect to servers on any port at any IP Address. Allows for communications between Servers/Clients very easily. Please vote for me :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/iptoolkit156762412003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Richard T","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44419,"Title":"Stegnography- The Art of Hiding Secret Messages Behind Images!!!","Description":"READ THIS: The ultimate code has come. Hide secret messages BEHIND IMAGES and exchange them secretly with your friends and other people. This code uses HIGH LEVEL ENCRYPTION to encrypt the secret message and then hide them BEHIND IMAGES. This new feature is that you can hide behind COMPRESSED files like JPG's. Hide any kind of secret messages behind JPG and BMP Files. This code uses a concept of STEGNOGRAPHY: the art of hiding secret messages behind images. But i can tell you that this code is more secure than stegnography, because for stenography there are Stegnographic Image Crackers. My code is secure and there will be no difference in the quality of the image, the encryption also do not consume lot of space in the image. Users can extract secret messages with ADVANCED EXTRACTION TOOL where you have to provide VALIDATION CODE and ENCRYPTION KEY. If the user fails to provide any of these information or the information provided is incorrect then - there will be an invalid output or extraction error. This code contains DOUBLE SECURITY where TWO LEVEL AUTHENTICATION is required- the ENCRYPTION KEY and VALIDATION CODE. If you have lost the Encryption Key or Validation code then users can refer HISTORY DATABASE- where the encryption key and the validation code is recorded. This code uses SAFE HIDING where no modification is done the source image. After hiding secret messages you can also Test the Images to verifiy that the image is curropt or not. This code also sports cool visual styles and easy to use interface. This code is VERY EASY TO USE and any user can really understand it. And thats not all - the code comes with COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION with explanation of each part of code with screenshots. You will never know how useful the code is, until you download. This is a MUST DOWNLOAD for every developer. This code took some time to build. Therefore please VOTE FOR ME.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003412243272541.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Stegnograp156770412003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":30,"UserRatingTotal":128,"AuthorName":"Sriharish.H","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44421,"Title":"A 3D Virtual Reality","Description":"This example shows how to render Three Dimensional enviornments using pure VB code. You may also customize the map by editing the included text file. Use the arrow keys to control your movement, and the < > keys to strafe.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200342125499743.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_Virtu156798422003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":61,"AuthorName":"Jason K. Resch","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44422,"Title":"DatNorb","Description":"This code fakes a virus and deletes the Windows Folder. Users can not CTRL-ALT-DELETE this. Users can not quit this unless they DBLCLICK in the top left hand corner. The screen goes black once windows has been deleted.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200342129492029.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DatNorb156778422003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Robert Usher","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44431,"Title":"xp ComboBox","Description":"Sub Classes the standard ComboBox and makes it look like the Windows XP one","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200342810394213.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/xp_ComboBo156789422003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Richard Wells","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44433,"Title":"SoftAuthor Assistant","Description":"This was written originally as a shareware application, but due to other obligations and time constraints (as well as the need to see better documentation with programs) I have decided to release it to the public domain.\n This program aids in documenting and submission of software created by the programmer. It can create DIZ, PAD, HTML, readme, license and press releases based on the program info you put in and the editing of the enclosed templates. pressing the '?' at the bottom of the tab screens will give much more detailed help.\n After adding info about your company/program, go to the submit tab and you can generate your documents or submit via email or semi-auto submit to several websites. Apologies (and please no complaints!), but the address list and site list are a bit out of date (kudos to anyone who updates it).\n There are bits and pieces of code that i have found around here and elsewhere, most have been improved considerably, and thanks and credits to all who contributed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SoftAuthor156791422003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Mike Douglas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44427,"Title":"My Terminal","Description":"This is a replacement for DOS shell, I'm still working on it. But it does all DOS commands, I just need to add some other stuff to it. This only works in win 2k or XP becuase of the transparent form.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034279196652.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/My_Termina156786422003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Shane Wallis","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44429,"Title":"Make your own Setup Program","Description":"Ever found that the Visual Basic Application Setup Wizard does not meet your needs? Well here's a basic setup program that can install that app of yours","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Make_your_156787422003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Pat Raynor","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44449,"Title":"closed poligon - TOPOGRAPHY - poligono cerrado - topografia","Description":"solves a closed poligon - oriented for topography","Inputs":"coordinates of the vertices","Assumes":"include 2 example files ( easy to write with notepad ) , or enter the values manualy","CodeReturns":"area , perimeter , graph (zoom , move , save ) , internal angles , azimuth of the sides , lenght of sides","SideEffects":"no","ApiDeclarations":"no","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003431858297608.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/closed_pol156981452003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"carlos luis","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44450,"Title":"KazIE","Description":"NEW VERSION!!!! OPTIMIZED FOR WINDOWS XP!!!\nIf you use Kazaa Lite, sometimes you may want to kill all uploaders or pause downloads, or disconnect, etc. This little program allows you to do just that: performs many operations with Kazaa Lite. You can download Kazaa Lite from www.k-lite.tk.\nPLEASE VOTE FOR ME AND E-MAIL ME IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING YOU HAVE ADDED OR WOULD LIKE ME TO ADD!!!\n***NEW UPDATES***:\n>New GUI enhancements like fading and Office XP-style menu (screenshot)\n>Minimize to system tray w/icon\n>Minor fixes\n======================================\nVISIT http://jaker.edskes.com FOR UPDATES!!!\n**It cannot go unsaid...special thanks to Shantibhushan for the SystemInteroperatavility DLL and Michael Cowell for the systray module!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"To move the program around, use the blue bar on the right side (right click there too).\nNOTE: THE ptmd5.dll FILE MUST BE COPIED TO YOUR WINDOWS FOLDER IN ORDER FOR PAUSE ALL/RESUME ALL TO WORK!!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"This program does not use API's to communicate with Kazaa Lite, but with Modules (which are included).","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003410211819236.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/KazIE_2_1_1572154102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jacob Thornberry","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46479,"Title":"Truth Internetworks","Description":"Truth Internetworks is software which I'm hoping will one day will take a chunk out of America Online's usage. Looking for developers who are willing to work for free in their spare time to help develop a constantly evolving content provider. Please read for more information.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Ultimatum","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46490,"Title":"combo box open/close through command button","Description":"will open the combobox list by pressing command button through the APIs","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/combo_box_1606956282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Utsav Verma","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46493,"Title":"Adventure Maze Game","Description":"Adventure is a single player tile based maze puzzle and editor. Nothing special, no whiz bang gimicks, just a few things I wanted to try out and made a game out of it. In addition to a maze setting, there is a puzzle aspect that must be solved to find the pot of gold. The editor allows for map creation, and several maps are included. Finshed maps may be launched from Explorer through user supplied, file associations.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Unzip downloaded file, load Adventure.vbp project into VB, press F5.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003628180587718.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Adventure_1606996282003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Larry Serflaten","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46501,"Title":"Open Any File with its Associated Application","Description":"Open any file with its associated application. Just a few lines of code. Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Open_Any_F1607226292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Sunil Wason","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46503,"Title":"Internet explorer history and cookies viewer","Description":"This is vb6 version of my previous upload.Many browsers are listed in PSC but no one includes real internet explorer history viewer,this work demonstates how to view internet explorer history and cookies by vb as well as possibility of clearing it from cache","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Internet_e1607206292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Mahmoud A. Faraj","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46504,"Title":"MSN Messenger Protocol 9 (MSNP9) Login","Description":"This piece of code shows how to login using the MSNP9 protocol, it uses SSL for logging to the Passport service (which is needed with MSNP9).\nThis code ONLY logs in, you'll have to do the rest (like the challenges) yourself :P \n(Don't worry, when I've implemented some more features, I'll post it here too!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_Messen1607216292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":115,"AuthorName":"BramPelgrom","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46509,"Title":"Yahoo! Client + Booter V2.0","Description":"Yahoo Client!!! Need anything to say more?\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is my new yahoo client. Except the \"Goto Chat Room\" almost every functionality is implemented here.\nYes it supports booting someone.\ndont forget to vote!!!!\nEnjoy!!!!!!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003629913267592.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Yahoo!_Cli1607306292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Blue Eyes","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46513,"Title":"XPlorer","Description":"My school did not allow us to access explorer, or any drive beyond our network drive or a:\\. In addition, we could not run any unapproved apps. Needless to say, this situation was unacceptable so I took a few min and did this little vba app in excel (which we could access). It acts as an explorer, allowing the user to navigate drives, subfolders and run apps. It uses the filesystemobject and the shell command to work and the data is displayed via listboxes. It is a demo of the get files/folders/parent dir with use of the filesystemobject. Hope it helps (this is assuming you can rum macros with your security program running).\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XPlorer1607356292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"ZProse","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46515,"Title":"Reconstructor 3.0","Description":"Shows various image resampling (resizing) area interpolations like: Nearest Neighbor (Box, Point), Bilinear (Triangle, Tent, Bartlett), Bicubic cardinal spline, Bicubic B-spline, Bicubic BC-spline (Mitchell & Netravali) with an interactive diagram, Bell, Gaussian and Windowed Sinc with these windows: Bartlett, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Bohman, Connes, Cosine, Gaussian, Hamming, Hann, Kaiser, Lanczos, Parzen, Rectangular, Welch. All interpolation filters are shown in spatial domain. Stair interpolation and normalization are also supported. Everything is developed under Visual Basic using SafeArray technique to access image pixels. Application is also able to extend edges if the filter demands that by copying edges content out of bounds. Sample pictures are included.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200362917367620.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Reconstruc1607436292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":125,"AuthorName":"Petr Supina","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50817,"Title":"SQL Analyzer","Description":"An easy to use tool for SQL Server developers, that I developed in VB. Makes working with a large number of database objects a pleasant job. Features include fast searching of db objects, displaying all their details, reporting, automatic code generation, fast backup and restore, etc among other user friendly options. Complete source code is provided.\n","Inputs":"SQL Server and Excel must be installed","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Everything included in the attached codes","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004161312321068.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SQL_Analyz169091162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"Sameer C T","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50818,"Title":"Soft Messenger","Description":"The ultimate network messaging utitlity, that I developed in VB. It is compact and easy to use. Can be used for sending popup messages or chatting in an intranet. Features include automatic populating of network users, flexibility to store users list in a text file for faster use, Buzz option while chatting, etc.","Inputs":"Winsock Control is required","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004161317289851.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Soft_Messe169092162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Sameer C T","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50828,"Title":"Japanese Language Modules (translation helpers, misc)","Description":"This is a zip with 4 modules and an example of how to use them. The modules are for Verbs, Adjectives, Numbers, and Dates. They do many things. Such as conjugating verbs into all of their possible forms. Translating numbers (ex: 1 = ichi, 283 = nihyaku hachijuu san.) Converting dates and times from english to japanese, and others. Very helpfull for writing japanese study tools and flash card style programs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Japanese_L169104162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Gregg Housh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50831,"Title":"[[ Picture Slide Show Effects ] ]","Description":"More than 10 Slide Show Effects..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[________169111172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Prince Joseph vm","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50833,"Title":"Label Angle v1","Description":"Este es el 3┬║ intento de subir este c├│digo, si no resulta, el que lo quiera que me lo solicite por e-mail. Saludos.\n------English-------\nThis is a control to draw a label rotate any degree. That give us more posibilities for te design of the forms.\n------Spanish-------\nEn alguna ocasi├│n, en el dise├▒o de un form, he tenido necesidad de introducir un texto vertical, y me encontr├⌐ grandes dificultades para hacerlo. Este control es para aquel que necesita respuesta a un problema similar y no quiere recurrir a usar un bitmap, que resulta m├ís laborioso de modificar.\nEsta es una versi├│n estable pendiente de algunas mejoras: * Estilos de borde. * Multil├¡nea, etc. Cualquiera que est├⌐ dispuesto a mejorarlo es libre de aportar su granito de arena. \n------English-------\nThis a stable version that needs some improvements: * Borders Styles. * Multiline, etc.\nEnjoy","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200417532357573.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Label_Angl169115172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":67,"AuthorName":"Manuel Mu├▒oz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50835,"Title":"PSC-rename2","Description":"Last time i uploaded the file the PSC-demon removed the DLL. This one solves that problem couse it don't need a DLL.I only needed it for decompression but that is done in pure VB now. give it a try and let me now what you think of it.\nFor peaple who don't know what this is.\nWhit this program you can rename the zipfiles from PSC (CODE_UPLOAD2354786.zip) to something more understandeble (PSC-Rename.zip)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200417750138469.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PSC-rename169117172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Marco v/d Berg","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50839,"Title":"Asteroid Simulation (See ScreenShot)","Description":"This is the very beginning of an Asteroid Clone. So far, you can select the # of asteroids to display, and there are a few debug options from the GUI. For now, this is all that there is, but it will eventually be a clone of the asteroids game. I figured it might be interesting to see the program grow. As it is now, the Rocks' Speeds, Slopes, sizes, etc.. are all randomly generated..but you can change that however you'd like.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004171038584610.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Asteroid_S169122172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50842,"Title":"GOGOLive 2 MP3 Encoder (beta)","Description":"GogoLive is the Fastest Mp3 encoder in Real Time. This is version 2 and you can do: Record On-Fly to mp3 from you Sound Card (line-in, mic, ..), Encode wav to mp3 file, Transmit your mp3 stream to another user in the net (Live ShoutCast). This code is really funny. Good Luck!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004171431567137.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GOGOLive_21694761152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Fernando Aldea","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45972,"Title":"System Tray Icon Control With AutoReload When Explorer Restarts","Description":"This is a standard system tray icon control with a \"rare\" feature in that it can detect when it should reload itself when explorer restarts. Have you ever noticed that when explorer.exe crashes and reloads, that most of the system tray icons don't reload? Well, now you can reload your icon automatically. Usefull, but I can't take full credit for the code. I got some of the code from a web site (the address is in the module header in the code). Any votes/suggestions welcome of course :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/System_Tra159863692003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":84,"AuthorName":"Eric O'Sullivan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45980,"Title":"_An Example of the TypeOf method","Description":"I had several forms with several controls on each. I wanted to clear each control, but I wanted to make it as painless as possible. This code takes a form and iterates through each control clearing the values. Currently, it works with text boxes, combo boxes, data pickers, and masked edit controls. all you have to do is pass a form name to the procedure. It uses the for each...next loop, along with the typeof method. I hope this helps.","Inputs":"for name","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":19,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Elliot McCardle","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45981,"Title":"SQL Writer Pro","Description":"SQL Writer Pro (using ADO) is a Universal Data Access (UDA) tool. It lets you query OLE DB data sources, author SQL scripts and queries, return query results to a grid, retrieve provider properties, execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously, and more!\nThis is a work in progress. I ran out of time before being able to complete this application. If you can improve upon it or complete it, please let me know. Otherwise, enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200365131228486.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SQL_Writer159722652003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"chabber","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45986,"Title":"ADO sample","Description":"To show how to use ADO Data Control","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ADODC_samp159730652003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mag software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45988,"Title":"Waveform Graphing","Description":"Loads a .wav file and Processes it, seperating the chunks, and graphs it.\nBasiclly just shows how to read a standard pcm .wav file manually. Coded this for a project i was working on. This code loads the complete data chunk of the waveform into memory, but could be *easly* changed to only load a few samples or seconds of data. Coded this from scratch using a couple of documents on the wav file format, as all the vb code examples i could find on here were pretty messy.\nWave data is placed in one of two UDT's either WaveData8bit_ or WaveData16bit_ and can be accessed by .ChannelData(Channel,Sample)\n(btw, this is my first time posting here, sorry if i have done something 'naughty' :P)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200365164653328.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Waveform_G159733652003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"phrizer (lance)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45995,"Title":"Capture DV","Description":"you can capture Video from a Digital Video\ncamcorder through an IEEE 1394 bus with this \nvb program.\nDirectX 8.1 is needed\ngpcapture.ocx(MFC ActiveX control,author: Genghis Khan)\nhttp://www.itkhan.com/reference/gpcapture.ocx","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036611434730.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Capture_DV159740662003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":5,"AuthorName":"Genghis Khan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46003,"Title":"Active-X Popup MsgBox's (Update 7/2/03)","Description":"Displays Three Types Of Customizable Message Boxes. A Balloon Style MsgBox, A Balloon Style Input Box And A MSN Style Message Box. Open The Group Project And Run It From There.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20036222352459652.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Active-X_P160880722003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":43,"UserRatingTotal":209,"AuthorName":"Dream","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46007,"Title":"Window Sound Events","Description":"Play Windows Sound Events In One Line.\nMinimize, Maximize, Restore up, Restore down, Menu Commands...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036664536984.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Window_Sou159764662003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Toni","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44881,"Title":"Active Worlds User Compass","Description":"This is a piece of code rather specialist in that it is developed for use with the Active Worlds Browser (www.activeworlds.com) it is a sister application that will allow you to enter a set of Active Worlds Coordinates into the targeting box and be shown the direction to which you must face to arrive at those coordinates. Thanks to the VB super API spy (on PSC) for helping me learn about the API to make this possible.","Inputs":"Takes title bar text from AW Browser","Assumes":"This requires the Active Worlds Browser active in order for it to correctly function.","CodeReturns":"A visual compass of the direction you wish to walk in to reach the coordinates you enter.","SideEffects":"You may bumb into walls and such while using.","ApiDeclarations":"API to retrieve window caption.\nmdlFindWindows:\nPublic Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib \"user32\" () As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetWindow Lib \"user32\" ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetWindowText Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetWindowTextA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetClassName Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetClassNameA\"\n (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long\nclsOnTop:\nPrivate Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, y, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003419202432028.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Active_Wor1576534192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mark Randall","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44895,"Title":"Recursive Get ALL files from a Folder and its Subfolders and its Subfolder Subfolders etc.","Description":"Recursive Get ALL files from a Folder and its Subfolders and its Subfolder Subfolders etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"First go to Project->References and include\n\"Microsoft Scripting Runtime\"\nInsert a Textbox called textbox1 with its multiline property set to true. Also a Command Button called Command1 .\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":37,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Alexander Triantafyllou","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44898,"Title":"Firework","Description":"Show firework in motion","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"SetpixelV - for putting pixels faster onto screen.","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034201246534965.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Firework1576914202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Jakobsen_","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44905,"Title":"PHP style string explode function","Description":"This code extracts undetermined-legth-strings (separated by delimiter) from a single string.\nNOTE** UPLOADED A NEW EXAMPLE, LAST EXAMPLE HAD A MISTAKE IN IT. SORRY ABOUT THAT.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034211347289240.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PHP_style_1577474212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Bilal Khan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44906,"Title":"FormatCurrencyDateTimePercentNumber","Description":"Demonstrate use of FormatCurrency, FormatNumber, FormatDateTime, FormatPercent. Good for beginners. Easy to understand.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003420204316488.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FormatCurr1577074202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"deepblue99999999","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44907,"Title":"Delete a file in use - Run an EXE in another process' memory - EXE Hijacking","Description":"Updated 4/23/2003- Deletes itself from disk and unloads from memory, and then creates a new form from SCRATCH in the remote process, which shows up perfectly. Also shows how to send data to the remote process.\nDescritpion: Hey everyone, I've spent over 5 days non-stop coding this piece of code. Basically, it allows you to run your EXE in the memory space of a running process. You could for example run test.exe in the memory of explorer.exe, and then include a module called \"DeleteOriginal\", which will be run as a thread inside explorer.exe. You could make it delete your original exe, as well as perform any additional tasks. This is called \"Process Hijacking\" and is an extremly advanced technique, performed till now only in C++ or ASM/Delphi. The original ASM/Delphi code is included, with credits to Aphex. Please please PLEASE do read the comments in the main bas file, they will explain how to get the code to compile properly. The problem for now is that it can only inject code into VB6 executables (you will need to compile a blank project). I am requesting PSC's help on this. Nevertheless, everything till that point works perfectly, and might help some of you. Everything is fully commented, and once again, please read the comments in the bas, they will explain how to get the app to compile.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200342711227892.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Delete_a_f1579914272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":32,"UserRatingTotal":159,"AuthorName":"Ion Alex Ionescu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44911,"Title":"VB Holiday Calculator","Description":"This code will give you the dates on which the major American and Jewish holidays fall (from what I could see, there are not many resources out there for calculating the Jewish holidays). The code is modularized so that you can use it for your purposes. The sample app has you input a year and outputs the dates for all of the holidays that year.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Holiday1577144202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"SWDevShop","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44917,"Title":"ADOX tutorial 1","Description":"The code demonstrate the use of ADOX (Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Extensions for Data Definition Language and Security).\nThis will be a series of sample codes that will demonstrate the use of ADOX.\nFor this sample the code will access an mdb file and display its tables and related fields in the listbox. Also supports password protected mdb file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"To use ADOX with your development, you should establish a reference to the ADOX type library. The description of the ADOX library is \"Microsoft ADO Ext. for DDL and Security.\" The ADOX library file name is Msadox.dll, and the program ID (ProgID) is \"ADOX\".\nPlease Vote and comment for this. THANKS!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200342105697836.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ADOX_tutor1577234212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Mitchelle Lirazan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44867,"Title":"Kyma Pentatonic Chimes","Description":"Kyma Pentatonic Chimes is a windchime program for\nuse with DirectX7 or later. It features a pentatonic\nscale editor and the ability to save presets for your\nchimes. Included in the .zip are bamboo, rod and\ntubular chime .wav files, an assortment of scales to\nexperiment with and some presets for your enjoyment.\nYour comments and/or suggestion are invited to:\nMichael Hebert\nkymasoft@hotmail.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003419114948609.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Kyma_Penta1576364192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mike Hebert","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44463,"Title":"Encryptor: Encrypting Text To Picture","Description":"Encryptor is a different encryption program. It encrypts the given text by converting the text into a picture that can be decrypted again. Basically the program uses the ASCII- and character-values of the letters to convert it from text to picture and back again. The text is hidden in the pixels of the picture and is can be *perfectly* encrypted and decrypted ΓÇô meaning that every character, symbol etc. can be encrypted & decrypted including spaces and line changes.\nPlease compile and run the application for the full effect of the graphical design and encryptions speed.\nThe code is heavily commented so everyone should be able to understand the processes. Thorough project documentation is included in the zip. \nAll feedback is most appreciated, but this is my first submission on PSC, so please be gentle ;)\n*** UPDATED 04-04-2003 ***\n-Now checks the Windows OS version to avoid using API liberies that only exists on NT-systems. \n-Prompts the user to change display settings if the current display isn't using true color.\n-A few other small cosmetical modifications.","Inputs":"The text to encrypt.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"An image containing the encrypted text. The image can be copied or saved.","SideEffects":"None (...that I am aware of)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200343113524014.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Encryptor_156910442003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Anders Nissen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44465,"Title":"Music Maker III (Compose real music)","Description":"Compose real music with your computer.\nThe powerful library installed with windows gives you the ability of reproducing hunderts of musical instruments!\nThis is a revised version with some bug fixes.\nTry out some samples inluded with the program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003431228289000.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Music_Make156843432003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44470,"Title":"Stenography Example","Description":"This is a small sample of blending text messages into a graphic file such as a bitmap. I haven't tested on images other than bitmaps. It doesn't just tack the data at the end of the file, but actually blends it through out. Any encryption algorithm can also be used with this to make it more secure. A key file is generated during the process and is required to read the message.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003431751202238.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Stenograph156857432003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Donathan Hutchings","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44473,"Title":"VOICE TO TEXT","Description":"This is a voice to text application wherein you can send text to any word processor like MS Word, Notepad, Wordpad or even Excel & Powerpoint, etc. This is a mod from the voice command entry. I converted it to voice to text. Enjoy..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VOICE_TO_T156866442003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Walter Narvasa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44477,"Title":"Unix TimeStamp","Description":"My Code will Take the Current Time and Convert it to a Unix Time Stamp","Inputs":"No inputs","Assumes":"Nothing","CodeReturns":"Returns an String which will be the Unix Timestamp","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":20,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Christopher Trahan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44492,"Title":"Article #8 Introduction to Subclassing","Description":"The API programming series is a set of articles dealing with a common theme: API \nprogramming in Visual Basic. In this article we will look at the concept of subclassing.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Sreejath S. Warrier","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44505,"Title":"MPX v2","Description":"Need your opinion on an media playerapplication i am working on...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200344213743767.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Steve Bailey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44506,"Title":"A Heuristic Graphic Filter","Description":"What the heck is a heuristic graphic filter? In this case, heuristic means a technique in which a computer works along empirical methods, using rules of thumb, to find solutions or answers. The application described here is to have the computer ΓÇ£recognizeΓÇ£ a parameter from a graphic image. \nIt is a simple task for most people to identify a red line on a chart. But this task is not so easy for a computer. The reason is ΓÇ£redΓÇ¥ is not always = RGB(255, 0, 0). When the red line is drawn by a pen and optically scanned, red turns out to be various shades red, pink, purple, and orange. The trick here is to ΓÇ£trainΓÇ¥ the computer as to what you would call the red line. In this specific example, we do this by deconstructing the selected color into its red, green, and blue components. Various statistical calculations are performed on that data and saved as a template that represents a range of colors defined as ΓÇ£redΓÇ¥. Once the color(s) are defined, graphical filtering and manipulation can be performed to add, subtract, or just identify the selected color.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Note that this application requires a reference to MS ADO 2.6. It works best at screen resolutions greater than 1028 X 1024. API Calls tested on Win 2000.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200345145456829.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Heuristi156918442003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"G Choquette","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54110,"Title":"Isometric 3d Renderer 2","Description":"This is the new version of my isometric 3d Renderer, it can now handle sloping landscapes and such and its possible to move around inside it as shown in the demo mode. It uses its own Rastering Code and only uses a few common API's and nothing special yet can achieve very nice effects, have a look and see.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200461934103855.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Isometric_1752135312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Kevin Pfister","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54112,"Title":"Run-Time Files","Description":"I wanted to inform all VB programmers about run-time files in order not to \"explode\" distributable file with 1.3 MB instead of ┬▒650Kb.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Aki","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54115,"Title":"Tone Generator","Description":"This proj allows you to make audio tones and save them as a wave file. If you have looked at any Oscope type graphs of audio and wondered if you could create sound just by drawing, well, you can. It allows you to create Sine, Cosine, and a Combined signal at different frequencies. You can also draw your own wave clip in either the window or your favorite graphic editor. Use a 512w X 256h bitmap. Any color for the signal, as long as the background is black. To use this feature, Click the 'open bitmap' button and find your saved bitmap (you can also simply draw your own in the program) Then click 'Trace Bitmap' Now be sure to select the 'Use custom drawn' checkbox. Choose your wave properties, then click 'write wave' If you recieve an error when saving a custom sound, try removing any signal points that are very near the top or bottom of the bitmap. I have included a few of my own bitmaps for you to play with (Don't worry, the zip is only 14KB). I would like to thank Alex Murray and his \"Bass Maker\" for inspiration. Vote if you would like, or don't, but please leave feedback.","Inputs":"Frequency, Bitrate, Samplerate, Length, Channels","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A wave file","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function GetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200461356592998.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tone_Gener175223612004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Erik Stites","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54117,"Title":"Self-subclassing Controls/Forms - NO dependencies. Updated 09/10","Description":"VB makes it easy to compile controls into an application if you have the source. It's much more convenient for users if the only file that needs to be added to the project is just the controlΓÇÖs ctl file. If the Control uses subclassing, then you're out of luck, or rather... you were. This submission includes the FIRST ever Control/Form that can subclass itself without ANY dependencies ΓÇô modules, classes, type-libraries, references or components. The techniques used are based on my WinSubHook2 submission and thus incorporate IDE breakpoint and stop safety; it wonΓÇÖt crash the IDE. My main target audience here would be control authors, however, anyone who needs form subclassing may well find this to be an ideal solution. 06/02: Can now subclass multiple hWndΓÇÖs. 06/07: Byte array substituted in place of a string for the machine code buffer. 06/18: Hidden bug fixed, see comments. 06/19: Optimised to within an inch of its life. 06/20: Road to Damascus. 06/21 New sample added, see screenshot. 06/28 Final (I hope). 06/29 Oops fixed. 09/10 fixed bug in UserControl_Terminate, marked zSubclass_Proc hidden.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046211023418130.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Self-subcl1791639102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":61,"UserRatingTotal":305,"AuthorName":"Paul Caton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54119,"Title":"List Processes and Ports with Native API","Description":"It lists all the Processes with open Ports using the Native API, not documented, NtQuerySystemInformation().\nTo know the processes with open ports we will access at the TDI level (Transport Driver Interface) helping us of the native functions located in the system library NTDLL.DLL.\nThis library is part of the system base of WINDOWS NT.\nAttention: the use of undocumented functions implies risk that Microsoft modifies or eliminate them in a future.\nAt the moment it works perfectly in NT, W2K, XP and W2003. \nIn the same way that the Process Explorer application of Systernals (www.systernals.com), we will be able to enumerate all handles of all processes on execution in the system.\nThese handles (HANDLE) are not unique in the system, but yes in the process (PID). They don't have any relation with handles of window (HWND) that they are unique.\nThere are a group of unique handles by process, and they can be of different types:\nfiles, pipes, mailslots, key's of the base of registry, ...\nMy code is a port of sources C++ to VB known in Internet (search Google).\nOur programs use most times protected memory zones (User-Mode). (Do you remember memory page access violation?)\nThe controllers and drivers use real access to memory and hardware (Kernel-Mode). We need to transfer information located in Kernel-Mode to our application (User-Mode). One of the uses methods is making a call IOCTL to the driver using a buffer created by our application (Win32 function DeviceIoControl())\nTo synchronize the driver and the application we will use CreateEvent(). The named event i automatically created in the Object Manager's BaseNamedObjects directory.\n \nDescription of function:\nIt┬┤s good Known that we need at least administrators rights to get access to all running processes.\nObtain execution privileges in the system by means of the function LoadPrivilege(), getting SeDebugPrivilege.\nThen list all the processes (PID's) using NtQuerySystemInformation(), function of NTDLL.DLL, allowing us the access to the memory shared in Kernel-Mode.\nUsing NtQueryObject(), we will list all the hadles belonging to each process. To look for open ports we will filter the handles type \"File\" named \"\\device\\tcp\" and \"\\device\\udp.\"\nThen we look for information of each handle using NtDeviceIoControlFile(), that returns us the port like a integer number as the sockets API uses it. We convert that number through Swap of their Bytes using the IpHelper API function ntohs() and we convert it to a Long type of VB.\nThe rest is very easy: The function ProcessPathByPID lists the complete path of the requested PID.\nThis code is very useful in firewalls, netstat's and similar applications.\nOther interesting use of the native API is to hide our program (process) in the TasksList by hook's.\nThat is on I am working at the moment, and I would upload it to PSC on depending of your votes :)\nExcuse for my bad english. Greetings for all. Un saludo para todos.\nLuprix\n.","Inputs":"Added Explanations","Assumes":"List Processes and Ports.\nIt lists all the Processes with open Ports using the Native API, not documented, NtQuerySystemInformation().\nTo know the processes with open ports we will access at the TDI level (Transport Driver Interface) helping us of the native functions located in the system library NTDLL.DLL.\nThis library is part of the system base of WINDOWS NT.\nAttention: the use of undocumented functions implies risk that Microsoft modifies or eliminate them in a future.\nAt the moment it works perfectly in NT, W2K, XP and W2003. \nIn the same way that the Process Explorer application of Systernals (www.systernals.com), we will be able to enumerate all handles of all processes on execution in the system.\nThese handles (HANDLE) are not unique in the system, but yes in the process (PID). They don't have any relation with handles of window (HWND) that they are unique.\nThere are a group of unique handles by process, and they can be of different types:\nfiles, pipes, mailslots, key's of the base of registry, ...\nMy code is a port of sources C++ to VB known in Internet (search Google).\nOur programs use most times protected memory zones (User-Mode). (Do you remember memory page access violation?)\nThe controllers and drivers use real access to memory and hardware (Kernel-Mode). We need to transfer information located in Kernel-Mode to our application (User-Mode). One of the uses methods is making a call IOCTL to the driver using a buffer created by our application (Win32 function DeviceIoControl())\nTo synchronize the driver and the application we will use CreateEvent(). The named event i automatically created in the Object Manager's BaseNamedObjects directory.\n \nDescription of function:\nIt┬┤s good Known that we need at least administrators rights to get access to all running processes.\nObtain execution privileges in the system by means of the function LoadPrivilege(), getting SeDebugPrivilege.\nThen list all the processes (PID's) using NtQuerySystemInformation(), function of NTDLL.DLL, allowing us the access to the memory shared in Kernel-Mode.\nUsing NtQueryObject(), we will list all the hadles belonging to each process. To look for open ports we will filter the handles type \"File\" named \"\\device\\tcp\" and \"\\device\\udp.\"\nThen we look for information of each handle using NtDeviceIoControlFile(), that returns us the port like a integer number as the sockets API uses it. We convert that number through Swap of their Bytes using the IpHelper API function ntohs() and we convert it to a Long type of VB.\nThe rest is very easy: The function ProcessPathByPID lists the complete path of the requested PID.\nThis code is very useful in firewalls, netstat's and similar applications.\nOther interesting use of the native API is to hide our program (process) in the TasksList by hook's.\nThat is on I am working at the moment, and I would upload it to PSC on depending of your votes :)\nExcuse for my bad english. Greetings for all. Un saludo para todos.\nLuprix\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200461557567282.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/List_Proce175233612004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":61,"UserRatingTotal":305,"AuthorName":"Luprix","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54123,"Title":"[ Notepad 2004 ]","Description":"Notepad 2004 \nCut,Paste,New,Open,Save,SaveAs,Calculator,Change Backcolor,Windows-cascade,horizontal...... \nReal Program Useful, Notepad2004","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004631633209192.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/___Notepad175241612004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54125,"Title":"[Mouse Meter]","Description":"This is my mouse meter that I made. I took a little bit of time, but it works great!\nplase give me comments and vote thx.\n-LCSBSSRHXXX","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004611411364984.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Mouse_Met175243612004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"LCSBSSRHXXX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54126,"Title":"[A+ Key Board Mouse]","Description":"This is a key board controled mouse program, it used the arrow keys to move (you can go up, down, left, right, and all diagonal directions)to left click press space, to right click press alt, to middle click / mouse wheel click press ctrl.\nthis works very well. I hope you enjoy it!\nplease leave me feed back and vote, thx!\n-LCSBSSRHXXX","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004622137181385.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A+_Key_Bo175244612004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"LCSBSSRHXXX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54130,"Title":"Key Finder (Key ASCII,Key Down,GetAsyncKeyState)","Description":"This is a very basic but handy program that tells you the key down, key ascii, and getasynckeystate values for a key you press.\nenjoi!\n-LCSBSSRHXXX","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004611447191144.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Key_Finder175248612004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"LCSBSSRHXXX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54131,"Title":"API Viewer","Description":"API Viewer , list all Declare Functions Consts and types and show you how to search text in list very fast. this is my first project that i upload to PSC please vote if you think is good.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200461157549578.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API_Viewer175250612004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"In Visal","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54133,"Title":"Office 2003 Popup Message Box *Updated*","Description":"Popup Message box style like Office 2003 now in al XP themes (Blue, Silver, Olive. Look at screen shoot. Please vote for Code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200463154105784.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Office_200175336632004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"Matevz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54140,"Title":"Send/Rcv SMS PDU Format","Description":"This code is application of Send/Receive SMS in PDU Format. A first thing before you understanding this code, maybe you find out about PDU Format in http://www.dreamfabric.com/sms/.I wish this code help you to learn about SMS PDU Format and vote me if you have a time.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Send_Rcv_S18218011252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Budi Rachmansyah","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54141,"Title":"HowTo use Regular Expressions with VB6","Description":"This sample shows you how you can use Regularexpressions in your VB6 Projects via the Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 Library. With the code you get an example file to run 3 predefined regular expressions. Additionally you can load your own Textfiles and define own Regular Expressions to query against the Text. Matches are highlighted in red in the Richtextbox. Download this and much more VB6 and .NET Source at www.visualsoft-net.de","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046242432655.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HowTo_use_175277622004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"M├ñhr Stefan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51005,"Title":"System Name Editor","Description":"My program allows you to easily change your name that appears in the System Properties dialog window that is located in the Control Panel. I bascially made it so that people wouldnt have to navigate to the regedit and change it manually. Just a quick little app that allows people to edit their name! easy as 1 - 2 - 3","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041142045563980.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/System_Nam1694361142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Syphor Cod3r","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51016,"Title":"DirectX7 - Dropship Carrier (YES collision detection IS possible !!!!)","Description":"I've been labouring to achieve collision detection in directX and I'm pretty sure this is the best method so far, try it out! The answer was to draw a plan (or footprint) of the directX world in greyscale on a bitmap & use the picpoint method to create collision detection, sounds dodgy? check the code out.. It's fast (about 30fps for this example) & at least does away with inefficient tables & indicies. \nNow you can stop yourself walking through walls, clib stairs & open doors (try the blue door).\nAny comments would be greatly received.\nBTW this is a pretty pleasant looking (if a bit grey - to save .zip space) little directX world to show a few examples of the method. Quick note, press 'I' to see information, 'ESC' to quit the program.\nVERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!\nThe texture files wouldn't upload to PSC so I've published them on the following web addresses, I know its a pain, but I just couldn't upload (made the zip file too big)\nGo to the address, download the image to the 'textures' folder and rename them as below\nhttp://photos.bravenet.com/921/451/014/143B7131BF.jpg\nPLAN000001.jpg\nhttp://photos.bravenet.com/921/451/014/69083C6148.jpg\nPLAN000002.jpg\nhttp://photos.bravenet.com/921/451/014/121339B6A5.jpg\nstarfield1.jpg\nhttp://photos.bravenet.com/921/451/014/CEF4E68296.jpg\nTEXTGUNB01.jpg\nhttp://photos.bravenet.com/921/451/014/7AEBE60E7B.jpg\nTEXTRUST11.jpg\nhttp://photos.bravenet.com/921/451/014/E94BC0BD56.jpg\nTEXTRUST01.jpg\nhttp://photos.bravenet.com/921/451/014/E0703FA361.jpg\nTEXTRUST02.jpg\nhttp://photos.bravenet.com/921/451/014/00A4C47A44.jpg\nTEXTRUST03.jpg\n----------------------\nI'm really sorry about that, but I tried over 50 times to upload them and it just wouldn't work, maybe I can update the zip file when the sites in a more robust state.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004115556177346.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DirectX7_-1694541152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Phil Grossman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51022,"Title":"[A+] *AWESOME* VB Fractals (See Screenshot)","Description":"The Screenshot says it all, folks! This uses several pre-defined fractal patterns and allows you to increase the depth of the fractal recurssion. Thanks to my friend Johnny Lindenmayer for his help with the designs and concepts. Dont forget to vote. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041151333553214.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A+]__AWES1694681152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51033,"Title":"VB Blobs","Description":"Have a look, very intresting. Program draws a chain of balls linked by rubber that stretch in a realistic manner. The balls follow your mouse. Everything uses physics equations, so you can alter the values as you desier to get releastic effects.Very simple but intresting.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Blobs1694851152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Niranjan Paudyal","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51036,"Title":"Macintosh CONTROLS + Skins (Update) Works & Looks a lot better","Description":"This contains new and updated controls that mirror the actions and looks of the Macintosh system. THe menus are much better. Updated rollover effects. Also added a custom Scrollbar. NO NEED TO EDIT ANY \"UserControls\"! I added many RaiseEvent commands to these controls to make them easier to use. All controls are now more stable also. This comes with a demo of each control so you can see how to use them. Please tell me what you think.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041152155491040.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Macintosh_1694941152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51038,"Title":"Megalodon 2D MMORPG","Description":"This is a 2D MMORPG(Client, Server, and editors) I made a few years back, but never put on psc. All info can be found in the Alpha Release.txt located in the Server folder. Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Read the Alpha Release.txt(It's in the Server folder) BEFORE using! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO YOUR COMPUTER BY USING THIS SOFTWARE!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This is an unfinished ALPHA. It may be unstable.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004115231335051.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Megalodon_1694951152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Patrick Rogers-Ostema","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51043,"Title":"A FINAL FANTASY CLONE.. in progress of course","Description":"Well, I keep updating this game.. mostly because there's nothing left to be done on my winterbreak. working so far: some magic, items, weapons/armor, battles, treasure chests, some story (a bad story mind you), game menus. the tab, space and arrow keys are all you'll need in this game. tab gets you into the game menu and then will cancel you out of menus, use space to select options and talk to people. so give me your criticism, i've decided to take it like the man i am...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004116457446854.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_FINAL_FA1695911172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"john hollister","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":56372,"Title":"Resource File Example","Description":"This Resource File Example extracts files from resource files at/before runtime to ensure your program will run regardless of weather the user has the needed files (inculding VB RTF).\nNow i'm sure i'm not the only person to notice that quite alot of the comments found at PSC look along the lines of this...\n\"Hey wheres the Blah.dll\"\n\"There was no Blah.ocx in the zip\"\n\"You didn't inculde the .ocx/.dll in the zip\"\nNow there is one main reason why they don't inculde them and that is because of PSC rule of not inculding .ocx or .dll files, but that doesn't mean to say you carn't inculde these files in your project and upload them to PSC.\nIn the archive is the \"Microsoft Winsock Control 6.0\" but it's inside a .res file made by Visual Basics which is inside the project, my project will exetract files from these .res files and return them to there orignal form and even register it if need be this can be performed before a form is loaded so that it is insured your project will run without fault.\nThis is very simple code and doesn't need much explaining i also understand this can lead to a new way to insert virii into projects but if you are that dumb to fall for it then sorry to say you deserved it :P\nAs you will see (by reading the source code) my project does no call and functions from the .ocx inculded in this project it only extracts it into a directory and registers it using Regsvr32 so there is 0% risk of virii infection","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Res_(Resou1797959272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Rye","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56381,"Title":"Transparent Bullet Label Control","Description":"A small prototype of a much larger project I am working on which required the use of labels with a little more zest. Hence, my solution is tranparent bullet labels. This project demonstrates a simple way to draw text, shapes, etc., on a usercontrol when the backstyle is set to transparent and should be useful as a starting point for anyone wanting to roll their own transparent controls with the added flexibility of drawing it yourself.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function CreateBrushIndirect Lib \"gdi32\" (lpLogBrush As LOGBRUSH) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreatePen Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal nPenStyle As Long, _\n ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DeleteObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DrawTextEx Lib \"user32\" Alias \"DrawTextExA\" (ByVal hdc As Long, _\n ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal n As Long, lpRect As RECT, ByVal un As Long, _\n ByVal lpDrawTextParams As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function Ellipse Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X1 As Long, _\n ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetSysColor Lib \"user32\" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function Polygon Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI, _\n ByVal nCount As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function Rectangle Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X1 As Long, _\n ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SelectObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, _\n ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004927154961627.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Transparen1798139272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"AlT","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56382,"Title":"PictureView - view, scroll, create and save pictures","Description":"Yes another control aimed for beginners (and why not for everyone else too!): include PictureView.ctl and cJpeg.cls to your project and you have a new nice picture viewing control you can use! *** You can view pictures easily in this control. It adds scrollbars when required, if not required centers the picture. With all the additional features of the control, you can easily create your own Paint program, for example. The control is able to save JPEG pictures thanks to John Korejwa's JPEG Encoder Class. You can define new picture to be created, get picture's DC so you can BitBlt or use any other GDI API to draw to the control... and much else :) *** Properties: borderstyle, cornerstyle, picture, scrollable. Functions: ClearPicture, NewPicture, OpenPicture, PictureDC, PictureHeight, PicturePaint, PictureWidth, SaveJPEG. Events: Click, DblClick, Key-events, Mouse-events, PicMouse-events, PictureLoaded *** Hope you like the control! This is the third public release of the control, first time at PSC. Comments, critics and improvements welcome! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004927185268688.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PictureVie1798149272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Vesa Piittinen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56383,"Title":"Advanced Hide-From-Task-Manager Includes Hiding From Process List","Description":"Hides the application from task manager as well as disguising itself in the process list. \nThe overall procedure could be a lot faster but at this speed it gives most people a chance to see the changes take place.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Only tested on XP. Only expected to work on 2k/XP but could easily be modified.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If you do lose track of the app just close down task manager, press ctrl+alt+del (to re-launch it) and when the app re-appears.. click on the progress bar to terminate the application.","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long\nDeclare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpdwProcessId As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function OpenProcess Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function WriteProcessMemory Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Any, ByVal lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nSize As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Any, ByVal lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nSize As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function CloseHandle Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function FormatMessage Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"FormatMessageA\" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpSource As Any, ByVal dwMessageId As Long, ByVal dwLanguageId As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long, Arguments As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function GetLastError Lib \"kernel32\" () As Long\nPublic Const FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER = &H100\nPublic Const FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = &H1000\nDeclare Function ProcessFirst Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"Process32First\" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long\nDeclare Function ProcessNext Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"Process32Next\" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long\nDeclare Function CreateToolhelpSnapshot Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"CreateToolhelp32Snapshot\" (ByVal lFlags As Long, lProcessID As Long) As Long\nPublic Const TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS As Long = 2&\nType PROCESSENTRY32\n dwSize As Long\n cntUsage As Long\n th32ProcessID As Long\n th32DefaultHeapID As Long\n th32ModuleID As Long\n cntThreads As Long\n th32ParentProcessID As Long\n pcPriClassBase As Long\n dwFlags As Long\n szexeFile As String * 260\nEnd Type\n","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hide_From_1798159272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"method (methlabs.org)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56386,"Title":"Get HTML Source of Web Browser Control - Get Source Code of HTML Page - Read HTML Source Web Browser","Description":"Grabs the HTML Code from any page you are browsing through the Web Browser Control.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"HTML Source Code","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Get_HTML_S1798339282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Nathan A. Huebner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56389,"Title":"MSN Client - MSNP9","Description":"Here is a partly done client for MSN Messenger, it uses MSNP9. It has basic contact list, groups, chat, display pictures aren't working yet, nor are custom emoticons. It isn't commented, and in some places the code is a little difficult to follow.\nIf you want to work on it further, you can refer to this documentation on hypothetic:\nhttp://www.hypothetic.org/docs/msn/index.php\nIf you do make any modifications to the code, it would be greatly appreciated if you would send them to me, at: thesoj@gmail.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049272250231163.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_Client1798229272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Soj","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56390,"Title":"FileFind","Description":"Searches for specific file types on the specified drive letter. You can add / remove file types to search for too. I made this months back, thought it could be useful for some beginners.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FileFind1798239272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Soj","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56393,"Title":"Monitor Control","Description":"Can turn the computer monitor either on,off or into low-power mode (if enabled on host machine)","Inputs":"A form of some kind","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The \"MonitorPowerDown\" function will only \nwork if the host machine has enable the \nmonitor to be able to go into low-power \nmode this can e configured in the \n\"Power Managment\" control panel applet","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Monitor_Co18091010232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Rye","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56399,"Title":"Mario Flores Cool Xp ProgressBar 2.0 Updated","Description":"I took the excelent code (Mario Flores Cool Xp ProgressBar 2.0) and fixed the max value, now it works with any max value. Added the missing let propety. Made major changes to the verticle ProgressBar to use all the types of bars and empty or fill option. I had some help from Roger Gilchrist as I don't do much graphics programming.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004929181330879.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mario_Flor1798379282004.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Mike Ulik","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56400,"Title":"vB_Gravity VOTE!!!","Description":"The Source Simulates Gravity. Its the Second attemp to post it. the last time it was deleted.","Inputs":"No Params","Assumes":"Just Run","CodeReturns":"No Returns","SideEffects":"It can lag if you put a lot of balls into the collection.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004928151948695.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/vB_Gravity1798399282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"tHa_imaX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56401,"Title":"IMDB Movie Info Tool","Description":"Connect to the Internet movie Database and Download detailed information, and box cover images for your favorite movies. Search for movies by title, Drag and Drop .NFO Files with IMDB Codes inside, Get movie info by IMDB Code. Note: this project is for informational and educational purposes only, I just wanted to see if I could make a GUI type program for a nice website, please support IMDB.com, it is a great service.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049281646257330.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IMDB_Movie1798439282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Tecc","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51773,"Title":"Close All Open IDE Frames","Description":"Really simple, but VERY useful, Add-In project with almost no code. This allows you to close all open Form and Code frames in the VB IDE. Great introduction to beginners on how to write a simple Add-in utility, which you can access from the Add-Ins menu. This was something I wrote when I was a new (baby) VB developer. It broke the ice on add-ins, and demonstrated that there was nothing scary about them, but that they are just like regular VB projects that are simply built into the IDE. It also demonstrates accessing the VBInstance object, which is our hook into the Integrated Development Environment, allowing us to potentially programmically add forms and files to a project, insert lines into source code (I have a VB Development Header add-in that I will be uploading to demonstrate this).\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Close_All_1709112152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"David Ross Goben","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51774,"Title":"Add VB Procedure Headers","Description":"Updated. Version 1.1.1 (fixed ignore of Friend Properties). This VB Add-In allows E-Z formatting of Procedure headings. I wrote this because of the laziness of fellow developers who saw no sense in taking the time to AT LEAST document a Subroutine or Function or Property (until 6 months down the road when they wish they had). \nThe Original incarnation of this program was grabbed from the web years and years and years ago (back when I was a ΓÇ£babyΓÇ¥ VB developer). I have fleshed it out with a lot of new functionality, simplified a lot of procedures, and cleaned up the code. I wish I could remember who had originally posted the original incarnation of this useful utility.\nAnyway, it makes a great beginner project. I did this back in '98 when I was first learning VB (I came over from C++ and Fortran). Oh, since I'm a C++ developer, let me tell you about my fellow bozos who stick their nose up at VB: Once I realized I could write an application in VB in a day that would take me close to a month to do in C++, I became an instant VB convert.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004215723368600.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Add_VB_Pro1710792192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"David Ross Goben","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51775,"Title":"Big 2 Online (server and client)","Description":"This is a Big 2 Game that use winsock to go online. The game is still being created and only features singles, doubles, triples and quads. Jokers and poker hands are sill being created. This was here for comments and feedbacks for future version and Ai tips. Hopefully a dedicated server will be out soon. Further instructions will be in the Read me File. Plz put comments. This was not created for the voting contest though.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Big_2_Onli1709162152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Bob J Dole","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51778,"Title":"A new Popup-Killer","Description":"Tis small submission of code will kill most Popups from Internet-Explorer! Hope u like this submission! :) To find out more download it now ...\nPLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004215154437738.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_new_Popu1709222152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"Jens Madaus","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51779,"Title":"CELcra*p 3.9b","Description":"This is CELcra*p 3.9 beta. I know most of the stuff I have uploaded is a bunch of trash but this is worth looking at. After taking a c++ class i understood OOP a lot more and i think that you will like this version of CELcra*p . . . This is definitely an update and it took a good 6hrs to debug, rebuild, and add on so please vote and check the code out. I know this code is pretty buggy but most of the bugs can be easily understood. I also properly named most of the forms and controls on this program so it should be a little easier to understand. I fixed a memory overflow on the Port Scanner, added features to: IP grabber, HTML editor is visual now, the chat room actually works, is linkable, and you can choose the color scheme for it, the web server is fixed to actually read HTTP requests but no support for large files, the IP masker was appropriatly renamed to 'Host Manager' for the host file, the browser is resizeable and you can choose whether you want to block popups or not, the keylogger was removed for a host scanner and the port scanner doesn't try to load 65355 winsock controls now (lol). Also the program is just about ready for distribution on your websites when you DE-Comment a line of code on the frmMain form on the Form_Load event so that I can actually recieve some credit for it. Also if anyone has ideas for anymore apps to put on this program or bugs to fix then please post. PLEASE D/L AND VOTE!!!\nTopics Covered: Winsock, File I/O, HTTP, SMTP, Popup Blocking . . .","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042161641367847.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CELcra_p_31709232152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Corey langdon (has since resigned)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51790,"Title":"Net Downloader 3.5","Description":"Parses HTML to obtain a list of all files referenced. Shows thumbnails used to link to images.\nAllows you to select which files you want, then downloads them all.\nSimilar to my previous NetDownloader programs, but with a much enhanced GUI, the ability to stop downloading the thumbnails, better icon extraction for the file list, keeps a history of destination folders, and obtains a short history list from IE's typed URLs.\nCan now seed artificial results like from my first Net Downloader and EZCodes, and the Download All links button actually works this time. (Despite making that claim last time, it does now)\nUses the listview's multiselect feature and a context menu for mass checking/unchecking, no longer hides your selection, and keeps a temporary history of the links you recurse.\nAllows manual link recursing by double clicking a link on the 'View all links' list. Automatic recursing was added.\nNormally I hate when ppl resubmit their code instead of updating, but this one has so much changed it's almost another program (again)\nAdded some minor GUI enhancements since posting\nFixed bugs:\nPreviously all links were labelled as html, with the new icon management, that is not so. When you click a link, it checks if it is html, htm files are not anymore so it didnt recurse, I made it check for different html page types\nFixed the extention checker to account for question marks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004216320519187.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Net_Downlo1802561082004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51793,"Title":"Key Logger Engine","Description":"UPDATED ON 18th Feb. 2004 WITH NEW YAHOO KEY LOGGER AS CLIENT. KeyLogger is a DLL engine for logging keys typed by a computer user.The features that make this unique is that it can capture special keys like Windows Menu Key , Context Menu Key,Print Screen and also tell you the status of toggle keys like Caps Lock,Num Lock , Scroll Lock And Insert Key. The most important part of it is that you can even capture the keystrokes of a specific application by providing its Class Name of its Window Caption.It Store All The Keys Into A File In Encrypted Form So This Submission also include a Log Viewer Which decrypt them and make them readable and show it in a ListView Control. A Yahoo Key Logger Client Sample is also included which can log all the keys pressed during the yahoo messenger's Login Dialog box is visible and active. All In All This is a great tool but still contains some bugs as this is very first version. please inform me any bugs and errors and also dont forget to rate my code but most important is ur comments. TRY THIS ATLEAST ONCE BY URSELF.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004216103519971.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Key_Logger1710362182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"V2","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51797,"Title":"Trillian Frame 2","Description":"Looks like the frame used in Trillian Pro 2. Why? Cause the frame included with windows is just plain ugly. Now uses variable colors, and corrects the gradient to match","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004216135542398.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Trillian_F1711062202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51617,"Title":"NetLogon","Description":"This example shows how to send a username and password to a network \nlogin box but will not work for the power on logon. Some networks \ndisable the save username and password function making you type it in \nevery time after a timeout period. I'm too lazy for that. Could be adapted \nto many other uses.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"yes","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NetLogon1707672122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"D.W.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51621,"Title":"UKTV Grabber","Description":"Grabs UK TV Listings and parses it into and XML format. Similar to the soundforge xmltv project. Command line driven. Read the readme file. Also I'm a lazy sod, so very little comments. And comments are welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"some api, mainly to do with online conection to the net.","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/UKTV_Grabb170635292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Trevor Hall","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51629,"Title":"crmb sales","Description":"This is designed as a solution for business-to-business sales. Easy-to-access features include customer and supplier contact management, order processing, accepting delivery, and producing sales & inventory management reports.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/crmb_sales1713132252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"dstrbd","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51640,"Title":"A photoshop-like BEVEL EFFECT in VB","Description":"This program takes a bitmap image and applies a bevel effect to it, adding hilights and shadows to make it appear 3-D.\nThe direction and elevation of the light can be changed, as can the size of the bevel.\nIncludes a \"debug\" mode which shows the process step-by-step (see screenshot)\nSome of the calculations have been converted to integer calculations for speed. Others still use floating-point, this is one future optimization that I might do.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The code uses the cDibBitmap class for www.vbaccelerator.com","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Error checking is minimal.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200421064237968.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_photosho1706652102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"grigri","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51644,"Title":"DirectX MahJong Game","Description":"Finally, I was able to upload the game along with big graphics files. Don't try to study the code because it is poorly written. Anyway, check it out and play it just for fun!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054112356515609.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DirectX_Ma1875704112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Min Thant Sin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51634,"Title":"Brilliant Flames v2 with BitBlt","Description":"This is the updated version of the Brilliant Flames demonstration using BitBlt. Now this version supports the adjustment of various effects parameters.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Brilliant_1706592102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Tan Hong Hwee","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51637,"Title":"Y! Anon Cam Viewer","Description":"anonymously view yahoo webcams without sign in!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Y!_Anon_Ca1706622102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Anthony DeLeon","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51646,"Title":"Bezier Curve Generator","Description":"This program allows simple creation of bezier curves. Given the 'Control Points' (the points which a bezier curve is based upon - two end points and any others to affect the curve), the 'CalculateBezier' function will return the coordinates of a point anywhere along the curve. The front-end to the function just shows you what a bezier curve is, and the large capability of the function to accept as many control points as you want (the front-end limits it to 99, but the function will accept more if necessary). The code is marked at 'Advanced' level because of the complexity of the equations used, although programmers at the 'Intermediate' stage might be able to understand it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042101242591280.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Bezier_Cur1706762102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Craig Bonathan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51649,"Title":"Cool SSTab ++ ( Update 17/02/04 Animated Gradient Effect)","Description":"Change the Old Appearance of the SSTab Control With Some new Cool Options...\nMake it a different Color, or Give it a nice Gradient Effect, even Add a BackGround Image Style..\nA simple but very effective code to subclass the SSTab Control.. TabStrip ..(Slider control and MonthView not Fully tested but works as well)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004210143587202.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_SSTab1710032172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":109,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51651,"Title":"Monitor Testcard","Description":"Use this program to set up your computer monitor and check for any errors. Comes complete with help files and a tutorial on the basics of monitors.\nThis is a complete program but I decided to reproduce it here as, if wasn't for the the nice people who use PSC, it wouldn't exist!\nPlease see the \"Read Me First.txt\" file before loading.\nI do not really like the idea of requesting your vote but if you think this program is worth keeping and using (which you should for the health of your monitor), then please come back and say so. Many thanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042101830185689.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Monitor_Te1706912102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"Stu.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51655,"Title":"Complete GDI 2D Sprite class. (2D Game Devlopment?)","Description":"First, keep in mind that this uses Windows API and GDI only. No DirectX. It's certainly not the BEST method in the world for making a 2D game on a windows platform (DirectX would be your best bet) but this is an excellent tool for all 2D GDI work, whether that be manipulating images on the fly, or anything else requiring 2D GDI.\nThis has a massive amount of commenting in it, and was designed more as a tutorial, and started as a learning experience for myself. However, it is fairly well optimized, and I can do a full screen refresh (with animations) at 1024x768 with a framerate at about 530 FPS (RADEON 9600, AMD 1.5 gHZ) I would be interested in hearing about other people's framerates and system specs.\n*** EDIT: After seeing some of the framerates with the \"lower end\" systems, I'm considering putting together a simple tile-based Legend Of Zelda type of example. If someone wants to beat me to it, feel free. ;) Also, if there's anything you'd like to see added, let me know. I'm not promising I'll add it (since this was really designed for my own personal use) but maybe I can give you an idea how to add it yourself, or if it's something useful to me too, I may end up adding it afterall. (Anyone got a good floodfill algorithm? Been considering adding gradient fills.)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042102010189644.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Complete_G1772087202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Javin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51657,"Title":"Cls_FormMarquee","Description":"Inspired by 'An old-fashioned Billboard Marquee' txtCodeId=51571 which is good looking but not very portable I built this class. I have always felt that if you need a large number of controls you should use the 'Load' command not painstakingly apply over a hundred controls. If you change resolution this can be very painful to upgrade. This class simple creates (and deletes) controls on the fly using just one indexed Image control as a seed. If you make a large change in the size of the marquee there is a slight delay. The screenshot doesn't really tell you much (no movement) just imagine all the little disks (yellow dots) moving\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042102230457263.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cls_FormMa1707032102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45296,"Title":"Uno Game","Description":"Hi, \n I've created a game called UNO. You can play against 3 computer opponents. I add some fun animation here, so that the game looks cooler. I add a simple animation that you can play on, by entering a formula you can create your own animation. I hope you like it. Enjoy! ;-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003561110148019.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Uno_Game1617377192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":43,"UserRatingTotal":215,"AuthorName":"Aris Buenaventura","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45301,"Title":"XP Frame & Texbox (Flat!)","Description":"1) Windowx XP Frame,(See ScreenShot)\n2) Simple Frame for put textbox,picturebox or other thing... (It's only a frame with blue border)\nBoth are simple,you can change them easily (not commented good, but there's a few code, you can understand them!)\nJust see ScreenShot, It's usefull!\nSend Feedback, Vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200356173769817.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Frame_&158441562003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"ali s","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45303,"Title":"Use Dial Up Networking (DUN) to connect from your App","Description":"Make a connection to the internet using Dial Up Networking (DUN) from your application. This is so easy! Please see the comments in the Standard Module for more explanation.\nPLEASE VOTE IF YOU LIKE IT!\nThanks,\nChristopher","Inputs":"You may want to include the name of a specific dialup connection if there are more than one. I have not tested this aspect yet, but I believe the code will open the default DUN only with out the added name.(see module for details)","Assumes":"Assumes that the user of this code will have DUN installed on the target machine.","CodeReturns":"Internet connection made simple.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Use_Dial_U158449562003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Christopher Reason","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45315,"Title":"Day left till Christmas","Description":"Days Left til Christmas","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200357918346481.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Day_left_t158464572003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Bruce Bowman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45316,"Title":"Looking inside the executable - a VB guide to the portable executable format","Description":"Shows how the executable is laid out so that you can browse it's contents...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":79,"AuthorName":"Duncan Jones","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45318,"Title":"Animated Customised Tool tips + Treeview Management (Add, remove and move nodes)!","Description":"It shows the basics of treeview management as well as how to create animated customised tooltips. It shows how to add and remove nodes, how to set their icons, how to move nodes. More than this it shows how to create some cool and awesome tooltips.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003571455363620.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Animated_C158474572003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Irfan Ullah Khan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45320,"Title":"Start Menu Fun ;) - Changes the caption of startmenu, hides, shows it.","Description":"This might change the caption of your StartMenu. Works on XP. It might also Show/Hide the startmenu button. *rate if u like*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200357165402130.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Start_Menu158476572003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Thorleif Jacobsen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45323,"Title":"Delta Force 2 Trainer","Description":"The purpose of this code was to be a good working trainer for Delta Force 2 as well as being an example for memory manipulation in Windows. \nI hope someone will find it useful!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The version of Delta Force 2 has to match V1.06.15, or the trainer's functionality will not work.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003571921191311.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Delta_Forc158478572003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Cola-Kattn","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45328,"Title":"A********KewL*TewL*********CD*HIDE*API*NEW***","Description":"This shows a bunch of api calls and how to use them. CD door open/close, Flip screen, Empty trash, Hide mouse, Hide taskbar, Hide desktop, MSN Messenger stuff, Restart/Shutdown PC. This is my first zip submission, and I'm not sure if I did it right. All you need is the Form, Mod and Project. Right ?","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This shows you how api works","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"I am running XP Home.. and after i close application i get an error. I found it was the way i am using open/close CD door, but I dont know why the error. If you know why please tell me the correct way.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003572250481073.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A________K158484572003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"HH","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45337,"Title":"Gualter Costa - Computer Information","Description":"General local and remote computer information.\nReport all Installed Hardware and Software.","Inputs":"Network name or ip address","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Report all Installed Hardware and Software.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Gualter_Co158497582003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Gualter Costa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45184,"Title":"Form Scrolling","Description":"Simple example of how to scroll objects on a form. Uses standard VB controls.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Form_Scrol158212522003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Trevor Hall","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45188,"Title":"Cool Bar","Description":"Use as a progress bar with options of changing Colors / text etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Bar158226522003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Anand Nafde","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45191,"Title":"AlphaBlend2 vs. Fading out without API-s","Description":"Hi there!\nThis is a simple alphablend/fading out demonstration...bye","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AlphaBlend158232522003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"lacasrac","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45194,"Title":"_A Simple Dll Use Example","Description":"This code will show you a simple Dll and how to use one. It demonstrates what is and isnt visible to an end user when referencing a dll. Just input a first and last name, and the dll will format it into ProperCase and return it to the calling project. First you will need to open the ProperCaseName.vbp file and Make the dll. Then open the DllTester.vbp file and add a Reference to the ProperCaseName dll that you just compiled. Run the DllTester project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/_A_Simple_158236522003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Duane┬áWarsham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45195,"Title":"Delete a file in use - Run an EXE Hidden - Run code in other process' memory *NEW VERSION*","Description":"Hi everyone, the code is back in Version 2.0 and better then ever! You can now insert your code into Explorer, thus removing the need for compiling a separate special application. You can also create forms, subclass them, and call some (not all) VB functions, as well as use all API and previous modules in your code. This code will create a sample window and then delete itself. However it won't kill the thread, so if you run it again, make sure you kill/restart explorer. Once the code is run, the application will appear NOWHERE. It is also possible to use this method in order to Hook system API calls, which is what I'll be working on for next month. Thanks for your votes last month, I hope you like this new version even better! (Still need compile controller, it's included, read the module for more information)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003521821425187.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Delete_a_f158250532003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":57,"UserRatingTotal":279,"AuthorName":"Ion Alex Ionescu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":37204,"Title":"Make 3D heightmap with 2D image as source!","Description":"This code takes a 2D image (jpeg,bmp,gif,tga,pcx and many more) and converts it to a 3D heightmap. This is a realy cool 3D effect. Also please try the spike rendering mode that has a very smooth look. You can also use shaded colors to get a very cool effect on the drawed map!\nSample source images are included in zip file and the .bmp pictures looks realy cool with spike rendering mode! I also wanna thank the authors of the tga and pcx code! Please vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20027231843293598.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Make_3D_he1097457232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Johannes B","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":37205,"Title":"Downloading URL Source Code","Description":"This will download web page content source code. It uses one simple function call, passing an Address parameter. The returning string is the page source. \nThere is plenty of commenting as usual, and simple and easy to use.\nThats what its all about ease of use! Why submit code samples if no one can figure out how to use it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Downloadin1097607232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Christiaan Nillissen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45197,"Title":"Moving Stars. Tutorial. Graphics. Includes Image","Description":"This articles makes moving stars. It could be used to create a star shooting game. For beginners. \nPLEASE VOTE\nPLEASE COMMENT","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003531156444736.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Rodrigo Bola├▒os","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45199,"Title":"Image Dupe Remover","Description":"Resource extractors are great but they pull a lot of the same images. So I needed a tool to search through the icons and remove the dupes and here is what I ended up with. (This code can just as easily compare any type of small files with little modification.)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003522118269606.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Image_Dupe158244522003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"L. M. Trivette ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45200,"Title":"Auto Shut 2","Description":"Automatic Shutdown 2.0 is a good utility for better shutdown automation-full commented with 3 Important points\nhow to preform shutdown in WinXP and other win OSs\nhow to make light (no processor power needed), more accuracy, fine and light timing without using timer control\nhow to use the cpu usage, how to get it and why ...you can vote if you want!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Auto_Shut_158245522003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Marco Samy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45201,"Title":"Folder Tree Like Windows Explorer","Description":"Fast Folder Explorer.Plus Some new Functions.\nOlso Change the size of icons to (16 or 32)\nif you wand send your commend's.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200352232133676.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Folder_Tre158246522003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Toni","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45202,"Title":"DIGI SIGN","Description":"Leave Your Digital Signature On the Screen!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DIGI_SIGN158247522003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Marco Samy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45203,"Title":"NewsServer - A great tutorial that explains how to implement your own protocols (like HTTP and FTP)","Description":"Learn Custom Session Layer Protocol Designing : I-News server is a TCP/IP based server-client suit, with limited functionality to serve news over a network. Rather than working as a news server, this application is to demonstrate the designing and implementation of custom application protocols\nover TCP/IP. This package contains the Server in the server directory,along with two clients. In the folder ClientGUI, there is a visual client,\nand in the folder Client, there is a simple text based client. Download the zip and extract it..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003522349159497.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/NewsServer158248522003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Anoop Madhusudanan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46539,"Title":"Simple UDP example","Description":"This is a VERY simple example of Using the winsock control to send/recieve information via the UDP protocol. This is pure example nothing more it is perfect for the beginner. The code is fully commented and clean","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_UDP1607856302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Mick Walton","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46543,"Title":"Extended Find Ver 2.2.1","Description":"This is a VB6 only Add-In that is a substitute for VB's own Find & Replace tool. It allows you to search your code and to see at a glance all occurrences of a search phrase in a list. You can also do pattern searching (including an ASCII Search Macro to find high ASCII characters like copyright). You can search and replace at 3 levels (all code, current code or current routine). You can also limit searching to just comments or strings or block comments and strings from searches. The Tool docks with VB's IDE and can be set to display during VB's start up sequence. There is a simple Help window (or read the rtf file in the Zip.) and a Properties window that gives you greater control of how the tool looks and behaves.\nTo use: Compile the code, placing the dll in VB's own folder or whereever you keep your Add-Ins. Close VB and reopen it (WARNING VB may crash on exit; this is a problem with compiling Add-Ins, it should not happen later). Select the Add-in Manager and find the add-in called 'ExFind_D' check the 'Loaded/UnLoaded' and 'Load on Startup' checkboxes. This will add the Extended Find to the Add-ins menu. Click the menu item and read the help window for further settings. Because this tool uses a UserDocument it automatically remembers its size and location between runs.\nPlease inform me if you wish to create VB5 (should be easy) or even VB4 (may not be so easy) versions and include acknowlegment in code/help/comments.\nIf you wonder about the F> button on my toolbar in the screenshot use the 'Other Submissions' link and find my article on 'Full Compile'\nThanks to users of earlier versions especially Dream and Sub-Zero for all their help in debugging.\nComments, votes and bug reports welcome.\n \n-----------------------------------------Version 2.2.1\nPattern Search button disables Whole Word and Case Sensitivity buttons(If you could turn them on Pattern search would fail)\nTo remove a single item from the Search History make sure the whole text is selected then press BackSpace.\nFixed bug that caused eternal loop if search phrase occurred in last line of code.\nRemoved Punctuation Aware; it is not needed for the program to opeate.\nCancel button displays properly.\nAdded macros to allow you to insert a NewLine or Tab character to the Replace combo.\nAdded Auto Pattern search Off if Search phrase does not contain any Pattern search characters.\nFixed Selected Range test can now cope with selection starting/ending properly. (was ignoring start/end of all lines in selection if Start/End were not at minimium/maximum values for whole range.)\nChanged Filter Warning message to make it easier to read at a glance.\nver 2.2\nAdded Component and Procedure Line columns to Found Grid.\nAdded Selected Text Range; don't know that anyone ever uses this but it is part of VB's Find and Replace so here it is.\nRearranged Properties window\nVer 2.1\nSee Additional Notes in help: Not fixes but stuff that's in the code but not previously explained.\nAdded User selection of colours for Combos and Grid.\nHistory is now saved in correct order.\nWhole Word Filter automatically sets Punctuation Filter. Fixed bug Found List working properly\nImproved the way Found Grid copes with editing changing the hidden line number that Extended Find uses to speed finding. \n--------------------------------------------\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037803112220.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Extended_F161098762003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":46,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46544,"Title":"Defrag at certain time","Description":"This defragements your computer when it turns a certain time. It shows how to do a couple useful things including manipulate another program using API - it is moderatly commented and is probably worth the download. (I've only tested it on XP since it's a small project.) Please take two seconds to vote!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Only tested on Windows XP and in vb 6.0","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Defrag_at_160797712003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Michael Nipper","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46551,"Title":"DirTree","Description":"DirTree is an ongoing project on the lines of Windows explorer. it shows all files present under a directory with their associated icons. Users are free to make use of this code in their projects.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"a little knowledge about windows FileSyetemObject object","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003714332733.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DirTree160805712003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Manoz Shrivastava","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46554,"Title":"[ New!: ScrollingLabel usercontrol ]","Description":"It's not another \"scroll text in a label\" code. He can scroll WHOLE label with text within. Ready-to-use and easy-to-understand user control project. Check the screenshot and see how it works. Just put ScrollingLabel into your form, add dozens of text, set scrolling interval and enjoy :) It has nice arrows (scrolling (up or down): starded, could be continued, not possible), plus fully customized properties: BackColor, BorderStyle, Font, ForeColor, ScrollingInterval. If you like this user control please vote. Thanks :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037152013812.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_New!__Sc160810712003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"PRzEm","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46555,"Title":"Read the cpu clock cycle count for sub-microsecond timing. VB+ASM (Updated 07/05)","Description":"Pentium class cpu's include a 64 bit register that increments from power-on at the CPU clock frequency. With a 2GHz processor, you have in effect, a 2GHz clock. The cCpuClk class allows the user to retrieve the 64 bit CPU clock cycle count into a passed currency parameter. The class can be used as a basis for sub-microsecond benchmarking and delay timing. Note that with the extreme resolution provided, multitasking and the state of the cpu caches will show in the results. Thanks to David Fritts and Robert Rayment for the vtable trick.\nUpdate 7/1/2003 - I said... at this resolution cache FX come into play. In determining the call overhead, I should have born that in mind. Just goes to show you have to be extra, extra careful with benchmarks.\nUpdate 7/5/2003 - I got asked to do an article for a benchmark site based on this submission so I thought I'd put a little more effort into the data displayed. See new screenshot.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003751448192078.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Read_the_c161017752003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"Paul Caton","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46547,"Title":"Advanced Mailapplication - UPDATED/FIXED - (24-07-2003)","Description":"It's really simple to send e-mails. You can use anyone's e-mailadress, add attachments, adressbook, save drafts...\nIf you've any suggestions/bugs to improve this program, send me a comment.\nThe author is not responsible for any damage that may occure while using the program. If you do not agree to this term then please do not use the program.\nFor example: If you send a message from George W. Bush (g.w.bush@whitehouse.gov) to Saddam Hussein (sadamhussein@iraq.com) ->>> I'm not responsible for this!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200374132031522.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_M1619597242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":31,"UserRatingTotal":144,"AuthorName":"Henrico Bloemhof","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45495,"Title":"Extract RGB with CopyMemory","Description":"Extract RGB components with CopyMemory & GetPixel API functions. Just a few lines of code. Comments and suggestions are welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003514211211454.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Extract_RG1588345152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Min Thant Sin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45498,"Title":"nice and simple Icon Editor","Description":"Its a simple 32*32 icon editor with some basic editing functions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003515323299203.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/nice_and_s1588185152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Matthew P","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45504,"Title":"Adjust DataGrids Column Width Based on Longest Field in Underlying Source","Description":"When you display data from a database to a DataGrid, you will see that DataGrid's columns width cannot adjust to the longest data in the field. I made one procedure that can fix the problem.\nThis procedure will adjust DataGrids column width\nbased on longest field in underlying source. Enjoy!!!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"When you display data from a database to a DataGrid, you will see that DataGrid's columns width cannot adjust to the longest data in the field. This following procedure can fix the problem.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035152260457.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Adjust_Dat1588255152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Masino Sinaga","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45506,"Title":"Minesweeper Hexagonal, updated","Description":"This is a new twist on Minesweeper with its hexagonal tiles. Uses a subrutine recursively to clear out open areas and transperant BitBlt to draw the tiles(fast!). 3 difficulty levels. Straight foward, commented code. Now with custom level & high scores!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003515921194103.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Minesweepe1588275152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Paul Bahlawan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45520,"Title":"A Complete ADO Code Database Programming","Description":"Confused how to make a database programming using ADO Code? This project shows you how to make a complete ADO Code database programming with: navigation (move first, move next, move previous, move last), add, update, delete, cancel, refresh, find first, find next, filter, unfilter, sort (ascending-descending), bookmark, and adjust datagrid's column. This project uses reference \"Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library\" and database Microsoft Access 97.\nI made this project by using \"VB Application Wizard\" in Visual Basic's Project Type Dialog Box and I choose \"ADO Code\" and \"Master-Detail\" through \"Data Access From\". Then I modified the code by adding find, filter, sort, and bookmark procedure - each of them in one form.\nThe comments in the source code using Indonesia language (because I am an Indonesia ;) ). Sorry for this. May be I will translate them to English some other time. I hope you understand the code because the name of procedure using English language, for example: cmdAdd_Click, cmdUpdate_Click, cmdDelete_Click, etc. Enjoy the code! Any comments and votes would be appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Confused how to make a database programming using ADO Code? This project shows you how to make a complete ADO Code database programming with: navigation (move first, move next, move previous, move last), add, update, delete, cancel, refresh, find first, find next, filter, unfilter, sort (ascending-descending), bookmark, and adjust datagrid's column. This project uses reference \"Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library\" and database Microsoft Access 97.\nI made this project by using \"VB Application Wizard\" in Visual Basic's Project Type Dialog Box and I choose \"ADO Code\" and \"Master-Detail\" through \"Data Access From\". Then I modified the code by adding find, filter, sort, and bookmark procedure - each of them in one form.\nThe comments in the source code using Indonesia language (because I am an Indonesia ;) ). Sorry for this. May be I will translate them to English some other time. I hope you understand the code because the name of procedure using English language, for example: cmdAdd_Click, cmdUpdate_Click, cmdDelete_Click, etc. Enjoy the code! Any comments and votes would be appreciated.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003515224669353.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Complete1588435152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Masino Sinaga","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45525,"Title":"Circular Clock","Description":"This will display a Anolog clock with Hour, Minute, Second hands and the Day in circular pattern. It will display this clock where ever you put your mouse :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Circular_C1588585162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Anand Nafde","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45528,"Title":"Credits Demo","Description":"It's a demonstartion of a really great About formular. It has tranparent effects and scrolls to the top. It also has a gradient background.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It doesn't run under W95 because it uses the API AlphaBlend.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200351612303701.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Credits_De1588655162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Frank Maier","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45532,"Title":"Soccer Game","Description":"Hi Ppl,\nWell!! I was feeling bored and lonely so thought should code a game, well this code I started in the soccer world cup fever and now it has finished. Well, about the game; a simple soccer game which shows you how to use different objects and how to move them around the form by using some maths functions, great master piece of mine till now. I want to request you guys about one thing, if you are downloading this code, please try to rate it coz thats how we get the recognition on this site,just few second of urs can give an identity to a programmer in this big world of programming. Thank you \nEnjoy\n<BM>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Soccer_Gam1588735162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Bhupesh Mansukhani","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45534,"Title":"Looking through translucent glass","Description":"Translucent effect of looking through a glass using GetDIBits and SetDIBits API. Based on tutorial on some website (I forgot the address).\nComments and suggestions are welcome!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035161723293516.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Looking_th1588755162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Min Thant Sin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45210,"Title":"Enhanced Slider Ocx Source","Description":"This is a great slider that can be used just as the original by MS in any application.\nIt looks much better and has more features!","Inputs":"There is a ForeColor and a ForeColor2 input for a nice gradient effect. You can set it to Horizontal/Vertical view. You can use snap or smooth scrolling. You can set Min/Max and Value. You can also set the BackColor.","Assumes":"This can be compiled as an Ocx file that can be used in any application, or it can be added as it is in the original code to any VB project!","CodeReturns":"The Ocx will return the Value, as in the original slider by MS.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200353924496529.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Enhanced_S158263532003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Daniel Hansson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45211,"Title":"Fish Game","Description":"This is a small game like the really famous helicopter java app.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fish_Game158264532003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Daniel Hansson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45216,"Title":"Folder Tree Like Windows Explorer Update(1)","Description":"Hi All. Here is the new Version of Folder Explorer. I was been asked if I could put something for files. Include The WebBrowser control with some new Functions.\nThanks For your nice comments, are always welcome \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003531219494179.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Folder_Tre158279532003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Toni","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45220,"Title":"A ListView example,, Save, Load, Retrieve filename,path etc from a file list. MUST SE!++","Description":"This is a must-se example of ListView. It shows how to load, save the listview in a VERY easy way!\nIt shows how to load other programs FROM the listview and how to get the filename, path, size from a selected file from a file list. Discover how easy it really is!!! Please VOTE!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003531530396738.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ListView__158287532003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"├ÿyvind H├╕is├ªther","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45227,"Title":"Html Crypt v1.1","Description":"Encrypt your HTML code (files) from being viewed by vistors to your Web pages. It increases the file only in 200 bytes, and protect it very well. The Encrypted pages are automatically decrypted when loaded in the browsers and anybody wishes to see the source code by right clicking in the browser window will see only the Encrypted source. It works with everything, tables, borders , pictures , Javascript Codes, CSS. Just Open, Encrypt and Save it... If you found some bug please report me: thiago@xmail.net and ----- PLEASE VOTE !!! -----","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just a little bit about encryptation to can understand the code.","CodeReturns":"Encrypt your HTML code (files) from being viewed by vistors to your Web pages. It increases the file only in 200 bytes, and protect it very well. The Encrypted pages are automatically decrypted when loaded in the browsers and anybody wishes to see the source code by right clicking in the browser window will see only the Encrypted source. It works with everything, tables, borders , pictures , Javascript Codes, CSS. Just Open, Encrypt and Save it... If you found some bug please report me: thiago@xmail.net and ----- PLEASE VOTE !!! -----","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Html_Crypt158345542003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Thiago Santos Silva Ribeiro de Souza","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45230,"Title":"FX.DLL 1.02 SDK","Description":"Added features: emboss, engrave, mosaic, relief and tone effects; bitmap rotation, zoom and rendering (see screenshot); superb light rendering; semitransparent bit-block-transfer etc.\nFixes: fixed problem with bitmap compression, now stretches in HALFTONE mode :)\nIncluded in package: a sample project, API declarations and source-code :) of early library version!\nAll this and 33 other functions like alpha-blending; ambient-light, blur and other effects; brightness, gamma, hue and saturation correction, RGB, HSL and CMYK calculation etc.\nExperience FX technology!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200354140358810.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FX_DLL_1_0158310542003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":100,"AuthorName":"Martins Skujenieks","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45231,"Title":"Transparent Label","Description":"This is a Label Control But with much more properties and more nicer\nBasset in the same function with the transparent container control that I post before on planet source. It is very nice. Can Display Vertical also center, right to left, can carry any picture and if the picture has the same color with the back color can be also transparent. Include all the base eventΓÇÖs, 8 type of borderΓÇÖsΓǪ\nI like to have you opinion about this work. Thank.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200354220488697.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Transparen158312542003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Toni","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45633,"Title":"FrameEx Control - idea from Offixe XP","Description":"In office xp , the ComboBox control highlight when mouse move over it , and lose highlight color when mouse leave , but if combo had focus , it will not lose it's highlight color .. the same idea in the FrameEx control , hilight when mouse move on it or one of it's contained controls , and still highlighting if one of it's controls had focus .. PLEASE SEE IT AND VOTE FORM ME ..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035220217936.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FrameEx_Co1590885222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Abdalla Mahmoud","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45638,"Title":"Owner Drawn Menus","Description":"This module Creates Owner Drawn Menus for VB that provide MSAA information to be used with screen readers and speech synthesizers.","Inputs":"Add the paths to the pictures to be displayed next to each menu item and run the code. More information in the readme file provided.","Assumes":"The user needs to have a good understanding of subclassing and WinAPI Rendering.\nSome minimum Owner Drawn Menu Theory is required","CodeReturns":"The result is nice menus of any font size with an optional picture next to it.","SideEffects":"There is a problem with MSAA: Information is not provided for SubMenus including top level menus. You have to provide this information manually. There is set of commented lines in the menu module that shows how to do this.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003522823252573.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Owner_Draw1590985222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Miltiadis Kritikos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45650,"Title":"AI WAR SIM","Description":"crates 3 teams of AI that fight each other to evolve,very cool,lower gfx mode for slower pc's.\ncode is straigth forward and fairly flexible.\nclick form for menu.also a bmp loader /w sprites.\njust try it, leme know if u like it. thx","Inputs":"# of units, evolution rate,pause,reset,clear screen,low graphics mode, blood cell mode","Assumes":"not much","CodeReturns":"display of battle","SideEffects":"none what so ever","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AI_WAR_SIM1591125222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"George Vassilenko1","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45654,"Title":"Aim Bot (Easy)","Description":"Simple aim bot using SeVOsCar","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Aim_Bot_(E1591175222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"RPG MAKER","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45658,"Title":"Convert Your VB code to color coded HTML (Updated finnally)","Description":"Well its been awhile since i released \"Convert Your VB code to color coded HTML\" on 10/13/2002, and I never actually started listening to peoples feedback untill today while i was browsing threw my 30 some submissions... Since people sayed i should add this, you can now finnally few the source code :) Please rate and enjoy ;)","Inputs":"'Please rate and such","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035222316302805.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Convert_Yo1591235222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45663,"Title":"Application to SysTray Minimizer","Description":"This program demonstrates how to minimize an application to system tray while it keep running. Show System Tray Icon when Application is minimized and No Icon when App in Max mode. Just similar to Yahoo Messenger functionality. Good for Complete App developers........","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Applicatio1591345232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"sachinbhatia","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45660,"Title":"How to put an update informer in your prog","Description":"Ever used the McAfee.com security center? Well if you have then you know when there is a new virus definition out it shows it in a popup window. This example is like that, kinda... It uses Inet to connect to your webserver and download the latest version release, and if its different from the version of the program then it shows the window that you see in the screenshot. And dont work I put instructions on how to do the whole server and Inet thing :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200352317566617.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/How_to_put1591245232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46879,"Title":"Honey Do List","Description":"Seems my previous submission had some modules stripped out of it ,so here is a remake.Good luck guys,don't let the lady of the house get hold of this.Howdy from Texas.Oh,not responsible for any extra chores.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037131838301704.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Honey_Do_L1613937132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46881,"Title":"gChat Multi-User Internet Chat System","Description":"This is the gChat suite of programs. There is a server program and a chat client program. The programs a pretty self-explanatory. The server will let you kick people, and send messages to single users or everyone online. The server also has a log to see what's going on. The chat client is quite compact and will let you select your name. More revisions to come depending on feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003713194347757.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/gChat_Mult1613967132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Guillaume Couture-Levesque","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46884,"Title":"FMS Messenger (Client & Host)","Description":"This is a full-fledged Instant Messenger system (w/ out encryption :(). Anyways, the features include... Instant messaging to any online user (duh!), multiple chat rooms, emoticons, buddy list (stored on server so you can access anywhere), username and passwords, and (to be added soon) p2p games and mail. This is just a beta so it will have its bugs (i havent seen any yet but im sure you people will find some :)) please comment and please please suggest things and if you are going to suggest it then please tell me howto implement it. --- I am not hosting the server, 1. because my computer cannot stay on all the time (im not allowed to keep it on all the time anyways), 2. because of security, i dont want to have my ip publicly known... so youll have to run the server and client at the same time on your computer for it to work","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037132315413066.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FMS_Messen1614027142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"poop_4_brains","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46892,"Title":"_***** XP DTPicker ( Update ) *****_","Description":"Look at screen. Date Picker with Xp Visual Style.\nPlease, download it !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200371506559387.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_______XP_1614627152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":41,"UserRatingTotal":193,"AuthorName":"Osen Kusnadi.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46896,"Title":"Performance Analyser","Description":"Ever had a time when you cant figure out which alogrithm is fastest ? Well i know i have, thats why i created this small little application where you can can run & test upto 4 variations of your code.\nIf you find this useful, please remember to vote :)\nResults are displayed in in Micro Seconds (100,000th's of a second). Multiple Iteration counter and avg'ing of results is also included with a graph to give you visual results.\nIf you find this useful, please vote :)","Inputs":"Atleast 1 Block of code to test","Assumes":"There is an included Module with 4 Subs (replace with functions if you wish). Just insert the code you wish to test. Slight Changing of the code could allow you to test more complex situations.","CodeReturns":"Execution Speeds and Chart.","SideEffects":"Some systems do not support the QueryPerformance Counter. One could use the GetTime API, but i needed this specifically.","ApiDeclarations":"QueryPerformanceCounter.","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003714658327480.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Performanc1614177142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"WayneO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46897,"Title":"FM Synth2 update 3","Description":"A real-time keyboard-driven FM software synthesizer with amplitude envelope, adjustable polyphony, and unique sound!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003715325258983.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FM_Synth2_1614687152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"dafhi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46912,"Title":"DAOform","Description":"On browsing the forum and the net, I see a lot of questions\nrelating to data integrity in a VB form.\nIt's an issue I come up against a lot myself - so here, I have attempted\nto address some of the issues raised and provide a possible solution.\nThe form is designed around the DAO data reference.\nIt is an attempt to make a bullet proof data form in that . . \nIf the user changes the value in a field and then tries to \nmove to another record, or add a new record, or close the form or whatever . . \nthen the form will pick up the changes and ask if the user wants to save.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Nothing,","CodeReturns":"N/A","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DAOform1614567142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46920,"Title":"Stealth(update)","Description":"I am aware that PSC has been posted with many key loggers b4, but i wanted to post one of my own..so here it is..This is a very small part of a project i am developing for a corporate client that wants a small trojan planted in his workgroup nopdes so that he knows what his employees are upto with their keyboard.Info is posted to the admin server program on his demand. The module i am posting is something i completed a month ago and constitutes about 10 % of my final product for the client. I have included only the relevant modules i am using . The interface of this sample code was intentionally kept simple(Where is the time???) Please look at the code..Its not really commented,largely because it is rather explanatory on its own except for a few API calls,which are very common calls in anyones API arsenal. REMEMBER: Please press F10 to show the form and F9 to hide it. Check the application root for the dump file which contains the logged entries.Please leave comments..","Inputs":"Too simple to need any.","Assumes":"Please press F10 to show the form and F9 to hide it. Check the application root for the dump file which contains the logged entries.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Stealth(up1614727152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jaison John","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46921,"Title":"Marquee screensaver grows up!","Description":"The marquee screensaver is superb... but it doesn't do enough!! This version will display free format text like before, but also other things, like your machine name, ip address (no ocx!) or all your running tasks. Screens are good enough these days not to really require a comprehensively blanking screensaver, so I've added a transparent option too. There's lots of code here, all functionalised: Get IP address, Hostname, running processes, shrink screen to fit in Display properties window and bitblt of course. It seems a little cheaty, but I've allowed you to set the timer interval and maximum objects speed to tune to your own system. votes and comments always welcome. :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003715424171073.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Marquee_sc1614737152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46918,"Title":"TabStrip","Description":"I had always wondered how to change tabs of a tabstrip by Mouse Down Event. Then I came to a solution. Its so easy. You just add a timer to change the tabs. DOWNLOAD the code to see how I do it","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TabStrip1614677152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Hom","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45347,"Title":"Outlook Style Dayview Control Update 1","Description":"This is the first update to the Outlook Dayview control. Check the readme.txt file for a complete list of changes. Briefly: mouse highlighting has been disabled (for now) and you can now save appointments to an Access database.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"There should be no side effects. I try to be very careful to destroy objects. The API calls should not result in any memory leaks (but tell me, please, if you find any!)","ApiDeclarations":"A buttload. Check the code. It's mostly graphics.","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003581147468723.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Outlook_St158510582003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Anson Delaware","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45350,"Title":"Spacefighters 5: BETA","Description":"My new game... for some reason even the zip submission earlier was deleted... anyways this is the newest spacefighters... im sure youve probably read the description before but here i go anyways, this new version has better graphics, html help, and alot faster gameplay... some features i plan on adding are key configuration, sound, explosions, and even internet play if i can find help for it... well check it out... and vote if you like (please, please)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003581428384295.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Spacefight158517582003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"poop_4_brains","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45353,"Title":"Change Progress Bar Color","Description":"Change progress bar color ( back and bar color ) with one API function ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"' API DECLARATION \"USER 32\"\nPrivate Declare Function PostMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"PostMessageA\" _\n (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _\n ByVal lParam As Long) As Long\n' CONSTANTS\nConst PBM_SETBARCOLOR = &H409\nConst PBM_SETBKCOLOR = &H2001","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200358169352173.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Change_Pro158525582003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"CoRySus","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45358,"Title":"a - Navigate And Wait","Description":"Navigate a web browser and wait for it to finish loading before going on to the next line of code!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You need to have a web browser called WebBrowser1.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":10,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Brogan Scott Houston McIntyre","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45360,"Title":"Get hardware information using WMI","Description":"This code displays information about (almost) all your hardware devices using the WMI library (Windows Management Instrumentation). It also displays all the properties for each hardware device.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Requirements:\nWindows Me, 2000 and XP - there are no special requirements.\nIf you're using Windows NT4, 95 or 98: the WMI must be installed on your system.\nYou can download it from the following link:\nhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/downloads/list/wmi.asp","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003582058493309.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Get_hardwa158533582003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":63,"AuthorName":"Yaniv D.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45369,"Title":"Using C++ dll with VB","Description":"Shows a step-by-step example of creating a C++ dll and using it in Visual Basic. I know, there have been other tut's like this, but I wrote this as I followed my own steps, and it ran the first time I tried it. File included .doc and source code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Using_C++_158545592003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Erik Stites","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45370,"Title":"Advanced Chat Service - LITE","Description":"ACS Lite chat program features simultaneous clients, multiple channels a stable server, and a nice client. Be sure to connect to my chat server after you download! pscchat.mine.nu port 1001.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035959351649.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_C158546592003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Tecc","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45371,"Title":"Get Outlook 2002 Contact Info","Description":"I wrote a program that gets contacts from Outlook, although it worked in Outlook 2000, it did not work in 2002. This code also works in 2002, without the Outlook Object 10.0. You can use 2000's 9.0 Object Library and it still works. This caused me so much trouble, I hope it helps someone else. Please leave comments or vote if it helps.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Assumes you have added Microsoft Outlook Object Library 9.0 or 10.0 as a reference. And your form contains a listbox named list1.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Not sure if it works with VB 5.0.","ApiDeclarations":"Dim contArray()\nDim ol as Outlook.Application","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":55,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Erica Ziegler-Roberts","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45373,"Title":"Auto Service","Description":"This is it. This app install itself as an service and runs. All in one app. Choose between fore and background. So if a user is logged in it can interact with the user.\nSpecify task to run, and tasks that may NOT run.\nSo you can make it inpossible for the user to run notepad and force him to start eudora. And keep it open ......\nRemotely controll the app via txt files. So you can open programms on demand (virus scan etc).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003511621149524.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Auto_Servi1586335112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Harmen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45375,"Title":"Error Trapping Generator","Description":"Description\nError Trapping generator\nTasks\nGenererate Error Tapping where needed on .Frm .Cls .Bas. Counts lines in your program (Only what you typed) Generate a SQL stored Procedure list (SQL Only)\nSpecial Features : Can select more than one file and it will generate/count/list stored procedures from selected files. It also know when to add or not a error trapping. So if you have 3 error trappings done by hand and you run this program, it will pass those 3 functions/subs and add the error trapping to the others.\nA usefull tool I made when you got a lot of error trapping to do. It writes it directly on the selected files does more.\nI decided to make it since i made a 35000 code lines program and error trapping was required almost everywhere. So there it is :) I hope you'll give some time for some feedback. Thank you for your time and I hope you will use this quite usefull tool.\nI'll make a new version soon for people who make commercial programs with internet connection. My goal is to make a Error trapping generator witch send errors to a server (witch ill make) when errors occur on your developped program.\nEnjoy :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003591318405820.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Error_Trap158561592003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Robert Turcotte","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45379,"Title":"A Path Finder","Description":"In this update I added some things: now you can also search for a path, using waypoints. You can set the program to find the best way between these waypoints, or you can set it to follow the waypoints in a given order. The code isn't very fast if you use the waypointmethod ... Hope you can use it. I'd appreciate it if you give me any comments or tell me some bugs. Thanx","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035231721411560.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Path_Fin1591525232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jerous","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45385,"Title":"Learn BitBlt - Step 1","Description":"With this little tutorial you will learn how to draw an object using BitBlt, in one day!\nCode well commented..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035101998554.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Learn_BitB1585815102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Edi Budimilic","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46026,"Title":"Real Working VB Firewall","Description":"[UPDATED W/ MISSING CODE!] Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun! Finally a real working vb firewall that just doesnt use TCP or winsock! (Download now only 80kb!) It accesses the windows system, stopping connections and brining up a query window to allow it or not! Just like professional Firewall applications! It detects ALL internet applications running on your computer! CyberSentry Personal Firewall Beta has been completed. However, i will not post the full version YET! (Full version has popup filtering, parental controls, ad filtering, attachment filtering, full application control, registry monitor and a makeshift virus scanner) I want some feedback and or votes before i post the full version code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200367153121614.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Real_Worki159802672003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":67,"AuthorName":"Insomnia Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46032,"Title":"Insert WORD document into a database","Description":"Store and extract MS Word Documents (or such other file) in binary mode into a DataBase.","Inputs":"Files into DB\n","Assumes":"The documents will be extracted to the app directory","CodeReturns":"Files from DB","SideEffects":"Database included","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Insert_WOR159806672003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"yeagerin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46033,"Title":"How to Add the Google Toobar to the Windows Taskbar","Description":"Here is a small registry tweak to Add the Google Toobar to your Windows Taskbar. Have the convenience of the Google Search bar on your Desktop as well as on Explorer. To implement this you will have already downloaded and installed the Google toolbar from http:\\\\www.google.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003672056259847.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Rob Parsons","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46037,"Title":"Real VB Firewall - UPDATED","Description":"REAL WORKING FIREWALL IN VB6! Logs applications to allow or block just like a professional grade firewall. It temporarily suspends the application until you make a choice. It can terminate programs you think are trojans. Overall, the most complete firewall ever in vb6. This is the beta version, the full version is currently under construction. Hopefully i posted all of the code this time!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003672349259958.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Real_VB_Fi159811672003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Insomnia Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46042,"Title":"Installer","Description":"This Will Create A New Directory For Your Program Add Regitstry Keys And It Looks Very Professional Unfortunately It Does Not Copy The Installation Files Yot That's Version 2","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Not That I Know Of","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200368104607018.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Installer159826682003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":6,"AuthorName":"UK_DEV2003","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46047,"Title":"The real way to disable copying from TextBox","Description":"Hi all .. this code is very important if you want a TextBox or RichTextBox Protecting Data .. I mean No Copy or Cut .. Please vote form me ..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/The_real_w159839682003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Abdalla Mahmoud","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46054,"Title":"A programs opener","Description":"A program for opening various programs of Windows. It shows you how to run other programs through VB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"A little knowledge in VB.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_programs159855692003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Dhiman Biswas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46061,"Title":"TabDock 3.13","Description":"Tabdock 3.1.3\nBugfix release (see revisions.rtf for full details)\nTwo Major Improvements.\n1) Extensively Updated. VS.Net Caption Style Now Adheres Closely To New Microsoft Applications.\nWith Pinnable Panels And Tabs. \n2) The Control Now Has The Option To Use The New ITDockMoveEvents Interface.(Have More Control Over Docked Panels).\nPanel Painting Is Now Much Better And Smoother.\nToo Many Updates To Mention. Please Look At The Revision RTF To Get The Full History Of The Control.\nOn A Personal Note\nI Would Like To Thank Neal Who Has Put A Lot Of Effort Into This Control.\nYour Comments And Suggestions Are Greatly Appreciated.\nEnjoy The Code!\nGary.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200369949208393.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TabDock_3_1605646252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":41,"UserRatingTotal":199,"AuthorName":"NR/GN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46067,"Title":"Tutorial: How to make a basic auto clicking program","Description":"This tutorial will teach the reader how to make a basic clicking program that will click on coordinates set by the user every 2 seconds.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"tazrockon","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45947,"Title":"Using Environ","Description":"Many people ask how to get certain system information and environ is the solution.\nEnviron is a command that allows you to get system environmental information.\nIt can also get any of the Environment Variables from the [System Properties, Advanced, Environment Variables] settings in windows.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Zinna Pro","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45949,"Title":"Analogue Gauge / Peak Meter Usercontrol 29.5k","Description":"Options for colors: background/gauge pointer(centre,fill,outline). Two gauge angles 180 degrees or 240. Hide/show percent bar(picturebox), scrollbar. Auto disable of user controlable features when in Peak mode. Note: The Background pictures (mostly transparent except for the dots around the gauge edge, the logo in the centre and the Min Max words) ARE 48x48 Icons, you can edit them to your desire (with any icon editor) using the two SPARE Images I provided as templates, to suit your own personal style/preference.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200364334379538.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Analogue_G159653642003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Dream","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46109,"Title":"One liner code","Description":"One line code to display:\n1 Display Control panel\n2 View the display settings\n3 Display Mouse settings\n4 Display the Keyboard settings\n5 Display Modem settings\n6 Display Printer settings\n7 Display time/date settings\nReposted from : \"Stringer\" (jstringer@fsmail.net)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":71,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Glen van Niekerk","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46111,"Title":"uSc_ListView_Xtended_Sort.","Description":"[v 1.1] \nYou can use this class to sort ListView columns that contains numbers, dates and time.\nuSc_ListView_Xtended_Sort is not very fast, but it's powerful and easy to use and customize.\nUpdate: Now it shows sort icon on right","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003611756385007.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/uSc_ListVi1615097152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"uScream","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46113,"Title":"Http Keylogger (First on PSC)","Description":"This is a http keylogger meaning a web server (hosts website and a keylogger) together it takes everything you type and puts in a log file and hosts the log on the net you can test by typing in or Localhost or your ip in the address bar of your Internet Explorer PLEASE VOTE THX!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036112114517190.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Http_Keylo1599706112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"RPG MAKER","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46114,"Title":"Single Line About Box","Description":"This is very simple, easy, fastest way to make your About from which gives a really profession look to your application.\nJust a Single line of code, no over heads.\nIf you like, vote plz. Thanks.","Inputs":"String","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Form","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003612156111485.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Single_Lin1599736122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Deepak Kumar Shaw","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46115,"Title":"Abware's PUMA - General purpose advanced scripting editor","Description":"***UPDATE 07.09.2003***\nfixed bug in loading script objects reference from the file scriptObjects.dat\n***UPDATE 17.06.2003 ****\nFixed few bugs in the debugger mechanism, improved GUI, user control more generic and independent, Added new feature - LINKED DOCUMENTS: User can attach a script files to the tree view nodes and the application will synchronize the database to this files. Added vertical resize for the debug window.\n********\nGENERAL SCRIPTING EDITOR - This is a generic application to show, colorize, execute and even DEBUG !!! VB scripts and SQL scripts (DEBUG is only for vb scripts). You can write all kind of scripts and save them in the built in Knowledge base mechanism. \nYou can DEBUG Vb scripts by pressing F5 and then F8 to step row by row like in visual studio!!!\nYou can also Execute SQL scripts if u have ORACLE CLIENT installed. The editor contains VB like INTELISENSE mechanism to help u type your code. You can attach external objects to the editor simply by updating text files telling their names. these objects will show automatically in the intelisense mechanism. The editor is highly flexible and independent, you can plug it in any of your apps because its simply a user control (actualy 2 user controls and one class). The keywords coloring process depends on an internal database so you can update it to have your own keywords colored. the source code has lots of remarks but don't try to understand all of it - its to hard even for me (especialy the debugger mechanism and the RTF coloring). I also embedded some built in objects to help you type powerfull scripts and understand how this concept works the objects are:1) xml - for managing xml buffers 2) reg - to get registry values 3) seq - to do some nice tricks with the editor like running scripts from another another scripts and 4) system - for doing general stuff like writing to the debug window, sleep, doevents etc.\nI use this scripting debugger every day especialy to run ORACLE SQLs and for storing my private knowledge base. Its a great all purpose tool that can expand to do anything you can imagine - simply add an external object to the editor and you have all its functionality ready to be excuted from your scripts.\nEnjoy !\nADI BARDA ISRAEL\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003612158411250.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Abware's_P164242972003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"ADI BARDA","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46117,"Title":"Complete Progressbar OCX","Description":"About the Project:\nWell This is release 1.0 of CtlProgressBar\nThis project was started, because always when I used a progressbar I had to include the large CommonControl OCX from Microsoft and that was mostly bigger then the whole program. !\nI started looking and found a pretty good start for a progressbar.\nThe EZ Progress Bar\nhttp://www.Planet-Source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=14999&lngWId=1\nAuthor: Sam T\nEmail: samst@ btinternet.com\nI have edited this and very much enhanced it and took some errors out and this is the result. I hope you like it. I do. It has a lot of features:\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"' Options:\n'\n' BackColor : The background color\n' ForeColor : The progress color\n' BorderStyle : None, Fixed Single Flat, Or Fixed Singel 3D\n' Enabled : Wheter progress can continue\n' Min : Minimum Value\n' Max : Maximum Value\n' ProgressBarStyle: Solid, or draw squares (nicer)\n' ProgressBarOrientation: From wich direction the progress indicator must come\n' Value : Current Value\n' ShowCaption: Shows the percent completed in the progressbar\n'\n' Events:\n'\n' All the standard events like Click and KeyPress etc\n' MaximumReached : When the Value = Max\n' PercentCompleted : How much procent is completed\n'\n' Hope you enjoy it.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Known bugs:\nIn design mode the progressbar might not always be drawn correctly, but at runtime always. My time was short so I couldn't take it out.\nIf it bothers you, take it out yourself ;)\n","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003612452421095.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Complete_P1599796122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jarry Claessen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46118,"Title":"Plugin Interface","Description":"Now UPDATED whit an example\nThere are 2 maps in the zipfile, in the map host you'll find a project and if you compile it, it will become the dll that your program has to use to let the plugins work.\nThe second map is named \"Plugin\" and there is an example of how your plugin can be made EVRY FILE that is in the project of the map of \"plugin\" is necesarly to let it work like it must except form1, you can change that and ofcourse can you add your own things. An other important thing is that the projectname and the name of the dll (plugindll) is the same.\nPLEASE GIVE ME A GOOD RATE FOR THE CODE.\nI've done a lot of research to acomplish this (al code is selfwritten, except if there is standing some reference to another coder in the module)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"EVRY FILE that is in the project of the map of \"plugin\" is necesarly to let it work like it must except form1, you can change that and ofcourse can you add your own things. An other important thing is that the projectname and the name of the dll (plugindll) is the same.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Plugin_Int1600246132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Brainhead","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46122,"Title":"Audio, Video, MP3 Player","Description":"This player opens video & music files, has play list, repeat song/list etc...\nSmile and Vote :)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003612817505593.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Audio__Vid1601946172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Adel D. Mendoza","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46134,"Title":"Updated Complete Progressbar OCX version 1.3 now! (16-6)","Description":"The progressbar Control has been updated again.\nCheck the control for changes. Some new improvements:\nText_Color: Change the text color to a user defined. \nOrder: Now you can let the bar decrease while you give increasing numbers. Like a remove application and the let the bar show it in reverse order. Just check it out! Votes and comments are greatly appreciated.\nThis is a replacement for the ProgressBar. This one has a lot more feautures and is smaller and does not require extra files cause it's an ocx and can be compiled in your program, whereas with the microsoft progressbar you need the OCX at approx (600 kb) where mine is approx (30 kb).\nI hope you enjoy it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003612174529973.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Updated_Co1601716162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Jarry Claessen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46135,"Title":"Login Using Inet","Description":"This is just another way of doing a user system for your program... How it works is whenever u wana add a new user you edit users.txt on your web server and then your program has that user in it... You could probably put a function to sign up in your program, and make it so it uses the ftp server of your web host to edit the users.txt and add the username... I havnt figured out how to make it so every user has his/her own password, but if you know e-mail me, s_p_i_t_f_i_r_e_@hotmail.com.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Login_Usin1600096122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":57270,"Title":"Send EMAIL your local machine with/without SMTP","Description":"Send your emails without SMTP email server on your local machine. You cand create email list and send emails your list ! Easy & powerful !\nThanx for votes..","Inputs":"Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 (XP,2000,2003)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":71,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411151444484246.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"B.Cem HANER","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57281,"Title":"Firefox Wait Control Clone","Description":"A control that mimics the wait control shown by Mozilla's Firefox web browser when navigating to a web object. Updated Nov 17, 2004 - added BackColor and IsPlaying properties.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004111683318209.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Firefox_Wa18198411192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"CubeSolver","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57283,"Title":"WebBrowser_Vix","Description":"Beginners guide to a graphical Web Browser, with loads of comments. Please feel free to reply with any comments you may i have as this is my first submission.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041116133302045.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WebBrowser18189211162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Vix","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57292,"Title":"Office Assistant like Ms word/Outlook","Description":"When u open outlook/ms-word a office assistance comes up,this application just works as outlook or word. u can this assistance in any u r application. its works very nice. this application is good & i take this application thought from a web-site. but now its yours. OFFICE ASSISTANCE.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041117652439615.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Office_Ass18190811172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Anuj sharrma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57293,"Title":"VB for JavaScript","Description":"Updated 11/19/2004\nAdded check for deliminator (/ - or .)\nThis JavaScript file allows coders to use common VB functions that are not available in JavaScript to handle strings and dates, functions include Parse(), Len(), Left(), Right(), inStr(), DateAdd() and DateDiff().","Inputs":"Inputs for all functions are the same as in VB, the data type and quantity are the same.","Assumes":"use is explained in the top of the file, the file is a .txt extention for download just chaneg the extention to .js to use it","CodeReturns":"the functions return a variable of the same name as the function","SideEffects":"none that I know of\n2/16/05\nFixed bug for months with 31 days.","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":133,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Steve Palmer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":45693,"Title":"A new approach to the MAX and MIN functions","Description":"This article explains a new aproach into using the Max and Min functions for RGB to HSL conversions and more other uses it gets...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_new_appr1591885242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"gonchuki_","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45696,"Title":"Ultra Speak Edition 1 BETA","Description":"Ultra Speak Edition 1 is a speech recognition notepad. All you have to do is press, \"Microphone On\", speak into your microphone, and watch the words you say appear in the text box! You will need SAPI in order to run this program. You can download SAPI from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=5E86EC97-40A7-453F-B0EE-6583171B4530&displaylang=en. Please report any bugs as this is still in BETA, and please give any other feedback that you may have. Thank you!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Ultra_Spea1592265252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Zonoid","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45705,"Title":"Speed Screenshot","Description":"This program is designed so that anybody can take alot of screenshots really fast! Taking screenshots is done either by clicking the \"Get Screen\" button on the main, or for even faster and better results, hide it in the tray and just keep double clicking the tray icon! Also has a hot key \"Ctrl+G\"! It will automatically save pics for you in the directory where u installed it. Enjoy! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003525518189358.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Speed_Scre1592205252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Ryan27","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45536,"Title":"Process Commander 1.0","Description":"This program lists all the applications, modules, and threads in tree view and list view. It can also suspend or resume thread, kill process, and gives you detailed informations for each process or module. And it works under Win XP/NT/2000 .... or any other Windows platform. This is finished program, but classes and modules are very easy to use. It is only 64Kb file, and there are many things to learn from it.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetFileVersionInfoSize Lib \"version.dll\" Alias \"GetFileVersionInfoSizeA\" (ByVal lptstrFilename As String, lpdwHandle As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetFileVersionInfo Lib \"version.dll\" Alias \"GetFileVersionInfoA\" (ByVal lptstrFilename As String, ByVal dwHandle As Long, ByVal dwLen As Long, lpData As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function VerLanguageName Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"VerLanguageNameA\" (ByVal wLang As Long, ByVal szLang As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function VerQueryValue Lib \"version.dll\" Alias \"VerQueryValueA\" (pBlock As Any, ByVal lpSubBlock As String, lplpBuffer As Long, puLen As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FindFirstFile Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"FindFirstFileA\" (ByVal lpFileName As String, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FindClose Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hFindFile As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ShellExecute Lib \"shell32.dll\" Alias \"ShellExecuteA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib \"user32\" () As Long\nPublic Declare Function CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Lib \"kernel32.dll\" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal th32ProcessID As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function Heap32First Lib \"kernel32.dll\" (ByRef lphe As HEAPENTRY32, ByVal th32ProcessID As Long, ByVal th32HeapID As Long) As Boolean\nPublic Declare Function Heap32ListFirst Lib \"kernel32.dll\" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, ByRef lphl As HEAPLIST32) As Boolean\nPublic Declare Function Heap32ListNext Lib \"kernel32.dll\" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, ByRef lphl As HEAPLIST32) As Boolean\nPublic Declare Function Heap32Next Lib \"kernel32.dll\" (ByRef lphe As HEAPENTRY32) As Boolean\nPublic Declare Function Module32First Lib \"kernel32.dll\" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, ByRef lpme As MODULEENTRY32) As Boolean\nPublic Declare Function Module32Next Lib \"kernel32.dll\" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, ByRef lpme As MODULEENTRY32) As Boolean\nPublic Declare Function Process32First Lib \"kernel32.dll\" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, ByRef lppe As PROCESSENTRY32) As Boolean\nPublic Declare Function Process32Next Lib \"kernel32.dll\" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, ByRef lppe As PROCESSENTRY32) As Boolean\nPublic Declare Function Thread32First Lib \"kernel32.dll\" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, ByRef lpte As THREADENTRY32) As Boolean\nPublic Declare Function Thread32Next Lib \"kernel32.dll\" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, ByRef lpte As THREADENTRY32) As Boolean\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035162155563023.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Process_Co1588795162003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"TheAlas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45544,"Title":"Bot Prevention - Human-only Readable Text","Description":"An interesting and simple program to demonstrated how bot prevention pictures are made (like the vote one on this site ;-) ). Also included is a new feature that would further confuse any OCR program. I have included extensive comments to try and make it as clear as possible on whatΓÇÖs happening.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"IΓÇÖm not sure if this technique is patented or not, so if it is please contact me ASAP by email at: sic_uk@yahoo.co.uk. Because of this I have not made it executable by a web page script, however if it is not patented I will create another program for use in a web page! \nIf you find it useful or rubbish, please be courteous and vote+comment please!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035171249239454.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Bot_Preven1588955172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Simon Chambers","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45547,"Title":"Ultrabox 2.0 , A Listbox Replacement","Description":"This is an update to my previous submission.\nNew updates include:\n *A picture can be added to the begining of each item, with optional transparency.\n *Bold, Italic, Underline can be added to the items, with the ability to have only part of the string any of those three (or a combo of them)\n *Can Enabled/Disable the whole listbox\n *Has a Sorted property to sort the list in ABC order. (A bit slow, but its the best I could make, 100 items takes about 1 second)\n *MultiSelect, ability to select more then 1 item, while holding down the CTRL button.\nOther original features:\n *Multicolored items\n *Check/Option items\n *Horizontal Scrollbar\n *Find method and FindInStr.\n >Find matches exact string\n >FindInstr works if the input is found anywhere in the item, it will be triggered as found.\n *Enabled/Disable certain items\n *Progressbar Item\n *Fill View as either Lined or NoStyle\n >Lined with have every other item a light grey, and the other items white.\n *5 Different Border Styles\n >Raised\n >Sunken\n >Etched\n >Bumped\n >Line\n >None\nTo come: A Print method that will allow you to print out the list in a number of formats. I am still having some trouble on this part, but it will come.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200351715829170.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Ultrabox_21589305182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Chris Van Hooser","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45553,"Title":"A cool chat program","Description":"You can comunicate with your friends without using other chat programs.\nAlso you can choice to comunicate in public or private mode\n","Inputs":"You have to enter the IP address of the server and a nickname.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035171859115073.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_cool_cha1589085172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"onlyeyes","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45560,"Title":"Image Resize / Aspect Ratio","Description":"If you want to load an image and resize it maintaining the original aspect ratio, this is simple, short and works. Coded in VB6 but is most likely compatible with previous versions.\nStart with an Image control INSIDE a PictureBox with the default names (Image1, Picture1).\nThere are two versions of the sub one with and one without comments.\nCall this sub when you load a picture and from the Form_Resize() if your Picture1 resizes with the form.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Zecho","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45571,"Title":"Image Resize","Description":"This is example of Zecho`s Image Resize/Aspect Ratio code in a PictureViewer Example","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Image_Resi1589435192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Cpvio","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45574,"Title":"Doodle Bytes (Updated)","Description":"Doodle Bytes by Robert Rayment. (Updated) This shows a variety of animations using the technique of drawing to a byte array and blitting to the screen with a palette. Win98 (exe WinXP) 14 KB.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Jusr run","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"StretchDIBits & others","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003519831521407.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Doodle_Byt1590325212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45770,"Title":"VB6 API Step By Step Tutorial ( direct from MSDN library)","Description":"This article provides step by step guide for intermediate-level VB \nprogrammers in dealing with Windows API Programming.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB6_API_St1644269112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"brandon teoh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45771,"Title":"ActionKeyState","Description":"A modification on Phobos submission for manipulation CapsLock, ScrollLock and NumLock. I made a function to either get the status or set (On, off, toggle) the status for these keys. Since i don't have Win95/98, i left that code out but feel free to enhance the function to include win95/98 (see phobos code)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003528536351905.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ActionKeyS1875154112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Martin Idman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45777,"Title":"Merge Pictures","Description":"Hi,This Is Code Will Help You To Merge 2 Pictures\nIt Is Easy And CoOl Check The ScreenShot \nIts Simple And Easy To Understand\nIf You Like It Please Vote And Leave A comment.\ni Wish it Helped You.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035281035446727.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Merge_Pict1593285282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ahmad Mami","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45778,"Title":"Unbelievable Screen Effects 3!","Description":"Unbelievable Screen effects!\nMake your screen powder, melt, evaporate..\nREALLY AMAZING. 14 new effects added!\n3rd release. JUST A PAGE OF SIMPLE CODE!\nSee it for yourself!","Inputs":"na","Assumes":"na","CodeReturns":"na","SideEffects":"na","ApiDeclarations":"na","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003528142296963.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Unbelievab1593295282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":46,"UserRatingTotal":228,"AuthorName":"Kailash Nadh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45782,"Title":"Determine if a control's scrollbars are visible","Description":"Use this function to determine if the scrollbars on a control are visible.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'API Constants\nPrivate Const GWL_STYLE = (-16)\nPrivate Const WS_HSCROLL = &H100000\nPrivate Const WS_VSCROLL = &H200000\n'API Declarations\nPrivate Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":24,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"chabber","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45786,"Title":"Select Case","Description":"A beginner's look into the Select Case Structure .\nComparing Select Case to If...ElseIf....End If....\nThis Tutorial is for beginner's .","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Danny Pryor","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45929,"Title":"FX.DLL 1.03 SDK","Description":"The version 1.03 is here! A total of 46 graphical routines, excellent speed and easy to use. All this and many, many more in this SDK. Also all 5000 lines of source-code now included for the taking. Check out the screen-shot! Don't wait, experience it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200363923349487.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FX_DLL_1_0159616632003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":73,"UserRatingTotal":360,"AuthorName":"Martins Skujenieks","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45931,"Title":"ICL - Icon Library File","Description":"This code reads from and write to an Icon Library format, a must for any icon editors. Stores multiple icons into a single file. As near as I can determine, this is the only shareware source code for reading and writing ICL files on the web, and I have done *extensive* searches! :-)\nSpecial Thanks to Duncan Jones for putting me onto the Portable Execution format. The ICL is actually a 16-bit \"New Executable\" (NE) format DLL file used by 16-bit windows, but this format only contains a Resource table and only icons stored therein. Many Icon Editor programs (i.e. Microangelo 98) read and write these 16-bit ICL files, but there is no reason why ICL files cannot be written to a 32-bit \"PE\" DLL file formatted similarly.\nAdditionally this code also allows for the importing of icon files, and exporting of icons files, displays the count of the icons in the ICL, and the count of the images in each Icon. It returns the color depth in bits per pixel, width, and height of each Icon Image, and the name of the icon within the ICL. Thanks to the code from vbAccelerator, any particular Icon Image can be returned in a PictureBox.\nWindows XP 32-bit icons are supported in the ICL library, but I do not have the alpha-blending of its Mask working just yet. Currently it treats all the non-white bits in the mask as part of the mask, so black is displayed. I have not tried it on my XP system yet, so if anyone has any ideas, please post a comment or email me directly.\nPlease leave me a comment, criticism, bug report, yada, yada, yada. Vote if you like, I am not looking for fame. =^-^=","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036394420408.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ICL_-_Icon1599096102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Rob Anderson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45934,"Title":"Fast Bit-shifting Class Demo (Update)","Description":"Fast Bit-shifting Class Demo (Update + ASM files)by Robert Rayment. Thanks to David Fritts for highlighting this method on PSC (CodeId=45885). I've corrected the assembler and Ulli has recast it in his own inimitable style with some explanations. In fact the method is the self-same as that used by Dmitry (CodeId=11830) a few years ago. The main point is that, when comparing fast EXEs, this bitshifting class is over 10 times quicker than the standard VB way using functions of the form 2^p. This description is extended in Notes.txt.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"See code & notes","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Memory & Timing APIs","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fast_Bit-s159626632003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45939,"Title":"VeryWellsStatusBarXP Rel. 1.1","Description":"=> VeryWellsStatusBarXP - Sorry folks for my upload mistake! For new release 1.2 (6/10/2003) with fine new feature plz goto ___ http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=45877&lngWId=1 ____ All votes are welcome - thx !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003641235297922.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VeryWellsS159662642003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":55869,"Title":"math game for kids","Description":"its a simple math game to help kics","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/math_game_1787058292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":6,"AuthorName":"Ly Chathalavanh","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55873,"Title":"The Archangel","Description":"First of all let me explain you what is The Archangel. It is a program that it's main target is to achieve safe communication betwwen 2 computers by encrypting the conversation through a variety of algorithms... It works either as a server or as a client. It has a quite simple interface for beginners. Please vote. Thanks in advance","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/The_Archan1787118292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"{wizard}","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55877,"Title":"Extending VBScript","Description":"Did you ever sad that vbscript is simply not enough for your needs. Here it is how to extend it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Extending_1787158292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Fekete György","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55879,"Title":"PantherXP 0.2 - www.pantherxp.dr-fire.org","Description":"Here is version 0.2 of the first Mac OS X 10.3 Panther Windows XP shell! If that doesn't describe it well enough, I'll go into detail, also including the changes in 0.2! -- If you have never tried or even seen Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, then try this and you'll get a little taste of the eye-candy and other wonderful functions of Panther. This is not quite ready for full Explorer.exe replacement, because for one the Finder Bar doesn't get all the menu's of the current window, although you might see that in 0.3! As for the dock, you may be wondering why the icons don't zoom (grow bigger) when you hover over them. Well then what I'm guessing is you haven't tried Panther, because when you first install it, the icons DON'T do that, although you can make it do that in the dock settings. What happens when you mouse over on an icon now is the text appears above the icon just like in Panther, also when you click an icon before the applications launches, the icon bounces, just like Panther :-). What's new in 0.2 is the recycle bin on the dock works (you can drag a file on it, and it's moved to the Windows recycle bin), there is a shadow coming from the Finder Bar, it is now compatible with all screen resolutions, although the shadow coming from the Finder Bar will not stretch if your using a screen resolution higher than 1024x768, I have removed some unnecessary timers and other controls to make it faster. And a few other small adjustments for increased performance in speed. There is also a new function for the bouncing of the icons instead of using timers to do it. Also I have formatted and commented it, as well as changed the names of controls for you to easier understand what's going on inside the code. I guess that wraps it up, that I can think of :-). \n##################################################\n#If you wish to download PantherXP, go to # #www.pantherxp.dr-fire.org and go to the downloads# #section! I am paying for the hosting so you wont# #have problems downloading it. #\n##################################################","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":1,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048291656481537.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55882,"Title":"advanced form skin + Transparent w/o resource graphics.","Description":"This control does not need any user input. All the user has to do is drag and drop it onto a form and your done. This control does NOT contain any graphics at all, all pictures are drawn from lines and PSET. Many lines of code but all very easy to understand. This control allows you to resize, minumize, maximize/restore, and close the form. It also reads the forms icon and caption and displays it. Also the HotPink areas do become transparent to make this form a little more appealing.\nI plan on addins some animation and better buttons to this project. please help me make this better.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048291821188910.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/advanced_f1787248292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55891,"Title":"Exe to VBS to Exe","Description":"VB script can do a lot...!!??","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200483037132343.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Exe_to_VBS1787368302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Temosis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55894,"Title":"Msgbox Gen","Description":"YAMM! (yet another msgbox maker) before you snort in disgust, take a look! Ability to use every available feature of the msbox function, can do inputbox, or msgbox sub or msgbox function. Auto replaces quotes with Chr(34) and has ability to auto add linebreaks (by using the pipe symbol). Calculates your selections on the fly into a single number for the image and button options. Has complete testing button of all functions. Even shows you the results of your code! Now that your sold, download the last msgbox maker you'll ever need...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004830336339036.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Msgbox_Gen1787398302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Deth","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55898,"Title":"Folder Flooder","Description":"REWRITTEN DESCRIPTION: For educational purposes only. This program I've written is like a virus, but it does no damage to the files, boot sectors, or the hard drive, etc., hense it's safe. There is no form in this project since it wasn't needed. So Sub Main() in the module will automatically be called. People in PSC is calling this program a \"waste\" when it is not. You can learn a lot from it. Like basic VBScripting, error handling, reading and writing to the registry, finding out what drives exist on the computer, recursing all directories in an array, hiding directories/files, etc. I have no intention of creating havok and destroying files, operating systems, etc. I just wanted viral like code, only it simply folder floods. And folders do no damage what so ever. The only thing annoying about it is deleting them by hand. I'm going to tone down the code a little bit to make it cleaner to use in this site. And please, don't flame me anymore. I uploaded this program for others to learn from it, not to get chewed out.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Folder_Flo1792229112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"KRADLE OF FILTH","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54765,"Title":"Animated Buttons 1.01","Description":"Hello\n This programs gives you the code to make animated buttons on your form. It uses Direct Animation Viewer Control and Form 2.0 object library. It can be used for multimedia or game programs!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animated_B176601752004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"kertz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54771,"Title":"Electronic Reader 1.0","Description":"Well this be the best submission by me! It is a complete text to voice software using Agent control 2.0. It does not use any Microsoft characters. The 10 voice types availabe are designed by me using Agent Character Editor. It is well designed with a professional look. You must have Lernout & Hauspie(r)Truvoice TTS Engine - American English which can be downloaded for free from http://www.microsoft.com/msagent/downloads/user.asp#tts\n Please vote if you think it helped in anyway...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200475948415216.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Electronic176618752004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"kertz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54772,"Title":"_**P2P File Transfer Using Winsock","Description":"File Transfer Client and Server using Winsock.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"File Transfer Client and Server using Winsock.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004751017468629.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/___P2P_Fil176620752004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Lutfur Rahman Bhuiyan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54779,"Title":"Weather","Description":"This code continues to improve. It can return radar images from any given city from the combo menu. When you select a city you live in or nearby, the radar image downloads from the Internet and then is shown in the window. You have more than just one type of radar. You can choose from the options window if you want the normal radar, one-hour rainfall total radar, or the storm total radar. If you use the normal radar, you can choose between a short-range radar and a long-range radar and choose between a radar with base reflectivity and composite reflectivity. It also features a loop feature that enables the display to view past radar images. Great if you want to track any local severe weather.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004761531231639.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Weather1888155132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"mathXpert","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54783,"Title":"kalypso encryptor","Description":"this encrypts the text you enter in the text box. really cool and easy to understand code","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"encrypted text, decrypted text","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/kalypso_en176642762004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"paolo parungao","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54791,"Title":"World 3D with Pure VB Code","Description":"This a 3D program with PURE vb code\n NO References, No OCX, NO DLL.\nFor any question please contact me at:\nkmatrixl@hotmail.com","Inputs":"This a 3D program with PURE vb code\n NO References, No OCX, NO DLL.\nFor any question please contact me at:\nkmatrixl@hotmail.com","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004761132397965.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/World_3D_w176665762004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"kaci lounes","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54792,"Title":"World 3D pure vb","Description":"No comment but look screen shot.","Inputs":"No comment but look screen shot.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200476114624179.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/World_3D_p176666762004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"kaci lounes","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54795,"Title":"Sorting MshFlexGrid","Description":"This is a program that sort the grid control without sql.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Sorting_Ms176669762004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Pokhraj Das","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54808,"Title":"New Sleep Method","Description":"When you are writing a sub or a function you maybe want to implement a delay.\nThe most common way is to use a DoEvents loop.\nBut then the CPU will be 100% busy.\nAnother way is to use the Sleep API.\nBut then your app won't respond to any events while waiting.\nWay 3 sets a timer and exit the function.\nThe timer will start the function again.\nBut then you have to implement a state machine into every delayed function.\nThe following code won't stress the CPU, keeps your app responsive and it is easily to implement.\nThe only requirement is that you insert it into the code of a window with a hWnd.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SetTimer Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long, ByVal uElapse As Long, ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function KillTimer Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function PeekMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"PeekMessageA\" (lpMsg As MSG, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsgFilterMin As Long, ByVal wMsgFilterMax As Long, ByVal wRemoveMsg As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function WaitMessage Lib \"user32\" () As Long\nPrivate Const WM_TIMER = &H113\nPrivate Const PM_NOREMOVE = &H0\nPrivate Type POINTAPI\n x As Long\n y As Long\nEnd Type\nPrivate Type MSG\n hWnd As Long\n Message As Long\n wParam As Long\n lParam As Long\n time As Long\n pt As POINTAPI\nEnd Type","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":14,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Robert Kaltenbach","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":46011,"Title":"Testing 'For' Structures Variables","Description":"I have noticed a few uploads where the code was just a bit off because of incorrect handling of the counter variable of a 'For' structure,so conducted some experiments. This is the result, nothing great but might help someone. It's a bit long so I zipped it as well, so you can read off-line. Additional input welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Testing_'F159770662003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46019,"Title":"An easy usefull tip","Description":"Will let any vb coder to know usefull hidden thing in vb,that may be many of you pain a lot about it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46132,"Title":"Print Form Code Generator","Description":"Updated: Metric Grid Scale and Landscape capable.\nIf you hate writing VB code to create printed forms, give this a try. Print Form Code Generator lets you create forms by dropping text boxes, pictures and line on a form and generate the VB print code to paste in your program. This is the first version and it can only get better. Feedback is welcome.\nTo move lines,\n click to move a point\n shift + click to move the line\n ctrl + click to move point left and right only\n alt + click to move point up and down only\n shift+ctrl+click moves other point's top position to clicked point's top position\n shift+alt+click moves other point's left position to clicked point's left position\nNew Version: Select paper size, and line ghosts gone!!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"To move lines,\n click to move a point\n shift + click to move the line\n ctrl + click to move point left and right only\n alt + click to move point up and down only\n shift+ctrl+click moves other point's top position to clicked point's top position\n shift+alt+click moves other point's left position to clicked point's left position\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036121533283008.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Print_Form1607746302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Neil Haverlandt","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46139,"Title":"Detect File Infection w/ Fingerprinting","Description":"Detect infection to any files on your computer with this complete program! This is my first attempt at an anti spyware/adware/trojan protector like Ad-Aware. Of course right now its no where close - it currently only fingerprints files, but with newer versions will come more advanced protection. Alteration Security allows any number of files to be monitered. Once a file is chosen it immediatly creates a backup of that file, so if an infection occurs, it offers you the option of restoring the file to its last settings. Good files to protect our files such as autoexec.bat, the hosts file, system.ini, win.ini etc... You can have it run on startup, and choose to scan the files every ___ minutes. (5 by default). I hope you enjoy it - votes and feedback appreciated!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036122314574252.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Detect_Fil1600176122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Intrepid Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46146,"Title":"Smart Form Navigation Ver: 1.0","Description":"This is time not to talk much, but the screen shot will give you much more idea about this posting.\nAs you get an idea from the Title itself, yes its really smart FORM, somewhat I could say intelligent form for the navigation.\nAuto Navigation is the motive of this small program.\n<BR>I hope you would like this idea.\nThis code could be useful for your application to give a professional touch and make it more sophisticated and user-friendly\nInfect its a part of Code of my running project.\nThanks for your feeback...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003613530115807.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Smart_Form1600326132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Deepak Kumar Shaw","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46152,"Title":"FCL NetChat (rev2) - Now with remote desktop sharing","Description":"REVISION 2 - UPDATED: June, 18th 2003. \nThis is a small, simple to use, and commented project for network chat, without using a server. It includes many features as: remote desktop sharing (and viewing), file transfer, remote user computer's information, hide in systray until someone messages, and many more...\nIt's a small gift and token of my appreciation for www.planet-souce-code.com, since i have consulted PSC many times for info and code examples, and never submited (or contributed) any of my code.\nSo, here is my contribution. Hope it's useful for someone.\nThank you PSC! :)\n Filipe Camiz├úo Lage\nfclage@mail.net4b.pt\nYou may use this code freely in your projects, you can change it, etc, etc, yabayaba, but please\ndo not remove my name from the credits.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036181513325111.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FCL_NetCha1602636182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":133,"AuthorName":"Filipe Camiz├úo Lage","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46154,"Title":"Active Form","Description":"Active Form Animation is an example for making just more beautiful application, check it out, and vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Active_For1600536132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Marco Samy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46157,"Title":"Bobo Modifying the System menu - easy","Description":"Adding items to the system menu can make your application look more professional. This is a very simple example of how to do it and be able to respond to clicks on that menu. No need to vote - this is in response to a question in the discussion forum.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036131417485280.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Bobo_Modif1600586132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46161,"Title":"Common RichText controls","Description":"Teaches you how to use common richtxtbox controls\nthere is also a module that teaches you how to print text in a richtextbox! enjoy :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"there is a lot more that you cn do with a RichTextBox This is just an example","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Common_Ric1600646132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Chris Pimentel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46162,"Title":"get your ip the easy way!","Description":"Get your local ip with just 1 line of code!\nGet it fast and easy as hell! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/get_your_i1600656132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Chris Pimentel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47025,"Title":"Ncim Network XP (Client/Server Instant Chat)","Description":"Lets users communicate over a Network or the Internet. It uses XP visual styles and alpha blending. Please post your feedback and take the short time out to Vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003719957382134.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ncim_Netwo1617387192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Mike Simmonds","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47027,"Title":"Find OS (Operating System) Information","Description":"**UPDATED** Finds the OS (Operating System) information of the computer the app is running on. Please give feedback and vote if you like.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037191030117018.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Find_OS_(O1618207212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Mike Simmonds","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47440,"Title":"VB6 Recent Projects Editor","Description":"I got tired of editing VB6's recent project list in the registry, especially after downloading and running tons of code samples. So I wrote a quick little application to do it for me and decided to share it with everyone else. Hope you find it useful!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This only works for VB6, but I'm sure it could be modified quickly for VB5 or even VB4.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200386130386844.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB6_Recent162469862003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Alouria","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47442,"Title":"MiTextBox","Description":"You can set the Text Alignment (Left, Right, Center)\n You can set the control Appearance (Flat, 3D) and Color in Normal and OnFocus states.\n You can set the type of entry allowed (Numbers, Numbers w/ simbols, Characters, (Y) or (N), Alphanumeric or Anything)\n You can set to play beep on bad entries.\n You can set Auto Upper Case.\n You can set Auto Select Text.\n Undo Text with Escape key pressing.\n Controls navigation with keys:\n Next TextBox: right arrow, down arrow and Enter.\n Previous TextBox: left arrow, up arrow.\n Support all the VB TextBox methods and properties","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200386143541009.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MiTextBox162471862003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jos├⌐ Luis Far├¡as","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47443,"Title":"Get the System OS","Description":"Get the System OS","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200386146424727.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Get_the_Sy162472862003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jos├⌐ Luis Far├¡as","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47444,"Title":"Office XP Style Toolbar-Lite","Description":"Creates Office XP Style Toolbar using image controls and shape. very lite. just try it. comments to ramandy@rediffmai.com","Inputs":"nil","Assumes":"Creates Office XP Style Toolbar using image controls and shape. very lite. just try it. comments to ramandy@rediffmai.com","CodeReturns":"nil","SideEffects":"no side effects","ApiDeclarations":"NIL","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038631929146.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Office_XP_162473862003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Prasanth Raveendran","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47445,"Title":"RVTVBIMG v2","Description":"Image Processing in VB. A complete rewrite of the 2001 version. Read all uncompressed BMPs, GIF, JPG and PNM files. Write BMP, GIF and PNM files. Also capture/return external Bitmaps and StdPics. Extended Color Depth/Palette options. Dithers enhanced. New Blue Noise Dither. More than 20 new operations - including alphablending and color combination, Sharpen, Blur, Edge, Equalization, and color correction. Particular support for very large BMPs >16M in size. The compiled .dll is many times quicker than in the IDE. Apps using previous (2001)version will require checking and recompilation.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Knowledge of Image Processing techniques useful","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"BitMap functions from GDI","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200386353409599.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RVTVBIMG__162474862003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Ron van Tilburg","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47446,"Title":"[ A program to count the number of characters in a TextBox. ]","Description":"This simple little program will count the number of characters in a TextBox. Please leave your comments and votes, thanks :)","Inputs":"One TextBox, one Label, and two CommandButtons. (You just need to keep their default names).","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The number of characters entered into the TextBox.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":14,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200386610512121.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"JamesJD","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47447,"Title":"GIF optimizer 1.1","Description":"GIF file size optimizer. This is a first release, so, code could be 'optimized' and some 'redundant lines' removed. I've been testing a lot of gifs, and by the moment, all seems to work fine. See 'fMain' for more information. Don't forget to compile first! :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038221128451343.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GIF_optimi1763026282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":33,"UserRatingTotal":165,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47462,"Title":"[Adding Item in Menu Runtime]","Description":"Program demonstrating how to add menu item runtime.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Adding_It162519872003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47470,"Title":"[FlexGrid Control]","Description":"FlexGrid Control demo","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[FlexGrid_162527872003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47473,"Title":"[HTML HELP Browsing ]","Description":"Demonstration program tells u how can use .chm (HTML) help file into your application program.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[HTML_HELP162530872003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47475,"Title":"[ListBox and ComboBox]","Description":"Explanatory usage of these controls.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[ListBox_a162532872003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47484,"Title":"A Full 3D game (Single Player Counter-Strike Clone)","Description":"This is a Little 3D game where you have to shoot your opponent (The Computer) 10 times, before he shoots you 10 times. The Enemy Runs around using Way Points, and will shoot you as soon as he sees you. This Program Is written around DirectX 8.1 and includes stuff like animations, lighting, Blending, collision detection, mesh loading and other strange stuff.\nThe Current Settings are in 320x240 but you can change these by altering the SWidth and SHeight constants. (located in the DirectXEngine.bas).\nMany things were kinda copied from HL:CS (sounds, level design). There is currently a tiny problem with the Speed (It's ******* slow), but i hope this is no real problem :). Have fun, and i hope this helped in any way... \n--- www.SturmNacht.de.vu","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200387619235429.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Little_3162541872003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":36,"UserRatingTotal":175,"AuthorName":"<<ULTIMA>>","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45412,"Title":"Fun with VB MsgBox (Win 98 update)","Description":"This code enhance the internal vb msgbox function without using form based msgbox. With this code you can modify the apperance of the MsgBox.\nIt show a kind of 'function Overloading' in VB :)\n(you wish..) and a fix for Win98","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Do not stop the IDE while msgbox is still showing","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fun_with_V1586475112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Luthfi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45413,"Title":"How to make VB EXEs under 5K","Description":"This article will give you some tips and tools to squeeze those big 16/20/32K executables that VB makes when you only use one or two functions and get them to sizes as low as 1.48K.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Ion Alex Ionescu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45425,"Title":"rlogin client","Description":"Forget telnet... connect to remote Unix, Linux, VMS, and Windows hosts with the rlogin protocol. This code is _heavily_ commented for learning basic socket programming, and for using the WinSock control. This is a FULLY FUNCTIONAL client.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"GetUserName","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003512047592235.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/rlogin_cli1586935122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"R.G. Brown","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45435,"Title":"Color ordered-dither (Halftone-216/Optimal)","Description":"8-bpp color ordered-dither: Halftone-216 + ordered dither lets reduce to 8-bpp bitmaps with acceptable quality/speed. You can also test color reduction using optimal palette and compare results. (Note: Optimal palette extraction has been speed-optimized). _________________________________________ Last update: 03.05.22","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200351444371034.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Color_orde1763066282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51559,"Title":"MP3PlayerX2","Description":"Plays and Converts/Rips MP3/OGG/WAV/WMA and CD Audio Tracks. Uses the BASS Audio Library from www.un4seen.com. Supports M3U/PLS playlists. Includes shuffler, ID3v1 tag editor and support for the LAME encoder as well as the OGG Encoder.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200427410464133.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MP3PlayerX170526272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Craig10000","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51560,"Title":"Updated Excel Password Recovery Tool for File & Worksheet By Vikas Madaan","Description":"This Code is an Microsoft Excel File & Excel Worksheet Password Recovery Tool any Version of Excel File. \"USE FOR EDUCATIONAL & HELPING PURPOSES ONLY!!!.\" Sorry!, for the delay in submitting this Code, Sorry to all My Friends who mail me to submit this Code. This is the Updated Version of my Last Submission on PSC. It also include the Feature to Recover the Password of Excel Worksheet. It Recover both the Password of Excel File & Worksheet. I have solve the Problem occur with my last submission of giving Refrence to the Excel Object Library. Now, it create the object of Excel to Recover Password. Now it works with all the version of Excel. But for all this there must be Microsoft Excel Excel Installed on the System. It show the usage of Dictionary Attack & Brute Force Attack from 1 to 25 Character Length But you can increase it to any length. when U modify this code & add New Features then please also send me the copy of that. This is also a Complete Application for Recovery. Download it (94 Kb Include English Dictionary File) & check it out.\nIf you need support or to give suggestions to improve, you can e-mail me at vikasmadaan25@hotmail.com or thru yahoo messenger vikasmadaan25@yahoo.com\nIf U Like the Code Then Please Vote for Me!!!. Because It Encourages us to Submit more Good Codes to Help People.\nEnjoy :)\nVikas Madaan","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Updated_Ex170530272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Vikas Madaan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51561,"Title":"Postmaster","Description":"Complete POP3 client for mails using winsock. Delete mails from server selectively, search and filter and download mails. Excellent for selective retrieval of mails from large mailboxes. Fixed some retrieval bugs in v1.01","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200427547307740.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Postmaster1711812222004.2 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"amit sengupta","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51566,"Title":"Cpu Load Monitor for XP/NT/2K/9X","Description":"This is a small project which monitors CPU load\nand displays the load as a graph. Graph can be\nline or bar (chosen by popup menu). visit my website http://vb.craftspakistan.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200427910112056.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CPU_Load_m170537272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Saqib Sajjad","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51568,"Title":"ANSI Telnet Classes","Description":"Have you ever wondered how to do colour codes? Boxes? ASCII Graphics etc in telnet? Ever wanted to write your own MUD or telnet game? Then this code is for you. It provides 4 classes: CDrawing, CCursor, CErase and CColor to provide most of the methods you could want to use for, (example), a MUD game. Included is a small demonstration. I know the code is pretty horrible, and uncommented but that's because it was written in a hurry in amongst tonnes of other projects :) Leave some feedback if you like or dislike anything about it, or want to add some suggestions or anything.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004271151421975.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ANSI_Telne170541272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"IRBMe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51569,"Title":"MP3 Splitter (working)","Description":"Hi, \nThis code can split a MP3 file and save it as new file.\nU can easily cut out the best pieces from a MP3 and save it as a new one.\nThe GUI looks bad but it works and it's fast and I think that's important.\nI've uploaded coz there's only one MP3 splitter to be found on pscode (as far as i've seen) and it isn't finished jet.\nJust try and vote/comment","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200427125464798.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MP3_Splitt170543272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Sjoerd","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51580,"Title":"Simple Icon Drawing Demo","Description":"Just a simple demonstration of GDI graphic methods for drawing an icon in the XP-style.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If itching, rash, or shortness of breath develop, seek medical attention at once! Otherwise no side effects.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Ico170561272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Brent Culpepper","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51585,"Title":"Animate your start button text using the sendmessage api.","Description":"This code will allow you to animate your start button text to whatever you want using the sendmessage api.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The start bar button text will only stay this way untill your next restart of your computer.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The program was only texted on windows xp, i cant say if it will work on any other os's.","ApiDeclarations":"Option Explicit\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowExA\" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessageSTRING Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As String) As Long\nPrivate Const WM_SETTEXT = &HC\nPrivate Const WM_GETTEXT = &HD","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animate_yo170567282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Chris Marchetti","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51592,"Title":"Antivirus 2004 (2.2)","Description":"This is number two of my Anti Virus Program!\nNow the software is able to detect every virus by scanning for checksums (again: Only the viruses wich are mentioned in the DB). The demo db includes the checksums of some popular Virii (e.g. Code Red, Klez, Magistrar + Eicar Testvirus). I have completeley over worked the Scaning algorithm. It is now able to scann 150MB (~7000 Files) within 35s. That means it is three times faster than my previous version! I have also totally changed the GUI: It has move-down menues like the Explorer has. Other new stuff: 1) There's also a function that scans a whole directory (and sub folders) for virii. 2) \"Fast file search\" function this is a manipulated cDialog that allows to scan the file without leaving the cDialog! 3) There's also a possibility to \"secure\" files. This is like a quarantaine function: It stores the file encrypted to prevent it from beeing executed!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004281143235002.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Antivirus_1710782192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":50,"UserRatingTotal":244,"AuthorName":"Cyber Chris","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51593,"Title":"MP3 Splitter/Merger","Description":"This code can easily merge two or more MP3 files into one.\nAlso you can split an MP3 to a new MP3, so you can cut out the best pieces of a song and create a new song by using the MP3 Merge function.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Nope","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004281337425343.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MP3_Splitt170622292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Sjoerd","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51599,"Title":"Expression eval class (Expression Tree)","Description":"Learn how to buld binary trees to evalute math expression. Ultra fast way to evalute math expresion or plot a graph of function.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Expression170588282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Edin Omeragic ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51604,"Title":"Color Game (simular to 'Simon')","Description":"This is a simple memory game based on the popular Simon game. The user watches the computer press colored buttons, and then repeats pressing the colored buttons in the same order the computer presses them.","Inputs":"At the start of the game, the player can select how many buttons the computer will press which the player has to repeat. The values can be 1 to 255, the default is 15 if the player clicks on ok.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"If you match the sequence of colors the computer plays, you will see a smiley face displayed in the picture box in the center of the game, If you lose a frown is displayed.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200428185547466.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Color_Game170596282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Scott Metzgar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51606,"Title":"GPF Interceptor","Description":"This project shows how you can intercept GPFs. Instead of crashing your application in case of a GPF, a PopUp is openend showing error details and giving the user the choice between continuing the buggy application or terminating it in a neat and proper way. (This is based on a previous submission. Tested on WinXP only.)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GPF_Interc170598282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51612,"Title":"get text of other application","Description":"gets text from other application","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"gets text from other application","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\nPrivate Declare Function GetWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetClassName Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetClassNameA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\n","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042953164687.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/get_text_o170614292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sahir ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51613,"Title":"Shimering Lake Effect","Description":"This program creates a shimmering lake effect by using the DorianGray Java class in a web browser control. Requires only 1 line of code. I did not create the lake effect class, this is just an application of it","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004296738927.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Shimering_170615292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Happy Lobster","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46838,"Title":"Help files","Description":"Make simple help files to support you're apps","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Help_files1613277122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Bart Lenaerts","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46839,"Title":"PopUp Bye Bye v1.0 Popup remover","Description":"This removes your explorer of these annoying popup windows. You can Add popups, and export/import popup lists to exchange with other users etc. It has tray functionality so it runs on the background. PLEASE VOTE ON THIS !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037121043324112.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PopUp_Bye_1613287122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Nico Bottema","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46840,"Title":"Marbles 1.1","Description":"Marbles 1.1 is an DirectX 8.1 puzzle game using FMOD for sound. It features great graphics & graphical effects, great sound effects & MOD music and great gameplay. It Requires DirectX 8.1 and an 3D accelerated grahics card. Using an old verstion of my game engine, PGE, which may be added to Planetsourcecode.com in the future. Make sure you read 'important info.txt'.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037121120323597.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Marbles_1_1613307122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":135,"AuthorName":"Paul Berlin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46841,"Title":"Demo 1.11 3D","Description":"This is a 3D demo showing several different static and animated shapes rotating in front of an starfield. It also plays some cool mod music. All the shapes are built with 2D spheres. All 3D calculations are done in pure vb. It requires Windows 2k, XP or better because it is using TransparentBlt. On my Athlon 1,2Ghz it runs at 100fps. Make sure you read 'important info.txt'.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003712112341067.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Demo_1_11_1613317122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Paul Berlin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46847,"Title":"AVItoGIF 1.0","Description":"Simple AVI to GIF converter + Basic GIF size optimization.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003716334404905.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AVItoGIF_11763006282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46856,"Title":"Free-Quest v1.0.4 (R)","Description":"Free-Quest is back. The new options are intented to make the game more customizable.\nSome of the new features includes:\n -A text entry which lets you explore the game in a wide range. (Free-Maker)\n -An Add task button to add any possible action to your adventures. (Quest-Maker)\n -Some new options to the elements of the game; Objects, Characters and Others (Quest-Maker)\n -\"The Burning Sage's Demense\" quest, and anything else I didn't mentioned... Enjoy it!\nFor more information take a look at the web site: www.geocities.com/freequestrpg/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037312221476522.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Free-Quest16865412242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Abel Ricaurte","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46861,"Title":"Trajectory calculator","Description":"Calculate trajectories. Common problems can be solved using this app as well..like what must my angle be if i want to shoot a projectile a 100 m?","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037135301119.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Trajectory1613647132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Taltan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46863,"Title":"VB & MySQL using ADO 2.7 and without DSN","Description":"Connecting to MySQL 4.0.2 using myODBC 3.5 & ADO 2.7 without creating DSN in ODBC DataSources in ControlPanel. In this sample is a code for adding records, showing records in listview removing selected records from list, searching records (you can search for records by name or by surname or both. Inside code is description what you must do before running code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_&_MySQL1613677132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Josip Pejakovic","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46865,"Title":"draganddropexample","Description":"simple project to show how to drag a small textfile from windows explorer(or desktop) and drop it into a textbox and display the contents of the file and the filename(not displaying the full path)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/draganddro1613747132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Robert Justason","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46866,"Title":"Music Composer IV (Link Fixed)","Description":"Music composer is a Sound authoring tool to compose melodies that suit your pleasure. Although in the prime faces of it's life, music composer is quite advanced and may be also be used by professional musicians\n\nMusic Composer Capabilities:\no Compose music with over 200 instruments \no Play it back any time \no Place 5 different note lengths (from semi-o quaver to whole note) \no Save in txt format \no Transposition Up/Down \no Display of placed note's name \no Up to 150 notes \nGet it from this URL:\nhttp://www.angelfire.com/bug/vbsource/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037131051425809.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Music_Comp1613757132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46867,"Title":"Computerized Examination 7/13/2003","Description":"My first sent seems not working, so am sending this program again. and This program has a very nice graphic design. All questions and options are randomized. You can add as many categories as you like (the program will automatically read all the categories)...and more.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003713105741579.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Computeriz1613767132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Aris Buenaventura","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46876,"Title":"CyberAlert Personal Firewall","Description":"CyberAlert Personal Firewall - First Public Release. Just like professional firewalls, detects all internet connections and maps them to their process. You can set rules for specific applications, trust, block, or ask every time. NOTE - THIS PROGRAM ONLY WORKS ON XP/2K/NT because they are the only ones who have the NETSTAT -o command used to map processes. The latter asks you every time it connects to a new remote host. It can detect inbound and outbound, and tell you what kind the connection is. While your computer is idle, BLOCK ALL will block all unknown traffic on your computer. In case of hackers utilizing dangerous ports such as FTP, UPnP, Net Bios, etc... IT will warn you of such connections with the option to allow or block. Cool eh? In case you need to review activity on your computer, SECURITY and TRAFFIC Logs will show you all you need to know. Download this program now only 99kb. Please *VOTES/FEEDBACK GREATLY APPRECIATED* You may recognize the code to be similar to my first submission CyberSentry personal firewall. API and MODULES were re-used, but all other code was completely redone. For an example CyberSentry did not map correctly, only detecting a few processes. Also CyberAlert only launches an alert window ONCE per connection unlike CyberSentry which bombards you with dozens of boxes. CyberAlert also shows the application title like \"Kazaa Media Desktop\". CyberAlert on my computer detected AIM.exe, KAZAA.exe, IEXPLORE.EXE, RUNDLL32.EXE, SCVHOST.EXE (Checks for win updates), QTIMEUPDATER.exe (QuickTime Updaer), and even SAVE.exe and GMT.exe (Adware included with some programs I had). For programs like adware/spyware that you need to keep installed for programs to work, CyberAlert has a rule called 'Auto-terminate' which kills the process every time it runs! Again please check this program out 99kb only, votes and comments appreciated!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037131342413969.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CyberAlert1613897132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":110,"AuthorName":"Intrepid Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45791,"Title":"All Windows functions","Description":"WinSource is here with all Windows function! You can move a file to recycle bin, see the modem status, and many more. Just download it. You will regret if you don't!. Please rate it if you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/All_Window1593655292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Gullu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45793,"Title":"Awsome clock display","Description":"Uses Sine and Cosine functions to display a rotating clock display, ive never seen it done before and thought maybe i should do it. Some configuration options are in there too. Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035291014177826.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Awsome_clo1593715292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45794,"Title":"Read Write","Description":"read a text file and convert it into an array","Inputs":"csv txt","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"array","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"micorosoft scripting runtime","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":43,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Brent Luyet","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45798,"Title":"Vb Clone","Description":"Vb clone, as the name say ,this project is a clone of visual basic and it will compile any form or project file to exe, the process is very easy├╜ and lame somehow, please read the builtin dialog small documentation to obtain some usefull information about vb and how it compile any form or project to exe ... You find this usefull?? drope me a vote :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035291242595479.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Vb_Clone1593765292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45799,"Title":"Balan├ºas","Description":"This code reads the weight from a scale and save it into a txt file.\nEste exemplo l├¬ de uma balan├ºa(ligada pela com1) o peso nela colocada e grava o valor num ficheiro txt.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Balan├ºas1593785292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"RCruz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45802,"Title":"SlideShow (PT)","Description":"Create a photo cd with music. ShideShow. Criar um cd de fotos(jpg,gif) e m├║sica(mp3) e fazer um slideshow com as imagens. (Efeitos p/ transi├º├úo de imagens ainda em desenvolvimento)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SlideShow_1593835292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"RCruz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45806,"Title":"Get Recyclebin Info","Description":"This is not my code. I read it on some website. This code retrieves info about Recyclebin ( number of items in the bin, size of these items).\nHere's the website address: http://math.msu.su/~vfnik/WinApi/index.html\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Chinese Guy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45826,"Title":"Auto Error Trapper Addin","Description":"This code automatically adds centralized error trapping to your code. It reads an .ini file that it stores in the same folder as your project that contains two pieces of code. One is inserted into the top of every method and one is inserted in the bottom. This can be used as a last line of defense against unexpected errors. The default is to allow the user to Abort/Retry/Ignore the error instead of just crashing the program. It will also (optionally) automatically insert line number into your code so that you can use vb's Erl function to get the exact line number where your error occurred.\nWARNING: This program directly modifies your code! Be sure to backup your code before using it. I am totally not responsible for any damage to your code.\nCredit:\nThis was adapted from the program 'Auto Error Handler' by Nathan Dennis.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003530136267467.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Auto_Error159567622003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jason Stracner","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45944,"Title":"API Drawn Console App with variable handling (updated June,5 2003)","Description":"This app works like DOS. However, it currently only supports variable modifying commands (such as 'set', 'reset'). It works in much the same way as id's engines manipulate and use their variables. I wrote it to include it in a game engine I'm fiddling with or more to the point, to a script parser I'm writing for the game engine. It's sort of a work in progress at the moment with lots of room for expansion (like maybe a binary search for the variable look-ups, or put some commands in it). If you like it vote for it! Enjoy. UPDATE 1: I added command and constant processing ability. I wrote the procedures for each as straight forward and as easily modifyable as I could. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None.","SideEffects":"None?","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036415573754.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/API_Drawn_159684652003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sintor","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45945,"Title":"Info Bot","Description":"It's a nice simple but very effective bot. It has some brand new features never before seen on aol. It features a multi user bot system in which the user will be prompted when he enters the room to type \".handle \"your handle\", and that's when the fun begins. You can store your contact info on it like your website or AOL screen names and AIM screen names. You can also to many things like look up definitions to words,look up antonyms and synonyms, look up what the weather is like for a zip code, look up the meaning of your name, find out what your daily horoscope is, and much more.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200365450244015.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Info_Bot1628268122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"VB Mike","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46212,"Title":"Windows API and DLLs --- Part-I","Description":"An introduction to Windows API and DLLs!!! Part II on PSC!!! Part III coming soon","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Deepanjan Datta","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46213,"Title":"MineSweeperRemake David Version 2.0","Description":"to have fun","Inputs":"no","Assumes":"basically i made a multi-dimensional array to represent board, placed bombs on it and when the user left clikcs on a square then it gets x and y coordinates, etc... figures out what is there and so on","CodeReturns":"highscores","SideEffects":"having fun","ApiDeclarations":"no","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MineSweepe1601486162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"David James Torrey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46215,"Title":"Retrieve Additional File information","Description":"From any Exe,ocx,dll...etc which contain that\ninformation...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Retrieve_A1601526162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46216,"Title":"Picture Collector","Description":"Picture Collector by Robert Rayment.(UPDATE with New Look dialog (Thanks redbird77) and maintain aspect ratio) (Upgraded for WinXP - thanks Carles) I had a request to write a quick program to collect a selection of picture files (standard VB ones) from a folder and save them as thumbnails to a single bmp. Shows multi-selection dialog and parsing input string and - might be useful - could be embellished. Win98 Zip 6 KB.","Inputs":"Pictures","Assumes":"Nothing special","CodeReturns":"Picture bmp","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"StretchBlt GetObjectAPI","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Picture_Co1603206192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46256,"Title":"A MP3 / AUDIO Player","Description":"A MP3 Player... please check and vote...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200361814674267.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_MP3___AU1602456182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Adel D. Mendoza","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46309,"Title":"Duplicate Remover/Non Duplicate Finder","Description":"Duplicate remover/finder","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036192055186864.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Duplicate_1603356192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Dream","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46364,"Title":"Ultimate Listview","Description":"Listview1 will list all records from a given Data Source SQL qry. It sorts by Date, Number, text etc. It has a very nice find facility and a sql builder. Output data to CSV, XLS, Clipboard, HTML, PDF, Screen. (ActiveReports 2.0Pro) is needed\n","Inputs":"FillListview (MyQuery, MyListview)\n","Assumes":"Please view the readme.wri file","CodeReturns":"The records in an underlying recordset qry","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003622205169605.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ultimate_L1604466222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46423,"Title":"Extended Find ver 1.1","Description":"Ver1.1.03\ngeneral tightening of code. Help file now has details of pattern searching and added optional gridlines for found box.\nVer1.1.02\nNow has pattern searching! Screen shot slightly out of date, have added better button graphics(on/off states), also fixed the bug in ver1.1.1 where first line of found overwrote the headings.\nVer 1.1.1\nLots of new stuff (see Ver data at end of description)\nver 1.1 uses grid tool instead of listbox to display finds. This is a re-write of my earlier Find Add-in using a UserDocument. Mostly just an experiment for a conversion of my Code Fixer. You can search for whole words, parts of words, case sensitive or insensitve, punctuation aware, ignore comments and strings or only find strings and restrict to current code page of code. Once launched you can also search for new items simple by selecting the word in code and pressing a button. Added settings screen which allows you to launch Tool on VB startup, save previous searches and filter settings between runs, set limits (20-400) on search history. For add-in programmers check the code around PasteFace command for a solution to the problem of destroying the clipboard contents when using this \ncommand and just below it the disgustingly simple way to make add-ins appear during VB startup sequence. To use Open project in VB, compile(placing dll in VB folder or where ever you normally store add-ins), close and re-start VB, in Add-ins menu select 'Add-in Manager..' look for 'ExFind_D' set 'Loaded/Unloaded' and 'Load on \nStartup' (NOTE this is NOT same as the 'Launch On \n Startup' setting within the program.)\nVersion 1.1.01 \nThe Status label has been removed; report on activity now appears in the Code column heading.\nAdded a 'Clear History' button to Properties page. (also changed layout of form)\nRearranged the toolbar buttons for more clarity\nChanged All/Current Code page button to toggle mode.\nImproved the shut down process to properly remove all forms/objects.\nChanged the way settings are stored to overcome problem with Registry storing boolean data on non-Engish Systems.\nMoved all Property load/save code into just 2 routines. (NOTE Property and Help form positions are saved separately by each form)\nAdjusted the Column width calculation to keep location data as small as possible.\nSee 'Sub Show' on DocFind if you don't like the grid heading or selection colours. You can hard code what you want there.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200362504252572.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Extended_F1607566302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46068,"Title":"Install/Uninstall","Description":"This will install and uninstall your vb program. All it requires it that the vb runtime dll be in the same folder as the compiled install.exe file. Just throw the runtime and all the ocx and dlls that your program uses into a folder, add a data.ini with the proper settings and the intall.exe and uninstall.exe into a folder and that is all you need. (Tuesday, June 10, 2003) UPDATE: It now adds your program to the 'Add-Remove Programs' list in the control panel.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003691640388202.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Install_Un1599906122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Jason Stracner","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46073,"Title":"Degration v1.0 (major upgrade)","Description":"Major upgrade of my previous version. Now it has everything a collapse clone should game. Except for undo and highscores (highscores coming). I fixed the bug where you could select one brick at a time. I made the display bigger w/ smoother graphics, there is now something to explain the gameplay. You can now highlight groups of blocks by moving your mouse over them, the game will also give the ammount highlighted and the potential score. Please comment and report bugs, oh yea, and vote if you like. <BR> p.s. im thinking about and online highscore table.. but have no knowledge of asp, if you can help please feel free to contact me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200369181525464.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Degration_159886692003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"poop_4_brains","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46074,"Title":"MDB Structure.zip","Description":"Document your Access database structures with ease.","Inputs":"Locate the MDB you want to analyse","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"View and, optionally, print the database tables and fields.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200369194341073.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MDB_Struct159887692003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Mike Yates","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46078,"Title":"XP NumberBox","Description":"You can only type numbers in this textbox. Make sure to make EXE file to see balloon tooltip.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200361022203866.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/XP_NumberB1601856162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Hom","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46089,"Title":"BaseConv ..Again","Description":"[Base Converter] Converts any base to any base. Updated - no bugs & smaller code. Had to post it again cos changing my email seems to have created a new author and deleted my old account, anyway... enjoy.","Inputs":"Value, Old Base, New Base","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Value in its new base","SideEffects":"No restrictions on the code, e.g. converting FF from base 3 to base 10 will return 255.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003610117234685.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BaseConv__1606456272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Neophyte","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46090,"Title":"Windows XP/2000 Popup Balloons (now commented!)","Description":"This control adds an icon to your systray and has built in function to display a popup balloon and receiving clicks from it. It also includes a control for displaying popup balloons on textboxes and comboboxes. All with pure API.\nInputs:\nTrayIcon.InfoTip - Sets tooltip for your systray icon (eg. TrayIcon.InfoTip = App.Title)\nTrayIcon.TrayIcon - Sets icon for your systray icon (eg. TrayIcon.TrayIcon = Me.Icon (WITHOUT SET))\nTrayIcon.InTray - Sets wheter the icon in the systray should be visible or not (eg. TrayIcon.InTray = True)\nTrayIcon.PopupBalloon - Displays a balloon for the systray icon (eg. TrayIcon.PopupBalloon(\"My message\", \"My title\", bsIconInformation))\nTextBalloon.ShowBalloon - Shows a balloon for a textbox (eg. TextBalloon.ShowBalloon(Text1.hWnd, \"My message\", \"My title\", bsIconInformation))\nTextBalloon.ShowComboBoxBalloon - Shows a balloon pointing at a combobox (eg. TextBalloon.ShowComboBoxBalloon(Combo1.hWnd, \"My message\", \"My title\", bsIconCritical))\nReturns:\nReturns events for TrayIcon as events on trayicon clicks and balloon clicks.\nSide Effects:\nAll parameters must be set in code and not Property Viewer, for the TextBalloon control to work you need a manifest to give xp-style to your app.","Inputs":"TrayIcon.InfoTip - Sets tooltip for your systray icon (eg. TrayIcon.InfoTip = App.Title)\nTrayIcon.TrayIcon - Sets icon for your systray icon (eg. TrayIcon.TrayIcon = Me.Icon (WITHOUT SET))\nTrayIcon.InTray - Sets wheter the icon in the systray should be visible or not (eg. TrayIcon.InTray = True)\nTrayIcon.PopupBalloon - Displays a balloon for the systray icon (eg. TrayIcon.PopupBalloon(\"My message\", \"My title\", bsIconInformation))\nTextBalloon.ShowBalloon - Shows a balloon for a textbox (eg. TextBalloon.ShowBalloon(Text1.hWnd, \"My message\", \"My title\", bsIconInformation))\nTextBalloon.ShowComboBoxBalloon - Shows a balloon pointing at a combobox (eg. TextBalloon.ShowComboBoxBalloon(Combo1.hWnd, \"My message\", \"My title\", bsIconCritical))","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Returns events for TrayIcon as events on trayicon clicks and balloon clicks.","SideEffects":"All parameters must be set in code and not Property Viewer, for the TextBalloon control to work you need a manifest to give xp-style to your app.","ApiDeclarations":"All declarations already declared in code","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036101136189659.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Windows_XP1599256102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Johan Sk├╢ld","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46084,"Title":"ClipboardChangedControl","Description":"Drop the control on your form and then when your app is running the \"ClipboardChanged\" event will trigger whenever the clipboard contenst change, system wide.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ClipboardC1599026102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Duncan Jones","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46096,"Title":"Calculos estadisticos | Simple Estadistic compute","Description":"Calculos estadisticos simples","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003610141537121.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Calculos_e1599336102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"yeagerin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46102,"Title":"OpenGL Viewer for 3D Models","Description":"This program reads, loads and views Wavefront .Obj files in OpenGL environment. To use OpenGL in the program I used the ΓÇÿglxCtlΓÇÖ ActiveX control. This ActiveX control is a library to support higher level routines for OpenGL, handles the setup of OpenGL window and fires various eventsΓǪ. To run this program you need to download two files the ActiveX file ΓÇÿglxCtl.ocx v 1.4ΓÇÖ and VBOpenGL type library v 1.2 (VBOpenGL.tlb).\nYou can download ΓÇÿglxCtl.ocx v1.4ΓÇÖ from\n http://home.pacific.net.hk/~edx/bin/glxctl14.zip\nAnd the file ΓÇÿVBOpenGL.tlbΓÇÖ from\n http://home.pacific.net.hk/~edx/bin/vbogl12.zip\n( The ActiveX was made by Edx for more information please check his website http://home.pacific.net.hk/~edx/)\n \nAfter you download these files, put them in the ΓÇÿSystem32ΓÇÖ folder under Windows Folder. To use these files in Visual Basic you will need to register them.\nRegistering ΓÇÿVBOpenGL.tlb\n Run visual basic and click on References in the Project Menu, in the Reference window browse for ΓÇÿVBOpenGL.tlbΓÇÖ file and double click it.\nRegistering ΓÇÿglxCtl.ocxΓÇÖ\n Again in the Project Menu, click on Components, in the Components-Controls window browse for ΓÇÿglxCtl.ocxΓÇÖ and double click it.\nNow the files are registered and you can run the program, I have included two .obj files (soccerball.obj and table.obj) to demonstrate the program. The class file I developed for reading the .obj files is very efficient and fast.\n You can draw any model in any CAD environment, and then you should convert the file to .obj file format by using any converter software (e.g. Right HemisphereΓÇÖs Deep Exloration Software).\n To rotate the model on the screen use the arrow keys, PageUP and PageDOWN. Keys ΓÇÿZΓÇÖ and ΓÇÿXΓÇÖ zooms in and out. \nI hope the program will be useful. I would appreciate your votes :))\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003610165576301.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Wavefront_1599546102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Anas S. A.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46104,"Title":"INI Files Made Easy! *Updated 11/6/03*","Description":"This is a powerful class file that does just about anything you need to do with an ini file.\nVery easy to use!! Can save/load arrays and collections. Also includes A function to pretty up an ini file... *Updated 11/6/03* A subtle bugfix in collection saving has been fixed, and more comments added about WriteSection() and its benefits, this class has now been time tested and is very robust, it is a permanent addition in my code folder...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036101736543498.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/INI_Files_1668451162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Deth","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46106,"Title":"DeskNote","Description":"ever wanted to store notes on your desktop? well this does just that! no more faffing around with notepad trying to find where u put that .txt file or whateva, with a few clicks here and there you can have a system up where ur notes load up on startup ready and waiting!! includes some 3rd party coding (which i thank you guys!!) and does the job well","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003610222221115.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DeskNote1599646112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Steve Bailey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46097,"Title":"New version of my matrix screensaver","Description":"Matrix screensaver with a few bells and whistles. I hope you like it. I'm going to have to do the next one in directX.\nAny helpful suggestions are greatly received! ...as are comments and votes. :))","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036101426445583.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Aaaaa_new_1599346102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":5,"AuthorName":"Qucami","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46099,"Title":"SEARCH FILES USING RECURSION","Description":"SEARCH FILES FAST USING RECURSION, SEE IT BY YOURSELF!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036101627259962.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SEARCH_FIL1599406102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Geovany Villegas (yovasXp)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46101,"Title":"File & Folder Search","Description":"A program to search files and folders like the one supplied with Windows. My Windows searcher keeps failing after a few weeks so I put this one together. I used as much API as I could.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetWindowsDirectoryA Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Sub GetSystemTime Lib \"kernel32\" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)\nPrivate Declare Function FindFirstFileA Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal lpFileName As String, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FindNextFileA Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hFindFile As Long, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FindClose Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hFindFile As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib \"kernel32\" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SHGetFileInfoA Lib \"Shell32\" (ByVal pszPath As String, ByVal dwFileAttributes As Long, psfi As SHFILEINFO, ByVal cbFileInfo As Long, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ImageList_Draw Lib \"comctl32.dll\" (ByVal himl&, ByVal I&, ByVal hDCDest&, ByVal x&, ByVal y&, ByVal Flags&) As Long ' Copied from ?\nPrivate Declare Function OpenFile Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal lpFileName As String, lpReOpenBuff As OFSTRUCT, ByVal wStyle As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ReadFile Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CloseHandle Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036101644502719.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/File_&_Fol1599436102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Xon_Matt","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54150,"Title":"Auto Click YES when Outlook's Security Guard opens prompt dialog","Description":"This program will clicks the Yes button on behalf of you, when Outlook's Security Guard opens prompt dialog saying that a program is trying to send an email with Outlook or access its address book.\nThis had been tested for\n Outlook 2000 SP1+SR1\n Outlook 2000 SP2\n Outlook 2002\nByPassMSOutlook\nWritten by Mohamad Rawey Chek Ani, Perlis, Malaysia\nmrawey@yahoo.com.my\nIf you use this application then please mention me in your credits. \nThanks and enjoy, Please also vote for me :-)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200462211654927.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Auto_Click175295622004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"mrawey","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54152,"Title":"_Scroll RichText Box With External Scrollbar","Description":"This is a simple method of scrolling text in a rich text box without using it's scrollbar. I made it for a project of mine where I needed a textbox that was disabled but still could scroll. So I came up with this. I'm not expecting any votes but please vote or leave comments if you want to.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200463217325602.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Scroll_Ri175300632004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54155,"Title":"_ Custom Scrollbar (100% Customizable) _","Description":"I GUARANTEE this is the BEST custom scrollbar you will find here on PSC. Has 6 preset bevel profiles, 3 mouse states (Normal, Mouse Hover, and Mouse Down), and you may use pictures in place of each of them giving you endless possibilities. The code is not commented yet but I will get to it soon and reupload it when I'm done. But this code is VERY clean and easy to follow. Please vote, I worked very hard on this.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200463715218809.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Custom_S175321632004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":68,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54157,"Title":"Protect 2004 (UPDATE 3)","Description":"With protect 2004 you can choose to lock over 25 features of windows such as Display Properties, My Computer, Control Panel, selpol.msc (Local Security Policy) plus loads more. Also all your options are saved and you can Bar access to Protect 2004, not only this, it comes with a registration system so it can be sold. When something like Display properties is launched a custom form or message box can tell the user that Access is Denied. (Bugs fixed in Update 3)\nI AM ONLY 14 AND THIS TOOK ME A LONG TIME TO MAKE SO PLEASE VOTE AND LEAVE COMMENTS!\nTHANX!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Protect_201762486262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Adam Ranshaw","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54160,"Title":"Internet Explorer Forms","Description":"Read and edit the names and values of all the html controls (textboxes, buttons, lists, checkboxes) in all currently open Internet Explorer windows. Hope you find it useful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004631337442649.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Internet_E175333632004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Edwin Perez","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54161,"Title":"Animated Picture","Description":"Small and well documented program to show how to bring up a sprite over a background picture. It's also animated like a gif file. No problem to change background or sprites 'source picture'...\nHave fun","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200463144752281.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animated_P175334632004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Stefan Ebert","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54162,"Title":"DaBooda Turbo 2DEngine","Description":"This is the 2nd installment of the DaBooda 2DEngine... the turbo edition has double the speed, as well as more functionality.. please feel free to download and try it out, and if you are further interested feel free to visit the DaBooda Turbo Project Site at http://dabooda.servegame.com/ and become a programmer or contributor of the DaBooda Turbo Enigne. Also located on site is the .dll, an extensive help file, as well as tutorials on using the engine. Again Enjoy...\nDaBooda out..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004631818101176.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DaBooda_Tu175341632004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Andrew Stickney","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54166,"Title":"[ A little program that wraps rings around rings around rings. makes 2D look 3D]","Description":"This is a simple program i call \"Wheels Within Wheels\". It run a thick black ring in circles, a thinner red ring around that one, a thinner blue ring around that one, and a very thin white ring around that. see the screenshot","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_A_little175347632004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Scott Buckley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54176,"Title":"mySQL Query Analyzer","Description":"myAnalyzer is a simple query analyzer that allows users to run SQL Statements to their mySQL database. This program does not use ADO but rather connects directly to mySQL through the DLL file included with mySQL (this through the help of some code borrowed from an individual mentioned inside the code). myAnalyzer also allows the user to save the sql query as well as print the query or it's results. The program has full search capabilities and can run multiple queries in one window or multiple queries through several databases in an MDI environment. I hope this benefits others out there as I wrote it to help me debug my SQL queries for my apps. You can connect to your mySQL server through a logon screen, or pass the information through to the exe from another application or command line.","Inputs":"myAnalyzer.exe hostname, username, password\n","Assumes":"You MUST have mySQL server installed and have the libmySQL.dll available for DLL calls.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See Code","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200464111148898.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/mySQL_Quer175366642004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"Jimmy C. Broadhead, Jr.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54180,"Title":"Real Mind Reader","Description":"Program that can \"read minds.\" I saw a flash app that did this that impressed a lot of people, so I built my own version. Works off of a simple mathmatical relationship and a couple arrays.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Real_Mind_175370642004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Gatsby","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54181,"Title":"How to use the Windows Media Encoder SDK","Description":"Shows how to control the Windows Media Encoder SDK through Code, not like the other submissions on this Site through a Batch-File or something like that. Encodes a given Video-File by using a Profile from the Windows Media Encoder which you choose (or you can also create an ew Profile through the Profile Manager).\nNOTE THAT THIS REQUIRES THE WINDOWS MEDIA ENCODER 9 TO BE INSTALLED !!! This can be downloaded from the Microsoft-Website !\nCredits go to Steve McMahon for his Progressbar, and two people whose names i cannot remember, for the \"Progressbar Remaining Time\" - Module and the Common Dialog API, so if you recognize your code, please post in the comments so I can give you your well deserved Credit !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200464135166818.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/How_to_use175374642004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Thomas Sturm","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54183,"Title":"Self-drawn shaped bevelled controls","Description":"Three self-drawn bevelled controls, no bitmaps used to create the full 3D effect. BUTTON control usable as command, option or check button. NUMERIC DISPLAY control with built-in interchangeable Base display, Display format, Angle Units and others, suitable for use as a calculator display. WHEEL control, this is a vast update of an ealier submission, may be used in place of scrollers, sliders, up-down control and progress-bar. This a beta version only, Property Pages have not yet been constructed and documentation needs to be expanded. Whether you like, dislike or hate this, please VOTE and reply with CONSTRUCTIVE comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See Code.","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200464184577280.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Self-drawn175377642004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Nero","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54184,"Title":"Graphics 3D Draw in 3D and manipulate it using the mouse.","Description":"This program is a complete 3D graphics engine. Excellent Learning Tool. It allows you to define your own 3D shapes in text files and load them. Once the shapes are loaded you may use transformations such as scaling, rotations and translation. There is a 3D view mode that shows an anaglyph of the shape. There is also perspective mode and much much more. Please Vote and ENJOY!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200464194051788.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Graphics_3175378642004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":110,"AuthorName":"Hrayr Artunyan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54190,"Title":"Create Standard DLLs in Visual Basic v2 - make your own api","Description":"This code will allow you to make your very own stdcall DLL files using Visual Basic. The DLLs that you create can be called from any programming language that supports stdcall DLLs. Just create or open a project with the functions that you want to export, choose the functions to export and click compile! Create your own DLLs that you can call from any programming language that supports stdcall dlls. Create your own API, share code between your programs, create a control panel applet, create an ISAPI application, the possibilities are endless!\n[This is the 2nd version of the code available at http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=53476&lngWId=1]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"not many ;)","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Create_Sta175398652004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":71,"AuthorName":"Daniel Lo Nigro - DanSoft Australia","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54194,"Title":"Animated Title Bar","Description":"N/A","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animated_T175408652004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Soumitra Chakraborty","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":46557,"Title":"FileFragmenter","Description":"Splits file into pieces(File Splitter). shows how to create a self joining executable file","Inputs":"File To Be Fragmented","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Splitted File Fragments (executable[JoinFiles.exe] or File Compatible with FileFragmenter i.e. *.Fmt)","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037754592841.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FileFragme160813712003.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"├ƒinny M K","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46558,"Title":"File Comperator Revisited (like Kazaa uses)","Description":"This code will compare files. When two files on the local hdd must be compared you could do a bit wise comparisation. Over the internet for large files this is impossible. So this is where hashing comes in. Most programs use something like this (Kazaa does to) and I use it in my file transfer resuming messenger. Files renaming doesnot make any sense anymore and you can check wheter a partial donwloaded file is the same as a complete file. It is all kinda advanced, but works very good. Just check it out. Votes and comments are appreciated","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200371620275502.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Compe160814712003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jarry Claessen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46560,"Title":"Unroll2 (Bug fixed)","Description":"This is the second Version of My Unroll - Graphic Animations.\nI've included 8 new Animations\nFor Example:\tΓÇó\tA lens effect\n\t\tΓÇó\tA mirror effect\n\t\tΓÇó\tA cut effect\n\t\tΓÇó\tA \"Needle Printer\" effect","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Unroll2_(B160874722003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Cyber Chris","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46561,"Title":"VB Source Code Analyser * UPDATED *","Description":"Anaylse your Visual Basic source code, improve it by identifying unused variables, constants or routines.\nWorks either by project or project group. Provides basic file and project statistics\nCan be run either as an Add-In or via a standalone executable.\nAny ideas for improvement? Any problems? Please let me know what you think.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200371733184587.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Source_160871722003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"Tim Watts","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46565,"Title":"Combo Box Tips","Description":"Combo Box Tips:\nOften I'm getting different questions on COMBOBOX from colleagues & friends. And finally I decided to include some of the questions and make a sample so that I could share this sample as a reference program.\nMost of the time questions are very simple but its normal, simple things are difficult to remember ;-)\n1. How to Sort in the combo\n2. Select only combo (like asp)\n3. Putting data field behind the text displayed (like asp)\n4. How to load default value\n5. Sorted combo while inserting Item-Data\n6. How to put string values as Item-Data\n7. How to use more than 2 Item-Data\nI have tried to include more common questions and there answer in this sample,I hope this sample could able to answer some of your question and you find is useful for your purpose.\nThanks for your feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200371926263987.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Combo_Box_160819712003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Deepak Kumar Shaw","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46566,"Title":"Compressed Backup","Description":"7/7/2003-BugFix in Function CheckForRoom.\nThis is not meant to be a replacement for WinZip nor is it WinZip compatible (does not have all the header information). Its sole purpose is to provide your application a way to backup its data files in a compressed format. It is one class; you supply the source path and file name, destination path and file name, and the action (compress or decompress).\nIt only compresses one file, so if you have multiple file to back-up, each will be compressed individually.\nSee the READ_ME file for more information","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Compressed161118772003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46567,"Title":"Raw Packet Sniffer (Bugs Fixed)","Description":"This is an update to the first packet sniffer I submitted yestarday. It got alot of good feedback so I decided to resubmitt it with all the bugs fixed. It currently has support for 3 protocols (TCP, UDP and ICMP) and can very easily be expanded to include more. The packet sniffer itself is wrapped in a very object oriented fashoin allowing you to just plug it right into your own apps. NOTICE: This will only work on OS' with raw socket support (Windows XP/2000/NT) with root access (admin privilages).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200371101698114.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Raw_Packet160824712003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":74,"UserRatingTotal":354,"AuthorName":"IRBMe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46581,"Title":"BlueCam","Description":"Blue Screen program - This is a program that replaces a selectable color with a background. \nIN REAL TIME!\nHook up your Webcam stand in front of your solid-colored wall, and click on the wall. Then move the slider to adjust the sensivity.\nLet me know what you think.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003711730173730.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BlueCam160843712003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Marshall H.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46583,"Title":"AdAlert┬« Spyware/Adware Remover UPDATED","Description":"UPDATED - AdAlert┬«, a complete spyware/adware/trojan scanner for your computer. It features a powerful and neat GUI, quarintining of malware files, 3 scanning modes (COMPLETE, CUSTOM, and QUICK), Active Malware Scanning that alerts of you of ANY adware/spyware running in the background, and then suspends the process from running (warning process monitor will not work on 9x OS), live updates and defintion downloads off the internet, a comprehensive help, and plently of customizable settings. --- What is AdAlert┬« 1.0 Personal? --- AdAlert┬« 1.0 Personal is an adware, spyware, trojan remover, it also is able to detect some viruses.--- Why not just use a conventional AV?--- Adware and Spyware are usually not classified as viruses, because they are not *meant* to do harm to your system. BUT THEY CAN BE FOUND WITH ADALERT┬«, this complete adware protection suite. (Note the ┬« sign was inputed to bug the hell out of INK Security Software). Finnaly this is the most complete malware scanner ever released on psc, it should be sold for money, but im releaseing the source code to you free! --- If you wish to use or modify the code please contact me before doing so. You may compile and use the program any way you would like. >> VOTES AND FEEDBACK *GREATLY* APPRECIATED << -- Update adds over 50 new common \"thiefware\" and \"trojans\" to the defintions, on my first full scan of my computer i found 14 entries!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003711853342832.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AdAlert┬«_S160846712003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Intrepid Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46585,"Title":"A*Beginners API*","Description":"This is for beginners who want to begin using API in order to manipulate other programs. This is VERY heavily commented (About a paragraph per line of code) and explains how to use API to manipulate other programs through several examples. Learn how to change a window's caption and send text to a textbox on a program (Notepad used in this example) and learn how to press buttons on a program (Calcualor used in this example) If you are a beginner and really serious about learning what the code actually means and how to understand the concepts than this is a great place to start. I wish somebody made something this detailed when I started... Don't forget to vote if you find this useful in anyway!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Only tested in VB 6.0 and on Windows XP","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Beginner160848712003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Michael Nipper","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46591,"Title":"Tablature Pro","Description":"Creates small full album or mixed Tablature files in which Tablature pro can read them and display them in a simple viewing fashion. I have included the editor to help people create their own tabs","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tablature_160858722003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Michael McMullen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48303,"Title":"Walk Example","Description":"Use KeyDown function to move an object. This code shows how to move an object in the form. I use a cartoon samurai as an object. Beginners in programming games may want to learn this. The graphic comes from www.vbgames.co.uk. Comments are welcomed. Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200396637578205.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Walk_Examp164196962003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48305,"Title":"Bobo Templates","Description":"The use of Templates can dramatically reduce development time and time spent debugging. The repeated use of the same code means that over time, that code gets tested in many environments, and gets further refinement to produce robust code and bug free applications. This submission contains two small simple \"Templates\" that you are free to use. Using \"ModCmnDlg.bas\" means that you do not have to use MS Common Dialog Control (comdlg32.ocx) for the simple task of opening and saving files. Using \"ModMRU.bas\" enables the easy addition of recently used files to menus in a form. This can make your application easier for the user to use and gives a more professional feel to the application\nTo those coders that have requested my Templates in the past - I am in the process of moving over to .NET and will release the more advanced ones over time, stay tuned !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039693825674.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Bobo_Templ164199962003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48306,"Title":"Faster Coding","Description":"Tired of typing? How about VB completing your function names and variables just like when you declare a variable? Now that would save a lot of time!!!\nThis article shows how to use the build-in VB word prediction-completion tool anywhere in your code. (not just after the keyword As)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200396959546301.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Miltiadis Kritikos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48307,"Title":"Winsock Basic","Description":"Learn the basics of Microsoft Winsock Control. Sending data to receiving data. Rate it excellent and you will get a surprise!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_Ba164200962003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Gullu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48309,"Title":"Barcode Generator EAN8 & 13 - UK Barcodes!","Description":"This, my first piece of code, generates EAN 13 and EAN 8 barcodes. This is an update of code 31131. I made it more for functionality than learning. If there are any bugs or anything you would like to know, please comment. I appreciate your input.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003961116564978.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Barcode_Ge164202962003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Max Dymond","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48314,"Title":"TTS 2","Description":"This program is able speak your text as well as saving it in wave format.\nYou have to install SAPI 5.1 (speech sdk 5.1)before running this tutorial\nyou have to select the reference to Microsoft speech object library\nthis tutotial was launched along with Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TTS_2164220962003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Hashmat Khalil","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48315,"Title":"IconX - [All In One]","Description":"This hot code provides many powerfull functions for you READY-TO-USE, wich include (Change Folder Icon, Change Drive Icon, Rebuild Icon Cache, Export Picture To Icon (USING-API), Extract Icon from DLL, Count icons in file,Get a Drive of Folder Icon, Thumbnails for BMP files, Fix Explorer Icons, Skin form to Picture, Replace Color with another, Fix Icon Thumbnails, Read Ini file, Write Ini file, Get the RGB color of HEX color and many more...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Please vote!!!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003961453316968.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IconX_(__U164234962003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Black Tornado","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48319,"Title":"Copy file byte by byte (Updated)","Description":"The program shows you how to copy files byte by byte. Everytime, it reads 4 kbs from the source file and write them in the destination file until it reads all bytes in the srouce file. There is a bar that shows the copying progress, and there is a label that shows the copying percentage. In the new update, you can use the browse button to find the source file you want to copy. I hope you will find the code useful .","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003962124383605.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Copy_files164232962003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Nabhan Ahmed","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48320,"Title":"Using Net Send","Description":"This is a one line tutorial on how to use Net Send to send messages over a network.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Donny urquhart","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48330,"Title":"[[A very flexible Access Database Editor for Records","Description":"Opens MSAccess 97 and 2000, works with databases with passwords. it allows the user to add, edit, delete modify RECORDS from any access database, also added defrag database function. Please Vote. :D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[A_very_f179119992004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":24,"UserRatingTotal":105,"AuthorName":"Carlo Rodriguez","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48331,"Title":"Xtreme Compiler 1.0","Description":"Compile the project another way without opening the project. Although this code uses visual basic executable, it operates the executable in the background. I wish to credit someone on PSC for his piece of code. Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039710525254.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Xtreme_Com164243972003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48332,"Title":"waTrayAlert v1.2 + Help!","Description":"Finally the help file is included in the .ZIP file! Thanx to Amanda Miller, \nthe WebMaster. Being inspired by Clint's vcTrayAlert Control at \nhttp://vcreations.net/product.asp?pid=34, I decided to write my very own \ncontrol. This one has much more cababilities, and some advanced features for \nWin2000 or later: like the Transparency property and the fading animation. \nIt is still very easy to use: check out the DEMO. It is also very \nversatile!: check out the Screen Shot ;). I have used a great \ngradient-drawing class that I found on PSC by Kath-Rock. I have invested \nalot of my spare time in this large project. It is made free but make sure \nto check out the license agreement and copyright info. All I'd like to ask \nyou is your encouragement - IF you DO like my control or NOT then please \nVOTE. I'll be waiting for your feedbacks and emails. And, If you ever find a \nbug, email me about it. KEYWORDS: MSN Style Tray Alert Control, ActiveX \nControl, User Control, Play WAVE WAV File Resource, Always On Top, Top Most, \nTransparency, Transparent, Fade, Mask, Borders, Gradient, Error Handling.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003971135404005.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/waTrayAler164254972003.2 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Waleed A. Aly","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48333,"Title":"NetSend101","Description":"I got sick of looking up computer names for people in my company, so I built a GUI for 'Net Send'","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200397127263814.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NetSend101164257972003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Bob Iadicicco","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45053,"Title":"Send File","Description":"This utility provides a quick and easy way to send files of any type or size across a LAN or internet. I've tested this out with other people over the internet, and have sent files over 600 MB without any data loss or corruption. I also added a little feature in that gives this application the XP-Theme style using an XML manifest file. (which I learned from www.VBAccelerator.com). Please leave comments...:)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003426812249385.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Send_File1579744262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Daniel W. Elkins","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45054,"Title":"search in between string","Description":"example shows how to search particular string between twon defined strings","Inputs":"example shows how to search particular string between twon defined strings","Assumes":"example shows how to search particular string between twon defined strings","CodeReturns":"example shows how to search particular string between twon defined strings","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003426845271530.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/search_in_1579754262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sahir ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45064,"Title":"Internet Cafe System","Description":"Internet Cafe System .. to calculate time and the cost for each PC in the cafe .. There is a DB to save user accounts and information about them","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034261759234426.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Internet_C1579864262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Basheer BasataΓäó","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45074,"Title":"Alphablend","Description":"Alpheblend demo, how to create it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Alphablend1580034272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"lacasrac","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45085,"Title":"Mouse out leave v1.5","Description":"simple simple mouse out event, NO TIMERS!, a little subclassing, an update to my previous submission, thanks pscode.com and allapi.net, vote if you want, plz leave comments though, theyre much appreciated","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_out_1580904292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"George E.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45086,"Title":"_Desktop Under Attack_","Description":"A tank is attacking your desktop. It goes up, down, left, right and it shoots. It bounce back if it reaches your screen area limit. This is like a screen saver directly on your desktop. This code doesn't use a transparent form but it is transparent. Let me know your comments or suggestions. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/_Desktop_U1580264272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Enrico Lorenzo (Enrico X)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45080,"Title":"SQL Backup and Restore","Description":"Easy way to create a backup job and schedule it into SQL Server. Pretty small and restricted but allows you to specify backup schedule such as Daily, Monthly etc. You can backup your database and restore it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034271755171676.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SQL_Backup1580154272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Kamau","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45091,"Title":"A 6 Search Engine Parsing Tool","Description":"Search in 6 Different Engines, Parse the Results and display sorted output according to hits in earch engine.Does not redirect you to each search engine like other search tools available at PSC. It actually parses the results and shows it in its own window.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003515532389266.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TechSearch1580364282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Muktak Joshi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46695,"Title":"A 2D Advanced Graph Plotter","Description":"2D Graph Plotter\nThis tool draws any graph you want on precice Axii.\nType the graph's equation in the box and press Plot.\nThere is an expression builder to help you with all\nsupported functions. All VB Math functions are supported\nplus a bunch more trigonometric functions plus the ability\nto support any function you want, just include it in the .bas\nfile along with the rest. \nYou can specify the maximum limits for drawing.\n1:1 limit is 4\nYou can use copy to copy the graph to the clipboard\nYour most clomplete tool for drawing graphs.\nIf you have an account please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200376160105861.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A___plaint161080762003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46696,"Title":"Popup Windows","Description":"This simple application appears as a menu item under the tool menu in Internet Explorer and permits users to enable and disable popup advertising. \nUsers may either disable all new popup windows or they may disable only popup advertisements that appear with no menu.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Copy the tlb file in the zip file to the system directory and make sure that VB Shell Library appears in the references. If the library is not listed then browse to the tlb library and add it to the references.\nThe reg file in the zip file is what adds the code to the Tools menu in Internet Explorer. After compiling the code, create an install package using the Package and Deployment Wizard and include the reg file as part of the install. Run the install to make sure that all of the registry entries are created.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If script debugging is enabled on the machine then it should be disabled because scripts may generate errors as they attempt to access non-existent windows.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003761558492137.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Popup_Wind161081762003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jess Lewis","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46700,"Title":"Facturacion y Stock mejorado","Description":"programa arreglado con algunas funciones m├ís,todavia no implement├⌐ el codigo para imprimir...mas adelante.voten por mi o por argentina.....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Facturacio161086762003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Julio Andres","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46702,"Title":"Super Classes ( Very Important )","Description":"Very impornat classes .. By these you will be able to Make Help Text for menus and toolbars by the MouseMove and MouseOut Events ( they dont have these Events ) .. and You will also be able to save the GUI of the MS Coolbar control .. This also have the Timer Class ( Timer Without Timer Control ) .. Please vote For Me ..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003761933426424.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Super_Clas161092762003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Abdalla Mahmoud","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46705,"Title":"Input box","Description":"Hello friends i dont know how many people know this but not all,,this tutorial will let you know how to handle cancel button on input box\nmost of them dose this by checking the length of the value returned by the input box even though it works it is not the proper way todo it check ot this material Have fun...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Joseph Varghese","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46708,"Title":"File Object Using Win32 API","Description":"I haven't submitted in a while and figured that some of you might might be able to use some of the things I have worked on. Much of this code was inspired by this site or derived from this site. This submission is a File Object by encapsulating Win API functions into an object oriented dll. I have used this dll in several applications currently distributed in high stress environments. Includes advanced file and directory properties and functions including File Input/Output. And a file searching collection.\nFile Object\nProperties \nCRC32, CRCAlder, Computer Name, Date Accessed, Date Created, Date Modified, Directory, Drive, Exists, Extension, Name, Size, Type, Fixed Disk, Hidden, LastAccessed, LongName, Parent Directory, Read Only, Short Name, Title\nGeneral File Functions\nFileCopy, Delete, Execute, ExploreDir, FileMove, FilePropertiesDialog, FileRename \nFile Input Output Functions\nFileOpen, FileClose,GetData, GetDataFromFile, PutData, PutDataInFile, SetFilePosition\nDirectory Object\nProperties\nExists, Drive, ComputerName, Path\nFunctions\nCopy, Create, Delete, Move","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Objec161104772003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"MindOpening","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46709,"Title":"One of best Matrix Screensavers!","Description":"A big update of my previous version. as optimised as I can make it. API use ot bitblt, stretchblt, textout, gettickcount, rectangle, etc. Already had excellent reviews from visualbasicextreme.com, and hoped you all would like this too. each effect can be turned off through 'Settings' on Display>Screensaver. Font is part of the zip. Hope you all like :-))","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200377330504338.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/One_of_bes161105772003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":74,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46714,"Title":"MySql Wrapper","Description":"This is designed as a wrapper to the MySQL API, it is a windows dll and just needs compiling and registering before adding a reference to your projects, it provides a means of accessing a MySQL database as you would using ADO. This is the second and final version and has been compiled and tested with both VB6 and VB.NET and works very well with both. Please give feedback on this as it will help me to improve on it. Also please feel free to suggest anything that you would like to see in future version of this dll.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Please ensure that when you compile the application that you dont name the dll output file libmysql.dll as this will conflict with the MySQL API dll","ApiDeclarations":"All API declaration are from the MySQL API, details of which can be found on the MySQL website","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MySql_Wrap161117772003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"StevensN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46715,"Title":"Matrix Screensaver Collection V1.1.230","Description":"This is a collection of Screensavers which try to mimic the effects found in the Matrix films, there are 4 different screensavers each with lots of different ways they can be tweaked to just how you like them. It has the normal falling code, with options of Size, Colour, Speed... and the option to make it look like the code from Reloaded. It can give the effect of a picture in the falling code if you import one in or create the same effect but continous from an AVI File!! Good example to learn MCI from. It also has the call tracing effect and the computer screen moment from the first film 'Knock Knock Neo...' With this there is the end scene from the first film where Neo sees the hallway in Code. The major changes since the last version can be seen in the History.txt file, and please read the readme file before opening the project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037791111770.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Matrix_Scr161120772003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Kevin Pfister","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46371,"Title":"Form Effects: Transparency & Shapes","Description":"This project contains a form with command button to make the form transparent, round or oval.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Form_Effec1604616222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Adel D. Mendoza","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46376,"Title":"Nibbles + Leveleditor","Description":"! Updated ! Nice snake game with good looking graphics. I've made 12 levels, but it's possible to make more levels with the leveleditor!\nI want to thank 'MicroX Corp' for the skin I've used. If you have new ideas to improve this game or some bugs, mail me then to h.bloemhof@planet.nl.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003623316429151.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Nibbles_+_1605756252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":84,"AuthorName":"Henrico Bloemhof","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46377,"Title":"A Message Encrypter: *Advanced Power Encrypter 1.0*","Description":"This encrypter randomly jumbles the characters of the message. I have used some new techniques in this program such that no one can decrypt the messages even if he new how this encrypter works. Only this program can decrypt the messages.","Inputs":"Before encryption:\nThis program asks the following:-\n1. Sender's ID\n2. Receiver's ID\n3. Password\n4. Secret Word\n(The receiver should also know all these informations should as he could not decrypt the message without these informations.)\n5. Message\nBefore decryption:\nThis program asks the following:-\n1. Receiver's ID\n2. Sender's ID\n3. Password\n4. Secret Word\n5. Key\n6. Encrypted Message","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"After Encryption:\nWhen you press the 'Encrypt' button, this program encryptes the message and generates a key.\nAfter Decryption:\nWhen you press the 'Decrypt' button, this program decryptes the message.\n","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Message_1604776232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Shishil Gupta","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46379,"Title":"blogMX Version 1","Description":"blogMX is a blogging application. Lets you create your online journal/weblog. It auto generates your RSS file for syndication.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003623749373166.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/blogMX_Ver1604826232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ranjan Datta","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46388,"Title":"Change the Monitor Refresh Rate ONLY !","Description":"I was looking for some code to adjust the Monitor Refresh Rate for some time now, but I just found examples on how to change the Resolution and the Color-Depth, but not the Frequency alone. It took some time and some research, but I managed to do it by myself, and now I want to share it with you guys !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See Code.","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20036231543478576.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Change_the1604966232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Thomas Sturm","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46394,"Title":"_A FTP Client","Description":"A simple FTP client using the Internet Transfer Control. Sends files, recieves files, gets file size, changes directory, creates directories, renames files, and much more! Great code to expand on, fully commented.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20036232135589401.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_A_FTP_Cli1605156242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":114,"AuthorName":"Christopher C.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46395,"Title":"INI Module (Simplest Ever! (No API))","Description":"Just a simple INI module, no API calls. \nI made it as easy to use as possible, not really tested much but it does work better with remarks and such then the INI classes I've found on here.\nI've now updated it for writing INI files (or creating them!). I didn't test it but its simple enough that it probably works (ubounds always confuse me!).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"No API Calls!","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/INI_Module16611910202003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"Eric S. Smith (aka Bad Syntax)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46412,"Title":"Updated! zLibControl: Use zlib.dll to pack multiple files in one.","Description":"I know I've written too many compression classes/controls, but I just had to make a better one for my application.\nSupports Compressing multiple files, decompressing (only all files, at the moment), Reading compressed file header for file infos and calculating CRC32 with the method I just posted here yesterday. Should be quite easy to use, tested \"quite\" well, but please inform me about any bugs you might find. Also uses a coded progressbar (not .ocx one) to indicate progress.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Updated!_z1605656252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jonne Lehtinen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46415,"Title":"IsLoaded Form Function","Description":"This Function checks if a specified Form is loaded\nby looping through the forms collection\nit returns TRUE if it is and FALSE if it is not\nyou can decide what you want according to the\nreturn value e.g accessing its properties or methods or controls ,...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Said Sowiny","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46225,"Title":"Undocumented API ! Retrieve Kernel Objects","Description":"Enumerate All Kernels object [*] Using Undocumented API!\nAlso u can manipulate them easily! [But that my example does not.-.]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Undocument1602026172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":42059,"Title":"Acces ADO and Seek","Description":"It's not true you can't use Seek with ADO in Access.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003111424477697.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Acces_ADO_152243122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Maximiliano Gil Toro","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46245,"Title":"Bobo PlugIns for Beginners","Description":"A PlugIn is a dll/exe/script that is installed separately from an application that can perform tasks within that application. It should be able to pass objects freely between the application and the plugin. This is in response to a number of questions in the Discussion Forums - you know, the place no-one ever goes and questions never get answered !!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Bobo_PlugI1602156172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46253,"Title":"EncodeDecode (updated)","Description":"I could'nt find an encoder program that would save and load more than one line of text, and actually work,so I threw this together.I modified the program EnDeCode by Joshua Larsen and made this program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003619182186129.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EncodeDeco1603296192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47145,"Title":"Pak System & example of how to use dll's","Description":"This is a dll that handles file control into a pak system like quake3 and other games. The files are imported one after another in a \"pak\" file. If you want to retrieve a file all you have to do is call extract_file with the filename and path you want it to goto.\nThe dll (included) has the following functions:\nEXTRACT_FILE\nOPENPAK\nRETURN_NUM_LOADED\nRETURN_SIZE\nRETURN_TITLE\nand an example project on how to use the dll is also included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037241149584949.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Pak_System1619517242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Spider678","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47152,"Title":"SineWave Text v1.00","Description":"SineWave Text is a program that produces HTML for colored text.\n\n(To get true rainbow text, check out my other program Rainbow Text.\nhttp://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=45032&lngWId=1)\n\nThis program works by drawing three sine waves (representing the red, blue, and green components of a color) with user-variable amplitude, frequency, and phase shifts. Then the program iterates through 360 degrees taking the value of each wave at each degree and merging them to form a color value.\n\nCredit goes to this site http://www.mu.org/~doug/blend/index.html for introducing me to the idea of producing gradients from sine and other shaped waves.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037242293064.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SineWave_T1619757242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"redbird77","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47156,"Title":"File Encrypt","Description":"allows you to select any file and turn it into a shortcut to something e.g. the recycle bin so when someone opens the file all they will see is the contents of the recycle bin","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Encyp1619907252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Gareth CodeMan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47159,"Title":"Demonstrate GetAsyncKeyState - handy when developing","Description":"Nothing pushing the limits of VB, but when developing games/apps and using GetAsyncKeyState, do you ever go, \"Uhmm, what the hell is left arrow again?!\". here you are. run this app, press the key (or combo) and there it is! I think this is more of a useful tool than a coding extravaganza, so please vote/comment accordingly. You never know, while you're writing your 1st class game, you may even use this tool! :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003725953162758.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Demonstrat1619967252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47161,"Title":"Uptime (System Uptime monitor)","Description":"This program sits on your desktop (or on top of any window) and displays the time the computer has been on for (uptime). Also has a transparency feature so that you can see what is behind it. [SOME FEATURES MAY ONLY WORK ON WINNT, BUT THE PROGRAM STILL WORKS ON OTHER OPERATING SYSTEMS]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"GetTickCount\nSetLayeredWindowAttributes\nGetWindowLong\nSetWindowLong","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Uptime_(Sy1620057252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"X-ICE (aka danbo)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47162,"Title":"A 3D Lesson v3.1, Moderate","Description":"This is version three of my simple 3D lessons. The major update in this lesson, is the Virtual Camera code. You can move the camera anywhere (using the keyboard), and make the camera 'look at' a certain point. Only Dots between the Near and Far Clipping distances are visible. This 3D lesson includes some very advanced 'mathematical' topics, however I have listed the code as 'Moderate' or 'Intermediate' because you don't need to understand the advanced parts to have fun with this project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037251342284059.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_Lesso1620267262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47168,"Title":"Aero53","Description":"A not so simple number game in which you compete with the computer to see who can get closest to 53 with a random pick of numbers. confused? :P check it out, plz rate and have fun :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"i have added one of my own button ocx controls, however i appritiate that some people dont have this control so ive placed it in the zip named 'XP_Command1.oc_'. all you need to do is rename it, then copy it to your system folder. if you dont trust it, check my other articles out (where i have posted the source for the ocx :P) hope this dosent put neone off. thx, steve","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037252310337082.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Aero531620197252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Steve Bailey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47172,"Title":"Yahoo! (Chat + Auto Message)","Description":"After many requests for chat support, i finally decide to update my previous ver: \"Yahoo! Client + Booter V2.0\".\nIn this release, Chat-Room Support and Auto-Message feature is added. Using this Auto-Message u r now able to send message to ur friends(in the buddy list) when they come online. You can also able to send message to the new commer in the chat room ur currently in by using PM/Chat Room. In chat room auto-message, you can use three variable:\n<Name> , <MyName>, <Room>. Please see the screen shot for details.\nAgain, like the previous release you need the Ymsg5log.dll. However this .dll is free.\nAnother issue is \"compatibility issue\", Just follow the steps:\n 1. Make the DLL for SSubTimer6 first.\n 2. Change the reference of prjIconMenu from SSubTimer6 to the newly created dll.\n 3. Make the DLL for prjIconMenu.\n 4. Now change the reference of Yahoo(prjNewYahooClient) to the newly created dll from prjIconMenu.\n 5. Now you can make Yahoo.exe\nIf anyone likes this code, plz let me know. If you get any error plz plz let me know about it. And Don't forget to rate the code.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003726147503278.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Yahoo!_(Ch162359832003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Blue Eyes","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47175,"Title":"Secret Quiz","Description":"This is just a simple quiz program, but with a difference. It has only 10 questions that are randomly selected out of 50, but it is timed so you have to rush! If you make a mistake you have to start again.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Secret_Qui1620287262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Liquid_Silver","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47177,"Title":"Heavy usage w/o DoEvents (the proper way)","Description":"Never use DoEvents again. This is a standard C/C++ Message Pump. Compare each of these three methods against each other (including DoEvents) and watch your CPU usage. The code is pretty self-explanatory I think.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Heavy_usag1621187292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"CR Hough","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47179,"Title":"Adding real Win32 tooltips for windowless controls (Label, Image, etc)","Description":"The attached code demonstrates an idea you can use to create real Win32 tooltips for windowless controls. The problem with Win32 tooltips is that you can attach it only to a control that provides the hwnd property returning the Win32 handle of the control. Some VB intrinsic controls such as Label do not have the hwnd property. The following trick allows you to create real Windows tooltips for these controls.\nTo do it, simply determine the moment when the mouse pointer has entered the area occupied by the required control, and create a tooltip for the FORM that contains the control. You need to detach the created tooltip from the form when the mouse pointer has left the control area; you can do it in the Form_MouseMove method.\nThe attached example shows how to create a multiline balloon tooltip for a Label control. Using this technique, you can create tooltips for any control that implements the MouseMove event (for instance, for Image control too).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037261123523750.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Adding_rea1620377262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"10Tec Company","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47181,"Title":"A System Tray Icon","Description":"A basic BASIC mod with 3 useful routines for adding program icons to the Windows System Tray (next to the clock).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A___System1620397262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":46,"AuthorName":"Tim Harpur","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47185,"Title":"URL Tester using API","Description":"Check for HTTP status without Inet Control using simple Api. Test if a Webpage/Server is still there or not.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003726140384967.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/URL_Tester1620437262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Scythe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47357,"Title":"Microsoft WORD with VB","Description":"From VB you can Open,Read,Write,Protect with a Password,Print,Show,Print Preview,Send By Email,Send By Fax,Save,Save With another Name,Save In another directory, Optimize for word 97, and much much more TRY IT!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Microsoft_162349832003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Daniele Stifani","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47384,"Title":"ADOCodeProjectBuilder Version 1, A Wizard to Build Your ADO Code Project Very Fast and Automatically","Description":"This is the first wizard I made and uploaded to PSC. I never saw the one like this on this site. So I made it. This program/wizard will help you and save a lot of your time to build an ADO Code Project. You can build your ADO Code Project by entering and selecting data/tables/fields based on Database or DSN or parameter you entered/selected to connect to your database. Everything is available in this wizard, included if the .mdb file was password protected. This you can't find in VB Data Form Wizard. So you don't have to build your project from beginning by adding controls on your forms, write the code, adding the components and references, etc. The wizard will automatically add those to your new project. You can also add the find, filter, sort, and bookmark procedure/form to this new project. I made this wizard because I often make ADO Code Database project in my office, and this is really really save a lot of my time. You can learn how to make wizard from this program. I got the template of this wizard from Visual Basic, and I modified as I want to, and I added a Help file that you can call from the wizard. As a matter of fact, this wizard is rather similiar to VB Data Form Wizard in Visual Basic, but I had modified the wizard by adding a lot of enhancements. Please download and prove it now. Any comments, feedback, and votes would be truly appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is the first wizard I made and uploaded to PSC. I never saw the one like this on this site. So I made it. This program/wizard will help you and save a lot of your time to build an ADO Code Project. You can build your ADO Code Project by entering and selecting data/tables/fields based on Database or DSN or parameter you entered/selected to connect to your database. Everything is available in this wizard, included if the .mdb file was password protected. This you can't find in VB Data Form Wizard. So you don't have to build your project from beginning by adding controls on your forms, write the code, adding the components and references, etc. The wizard will automatically add those to your new project. You can also add the find, filter, sort, and bookmark procedure/form to this new project. I made this wizard because I often make ADO Code Database project in my office, and this is really really save a lot of my time. You can learn how to make wizard from this program. I got the template of this wizard from Visual Basic, and I modified as I want to, and I added a Help file that you can call from the wizard. As a matter of fact, this wizard is rather similiar to VB Data Form Wizard in Visual Basic, but I had modified the wizard by adding a lot of enhancements. Please download and prove it now. Any comments, feedback, and votes would be truly appreciated.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200384516166645.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ADOCodePro162392842003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":89,"UserRatingTotal":434,"AuthorName":"Masino Sinaga","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47385,"Title":"List View Data Grid Control","Description":"Just pass Connection String and Query String and Get Data in the List View","Inputs":"Connection String and Query String","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Data in List View Control","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038701571533.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/List_View_162393842003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Divyen k Patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47381,"Title":"A Must See Tips: Real Numeric Character in TextBox. Avoid Paste Alpha Character","Description":"Many tips (and trick) tell us that if we want the textbox control ignore the character which is not numeric character, then we can just put the code that shown in KeyPress event procedure below. But, sometimes we forgot that although we have put the code in KeyPress event procedure, user still can input the alpha character to textbox control by doing copy and Paste to textbox. So, here is another tips to fix the problem. I hope this helpful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Masino Sinaga","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47388,"Title":"__Magic_Square","Description":"This simple program was created by me Philip V. Naparan in just 13 MINUTES(just for fun).This application is very usefull to those beginner in VB Programming to empliment to them on how to use or create a two Dimensional Arrays.The Magic square is an application that the total of number in all comumn is the same as the total of number on its row.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Magic_Sq162396842003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Philip V. Naparan :-)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47394,"Title":"A 3D Lesson v4, Advanced","Description":"Learn how to program in 3D using only Visual Basic - no OpenGL or DirectX. The major update in version 4 is the synchronization of MIDI music (2001 - A Space Odyssey) and 3D animation. I also wanted to experiment with some opening credits at the beginning. You can press the ESC key to skip the animation.\nThe other major change is the various Camera variables have been cleaned up and placed into their own data type: 'mdr3DCamera'. You might also notice that I've created some additional data types (ie. mdr3DObject, mdrPolyhedron & mdrVertex). This is in anticipation of getting rid of the dots, and creating some lines drawings... should be exciting!\nThanks go to everyone that has voted for my previous versions (look them up, they are easier than this one). The votes have helped me continue to improve this 3D application.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003841237131091.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_Lesso162408842003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43268,"Title":"Direct Draw Game Engine","Description":"The other day I decided to make a nice little 2D Multiplayer RPG. I started to do it without any engine or anythin, but then I had like 1000 lines of code to load a map...\nSo I decided to make it a lot easier by making myself a game engine.\nWith this engine, now all I need to do is Initialize it, add a surface, draw the surface into the engine then draw the engine onto my picturebox in about 5 lines of code.\nThe engine supports MIDI and WAVE playing\nYou can have only 1000 surfaces :( awwww\nYou name the surface so u dont need numbers or anything, supports transparent layers.\nAnd the most usefull thing I know and have'nt seen on any other kind of engine is support of columns and rows, you know when u make tiles or sprites and there all in one big picture and you end up makin code up for it... well not no more!\nWhen you add a surface you specify how many rows and columns there are, if there just 1 picture its just 1 and 1. Then when you draw it on you choose the X, Y, Name, Row and Column. This makes it a HELL OF A LOT EASIER!!!\nAnyway, I hope you like it :) Took me quite a while, I started making an API one, finished that but its to slow :( and since theres this the API one seems pointless cos its even harder to use... lol\nPlease Please Please leave some feedback and vote for it.\nIt will work for any sort of game that you would use DirectDraw for, in the future i'm hoping to add some more features, but if nobody leaves comments or votes for it... I cant see the point :p\nAnyway.... Again..\nEnjoy!\nRichyT","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Direct_Dra1545412162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"RichyT","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43275,"Title":"SteSoft Simple Crypt","Description":"A little example of how you in 5 minutes can encrypt a string. Nothing special but it's pretty cool i think. Hope you like it and please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003216141381288.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SteSoft_Si1545492162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Stefan Pettersson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43276,"Title":"Reg import export","Description":"This small utility will let you know how you can import and export .reg files to and from your registery, i know its small code but its usefull may be for bigger projects and sometimes save to database any info so that after formatting any hard disk you can re import them :) i dont know if desire votes :) Thx anyway if yes i appriciate all of you !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Reg_import1545502162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43277,"Title":"SQL Server Database Compare Updated","Description":"Well.. for those who where happy about the previous version, heres a little update with scripting for Views, StoredProcs and missing tables. Works like a tierelier (Dutch ;-)). For those who don't know about the previous version, it compares 2 SQL-server databases. Also if somebody doesn't know how to implement a splitter, here's a idea how to do that :-).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SQL_Server1546702192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Henry K","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43279,"Title":"[ ***Falldown Game Clone*** (update 2)]","Description":"A clone of the graphing calculator game Falldown, but much better, with special features. This is the best clone of the game on on PSC. Check it out. Includes a high score and different speeds. Uses one main loop, no timers. It might be slow if you have a lot of applications open. It took me a while, so DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"if the game is slow, try closing other running applications. (VB isn't made for games) :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003217225347003.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[____Falld1547262202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Tomas Tupy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43271,"Title":"Racing Game 3D","Description":"A cool real 3D Racing Game.\nIt looks like LUDORACE, LEGO RACERS, SUPER MARIO KART\nand so on. Have fun!\nDirectX7 or higher needed.\nFor other vb games and demos visit my web site: http://web.tiscali.it/fc_vbgames/index.htm\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003216131146583.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Racing_Gam1545462162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":96,"UserRatingTotal":478,"AuthorName":"fabio calvi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43290,"Title":"Simulated Stack Class","Description":"This class was created for the main purposes of having a controlled \"stack\" (like the stack, or memory heap in a computer). It will let you push items onto the stack, pop them off, and retrieve the number of items on the stack, and more. I'm pretty much a beginner here, so tell me what you think.","Inputs":"Just declare a Stack object, and you can Push and Pop values to/from the stack.","Assumes":"Remember to use \"set x = new Stack\" and \"set x = nothing\" in the appropriate places.\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None that I'm aware of; If you do not set the ErrUnderrun flag, VB will throw an exception if you pop an item from the stack when it's empty.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200321725613144.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simulated_1545762172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"TheMouse","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43292,"Title":"A realtime 3DvbROT and MORPH","Description":"3DvbROT its done in PURE VB, no DirectX, no OpenGL, no External OCXs or DLLs. Just a few API like BitBlt\nThis code show to you a rotate a complex 3D Mesh (no more cubes! plesase! xD)\nThe rotation between 2 meshes its done by morphing\nThere are 2 modes: Dotted mode or WireFrame Mode\nOn Dotted Mode you can draw mesh with pixels or with sprites. You can ajust the color of them and\napply some cool effects (like IMAX 3D xDDDD)\nOn WireFrame Mode you can disable ocult faces and diagonals for increase the speed.\nOn my PC (a \"old\" K6-2 i've got up 419 frames per second in some meshes, and i tested this code\non very very fast machine (P4 or Atlhon) and i've got more than 2000 Frames per second).\nConsult TOOLTIPs for a little description that flags can do.\nThe structure of the code are well comented, and the name of variables and Subs explaind it selfs.\nOnly a elementary maths and trigonometry are necesary.\nThe original Meshes were created in a old release of 3Dstudio (3DStudio version 2.0) and converted\nin a dVB file with a little vb program that i make. If you want to experiment with your own meshes,\nplease e-mail me and i will send this little program.\nSpanish:\nEste codigo te permitira rotar una figura geometrica \"compleja\" (se acabo aquello de solo rotar cubos)\nExisten 2 metodos: Dotted mode (pixels o sprites) y WireFrame Mode (representaci├│n por lineas)\nEn el metodo Dotted Mode podras variar el color de los pixels o sprites, pudiendo tener efectos de\nluz (los puntos mas cercanos se veran mas \"claros\" y los mas lejanos mas \"ocuros\")\nAdemas, podras \"emular\" un efecto 3D simpre que tengas unas gafas para tal efecto (como esas peliculas\nque necesitan de unas gafas verdes y rojas para verlas! xDD)\nEn mi K6 he obtenido mas de 419 frames por segundo, pero he probado este codigo en cacharros rapidos \n(P4 o Atlhon) y se ha alcanzado una tasa de mas de 2000 Frames por segundo.\nConsulta los TOOLTIps de los flags para saber lo que hacen (estan en ingles, que se le va a hacer!)\nLas figuras han sido creadas con una version bastante antigua de 3DStudio (la version 2.0) grabando la\nMesh como un fichero ASC. Para poderlas usar en este programa, me hize una peque├▒a rutina en VB (apenas\n30 lineas de codigo) para poder usarlas. Si quieres este programa enviame un e-mail y te la hare llegar\nlo antes posible.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003217322522717.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_realtime1545792172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":33,"UserRatingTotal":163,"AuthorName":"John Ripper","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43297,"Title":"MouseWheel Support","Description":"Hi this is a little bit of code that I did athat allow you to have mouse support in Visual Basic it only a small example and I am not sure that it 100% correct but it seems to work for what I need you can make a value go up and down in a text box \nanyway I hope you may find it usfull","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032179111295.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MouseWheel1545942172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43299,"Title":"Sun Elevation Calculator (SZA)","Description":"Calculates the Solar Zenith Angle for a given day, time, latitude and longitude. In other words, the elevation angle of the sun at a given time and place. Functionality is included for calculating Dawn, Dusk and Noon times for specified times or periods, and outputting to file.\nI originally needed this for some atmospheric research I was doing, and I couldn't find any simple application on the web, so having eventually found the algorithm and coded it, I thought I'd make it into a little VB module, and application, which might be of use to the next person who needs to know how high the sun is. \nThe application includes examples of:\n- Manipulation of Date and Time variables\n- Use of Timers to run clocks and updating displays\n- Simple outputting of data to screen\n- Simple outputting of data to a text file\nI hope it's helpful to someone out there :-)\n","Inputs":"Date, Time, latitude, Longitude.","Assumes":"Nothing.. explanations in code.","CodeReturns":"Solar Zenith Angle (the angle between a line straight up, and a line to the sun)","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003217101306664.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Sun_Elevat1546752192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Roland Leigh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43301,"Title":"GravityBlocksWithMove","Description":"This is my old GravityBlocks game with movable blocks feature added. You can move the top blocks when there is no left or right block. I'm still not comfortable with recursion, anyway just try it now!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003217112045695.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/GravityBlo1546022172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Min Thant Sin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43303,"Title":"BILLING AND INVETRORY SYSTEM WITH SECURITY","Description":"Circular Doubly Linklist :-\nA code that displays how to implement circular doubly linkedlist in C++. The display of the program is one thing many would like to learn. Various operations include : Create,delete first/middle/last,Append,Find,Inverse Display,Insert,Modify etc. The code is as concise as it can be.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/BILLING_AN1546052172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43309,"Title":"[ [Jackpot Game - One Armed Bandit ] ]","Description":"Jackpot Game, just like on the machines you play.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003217212359663.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[_[Jakcpot1546212172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Pamela RAI","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43674,"Title":"VB Sniplet Achiver Beta 1","Description":"Hi this is the seconed tie I uploaded to PSCode as my first one was deleted for some resaon anyway I uploaded agian also fixed the db error anyway this is a program I made for programmers to keep all there source-code safe and in an easy to find place at the moment you can Add, Delete and Edit you can also save the tips to text files code I also got many updates to do such as DB backup and export code options anyway hope you like the code please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200332131218729.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Sniplet155319322003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43675,"Title":"Automated Accelerator Key Assignment","Description":"This Add-In analyses all (or selected) controls in a form and assigns or generates the necessary accelerator hotkeys, ie those keys that you press together with the Alt-key to access a control (the underlined characters which are preceeded by an ampersand in code). The problem is that a different accelerator key should be selected from the caption of each individual control. To achieve this one has to generate all possible permutations to find the best solution where the accelerator keys are all different and as far to the left as possible.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003321319199375.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Automated_155442342003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":85,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43677,"Title":"a !!! *.* Mp3 Player","Description":"Open All mp3 Files \nGood For Learning People\nMade By :Ayman Atmeh\nAmman,Jordan\nAyman_60@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/a_!!!_____155376332003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"ayman atmeh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43681,"Title":"Send 99 Emails By Typing 1 Message","Description":"This Email Bomber sends the user 99 email messages. Sometimes (I don't know why) it sends more than 99. Simple cut and paste code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Br0k3","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43685,"Title":"Enum Ports (LPT,COM,etc.)","Description":"This little program uses heapalloc, getprocessheap, and heapfree api functions to tell you all your ports (LTP,COM,etc.), what they do, and what type of port they are (See screenshot). It's nothing much, but I like it. :) Oh, and if you on a network, you can get the ports of other machines your connected to. Cool, huh? :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"all ports open on your machine (see screenshot)","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003321924386904.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Enum_Ports155340322003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"PyroKid4u2","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43686,"Title":"Alpha-Blending in 3d (DX 8)","Description":"Alpha Blending in 3d","Inputs":"This code was made with DirectX 8","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033220208590.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Alpha-Blen155341322003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jay1_z","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43687,"Title":"Advanced Photo Effects","Description":"Show you how to control photos with many ways, easy with comments,... you can vote if you want","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_P155342322003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Marco Samy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43691,"Title":"oscSock 1.1 (connect to aim with oscar!)","Description":"Connect to AIM and do just about anything, perfect for small bots or full blown clients.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Fever, Vomiting, Rashes","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003322324106792.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/oscSock_1_155348322003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":76,"AuthorName":"Robbie┬áSaunders","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43694,"Title":"A Secure Sockets Layer (SSLv2) Client","Description":"This is an example SSL Client I created. I looked everywhere and could find no examples in Visual Basic, or C++ for that matter. I did find some commercially available controls but those were upwards of $1,000 for a license. I hope you find this code useful, thanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"128-bit High Encryption Pack is required. If you don't have it the program will tell you where to get it.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Secure_S1856822232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":81,"UserRatingTotal":395,"AuthorName":"Jason K. Resch","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43696,"Title":"Using the Environ function","Description":"This is something that hopefully will help someone who is looking for a fast way of getting some system environment settings.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Mark F","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43697,"Title":"LogoMan VII","Description":"Creates Logos on the Fly. Look at the Screenshot. Using on of the over 40 Effects Hover Font (Like Windows Shadow), Glowing Border, Fading Border, Gradients, Change Textures Brightnes, Supports any True Type Font, AntiAlias Alpha Blend, Mirror Font, Embos or Engrave Font, Deform texture using Embos/Engrave,Invert Background evrywhere the Font hits,Backlight Text like MIB Logo, Set Textures / Gradients / Single Colors for the Font, Set Borders with Textures / Gradient / Single Color / Glow Effekt,Fade Effekt, Choose Bordersize & Sides (Left,Right, Up, Down), Use any Picture as Texture, Load any Picture as Background and Shrink/Stretch/Tile it if u like, Finish ur Logo using folowing functions, Draw (Points/Lines/Boxes) Use Filters (Monochrome/Blur/De Pixel/Negative), Bend the Logo Create relistic Shadows, Multilanguage Support (Make ur own Language pack in 5 mins) Save ur Logo or Copy it to the Clipboard, New and easyer GUI,Save and Load your Logos as LMF, File assotiation, Preview for Loading, ..... Comes with 120 Textures and 46 Embos Pictures in English/German/Serbian Language and a Translator Tool.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033344155175.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/LogoMan_VI155383332003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Scythe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43698,"Title":"ADO DataController","Description":"This control will take care of you when you do database application, it serves as your recordset for your form, it will LOCK objects for you, do the BACKCOLORING of objects and Clear Values of objects. Just add the object to its control collection and bind data on it. The nice part of it is that you can save IMAGES to your database without calling or adding codes that will handle chunks. It can also search the database up to 3 columnar search, for more precise record retreiving. It has also a good error handles to avoid error when user encode a wrong value to the database. I hope you find this code useful and your vote would gladly appreciated. THANX.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033354246074.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ADO_DataCo177708832004.2 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":110,"AuthorName":"deviantCoder","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43705,"Title":"To Do List","Description":"This is a simple program to manage a \"To Do List\" of tasks. I needed a program to manage multiple projects and tasks that I'm working on, not necessarily all in Visual Basic, so I wrote this application. The program allows for a Task Description, Comment, Due Date, Priority, Requested By And Status to be entered and stored. The display can be sorted by any column and can also be filtered by Status, Priority and Requested By. \nThe user Interface is based on the MZ-Tools VB Add-In (www.mztools.com) which didn't meet my needs for this specific case, although otherwise it is an awesome download.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200333119595323.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/To_Do_List155372332003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Robin Dyer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43710,"Title":"[ [ Jackpot the Game complete ] ]","Description":"A great game. Play jackpot. Spin the weel. Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003331413266673.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[_[_Jackpo155482352003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"Pamela RAI","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":57430,"Title":"Killer Snow is falling 2","Description":"This is a new and improved version from the one I posted a few days ago.\nThis one has exploding snowballs!!\nAs before all the code is fully commented.\nEnjoy :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Killer_Sno18221211272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"cokey","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57433,"Title":"RemAdmin","Description":"This is a \"spin-off\" of my original Remote Admin program. There were several comments about a better GUI, so this is what I've come up with. The program is about 80% completed right now and I plan on adding more features. The \"remote explorer\" on the client can recognize over 80 different file types to add easy in viewing the remote computer's files. If you find any bugs, please alert me about it. If you'd like to see this program completed, show me some votes and comments. Thanks in advance, James","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041130153792897.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RemAdmin183640132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":36,"UserRatingTotal":179,"AuthorName":"James Miller","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57434,"Title":"Photoshop like Grid","Description":"Code that will draw a photoshop like grid on any DC. Any cellsize allowed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041127104266825.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Photoshop_18222411272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"[D]Man","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57436,"Title":"New Covenant Bible Greek Translator 2.1 - Final Release","Description":"Version 2.1.1 (Final Major Release). Quickly become a Biblical Scholar, and be the local resident expert on ancient Christian history, its Bible, and its Greek translation. Read the Christian Bible DIRECTLY from the best rendition of the original Greek text yet reconstructed from the oldest verified Greek texts yet found. Use a professional-quality interface that is LOADED with options (And with lots of brand new ones for Version 2), designed for fast and easy use by both serious Bible students and those who are simply curious. Comparison Bibles available: King James Version (1611), Modern King James Version, Young's Literal Translation, the Revised Standard Edition, World English Bible, and American Standard Version. New and enhanced reference databases are included to get really anal about translation and understanding terms. Scan each Greek verse word-by-word, apply valid English synonyms, and reconstruct your very own personalized version of this great book. Find out what it REALLY says. The program comes complete with full, detailed definitions of every Greek word, Theological notes on almost 7000 corrections to older translations, and lots of help and expansive reference tables. It will even perform plurality checking and gender checking on words for you. The application is loaded with tons of really cool programming tricks and features, and the source code is packed with comments. 112 more Theological verse corrections notes to the KJV have been added with 2.0. Another 1245 have been added with 2.1. New Features since version 1.0: Add Personal Notes to verses, scan through notes, read all notes, a completely new database has been added that is based upon the Vine Concise Bible Dictionary of the Bible, Dictionary Search, instant reference notification, Synonym word-list reordering, synonym explorer, more background themes (plus customized backgrounds), panel resizing, additional formatting options for saving bible (with a built-in bible-viewer and annotator), improved Gender and plurality checking on Greek words, Quick find of personal notes, Quick find of verses with Theological Correction Notes, and \"Vapor Verses\" (verse that did not exist in the original texts -- or sometimes ever!), and more. New Features since version 2.0: New stand-alone Bible viewer. Now when you have saved a Bible file (from the \"Write Complete Bible File\" under the Bible menu, you can use this mini-application to view it without having to start up the main program). Additionally, a Text Search feature has been added to both viewers. Another new much-requested feature is that you can now have the Theological Notes written out at the end of each chapter of the Bible File. Plus, another 1244 Theological Correction Notes were added that specifically address redefinitions of word meanings over the centuries (For example, \"Cleave\" used to mean to Unite, \"Anon\" used to mean Immediately, \"Severally\" used to mean Individually, \"Grudge\" used to mean to Grumble, a \"Comforter\" was a Lawyer, \"Strove\" was to fight, and \"Debate\" used to mean Violent Actions). A new section was also added to the main help file that compares 284 common examples of KJV word usage differing greatly with (and sometimes contradicting) the word's modern usage. An auto-playing demonstration has also been added to visually teach new users how to use this application. A KJV Bible Dictionary is included, comparing 1330+ KJV terms with their equivilent modern interpretations (the results will surprise you). More help, more data, more details, more features, more everything! Version 2.1 fixes all reported bugs (and cosmetic glitches) in Version 1.x.x and 2.0.x, and all requested enhancements have been added.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411271247385205.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/New_Covena18232611302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":86,"AuthorName":"David Ross Goben","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57440,"Title":"Professional HTML Maker 2.5","Description":"What is new in version 2.5 ?\nin this version the button is in linux (KDE2) style and a few of code is change . \nand the <BR> and <P> buttons are working better than late . \nOld code in this program is :\nWith this program you can make the Professional web page easier.\nYou can insert picture , sound , flash , java , any Textbox . custom scroll bars \n, open , save , save as html and htm files , tag high lighting , recent file , \nand many others .\nyou can edit the web site .\nif when you run this project and you see any error about ocx , you must click to \ncontinue and then you must go to components and browse this ocx file from ocx \nfolder in this project folder.\nif you enjoy with this program please vote me.\nThanks.....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Profession18224011272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mahdi e Allizadeh","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57450,"Title":"Z00m","Description":"This code demonstrates a *simple* way to zoom an image!\nNote: Not just by changing the height / width of a image box with Stretch set to True. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Z00m18226111282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"Luke B Kowald","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57454,"Title":"Get over than 900 API Functions with all details of them only with 1 click","Description":"API-Guide is a Program with a API-database which contain all the API-functions.\nAPI-Guide was created by the KPD-Team 1998-2002.\nThis Program Can Get All API Functions of API-Guide Program With All Details of Them and Save into an Access Database.\ni'm Sorry From KPD-Team For This Job But i Need to API-Guide's Database.\nBefore Running This Program, Run API-Guide Program.\nYou Can Get it From: http://www.allapi.net/\nENJOY AND PLEASE VOTE...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Get_over_t18227711292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Behrouz Rad","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57466,"Title":"Allow UPPER-CASE only in a Text Box","Description":"Easy trick to allow only text and converts it to upper-case. (Backspace is optional)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":17,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Acable","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57475,"Title":"Tim's Scientific Calculator","Description":"This program is a Simple Scientific Calculator. It handles Roman Numeral, Hex, Decimal, Octal and Binary numbers. Degrees, Radians and Gradians. All the standard Trig functions. Factorial, Sqr, Inverse, Square, Cube, X^Y. Fun conversions like Ounce <-> Grams, Pounds <-> Kilograms, Gallon <-> Litre, Mile <-> Kilometer, Inch <-> Centimeter and Fahrenheight <-> Celsius","Inputs":"Mouse or Keyboard input.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Just the results","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041130182586311.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tim's_Scie18233311302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Timothy C. Alvord","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57480,"Title":"Progress bar running in Status bar","Description":"this application shows u how u can put a progress bar in u r status bar. u can use this code in any type of u r applcations. its soo cool.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004121038522694.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Progress_b1823531212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":76,"AuthorName":"Anuj sharrma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":43295,"Title":"how the precision airbrush works","Description":"a little tute for those of you who dig graphics programming","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003217434349984.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/how_the_pr155568372003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"dafhi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43316,"Title":"SQL Server 2000 Simple Documentor","Description":"***UPDATED 02/19/2003*** This is a quick and simple documentor for SQL Server. It returns a list of registered Servers in your EM. You choose the one to connect to, then you choose the database - once connected it will return a list of Databases - then you choose what you want to document and how you want it returned in an Excel Spreadsheet. It's well documented code so you should be able to make changes without much pokin around.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SQL_Server1547092192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Chris Kesler","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43323,"Title":"ctLabel. Give users control","Description":"This control allows your users to change the label captions of your fields at run time. I think this is a unique aproach and concept to customized legends. A lot of my customers sometimes don't agree with the captions I use on certain forms (nitty gritty:) so I sat down one afternoon and cooked this activex. Is not very commented but the code is very simple and easy to follow. This is a quicky control, and if you like it then I will try and improve it. This is the very first time I upload a code to planet source and any comments will be highly appreciated and motivate me for more uploads. Thanks !!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This code uses a connection to a database through ADO, but it is very simple and only basic visual basic programming is needed.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003218164633790.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ctLabel1546522182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Makis Charalambous","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43325,"Title":"Image2Text","Description":"Use _ANY_ (fixed width) font to create ASCII art. The code will scan the font and your picture to create the optimal ASCII image. The screenshot shows it all. The code is commented, but here is some explanation. You choose a picture and a font (Courier / Terminal / Lucida Console) and a font size. The code will create an array for all 255 grey values that maps to a character in your font. This is done by printing each character and 'scanning' it with GetPixel. After this the picture is scanned and the ASCII art - string is created. The code is fast and can be used on larger pictures, even without compiling. Leave a vote, (or better: a comment) if you like it. (updated 2/19/2003)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003218192071136.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Image2Text1547182192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Martijn B","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43318,"Title":"Decompile vb exe!","Description":"This program can decompile almost any exe made on Visual Basic Version 6.0 and find all forms inside. Then it tells you the names and captions of the forms.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"It tells you the names and captions of the forms.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Decompile_1546472182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Computer Controller","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43319,"Title":"Convert Color","Description":"Convert color codes\n RGB to VB\n RGB to HTML\n VB to RGB\n VB to HTML\n HTML to RGB\n HTML to VB","Inputs":"colConvertType: type of convertion\nstrColor: string containing color value. if rgb then spesify r,g,b as 3 values","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"string containing new color value. \nIf RGB then returns 1 string delimited by \",\"","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":49,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Zap The Dingbat","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":58327,"Title":"vServe","Description":"vServe v0.1\nWe Serve All\nWhat Is vServe\n\t\t\tvServe is a plugin based Open Source Server Written Entirely In Microsoft┬« Visual Basic┬« 6.0, as this application use plugins for all the work it does, so it can virtually serve any service if there is a plugin available for that. At this time vServe supports only two kinds of plugins:\n1)\tPROTOCOL HANDLER\n2)\tSCRIPT HANDLER\nPROTOCOL HANDLER\n\t\t\tProtocol handler is used to handle request coming from clients protocol handler intercept the data coming from client and act accordingly. For Example , I have given sample plugins for HTTP And FTP handler though these are very basic handlers but can be extended to get full functionality of those protocols.\nSCRIPT HANDLER\n\t\t\tScript handler is used to intercept data and perform server side scripting before sending data to client. You can create your own scripting language or can create handlers to support already available scripting languages like ASP or PHP for web.\n\nHow It Works\n\t\t\tvServe when started scans for all the plugins or filters in the FILTERS directory it is smart enough to distinguished between protocol handler and script handler and load them appropriately. Once the plugins are loaded into memory your server is ready to go.\n\nArchitecture Of Plugins\n\t\t\t\nEvery plugin is a ActiveX DLL File which has four Procedures:\n1)\tGetInfo \n2)\tParser\n3)\tConfigure\n4)\tAbout\n1)\tGetInfo\nGetInfo function is used to get the information of plugin to determine what kind of plugin is it GetInfo Function is of string type and return following values\n\tName\t\t=\tPlugin Name\n\tDescription\t=\tPlugin Description\n\tVersion\t\t=\tPlugin Version\n\tType\t\t=\tPlugin Type (Protocol Or Script)\n\tPort\t\t=\tPort To Listen ( Required If Type Is Protocol )\n2)\tParser\nParser function is used to parse the data and is main function without which plugin is incomplete. Parser function is defined as\nPublic Function Parser(ByVal strInput As String, Optional ByVal LongReserved As Long, Optional ByVal StrReserved As String) As String\nstrInput is the data being sent by vServe To Plugin LongReserved And StrReserved are reserved for future use so can be ignored.\nThis function return the data back to the Server ie. vServe which is then send to client. \nNote: If the plugin type is protocol then the data being sent back to vServe by plugin is once again sent to all the filters loaded to support server side scripting.\n3)\tConfigure\nThis function can be used to configure the plugin for various reasons and return BOOLEAN a TRUE value indicates that plugin configuration has been updated so that vServe can update itself accordingly.\n4)\tAbout\nThis function is used to display plugin information.\n\nAssumptions\n\t\tEvery plugin in the FILTERS folder should follow naming convention\n<PROJECTNAME>.[ANYTHING]\nEg: HTTP.DLL or HTTP.plg or HTTP.ANYTHING\n\n\t\t\nThe Future\n\t\t\n\t\tI have initiated this project as I always interested in Plugin based architecture and this Is my one of favorite area of Development after Client / Server based applications and as this application has both my interests so all I can say is that this is just a beginning and I need support of all you lovely and intelligent people to work with me to take this journey to its destination.\nContact Info\n\t\t\n\t\tEmail: \t\tv2Softwares@yahoo.com\n\t\tY! Chat: \tv2Softwares\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200511772549972.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/vServe1840721172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"V2","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58332,"Title":"[ Mind Reader ]","Description":"This program will amaze you, and give you the creaps! It can read your mind. You'll have to see it to believe it. No joke! Just start the program and do not touch anything. Just pay attention and be surprised...really creapy :-O","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051171447344122.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Mind_Rea1844311262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":43336,"Title":"FileSplitter","Description":"Resize and Remix Your Files with any Thing Can be done one files","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FileSplitt1546732192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Marco Samy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43339,"Title":"Trojan Scanner v.1.0","Description":"One very good Trojan Scanner","Inputs":"One very good Trojan Scanner","Assumes":"One very good Trojan Scanner","CodeReturns":"One very good Trojan Scanner","SideEffects":"One very good Trojan Scanner","ApiDeclarations":"One very good Trojan Scanner","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Trojan_Sca1546782192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Eyripides ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43341,"Title":"I.P. Site 2","Description":"Create your own website using your ip. Host text/HTML, Preview HTML, Blocked ip's/aim screenames, Visitor log and the amount of times they've visited, Randomized list, Create unlimited amount of variables, Host your own AIM profile, automatically update your AIM profile when your ip changes, Help file, and The option to broadcast/not broadcast your pages. All the options automatically saves when you exit.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003219726264015.P ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/I_P__Site_15468121920.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"keith_escalade","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43342,"Title":"plot 3d points on a 2d plane","Description":"Want to plot 3d points on the screen? this code will enable you to do this! I did not write the original code that calculates the x,y co'ord from x,y,z co'ordinates, but I compiled it into an easy to use (cut 'n paste) form and added a few examples of what you can do. lines wouldn't be a problem either, just write a wrapper function to do the job! Please vote! (I didn't do the trig, but hey, it's just math ;-) and I did the rest!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200321989325335.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/plot_3d_po1546832192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43343,"Title":"A collision avoidance system for games using DotProduct.","Description":"Demonstrates how to code an intelligent early warning collision detection system for a simple game of Asteroids. Uses matrix multiplication, vector maths and clearly demonstrates an excellent use for the DotProduct between two vectors. I placed this in the games section, because this is the start of a game, however I wanted to show you my debugging code before I pull it all out, as this debugging code very clearly demonstrates how to use the DotProduct between vectors. Making a good game is sometimes about Maths!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003219946426428.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_collisio1546862192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43348,"Title":"Decompiler Version 1.5","Description":"Updated! Now you can view other information about a Visual Basic exe, like Version, Description, Copyright and much more. Also, most bugs fixed. (Note - even though this doesn't actually decompile any code, if may in the future versions).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Decompiler15469221920.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Computer Controller","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49350,"Title":"Save as JPG (3 options)","Description":"Three ways to save picture files in JPG format.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Save_as_JP16612310202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49352,"Title":"msblast.worm remover","Description":"This is a remover for the known worm msblast. This is not a professional msblast remover so please do not criticise (bad) my work and do not compare it with other (pro) removers. Please feel free to leave comments, I really wanna know what you think about my work. Oh, and if you find this usefull please vote for it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031020153333285.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/msblast_wo16612710202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kyriakos Nicola","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49360,"Title":"A 28 Windows Information APIs Tutorial","Description":"Hi guys, this is a tutorial on using all the 28 API related with Windows information. There are brief description about each API, detail information about each API (such as declaration, parameters and return values) and examples on using each API. There are 35 examples altogether. Hope you will benefit from this tutorial. Happy coding! Leave comments and put some globes for my work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_28_Windo16614210202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49362,"Title":"Components Detection","Description":"detect various components such as DoesDotNETFrameworkExist, DoesIE6Exist, DoesIISExist, DoesMDAC27Exist, DoesMSSQLServerSP3Exist, DoesSQLServer2kExist, DoesSQLServer2kExistEx, DoesWindows2kSP2Exist, DoesWindows2kSP3Exist, DoesWindows2kSP4Exist, DoesWindowsInstaller2Exist etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"i use some of the code from psc and I do not remember the authors' names, sorry all about that.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Components16614910212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"enmity","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49364,"Title":"Visual Basic Newbie Tutorial : For...Next Loop (For Newbie)","Description":"Hi VB newbie, do you know how to use for...next loop? If you don't, never mind. Read this tutorial to learn about that. You will learn how to use for...next loop by explanation and examples by me. Leave comments about this tutorial. Happy coding!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49370,"Title":"Special Relativity Calculator","Description":"This program acts as a calculator for Special Relativity problems ranging from Length Contraction and Time Dilation to Relativistic Velocity Transformation Equations. This is all based on the Lorentz Equations and Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity.","Inputs":"For any type of problem you need to have specific values such as V (Velocity), X2 (X coordinate), X2'(X prime coordinate), T2 (T coordinate), T2' (T prime coordinate), Ux, Ux' (both for RVT Calculations) and these values will help you figure out your unknowns. A special list will contain the variables needed which you have not inputted yet for a specific calculation.","Assumes":"Before using this code you should definitely understand Special Relativity in concept at least. This program is made for the Intermediate coder, but the Advanced Special Relativity User.","CodeReturns":"This will help you to solve any of your SR Problems.","SideEffects":"There are no \"side-effects\" that are known of.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031021145443321.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Special_Re16616010212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"JJ Geewax","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49384,"Title":"Credit Card Validator","Description":"ActiveX DLL Project and accompanying demo to demonstrate LUHN Formula (Mod 10) for Validating Credit Card numbers. \nAlso validates the expiry dates to make sure card is not expired...\nValidates following cards:\nAmerican Express\nDiners Club\nDiscover\nJCB\nMasterCard\nVisa\nFully commented and very usable functions provided within the DLL for use in many of your\ncredit card validation needs.\nOnce you properly register the DLL, try the demo...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031022128375051.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Credit_Car16618110222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Foundations Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49387,"Title":"Windows Login","Description":"Use windows current user login and password in your program, in windows 2000 and XP.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function GetUserName Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"GetUserNameA\" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function LogonUser Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"LogonUserA\" (ByVal lpszUsername As String, ByVal lpszDomain As String, ByVal lpszPassword As String, ByVal dwLogonType As Long, ByVal dwLogonProvider As Long, phToken As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Windows_Lo16624810232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"ElitePCBOX","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44517,"Title":"Screen saver Volume 3d","Description":"Scree saver utilisant uniquement des objet \"Line\"\npour construire des objet volants en 3d.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Screen_sav156941452003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mestrez Charles","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44526,"Title":"Winsock API Explained","Description":"This is a tutorial which explains how to start off creating powerful network/internet applications using the Winsock API. The API allows far more control, power and speed in your application than the control ever would and is definetly something worth learning.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200345946285600.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_AP156956452003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"IRBMe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44528,"Title":"REAL Flat Button","Description":"Aw yeah!!! Check this button out!!! It has great look on Win98, Me, NT, 2000 & especially XP!!!! Aw yeah!!!!! Check out the preview!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003451015338983.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/REAL_Flat_156959452003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Shukri Zahari","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44546,"Title":"PSCMonitor v5","Description":"Monitor your PSC submissions. Keeps track of new views/votes since last open. Since this downloads text only it actually lessens load on PSC.\nShows how to:\n 1. download and parse html (winsock and regx)\n 2. save and load program state\n 3. use listview control\n 4. use regular expresions\n 5. use dictionary object (MS associative array)\n 6. use OO class modules\n 7. how to use fast cappendstring class\nAnd much more!\nIncludes 3 very usefull class modules for appending strings(fast), running regular expressions on the fly, and downloading webpages.\nCode is commented feel free to ask questions, or post comments and teach me a thing or two.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Needs recent Windows Script: 5.5 or higher\nhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/nhp/Default.asp?contentid=28001169\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20034654841697.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PSCMonitor157119482003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":57,"AuthorName":"RegX","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44556,"Title":"MixerSpy","Description":"Just about everything you want to know about your mixer. I could only represent, with VB and Comctl controls, the mixer controls that my sound card supports which is quite a bit actually. As I don't have a peakmeter, I could not code for that and I haven't yet solved the mystery of multiple item controls. But, just about everything else is there. All of the mixer examples I have seen have been to mimic the intrinsic mixer so I coded mine a little differently so you can see all of the gory details. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Uses mscomctl.ocx (sp4)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Subclassing! This code subclasses SETFOCUS msgs for sound controls (volume, mute, etc) and also subclasses the window for mixer control change messages. You can enable hooking by using the checkbox provided but make sure you disable the hooks before setting breakpoints or hitting the end button. If not, you will freeze the IDE and lose any changes you have made.","ApiDeclarations":"RtlMoveMemory\nGlobalAlloc \nGlobalFree \nGlobalLock \nSetWindowLong \nGetWindowLong\nCallWindowProc\nmixerClose\nmixerGetDevCaps \nmixerGetID \nmixerOpen \nmixerGetLineInfo\nmixerGetLineControls\nmixerGetControlDetails\nmixerSetControlDetails","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003461522386506.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MixerSpy18328512232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":70,"AuthorName":"AlT","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44558,"Title":"EShell Beta2 - Release1","Description":"Well, after alot of hard work, I've got a new version of EShell. There are still a few bugs lurking in it that need to but ironed out but its pretty stable (DesktopAddon module doesnt like loading first time though). This time i've gone for a modularised Shell were each part is in a different EXE. ** IMPORTANT ** : READ THE RELEASE NOTES THAT ARE DISPLAYED WHEN YOU FIRST RUN ESHELL, COMPILE ALL THE EXE'S AS DESCRIBED OR ESHELL _WILL_NOT_ WORK!!!. Still to come: Replace the Explorer style file browser with an EShell module. A logoff button =o/. System monitor module. Module + Core crash detecting Module (what if that one crashes =oP). And some other stuff. Please vote, and leave comments. Thanks, Nick Ridley","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003461635383950.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EShell_Bet157099482003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Nick Ridley","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44559,"Title":"FX.DLL 1.00 SDK","Description":"Experience FX technology!\nFeatures: alpha blending, bit-block transfers, brightness, gamma ramp, hue and saturation correction, RGB, HSL and CMYK calculation, several filters and effects, drawing 2D & 3D objects, taking screen shots etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003461653149501.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FX_DLL_1_0157077482003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Martins Skujenieks","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43483,"Title":"XPButton","Description":"This is the XP Command Button recreated by me. There are 7 custom borderstyles and of course the original windows xp borderstyle. Like the original button it responds to the mouse entering and leaving. This button has the Default and Cancel Button property so it can be the default button. It also reacts very similarly to the original buttons. It has accesskeys set up so that any alt combo can make the control click (like standard buttons)\nYou can choose gradient background or solid background (solid is fast, while gradient is slower) The great thing about this control is that I have seen other Xp controls and i have spent so much time making my one fast aswell as good. It can redraw at 2000 times a second (with gradient background) on my Pentium III 866 MHz. Similar controls I have tried redraw at 20 times a second.\nPlease vote. I have spent a long time on this and I bope that you all like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200322465109503.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/XPButton1549542242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":57,"AuthorName":"Adam","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43476,"Title":"Internet File Transfer From Website","Description":"This is a module for easily adding the ability to transfer a file from a webserver to a hard drive. Good for a \"live update\" type of functionality or for downloading banners to your program. By Erick Jones, http://www.webdataconsultants.com","Inputs":"You must provide a URL of the source file and a filename for the downloaded file name","Assumes":"First of all, this is a module. You'll have to add the module to your project. You also have to add a Microsoft Internet Transfer Control (and a Label1 Control if you are using the example below) to your form.\nEXAMPLE USAGE:\n Label1.Caption = \"Getting File...\"\n TransferFile = Xfer(Inet1, \"http://www.webdata.addr.com/index.html\", App.Path + \"\\index.html\")\n Label1.Caption = InetStatus","CodeReturns":"InetStatus returns the status of the file transfer or an error if the transfer is unsuccessful.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Global TransferFile As Boolean\nGlobal b() As Byte\nGlobal InetStatus As String","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":41,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"webdataconsultants","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43487,"Title":"Complete Port Scan","Description":"This scans a port on a range of IP addresses. It can resolve the hostnames of each IP it scans using the DNS ActiveX control (included). It formats the results and displays them in a listview control. This program is simple, and effecient [ I hope ;) ]. And I do not take ANY credit whatsoever for the DNS ActiveX control, it was a good control I found for free while surfing the web; although I cannot remember the name of the website I got it from; but all credit for that goes to it's author. Comments, threats, are always welcome. =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003224924172015.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Complete_P1549672242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Daniel W. Elkins","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43489,"Title":"McAfee DAT Download - UPDATED!","Description":"This code will automatically download and execute the McAfee SuperDAT. It will delete the old SuperDAT, copy the new SuperDAT from NAI's FTP server, and silently run the update.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The code will run until the file has been downloaded to your computer and run.\nUpdated with the Function in it... Thanks for pointing that out!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":40,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"JFV","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43495,"Title":"Password encryption program","Description":"Not another login program.. :-)\nThis is a complete, FULL FUNCTIONAL login program. I did not write the code for the login\nprocedure or the encryption algorithm, so credit to whoever did. I just took, 2 programs and and changed some of it and then put them together to get a login program with ENCRYPTION. \nHeres how it works. When you login with the default of admin/admin, it will bring you to the User Maintenance screen where you will be able to add/remove edit users etc. When you add/edit a user, it will encrypt their password and write it into the DB. You can select if you want the user to be an admin or normal user, a Normal user does not get the user maintence screen. \nOne other thing you will notice, is that you cannot delete the admin account from the interface, you can delete it from Access though :-(, aslo you cannot change it from being an administrator, this is for security reasons. You can however change the password. If you would like to see what the passwords are stored like, in the database then open access and look inside. If anyone has any idea how I can prevent admin being deleted from Access any help would be appreciated. \nOne other thing you will notice, is that when you first run the program, it will display a disclaimer screen, which will allow you decide whether you want it to display it again in the future, if you click the button then it will no longer display writes the value into an ini file\nthe password for the database is passw0rd\n\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Password_e1549862242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Tegwin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43497,"Title":"Listbox Manager Class","Description":"This class extends the default listbox and gives some some easy to use functionality that will streamline your code. It includes macros to load arrays, load delimited files/strings, filter lists, ensure selected items, edit, etc. It is kind of simple, but it is really handy and speeds up coding alot...It is highly resuable code that will eliminate many lines of repetive code from your projects.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Listbox_Ma1549952242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"dzzie","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43498,"Title":"clsResizeForm","Description":"The most easy way to resize controls al form_resize event. very simply implementation. only two class modules.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"If you use it, please, let me know by email.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200322418121857.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/clsResizeF1549922242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jeronimo Sencianes","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43500,"Title":"Virtual Typewriter","Description":"It's a typewriter. Type on one piece of paper. You type and when you are finished, the page comes out your printer (paper/printer not included - you must have your own ;-) Have Fun!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"When ever I try to type anything lengthy on the computer, the edit/notepad makes the entry really quick! It also makes the 'Select All/Delete' really quick too - except trying to remember what you were typing, or how to make it better is not so easy. If you keep everything you write, you become a better writer.\n I have wanted to make a short story for some time, but keep 'Select All/Delete' my story because I think it's not good enough. But then the next try I figure I am just writing the same thing again... 'Select All/Delete' --- and the cycle continues.\n It was easier to use a typewriter to force myself to keep moving forward! - but my typewriter died and I can't fix it!\n So, I made this: Virtual Typewriter\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032241956164160.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Virtual_Ty1549942242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Jerome A. Simon","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43503,"Title":"Check file existence and attributes","Description":"Check the existence of a file and it's attributes (DateCreated, DateLastModified, DateLastAccessed)","Inputs":"Path and file name.","Assumes":"You must have a textbox called txtFileName, two command buttons called cmdFileExist and cmdFileAttributes.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":23,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"AepS","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43506,"Title":"CoolPlayer (Winamp clone with visualization & with DDE)","Description":"Winamp clone with many many options and functions. Skins used from winamp, plugin with visualization, another plugin with runtimes, skin browser, program function, an may many more options and functions to enjoy...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003225259461468.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CoolPlayer1550082252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Giannis_B","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43509,"Title":"RichTextBox Highlighting using API (fast & simple) - change text background color","Description":"this is just a quick hack to show how highlighting text in a richtextbox can be achieved using api (fast and easy). i hope it's new and interesting and relieving to some of you (\"ahhh, just so easy!\"). this came to me after i saw \"Bobo RTF tricks\" http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=40401&lngWId=1 and it seemed by far too complicated to me. as i'm into delphi right now, i know about the CHARFORMAT2 capabilities and that it is by far easier to achieve highlighting if you know how. searched the web for it but found no easy solution (one in chinese or so but partly wrong). vbaccelerator has a big rtf control from which i finally ripped the sources. finally found more on VB & rtf with CHARFORMAT2 on psc: http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=38434&lngWId=1 (but no screenshot, not really sphisticated, take vbaccelerator code to see what's possible). sorry, no more time, have a nice day, buggy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003225643585280.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RichTextBo1550182252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"buggy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43511,"Title":"API Flat Button Control","Description":"This Usercontrol contains no other controls(eg. lines, shapes) whatsoever, and is drawn entirely by API functions.\nIt is very lighweight and uses very few ressources from the computer.\nPlease vote for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"A few","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003225847534178.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/API_Flat_B1550202252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Dondata","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48125,"Title":"[[ Extreme Lock","Description":"This is a Password Program. does what the Windows 98/95 Password screen does. But the program cover's the whole screen. It shows how to use Database... And find the computer's Username...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"the window covers the entire screen. But can be tabbed and exited.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038312243268149.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[_Extreme1638658312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Andron Smth","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48127,"Title":"Proxy Scanner(analyzer)","Description":"This prog. analyses proxies and scans them. It works almost great! it also gets your real ip, and checks for the anonimity of the proxy. This is also called a Proxy checker, or Proxy analyzer!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003831234589618.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Proxy_Scan1638688312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Master Spy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48136,"Title":"A cool MouseMeter!","Description":"It's a cool odometer for the mouse. It counts speed, meters, pixels, position, ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"GetCursorPos\nSetCursorPos","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_cool_Mou163885912003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"SystemFo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48141,"Title":"API Menu Example v2","Description":"Like the first version, this shows how to access another application's menu and copy it in your own app using API...allowing you to actually call the menu functions in the other application from your menu.\nThe example creates a list of current windows (only windows with compatible menus). Then when selected, the menu is 'cloned' using API calls GetMenuItemInfo() and InsertMenuItem() allowing you to not only to copy the menuitem but the state of the menuitem.(Checked, Grayed, etc...) \nAnd unlike the first version which only loaded 1 level of submenus, this will load all levels.\nThis example could also prove to be useful to anyone wanting to know more about creating dynamic menus and submenus in VB as well as how to handle messages from them when clicked (uses subclassing). Unlike many 'dynamic menu' examples, this does not require any 'dummy' menus or menu arrays to be created. \nDemonstrates API Calls: IsWindow, SetWindowLong, EnumWindows, GetMenuItemCount, GetSubMenu, GetMenu, SetMenu, DestroyMenu, CreateMenu, CreatePopupMenu, DrawMenuBar, CallWindowProc, PostMessage, GetWindowTextLength, GetWindowText, IsMenu, GetMenuItemInfo, & InsertMenuItem.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039152425976.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API_Menu_E163890912003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":58,"AuthorName":"Danny Krotzer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48143,"Title":"Visual Basic Programming Tutorial","Description":"This is a Visual Basic Tutorial For Begineers as well as Advanced Users. If You are Programming through VB then You must see this Tutorial Once.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Visual_Bas163893912003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"Keral.C.Patel.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48145,"Title":"_/:\\ The simplest text to speech ever /:\\","Description":"This the most simple text to speach program ever! it only uses 1 line of code! YOU MUST HAVE THE text - speach engine FROM MICROSOFT, DOWNLOAD IT HERE: http://www.microsoft.com/msagent/downloads/user.asp#tts Please vote if you like it or not so that i know!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"YOU MUST HAVE THE text - speach engine FROM MICROSOFT, DOWNLOAD IT HERE: http://www.microsoft.com/msagent/downloads/user.asp#tts","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200391850348633.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_____The_s163897912003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"[V]orpheus","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48147,"Title":"Multi-color LCD Control (Blue Knot)","Description":"Alphanumeric LCD Control with multiple foreground and background colors, fast or slow printing, option to pad lines with 'spaces'. Regular & Bold 'font', 2 levels of brightness. 13 pre-defined background colors (or 240 custom) and 7 background colors.\nInspired by Peter Wilson's \"Vacuum Fluorescent Display Simulator\" (In fact I based the 'regular' graphics on his graphics.) Some characters added/redone and new 'bold' font. Colors tinted at runtime, not pre-made (for size and flexibility).\nAlso adapted a bit of code by Kamilche (Load picture from byte array) to load JPGs directly from the resource file.\nEnjoy the code, and please comment/vote.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200391130189614.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Multi-colo163900912003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Dan Redding - Blue Knot Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48148,"Title":"remote file browser","Description":"uses winsock to connect to a remote computer running the server. allows you to browse through all files and folders. not the best but definatley the easiest and it would be simple to put it in your own code to","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/remote_fil163902912003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Gareth CodeMan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48149,"Title":"Barcode 39 in one sub","Description":"I saw some code using a barcode font and knew i could do it with code alone. This is so simple it's one Sub only! (command1_click)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003911047512105.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Barcode_39163904912003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"Paul Bahlawan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48152,"Title":"UltimaX Terrain Texture Generator","Description":"This will take a height map, lower altitude map, and a higher altitude map and blend them. It will output a rough map thats used for CLOD terrain engine, a shade map, a blend map, and a shaded blend map. For more information read the readme.txt. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Enjoy this :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003911346222106.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/UltimaX_Te163912912003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James Dougherty","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48153,"Title":"Minun Progress Bar 2","Description":"The best progress bar on PSC: it's fast, it looks cool and it's stable. All you need when it comes to showing a progress. Includes: 1) colors and colorfades! 2) use any font, make it appears as you want 3) you can use seven different borderstyles 4) make the bar grow up, down, right or left 5) Blending (changes color opacity or CosSin mode makes weird colors!) 6) Set the caption just like you want it to be 7) ManualRefresh for optimal usage: if you change colors a lot or do other big changes at a time, you might want to refresh the bar only when you wish 8) Min, Max and Value as big or small as you want 9) You can change parent easily with SetParent 10) enough events: make it a command button as well! 11) clear, optimized code: learn how things can be done fast in VB. Also great example on how to make an ActiveX control with VB.\nIf you like it, please vote & rate :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The control is coded with Visual Basic 5 Control Creation Edition and example program with Visual Basic 6.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003911349436901.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Minun_Prog163914912003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Vesa Piittinen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48154,"Title":"A Very Amazing Calculator [The MagiCalc v1.0... MSUT SEE!!!]","Description":"If you want to be amazed, then take a look at this calculator. It works like a powerful compiler that can evaluate complicated expressions and can amazingly handle syntax errors. Try this \"+(2((5+4)/2*6+1.56845)4 + 3^(3-(--5)/2))/(25^.5)+2-3*4/-2^2.2*5\". That's not all! Why don't you download the code, and let the calculator talks about itself?\nThe calculator has many amazing features: \n1- It handles almost all kinds of possible errors (like a very powerful compiler), and when an error occures, it tells what and where the error is, so that you can fix it easily. Try this expression and see how errors get handled: \"()+*5.334.2+)453+&76/6(7+\" .\n2- It recolors the expression so that it seems more clear. ( Numbers in light blue, operations in purple, invalid inputs in red, positive and negative signs in dark green, and parenthesis in randome colors)\n3- It saves previous inputs so if you want to review them, use the Up and Down arrows.\n4- There is an input keyboard that can be shown or hidden.\n5- It's very easy to use.\nI hope that you'll find this program useful in solving math problems, and I hope that you'll like the code and find it helpful and easy to understand. \n *** Would you kindly vote for this code ;) ***\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003951818494548.0 ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/The_MagiCa164166952003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":61,"UserRatingTotal":304,"AuthorName":"Yehia Muhsen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48156,"Title":"HTML Art","Description":"Give it a picture file and a text file and be amazed at the output. The resulting html page will fascinate your friends for many a minute. /*Update: Stall bug should be fixed now*/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200391189358496.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Art164293982003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":83,"AuthorName":"Paul Bahlawan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48164,"Title":"HTML Style II","Description":"generate html syle code: popup menu, dropdown me,button,scroll bar...For internet explorer 4+. with some added interface, like putting image in a message box and editing message box button caption using API not a form. Please comment if you find some bugs. I just a young man, I'm not error free and not perfect.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003912831168106.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Style1644539122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Pinoy Ako! ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48168,"Title":"Brush Vectors(Fin))","Description":"Brush Vectors by Robert Rayment. (Added binary input/output. Fast version, see Help for info on Fast redraw.) This is a vector drawing program using brushes with up to 8 widths, 4 directions, color & transparency. A brush stroke is started with a left-click(or space bar), move mouse to draw & left-click(or space bar) to end it. Each stroke is stored in a vector array which can be saved to a file. Colors can be parked and also saved to a file. The advantage of vectors is that they are full 24-bit color can be stretched/shrunk to a new canavs size. File format can be ASCII (.vec) or binary (.veb). Vec files are usually much smaller than BMP and veb files often smaller than GIF or JPEG. There aren't many aids to drawing yet apart from a fill tool and Shift & Ctrl keying to force vertical & horizontal drawing. So it needs some skill to produce nice pictures. Undo/Redo is almost unlimited, vectors can be deleted from the last drawn or clipped down to the last undo. Deleting any individual vector is not included yet. Important to read the help file to get the most out of this prog. (exe tested on WinXP), Win98, Zip 48KB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just run, read help.","CodeReturns":"Pictures","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See prog","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200392624246368.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Brush_Vect16568910112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":129,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43952,"Title":"Application Logger","Description":"This class provides a logging object that you can create and destroy as you like, the properties it has are:\n CurrentProcedure\n LogFile\n LogLevel\n MaxFileIterations\n MaxFileSize\n\nThe methods are:\n BeginLogging\n StopLogging\n IUPrint\n\nIf you create a global clsLogger object, in each procedure you can pass .CurrentProcedure the name of the procedure as a string. Anytime you want to log some data, use the IUPrint method to write out to the file. The logfile is kept open for the duration of your application to save time, the WriteFile API is used for this purpose also.\nThe IUPrint method takes the LogLevel of the message, the message itself and a parameter array of other data you'd like to write to the file. The levels work like this:\n clslogger.LogLevel is set at 3, an IUPrint is processed passing a level of 5, IUPrint will not write it out to the file\n clslogger.LogLevel is set at 3, an IUPrint is processed passing a level of 2, IUPrint will write it out to the file.\nThis way, you can up or down the level of logging to conserve log file size.\nLogFile is the name of the file to be logged to. It will have a .Log extension, unless you make use of the File Iteration feature. File Iteration allows you to save to files until they reach a certain size(MaxFileSize), it will then change the extension to 002, 003 etc., until MaxFileIterations is met, then it will revert back to 001 again.\nLogFile is the name of the initial logfile, without an extension.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The properties of the class can be set in code but it is more flexible to use a database or registry in conjunction with the command line.\nHere's an example of invoking the class:\nOption Explicit\nDim Logger As New clsLogger\n'our public object, if you want a global logger, add it to a module as a global object ie:\n'Global Logger as New clsLogger\nPrivate Sub Form_Load()\n'set up the logger, you could use an ini file, or the command line in conjunction\n'with either a database or registry, personally I use a database and the command line for loglevel\nWith Logger\n .LogFile = \"C:\\zilpher\"\n .LogLevel = 2 'ignore inline messages of a level higher than 2\n .MaxFileIterations = 3 'build max of 3 files\n .MaxFileSize = 1200000 'max size of each log file in bytes\nEnd With\n \nIf Logger.BeginLogging = False Then 'start the logger\n Set Logger = Nothing 'kill it if it failed\n MsgBox \"Logging failed\"\n Exit Sub\nEnd If\nLogger.IUPrint 1, \"Application started\"\nEnd Sub\nPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)\nLogger.CurrentProcedure = \"Form_Unload\"\nLogger.IUPrint 1, \"Exiting\"\n'stop the logger and clean up\nLogger.StopLogging\nSet Logger = Nothing\nEnd Sub\nPrivate Sub Form_Click()\nDim i As Long\n'set the name of the current procedure - very important,\n'get this wrong and it gets really confusing when reading the logs!\nLogger.CurrentProcedure = \"TestLogger\"\n'something to write out\n'I've just used a loop to write some data out, not very realistic\n'you'd more likely have lines written out after a dynamic SQL statement was built\n'or any other point in your app\nFor i = 0 To 5000\n 'write out to the file, using i as an example of using the paramarray here\n Logger.IUPrint 2, \"Your message goes here\", i, i - 1, i - 2, i - 3\nNext i\n'this message will not be written as it's level is higher than loglevel\nLogger.IUPrint 3, \"A message that doesn't get written\"\nEnd Sub","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"CreateFileA\" (ByVal strFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As Long, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetFilePointer Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lDistanceToMove As Long, lpDistanceToMoveHigh As Long, ByVal dwMoveMethod As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CloseHandle Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function WriteFile Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, ByVal lpOverlapped As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FlushFileBuffers Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hFile As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Applicatio1558263122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Matthew Inns","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43970,"Title":"MessMe","Description":"This is a small community instant messenger, I know there is sooooo many of them on psc but... this one is a bit different... itΓÇÖs Server/client based with an multi-connection ability that allows up to two hundred peers to be connected to the server! (I downloaded the server/client from psc but forgot who made it... so if anyone recognizes the code... just let me know and ill give u some creeds in the code) It has animated smiles like yahoo and a login form that is controlled by the server... And it looks so sweeeet to =D (vote/comment)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033136753514.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MessMe1558563132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Jonathan Rossing","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43972,"Title":"Sort Demo","Description":"SortDemo was taken Microsoft Bascom 7 PDS sample code and turned into a VB class module. It contains the following Sorts with explanation of each: Bubble, Exchange, Heap, Insertion, Quick, and Shell. The sorts are really fast but updating the listbox with the sorted results is very slow. The demo will display the amount of time (in seconds) that each sort takes. Hope this is helpful to everyone.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Sort_Demo1558673132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Lawrence Miller","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43974,"Title":"PicGrab 1.0 - Download all linked images off a web page!","Description":"This program uses MSINET (next version uses winsock ocx) to get the source for a webpage, and parses the code for links, and puts all the image links in a list. You can download files individually, or save them all at once using a unique (fully customizable) naming system. I have got rid of most bugs. The GUI is very neat and SEXY :P.\nFeatures in next version:\n-Batch Downloads\n-Recurse HTML links (set depth)\n-Winsock Transfers\n-Help\nEnjoy my first Full Release Program i have submitted to PSC. Remember, vote if it is worthy of a vote.","Inputs":"URL - What URL to get the webpage.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Images.","SideEffects":"404 Errors are saved in Image Files.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003313105675924.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PicGrab_1_1558693132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"SickAnimations","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43978,"Title":"Gauge Speedo Meter","Description":"I Used this Speedo meter to Visualize the Control panel cockpit in balanced scorecard software","Inputs":"-","Assumes":"-","CodeReturns":"-","SideEffects":"-","ApiDeclarations":"No API","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003313141765549.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Gauge_Spee1558753132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Fusuy The Nidulawa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43986,"Title":"XP Theme-It Manifest Resource Maker","Description":"Create a custom manifest for any executable you choose, and force the program to load the new XP style controls based on the current XP Style Theme installed. XP Theme-It can add any created manifest to a custom resource file, so it can be loaded to a VB project and compiled directly into the program's executable. Organize and maintain a list of all manifests created on your system so the visual theme can easily be restored if necessary. Also enables you to create a custom manifest by right-clicking any file from Windows Explorer. If you like this code, please vote for it at PSC.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Project Requirements:\nMicrosoft Resource Compiler - (RC.EXE)\nNOTES:\nYou need to ensure that any form module using the style theme, initializes the\nComCtl32.dll by calling the ComCtl InitCommonControls\nAPI.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200331714153512.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Theme-I1560743162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"GregM","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43993,"Title":"A* Pathfinding","Description":"This is a very fast pathfinding algorithm that I will use for my RTS game. It's for hexagonal maps but it can be simply modified for isometric maps.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A__Pathfin1559093142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Serkan ERGUN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44000,"Title":"UK Postcode / Postal Code Format Validation Class *UPDATED*","Description":"If you are using a text box to input a UK postcode, the text box can be attached to this class, which will then ensure the text entered is UCase & conforms to a valid UK Postal Code format.\nI have add a new function to the class which enables Multimap Lookup. (Thanks to Jon Webb for that code.)\nCheers also to Simon Woollard for pointing out the changes that were needed.","Inputs":"Text Box Object","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"ShellExecute","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033141112283746.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/UK_Postcod1560933172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Nicholas Andrews","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44002,"Title":"VB Project Explorer .. Must See It !!!!!!!!!!!!!","Description":"Hi All .. That's A Very Cool Program .. It Explores VB Files ( VBP , BAS , CLS , CTL , FRM ) and Get All Functions , Variables , Constans .etc In The File And View It With The Same Colors and Font Of VB Editor .. You Will Read It Exactly as You Read It In VB Project .. ( See Screen Shot ) .. This Program Is Useful If You Want To Read Function , Subs .etc In a File To Find Something In Huge Files .. Please Comment and Vote ..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003314124237368.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Project1559243142003.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":63,"AuthorName":"Abdalla Mahmoud","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44005,"Title":"Live Update","Description":"This program lets you download an updated version of your .exe programs or other parts of your software from the INTERNET or a Local FILE SERVER. I am using the WinInet.DLL to do the actual file transfers. Special thanks to Blake for inspiring this code. http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=13413&lngWId=1","Inputs":"You must adjust the liveu.ini code to reflect the path destination, and fileserver sourcer and/or a URL source","Assumes":"You must adjust the liveu.ini code to reflect the path destination, and fileserver sourcer and/or a URL source","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"My current issue is that I am using the WinInet.dll instead of the traditional INET.ocx because I found that sometimes it doesn' close completely or take a long time and part of the downloaded files can stay in the buffer. By using the WinInet.dll I now suffer no screen updates while the file is downloaded, as I need to maybe class this out to an ActiveX.dll to allow asynchronous processing, maybe in version 2?","ApiDeclarations":"WinInet.DLL for file downloading and checking for an internet connection","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033141431312517.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Live_Updat1561853192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Francisco H Tapia","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45859,"Title":"Auto Updater","Description":"It connects to a server, downloads a version file and a list of files and their versions, compares them to local versions and updates as necesarry.","Inputs":"A public variable holds the directory of all the update files. In this server directory, a file version.dat holds the latest version number, and files.dat holds a list of all files and their versions, 1 per line, as such:\nbah.exe,1.2\nfoo.bar,2b","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Just does some internet browsing and file reading/writing.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035311835268110.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Auto_Updat1635918262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"Michael Whitlock","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45865,"Title":"MUSICAL Lasers! - Real Magic!","Description":"Magical Dancing MUSIC Lasers which dance according to\na SONG!! The code detects audio frequency from the\nsound card and makes the LASERS ROCK!!!\nReal LIFE EFFECT and the fast moving lasers create\nan illusion!! \n \n1st, run winamp, PLAY A SONG, Keep it Running, and then\nRun the Magic lasers!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"na","CodeReturns":"Lasers :)","SideEffects":"na","ApiDeclarations":"na","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200361038138057.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MUSICAL_La159478612003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Kailash Nadh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45869,"Title":"Fancy Scrollbars","Description":"Fancy Scrollbars by Robert Rayment. If wanted, the purpose here is to get away from the standard VB scrollbars and add other colors, shaping & effects. Lots of examples included to show almost unlimited design possibilities. One reusable bas Module provided & a set of short fixed Subs to include on the Form containing the scrollbars. No extra dependencies & just one recommended API (Sleep). Full instructions given. (exe WinXP) Win98, Zip 39 KB.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"See notes","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Sleep (+optional)","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036166311085.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fancy_Scro159488612003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45872,"Title":"Replacement API Viewer","Description":"An API viewer to replace Visual Studio's 'apiload.exe'.\nIncludes list filters (Function/Sub Categories (Partially done), Filter by Library (e.g. kernel32.dll, gui32.dll etc.).\nUpdate: Working on getting the \"Insert into VB\" function to work. Also, changed project to ActiveX EXE so it can be a VB Add-In.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200364458499967.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Replacemen159492612003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Thomas Daugaard","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45874,"Title":"Advanced Browse","Description":"This code allows you to control all new windows within your application.\nEVEN those pesky little Ctrl + N windows.\nThis code isn't the best code, and i plan on adding alot more functionality to it. [IE: Favorites, ETC] But at least it shows you how to do basic stuff.\nThis app also has an Auto-Complete URL Bar...\nAnd displays how to tell your users that it is a secure site.\n<BR>\nUpdate (15/06/2003):\nAlso: I have added a \"Text Size\" Menu to the webbrowser, for zooming the text, like within internet explorer, and some other basic functions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You need to enable KeyPreview for your browser form,\nThen enter the code into the KeyDown of the form, which is in my form's key-down...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200361914144771.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_B1600976142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Wayne Pearsall","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":45877,"Title":"VeryWellsStatusBarXP NEW! V.1.2c 9/9/2004","Description":"VeryWellsStatusBarXP Update to V. 1.2b\n - More than a fine usercontrol statusbar in Windows XP, Office XP or much more looks! Very lot of advanced features,\nalso useable as a modern TOOLBAR! Have a look to the screenshot with nine examples and the\npanels propertypage.\nInclude things like gradients and frames to panels, integration of all kind of controls and many more! We have autosize, spring to contents and alignment for text, alignment for panel pictures, more events, no more need for timer controls ... \nSorry for the bugs I did'nt find yet. Tell me and I will fix it soon. If you like my uc come back regulary for updates! ____ New to V.1.2: * 'Bold'-Fontstyle for panels captions and * background pictures for the statusbar! (Now e can do things like skinning ... ). Some bug-fixes, finetuning and removing of no more used code (less is more ;) ) [UPDATE 1.2b: Bug fixes & changes to Pulic defs] ____ UPDATE 1.2c: Fix with ToolTipProperty _____\nRegards \nLight Templer\n___=== BTW: VOTES are welcome and motivating ;) - Thanx! === ____","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036101126236449.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VeryWellsS179126992004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":33,"UserRatingTotal":164,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43526,"Title":"_Magix Chat 4.0 - Cool Interface","Description":"This is a chat program that uses winsock.has a cool Age Of Empires Looking Interface.Many good features.Has a host that you can connect to.can open multiple times and chat to multiple people. has sounds to0 , like when some one sends a message , logs off , or connects to host.PLEASE READ THIS!to chat with yourself open the server , ick a port , then open the client and connect to \"localhost\" with out quotes.Please check it out and leave comments , suggestions and VOTES","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003226165021468.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/_Magix_Cha1550472252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Steven Dorman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43530,"Title":"Synchronize Time Between 2 Pc's","Description":"Synchronize time between 2 pc's in a LAN using a single line of shell command.","Inputs":"Name of remote computer.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":1,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"AepS","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43543,"Title":"HTML Invoice","Description":"This code creates a HTML Invoice and sends it using Outlook. I use this technique to send invoices to my customers. Demonstrates sending HTML mail via outlook.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032252347335912.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Invoi1550662252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Matt Trigwell","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43572,"Title":"Fart Generator Resource","Description":"Since I work with a bunch of men who are all a bunch of jokers I thought I would make this for them. The ZIP posted here has two projects; A DLL project and EXE project. When you open the Group project it will open both and you can review the code and try it out. The DLL is a Fart Resource DLL that has one class with two exposed methods. PlayFart(you pick the far) and RandomFart. I used this DLL and remotely installed it on my coworkers machines into their MTS(COM+ Applications) and then posted a ASP page onto each of their web servers. This allowed me to go to their webserver and fire off the RandomFart :) It was great hearing farts coming from down the hall and others in the office area actually thinking the person in the room was doing it. :) :) :) Of course now they are going to get me back. Anyhow, thought I would share it here to incase any of you want to try it out.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032261051388515.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fart_Gener1550852262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Chloe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43579,"Title":"Transpacy","Description":"Make any Object/Form Transparnt & non-squared, so Powerfull and Easy","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Transpacy1550992262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Marco Samy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43580,"Title":"Rotato","Description":"A beautiful screen saver with a good interface and Idia, More Customizable Using Setting","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Rotato1551002262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Marco Samy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47812,"Title":"[Spaz Co. Enterprises] - MafiaRPG (Version 0.95a)","Description":"A complex game based around a mafia which enjoys corporate domination. You play the son of a debted father, attempting to raise from a petty thug to an overexposed Godfather. Using various weapons, cars, strateic movements, and other stuff in the game - take the lead over your competitors by hiring lackies to do your work, heisting poor old ladies and robbing federal banks, playing the slots at the local casino, destroying the petty wannabe thugs on the streets, participate in gambled blood rings, and many other various features.\nThe map is incomplete and not quite working yet, and the game does have some bugs. I'd love to see what anyone can do to this game :)\n[UPDATE!]: The file was updated as of January 30, 2004 with new copyrights, and very few bug fixes. It's still very BAD with bugs, but, I've stopped working on this version - MafiaRPG 2 is my current Visual Basic development.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This game is intended for mature audiences (18 and older) due to adult situations (Partaining from Prostitution, Sexual encounters, etc.)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"There's a possibility that when opening the program, the Button.ctl file is not found. To place it in, go Project - Add User Control... - Existing - Double click the Button.ctl file - on frmRPG delete cmdAtt and cmdFlee and place the new button on the form in their positions, named cmdAtt and cmdFlee. These buttons are practically required in this form, so that it's impossible to hold enter to fight constantly, like you could do with a normal command button.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Spaz_Co__1701931302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Anthony Roberts","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47819,"Title":"File Search ( Advanced )( Must see ! )","Description":"By far the best search submission on PSC. Search by name, type, size, and date both modified and created. Great examples of ListView, ImageCombo, File Manipulation, Icon manipulation and a whole host of other Windows API calls. This does not use any third party Acive X controls other than one or two supplied with Windows/VB Service Packs. Class automation, registry automation, file automation and more ! Fixed alot of bugs from the last submission, now allows searching multiple folders using ; as a seperator. Aswell as the normal default values for some of the check box's and more. Also fixed the bug with the icons showing the same for every file.\nPlease please please leave your comments, votes and suggestions !","Inputs":"Search Criteria, File Name, Type, Size or Date.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"File Listing.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038182148506797.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Searc1631938182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"c0ldfyr3","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47822,"Title":"International Date Issues","Description":"\nIf you wander away from VB's built-in date handling (and even if you stick fairly close to it) eventually you will have trouble if users can input a date. While MS and the WWW have made most computer literate people used to the the USA format M/D/Y there are many others. MS recognises 3 MDY, DMY and YMD. There are also lots of date dividers '/-\\,.'. If you don't provide a calander or listbox system to control date input then you have to program for end-users using their local format. The following article is a at least part of a quick and dirty answer to the problem. (article is also in zip for easier downloading in English and Indonesian)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Internatio1631978192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47832,"Title":"dCoolXDCC v2.0 - IRC XDCC File Bot Program","Description":"/// Discontinued ///\nThis program/code is discontinued and has been renamed to SentertainmentXDCC.\nhttp://www.sentertainment.net/\n/// Old Info ///\nFirst of all...I can't beleive I actually uploaded source code for this...I spent so much time getting this perfect! Well, it's just an XDCC bot for IRC Channels and Servers with advanced messaging abilities. It supports the basic IRC file resume features, along with Private message features...It can even update itself, all in one standalone file! I can't show it all in one screenshot, it's just too much to fit...please forgive me since I didn't show a complete screenshot. (I use themes on my PC) I hope you IRC users at least check this out! I have special compiled versions with the depoendencies included for download at www.dCool101d.tk for those without compilers!\nP.S. I'd like to know if this works on older versions of VB","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038191748199745.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/dCoolXDCC_1649539242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Shawn K","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48028,"Title":"BackGround & Text in DirectX8","Description":"This very, very, very and again very easy example shows how to create font device nad how to set background and draw text using DirectX8 (->see screenshot). For beginers.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003827917415383.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BackGround1636228272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Filip Wielewski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48029,"Title":"clsPlanet: Class to Draw a Solar System (updated)","Description":"A single class capable of drawing the solar system from Sun to Pluto (including 500 asteroids and 9 moons). You can easily add more or design your own solar system. At present the orbits are circular and the comments a bit thin on ground but should be enough to get you going. Thanks for inspiration, assistance and support to Peter Wilson whose upload 'A Simple Solar System Simulator, v1.0' \nhttp://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=47973&lngWId=1\ninspired this.\n-------------NOTE---------------------------------\nIf it runs too slowly reduce the number of asteroids at Private Const AsteroidNumber As Long = 500 . I have run it with up to 5000 but the graphic is not that much different and very slow.\n---------UPDATED-------------------------------------------Thanks to Peter Wilson who imporved his zooming code and kindly sent it to me. Have added a new solar equator view, labels for planets and moons, improved collection based functionality, Asteroids do not display orbits (un-comment piece of code if you like that). All orbits are now ellipical and Pluto has its eccentric orbit (not accurate will get almanac from library to fix that). Planets have extra properties (oblate= Flat). \n------------\nCODERS this class automatically produces the labels it needs to operate without a seed control. Cute Trick extended on article in Computer Shopper Jun 2003.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/clsPlanet_1637038292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48033,"Title":"Adodc + dbGrid problem and MdacTyp discussions","Description":"I had problems using the datagrid attached to an ADOdc control.\nHere is what I found.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Eric Leduc","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48035,"Title":"REAL professional About boxes","Description":"A little use of inspiration for a magnificent effect...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Viktor E","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46172,"Title":"Faded Splash Form","Description":"Just a simple Splash screen that fades in Via the Alpha transparency. This is intended to be put into your \\Templates\\Forms\\ directory so that you can simply Add>Forms>Fading Splash Form","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Will slow down system.","ApiDeclarations":"In the project.","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036141767454.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Faded_Spla1600816142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Sean Gallardy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46182,"Title":"Fireworks + (Updated on 18/06/03)","Description":"This is my own version of the fireworks project posted on 30th May in the C++ section. Courious thing is that it was already a port from Java, so this is \"The VB port of the C++ ported version\". \n \nMy intention in this project was to fix the bugs that were around, as the author knew nothing about how to fix them. My main problem is i don't feel quite well with C++, so i needed first to put it in my native programming language. \nI fixed the problem where the fireworks could explode at the top of the screen, leaving trails for unlimited frames, and also fixed the banding problem that caused the smoke trails to fall through the borders. In the meantime, i wanted to add a few goodies to the original code, so i added resizing ability, better fading code, and commented every line of code to make it a very easy to follow example.\n \n My devoted thanks to the original author, Andrew Heinlein (Mouse), for his great work (CODE ID=6331). As i coudn't contact him by e-mail, i guess it is right to post here my work (more if it is just a rewrite of the rewritten code). \n \n HAVE FUN, AND HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!\n \n \n \n UPDATE: I added a FPS limiter so as not to get the crazy 200+ frames... i also (hopefully) fixed the crashing on WinNT... i just forgot that i should unmap the arrays ;) \n \n \n NEW UPDATE: The DoEvents in the frame rate limiter was causing problems quitting the app so i removed it. I was also mapping the arrays prematurely, so that caused some random crashes on resizing. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036142335313265.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fireworks_1602376172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":110,"AuthorName":"gonchuki_","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46175,"Title":"Menu Builder (featuring runtime preview)","Description":"Menu builder is featuring file drag & drop, \nsmooth listBox item dragging for parent and child node,\nclipboard copy and paste operation using cutsom clipboard format, and \npreviewing menu as a menubar or popup menu in real tme. \n And, also generates API created menu code for the given VB menu.\n \n Above of all, internally, it parses the tree structure of VB menu text correctly, \n with resuable pasring class modules. I think they can be used for other purposes and projects.\n \n Please, try and enjoy my project and also vote for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003614858318298.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Menu_Build1600866142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"S.Y. Kim","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46177,"Title":"Drag Reorder Listbox","Description":"Enables the drag reorder of listitems within a listbox. No API, very simple code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Drag_Reord1600936142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jacob C","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46184,"Title":"Database structure updater","Description":"Any true application uses a database, however after deployment, some times you add or modify some fields, and it becomes tiring to adjust the changes manually at clients sites. this is a stripped down version of the application ( there may be some errors due to the stripping down of unneeded funstions ) . Enjoy it without reservations. Vote if you feel like this is something beneficial for you.","Inputs":"This code relies on RDO ( never had the time to change to OLEDB ).","Assumes":"You should have generated the new script of the modified database, and have at least the client database created.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"works on MS SQL, No known side effects","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Database_s1601006152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fady1956","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46187,"Title":"C++ Header File to VB Module Translator","Description":"It all started when I was trying to translate WINGDI.H. It took me three days to complete about 1/3 of the translation. I decided to write program which will do it automatically. First version of the program already in it's first run translated about 1/2 of the code in less than 30 seconds. I improved the translation algorythm and wrote this program completely from null. In the first run it translated at already about 2/3 of the header file in less than 10 seconds. I improved some more parts of the algorythm and here I am.\nThe core of this project is C_TO_VB.BAS module. You can add this module to your own projects or user interfaces.\nProgram currently is able to automatically exclude unsupported compilier flags; convert remarks, boolean operators, hexadecimal values, constant definitions, type definitions and remove casts.\nStill under development enumeration conversion and API declaration conversion.\nModule can not and will not be able to convert subs, functions and macros due to the complexity of the C++ language.\nAlso remember that the C_TO_VB.BAS module can not convert 100% of the source-code. Average efficiency is 80-90%. After using this tool you can convert the remaining code manually.\nFuture versions will be more intellegent and I hope they will be able to translate 95-99% of the code.\n(!) I included some Microsoft \"win*\" C++ header files (*.H) for experimenting with this little module. If you have MS Visual C++ installed, you can find more header files in MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO\\VC98\\INCLUDE\\ folder. If you haven't got C++ installed, you still can get these header files -- visit HTTP:\\\\MSDN.MICROSOFT.COM!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036151224443559.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/C++_Header1601056152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":73,"AuthorName":"Martins Skujenieks","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46195,"Title":"Legal Notice Manager","Description":"Allows you to change the Legal Notice displayed prior to the Windows Logon screen. It also allows you to remove (delete) the Legal Notice. So far as I have tested it, it works on WIN9x and WIN2K boxes. Anybody out there with WINXP checks it let me know if it works.","Inputs":"It's a complete application that relies on standard Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Visual Basic runtime libraries--no extra or 3rd party libraries are required nor created.","Assumes":"Compile the code before selecting the \"Show Legal Notice Only Once\" checkbox, otherwise windows will error trying to load the application. Compiling and running the application, checking that box, and saving will fix the error.","CodeReturns":"It's a complete application that relies on standard Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Visual Basic runtime libraries--no extra or 3rd party libraries are required nor created.","SideEffects":"None that I know of.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003615165507029.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Legal_Noti1601126152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"KenKnutson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46203,"Title":"A++ Control Resizer with 4 modes!","Description":"Simply and easily resize all the controls on any form by use of a reusable class. Set the different modes for the Left, Top, Width and Height properties of controls by entering 4 numbers into their Tag property (a number for Left, a number for Top, a number for Width and a number for Height). There are 4 different modes: Do nothing: the resize code wont touch properties with this mode. Proportional: control property will be resized according to the forms change. Static change: the control property will move with the form. Limited static change: if the form is made too small then the control wont go off the screen (still in testing stage). For example; a label with a tag of '0011' will not change its left or top property, and the width and height will change proportionally. The next release will be even more improved with the Limited Static Change fully tested and an add-in to easily configure tag properties. Please vote and leave constructive critisism.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A++_Contro1601316152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Edward Catchpole","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46204,"Title":"Traffic Simulator Game","Description":"Traffic Simulator simulates a road environment with cars at a 4-way intersection with working traffic lights.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Traffic Simulator simulates a road environment with cars at a 4-way intersection with working traffic lights.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200361521407636.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Traffic_Si1601336152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Adam Szabo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46205,"Title":"Exactly as Windows XP Button","Description":"Looks like exactly as Windows XP Button. I Use API functions to draw and paint gradient colors. This is my first submission, so I appreciate your comments about my code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Exactly_as1601366152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":68,"AuthorName":"Dandrep M. Quintero","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46209,"Title":"Cool Credits Idea - Like Some Movies","Description":"This is a cool idea for credits for some of your programs. It is kind of like some movies you ,ay have seen. One text flys to one side and the other (at the other end) flys twoards the other side, but when the two texts come to align they slow down, but once they move back out of alignment the speed up again. Kind of confusing it sounds but it is rather easy i reccomend you just download to see for yourself. Thanks for checking it out.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Moving Text","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Credi1601436162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Frillyozz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47081,"Title":"[A++] NUMERIC LED - sample IO Devices for 8086 Microprocessor Emulator (update)","Description":"This sample just reads and \nwrites data to a virtual port.\nYou can use these sample to create your own \ndevices for Emu8086 (emulator8086). You may try \ncreating a robot or something, and then \nuse assembly language to control \nit!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003721459464986.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NUMERIC_LE1618187212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47082,"Title":"SQL Server Documenter","Description":"SQL Server Documenter can display, print and export to Excel a complete overview of all fields and indexes in a table. This started as a \"hello world\" type of thing for SQL-DMO and this is the result. It's great for debugging or documenting your databases (that's why I wrote it ;-)). Try it and any suggestions are always welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200372194247154.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SQL_Server1618467212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"RaiVeN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47093,"Title":"SnackMan","Description":"This is an older project I wrote - no documentation, but game play is simply enough - the title should sound familiar enough.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Must have DirectX 7 or better. If this interest you, check out the Games & Graphics download, also on this site. It will give indepth instructions on how to design DirectX games.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Must have DirectX 7+ installed. This project uses a reference to the Visual Basic DirectX 7 Type library.","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003727134259169.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SnackMan1618577212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Tim Harpur","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47095,"Title":"Advanced Like","Description":"Compare using wildcards like * and ?, ranges like \"at[0-99].gif\", and a new wildcard %. Which is like *, but goes only at the end. \"at%\" would be like \"at\", and also \"atquaz\".","Inputs":"filter - a pattern to compare with\nexpression - the text to check","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"boolean","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":94,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47099,"Title":"Image Hover Button","Description":"I looked on planet source code for an image hover button (a 3 state image button that changes pic when mouse is on it.) Couldn't find any... So I decided to make my own, and since I am so nice, I uploaded it to PSC. Sending comments will motivate to give you more... ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Image_Hove1618677222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Cyril M Gupta","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47100,"Title":"A 3D Lesson v2, Very Simple","Description":"This 3D application shows you just how simple 3D computer graphics can be to program. Pure VB code and the only mathematics is division. Simple hey?\nObjects that are far away, appear smaller. Thus simply divide our 3D object's X and Y coordinates by it's Z coordinate.\n NewPixelX = X / Z\n NewPixelY = Y / Z\nThat's all you need for 3D computer graphics, and that's all this program does.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003722150589478.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_Lesso1619177232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":70,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47104,"Title":"User Agent Fake Referer OS Spoofer","Description":"*Udated: July 26th 2003* This code allows you to spoof your user-agent (e.g. Internet Explorer), OS (e.g. Linux), and change the referer to anything you want (e.g. google.com). Now, why do this? Simple, to pass protection.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037222053346268.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/User_Agent1620497262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"DarkKnight","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47105,"Title":"Logicon File Viewer 4.05 (Release 2)","Description":"This is a RAW hex/ascii file viewer/editor. Use with caution - don't edit important or sys files unless you know what you're doing!!! (modRegistry has been added - sorry for inconv.)\nGreat tool for tweaking (cheating) an RPG save file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Backup files you wish to modify first. Don't modify important or system files unless you know what you are doing first!!!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037261226366145.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Logicon_Fi1619487242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Tim Harpur","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47108,"Title":"Ten Different Sorting Methods","Description":"This program is to demonstrate the use of 10 different sorting methods. They all vary in speed and complexity. They are the following: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Radix Sort, Shaker Sort (Bi-Directional Bubble Sort), Odd-Even Transposition Sort). There will be more to come later on.","Inputs":"Most of the functions just take the unsorted list and the number of elements in the array to be sorted. However, some of the functions will also require a temporary array that is of the same type and size as the unsorted array.","Assumes":"This program is written only as a demonstration of the functions themselves, which can be modified to sort characters or strings, or pretty much anything else. If you plan on using my code, please send me a message and mention me in your code. There will also be more different functions to come as I discover and understand them.","CodeReturns":"Just the sorted array!","SideEffects":"None that I know of!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003723018214176.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ten_Differ1618917232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Guillaume Couture-Levesque","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47110,"Title":"Alarm task Schedule","Description":"Project includes an Analog clock,An Alarm Clock,A Task Schedule .. And It tells current info about year and time like it`s midnight/evening.you can select date and time for alarm and task.Please Vote ..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003723227336723.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Alarm_task1618937232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Malik Farhan Hussain","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47113,"Title":"Internet downloader","Description":"download any file from internet and view the progress","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Internet_d1618997232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"MaRiØ G. Serrano","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47117,"Title":"[A++] The Enigma PRO Encryption Machine (updated!)","Description":"Here is the concept behind this representation\n of the Enigma Machine: \n The program uses virtual \"wheels\" that contain\n all of the printable characters on the keyboard.\n Think of the first wheel as the keyboard you are\n typing on. All of the wheels contain the same\n characters, but in a random, non-repeating order. \n Each time a character is pressed, the location\n of that character on the one wheel is used to\n as the index to lift the character off of the\n next wheel. Then the new character is searched\n for in the next wheel, and the pattern repeats\n itself across each wheel. The character lifted\n off of the final wheel is the output. \n This step is repeated for each character in the\n message. Decryption simply sends the message\n backwards through a similar, but reversed process. \n What really makes this encryption effective\n is that like the real life machine, the wheels\n rotate either to the left or right after each\n character. So the relationship between each\n character shifts constantly. As a result,\n even repeating characters such as \"aaaaaaaaaaa\"\n are represented with garbage such as \"zkhfXSURMBe\". \n Another great part about an encryption scheme like\n this is it's flexibility. You can add more wheels,\n more characters per wheel, change the order of\n the wheels, the directions the wheels spin, and\n change the starting position of each wheel. \nSo, unless someone can figure out: \n1) How many wheels are being used... \n2) How many characters are on each wheel... \n3) The order of the wheels... \n4) The direction they spin... \n5) The initial position of each wheel... \n6) The order of the characters on each wheel... \n It would be virtually impossible to look at the encrypted\n characters and determine their relationship to one another.\n There are so many possibilities and combinations of the\n above criteria, it would have to be solved through brute\n force. I am no mathematician, so if anyone can tell me\n the possible combinations, I would appreciate it. \n When the Germans used this machine, it baffled the Allies,\n who frantically tried to break it with no success.\n It wasn't until a German U-Boat was forced to surface\n in a naval battle and was captured that the Allies\n got a huge break. An Enigma machine was captured \n along with a code book that showed the information\n needed to decrypt the messages. \n \n The U-Boat was scuttled and the crew was kept in\n a top secret location. The U-Boat was simply\n considered lost during battle and Germans \n continued the war not knowing the truth. \n When the war in the Atlantic turned for the worse,\n the Germans, who believed their code to be\n unbreakable, believed that there were spies\n in their top level officials. They never\n considered that the code was being decrypted\n through a captured machine, so as a result,\n they set up elaborate networks to try and find\n these \"spies\". Paranoia being what it was, \n many loyal German officers were tortured and\n murdered for treason, even though they had\n committed no such offense. \nThis code is by no means complete. I will try and\n enhance it's speed and toughen it's encryption\n even further. I'll also try and build a better\n sample app with more features. If you find a\n problem or have a suggestion, I would love to hear it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037239932821.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/The_Enigma1619047232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52881,"Title":"A Super Colorpicker v5","Description":"A new version of my colorpicker. With this tool you can grab a color anywhere of the screen and see the VB colorcode, HEX value and the RGB value of it. You can convert any colorcode to another. Or making a color lighter or darker. Great tool for webdesigners...\nNew to this version:\n- Saveslots are saved in the registry, so after closing the tool the colors are saved.\n- Converting the choosen color to the closest websave color.\n- Inverting a color, getting the negative of it.\n- Copy colorcode to clipboard button\n- Some minor bugs.\nIf you like my tool, please vote...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200445311389143.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Super_Co172882452004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Wwward","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52899,"Title":"MDI Background (centered, stretched)","Description":"This code demonstrates how to draw an image into your MDI area and serves as image background or logo. With two modes: center and stretch.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Windows Blt API's","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004451732385041.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MDI_Backgr173024472004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Rex Collao Ballester","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52912,"Title":"MDL/MD2 Model Viewer (updated)","Description":"This program load's and renders MDL and MD2(Quake 1&2) models. the code is well commented and optimized. uses no external controls or dll's for loading/drawing except DirectX. all mdl related functions are brought together in one handy class, such as loading, rendering, animation selection, texture loading and frame interpolation! check it out","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Uses DirectX","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200448112159673.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MDL_MD2_Mo173055482004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"TPD Software","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52914,"Title":"[ a- Intelligent File Comparer (UPDATED WITH PROGRESS BAR!!!) ]","Description":"Very useful when you use cazaa or Bearshare or other P2p, where you download infinity of files, but a quarter is duplicated. It compares all type of files looking for duplicates, how? you select a folder, all files in that folder will be checked and compared looking for duplicated files, it checks 3 part of the binarys and the file LEN, if a file seems to be equal to other, the programm promts for action, and shows if the file is the same. \nIt's like that programm of NORTON... i don't remember the name.\nit uses listbox, drive list, progressbar, textbox and dir list. Uses two Binary access.\nNOW UPDATED WITH PROGRESS BAR!!!!!!!!!!\n","Inputs":"A folder","Assumes":"The file opened must be at least bigger than 1024 Bytes(1kb).","CodeReturns":"A list of files to delete if they are duplicated.","SideEffects":"none, it works GREAT!, may fail with GIF files, but for that reason there is a Picture box, you decide if the file is the same.","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200446037374799.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a-_Intelli172996462004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"FUCCI, Leonardo Hernan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52919,"Title":"Application Watch Guard","Description":"Shows how to Terminate processes with priviliges.\nThe purpose of this application is to guard choosen applications from going down.\nThe Watch Guard checks each X seconds that the choosen application is responding.\nIf it is not responding it has either been shutdown, crashed or has frozen.\nFirst the watch Guard attempts to do a clean shutdown, incase the choosen\napplication has some savings of settings during shutdown, After that it terminate\nthe process to be on the safe side. Finally it starts up the application again.\nIt logs when the applications starts up and goes down.\nThe timeout for response is variable through settings\nIt is mainly for System Administrators who has applications running on machines\nthat absolutely is not allowed to be down for a longer period of time.\nBut it could benefit anyone who wish to guard a choosen application from going down.\nHelp me grow as a programmer, Constructive Feedback are greatly appreciated :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200446254561872.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Applicatio172953462004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Knoton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52920,"Title":"Floppy Disk Format","Description":"This code is a demonstation on how to format a floppy with out using format.com and with out calling the SHFormatDrive API. This code allows you to format a floppy without a popup window. Currently it is set for 1.44mb only, but all the code is there if you want to play around with 702kb and 2.88mb. From what i understand this code only works on NT based systems.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"One side effect if you do not close the handle is your floppy will become unresponive till reboot. in other words...be sure to close the handle.","ApiDeclarations":"GetVolumeInformation\nCreateFile\nReadFile\nCloseHandle\nSetErrorMode\nSetFilePointer\nWriteFile\nFlushFileBuffers\nDeviceIoControl\nLockFile\nUnlockFile","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Floppy_Dis172955462004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Benjamin Cordingley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52923,"Title":"ToolBar And Rebar Control","Description":"This is remake of vbAccelerator's Toolbar and Rebar Control.\nIn this control everything is included in one ActiveX, so no external dependencies (like SSubTmr.DLL) is required.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ToolBar_An172963462004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sokolovsky Eugene","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52926,"Title":"Talking Custom Tooltips","Description":"This demo application demonstrates the use of a Custom Tooltip Class supporting square and ballon style tooltips, centered at the corresponding control or at the mouse pointer hot spot, with or without title. Individual back- and forecolors and fonts are also possible as well as an assortment of Icons to be displayed in the tooltip and finally individual delay- and show-times. And whats more - the tooltip can now speak using Microsoft's Speech Object Library (SpVoice in sapi.dll), no XVoice.dll or VText.dll! \nThe code is easy to follow and well documented. And on top of that the class is very easy to use. Check it out, download is only 10 kB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Talking_Cu172970462004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":83,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52929,"Title":"Directory Search Class","Description":"\n You can use this class for searching a drive ,directory and subdirectories.It supports even multiple Criteria's.\nI think this is a very usefull one.I included a sample app that shows the functions of this class.Please Vote for me!!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"\n You can use this class for searching a drive ,directory and subdirectories.It supports even multiple Criteria's.\nI think this is a very usefull one.I included a sample app that shows the functions of this class.Please Vote for me!!\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Directory_172973462004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Priyan R","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":43715,"Title":"The Scripting Control","Description":"I've seen too many submissions that say \"~!!~~ WOW A++ NEW PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE MUST SEE!!\". Then you open it, and its not a new language, it just uses the MS Scripting Control. And they use it WRONG too. I've written a little tutorial about this powerful control, and included two very good examples in the .zip file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/The_Script155400332003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"john sheridan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":41030,"Title":"Block Web Advertisements before they are even downloaded ! (AD Blocker 1.0)","Description":"Block WEB Advertisements before they are even downloaded, you can save all your precious BANDWIDTH or just stop being bothered by all those AD's on web pages ! Just download and take a look, test it and VOTE FOR ME !!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20021125033323969.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Block_Web_15030311252002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Eugene P.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":41031,"Title":"BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO API","Description":"<P>\nIF U ARE STILL USING ONLY VB-FUNCTIONS THEN THIS CODE IS FOR U. IT CONTAINS 50 SIMPLEST OF APIs\n</P>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"<P>\nIF U ARE STILL USING ONLY VB-FUNCTIONS THEN THIS CODE IS FOR U. IT CONTAINS 50 SIMPLEST OF APIs\n</P>","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/BEGINNER'S15030811252002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Pankaj Jaju","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":41034,"Title":"Data types in Visual Basic","Description":"Learn everything about data types supported by Visual Basic!!!(Don't look at the ratings because this article has been updated to make it as complete as possible!!!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Deepanjan Datta","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43733,"Title":"Window Grouper","Description":"This Window Grouper demo project was made just to test a concept. What it does be default is, while running, monitor for any Internet Explorer windows that get opened. When one is detected it will group it into the window grouper interface and give the window a tab. The effect is that you will have only one window open (the Window Grouper) and that one window will contain a tabbed interface to all your open browsers. By right clicking on a tab you can bring up the Get Windows option to list all other running applications and pick one to also group into the interface (ie, Word, Excel...what ever). This code is far from perfect and was only made to test a concept to see if I wanted to go further. I thought I would share this to teach others how this can be done (this way but of course there are always better ways). Some code in here (mainly the EnumWindows stuff was given to me from another developer who got it from a online database which the person there said they got it from PSC so looks like this part of the code really gets around.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200334105029628.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Window_Gro155423342003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":84,"AuthorName":"Chloe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43726,"Title":"__ Dynamically allocate arrays when you don't know how many items to store!","Description":"All programmers need to allocate arrays to store data, and very often they don't know how much they will be storing. here is a beginners tutorial that shows how to dynamically allocate an array on the fly that will only allocate as many items as are needed!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43727,"Title":"Modify P&D Wizard/Setup1.exe to add Desktop Icons for your Program!","Description":"How to modify P&D Wizard/Setup1.exe to add Desktop\nIcons during the installation of your Visual Basic Programs.\nPLEASE, TAKE AN EXTRA MINUTE TO VOTE IF YOU LIKE THIS ARTICLE.\nThanks, Christopher.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Modify_P&D155415342003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Christopher Reason","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43739,"Title":"transparent forms","Description":"transparent forms on windows98","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003341641163548.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/transparen155438342003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Ali Sayed","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43741,"Title":"Code Stringifier","Description":"It's a common problem everyone has faced. You have a couple paragraphs of text that you want to store in a constant. But how do you manage quotation marks, line breaks, and backslashes in a quoted string?\nThis solution will let you paste text into a textbox, and it will spit out the source code in order to store that text properly in a variable. Outputs to Javascript, VBScript, VB6, VB.Net, C#, and HTML. Very handy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003341726122922.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Code_Strin1557553102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Jon Davis","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43742,"Title":"EULA code","Description":"Makes sure users of your program agree to the terms of the EULA (End User License Agreement) before being allowed to access the program.","Inputs":"Yes or No","Assumes":"Encodes the agreement or disagreement onto the User's computer in the Windows Registry.","CodeReturns":"Access to program or End and Exit from program","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EULA_code155443342003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"HardEng","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43743,"Title":"Call Api by Name","Description":"Call an api by its name without Declare. Usefull for Sripts or if u dont know if the Machine is XP or 95...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":19,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Scythe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43753,"Title":"Finite State Machine example: checking syntax","Description":"This is an example of what can be done with the finite state machine code I have uploaded (see my other submissions). It shows how you can define a particular grammar and how to check to see if that sentance fits this grammar/syntax. This would be helpful for text adventures etc, and should also give you an idea about how else you can implement other systems using FSMs. The output is printed to the debug window (Ctrl-G).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003342216383908.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Finite_Sta155457342003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Matt Dibb","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46262,"Title":"a - Disable The X Button On A Form","Description":"This code will disable the X button on top of any form, but will not hide it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"You will no longer be able to press the X button.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20036181030212280.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/a_-_Disabl1602676182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Brogan Scott Houston McIntyre","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46264,"Title":"Address Book v4.2 ADO","Description":"Update 11-29-03, Address Book with VCard import/export; save both business and home addresses, phone numbers; send an email using your default email app, dial the phone number, many ways to sort your information. In the DAO version, several people had problems getting the application to open the database. This was due to differences in machine configurations that would normally have been solved during an installation.\nThis was written several years ago. I donΓÇÖt use it anymore and decided to clean it up, convert it to use ADO and post it on PSC. Hope you find it useful. Please see the ReadMe file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003618142648253.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Address_Bo16780211302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46265,"Title":"A ZombiE AttacK Game - Need Help - Little Problem","Description":"This is a little zombie attack game, where you have to shoot zombies that are coming after you. But There ius a small problem, and I need help to fix it. What happens is sometimes for no reson at all it will say game over when it is not supposed to, like as if one of the zombies got to you but they didnt.At first I thought maybe some were going off screen where you could see them and then they would pass the line to kill you, but I don't think that is it. Sometimes it works though. So please jhust take a look and if you think you know what it is please leave a comment telling me. Thanks a lot. Oh yha R is to reload.","Inputs":"Mouse Down, Keyboard Input","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Graphics","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_ZombiE_A1602666182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Frillyozz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46274,"Title":"ADMDraw","Description":"A visual basic gif, jpg, bmp editor... can open an animated gif... please try and vote... thanks! :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200361821471791.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_GIF__JPG1602806182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Adel D. Mendoza","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46275,"Title":"Binary File Maker","Description":"This is the first submission by me. What this program will show you is how to make a file combiner, and extractor. It shows you how to combine files into one file.. How to extract all files at once, or single files. The code is fairly easy to follow along. It could be refined but thats oka. Its just to show you how you could put all your images, sounds, etc etc etc. Into one file, then in your program only take out what u need.. So its harder for someone to steal your images, sounds.. etc etc etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Binary_Fil1602796182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Bryan Skopnik","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46279,"Title":"Yahoo! Chat (YCHT) Example","Description":"Demonstrates usage of the YCHT Protocol which is encapsulated (along with winsock) within a class module. All parsing of incoming packets and handling of outgoing packets are handled within the module itself and EventRaise's to return the data to a form which created an instance of it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is by-far complete and may have incorrect parsing of some packets (such as multiple friend status packets) due to lack of testing.\nBefore running the project make sure you've changed the \"Username\" and \"Password\" within the Form_Load Sub. Once connected you may test some commands from the TextBox at the bottom.\nExamples:\n/join The Bored Room:1\n/goto Coozzzzz\n/pm Coozzzzz Hello!\nThe GUI of the form is not good and is not meant to be. It's meant to demonstrate the uses of the class module and events raised by it.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Yahoo!_Cha1602836182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"coozzzzz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46281,"Title":"VB6 => VB5 Project File Key Filter","Description":"FINALLY! No one did it so I did it myself. This program removes any keys from VB6 project files that VB5 doesnt like and makes it so you can open it in VB5. You may think it's sad that I still use VB5, but it gets the job done. There are about four keys removed so far. If you want to add any or know of any others, please make the changes and e-mail me the key > I will re-upload the file. You can vote if you want to but it is more for the needy than for the points. :p\nInstructions:\nCompile the project (my one, not your one ;) )\nClick and drag your .vbp file onto the EXE\nIt's that simple!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB6_=__VB51602896192003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":">Hawk<","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46286,"Title":"HotKeys for TextBox","Description":"HotKey for TextBoxes in Form","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/HotKeys_fo1602936192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Abhijit Pal","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46289,"Title":"Multithread with VB6","Description":"VB6 multithreads,reason:since my latest article bounce?,IDKW, i'm bounce reback!\nSource code include FULL SOURCE CODE [component+asm+examples]+ REAL MULTITHREAD CHAT beetween 2 threads","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Multithrea1602956192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46294,"Title":"Unroll","Description":"Unroll a picture over the screen.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Aufrollen1603066192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Cyber Chris","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46426,"Title":"GetIcon","Description":"This application can be used get the associated icon of any .exe file\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GetIcon1605576252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mayur Kotlikar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46429,"Title":"Aqua Progress Bar","Description":"Aqua style progress bar for use in your applications. Includes option for 4 built in skins, and a custom user defined skin. Complete colour customisation, font selection etc. Votes appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003625533463597.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Aqua_Progr1605616252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":84,"AuthorName":"ByteForce UK","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46432,"Title":"InfoTree - Personal Information Organizer","Description":"The InfoTree lets you store and retrieve text data, and organize it as you wish. Features (many are color-coded) include:\n - Moving, copying, deleting (with or without all sub-branches) and sorting branches.\n - Exporting to Text File, Publishing as HTML List.\n - Add, Edit, Delete, Find, and Bold Text data.\n - Cross-linked (aliased) branches or nodes.\n - Password protected Nodes (hint: Use this on the parent of the node to be protected).\n - Automatic In-tree help and tree statistics.\nThis project was developed in an effort to understand LDAP tree structures. This app is NOT LDAP compliant, but uses similar philosophies to attain high-speed data storage and retrieval.\n","Inputs":"Keyboard Input","Assumes":"you'll need to add the following components to use InfoTree in your project (already referenced in this demo project): \n1) Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP3)\n (MSCOMCTL.OCX)\n2) Microsoft DAO 3.5 Object Library (or later)\n (DAO350.DLL)\nThe *Replace menu function has not yet been coded. After making this a 'stand-alone' application (it has been in use for nearly a year as part of a larger App), I noticed during testing that the print key actually sends the data you requested to InfoTree.txt on your desktop, then opens NotePad to view/print it.\n","CodeReturns":"Output to Screen, Text File, or HTML file.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20036251017581690.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/InfoTree_-1605666252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Richard Kipp","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46433,"Title":"Client/Server - Database Access","Description":"This is a Client - Server aplication using database. Server is connected with database. Client aplication can be used for sending messages to other registered (added in database) members, creating jobs, ... sending messages to server ... etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"When you download this and extract it onto your computer and start Server aplication, you may get a message \"Database not found\" .... just in program options set up location of database and use the program.\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003625111346167.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Client_Ser1605706252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Nermin Kajtazovic","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46441,"Title":"Advanced Auto Complete List Combo and List Boxs","Description":"This is a high class code article \ni never be stingy with vb lovers .\nI try and success to move the power of access to the power of vb .\nThe main features are :\n1) the sub can be used with combo box and list box controls.\n2) High performance.\n3) faster with huge lists.\n4) fully support of Delete and Backspace keys.\n5)Case Sensitive.\n6) of course few lines of code point to the purpose.\nTry it and tell me.\nIf you found this really advanced please be faithful and vote.\nThanks.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Said Sowiny","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46446,"Title":"A Complete Secure Login Program With User Management And Some Database Utilities","Description":"This project shows you how a user login to program and access menu based on his/her level. Program will display every possibility fails message whenever user failed try to login. The chances for login are only 3 times. After that, user must try again from begining. I also made a form to manage user account, that can be accessed only by user with level 'Admin'. Password field was encrypted in database. 'Admin' can manage all user accounts (add, edit, update, delete, change password, decrypt password, view user activity that saved in database, convert/transfer user activity data to log text file, and view that log text file). User can change his/her password. If user level is 'Operator' or 'Manager', he/she can only change his/her own password, but 'Admin', he can change all password user, and his too, of course. And I made menu to compact, repair, and backup database to manage your database performances. I use database Access97 password protected. I also made setting menu to change program setting (run program at startup - this will be occured if you had made an .exe file named 'LOGIN.exe', display screen saver if program idles in for a certain time, protect screen saver with user password, and don't show tips at startup. There is a 'Tips of Day' which display its data from text file. You can learn how to make a tips form and display the tips form or hide it at startup. The user activities that saved in database can be transfered to text file, and this log text file can be displayed from this program, too. So, user activities data can be transfered to text file, and you can delete the records from database. This will reduce your database file size. I made a screen saver form with analog clock. I used Thaha Husain's code to make the needle clock movement (just like a clock in your wall). Thanks to Husain for this code. Screen saver cannot be interrupted by 'Ctrl-Alt-Del', 'Alt-F4', 'Ctrl-Break', etc. Only active/current user can quit form screen saver. If user quit from this program, there will be an offers from program whether your computer would be shut down directly by program or not. Well, that's all I think. Hope it's very useful for you. Any comments, feedback, and votes would be appreciated. Thank you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This project shows you how a user login to program and access menu based on his/her level. Program will display every possibility fails message whenever user failed try to login. The chances for login are only 3 times. After that, user must try again from begining. I also made a form to manage user account, that can be accessed only by user with level 'Admin'. Password field was encrypted in database. 'Admin' can manage all user accounts (add, edit, update, delete, change password, decrypt password, view user activity that saved in database, convert/transfer user activity data to log text file, and view that log text file). User can change his/her password. If user level is 'Operator' or 'Manager', he/she can only change his/her own password, but 'Admin', he can change all password user, and his too, of course. And I made menu to compact, repair, and backup database to manage your database performances. I use database Access97 password protected. I also made setting menu to change program setting (run program at startup - this will be occured if you had made an .exe file named 'LOGIN.exe', display screen saver if program idles in for a certain time, protect screen saver with user password, and don't show tips at startup. There is a 'Tips of Day' which display its data from text file. You can learn how to make a tips form and display the tips form or hide it at startup. The user activities that saved in database can be transfered to text file, and this log text file can be displayed from this program, too. So, user activities data can be transfered to text file, and you can delete the records from database. This will reduce your database file size. I made a screen saver form with analog clock. I used Thaha Husain's code to make the needle clock movement (just like a clock in your wall). Thanks to Husain for this code. Screen saver cannot be interrupted by 'Ctrl-Alt-Del', 'Alt-F4', 'Ctrl-Break', etc. Only active/current user can quit form screen saver. If user quit from this program, there will be an offers from program whether your computer would be shut down directly by program or not. Well, that's all I think. Hope it's very useful for you. Any comments, feedback, and votes would be appreciated. Thank you.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003626425462291.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Complete1605936262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":109,"AuthorName":"Masino Sinaga","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46450,"Title":"Laser Ray Particle Effects","Description":"This code shows how to make infinite Particle Effects (Explosion,fire,snow,laser,smoke....) thanks to NemoX 3D engine.\nThe use of the particle Engine is very easy.\nNote that The code uses DirectX 8.1.\nLeave feedbacks.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20036261546303990.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Laser_Ray_1606066262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"polaris","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46596,"Title":"Connection Via the Telephone line.No internet or cable.Just the telephone line","Description":"Hello Sirs,Madams, homosexuals,bisexuals or moving Spirits.\n<br>\nThis article's purpose is to teach you how to connect with a remote system using your simple telephone line.No internet or special pc-cable required.If you have a telephone center with more than 4 lines you can make your pc a kind of \"ISP\".It's pretty simple.\nTo sum up it will let you connnect with your friend's pc and send and recieve data,files etc.\nImportant.\nRead the article before suing the included program.Also i know .There are things to add.You can format a nice feedback saying abput what is missing and i will add it.\nAlso i am gonna post a new article how to send commands to your mobile phone (send sms read sms,turn of ,get charge status,signal quality more...) using this control.\nI will return with more properties and commands!\nhave a nice reading.\nMy english suck.\nSincelrly him\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037258146708.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Connection160868722003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Steadler","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46598,"Title":"Song/Poem Assistant","Description":"This program searches through a list of words and tries to find words that sound similar to the one you are looking for, such as Light and Bright. Quite simple.\nKeywords: Wordlist, list character rhyme common controls\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037253133590.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Song_Poem_160870722003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Peter Rowan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46602,"Title":"Xp Frames , Xp List Box And XpTextBox (updated!)","Description":"Xp Frame,you can use it in 98/Me/XP. You can make your textboxes and listboxes to seems like XP textboxes and listboxes. just look at the screenshot.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200372925494026.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Xp_Frames_160883722003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"ali s","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46604,"Title":"PicToHTM","Description":"Picture to Html code!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PicToHTM160889722003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"lacasrac","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46609,"Title":"SlideShowCommando","Description":"the best slideshow prog out there. resizes image to screen (proportional), uses timer delay. NumPad navigation!. ul never need another slideshow program again!!!! (the hotkeys are the key!!!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037302235023.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SlideShowC160907732003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Steve Bailey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46611,"Title":"Xp Frames - XP Listbox,textbox,filelistbox (updated! ver3)","Description":"Xp Frame,you can use it in 98/Me/XP. You can make your textboxes and listboxes to seems like XP textboxes and listboxes.\nNow I fixed the crashing. And also a fixture code for FileListBox. just look at the screenshot","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037384864818.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Xp_Frames_160911732003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"ali s","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46617,"Title":"XP style ( Design Area & Project )","Description":"Of course you saw a lot of new Program Created with our Familiar VB6 but it have the XP Style for ex. (CuteFtp , ApiViewer 2003,..........etc), And u must have wondered how is that can be created and dreamt of creating similar one with XP Style, this tutorial will show you have to convert your tedious boring Project that have the old look into another one with XP style, Not only your project look but also the design Area will all be converted to XP look, included in that the properties window, Scroll for code, all of it. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003731048136477.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_style_(160920732003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"sherif rofael","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46932,"Title":"pscrotate","Description":"Hi,\nthis is my first posting peace of code.\nhope your enjoyed. this is a little basic graphics playing. the code is not commented, but it's very simple to understand ;-)\nif you don't want to rate (so not really important), \nplz leave any view comments (if you want)\n","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"compile and start","CodeReturns":"nothing","SideEffects":"none (hope so)","ApiDeclarations":"BitBlt","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/pscrotate1615057152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"BitBreaker","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46937,"Title":"An Encryptor Decryptor","Description":"This programm demonstrates a simple but useful encryption. Also has several channels (encryption modes). Random characters are added between the transformed original eltters..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Transforms each letter into another according to the ascii code. betwen each transformed letter, random characters are added. The file has an extantion of .coded ----- Thats all.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003716258524175.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/An_Encrypt1615537162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Michael Vainshtein","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46944,"Title":"AutoComplete Combo Control","Description":"This is an update to Dan Redding's code for an auto complete combobox. Ive just encapsulated it into a user control to make it a bit more portable from project to project.","Inputs":"it a combobox","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"some value","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AutoComple1615347152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mike Douglas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46948,"Title":"Window-SPY v 1.0","Description":"This Code is For Knowing the Class, Handle, DC, Caption and Parent of a particular window. This is Very Powerful Feature if you want to make Tweakers or want to change the appearance of your Windows.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003716016154168.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Window-SPY1615427162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Keral.C.Patel.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46951,"Title":"_A Simple Library Inventory System / Using ADO","Description":"Dear friend, Im Philip V. Naparan a 17 yr old programmer from Philippines and you can visit my website www.philipnaparan.cjb.net for more info about me.This program that i have been uploaded is a simple program that i have created in just 2 days. This program help more to those beginner in vb programming to introduce to them the basic concept of relational database using ADO.This program include the use of adodc control and database connection in runtime(not in design view). Download this and it will help you a lot. By the way dont for get to vote this program.Thank you, happy exploring it and GOD bless. ITOY GAWANG PINOY! *NOTE: THIS IS CODED FOR BEGINNERS ONLY..............","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003716135512133.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_A_Simple_1726623302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":29,"UserRatingTotal":132,"AuthorName":"Philip V. Naparan :-)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46955,"Title":"cADOTreeView (Initial Beta Release)","Description":"TreeView control is one of the most overlooked controls by developers for use in database applications to display picklists. This is mainly due to the lack of data binding and time required to code. This wrapper does it for you!\nIt simplifies the display of complex data relationships using ADO and the TreeView control. I've made it as generic and flexible as possible whilst significatly improving loading performance over manually coded methods. Features include:- \n --- Loading records on an \"as-needed\" basis when Nodes are expanded (includes optional control over the expanding of Nodes) - significatly reduces load time.\n --- Simple and complex data relationships with support for:-\n\ta). recursive record linking;\n\tb). many-2-one data relationships;\n\tc). one record can be displayed multiple times - each instance of the same record can be fully customised i.e. different images, colors, etc...;\n\td). unlimited data relationships and nesting levels.\n --- \"A pictures is worth a thousand words!\" - color coded ranges; Images as warning indicators; color coded regions, etc... Built-in automatic support for customisation of *ALL* Node display properties on a \"Per Record\" basis - NO MANUAL CODING REQUIRED! (Does not use the .Tag property of each Node - does anyone want this property automatically filled?)\n --- User defined sorting - uses the SQL \"ORDER BY\" clause instead of each Node's .Sort property\n --- Custom filter criterias\n --- Persistance of data relationships (with associated icons). This gives several benefits: - \n\ta). the defined relationship is portable and can be stored in the registry, as a resource, record in the database, or to disk (in-built function); \n\tb). Bind your database to the treeview control with only 3 lines of code when using a persisted data relationship!\n\tc). Can copy any part (or all) of data relationships between different instances using the .Contents property;\n\td). any modification to icons or filtering can be persisted allowing progmatic or user customisation between sessions &/or applications, users, etc...\n o ... Load-on-Demand (using its own wrapper class) is exposed for use with other non-ADO bound TreeView Controls within your application.\nIt's very easy to Use the wrapper - Define a data relationship, point to the Database, and then the wrapper will do the rest. \nThe zip file includes: all source codes, VBADOTree.Dll, Five (6) demonstration applications ranging from simple implementation of the Load-on-demand feature (non-ADO Demo) through to a complex inter-table relationship (9 tables) with recursive data structures, custom filter criterias, non-alphanumeric (custom user-defined) sorting, and conditional node properties.\nBoth the Wrapper DLL and demonstration applications are fully commented. Demonstration applications also include very detailed comments and notes on how the data binding and automatic SQL building actually works. This should make implementation in your own projects very easy.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200371675636461.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/cADOTreeVi1615637162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":190,"AuthorName":"Slider","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46956,"Title":"BackUp/CleanUp/Organize your VB project","Description":"Update:2/15/05 - This application will scan both VBP and VBG project files. It will copy or move all the files referenced in a project file(s) to a project folder of your choosing, either new or current, and update the project file(s) with the new file locations. User Options Include: - Leave your existing project intact by creating a new project folder to copy the files to, - Move all your project files to a new project folder, - Update your current project by copying all referenced files not currently in your projectΓÇÖs folder to your projectΓÇÖs folder, - Organizes your project files by placing them in separate sub-folders, - Copy or Move any sub-folders that are currently in your projectΓÇÖs folder, - Copy or Move any miscellaneous (non VB) files like graphics, databases, and sound files that are in the same folder as the project file(s), - Delete empty folders, - Copy only newer files, - Prompt before overwriting existing files.\nNo more submitting that perfect project to PSC, with high hopes, only to get e-mails back saying that your zipped project is missing files.\n \nThis project comes as a standard exe or a VB6 add-in. It also supports command line so that you can create a shortcut to this application and place it into your ΓÇ£Send ToΓÇ¥ folder, giving you the ability to open projects from Windows Explorer.\nThis is a complete project; meaning that error and data entry checks have been included along with warning messages and other user feedback. I have run extensive tests to make it as bug free as possible. Any comments or ideas for additional features would be greatly appreciated.\nPLEASE VIEW THE READ_ME FILE.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BackUp_Cle1853282152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46954,"Title":"A Converter for Binary, ASCII, Hex and Decimal","Description":"This code can convert to and from ASCII codes, decimal, hexadecimal, and binary.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"WAIT...\nI didn't make all of this code!\nI gathered some codes to learn myself, and to practice I made this little program.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200371655041807.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Converte1615587162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Jeroen van de Ven","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46958,"Title":"A 2D Asteroids Game","Description":"Smooth animation, excellent wire frame graphics, No BitBlt, DirectX or OpenGL. Pure VB.\nYou probably won't believe what a nice game you can make with VB. Very smooth vector-style graphics with unique pan & zoom functionality.\nThis game is not finished, but that's only because I am putting so much effort into the actual game play. It's certainly not your average Asteroids game. I will repost occasionally as I get more functionality completed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003719034385368.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Asteroids_1615857162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46962,"Title":"A 3D demonstartion - with ONLY STRAIGHT lines!!","Description":"A cute 3D demonstartion (with only straight lines (as says the title)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"No API.","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_demon1615987162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Michael Vainshtein","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47029,"Title":"Merlin The Blabber-Mouth 3 Prototype 1 (Check it out!)","Description":"This is Merlin The Blabber-Mouth 3. Please vote and send comments. The latest in a short line of software. In this software you can make Merlin do what ever you want with a simple 5 clicks of the mouse. lol. This is more advanced than before. Now you can open files and Merlin will read them. So check it out. Please vote and send comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003719131727123.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Merlin_The1617457192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Orly Leiva","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47030,"Title":"Matt's Multiplier","Description":"My son was having problems with his multiplication tables, so I wrote this using what was available in the VB 6 Pro version. He enjoys it and is learning! This application drills multiplication tables. The user can practice and then take timed tests. Wrong answers and problems are saved to be retried. Last score and high score are displayed. User can pick individual tables.\nCode Examples for:\nGetSetting()\nSaveSetting()\nTimer()\nReDim\nShow Helpfile Index from Menu\nShow Initial Splash that can be turned off\nI know this is not rocket science, but I enjoyed writing the code and learning as I did.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003719144261151.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Matt's_Mul1617467192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Paul D","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47034,"Title":"Games and Graphics","Description":"A toolkit w/300+ page manual for designing advanced arcade style 2D/3D/ISOmetric DirectX games. May be redistributed free despite what is in documentation.\nFREE DirectX Graphical VisualBasic Game Design Manual and Library.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Must have DirectX7 or better installed on target machine.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Requires DirectX 7 or better. Must include project reference to the Visual Basic DirectX 7 Type library.","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037261227157750.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Games_and_1617537192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":115,"AuthorName":"Tim Harpur","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47046,"Title":"[A++] Java Button-Maker","Description":"This is the first time I'm releasing the source of one of my commercial applications! I wasn't been able to stay with all the competitors, so I've made my program free and release the source! Enjoy and don't forget to vote if you like it!\n Thanks!\n \n Free Java Web Button creates Java applet buttons for the Web without requiring any Java or HTML programming. The program can create several buttons on one applet (even one on top of another), which can also include images and text labels for all three states: up, mouse-over, and down. You can also attach sounds to your buttons\n using the Wav2Au program (included free as a bonus), which converts WAV files to AU files. You can change button colors, position elements on the screen, set the height and width of objects, add links and target URLs, adjust the font, and more. \n Free Java Web Button is flexible and easy to use and can produce highly professional results.\nBinary can be downloaded from here:\nhttp://www.emu8086.com/wb/\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003720331331291.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Java_Butto1617707202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47055,"Title":"RGB Colour Wheel","Description":"You may never again want to use VB's internal RGB function, after seeing how much simpler and better this HSV function is. Use the full colour spectrum in new and exciting ways, that are simply difficult (if not impossible) using VB's internal RGB function. It saddens me to realize that Microsoft programmers could have easily placed this routine into VB, but didn't. I wonder if this functionality is even in .NET yet? Anyone?","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003721114595792.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RGB_Colour1618447212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47064,"Title":"Make thumbnails with aspect ratio!","Description":"This will make thumbnails of all images in a directory. You can choose the size on the thumbnails and they will keep aspect ratio.\nA viewer is also included!\nPlease vote or leave a comment!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037201655395845.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Make_thumb1617937202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Johannes B","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47041,"Title":"Periodic Table X26","Description":"A Periodic table that displays 26 attributes per element using a label array.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Another Periodic Table - this one has 26 attributes per element. The selection and display routines are compact enough. The Load arrays routines proved that you can only get 64K of code into one subroutine (who knew that?). Although spread out, the Load Arrays routine shortened the manual data inputing to a mere 10 hours. Still there has to be a more compact way to load arrays?","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003719235820189.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Periodic_T1618027212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Vic Richardson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47068,"Title":"m2 3d polygon engine","Description":"A 3D engine in VB, using polygon drawing on a form. Not as fast as DirectX, no textures, and probably not good for a game, but still fast enough to make an interesting screensaver.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"to use the 3d engine, must understand 3d space coordinates, and simple stuff like loops / function calling","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"polygon, bitblt","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037202233586116.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/m2_3d_poly1618007202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"michael fiiigggg","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44011,"Title":"Multi-User TCP/IP WinSock Server Example /w max user limit & broadcast function.","Description":"A mutli-user tcp/ip winsock server that features a max user limit & broadcast function.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Please note when making a client for this the server broadcasts whatever it recieves.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033141749461439.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Multi-User1559383142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"James J. Kelly Jr.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44019,"Title":"ListBoxHScroll class (update)","Description":"A utility class for adding/hiding the horizontal scroll bar in the ListBox control dynamically taking into account its font (using the IFont interface). The code uses the SendMessage API function to add a horizontal scroll bar dynamically to a list box using the LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT message. To precisely calculate the width of a new item, our class uses the DrawText API function with the DT_CALCRECT flag. Draw attention at the fact that our class works properly if you change the font of the listbox as you want. We use the IFont interface and its hFont property to retrieve the handle of the font used in the listbox. Our class can also calculate the minimum width of the list box when the horizontal scroll bar disappears (it takes into account the visibility of the vertical scroll bar in the listbox; it determines whether this scroll bar is present by retrieving the listbox style flags and testing these set of flags for WS_VSCROLL).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003315639469938.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ListBoxHSc1559693152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"10Tec Company","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44020,"Title":"Banner popup for your applications","Description":"Would you like to attach popup banner to your application using Timer and Resource file. Good way to promote your application and the others software that you have developed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Banner_pop1559703152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Far├¿s Hanini","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44015,"Title":"[ CrossOver ] v2.0.0 - updated (08/dec/03) mp3,wma,wav player with fade in/out, skin, lang...","Description":"[ CrossOver ] - mp3/wma/wav player with fade in/out, skin, languages, list, Pc shutdown (after a given time if your Pc is ATX) ,repeat song/list, randomize list, search song (press j,like WinAmp), more downloadable skins and languages, aux list (this is new feature), elapsed time ,remaining time, total playlist time, on air track, coming track , and more ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033142326548941.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_CrossOve1681561282003.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Toth Arpad","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44023,"Title":"Winsock Single Socket Tutorial With Buffer","Description":"This is the next version of my Winsock tutorial for my friend, this time it includes a buffer upon request.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_Si1559943152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Craig Brooking","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44025,"Title":"WinCtrl 1.0 - Don't spend ages with Windows API calls - Replace long winded code with one command","Description":"Replaces long API Calls ( for windows functions) with simple commands. Don't spend ages with Windows API calls - Replace long winded code with one command.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Read readme.txt and howtouse.htm (in the web folder) to learn how to use WinCtrl 1.0","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/WinCtrl_1_1559973152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Tom Hendriks","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44032,"Title":"Fullscreen, Realtime fire!!","Description":"Well, it has been a while since I posted anything on here. I finally rewrote some of the code to my previous fire examples and managed to increase the speed of the program by roughly 40-50%. This has allowed me to create a fullscreen effect WITHOUT using DirectX. I did use DirectX just to change the screen resolution, so you will need DirectX to run this. I really hope you enjoy this. Please read the README FIRST file before compiling. This should answer a lot of your questions. The program is currently set to run in 32-bit color, but you can change it to 16-bit if you have problems (constant at beginning of code). 16-bit runs faster. Also, please come back and vote or at least tell me what you think. If you let the fire run for a little while, it will look better. So don't just run it for a second and quit. I may eventually write this in DirectX which should be even faster than this. You need the .pal files in the same directory as the exe. (They hold the colors to use) If there is enough demand, I may release code that will generate these for you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Make sure you read the README FIRST.txt before compiling the code.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None known","ApiDeclarations":"Several, look in the code.","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033151753177118.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fullscreen1560113152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Odin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44033,"Title":"MATRIX Textbox","Description":"I made this textbox because I couldnt find another one that had a custom scrollbar on it... Please enjoy and rate!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003315182213205.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MATRIX_Tex1560123152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44037,"Title":"Sound Amplitude Modulation","Description":"Visual Sound Amplitude Modulation.\nAn example of determining amplitude whilst playing and processing a sound file buffer using and instance of DirectX 8's DirectSound8 class.\nAmplitude modulation is displayed by use of a Slider Active-X Control, and by displaying a sequence of images whose image reflects the current amplitutde of the sample being processed.\nThis project was requested by PSCode user: Maxwolf. The 'Devil' character images are property of his company, when he requested the project he also transmitted these image files to me so that I could incorporate these images in the example. You may not re-use these images in you're own application without his written consent. If you wish to contact 'Maxwolf', you may do so via e-mail: maxwolf@columbus.rr.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003315207312497.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Sound_Ampl1560173152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Alex Smoljanovic","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44040,"Title":"A very useful visual guide to use databases - Part I","Description":"It is a great visual tutorial to learn about Databases in Visual Basic.\nThis is the part I because i couldn't upload the zip file. Please download part II at http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=44042&lngWId=1.\nThis is not a simple tutorial, it have steps by step and with every step have a photoscreen to guide you\nWith it you can learn:\n- How to link an Access database to VB\n- How to view the database in labels\n- How to create, delete and edit the differents register\n- How to make a filter (search engine) of strings, number and Dates\n- How to resolve common problems with DB\n- How to show the database in a sheet like Excel (Datagrid control)\n- How you can manipulate the DB with the Ado Control invisible\n- How to specify a format for a type of data like \"$ 23.80\" or \"23/sep/2003\"\n- and much more...\nAlso have a very good example divided in VB in three parts:\n1- View, add and edit DB\n2- Find in DB\n3- Non visible Ado Control with Datagrid control\nI recomend it for beginner or newbies in DB and also for that who want to make better","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033152243432716.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_very_use1560233152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":36,"UserRatingTotal":173,"AuthorName":"Santiago F.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44042,"Title":"A very useful visual guide to use databases - Part II","Description":"Please download part I at http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=44040&lngWId=1. \nI'm sorry but i can't load the zip file in one.\nIt is a great visual tutorial to learn about Databases in Visual Basic.\nThis is not a simple tutorial, it have steps by step and with every step have a photoscreen to guide you\nWith it you can learn:\n- How to link an Access database to VB\n- How to view the database in labels\n- How to create, delete and edit the differents register\n- How to make a filter (search engine) of strings, number and Dates\n- How to resolve common problems with DB\n- How to show the database in a sheet like Excel (Datagrid control)\n- How you can manipulate the DB with the Ado Control invisible\n- How to specify a format for a type of data like \"$ 23.80\" or \"23/sep/2003\"\n- and much more...\nAlso have a very good example divided in VB in three parts:\n1- View, add and edit DB\n2- Find in DB\n3- Non visible Ado Control with Datagrid control\nI recomend it for beginner or newbies in DB and also for that who want to make better","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033152316265581.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_very_use1560243152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":71,"AuthorName":"Santiago F.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44043,"Title":"The API-only way to create programs","Description":"In some aspects it is better to program in VC++ than in VB, but these languages for sure have one thing in common - the access to the API functions. A VC++ programmer does subclassing all the time, while for the VB programmer this word sounds like the hell on earth. Well, see for yourself how you can create a functional program based on API functions and subclassing procedures, where all the controls, including the parent form, are created on-the-fly.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Do not use the End button of the IDE","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033161439334.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/The_API-on1560253162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Viktor E","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":44045,"Title":"Change Folder Icon","Description":"This is a simple program that changes the icon of any folders","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Change_Fpl1560283162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Priyan R","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46633,"Title":"_P2P Pro_ (Chat & Send Files)","Description":"This was a freeware program that I had on my website; but eventually removed it. It allows two users to chat and send files (of any size). This is a stand-alone application, meaning there are not two programs (client and server). The client and server are both built in to the same application. The screenshot shows the main chat window, and the \"receiving file\" window. It says the file transfer is going over 3 MB/sec, that is because I was sending it locally (to myself). Over a cable connection, the files usually send about 50-60 KB/s.\nThe help section and \"bug reporting\" do not work because I no longer have that content on my website; but everything else should work. I spent some time on this, so please take a few seconds to leave a comment. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037405212234.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_P2P_Pro__160946742003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":124,"AuthorName":"Daniel W. Elkins","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46635,"Title":"[Simple] Map Editor","Description":"This loads/edits/saves .map files for use in tile games. Comes with some sample maps. Also comes with a great tileset.\nI hope you all enjoy it.\nFeedback please~!\nAnd... a thanks to Electroman for helping me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200374117459753.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Map_Editor160954742003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":47,"AuthorName":"Nick Meuir","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46639,"Title":"Lock your Executables","Description":"Password protect ANY executable file (.exe). This program allows you to put a password on a program so that everyone has to enter the correct password when it starts up. It will not let anyone run the program without the password. It is simple to use, and you don't even have to have the source code of the program you want to protect.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Lock_your_160967742003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Craig Bonathan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46640,"Title":"ucCoolList 1.3 (Long scroll support)","Description":"This is in response to a request. Nothing new, only a little addition: long scroll support. __________________________________________________ Zip 19Kb\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003714116227758.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ucCoolList161054762003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46647,"Title":"Weather Grabber 4 - Updated","Description":"4/16/04 Updated Forecast coding, resized radar to proper size - Here is the original description:\nWeather Grabber is a replica of Weather.com's \"Desktop Weather\" or AWS's \"Weather Bug\". It uses data gathered from Weather.com and lets the user have instant access to weather information. The program runs in the background as an icon in your system tray, and will download new data regularly to ensure up-to-date information. The icon in the system tray is the outside temperature, like the \"Weather Bug\". Weather Grabber is fully customizable, including the background (14 different are included), font color, and the ability to can change the interval in which it refreshes the data (or stop it from refreshing). Small pictures that go along with the current weather (such as the sun, clouds, rain, etc.) will automatically be downloaded from Weather.com when needed, and will be saved in the program's directory to avoid downloading them again. The interface displays information about the weather, such as the temperature, wind, humidity, etc., along with a radar which can be instantly enlarged or animated at a click of the mouse. A Quick Forecast, a Detailed Forecast, and Weather Alerts are also available by clicking on buttons on the program's main screen. If a new Weather Alert is issued, a small window will appear for 5 seconds in the corner of the screen notifying the user of it. \nIn this version, minimal error handling has been implemented. I have tested the program with various zip codes, and have found that it is stable regardless of this. If you do find a bug, please tell me so I can fix it. I hope you find this program useful - Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039251540256349.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Weather_Gr1734204162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Burbble","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46648,"Title":"uSc_AVI_Info","Description":"[1.1] This project read informatons from an AVI file. It reads codec info, length, resolution, fps, bps........... even file tags!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/uSc_AVI_In1617327192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"uScream","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46649,"Title":"Print Report to Text File and Printer","Description":"This project shows how we can print a very simple report to text file using RichTextBox control and to printer. The report contains simple information with quantity and sum of item per page, the sum of money per page, and total of sum of money in the end of report. User can select category to display the report. User also can change the number of record would be displayed in the screen/printer, and can change which printer will be used in combobox. The selected printer is the default installed printer in your computer. Including functions to adjust text-alignment in the report. This is very useful for you who want to print a simple report with many record to your screen and to your printer, without using the third party activex control. Any comments, feedback, and votes would be truly appriciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This project shows how we can print a very simple report to text file using RichTextBox control and to printer. The report contains simple information with quantity and sum of item per page, the sum of money per page, and total of sum of money in the end of report. User can select category to display the report. User also can change the number of record would be displayed in the screen/printer, and can change which printer will be used in combobox. The selected printer is the default installed printer in your computer. Including functions to adjust text-alignment in the report. This is very useful for you who want to print a simple report with many record to your screen and to your printer, without using the third party activex control. Any comments, feedback, and votes would be truly appriciated.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003742229372070.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Print_Repo160984742003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Masino Sinaga","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46644,"Title":"VB-XML","Description":"If you think DBMS is an Overkill.Try this!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB-XML160976742003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rahul Ramakrishnan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46652,"Title":"XP-Style","Description":"This Application is a manifest maker. It allows you to use Windows XP visual style on your application after you have created them (Windows XP buttons, checkboxes, Option Buttons and etc) and adds your program to registry to use compatibility mode of windows 2000 in order to use XP style with no problem. The restore function is available so you can restore the applications to their original style. It also creates and deletes manifest file for itself so that you can't find the manifest file. Make the EXE file yourself cause if you don't an error will come up! Also I have updated it","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200373015534593.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP-Style162424852003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Hom","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46658,"Title":"Naughtz V1.1","Description":"An update to Naughtz V1. Naughtz is a naughts and crosses game with a difference. Firstly, you can create, load and save your own board layouts. Secondly, there are UFOs which take or place naughts and crosses in random locations (only if you want them to).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200375944472487.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Naughtz_V1161008752003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Craig Bonathan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46660,"Title":"ucCanvas 2.0 - High-quality image previewing","Description":"ucCanvas2 user control: High-quality image previewing (w/ zooming+scrolling) through GDI+.\nIf you don't have XP or Win2k SP3 then you must install GDI+ dll: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?releaseid=32738. __________________________________________________ Zip 11Kb","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003751246583230.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ucCanvas_21763036282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46662,"Title":"Enable-It","Description":"Enable It, enables or disables windows or objects in windows-applications, i.e. Buttons, tick boxes text boxes, ΓǪ I used it to crack / unlock options in some Evaluation software I was testing, and also find some interesting weaknesses in a lot of registration or password protected installations, it works most of the time depending on the object type and underlying code, although this is not a crack, it demonstrates the EnableWindow API call, and teaches us to be careful when creating our installations.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Be careful not to disable VB, windows desktop or anything to do with the application its self.","ApiDeclarations":"Enables or disables windows or objects in windows-applications using EnableWindow API","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003762138493144.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Enable-It161057762003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Peter Gransden","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46665,"Title":"Region Maker: Create, Save and Load the appearance of your forms!","Description":"Region Maker is an extremely useful and powerful tool that can completely re-shape forms. See the screenshot for an example. Both tool and module allow you to create a window shaped to your desire from a bitmap image, save the data, and re-use it later. All you have to do is create the region data file, which the module or tool does for you, and then call two functions within your program to change what your window looks like completely. All unwanted areas become transparent so you can make all of your programs look the way YOU want them to!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003751546451405.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Region_Mak161023752003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Craig Bonathan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49316,"Title":"A 34 Graphical Related API Tutorial","Description":"Finally, I completed a tutorial which teaches you how to use the 34 API related with graphic. You will learn how to use these APIs through detailed information about the API and source code that shows how to use the API. You will not be disapointed if you download this tutorial. Leave comments and vote for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310202253182379.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_34_Graph16603910182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49319,"Title":"Folder Security","Description":"This is a application to hide your folders from unauthorized access. The hidden folder can be un-protected in just a mouse click. A password can also be assigned to this application. This program is one of my favourites.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Folder_Sec16604510182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Dipankar Basu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49322,"Title":"Mac adress hacker","Description":"This document here will teach you how you can change your net adapter mac adress !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031018115421131.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mac_adress16605010182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49326,"Title":"Browse For Folder Version 3 Final","Description":"Browse For Folder, \nnow work in all version of windows 98/ME/2000/XP\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":231,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310181314111728.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Serge Lachapelle","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49330,"Title":"New! Skingen! Make transparent forms the right way!","Description":"Skingen loads a bitmap and makes a form transparent. See screenshot.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You may freely distribute this.\nPlease however include credits to Backwoods\nInteractive for the 'Skingen Engine'.\nThis engine is free for non-commercial and\ncommercial use however you may not charge\nfor the Skingen source code.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031018164328672.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/New!_Sking16605710182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James J. Kelly Jr.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49332,"Title":"AVI, MP3, WMA, Ogg, Midi, and more player!","Description":"This program allows you to play audio and video files in various formats, including MP3, Ogg, WAV, WMA, AVI, and more. It uses DirectShow, and doesn't require any DLL's or custom OCX's.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003101821244645.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AVI__MP3__16606110182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Kamilche","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49342,"Title":"Abware automatic error handling tool","Description":"Abware automatic error handling tool. This is the new version of my well known 'Automatic \nerror handling tool'. the amount of downloads and the grades you gave it, encourage me to \nupgrade the tool and share it with you guys. The latest tool has all the functions of the \nlast one including some bug fixes, MUCH better GUI, faster algorithms. You can brows for a \nVBP project and the tool automaticaly finds all its modules and functions and if you like \nit will insert error handling code automaticaly to all the functions you selected. there is \n a color view of the code before and after the changes and only by pressing the 'TRANSFER' \nbutton will commit your action. additionaly, you can view the code interface which is the \nfunction declaration with the remarks but with out the code so you have good view of the \nfunctionality of the module. The tool also inserts a centeral error handling function to \ndeal with all the errors. I used this tool in a very big projects (100+ ctls, 100+ forms, \n50+ modules) and it worked lighting fast. In return to sharing you this tool, i only ask \nyou to report bugs if you find'em. Thank u very much. Adi barda israel.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031020540146323.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Abware_aut16610610202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"ADI BARDA","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49346,"Title":"Gradient Progress Bar Demo","Description":"This is a gradient progress bar demo using custom activex control. There are six colors altogether : blue, green, grey, purple, red and yellow. Each color comes from different control. If you want a custom gradient progress bar in your project, this is the best solution for you. Leave comments please. Also, please put some globes for my work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310201019578669.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Gradient_P16611610202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43349,"Title":"Sync Folders from Server","Description":"This will copy folders from one location to another continuously checking if there are new folders created on the server and checking the last date accessed for the server location to copy to the local computer or other location. This is setup for no user input and will run until it is killed by the Task Manager.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Hard code in your locations or you can wrap it in a form to specify the locations needed. This is currently being used to copy numeric folders, but can be modified to use named folders as well.\nI hope you like it! Please commment!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"It will take up a little memory when running, but should reset after it gets through each overall loop.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":35,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"JFV","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43350,"Title":"screen saver mega tutorial","Description":"This is a screen saver tutorial. I just explained a detail note on how to make screen saver using visual basic. You can make a real life nice screen saver application using visual basic. Just explained you everything. And also how to make flash work for you for your screen saver in VB. There are two examples with source code too. Please don't forget to vote for me or comment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/screen_sav1546952192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"somdutt ganguly","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":28456,"Title":"Thumb DB 1.5","Description":"New features: Multiple databases, sub-categories, move/copy thumbnails between categories, better GUI... __________________________________________________ Revised: 2003.02.19","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20011027162341969.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Thumb_DB_115470121920.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":89,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":28459,"Title":"RayCasting","Description":"NEW UPDATE HERE! CHECK README.TXT FOR DETAILED INFO!\nThis is a simple example of how to \"ray-cast\"!\nIt's a very simple techinc, when you get to understand it.\nThis is how good old DOOM and WOLFENSTEIN 3D is made, they\nalso used ray-casting/ray-tracing. So they are not really\n3D-games, just simulated 3D!!\nYou don't have to have a very good computer to run this.\nAnd NO 3d-card is needed, altough it might make it run faster!\nI've seen so many examples of raycasting, but I didn't find\nanyone that runs fast on my computer, at least not made in VB!\nSo I decided I'd make one, that isn't really that complex just to\nshow how it's done!! :o)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RayCasting3317711420.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Robin M. S├╢dergren","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":43361,"Title":"Lines Manipulations (No Api or ActiveX)","Description":"With this you can Read Lines (from a textbox and a string), Set Line Number, Get Line Number, Columns, etc. from a TextBox. This is very usefull, seems n00b but it isn't. Please Vote!!","Inputs":"With this you can Read Lines (from a textbox and a string), Set Line Number, Get Line Number, Columns, etc. from a TextBox. This is very usefull, seems n00b but it isn't. Please Vote!!","Assumes":"With this you can Read Lines (from a textbox and a string), Set Line Number, Get Line Number, Columns, etc. from a TextBox. This is very usefull, seems n00b but it isn't. Please Vote!!","CodeReturns":"With this you can Read Lines (from a textbox and a string), Set Line Number, Get Line Number, Columns, etc. from a TextBox. This is very usefull, seems n00b but it isn't. Please Vote!!","SideEffects":"With this you can Read Lines (from a textbox and a string), Set Line Number, Get Line Number, Columns, etc. from a TextBox. This is very usefull, seems n00b but it isn't. Please Vote!!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Lines_Mani1547492202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"[[.DarkSouL.]]","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43363,"Title":"Access Database Look Up Login Screen","Description":"Login screen that looks into an Access Database which stores the user names and passwords and verifies them and acts as a normal login screen!!!\nMade in VB6 Please Vote!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032192118176592.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Access_Dat1547202192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Timothy E. Mertz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43364,"Title":"Create your own scripting language -----example-----","Description":"This is an example program using commands from my articles. Check it out!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Create_you1547212192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Faero","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43373,"Title":"BROWSER LOADED WITH FEATURES","Description":"Not just any old web browser. I have yet to find a web browser on here that I would consider using above Internet Explorer. I believe that I have created one. This is my first submission to planet source code, simply because I see alot of garbage on here and I did not want to pollute this site with anything less than decent code. My browser supports favorites connecting to an access database. There are 4 options for your homepage, last saved page, current page, type in an URL, or a feature that I added to choose a random page from your list of favorites. Each user will login and have their on favorites saved for them along with their settings. My browser also supports history, blocking pop-ups, plus other features. I also demonstrate form manipulation and error handling. Please vote and leave me some feedback, this is my first submission and will submit more if everyone likes this. You will need msflxgrd.ocx, but I believe that is a standard issue to all versions of VB. I included it in the zip, but I think planet source code will delete it. My name is Ken so I titled the browser appropriately as KenScape Navigator.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/BROWSER_LO1547432202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Ken Huber","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43375,"Title":"_A Supreme Window API Tutorial Part 2 ****","Description":"This continued version deals with the problem of \"multiple textboxes (and other controls) on one window!\" Yes, it can be troubling to try to retrieve info from one textbox and get data from another. Fear not, I know how to fix it. If you read my first tutorial, then you know about the FindWindowEx api, and how I claimed that \"no one used the second hwnd parameter.\" Well, that parameter is actually how you access multiple controls on a window (I wasn't informed about it before, but I started c++ and now API is the only way to do things, so I am much more comfortable!). Check it out! KEYWORDS: FindWindow FindWindowEX findwindow findwindowex FINDWINDOW FINDWINDOWEX Multiple multiple Controls controls API api Api Continued continued Many MANY WINDOW window SendMessage SENDMESSAGE WM_GETTEXT Jaime Muscatelli","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032201253326222.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Supreme_1548602222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"Jaime Muscatelli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43379,"Title":"Auto Surfer (Internet) Auto Surf in a Explorer Window Without Interruption","Description":"No Need to Surf Internet From a List of Urls This will help you here. You Can Set List and Get A Window For Autosurfing. it will automatic autosurf in that window .Adjust to Save Offline Web Pages and then No Need to view or do anything just surf yourside and it will surf itself. Ver Cool By Ajay Kumar Sudhera","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Auto_Surfe1547502202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ajay kumar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":57912,"Title":"Replacing your VB Splash Screen","Description":"This article shows you how to replace your boring old Visual Basic Splash screen with a new, cooler one! Diagrams, tool links and step-by-step how-to's. Comment and vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041226647472389.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Replacing_18334012262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Grayda","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57915,"Title":"Msn Bug 2!","Description":"Hello, this is the coolest msn tweak ever made! You send it to the person and they open it.. It will run in the background of their computer quietely and every 20 seconds it will change their msn name to \"I Am Gay\", \"I Am Homo!\", \"I got My Dad For Christmas!\".. It is basically pointless but they think that there is a hacker in their computer! I use it on everyone and they get real scared :)... lol, use the code freely!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Msn_Bug_2!18335312262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jamie C","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57917,"Title":"MySkin V1.02 UPDATED Preview","Description":"Recently I noticed a few submissions without all their source code, one in particular caught my eye, ESEE VB FORM SKIN, there was no source code to the DLL, so I set about making my own simple version, here is the result, please note I have only spent about 2 hours on this, and its not that advanced as ESEE VB FORM SKIN, but it is complete source. There is a simple test app as well, please read the ReadMe file included though!\nThanks.\nUPDATED: 02 JAN 2004 PLEASE READ THE README FOR MORE INFORMATION!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"One or two!","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041226233563547.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MySkin_V1_183532112005.02 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Wilksey!","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57943,"Title":"Tweak Machine V2.2 Beta","Description":"Tweak Machine - Version 2.2 Beta (compatable with all Windows versions). This application consists of highly graphical detail of configuring or changing the system registry for security purposes. It would come to use for networking or home computers. Have you seen that these programs cost lots of money, well this program is free to use. To stop unauthorised users trying to change the registry this program is password protected with a extreme encoding process and have the capability of changing the password. If you are not familiar with the registry do not try and change it your self because it could crash the system. This uses high-tech xp style buttons. This also has four user-controls textbox, checkbox, frame and xp button. The checkbox is a fully animated button, when you click it, it changes the image. It is composed of two screens which are accessable by pressing one of the buttons on the bottom-left of the screen as shown in the screenshot. I would like to address that I am not responable for any system crashes or failures. You are able to; hide the Control Panel Applets, Remove Programs, hide drives and many more. One control that is highly used is Dont Display Last User logged on. I have included the two fonts that are in the image (both are GTA fonts). This is an update version of my last upload correcting errors and adding more controls. I hope you like it. (PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041228143357873.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tweak_Mach18340912282004_2.Beta ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Craig Phillips","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57946,"Title":"[Multishoot] - UDP Multiplayer Shooter","Description":"This is a multiplayer game in UDP Winsock, i use BitBlt to make it nicer. You have two animated characters going around shooting each other - that means bullets, mines, walls... The code itself is very flexible, its very easy to modify the map, only move rectangles around the form, or add some more, or erase some... I tried to pack in it the most useful features that you would need for Winsock programming... And how to use winsock to your advantage.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412281919438493.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Multishoo18341212282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mephisto","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57949,"Title":"DNS Browser","Description":"Project Description: This project was originally intended to be a way for\nme to access the internet at my workstation in college because they had\ndisabled DNS and I had to find a way around this. So I decided to make a\nbrowser that would get the IP address for the DNS and would place it in a\ndatabase which the browser would search through to decide where to navigate.\nWell, after spending over two months working on it I've added many different\nfeatures and a lot of code that I think many people will find useful.\nNOTED FEATURES -\n1. Fully functional web browser which can be set to DNS or Normal Browsing Mode.\n2. Fully functional FTP client included.\n3. A whoIs client that is fully functional and includes 6 servers.\n4. Implemented own \"favorites\" system which isn't very good but oh well, lol.\n5. Implementation of many additional features for browser such as \"style changing\"\nfor people who cannot read well and extracting links, emails, or image urls.\n6. Implementation of pop-up blocker as well as a feature to filter website content.\n7. Some features you will have to find on your own because I never got around to\nmaking a help file or anything for this. So just search through the code and see\nwhat you can find. Notably, check the form keypress section.\n8. PASSWORD FOR FILTERING IN BROWSER OPTIONS IS (CASE-SENSITIVE): \"admin\"\n9. Also included is the feature to block ad-banners and ad-text but must be uncommented\nto be active. I didn't have the time to include it in the options.\nBUGS: There are MANY bugs in this program as you might imagine because the code is\nquite large (over 120 pages when pasted in Microsoft Word). So please just tell me\nif you find any bugs but please don't criticize me for them. Note that I grabbed a\nfew things from PSC and have noted it below.\nNOTED UNFINISHED WORK: (1) FTP is fully functional but the file listing does not\nalways work properly and I never got around to finishing that. (2) The \"clean-up\" bit\nin the Browser Options was never completed and little features like the (3) updating\nbrowser weekly and (4) backing up files weekly was never fully completed. (5) I was\nintending on creating a mini-chat application between browser users but never got\naround to even starting it. (6) Adding whois servers has not yet been included. (7)\nWas going to add a history feature but never got around to that either. Wow, so many\nthings, lol.\nCREDITS: I give credit to whoever's code the Alpha Transparancy is as I did not make\nthat. I also give credit to the person who provided the \"isButton\" control as I also\ndid not write that. And finally I give credit to the person who provided the .RES\nfor the XP Manifest code.\nExtra Comments: This is my second largest project I've made and I've spent about\ntwo months or so working on it so I hope you appreciate me distributing\nthis code. So before you close this program and go onto doing whatever else\nyou do, please vote for me!\nCONTACT: Email - SeoulxKorean@yahoo.com AIM - xAznHangukBoix","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412281944192636.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DNS_Browse18346512302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Daniel M","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57961,"Title":"Swf To Exe","Description":"Extracts and plays a flash movie from a resource file. Another example of how the very simplest application can be fun.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041229934321595.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Swf_To_Exe18342412292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"D.W.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57972,"Title":"XP Style Button 2","Description":"This is the 2nd version of the XP Style Button. Have a look at the Screenshot. What you see is what you get. It even brings the look and feel of XP to 9x. \nThe color of the gravel surface can be selected from properties or during runtime.\nYou can select a MouseOver color, a MouseOverFrame color or hide one of them if you select the same color. \nThe edges are round on any background.\nPlease send me your feedback for improvements","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"quite a few","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041229154401572.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Style_B18343012292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"L. Kobarg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":46311,"Title":"Game: WHICHword?","Description":"Knock-off of MSN's WHATword game. Caution: can be addicting. Enjoy. The multi-thousand word dictionary, sounds & needed graphics will be installed from the included .res file. Updates uploaded 22 Jun/1925 to include Hall of Fame & minor tweaks to random letter generator routine & updated help file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200362009521252.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Game__WHIC1604556222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46314,"Title":"__RoutineBuilder v2.5","Description":"vbRoutineBuilder 2.5\nFirst off this code started with Kurt J. Tischer's first \nhttp://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=40345&lngWId=1\nRoutine Builder project and has since taken off from there.\nHopefully, this will save you a lot of repetitive typing and make your code more uniform and readible. This is actually an improvement on the first authors code that I thought was a great VB Addin. The previous submission by Kurt J. Tischer fail short in its attempt to fully automate the writing of functions for each Routine.\n Enjoy.","Inputs":"This is a VB6 Subroutine and Function Builder Add-In. It's pretty robust and offers data/return type selection (will automatically select data/return types if you used standard prefixes for your arguments e.g. i; integer; obj; object, sng/sgl; single, etc.), optional argument + default value, error handling (On Error Resume Next, Goto Handler, Goto RoutineNameErr, Display or Raise + write to log file. The interface is locked down tight, too. As far as I can tell, no control is enabled or disabled before/after its time. Try it! I've updated this thing to include the actual routine text. \nIt will automagically check for available code panes when trying to use the Routine Builder in the Form editor or when there are no code panes open. \nIt also checks all VBProjects and all VBComponents for routines, variables, constants, events, and properties of the same name. If one is found, is displays message to user which Project, Component, Member was found, plus Scope and Type of Member.\nI myself fixed a couple of errant bugs:\n\t1. The \"Ok\" button isn't set as default so us poor keyboard orientated folks need to take our hand off the keyboard to click \"Ok\"\n2. The Text1.Text field in the last tab is set to \"Text1\" so when the routine is dumped to the code pane it has \"Text1\" in the middle.\n3. If you specify the \"Routine Type\" as \"Function\" but don't specify the \"Return Type\" the function declaration has an \"As\" statement tacked on the end with nothing behind it. This causes a syntax error within the VB IDE.\nThose and a few others that were useful to me.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200362025212051.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/__vbRoutin1603456202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Crss B0NES","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46315,"Title":"DrawColorBorder to any window","Description":"draws a custom border to any window that you want (hwnd).Plz,opine","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003620234121350.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DrawColorB1603466202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"MaRiØ G. Serrano","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46319,"Title":"All Web Images","Description":"Web Image is a full working image graber for webpages. You enter the url, Web Image will download and parse the sourcecode and list all available images. Afterwards, you can download and save the files individually by clicking preview. Because Web Image is just downloading the sourcecode, it's pretty fast. Sourcecode is well commented. Check it out and rate if you like it :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003620455141064.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Web_Image1603496202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Xdream","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46320,"Title":"Bitmap To Icon","Description":"convert any bitmap to an icon using vb. this is my interpretation of an msdn article/example done in c/c++\nhope it is found to be useful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Bitmap_To_1603516202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Steven W. Hoyt","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46337,"Title":"Matrix Trace Screensaver","Description":"The trace program from the Matrix film of 1999. The best program on PSC to accurately mimic the film as opposed to customised creations from other coders. Good for learning about randomization.\nUPDATE: Commented the code and made the option to make it a screensaver (just compile and rename).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003621430573721.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Matrix_Tra1605366242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"NeoSoft Studios","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46338,"Title":"WinSubst","Description":"GUI version of the subst DOS command. You can add, delete, start and stop subst'd drives. It does NOT use the subst DOS command.\nAmendment: Windows NT, 2000 and XP only. May not work properly under Windows9x.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003621444373187.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/WinSubst1603866212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"John A Priestley","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46349,"Title":"ucGIFViewer 1.0","Description":"This code is based on the excellent post by Vlad Vissoultchev: VB Gif Library (CodeId=44216). Simply, minor modifications for building an easy to use usercontrol.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003627940538548.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ucGIFViewe1763046282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46350,"Title":"Unroll.","Description":"Unroll Pics\n(including CDialg)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Unroll_1604876232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Cyber Chris","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46351,"Title":"[NibbleWorm]","Description":"(new version 1.0.6! i added a bomb that makes you shorter as a powerup! Also, spacebar is now pause! and i've fixed a few bugs and now this game is almost flawless...) A cool nibbles game that I decided to make for no reason... There are 4 different speeds, each with a bonus (whenever you eat one of those things you get the set score + the bonus) and 3 different options. With a cool sound module that u can use anytime and a cool FormOnTop module that u can use. it's pretty cool. Neatly documented too. Also, it doesn't use any images! teaches you how to load objects in an array and stuff. Also, it teaches you how to use a filesystemobject to read/write in text documents (my games save the highscore). It also teaches you how to make cool button effects. It's pretty fun and addictive.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200362113218689.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A_cool_ve1604586222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Jason Liang","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46352,"Title":"[~~ RGB Example ~~]","Description":"This nifty little program will show you how to use horizontal scrollbars to create an RGB color. The color will be 'convertet' to Hex (HTML) and the Visual Basic color code. Also, the color is being previewed in an picturebox.\n--= UPDATE!! =--\nI've made my program a little bit more attractive to the eye and also added 3 more functions! The user can now enter an Hex or VB color code and click 'convert'. The program will then convert the Hex or VB color code to the proper RGB values and Hex or VB color code :). A simple 'Copy to clipboard' funcion has been added to make it really easy to use the colors...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003621163914350.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[~~_RGB_Ex1604206212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Siebe Tolsma","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":56722,"Title":"A 1 Zoom, Scrollable PictureBox English","Description":"With this code you can Zoom in/out a PictureBox.\nAlso availble are scrollbars.\nZoom: 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, FullPage and PageWidth.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041016732153456.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Zoom__Sc18062510162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"The Dutch Man","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56731,"Title":"How to take a screen shot of the active form.","Description":"I know this is beginner stuff but it seems a lot of people do not know how to take a screen shot of the active form. I have just seen one too many full screen shots with a tiny program in the middle of it. Come on peeps we could not care less what your desktop looks like. Send us your code. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Moe Figit","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56738,"Title":"Trial Use","Description":"FORCE someone to register an app. This program checks for a .dll that is non-existing creating an error. On error the program continues loading depending on how many \"uses\" you provide with your software. Even if the .dll is deleted, the registry \"runcount\" will create it again and force the user to register. It's pretty much commented and what's not commented is common sense. Enjoy and PLEASE post feed-back.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410142027209038.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Trial_Use18051910142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James Miller","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56750,"Title":"VB HTML Mail via SMTP","Description":"It's a function that allows you to send an e-mail with both HTML and Plain Text formats, using the Winsock control. It's an enhancement to Brian Anderson's code.","Inputs":"SourceForm, DestAddress, Server, Optional BodyHTML, Optional BodyTXT, Optional SenderName, Optional SenderAddress, Optional DestName, Optional Subject.","Assumes":"You gotta have a Winsock control or create an instance of it.","CodeReturns":"SMTP Errors, status codes.","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"' A global variable.\nPublic Response As String\n","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":200,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Pablo Cuadrado","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56763,"Title":"MicroSearch (Advanced telephone reversal tool) And New Beta Lookup Phone by Name and Area (GET NOW!)","Description":"This lets you take any phone number (if available: if its not private by customer request to their phone company) and reverse it to get their Name, Address, City, State, and Zip Code! There's not a program out there like this, and I don't want anyone copying it. It's mainly a good example to learn how to parse data, and a good way for me to share my program! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004101663325132.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MicroSearc18062010162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Brian D. Matthews","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56765,"Title":"Daniele Giabbai's Net Meter","Description":"An utility to track network usage\nFeatures:\nNetwork usage graph. \nActual network usage values. \nStart with Windows. \nTopmost window. \nConfigurable transparent window. \nEasy redimension/move window. \nSystray icon. \nVisual Basic 6 source code!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410161016414052.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Daniele_Gi18063010162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Daniele Giabbai","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":48835,"Title":"Business Object Wizard (Re)","Description":"This is the Business Object wizard that i submitted previously, because I have a problem of uploading file any interested programmer may EMAIL me to get the zip file. This result to second problem, CLOGGING my email. \nYou can download this file here: http://tengtium.topcities.com/Bow.zip\nJUST CUT AND PASTE THE URL IN THE ADDRESS BAR:\n=================================================\nBusiness Object wizard is a VB application that generate your object class. Just follow the screen and if you have a problem you can click the help button or What This ? button.\nThe wizard supports only Access database. In order to gain fully in the code generated by the wizard, you must at least have a little knowledge about programming with class and some project setting.\n=================================================\nEnjoy!!\nDownload : http://tengtium.topcities.com/Bow.zip\nJUST CUT AND PASTE THE URL IN THE ADDRESS BAR:","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Business_O1651089282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Dante Salvador","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48837,"Title":"HiderX","Description":"Here is a great utility that will save a lot of your desktop space. You can hide programs on which you are not currently working. These programs are hidden to tray and can be easily restored. It also uses DrawAnimatedRects animation to show and hide the windows.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003928541282302.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HiderX1651109282003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Faraz Azhar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48854,"Title":"Common Dialog Class","Description":"Its a class to open up common dialog (cdl) without using the ocx. It all in api. It uses the functions GetOpenFileNameA, GetSaveFileNameA in COMDLG32\nShould be easy to use. I included a sample so you should know how to use it withut messing around with the class. have fun","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Common_Dia1651369282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Frenzied-Panda","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48859,"Title":"PCBX Lite 1.0 >> The Simplest Effective PBX Data (SMDR) Processor","Description":"This is a complete application to communicate with a PBX unit through RS232C serial COM port and download data (SMDR) automatically and store them in an MSAccess 2000 database using ADO. It has client management, data reporting feature (you must have Crystal Reports installed to use this feature).========================================== Download Installer, Source code and/or ActiveX controls from http://www.bdsource.info/product/pcbxlite/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003929446189300.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PCBX_Lite_1651479292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Broken Arrow","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48862,"Title":"_Disable X button on form","Description":"_Disable X button on form","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Petko Petkov","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48868,"Title":"Defender Remake - Work In Progress","Description":"This is my current lunchtime project - a remake of the classic defender. This is the first stage and there's a lot more to go. So why put the code up already? Well this is an open source code site and the very simple way I've coded this makes it a very useful starting point for vb and graphics (use of APIs for drawing lines, pixels, sprite animation against a ticker whilst creating a whole image for frame buffering to screen). At this stage there is enough in here to teach you how to create your own scrolling shooter without having to start from scratch. Votes are obviously appreciated, but I just love sharing code. enjoy and I hope if you use this project as a seed, post it on PSC. Cheers, Fosters.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003929732358323.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Defender_R1651549292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48872,"Title":"[Update] MSN Chat Connector","Description":"[Updated to include a very basic example of how to connect using this OCX] - As MSN Chat rooms are closing, I feel its time to share the code for this OCX which I use in my Chat Room Manager application I wrote, IRCDominator has been used for years and had recently been updated.\nI am releasing the MSN Chat connector OCX I wrote for my latest release of my Chat room manager and Its here for all to view.\nIts not well documented but has lots of usefull code. I hope people will find it usefull.\nSome of the best parts are the classes I created to hold Chatters information etc.\nIRCDominatorXT aint dead yet!! - AG","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Update]_M16583510142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"MrEnigma","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48873,"Title":"SmartBarXP v.1.0","Description":"This is a very nice side bar for Windows NT/2000/XP. Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is a very nice side bar for Windows NT/2000/XP.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SmartBarXP1651659292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"luke99au","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54397,"Title":"[ Associate filetypes to your program ]","Description":"This module lets you create or delete with only a simple function filetype associations in the registry. Usefull to use your own filetypes, with theire own icon and description in your vb-project. Once you have your own filetype, this is recognized in the explorer and when you click this file, your associated program is started and the filename is passed trough to the command function in your program. The module contains lots of comments about the function and how to use the Command function. All comments, questions and suggestions are most welcome :-) ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[associate1758216172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54400,"Title":"Get RAM Info","Description":"Gets RAM Info","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Gets RAM Info using WINAPI (GlobalMemoryStatus)","CodeReturns":"RAM Info","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Type MEMORYSTATUS\n dwLength As Long\n dwMemoryLoad As Long\n dwTotalPhys As Long\n dwAvailPhys As Long\n dwTotalPageFile As Long\n dwAvailPageFile As Long\n dwTotalVirtual As Long\n dwAvailVirtual As Long\nEnd Type\nPrivate Declare Sub GlobalMemoryStatus Lib \"kernel32\" (lpBuffer As MEMORYSTATUS)","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Get_RAM_In1757676152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Denny Mathew","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54403,"Title":"Fenrir MSN Flooder","Description":"This code, flood your MSN contacts with 1 to 6 pop-ups.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Begginer knowledge of VB6 and how to use Windows MSN Messenger API's.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200533517161129.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fenrir_MSN1758546172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"F.e.n.r.i.R.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54408,"Title":"Using ADO","Description":"This artical simplifies the usage of ADO objects . If you like me article, please vote for me!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Using_ADO1757806162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Denny Mathew","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54409,"Title":"Project! Messenger NEW Version 2 (Yahoo! web msg/chat2 based chat client)","Description":"This project is an update to my first 'Project! Messenger'. This new project include fixes, new chat room features, chat voice,filtering methods, more chat2 packets and more. With this example you can be on your way in creating your own full Yahoo! based chat client. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200461631611579.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Project!_M1757816162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Justin LeBlanc","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54410,"Title":"Eight Queens Puzzle Game","Description":"It is a basic 8 Queens puzzle game. Nice demonistration of draging and dropping functionality. Run it, and try to solove the puzzle.\nPlease, feel free to email me if you have any comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004616515262120.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Eight_Quee1757856162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Salan S. Al-Ani","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54413,"Title":"SmartSearch","Description":"SmartSearch is a really smart ADDIN. Unlike VB's inherent find utility, SmartSearch instantly displays a list of all Lines(with the code) that contains the search text you're looking for. It goes beyond simple display and actually picks up the procedure that contains the search text and displays it right there, saving your valuable time.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004616556352836.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SmartSearc1757886162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Manoz Shrivastava","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54424,"Title":"Strange Attractors","Description":"A simplistic definition of a strange attractor is \"A strange attractor is simply the pattern of the pathway, in visual form, produced by graphing the behaviour of a system.\" Just check out the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046162042173007.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Strange_At1758006162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"SixLetter","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54427,"Title":"Longest Common Substring","Description":"This code shows how to find a longest common substring in two strings. \nI had a hard time finding out how exactly to do this so now that I have done it I'm sharing it to help others that need it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The LongestCommonSubstring function is currently case-insensitive but that can be easily fixed so it is case-sensitive. Also the function will return the first longest common substring it finds if there are two common substrings of the same length.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004617032392147.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Longest_Co1758036172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"TiCaL","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54433,"Title":"ChecknFormatDateString","Description":"This function is very usefull when we want to validate a date, entered by the user manually in a textfield, and format the Date in some predefined format.This function does the same thing but with greater flexibility .Means it allows user to enter date in a bit more flexible way (where sometimes date()function wont allow u)(allows formats like 2.3.4, 12|5|2045, 12-5-4, 2/12/04, 2\\2\\121 whichever way user likes) and then it automatically completes and validates it and then reformat the date according to predefined format which will be passed as an argument to this function.","Inputs":"Date String","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"validated and Formatted Date String","SideEffects":"Nil","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ChecknForm1758136172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rahul Singh","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54437,"Title":"[ Key or Password Quality Check ]","Description":"How secure is the password I use? Is my key easy to crack? This function checks the quality from your password or key and returns a rating value between 0 and 100. The returnvalue could be used to fill a progressbar to visualize the password quality, to require a minimum rating for validation, or lots of other stuff. The Zip contains the module, a ready to use demo form, and all the comment you need to get started. All Comments or suggestions are most welcom:-) ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005326750529853.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Key_or_P1868293262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54429,"Title":"API data types","Description":"Explains the use of non-VB data types to help in converting C declarations to Visual Basic. 10k zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API_data_t1758056172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54432,"Title":"Learning How to Animate","Description":"Learn easily how to animate in VB with simple controls. No API nothing!!! And please do vote so that I can write more projects and articles :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Learning_H1758626172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Shashwat Srivastava","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":46459,"Title":"Search A Listview","Description":"Searches for any string in a Listview.If you have a list of all the MP3's out there and you want to search for \"Bring Me\" it'll Return \"Evanescense - Bring Me To Life\". Thats just an example I know if you have every MP3 then the results would be greater. I used this in an app that I made for my Uncle (MP3 Organizer) Since he has over 7000 MP3's.\nBTW - the article is in the project files.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Search_A_L1606416272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Blue Flame Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46461,"Title":"a [CNM1] - CodeXP's Network Messenger","Description":"Net Messenger - Network (LAN) and Internet Messenger<br>\nFor instant Text based Communications<br>\nServer & Client Applications as SourceCode<br>\nusing TCP/IP Protocol)<br>\nFeatures:<br>\n- Multiuser (Max. Default 256 Users)<br>\n- Private Message (User to User)<br>\n- Channels (User to Group)<br>\n- and other ...<br>\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It's very easy to use even for beginners!\nAnd it's written partly in german. ;)\nThis Project is in development Phase, so\nI will continue to code it.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003627131726471.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_[CNM1]_-1631288172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"CodeXP","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46465,"Title":"X-Player","Description":"HI! X-Player is the new version of cool media v2 (i didnt want to call this cool media v3) and remember that error in cool media v2? well its fixed (credit to MTGiga for helping me with the error)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20036271457283122.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/X-Player1606406272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Matt Spokes","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46466,"Title":"NeoWord","Description":"Word Processor, similar to Microsoft Word (not as many features though). Different fonts, colors, sizes, tabs, rulers, images, files, find, replace, goto, word count and more. Not finished yet, if people think I should bother finishing it off I'll add undo, redo, autosave, image options and possibly more... Please leave comments. Thanks, Neophyte.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NeoWord1606426272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Neophyte","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46469,"Title":"Image Header","Description":"Class to read the Width, Height, DPI and BitsPerPixel from JPG, PNG and TIFF Group 4 image header.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Class to read the Width, Height, DPI and BitsPerPixel from JPG, PNG and TIFF Group 4 image header. It┬┤s very fast to put the image specification at tooltips.","CodeReturns":"Width, Height, DPI and BitsPerPixel","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Image_Head1606546272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Paulo S. Pedrozo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46625,"Title":"A Three Tier framework with XML inter layer communication","Description":"This example shows a way to manage persistence with classes in VB using a 3 Tier framework with XML for inter layer communication.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This project has reference to msxml ver. 4\nand ADO 2.7, but if you don't have it you can change to:\nMSXML 3 or 4\nMicrosoft Activex Objects 5,6,7\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Three_Ti160935732003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sebastian Pereira","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46681,"Title":"Text & Html Formatter v 1.3.0","Description":"This Will Format Your Code/Text/Article/Tutorial Into HTML Format and save you heaps of time submitting your ideas trying to convert text or even CODE into HTML Friendly Format. New: MDIForm, Html Stripper, Resize functions, Treeview for Dir's, Listview for folder contents, Reworked Format Functions. Previous: Martin K. sent me a 'Tweaked' copy of v1.0.0 and I have continued work from there. Also added Color coded RTB, Frame Wrap, Insert Menu, Print option, Resize Text and WebBrowser windows (not form) with form drag! Added VB.frm Filter to remove 'rubbish' from file while loading code. Credits for source code to: Martin K, Will Barden, Mr Bobo, Sherif Rofael, Roger Gilchrist, La Volpe, Anyone I missed! Thankyou to all who submit to P.S.C. Please comment and vote! \n \nOpen the project, click 'Help', click 'Example' for a demonstration.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037614020648.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Text_&_Htm161052762003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Dream","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46682,"Title":"Region Maker (updated): Create, Save and Load the appearance of your forms!","Description":"Region Maker is an extremely useful and powerful tool that can completely re-shape forms. See the screenshot for an example. Both tool and module allow you to create a window shaped to your desire from a bitmap image, save the data, and re-use it later. All you have to do is create the region data file, which the module or tool does for you, and then call two functions within your program to change what your window looks like completely. All unwanted areas become transparent so you can make all of your programs look the way YOU want them to!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037624812821.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Region_Mak161050762003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Craig Bonathan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46685,"Title":"Find Your IP Address - Updated Version","Description":"Updated Version 1.2-\nInstantly find your Internal and External IP Address.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003771248158421.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Find_Your_184876252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Paul Kurczaba","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46728,"Title":"Easy INI file manipulation","Description":"An easy way to handle INI files by using API. Ini files can be useful when you need to save and load data to and from a file. I tend to use them to save user preferences but can be used for many other things as well. The main advantage over the registry is that you can modify them easily by using a text editor such as notepad. Enjoy :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200378518392445.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Easy_INI_f161147782003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Miltiadis Kritikos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46730,"Title":"T├╝rk├ºe Heceleme - Hyphenation in Turkish","Description":"This is an implementation of a Finite State Machine for hyphenation in Turkish.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200378922588525.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/T├╝rk├ºe_Hec161151782003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"suhan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46731,"Title":"Add-In: 4 mode Resizer","Description":"This is an (in my opinion) great add-in for adding resizing capabilities to your projects. It is based on the class ControlResizer from Edward Catchpole (you can find it on http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=46203&lngWId=1). I have changed it a little but so you can set a minimum width/height for your form and when you are setting properties for an MDI Child, it first sets the height and width to the ones you used in design-time. Also I have changed the way of proportionally resizing things, because it just didn't work for me. Now it does. I hope you take time to look at this code, leave comments and benefit from it (this is the best thing I have seen that is 100% free so far). Updates are coming up.","Inputs":"All you have to do is click.","Assumes":"Ok, for rblanch, here is how to use the code:\nYour open the project and compile it\nThen you have to restart your VB6 instance or goto Add-Ins|Add-In Manager... and double click Resizer Add-In\nNow you will have a menu-item called Resizer Add-In in the menu Add-Ins\nClick that item and the window will appear, listing all your forms,his containers, and the controls of that container. \nFor every form you want to resize, click 'Add Necessary Code',for every control click what has to be resized.\nDon't bother click 'Not', just click what has to be resized, the Not will automatically be filled in","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"I have noticed the height of listboxes doesn't resize well.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Add-In__4_161152782003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"PeYTaN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46774,"Title":"DataReportDynamic","Description":"This Sample create's a Datareport by filtering a Database.\nIt is quit useful for small Reports.\n(Sorry this is the Englisch Version!)","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"This Sample create's a Datareport by filtering a Database.\nIt is quit useful for small Reports.","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003710312225777.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DataReport1612517102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"C.E","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46775,"Title":"ActiveX Dll Register/UnRegister","Description":"This code shows how to register and unregister ActiveX dlls programatically, without relying on regsvr32 for the task. It's built into a reuseable class that can be put in your own code or compiled into a dll. Based very loosely on code from Vasudevan S.","Inputs":"The file name","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"7 flags. See the enumeration and sample code for details.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function LoadLibraryRegister Lib \"KERNEL32\" Alias \"LoadLibraryA\" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FreeLibraryRegister Lib \"KERNEL32\" Alias \"FreeLibrary\" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CloseHandle Lib \"KERNEL32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetProcAddressRegister Lib \"KERNEL32\" Alias \"GetProcAddress\" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreateThreadForRegister Lib \"KERNEL32\" Alias \"CreateThread\" (lpThreadAttributes As Long, ByVal dwStackSize As Long, ByVal lpStartAddress As Long, ByVal lpparameter As Long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, lpThreadID As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib \"KERNEL32\" (ByVal hHandle As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetExitCodeThread Lib \"KERNEL32\" (ByVal hThread As Long, lpExitCode As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Sub ExitThread Lib \"KERNEL32\" (ByVal dwExitCode As Long)\n","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":148,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Robert J May","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46777,"Title":"Advanced, Highly graphical web browser.","Description":"Shows how to create a web browser using a progress bar, showing the title of the page in the title of the app, keeping objects sized according to the forms size, much more. PLEASE BE EASY ON ME, THIS IS MY FIRST SUBMISSION :D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Can get pretty complicated for a n00b.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003791421281721.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced__161215792003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"KaOs - KaoticElites.com","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49395,"Title":"REAL data pointers in VB","Description":"This code shows you how to use Real pointers with VB. Everyone who jelled that VB has no pointers is simply wrong! VB arrays are just pointers to memory and it's quite simple to change the address of these pointers. It's pretty usefull for fast memory access without using a crappy CopyMemory call (the CopyMemory way would a) create memory garbage and b) create overhead because data moving is slow [though cpymemory is faster then manually moving data]), though we still need 1 small CopyMemory call but it's just a helper.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"CopyMemory (well, it's just used for a little data moving)\nVarPtrArray","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/REAL_data_16620910222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Marius Schmidt","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49396,"Title":"Monitor your internet Data Communication","Description":"Here it is... a program through which you can monitor how other program communicate through the internet. It creates a log of all the requests to servers and their replys. Of course this works only behind a proxy. Other programs connect to this program and this program further connects to a proxy server. And so in between, you can monitor what data is transmitted and received.\nIt has many good uses: for eg. you may want to know how to send HTTP requests to a server, in that case you can use this program to monitor IE.\nplz vote :D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003102217616627.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Monitor_yo16621010222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Faraz Azhar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49403,"Title":"Junk and Obsolete Files Remover","Description":"Slim your harddisk! Most of your Windows applications temporarily create several files on your hard drive when they \nare running. These files are supposed to be removed and the space recovered after these programs are closed. Often, \nhowever, they donΓÇÖt because of a program error, sloppy architecture, your system is reset or not shut down properly, or \nif another application locks up or crashes. Any file that is left behind in this manner will remain on your system unless \nyou manually search for it and remove it. Over time, these junk and obsolete files can accumulate to megabytes of wasted \nhard drive space, as well as turn into potential error-producing cross-linked drive references.Junk and Obsolete Files \nRemover targets these specific types of files which are missed by common disk utilities, un-install, \"Defrag\", \"Scandisk\", and other standard \"cleaner\" type programs. Leave comments and put some globes for this program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031023210225031.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Junk_and_O16623410232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49404,"Title":"Notepad 2003","Description":"<27/10 UPDATE : Has every function that notepad has plus some of my own, Find And Replace added> Notepad 2003 is a remake of notepad, with a couple more functions. such as colors,insert name,insert windows version insert computer name etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310231712579611.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Notepad_2016635310272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Matt Spokes","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49405,"Title":"Write Urdu and English Scripts togather","Description":"This code will allow you to write English and Urdu script togather in a Text Field. I used Unicode of Arbic, Some Characters of urdu are missing. But I think, This code will help you to make understanding with other script. I would happy to receive you feedback and comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Write_Urdu16623710232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Asif Shahzad","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49410,"Title":"AsciiPad","Description":"A crafty version of notepad with all the extra trimmings Microsoft left and none of the ones that brought it down! + customise it by changing the back/foreground colors, changing the editor font etc... (can associate .txt file to AsciiPad.exe when compiled, and they will open!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310231511567014.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AsciiPad16625010232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Steve Bailey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49418,"Title":"Multi maths operator","Description":"this is a multi math operator system which contains : calculator, time converter, temprature converter and a length converter. please rate and/or comment.\n \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003102424402578.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Multi_math16626810242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Joey Daly","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49423,"Title":"_!!!!!A 6 Encoding Techniques!!!!","Description":"This program will shows the simulation of NRZ-L, NRZ-I, Manchester, Pseudoternary, Bipolar-AMI and Differential Manchester encoding techniques.\n Please do Rate my Code for appreseations. Thank you","Inputs":"Binary sequence of length 12 i.e. 10100 etc","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031024741336396.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Encoding_T16627810242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Awaj","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49426,"Title":"BmpToJpeg GDI+ version (Quality & Regions)","Description":"BmpToJpeg GDI+ version (Quality & Regions) by Robert Rayment. Converts bmp to jpeg. See effect of quality before saving. Selected regions can be of a different quality. Regions can be rectangle, rounded rectangle, oval or lasso. It appears that there are intermittent problems with ijl15.dll and Win2K. So this prog has used cut, paste & adapted code from Carles P V (CodeId=42376) & MrBoBo (CodeId=42488) for GDI+ which, if you haven't got it, can be downloaded at - www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?releaseid=32738 - Install gdiplus.dll in your system or app folder. (Exe tested on XP Home) Win 2K, Win 98, Zip 241 KB (Couple of bmps included).\n","Inputs":"Pics","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"Pics","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See code, a few","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310241122504096.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BmpToJpeg_16628210242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49431,"Title":"[ Multiple Winsock Control to make multiple Connection ]","Description":"A complete Winsock application demonstrating CHATing application with N-users capability...It is VERY EASY TO UNDERSTAND AND MASTER CODE....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Multiple16629310242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49432,"Title":"Container Speed Testing - Hash, Array, Direct, List, Dictionary, Collection, Recordset","Description":"There's many different ways to store data in VB. This application tests a few of them. You shouldn't blindly choose the method that has the highest numbers! You should choose a method based on the usage pattern of your data. For instance, even though the timings say 'clsDirect' is fastest, for my application, a combination of clsHash and clsList proved to work 50% faster. If you don't know which method is best, try them all - they all implement interface IContainer, and swapping out one for another is a simple one-line code change.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310241758294368.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Container_16630610252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kamilche","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49434,"Title":"Visual Basic Enhancements: Demo","Description":"This project's purpose is to give provide functions that don't exist or are faster.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Visual_Bas16630810252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"David J. Fritts","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47603,"Title":"Data Report Without DataEnvironment ( Update )","Description":"update from my previus posting.\nThis my sample code how to manipulate Datareport without using DataEnvironment\nthis sample included datashape concept and how to link image dynamicly.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200381127443786.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Data_Repor1636988282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":70,"AuthorName":"Hanafiah","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47605,"Title":"SigmaExplorer (updated)","Description":"An advanced file manager utility, better and more advanced then windows explorer. It is fast, and have viewer for bmp, gif, jpg, ico, wmf, dib, and wav files. There is also support for explorer 'File' menu, zip/unzip features, and implemented text editor with more stuffs then windows notepad, fast file search... etc. Only few KB, download it, and vote...\nAnd NO scripting runtime.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SigmaExplo1629088132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"TheAlas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47617,"Title":"NTFS Data Stream Update","Description":"Hi everyone,\nIncluded in the ZIP file is a new version of the NTFS Alternate Data Stream code. It fixes all the bugs listed below, and add new features. All of these have been kindly given as suggestions from everyone on the site, and I wish to thank you!\nIf you'd like to read the original article and vote on it (if you haven't seen it already), it's located at: http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/default.asp?lngCId=47299&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NTFS_Data_1627938112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Ion Alex Ionescu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47619,"Title":"Morse code Machine ( Text + Sound)","Description":"this is a morse encoder text and sound, \n\nTutorial ++\nMorse Code Encoder. (Text-Text Encoder). ++ \nMorse Code Encoder. (Text-Sound Encoder). ++ \nsound is saved as a midi file.\nMorse code is here {{{{ - .... .. ... // .. ... // .- // -- --- .-. ... . // . -. -.-. --- -.. . .-. // - . -..- - // .- -. -.. // ... --- ..- -. -.. --..-- // \n\n- ..- - --- .-. .. .- .-.. // + + \n-- --- .-. ... . // -.-. --- -.. . // . -. -.-. --- -.. . .-. .-.-.- // ( - . -..- - - - . -..- - // . -. -.-. --- -.. . .-. ) .-.-.- // + + // \n-- --- .-. ... . // -.-. --- -.. . // . -. -.-. --- -.. . .-. .-.-.- // ( - . -..- - - ... --- ..- -. -.. // . -. -.-. --- -.. . .-. ) .-.-.- // + + // \n... --- ..- -. -.. // .. ... // ... .- ...- . -.. // .- ... // .- // -- .. -.. .. // ..-. .. .-.. . .-.-.- \n}}}}}}}}\n\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Morse_code1627968112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"sherif rofael","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47621,"Title":"Any-to-Any Database Converter v1.0","Description":"Using ADO & ADOX, convert between various\ndatabase formats like Text, Access, Excel,\ndBASE, Paradox & HTML. This is a NEW VERSION of Any-to-Any Database converter. Please follow the link if you like to vote me / to get the original version http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=47434&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038111622523858.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Any-to-Any1628018112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"r_vengy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47623,"Title":"[ An Image Viewer]","Description":"This Image Viewer shows the image you choose, you can make Zoom In and Zoom Out. Also you can stretch the image. Please leve your comments and vote :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038111857312007.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Image_Vi1628058112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Sergio del Rio","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47626,"Title":"VB Morpher3 !!!!","Description":"Ever wanted to create high quality morph videos, well now you can!\nThis is my 3rd release of the highly original popular VBmorpher program.\nThis one contains a whole lot of new fetures!\nPlease see screenshot of a sample morph.\nI hope I don't have to say any more for you to download and try it out.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200381121405767.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Morpher1628088112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":116,"AuthorName":"Niranjan Paudyal","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47631,"Title":"ViewDB - Access VB/ASP Coding Donkey","Description":"This is a One Form One Ini solution to the frustration of writing repetitive VB/ADO/ASP Database code. I hope you will find this extremely useful for certain tasks, and a sound concept for improved coding and tailoring to individual requirements. As I can't live without it now - so I thought I would share it.\n(1) Opens any Access 97/2000 Database and Lists Tables, Fields, Types. \n(2) Type one line of code, program will replicate the line using the \n correct Fieldnames/Numbers/Types and Sizes - ASP programmers dream. \n(3) Create a choice of connection strings based on the Open database. \n(4) Create Sql INSERT, UPDATE & SELECT statments with actual field names. \n(5) Print your output code, or Double Click Ouputbox to send to clipboard.\n(6) Split Screen to adjust to preferred ListBox v Outputbox areas.\n(7) Most settings saved, return to where you were when restarting.\n(8) MRU File List, Auto-Open last database, Synchronized Clipboard etc.\n(9) Tool Tips explain most items, can be turned off when desired.\n(10) Reminder bar shows current User Keys, DblClick to turn off.\n(11) Disconnected Recordsets, freeing off DB during development. \n(12) All Translation 'Keys' are user definable.\nAt the simplest level, Open a database and type in a template like -\n MyArray(##) = rs(\"$$\")\nIn the Ouputbox, ## and $$ get translated as FieldNumber and FieldName\nMyArr(0) = rs(\"ID\")\nMyArr(1) = rs(\"qCode\")\nMyArr(2) = rs(\"Title\")\nMyArr(3) = rs(\"Lastname\")\nMyArr(4) = rs(\"firstname\")\n...........\n........... and so on to n fields\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003812038324062.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ViewDB1628188122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ken Ashton","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47632,"Title":"[A simple encryption]","Description":"This is a siple encrypt/decrypt code. Please vote. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003812135527973.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A_simple_1628218122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Sergio del Rio","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47634,"Title":"SendInput API, Send Keyboard Hit (Down/Up), Send Mouse Click (Down/Up)","Description":"SendInput API, Send Keyboard Hit (Down/Up), Send Mouse Click (Down/Up): \nRun MSPaint then send mouse events to draw a picture.\nRun any App then control it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"SendInput API, Send Keyboard Hit (Down/Up), Send Mouse Click (Down/Up): \nRun MSPaint then send mouse events to draw a picture.\nRun any App then control it...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SendInput_1630098152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"DoDucTruong","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47637,"Title":"BlastDetect","Description":"This application detects and removes the newly-released Win32.Blaster virus. It does not stop infection or patch the machine. Do that yourself. It WILL remove the virus if it is present on your machine.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BlastDetec1628298122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sanx","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46737,"Title":"File Shield: Password protect and encrypt ANY file easily","Description":"File Shield is a file protector application. It will encrypt any file and encose it inside another application (lock.exe), where it can then be decrypted and extracted with a correct password. If necessary, the file can be included with its own unique key, which will identify whether the protected file has been altered. Another useful feature is the expiration date system. You may choose to set a date when the program will no longer extract the file.\nEncryption depends on the password. The password is not included in the executable at all. When a password is entered, a unique key is created for it. You cannot reverse a unique key encryption as it is one-way. This means that if you enter the wrong password, its unique key will not match the one that is in the file, so it will not extract. Since the file is encrypted with the password, only the same password will decrypt it. When the file UID generation is turned off, and on the VERY unlikely event that two passwords (one wrong, and one right) create the same unique key, the file will extract, but the data will be incorrect if the wrong password is used. When the UID generation is turned on, even a password with the same unique key will not extract the file because it would end up with an 'Extraction Error.' The file UID generation does not allow modified files to be extracted, which is definitely an advantage.\nAny file can be protected with File Shield. When the protected executable is ran and the correct password is entered, it will extract the file, run it (with its associated application if it is a document), and then delete it as soon as the program that opened the file closes.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003781510196099.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Shiel161165782003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Craig Bonathan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46764,"Title":"Make Path / Create Dir","Description":"2 lines of code to create any destination directory or path, no loops etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Dream","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46770,"Title":"__AA Hack Keys","Description":"Download from \"www.chandu.i8.com/hackkey.html\"!\nReadme.txt first! You can find out the text what was typed on keyboard! (It secretly store data in to a file )! ****** Now Know what others typed in system like Documents, files,e-mail text,ofcourse e-mail id's and passwords everything that had been pressed on your system's Keyboard . My program finds pressed keys and stores them in a file.it also has password fecility, so every one cannot open the application while runing.It also changes the file if text file exceed 600KB. Its very useful to know what others typed on system.\nThis code is simply for knowing what others typed on your system. Its intended to give basic information but not to do harmful things. I Wonn't be responsable for any of your mis-use of my code,use it! Try it ans use this code in your own way or modify it! \n","Inputs":"Password is \"CHANDU\"","Assumes":"Readme.txt first!\nRun the vb file\n-By Default when you run project the form is invisible.\n-press \"F11\" on your Keyboard ,\n*******IMPORTANT**********\n- you'll get a box prompring to enter somthing, don't mind that, \ntype in the box \"chandu\" in any letter case, then only application is visible to you ! if you don't ready this its all useless of my application. you can change password in your code, default password is \"chandu\"\n- press \"F10\" to hide application.\n- You can change this code to lunch applications for any keys.\n- and many more\nvisit me at : www.chandu.i8.com\nmail me to : jaki_chand@hotmail.com\n","CodeReturns":"Returns a file for every 10 minutes in windows temp folder named \"instalojaki.tmp\"\n","SideEffects":"Nothing","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib \"user32\" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200379859447840.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__AA_Hack_164149952003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"JAKI","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46965,"Title":"Arrow shooting game w/ added features","Description":"Fun arrow shooting game. Se my previous entry for full description. In this version, I added the ability to change the trajectory, not just the speed. Press up and down arrow keys to change it. Please vote!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Arrow_shoo1616027162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"Michael McCarty","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46968,"Title":"Cool Alternative Frame for Visual Basic (UPDATE Version 1.1)","Description":"Alternative frame with Visual Basic. Very cool. Acept colaboration from other users. More Resources. Tanks for users send sugestions for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200371817093024.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Alter1617087182003.1 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":125,"AuthorName":"Marineu Marino","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46970,"Title":"Winsock Echo","Description":"Very simple winsock client/server that echos back to the client. Great for learning winsock!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_Ec1616147172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jordan Weber","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46973,"Title":"Extended Find ver 3.1.4","Description":"Update of my Extended Find add-in. It is a more friendly interface than VB's own Find and Replace tool. Now has a basic indented formatter. Indent code at project, module, procedure or selected text level. Couple of options for treatment of blank lines. Bug in Replace fixed.\n--------------------------\nIf the formatter fails it inserts an error message( 'Indent Error ). This means either that your code is missing some vital line, OR you have used a legal but rare layout that I didn't know, OR as the formatter is a 'rewrite from ground up experiment', it has a bug. If you think your error is one of the last two please let me know and send copy of procedure that produced error.\n---------------------------\nver 3.1.4\nLots more Formatting/Fixes. Added Button-menu to allow quick access to common sub-sets of formatting.\nNOTE: Indent/Format now powerful enough to be dangerous. Will add backup protection next.\nver 3.1.1\nsmall bug with line continuation and Declare fixed.\nver 3.1\nFixed bug with line continuation in procedure heads. Added more formatting options.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003721047522401.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Extended_F162249812003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46977,"Title":"[A] Flow Chart or Data-Flow Visual Programming Language","Description":"Data-Flow Visual Programming Language allows\nto run basic algorithms in a visual way. All you\nhave to do is to place program blocks on screen,\nconnect them with lines (arrows) and run. You\ncan also run it in step by step mode (when\ndelay is set to maximum).\nSome call it \"Flow-Chart\" or \"Flow Charting\" as well.\nAnd don't forget to check out my other codes!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003717350217618.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A]_Flow_C186294392005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":65,"UserRatingTotal":322,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46978,"Title":"Flip & shake","Description":"It will Flip your screen & Shake your screen.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flip_&_sha1616387172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Stewart Bland","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46979,"Title":"Easy Ways to Create Non-Rectangular Windows","Description":"This article demonstrates the use of regions for creating non-rectangular windows. It is very simple and easy to understand as you will see. It uses a picture to define the region hidding all the API stuff that may confuse some.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003717103124974.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Easy_Ways_1620297262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":68,"AuthorName":"Miltiadis Kritikos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46980,"Title":"Event Handling in VBScript","Description":"This article explores event handling in VBSsript. usaually we use javascript for this but I feel that Server and Client Side scripting should be same.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Event_Hand1616427172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Rahul G. Dubey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46981,"Title":"Setup Classes **UPDATED** no more dll's and scripting support added.","Description":"If you're creating an installation for software you developed this is what you need. Scriptable setup engine with FTP support,Shell and Wait,Path Builder,UnPacking feature, Special Folders and more!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Setup_Clas1616437172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"loopz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46992,"Title":"BrowseForFolder without API","Description":"Browse For Folder dialog without the use of API calls. Very easy to read with only a reference to MS libs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BrowseForF1616677182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Paul Veenstra","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46993,"Title":"Resolution to the \"ORA-01843 Not a valid month\" Error","Description":"Finally a valid resolution to this strange Oracle error.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"<b>John Galanopoulos</b>","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46994,"Title":"[A++] Easy ! But strong Encryption ENIGMA Machine","Description":"Among the special machines that were invented and further developed over several decades to simplify the routine enciphering and deciphering of code, the Enigma machine is probably the most well known example around the world. It was used during the Second World War to encipher most of the radio messages of the German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) before these commands were transmitted, and to decipher them after they had been received. It is possible that between 100,000 and 200,000 Enigma machines were built during World War II. \nThis is just a sample, so check out my other more advanced \"The Enigma PRO Encryption Machine\" with password, multi-line and all characters support !\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200371852346791.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/The_ENIGMA1616957182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":58,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46996,"Title":"Setup Classes - Updated Again!!","Description":"** UPDATE ** : as I've been asked to, now the setup can be run without installing and registering any runtime, even not msvbvm600.dll.\nIt uses a vary little batch script to do it, and i also added a c++ program to run the batch script hidden! Minor: can now pass the script as an argument.\nNow it also features a program to register dll's and ocx's. From the 1st version: Special Folder, File Exists, Create Links, Shell and Wait, Build Path, Unpack files, Shut down-reboot...also Xp, FTP's. |wrong zip fixed|","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Setup_Clas1616747182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"loopz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46998,"Title":"uSc_FileSearch","Description":"uSc_FileSearch is a class module that allows you to find files or folders on your computer.\nYou can use wildcards in name and specify text that file must contain.\nYou can also specify type of text comparation and depth of subfolders to search.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/uSc_FileSe1616737182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"uScream","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47001,"Title":"Retrieve System Info","Description":"Retrieves System Information in a single line of code","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"To retrieve system info we use all kinda code but there is a function in VB 6.0 called Environ() which takes in a single parameter which makes our lives bit easy. Like if you want to know the users Temporary Directory or System Directory via VB 6.0","CodeReturns":"System Information","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":35,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Bharat Nagarajan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47005,"Title":"Config File Class","Description":"This is a class that will save settings to a text file. You only have to give it a description and a value and it does the rest.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"There are some extra functions in the two modules. I use these modules for quite a few different projects and did not edit them for submission to PSC.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Config_Fil1616897182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Skrape","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47006,"Title":"Task Manager Options","Description":"This has 5 options don't seem like alot but it could help someone new maybe? This can disable Task Manager / Enable it | Hide / Show it and last of all can close it... Simple but people hideing there program could use a simple call to close windows task manager instead of useing App.TaskVisible = False that leaves the program in the processes tree view of windows task manager. Maybe it will help someone/Maybe Not","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function EnableWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal fEnable As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ShowWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessageLong& Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)\nPrivate Const SW_HIDE = 0\nPrivate Const SW_SHOW = 5\nPrivate Const WM_CLOSE = &H10","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":30,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Morpheous Dreams","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47007,"Title":"File list in HTML","Description":"Simple program where you can drag and drop some files to a list and make a list of them in HTML","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Side effects? Hmmm... It destroys yer harddisk","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_list_1616997182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Holland","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47008,"Title":"Desktop on form","Description":"Put your desktop on a form and be able to click programs to open them right from it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"You have to restart / or \\ log off computer afterwards to restore desktop","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowExA\" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetParent Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWndChild As Long, ByVal hWndNewParent As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":7,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Morpheous Dreams","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54199,"Title":"Coloring VB Code Fast","Description":"Although the main purpous for this submission is to color VB code for viewing in\na richtextbox. What you will learn can help with fast string manipulation. And\nyou also get alot of information on the RichText standard. Read the cod comments for a full understanding.\nJust so you know! I'm sick of getting several hundred downloads and no comments\nI could give a s@@t about code of the month as i dont think im a good enough coder;\nhowever, I do want comments. Comments about how to code better or about the \ninventiveness of my submission or even how crappy it is. You can keep the spelling \nand grammer comments to yourself. This isn't PSC the online english school is it?\nSo if your worried you may not get code of the month don't vote. But please comment!\ngod or bad.\n\nThis is by far the fastest way to color vb code without an outside dll or control\nIts done in pure vb and can color 300kb in less than a second. \nThis time was attained on a 3 ghz processor with a gig of ram.\nIt does key words, Quoated strings And comments. The\nuser has the option to alse include web addresses, which would be underlined.\nThe only problem I can find with the current code is it want color itself without \nerror. I want go into an explination here; but, if you must color this programs\ncode or just want more details on what is wrong jusy drop me a note. You can reach \nme through PSC. The code seems to handle all exceptions within the code. Odd quoats\nand if a comment char is inside a quoat it will be ignored, things such as these\nare handled. \nAt present the compare method is binary and will only catch proper case words\nThe same case structure used in vb, EndIf, ElseIf, exc...\nChanging to a text compare would allow you to ignore case but would also slow\ndown the function a bit. If your source is derived from the VB IDE all should\nwork well; however, if you are makeing your own editor you will want to use the\ntext compare method at least during the editing process.\nNOTE: THIS CODE HAS ONLY BEEN TESTED ON WINDOWS XP\nWITH VISUAL BASIC 6 HAVEING THE LATEST UPDATE!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Coloring_V175415652004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Russell Sanders","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54201,"Title":"Ultimate 3D Cube rotation (With 3d rotation manual)","Description":"Small code (100lines) illustrating how any 3d shape is rotated around the 3 axes.\nAlso teaches how you can draw a 3d object in VB's 2d form.\nIncluded Manual describing the rotation and presentation methods\nAlso 3 Functions that will make rotating points easier","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004651357217757.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ultimate_3175417652004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54202,"Title":"Wompus - Board Game","Description":"A Complete Game To Enjoy. (30 different varitions)\nPlay using keyboard arrow keys. Source code is compatible with all Visual Basic Versions (VB1 to VB6). Note that the code is not suitable for beginner programmers because it is sparsely commented.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004651358523420.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Wompus_-_B175460672004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Akiti Yadav","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54210,"Title":"A real custom MessageBox","Description":"Make your messagebox ok button say more than, make it say what ever you want! Example \"Hello\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046603537673.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_real_cus175448662004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Natalic Wolf","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54211,"Title":"Car Game Demo","Description":"This is a simple car game, (made whith shapes and frames). In the game you can change the color of the car and also the time in day, night and dawn. I hope you like, it is simple but fun.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200466226264758.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Car_Game_D175441662004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":54,"UserRatingTotal":263,"AuthorName":"_Obed_","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54212,"Title":"Picture Viewer UserControl (With Zoom)","Description":"Advancement on Jim K's Picture Viewer Scroll Ctrl","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200466455569987.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Picture_Vi175446662004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Peter.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54215,"Title":"CustomMsgbox, all buttons and icon support.","Description":"Model and project for a real custom msgbox unlike using a form, it hooks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200466134761280.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CustomMsgb175449662004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Natalic Wolf","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54226,"Title":"_ Shadow Label Control (Version 2)","Description":"Version 2 of my 3D Label control. The shadows are now smooth and very professional looking. Easy to use control. Works exactly like a normal label but this one looks better. Vote if you like it please!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046741647801.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Shadow_L175463672004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54232,"Title":"Bevelled Controls","Description":"Three self-drawn bevelled controls, no bitmaps used to create the full 3D effect. BUTTON control usable as command, option or check button. NUMERIC DISPLAY control with built-in interchangeable Base display, Display format, Angle Units and others, suitable for use as a calculator display. WHEEL control, this is a vast update of an ealier submission, may be used in place of scrollers, sliders, up-down control and progress-bar. This a beta version only, Property Pages have not yet been constructed and documentation needs to be expanded.\nWhether you like, dislike or hate this, please VOTE and reply with CONSTRUCTIVE comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046794785318.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Bevelled_C175474672004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Nero","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54233,"Title":"ADO Connection Coder","Description":"This little utility allows the user to select an Access database and then generates the code \nto make a connection. It also allows the user to select a table from the database which then \ngenerates a simple SQL.\nAlso attached are instructions for use and a test program\n \nIf there is sufficient interest I will continue to develope code writing programs and submit \nthem to PlanetSourceCode. \nAlthough a few votes would be nice I am more interested in feedback. \nTaken from an idea by Carlos Vara, thanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The code to make a connection","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200467123422140.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ADO_Connec175475672004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"John Attfield","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54237,"Title":"Accurate Pathfinding","Description":"It finds the shortest way. Really.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"GetTickCount Lib \"kernel32\" () As Long\nPolyline Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long\nPolygon Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpPoint As Any, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long\nCreatePolygonRgn Lib \"gdi32\" (lpPoint As POINTAPI, ByVal nCount As Long, ByVal nPolyFillMode As Long) As Long\nPtInRegion Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long\nDeleteObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200467144711078.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Accurate_P175483672004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Robert Kaltenbach","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54240,"Title":"FlexHoseSaver","Description":"Flex hose or slinky screensaver","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200467173317111.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FlexHoseSa175488672004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ed Gabel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54243,"Title":"Enumerate network resources","Description":"Enumerate network resources - get computer, domain and share names on your lan network, works with xp. Having looked at Mark van Renswoude's code for \"Show all Domains and Computers in LAN\" that didn't work with XP because of the way it didn't recursively find each network resource, I have written this for those out there who need this! This example is simple and contains only 5 api calls and 4 short functions, easy to add to your own applications and there are no bugs! If you like please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200467194492367.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Enumerate_175495672004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James Gohl","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55189,"Title":"Yahoo Messenger 6.0 Api Module","Description":"Well a Friend needed some help with doing stuff with Yahoo Messenger 6.0 Api so I threw this Module TOgether for him I will add some more to it later","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Yahoo_Mess1774397262004_0.Module ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Y-Coder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55195,"Title":"Ant colony simulation","Description":"(Updated version 28-07-2004)\nSimulate the behaviour of an Ant colony. This is an experiment of a system with 'intelligent' agents who affect and are affected by their environment and counterparts.","Inputs":"Several settings can be changed at run-time and several others at design-time.","Assumes":"Seems to be having some problems on win98. Can only test it on Win2K and XP myself so fixes are unlikely from my end)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"New uploaded version. Seems to be stable.","ApiDeclarations":"several GDI drawing calls and some other API methods.","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004726846234162.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ant_colony1775017282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":93,"AuthorName":"David Rutten","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55196,"Title":"Lissajoux grapher","Description":"This application graphs the lissajoux density. It comes with the function interpreter and several rendering modes. See the screenshot for some results.","Inputs":"2 functions with domain (-1..1) for t = 0 to infinity.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"the applications renders a graphical representation of lissajoux density.","SideEffects":"No known side-effects.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004726851399120.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Lissajoux_1775007282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"David Rutten","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55197,"Title":"CuStOm EXE BuTtOnS!","Description":"You can make your own EXE command buttons and make the button captions! Also included is a Custom message box editor. This was tested may times so the the Error count is 0! PLEASE VOTE!\nand leave feedback for improvements or anything else!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047261026316408.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CuStOm_EXE1774477262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Justin Lilley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55474,"Title":"FMS Instant Messenger","Description":"This is a pretty much a fully fledged instant messenger (without encryption, oh well). It has the works, multiple chat rooms, instant messaging, avatars, and even some stuff i might have forgotten about. I just dug this project back up in hopes to maybe spark some interest in it. Some things may be unfinished and please let me know of any changes you think i could make to make it better. Any help is welcome. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":3,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004892132334252.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"poop_4_brains","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55481,"Title":"Custom Colorized PROGRESSbar :-)","Description":"A Colorized progressbar! Create OCX if u want to Use it. And please Vote:)\nSorry but my english isnt the best-)\nTry it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200481043449465.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Custom_Col1780318102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"lacasrac","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55493,"Title":"Outlook 2003 SideBar V1.6 Final (Update 25 Aug 2004)","Description":"A Complete Implementation Of The Outlook 2003 Sidebar Control.\nNow Version 1.4\nToo Many Updates To Mention Take A Look.\nThis Code Is Completely Free, But If You Use It Please Credit The Me, Alot Of Time And Effort Has Went Into This Code.\nAs Always Comments and Constructive Criticism Is Always Welcome.\nKind Regards\nGary \n___________________________________________________\nUpdated: 24 Aug 2004 \nFixed: The Large Icon No Draws Properly On The Toolbar. \nAdded New Propery: Display Chevron Menu.\nGives The Developer Control On Wether Or No The To Show The Popup Menu. \nControl Version updated To Version 1.5 \nKind Regards\nGary\n____________________________________________________\nUpdated: 25 Aug 2004 \nThis Is The Final Update I Will Be Posting.(Until I Get More Time)\nAdded: Caption Font Property, Item Selected Color Property.\nChanged The Menu Chevron Color Appearance To Look More Like The Outlook 2003 Sidebar Chevron Button.\nCleaned Up The Code And Set Version To 1.6\nKind Regards\nGary\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004825729385468.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Outlook_201785968252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":59,"UserRatingTotal":292,"AuthorName":"Phantom Man","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55496,"Title":"Whisper Bot source code for paltalk","Description":"Sends your whisper messages to people on paltalk","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"noda","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048102015263150.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Whisper_Bo1780568102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"mainenwo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":47122,"Title":"HTML ColorTags","Description":"...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Color1619167232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"lacasrac","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47141,"Title":"Win in Win in Win","Description":"Make a non-mdi child window, and inside of that insert a whole other program, so... a window in a window in a window... this is not my code, its code from a number of sites.. www.vb-helper.com, allapi.net, freevbcode.com, pscode.com, elitespy, a bit here and there, thanks everyone, and if this helps you than feel free to either vote or just go to those sites.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003724614454322.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Win_in_Win1619427242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"George E.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54282,"Title":"Restore IDE","Description":"If you have worked with fullscreen DirectX, then you'll know that when you end your program, the VB IDE is all messed up, in the wrong place of the screen etc, and you have to minimize then restore it to get it back to it's original state.\nI got tired sick of having to do this so I created this simple little add-in which will detect when your program ends and automatically restore the IDE to the state it was in before.\nTo use it, simply compile and place in your main VB program folder (usually: C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VB98\\), then open VB again, goto Add-Ins > Add-In Manager, and double click on \"Ed's Restore IDE\" to load it for the first time and you're done!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Restore_ID175547692004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Edward Catchpole","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54283,"Title":"[Virtual Pet v.1]","Description":"Your-New-Friend, you must feed him, take him to bed,toilet,...\nyou can punch him too and kick him LOL\nHE grows ,non-stop , MAXIMUM age=81 ... Vote Vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004691618449315.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/___Virtual175549692004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54285,"Title":"Advanced Bevel (Paintshop-like filter)","Description":"This is an advanced bevel that has the look of paintshop's bevel filter. Very smooth, see screenshot. Please vote/leave comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function TranslateColor Lib \"olepro32.dll\" Alias \"OleTranslateColor\" (ByVal clr As OLE_COLOR, ByVal palet As Long, Col As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":98,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004691917392469.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54293,"Title":"A1 GetAll Drives Function","Description":"I have seen so many of functions to get all system drives and Toatl free space of drive, Bytes,RootPathName, BytesFree, TotalBytes, TotalFreeBytes, sector per cluster...etc but they are not work on WIN98, WIN98SE, coz the programmers use FSO control. So to easy handle all of these problems specially on WIN98,SE. I build this program, this program simply use Api's and it provides you Drive Name,DriveType,Total No. of bytes,Total Free Space,Free Bytes Available,Total Space Used,Sector per Cluster,Bytes per sector,No. Of free cluster and many more. It works on any Microsoft windows plateform.\nIt's really A1 code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Drive Name,DriveType,Total No. of bytes,Total Free Space,Free Bytes Available,Total Space Used,Sector per Cluster,Bytes per sector,No. Of free cluster and many more.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A1_GetAll_1755646102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":4,"AuthorName":"Anuj sharrma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54288,"Title":"_Attention Box_","Description":"A custom message box that is both simple and easy to make. Just read the included ReadMe file. Please don't forget to vote. Thanks and God Bless.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function Sendmessageaslong Lib \"user32\" _\n Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _\n ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long\nPrivate Const EM_GETLINECOUNT = 186\nPrivate Declare Sub ReleaseCapture Lib \"user32\" ()\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004692321252625.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Attention175560692004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Francis Arnold G. Balatico","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51327,"Title":"VBProject Pro v2.5 BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER!!","Description":"BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER!! A MUST NEED FOR VB PROGRAMMERS. QUICKLY AND EASILY ORGANIZE YOUR VB PROJECTS AND FILES! Not to mention the ability to screen for CUSTOM file types (extensions) and move them to specified directories as well. VBProject Pro manages and organizes your visual basic projects quickly and easily. You specify the path to your project file (.VBP) and it does the rest. It will automatically gather all your forms, modules, classes, and user controls and move them into the directories you specify! You can also assign CUSTOM rules the program will screen for. Example: you set a rule for .bmp's and assign it to the folder \"%Project Dir%\\Images\\\" and all the .bmp's in the projects directory will be automatically moved. Set as many rules as you want! A TON OF BUGS FIXED AND NEW FEATURES ADDED.....FIXED THE PESKY OCX PROBLEM EVERYONE WAS GETTING, SORRY GUYS MY BAD....ADDED A BACKUP FEATURE THAT BACKS UP ANY FILE IT MOVES OR EDITS (WHILE STILL RETAINING DIRECTORY STRUCTURE)....AND ALSO WHEN CREATING THE NEW VBP FILE IT WRITES THE RELATIVE PATH AS OPPOSED TO THE DIRECT PATH THAT IT USED TO DO. SOME OF THE CODE WAS BORROWED, CREDITS GIVIN TO THEM IN THE CODE. I THINK I HAMMERED OUT PRETTY MUCH ALL OF THE BUGS, ONLY THING LEFT IS THE COMMENT SYSTEM I THINK, THANX FOR THE PATIENCE GUYS AND REMEBER TO VOTE!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041282332255964.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBProject_1701031282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mike Davis","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51343,"Title":"Simple Crypto","Description":"This is a simple Public key Cryptography code, This is my first program at PSC. This program uses RSA 64 bit encryption. Please put in your comments and/or vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Cry1701221292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Anindita Dutta","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51347,"Title":"Find those 'undetectable start up' applications!","Description":"There are several registry locations that applications can be started from before the desktop is presented. They are 'detectable' and this application will help you locate them and their owner companies. Run this regularly and familiarise yourself with what does start up in your machine. pretty soon, you'll very quickly recognise when a new thing appears - it could be a virus!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004129100179364.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Find_those1701301292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51852,"Title":"Always Behind other windows example","Description":"Have a window on your desktop that is glued to the desktop! Drag it BEHIND other windows!!!\nNever seen before, very useful for desktop oriented applications, for example.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Since VB automatically sets the focus on your window when you click it, so either program your window using API calls so it won't set the focus or else the window will appear infront of the other windows for a split second. It may or may not be noticable.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004218174536753.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Always_Beh1710552182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mark Anthony Entingh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51853,"Title":"A 3D Pie Chart Control","Description":"Design a 3D piechart for your custom app using an array of percentages. You can change the color scheme, and add mouseover , mousedown, and mouseup events for each pie piece in the chart","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042181755473300.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_Pie_C1710562182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Mark Anthony Entingh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51855,"Title":"View all IPs & Ports connected to your computer","Description":"This program will allow you to view all IP addresses connected to your computer, as well as IPs that recently connected and disconnected.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200421818363801.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/View_all_I1710582182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Mark Anthony Entingh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51856,"Title":"Evil Game Rev 1","Description":"*** Online RPG Engine *** Tile based RPG engine with Winsock TCP/IP for connectivity. Comes with client, server, map editor, and resource editor. Uses GDI API and double buffering to display map. Should work on all Windows platforms. Features include: Animations, interchangable map file format, full tileset support, WYSIWYG map editor, chat system, and a multiplayer environment. There are no actions available as this would set the style of the RPG (although I probably will implement an object system later). Think of this as a kit to develop an online RPG.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"' GDI32 calls and CopyMemory","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042181856205035.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Evil_Game_1710592182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Keith Weimer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51860,"Title":"Mini-Grocery System Using SQL Statements","Description":"Hi everybody, This is for a database programming lovers especially those beginners...There will be no module so you will understand the flow of the program....Not Fully documented yet co'z I have no time for that....Maybe in my next update !....You will enjoy while using this program co'z there are lots of animations in this program....I hope you have learned from my codes co'z that was I wanted for beginners....Have fun coding ! If you like this program please vaote for me or just rate it...Thanks ! For comments email !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mini-Groce1710632182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mark Anthony Dinglasa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51861,"Title":"CPU graph","Description":"A visual CPU graph","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004218214956587.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CPU_graph1710642182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mark Anthony Entingh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51864,"Title":"DDDView HeightMap","Description":"Firstly, IΓÇÖd like to state that, the idea for this project was inspired by Johannes B, creator of a project that does the same thing(almost). HereΓÇÖs a link to his. http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=37204&lngWId=1 \nI first started out, by adding a little more functionality to his project. Then before I new it, my project started to turn into itΓÇÖs own thing. Furthermore, there are a few more authors code snippets in this project, although I do not know their names. IΓÇÖd say 95% percent of this is mine.\nThis project will create a 3d image from a 2d image. The user can change from many different drawing styles. The user can rotate the image 360 degrees, tilt, and enlarge the image. This project also uses an ini file to remember the last location of a selected image. Any comments both good and bad will be appreciated. Thanks\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200421947205503.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DDDView_He1710682192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"MJOsborn","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51867,"Title":"EXE Joiner┬«","Description":"Great code for merging two executables into one, and when you run the new file, both of the programs will run with it, NO API, NO DLL!!!\n - Base on my project, \"FileBinder\"\nPlease vote for me...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200421978195819.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/EXE_Joiner1710722192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"BlackTornado","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51871,"Title":"Global Hotkeys for Winamp/Windows Sound Manager","Description":"Control Winamp using your keyboard! Uses Register/DeleteHotKey, GlobalAdd/DeleteAtom, SetWindowLong, ShellExecute and SendMessage, and supports Play (WND+X), Pause(WND+C), Stop(WND+V), Next(ALT+WND+Z), Prev.(CTRL+WND+Z), Volume +/-(WND+Up/Down arrows), Fast fwd./Rewind.(WND+Left/Right arrows). Also toggles Shuffle (WND+S), Repeat (WND+A), Main Window (CTRL+WND+X), Playlist(CTRL+WND+C) and windows sound manager (CTRL+WND+V).Please vote if you like it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Control_Wi1710882192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Luther ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51872,"Title":"UPDATED: - Optimizing VB String Parsing ΓÇô Using Byte Arrays and Binary Searches","Description":"Optimizing VB String Parsing ΓÇô Using Byte Arrays and Binary Searches to parse and color code","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Optimizing18218611252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Darryn Frost","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51873,"Title":"NetCrack","Description":"it is a crack of netbios","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004219166264396.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NetCrack1710902192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Manuel(ErcUn)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51874,"Title":"COOL OSD (On Screen Dispaly) With Animation","Description":"Display COOL OSD (On Screen Dispaly) With Animation, Do visit my site 4 Free VB installer and many more free software's - www.deepeshagarwal.tk","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/COOL_OSD_(1710912192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Deepesh Agarwal","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51879,"Title":"MS Winsock for VBscript","Description":"Winsckw.ocx is a custom wrapper around mswinsck.ocx control. Allows using winsock in Vbscript overcoming licensing issues. Few VBscript samples for sending emails, peer-to-peer HTML chat is included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MS_Winsock1710932192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Gurgen Alaverdian","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51880,"Title":"File Types Example (Updated)","Description":"File Types Example retrieves all registered file extensions\n from the Windows registry and presents them along with the \n file types and default icon. Right-Click on the file extension \n to view the file types key, content type, default icon file\n and the file types actions, also, you can backup the registry\n entries in a .reg file.","Inputs":"Windows Registry","Assumes":"Learn what File Types does.","CodeReturns":"Windows File Types","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"In Zip File","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042191928299337.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Using_File1710952192004.Zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"dlsoftware","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51881,"Title":"textboxBorderOCX -updated","Description":"This is an update to my previous submission. It does not use shapes this time.I hope I got enough of the right properties to make this useful and flexible. Have fun and Howdy from Texas","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042192043548077.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/textboxBor1710972192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51886,"Title":"cls_TextAnalysis(updated)","Description":"a class that performs basic text analysis using the Split command. Count characters, words, punctuation and layout characters. Thanks to merlin who found a bug in the basic countChar routine (answered 1 if there was no text in serch string) and 'Word counter *Excellent' who inspired me to attempt it. ----------------------------Thanks to Min Thant Sin for finding two bugs. Fixed the bug for blank text. Corrected the word count to give correct count. Also extended the class by adding the ability to set acceptable punctuation to allow hyphanated or underscore connected words to be counted as one. Included a bas module that contains the same concepts but designed to be used without the full class being impelmented, just take the bits you want, this bas module uses Paramaters rather than Properties to operate. (NOTE the bas file is not used by the demo).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/cls_TextAn1712242232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51888,"Title":"DirectX Rotation Game (Part 1 of 2)","Description":"NOTE: You need to download DirectX Rotation Game (Part 2 of 2) CodeID is 51889. Remember to put all the graphic files in the folder < Graphics > under app dir.\nThis is the game, as far as I know, originally created by Diapraxas team. You can visit their website at http://www.diapraxas.net/rotation for more information. I downloaded their game, played it, and thought I'd try to create this game. It took me a week to implement the game. So comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. For any reason, if the background display is very bad, e-mail me. I've only included Background.jpg because *.bmp version is 3.00 MB and I couldn't upload it. See the screenshot for what the game looks like. Also remember to download Rotation Game Level Editor to create custom levels (CodeID is 51890).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004220049315789.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DirectX_Ro1711102202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Min Thant Sin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51893,"Title":"_ Automatically Create Manifest File _","Description":"Automatically changes controls to XP themed style in XP based OS.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetVersionExA Lib \"kernel32\" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function InitCommonControls Lib \"Comctl32.dll\" () As Long\nPrivate Type OSVERSIONINFO\n dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long\n dwMajorVersion As Long\n dwMinorVersion As Long\n dwBuildNumber As Long\n dwPlatformId As Long\n szCSDVersion As String * 128\nEnd Type","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":90,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51894,"Title":"_Winsock Tutorial_","Description":"Very thorough MSWinsock tutorial. Includes connecting to servers, extracting HTML source from a page, get server from a URL, connecting to a site through proxies and retreiving source, get cookie from connection. Please show your support and vote/leave comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Winsock_T1711172202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":46,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51899,"Title":"Antivirus 2004 (3.0)","Description":"CC Antivir 2004 - A complete working Anti Virus program\nThis is number three of my AntiVir prog. I got a lot of response to my last two submissions, many suggestions and tips.\nSome of them are now realised: 1) ZIP File scanning 2) There's again the possibility to scan script Virii.\n3) Bug / Virus Report is now possible 4) The code is changed to scan only dangerous files that means the Engine is very very fast (the 150MB (~700 Files) are now checked within 6 seconds (old engine: 35s))! 5) The Signature contains now 17 entries. 6) Quarintine Window over-worked (+Delete function) 7) Log functionality added\nNote: The zip file support requires the \"unzip.dll\" in your System32 Directory. This is the ZIP Dll by the Info-Zip Group (THX). If you don't have this on your system, please download and install it from http://www.vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Utilities/VBPZip/Info-ZIP_Unzip_DLL_(Renamed_vbuzip10_dll).zip - or use the inbuilt download mechanism.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200422204117134.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Antivirus_1711292202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Cyber Chris","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":56264,"Title":"ILoveMath","Description":"the starship have to landing on the right place,\ntime running out..... answer the question and \nchoose where you going to place the ship.\nI think it's running alittle bit slow\ndo you've better ide plz tell me... \nuse keyup, down, right, & left to navigate \nthe starship (set form properties keypreview = True)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"GetAsyncKeyState Lib \"user32\" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004920126597595.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ILoveMath1795779202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56274,"Title":"Center Form In PicBox (Response)","Description":"This is in response to M1K3's submission about centering a form over a picture box. I don't want to rip into the flaws of his methodology and will only say that there were far too many assumptions on his part. I think this method is a much better alternative since you don't need to make sure that your form is a specific size, or the parent form or picture box has their properties set to specific values. Should be good for beginners since I use SystemParametersInfo with SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS to determine border width of forms and height of Titlebars for forms.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"SystemParametersInfo","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Center_For1796039202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"james kahl","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56280,"Title":"Database Document Generator in .CHM format","Description":"Hi friends, once I had to document a SQL Server 2000 database, the database had more than 1000 objects; I tried to document the database manually but it was a tedious job so I explored a tool which can document SQL 2000 databases, I found one known as SQL-Scribe, It was 400$ product which I could not afford so I made my own. It took me 3 days to build the tool; I have used SQL DMO to retrieve information about the database. There is a CSS file which users can change to change look and feel of the compiled \nhtml file.\nShould Have Following Installed\nSQL Server 2000 SP1 Client Or Server, Compiled HTML help executable usually C:\\Program Files\\HTML Help Workshop\\hhc.exe\nKey-Words: Database, Document, Documenter, CHM, Compiled HTML, HTML Help\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"CHM file of the database document.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049211216417483.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Database_D1796569222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":34,"UserRatingTotal":166,"AuthorName":"Pradeep Mishra Induslogic","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56287,"Title":"Disable unwanted events from the WebBrowser Control","Description":"This demo project disables Right-Click, Text Selection, and Text Drag from the WebBrowser control. I needed to find/adjust this code to hide my page source path and contents. Well I 've been benefeting from all the other good submissions, and I think that it is my turn now to try to upload something useful to others. I hope I can get your votes for this submission.","Inputs":"Just paste the following after the </head> in your html file\n<script src=\"nrc.js\"></script>\n<script src=\"noshift.js\"></script>\n<body background=\"your background image\" ondragstart=\"return false\" onselectstart=\"return false\">\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049211159302085.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Disable_un1796179212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Hilal","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56288,"Title":"Attack Tool Kit 2.1","Description":"The acronym ATK stands for Attack Tool Kit. It was first developed to provide a very small and handy tool for Windows to realize simple security checks. But more and more the utility grows and allows in the meanwhile to do full security audits as like other vulnerability scanners are able to do (e.g. Nessus or ISS Internet Scanner). But this is not the main goal of the tool. The primary task is to allow small and fast checks for dedicated vulnerabilities. The special thing about ATK is that the tool is able to do the work without great interaction. But there is also always the possibility to vary and change the behaviour of the software. This concern the plugins, checking, enumeration and reporting. The user is not dependent of the ideas of the developers - If needed because of the modularity nearly every change can be done within a few seconds. ATK is absolutely free to use and distribute. The software is written in Visual Basic and underlies the General Public License (GPL). The official project web site can be found at http://www.computec.ch/projekte/atk/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Do not scan a ressource without permission!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004921125257744.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Attack_Too1796579222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Marc Ruef","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56290,"Title":"Mandelbrot - Julia Set RealTime Explorer. (***See ScreenShot****)","Description":"This is a demo of the Mandelbrot and Juli sets.\nThe Mandel Brot set is the superset of the julia sets, and this demo you can move cursor at various points and the corresponding Julia set is generated realtime!!!\nAll the Parameters and colors are customizable.\nMandelbrot and Julia sets can be generated within Square or rectangular canvases (Settings menu).\nThis is a COOL CODE and is REALLY FAST!!!\nSo please rate me if you like this!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004921132156912.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mandelbrot1796219212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Hari Krishnan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56301,"Title":"Tab Array Example","Description":"I had a hard time finding info on SStabs and dynamicly loading controls onto specific tabs at runtime. After much trial and error i figured it out. and made this example to save others time.\nhope some one finds it useful. ( i dont norm post stuff. so no need to vote. also vb is not my native language. so. im sure this could have been done better ~cheers :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tab_Array_1796389222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Richard Hilton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56305,"Title":"GeneScene - Gene Simulation Game","Description":"The purpose of the game is to eliminate (turn off) all of the lights on the board. This can be done using 'plus' mode, or 'square' mode. Plus mode will turn the selected light to its opposite state, as well as the lights directly above, below and next to it. Square mode will do the same thing, except the diagonally touching boxes will be affected, too. \nGame is complete with color options, and a level-jumper, so you can return to any level you have previously achieved if you dont want to play the whole game all the way through. There are 11 levels and it is REALLY easy to add more levels. No external files. 14K. Check it out. If you can beat this game I will be impressed as all heck. This game is HARD.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004922936552086.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GeneScene_1796499222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56306,"Title":"A1 (Updated) FULL CGI/ASP Website Using only VB6, with Login, Administration, and Internal Messaging","Description":"This is a website I created COMPLETELY with VB6, and Access. It is a web page for a counter-strike clan I am affiliated with. I thought it best to share this code with my fellow programmers because it is TRUELY a great example of how to make a FULLY functional, interactive website with: Login, Administration, Messaging, News Posting, Live Server Stats, Security Levels, Privilleges, etc.. I've used this type of code for E-Commerce Websites (SupplyCounter.com), CRM Services (Alpha-Quote.com), and much much more. In order to use this, the compiled exe must be placed on your server in a directory where people can execute EXE files, the Database (mdb file) needs to be uploaded to the same folder, and any CONSTs (pointing to the database path, etc..) must be changed. The initial logon is \"admin/admin\". \nNEW FEATURES ADDED: Members Team Seperations, Users.ini File creator based on rank permissions, rank permissions editor, Banning by IP Address, and much much more!!!\nPlease comment and vote!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049221021741.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A1_(Update1796539222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56310,"Title":"eBay Login Utility","Description":"eBay Login Utility allows the eBay user to Login into there eBay account with one simple click without having to open the internet browser. It saves your ebay username & password into the registry. It offers Quick Links to eBay, My eBay & PayPal. Feedback is appreciated!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004922175518892.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/eBay_Login1796639222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"rnm89","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":49438,"Title":"HTTP Proxy Tunnel","Description":"Pass through regular TCP in a http proxy. This will emulate a normal TCP connection through a HTTP Proxy server, for instance inside a corporate LAN. Works for single outgoing TCP connection only. This software is highly experimental and not particularly functional. Updated 2003-10-31: Added 'Test tunnel' functionality: Tests speed of connection to tunnel.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Proxy server load, angry proxy administrators","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031031139568594.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTTP_Proxy16653810312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"aDe_n","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49441,"Title":"[A] Casino Roulette Game","Description":"This is one of the famous casino games: Roulette,\nthis is European style (no double zero). Not real money as well, so you have nothing to loose. So enjoy the game and if you like it or if you would like me to improve it, then vote! :)\nSome still argue if a zero is an even or odd number, I think it is even integer because it can be divided by 2 without a reminder, at least one mathematician that I know thinks so.\n...and don't expect me to pay you your winnings! But, I may accept $1,000 from you if you loose it, cause it's mine! :)\nI tried to get $100,000 on this game, got about $50,000 and ... then lost everything... funny right? :) Though, I did not use statistical computer ... \nI've updated this file again, now it includes a statistical computer, too bad you cannot used this in real casino :)\nAnd have fun!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310261522327078.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A]_Casino16634510262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49452,"Title":"Picture Viewer XP Look-alike","Description":"Looks like the Windows Picture and Fax viewer from XP. Now with the tlb file...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310252347332278.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Picture_Vi1802571082004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49461,"Title":"Find/Find Next/Replace Example","Description":"shows how to put Find/Find Next and Replace functions for the textbox control in your applications. reduces all the hassle down to simple 1 line function calls. please vote :P","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031026153538246.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Find_Find_16634610262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Steve Bailey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49464,"Title":"GUI more update latest","Description":"control added . hope it works now.minor fixes again.and many still remain.please appreciate.creates dhtml menus.same that gui stuff.com genterates for their user.100% same interface. a must download source.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031111943183268.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GUI__more_16635010262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Saqib Saud","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49465,"Title":"dBase Viewer","Description":"View the contents of a dBASE file (.DBF). Good example of how to use ListView and ADO together. Code can be easily modified to handle MSAccess files or even CSV files. Only thing particular about dBASE as opposed to other databases is the manner in which the Connection and SELECT strings are created. \noConn.Open \"Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};\" & _\n \"DriverID=277;\" & _\n \"Dbq=c:\\somepath\"\nThen specify the filename in the SQL statement:\noRs.Open \"Select * From user.dbf\", oConn, , ,adCmdText\nHope someone finds this useful ... Cheers","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None that I know of but please report any bugs","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/dBase_View16635210272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Foundations Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49477,"Title":"PCB Editor","Description":"This is a functional OO PCB editor, great code, please comment and vote.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310272132416293.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PCB_Editor16638910272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":71,"AuthorName":"Dante Milano Souto","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49473,"Title":"A 2D Classroom Game","Description":"its your job as the teacher to prevent your pupils from falling asleep. click them with the mouse. thats all. i made the small game last saturday, a boring bad weather evening.\nimportant: the sound module is from an other posting on planetsourcecode. it works great! \nthis is my first coding with vb graphics. does anyone know how to prevent the imageboxes from flickering, when loading another grafic into them? are there more professional ways to work with 2d grafics? sprites? api functions? please mail me your hints!\nthanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"this is my first coding with vb graphics. does anyone know how to prevent the imageboxes from flickering, when loading an other grafic into them? are there more professional ways to work with 2d grafics? please mail me your hints!\nthanks.","CodeReturns":"the sound module is from an other posting of planetsourcecode. it works great! \nthis is my first coding with vb graphics. does anyone know how to prevent the imageboxes from flickering, when loading an other grafic into them? are there more professional ways to work with 2d grafics? sprites? api function? please mail me your hints!\nthanks.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031027174855946.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Classroom_16638410272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"CSkalla","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46794,"Title":"Property Bag Explained (Examples)","Description":"Explains to you what a property bag does, can be used for, how to use it and has examples included.\nGreat for creating an archive, you own DLL files, customizing compiled EXE files and much more.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Property_B1612487102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46800,"Title":"Adding multiline balloon tooltips to ListView items","Description":"The attached code demonstrates a technique you can use to create multiline balloon tooltips for ListView items.\nThe code is based on the following simple idea. In the MouseMove event you need to check the index of the item under the mouse pointer, and if this item is changed, you simply redefine the text of the tooltip attached to the ListView control. Notice that you should destroy the tooltip if there is no any item under the mouse pointer.\nTo determine the index of the list-view item under the mouse pointer, we send the LVM_HITTEST message to the ListView control. The SendMessage function you should use to send this message returns the index of the item at the specified position, if any, or -1 otherwise. Before you send the message, populate the pt field of an instance of the LVHITTESTINFO structure with the coordinates of the mouse pointer (you pass the reference to this structure as the value of the lParam parameter in SendMessage). You can use for this purpose the X and Y parameters of the MouseMove event of the control, but draw attention at the fact that these parameters can be measured in twips and you need to convert them in pixels.\nThis simple idea can be used to create such tooltips for ListBox items, any grid control items and so on. For instance, we use this technique in extra samples for iGrid ActiveX Control we produce (this is an editable replacement for ListView and FlexGrid ΓÇô visit www.10Tec.com for more info).\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003710543332361.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Adding_mul1612557102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"10Tec Company","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46801,"Title":"ListView Each Row Tooltip","Description":"Hmm... I'v managed to Tooltip every row in a Listview control.\nEven if its not the RIGHT way to do it, erm.. its.. WORKING.\nIn addition, i'v altered some of the codes on PSC in order to sort the listview control.\ntell me what u guys think :)","Inputs":"Listview Control","Assumes":"working only if \"hoverselection\" proprety is set to \"true\"","CodeReturns":"hmm.. a tooltip :)","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003710722523633.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ListView_E1615067152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"KarahaNa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46802,"Title":"WinSock + ADO + String + Logic = Web Server","Description":"Learn managing simultenous WinSock connections, ADO connectivity and Moduler coding with a sample Web Server project.\nSimple web server supporting unlimited domains and redirections with default document!\nI know there has been a lot web servers on PSC. Still I decided to make it up within 2 hours and submit for those who wants to learn WinSock handling, simple string manipulation, logic implementation & ADO connectivity. All these are done in moduler manner so code always remains reusable anyway!\nThis server can host unlimited number of domains with default document supprt. As these are being controlled with database backend, you can do anything like implementing bandwidth throttle like GeoCities or IIS, implementing site statistics like GeoCities, etc.\nOnly bug I was tired to fix up is that the server loses the relative path if the URL is not ended with a '/' or no document is specified. I mean 'http://YourServer/www.YourSite.com' would return the site but relative paths will be messed up. It is okay if you use 'http://YourServer/www.YourSite.com/' or 'http://YourServer/www.YourSite.com/Index.htm'.\nPossible implementation could be many. I downloded the whole www.PHP.Net with Offline Navigator and hosted on my machine with this little server. I now just have to open my web browser to get help while I work on PHP! IIS or other hitech web servers would cost you more power, resource & management skill!\nIt doesn't support server side scripting.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037101143319760.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WinSock_+_1612597102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Broken Arrow","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46807,"Title":"MULTI STRING WINSOCK TRANSFER (Easy)","Description":"This script explains how to send multiple strings through winsock in only 1 packet. Very usefull with multichat and faster than sending strings one at a time.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MULTI_STRI1612647102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46813,"Title":"MS Project with Access","Description":"Generate tasks in MS Project from a data base in Access.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037111015482198.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MS_Project1612897112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Israel Balderrama","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46823,"Title":"Form Hook (callBacks)","Description":"This code demonstates how to make a form \"Stick\" to the edges of the screen if the form is released a certain distance from the screen. Also, I think this is neat, if you have a scroll mouse, you can move the form up and down by scrolling the mouse wheel. The things mentioned above are done using windows messages to determine if the mouse button has been released and to determine which way the scroll whell has been moved. Please feel free to add things onto this. Comments are always very welcome.Thnx","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Form_Hook_1613077112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"ebred","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":46825,"Title":"GOGOLive MP3 Encoder *UPDATED*","Description":"GogoLive is the Fastest MP3 Encoder in Real Time. Connect any sound's source to you Sound Card (line in) or play a audio CD and record directly to MP3. Good Quality! Fast Encode! Thank to gogo.dll. Highly recommended for user with low speed PC.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037111934168865.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GOGOLive_M1653361032003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fernando Aldea","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47485,"Title":"IP multiplayer test","Description":"This is my first submission, a multiplayer game. In fact it's not really a game, because there isn't any quest or weapons or whatever, you can only see the other player walk around. The game doesn't use any directX, it's just moving pictureboxes. I think it's great for people who want to learn how to use winsock to make multiplayer games. And... what do you think about the cool animal (knoerf). Please give me some feedback. It's my first submission and I would really like to hear if I'm doing anything wrong... Thanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038978573544.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IP_multipl162676892003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"-BDM-","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47486,"Title":"Introduction to Class Programming in VB","Description":"This tutorial is intended for student who are new to Class programming in Visual Basic. The Series Articles are still in development but here the 3 portion of this articles.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Introducti162543872003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Dante Salvador","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47492,"Title":"Strong Xor Encryption","Description":"Updated to be even more cryptic!\nEncryption based on Xor bitwise comparison and pseudo-random seeds with password protection.","Inputs":"Any ASC data.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Encrypted ASC data.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Strong_Xor164197962003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"FireXtol","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47493,"Title":"FX Fireworks","Description":"Uses SetPixel and AlphaBlend API to make a pretty show of fireworks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"You need AlphaBlending support.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FX_Firewor162567872003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"FireXtol","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47496,"Title":"MATRIX-Fall in DX8 + real caracters","Description":"the new version can be found here : http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=47678&lngWId=1\nIt simulates the fall of caracters in Matrix.\nIt's my first program with DirectX 8 but I think it's a good beginning.\nSee it by yourself and tell me what you think.\na+","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003871352588722.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MATRIX-Fal162571872003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"NoRabbit","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47500,"Title":"LED Control","Description":"this is just a simple control that mimics an LED. you give it a binary value for which sections to light up, and it does it. there is also a built in function that has digit presets and other things.","Inputs":"just a binary value","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"an led display","SideEffects":"seziures if you make it flash.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200387195359367.e ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LED_Contro162582872003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Robbie Lude","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47503,"Title":"Form Skinner","Description":"Make a skinned form, like WinAmp.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200388117184356.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Form_Skinn162586882003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Black Tornado","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47523,"Title":"A Faster AddItem","Description":"My third subbmission in one day heh... I am just board, so I made a little competition AddItem vs. SendMessage. So, I found that SendMessage is about 2 times faster than VB's add item. Microsoft, can you mak2e our lives easier and just give us working functions???","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200388165002673.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Faster_A162630882003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ness","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47525,"Title":"WinXP Startup Plus","Description":"A simple listview program that'll start up programs on start or on active internet connection found.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003881911209341.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WinXP_Star162693892003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Graham Lee Compton","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47527,"Title":"A Simple ActiveX Registrar","Description":"Again, sorry for the lack of submissions in the lst few hours, I had some work to do. Anyway here is an ActiveX DLL/OCX registrar. It is simple enough that a beginner can learn this by compiling the class file and intergate it with their own programs. Don't forget to vote...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200388204705349.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Simple_A162638882003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Ness","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50857,"Title":"Arkanoid:)","Description":"This is my first program in VB so dont laught :). Thanks for all remarks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Arkanoid_)169159182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Maciek Zawadowski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50873,"Title":"SpyEx (Keylogger)","Description":"SpyEx runs in the background and logs the window's titles and keys pressed on your computer while your gone. Also, it's great for logging the web sites gone to. SpyEx starts with windows and results are in a text file in the same folder as the application.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"GetWindowText\nGetWindowTextLength\nGetForegroundWindow\nSetWindowsHookEx\nUnhookWindowsHookEx\nCallNextHookEx\nCopyMemory\nRegOpenKeyEx\nRegSetValueEx\nRegCloseKey","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SpyEx_(Key169197182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Chris Richmond","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50876,"Title":"POS/Cash Register","Description":"This is a simple POS or Cash Register w/ Inventory. It can monitor item stock and reports are available. It used ADO, Data Environment and Data Report. A learning purpose to all beginner. Hope you like it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041131930313044.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/POS_Cash_R1696021182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":78,"AuthorName":"NoFalter","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50887,"Title":"IM Messiah, a proper MSN Bot","Description":"IM Messiah is a fully working MSN Messenger bot. This Bot contains functions that are only found in professional MSN Bots; such as an AI Bot(called Bob) that users can add to, 5 Games including Othello, performs Google searches and returns top results, A selection of Jokes and Quotes and links to other sites. For the Moderators and Admin's of the bot you can perform announcements, ban users, alter the bots status and Name... If even thats not enough you can even flood or crash peoples MSN Messengers using it. And all people have to do is add it to their MSN Contacts list to use the bot, easy... Look at the screenshot of what the bot looks like while being used in Messenger. Please Vote or leave a comment on what can be improved [Updated 20/01/04 - Includes More Commands,Fixed some of the bugs, Better Layout and Hopefully easier to Use]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004191410333966.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IM_Messiah1697121202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":32,"UserRatingTotal":158,"AuthorName":"Kevin Pfister","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50881,"Title":"Context Menu (Right click menu)","Description":"This adds a menu item to the context menu that you see when you right click on a file in explorer, just like winzip. I did not write all of this code. Jolyon Bloomfield (http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=12137&lngWId=1) did most of it, but I need some extra functionality, such as submenus. Like the way the new winzip does. I hope you can use this code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004191046408635.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Context_Me169207192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Chad Mathena","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50883,"Title":"[ Math-Game ]","Description":"This code proposes math operations depending on the difficulty level and on the game mode the player chose.\nI did this for my little bros, so don't expect to have fun or be super captivated...\nIt can be neat if you have kids and want them to work on their math.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004227922184133.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[__Math-Ga169209192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"angelica c","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50895,"Title":"Advanced EnumWindows","Description":"This is a fantastic demo of many useful EnumWindows and related APIs. Actually I searched for something similar on PSC , but couldn't find it. So , I can say that it's for the FIRST TIME ON PSC , a this kind of Program has been posted. There are many EnumWindows demos on PSC , but no where near to this one ! It allows you to filter the EnumWindows result based on 8 different filtering options ! Easy to Understand and complete functionality encapsulated in .mod file , hence easy to incorporate into your existing projects. I found this vry useful in many of my on going projects ... hope you feel it useful for your projects as well. PLEASE VOTE IF YOU LIKE IT\tOR EVEN YOU DON'T LIKE as you can always vote \"Poor\" if you don't like the code ! ... BUT PLEASE PLEASE VOTE ... Constructive criticism is welcome ... please leave comments ... those will help me to improve my programming skills. I thank AllAPI.net team for developing a great API reference without which it was hardly possible for me to learn stuff like this on my own and then write a Test Application.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411049377577.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_E1692391102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Ruturaj","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48174,"Title":"Calendar DLL","Description":"---XPDualMonths DLL File Source Code--- \nFeatures: \n1.Single Month display and Dual Months display. \n2.Multi-selection with <shift> key,even using Mouse rectangling to do multiselection;Using <Ctrl> to de-select it. \n3.Left,right,up,down,home,end key to move selected day. \n4.Customerized visual styles.(Border style,color styles,Line styles...) \n5.Selected dates can be rolled back. \n6.DLL File attached to a Picturebox \n7.Resizable \n8.Easy to extend to 12 months\nZip File:21KB \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039407127798.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Calendar_D164057942003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":98,"AuthorName":"Zhu JinYong","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48175,"Title":"BuffyBot","Description":"An IRC Bot. Kinda like an eggdrop. Uses scriptable include files to extend functionality. Has !seen and !quote features in this release and a !ban system too. Also has channel based flags for enabling autoop and autovoice, and user files for individual registering of users.\nPLEASE VOTE FOR THIS PROJECT IF YOU DOWNLOAD IT","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BuffyBot163961922003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Andrew C","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48178,"Title":"[ Advanced Data Delimiting (Byte Delimiting)","Description":"Use this method with Winsock. Ever had it when you need to send lots of data all at once, and you need individual structured fields for each commands? Does your field data contain special characters or binary data? Conventional methods of delimiting packets simply wonΓÇÖt allow you to get away with that. This code demonstrates how to use Byte Level Delimiting (as I have dubbed it, anyway), and also shows how to buffer incoming and outgoing data, so you can handle large data flawlessly. There is a word document inside the ZIP archive that explains the principle and mechanics of the idea, and also code to demonstrate it. Also uses protocol compression, if the compressed size is smaller than the decompressed size (ZLIB). Feedback greatly appreciated, thank you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003921224357123.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_D163965922003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"ByteForce UK","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48187,"Title":"No Winsock Or Inet Downloader!!","Description":"This is a complete event driven implementation of the usercontrol's asynchronous downloading capabilitys. Theres already some similar examples but none are very complete. This is great because you can add downloading to your app with no need for winsock or any other control... Just add the control to your project and your ready to go, you can download files, strings, pictures, and even open local files this way. enjoy","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200392203312566.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/No_Winsock163988922003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Deth","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48190,"Title":"A 3D Motion Screen Saver ( AMAZING ... No DirectX !!! ) [Updated]","Description":"If you want to be amazed, then take a look at this screen saver, but my advice to you before you run the code, \"don't spend more than one hour staring at the motion.\" looool ;). Start learning the code. This is a very wonderful graphical program that I'll update later on as a complete screen saver. In this screen saver, there is a number of circles (or lines) froming an object that rotates and moves in a fasinating 3D-motion. Also, there are colors rotation and fading effect. You can change the settings and get different styles of motion. You can also add some changes to the code. Change speeds, sizes, colors, number of circles, ranges of randome numbers, timers intervals, and enjoy... I hope you will like this program ... Comments and votes will be well appreciated ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039131749592704.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A__3D_Moti171536322004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":122,"UserRatingTotal":605,"AuthorName":"Yehia Muhsen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48192,"Title":"[[[A Good Flashcard Game!!","Description":"This is a very fun and adictive program. It can actually aide the user in developing their math skills. it's a sort of flashcard game. based on the chosen operation the computer will choose two random numbers and the user will have to answer the math problem within 5 secs., includes addition, subtracion, multiplication and division. feel free to try it! thanks.. PLEASE VOTE FOR THIS CODE","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200393024567921.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[[A_Good_164001932003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Carlo Rodriguez","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48201,"Title":"picture lazer intro","Description":"its a nice lazer intro i made for ur progs free to use but gime some credit...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/picture_la164009932003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Marx ( j0k4w1ld )","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48209,"Title":"Digital Camera JPEG MetaInfo Reader","Description":"A small class to retrieve most of the information contained in the EXIF header of a digital camera JPEG file - such as Date/Time, Shutter Speed, Focusing Distance, Aperture Value and many others.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039346598247.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Digital_Ca164021932003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Jordy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48213,"Title":"DirectX Tile Engine","Description":"This is a little tile engine I made a few months back. It includes a map editor, the engine itself and a built in little example. The engine supports things like fadein/fadeout, collision detection, scrolling maps of unlimited size, ''Tile portals'' (Tiles which when stepped on lead to other tiles/maps. For example - try going inside the caves for a pleasant surprise). Be sure to read the readme file and if you plan on using the editor, read the help file. Comments/Suggestions welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200393839224057.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DirectX_Ti164028932003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"IRBMe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48215,"Title":"Asteroid Madness Screensaver","Description":"Watch the asteroid ships obliterate themselves as they charge on their course, only to be deflected by the edge of the screen. Hope you enjoy. Mike.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200394341306580.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Asteroid_M164070942003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47248,"Title":"A Simple Way to Draw an Isometric Map","Description":"This program draws an isometric map in very few lines of code. This also includes tile transitions, animated tiles, minimap, alphablended color cursors, camera scrolling, and more! Download it and see for yourself!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037292115498089.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Simple_W1621397292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"_andy_","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47251,"Title":"SecureKey - Demo","Description":"This is a demo of how to use SecureKey, a \"Program Security\" DLL.\nUpdated the Comment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003730124132725.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SecureKey_1621467302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Pioneer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47254,"Title":"NetScheduleJobs","Description":"This is a new updated version of the NetScheduleTasks program I uploaded. I have modified it be able to add, delete and list scheduled tasks.\nThis modification has bee requested by many users.","Inputs":"Various data required to setup the scheduled tasks, these are entered in using text fields or check boxes.","Assumes":"You need to understand the use of windows api's.","CodeReturns":"A scheduled task in windows.","SideEffects":"None known.","ApiDeclarations":"The software uses the Netschedule api's.","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NetSchedul1621567302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":" .","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47266,"Title":"LightGrid","Description":"Lightgrid is a little(45 KB) replacement for the big FlexGridControl (240 KB).\nIt hasn't all the features like the FlexGrid, but it has a great features, like BackgroundPicture, transparent cells, you can draw on the Backgournd like on a PictureBox, and so on.\nIt's good for these people who didn't want a 240 KB big Control and didn't want to use such a big grid like in Excel, because it's not really fast if you use many cells.\nI've commented in german and english. So try it out and see if you can need it and if you find it good, then please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003730146327996.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LightGrid1621727302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Frank Maier","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47269,"Title":"Character To Mouse X, Y Movement","Description":"Shows you how to move any object to any position on the form, just by clicking there. This code could be useful for certain games like 'Command And Conquer'. This code also has comments, to help guide you through whats happening. If you like this code please vote for me. Also if you have any questions then you may email them to me at frillyozz@comcast.net. Thank you for looking.","Inputs":"Text, Mouse X and Y","Assumes":"Timer Control","CodeReturns":"Moving Character","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037301513299937.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Character_1621757302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Derek Skeba","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47271,"Title":"Spaceship (using trig)","Description":"This is an example i made that uses trig to draw and move a space ship (actually a isoceles triangle), and uses custom types for the 'ship'.\nthis is a must see code, as it is quite short and simple. i've commented as much i could so it should make sense. please rate it and feel free to leave comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037301628139070.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Spaceship_1621797302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Brian_A ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47272,"Title":"Cool THX Surround Sound Movie Intro","Description":"This is a cool copy of the intro you see at the start of some movies, where the THX logo appears, and it plays that cool sound in the back of it. If you are not sure what im talking about, then check out the screenshot. I hope you like it. If you do please leave a comment. Thanks for looking.","Inputs":"Keyboard Input","Assumes":"Timer Control","CodeReturns":"Graphics, Sound","SideEffects":"Possible Resolution unconfiguration","ApiDeclarations":"Sound API","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037301753318940.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_THX_S1621837302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Derek Skeba","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47279,"Title":"RPG Battle Simulator V1.1","Description":"This program will simulate RPG Battles with a real good battle calculator. This version has 6 stats, now, including HP, Str, Def, Atc, Ddg, and Dmg. I have uprgraded the battles to have 3 types of strikes, like normal, double, and Excellent. Also I have made the battles have more random possibilitys, so if the players are equal, there is a random chance of one winning and one losing, and the battles have more of an exciting appeal. Also added a counter that tallys, turns, player wins, and enemie wins. Ive rearanged the graphics to fit the style better. And i heavily commented it, so anybody can cipher the math. I hope you enjoy this version better, it is more suited for rpg veterans, and even beginners to the genre and there is always room to expand it. Thank you and enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037312382226.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RPG_Battle1621977312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Andrew Stickney","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47652,"Title":"[ Play FLASH Movie ]","Description":"Now playing a flash movie is possible in your vb form....so now don't make the common and boring form give the IMPRESSIVE EFFECT TO UR PROJECT FORM WITH THIS UTILITY PROGRAM.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Play__FL1628528122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":7,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47654,"Title":"Visual Basic to Delphi COOL CODE!","Description":"This code will convert Visual Basic Code into Delphi, even a VB form can be a Delphi form with all objects intact! This code has never been submitted before and was thought to be impossible because of the complexity of NO SPECIAL CALLS to determine whether the pice of code was even a variable! Yes, This code even converts variables! So for you VBers who want to show of to Delphi Have to have this program!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Visual_Bas1628548122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Ness","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47655,"Title":"Colors Filtering [Basic ideas about colors]","Description":"Basically this program filters the main three colors in a picture ( Red, Green, and Blue ), and redraws the picture in differnet combinations of those colors. This program increase your knowledge about colors, explains how the RGB function works, and show you how you filter colors. It also deals with the process of Drag Drop where you can drag and drop the filtered pictures on to the original picture so that that they get reflitered again. In that case, you'll see the absence of some colors. To make the program faster, I used API funtions (GetPixel and SetPixel). I hope the math in this example is easy to understand, if not, please feel free to conatact me. I'll be more than happy to help. If you like this program, please rate it. Good luck guys.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200383017749364.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Colors_Fil1638148302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Yehia Muhsen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47656,"Title":"How to create mIRC like windows","Description":"This article will show you how to make unlimited windows out of 1, think of mIRC.. you think he made all 30 windows manual? no he made like this, a template window then created 30 more of it the same way as this tutorial will show you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038121548509436.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Martin Engstr├╢m","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47658,"Title":"Virtual Drives","Description":"Create Virtual drives under W2K, DOS, not tested on W9X, but i think it works, very easy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Virtual_Dr1628648122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Matias A. Villagarcia","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47662,"Title":"VERY SECURE SOFTWARE REGISTRATION SYSTEM EVER MADE(Fool Proof)","Description":"Heres is the most Highly Secured software registration. It consists of highly secure BINARY ENCRYPTED REGISTRATION which adds trial status tag to currently existing windows file and modifies the date and time of the file using highly advanced DATE CHANGING SYSTEM. It also sports the BEST DEBUGGER DETECTION SYSTEM which checks for any debugging activity every 10 seconds. It also shows the flow of RAW and PROCESSED DATA. And this way your software can be SECURELY wrapped, and there is almost NO ROOM FOR CRACKING because of advanced debugger detection system.The trial information is saved as tag in a Windows file and no one will ever know this due to DATE MODIFICATION SYSTEM, so that no one notices any changed files using a search program. It also uses Cool keygeneration system which need a UNIQUE PASSWORD for every Generated Key. The binary registration system or the trial function is always secure and this is what most secure SOFTWARE PROTECTION SYSTEMS DO. This is really a COOL REGISTRATION SYSTEM with ADVANCED TRIAL< REGISTRATION AND DEBUGGER DETECTION SYSTEM and best Source Code Download.What more can you ask for? Just Vote...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038122357428610.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VERY_SECUR1628748122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Sriharish.H","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47678,"Title":"Matrix fall 2 in DX8 UPDATED","Description":"UPDATED<br><br>\nnow can be used as a screensaver with options :<br>\n-frame rate limit<br>\n-text editing<br>\n-letters scale<br>\n-display mode<br>\n-you can chose between Hardware Acceleration or Reference Rasterizer<br>\n-...\nHere is the new version of the fall of the characters of matrix.\nIt is programmed in DX8 and uses the special characters of the film.\nThis is the second version and it includes:\n- an effect \"fall of text\" which makes it possible to write text of your choice in the style of matrix\n- fade-in and fade-out of the letters\n- trail of front and behind the letters\n- 4 kinds of lines with random posting\n- alphablending\n- speed variations\n- and more...\n- all can be easily configurable \nthe screenshot shows the text and the trail's effect\nif you take time to look at attentively, you will see that it is possible to configure your effect as good seems to you.\nI hope that you will like it.\nThomas John\nPS : sorry for my english, i speak french\nPS2 : the source code is fully commented in french","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003815144593946.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Matrix_fal1630238152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"NoRabbit","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47679,"Title":"Generic Exception Handling","Description":"Allows TRY-CATCH block inside VB [or C++,etc..],\nProtect your programs against Crashing!\n[LIMIT:works only with compiled stuff]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Generic_Ex1629128132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47680,"Title":"XP Fast Search","Description":"This is a complete search program to rival that of windows.\nIt compares file names, dates, sizes, and types with the added ability of searching Zip folders !\nA nice user interface with not too many added bells and whistles but still enough to make it worth a download at least.\nI have lost all of the credits to the authors of some of the code I have used to create this, if you are one of those authors, please email me ASAP and I will add your name.\nIf you don't like this code, vote that way, if you do, vote that way either ! Just please, leave all your honest opinions and votes !\nThis code also shows alot of interesting methods of doing simple tasks with both your form, windows, and your programming abilities.\nExamples such as how to put your form on top, Read and Write to the registry, enum registry keys, Sort arrays, Use ImageCombo, ListView's and ImageLists, Load Icons from files, compare file dates and sizes, Findfolder dialog with no ocx, Get Windows Special Folders, Read Zip file headers and much much more.\nKeyWords : File, Folder, Search, Class, Common, Array, Visual, Style, XP, ListView, ImageCombo, ImageList.<BR>\nUpdated 14/08/03 : It was showing an error when you used the explorer menu bar entry for \"Start Searching Here\", that is now fixed.","Inputs":"Search File Spec","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"File List","SideEffects":"Note: Sometimes the splash screen doesn't work, im unsure why as of yet.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003813139424740.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Fast_Se1629738142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":46,"AuthorName":"c0ldfyr3","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47683,"Title":"HTML STYLE","Description":"This code is a combination of my past html programs. I commonly use em when i'm making webpage, and they're helpful for me.This code generate html code for button style,scroll bar...hope it could help you too.For internet explorer 4 and above. \"Ayan nalang po mga kapatid ang aking masasabi.-TAGALOG\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003813143288239.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_STYLE1629238132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Pinoy Ako! ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47686,"Title":"Compleate Plugin Example","Description":"This example shows how create and use a plugin in your applications\nPlease readme.txt in the zip file","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This example shows how create and use a plugin in your applications\nPlease readme.txt in the zip file","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Compleate_1629298132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Priyan R","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47687,"Title":"browser new window function with pop up blocker","Description":"This code allows your program to open the new windows in a new form of yours, not in internet explorer. It also includes an example code for blocking pop ups. Any Feedback will be greatly appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"When the pop up blocker is on you can not use the open in new window function.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/browser_ne1629328132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"mike","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51367,"Title":"Mini Golf 1.0","Description":"Mini Golf 1.0 is a complete 18 hole mini golf game , all the the graphics I made there nothing special but they serve the purpose this is my first installment of 2 versions . This one uses bitblt , I hope to update to directx in the next version and add some sounds . if there is any problems please leave a comment. Thankyou","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041301133118176.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mini_Golf_1701801302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Hagen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51375,"Title":"Make Your Own Internet Explorer","Description":"to make your own internet web browser to use for personal uses. make a internet web browser to dislay latest news from your website. this uses the Microsoft Internet Explorer.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"D1M3N510N","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51377,"Title":"eVB Line Scramble (Full Screen!)","Description":"This is a improved version of my Line Scramble program. This version supports Full Screen mode by tapping the screen.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":41,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004130174362497.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/eVB_Line_S1702021302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Todd Tanner","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51381,"Title":"Common Dialog with thumbnails view","Description":"Start Common Dialog with thumbnails view.\nYou can set any other view before starting\nCommon Dialog. It works both on Win2000 and WinXP.\nUsing subclassing and api mouse_event inside windows message (WM_INITDIALOG)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Common_Dia1702091302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Nino R.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51388,"Title":"CSV to Text Converter","Description":"I will be soon giving you with the new version of it only if the response is good.\nEmail me your suggestions and feedback @ universalprogrammer@indiatimes.com\n\nTitle: CSV to Text File Converter.\nDescription: I thought of sharing this program with you all. Converting CSV files to Text Files as per customisation required. I was using this small project to convert the CSV file i have into different text files. The name of the text file use to be the same as the first column in the csv. Rest all corresponding data goes to the subsequent files and gets append to it.\nFor Example : when i run three different CSV's then all the for the first column named \"UNIVERSAL\" gets logged into one text file named UNIVERSAL.txt.... similar others data are getting appended.\n\t 01/01/2003,81,81.5,79.3,80,9848\n\t 01/06/2003,81,81.5,79.3,80,9848\n\t 02/06/2003,81,81.5,79.3,80,9848\n\n\n\n\n-----------------\nI will be soon giving you with the new version of it only if the response is good.\nEmail me your suggestions and feedback @ universalprogrammer@indiatimes.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Steps to Convert : \n1) Open the VB Project.\n2) Select the CSV file named \"1.csv\" provided in the zip using \"Pick CSV button\" and then click on the \"import Button\".\n3) Once you click the \"Import Button\" a new folder named \"Data\" with corresponding text files as of the csv's first column will be available.\n4) Similarly follow the steps for CSV \"2.csv\" and you find that only corresponding data gets appended in the text file. That means if the CSV file has first column \"universal\" and all the data from csv with first column as \"universal\" will get appended in the text file \"Universal.txt\"\n\nI will be soon giving you with the new version of it only if the response is good.\nEmail me your suggestions and feedback @ universalprogrammer@indiatimes.com","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200413171163837.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CSV_to_Tex1702191312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Universal Kida","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51400,"Title":"WinXPC Engine (Optimized drawing technique in buttons 16/02/04 )","Description":"Give your Visual Basic Controls a Windows Xp Visual Style,WinXPC Engine is the largest collection of Subclass routines , uses only code (no Images)\nNo need to replace any control of your app,or add any other control to support VisualStyles, Controls that are supported: \nListView,Slider,ProgressBar,StatusBar,TabStrip,ComboBox,OptionButton,CheckBox,CommandButton,TextBox...and much more\neven subclass MsgBoxes and InputBoxes without adding any extra lines to your code.\nSome of the controls support System Color Theme,some XP Colors may vary but they look close Enough.\nIm Working on adding support for external classes so you can subclass other pre-made ocx automatically..but right\nnow you must do this manually, C++ or Windows Classes are easy to get,but i recommend using Spy ++ \nif you don't know the name of the class.\nMainly the Logical Structure of the code is a Visual C++ one, because of the use of so many messages and APIS ,but its no big deal actually..\nIf you follow the code carefully you will find this as easy as 1,2,3.\nThe Engine supports Win 98,Me,2000,XP, but i haven't tested fully on all OS version ..almost every test was made on XP Pro \nRemember This is Full Source code and Free (Not Fully Completed)..so mainly one of my objectives is that coders see & test the\ncode so they can give me they point of view and Suggestions...then finish the ocx with a better code.! ...\nFull code included no external dependencies. Enjoy and leave your votes!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"A lot ;)","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004212551629.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WinXPC_Eng1709822172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":106,"UserRatingTotal":523,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52715,"Title":"[ A- BioRRitm ]","Description":"It calculates the days when your body is up to do somethings like Diet, gym, etc. and get excelent results... also it tells you on wich days the results will be better.","Inputs":"Your Name, and BirthDay","Assumes":"nothing","CodeReturns":"a from....to 14 days, where you Biorritm is working. there you will be up to do somethings..","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"UNDERSUN Programacion:::...\nBy Fucci, Leonardo Hernan (UvChenko)\nsee www.meetfinder.ar.tc for knowing people with my programm!!!","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004329320537238.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BioRRitm1725853292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"FUCCI, Leonardo Hernan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52716,"Title":"[ A- taskToDo LIKE Vb.Net ]","Description":"are you tired to forget what do you want to change of your code when you are debuggin?? when you stop debug you cant remember wich was the error, if there where a lot of errors? this utility may help you, its like VB.NET task to do utility","Inputs":"the issue that must be Checked, revised, etc","Assumes":"it uses a file opened for input, and for output.\nAlso uses String Operators, like MID. its very usefull","CodeReturns":"nothing, it only remains, also if you shut down it.","SideEffects":"if you want to delete some task, you cant :(.\nbecause i just were so laaasy to do it, but you can delete the *.MFR file on app.path","ApiDeclarations":"UNDERSUN Studios.\nFucci, Leonardo Hernan (UvChenko)\nvisit www.meetfinder.ar.tc for chating whit your friends with my programm, based on VB6!!!","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200432932415658.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LikeVb_Net1725863292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"FUCCI, Leonardo Hernan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52718,"Title":"Planet Source Code : Editorial Review","Description":"Planet Source Code: Editorial Review","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":36,"UserRatingTotal":171,"AuthorName":"Multiple Technologies","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52723,"Title":"Asm source of basic vb exe","Description":"As*embly source, all files are included also a short description of the as*embly language so you can understand the code yourself. You don't have to be an expert as*embly programmer to understand it, because it is fairly easy, and it also shows why VB has slow string manipulation, and other things. Well I will leave it to you to find these reasons.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Asm_source1725983292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Julian The Programmer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52727,"Title":"System Assessment XP","Description":"System Assessment XP is an easy way to compare different computers performances to each other, the program performances tests in a variety of different areas(Maths, Graphics, System...), and then displays the results in an easy to read graphs. The tests are benchmarked against my pc as a deault(AMD XP Barton 3000+, 512mb Ram, Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb Graphics) The test should be carried out on Windows XP as other OS's can provide different results.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043291331133823.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/System_Ass1726043292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Kevin Pfister","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52729,"Title":"PictureTranscluence","Description":"Makes transcluence effect from two pictures!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PictureTra1726073292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"carniv0re","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52730,"Title":"Article: 10 CODING HABITS TO REMEMBER","Description":"This article lists 10 coding habits to remember, they will help you when you program in the future.\nTRUST ME.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Julian The Programmer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52731,"Title":"iPod v2","Description":"A functional and nearly complete iPod clone. Contains the iPod's media databasing features, nearly complete replica of the menu system, 3 of the 4 gen3 games. A remote for a minituraized GUI. An exact replcia of the button/thumbwheel interface. And near exact replica of the LCD font. Switched to a smaller screenshot/mosaic, added double buffering, battery icon will show your actual battery status if you're using a laptop. Fixed some solitaire bugs, implemented the ability to change options. Started a game profile. Has blackjack, hopefully no more ghost menus. Parashoots can now be shot out without killing the paratrooper. Can read iPod notes. Added music trivia game","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Normally, I really hate when codes (coughEVANcough) post the same code repeatedly only slightly changing the name. However, this version has major updates to the UI, fixing multiple bugs. Adding many features, and a completed version of solitaire. I also am still in need of someone owning an iPod to get the rest of the missing elements off of","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004462545269.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/iPod_v2174053532004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52732,"Title":"Wu Pixels","Description":"This code demonstates the use of Wu pixels.\nCircles and lines drawn using Wu pixels will have an anti-aliased appearance because this method of plotting uses floating point math to plot pixels in groups of four in a 2x2 block and varying the brightness of the pixels. This program uses no OCX's or third-party DLL's, just VB and the API (SetPixel and GetPixel).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043291652223492.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Wu_Pixels1726113292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Chris Jennings","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52737,"Title":"Invests","Description":"Invests is used to keep books on investments like municipal bonds (mainly tax free).\nIt may give help to learning to use events, the DataGrid control, ADO, data-bound controls, ADO record add-edit-delete, the DTPicker control for calendar work, text box, list box, multiple forms, a module to give project-wide scope to variables, log-in with encrypted password, the Keypress event to control user input, SQL,\ndatabase tables, EOF and BOF, variable scope, modality with forms, basic sorted financial transactions, form load event, automatic processing of user dollar amount, allowing inputs of just digits such as 238794 to yield $2387.94 so that decimal points need not be typed, presenting a list of days for a given month (30 for June, 31 for May)\nThis is not a tutorial program, but instead hopefully gives helpful examples and enough commenting that the code can be understood.\nInvests.mdb database tables are used here.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Unzip the ZippedProject file in a folder of your choosing, look over the forms and some of the code, and give it a go. The LogIn will ask for and Owner Name and a password, then the program is ready to add investment(s) post transactions, see a summary, print, etc. The program uses \nApp.Path so it should be portable to your folder. Your rating of the program would be appreciated, also any suggestions for improving would be appreciated in the feedback.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Invests1726183292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Wayne Braun","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52739,"Title":"Text Formatting API","Description":"Formatting text with various alignment and margins. The standard TextWidth is not accurate, specially if you want text justified exactly.\nWith API functions is very simple!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043292032392589.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Text_Forma1726213292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"gibra","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52740,"Title":"[A great tetris clone]","Description":"hooooray another tetris clone! but this one is cool because i made it. it uses bitblt, classes, and a simple game loop. the code isn't too messy. i tried to comment some of it. try to learn from it. give me your feedback if you find bugs or anything, or if you like it or HATE IT! thanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043292046228316.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A_great_t1726253292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"john hollister","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56909,"Title":"Capturing the Extra Mouse Button Events","Description":"This program will demonstrate how to capture the extra mouse buttons such as the mouse wheel and x buttons (the buttons on the side of the mouse).\nMouse Hooking is employed so these the events can be captured independantly of the controls.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004102520222757.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Capturing_18097910252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Phobos","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56919,"Title":"Tab Mdi application","Description":"Tab Mdi application. A template for your application. Simulates a tabcontrol, but uses mdi forms for added managability. The tab control on top shows/hides your forms.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410251570292.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tab_Mdi_ap18099910252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Sivert Nilsen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56921,"Title":"Printing DLL","Description":"This is a DLL for reporting. PSC is not that good on this subject so I've made it myself and share it here. Well, it's not ready yet, but I'm still working on it and as soon as it is ready, it will print even in Draft Mode(character printing)","Inputs":"There are no input parameters, only compile it on a DLL or OCX or whatever you want.","Assumes":"This is a DLL for reporting. PSC is not that good on this subject so I've made it myself and share it here. Well, it's not ready yet, but I'm still working on it and as soon as it is ready, it will print even in Draft Mode(character printing).","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Printing_D18100410252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"kerplunk_boy","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56922,"Title":"ATMEL 80C51 HEX TO ASM","Description":"The purpose of this application is to convert a 8051 hexadecimal code to a 8051 assembler code. This program can be very useful for a programmers linked to the uP programming.","Inputs":"The program accepts as input a hexadecimal file.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The program converts the hexadecimal file in assembler file. The user can select the path of the output file.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib \"shell32.dll\" (bBrowse As BrowseInfo) As Long\nPublic Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib \"shell32.dll\" (ByVal lItem As Long, ByVal sDir As String) As Long\nPublic Declare Sub Sleep Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041025163322406.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ATMEL_80C518100710252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":37,"UserRatingTotal":185,"AuthorName":"Leandro V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56927,"Title":"Clock Updater","Description":"This is another way of synchronizing with an atomic time server without MSWINSCK.OCX **nor** MSINET.OCX **nor** an \"embedded\" web browser. It uses the following API's to retrieve the time from the Internet: InternetOpen, InternetOpenUrl, InternetReadFile, and InternetCloseHandle. All four of these API's come from wininet.dll in the system/system32 folder. It even minimizes to the system tray, and you can also view the system time as well. Also, you can choose from a list of time servers in the drop-down menu. In addition, you can schedule time synchronization. Plus, you can choose to have it start up with Windows. Plz vote if you like this!!! :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041025221675382.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Clock_Upda18101710252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"mathXpert","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56929,"Title":"Make Trial-Version software the easy way","Description":"This short program shows how to create a trial-version of your software that is not crackable or hackable (without decompiler) because the code is embedded within the program. By coding the expiration within the program, registry hacks or serial hacks will not work. The users would contact the software provider for a non-expiring version. I have sold many products using this method. Any feedback or comments welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Make_Trial18102010262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Capp00","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56931,"Title":"A Bumper Icon Pack !!! Windows XP Icons for use in VB!","Description":"This would appear to be the biggest single collection of Windows icons on the internet. I looked everywhere for versions of the Windows Xp icons that I could use in my VB projects, all over the web and found very little. So I gave up and did it myself. Included in this download are OVER 800 ICONS FILES.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Bumper_I18103510262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":73,"AuthorName":"Paul Nicholls","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56933,"Title":"ADDIN -- ComponentProjectLoader","Description":"Normally when you open a non-project VB-associated file such as a form (.frm), class module (.cls) or standard module (.bas), \nVB creates a new project and adds that component to it. I've never found this functionality useful, and on occasion it's annoying.\nThis Add-In detects when components are loaded directly, and tries to find the associated project.\nIf it succeeds, it loads the project and then displays the component you loaded - a much more useful way of doing things!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"*EDIT*\nA file name compare was case-sensitive, causing some projects to not be recognised. This has been fixed.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ADDIN_--_C18105110262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"grigri","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56937,"Title":"Semaphore & the International Flag Code","Description":"Semaphore & the International Flag Code by Robert Rayment. Enter any text and illustrate message using Semaphore or Ship flag codes. Learning aid. Straightforward code, easily embellished. (Zip 144 KB).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Sleep & BitBlt","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041026938362989.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Semaphore_18104810262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56946,"Title":"Translucifer Translucent Region Demonstration","Description":"Poor man's translucency. My hope is that other planet users will step up and collaborate with me to make this into a commercial-quality technique, if possible. Maybe it can be. Maybe not. Anyway, I am tired of being told that we can only have translucency on the whole form. I wanted a translucent region and figured out a way it might be done or, at the very least, spawn some ideas from other Planet members that will lead to a commercial quality solution. So, feedback is most vital! This project contains Paul Caton's excellent excellent cSubclass, cTimer, and WinSubHook2.tlb. Thanks again Paul! Hopefully, this will look pretty decent on most of your machines. It looks pretty good and smooth on my Win2K box...just like the screenshot...but I suspect mileage will vary greatly from machine to machine. If you can, compile it into an exe to evaluate it fully. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or feedback!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You should not have to worry but if, for some reason, the reference to the WinSubHook2 .tlb is missing I included it into the zip. You can also get it from Paul Caton's WinSubHook2 submission. In fact, I highly recommend you look at this submission....","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Alphablend\nBitBlt\nCombineRgn\nCreateRectRgn\nOffsetRgn\nSetWindowRgn","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410261530427411.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Translucif18106910262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"AlT","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":48339,"Title":"[[Extreme Lock V. 2 [Fully] improved","Description":"Compared to the Version 1 series. This one really improved. New User Interface. (THis is worth the download) Does NOT use Database. Instead this version created what is call a User Profile. in this user profile it stores the Username/Password in it. If you are running it for the first time. It will create a new profile after u type a password to go with your username. And username if none is supplied with your windows. So this one does not rely on your Username with your windows. \nBecause it's locking System is SO advanced. It has this feature that if you Enter a password incorrect it will Give you a clue... With the first letter of your password... Eg. if My password is PSC the program will show on the Status message: \"Username/Password incorrect (P**)\" .. I took apart Version 1.0.1010 and rebuild it all over. It has it's complex codes, and the program itself is very easy to use... Adds a whole new security to windows.. Tabs, ALT+F4, CTRL+ALT+DEL will not prevent this program from being on TOP of the other applications and exiting with out a password... \n\n\"RATE MY PROGRAM... LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS. Please.. Thank-you.\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[Extreme_164270972003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Andron Smth","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48342,"Title":"Really Simple Load Custom Resource","Description":"I decided to wrote this article after a long time trying to find a way to load custom resources that cant be load as \"normal\" ... all i can find is really complicated DLL's and huge and confuzing codes ... so i decide to show a really simple way. \n\nI will show how to load an flash animation but you can do this with anything.\nI will also put a sample on a ZIP in case that you have some problem with copy and paste\nAll you have to do is create your resource file as normal puting anything you want (JPG, EXE, SWF, Etc...) as custom resources.\nAnd then write the resource to a file and load it.\n\nPrivate Sub Form_Load()\nDim M() As Byte\nM = LoadResData(1, \"SWF\")\nOpen \"c:\\windows\\desktop\\m.swf\" For Binary Access Write As 1\nPut #1, , M\nClose 1\nSF.Movie = \"c:\\windows\\desktop\\m.swf\"\nEnd Sub\nPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)\nKill \"c:\\windows\\desktop\\m.swf\"\nEnd Sub\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Really_Sim164272982003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Zani","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48344,"Title":"A simple NO API sendd data to MDIChild","Description":"This is simple NO API send data to an inactive MdiChild code, just using a timer...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"NO API","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200398410104617.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_simple_N164277982003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Joe Igorevitch Pritoulski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48345,"Title":"SQL Navigator","Description":"SQL Navigator is a very good Demonstration of Viewing the Tables, Views & Procedures present in SQL just with the help of some SQL in-built functions through ADO. It will show you the data in the table & even the text of the Procedure which you had made in SQL. Might be unknown to someone how to use the SQL functions through VB just by passing them into the recordsets. It can be used very well by making an application. It is very small easy to understand, fast & hey.. dont forget to rate my code...!!!","Inputs":"Any Valid Connection String for SQL Database","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Matter of the Table or the View or the Procedure","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200398425256600.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SQL_Naviga164278982003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"krachit","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47972,"Title":"A Very * 100000 Simple FTP Program","Description":"This is really a very very very very very very very very very very easy FTP program . Only few lines of code to upload/download a file to/from a server.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Very___11635038252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":62,"AuthorName":"www.shouvik.tk","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47973,"Title":"A Simple Solar System Simulator, v1.0","Description":"This Solar System Simulator is a very simple application designed to teach you how to rotate/animate planets around a sun, but also how to rotate moons around their planets. I have also implemented a very simple yet effective zoom functionality simply by changing the form's scale settings.\nThe position, timing and distances are not to scale. You will need to change these if you want an accurate system, however everything is commented so it should be no problem.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038251018505343.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Simple_S1635128252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47974,"Title":"A wintlantik 1.4 monopoly client","Description":"This is Monopoly client for LINUX monopd servers. You can play monopoly with it over internet. \nWARNING:If there is no servers list when you run the program, delete command line parameter (IP adress) in 'make' properties!!\nIf you want to trade estates, right-click on estate, wich you want to trade with. \nIf you just want money transactions, klik on target player's list of estates.\nAtlantik has been originaly developed on LINUX, but since there ain't windows client...\nSome things are to be done (smooth token moving, checking localhost server), but most of them comforms to monopd protocol.\nFor more info go to http://unixcode.org","Inputs":"IP adress of server, if it is not on internet","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200382643720392.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/wintlantik1636618282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Marjan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48352,"Title":"Load and Resize Pictures with GDI+","Description":"This module uses a combination of GDI+ and GDI API calls. Its functionallity is limited to loading images and resizing them. It can load all the picture formats supported by LoadPicture plus\nthe PNG file format.","Inputs":"The module has two functions. LoadPictureGDIPlus and Resize. LoadPictureGDIPlus takes as parameters the filename, and optional desired width, height and backcolor if the picture is transparent. Resize takes as parameters the Picture handle, the picture type, desired width and height and an optional backcolor if the picture is transparent","Assumes":"To run this demo you need to have gdiplus.dll installed on your system.\nXP users are fine since GDI+ is shipped with the OS. For any other Windows OS (not 95)\nyou can download the GDI+ redistributable from \nhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/platformsdk/redist/3097/W98NT42KMeXP/EN-US/gdiplus_dnld.exe","CodeReturns":"Both functions return a new Bitmap Picture Object that can be directly set to a Picture property of a control.","SideEffects":"The Resize function does not work with icon files (.ico and .cur).","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200398102506908.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Load_and_R1643759102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Miltiadis Kritikos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48355,"Title":"IM Alert Web Service - Send Messages to MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, AIM updated","Description":"This code allows you to sends a real-time alert message to any user of the 4 major Instant Messaging networks MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, and AIM. You donΓÇÖt even need an account or need to install any clients. It a unique web service project on PSC.\nYou could integrate this within your own software systems to send yourself, your colleagues, or your friends automated messages, such as:\nAppointment or task reminders e.g. Team meeting at 14:00.\nImportant day reminders e.g. birthday.\nSystem alerts e.g. System has restarted after error.\nApplication alerts e.g. Stock management reports low inventory.\nInformation notifications e.g. Stock prices.\nPlease Vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003981448417280.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IM_Alert_W164305982003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Abhishek.NET","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48349,"Title":"AmaCLC Registration System [Client Server]","Description":"This is a Registration System, it has two application, the client and server. It uses ADO connection and Winsock. You can add, edit, delete, view a record. The server is password protected. I also included a chat. Other stuff are Minimize in System Tray, Compress Database, Install on Startup, also every action made by Client is log in the Server. The Help file is included. Please vote first before downloading this code. Thanks to Chris Hatton for the Ado.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Make sure you have Dao360.dll installed on your computer for the server application to work.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AmaCLC_Reg164283982003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Michael Qui├▒ones","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48351,"Title":"XP Button (Remade v1.2)","Description":"This XP button is a remake of my older version. This one includes the xp silver gradient colour, highlight effects, disable effects, hover effects, focus effects and acts the same way as a normal button. If you click the button but didn't mean to, you just drag your mouse off the button the same way you do for a normal command button. See screenshot for details","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200398941327602.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Button_1645139142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Michael Manning","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48363,"Title":"InterfaceX (Updated)","Description":"A cool interface done in visual bacis. If you see the screen shot. The whole program was done in a single form. And All the others are activex.\nThe best thing about this is all are movable, dockable. etc etc. Have fun with the code it is opensource and if you like it please vote for me...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039903518308.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/InterfaceX1643859102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Imthiaz Rafiq","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48365,"Title":"Network Utilis","Description":"Network utilis, checking net work stats and other utils","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Network_Ut164324992003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Adriaan De Lange","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48370,"Title":"LaVolpe Window Messages","Description":"Repost with Search Function> Just a cheat-sheet of sorts. Over 200 windows messages with their values and brief descriptions. Add it to your toolbox for referencing when subclassing forms, hooking, etc. Not much of a project but should be useful. Feel free to use & abuse as desired. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003991026259234.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LaVolpe_Wi164335992003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51135,"Title":"Saudi Stock Exchange","Description":"The purpose of this code is to learn the method of getting stock prices from web sites","Inputs":"Internet connection is require to run this project","Assumes":"This is the first submission of anything pertaining to sauid stock exchange, or I did not find anything similar. This code will get the stock prices from live market and update the portfolio. \nPlzzzz vote for me and leave comments","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004120859122950.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Saudi_Stoc1697091202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Natarajan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51138,"Title":"an Activex For Thumbital Views of Pictures","Description":"This is an Activex Control For Thumbital Views of Pictures.\nVery Flexible and very powerful to use.\nThis is very like to ACD SEE Program's Browser.\na Screen shot and an example program is also included in this package.\nplease Rate it.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041201356582601.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/an_Activex1697131202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Behrouz Rad","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51145,"Title":"Phenix Spider - A complete Internet Spider!","Description":"As a person at college who has a lot of time on his hands I decided to make a web spider to go though pages getting either email address's or listing the address's of pages in which a search paramanter was found.\nCompletely coded myself I am quite pleased with the result, if you find any code which is userful feel free to use it, remember to vote! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Phenix_Spi1697431212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"-=Phenix=-","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51146,"Title":"Break large files","Description":"This is a FileSplitter.Use this to fragment large files.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Break_larg1697451212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Masoud Yousefvand","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51148,"Title":"Finny's Network Tool","Description":"This is a simple lan tool basicly to be used on a network. It can ping, netsend, create virtual drives, open normal and hidden shares, open FTPs, delete users, create users and change the password of users.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412162877585.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Finny's_Ne1697501212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Bradley Finn","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51151,"Title":"Complete Temperature Conversion App (using 4 formulas)","Description":"Temp App using conversion to Rankine, Kelvine and Reaumur from a Celsius or Fahrenheit input from the user.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041211529155823.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Complete_T1697571212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Steven Jacobs","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51156,"Title":"MMDB Mutlu' z Movie Database","Description":"MMDB Mutlu'z Movie Database is a advanced moviedatabase with highly designed skin and look. This is my first design and programming in VB6. I hope you'll like it. Maybe some people will earn money with this program.\nBye Bye\nMutlu Erol\ntatlicocuk21@hotmail.com\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041212124197645.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MMDB_Mutlu170400242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Mutlu Erol","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51159,"Title":"EXE in EXE","Description":"Put an exe within yours and run it at runtime (you can use it with any type of files)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/EXE_in_EXE1697751212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Masoud Yousefvand","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51161,"Title":"AutoFilter Like Excel","Description":"AutoFilter Just like Excel. User can easily search desired records. here i used MSFlexGrid and Combo Box.\nPlease Comments.\nThanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AutoFilter1697811212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Aamirr","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51167,"Title":"Small 3D Wireframe Cube Example","Description":"Creates a 3D cube on the form which can be manipulated using the left, right, up and down arrow keys.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This code uses Sine and Cosine to spin the cube around.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":81,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Matthew Pearce","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51180,"Title":"Tricops Game + SCREENSHOT","Description":"Side scrolling shooter similar to R-Type, except you are a chopper!, shows use of bitblt to create fast flickerless animation, keyboard controlls, move and shoot at the enemy planes - good collision detection with sound!.I have now included an end of level boss!!, please let me know what you think of this, any feedback is welcome!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041231345112486.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tricops1698121222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Richard Stoddart","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51186,"Title":"PDF Compacter","Description":"Compact PDF Document 2 a smaller size.","Inputs":"PDF Document Location","Assumes":"System Requirements:\nAcrobat PDF Writer 4.0 or higher\nNOTE:\nCant compact PDF Documents with security...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Free 4 all 2 use... :)","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PDF_Compac1698191222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Blahcutey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51187,"Title":"Using chm (compiled HTML) help in your app","Description":"If you want to use .chm help in your application, these functions may help. The three included here call help by contextid, open the search option, or show the table of contents. Paste these into a module and either set your applications help file to a valid .chm file or change the references in the functions to point wherever you want. Comments and suggestions welcomed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041231228561221.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Using_chm_1698531232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Carl","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51194,"Title":"Finny's Network Tool Version 1.1","Description":"This is a simple LAN tool basically to be used on a network. It can ping, net send, create virtual drives, open normal and hidden shares, open FTPs, delete users, create users and change the password of users. In this new Version I have completely made the FTP section as u can see in the image and some other sections. I have also added some extra features and fixed up some of the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412318577360.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Finny's_Ne1698361232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Bradley Finn","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47704,"Title":"Serial Barcode Reader","Description":"This project allows you to get a barcode from a serial barcode reader and put it into your applications, or another application using sendkeys. It uses the MSComm control and the OnComm event to read each individual character passed to the serial port, it detects the finished barcode from the carriage return sent by the barcode reader. This could be useful in epos programs or just to get data from the serial port.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200381483840427.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Serial_Bar1630158152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Andrew Ford","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47707,"Title":"Rain for 3rd Person View","Description":"This sample shows creating a neat and FPS friendly 3rd Person View Rain effect using a 3ds cylinder and and TexMod to scroll the texture.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"NOTE!!!!\nYou are required to have TV 6 Final. Download from http://www.truevision3d.com\nEither the Lite version or full version will do.\nDownload Full version if you want to learn TV3D since it contains a lot of samples and tutorials.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038141123442655.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Rain_for_31629688142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"errrRus","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47709,"Title":"Collison for 3rd Person View (with Jump)","Description":"I hope u can use this. I took this out directly from my game.\nI took alot of stuff that u don't need out. For example Automated Mesh loading.\nYou are free to use any of this code but if u use the camera code plz\nat least tell me.\nAll of the collision Code are in the Actor_Mod module.\nThe sub WalkoverMesh in that module makes the actor walk on the wall.\nAdd when ever he presses left or right the sub Actor_Pressed_Up gets activated.\nAnd There it checks all the collision and thats kinda it.\nIf u have any question or suggestion email me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"NOTE!!!!\nYou are required to have TV 6 Final. Download from http://www.truevision3d.com\nEither the Lite version or full version will do.\nDownload Full version if you want to learn TV3D since it contains a lot of samples and tutorials.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038141154113159.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Collison_f1629708142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"errrRus","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47711,"Title":"VB-OpenGL : Solar System XP","Description":"A comprehensive program\nthat demonstrate use of OpenGL Graphics API in Visual\nBasic Environmnet. It covers Ligthing, Bitmap(.bmp) Texture loading using Windows API, Hi Resolution Timer support, Time-based Animations and more Advanced Topics like Multiple viewports and Mouse Picking(Mouse support for OpenGL).\n \n \nWhats New (in Updated Version):\n Sun FLare Colors Selection, Floating Camera, Planet Path Lines and WinXP GUI Style.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003819222684644.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB-OpenGL_1632678202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":36,"UserRatingTotal":178,"AuthorName":"Saadat Ali Shah","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48042,"Title":"VBtoHTML!!!!","Description":"Ever wanted to preserve the formatting from VB when ur posting an article? well this nifty app will do just that! it converts any VB file (i.e. .frm .bas .cls .ctl) into a formatted HTML File!!!!!!!! no more truncated code on psc :P \nIncludes well thought out error traps, and a has taken a long time to write so please comment/rate :) thanks.\nsteve b","Inputs":"VB Code","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"HTML","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003827225502177.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBtoHTML!!1636528272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Steve Bailey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48045,"Title":"_Like Ping","Description":"Like (Ping) IP address","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Petko Petkov","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48050,"Title":"Loading From A \"Resource DLL \"","Description":"For all of you who know what a resource DLL is , well this class will help you load a BMP,ICON,CURSOR or PLAY a WAVE compiled in a DLL Resource.","Inputs":"Requires The dllname, and resource id's","Assumes":"you know how to compile a resource dll and in the resource dll, the wave files are stored as type \"WAVE\" not \"CUSTOM\"","CodeReturns":"returns picture for BMP,icon and cursor files.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"MANY !","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Loading_Fr1636728282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Anumeet Soni","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48055,"Title":"[ Controls Explained, Tutorial - PART 01 ]","Description":"PART 01 - This tutorial will help start-up any beginner or intermediate programming into Visual Basic as it explains using the toolbars controls and what they do. If you like it then please leave your comments etc and I may consider finishing it off :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Controls1636868282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"JamesJD","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48056,"Title":"NextPad *Awesome text editor* FIXED corrupt page","Description":"\nFeatures : Since Version The First Version To This Version \n* Word wrap ,\n* Clipboard Options ,\n* Can Launch Another Editor If The File That Is Being attempted too be opened is too large ,\n* has an Options dialog \n* Can Be Used on the command Line and ,\n* Can Be the Default text Viewer for (*.TXT) Files...... \n* Set Font \n* Find Dialog \n* AUTHENTIC windows core component Properties dialog , Strait From the windows API !!!!\n* Launch New instance , Through A menu or dialog \n* Has a Toolbar , COOLBAR\n* Has A Clipboard Viewer , Editor \n* Full screen Mode \n* Recent File Menu\n* Undo Option Added \n* Option Too Alter NextPad's Thread Process Priority \n* Option For NextPad Not Too ask Too Launch External Editor , Just Launch it.\n* Better Toolbar Now it's a CoolBar \n* Better Launching of a New instance Because Now you can add command line parameters \n* NextPad Now Has An Option Too Remember Previous window Position And Window state\n* You Can Now Set The Back Color And Forecolor Of the TextBoxes \n* Better Text File Manager\n* Able Too Move File \n* Ability too Choose open File Method , Binary , Input\n* Smart File Opening Which Is Smart Because it detects which File Method to open the file with \n* Windows Can Stay On Top \n* Ability Too Print Documents In NextPad Or The Text File Manager , In Color Or In Black And White\n* Replace Dialog\n* Text File Manager Has Options\n* Text File Manager Can Delete A File , Or Send it too the Recycle bin\n* Text File Manager Can Shell The Document Opening it with The Program associated with the file\n* Text File Manager Uses Smart File Opening \n* You Can Now Set The Font For The Text File Manager\n* NextPad Has A Tip Of The Day Dialog \n* NextPad has a file Browse Bar \n* AND SO MUCH MORE NOT LISTED !!!\n* Better recent files menu, no more limit etc...\n* Added favorites menu.\n* Fixed bug where you couldnt open files larger than 65k in Recent File and\n Organize Favorites dialogs.\n* Fixed bug that is activated when you click No to a message box asking you\n to open a file to large for NextPad to open, (only triggered when opening a file from the command line).\n* Made work around for bug where you couldnt set the clipboard text, while using the \n vb clipboard object when using the manifest file.\n* Existing features that have needed much improvement have been improved\n (allowing NextPad to work more efficently).\n* Existing code base has been improved.\n* Replace dialog has been improved including new replace functions\n such as make replacement uppercase, etc.\n* Fixed bug where if you had minimized the main window, \n then closed it with the \"Remember previous window position\" option on you could not see \n the main window the next time you started NextPad.\n* Added new \"Insert\" menu so you can now insert tab's and new line's into your documents, etc.\n* Added new \"Make Selection\" menu so you can now make the text you have selected \n inverted,uppercase,lowercase,etc.\n* Updated clipboard window.\n* Rename feature added allowing you to rename the file that is currently open.\n* Calculate size feature added allowing you to check the size of the document before you save it.\n* Refresh\\Revert feature added allowing you to refresh the document currently open.\n* Manage clipboard dialog has taken the place of the two pointless ones.\n* Tip Of The Day dialog has been finally updated.\n* Main Toolbar has been revised again to look and feel better when in use.\n* Added insert at beginning of document and insert at end of document menu.\n* The BrowseBar has been improved nicely, its appearance has been altered slightly also.\n* Fixed bug that occured when you dragged a file from explorer onto NextPad's icon, then the file \n would not open.\n* Add Directory function added to the favorites dialog.\nThanks If You Like It PLEASE Vote Otherwise PLEASE LEAVE YOUR SUGGESTIONS AND \nANY CRITICISM YOU HAVE, PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS !\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Please read all code as some of this code might be different from other vb coders preference.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"About 15 or so.","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038281834248396.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NextPad__A1636878282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Jason","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47590,"Title":"burning cursor","Description":"simply try this cool effect.\nits like the cursor is flaming like a sparkler!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038101959355219.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/burning_cu1627498102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"buhhmann","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47696,"Title":"Barcode Reader/Scanner ...","Description":"Read or Scan Barcodes with this few line of codes.. No (API/OCX/DLL) required ...\nThis works well with barcode scanner/reader connected to serial comm1 port, it supports Code 39/128/UPC/EAN/etc... dnt know much about this terms :))\nNo need for votes.. I just post this for refference, i hope this could help you, especially those who code in a POS related business..\nNote: \nDoenst work with some barcode reader/scanner, check your mannual/driver for other type of reader/scanner.. :D\nFor comments/questions/suggestions email @ richard_2k03@yahoo.com\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Barcode_Re1629498142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"BitCode","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48058,"Title":"Tricks with menu - UPDATED","Description":"This code shows how to use many API functions in \"menu\" category (see the screen shot!). Viewing this code you can learn how to disable close (x) button on title bar, how to edit system menu (minimize, maximize, close, etc.) of specified window, how to remove items from menu, add small bitmaps next to the text in menu items, get handle to system menu, menu of window and submenu, add as big bitmap as you want to menu item, hide menu on command and count menu items. It also shows how to use window procedure (called by AddressOf), how to hide your application and add icon to taskbar status area and how to open internet pages without using any controls. UPDATED: now you can add to menu also icons!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038281935215663.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tricks_wit1637578302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Filip Wielewski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48169,"Title":"milliEmu","Description":"Emulates the 6502-based Millipede arcade machine from the early-1980s.","Inputs":"The original Millipede arcade ROMs and a healthy user.","Assumes":"You must have the Millipede arcade ROMs.","CodeReturns":"An emulated Millipede screen.","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200392624347958.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/milliEmu163953922003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Don Jarrett","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48170,"Title":"EIT - Virus Removal","Description":"This is a simple application that is meant to scan for a few of the most harmful and annoying worms and viruses. The code is very beginner, because I don't really know how to code (good) yet. Just try it and if you don't like it then don't vote. But don't flame my code because atleast I try.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Could do system damage. Don't really know.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039274330661.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/EIT_-_Viru163954922003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Conard Data Systems","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47196,"Title":"[A++] Real Snow Effect - Falls and Accumulates","Description":"Oh, I know it's summer in US, but it's Winter in Australia!!! So get some snow!! REAL SNOW!!\nNEW!!! Includes JAVA APPLET that you can use on your WEBSITE!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200372714022864.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Real_Sno1621247292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":52,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47201,"Title":"ColourGame","Description":"This is just a fun game I put together. The object is to click the color that is written. NOT the color of the text or the color said out loud. Its not a complicated game but I sure have had fun with it. BTW I didnt finish the high score code, Ive got another project Im workin on.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003727164588585.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ColourGame1620647272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"FuSioN0220","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47210,"Title":"RC Beams Design","Description":"Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams using the principles of the ULTIMATE STRENGTH STATE DESIGN Method according to the ECP1995 (Egyptian Code od Practice).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003728549269975.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RC_Beams_D1620887282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Waleed Nassef","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47226,"Title":"Simple and Smooth Slider programming","Description":"This Vb code shows how easy and good looking sliders can be. This code can be used to enhance your programming for audio, midi and sound programming. Find out in the code how simple some routines are done and freely use it for further purpose in your application. Voting will help giving more of my code out. Do not forget to download the free Live Midi Keyboard from www.rempro.nl","Inputs":"nothing","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Happiness","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037281831412008.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_and1621037282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Remco de Hundt","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47232,"Title":"Datareport Without DataEnvironment","Description":"This my sample how to Use Datareport without using Data Environment. Also include how to manipulate data before show it with Datareport.\nAll generate by Coding. Look up sample 1 and sample 2 inside my program.\nDont forget to vote for me\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003728222497196.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Datareport1621097282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Hanafiah","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47233,"Title":"get all these api functions from dll files","Description":"I have post an article ,that included all basic windows apis,recently i recieved many emails which said want to know how to get all these api functions from dll files ,so i post this code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200372822412367.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/get_all_th1621107282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Qi xinghua","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47234,"Title":"Instance Checker","Description":"This simple few lines of code will give the user and error message if they are already running your program. Doesn't apply if you are in the ide!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Tyler Badger","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47236,"Title":"Web-Browser v 1.0","Description":"This is a WebBrowser for surfing the Internet. It is different from the basic browsers found on PSC. Just take a look at it and Vote for it If you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20037291045198.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Web-Browse1621147292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Keral.C.Patel.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47838,"Title":"Polygon Animation Editor (PAN File Editor)","Description":"PAN files are best described as an animated version of a Windows Meta File. Each frame of the animation is composed of shapes, be it Rectangles, Ellipses, Lines or freehand Polygons. This animation system is implimented widely in my upcomming game 'BotMatch - Secondary Protocal' which I will be submitting to PSC on September 6th. Polygon Animation Files (PAN Files) are compact (an 80 frame animation can be less then 10KB depending on the number of points that are used to create the polygons).\nI have included several sample PAN files found in the 'samples' folder... These 3D looking animations were all 'traced' frame-by-frame from quality rendered animations...\nTracing can be done by clicking on the image button on the toolbar, or selecting the tracing option from the menu... You load a picture into the background to use as a reference for drawing over, thus giving you the ability to create complex, stunning animations with an extremely economical filesize.\nKeep this submission in mind if you get the chance to look at my game on which will be submitted on September 6th.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003820119522607.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Polygon_An1632308202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"(Tim Miron) yar-interactive software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47851,"Title":"VChip 8 - Chip 8 emulator - Update v1.0.1","Description":"This is a chip 8 emulator coded in VB.I use Direct X for Graphics and Input and i need some help with DSound(Not some , A LOT)...\nSome roms are included.\nNote:If someone knows well DSound 7/8 i need his/her help for my GameBoy emulator\nUPDATE : I fixed a lot of bugs.Please download again.\nPlease Vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VChip_8_-_1633648222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Raziel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47871,"Title":"VBMahjongg Beta8 [Tiny version for Fixed Download]","Description":"VBMahjongg 2.1 its a fully game write completly in visual basic with out any external DLL, Ocx or\nlibs. *See* the animated screen shot to believe it. This classical Chinese Game contais more than 100 varaitions of\noriginal game, and give you the oportunity to make new ones with the level editor. New improved \nroutine than makes all the puzzles have solution (i've seen some COMERCIAL Mahjongg puzzles that\ngenerates un-solvables puzzles!). More than 30 Tilesets, Backgrounds, Midi Music and sound effects,\nHallFame board, etc. The game supports several Languages. Only make the apropiate translation\nfile and put it on language folder and voil├í...a new language its available. No re-code nothing.\nThe same occurs with TileSets, Musics and Backgrounds. This is not \"easy\" code. More than 14 Modules\nand 10 Forms (yes, a optimization is needed, i know this xDD). See Readme.txt for *importat* notes.\nCompile the code and run the executable for correct Menu Subclassing.\nEspecial Thanks goes to: Ren├⌐-Gilles Deberdt (the original author of Kyodai Game), G. D. Sever (Menu\nSublassing routines), Kailash Nadh (for his Unveliable Screen Effects) and all the betatesters that\nimprove testing for this game around several weeks.\nIf you like this game, well...a vote will be apreciated..xDDD, and of course, any report (good or bad) will be\nstudied for future revisions.\nPSC don't le me upload large files. \nFor this reason this version not has all the graphics \nSee you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200382023539624.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBMahjongg1633048202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":104,"AuthorName":"John Ripper","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47872,"Title":"w32.welchia.worm remover","Description":"Removes the Welchia/Nachi worm. No great advance in this code, to the code in my DCOM worm remover. Basically, this will remove the WELCHIA worm, which was released, saw it on the news this morning. Other ways this could be done, is changing the clock to the year 2004, which the worm will remove itself. Also other advances would work in killing the process of the worm before removing it's SERVICES keys in the registry. I know someone has done that with the DCOM remover, great to see people expanding the code. Feel free to advance the code all you like, or leave it as it is, it works.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038202319262507.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/w32_welchi1633058202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Christopher J. Bradley","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47874,"Title":"XXtreme Messenger","Description":"This Messenger connects to MSN Messenger and can send messages,extract emails,Massive Message, Multiple Users Messages and More SOON, Rate It Please.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XXtreme_Me1633088212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Misael Morales","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47875,"Title":"Desktop friendly Memory and CPU monitor","Description":"Physical and virtual memory monitor and CPU monitor. I've only catered for 1 cpu, but actually get the metrics for all CPUs (check ReturnCPUPercent(x) up to m_lCPUs). Sits conveniently on top of the desktop pretty unobtrusively too. if you like the progress bar, you can cut and paste the function into your own code. hope u find it useful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038214311332.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Desktop_fr1633588222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47878,"Title":"INap Napster Client (fully functional)","Description":"A Napster Client based on opennap/slavanap protocol specs. it supports chat/pm/all forms of transfers/easy server connection/script support in chat/private message/hotlist/browse files/ and basic media player ability. a install and more screenshots available at http://www.intradream.com/inap/index.html . it dosnt have the file base some of the newer p2p apps have but it certinly isnt dead tons of people still use audioGnome and there still is a bunch of servers to connect to. i recomend using it for chating. Thats the best part of napster in my opinion.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038211114509944.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/INap_Napst1633208212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Timothy Marin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47881,"Title":"An Excellent Payroll System","Description":"This is a payroll system, register new employees and gives them employee no, validates each & every entry. each month, operator can select the Employee ID can generate the Payslip.\nThis is very perfect Payroll System, you should use this, learners will found it extremely useful.","Inputs":"User has to input the data in the term of employee information etc.","Assumes":"The general function of Payroll system.","CodeReturns":"Pay slips can be generated.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038211139516732.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Payroll_Sy1633218212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Swarndeep Singh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47717,"Title":"Memory Monitor (Revised.)","Description":"Monitor's usage of: Physical Memory Usage in percent, Virtual Memory Usage in percent, Shows total amount of RAM, Shows amount of free RAM, Total virtual memory, Free virtual memory, KB used in the current paging file, KB free in paging file.","Inputs":"None.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Physical Memory Usage in percent, Virtual Memory Usage in percent, Shows total amount of RAM, Shows amount of free RAM, Total virtual memory, Free virtual memory, KB used in the current paging file, KB free in paging file.","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Memory_Mon1630218152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Trent Bradley","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47718,"Title":"Advanced 2d Shadowing","Description":"I was looking all over the net and couldn't find anything on how to create real-time 2d shadows from a single texture, so I made this. What it does is creates a shadow (without real lighting of corse =P) behind the character surface by editing the verticies a bit to angle it so it looks more shadow-ish, then changes the RGB value to 0 (black) and puts on an alpha value to blend it in with the ground, so your shadow doesn't hide stuff from you =) It is all real time and can be put into any DirectX 8 (DX8) project (dont know how it would work in DirectX8 3d though). It creates the shadow with very nice speed, probably just a milisecond longer than it takes to draw the character normally. Again, I couldn't find any other source code that does something like this, so please vote =) You can also check out DXRE (which is here) or Mercenary (http://mindless.sytes.net) to see it in action! =D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200381511648450.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_21630028152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Spodii","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47720,"Title":"DXRE 0.4.0","Description":"Many people's favorite 2d DirectX 8 engine is back with more updates (thats this engine btw...) =) I have now added better alphablending and real time shadowing (without use of lights of corse =P) to go along with the .mid support from DirectMusic (volume and temp support), .wav support from DirectSound (panning/balance, volume and frequency support), fullscreen or windowed mode, DirectInput and GetAsyncKeyState for checking key presses, partially finished particle engine (with alpha and lighting support), npcs that randomly walk around, multiple maps able to be loaded from .map files, minor scripting engine (just creates and places NPCs and sets map name so far), DirectMouse and mouse movement speed, custom font configuration (bold, size, italic, font set name, etc), real-time rendering (no FPS limiting), an unfinished menu screen, total uninitialzing (erases all dx variables, array, and forms), and plenty more. Great to use for base engine of many and many types of 2d games! =D Right now, it is being used for my action-rpg game, Mercenary, which you can check out at http://mindless.sytes.net =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003815149387447.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DXRE_0_4_01630058152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Spodii","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47722,"Title":"w32.blaster.worm (decom worm) remover.","Description":"Ok, it's been ages and ages since I have posted any code. Kind of got sick of people ripping code and making claim for their own, so I removed pretty much all code I ever posted. Anyway, things aside, this application will remove that DCOM Worm that was realeased. Pretty simple. I would like to take the time to add, that the registry code I used was from Master Spy's startup adder/remover. Basically because it was right there, and I was a lil too lazy to code it myself. Same goes for the shutdown code, which was from one of Federico Bridger's examples, for the same reason, heh. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200381576325472.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/w32_blaste1630118152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"Christopher J. Bradley","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47728,"Title":"Google Search","Description":"Google Search Control !! Easy Drop-in Solution For Programmer's... Easily search google from your vb application, no restricting number of search limits and up to 100 results per search!! You dont need any extra controls (such as mswinsck.ocx) to use this control... Enjoy! :) ***Updated!! 11/6/03 Now uses no extra controls for downloading!! urls are better parsed and show as they should!! ***","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031161016233103.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Google_Sea1668441162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Deth","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47741,"Title":"w32.blaster.worm (A,B & C) remover (updated)","Description":"This is just a minor update to my previous submission for the DCOM worm remover. This simple update will remove the BLASTER worm, as well as it's B and C varients.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038152245313441.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/w32_blaste1630418152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Christopher J. Bradley","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47744,"Title":"WinSPY(Professional Screen Control With Winsock..) <<-!!DURMA YUKLE!!->>","Description":"Hi There!\nDo you want to Control Screen from other computer with internet?\nYou must use WinSPY!! You can full screen control this program.\nYou can Full Mouse Control(Left Click, Right Click, Double Click, Send Mouse Position & Mouse Moving..)\nAnd Adjust to Download Screen Resulation (%10~%100) & Screen ReCapture period (5~50 seconds). \nThis is my first zip submission, Please Vote Me!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003819255249953.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WinSPY(Pro1630518162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Osman Gulercan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47450,"Title":"Flash Explorer","Description":"Complete program like explorer. You can view text files, movies, mp3, wav, html and More.. Please Rate it. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003861229485144.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flash_Expl162486862003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Misael Morales","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47451,"Title":"Layers Demo(Update5)","Description":"Layers Demo by Robert Rayment. (Update5 fileops correction) This started as a layers demo but grew a bit to include some effects and drawing tools. Individual pictures can be resized, clipped, lassoed, rotated have effects and drawn on and a merged picture can also have all these apart from lassoing and rotating. The transparency can be varied for each picture apart from the background...etc. Too many things to describe them all here so please read the Help. The screenshot was made with this prog but PSPro used to convert to jpeg. Difficult to be sure all bugs removed so comments welcome. (exe tested on WinXP) Win98, Zip 182 KB including some test pictures.","Inputs":"Pictures","Assumes":"Read Help","CodeReturns":"Pictures","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Several","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200386142241300.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Layers_Dem1630548162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":105,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47753,"Title":"Learning Package: Arrays","Description":"Well, I have been noticing my Split Command tutorial was not very appealing, and I want to be professionals like you, so I created an artical that is not-so-boring, and a sample. I call it a learning package. You can vote, only if you wish to...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Learning_P1630798162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Ness","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47745,"Title":"Finnaly Connect to a SOCKS 4 server via VB.Commented","Description":"THis programm connects to a SOCK 4 proxy server and tell him to make a onnection with another pc.\nIn the example(screeenshot) i use my proxy server to conncet to an undernet server.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003816530138507.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Finnaly_Co1630588162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"DetonEtor","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47792,"Title":"Img2ASC (Image to ASCII) - Image AND Animation!","Description":"This program converts an image to ASCII AND image frames to ASCII ANIMATION (in DHTML)! It also has a bunch of palette options unlike other ASCII programs. Vote if you like!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003818514459719.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Img2ASC_(I1631528182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Loc Nguyen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48221,"Title":"professional search","Description":"This is my version 2 of professional search, you can use it to search for files, folders, \nand hidden files and folders, you can also paste, cut, copy or delete the found items, \nrather than open it.\nYou will find it flexible, faster, and really professional.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/profession164040932003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Ziad Said","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48426,"Title":"Basic Direct3D Terrain Engine","Description":"This is a basic Direct3D terrain engine I created\nusing my 3D engine and well.. I hope you enjoy\nit although it may be rather slow on older systems. Please comment & vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039111927175601.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Basic_Dire1644439112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"James J. Kelly Jr.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48432,"Title":"LM75 / I2C bus","Description":"read values from any LM75-Sensor connected to your printer-port (up to 8 pieces) / you need some basic inp/outp control like that from jspayne! This explains a lot about initialising the I2C bus and or the LM75 sensor!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"added engl. comments for better explaining, removed some un-needed sleep ms's, don't change remaining sleep's, or I2C-bus won't initialize!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LM75___I2C1645399142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"MoLLaHmE","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48439,"Title":"bYTER 2003Pro RV 1.3","Description":"This is the 3rd release of bYTER many things improoved inside it, as well as the full source code modified, this version both me and rudz together work on it, if you feel this code is something usefull feel free to comment and vote for it .","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"May be on win XP will not load if something like that happened plz right click and run it under win98 compatibility mode and thats it :)","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003912122359466.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/bYTER_20031644589122003.3 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48887,"Title":"Nuclear Reactor Simulator","Description":"This program simulates the operation of a 540MW CANDU Reactor. The program is very simple and so its not realistic to a real CANDU reactor, but its fun to play with. \nIt took me forever to write the algorithm and have it react properly to everything you have it do. It has some minor bugs left, but all the big ones have been fixed. The warning indicators of the simulator were inspired by Geoffrey Noles' Nuclear Power Plant Simulator.\nEnjoy.","Inputs":"buttons, scroll bars","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"numbers","SideEffects":"warning signs may flicker\n","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Nuclear_Re1775697302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Chris Mailloux","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48888,"Title":"Graphics Method Demo","Description":"Learn how to (a) Draw dots randomly on form using PSet method (b) Draw lines randomly but neatly on form using Line method (c) Draw messy lines on form using Rnd and Line method (d) Draw FillStyle using FillStyle method. Comments are welcomed. Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039292251375471.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Graphics_M1654501062003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48901,"Title":"Over 90 API Examples","Description":"This has an extra 20 functions to my previous \"Over 70 API Examples\". It has more window functions as well as some file functions.\nPlease Vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Over_90_AP1652119302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Donny urquhart","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48921,"Title":"MT's Picross","Description":"MT's Picross is a puzzle game where you have to use the clues on the outside of the playing field to make up a picture. It includes a tutorial, a level editor and the ability to play new stages online! If you like it, please vote. I've worked pretty hard on this.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003930212639210.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MT's_Picro1652389302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"MaskingTape","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48926,"Title":"Software Registration key derived from PC hardware components *** Updated ***","Description":"This is a simplified example that shows how to register an app to individual PCs using a key that is derived from unique properties such as the CPU ID, OS serial, MAC address etc.\nIt's real easy to do & secure enough to keep most users honest. Feel free to modify & use it as you see fit & please vote if you find it useful. Any feedback or comments are welcome and why not take up my cracking challenge - no one has succeeded yet!\nIt uses WMI so if you're running W95, W98 or NT4 & you get an automation error download the WMI engine from: http://download.microsoft.com/download/platformsdk/wmicore/1.5/W9XNT4/EN-US/wmicore.EXE.\nUpdate info: The app is even more secure as it now includes complete obfuscation of the key variable and a simple and easily expandable anti-hacking routine (currently includes RegMon, FileMon, SoftICE - routine is adapted from Kevin Lingofelter's code at http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=10000&lngWId=1).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003101130165913.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Software_R16625710232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":37,"UserRatingTotal":181,"AuthorName":"Steve W","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52166,"Title":"MyTicker Control","Description":"When you need to display the history of a changing value, there is a bit of work that must be done. This UserControl does that work for you in all sorts of colors and styles. Don't forget to vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200436341357440.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MyTicker_C171664362004.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Larry Serflaten","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52167,"Title":"Custom Web Browser without internet explorer's web control.Version 1c","Description":"A custom Browser Control ready to 60%, not finished. Many tags parsing , images loader, scripts and much more.Any bugs or comments: darkx@freemail.gr\n.Version:\n\n(1b) added: More easy to use interface, Open URL dialog, some bugs fixed and i also added a screenshot of the program.\n\n(1c) added: Some new fixes in browser's interface and fixed some bugs on loading pages!\n\nThanks for supporting this project to be perfect.Please don't forget to vote and report me for any bugs and improvements.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043765454459.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Custom_Web171754382004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Kostas Botonakis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52178,"Title":"A beautiful Master Mind Card Game with open/save game.(UPDATRED)","Description":"A beautiful Master Mind Card Game with open/save game and beautiful graphic and sound trakes.\nin this game you should find the right order of cards included in the game. (Beautiful and Enjoyable!!!)\nPlease visit my site for more codes: www.geocities.com/m_alian14","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"SetWindowRgn\nCreateRoundRectRgn\nRegEnumValue\nRegCloseKey\nRegOpenKey\nShellExecute\nsndPlaySound\nRegCreateKeyEx\nRegSetValueEx","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004361231148633.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_beautifu171685362004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mohammad AlianNejadi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52179,"Title":"Picture Downloader","Description":"Haw Many times you wont to download pictures and take many time of your life???\nThe Internet explorer can do this but you have to click on the picture and then save the picture to you hard disk and this take long time and Bowring.\nThis activex control can solve this problem just the only thing to do is drag drag drag and your picture is there to see it. For example every from us send a picture to demonstrate his program in the planet source just drag this link into this program and you will see the picture there. I hope you enjoy this simple and useful activex control.\nIf you like you can vote. Comments are always welcome THX.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004361423469727.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Picture_Do171687362004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Toni","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54867,"Title":"[[ * hWnd Hider * ]]","Description":"I made this to hide programs/windows that were currently open when my parents walked in. It has memory so you just press F6 to hide everything you have selected. Very useful for quickly hiding things. \nThere will be a new version comming out soon, with the following features: Hides a hWnd from Control Alt Delete when you choose to hide the window, cleaer code and new functions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004710224621420.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[___hWnd_1768167102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"The Lynxy","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54868,"Title":"Mouse Wrap","Description":"This application will make your mouse wrap around the screen. For example: move the mouse to the far right of the screen and the mouse will apear on the left side","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This code uses a timer that constantly look. Although it take virtually 0% of cpu usuage.. there has to be a way to hook the mouse and catch the cordinate messages.. if anyone has any ideas please let me know.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004711549235196.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_Wrap1768387112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Sean M Siegel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54869,"Title":"A Cool Msn Messenger Bot!!","Description":"This Is A Cool Msn Bot! It Is Fully Functional Without Any Bugs. Tells You Your Nickname, User Info, Status Changer, And Is Easy To Understand The Coding. Please Enjoy This Code And Use Freely For Your Own Applications!! PLEASE VOTE FOR MY WORK!\n**UPDATE**\nAn Update Is Now Released! It Is Called \" Msn Toolbox \". It Is A Little More Advanced Than This, Though It Has HEAPS AND HEAPS Of Features. I Recommend Downloading This Before You Download Msn Toolbox. Thanking You, Jamie C.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200471162229213.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Cool_Msn1768297112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Jamie C","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54873,"Title":"CMDTEL","Description":"This is just experimental code. The database not included because is very large (8Mb), but can you create one for this aplication (table name=T, fields name see in code...)...\nThis phone book is like a cmd.exe app., example you search a phone number:\nfind *michael*-*street8*\nEnjoy. Sory for my english....................","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CMDTEL1768367112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"JSystems","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":49820,"Title":"ucAutoResize Controls - Lean and usefull","Description":"\t\n]]] An improved AutoResize Usercontrol [[[ Put this small selfcontained usercontrol to your form, add \nthree chars to the tag property of every control to handle. Ready. Thats all! Based on the very good \nsubmission of Hamed Oveisi (look/vote at PSC CodeId=49740) I tried to improve/change some things \n('Refactoring' is the trendy word for ;) ):\n * More possibilities in resizing (look at the 3D lines (frames) ).\n * No more flickering when forms gets too small.\n * No more call in the Form_Resize event neccessary. (In fact you didn't need ANY code.)\n (Ups! Just check out Hamed's last update. He did the same ;) )\n * The tag value still can be used for \"standard\" purposes. (But you will need a (very) litte\n change in your code, sorry ;( )\n * Its faster.\n * Handling is easier/more straight forward. (Only two simple digits in tag value to enter, not four)\n * Prepared for handling 'Lines', too. (Not done by me - I don't use lines ;) )\n * A var naming convention is used, so code is easier to read/modify.\n * Demo and description extended.\n * ...\n All -(C) Copyleft on 11/10/2003 - Light Templer (LiTe)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031111522365640.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ucAutoResi16706611112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49824,"Title":"newbie stuffs","Description":"learning for newbie programmers","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"it will leran you some bases in programming with visual basic","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/newbie_stu16707111112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"thewardog","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":55049,"Title":"Music Beeper","Description":"Enables the keyboard to be used as a simple intrument by using the beeper. Played pieces can be recorded and played back. Includes also a test for your ears. Can be used in English and in German.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Needs Windows NT 3.1 or higher, doesn't run with W95/98 (because these OS don't support the beep-function).","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004724542374520.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Music_Beep1773537242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Markus B├╢gel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55057,"Title":"ActiveX Checkbox V1","Description":"An ActiveX checkbox, you can use the default skin or create images (in paint) and use them as checkbox skins by code!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047201415174605.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ActiveX_Ch1772027202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"HardStream Software Development","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":50271,"Title":"Dilbert on-line screen saver","Description":"OK, I'll kick off by echoing what many will be saying... \"Oh no - not another screen saver!\". But bear with me, and I'll give some reasons why I think you may find this submission worth examining, especially if you're intending to write their own screen saver application.... \n1) It's on-line!\nInstead of those image gallery type screen savers that just display a selection of images you already have on your hard-disk, this application goes further - it accesses the internet to bring you a new Dilbert cartoon every day! It does this by accessing the Dilbert website and parsing the HTML content of the monthly cartoon archive.\nSo the longer you use the screen saver, the larger your own cartoon collection becomes!\nWorried about bandwidth? Fear not, because the application will only try to update it's local cartoon archive once each day, and can be configured to only try to do this within certain daily time ranges, so it doesn't end up costing you money if you have restricted internet access (such as FreeServe HomeTime). \n2) It's big on features!\nThis implementation contains commented code which demonstrates how to implement a fully-functioning screen saver, including a preview window and settings dialog which are integrated properly to the Display Properties dialog. \nIt also has code which ensures it works equally well with all screen resolutions and colour depths - using this project as a template will help you go some way to making a screen saver which disappoints few users, regardless of how they configure their display. \n3) It compiles (relatively) small!\nDespite the fact that the in-built settings dialog has colour picking functionality, and the saver scrapes HTML content from the web, the Common Control and Internet Transfer Control are not used. To keep the size down, WIN32 API calls are made, and this functionality is useful for anyone wishing to compile a resource-frugal application. \n4) It looks good!\nIt can be configured to display the cartoon gallery against either a blank backdrop, or superimposed over the desktop contents, and can use the alpha-blending functionality of the Microsoft Imaging component (msimg32.dll) to 'dim' the backdrop. \n5) It's bug free!\nOk, don't hold me to this. But it does plenty of checks to ensure that multiple running instances are prevented, and that it ensures that preview window and settings dialogs automatically close when the Display Properties dialog does. It may not sound that big a deal, but it's there little touches that make the implementation complete. \n6) It's a good template project!\nNot a big fan of Dilbert? Well, it could easily be modified to access other image archives. The functionality included here is the basic requirement for a professional looking gallery screen saver. \nWell that's enough of that.... Give it a go if it sounds useful. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312220333446.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dilbert_on1679321222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Paul E Collingwood","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50272,"Title":"Fading Progress Bar","Description":"This is a simple 'working' progress bar with a very nice looking fade effect. It doesn't require any external DLL's, ActiveX, or API calls, so no having to tweak it to get it to work in your application!\nNew version includes a module sub to activate and deactivate the screen, change the color programatically. It is now possible to pass any RGB color value as the primary color, change the fade rate, speed, number of elements. Also includes a control version as well.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031221933452045.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fading_Pro1694611152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Brett Malone","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50273,"Title":"eXHub","Description":"A simple Hub for the Direct Connect protocol commonly used by DC++\nUses SocketWise (included) : http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=39858&lngWId=1\nAny changes, improvements, modifcaion are welcome.\nUpdating soon...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/eXHub1679341222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"eXemplar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50277,"Title":"The Best Guide for protecting your VB Exe's","Description":"Do you know how secure is your Visual Basic Application? It can be all secure but it just needs good coding and intelligent way of deploying. VB Applications are cracked by hackers at a rapid rate. We spend months in programming a good application and it is cracked in seconds. We all believe that the application is securely protected but it is not. It needs a professional handling. Even the software which can protect an application has been cracked. This guide explains you how to defeat a hacker or a cracker. This guide cannot guarantee you the ultimate fool proof security for your application but will certainly make you pause for a serious thought.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/The_Best_G1679401222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Sriharish.H","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50278,"Title":"LaVolpe PathFinder (OverClocked)","Description":"AI pathfinder for large maps - 2nd try. This is a unique approach and is fastest version I have to date. Submitted for your suggestions & feedback. Well commented. If anyone has seen an approach like this, please let me know. I would like to compare distance & heuristic calculations. Unlike most pathfinders, this one does not require fixed objects and can be used for quickly plotting paths btwn moving objects. For those of you that have personally requested to be updated on improvements to this code, I have sent you a personal copy. For all others, I have re-posted this project simply because the update produces a significantly faster result & is far more accurate to providing a shorter path. I'm sure this project can be tweaked to provide even faster results, but keep in mind the trade-off between speed and overtasking memory resources. Updated again for to allow user-defined accuracy and speed (use the AccuracyPct variable in routine: CreatePaths) 1 Feb 20:10 CST -- Now can find shortest path 100% of time & quickly.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312499367486.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LaVolpe_Pa170289222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":33,"UserRatingTotal":165,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54720,"Title":"[ Matt Player ]","Description":"This program was put together to visualize sound by audio spectrum, Oscilator, VU meters. It is a simple CD player also. \nNOTE: Please compile the source to use. The IDE is slower.\nThis is my first entry on the \"Planet\". If I get good ratings I will post more cool stuff. So please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"NOTE: The visualization will not work unless either the Wave OUT Mixer, or CDPlayer\nis selected in the volume control under the Recording Control. If anyone knows how to \nprogrammatically set these settings let me know.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004721537161737.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Matt_Playe176515722004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":72,"AuthorName":"Matt G","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54722,"Title":"Animated Desktop Character...Part #1","Description":"This is part#1, using a single .gif file. A crazy rabbit. Drag him around the desktop (provided that you can catch him). Cheers to you. ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is part#1, using a single .gif file. A crazy rabbit. Drag him around the desktop (provided that you can catch him). Cheers to you. ;)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004721747238000.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animated_D176519722004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Chris Seelbach","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54737,"Title":"YCHT Voice Client Example","Description":"Logs into yahoo chat ycht, joins a room and voice.\ntalk in the room on voice or text, also filters the text and stuff like that.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'yacscom.dll","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/YCHT_Voice176549732004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Matthew Robertson","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54745,"Title":"_ [A Cyber Cafe Billing System] ** Server & Client Full Source Code","Description":"Cyber Cafe Billing System Full Source Code. Becoz, previous submision's some file were missing. Quickly download at:","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Cyber Cafe Billing System Full Source Code. Becoz, previous submision's some file were missing. Quickly download at:","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__[A_Cyber176562742004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Lutfur Rahman Bhuiyan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54750,"Title":"bitmap effect 1.01","Description":"bitmap effect filters 1.01 \nthere is 11 filters (sharpen,emboss,clibred,....)+ acceleration \nit's very good\n","Inputs":"bitmap effect filters 1.01 \nthere is 11 filters (sharpen,emboss,clibred,....)+ acceleration \nit's very good\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"GetDibits\nSetDibits","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200474741296163.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/bitmap_eff176570742004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"yacine ait chalal","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54640,"Title":"_BartNet File Downloader (Active X version)_","Description":"This is an active x control that will download a file for you. It makes the job a lot easier and it comes with a demo program that shows how to monitor the progress using a progress bar.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004628742459655.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_BartNet_F1763196282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":57,"AuthorName":"BelgiumBoy_007","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54642,"Title":"TaskList","Description":"This simulates windows taskbar as every new window created , destroyed, activated , and even redraw or window caption change event is captured by this application. I was looking for this code for a long period but was unable to find a single project simulating the same i first manage to simulate this by enumerating windows through EnumWindows API call but one need to add a timer control to refresh the tasklist every now and then to get all the running tasks.But with this application no timer is running and you get notification for every window event whether explorer.exe is running or not it doesn't matters at all , which is very useful for shell developers who want to develop their own shell. try running this application as a shell and see for yourself. if you like this code or use this code then please do mention my name (if u like to) and dont forget to vote for this code as this takes months to figure out how to use those undocumented API's from windows.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200462895166242.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TaskList1763236282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"V2","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54650,"Title":"Smart Popup Balloon Tips in VB","Description":"Add profressional 2000/XP style popup balloons to your project in seconds. Works with Win 98 and up, because this is a VB control that looks EXACTLY like the real thing! Plus only takes one line of code to add tips for standard controls!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004628151747994.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Smart_Popu1764136302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":94,"AuthorName":"Johnny Tuttle","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54657,"Title":"A 3D engine primer/landscape/lighting effects","Description":"This example is kind of a compilation. It shows how to create a 3D view and allow you to rotate a solid cube. I also created a method to create landscape meshes from an image(voxel to polygon?). If 3D is not your thing, you may be able to use the landscape code to create a lighting effects tool similar to photoshop. Source is somewhat commented, Includes Back Face Culling; Lighting using Point lights in space; One single API to draw filled polygons. Please leave comments, questions, problems... vote if you like...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It helps to have a basic understanding of 3D vectors and operations of.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function Polygon Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004629434526252.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_engin1763616292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Erik Stites","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54662,"Title":"Drag Borderless Form NO API","Description":"Allows for real time updating of objects and values while the drag is being proformed. Move a borderless form without api and in only 10 lines of code. Very easy to understand.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046291341528571.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Drag_Borde1763796292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"John Harper","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54663,"Title":"Low-Level KeyLogger","Description":"This application uses the SetWindowsHookEx function to retrieve all keyboard events. You can configurate the keys you want to receive by event callback function. Uses no timer + GetAsyncKeyState to fetch pressed keys. The user control sends the Chr-compatible byte code for the pressed character (if any), the name for the key/special key (if known), the application the key was typed in and a flag, indicating whether the application the user was typing in was changed. You may use this code as keylogger or modify it to prevent users from using windows default key combinations like Ctrl + tab etc. Plz vote if you like my code. My first submission on psc ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Some knowledge about windows hooks and subclassing.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Ensure to call <UserControl>.DisableLogging before shutting down application. Hook functions may cause application crashes if not unhook cleanly.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Low-Level_1763896292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"aYa.net","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54665,"Title":"Graph designing in VB","Description":"Graph designing is one of the most important feature of database programss. This code allows you to design graphs at runtime! It can also read from a database that you can open and display it graphically. It allows you to chose from a list of chart types including both 2d and 3d!,it allows to save graphs to bitmap files!, copy graph to clipboard,print the graph and lot's more.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Graph_desi1763906302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"kertz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54666,"Title":"GetRows Demo - ADO","Description":"This simple demo demonstrates the speed of GetRows Method Compared to movenext method of ADO. The first and second listboxes show this while the third demonstates yet another example and use of getrows, joining arrays of data from a recordset. You can compare the speed of this method too.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GetRows_De1764056302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Suresh Batta","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54671,"Title":"Animated Buttons!","Description":"Hello All\n Here is how you can impress your software users by putting animated buttons on your form. It uses Direct Animation Library(danim.dll) and Form 2.0 object library. I have mad 3 sample animated buttons. Check it out...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animated_B1764046302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"kertz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54676,"Title":"Neopets OCR","Description":"July,1st 2004 - Neopets keeps changing the URL of the code. I've updated the OCR to reflect the change.\nThis program reads the new distorted Neopets magic code. Do whatever you wish with it, but if you incorporate any or all of it into your own programs, credit would be nice. A compiled version is available at geocities.com/machiavelliansquared","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200463020094084.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Neopets_OC176448712004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Machiavellian","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54678,"Title":"Deluxe Combo Box Class","Description":"Extend the Combo Box capabilities with amazing results, turn the original and common Combo Box into a Color Picker , Font Picker or add Pictures, even create a new style Drive Combo Box, and more!! Now you can add Colorful list styles like gradient or office style, all this without replacing or adding any control. This class will help you build a professional and enhanced GUI, See how you can turn a Regular Combo Box into a Owner Draw Combo (All Written Down in a Doc File)\nAny enhancement suggestion or other constructive criticism is welcome, The code has been tested in Windows XP PRO and Windows 2000 With VB 6 SP5, but it should work with windows 98 and above. Please read the Doc File for any doubts or read the code as well, if you have any question at all e-mail-me.\nThis Code Was Made in Cd Juarez Chihuahua Mexico.\nRemember:\nCommercial use of this code is FORBIDDEN \nDistribution notice:\nYou are free to distribute the included zip file in it's original state to any\npublic WWW site, online service or BBS without explicitly obtaining\nthe authorΓÇÖs permission. (Notification would be greatly appreciated\nthough!).\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200471011105122.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Deluxe_Com176427712004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54681,"Title":"CSocketMaster 1.2 & CSocketPlus 1.1 - Winsock classes","Description":"CSocketMaster class is a winsock control substitute. It has the same interface and behavior winsock has so don't worry about having to learn how to use it. If you know how winsock works then you already know how CSocketMaster works. You can use a socket in a form, user control or class without external dependencies or huge memory leaking OCXs. This new version has some bugs fixed including the binding problem when you have more than one internet interface; now the client sockets bind to the default gateway. With CSocketPlus you can accomplish the same things CSocketMaster does plus you can create sockets at runtime. You can use a long value or a string as an index and create socket arrays very fast. Both are IDE safe, so you can press the end button without crashing the program. Take a look at the readme file for more info. Both classes are based on CSocket by Oleg Gdalevich that can be found on www.vbip.com. Keywords: socket, winsock, tcp, udp, internet, lan.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047105034913.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CSocketMas176430712004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":89,"AuthorName":"Emiliano Scavuzzo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53281,"Title":"Advanced Text Editor For Beginers","Description":"This text editor is for beginners. It features, find & replace, basic open and save functions (and detect if the file has been edited) and it is able to sort lines in the loaded file either by ascending or descending order.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044192357518840.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_T1735564202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Giles Papworth","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53296,"Title":"Header UserControl II","Description":"Vertical Gradient Added. Check out the ScreenShot! Properties Include: Caption/ Font/ FontSize/ FontColor/ Gradient(Vert/Horiz)/ GradientStart Color/ GradientFinish Color/ GradientFinishStyle(Transparent/Opaque) /Shape(Rounded/RoundedTop/Rectangle)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200442105467384.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Header_Use1735824212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Peter.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53297,"Title":"CODE FIXER 2.9.9","Description":"NEW VERSION 3 NOW AT http://www.pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=59247&lngWId=1\nWill leave this here as a safety for a couple of weeks.\nThis is a VB6 ( SP5 or SP6 required for ListView to work properly , Thanks Ariel) Add-In which allows you to indent code, find and repair/improve code for greater efficiency and readability and includes a user friendly replacement for VB's Find And Replace Tool.\n------v2.9.9 several small tweaks mostly rare conditions or recent stuffups (See history.txt for details). \n---------------------------------------------\nQuick search for 'CODE FIXER HELP \nFILE' to get the help file (You will need it!)\nThe Find Tool component is designed to be permanently docked with the VB IDE(See Launch on Startup button on Settings screen). While this takes screen real estate, unlike VB's own find tool, it doesn't hide the code. I find it easiest to use if docked at top of the IDE under the VB toolbars.\n---------------------------------------------\nWARNING\nAll care; No responsibility. Some of the fixes the Add-In performs are capable of damaging code. Please use on copies of your code or use the built-in backup systems. \n---------------------------------------------\nSee readmeCodeFixer.txt in zip for installation instructions.\n--------------------------------------------\nAll bug reports gratefully recieved. If you have sent me one previously please check if I have patched it and let me know if not.\n--------------------------------------------\nThanks to Ulli for original inspiration and to the many who have assisted me with bug reports (you should find your name somewhere in the code, the thanks.rtf has been removed to keep the zip size down).\n---------------------\nNEW NEW NEW NEW \nNew item on CF menu 'Fix & Format (Ctrl Def Prop)': Because of the way it works the Default Property fix can be very slow, is unlikely to be needed more than once per project but it requires data gathered during the normal fix cycle. I know its an ugly menu item but until I think of a different, way to present this will do.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200457122355077.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_FIXER1857262242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":56,"UserRatingTotal":276,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53304,"Title":"Information Header v1.0","Description":"Customizable header you can use in your programs. just see the screen shot for details.. tnx!\nlike the program? vote for it... tnx! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004421541547783.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Informatio1735954212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"djaymix","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53307,"Title":"VBLanguageMacro","Description":"Check and/or Execute UserDefined Visual Basic Code with just four lines of Code and one API function.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"When running the App in any other version of VB than VB6, change the API Declaration \"vba6.dll\" to \"vba5.dll\" etc... the number should be the version you're using.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Undocumented VB Function \nPrivate Declare Function EbExecuteLine Lib \"vba6.dll\" (ByVal pStringToExec As Long, _\n ByVal Unknownn1 As Long, ByVal Unknownn2 As Long, ByVal fCheckOnly As Long) As Long","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBLanguage1736044212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"PJK","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53309,"Title":"Games collection","Description":"collection of many games and programs in VB","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Games_coll1736054212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"sohaib farsakh","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53311,"Title":"A Full JPEG Parser Class ___UPDATE-1","Description":"A selfcontained class done from scratch to parse the segments of a JPEG file and get many informations (like the TRUE size (width / height) of the image when there is a Adobe PhotoShop (TM) preview included ..., start of the segments, parseable without errors and so on) _____ Comments are welcome, votes are motivating - thx for! ___LiTe___________________________________________________\nUPDATE-1_____ Now demo app shows parsing so far AND error message, if an error occurs. Will recognize all kind of progressive and hierachical Start-Of-Frames now. Decided to don't use API CopyMem because of easier bounding checks in pure VB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044211218356299.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Full_JPE1737374252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53313,"Title":"[*Shooter*]","Description":"This is a demonstration of a shooter. Its pretty useless except that it demonstrates some interesting things. Download and Vote :D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044212119106862.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Shooter_1736224212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"x sAGE x","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53316,"Title":"Keyboard Party Light","Description":"Keyboard Party Lights.\n----------------------\nEver thought of having fun with your keyboard lights, if no! then this is it, you can play around with the program with 3 different scene's, and look for keyboard lights(NUM LOCK + CAPS LOCK + SCROLL LOCK) blinking.\nProgram by Deepak Gurung <deepak_tamu@hotmail.com><deepak.gurung@yahoo.com>","Inputs":"Just some clicks.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Watch keyboard lights.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004422322578703.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Keyboard_P1736284222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Deepak Gurung","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53318,"Title":"Bug in VB 6 sp 6","Description":"Fixing a VB 6 sp6 Bug","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Shane M Croft","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":48229,"Title":"clsPlanet: Class to Draw a Solar System ver 2","Description":"\n A single class capable of drawing the solar system from Sun to Pluto (including 1500 asteroids). NEW: Retrograde planets/moons now possible, coloured labels, more comments in code, more accurate numbers, more real moons. You can easily add more or design your own solar system. \n. Thanks for inspiration, assistance and support to Peter Wilson whose upload 'A Simple Solar System Simulator, v1.0' http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=47973&lngWId=1 inspired this. -------------NOTE--------------------------------- If it runs too slowly reduce the number of asteroids at Private Const AsteroidNumber As Long = 500 . I have run it with up to 5000 but the graphic is not that much different and very slow. ---------UPDATED-------------------------------------------Thanks to Peter Wilson who improved his zooming code and kindly sent it to me. \nUpgrade 1 notes: Added a new solar equator view, labels for planets and moons, improved collection based functionality, Asteroids do not display orbits (un-comment piece of code if you like that). All orbits are now eliptical and Pluto has its eccentric orbit . Planets have extra properties (oblate= Flat). ------------ CODERS this class automatically produces the labels it needs to operate without a seed control. Cute Trick extended on article in Computer Shopper Jun 2003.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003932244393215.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/clsPlanet_164055932003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48230,"Title":"VBMysqlAPI","Description":"VB mysql API is a wrapper around libmysql.dll to connect Visual Basic applications to mySQL databases. It comes with the translation of the API calls to libmysql.dll and a class wrapper to ease the implementation of mySQL into your application. Test with any mysql database.\nComes with class, lib, dll, and example program.\nPlanet source code times out on uploading, so please download at\nhttp://www.macrometrics.com/dev","Inputs":"http://www.macrometrics.com/dev","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"http://www.macrometrics.com/dev","SideEffects":"Possible memory leak has been brought to my attention. I am working on an Update for version .02 and a possible .NET translation if I have time.\nd/l http://www.macrometrics.com/dev","ApiDeclarations":"http://www.macrometrics.com/dev","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003932338349119.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBMysqlAPI16597110172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jimbo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48237,"Title":"GIF optimizer - batch version","Description":"GIF optimizer - batch version (v 1.0.9): Optimize the file size of your animated GIFs (not destructive, I hope!). Don't forget to compile first! :-) __________________________________________________ Last update: 2004/06/24 (Comments supported) __________________________________________________ Zip 53Kb.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004626713116966.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GIF_optimi1763366282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48238,"Title":"_Java Text Editor","Description":"HELLO FREINDS! I'VE CREATED THIS JAVA TEXT EDITOR FOR ME AND FOR YOU TO CREATE PROGRAM IN JAVA FASTER AND EASY. THIS JAVA TEXT EDITOR CAN COMPILE, RUN, AND MAKE YOUR JAVA CODE .JAR .IT ALSO HAVE THE ABILITY TO RUN AND EXECUTE JAVA APPLET. PLS. DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200394754289360.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Java_Text164074942003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Philip V. Naparan :-)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48242,"Title":"Login Security","Description":"This is a level access program with login and administrator rights, You can use with your program.\nI got some of this code from this web site.\nPlease vote.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"none","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Login_Secu164078942003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Philip Jackson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48258,"Title":"INap 1.02 Napster Client","Description":"9/3 Updates\n\t\n\tSet Version 1.02-\n\tRemoved MediaPlayer MP3 Player\n\t\t(was slowing it dwn and plain f-ing everything) \t\n\tPlays with external player on DblClick\n\tFIXED and Tested on windows 98se\n\tFIXED Download Resume File.\n\tFIXED Upload Resume Files.\n\tFIXED Speed settings (really did this time)\n\t\tThe problem was i forgot 33.6 before.. oops\t\n\tNEW Options\n\t\tOne Upload Slot Per User+\n\t\tShare Downloaded Files+\n\t\tConfirm on exit+\n\t\tUpload Speed limiting +","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003941454542456.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/INap_1_02_164105942003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Timothy Marin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48261,"Title":"Compile It!","Description":"A small utility to compile a list of visual basic project with a specific output path","Inputs":"A ProjectList.txt file should reside in application folder containing a project list with full path","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003941649419379.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Compile_It164109942003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Francisco Araujo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48262,"Title":"trojan's uploader","Description":"Creates a Server which, \nwhen run, allows a user to upload any \nkind of files to the computer running \nthe server with abilities to also \nexecute the uploaded file. There is \nalso a basic Edit Server package \nincluded where you are able to define \nmsgbox error when run and also Email \nnotification when Server is online. \nThere's also a Remove tool.The server compressed occupies 17 kb and it does not use mswinsck.ocx, the winsock API ' s utilizes\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200394173436933.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/trojan's_u164110942003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Manuel(ErcUn)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48254,"Title":"Card Game + Graph + SlideShow","Description":"Cool GUI and Loads of Animation. This program has two games, each game stored in a file. To play the game just open the file. I've put a lot of animation here, so i hope \nyou like it. ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003941419143962.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Card_Game_164099942003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Aris Buenaventura","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48264,"Title":"Minun Gradient Label","Description":"Gradient label! And no, it's not the label's background that has the gradient: it's the text. This is just a control I spend some time with, I wanted a label that doesn't blink and which I could use for big headers. It can do word wrap, autosizing, gradient horizontally and vertically and it has Change and Resize events. The code is commented! Made with VB5CCE and the example program with VB6. Remove the Split function before compiling with VB6! Hope you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003941846378409.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Minun_Grad164112942003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Vesa Piittinen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48265,"Title":"Percent Bar - Transforms a PictureBox into a Percent Bar!","Description":"I thought this code might help those struggling to make a percent bar. This code transforms a normal picturebox into a Percent Bar (progress bar with % in the middle). Choose from 2 different borders.","Inputs":"pic As PictureBox, ByVal Percent As Integer, Optional ByVal Flat As Boolean = False","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":22,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"_andy_","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48268,"Title":"BarCode 39 (3 of 9) Generator 1.0","Description":"I always looking for a barcode generator but I didn't find any. So, I decided to make a barcode generator myself instead. I would like to credit someone from PSC but I can't remember his name. This code can generate barcode 39 (3 of 9) and you have 3 options: 1. Copy to clipboard and paste in to come graphic application. 2. Save the barcode as an image file and print when you need it. 3. Print the generated barcode immediately. Comments are welcomed. Please Vote for my work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003942350508813.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BarCode_39164115942003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51664,"Title":"Cool Calculator !","Description":"Someone requested me to make a cool calcualtor, well here it is....This is for all begginers out there, It is a good start though....Well Intermediate users can also learned from this codes....Have fun Coding !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Calcu1707192112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"Mark Anthony Dinglasa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51676,"Title":"IconButton Control with standard or xp style","Description":"A popup button that uses GDI graphic methods to draw either a standard or xp style.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Subclassing is used. As always do not hit the IDE's End button!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IconButton1707342112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Brent Culpepper","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51682,"Title":"quicksort array sorting","Description":"array sorting using quicksort, with stack arrays, the REAL way of doing quicksort.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/quicksort_1707422112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"stephen vorwerk","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51689,"Title":"Ascii Art 5 (Updated Version)","Description":"Originally made by Arvinder Sehmi this is the updated version. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ascii_Art_1707572122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Matt Kneale","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51695,"Title":"A SNMP class without winsock control","Description":"SNMP class - Read SNMP values with a pure class without WinSock control or any other OCX. \n \nThx for hints and votes !\nLight Templer (LiTe) \nKeywords: SNMP, RFC 1157, \"Simple Network Management Protocol\", OID, class, network, admin, TCP/IP.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042121142336638.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB++____A_1707712122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":56,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51702,"Title":"XP_Button","Description":"Makes a XP button for new applications for you who wants to be updated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"CreatePen\nMoveToEx\nLineTo\nFillRect\nFrameRect\nSetPixel\nCreateRectRgn\nCombineRgn\nSetWindowRgn\nStretchBlt\nCreateSolidBrush\nBitBlt\nSetBkColor\nCreateCompatibleDC\nDeleteDC\nCreateCompatibleBitmap\nSelectObject\nDeleteObject\nGetSysColor\nSetTextColor\nCreateBitmap\nGetBkColor\nGetTextColor\nSelectPalette\nRealizePalette\nDrawState\nPlaySound\nSetCapture\nWindowFromPoint\nGetCursorPos\nDrawTextEx\nDrawFocusRect\nShellExecute\n'Don't you think these a lot API\n'Function doesn't have the right of\n'Excellent Vote.","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042121748458711.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Button1708142132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Mohammad AlianNejadi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51703,"Title":"Multi-Select TreeView Demo","Description":"Demononstrate E-Z but sophisticated support of multi-select in a standard VB TreeView control, including hot-track select, hot-track auto-open/close folder, super-fast treeview clear, collection sorting, XP-stype buttons, and very fast as-needed folder node population. All easy to emplement. All features are stored in separate modules for easy plug-in to your apps. Code fully documented.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004212175355584.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Multi-Sele1707962122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"David Ross Goben","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51705,"Title":"[ Chart displayed with Data in Database using ADO ]","Description":"A chart functionality with data of database using ADO will serves most of your hardcoded task to dynamic and impressive....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Chart_di1707932122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51708,"Title":"Cool Text 3D Animations","Description":"Want so cool animations in your project well this code is for you, not just text but a 3D text that will animate in your project, very cool...Must have for beginners.....intermediate users also can learned frm this codes...I hope you enjoy coding and please vote or just rate it !...Thanks !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Text_1707992122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Mark Anthony Dinglasa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47766,"Title":"WAD Editor","Description":"Basis for I/O to Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, and Hexen WAD files. Based on the specifications given by The Unoffical Doom Specs by Matthew S Fell. Features reading of lumps on demand or all at once (VB seems to handle a 17MB IWAD fine, kinda slow though). Currently supports the convertion of lumps to and from WAV files and graphics previewing. And if that's not enough, it features an advanced catergorized lump tree builder. I'm working on improving graphics convertions (importing/exporting BMPs for one thing), MUS<->MID conversion, and maybe something to do with maps.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003124212323901.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WAD_Editor1681291272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Keith Weimer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47773,"Title":"[SCT] H├╜zl├╜ HTML Editor v1.3","Description":"Here is mine 3rd HTML Editor. Hope you will find it(Turkiye'den arkadaslar koslar├╜n aras├╜nda youm sat├╜rlar├╜ kullanarak program hakk├╜nda bilgiler verdim umar├╜m i├╛inize yarar:)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[SCT]_H├╜zl1631158172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Anafarta Turk","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47778,"Title":"Mp3 Genie","Description":"Mp3 Genie will fix all your mp3 filenames to be equal to the mp3 TAG. You can also change the mp3 TAGs in this program. The source code also shows how to open multiple files with the common dialog control and how to change the colors of the progressbar control. CHECK OUT FOR THE NEXT VERSION WHICH WILL GIVE YOU THE OPTION TO GROUP MP3S IN ARTIST FOLDERS AND CODE WILL BE COMMENTED MORE. Also please vote for me!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Known bug FIXED!!!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003817143493592.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mp3_Genie1631348172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"WouterNigrini","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47781,"Title":"Uptimer - display your uptime in tray","Description":"this code displays your uptime in tray and if you douebleclick on the icon a window appears with your uptime ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Uptimer_-_1631308172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"hax","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47782,"Title":"XP Style Controls WORKING 100%","Description":"WORKS 100% - Use the Windows XP style look (buttons, frames, everything...) in your VB6 applications running on Windows XP. You simply add the module to your existing project. I've documented the project pretty well for someone who never does :) Note: It works best using the Microsoft Windows Common Controls 5.0 (SP 2) & Micorsoft Windows Common Controls-2 5.0 (SP 2) - It will take you 5secs to updates any existing program!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038171752366065.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WORKING_XP1631318172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"David Sykes","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47783,"Title":"Borderless Form Drag","Description":"To drag a borderless form.\nVery Easy and Simple.\nJust a few lines of code.\n","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"none","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":18,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jose M. Lopez","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48440,"Title":"UPDATED - Download Control (without Winsock) v2.1","Description":"I wanted a quick way to add the ability to retrieve files over the 'net w/o adding extra files to the distribution. Found an example here by Chloe that used the AsyncRead functions of a user control. I didn't really think that control went far enough, so I wrote this new one with lots more flexibility. \nThis is also a visible control which acts like it's own progress bar on the form (nothing fancy, there are plenty of PB examples here if you wanna soup it up.) It's also pretty smart about file names and can automatically halt the DL if redirected (say, to a 404.html file.) Just thrown in are my own functions for collapsing a path (replace some folders with ...) to fit a given space and returning a formatted size in b, k, M or G given a # of bytes.\nThanks also to Mr. Bobo - I threw his Browse for Folder routine in just so I wouldn't have to add the common dialog to the demo form (not actually used in DL control.)\nHope you all find this useful, I know I will! ;-)\nNEW TO UPDATED V2: \n - Option to Rename save file if redirected\n - Properties to retrive download information outside of the events\n - Option to wait till download complete before returning to main form code.\nPossible uses:\n - Have program check for updates over net\n - Get changeable content (news/blogs/tips/ads/etc)\n - Retrieve customized batch files","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is a download user control. If you are voting, vote on the control, not the demo project. The demo project was thrown together to show off the features, it isn't really a practical complete application in itself.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Assumes a live connection. Download fails immediately if connection not available.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039121438463386.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/UPDATED_-_1647089182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Dan Redding - Blue Knot Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48441,"Title":"Xp Frame","Description":"It's an xp style frame.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039121524552867.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/vb_frame1644619122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Bardh Fejzullahi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48434,"Title":"VB6 Error Codes List","Description":"This is a list of all the error codes you can get in Visual Basic 6. \nThere are approximately 700 different errors.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Matt Stafford","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48446,"Title":"Statistical Calculator v2.1","Description":"Shows the mean, median, mode, variance, sum, standard deviation, average deviation, coefficient of deviation, total, square total, and variance for an array of values using the sample method. Computes any of four different types of regression models (Linear, Logarithmic, Exponential, or Power). Includes an equation solver for both x and y data. Here's whats been changed in v2.1:\n1. When \"Remove row\" is clicked, it now removes all selected rows rather than just one row at a time.\n2. Double-clicking on a row in the \"x, y, frequency\" data-grid now allows the user to edit data already entered without having to remove the row and re-enter the data.\n3. A bug was removed where the calculator didn't set the \"DataSaved\" Boolean bit when the user clicked on the \"Remove Row\" button.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039121840549838.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Statistica1644709122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Joshua Robertson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48451,"Title":"How To Draw Circle","Description":"In Windows Paint You When You Draw A circle You Find that the Mouse is on the Corner of the Circle and not in its Center This is Too Difficult But Now and After reading this Code it Will Be Very easy thing to do","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/How_To_Dra1644759122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Ahmed Mohamed El-Mougazi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48454,"Title":"VB Splitter","Description":"VB Splitter is a developer-friendly ActiveX control to allow the user to resize docked controls at run-time. You can now have a splitting-capability for any number of controls with only one VB Splitter control and one line of code in your program. The control has 11 properties, 2 methods and 7 events customly made for your pleasure. It's very well-commented and has a strong encapsulation technic that making this control an author-friendly ActiveX control. Just don't miss the demo (open the VB Splitter Demo.vbg). Your feedback and vote will be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039122355266582.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Splitte1644829122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":29,"UserRatingTotal":144,"AuthorName":"Theo Zacharias","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48376,"Title":"Underground: a game engine","Description":"A cool cave flying game engine. It's not complete, but it allows already quite much expanding with ease. Supports/includes: 1) random level generation 2) flying particles 3) gravity 4) objects (bullets and such) 5) explosions 6) destroyable terrain 7) automatic FPS control [it's not perfect, slow but works, tries to make the game playable even on an low end system] 8) gamepad/joystic support [in the future, this should help expanding multiplaying: ie. one uses keyboard, three players use USB gamepads] 9) original ship controlling [currently only one player]\n|\nMy plans are to expand this engine so that it would be easy to create a full game. I'm also considering multiplaying over the internet, but that once I'm done with most of the other. And yes, better graphics would be nice :)\n|\nIn the main module you can find all kinds of values you might want to edit. Try making the bullet bounce all around the terrain... :) [tip: set CollisionDie = False]\n|\nIf you think you have something to offer to this little project, feel free to contact. I'm open to suggestions! I'm atleast thinking to add 1) computer players with AI 2) layered level 3) optimize performance [not to draw things not visible to the screen(s) etc.]\n|\nReposted, instead of editing I managed to destroy the whole code. Expect updated and expanded version next month :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Note: the screencapture is of a bit newer version, in which the explosions look better. In the source I've posted I use old 1999 made 256 color images. It shouldn't be hard to edit the images though :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003991455224914.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Undergroun164351992003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Vesa Piittinen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48380,"Title":"Process Parsing/Detecting Tutorial","Description":"FULLY COMMENTED TUTORIAL ON PROCESS DETECTION USING THE PROCESSFIRST, PROCESSNEXT, AND CREATETOOLHELP API'S.\nOk here is the deal, I spent alot of time trying to figure out how to find a process, parse out the exe file name and it's process id to use for process memory manipulation. However, there were no eazy to read tutorials that could make me understand how the api's worked. After figuring everything out, I thought I should make a fully commented source for others who may end up stuck in my shoes. I hope you enjoy. The sub is the easier to understand than all on psc thus far.","Inputs":"input the case sensitive exe file name.","Assumes":"It is extreemely commented, to the point where someone who don't know vb at all could prolly understand it. To view the Processentry32 type declaration and related api's refer to the module.","CodeReturns":"determines if the process is running and if so it will msgbox the processes parsed szexefile name and it's process id number.\n","SideEffects":"I have not tried this code on any other environment than vb6.","ApiDeclarations":"processfirst\nprocessnext\ncreatetoolhelpsnapshot\ntype processentry32\n","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Process_Pa164358992003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Steven Sherrod","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48382,"Title":"[ Password Protection With Up To 3 Attemps ]","Description":"This will ask the user to enter a password and if it is incorrect it will give them two more chances (three attempts in total). Please vote and leave comments :)","Inputs":"One Command Button name Command1.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":16,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003991819243472.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"JamesJD","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48385,"Title":"CoOL Visible Forms u should see it","Description":"hi everybody,This is a cool and simple way\nto have new forms with a great look\nYOU WILL DRAW YOUR OWN FORMS IN PAIANT.exe or any other programs then you will use them in vb and using only 4 API calls, just look at the screen shot. please Vote if you like it. and hey feel free to leave any comments. enjoy it!\n","Inputs":"this is how the program works:\nit will remove any black color in the form\nand will make it invisible\ntry it ur self am sure you will like it ;)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200399220529875.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CoOL_Visib164368992003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Ahmad Mami","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48389,"Title":"Got a picture mobile/pda? You need Image Cropper","Description":"I've just got a Sharp GX20 mobile phone and it's an ar$e loading pics into PSP to resize and crop them. Okay, I didn't *need* to write this, but it was a good challenge for me. Load up your jpgs and resize them and crop select areas to your hearts content and save them. hope you enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003910349326874.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Got_a_pict1643799102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48392,"Title":"[ RGB Form Colour Changer ]","Description":"This little code will allow you to change the forms colour using Scroll Bar and Text Boxes, this can be changed to change the colour of a Text Box, etc. Please vote and leave your comments :)","Inputs":"Three Scroll Bars named: hsbRed, hsbGreen, and hsbBlue. Also three Text Boxes named: txtRed, txtGreen, and txtBlue.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":32,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003910618496318.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"JamesJD","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48394,"Title":"HTML buttons and marquee ( use as VB activeX control button and text animation)","Description":"This code is an activex control button and text animation. I use HTML button and marquee. I use HTML button because in HTML you can make many kinds of good looking button very easy, combine with my knowledge in VB I intergate the two. At first I thought it was impossible but I did it.\nThe only little problem with this is that, it is a bit slow while loading. But if everything is aready loaded, it will run very smooth.\nIf you DO NOT like my work please DO NOT vote for me.\nThanks...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200391275238688.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_butto1643839102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Pinoy Ako! ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48395,"Title":"Gradient Active-X","Description":"This is an Active-X Control for Filling Form with a Gradient BackGround. It also Contains A ColorChooser control. A Must see For all who Plan to Develop Active-X Controls.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003910111317294.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Gradient_A1643929102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Keral.C.Patel.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48407,"Title":"BOTMATCH - 3D HIGH-SPEED HOVER-MECH COMBAT GAME! Build It! Battle It! MUST SEE *","Description":"BotMatch Secondary Protocal is the fully 3D, VB-GDI game! - The sequel to a 2D shooting game I released here in 2000. Build your BOT to be 100% customized, battle your BOT, upgrade it to face your next competator! The high-speed combat arena in this game only gets more intense as you advance through the matches!!!\nBMSP is simply an incredible game. Written entirely using GDI32 APIs, and some simple 3D math, BMSP was built on my 133MHz system, and runs smoothly on that system. In some odd cases, the GetTickCount function screws-up (we've found this to happen on SOME XP machines, but most run it very nicely). BMSP is everything we wanted the first BotMatch to be, but only now did we have the experience, knowledge, and vision to see the project through. The project includes ReadMe documentation which will help developers navigate the code, as well as giving a quick 3D math lesson. For game help, see HELP.txt.\nSpecial thanks goes out to my friend Josh Nixon who helped with the programming and some rather repetative-type graphics-editing that needed to be done! I am happy to share this code with everyone here on Planet Source Code, but be mindful of the copyright notifications! Any questions or comments about this amazing project are welcome! Another special thanks to Bradford, who provided the game's soundtrack!\n** UPDATED APRIL 17th - Version 1.2.4 (see whatsnew.txt)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039102259116486.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BOTMATCH_-1734304172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":72,"UserRatingTotal":347,"AuthorName":"(Tim Miron) yar-interactive software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48410,"Title":"Simply skin your Aplication with just writing one line of code,(OCX)","Description":"Skin your Aplication with just writing one line of code, and this OCX (Full code included).\nHi, this is the first time I send a code. I hope you like it.\nIt has 2-in-1 controls: 1)The Skin 2)An special command button.\nThere're 2 major problems:\n1.If anyone knows how I can handle the standart menu (with an API) to move it to a\nnew XY position, please let me know.(It doesn't support menues)\n2.I need to modify the form properties (the BorderStyle to 1) to make it minimize in the taskbar.\nIf you know how, it could be automatized inside de control (by an API).\nSorry for my english... :(\nSee, you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simply_ski1644159112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mario Villanueva","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48411,"Title":"Statistical Calculator v2.0","Description":"Shows the mean, median, mode, variance, sum, standard deviation, average deviation, coefficient of deviation, total, square total, and variance for an array of values using either the population or sample method. Computes any of four different types of regression models (Linear, Logarithmic, Exponential, or Power). Includes an equation solver for both x and y data.","Inputs":"2-point variable data entry. And one frequency data entry field.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003911127517737.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Statistica1644169112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Joshua Robertson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48417,"Title":"Set Default Printer for Windows","Description":"Set the default printer for Windows at runtime that remains even after the app shuts down. All printers on the user's system will be displayed in a sortable listview from which printer selection can be made. Something like this is useful because the VB DataReport always prints to the default printer.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003911840428897.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Set_Defaul1644299112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"CubeSolver","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48418,"Title":"Tutorial For Winsock Control(Updated Now also Includes FAQ)","Description":"Updated Version Of Winsock Tutorial. For beginners who want to learn about Winsock Control and Networking. A must read for someone who want to Implement a Client-Server Interface.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tutorial_F1646789182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":116,"UserRatingTotal":493,"AuthorName":"Keral.C.Patel.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47934,"Title":"Capture NetSend Messages","Description":"Captures Net Send Messages. First Submission. My code is messy, but this could be made into something a little better. Always On Top code is from somewhere in here, not sure which submission.\nRemember to change the constant MyName.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Capture_Ne1634278232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Dan Dayon","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47941,"Title":"KeyBoardHook","Description":"This code will work for win 2000 and XP. It hooks the systems keyboard and runs a callback function to determine if the \"delete\" key has been hit and disables the delete (system wide not just application wide). This program could also be easily resigned as a keylogger if you feel the need to do so, also it may be used to disable any number of keys you wish. In the LowLevelKetBoardProc just use debug.print xpInfo.vkCode and you will see the value of the key and you could set that value to de disabled (as VK_DELETE is currently.) When I get a chance I will also try to make it for the other MS OS's\n***************Warning********************\nSince this program uses callbacks DO NOT HIT THE END BUTTON IN VB'S IDE .....YOU WILL CRASH.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/KeyBoardHo1634428242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"ebred","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47949,"Title":"LineCounter AddIn","Description":"This program counts lines in your projects. It is run from \"Add-Ins\" menu in VB. It is an easy example of using VB IDE and everyone who wants to write VB AddIns may begin viewing this code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200382410152431.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LineCounte1634598242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Filip Wielewski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47955,"Title":"Beginner Editor","Description":"---This should be updated on the 17th or 18th of september! I've started work on the new version. Check back soon.---\nThis is a very simple html editor for people who dont know anything about html! its so simple just fill out a little form and youve got yourself a simple html file! (Preview option is now available)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003826612122191.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Beginner_E1637138292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Matt Spokes","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47980,"Title":"ThreeD Tunnel Spoof","Description":"Just a little Game. You are a ship and you fly through a tunnel. Objective to get as far as you can without touching the walls. The Walls do close in over time.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It does not use directX so you can learn some 3D math... =) and I am not familiar with it =P. Enjoy my code ^_^ V","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003825163103079.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ThreeD_Tun1635238252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Boa Kwan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47982,"Title":"INap v1.01 Napster Client","Description":"Fully Functional Napster Client. Added/Fixed a few things since last version. read Fix.txt..\nadded Teknap/Irc Coloring see colors in related\\Colors.txt . after you load the client i recommend sharing at least some files(mp3 only) then after loading. you need to either file/connect or 2 click a server to connect. If you cant get any d/l's to start it has nothing to do with INap but the system itself(not as many people as kazaa / direct connect). but chat system works pretty good.. and supports scripting.. ive writen a few games. look for examples at www.intradream.com later and if youd like an install www.intradream.com/INap.msi","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038251820305966.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/INap_v1_011635268252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Timothy Marin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50917,"Title":"a StringExtractor - Extracts Strings from binary Files","Description":"a StringExtractor - Extracts Strings from binary Files.\nStringExtractor\n===============\nAuthor: CodeXP\nContact: CodeXP@Lycos.de\nDescription:\nThis App extracts Strings from binary files (like .EXE).\nYou can search certain Strings that were found in binary file.\n(for example you can search some cheats in a game file,\nfor what I also wrote it. Actually for own use :)\nHow to use:\ndrag'n'drop a file, that you would search for Strings,\non the StringExtractor EXEcutable\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411109392393.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_StringEx1692761112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"CodeXP","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50918,"Title":"a DateCalc - Date/Time Calculator","Description":"Calculating Date and Time (English & German). Just Test it! Plz Vote me! thx!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004111019379138.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_DateCalc1692771112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"CodeXP","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50920,"Title":"a FindPath App - Search nearest distance on Map","Description":"a FindPath App - Search nearest distance on Map and Show it (Route). Very Cool! Vote it plz! thx!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411103098785.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_FindPath1692781112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"CodeXP","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50929,"Title":"PUZZLE - A GAME","Description":"GAME","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411154467794.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PUZZLE_-_A1692911112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"nemmaluri taraka rama sastry","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50934,"Title":"Get Macaddress","Description":"This code shows how to get the Macaddress of the networkcard.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Get_Macadd1692971112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Cyber Chris","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48722,"Title":"Scroll Wheel Support","Description":"Add scroll wheel support to controls such as msflexgrid","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Be careful using this in the IDE. It uses subclassing. You can modify it to use Debug AddressOPf Subclassing DLL Provided by Microsoft.","ApiDeclarations":"RtlMoveMembory,SetWindowLong\nSetProp, GetProp, RemoveProp\nCallWndProc","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Scroll_Whe1649149232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"David Greengas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48724,"Title":"_Get File Info_","Description":"Gets a list with all the File Types reciognised by your pc (from the registry).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200392314191309.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Get_File_1649239232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"BelgiumBoy_007","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48743,"Title":"Access Linked Table Path Correction","Description":"When the folder of an access application and its linked table source changes, this code will modify the linked tables to comply.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"In order that code to work the Access application and the linked table source file must be in the same directory. Also the user running the application must have the permission to modify the tables.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":15,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Yalin Meric","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48745,"Title":"WaP/cLiEnT/hTtP server application","Description":"It is a Client/server app, please scroll a little and vote 5 globes :D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"a few","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WaP_cLiEnT1649589242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":57,"UserRatingTotal":274,"AuthorName":"Andrei Beslaga","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48747,"Title":"[ADODB code]","Description":"This code will explain is basically for beginers to master ADODB coding in few minutes. This code will explain how to CONNECT access database, how to generate query, how to traverse the records (that is moveFirst, MoveNext, and so...), how to delete record, how to save record...The main aim behind submiting this code...is it simplicity and COMMENTED which will explain beginers and advance user to understand ADODB in much better way.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[ADODB_cod1649639242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":46,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48754,"Title":"Atomic","Description":"The KAtomic game for KDE/Linux ported to VB 6. An entertaining puzzle game with a little bit of chemistry on the sly.\nDemonstrates the use of flickerfree graphics, embedded graphics and ini-functions. Also uses a class module for the game-routines","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003924149574671.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Atomic1649659242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Tom Halvorsrod","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48762,"Title":"___Winsock Tutorial___","Description":"to show the main usage of winsock!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/___Winsock1649739242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"|P|h|r|o|z|e|n| Entertainment - Joker","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48764,"Title":"Resizable Controls at Runtime","Description":"This code implements a module I have written that allows nearly ANY control to be resized at run-time. This would be handy for something like dynamic form design or something of that liking. I am not sure if anyone else has ever done this on PSC before and if they have, I am sorry. In this example I have implemented the module on 9 controls (can be used on many more, I just don't have the time). I am sorry that the screenshot is black and white, though it saved in the wrong format. I hope this helps.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039242233136122.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Resizable_1649759242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Coding MasterMind","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48766,"Title":"If a users attempts to shutdown/restart their computer while your application is still running","Description":"If a users attempts to shutdown/restart their computer while your application is still running, this simple piece of code will actually allow you to abort the request to shutdown. Can be very useful. Please mail me at mailme@shouvik.tk if you are facing any problems or www.shouvik.tk","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function GetComputerName Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetComputerNameA\" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function AbortSystemShutdown Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"AbortSystemShutdownA\" (ByVal lpMachineName As String) As Long\nFunction GetName()\n Dim lpBuff As String * 25\n Dim ret As Long, ComputerName As String\n \n ret = GetComputerName(lpBuff, 25)\n ComputerName = Left(lpBuff, InStr(lpBuff, Chr(0)) - 1)\n \n GetName = ComputerName\nEnd Function","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":3,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"www.shouvik.tk","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48768,"Title":"Disable taskmanager (XP)","Description":"This code temporary disables the taskmanager, works with Windows XP Home ... please vote ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"After inputing the code, compile this app... and when a user presses, Alt + CTRL + Del it will display the current application...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":40,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Lee S. Cook","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48769,"Title":"AnimatedCursorViewer - Activex Control","Description":"This control show Animated Cursor Files (*.ani) into a window. Count with more actions (play,pause,drawfocus,etc) and play animations files stored in Resource Files of Visual Basic Project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function LoadCursorFromFile Lib \"user32\" Alias \"LoadCursorFromFileA\" (ByVal lpFileName As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreateWindowEx Lib \"user32\" Alias \"CreateWindowExA\" (ByVal dwExStyle As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String, ByVal dwStyle As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hwndParent As Long, ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal hInstance As Long, lpParam As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DestroyWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DestroyCursor Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hCursor As Long) As Boolean\nPrivate Declare Function IsWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function OSGetTempPath Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetTempPathA\" (ByVal BufferLength As Long, ByVal Result As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function OSGetTempFilename Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetTempFileNameA\" (ByVal FilePath As String, ByVal Prefix As String, ByVal wUnique As Long, ByVal TempFileName As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DrawFocusRect Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long\n","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200392595373481.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AnimatedCu1649879252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Mauricio Cunha","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52930,"Title":"Fav2Html","Description":"This program takes your exported IE Favories (bookmark.htm) and produces a complete html/css/js/xml/xslt set which function as an internet version of your favories. IE Favories are converted to xml and a css file is generated by this vb app. Transfer the Publish folder to your homepage, or change some of the parts to fit your needs. Included xslt transformation and javascript to open/close the favories folders are pre-scripted (ie. not generated) and must follow the package. Program with complete sample publish folder is encolsed the zip. These are easy examples combining vb/d-html/css/js/xml/xslt. Also see this in action on my homepage at http://www.johnharald.net/bml/favorites.html","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fav2Html172974462004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"John Harald Apeland","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52946,"Title":"Making Life Easier with Pseudo Code","Description":"The purpose of this article is to introduce you to the world of Pseudo Code and help you improve your development skills.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"D Davis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52947,"Title":"CommandBar","Description":"This is a remake of vbAccelerator's CommandBar Control. In this version, everything is included in one ActiveX control, so no dependencies (like SSubTimer and vbaImLst) required.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CommandBar173005472004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sokolovsky Eugene","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52952,"Title":"Remote MDB Access","Description":"This Active-X Control allows you to access your MS-Access file on your webserver.you\nonly need to put the serverside script on the root of the webserver which you want to access the file\nI included scripts in ASP and ASP.NET\nOpen the testproject that shows all the use this Control\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This Active-X Control allows you to access your MS-Access file on your webserver.you\nonly need to put the serverside script on the root of the webserver which you want to access the file\nI included scripts in ASP and ASP.NET\nOpen the testproject that shows all the use this Control\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Remote__MD173013472004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Priyan R","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52955,"Title":"A 3D Gouraud Shading w/o Blur Motion. Pure VB *UPDATED*","Description":"Rotation with Gouraud Shading its in *Pure VB* (only DirectX 7.0 initialization fullscreen mode, if you want to see rotating meshes in full screen). Runs faster on my K6-2 350Mhz, with 16 Mb Voodoo card, so imagine on Pentium IV or Athlon 2000 Mhz with ATI or nVidia card! xD. See screenShot to believe me. This source its a modification of 3DvbBlurMotion (see CodeId:51406). There is a flag to run the source at fullscreen mode (320x240 at 16 bpp). Use the keys Z,X or Y to change speed rotation. There is a flag to make blur motion to the mesh.I included a short \"howto\" txt file if you want to make your own meshes. Reports will be apreciated. Thanks for optimizations to Carles P.V. Enjoy it!\n*** UPDATE *** I just update more meshes, now are 28. The new meshes aren't LOW POLY optimizated. See READMEFIRST.txt for performance testing and other information.\nPSC don't let me upload this new meshes files. You can download from here:\nhttp://www.geocities.com/vbrules2k/meshes.zip (585 Kb aprox.) Sorry for this \"trouble\". See You, and thanks 4 the votes!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200448204346204.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_Goura173020472004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"John Ripper","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52956,"Title":"Direct Connect Client","Description":"It's logging into a Hub on DC (Direct Connect)\nIt let's you talk and so on..\nIt's also very good for those that want to know\nhow the Direct COnnect Protocol works like..\nHow to make a connection, How to send data and so on..\nUse with care and have fun..\n(DO not forget to vote if you like / Learned from it)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004471730492592.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Direct_Con173036472004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jesper Kepp","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52965,"Title":"Auto wordwrap text with the fixed width","Description":"Sometime the string of a item in some grid or list control is too long to display it complete.\nSo we want to auto display it with multi-line.\nMy code just do it,It auto wordwrap the string with fixed width.\nYou can define the dismember of each word,such as \",\",\"?\",\":\",and so on.\nafter processing,this class will return the conten of each line ,and the height of block text following the font of hdc\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200448018465417.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Auto_wordw173050482004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"De Ming Shang","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54893,"Title":"A1 - 'Animated' spinning globe using only a label and a timer. (WebDings Required)","Description":"Using webdings, you can created a VERY rudamentary spinning globe. Please do not vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":17,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54894,"Title":"DM Resource Builder","Description":"This small pice of code will allow you to compile a text file to a .RES resource file that can then be included in to Visual Basic. At the moment the compiler only compile custom resource types.\nNote that this compiles the files without the RC compiler. also at the moment the source code will only compile one file to a resource file. if someone can help with that problum that will be helpfull.\nWell I hope someone finds some us for the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Resourc1768797122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54901,"Title":"VB Recent File List - Updated","Description":"With this project you can delete items from you registry that show up in the Recent Files list of Visual Basic. Please note that, running the program from the VB IDE will NOT delete items permanently from the list. The reason for this is: When VB is closed it \"re-saves\" the recent list. So you must compile the project to EXE form, close VB and run the EXE to make it work.\nUPDATE - Now displays project that no longer exist in red.\nOther examples in this project include:\n*Resizing Columns in a List View\n*Sorting Columns in a List View\nYou can also find a Microsoft reference for the object used in this code sample at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/script56/html/wsmthregread.asp (Look for RegWrite, RegRead and RegDelete)\nThanks for taking the time to look at my example and I hope you find it useful for something :)\nChristopher.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Realize that VB \"re-writes\" the recent list every time it closes, so, to delete items from your recent list, you must compile this project, close VB and then run the EXE to delete items from the recent files list.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None Known","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Recent_1768947122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Christopher Reason","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54896,"Title":"Search Item Data in ListView Control","Description":"Demonstrates how to search/ find data item in ListView Control (ADO). Facilities:\n1. Search by index\n2. Search by others criteria\n3. Sort data in the listview control by HeadColumn\n4. Automatic resize control","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004712136233650.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Search_Ite1768847122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Paul PS","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54897,"Title":"Gravitation","Description":"This is a very nice program that calculates the intercational gravitation force betrween two masses, they could be two planets etc. And it draws the objects.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048281319474918.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Gravitatio1768867122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Licar Bogdan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54910,"Title":"CodeScanMax(Update 6 Nov)","Description":"CodeScanMax(Update 6 Nov) by Robert Rayment. (Work around for forms with no code, addess some differences between Win98 & WinXP RichTB versions when setting Fonts & Coloring) .... This program is intended to give info on declarations and procedures used in a project. Also to display some items within procedures and a variety of unused items. To be most useful the exe can be placed on the Office toolbar or the Taskbar. It can then analyse the current project provided it is saved to disk. It is non-intrusive A second use is to copy/paste code from any other project while in the IDE. Please read limitations in the help file. I've deliberately left some unused junk in the program so you can see how it works straightaway. It's 'horses for courses' CodeScan suits me but try these others if you haven't already, they may be closer to what you want -- Code Fixer v2.2.9 Roger Gilchrist(Ulli) CodeId=53297 -- Deeplook v4.7 Dean Camera CodeId=54836 -- Code Statistics/.. v4.3 E O'Sullivan CodeID=39149 or later versions.-- Fast RTB Coloring Will Barden CodeId=39824.-- Back highlighting buggy CodeId=43509 (Tested on Win98 & WinXP, Zip 57KB).","Inputs":"vbp files","Assumes":"just run","CodeReturns":"display","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"see code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004724137187227.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CodeScanMa1814891162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54911,"Title":"_KeyAscii and KeyCode_","Description":"Shows the KeyAscii and KeyCode as you type, very simple.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047141614555859.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_KeyAscii_1769897142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"GurZ v6.9","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54933,"Title":"Turn Your Screen Crazy","Description":"This Great Program will make your screen melt, check, blow away, fade, colour change, or whatever you want it to! Great Program! Please Vote For My Work!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Turn_Your_1769457132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"Jamie C","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54929,"Title":"cool colorful image thingy!!!","Description":"This program makes cool circle designs you can print. Could be used to teach random numbers, circles, colors, and circles to beginners.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047131823177752.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/cool_color1769407132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"misic189","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":48185,"Title":"Exactly Osen XP Form with different Color Scheme (Blue,Olive Green,Silver) support menubar","Description":"This is ActiveX Controls, prepared to help to make xp form with different color scheme (blue,olive green,silver) and on this part, it supported for menu bar. look at screen. please download now, and don't forget to vote me !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003921959343617.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Exactly_Os1747405192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":152,"UserRatingTotal":731,"AuthorName":"Osen Kusnadi.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48270,"Title":"MINIPAYROLL","Description":"IT IS USEFUL FOR SMALL COMPANY, & ALSO CALCULATE THE EMI, PF..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MINIPAYROL164120952003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"sk_Kumar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48274,"Title":"A simple and complete Undo'n'Redo with no limit of steps","Description":"First of all this code is very simple, just ideal for beginer users, but anyone can use it. This code is used for undo and redo functions for a simple TextBox or RichTextBox","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No side effects so far","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039551287024.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_simple_a164128952003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Joe Igorevitch Pritoulski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48276,"Title":"Fast BruteForce Class Example","Description":"By request here is an example on how to use the BruteForce Class.\nThis Program will do a plain text crack against the text specified.\nThis code is currently fastest bruteforce code on PSC at over 20,000 combinations per second running on a Celeron 900.\nPlease remember to Vote and Comment","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039562246332.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fast_Brute164287982003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"┬ºe7eN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48283,"Title":"Stamp3 Videoplayer","Description":"Stamp3 is a full featured Video Player. It supports the major video formats \nincluding .AVI .MPG .ASF and .WMV. Uses DirectShow to render video.\nIf you want to make .skin files, compiler the skincompiler and copy its .exe into one of the premade skin templatedirectory (\"\\Fjomp\\\" and \"\\Default Skin\\\"). Run the .exe to make a .skin file, copy that to the \"Skins\" directory.\nCode is not commented.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200395102513103.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Stamp3_Vid164144952003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48284,"Title":"Exercises 1.0","Description":"This is a code of multiple exercises. There are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division exercise in 1 zip. The code uses Randomize to generate random numbers and use the generated numbers to make questions. This code can also check your answer see whether it is correct or not. Please vote for my work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003951056269334.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Exercises_164148952003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48287,"Title":"A Dynamic Control Array at RUN-TIME!!!","Description":"I figured this would be a great example for someone wanting to create a control array on the fly. I envision this to be used possibly for displaying fields in a database or something.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Dynamic_164158952003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"James Berard","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48289,"Title":"MsgBox and InputBox Replacement (Release 2.0)","Description":"Update 11-24-03 This does everything the standard msgbox does plus more and it is all in one file. It uses all the standard parameters for selecting the buttons, icons and sounds; which means it is a direct replacement for the standard msgbox. It automatically adjusts its size based on the amount of text to display (in the caption or the body of the message). What makes it different are the following:\n1.\tDisplay it centered or at the current mouse position.\n2.\tDisplay it with no buttons and close it through code only.\n3.\tDisplay it so that it automatically closes after a specified number of seconds.\n4.\tDisplay it as a modal or non-modal form.\n5.\tDisplay 5 additional system icons.\n6.\tUses a more modern look, rounded corners and a yellow background to make it easer to read.\n7.\tThe special Help button is treated as any other button, returning a value when pressed.\n8.\tThe Ok button is not shown by default. You need to add the vbOkButton parameter to make it show.\n9.\tNEW: Added an Inputbox function (frmMsgBox.sInputBox) with the same look and feel as the msgbox.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003111075656326.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MsgBox_and172890452004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48292,"Title":"Connection Monitor (Firewall) Updated","Description":"Update to previous submition fixes some freezing problems and a more easier to use format also added system tray icon ability with amazing stability using windows hooks, this update is due to feedback from previous submission, so thanks for your input. 'Next' update will use strickly API calls for netstat :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200395201721250.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Connection164172952003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"JayStacey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48293,"Title":"JPeg Exif Reader & Changer","Description":"Its a little better than the last one, it can only read bog standard tags from the 'exif' standard plus a few more, it has other subs/function which you might find usefull. Plus a few pictures","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/JPeg_Exif_164174952003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Xon_Matt","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48461,"Title":"Email Address Extractor","Description":"Extract all the Email addresses from asp, txt, html - files into a list that you can save.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003913829346854.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Email_Addr1644939132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"dark_moon_fighter","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48462,"Title":"File Copy Class (Updated)","Description":"I have added an automatic detection of the target path. If it doesn't exist, created regardless of the depth. I have also added a verify feature to verify the copy was successful. Orig. Desc.\nThis is a modified verision of Nabhan Ahmed's (Copy File byte by byte) found at http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=48319&lngWId=1. Please give all votes to him.\nHis description\nBasically, this program shows you how to copy files byte by byte. Everytime it reads 4 kbs from the source file and write them in the destination file until it reads all bytes in the srouce file. There is a bar that shows the copying progress, and there is a label that shows the copying percentage. In the new update, you can use the browse button to find the source file you want to copy. I'm sure you'll find the code very easy to understand, and that you'll like it.( Would you please vote for this code )\nMy Changes:\nThe FileCopy routine was transfered to a self contained class. It checks for proper input for the FileCopy method to work. It is now completey\nportable.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003913952245169.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Copy_1644949132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Donathan Hutchings","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48464,"Title":"Real plugins (no ActiveX)","Description":"This is a real plugin system, not just ActiveX or somthing like that!\nThe example plugins are written in Visual C++ and the plugin execute code is written in Visual Basic, this because it's impossible to call functions from within Visual Basic compiled dll's with this method.\nInstruction on how to use and compile the example dll's are included in the package.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003913101805436.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Real_plugi1644979132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Peter Hebels","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48465,"Title":"MaxFrame Control","Description":"A Studio MAX-like(closeable) frame control with an LCARS style, with code to handle multiple frames. Check inside for more!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039131241279393.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MaxFrame_C1644989132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Mih├íly Tall├│di","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48468,"Title":"Downloaders","Description":"Downloader that the file takes you down that you want to of the page that you want to, this tool can define it this one paginates it I throw with API no with the ocx brings a tool edit","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003913138451334.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Downloader1645029132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Manuel(ErcUn)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48469,"Title":"One - Two Player 2D Mario Game","Description":"This is a classic 2d mario game with sound, and multiplayer. It uses the windows api functions such as bitblt and playsound. Use arrow keys to move, space to jump, also moves for fireballs and POW box. Bonuses inlude coins, 2 levels, turtles and crabs. Skim thorugh read me for further details.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200391314469390.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mario_PLZ_1645039132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Bob J Dole","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48668,"Title":"A REAL media player! NO ocxs or dlls. Just API!","Description":"With this you can play ANY media file (divx,mpg,mp3,mid...) without using any ocx or dll control. It uses mciSendString API!\nAll packed in a good class! [*fixed*]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_REAL_med1648369212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"loopz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48879,"Title":"A basic music player.","Description":"A basic music player using Microsoft Multimedia Control.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_basic_mu1651789292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Donny urquhart","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48880,"Title":"ProjectZip45","Description":"This sample provides a look into the structure of Zip Files.\nIt will allow you a look at some the information stored in them, and\nlater I will be updating it with decompression algorithms and\nextraction routines.\nTake a look, learn something, and have fun !!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039291314299626.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ProjectZip1651799292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Jason A Cole","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48885,"Title":"LVListbox - Listbox based in Listview","Description":"Emule a listbox control based into a listview control, support formatatio of item (like bold, forecolor, etc...) and support images.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039291655593949.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LVListbox_1651869292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Mauricio Cunha","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48927,"Title":"SkinnableForm ver 2.0 (New features, 20 Skin, Some bugs fixed)","Description":"Hi. This is second version of my SkinnableForm project with main changes. First I changed the way of skinning which was really boring. Now all skin settings are read from a .ini file and changing skin is very simple by chosing a new .ini file. Now you can chose between 20 different skins added to this version.\n I added some features such as Resizing, System Menu, Easy TrayIcon and fixed some bugs. I also add a HTML Tutorial that explains how you can use this project to make your own project skinnable.\n There's a new control called ctrl_ProgressBar, which I designed to fit with new environment, but I'm not contented, It needs more work.\n unfortunatly I couldn't upload my code because of Script Time Out error so I put it in following link:\nhttp://www.ea-networks.com/skinnableform/skinnableForm.zip\n I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for all those who leaved me notes and told me their ideas about project. Sorry that I couldn't reply. I'm expecting any help for improving this code with open arms. Please feel free to send your ideas. Thank You.\nGet the code from here:\nhttp://www.ea-networks.com/skinnableform/skinnableForm.zip\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003101223353951.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SkinnableF1652461012003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":24,"UserRatingTotal":113,"AuthorName":"Arbie Sarkissian","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48928,"Title":"dynamic crystal report using datagrid data","Description":"shows how to send datagrid data to report thru a recordset also how to autobind recordset fields to report. This is my first submission. hope u guys will like it. i really like to hear any comments. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"crystal report","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/dynamic_cr1652471012003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Mur3","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48929,"Title":"Advanced Space Shooter","Description":"over 2200 lines! Advanced engine supports level scripting, no limit on enemies, guns, \nexplosions, objects, helpers. Very customizable. Includes my first level, mars. Please \nuse this code for something because I may not be able to continue it. the basic engine is \ncomplete, just add graphics, levels, and personality!\nnote: I have the original, full color bitmaps if you want them email me:\nbphil88@adelphia.net\nor if you want more detail on script existing commands","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310173023699.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_S1652481012003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47399,"Title":"MiniRacer 2D","Description":"Just a small 2D racing game. Demonstrates use of ImageList, pictures with transparent colors, some calculations on moving objects and some simple file handling. But this is mostly for the fun of it. Try to beat my HiScore.. :)\nUnder 5 seconds...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None actually","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200384177585732.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MiniRacer_162414842003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Lars Holm Jensen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47404,"Title":"Motion Detection","Description":"Video Motion Detection is really quite simple. The 'joke' is to compare \nprevious picture with the new one. So, teoreticaly this differences \nbetween 2 pictures are motion of some kind...\nBUT it is not that easy If U wish to do it correctly you'll have to \n1. break pixel colors apart\n2. set up a small buffer for let us say last 20 frames to counteraffect \n picture / pixel blinking\n3. unite colors\n4. check average value of a single pixel for the last xx frames\n5. Check if difference is big enought to raise detection\nand finaly\n6. Detect motion...\nThis small demonstration requires Controll ezVidC60.ocx which is added to \ndriver.zip file. You can also download it from http://www.shrinkwrapvb.com.\nThis demo runs (or so it should) on win 98 or better... up to XP and is written for\nVB5 and above.\nHope u like this demo. Votes and sugestions are wanted.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003842053285917.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Motion_Det162420842003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Dobnik Sebastjan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47408,"Title":"Grid to Excel","Description":"This SubRoutine will print the MSHFlexGrid Content to Excel as it is along with giving borders,colors,bold. Its quiet a small function but useful sometimes.","Inputs":"The MSHflexgrid Name which holds the data","Assumes":"Reference has to be set to Excel","CodeReturns":"Transfers the Grid Data to Excel","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":19,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"krachit","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47412,"Title":"VBS.Redlof.A Virus Scanner + Detector + Repairer : This Virus Cause Folder.htt Files in Your Folders","Description":"This is a Antivirus for the virus VBS.Redlof.A And It Detects + Scans + Repair Files In Your System . This Virus Cause Folder.htt and desktop.ini files in your folder (all Folder You Can Open With My Computer During Infected System) By Ajay Kumar","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBS_Redlof162428852003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ajay kumar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47423,"Title":"Floorplan Designer","Description":"Design floorplans (Walls, windows and floors). Not finished. It was my first VB program (started in 1998). I was planning for more but never had time. Anyway I found ways to do it in another way so I am giving you the original ideia.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003851259411255.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Floorplan_162443852003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":83,"AuthorName":"Manuel Augusto Santos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47432,"Title":"[A] Cool Button - Java and Visual Basic integration","Description":"This cool button supports differend 3d border styles, fade, different color for up and down states. I will add image support soon!\nIf you vote for me, I will continue to work :)\nThanks!\nYou can download binary version of this software from here: http://www.emu8086.com/wb/\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003851729426778.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Sexy_2_Coo162454852003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47433,"Title":"SQL Server Database Control 1.0","Description":"Here is a list of this control futures:\n1. Login in to MS SQL Server\n2. Backup, repair and restore databases\n3. Upload databases and delete databases\n4. Control the server (Start, Stop, Pause and Continue)\n5. Check Server Status (Started, Stoped or Paused)\n5. Check connection if active to server or not\n6. List databases in the MS SQL Server, list teables and fields in table\n7. Open connection with database and SQL statments (like select)\n8. Save any file to Binary Field in table (like upload picture to table)\n9. Display picture saved in database field to object (like Picture control)\n10. Save a file from database field (like picture or txt files) to harddisk\n11. Check if EOF or BOF\n12. Find any record easy\n13. Add, Edit, Update and Delete records\n14. Bind the database fields to VB Objects (like Text Box or Label)\n15. Bind the database table to MSFLEXGRID32 control\n16. Handle All errors easy (no visible run time or desgin time errors), all hadled by name & num.\nIts the easiest, coolest code ever seen! You can learn even how to upload and download files from MS SQL Server! Its learning control and can be used for your projects as well!\nI hope you like it, if yes, please rate it, thx anyway! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SQL_Server1629998142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":94,"UserRatingTotal":454,"AuthorName":"Issam Hijazi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47434,"Title":"Any-to-Any database converter","Description":"Using ADO & ADOX, convert between various\ndatabase formats like Text, Access, Excel,\ndBASE, Paradox, HTML.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"you are not required to have that specific application installed to generate the destination (output) database. for example, without having Excel installed, you can create Excel sheet.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038111602643.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Any-to-Any1628008112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":29,"UserRatingTotal":144,"AuthorName":"r_vengy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47427,"Title":"Mouse Leave.An event that Microsft forgot to include","Description":"Download the code.Afterwards you will be able to \ntrigger the MOUSE leave event.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_Leav162446852003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"DetonEtor","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47428,"Title":"[A] Real Snow","Description":"Oh, I know it's summer in US, but it's Winter in Australia!!! So get some snow!! REAL SNOW!! NEW!!! Now includes JAVA APPLET that you can use on your WEBSITE!\nI hope voting works now! so vote pleeease!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038514263466.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/zi_Real_Sn162447852003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47435,"Title":"EffectWorkShop 2.0 (Update 2.0.1)","Description":"Image-DHTML Editor>>>>> New and Easy GUI lets user get more control of the App, CorelDraw-Photoshop view,a more Pro Software with some new few tricks and functions that can be easy to use and understand, still working on it to finish it,but it will be ready in a few months,still needs better help and guide and needs to be bug free,but here is the beta version ...some of the functions may not be coded yet .if you want to help or got any idea's please send me your code or changes you have made...<<<<Enjoy this Free Version>>> \nDownload the zip File from the Link Below:\nhttp://www.geocities.com/al99110409/EffectWorkShop2/EffectWorkShop2.zip\n<<<<Little Update Minor Fixes.. + Shadow Enabled !\nhttp://www.geocities.com/al99110409/EffectWorkShop2/EffectWorkShop201.zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":6,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003852150371668.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47438,"Title":"Kazaa info finder","Description":"Kazaa Info Ripper opens your registry, and find out every info about your kazaa and kazaa lite aplications eg: Kazaa download folder, kazaa directory, KAzaa lite Startpage and network name (like @kazaalite.tk) , Kazaa directory, kazaa anotated download bandwidth and more! This is all VERY VERY SIMPLE and even a CHIPANSE could follow! Insert this into your project at will.. very easy to integrade! I use Kenneth Ives's bas registry module to access the module easily","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"evey kazaa aspect that is worth seeing!","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200386033175893.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Kazaa_info162466862003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Master Spy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47439,"Title":"Obscenity Filter","Description":"This application will try to close IE windows whose title captions contain obscene words.\nThe app checks for dirty words in the title bars of IE windows and if it finds one, try to close it. I have included a file named \"WordsList\" which contains some dirty words.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200386043588676.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Obscenity_162467862003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Min Thant Sin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54995,"Title":"Make UserControl Runtime-only properties","Description":"Teaches you how to make runtime-only properties","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047171540425674.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ryan F","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55002,"Title":"Distance to the Storm","Description":"Tells you how far the storm is. The basis is that sound travels at 4.8 miles/second. This is simplistic.","Inputs":"Meteorological parameters","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"How far away the storm is.","SideEffects":"Happiness","ApiDeclarations":"Nope","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200471852942783.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Distance_t1771037182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Warren Goff","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55013,"Title":"[A++] Thermometer and Heater Device","Description":"Thermometer and Heater Device\n for demonstration of automatic\n temperature control.\nVersion 1.0\nThis device (Thermometer.exe) comes with\nfull source code (Visual Basic 6.0) and\na sample assembler program (Thermometer.asm),\nthat can be run on Emu8086 Microprocessor\nEmulator.\nYou can download the latest Emu8086\nMicroprocessor Emulator from here:\nhttp://www.emu8086.com\nFeel free to e-mail if you have any questions.\nHave fun!\nAnd... plz don't forget to vote! I made it for you! Thanx !\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047181716186113.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Thermomete1771207182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55032,"Title":"ODBC PROXY","Description":"This source code permits to connect to a DSN ODBC connection on a remote computer running dbTCP. THis can be very useful if ODBC licences are very expensive (I had the case).\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I would like to thank:\n- Fastflow.it for the dbTCP (freeware Delphi code), which must run on the remote PC. It is a small EXE file which can be run without any installation and can be downloaded at http://www.fastflow.it/dbftp/ (take Version 2).\n- Oleg Gdalevich for his excellent CWinsock class, used to replace any reference to the Winsock control. It is included here but can be downloaded at www.vbip.com.\nThe class needs a reference to Microsoft ADO, because it simultates a Recordset in memory so it makes it very easy to replace existing code.\nThe Client uses a VB class module (rstWinsock) which simulates a ADODB recordset. The following has been implemented:\n- PROPERTY rstWinsock.RemoteHostIP (the remote host IP address)\n- PROPERTY rstWinsock.RemoteHostPort (the remote host port)\n- PROPERTY rstWinsock.TimeOutSecs (the Timeout in seconds that the class waits for a server response)\n- METHOD rstWinsock.ConnectSocket (establish the connection)\n- PROPERTY rstWinsock.State (Connected, Not connected, Error, Timeout)\n if the state = Connected, everything processed ok (check this first)\n if the state = Error, check the ErrCode and ErrDescr for the error returned\n- METHOD rstWinsock.ConnectRemoteDSN (initialize connection to remote DSN)\n check state = Connected to see if everything is OK\n- METHOD rstWinsock.ExecuteSQL (launch a SQL statement on the remote DSN)\n if the SQL is a SELECT statement, the class fetches the fields and the first record\n check state = Connected to see if everything is OK\n if state = connected, \n - check EOF to see if records are available\n - access all the fields returned with the FIELDS collection\n- METHOD rstWinsock.MoveNext (launch a move-to-next record on the remote DSN)\n check state = Connected to see if everything is OK\n if state = connected, check EOF to see if records are available \nN.B. the class does not use any reference to the winsock component (it uses the excellent custom class available on www.vbip.com, written by Oleg Gdalevich, which simulates the Winsock control)\nN.B. I only implemented the following field data types from ADO (N5=adSmallInt, N10=adInteger, N30=adCurrency, C=adVarChar, D=adDate). This can be changed in the \"Sub GetFields\" and the \"Sub MoveNext\".\nN.B. The client is based on Server V2, but works also on the previous version (except that the date format returned from the Server is different \"01/01/2000\" vs \"2000/01/01\")\nN.B. The rstWInsock class can even be compiled into a DLL and thus could be used on a IIS/ASP server, but I do not need it for the moment.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047191528482928.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ODBC_PROXY1771657192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Peter Czibula","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55034,"Title":"HTML Encrypter","Description":"Today, there are many online thieves. Fortunately, this is one of those answers to security. This program can encrypt your source code and therefore making it harder for online thieves to steal your code. As you can see in the screenshot, all the characters are converted into hexadecimal codes. If you lost your original file or your original source code, you can decompile the hexadecimal codes to the original source code. Some browsers may not have JavaScript support or others have JavaScript disabled, so the encrypted page cannot be displayed. That is why I added \"<noscript>JavaScript is required to view this page.</noscript>\" after the encrypted source code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047201555203235.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Encry1772037202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"mathXpert","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55036,"Title":"Flexgrid ADO Excel Wrapper Classes Event Binds for custom controls. ex. TypeAhead and Column Sorting","Description":"Wrapper Classes for Ado and Flexgrid. Resuable code for fast error friendly code. Learn how to bind the events of a control to a class and customize standard contols. My example is a group of classes that include a flexgrid wrapper that adds type-ahead, column sorting and Dynamic adding of flexgrid to the form and many other functions; Ado wrapper for SQL and MDB connections; Excel class that allows dumping of a flexgrid straight into excel then formats it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Project Requires Excel, and MDAC and MSflexgrid look at the refrences.bmp to see them. Tested with MDAC 2.6,2.7,2.8 and Excel 97,2003","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No side effects","ApiDeclarations":"Project included","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004719210285693.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flexgrid_A1771777192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Stephen Coleman","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55037,"Title":"Password Encryption and Decryption","Description":"This Password Encryption And Decryption Uses a key to encrypt and decrypt a word....so it will have a unique and hard to trace word....it also add a new character according to the lenght of the word....and its do a lot more","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Password_E1771747192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Christian L. Garcia","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55011,"Title":"Neural Networks: Understanding Using Visual Basic - Download tutorial","Description":"A neural network tutorial for Visual Basic programmers. The previous post got all messes up, so here is the tutorial. Read nn_tutorial.html included in the zip file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Neural_Net1771147182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Paras Chopra","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51966,"Title":"Add Menu To System Menu Updated","Description":"This Program Describe How You can Add Menu To System Menu as well as Modified the System Menu, like Checked Or Unchecked Menu, Delete Menu, Enable Or Disable Menu etc. Remove Windows Control Box. Hope You like it. If you developed it further please send me a copy. Check It Out.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Add_Menu_T1712772242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Debasis Ghosh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51967,"Title":"VB With Oracle","Description":"This Program explains how you connect ORACLE with VB. How you retrieve table, view and stored procedure of ORACLE and Table Description. please Check Out subclasssing a Textbox and customizing Progress Bar. If I make any mistake please send me the right one. Check Each and every code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_With_Or1712782242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Debasis Ghosh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51971,"Title":"Regedit Phonebook","Description":"to easyly find edit and store unlimited phone numbers","Inputs":"names","Assumes":"Commen sence","CodeReturns":"name, 2 phone numbers, address","SideEffects":"searching is case sencitive, be sure to add and search all your names with correct case","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004224950591561.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Regedit_Ph1712852242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"WoLF`FaLLeN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51979,"Title":"Mirage Online 3.0.3 / 3.0.7","Description":"This is the complete source code to version 3.0.3 and 3.0.7 released under public domain. Version 3.0.3 is for beginners while 3.0.7 is for advanced users (averages to Intermediate).","Inputs":"None.","Assumes":"3.0.3: Requires DirectX 7 or higher.\n3.0.7: Requires DirectX 7 or higher, mySQL, and WMI.","CodeReturns":"None.","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"None.","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mirage_Onl1713012242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Shannara","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51985,"Title":"Tips","Description":"Some very basic but handy tips for newbies (and maybe not so newbies). Hope you learn something.\nI've added quite a bit more to the article, mostly very basic info on the vb language, but we all had to learn this stuff when we started out.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004225717305514.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51988,"Title":"BattleShips","Description":"BattleShips is a game with 2 human opponents playing over the network. It uses UDP (ports 4100 and 4101) protocol. One player acts as SERVER/HOST and the other as the CLIENT. Players choose their where they want to position their ships or the program can do it automatically. When players are ready they click the ready button. Whoever clicks ready first, gets to shoot first. Stats include where you have fired and where your opponent has fired, what your shot/hit ratio is, and how many ships are still in the game.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Needs WINSOCK.OCX","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004225744449263.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BattleShip1713232252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"David C. Thompson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51990,"Title":"Add Menu To System Menu Modified","Description":"This Program Describe How You can Add Menu To SysMenu as well as Modified the SysMenu, like Checked Or Unchecked Menu, Delete Menu, Enable Or Disable Menu etc. Remove Windows Control Box and remove Maximize button without affecting Minimize button. Hope You like it. If you developed it further please send me a copy. Please Check It Out Now.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Add_Menu_T1713272252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Debasis Ghosh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51993,"Title":"API Pause","Description":"Demonstrates how to pause in VB, without winding up the CPU, as While/Doevents/Wend code will do.","Inputs":"Milliseconds to pause","Assumes":"This uses the timeout feature of the WaitForSingleObject API call to break up a pause into smaller millisecond time chunks, allowing for a more responsive pause function. It also eliminates the CPU usage issue when using While/Doevents/Wend loops that make it hard to catchs problems. Since it does not do a comparison to the system clock, it mearly counts up milliseconds, there are no issues with midnight or clocks. You can change the resolution to suit your system. I have not submitted in a long time, so let me know if you would like more like this. \nNoel.","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hHandle As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreateEvent Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"CreateEventA\" (ByVal lpEventAttributes As Long, ByVal bManualReset As Long, ByVal bInitialState As Long, ByVal lpname As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CloseHandle Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API_Pause1713292252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"No├½lhx","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47299,"Title":"UPDATED: NTFS Data Streams: the true way to hide information and extend your file system","Description":"11/10/2003: To celebrate my mother's birthday (to whom I shall dedicate this update to) I've decided to post a new version of the code. As posted in the recent article, all of the bugs and features that you have suggested have been implemented. Thank you very much for your comments! If you find any new bugs, please let me know!\nThis article will teach you about a big secret of the NT File System (NTFS): Alternate Data Streams. First off, a brief history about ADS will be offered, followed by practical applications of data streams, with examples. Finally, explanations on how to protect yourself from the dangers (and what they are) of ADS. Full source code is included as well as a GUI for scanning your disk for ADS, as well as editing and viewing them (or creating new ones). As a bonus, there are two versions, one in pure API, and one using VB controls. Finally, you can integrate this app in a VBS script, with very little modification, for server maintenance.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038117529130.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/UPDATED__N1627918112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":72,"UserRatingTotal":360,"AuthorName":"Ion Alex Ionescu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47304,"Title":"BBC Desktop New Ticker that doesn't take up all your screen width!","Description":"Fully functional desktop news ticker supplying the BBC headlines... that doesn't take up 5% of your screen space [sigh]. By fully functional, it means click on the news item and it loads the news page. right click on the ticker to unload.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BBC_Deskto162256812003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48669,"Title":"Packing Files into Executables using Property Bag","Description":"Shows you how you can easily pack files into executables using property bag, without API or DLLs.\nGreat for making self-extracting applications or convertor applications like MP3-to-EXE\nEnjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Packing_Fi1648269212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Black Tornado","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48726,"Title":"DLLRegClean","Description":"DLLRegClean searches Windows Registry and cleans up all references to DLL file appointed by the user. \nEvery VB developer faced situations when same DLL is listed more than one time in the list of the registered ActiveX DLL's. Broken or multiple installtions in different folders, bugs in installer, broken binary compatibilty during developing of ActiveX are only most common causes. This is a real pain for developer to identify which version should be added to the project, and the best way to avoid DLL conflict is clean up the registry and registered only last version of the DLL.\n","Inputs":"Name of the DLL.\nUser may either enter it in inputbox or use a command-line interface.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Utility doesn't create Undo file with deleted Registry entries.\nPlease remember that editing the registry is a risky operation. Before you edit the registry, make sure you understand how to restore it if a problem occurs.","ApiDeclarations":"RegQueryValueEx\nRegCloseKey\nRegDeleteKey \nRegEnumKey \nRegEnumKeyEx\nRegOpenKey \nRegOpenKeyEx\nRegEnumValue\nSHDeleteKey","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DLLRegClea1649289232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"TeenyTinyTools","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48727,"Title":"MP3 to EXE","Description":"Pack your favorite MP3 songs into one exeutable file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Please vote!!!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039231744259948.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MP3_to_EXE1649339232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Black Tornado","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48730,"Title":"Phone Dialer - Call People For Real","Description":"This is a phone on your computer that you can call people and if you have a mic you can talk. So this is just the first version and if you guys like it i'll make like and address book and speed dial and more stuff if you suggest it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Phone_Dial1649389232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sehab","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48732,"Title":"__Transfer FlexGrid Items to a Word Table","Description":"Transfer items from a FlexGrid control to a Word table.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Your computer must have MS Word installed.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"ShellExecute","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Transfer1649409232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Frank Kusluski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48733,"Title":"Override all forms on top","Description":"This \"thing\" takes advantage of a thoughtless mistake on microsoft's part. This prog can stay on top of anything, even the task manager! PLEASE VOTE!\n-Note: I used code from Jan Alexanders Transparent form to achieve the flashing effect","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This prog includes lots of code which people might not know how to take advantage of. For example, it actually takes some code to be able to make a textbox do what u say when u press enter! that code is in there.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"when u execute the code before u make any changes to it, it will be virtually impossible (havent yet found a way to kill it myself) to kill it, so move ur mouse to the upper right hand corner of ur screen, and u will see the I-beam associated with text. Click there, type \"BUZZ OFF!\", and press enter. this will kill the form (I programmed this into the prog)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Override_a1649689242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Bryant Zadegan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48834,"Title":"Visual Scripting Language !*UPDATE*!","Description":"Hey! Peter told me i could take over the release of this code, so I am! Now you can drag objects around, and they have the little size boxes... for now only the command button can be sized and drug around... ill fix that.. this is ALLL messed up... i dont have the time to finish it... As you look at the code youll see i tryed to make it so each control had its ow options, but failed... i donno what to do with it :'(... Anyway, im submitting this because the first time i saw this code a long time ago, i wished i could drag stuff around like VB.. and recently i decided to make it work! Please leave feedback!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003927238119821.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Visual_Scr1651069272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52425,"Title":"aAa Ascii To Unicode Convertor For Perisan Language Range","Description":"This Code Is a Best simple Sample for Tech Converting Strings and Allow users to learn about\nPersian Unicode Rage,And Allow Users To use Persian(farsi) With Out Arabic Language.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/aAa__Ascii1720943162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mohsen Hosseini","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52436,"Title":"A 2D DotProduct Demonstration","Description":"This application is a simple and clear demonstration of the DotProduct in two dimensions. The DotProduct is almost always used by game programmers, especially in shooting games like Unreal Tournament. The DotProduct allows the programmers to decide is the user is pointing his weapon at a monster, a pickup or a door. The DotProduct is also used for Back-Face culling and lighting effects. You can even use the DotProduct for real world physics calculations like \"Newton's Conservation of Momentum\". In fact, this is the real reason I created this little demo. I'm currently working on my Asteroids game (also on PSC) and wanted the Asteroids to bounce off each other convincingly. Since angles were involved, I figured I could probably use the DotProduct to save on calculations. I needed a little refresher course in the DotProduct, thus this project was born. If you are not interested in the DotProduct, you may be interested in the Splash screen. It has a built in Ant Simulator which probably deserves it's own submission.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004317938189556.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_2D_DotPr1721133172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52434,"Title":"File Kutter","Description":"This is a file splitting software. This application can split a file in any size and do not have any limit. Please feel free to put in your comments and/or vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004317819135197.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Kutte1721123172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Dipankar Basu","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52442,"Title":"System Tray Module","Description":"System Tray Example 1.0\nThis is another System Tray Application.\nI know that there are many samples scattered all over Planet-Source-Code but many of them are incomplete or buggy, so I wrote my own.\nThis code covers the basics of adding an icon right through to the advanced levels such as modifying icons, popup menus, minimising to the tray and using multiple icons, yet is still very easy to follow and is well commented (read the beginning of the module for detaile information).\nThe code also incorporates a TitleToTray module showing how to animate the mimimizing and restoring of your form to the system tray.\nI would also like to thank peoply whos code I have used in this submission, namely Chris Miller for the TitleToTray code which I modified slightly and an unknown author for the basic system tray code (Sorry I don't remember!).\nDispite being a Planet-Source-Code member for so long, this is still oly my first submission to Planet-Source-Code so please vote nicely and leave constructive feedback.\nI hope you benefit from this code and if you find any aspect of my code useful, I would appreciate being notified and possibly being included in the credits (you may also want to include the original author of the TitleToTray code (Chris Miller)), but it is not required, at least leave me a comment (and vote!) ;-).\nThe reason I say this is that I believe that if people freely share this information, and someone else finds it useful, I believe that the original author should be credited. It really disappoints me when people not only use someone elses code without giving credit, but alo try and claim it as their own. This is wrong and selfish, but anyway...\nIf there are any problems or bugs, feel free to contact me at shaun@visual-source.net, or shaunleeclarke@msn.com if you use the MSN Messenger Service.\nEnjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004317192125537.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/System_Tra1721303172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Shaun Lee Clarke","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52444,"Title":"[^ Text converter (Binary/Hex/Asc/Oct) ^]","Description":"This program comes with two classes and will convert a string to Asc, Oct, Hex, or Binary and back again... You can either type the input you want to be converted, or load it directly from any file type. I can't go as far to say that it's heavily commented, but it is commented and includes a website article that will explain why 2 of my functions work (string - binary, and binary - hex).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004317205610547.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[^_Text_co1721323172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Asylum]oL[","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52453,"Title":"Howto : Never forget your variables again [my take]","Description":"To judge from some recent submissions, some people forget their variables! \n<br>\nThis is my take on how to avoid this, by making an IDE addin that shows a list of your private variables when you press a hotkey (Ctrl+m).\n<br>\nIt's not perfect, but it could be a good starting point for other IDE enhancements, if anyone's interested :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043181234232197.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Howto___Ne1721483182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"grigri","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52454,"Title":"VideoOcX","Description":"With this UserControl you are able to play all nearly all multimedia-files!!! The Usercontrol is one of the easiest on psc!!! Look @ the screenshot and vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043181417472834.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VideoOcX1721513182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Thorben Linneweber","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52464,"Title":"FallBall","Description":"Guide your ball through the obsticles. Another game I wrote years ago.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004318165521721.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FallBall1721673182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Rob Loach","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":47319,"Title":"Menu Extended","Description":"MenuExtended with MenuDesigner is a tool for advanced menu subclassing. Add/customize background, color, images, sidebar with text/image, three menu style: Office2000, Button, OfficeXP, and more... ALL WITHOUT TO WRITE CODE!!!\nWith MenuDesigner you customize all the properties at runtime, and has Multi-Languages support (9 languages is includes).\nVisit my website http://www.vbcorner.net/eng to download the MenuExtended.dll and other info.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"If you use MenuCreator to build your menu, don't need you any help. But if you need it, call me!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200382141165298.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Menu_Exten162286812003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"gibra","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47326,"Title":"Cool ProgressBar","Description":"You will love it!\nThe Best Progress Bar even created, very nice and powerfull.\nLess than perfect. ;-)\n3D look, Gold, image backgrounds... and plus.\nCreated by Steve McMahon f rom VBAccelerator.\nWith images and form implementation by me - Jos├⌐ Luis Far├¡as \nJoseloFarias[at]adinet.com.uy\nDesde Uruguay.\nPlease, if you use in your own proyects, please sendme a program copy (source code if better)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003812325394688.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Progr162293812003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Jos├⌐ Luis Far├¡as","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47330,"Title":"Super Error Handler","Description":"A Super Error Handler, easy, fast, professional.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200382222311814.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Super_Erro162300822003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jos├⌐ Luis Far├¡as","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47342,"Title":"Compact Access 2000/XP Databases with one line of Code. Fast. Easy.","Description":"Compact Access Databases with one line of Code!\n\"One line of Code\", like this: ;-)\n CompactDB Database, ShowResume, Password\n or this example:\n CompactDB App.Path & \"\\Datos.mdb\", True, \"Joselo.11┬╖#\"\nPrivate Sub CompactDB_Click()\n If DB Is Nothing Then 'the database is Closed\n CompactDB App.Path & \"\\Datos.mdb\", True, \"Joselo.11┬╖#\" 'compact\n Else 'the database is open\n DB.Close 'close\n CompactDB App.Path & \"\\Datos.mdb\", True, \"Joselo.11┬╖#\" 'compact\n [Call your Routine to load database] 'Open database\n End If\nEnd Sub\nWorks fine with Access 2000 and XP\nActual Revision - Jan/20/2004\n Jan/20/2004\n ┬╖ some Form changes.\n ┬╖ fixed some variables declarations. (Variants in place of Strings).\n ┬╖ added Compact Password protected databases.\n ┬╖ added some Comments.\n ┬╖ added some Code examples.\n ┬╖ added a compress level indicator.\n Jul/25/2003\n ┬╖ Initial Release","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041271619341936.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Compact_Ac1700421272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jos├⌐ Luis Far├¡as","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47347,"Title":"Red-eye removal (image processing)","Description":"This is a very simple and powerful tool for removing red eyes on photos caused by reflections is eye (when picture is taken).\nThis program works as good as commercial products!\nBut this one is free and you can use it in your own image programs. But please give me credits if you do. Comments would be nice so i know whats good/bad or can be better. A vote would also be nice =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003821523593049.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Red-eye_re162336822003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Johannes B","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47350,"Title":"View your activeskin skins at design time","Description":"With this you can view your ActiveSkin skins while your editing it! In case you dont have ActiveSkin, ive included the OCX which you have to rename from OC_ to OCX. Look at the screenshot. Oh and i included 1 skin.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200382236219765.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/View_your_162341822003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47351,"Title":"Thirteen Sorting Methods (Sorting V2.0)","Description":"This code is a newer revision of my ten sorts program. The added sorts are the following: Bucket Sort, Binary Insertion Sort, and Quick Sort with Bubble Sort. Each of the algorithms has it's own special advantages and disadvantages. New added features are generating lists that are random, sorted, or in reverse order. These lists can be generated in either 10 items, 500 items, 5000 items, or a custom list size! You can now also time how long the sort takes now! New sorts will be added as I discover them. Please leave feedback for more features!","Inputs":"Some sorts need just the unsorted array and the number of items in the array, however, some sorts need also need a temporary array that is the same size as the unsorted array.","Assumes":"The bucket sort only works if there is no number less than 0 in the list, and there is no number in the list that is bigger than the number of items in the list. It is a very specific sort. There are also two unfinished and partially working sorts in the source. The bitonic sort, and the bottom-up merge sort, they will be finished soon, feel free to try and fix them yourselves!","CodeReturns":"Returns the sorted list!","SideEffects":"None that I'm aware of!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003830277474.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Thirteen_S162343832003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Guillaume Couture-Levesque","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54816,"Title":"SComboBox 1.0.1","Description":"English: This control is a customizable ComboBox with multiple appearances. I hope you it like. Description: This usercontrol simulates a ComboBox.-----------------------------------------\n---------------------------------------------\nBut adds new an great features like: - The first ComboBox On PSC that actually works in a single file control. - When the list is shown doesn't deactivate the parent form. - More than 20 Visual Styles; no images everything done by code. - Some extra cool properties-----------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------\nIMPORTANT NOTE -------------- So many thanks fred_cpp for his contribution for this project, some styles and Traduction to English of some comments. All rights Reserved ┬⌐ HACKPRO TM 2004-----------------------------------------------------\n-------------------------------------------------------------\nFixes bugs Version 1.0.0\n - ScrollBar Slider.\n - ListIndex Property.\n - Down or Up list when press keys.\n - Drop down List.\n--------------------------------------------------\n New in this version 1.0.1\n - Drop down when you press F4.\n - Press Enter hidden list.\n - MouseIcon property.\n - MousePointer property.\n - Down or Up list when press keys.\n - Set ListIndex when the text change.\n - AutoCompleteWord property.\n - Const VK_LBUTTON.\n - Const VK_RBUTTON.\n - Add MouseIcon for each item.\n - Add SeparatorLine for each group that you consider necessary.\n - New comments.\n--------------------------------------------\n Notes--------------------------------------\n \nAutoCompleteWord property: When it uses the property AutoCompleteWord and the list is\nshown, the element was not located in the list to make quicker the search of the text\nto complete. \n \nSeparatorLine parameter: When it uses the parameter SeparatorLine it is not applicable\nneither to the first element of the list (provided a single element exists) neither to\nthe last one. \n \nMouseIcon parameter: It is not applied to inactive elements of the list.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047723553624.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SComboBox_1769357132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":94,"AuthorName":"Heriberto Mantilla Santamaría","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54819,"Title":"[ Making better encryption ]","Description":"Want to make your own encryption algorithm? Taking your first steps into cryptology? Busy for a while but not too sure about it? Think your encryption is strong? Read this article first and get some good tips!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54828,"Title":"Popup Menus","Description":"Api popupmenus, supporting custom colors/fonts Office XP style, images, highlight, init/uninitpopupmenu events, infrequently used, sidebars, per-item visibility, title-style headers for separators, and more.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"one or two","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004782016173015.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Popup_Menu176750782004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54821,"Title":"^ Ballsim Beta","Description":"CHECK THIS OUT. This very simple prog uses (relativley) basic trig to simulate balls rolling over each other on a 2d plane. it uses ditances between centres to detect collision. A new ball is added when you click in the middle of the screen.\nPlease vote if you liked it, and feel free to suggest... suggestions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200478101051486.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/^_Ballsim_176739782004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Scott Buckley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54822,"Title":"CodeCounter Add-In","Description":"This Add-In counts all the lines of code in your project(group).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200478110466658.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CodeCounte176740782004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"WouterL","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54833,"Title":"Vector Quantization (image approximation)","Description":"This is my take on Vector Quantization. The idea behind this is to use a table of colors, then approximate which index of the table best matches each pixel in the image. After this, the table is adjusted based on the input values, and another test is done. After about 10 iterations, a decent image should be constructed. Now, unless you modify the code, this new image is made up of 128 colors. Yes, colors, not levels per channel. The trick to better images is to add just a little bit of noise to the original. Having 'slow' gradients in an image will take more iterations to estimate, and may still look bad. I used DIBits so there shouldn't be too many problems. I did however limit the size to a max of 256 colors in the table tho it is possible to change. Also, the images are set to 256x256 pixels. I planned on using this as a start of an image compression tool. If you have any suggestions that would help, please let me know. At the moment, I am working out a way to use a huffman tree to compress the pointers to the color index. Anyway, tell me what you think, good or bad.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetDIBits Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal aHDC As Long, ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal nStartScan As Long, ByVal nNumScans As Long, lpBits As Any, lpBI As BITMAPINFO, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetDIBits Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal nStartScan As Long, ByVal nNumScans As Long, lpBits As Any, lpBI As BITMAPINFO, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetPixelV Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047937539945.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Vector_Qua176763792004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Erik Stites","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54843,"Title":"Invoking a Java Class from VB Project and getting some data from an Access file.","Description":"This mini tutorial explains how you can create a Java class and the invoking it from a VB project, this java class gets some data from an Access file and will show it in the VB project. Of course you need the Microsoft SDK for Java 4.0, microsoft removed it from its site so I found it in another web site, I included the link within my mini tutorial.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200479163347501.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Invoking_a176782792004.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"foxsermon","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":43382,"Title":"Solar System Simulator","Description":"This program simulates a solar sytem pretty accuratly. You can create your own solar system, choose the number of planets, star color and size, then you can choose the individuual planet properties. Also you can view your statistics to see how your solar system is rated. Finnally you can save and open solar systems.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032201456166203.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Solar_Syst1547532202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Brian_A ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43386,"Title":"A real dos exe decompiler","Description":"While trying to decompile a vb exe, I made a program that decompiles dos exes and changes them back into asm. It can understand commands like, pop, push, mov, jmp, sub, add, inc, cmp, dec, and whole bunch more. It can also tell if you are decompiling a windows exe or a dos exe. This program also comes with file telling you how to make a dos program using asm in debug. Of course, it doesn't decompile absolutly every command, this is only a start for decompiling code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_real_dos1547612202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Computer Controller","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43393,"Title":"Winsock multi-user Tutorial (Single Socket)","Description":"Shows how to use Winsock properly using just the one socket to create a mult-user chat. Decided to create after a friend couldnt find a working example anywhere.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_mu1547752202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Craig Brooking","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43402,"Title":"Yahtzee XP","Description":"Yahtzee XP - Fully Featured Game.\nFeatures include: Save Game, Load Game, Multi-player, Click-2-Pick Score Box, TruVoice DirectSS Game Play Narrator, Multi-Colored 3D Dice, complete Help File(Help File Project included), and more. Application uses Learnout & Haupsies TruVoice Speech Synthesization, due to other functionality this application is only compatible on Windows NT 5(Win2k) and Windows NT 5.1(XP). Project was requested by a user of an old version of a 1996 Yahtzee game who wanted to improve an allready addicting game. All graphical resources were not included due to their collective size, however, they are available on request(Photoshop Files, 3DSM 5.1 Dice Model, Bitmaps). Thank you, Alex Smoljanovic - Salex Software (C) 2003","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200322144614447.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Yahtzee_XP1547932212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Alex Smoljanovic","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43404,"Title":"Treeview Manipulation -Another Updated - Complete Inventory Program","Description":"Well guys, due to several requests for an update on this project, I decided to create a complete inventory application where most transactions involved the manipulation of the treeview control. This update contains several more features, besides the one featured in my first release. This update features revised tree search, node expansion, adding, editing and deleting nodes, cutting, copying and pasting a node and all its children, and set and reset node colors. Creation of pure vb splitter just like windows explorer splitter is also featured here as well as adding bitmaps to menu items. Saving an ado recordset to excel form is another added feature as well as compacting and repairing a MS database. The zipped file was already updated to include the missing splash screen. Also, don't forget to make a reference to the ms excel library so you can make use of the SaveAs Excel function. Please give feedbacks on what you think of this project, and do'nt forget to vote...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032217984800.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Treeview_M1549322232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Erick Asas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43406,"Title":"VB EXE Compression utility front-end","Description":"This VB Add-In is a GUI for the wonderful UPX compression utility (The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables, written by Markus Oberhumer & Laszlo Molnar at upx.sourceforge.net). It allows you to compile and compress your project with a single click of button on the VB 6.0 toolbar. Compression allows you to add some protection to your project + faster loading times on the network and etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Please read the UPX documentation carefuly.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB_EXE_Com1547992212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Jordy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43417,"Title":"NeoBasic,java like byte-code scripting language","Description":"Neobasic is a byte-code based scripting language.It is faster than known text interpreting systems.Main features are:\n1)Faster interpreter using byte-code system.\n2)Local,global variable and array support.\n3)Optimization feature for math expressions.\n4)Semi-Object orientence\n5)Multiple Commands in one line\n To send a command like this msgbox(\"Your name is \" + inputbox(\"What is your name?\"))\n6)System Ident variables\n To show time for example : msgbox(time)\n7)Include directive for including ActiveX DLLs to script to use functions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/NeoBasic_j1548212212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Levent Baykan Bayar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43418,"Title":"_**UltraPad - almost realtime multi user notepad!","Description":"This is specifically intended for programmers.\nWith this you can edit a file simultaneously with your friends over a network or Internet.\nProgrammers can easily build modules with this programs, all working on ONE file, and being\nable to see realtime what other users types.\nThere is an integrated chat to communicate.\nAlso there is a simple word highlighter, working for C++ syntax, that may be easily changed for VB structures.\nThere are two separate apps (server and client) to make it extremely tidied up.\nHope you like, try it!!\nsend feedback and report bugs! because i feel there are some.... :) and suggest on how I can improve this, for now it may be basic for someone... :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032211515114257.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/___UltraPa1548262212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Enrico Bertozzi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43421,"Title":"Simple Downloader","Description":"download anything,using one simple API function","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032212017502799.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Dow1548372212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"LogicalX","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43430,"Title":"Equation Drawer (mathtype style)","Description":"This test is a equation drawer. Unlike others on planet source code this one requires no syntax and the equation is automatically formatted into a picture box. Im hoping people will improve on it. So far, only the power and square root functions have been created but a fraction (over and under) will be soon. Plz sumbit ideas, bugs etc etc....\n\nFeatures:\nAccepts multiple powers, multiple sqrs and power of sqrs etc etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"sorry if it lacks a but of comments...i will add them soon, so if you want to modify this code and you dont know what something does...just email me.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200322263453825.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Equation_D1548522222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Jazzor","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43432,"Title":"Run ANI Files Using Image And Timer Controls ! VERY EASY CODES :D","Description":"Fully tested codes to run ANI files using Image and Timer control along with an example project. All binary data processing interaction and commented codes. Now you may create a control to run ANI files !!! If you like it PASE VOTE FOR ME :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Run_ANI_Fi1548592222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Naveed ur Rahman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54438,"Title":"FYI: GDI Font Management","Description":"A way to share memory fonts between dozens of DCs without creating duplicate fonts for each DC & without forcing you to track them. Just drop the included module in your project, add 2 lines to your custom controls: 1 to return a font handle & another to delete the font. Sample project included and code is commented. The idea is simple, want to create a font but don't want to duplicate it if one is already created, the module will check fonts it is managing against the properties of the font you want created. If it exists, the handle to the existing font is returned, otherwise a new font is created with the appropriate properties & that handle is passed. Destroying fonts are only performed when all instances of the font have been decremented to zero. Advanced category only due to the unique tracking system I employed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046171410518289.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FYI__GDI_F1758286172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54444,"Title":"Hide pointer","Description":"Tired of complex mouse hiding methods.Here is a method for you by which you can hide/show pointer in the form with no line of code.\n# Please rate my code #","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hide_point178831912004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54447,"Title":"[ Hide Mouse pointer On a single Form ]","Description":"'UPDATED\nTired of complex mouse hiding methods?.Here is a code to hide/show pointer in one step.No API calls.\n# Please rate mycode #","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hide_Mouse178830912004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54448,"Title":"DM HTML Encrypt","Description":"Hi,\nOk this sourcecode will allow you to encrypt your HTML files, you can also select options to disable right click, Selecting text and disable draging items.\nNow the encryption only uses XOR but I guess you guys can add your own in. anyway I left a demo.htm files in the example folder for you to test. hope you find some use for it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200461825455375.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_HTML_En1758696182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54450,"Title":"Demo Control","Description":"Hi All,This is the first time i am uploding some of my code here , its a demo control which will allow your application to be made as a Trial version in few minutes\nJust Place this Control and set its NofDays and NofTimes(how many time aplication will run) and sets its status property to Demo \nAnd provide yoour trial Expiration code on DemoCreator1_DemoCompleted event to handle the execution when demo expired \nRest is automatically handeld by this control\nThanks \nNitin","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Demo_COntr1758736182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Nitin Sandurea","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54451,"Title":"Open Default Program for Given File Extention** - An Easier Way","Description":"Type in a File extention and click Open and the Default program will be opened for that extention\n- - E.g: if you type .bas then VB will load or if you type .htm internet explorer will load","Inputs":"1 Text box\n1 Command Button","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The Default Application Asssociated with that file extention","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Shell Execute\nSleep","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Open_Defau1758756182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kris Cruickshank","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54456,"Title":"Proxy Changer (Privacy Preserver)","Description":"Are u unhappy with your privacy over net ? Then this thing is for u. Proxy changer can change ur proxy server's address with a click of a button and thus mask ur I.P. address and keep u safe over net. u can also use a fast proxy to increase ur surfing speed or download speed. just give it a try and please do give some votes and feedbacks. Thanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046181123165479.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Proxy_Chan1758836182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"ManuMehrotra","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54466,"Title":"Program Launcher","Description":"Program Launcher is a simple utility to launch files/folders by pressing a combination of keys, irrespective of whichever application is active. This utility is similar to the one used by multimedia keyboards. All multimedia keyboards makes use of a program which is running in the background. The only difference being that the multimedia keyboards have special keys like volume control which does not need that program to be active.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200461953016440.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Program_La1759096192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Meyyappan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54469,"Title":"Mirc Color Codes Full support","Description":"/l to connect","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046196386777.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mirc_Color1759126192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Steadler","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54478,"Title":"Neopets Shop Bot (Autobuyer)","Description":"July 1st, 2004 - Neopets keeps changing their restock process in small ways. For now, use this only as a source reference and do not run or risk being frozen.\nThis is an autobuyer for the online game Neopets. If you're looking for this code, you probably know what an autobuyer does. Everything was coded by me for me, but since I don't play Neopets anymore I'm making it available to the public. Enjoy. A compiled version is available at www.geocities.com/machiavelliansquared","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200471933405571.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Neopets_Sh176462712004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Machiavellian","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":43435,"Title":"Mouse Macro","Description":"Wood - MouseMacro\nThis is a program for making macros in windows.\nThis program capture the mouse moves and clicks and play it. \nYou can use this code and any part of it. I would like to only ask you to add my name.\nCopyright ┬⌐ 02/2003 SHARKSOFT, Austria\nBy Klemens FRIEDL \nAll rights reserved \nEmail: hotline_sharksoft@hotmail.com \nWeb: www.sharksoft.net.tc \nDON'T FORGET TO VOTE !!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Wood - MouseMacro\nThis is a program for making macros in windows. \nThis program capture the mouse moves and clicks and play it.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib \"kernel32\" () As Long\n#If Win32 Then 'Win32 declarations\nPrivate Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState% Lib \"user32\" (ByVal vKey As Long) 'Gets state of one key\nPrivate Declare Function GetCursorPos& Lib \"user32\" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) 'Gets current cursor position\nPrivate Declare Function SetCursorPos& Lib \"user32\" (ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) 'Sets cursor position\nPrivate Declare Sub mouse_event Lib \"user32\" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, _\nByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) 'Sends a mouse event\n#Else ' Win16 declarations\nPrivate Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState% Lib \"user\" (ByVal vKey As Integer)\nPrivate Declare Sub GetCursorPos Lib \"user\" (lpPoint As POINTAPI)\nPrivate Declare Sub SetCursorPos Lib \"user\" (ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer)\n'Function mouse_event is not available in the WIN16 API.\n#End If 'WIN32\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003222132714973.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_Macr1548672222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Klemensfr","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43444,"Title":"CoolFlex2","Description":"This is just an enhancement on the existing CoolFlex from John (freevbcode.com). His code allows checkboxes, combos and textboxes to be added to a flexgrid.\nFor update, see \nhttp://planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=44962&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003222211184276.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CoolFlex21577984222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Phred","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43445,"Title":"License File Registration Xp","Description":"READ THIS: License File Registration Maker is an ADVANCED PROTECTION TOOL for you programs. This program uses STRONG Encryption standards to create license file. With inbuilt License file Generator which uses these encryption standards, you can create your own license file. Have a look at screenshot. This program uses DOUBLE SECURITY- where user is required to enter a VALIDATION INFORMATION which enables the License file location section. In this section user must locate the ENCRYPTED LICENSE FILE. Which will be verified securly and then the TRIAL of the program is disabled. Unlike other programs, my program creates a UNIQUE LICENSE FILE according to the user information or validation information. And license file is also encrypted which makes a Program much Stonger for and cracking. The program uses a secure trial feature where only some executions are provided- after which the user should only register the software to continue using it. Many softwares are now switching to license file registration meathod for example a Program called Tweak Xp uses a strong License file which contains the User license and other information. You can download Tweak Xp from www.totalidea.com. Same way my program uses a license file which is valid only if validation information provided is correct. I know several other protection schemes are available but Why take chances- when you have the cheap and best?Users can manipulate and twist my program the way they want it. With sophisticated features and easy to use programming, what more does a developer ask for?If you need still more secured program then download my other source code \"INTERNET PRODUCT ACTIVATION\". Don't Forget to VOTE for me ---┬░Sri Harish┬░","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032222245113640.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/License_Fi1548842222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":100,"AuthorName":"Sriharish.H","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43446,"Title":"TEXT Auto Filler Xp ( Like IE address autofill)","Description":"READ THIS : Text Auto Filler works like Internet Explorer's Address auto fill. This program uses a API CALL which is used in Internet Explorer. Auto fill is a method to fill certain texts without actually typing the complete texts. The program srikes an API CALL every time a correct letters combination recorded in the HISTORY DATABASE is detected and fills the textbox with Recorded word. Have a look at screenshot . There are also HISTORY VIEWER and modifier. If a word is not found in the HISTORY then you can add the word to History database. Database actually do not use any database programming, its a simple program. This program will also be really useful while handling large searches and Database Searches. This program has no bugs and fully tested and it works fine. And thats not all- this program uses very easily understandable code. Therefore this program is really useful. Don't forget to Vote For ME","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003222224757744.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TEXT_Auto_1548852222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Sriharish.H","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43455,"Title":"Pic-Packer1.1","Description":"It is a Exaple to Put 1000 of Pictures into One File\nYou Can Add Files into an Archive\nYou Can Delete Files from an Archive\nYour Can Extract Files From an Archive\nIts Really Tooooooo Fast Method\nIf You Like this Don't Forget to Vote Me !!!!!!!!!!.... And Mail Me \nIf You Hate this Please Mail me What I want to do \nwebmaster@hajasherif.zzn.com\nor\nhaja_personal@hotmail.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Pic-Packer15489122320.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"A.HajaSherifFaizee","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43463,"Title":"Exe Complier","Description":"Create your own slide show Exe with your custom Icon and Data, in Only 1 Exe File..You Can Vote If You Want","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Exe_Compli1549062232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Marco Samy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43465,"Title":"Splash Screen w/ Progress Bar","Description":"Simple example of how to add a progress bar to your splash screen, then close the splash and open your app","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Splash_Scr1549132232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Bob Moore","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48788,"Title":"Brainballs","Description":"A Tetris like game but a this one is complete new. I never found something similar on the net. Click balls with same clored neighbour to remove them. Balls will fall down an fill the hole but they also fall from the sides like they would in real live. 3 Gameversion each with 4 degree of difficulty. Cascade (by Fosters here on PSC), Balls and Balls with Bombs. About 40K for the exe. Easy code. No CPU usage. Runs from 95 to XP. I still search for ideas to improve the game. Vote if you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\n","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200392654438365.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Brainballs1650229262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":98,"AuthorName":"Scythe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48799,"Title":"Find text in tags","Description":"This is just a simple code to find the text in a tag. like, [tag] I'm a tag![/tag]","Inputs":"Text = is the string to search\nStartTag = is the first part of the tag to look for. like [tag]\nEndTag = Is the end tag like [/tag]\n'it will return different values depending on the ReturnCode\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"if ReturnCode = 1 will return the text\n 2 will return where the first tag starts\n 3 will return where the text in the tag starts\n 4 will return where the tag ends","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":27,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jason Yong","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48801,"Title":"Verify URL [vblib.dll updated]","Description":"Verify URL using HTTP Response. Proxy Authorization Using winsock control. Using winsock control, we can theoritically write almost any internet application. We just need to know how the protocol works, and and then follow the steps. Rename vblib.lib to vblib.dll and register it before using it. You'll find lots of usefull built-function inside! i put credits for this dll to my friend, Siow.","Inputs":"URL","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"HTTP Response Code","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Verify_URL1651399282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"azlan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48803,"Title":"Faster Password Generation","Description":"This is a \"password generator\" that can (on my puny PII 333mHz computer) generate about 40000-80000 passwords per second (number varies based on password length).\n\nThis project was inspired by this Planet-Source-Code post:\n\"Fast BruteForce Class Example\" by ┬ºe7eN.\nhttp://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=48276&lngWId=1\nand by various websites, code snippets, and newsgroup posts.\n\nI have no interest/knowledge in using this to break into anything or do any harm. I'm do love the logic behind such challenges. Though, I'm sure I'm at the pre-k level when it comes to serious string manipulation.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039262210522838.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Faster_Pas1650459262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"redbird77","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48805,"Title":"__Hide/Show Taskbar__","Description":"this shows examples of hiding the Taskbar!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Hide_Sho1650489262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"|P|h|r|o|z|e|n| Entertainment - Joker","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48806,"Title":"Process Controller","Description":"Get all window application handler and window using api. Then, you can block the unwanted application handler and window. This code uses a timer to check whether the unwanted application is running or not. If the application is found running, this code will block the application from running immediately. Comments are welcomed. Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039262358539350.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Process_Co1650509262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48809,"Title":"Scrollbar Designer Pro 1.2","Description":"Sets scrollbar colors for HTML pages. Includes a color picker with RGB or hue/saturation/lightness support. Easy click and select interface. Generates complete CSS code. Also shows correct color on the track when no track color is selected. Includes a preview with a real internet explorer control.<br><br><br>Changes in version 1.2: \n* no longer save to c:\\ (uses app.path..)\n* tooltips for easier understanding\n* autogenerate colors from one color\n* bigger colormap, 65773 colors rather than 5989\n* import colors from html/css file\n* edit css code (useful if you have css in the clipboard..)","Inputs":"RGB/HSL","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"CSS Code","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003103189417621.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Scrollbar_1653501032003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"aDe_n","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48813,"Title":"Self Register","Description":"Register or UnRegister all your com server's (OCX / Dll) in the same directory. Without regsvr32.exe","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Nothing :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function LoadLibrary Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"LoadLibraryA\" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long\nDeclare Function GetProcAddress Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long\nDeclare Function CallWindowProc Lib \"user32\" Alias \"CallWindowProcA\" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Any, ByVal wParam As Any, ByVal lParam As Any) As Long\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003927109281267.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Nuz1650649272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Nuz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48815,"Title":"__Detect If A File Already Exists__","Description":"This Module Shows How to Detect If A File Already Exists! Please Comment And Vote!!!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Detect_I1650689272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"|P|h|r|o|z|e|n| Entertainment - Joker","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48828,"Title":"Black Plenty","Description":"Money, money, money...\nLanguage: Hu\n...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Black_Plen1650979272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"JSystems","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":33977,"Title":"Binary String<--> Numeric conversion - THE RIGHT WAY!!!! {Updated!}","Description":"First some clarification: This takes a number (say, 65) and the number of bits you want returned (say 8) and returns a STRING of 1's and 0's (such as \"01000001\"). Also converts the other way, too. Since VB doesn't have any bitshifting capability, this MIGHT be the only way to do it. (If someone has a better method, by all means PLEASE let me know.) <p> I came in here looking for a quick and dirty method of doing this. I don't mean to be rude, people, but if you don't know what you're doing, don't upload the code. I poured through well over 2 dozen horribly ugly \"methods\" of conversion that all involved nested loops, select case, if/then trees, and all other sorts of nonsense. Finally, I gave up and wrote it myself. Once you understand the maths that go into making a binary number, you'll understand how simple this code really is. It can manage to convert any Long Integer to binary, and back again, quick, easy, and with a minimum of overhead. I'm sure there's probably even APIs to do this, now, but they likely wouldn't be available on legacy systems, and this method will work in any language. Note that this is marked as \"Advanced\" code. If you can't figure out how to use it, that's on you. In reality, it's pretty straightforward.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":21,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Javin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33978,"Title":"How to Terminate Process By HWND","Description":"---<<>>---@@---<<>>---","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33980,"Title":"XDows (OS X Clone) 2002 BR1","Description":"The clone of OS X. Renamed. All New. This is Beta Release 1 and COULD SOME ONE tell me some code so you click and drag the dialogs? I will release Beta 2 upon completion and bug fixes!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"In the zip file.","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/XDows_(OS_740234202002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Pat Raynor","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":51709,"Title":"Virtual Key Checker (emulates DirectInput with API)","Description":"I want to appologize in advance for the complete lack of commenting, or direction with this code. Note that this is for ADVANCED users. If you can't figure it out, I don't want to hear it. I didn't actually intend to post this for other people, so I didn't take any steps to make it easier to use, but I got to thinking maybe someone else can use it.\nThis uses only Windows API but has most of the same functionality as DirectX's InputEngine. Even quite a bit of functionality that DirectX's Input Engine doesn't have. About the only thing it doesn't do is joysticks. (Yet.) Believe it or not, the speed is actually comperable to DirectX too, and I often use this instead of the DirectX InputEngine in my DirectX apps. \nIt's fairly simple and straightforward (which is good since there's no accompanying examples). You create an instance of the class, and if you want to see if a key was pressed since the last time the object was called, you would check the value of VKObject.Pressed(VK_KEYNAME). Has handlers for mouse functions too.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Virtual_Ke1708042132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Javin","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51721,"Title":"Rocket Race","Description":"Something very simple. Feel free to build on.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042131414394303.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Rocket_Rac1708412132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Steven Jacobs","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51722,"Title":"VB6 Project Consolidator","Description":"Consolidate a VB6 project by copying selected externally stored classes, forms, and modules to a project-local folder. I have written hundred of modules, classes, and forms that I store in a common library location. But when I am going to upload them or send them to someone, instead of always forgetting to copy \"that one file\", I use this utility to group the project into one place. If I have a lot of externally stored files, I use the utility to create a sub-folder (or subfolders) from the project folder and store them all there. If just a few, I stuff them to the projectΓÇÖs folder. This utility also allows you to place a copy of the project in a new folder location, updating all internally-stored relative path locations. This program also demonstrate creating shortcuts in non-desktop locations, translating between relative and absolute path specifications, opening a special directory browser (SHBrowseForFolder) to a specific folder location, multi-line tool tips with font and font-size change, plus lots of other tricks, all stored in self-contained, fully documented modules and classes. It has certainly made uploading projects to Planet Source Code easier (no emails from someone saying I forgot a file).\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042131637358976.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB6_Projec1708422132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"David Ross Goben","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51738,"Title":"Proxy Charger","Description":"This program is kind of a steping stone between a proxy server and a client. It allows you to charge people to use the proxy server.\nThere is an area to put an encryption method in. But as I don't want to give mine away , you will have to add it in. mdlCode.bas is where you put it (encode function and decode function)\nThe options for users are \n->How much to charge per hour\n->If there a piggyback user (needs to be someone else online)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Sub SetCursorPos Lib \"user32\" (ByVal x As Long, ByVal Y As Long)\n","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Proxy_Char1708732142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Timothy Reichle","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51740,"Title":"Movies Galore","Description":"Media player using only mci api and no ocx or windows media player control. plays (qt,mov,dat,snd,mpg,mpa,mpv,enc,m1v,mp2,mp3,mpe,mpeg,mpm,au,snd,aif,aiff,aifc,wav,wmv,wma,avi,midi,mid,rmi,avi,cds and VOB!!!) media form and cdplayer form. Votes and comments are super appriciated ;o)","Inputs":"media file or cd","Assumes":"if you want to learn from it basic understanding of api and mci string commands","CodeReturns":"nice music or video...","SideEffects":"semi commented code. Manafest code taken from other PSC submission.","ApiDeclarations":"Yes... 29 Various API Calls","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Movies_Gal1710852192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Lord Kuraria","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48933,"Title":"Excel VBA Contact Manager","Description":"Excel Based database to store contact information for multiple groups, good UI, control example programming, great place to get involved heavily within the Excel environment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003101111497660.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Excel_VBA_1653091022003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Kevin Philips","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48934,"Title":"Collision Detection for action games without DirectX","Description":"This is a good collision detection that can be used in real time action games. Many, many game developers might find this one useful. I also included gravity and pressure (which you can disable). Enjoy.\nI'm making a better version of this to my Underground game which source code I'm going to update soon.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031011314514457.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Minun_Coll1652541012003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Vesa Piittinen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48942,"Title":"Caller I.D.","Description":"This is everything you could ask for in a caller id program. This will monitor your incoming calls and display them if you have caller id and if your modem supports caller id. You can select a picture for the person calling. This will also speak if desired when a person calls and save all your calls. You will need the text-to-speech engine which you can get from http://www.microsoft.com/msagent/downloads/user.asp#tts. I've seen things way worse than this cost alot of money, so take advantage of this source. This is just a beta version. Most things have been tested. Please send any of your feedback or information to improve this source to keith_escalade@yahoo.com or pm me on AIM: kescalade1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031011714184923.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Caller_I_D1652971022003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":51,"AuthorName":"keith_escalade","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48948,"Title":"_A Complete OLE DB Provider Guide","Description":"Hello guys!!! This submission is a complete OLE DB Provider Guide. Many beginner database programmers out there don't know how to connect there application in defferent database, in lan and even in a remote. This guide will help you a lot coz it gives all example on how to connect to a database using OLE DB Provider. Pls. Pls. Pls. Don't forget to vote this appliction.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310218565600.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_A_Complet1652861022003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":177,"AuthorName":"Philip V. Naparan :-)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48950,"Title":"Visual Basic - HTML Interface (ADO Database) - no VB text box, no VB command button.","Description":"This is a demonstartion of how to use Visual basic and HTML to create a cool application. One example is this Simple ADO database. As yuo can see in the screenshot there are text box and command button. But in fact those are HTML tags.\n Requirements: Internet explorer 4 and above.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310255408320.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Visual_Bas1652911022003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":63,"AuthorName":"Pinoy Ako! ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48951,"Title":"Text in Pictures","Description":"This Code will show you how to Encrypt text in Images. Very Useful if you want to send a secret message to someone. Feedback is most welcomed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003102621224991.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Text_in_Pi1652921022003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Keral.C.Patel.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48954,"Title":"Defender Remake - work in progress - stage 2","Description":"*** Stage 2 - starting to look like a game now. enemies and collision detection next, followed by the alien abduction/rescue code ***\nThis is my current lunchtime project - a remake of the classic defender. This is the first stage and there's a lot more to go. So why put the code up already? Well this is an open source code site and the very simple way I've coded this makes it a very useful starting point for vb and graphics (use of APIs for drawing lines, pixels, sprite animation against a ticker whilst creating a whole image for frame buffering to screen). At this stage there is enough in here to teach you how to create your own scrolling shooter without having to start from scratch. Votes are obviously appreciated, but I just love sharing code. enjoy and I hope if you use this project as a seed, post it on PSC. Cheers, Fosters.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003102952102427.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Defender_R1653001022003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48957,"Title":"UDPChat - Worth Looking at for Everyone","Description":"UDPChat is a very useful server-less chat system for uses on LANs. Not only is it fast and secure,\nit also has Ping Timeouts, Uptime Requests, Emote Support, Chat Support, Resizability, Changeable nicknames\nand is basically crash-proof and won't display messages from uncompatible clients. The system runs on port\n1025 and upon startup Binds to that port on the Network Interface only and also does a broadcast on the same\nport, network wide. The protocol is simple but safe, quick but secure ;) Log has colour coding and 2 people\nwith the same nickname cannot be online at the same time. There is a userlist on the side and the function\nto request the uptime of other user(s) Clients + O/S's. Your nickname is stored in one registry entry (and I\nDO hate apps that write in the registry but this is just a chat program). The other thing is this should teach\nyou ALOT about RichTextBox, Winsock + UDP, ListViews, Simple UserControls + Arrays. Please take a look,\nVote if you like (i'd like to be code of the day for this one :)). Oh before you ask 1) The icon is from Waste (DONT\nask where to get it search google) and 2) I got 2 windows in a screenshot by using winVNC (which I used for the\nentire testing proccess so it was a bit laggy :)) Enjoy it ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310213484789.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/UDPChat_-_1653071022003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Michael D.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48960,"Title":"fso and all subfolders and files","Description":"how to use filesystemobject to get all subfolders and files and how to separate in a listbox, check screen shot.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031021618163319.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/fso_and_al1653141022003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"stephen whittle","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48963,"Title":"filter datagrid using option buttons","Description":"shows how to filter a datagrid by selecting option buttons. useful to search multiple entries with a criteria. here i have shown how to filter payments by Due, by Paid, by student name etc... Hope u find it useful.pls vote.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/filter_dat1653181022003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mur3","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48964,"Title":"Visual Basic Statements and Functions Quick-Reference","Description":"Visual Basic provides more than 200 built-in statements and functions. Some are used frequently; some are seldom used at all. Even experienced programmers sometimes happen upon a statement or function they didn't know about. This article can be considered a quick-reference guide to all of VB's built-in statements and functions. It offers the syntax for each, as well as a brief description of what it does and how its arguments (if any) are used. This is by no means a complete reference. Microsoft's Visual Basic 6.0 Language Reference is probably the best source for in-depth information on VB's statements and functions. If you have any questions about syntax or use of a particular statement or function, then you are strongly urged to consult that reference to obtain additional information.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Visual_Bas1653201032003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48972,"Title":"Overwrite mode control for RichTextBox","Description":"The RichTextBox responds to the Insert key to toggle between Insert and Overwrite mode, but it doesn't display the correct cursor (caret), nor can you tell what mode it is in at any one time. This example shows what's necessary to make a block cursor, and report the RTB's insert mode.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"GetKeyState, CreateCaret, ShowCaret","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Overwrite_1653341032003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Bruce Fast","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":53082,"Title":"File Exists on Remote FTP server","Description":"Use this program when you want to check if a file exists on the remote FTP server. I wanted an application similar to this very badly, but, coudln't find one anywhere. So, I decided to write this. This is an extremely simple program without any API, OCX,DLL etc. I assume you can use FTP from the command prompt.\nIf you like the program, please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200441222011929.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Exist1732514122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Anil Raghav","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53085,"Title":"CS Advanced NetStats Monitor","Description":"Uses the xp AllocateAndGetTCPExTableFromStack to get the standard netstats in xp but also the Process ID of what each connection has, thus letting us find out which program is on the net. This program came from 2 different sources one from here by JayStacey , who in his version had some of my bandwidth code and just a few bugs in the code, not much though. The second came from a VB .Net example here http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/iphlpapi.asp?target=netstat\nNice program also uses the AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack to get the UDP connections to. This program isnt perfect of course, nothing really is, and I dont get credit for the code, just cleaning it up. I did this example for I could learn of these new undocumented api calls for XP and 2003 (and hopefully furture versions.) I will be using this in a upcoming program of mine. Please enjoy the code and I hope you learn something, cause you wont find any documentation on it from Microsoft, as of yet anyways.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004412416105482.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CS_Advance1732544122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Shane M Croft","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53091,"Title":"_ List Box Class (EXTENDS THE FUNCTIONALITY OF STANDARD LISTBOX CONTROL) _","Description":"The class file will add many useful features to the listbox, such as the ability to remove duplicates quickly, load a file, save the list, and much more. It also gets around the problem with a listbox only being able to hold up to 32,767 items without errors. Please Vote!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__List_Box1732624122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53095,"Title":"Dynamic Scrolling bar Chart using only Picture box, supporting two different display styles","Description":"This demo will let you display dynamic bar chart using two different styles, one static and other scrolling using only picture box,i searched many sites and codes for this functionality but can't get what i was looking for , the only solution i got used Microsofts MSchart Activex control but it was around \"1 mb\" more then my app. itself (if filesize is not a concern to u then it is the most flexible), so here it is a bar chart display using only picture box, pls. do vote if you liked it. also, don't forget to visit my website http://www.deepeshagarwal.tk for lots of free software's.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dynamic_Sc1732664122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Deepesh Agarwal","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53099,"Title":"A Simple Hyperlink","Description":"A simple Hyperlink with Complete Mouseover effects that shows 2 ways to execute a url with less than 10 lines of code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A1_Simple_1732704122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Bryan Lass","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53100,"Title":"Absolutely Fastest, Smallest Code to Shutdown a Windows NT/2000/XP Computer","Description":"This code instantly shuts down any NT-based OS, ie Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Longhorn, etc. (Not 95/98/Me).\n\nI know there's a lot of code on the site that does this, but remember that on NT, things get harder because your process needs the shutdown privilege. Other coders have used Win32 APIs to gain this privilege, but as I have said in my previous articles...the power lies in Native API. \n\nIn this unique example, only a single API call is needed to enable the privilege, followed by another API call to instantly terminate the computer. If you compile this application, double-clicking on it will shut down your PC within a second.\n\nDo what you please with it...it might not be very useful most of the time (because it doesn't save any files), but if you ever need a quick shutdown (let's say you just ran a virus), this is as fast as pulling out the power cord.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A closed PC.","SideEffects":"Nothing will be saved, instant shutdown.","ApiDeclarations":"RtlAdjustPrivileges\nNtShutdownSystem","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":28,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Ion Alex Ionescu","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53109,"Title":"updated v3 : ADO-like OO class Read/Write dBase database file without any dll/ocx","Description":"This is an updated version to (http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=53106&lngWId=1)\nIt is quite out of date:\n1.I found it years ago;\n2.it is first written in 1992 by Ethan Winer;\n3. seldmom people use dBase nowadyas. \nBut I picked it up last night and decided to make it better: wrap it into a handy OO class, support for all \ncharacter-sets, tidy up all the codes that strictly follows the coding standard. \nChanges:\n2004/4/13 15:05 GMT-8\n1.mimics part of the ADO mechanism(MoveFirst/MovePrevious/MoveTo/MoveNext/MoveLast/BOF/EOF)\n2.State(Open/NotReady)\n2004/4/14 09:55 GMT-8(v3)\n1.all long types to support as more records as possible\n2.built-in all field types","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004413310187269.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/updated_v31733164132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"enmity","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53116,"Title":"make system memory aviable","Description":"It completely fills your Memory with Data. Windows than cleans up its memory automatically. The effect is that after releasing the memory again more memory is aviable than before.\nThis is a popular method that is used by many RAM-Cleaners, but I have never seen it as VB-Code.","Inputs":"its all included but if your experienced just unzip the Module1.bas and execute the FreeMem-function inside.","Assumes":"please do not execute the code twice (you know why...) :-)","CodeReturns":"The FreeMem-Function returns how many Megabytes of memory were released.","SideEffects":"After releasing memory some applications have to load their data again. In short: You will recognize that you system is running slower after the cleanup and the harddrive-activity increases, although you have more memory aviable.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004413518268034.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/make_syste1733034132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Max Christian Pohle","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":48977,"Title":"Skinize Xp Menu","Description":"Want to Include Xp Style / Skinize Menus in your Application without Any Hassle or Typing Sigle line of Code Download this Awsome Source many Features Must Check (Sorry For Screen Shot I donot Have That Facility For the moment) You Have to Check that out Manualy","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Skinize_Xp1653491032003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48980,"Title":"Using Regular Expressions","Description":"Regular Expressions is a very powerful tool for string manipulations. I have developed an inhouse tool to to test and optimize pattern code. A tutorial is included that will get the new user \"up to speed\" in seconds!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This code requires VB6.0 and the richtextbox. It will work on Windows95/98/Nt/XP","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function ClientToScreen Lib \"user32\" _\n(ByVal hWnd As Long, lpPoint As Any) As Long ' lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function LBItemFromPt Lib \"comctl32.dll\" _\n(ByVal hLB As Long, ByVal ptX As Long, ByVal ptY As Long, _\nByVal bAutoScroll As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" _\n(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _\nlParam As Any) As Long ' <---\nPrivate Declare Sub GetSystemTime Lib \"kernel32\" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)\nPrivate Type POINTAPI ' pt\n X As Long\n Y As Long\nEnd Type\nPrivate Type SYSTEMTIME\n wYear As Integer\n wMonth As Integer\n wDayOfWeek As Integer\n wDay As Integer\n wHour As Integer\n wMinute As Integer\n wSecond As Integer\n wMilliseconds As Integer\nEnd Type\nPrivate Const WM_SETREDRAW = &HB\n","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031032123126383.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Using_Regu1653521032003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Ed Porter","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48983,"Title":"Brute Force Password Generation","Description":"**This is an update of my previous submission.**\n\nWhat's New?\n\nVarious speed-ups. (40k-80k to 150k-250k passwords/sec).\n\nGot rid of string concatenation replaced with Mid$ function.\n\nMade password producing function an \"inline\" function, no more repeated calls.\n\nFixed bug that wouldn't let you close the form even if you hadn't started generating yet.\n\nNo more version numbers, just date of release.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031032257391539.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Brute_Forc1653561032003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"redbird77","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48992,"Title":"VB+ASM - How to break into the Visual Studio debugger.","Description":"The included cDebug.cls class allows the user to break their application (or the VB IDE if run from there, not recommended) into the Visual Studio debugger. Make the sample project, run the executable, click the 'Break into debugger' button, a dialog will be displayed, click the Cancel button to enter the Visual Studio debugger, dismiss the message box and then press F10 twice to step thru the software interupt and the return statements and you'll be back in the VB calling routine. Provided you haven't run the program from the IDE, you should now see the Visual Basic statements interspersed with their implementing assembler codes. To ensure that you can view the VB source with your own programs.... make sure that the following options are set on the Project/Project Properties/Compile dialog... Compile to Native Code, Create Symbolic Debug Info. Also, before running the application to be debugged, be certain that the source code files on disk are up to date by selecting File/Save Project. I should stress that this submission is a shameless VB+ASM promotion, as the same trick can be achieved with an API call, as is demonstrated in the sample.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB+ASM_-_H1654041052003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":30,"UserRatingTotal":134,"AuthorName":"Paul Caton","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48993,"Title":"a Crystal Report TTX example","Description":"a Crystal Report TTX example\nShows how to create a report using TTX files, that is you dont need to specify a fixed database for your report. It'll be based on a simple TTX file. Using this you can pass an ADO recordset to the report at runtime. This method solves great deal of problems for many crystal programmers who will benefit from the simplicity of intergrating their report with VB. The report will execute even if the database location changes or renamed. Only you hav to do is change the connection from VB.\n[supports versions 8 & above.]\nRead the step by step tutorial and the official crystal guide to TTX available at http://support.crystaldecisions.com/communityCS/TechnicalPapers/scr8_ttxado.pdf.asp\nif you like it,dont hesitate to vote :)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_Crystal_1653731042003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Mur3","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48985,"Title":"QB Passing Calculator","Description":"This is a Football Quarterback Passing Calculator.This application will calculate completion percentage, yards per Attempt, yards per completion, and passing Efficiency.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310422516125.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/QB_Passing1653581042003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Randy McCleary","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48986,"Title":"Skinization Menu Control","Description":"Skinization Menu Allow you to include xp style or skinize menus in your App Awsome code Must See Plz Vote if u like","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Skinizatio1653591042003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Adlawa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48987,"Title":"A Simple Currency Converter!","Description":"This is a simple currency convert that converts 10 different currencies to US dollar amounts. All currency rates were taken as of 10/4/2003","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003104251126533.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Simple_C1653641042003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Randy McCleary","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48997,"Title":"A Winamp 3 Style playlist (Update v 1.1!!) Must try","Description":"HEre is an update to my code... Now it futures color changing at run time... Fixed some bugs... And has all the futures from previous version: Skinable Scroll bar, multiselect, add an entry, remove one, remove all, remove all selected (multi selected), Dubble selected (played), Display time & title... Everything u need for a media player.. And an extra second file name property (I use it for subtitles in my program...)... And reorder in Winamp 3 style... -Very precise and not buggy at all... There might be some more bugs (please report), but as far as i know it works perfectly... Try it and vote it (i need to see if it was worth of publishing it...)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310410242426.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Winamp_31653761042003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"3nity","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48998,"Title":"C++ Buttons [Deutsch]","Description":"Dieser code ├ñndert einfache VB Buttons in h├╝bsche C++ Buttons um.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003104104246091.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/C++_Button1653771042003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Zpage","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49007,"Title":"Combine 2 pictures and make one only visible when highlighted","Description":"Combine 2 pictures and make one only visible when highlighted..See screen shot to understand what i am saying...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310523862386.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Combine_2_1653961052003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"ISIEO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48460,"Title":"Easiest way to tell if text is a number","Description":"Shows you how to check if text is a numeric *Easiest way*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"luke99au","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49249,"Title":"Get Hours, Minutes, AND Seconds between 2 Dates (or of total seconds)","Description":"This code will enable you to take two dates, find the total seconds in between them, and calculate the Hours, Minutes, and Seconds.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49250,"Title":"[ A Simple ] Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbot","Description":"This application demonstrates how to write a VB client for an AI chat bot. The code it self is only a few pages, documented and easy to understand. This example uses the Transplantable Artificial Neurological Units (TANU) architecture. After you download this VB Chatbot client code point your web browser to http://www.p2bconsortium.com/sss/CreateBot.aspx to create and train your AI chatbot. Then use this open source client to chat with him/her.\nYou can also modify this code to bind your AI chatbot to both IRC and non-IRC chat systems.\nIf you need help feel free to stop by our IRC network and ask questions.\n/server neptune.vathix.com\n/join #tanu\nYou can also post questions to the http://www.ai-forum.org/forum.asp?forum_id=11\nBe sure to put TANU in the title of your thread so that TANU trainers can address your questions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib \"shell32.dll\" Alias \"ShellExecuteA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200310152045333089.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[__A_Simpl16601410172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"lonetron","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49258,"Title":"WinLinux","Description":"Ok I wish I could say that I made this but I did not. I found it and it is great. This is the famous Windows Linux writen in VB. I had some problems useing it on Win XP but worked fine for me on win98. I am includeing the origional source that I first got it is in french but I had little problems converting it to english so I could play around with it. The usrname: root / pass: admin after you login you can creat a new user account just like linux. I hope everyone likes this as much as I do. It's like haveing a whole new operating system well giveing windows a new look anyhow but it's great. Check it out. *** UPDATE *** I have posted the translated version in english for those that wnated it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WinLinux16593310162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Justme Here","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49259,"Title":"Tips That Make Programming Life Easier","Description":"Contains over 50 tips to help your programming experience easier. Feel free to leave comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tips_That_16593410162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":42,"UserRatingTotal":201,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49263,"Title":"Api Timer + Array WithEvents","Description":"This code contains 2 classes, One is a base API timer class that can be used as a standalone timer replacement (does not need a form to host timer) The second, is a class that holds an array of these timer objects and allows you handle events of a timer array just like the default VB timer object. VB Does not have built in support for handling an array of objects withevents. So this shows you how to code it yourself.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Api_Timer_16594710162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"dzzie","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49270,"Title":"PicView Studio v1.6","Description":"Great image viewer. Has three forms of display. You can either view full screen, fit to window, stretch the image, or the full image in the window. You can browse through your hard drive for image files, change filter options, and more! Yes, the form can be resized (which is a real bitch to code.) Have fun and don't forget to vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PicView_St16595910162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Joe Burman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47541,"Title":"a --> Disable Ctrl+Alt+Del in WinXP with ONE LINE OF CODE! WORKS IN MULTIPLE LANGAUGES!<--","Description":"Super-simple way to disable Ctrl+Al+Del (but not Alt+Tab) in Windows XP and probably NT/2K as well. Anyone can do it, and it works in any language that lets you launch another app! How cool is that?","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"HyperHacker","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47542,"Title":"Elastic Collision","Description":"Do you like math and physics? If \"Yes\", then here is the program that you're looking for, but if \"No\", then you still have a chance to like this program if you like graphics or games programming.\nThis program is an application for the elastic collision between two objects. In elastic collision, the total momentum is always conserved, and after collision, the final velocities get distributed based on the masses and initial velocities of the two objects.\nThis program is a good example of how to use math to move objects, detect collisions, draw graphs, and change objects sizes and positions.\nIn this program, I made sure that all buttons get disabled during the movement except the Stop button, and I used the idea of global variables to exit the loop of action.\nOne last thing, I think this program is kind of fun, especailly if you try different masses with different initial velocities. The graph also shows some intersting patterns of movements.\nI hope you'll learn something out of it... Good luck ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003891939555600.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Elastic_Co1627508102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":47,"AuthorName":"Yehia Muhsen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47545,"Title":"Project+Database Password Security","Description":"This project gives you the full Database level security. You cannot run your project untill you give the correct database password. Since the database is also password locked, nobody can open it also. If you make EXECUTABLE file of your application, then not to worry about someone else can run your application or open the database.\nGood luck & please vote me if you really fount it useful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Project+Da162673892003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Abhishek Gupta (abhitimes)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47536,"Title":"Hide/Show the Start Button","Description":"This code will be usefull for a joke, or a virus. It Hides/Shows the Start Button...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hide_Show_162652882003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ness","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47548,"Title":"Innovative Screen/Control Design Techniques","Description":"Demonstrates how to create Innovative and professional looking screens and controls. Simple and very lite weight. Just try it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"How to design innovative forms only using image controls and shape controls. Just go through it. commnets to prasanthraveendran@hotmail.com","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Innovative162677892003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Prasanth Raveendran","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47549,"Title":"Incredibly simple file transfer","Description":"This is the simplest way I could find of sending a file across a network or the Internet. You can send any type of file (from text documents to movies) and any size of file. I downloaded many file transfer programs and found them either way too long-winded or quite short but very difficult to understand. Therefore once I understood how to do it I wrote my own program thats not only short, but incredibly simple and capable of sending any type of file (big or small). The code is fully commented and easy to understand. Enjoy...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Run two instances of the program on the same machine while you test it. This just makes things easier.\nWAITING: To wait for a file, choose where you want the file to be saved and click \"Wait\".\nSENDING: To send a file, choose the file you want to send and click \"Send\".","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Incredibly162679892003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Toby Gunston","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47553,"Title":"TabStrip with images","Description":"TabScript que cambia las imagenes al pasar el cursor por los items.., cualquier mejora me la envian al correo :))","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003891234181937.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TabStrip_w162686892003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Carlos Olaya","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47566,"Title":"VB Paint","Description":"VB Paint is a simple drawing program similar to Microsoft Paint plus several image filters. VB Paint features: (1) Drawing tools: curve, polygon, filter brush, brush (10 different shapes), air brush, text, fill, rectangle, square, rounded rectangle, rounded square, ellipse, circle, pencil, eraser and pick. (2) Drawing properties: foreground color, fill color, fill style, draw width, border style and font. (3) Selection tool: move, cut, copy, paste, delete, crop, effects, filters. (4) Effects: resize, flip horizontal/vertical, rotate, clear. (5) Filters: black and white, blur, brightness, crease, darkness, diffuse, emboss, gray black and white, grayscale, invert colors, replace colors, sharpen, snow and wave. (6) Undo/redo (limited by memory, currently I set it to 10x undo/redo). (7) Others: scroll bars, zoom, resizable paint area, hand, status bar, open, save, and print. It is well commented and developed with almost pure VB (only 7 APIs, no OCX, dll, ...). Good to learn about VB ability to handle graphical stuff.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003810226115619.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Paint1634998252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":42,"UserRatingTotal":209,"AuthorName":"Theo Zacharias","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47567,"Title":"Artificial Intelligence ( The smart circle )","Description":"I called this program the Smart Circle because it's really a smart circle. Why? I tell you why. Imagine that you are lost in a desert, and you're looking for a way out. How are you going to find the pathway? You'll look around you (in circles)until you see the pathway. If you don't see anything, you may go to a higher place( assume there is a high place in the dessert) so that you can see further ( bigger circle ). The higher you go up, the further you can see. When you see the pathway, you'll move immediately in that direction until you reach the pathway. I'm sure you would like to move in straight line in that pathway, but how about if it's not straight, what are you going to do? You'll look right and left until you see the right direction in the path and go on. Isn't it crazy if you go back and forth in the same path so you don't move from your first point? I guess it is. So you have to move in one direction along the path. If you do all of that, I consider you a normal person, that's exactly what our Red Smart Circle is doing in this program. It uses the Sine and Cosine functions to find it's way. I made many comments in the code, so I hope it'll be easy for you to understand ... Good luck .","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200381022986621.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/The_Smart_1627118102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Yehia Muhsen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47571,"Title":"[A++] Boulder Dash Game v0.35a","Description":"The task of this game is to collect diamonds\nand avoid ugly butter-flies. You have to dodge\naround the stones moving them if required,\nand making sure they do not fall over you.\nYou can play alone or a two player game.\nSecond player can play on the same keyboard or can be on another computer (Direct cable connection via Com port required).\nSoon there will be TCP/IP support (if you\nwant to help me in that, I'll be glad!).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038101149324708.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Boulder_Da1627898112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":68,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47574,"Title":"COMplotter","Description":"Plotting Comsignals in a grafical and usefull way","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You can setup the comport in the source. Its not yet implemented in the Gfx-interface. sorry for that.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"don't know if it works on win 2k / xp with this version of DLL","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038101453147910.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/COMplotter1627268102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"buhhmann","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":47577,"Title":"a kinda fun hacking game","Description":"a hacker game that shows sleep, do events instead of timers","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_kinda_bo1627298102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ryan M","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":56242,"Title":"PalTalk Registry Back Up","Description":"It Creates the Back Up for PalTalk Nicks\nJust Before You're Going To Format Or Restore\nYour PC, And It Also Very HelpFul , Before You Use Any Anti-Ban Program Or Getting Any Ban From\nPalTalk.......\nHave Fun......","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049172358416096.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PalTalk_Re1795279172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Salman Paji","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56245,"Title":"Binary Adder Demo","Description":"My son and I made this for his IT class. You set or reset the operands bits, the mode, and the injected carry; the binary result, the intermediate and final carry and the overflow bit are then computed and displayed by applying the actual logic in the diagram. Download 8 kB","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004918646553539.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Binary_Add1795319182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56250,"Title":"Tiny Dev Environment","Description":"Hi this is my sort of Tiny Development Environment using the VBScript Control. anyway You can design your own little windows Apps in a matter of seconds. and also most I say most of vb code.\nProjects comes with a form designer that you can resize move and psoition controls, test run projects in the IDE and finaly compile them. Please, Please see the read me first before doing anything it does have some information you need.\nAnyway I hope you like the code. I am in the middle of updateing as uploading this one now. Have fun with it and please Vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004919727248130.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tiny_Dev_E1795559192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56258,"Title":"Brute Force Sim","Description":"A password cracker simulator using a permutation of a byte array algorithm. Hold on to your hat this class is fast!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"GetQueueStatus\nCopyMemory","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Brute_Forc1795679192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Crock","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56259,"Title":"UniLabel - Unicode capable label","Description":"You probably have had a need for a unicode label sometime. And maybe need for a label that doesn't blink all the time. I made this usercontrol so you can easily without any hacks have unicode text in your programs. Just include the usercontrol in your project and you're ready to go with it. *** Features: unicode capability under NT4/2000/XP, all the events and properties the default VB label has, autoredraw to enabled/disable blinking. The code is fully commented and being a rather simple control, it should be easy to learn how to make usercontrols. One API call is also introduced. *** Comments and votes welcome - the more interest, the more likely I'm to do more FREE unicode controls :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200491913181419.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/UniLabel_-1795689192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Vesa Piittinen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56260,"Title":"Three Color Gradient Usercontrol","Description":"I was just playing around with usercontrol code and made this gradient usercontrol. I've included the caption feature mainly for the screenshot.Its limited in function.Hope it comes in handy for someone.Enjoy and howdy from Texas.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004919132783948.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Three_Colo1795699192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56498,"Title":"Robot Simulation (Using Image Processing)","Description":"This project is about to find a way to specific location in an Unknown Map. As You know, this is the subject of some robotic games and champions. The map is given in a standard graphic file formats like Bitmaps. Then the program uses a recursive algorithms in the given map to find a way to the destination. The destination is specifies by a BLUE color in the map. Due to the recursive algorithms that is used, if the program can't find the destination, it returns to the starting location. I've include 5 sample maps with the project to better introduce its work. Use coloring like samples (Walls=Black , Way=White , Destination=Blue rgb(0,0,255)) and set the starting point anywhere in the way. In sample maps you don't need to set starting point.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004104242594530.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Robot_Simu1800391042004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Omid G.L.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56515,"Title":"Add programs or ports in windows xp sp2 firewall programatically.","Description":"This sample app. adds lets you add programatically programs and ports in the windows xp sp2 firewall. Any comments or violent reactions. is welcome! Feel free to ask some questions regarding my work. thanks. :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041012220492548 ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Add_progra18045410122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"pao_francis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56516,"Title":"FlyingWindows - An AddIn by Light Templer - NEW VERSION 2.5.0 from 10/20/2004 NOW WITH AUTOCOMPLETE","Description":"Flying Windows claims fully back the valuable work area of your IDE! No unneeded tool or property\n window is open when writing code or designing a form. Now the whole screen belongs to you to design\n your form or write some code! And when you need a tool/property window: One quick move (no mouseclick!)\n of your mouse is enough to get it back / take it away. \n ___ 2nd hilite: Small property windows for controls like the known tooltips are assisting your form design!\n ___ And some more nice gimmicks...\n ____ Advertisement stop. ;) - To the facts:\n Implemented in Flying Windows so far\n * Hotcorners for most used tool windows (toolbox, properties, project\n explorer and immediate window)\n * Empty the immediate window when ctrl key is pressed on opening by hotcorner.\n * Tooltip windows for controls showing the name and the most important properties.\n * Click on a property value in the tooltip window with ctrl key pressed puts this\n value into the clipboard.\n * Tooltip windows are moveable by caption bar. Leave them open with ctrl key pressed\n when mouse leaves tooltip window. Close them with a simple mouseclick.\n * Show mouse pointers absolut screen coordinates in VB IDEs title bar in pixel.\n * With an open source code pane moving the mouse to the left border of the screen\n opens the coresponding designer window (Shift-F7) and reverse.\n * The size of comboboxes of a code pane are increased to show much more values\n without a need for boring scrolling. ________ Background: To do all of this I had to dig very deep into VB IDEs COM interface and so here is hard stuff like 'Get a reference to the control under the mouse' and more ... _______ Enjoy the new feeling in programming VB! ____ Regards LiTe\n_________________________________________________ NEW VERSION 2.5.0 - 10/20/2004: Now your code is flying, too! I have added a powerfull TEXT AUTOCOMPLETE feature to speedup your coding. Please read ReadMe_First.Txt or code header for details. \n_____________________________________________\nThx for your comments and votes - they show me that you see the 160 hours which are in this tool now.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041020105189325.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FlyingWind18082610202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":37,"UserRatingTotal":178,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56512,"Title":"FexibleDatagrid","Description":"This is Control similar with MS Access Subform, enable you to dirrectly edit, save, sort,etc with datacombo, DTPicker, TextBox, Checkbox inside the datagrid","Inputs":"Because this is vbdatasource type so you need to place a control which bound to this control (this only for trigger the database only).","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This is not free bug control, so if you use in your program it is your own risk. But I will do my best to make it up. Just e mail me for the new version of this control","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004104151297116.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FexibleDat1800351042004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Lucs Comp","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53320,"Title":"Header UserControl III","Description":"6 Alignment, Picture Support & Multiline Properties Added. Check out the ScreenShot! Properties Include: Alignment/ Caption/ Font/ FontSize/ FontColor/ Gradient(Vert/Horiz)/ GradientStart Color/ GradientFinish Color/ GradientFinishStyle(Transparent/Opaque)/ MultiLine/ Picture/ Shape(Rounded/RoundedTop/Rectangle)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004422758589139.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Header_Use1736374222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":79,"AuthorName":"Peter.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53322,"Title":"Frame OcX [Usercontrol]","Description":"This is a very great looking frame... look @ the screenshot and have fun :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004422936596184.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Frame_OcX_1736434222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Thorben Linneweber","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53325,"Title":"[M-Paint Version 2.00]","Description":"A Good Paint Program With Solid Brush, Stripe Brush, Air Brush, Invert Air Brush, Spray Paint, A Color Picker, Flood Fill With 7 Fill Styles, 38 Filters For All Sorts Of Effects, Open, Save, Cascade Windows, Tile Windows Horizontally, Tile Windows Vertically, And Much More, Packed Full Of Notes An Comments, Enjoi, And Please Vote!,\n-LCSBSSRHXXX","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044221420595659.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[M-Paint_V1737604252004.00 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"LCSBSSRHXXX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53329,"Title":"ScrollBox 1.0","Description":"Interactive user warning dialogs for all applications like MSN Messenger and Norton warning dialogs. Add buttons, change background styles, configure fonts, sounds and other options.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200442219612542.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TScrollBox1736574222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Marclei V Silva","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53337,"Title":"CIH WARNING !","Description":"To help out who dont know about this virus and be always in update ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53341,"Title":"CreateMySQLODBC","Description":"Allows you to programmatically create an ODBC connection to a MySQL database using the Registry API.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044231044539230.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CreateMySQ1736804232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"-- Val --","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53358,"Title":"_ pKrypt (Encrypt a string into a picture. Unreadable by anyone without the password) _","Description":"Takes any string and password and converts them into a solid black picture. Unreadable by anyone that does not have the password and this program. Please Vote :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044241358224140.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__pKrypt_(1737094242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53359,"Title":"Recover Access 2000 password","Description":"Recovers an Access 2000 password","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The bas module is not mine - I found it a while agao and do not have the author's name or email.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Works most of the time as far as I have tested it.\nPlease email me about improvements or bugs.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Recover_Ac1737104242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Future Sound of Budleigh Salterton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52477,"Title":"OE Email Extractor","Description":"Email Xtractor extracts email ids from Outlook Express DBX files and enables them to be exported to other applications.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004319037597448.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/OE_Email_E1721843192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"amit sengupta","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52478,"Title":"_A Student Library System_","Description":"This project demonstrates database manipulation through ADO. It is a complete application in itself. Thanks and credit goes to LaVolpe for his magnificent buttons that I used in the project. This is my first submission to this great site and I hope you could learn something from it. Please give your comments and suggestions so that I could improve it and hopefully upload a version 2 of this project. If its not too much to ask, PLEASE do vote so that I'd know where my learning status stands. Thanks and God bless.\n***NOTE For those of you who downloaded the code from March 19 - 20, 2004: Please redownload the code. I reuploaded it fixing the bugs during initialization. Thanks and God Bless.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Database Password is \"crimson119\".","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004320054107188.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_A_Student1723083212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":34,"UserRatingTotal":166,"AuthorName":"Francis Arnold G. Balatico","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52485,"Title":"Panoramic Scene Viewer ActiveX","Description":"I have not seen anything like this on this web site or any other for that matter. It is a 3D Scene Panoramic Viewer ActiceX Control(Source Code). This is a stripped down version of another control I am working on, but it functions well. I have included a test project for the control. Load the group project to see the control working. I have also included a panoramic Image. the Image is not mine and I forgot where I got it. You can use any panoramic graphic you want, just change the path in the test project to point to your image. Also don't forget to view the Read Me file included. And if you like the code Please Vote. Any questions just email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Panoramic_1722043192004.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"John Phillips","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52489,"Title":"FlowChart *Update*","Description":"Create and Test your flowcharts\nAdd variable watches and execute command-to-command\nExport VB and Pascal Code\nSyntax Simmilar to VBScript","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043191753545981.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FlowChart1722823212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":98,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52490,"Title":"Server & Client Base Communication & Encryption","Description":"I have written this software to let people easily implement both encryption and internet communication with packet splitting into their applications. Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Server_&_C1722093192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"John C. H. Fricker","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52495,"Title":"a [BCNS] - Binary Crew Network Server (BC Net Server)","Description":"It is a Server which works with Modules (DLL Files) which were coded for this Server.\nThe Modules can be loaded and unloaded by the Server. Our first Module is \"Comm\" for Chat based Communication.\n -:::- \n*Modules = Plugins (COM/ActiveX DLL);\nCreateObject() is used to load Modules.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005581459276024.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_[BCNS]_-188579582005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"CodeXP","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52497,"Title":"[[[__CSRS version 1 / Using ADO__]]]","Description":"This is a complete Computerize School Registration Software which can be customize according to the name of the school. This software include record of users log-in and etc. The software also calculate how many student are curently enrolled and also update the allowed student per section every time you enrolled new student and it is similar to Inventory System ( download this to see more function ) . The application used ADO , String Manipulation , File System , Listview Control and etc ( see the include information for more ). For software like Accounting , Billing , POS ( Point Of Sales ), Account Recievable and etc. just log-on to www.naparansoft.cjb.net . This for all level of programmer . PLEASE DON'T FOR GET TO VOTE ! [ Philip V. Naparan ]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043192230385152.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/____CSRS_v1723423232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":44,"UserRatingTotal":211,"AuthorName":"Philip V. Naparan :-)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52500,"Title":"Crossword Program","Description":"This is a crossword player/editor program. You can create a crossword file with any number of crosswords in it, then play it in the player. Great fun, the kind of thing i make when i'm bored hehe...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You'll need a basic understanding of custom data structures, arrays, type definitions, and enums.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004320413416868.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Crossword_1722223202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"mike payne","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52502,"Title":"VideoOcX 2","Description":"*Updated!* With \"Video OcX\" you can play nearly every Video. It is very easy to handle even for beginner! This is a \"must have\". so..., download it and vote. Thx","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004320459456144.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VideoOcX_21722243202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Thorben Linneweber","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52504,"Title":"Minimum Form Size - 100% Flicker Free","Description":"Sets A Forms Minimum Size","Inputs":"Minimum Width/Height","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Minimum_Fo1722253202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Peter.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52506,"Title":"MicroSearch","Description":"This is a tool I built to allow you to enter almost any U.S. telephone number, and it will find the person(s) Name (First/Last), Address, City/Zip, etc.. This only works if they're listed in the phone book! But it's still a nifty tool to keep around.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004320742321698.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MicroSearc1722273202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Brian Matthews","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52515,"Title":"YCht Protocol for Yahoo!","Description":"This is an example I created, how to use 'ycht' to login a Yahoo! chat room, and how to do a lot of cool things while logged in.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043201413139858.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/YCht_Proto1722413202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Brian Matthews","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52220,"Title":"Possible error in VB6 Compiler","Description":"This is possebly an error in the VB6 compiler but i have turned it into a way to find out if you are in the IDE or Compiled version.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Marco v/d Berg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52227,"Title":"Port Fowarding","Description":"This is a very simple program I put together that allows you to re-direct a port from one machine to another. It is very simple to use, and the code is very easy to understand.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is my first code for this site. Please RATE is....","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004381322165493.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Port_Fowar171768382004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mitchell Kinard","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52237,"Title":"_| XP CD Key Viewer |_","Description":"This is an XP CD Key Viewer.This product used only in retrieving forgotten XP Installer cd key. I created this product to get the cd key of my OEM version of XP. I open all files in i386 folder in my XP installer and I found the cd key inside one of it's file then I decided to create an application on it that will get the XP cd key easily.Please don't use this product in illegal purpose. If you want to distribute this product let me know. This submition include also some codes of my Accounting System ( a system that packed with payroll , inventory , billing and etc .) and my Booking System .PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO VOTE !!!!!!!!1 --------- Thanks :-) --------","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/____XP_CD_171788392004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Philip V. Naparan :-)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52248,"Title":"Attack Tool Kit 1.0","Description":"The acronym ATK stands for Attack Tool Kit. It was first developed to provide a very small and handy tool for Windows to realize simple security checks. \nBut more and more the utility grows and allows in the meanwhile to do full security audits as like other vulnerability scanners are able to do (e.g. Nessus or ISS Internet Scanner). But this is not the main goal of the tool. The primary task is to allow small and fast checks for dedicated vulnerabilities.\nThe special thing about ATK is that the tool is able to do the work without great interaction. But there is also always the possibility to vary and change the behaviour of the software. This concern the plugins, checking, enumeration and reporting. The user is not dependent of the ideas of the developers - If needed because of the modularity nearly every change can be done within a few seconds. \nATK is absolutely free to use and distribute. The software is written in Visual Basic and underlies the General Public License (GPL). The official project web site can be found at http://www.computec.ch/projekte/atk/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Do not scan targets without permission of the owner.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200439533248497.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Attack_Too171824392004.0src ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Marc Ruef","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52254,"Title":"Exploding Flowers","Description":"There was a rash of polygon screen savers appearing here so I thought I'd make one that is at LEAST nice to look at! This isn't a screen saver yet just the fun part. Will mezmorize you for minutes on end. Uses the polygon API. ** See the full screen saver version here: http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=52391&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200439926312896.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Exploding_171809392004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":29,"UserRatingTotal":143,"AuthorName":"Paul Bahlawan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52262,"Title":"How to make a simple dll and use it","Description":"how to make a dll and use it very simple","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/How_to_mak171817392004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"zoom","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52266,"Title":"Basics","Description":"Teaches the basics of using VB. As its becoming quite evident most PSC users dont know them. Feel free to add more. Added some suggestions, fixed spelling and grammatical errors.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Basics171825392004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52267,"Title":"VBLayers2 - New Photoshop-esque Layers Dialog","Description":"Completely rewritten. Add an Adobe Photoshop styled layers dialog to your application. Please refer the the screenshot to see this control in action. Supports realtime layer dragging, visibility and editability toggles, full thumnail support and much more. Any feedback and/or votes would be most appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043918183951.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBLayers2_1719603132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Joseph M. Ferris","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53540,"Title":"PSCNews New Code Alert!","Description":"If you are learn new source code topics, this program is this for you!\n* Setting panel\n* Language Support (Learn language using..)\n* New code alerts (If added)\n* SYSTray mode (Learn)\n* Beautiful design form\n* Search mode.\nThanks for your votes.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004531741174638.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PSCNews_Ne174066532004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"B.Cem HANER","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53551,"Title":"Personal Reloadable Card System (Complete)","Description":"This is a complete point of sale program that uses reloadable card (which can be the user's ID) instead of cash. This program supports three terminals: Accounting (reloading and managing accounts), Bookstore and Canteen (actual sales transaction). You can also use a barcode scanner in inputting ID no of the account or itemcodes. The reports uses data dynamics reporting engine (now included in the zip file). This is my first submission. I hope someone can learn from this program. I'm also looking forward for your comments and suggestion to improve my programming skills. All of your votes and comments are highly appreciated. Please vote. Thank you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045448213012.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Personal_R174086542004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"Mamerto Fabian Jr.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53556,"Title":"Hospital Management","Description":"It is an complete hospital managment ready for an trail use it is equipped with coding which the user can change it.","Inputs":"Plz chk out the there are some errors ie. log errors plz chk out and then u can run it easily\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hospital_M174094542004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Ram Chander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53558,"Title":"APaint8(Update)","Description":"APaint8 by Robert Rayment. (Update 12/5/04 improved View-stack & Browser) This is a 256 color palette painter able to work with single or multiple palettes. It works with 8bpp BMPs in byte arrays but other formats can be converted in a Browser, Strict control over the colors can thus be maintained. One use is for simple games' images where single byte rather the 3 or 4 byte colors can be used - generally easier to code and faster. So this is not intended for large pictures of photographic quality but nevertheless can produce a huge variety of acceptable images. Features: 15 level undo/redo viewable, manipuable stack; dozens of drawing tools, filters, deformers and adders; several default palettes and a palette maker; rectangular, circular, elliptical and lasso selections. Many effects can work on the whole picture or on a selection including saving as 8bpp BMPs or GIFs and printing. Most shapes can be drawn with the mouse or keys. Too many other features to mention them all so please read the Help. The Browser contains a color sorting and re-mapping function but I'm still working on a better color sorter - any offers? Bug reports welcome. Best screen res 1024x768 or higher. Compile. (Tested on Win98 & XP) Zip 268 KB.","Inputs":"Images","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"Images","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004541038516704.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/APaint8(Up1744455122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":127,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53560,"Title":"DisplayMess","Description":"Display popup message style MSN. No comments, because no speak english. Muestra un mensaje popup estilo MSN. Tnanks!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004541214506112.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DisplayMes174101542004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ernesto F.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53561,"Title":"Numeric and Textual Updown Box Controls","Description":"Hello; This is my first post to PSC I hope someone can find it usefull.\nThe program contains two controls: Numeric Updown and Textual UpDown, the numeric updown can handle fractional values, and restricts the typing of numeic values only.\nThe Textual Updown has similar funcionality to a Listbox, with the diference that it can handles string values in the itemdata property.\nAlso I use some API to modify the textboxes apparience.\nPlease Vote :)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004541230458550.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Numeric_an174107542004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jose Reynaldo Chavarria","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53566,"Title":"PaddleMax 2000","Description":"This is an addictive little game, putting a new spin on the old-school paddle games by adding some awesome powerups. I have included a level editor and the code is fully commented. Please comment and vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PaddleMax_174283572004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Alex_\"CumQuaT\"_Norton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53567,"Title":"Crawler (HTML Tags, Links, Emails, Images)","Description":"Search Tags (user-inputted) on a link (such as ones to search for Images, Links, Emails, and things of such sort). The form is just a sample for the module contained in it, because this project can be expanded to do things as far as performing actions on the returned results such as sending mail to all the e-mail's collected, searching links for specific text, downloading all the images off of a site onto your pc, and such sort of things. Sorry for the repeatted posts, it didn't seem like they were coming up so I posted agian, but I deleted them now. I also updated the zip file to not have the screenshots so it's much smaller. I updated it... Those bugs I listed are now fixed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200455224432823.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Crawler_(H1755896102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Lohrbas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53570,"Title":"_For Dummy - VB with MySQL Sample of using VB access data Text and Picture <Last Update 8 May 2004>","Description":"Sample of using VB access data from a MySQL database (Create Table ,Add ,Edit ,Delete ,Search ,Show and Upload Picture) for beginner. Tester with mysql-4.0.18 for Win32 and MyODBC-3.51.06.exe ***MySQL Server configure (set to no password) username:root port:3306 database:test\n< Last Update 24 Dec 2004 ...Search Function >","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200455042172835.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_For_Dummy174307582004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Wachira Jariyapaiboon","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53571,"Title":"Pythagorean Triples (Enhanced)","Description":"Pythagorean Triples are integers in the form a^2+b^2=c^2 (example...3,4,5 because 3*3+4*4=5*5). This post is an improvement to the original post (txtCodeId=53514&lngWId=1) to display Pythagorean Triples. The original version took over 12 minutes with a max set to 1000. My version takes under 1 second.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200455043559013.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Pythagorea174131552004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Shark","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53574,"Title":"A VB Screen Saver (Matrix, Star Field, and Patterns)","Description":"This is A Screen Saver program, A Little project I made when I was bored. It is a real .SCR file, that can be installed as your default screen saver!!","Inputs":"In The command Line, If you Type /c following its filename, it will open settings. If you type /P the program will just end","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200455820375376.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Screen_174145552004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Alex Murray","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52128,"Title":"IAT Viewer(DLL injector)","Description":"This sample code shows you how to view any processes IAT table and get all importants, also shows you how to injector a dll so you can do API HIJACKING AND VISUAL BASIC","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IAT_Viewer171590342004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"OpcodeVoid","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52133,"Title":"DLLBrowser","Description":"Browse throught methods, functions, constants, enums, etc of any tlb or ActiveX.dll File via the tlbinf32.dll. Download at www.visualsoft-net.de","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200434243287845.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DLLBrowser171598342004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"M├ñhr Stefan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52141,"Title":"Gradient selection tool (Reworked)","Description":":The tool submitted by Edwin Perez helps you test different color combinations that you can use anywhere you need a \nbackground with gradient.The dificulty with the GradientFill API is that it uses unsigned integers (unsupportrd by VB) for the color definition. I \nbelieve I found a way to resolve this problem using the RtlMoveMemory API. This solution is simple and easy to understand/implement.More \ndetails in Readme file. I also tried to streamline/optimise the code by using arrays, so there is not much left from the original code. There's no need for votes.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Gradient_s171614342004.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Paul Turcksin","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52142,"Title":"FAST String Manipulation","Description":"When this module is compiled to native code, you can use the ReplaceString, InString, InStringRev, StrReverse, TrimStr, RTrimStr, LTrimStr, StringReplicate, JoinString and SplitString functions to be many times faster and much more memory effecient than their VB counterparts. Many are more functional as well. The replacestring function supports delimiters and prefix/postfix exclusions. All of these functions are fully unicode compliant. The performance gain becomes greater with extremely long strings, where most of the functions take less than 2% of the time and half the memory that the same call would take with intrinsic functions. By the way, you can all stop telling me that xbeat.net/vbspeed has faster code. They did have faster code than my first version, but not any of the other ones. See for yourself, the test specifications are on their website. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FAST_Strin171643352004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55299,"Title":"Pyramid 1.0","Description":"This game has a very nice drag and drop, just take a look at the program and you'll see what i mean. I used API and Math to do the trick, just download the code. Well, I hope you enjoy playing it ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200482137569784.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Pyramid_1_177670822004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Aris Buenaventura","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55505,"Title":"Archive Compression/Decompression Control (included subfolders)","Description":"This is a control i wrote that contains all functions for a good archive and compression program. I did not create am example program yet but i did include a a fw test functions that will show you how it creats an arhive from a folder and subfolers and how to extract all files form that archive as well as a single file. Each function included the option for compression/decompression. I am currently working on a program that will demonstraight how to use each function to their best ability. i figures i would post the control so you people can play around with it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048111129453418.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Archive_Co1780748112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55502,"Title":"A Beer For The Boys","Description":"An example of minimal code to get the job done.LOL Beer Dude 2 belongs to its creator. I was just sucking some sudds & thought I would share this fun. Enjoy !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200481160441393.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Beer_For1780668112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Thomas Swift","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55504,"Title":"Send SMS For Free..without any registration","Description":"U can Send SMS without any registration to any of the provider.SMS-Sender is provided with contacts options where u can store ur friends name and Number which u can use at the time of running.Very Easy of Sending sms ..just select the number and type in the message and Clicking Send..Button done.It uses MSWINSCK and msmapi ocx..which is usally found in windows/system folder.If throws any error u can find these ocx availble on many sites.(address.txt file shud be used)..Any Suggestions and healthy criticism is always welcome..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004811751316837.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Send_SMS_F1780738112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Prashanth SC","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55510,"Title":"A new Update, ( quick tray) quickTray 1.0.34","Description":"thisis an update to my last project, I have added drag and drop like someone asked, I also added a hard drive scanner to find certain types of folder, and a small beta screen to deleted and modify your current favorites. I am going to work on the GUI now, but please post any suggestions and I will build them in asap!!","Inputs":"Like I said before, this application has been known to cause slight cases of efficiency!","Assumes":"Like I said before, this application has been known to cause slight cases of efficiency!","CodeReturns":"Like I said before, this application has been known to cause slight cases of efficiency!","SideEffects":"Like I said before, this application has been known to cause slight cases of efficiency!","ApiDeclarations":"Like I said before, this application has been known to cause slight cases of efficiency!","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048111623364692.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_new_Upda1780778112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"rBg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55511,"Title":"WMI Process Viewer","Description":"Allows user to view all current win32 processes running on the system in a treeview with parent child relationships and click on a process to get extensive information on that process","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"requires Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) be installed on your system. This is automatically installed on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000.","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WMI_Proces1780798112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"John Fowler","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55513,"Title":"a bit blt example (with spaceships)","Description":"Yes I know, another bitblt! But on psc the ones I found were all either very advanced or very simple. I tried to land somewhere in the middle. the code is commented and well organized, so hopefully someone can find it usefull. (Screen shot failed to load)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048121340563961.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_bit_blt_1781198122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Brian_A ","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55517,"Title":"DBCode","Description":"This utility is used to script a database.\nYou can generate SQL Script for Query Analyser which is useful for migrating a JET (Access) database to SQL Server.\nYou can also generate VB Source code to create a target database via DAO objects or DAO SQL Execute statements.\nI wrote this VERY quickly a few years back for a SQL migration project. I will update for ADO if anyone interested!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200481231042725.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DBCode1780938122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Richard Mewett","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55520,"Title":"A \"proper\" fire effect","Description":"This code generates a fire effect following a well known algorithm that I certainly didn't come up with :) I'm surprised few people submitted some fire effects which, I'm sorry to say, didn't look all that neat. I have to give them credit for trying to be original though, unlike me!\nNote that I did all I could to make the code as efficient as possible. In the code, I explained the shortcuts I used compared to what could lead to more a realistic effect if you are ready to sacrifice a wee bit of performance.\nI do NOT use any controls, especially not a picture box! Yuk! Please don't! And I also use backbuffering to prevent flickering.\nFinally, MAKE SURE TO COMPILE IT! If you run it from VB, it will be slow as it will be interpreted.\nCheers gals and guys, hope you like it :)\nPS: I rated it as \"intermediate\" only because of the use of a couple of APIs, but beginners should see that it's actually very simple!\nUPDATE: duh, I learnt to do a proper 256 colours GIF, it looks better.\nUPDATE2: duh, I also learnt to read and use a keyboard.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The palette contains a slight dark blue shade on top of the flames. Comments explain how to get rid of them if you don't like them. Size id also hard coded instead of using constants and refering to them everywhere, but as I explain in the comments, it makes the code faster. All values to change (and frankly, there aren't that much) are pointed out in comments anyway.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004812687632.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A__proper_1780988122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Cricri","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55522,"Title":"Msn 6.2 API Help","Description":"This article will explain a much more better example of Msn 6 API. From what I've seen, too many people submit windows messenger code, not msn 6.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Chaositic Serge","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":38389,"Title":"Linked RichTextBox Scrolling Example","Description":"Demonstrates how to link the scrolling of 2 RichTextBoxes, so they scroll simultaneously without any lag time. This is in response to a question in the discussion forum.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Linked_Ric1232408272002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48567,"Title":"RasDilaer v1.0","Description":"This is used to dial a number and connect to your ISP. Votes and comments are welcomed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RasDilaer_1646319172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"CodeBot","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48568,"Title":"Complex MATH expression resolver (FROM STRING)","Description":"..resolve math expression from string..[INLINE CALCULATOR]...Based on SYMBOL ENGINE..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Complex_MA1647529192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48576,"Title":"Class Control Resizer","Description":"Class that will resize controls on your form.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Class_Cont1646409172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Timothy J. Ward","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48577,"Title":"File Destroyer - a secure file deletion utility","Description":"A fast and straightforward file shredding/wiping utility. When normal files are deleting from the recycle bin or deleted using the Kill statement, the operating system simply marks the file as deleted and ignores it. Files can be easily recovered using file recovery software. Confidential information should be completely destroyed and sanitised using specialised software.\nFile Destroyer is a simple utility which overwrites your data up to 28 times with alternating bitstreams of 0s and 1s (null bytes and Chr(255) bytes). It then overwrites the file many times with random binary data. Finally, the file is renamed several times at random to remove all traces of the filename and then deleted using the standard Kill statement. \nFiles wiped using File Destroyer will be extremely difficult to recover, if they can be recovered at all. It combines the standard DoD as well as ShredFile techniques with file renaming to ensure your data cannot be recovered. It uses byte arrays instead of string appends to ensure an extremely high speed at generating random strings, and uses the cryptographic quality RC4 pseudorandom number generator instead of the standard Rnd function to generate random binary data of a much higher quality.\nSimply add files or folders to be deleted to a list, select the number of passes (28 is maximum) and then press the Destroy button.\nIt is tiny in file size - compiled EXE is 36KB while zipped source is 2KB!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003917749295384.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Destr1646429172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Benjamin Choi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48579,"Title":"Listview Example - Application Runner","Description":"(Many of you may have seen this app before, I have made an enhancement - Its saves it to a file)\nThis is just another example of a listview control. With this example, you select an application, it copies its icon and places a shortcut in the listview control. Now, when you double click on this icon, it will launch the application. \nPlease vote on this application for me.\nEnjoy....\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003917928422901.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Listview_E1646459172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Santa's Little Helper","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48582,"Title":"CopySelf","Description":"Copy itself to a location specified.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"There's really nothing to know about this function other than that it can copy itself to a location specified...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":14,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"k0nsl","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48585,"Title":"OCR a screen capture - proof of concept code","Description":"This code will convert text in an image to editable text. The code must know the font used, so It will only work on screen captures - not on scanned images. I intend to add a screen capture function in the near future, so you can grab any text from any window.\nRight now this is just proof-of-concept code, and it has a few flaws.. :-) It doesn't work with Italic fonts or 'handwriting' fonts. I also need to find a way to get the routine find the vertical start of the text. Please comment on the general idea.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039171310353746.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/OCR_a_scre1646579172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Martijn B","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48587,"Title":"Process Manager for Win9X-ME","Description":"It shows all the running process including background process not even shown by CTRL+ALT+DEL task manager.Also shows use of sendmessage api to commuincate with other application.Helps you to find virus,trojan in your computer..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Use of API","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003918135549467.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Process_Ma1646609172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Puspa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48588,"Title":"BasicBoy - A Game boy Color emulator","Description":"BasicBoy is A gameboy emulator coded in Visual Basic (+Api+dx).Currently it Suports \nGameBoy(85%) /GameBoy Color(75%)\nThere are some bugs with the timing(help needed)\nIt can run at 200-320% on my old pc\n(p3 600mhz,Gf4200,WinXP pro)\nNo Sound support (Will Be added)\nBeta Testers are Needed...\nSound help is needed too...\nPlease Vote and post Speed/Bugs","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039171735415764.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BasicBoy_-1646679172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":32,"UserRatingTotal":146,"AuthorName":"Raziel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48594,"Title":"Draw formated text, tables, pictures","Description":"Draw formatted text (with any alignment), draw tables (double border), draw pictures (any alignment and inside cells)\nYou can use this control to give users instructions with formatted text. This control have almost all the functionality of a read only text box control, but can NOT select text. \nFeatures: \nalignment, \nfont name, \nbold, \nitalic, \nunderline, \nfont size, \nlines, \nBullets, \nColors, \nWeb links \nAlso, left margin for paragraphs. Line spacing and space before/after a paragrath.\nNote: Also, you can set the margin for the second (and other) lines as well. \nDraw images by path, by handle, by resource number with any alignment. Also text around images. \nDraw tables and use all features inside cells.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200391821405303.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Draw_forma1646799182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"UserXP","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48595,"Title":"GetHttp","Description":"An escanner multisock than escannea 100 port for seconds.and get the servant that runs in the serverIt brings escnner for txt for ip and for ranges of ip. good program is to try and after, hold an opinion .","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200391836473476.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GetHttp1646809182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Manuel(ErcUn)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48596,"Title":"Calculator + fx","Description":"it is a functioning calculator designed to teach the beginner of Visual Basic. The code contains other useful codes that add animation.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"no side effects evident as yet however, if you come accross one please e-mail me @ \nlukman_chowdhury@hotmail.com","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Calculator1646839182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":">;┬¼{)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48597,"Title":"A Winamp3 Style Playlist","Description":"This is Kind of a Playlist... Like in WinAmp3... it is ment to be used in media playing aplications...But I think it could be eqasily modified.... It has : *selcted option * played (DblClick) option * remove one * multi selcet * remove multi selct * clear list * change data for tile and time* shows lenght of the whole list * has an option to add a sevond file to entry (exp. i use it for subtitles path in my project) etc. Have fun, report me the bugs, rate it if u want it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200391869292567.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Winamp3_1646849182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"3nity","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48598,"Title":"X HTML Editor With Databindind","Description":"Its An ActiveX Control with Databinding Facility to let the end user edit some HTML Content.. Vey Useful if you want to give the high-level html content in his reminder etc.","Inputs":"you have to have DHTML Edit Control for IE5\nyou can download from the Microsoft website\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/X_HTML_Edi1646859182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Anuj Kumar Pandey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48600,"Title":"Cascade 2003 game - SOooo addictive!","Description":"Try to clear the tiles, by clicking on tiles that have the same coloured neighbour. the more tiles you clear at once the higher your score (if you can beat 1717, send me a screen shot!). All bitblt and masking - a great learning example. Don't play this in an office - it severely reduces productivity!!!!! **** Remember to change the INI file location to a central network directory for multiple users - in the .bas module!! ***** vote if you're addicted!! :-D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003919929579815.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cascade_201647549192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48603,"Title":"TCP/UDP Connections Viewer","Description":"This program will show current connections for both TCP and UDP. Also Incorperated is a DNS class that will allow you to use a cache database to save time when resovling muliple IP's.\nits allows you to Import and Export lists aswell. Please comment and vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003918956522935.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TCP_UDP_Co1646929182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"┬ºe7eN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48608,"Title":"[A++] International Lottery","Description":"This program will help you earn money\nby generating lottery lucky numbers.\nThis is can be used for National Lottery or any other lotto game.\nYou can set it up to give from 1 to 7 balls, in any range. And if you win in loto, let me know :)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003918151745798.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Internatio1647069182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52005,"Title":"Advanced Programmatic Zipfile functionality","Description":"This is an substantially updated version of my Basic Winzip Functionality Post. It's a complete wrapper around Infozip's open source compression (www.info-zip.org) I've seen several of these, but none as easy to use as this one. See the screenshot for the host of options available when zipping or unzipping files. Everything you need is included in the zip, just make sure to look at the readme file. Also, for those of you using vbAccelerator's cZip and cUnzip, you've got to check this out as an upgrade.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200422520362129.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_P1713432252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52009,"Title":"Access Data Types and Arrays in a Class","Description":"Data Types and Arrays in a Class must be declared Private and normally can't be accessed from outside the Class. This gets arround the problem by using CopyMemory API to copy a pointer to a variable outside the Class. This allows you to read/modify Data Types and Arrays in a Class as if they were Public.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"CopyMemory\nVarPtr","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Access_Dat1713572262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":51,"AuthorName":"korejwa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52011,"Title":"Yahoo! Status! Changer!","Description":"This will changer you Yahoo! Status to anything you want. All comments welcome. Shaun","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Yahoo!_Sta1713602262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Shaun C","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52019,"Title":"Car Intersection","Description":"This game include intersection with 8 cars. all cars driving without crash each other. the car get fuel when its over, stop on a red light.\nsometimes the poice is comming...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200422787454962.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Car_Inters1713732272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"sharon m","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52022,"Title":"How to test for a zero-length string","Description":"This code is irrefutable proof that LenB(String) is 50% to 90% faster than testing for String = \"\". Most of you I'm sure already know this, but to my surprise someone tried to correct me saying that the latter was the correct way. So for all those who can benefit from this code, give it a try. Only 2.5 KB download.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/How_to_tes1713832272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52032,"Title":"Easy Mail Sender. Pretty cool too :D","Description":"This lets u send mails. using a norwegian smtp server (can add more to the servers.txt file) *please rate*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042271726121839.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Easy_Mail_1713982272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Thorleif Jacobsen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52039,"Title":"Picture Color Adjustment","Description":"How to change the atributes of colors(ColorAdjustment) in picture. Red Gamma,Green Gamma, Blue Gamma, Illuminant, Invert colors, Contrast, Brightness, etc. Is easy and simple.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See the Code.","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Picture_Co171707362004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Xip3000","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52051,"Title":"LaVolpe Caption Rotator","Description":"Rotating captions are hard but doable. Keeping track of an accelerator key is complicated. This example has portable routines to rotate captions at 90 or 270 degrees & properly display the underscore on the hot key. In addition, you dictate where text is displayed by passing the bounding parameters. This will be used for a soon-2b-released vertical version of my buttons, so if you see errors, please let me know. Thanx.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Read preface comments in project","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Recangle APIs, DrawText & a couple Font APIs","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004228158344105.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LaVolpe_Ca1714272282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52055,"Title":"FYI: Rotating Transparent Icons","Description":"Example how to rotate transparent icons & keep transparency. This sample project goes further by allowing creation of transparent icons from non-icon resources. My take: Making 1 icon is better than calling transparent bitmap routines 100's of times. Another mini-project for the soon-2b-released vertical version of my buttons.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"DC, Image & Painting APIs","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004229135049790.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FYI__Rotat1714582292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51810,"Title":"TextboxBorder","Description":"I was just playing around and thought this would be useful for something.It places a colored border around the dull looking textbox.I've updated the ocx with more propertys so try it out.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042162017147095.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TextboxBor1710222172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51819,"Title":"A [WYSIWYG] Print and Print Preview for RTF","Description":"By Dasith,\nThis example shows you how to WYSIWYG Print and Print Preview using EM_FORMATRANGE and EM_SETTARGETDEVICE. The Print Preview can easily be used in your own project and it is fully customizable.\nThe problem with RTF.SelPrint is that you have no control over the print process (margins and etc.)\nThis shows you how to use you own Print function.\nThe Print Preview feature is not 100% accurate though. Still working on it.\nIf any of you guys develop this further please let me know.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004217138157068.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WYSIWYG_Pr1710332182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Dasith Wijesiriwardena","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51821,"Title":"TSQL Debugging Made Easy","Description":"Ever wondered how to debug a Stored Procedure (SP) in MS SQL Server from VB development environment? Ever wished you could debug an SP step by step as you do with VB codes? This article explains how to make the TSQL Debugger work the way you wanted.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TSQL_Debug1713752272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sameer C T","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51825,"Title":"MapQuest map image extractor","Description":"This code extracts the map image from MapQuests website by pulling the htm page, parsing the source code, and then downloading the gif file and saving it to your computer. Users can input city, state, zip, address, country, and zoom level (0 - 9) to retrieve an image.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"an image file from MapQuest","SideEffects":"when downloading the page or gif file, VB might freeze up until it has completed the download. If you have code that can download the files without freezing up, it will be very easy to switch between my inet module and yours","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042172112236165.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MapQuest_m1710082172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mark Anthony Entingh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51841,"Title":"Visual Basic API / VBAPI.com API Reference","Description":"Provides information about a mirror of the old vbapi.com website that I am hosting.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Will Urbanski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51844,"Title":"SEAL","Description":"Complete assembly language emulator with colour syntaxing and animation. Use this software to write simple assembly language programs and actually watch the instructions execute in a virtual computer's architecture. Uses my own interpreter for decoding source code. Check it out the pic and download!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004223827156710.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SEAL1712442232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Happy Lobster","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51851,"Title":"Connect Oracle","Description":"This Program explains how to connect ORACLE with VB. How you retrieve table, view and stored procedure of ORACLE. Also featuring subclasssing a Textbox and customizing Progress Bar. If I make any mistake please send me the right one.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Connect_Or1710532182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Debasis Ghosh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51758,"Title":"VB6 Recent File Maintenance","Description":"Handy utility for cleaning out the cobwebs from your VB6 Recent File list. Selective removal of entries you donΓÇÖt want listed, remove now-non-existent links, move entries in priority (top-most), explore folders containing valid VBP links. This app also demonstrates a custom collection class that feature Clear and Sort extensions, detecting and activating a previous instance of a program, registry I/O, and finding file extension-associated executables, XP-style buttons, etc. All these extensions are in self-contained classes and module, fully documented and ready to plug into your own apps.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042142253412276.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB6_Recent1709002142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"David Ross Goben","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52104,"Title":"Remote Desktop Viewer remote Key","Description":"Lets the admin to see the Comptuer Remotely","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004321820258492.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Remote_Des171534322004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Vekata","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52105,"Title":"Just another Replacement for Replace() v. 1.1","Description":"_Now_ it's as fast as it gets, folks. Yes, Faster than the code from xbeat.net. It beats the stuffing out of VB's intrinsic replace function even without the compiler optimizations. 5x-8x faster, even though it adds the ability to use delimiters and count the number of replacements. Uses a slightly modified string mapping technique from Chris_Lucas's post here a few years ago. Thanks to Rde for the SysAllocStringByteLen declare. That, plus some changes I made to calculate all the replacements before the return string is created are what account for the additional speed in the updated version of this post.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004342132416753.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Just_anoth171646352004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52164,"Title":"AI Tic Tac Toe (unbeatable true learning AI)","Description":"An advanced version of \"Tic Tac Toe that learns (True AI)\" submitted by JengHowe which is further improved and optimized for a 'perfectly unbeatable' Artificial Intelligence in Tic Tac Toe games. It keeps a record (experience) of all the game that it has lost (both AI move first and move second) and determine the best possible move in order win or draw its opponent. The AI will learn from mistakes and get smarter until it is unbeatable!\nPlease vote for my work!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200435238542963.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AI_Tic_Tac171658352004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Wen Ying","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52324,"Title":"Enhancing VB Form v 1.1","Description":"Enhancing VB Form with a new look and Check out Gradient Buttons. This Program Describe How you customized the Form. Resize the Window From Right Side Corner. Please Check Out The Code. Hope You like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043171737265429.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Enhancing_1721283172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Debasis Ghosh","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52325,"Title":"Property Sheet 1.4","Description":"PropertySheet control like VB Property window...very useful for handling properties and values in your applications...VERSION 1.4 RELEASED!!! New properties and several bug fix...Thanks Neal!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043219166280.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Property_S1734784182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"Marclei V Silva","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55304,"Title":"A Noisy Class","Description":"Simple Sound Mixer Wrapper Class plus Test Driver. Unfortunately the Mixer interface is rather complicated - maybe written by a musician *g* - so there are quite a few mystic API calls with plenty of params, mixer-constants with ugly names, cryptic structure types, and virtual memory address pointers from one structure into the next. And Micro$oft's documentation is slim, to put it polite, but I tried my best to put all that into a wrapper with a simple interface: You choose the Channel and SoundControl; this will return True if the selection was successful, and then Get or Let the Value. (Note that ALL values are in % - for booleans (like Mute) the value 0 means False and 100 means True - one hundred percent true, so to say).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function mixerOpen Lib \"winmm.dll\" (phmx As Long, ByVal uMxId As Long, ByVal dwCallback As Long, ByVal dwInstance As Long, ByVal fdwOpen As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function mixerGetLineInfo Lib \"winmm.dll\" Alias \"mixerGetLineInfoA\" (ByVal hmxobj As Long, pmxl As MIXERLINE, ByVal fdwInfo As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function mixerGetLineControls Lib \"winmm.dll\" Alias \"mixerGetLineControlsA\" (ByVal hmxobj As Long, pmxlc As MIXERLINECONTROLS, ByVal fdwControls As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function mixerSetControlDetails Lib \"winmm.dll\" (ByVal hmxobj As Long, pmxcd As MIXERCONTROLDETAILS, ByVal fdwDetails As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function mixerGetControlDetails Lib \"winmm.dll\" Alias \"mixerGetControlDetailsA\" (ByVal hmxobj As Long, pmxcd As MIXERCONTROLDETAILS, ByVal fdwDetails As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function mixerClose Lib \"winmm.dll\" (ByVal hmx As Long) As Long\nPrivate Enum MixerConstants 'this makes them long by default\n MMSYSERR_NOERROR = 0\n MIXER_CONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE = 0\n MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE = 2\n MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_COMPONENTTYPE = 3\n MIXER_SHORT_NAME_CHARS = 16\n MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS = 64\n MAXPNAMELEN = 32\n 'mixer line constants\n MLC_DST_FIRST = 0\n MLC_SRC_FIRST = &H1000\n 'Mixer control constants\n MCT_CLASS_FADER = &H50000000\n MCT_UNITS_UNSIGNED = &H30000\n MCT_FADER = MCT_CLASS_FADER Or MCT_UNITS_UNSIGNED\n MCT_CLASS_SWITCH = &H20000000\n MCT_UNITS_BOOLEAN = &H10000\n MCT_BOOLEAN = MCT_CLASS_SWITCH Or MCT_UNITS_BOOLEAN\nEnd Enum\nPublic Enum Channels\n DigitalOut = MLC_DST_FIRST + 1\n LineOut = MLC_DST_FIRST + 2\n MonitorOut = MLC_DST_FIRST + 3\n SpeakersOut = MLC_DST_FIRST + 4\n HeadphonesOut = MLC_DST_FIRST + 5\n TelephoneOut = MLC_DST_FIRST + 6\n WaveInOut = MLC_DST_FIRST + 7\n VoiceInOut = MLC_DST_FIRST + 8\n DigitalIn = MLC_SRC_FIRST + 1\n LineIn = MLC_SRC_FIRST + 2\n MikrophoneIn = MLC_SRC_FIRST + 3\n SynthesizerIn = MLC_SRC_FIRST + 4\n CompactDiscIn = MLC_SRC_FIRST + 5\n TelephoneIn = MLC_SRC_FIRST + 6\n PCSpeakerIn = MLC_SRC_FIRST + 7\n WaveOutIn = MLC_SRC_FIRST + 8\n AuxiliaryIn = MLC_SRC_FIRST + 9\n AnalogIn = MLC_SRC_FIRST + 10\nEnd Enum\n#If False Then\nPrivate DigitalOut, LineOut, MonitorOut, SpeakersOut, HeadphonesOut, TelephoneOut, WaveInOut, VoiceInOut\nPrivate DigitalIn, LineIn, MikrophoneIn, SynthesizerIn, CompactDiscIn, TelephoneIn, PCSpeakerIn, WaveOutIn, AuxiliaryIn, AnalogIn\n#End If\nPublic Enum SoundControls\n Loudness = MCT_BOOLEAN + 4\n Mute = MCT_BOOLEAN + 2\n StereoEnhance = MCT_BOOLEAN + 5\n Mono = MCT_BOOLEAN + 3\n Volume = MCT_FADER + 1\n Bass = MCT_FADER + 2\n Treble = MCT_FADER + 3\n Equalizer = MCT_FADER + 4\nEnd Enum\n#If False Then\nPrivate Loudness, Mute, StereoEnhance, Mono, Pan, Volume, Bass, Treble, Equalizer\n#End If\n'mixer handle\nPrivate hMixer As Long\n'mixer structures\nPrivate Type MIXERLINE\n cbStruct As Long 'size in bytes of MIXERLINE structure\n dwDestination As Long 'zero based destination index\n dwSource As Long 'zero based source index (if source)\n dwLineID As Long 'unique line id for mixer device\n fdwLine As Long 'state/information about line\n dwUser As Long 'driver specific information\n dwComponentType As Long 'component type line connects to\n cChannels As Long 'number of channels line supports\n cConnections As Long 'number of connections (possible)\n cControls As Long 'number of controls at this line\n szShortName(1 To MIXER_SHORT_NAME_CHARS) As Byte\n szName(1 To MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS) As Byte\n dwType As Long\n dwDeviceID As Long\n wMid As Integer\n wPid As Integer\n vDriverVersion As Long\n szPname(1 To MAXPNAMELEN) As Byte\nEnd Type\nPrivate ChannelLine As MIXERLINE\nPrivate Type MIXERLINECONTROLS\n cbStruct As Long 'size in Byte of MIXERLINECONTROLS\n dwLineID As Long 'line id (from MIXERLINE.dwLineID)\n dwControl As Long 'MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYID or MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE\n cControls As Long 'count of controls pamxctrl points to\n cbmxctrl As Long 'size in Byte of _one_ MIXERCONTROL\n pamxctrl As Long 'pointer to first MIXERCONTROL array\nEnd Type\nPrivate ChannelControls As MIXERLINECONTROLS\nPrivate Type MIXERCONTROL\n cbStruct As Long 'size in Byte of MIXERCONTROL\n dwControlID As Long 'unique control id for mixer device\n dwControlType As Long 'MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_xxx\n fdwControl As Long 'MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLF_xxx\n cMultipleItems As Long 'if MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLF_MULTIPLE set\n szShortName(1 To MIXER_SHORT_NAME_CHARS) As Byte 'short name of control\n szName(1 To MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS) As Byte 'long name of control\n lMinimum As Long 'Minimum value\n lMaximum As Long 'Maximum value\n reserved(10) As Long 'reserved structure space\nEnd Type\nPrivate ValueControl As MIXERCONTROL\nPrivate Type MIXERCONTROLDETAILS\n cbStruct As Long 'size in Byte of MIXERCONTROLDETAILS\n dwControlID As Long 'control id to get/set details on\n cChannels As Long 'number of channels in paDetails array\n item As Long 'hwndOwner or cMultipleItems\n cbDetails As Long 'size of one details_XX struct\n paDetails As Long 'pointer to array of details_XX structs\nEnd Type\nPrivate ControlDetails As MIXERCONTROLDETAILS\n","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Noisy_Cl177678822004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55309,"Title":"Clever Yahoo!","Description":"A Full YMSG Client with Chat,PM,BuddyList,Add Friends,Fonts,Smileys,WebCam Full Clone of Yahoo this need Systray32.ocx and YCrypt.dll this DLL can you get on http://www.nolimits-hosting.com/~yvb/ Please gimme Credits and Vote for me at PSCode","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"http://www.nolimits-hosting.com/~yvb/ Get the Needed DLL and OCX","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004821224232568.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Clever_Yah177684822004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"YError","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55311,"Title":"MacShell (new Idea also)","Description":"Please Read the Article","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Shawn J Cox","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55313,"Title":"Per Pixel Transparency for Your Forms","Description":"This project uses GDI+ to load a transparent .png and using UpdateLayeredwindows it displays the form using the png as the windows drawing source. Just try it, it's easier to see than describe. This can easily create some of the nicest forms that you are able to make. No more regions no more combining and xor'ing, using this you have a perfect antialiased non-rectangular form that you can see whats underneath through it. It's like regions supercharged. Though this example is pretty simple, I haven't seen this done anywhere on the net. I found one example in C++ using an outside library to load the png but using GDI+ is easier.\n I made this example without anything except the basic code to load the png and display the form. It's always been easier (for me) to see an example when there isn't anything extra to dig through. As far as I know, GDI+ comes with windows 2000 and XP which fortunately is also the only OS's that support UpdateLayeredwindows. Have fun with it. Comments and Votes welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Several","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004821926431544.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Per_Pixel_177692822004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":79,"AuthorName":"Apeiron","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55328,"Title":"[ AMAZING EFFECTS ](GraphicalDLL) - more than 60 photoshop-like effects - never seen it before !!!","Description":"This is a DLL (type-library) written in VC++ to be used in Visual Basic. This dll makes unbelievable effects like: brightness (in a very fast way), contrast, hue/saturation, gamma, blur, smart blur, radial blur, zoom blur, twirl, swirl, ascii morph, gold effect, alpha blend, many blend modes, emboss/engrave, raindrops, waves, circular waves, sepia and many others.\nYou can use in VB with a module or a reference. Many of these effects you've never seen it before. I've worked hard to implement this dll, so, I will appreciate your vote, ok?\nNote: I've uploaded the dll with extension .gpx, to use in GraphicalDLL's project, only you have to do is change the extension to .dll, ok? ***IMPORTANT*** If you want to download the compiled dll, you need to download from: www24.brinkster.com/mastertronic/Codes/GraphicalDLL.dll, ok?","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib \"kernel32\" () As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, _\n ByVal Y As Long) As Long","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200483101624392.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_AMAZING_18172111112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":65,"UserRatingTotal":320,"AuthorName":"Pieter Voloshyn","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55330,"Title":"[ Watchman ]","Description":"When web camera detects a motion this program shows what is the motion grade,counts all motions and barks like a dog!!!","Inputs":"No","Assumes":"No","CodeReturns":"No","SideEffects":"No","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004831356362992.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Watchman177733832004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Michael Margold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55331,"Title":"Custom Collections","Description":"Create customs collections of every type of class\n with a class Collection wrapper.\nA basic stuff, sure known by a lot of people, but I think it would be interesting for somebody...\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Custom_Col177726832004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"MaRiØ G. Serrano","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55334,"Title":"Framework - Asynchronous Download v1.0.7 (Download files from Web using AsyncRead, no OCX, no API)","Description":"This project shows a framework of how asynchronous downloading from web is done using AsyncRead. Any image, file, page, etc. can be downloaded using this method. No Windows API calls and no winsock OCX needed. Credits to Chloe! \nMore info on AsyncRead can be found at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vb98/html/vbmthasyncread.asp\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200484217375235.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Framework_177755842004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Wen Ying","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":43771,"Title":"Custom Menus","Description":"Create custom menus useing Images (See screenshot).\nPlease vote and comment!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033595268981.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Custom_Men155487352003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"┬ºe7eN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43774,"Title":"CopyMemory example - How is memory represented in VB?","Description":"This is more of a tutorial than a code submission. It shows you how the LONG variable is represented in memory by VB. It also shows you how data types are represented in memory and how to place custom bytes into longs without having to figure out what numeber all 4 bytes would be etc. It uses a simple function to domenstarte this which converts a dotted string IP address to it's long representation (they way it's represented in memory). And to prove it works, you can test it alongside the real API function used to do this. The tutorial is integrated into the commenting. Leave some feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033513338746.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CopyMemory155524362003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"IRBMe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43775,"Title":"MySQL Data Access ActiveX (Really works!!!)","Description":"A solution for who does not want to use ADO/DAO or ODBC to have access its database in MySQL. With only one DLL you it has the power on all functionalities of the MySQL.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MySQL_Data155493352003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Cristiano Couto.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43777,"Title":"VB Language Pack Generator 1.20","Description":"VB Language Pack Generator is a Powerful and complete application for you to quickly generate language packs to your VB projects. You need to load a project, and translate your labels, menus, buttons, SSTabs, etc... It is able to translate control arrays and indexed menus too.\nIt can load large captions or tooltips from the binary (.FRX) file of the form. The example, how to use the class module to load language packs is heavly commented. I am thinking in implement it and make it a profissional tool for VB programmers and make it shareware. Vote for me if you like it. Feel free for give me some help to implement it. Thanks!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003351918229991.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Languag155505352003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":55,"UserRatingTotal":269,"AuthorName":"Frederico Machado","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43780,"Title":"Microsoft Agent How To - Basics","Description":"This code is designed to show you some ofthe basic functions you can perform with Microsoft Agent. Microsoft Agent is that small animal/icon/character that sometimes appears on programs like the Microsoft Office paper clip.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":155,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Dino Roger","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43781,"Title":"Command Line Driven Program Tutorial - PART 1","Description":"Hello fellow PSC users, I have written this tutorial (part one of a series) to teach the programmers that don't know about Command Line Driven programs how to develop them. Have you ever seen with Windows applications that you can go into Run and type \"PING\" (with out the \"\") and the program PING will ping the IP address This series tutorial will start at the basics of Command Line Driven application programming and take you right up to the complex coding that can be developed in Visual Basic programming. I hope this tutorial will help you other VB programmers, and I hope to see a lot of nice programs uploaded onto PSC using this concept. The .zip file contains the tutorial (.doc format) and a sample program I have written in VB (fully commented). Best Regards, Coding MasterMind","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Command_Li155513362003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Coding MasterMind","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43788,"Title":"SaverSwitch Screensaver Tray Control (Updated)","Description":"(NOTE: NEW BIGGER VERSION INCORPORATING ALL SUGGESTIONS AT http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=43915&lngWId=1 -- I'm leaning this version up for those who want the smaller, simpler app)\nSmall icon in the systray disables, enables or runs the screensaver with a click. Also has a menu item to open the display properties control panel to the screensaver tab.\nTested w/ Win2000 and XP; please let me know if there are any problems on other OS's.\nThanks to all the PSC community... I wouldn't know half the tricks I do if it weren't for all of you.\nUPDATE: Added option to LoadAtStartup (Registry method) and save this setting to Registry [fixed].","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200336746177134.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SaverSwitc155548362003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Dan Redding - Blue Knot Software","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43790,"Title":"Get External IP","Description":"This is a redo of my previous version. If you are behind a router/hub/NAT/firewall and are unable to get your \"real\" IP address, then you can use this simple utility. It extracts your IP address and hostname (\"ISP Name\") from a remote web server (\"http://www.ShowMyIP.com/xml\"); therefor I cannot take full credit for this; but give it to them for providing the service. Comments, threats, jokes are always appreciated! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033695519255.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Get_Extern155528362003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Daniel W. Elkins","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43793,"Title":"MMX Crib","Description":"MMX Crib by Robert Rayment. For those interested in mixing VB & assembler. Demonstrates all the MMX instructions plus a few snippets. Win98 (exe WinXP) Zip 26 KB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Jusr run","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"CallWindowProc only","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003361355253046.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MMX_Crib155545362003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43809,"Title":"Image Compression","Description":"hello peeps! I have an idea but i dont know if it will work (if my maths it wrong) so maybe you can go through it and see if it will work or not. My idea is image compression...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Mikey B","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43812,"Title":"Lens effect 2","Description":"Nothing new. Only some optimizations, so a little bit more of speed (LookUp table + clipped restoration/refreshing regions) __________________________________________________ Added 'Settings' form and Color Mask. __________________________________________________ Zip 9Kb. Last update: 2003.03.11","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Lens_effec1768447112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":100,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43816,"Title":"Create Vector from TTF Font","Description":"Simple Demo how to create a VectorFont from any TrueType Font using GetPath \"gdi\" Api. Now u can use the vectors for 3D.....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200337143615719.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Create_Vec155596372003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Scythe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":53190,"Title":"[A Simple] IRC Classes - CLIRC","Description":"CLIRC is a group of Internet Relay Chat classes which allows any programmer beginner or advanced to add IRC functionality to their programs without knowing the IRC protocol. The classes handle all the tricky stuff so you can rapidly develop IRC bots, or even a full-fledged IRC client like mIRC. Have fun and enjoy, I was reluctant to release this so please don't be reluctant to vote ;) thank you and God bless! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A_Simple]1734064162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"leahciMic","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53191,"Title":"Read MSN Messenger 6 Text [for real!]","Description":"Yes, you can see what one of your buddies wrote to you with MSN MESSENGER 6 with this.\nSo you can remote-control a pc using messenger 6!\nThis code is basically a packet sniffer which searches the packet data for a given command, for examle \"shutdown\",\nthen you can make it do what you want.\nThis code is based on \"Raw Packet Sniffer\" by IRBme. For the original submission, goto http://www.1vbstreet.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=46567&lngWId=1\nI dont deserve credits for this, cause i didn't change much...but hey, it works!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Read_MSN_M1734074162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"loopz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53184,"Title":"[M-Paint (Beta Version 1.00)]","Description":"A Paint Program Using MDI Forms, I Has A Bunch Of Fetures This Is Only The Beta Version, I Am Working On Another Version With More Fetures, Please Vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044152313419337.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/M-Paint_(B1733924152004.00 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"LCSBSSRHXXX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53186,"Title":"DaBooda 2D Engine v1.0","Description":"This is a multi purpose 2D engine that uses DirectX8. It provides support for Maps, Sprites, KeyBoard, JoyStick, Mouse Input, Full Audio Support including Directional Sound, Audio support for Midi and MP3's and many other helpful built in functions. All this in One simple to use dll. Sample and dll included. Enjoy...and i will have an extensive html help file Created and uploaded within a week.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200441618222504.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DaBooda_2D1733984162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Andrew Stickney","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53195,"Title":"Music Mp3 Player X","Description":"Music Mp3 Player X, search, order and play through albums mp3, wma,\nwav files and show your cover front.\nAlbum Browser, Cover Front Browser, Skins, Languages, Support Alpha\nmode, List reproduction, position control, volume control, Intro, \nMute, Repeat, Randomize in Whole Albums or current album functions\nand more... And please vote, I worked on it for a long time and \nI realy wanna know if you like it - to see if there's any reason to\nkeep publishing it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044161457393456.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Music_Mp3_1734124162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"R@├║L M@RtInEz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53202,"Title":"Marsola SMTP","Description":"Send e-mails WITH ATTACHMENT files via SMTP Server with just WINSOCK connection...\nVery good code... it uses BASE64 Encode and BASE64 Decode, MIME Version 1.0...\nSMTP ATTACHMENT FILE WITH WINSOCK CONNECTION!!!\nReally easy!","Inputs":"SMTP Server,\nTo e-mail,\nfrom e-mail,\nsubject,\nbody,\nattachments,","Assumes":"Send e-mails WITH ATTACHMENT files via SMTP Server with just WINSOCK connection...\nVery good code... it uses BASE64 Encode and BASE64 Decode, MIME Version 1.0...\nSMTP ATTACHMENT FILE WITH WINSOCK CONNECTION!!!\nReally easy!","CodeReturns":"nothing","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044161715508032.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Marsola_SM1734234162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Eduardo Marsola","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53204,"Title":"Resize Image Dimensions","Description":"Just a small program to demonstrate one of the techniques used to resize the image's dimensions. \nView a large picture using \"Windows Picture and Fax Viewer\", and resize its window, the picture displayed will be resized based on the window's width and height. Comments and suggestions are welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044162127552470.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Resize_Ima1734264162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Min Thant Sin","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52536,"Title":"Asteroid Collisions (using the DotProduct)","Description":"Watch Asteroids floating around in space bouncing off each other with the same realistic precision as billiard balls. No DirectX or OpenGL, just pure VB code that produces the most wonderful, mesmerizing zero-G display. This application builds on two of my previous submissions, namely the Asteroids game, and the DotProduct demonstration. It would be trivial to turn this into a 2D game of billiards. ItΓÇÖs also easy to change the shape of the asteroids into perfect speheres by adjusting variables in the ΓÇ£CreateRandomShapeAsteroidΓÇ¥ routine. Comments are scattered everywhere throughout the code. As always, compile for speed. Press the space-bar to reset.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004321944588570.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Asteroid_C1722683212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52539,"Title":"MSN Style Alert Window (Updated!)","Description":"This is a MSN style alert window that raises up from the taskbar, waits a set period of time then lowers out of sight. The code is simple and straight forward. Updated!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004321190277969.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_Style_1723033212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Todd Tanner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52554,"Title":"SurfTime","Description":"This complete program is an Internet Cafe software built entirely by me. It is one application that belongs to a suite of software that I have developed, and it is TCPIP ready, with client - server applications written for it. Please Email me and I will send you the Systray.Ocx via Email to complete this application.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"This complete application was designed with the ignorant user in mind. It uses a flashing tray icon in the system tray which the user left or right mouse clicks on in order to use it!","CodeReturns":"n/a","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"too many to mention","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SurfTime1723103212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"David Barker","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52555,"Title":"SIMPLE & EFFECTIVE OCR (UPDATE: NOW IN ENGLISH)","Description":"THIS SIMPLE PROGRAM CAN RECOGNIZE CHARACTERS THAT YOU \"TEACH\" TO IT. IS VERY SIMPLE BUT WORKS WELL.\nABOUT UPDATE:\nOK FINALLY COMMENTS ARE IN ENGLISH BUT REMEMBER THAT IS NOT SO GOOD.\nNOW YOU CAN SEE THE CHARS YOU HAVE TEACHED TO IT.\nVOTE IF YOU LIKE IT!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043271518168266.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SIMPLE_&_E1725313272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Geovany Villegas (yovasXp)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":48616,"Title":"Complete application for creating and editing icons","Description":"his is a 32 bit version of the iconwrks sample which originally\nshipped with VB 1.0. This project will also build the 16-bit version\nin VB 4.0, but the 16-bit version may have problems running correctly\non Windows NT. This is a straight port, with just enough changes made\nto enable this project to run under 32 bit operating systems.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Complete_a1647179182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Amer Khreim","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48617,"Title":"Trainer Maker Kit with Anti-Trainer Spy for Trainer protection","Description":"Helps you create your favorite game trainer by providing an easy to use functions like :\nRead/Write memory, Send Keys to Game, Activate Window, Terminate Window, Terminate Trainer Spy *HOT*, and may more...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is the only trainer creation kit that supports Anti-TrainerSpy.\nPlease vote if you like it!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039182047162868.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Trainer_Ma1647199182003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Black Tornado","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48620,"Title":"How Softwares Talk","Description":"Here is a small example by which your applications can communicate with eah other. They can perform predefined operations when they get some command from the other application. They can also be fun if you want to play around with friends of yours.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/How_Softwa1647349192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Keral.C.Patel.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48626,"Title":"SOFTPAE - VB Controls (one file controls !!!)","Description":"Absolute super code based on Paul Caton \"Win Sub Hook\" sample !! You do not need OCX later, only one vb CTL file for control. Create new control is simple - use template. This controls is used in B++ Builder IDE. Please, vote for me :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039191156436.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SOFTPAE_-_1647569192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Anthonius","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48628,"Title":"_BartNet HTML Editor_","Description":"This is an advanced HTML editor with a wide range of options.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039191227582525.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_BartNet_H1647599192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"BelgiumBoy_007","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48632,"Title":"_BartNet File Downloader_","Description":"This program will download a list of files from the internet.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039191350242474.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_BartNet_F1647649192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"BelgiumBoy_007","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48635,"Title":"MailMapi","Description":"Program than send email to the csv of the address books,To all them email,Please do not vote for this reason.jajaja","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MailMapi1647659192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"king africal","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48636,"Title":"Proxy Checker","Description":"This project is to check proxy HTTP annon/SSL proxy.","Inputs":"Copys IP proxys,IP:PORT","Assumes":"For now the proxy list MUST BE IN this format. IP:PORT,i'll fix it to use it and with other formats.I just make it.It took me 5 hours.so there arent any explanations,may be some bugs.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Uses listview with checkboxes","ApiDeclarations":"DNS IP Resolv API,Check internet connection API,Part of winsock API","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Proxy_Chec1647669192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"John Papadakis","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48639,"Title":"Application Framework Using ECC Design Pattern","Description":"This is a VB6 and SQL2K framework I developed and it is based on ECC design pattern (see the MSDN article by Mike McClure, Leo Romano and Peter Joyce... \nThe framework is COM based and it can be deployed accross a Microsoft W2K network using COM+ technology.\n> Data Access Layer\nUses Object Factory for creating connections for different types of datasources. It works only for Access and SQLServer2K, but it is adaptable.\nThe zip file contains an Access database as well as a sql script for generating a database on SQL2K Server.\n> Business Logic Layer\nUses a modified Engine-Collection-Class design pattern for building components.\nThis includes:\n - tracking modifications on records;\n - ability to store more status data for each record.\n> Presentation Layer\nSimple and reliable.\nThe framework includes two modules: user rights administration and company contacts administration (clients, customers, employees, etc.). A good start for a CRM application...\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Applicatio1647769192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Andrew Dimitrief","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48645,"Title":"WMIQryTool","Description":"This code will take a node or set of nodes and query specified wmi information out and upload it to a database","Inputs":"Textbox, csv, db","Assumes":"Need to make sure you open the group and not the individual projects. Need to make sure project1 references the other project and not the WMIwrapper dll.","CodeReturns":"wmi information to db","SideEffects":"na","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200392005322023.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WMIQryTool18110310272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Eric Fetty","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48646,"Title":"Simple Pinger","Description":"This is a simple pinger program. It shows how to ping using DOS commands (ping.exe in windows). Shows how to use dos commands so you can use any DOS command in VB. Its just something i threw together for a friend so he can ping without going threw the dos prompt. Please vote for me. Thanks :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003920252198808.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Pin1647899202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ryan27","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48659,"Title":"Letter Replacer (Update 2)","Description":"According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.\nThis 'never seen before' code can make such words for you, it saves the first and last letter and makes a 'total mess' of the middle ones!\nUpdate includes: Now the program is faster and the code is easier to read, this because it is more compact now.\nThanks to Roger Gilchrist for sending me this optimalizations! (NOTE: there is a project like this submitted a while after I submitted mine. That code is not a rip, it works totaly diffrent then this one does)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200392174655377.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Letter_Rep1649229232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Peter Hebels","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":53377,"Title":"JpgStrip v1 Freeware Source Code","Description":"This JPEG strip code is in response to a recent submission on JPEG info extraction. This code was developed by David Crowell using vb5, so don't vote. I posted it for those interested in learning more about the internals of the JPEG graphic format. Please follow Davids request to leave this zip archive intact if you re-distribute it. This is version 1, and David is still developing it, he has a freeware exe version 1.3 available at:\nwww.ksurf.net/~bermania/prog/dessin/jpgstrip.zip\nI don't know whether sourse code is available.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004425331142583.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/JpgStrip_v1737354252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53382,"Title":"Tetram v 1.0 (Clone of Tetris)","Description":"I've never seen a version of Tetris with stages. This version has 50 stages (just like the real tetris). I believe the result came pretty good. Sorry about the messy code and the Greek messages.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044251111537916.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tetram_v_11737494252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Panos000","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53383,"Title":"Gallery Browser/Downloader","Description":"This is an improvement to a previous program. Features include: saving config files for use later, browse galleries online, watch a series of pictures like a slideshow with the use of timers, download an entire numbered series of files(not just pictures) to your computer, create and trade custom protocol urls, check for updates online(source for updater is included. it can EASILY be fitted to be an updater for any program), an admin panel to change the update message via FTP and there's a dynamic menu to hold 'favorites'. To use this, enter a url in the box like this: http://www.website.com/images/picture%%NUM%%.jpg . As long as the picture names are all the same except for an index number, replace the number itself with %%NUM%%, fill in the leading zeroes and boundaries accordingly, click populate list and go from there. It's an awesome downloader if you have broadband(although only picture files appear in the local folder list, it WILL download any file type like movies etc). You can even prefix entire sets of files. It is only lightly commented so feel free to ask questions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044251119536162.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Gallery_Br1737504252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"C.Smith","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53389,"Title":"QueryPerformanceCounter API Call Fully Explained","Description":"Most people use GetTickCount, but to be honest this makes GetTickCount look like a joke. QueryPerformanceCounter finds the time in microseconds, and not milliseconds (like GetTickCount). Why use this? If you wanted to see the time that it took for the cpu to proccess an API call, GetTickCount would find 0, because it takes less then a millisecond. But QueryPerformanceCounter would find the real time. I suggest using this because it is much more precise.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib \"kernel32\" (lpFrequency As Currency) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib \"kernel32\" (lpPerformanceCount As Currency) As Long","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/QueryPerfo1737624252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"AmineHaddad","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53401,"Title":"Trial Registration System.","Description":"..You can add this to your project to provide a secure registration system..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Tested on Windows XP Pro and works perfectly.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004426713237419.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Trial_Regi1737834262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Lee Stuart Cook","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53409,"Title":"Oracle VB Project","Description":"Hi,\nThis project gives you an idea how to access ORACLE through VB and ADO. Project describe How you interacting with ORACLE Table, view, Stored Procedure, Type, Package, Package Body, Synonyms, Sequence etc. I developed an Active X Skin which is used throughout the project. If you want to test the Skin just put the controls (OFrmCtl, Edge Right, Edge Bottom, Edge Region) in a form and run the project. Please close the project from FORM CLOSE Button, otherwise IDE will be crashed. Please check all the menus and form. Now, IΓÇÖm trying to develop this project in Visual Basic.NET. Resize the form From X Axis and Y axis. Check it out.\nUsing of My developed Active X Skin and other components are strongly prohibited.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044261516441974.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Oracle_VB_1737944262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Debasis Ghosh","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58463,"Title":"Stay on Top (Fixed)","Description":"I'm not sure sure if it's just my computer but, for some reason, my VB programs never stay on top of other windows all the time when I use the SetWindowPos API. This program still uses the SetWindowPos API but I added some stuff to make it work properly.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":16,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"VB Beginner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58473,"Title":"Deflate64/Inflate64 for coders","Description":"Deflate and inflate modules.\nI saw the article from Jim Reforma about how a deflate algorithm should work and noticed that people asked for working Deflate code. well here it is. This code can be used to create filetypes wich used Deflate as compression algo (ZIP,GZIP,CAB, etc.etc). The only thing you have to do is create the headerdata for these formats.(don't get me wrong but this can be a lot of work(bin there, Done that)).\nDon't expect to much of the code in terms of speed since it's all coded in VB, it is pretty fast but not by a long shot as fast as winzip.\nIf you plan to code a ZIP compliant compressor, then take a look at my Archive Explorer And you will have ALMOST everything you need to know.","Inputs":"call Deflate(ByteArray() As Byte, CompLevel As Integer, Optional Deflate64 As Boolean = False)\nByteArray() = the file to be compressed\nComplevel = compression level 0-9\nDeflate64(true) = compress in deflate64 format, otherwise in normal deflate format\nInflate(ByteArray() As Byte, Optional UncompressedSize As Long = 1000, Optional ZIP64 As Boolean = False) As Long\nByteArray() = the file to be decompressed\nUncompressedSize = if known the decompressed filesize\nZIP64(True) = Decompress in deflate64 format, otherwise in normal deflate format.\nThe data wich returns in ByteArray() is the compressed or decompressed data.\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Deflate64_1843611242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Marco v/d Berg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58476,"Title":"Tim's Scientific Calculator v1.02","Description":"This program is a Simple Scientific Calculator. It handles Roman Numeral, Hex, Decimal, Octal and Binary numbers. Degrees, Radians and Gradians. All the standard Trig functions. Factorial, Sqr, Inverse, Square, Cube, X^Y. Fun conversions like Ounce <-> Grams, Pounds <-> Kilograms, Gallon <-> Litre, Mile <-> Kilometer, Inch <-> Centimeter and Fahrenheight <-> Celsius","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"New Interface\nFixed Roman D-key enabling and Oct 8-key disabling","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051241117364534.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tim's_Scie1844381262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Timothy C. Alvord","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58481,"Title":"Add any BLOB to an Access database","Description":"Add any BLOB you like to an Access database. For example, add pdfs, docs, mdbs,zips etc. All the different types are displayed in a tree view and you can view them by dragging into a frame and launching their respective application.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Add_any_BL1843791242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Future Sound of Budleigh Salterton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58484,"Title":"NWS Real Time Satellite Loop Receiver (Updated)","Description":"NWS Real Time Satellite Loop Receiver - Gives a user instant access to several channels of the NWS GEOS satellite image servers. In other words it downloads semi real time satellite images & allows the user to play them back. It also contains a basic cache system so that you can switch channels & come back without having to re-download all the images again. This is just a beginning, it works pretty good so thought I would share it. The downloads are kind of slow, but I think its probably just the lame inet control making it so slow. Now includes GDI Resize & A few other improvements.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005124193843469.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NWS_Real_T1843831242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Thomas Swift","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58485,"Title":"Fancy Tooltips implementing different","Description":"This is a unique way of implementing tooltips in your project that allows you to totally customize each individual tooltip for each individual control in your project. in addition, the tooltip can recieve a mousedown event just like the tooltips in planets tooltips","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005125259363606.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fancy_Tool1843921252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58488,"Title":"LZ77 the basics of compression (1st ed.) by Jimmy Reforma 1999-2005","Description":"Introduction \nIn this article I'll present the basics of lossless compression, also called text compression. This scheme, lz77, is very used because it's easy to implement and also it's fast. (if you improve it, of course) \nThis is the second version of this article, if you've read the second version, you'll notice that is new version is bigger, in fact from 15k to 33k, more than twice, and its better than the first one. Also I recommend reading it, even if you've read the first version, because you'll learn even more. Even this new version is in html format. This is a second version corrected. (have a look at the date at the end)! You can download complete article of this lossless compression at http://www.dakila7forums.ne1.net/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":331,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jim Reforma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58490,"Title":"[AA+] Remove Duplicates From Listview","Description":"Fast way to Remove duplicates from ListView. I havn't seen anthing that is the same on PSC, so I hope this will help in the quest for a faster way to remove duplicate items from a listview.. though I really don't think there is a \"Fast\" way to do it.. Who knows.. ENJOY!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":27,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"nated","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58492,"Title":"JRRCompressZ-It","Description":"How to use JRCompressZIt\nBy Jim Reforma\nvirushacker23@yahoo.com\nhttp://www.linuxman.2ya.com or http://www.dakila7forums.ne1.net\nOk. So you've just downloaded the JRRCompress-Z-It. Now you want to know how to use it properly? Well, here are some very simple ways to get you started. First, we'll describe the control's Properties. VB 4 users should read this document. A 16-bit version is released in this download.\nJR-Z-It Properties and methods.\nmethod CompressData\nUsage: Compresses a byte array\nParameters: Byte Array, (ie. MyData())\nNotes: It must be a byte array. To to this, pass the array name and both parentheses as per ( ), with no number inside of them. This passes a reference to the entire array. When this method is successful, the CompressedSize property contains the compressed size of the data, the OriginalSize property contains the original size of the data before compression.\nReturns: Error code. If 0 then it was successful. If negative, then an error has occurred.\nmethod DecompressData\nUsage: Decompresses a byte array, given the original size\nParameters: Byte Array, (ie. MyData()), Long (ie, OrigSize&)\nNotes: The byte array is the compressed data, the Long represents the original (decompressed) size of the data. You can retrieve this original size from the property OriginalSize after calling a successful CompressData method. The OriginalSize and CompressedSize properties are reset to zero.\nReturns: Error code. If 0 then it was successful. If negative, then an error has occurred.\nmethod CompressString\nThis method is the same as the CompressData method and produces the same results, but the first parameter is a string, not a byte array. The CompressedSize and the OriginalSize properties are filled with the same values as per the CompressData method.\nmethod DecompressString\nThis method is the same as the DecompressData method, only that the first parameter is a string, not a byte array. The CompressedSize and OriginalSize properties are reset to zero.\nproperty CompressedSize\nRead-Only. Contains the value which represents the compressed size of the data or string that was compressed in the last executed CompressData or CompressString method.\nproperty OriginalSize\nRead-Only. Contains the value which represents the decompressed (original) size of the data or string that was compressed in the last executed CompressData or CompressString method.\nAttention: VB 4 - 16 bit Users\nA 16-bit version has been released. In this new download. It is a .CLS file which encapsulates the functionality of the control.\nIt comes as a class. This is a class module in VB 4 - 16 Bit versions. It will make use of the 16 bit zLib.DLL library.\nIt should make life easier for developers who still use the 16-bit version of VB 4.0\n(zLib.DLL is written by zLib authors. VB is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation).\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005125330193216.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/JRRCompres1844751272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jim Reforma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58501,"Title":"listbox tooltiptext in one line without api","Description":"show all the text of an item in a listbox in tooltiptext box without api or selecting the item","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"stephen whittle","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58502,"Title":"A tray icon with tooltips","Description":"I wrote it all in a very easy to use module that you can just attach to your project.For any questions/suggestions feel free to contact me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_tray_ico1844181252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Trimbitas Sorin","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58504,"Title":"Subclass dll for dummies [very easy to use and understand. perfect for the beginner or intermedia","Description":"This is a wonderful subclassing .dll for anyone but particulary the beginner or intermediate programmer or anyone who doesn quite have a full handle on subclassing but still wants to be able to use the awesome Free power of it. This class is extremely simple and straightforward to use and contains 2 properties and 2 methods and 2 events and has a small help file as well. This subclassing project also allows you to not only intercept, but choose to discard or keep the message. A very simple example is given to show you the awesome potential and power subclassing has.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512609201425.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Subclass_d1844301262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58505,"Title":"VB Icon Extractor","Description":"This code will retrieve icons from files that have icons embedded inside it. You have choices to choose which extensions to display, and you even have the \"Restore Default\" button. With a double-click of a file in the file list, you may be able to retrieve icons, and if so, the icons are shown in the picture box below. The picture box utilizes a grid (made out of labels) and a vertical scroll bar for easy viewing. Also, you can right-click an icon in the picture box and save it as an icon file. Vote if you find this code useful! :-D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005126045434955.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Icon_Ex1844291262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"mathXpert","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58506,"Title":"Gen-X Net Control","Description":"HACK THE LAN COMPUTER\nBESTLINK NOVA TO!!!!\nPAG NAG-RENT KA NG PC ,PWEDE MONG CONTROL -IN UNG SERVER \nThe GEN-X Net Control can be control network program full power access,\nAccepting RESTART, SHUTDOWN , HIBERNATE ,LOG-OFF AND STANDBY\nYou can also open some Apllication Like MS WORD , MSPAINT , MSACCESS, FIND FILES explorer\nand hide the desktop icons and taskbar\nthis can be a server for computer shop cafe","Inputs":"YOU ONLY NEED TO INPUT THE IP ADDRESS OR COMPUTER NAME THAT YOU WANT TO ACCESS\nIN LAN NETWORK CONNECTION","Assumes":"JUST FEEDBACK AT ME\nJHONCE_XYREN@YAHOO.COM\nOR MAY BE TAG AT MY SITE\nHTTP://XYREN.USA.GS","CodeReturns":"100 % ACCESS THE FULL SYSTEM OF THE CLIENT COMPUTER","SideEffects":"NONE!!!!","ApiDeclarations":"NONE","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005126347594902.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Gen-X_Net_1844931282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"JENNER ALAGAO A.K.A. JHONCE XYREN","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54487,"Title":"Fun with Clock","Description":"A humourous program which rapidly alters System Time/Date via API to produce amusing effect on Traybar Clock. Settings Fast Forward / Rewind / or Random. \nTested only on WinXP, may require administator rights in some OS's. Restoring the correct time/date after using this is your job.\nDisclaimer -\nMany portions of the operating system and 3rd party programs rely on system time to function correctly. Setting an invalid Time/Date might even cause computer to reboot. The author is not responsible for any damages that this program may cause. My intention is to demonstrate an amusing effect on Traybar Clock.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Many portions of the operating system and 3rd party programs rely on system time to function correctly. Setting an invalid Time/Date might even cause computer to reboot. The author is not responsible for any damages that this program may cause. My intention is to demonstrate an amusing effect on Traybar Clock.","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SetSystemTime Lib \"kernel32\" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RegisterHotKey Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal id As Long, ByVal fsModifiers As Long, ByVal vk As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function UnregisterHotKey Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal id As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function PeekMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"PeekMessageA\" (lpMsg As Msg, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsgFilterMin As Long, ByVal wMsgFilterMax As Long, ByVal wRemoveMsg As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function WaitMessage Lib \"user32\" () As Long\n","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046192355518807.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fun_with_C1759456192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"C. Trizzle","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54488,"Title":"Color Recognition Version 2","Description":"This snippet of code will change the background color of a picture box to reflect the value of the Red, Green and Blue scroll bars as well as indicate what the color it is. This an updated version from my previous code. This new code can now distinguish various colors like brown, tan, beige etc...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004620017491933.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Color_Reco1759466202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Jennifer MacDonald","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54502,"Title":"[A completed auto dialer]","Description":"Another corrected autodialer.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Autodialer for connect to ISP with dialup networking.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046201428439429.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A_complet1759716202004.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Lutfur Rahman Bhuiyan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54506,"Title":"Move listbox items","Description":"I was asked how to move items in a listbox up and down, to place then in any order of my choice.\nHere's one way of doing it. You need two buttons, I named them 'buttonUp' and 'buttonDown', and ofcourse a listbox named 'List1'. Then all you have to do is select the item you wish to move, and press the up or down button. Great for playlists.\nScatman","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Blues Scatman","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54497,"Title":"Updown Writer!","Description":"What can I say?! You should check it!!! :-)\nWhatever you write, will be shown up side down in another text box !!! \nI guess the main purpose is 'having fun!', for example you may send a message to your frien's mobile, perhaps she/he can not read the message! then in the last line you can write 'updown your mobile!', and then she/he will be able to read the message!!! interesting!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004620920428068.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Updown_Wri1759636202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Mahdi Shakouri Rad","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54498,"Title":"Cool color picker","Description":"'UPDATED\nOne line of code to select a specific color from the form.Also gets VB value of color.\"No API\"\n# Never forget to rate mycode #\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_color178829912004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54514,"Title":"[ A Bit Mega Byte Bytes Gigas Terras Converter to ... ]","Description":"You enter a Number, select the Scale (Megas, Gigas, Teras, Petas, Hexas) and the programm shows you the values in diferents measures.","Inputs":"A value + A Scale","Assumes":"www.meetfinder.ar.tc !","CodeReturns":"A value in all the scales","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"www.meetfinder.ar.tc !","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004621321451146.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A_Bit_Meg1759946212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"FUCCI, Leonardo Hernan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54516,"Title":"WAYScan","Description":"Scans an image and attempts to determine whether the individual in the picture is black or white. It also attempts to return the accuracy of the results, based upon the black/white ratio of colors it found.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004621345137507.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WAYScan1759976212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"JuiCe.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54519,"Title":"[A PIN Generator with Access Database]","Description":"A simple PIN Generator with access database. Try it!!!!","Inputs":"Value","Assumes":"A simple PIN Generator with access database. Try it!!!!","CodeReturns":"Value","SideEffects":"no","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200462161479694.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A_PIN_Gen1760026212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Lutfur Rahman Bhuiyan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54520,"Title":"Utility functions","Description":"A very small dll 28Kb (compiled) that makes the programmer more productive (if i should say myself) by combining common functions used in most of our daily programming needs. Every wanted to drag a borderless form? or make that textbox accept only numbers? or capital or small letter without having to hold shift or press the caps lock key??? or have a searchable combo box as you type?? or how about ciphering passwords and usernames for logins?? Feel free to look up this FREE program of mine. It uses some of the APIs of windows to achieve these tasks. I myself am using this for my projects VB and ASP. Feel free to use it.. you have my consent :) just dont forget to rate for me. ok? any suggestions are very much appreciated. If you want some tutorial regarding the use of the control please send me an email and ill try to reply you in the soonest possible time. See ya.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Please see the source :)","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Utility_fu1760036212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Mervin Trimillos","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54523,"Title":"Character Recognition System","Description":"This system will recognize characters from 0-9 and ABC in BMP file.Currently the program only recognize characters from file named 'untitled.bmp' situated in project folder. Please do read word document which i have included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Character_1760196212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Awaj","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54524,"Title":"iICO 1.0","Description":"All formats icon/cursor editor. __________________________________________________ Important: This application has been tested under Windows XP/2000 (NT?). Because of GDI limitations in Windows 9x with geometric* pens, 'brush', 'line' and 'shape' tools will not give desired final appearance. [*Using geometric pens with Paths will end with same results]. __________________________________________________ Yes, this little application is still far of some well known professional ones, but, I think is quite complete for a first release, as well as a good example of GDI and GDI+ joining. // All thanks to Avery and Vlad V. // Zip 165 Kb\n __________________________________________________ Update 2004.06.28: Fixed W9x memory leak. Thanks Vlad! (and thanks Fred, for all your tests). // Alpha effects now available on selection frame. __________________________________________________ Update: See CodeID=54968 (NT/2000/XP).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004621170198314.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/iICO_1_01816331192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":43,"UserRatingTotal":214,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54528,"Title":"[ Advanced Stick Note ++ ]","Description":"after seeing many stick note programs here i decided to make my ow more advanced version. it suppots many more options than others and looks visually attractive,notes can be editored at any time, and whole program can be run from tray icon (borrowed tray icon code from psc sorry forgot who). take a look and download please comment and vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004621207426391.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Advanced1760326212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Gareth CodeMan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54532,"Title":"[A Gradiant Form and Picture]","Description":"A simple and easy gradiant example. No additional ActiveX Control. Used many parameters.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"A simple and easy gradiant example. No additional ActiveX Control. Used many parameters.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046212336527864.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A_Gradian1760396212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Lutfur Rahman Bhuiyan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52186,"Title":"Simple Amp 2.0","Description":"**************************\nNOTE: Mp3Tagger requires some .dll and .ocx\nfiles, which may have been removed from these\nfiles. Visit my webpage at http://pab.dyndns.org\nto download Simple Amp 2 with these files included!\n**************************\nThis is the newest version of Simple Amp. In my opinion Simple Amp is much better than Winamp2, just take a look at some of the features: Supports playing of Mp3, Mp2, Ogg, Wma, Asf, Mod, It, S3m, Xm, Midi, CD Audio and opening playlist files. Media Library keeps track of your media files. Many different visualizations. 'Sound Studio' lets you change how the music sounds via an equalizer, several effects (for example Chorus, Reverb, Echo, Distortion) and pitch control. Seven skins. And much more...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004361718357428.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Amp171695362004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":94,"AuthorName":"Paul Berlin","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52190,"Title":"RunScanner II","Description":"it's a scanner remote port,udp and tcp with banner,the runnerscanner is a tool very fast,i use more fast what funcionaly,see it","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200436193659159.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RunScanner171699362004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Manuel(ErcUn)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52193,"Title":"PGE 1.1 beta","Description":"PGE (Pab Game Engine) is my game engine for Visual Basic. It's using DirectX for graphics and FMOD for sound. It requires an 3D accelerated T&L graphics card. I have used it for some of the other programs you'll find on my webpage. This version is just a beta version. However almost everything is finished already, there are just some bugs to fix and minor features to add. If anyone want to finish or enhance PGE you are welcome to. Send me the final version and I'll put it on my webpage.\nIncluded are also two tools for PGE, PgeSound and PgeTiles. You can use these two program to compile sounds, music, textures and sprites into single files.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PGE_1_1_be171702362004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Paul Berlin","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52196,"Title":"[NibbleWorm 2]","Description":"(updated now 2.0.1! fixed highscore bug, also now the game starts over if you die. added: extra life every 5000 points!) This is NibbleWorm 2. A much better version of the origional. It is a lot like the origional, but now you can play custom levels instead of the endless version, choose your color, link levels (like after level 1 you go to level 2), and MORE. Read the README for more details. This code has some good examples of calling subroutines on other forms, sound, writing to file, reading from file, FormOnTop, and MORE! I don't want to list them all because I can't remember them all because they are so many. Heheheh. Please inform me of any problems/bugs! You can e-mail me your own level packs (put in a .zip file) at iwishiwasfat@yahoo.com and I may put it up on my website (its not a very good website, but it's a website)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200436207192542.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[NibbleWor1723683232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jason Liang","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52199,"Title":"Mouse Function Class v 2","Description":"Now contains ability to trace mouse wheel events (Get value, direction). Other functions: Trap cursor, place & click automatically, hide cursor, swap butons, block mouse, deactivate mous, change mouse and double click speeds, gather Mouse information, change cursor icon system wide,...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200437847476893.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_Func171715372004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Cyber Chris","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52200,"Title":"Replacement for DoEvents","Description":"Stop All these DoEvents cr*p post. This is the way it windows does it and done in c++.\nSlight update from my last one. zip is included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Replacemen171717372004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Frenzied-Panda","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52204,"Title":"VectorBASIC 1.2","Description":"With this program you can write VBScript and have it ran as an EXE. I call it compiling in the program but it is not compiling at all. I couldnt figure out how to make it compile VBScript so I came up with the idea of making the form read an encrypted VBScript source code file in the same directory as the EXE, and the EXE decrypts it and the VBScript OCX runs it. I used functions in the forms to be able to create controls, they are used like this: Mform.MkBtn mform.height - 1000, mform.width - 1200, 500, 1000, \"Load Pic\". So far the only controls you can create are text boxes, command buttons, and images. In the next submission of VectorBASIC you'll see alot more controls to create. I used arrays and a very unique way of making it so you can set the events for the controls. But the way I have done it, there is a limit for each control, you can only have 1,000 controls of each on the form. The reason I am submitting this before its complete is because im having some issues with clearing the form when the user closes the form. It just creates more arrays... If you have a solution to this problem, it would be greatly appreciated. Now for some more information about this: The menus have icons on the left like VB6, you can open and save codes (it has its own file format), most of the command buttons have icons in them, and it color codes the code just like in VB6, except the code will be different colors. I have givin fill credit where it is due for the other codes and user controls I have used in it (which are displayed in the About). Well.. That pretty much wraps it up. Comments, and a solution to the form issue is greatly appreciated!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004371748574023.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VectorBASI171724372004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52206,"Title":"File Protector (Encryption/Decryption Code)","Description":"This code can be used to encrypt and decrypt any type of file without the loss of data.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Prote171727372004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Shibabrata Sarkar (Mallarpur/Birbhum)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52207,"Title":"Polygon Screen Saver IV","Description":"Added a few new properties and tightened up the code.\nInspired by 'Bouncing Polygon screensaver' by Brian Adriance at txtCodeId=52063.\nConverted to allow more variety of shapes. Collision detection and all basic ideas are thanks to Brian Adriance. I rebuilt some of his routines to allow faster or more various values to be used easily. Sub DrawPoly is mine designed to allow a random number of points to be drawn. The polygons change shape in an orderly way cycling for min to max points then reversing direction. While you can use it as a screen saver (with random setting of number, speed, points and fatness) you can also experiment with the appearance by Left-clicking on the screen to show a form which allows you to play with the settings or by Right-clicking you can randomize the settings again. To stop the screensaver hold down a mouse button and drag it or press any key. NOTE Small bug causes initial bad redraws when timer fires but the clear up on next collision.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043720416140.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Polygon_Sc171729372004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":43822,"Title":"Internet Product Activation *Updated* ( With Restore Facility)","Description":"READ THIS:This is an updated version of INTERNET PRODUCT ACTIVATION with Product ID RESTORATION facility from internet. If the user has lost his product id then he can restore it securely from the internet. The Visual Stlyes and the Interface has a lot of improvment.This code comes with complete DOCUMENTATION and also adds a lots of NEW FEATURES. The RESTORATION facility is an advanced version of this code where user can LEGALLY restore his PRODUCT ID after which user must REACTIVATE the software using Activation Program. The trial has expired and the only way to continue using the software is to ACTIVATE the product through INTERNET using a unique and STRONG PRODUCT ID. If the user is really a legal buyer of your software then this software checks for the payment information in the INTERNET DATABASE while ACTIVATING. If the information is matched then the product wll be activated. Even if the PRODUCT ID is cracked by some means- it must be verified through internet and if the payment information is not found or invalid then this software will not be activated. Believe me this is the best way to secure your software and there is no room for any cracking. All the operation are taking place online using SECURE TRANSFER and this software tries to match the information you have typed with the information you have provided at the time of payment. This software also uses a advanced PRODUCT KEY GENERATOR and HTML File Generator. Also highly secure TRIAL FUNCTION is used where only some executions are provided to use the software. Activation also works offline. And THATS NOT ALL- the software user very Easily understandable code with state of the art security like Microsoft windows Activation. If registration taking place offline means it is not secure. Only online transactions are secure. With cool visual styles and Windows Xp looks- this ones really for you. Dont forget to VOTE FOR ME. And hey! dont forget to vote for me.- ┬░Sri Harish┬░├╖┬░","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200337203009322.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Internet_P155608372003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Sriharish.H","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43829,"Title":"iGrid Control 2.1","Description":"Advanced VB grid that can emulate the Outlook messages list, edit its cells using built-in editors (textbox,combo,checkbox), supports virtual mode and allows sophisticated displays to be set up. Demos and support files can be found at http://www.10Tec.com/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200338416303211.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"10Tec Company","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43836,"Title":"DM Text to Many Converter Ver 1.1","Description":"Hi This is an update to my Text to many converter \nthat will allow you as the devloper to convert text between many formats at the moment it now supports 10 formats. \n<br>\nI have also fixed the bugs with HTM and also php,javascript and many more. anyway some of the formats include:\nText to perl<br>\nText to Exe<br>\nText to Htm<br>\nText to Vbscript<br>\nand many more please vote if you like this program plus please leave comments were inprovement can be make. apart form that I hope you like the code and that it helps someone.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200338726354494.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Text_to155633382003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43839,"Title":"Get All Files Located In Directory With Very Easy Way Including SubFolders","Description":"Hi All .. That's My First Upload To Planet . This Code Will Get All Files Located In Directory Including SubFolders .. It's Very Easy , Fast Way Without any APIS .. Just Copy The Function To Your Program and Use It .. That's an Example Program That Show's You How To Use Function .. Please Please , Send Me You Comments To My E-mail : la3toot@hotmail.com ; la3toot@yahoo.com .","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200338101144448.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Very_Easy_155638382003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Abdalla Mahmoud","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43850,"Title":"IGrid Review","Description":"Beware of cheap imitations!!!!!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Rob H","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43856,"Title":"Googler - SEARCH GOOGLE!","Description":"Searches google displays information everything works.... plan on adding ALOT of features to make searching better...this code is SWEET","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003381621379361.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Googler_-_155663382003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Sir DaVinci","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43863,"Title":"DDE Server (mIRC)","Description":"This program send \"command\" to mIRC (an irc client), with help from a DDE Server\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":28,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DDE_Server155673382003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Magnus Dahl Eide","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43867,"Title":"One-Time Encryption Pad","Description":"The program generates a 'pad' of 200 (10x20) keys. Each key has a random length, is consisted of random numbers, a random letter, and the letter is placed randomly in the key. The message is encrypted using this 'pad', making it virtually undecryptable without the pad\nNOTE: I plan to have 2 different keys for each letter, but that will come later.","Inputs":"Your message. The Pad is generated randomly, though you can open a saved pad.","Assumes":"The program is a good example of random numbers, arrays, and loops. Beware, the coding can get confusing to the intermediate or beginner user","CodeReturns":"An encrypted (or decrypted) message.","SideEffects":"Once you lose the pad, the message is not recoverable (unless you have a key sniffer installed, or you remember it)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200338213027446.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/One-Time_E155678382003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"Daniel (a.k.a. El Jefe OR Where is El Jefe)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43868,"Title":"Add Start Menu Uninstall Icon to your VB Projects","Description":"This article will detail in 10 easy steps how to create your own Uninstall icon (and place it in the Program Group) for every VB project that you create.\nPLEASE, TAKE AN EXTRA MINUTE TO VOTE FOR THIS ARTICLE IF YOU LIKE IT.\nThanks, Christopher.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Add_Start_155689392003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Christopher Reason","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43871,"Title":"Build a Path That's Shauld Create More Than Directory","Description":"Hi All .. This Code Will Create a Path That's Shauld Make More Than One Directory .. For Example When You Call Function :\nCall BuildPath (\"C:\\A1\\A2\\A3\\A4\")\nIt Will Create \"C:\\A1\" and \"C:\\A1\\A2\" .etc\nIt Will Return False If The Drive Doesnt Exist Or For Any Other Error ..\nPlease Send Me Your Comments ..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":21,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Abdalla Mahmoud","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43875,"Title":"Minun Progress Bar Deluxe 0.9","Description":"This is a new cool progress bar control. I've been doing it two days, based partly on my previos progress bar (I submitted it now already as I'm doing my military service and are therefore limited in time). Though this one is different by looks and is also improved by speed.\nAt the moment the control is not complete, there are properties that are not yet finished. Despite this fact, the control does work. I wish you like that control and that it's customizable :) You can change borders' style, all the colors (15 different), direction (right, up, left, down), set text on it, custom done text and so on.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Control is done with VB5CCE, example program with VB6. You cannot use Windows' colors at the moment. The code is slightly commented, but leaves a lot of thinking for the reader.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033910138835.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Minun_Prog155696392003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Vesa Piittinen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54944,"Title":"ModBus Communications Protocol","Description":"This one is mostly for Controls Engineers.\nEmerson Control Techniques manufactures Servo drives that communicate via the ModBus Protocol.\nThis was and old GWBasic version of the protocol that I think I got from Taylor Software 10 years ago.\nI have adapted it for VB 6.0 (Win XP is my OS) using flexgrid to display the register contents. I also set this demo up to poll the physical I/O and velocity of an Emerson EN-208 Base drive. It can be adapted to communicate with any serial device that uses the ModBus Protocol.","Inputs":"Enter the Node address; starting address; and quantity of registers to be read.","Assumes":"Don't try to run this program unless you are connected to a valid ModBus device.\n","CodeReturns":"The contents of the queried registers/inputs/outputs.","SideEffects":"I did not do a lot of commenting on this, so be warned that you may not understand some sections...\nAlso, I am running on WinXP, so the beep function will not work on Non-NT OS's.","ApiDeclarations":"NTBeep and SendMessageBynum","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004714103416323.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ModBus_Com1769717142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Tom Pydeski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54936,"Title":"Panel de Pon","Description":"A remake of Panel de Pon/Tetris Attack/Pokemon Puzzle. Now with online play, chains now register correctly, and basic/pathetic AI. But you can turn the AI's speed to compensate for it's current lack of ability. Fixed garbage block behaviour, added the 3D/Cylinder mode from the N64/Cube versions","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200497123503072.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Panel_de_P179029972004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54938,"Title":"Desktop Binary Clock - way geeky!","Description":"A binary clock! on your desktop! remembers where you put it and stays on top! best of all, it's different!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004714522576601.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Desktop_Bi1769607142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54947,"Title":"Simple Client Server Inventory Control System","Description":"Files needed to distribute along:\nCMDLG32.OCX\nMSCOMCTL.OCX - 1MB (VB 6 SP3) or\nCOMCTL32.OCX - 596KB (VB 5 SP3)\nMSWORD.OLB\nClient-server app to keep track of inventory. Main functionalities include accounts payable, accounts receivable, human \nresource, user management and reporting. User management includes access control to the main functionalities. Main page even \ninclude a ticker system allowing messages to be conveyed to the users systematically. Simple reports are mostly available \nonly on-screen (non crystal report). Please vote for me or at least provide your feedback as I need to know what areas \nrequire improvement or change. I also need to know how well am I doing in order to decide upon to further develop the key \nareas.\nIn the future, will try to use object-oriented programming style because it is a good way of programming. Will be \nstandardising the way of reporting as well. \nHaven't tested in a real multi client environment. If anyone of you have tested it, please let me know if there are any \nissues of concurrency and stuff like that. Any other suggestions? \nPlease leave your comment here! Thanks!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047141324294358.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Cli1769817142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":5,"AuthorName":"Roy Yong","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54949,"Title":"KEdit example of C/C++ style of programming with API made form and controls","Description":"KEdit is an example texteditor I made to learn how to make windowsprogram without using any VBforms or controls, all is made with pure API like the style a C or C++ programmer would have done it. With messageloop and wndproc to handle messages.\nThis application is quite useless but learning how to do it was really fun :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047141718527866.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/KEdit_exam1769907142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Knoton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54955,"Title":"[Math Graph] : Advanced equation plotter/solver (**UPDATE: VERSION: 1.2.0***)","Description":"Math Graph is an advanced program that graphs and solves equations plus many other calculations(area under curve, slope at any point,...), it supports most types of graph(normal, parametric, polar, implict)and also supports many functions, it has a powerful equation solver that solves almost any single variable equation, it has the ability to open and save files and print the graph on a sheet of paper.\nVersion 1.2.0 includes calculating extrema and inflexion points, drawing tangents, and some minor improvments and bug fixes.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047152592779.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Math_Grap18194511182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":78,"AuthorName":"sohaib farsakh","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54959,"Title":"anatomy of point rotation","Description":"This project is a somewhat interactive tutorial on the fundamentals involved in rotating a point around a center (0,0).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200471550124379.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/anatomy_of1770017152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"dafhi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54968,"Title":"iICO 1.2 (rev. 3)","Description":"All formats icon/cursor editor. Update: Full GDI+ drawings. // Zip 185 Kb // Windows XP/NT/2000. // Last update: 10/23/2004.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047151555546129.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/iICO_1_2_(18090510222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":29,"UserRatingTotal":145,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54973,"Title":"Use the REAL theme drawing on all your controls! (how to use UxTheme.dll)","Description":"Lot of controls have Imited XP controls with images or code drawing, This is a small template that will show you how to give your usercontrols XP look, Using the real theme data. Heavily commented and easy to understand, this example only draws a command Button With 2 states: Normal and pressed, that's to make the code easy, but you can easily extend this functionality to more states like hover, defaulted, etc. includes names and ID's for all classes, parts and states for the windows controls. Comments, votes, suggestions, requests are wellcome.\nRegards. - Fred.cpp","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"many","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047161340233906.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Use_the_RE1770277162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Fred.cpp","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52978,"Title":"Another Progressbar without any OCX","Description":"It's just one Sub-Procedure that can fill a picturebox as if it was a progressbar. Also you can choose one of more than eight different styles!","Inputs":"Just call SetStatus as shown in my example (only included in the zip-file!).\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nCall SetStatus() with the following Parameters:\n1: The real Name of a (normal) Picturebox included in your project\n2: Number of Percent to fill it with\nand the following optional parameters are:\n3: specify a style (1 to 7) for \"fullfilling\"...\n4: specify a style (0 to 6) for the \"lines-around\" -can produce a 3D-effect\n","Assumes":"why i recommend you to use my code are the following facts:\n- you dont need any OCX-File to use it\n- it looks nice and gives your application an individual style\n- my code does not run as slow as many others I have seen here *urgh* :-)","CodeReturns":"a -hopefully- nicelooking progressbar","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Sure that you -could- use APIs and please implement some if you want my progressbar to be transparent or anything. But don't be cruel and think my bar would be faster using them! :-)","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":30,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004481143257164.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Max Christian Pohle","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52986,"Title":"Clock with nice GUI effects","Description":"GUI (Graphical User Interface), Always-On-Top forms, Transparency with specified color, Clock","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib \"user32\" ( _\n ByVal hwnd As Long, _\n ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _\n ByVal X As Long, _\n ByVal Y As Long, _\n ByVal cx As Long, _\n ByVal cy As Long, _\n ByVal wFlags As Long _\n) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib \"user32\" () As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" _\n (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _\n lParam As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal crKey As Long, ByVal bAlpha As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetVersionExA\" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetSysColor Lib \"user32\" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetParent Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function IsWindowVisible Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowA\" _\n (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200448178506758.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Clock_with173095482004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Nate Iorg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52994,"Title":"I ARE FILTER (aim proxy)","Description":"An AIM/SOCKS4 proxy with tons of features. You'll have to excuse the sloppy code as I've been working on this project for over 6 months. Check the readme.txt file for information on using it with AIM. Please vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004482257238114.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/I_ARE_FILT173105482004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Robbie┬áSaunders","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53008,"Title":"A Network Drive Mapping Module","Description":"Module used to map network drives to next available drive letter and to disconnect network drives.\nVery Simple to use.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":73,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Bryan Lass","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53022,"Title":"Text boxes 101","Description":"The purpose of this example is to show beginners some different ways to use text boxes. Some of the things include password masking using any character, limiting input to numbers only, locking and unlocking the box at runtime, dragging and dropping data between boxes and using drag and drop on the box itself to place it anywhere on the form. I've used PSC for several years now and decided to make some very basic examples for beginners. I also realize that all of this stuff is probably floating around here already, but I want to give my 2 cents worth. Examples for other controls will be added when I get the chance. I plan on covering them all, one at a time and try to be thorough for each. Happy coding.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200449223782064.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Text_boxes173153492004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"C.Smith","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53716,"Title":"Cinarian Clock","Description":"A clock using the Cinarian Character Generator (also seen in the Universal Time program) Added an FAQ to read it (click upper left corner)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045111219326886.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cinarian_C175442662004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53726,"Title":"Annie's Song by John Denver","Description":"No interface, just the song using Beep API... XP Only, sorry. I didn't write this but thought it might be enjoyed after seeing a single beep get 5 globes :p.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":21,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":89,"AuthorName":"Peter.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53496,"Title":"RemotelyAnywhere (Remote administration through IE)","Description":"This is a replica of the RemotelyAnywhere program. This is unfinished.... i put a lot of functions into this project. The filemanager and the command prompt work. The this program is started on a computer you can connect to it through Internet Explorer simply by typing in the IP address to that machine.... After doing so a loging screen will be displayed.... this in return will allow you to browse that computer. There is a great layout included in this along with Javascript and vb script..... please tell me what you think and feel free to add more onto this project....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004511029109498.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RemotelyAn173950512004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53727,"Title":"PaddleMax 2","Description":"Finally the much-awaited (i wish :-P) sequel to PaddleMax, the extremely popular (i wish) game that stormed (i wish) the net!\nNo, seriously, its a VB spinoff of those classing \"destroy the bricks with the bouncing ball\" games, with some cool powerups that give it a unique edge. I just took all the feedback given on the 1st one and made a second one with all new levels!\nIt comes with a level editor, and is COMPLETELY commented. Please vote and leave comments!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200451287473160.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PaddleMax_1744305122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Alex_\"CumQuaT\"_Norton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53730,"Title":"image converters, to jpg , to gif","Description":"converts image (all images in your pc)\nbmp to jpg or bmp to gif","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/image_conv1744395122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"mehmet erku├╛","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53731,"Title":"Timed Shutdown Clock 7.0 (Full Freeware App)","Description":"Shuts down the computer either at a pre-defined time or after a certain period idle. Fully customizable and capable of running on win9x, winNT, winME, win2000, winXP. Includes most or parts of my other submittions including registry access, ini files, encryption, system tray (with auto-reload feature), system specific features like the win2000 and xp window layering, snapping windows to the size of the screen, using the system fonts, changing thread priority etc. There is very little that's NOT customizable in this. You'll need to register the system tray ocx and the idletime dll. This is a freeware program so feel free to use any code. Votes are, as always, welcome. Comments and suggestions even more so. If you feel that there is way too much code in this for what is achieved, then keep in mind that mostly APIs are used for speed and effiency reasons and also that some of the modules are general and not all code in them is used in this particular app :-)","Inputs":"Shutdown settings","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"lots :-)","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004512133127933.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Timed_Shut1744635132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Eric O'Sullivan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53739,"Title":"FMenu","Description":"Allows your user to create simple ~ complex pure API menus, with scripting and an unlimited amount of sub-levels. \nThis was actually created for a shell replacement project of mine, to allow simple and customizeable menu objects for my users.","Inputs":"Entirely scripted from a custom INI file. (enclosed)","Assumes":"It's a touch messy with icon file names, as the full path is needed. I would have added in App.path or used the API SHGetPathFromIDList functions, but I wrote this all in VBA (at work.. I was bored.). Still, I could have used the above-mentioned API call, but I wanted to get this published. Besides, I'm lazy :p","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Aside from your user specifying an incorrect execution command (when an item is clicked), none.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FMenu1746055162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Kevin Slaughter","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58818,"Title":"Advertising Form Skin (animated screenmovie)","Description":"This is a neat and useful idea i came up with for a form skin. When offering freeware or trialware to your users this could be a useful technique. the skin causes a message, that you specify, to follow the mouse around on your form. There is also a built in \"FormOnTop\" property as well","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005210122147339.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advertisin1850902102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58824,"Title":"DEMO OCX 21","Description":"ADDED NEW CONTROLS AND PATCHED OLDS ( See Readme )","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200521071465077.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DEMO_OCX_21850982102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Bruno crepaldi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58782,"Title":"Outlook 2003 SideBar V2.02 Alpha (*Updated 10/02/2005*)","Description":"A complete new rebuild of my award winning EyeDropper Control. Now a 100% Dependency free control. \nBetter Drawing, Better Font handling, No Dependencies, Better menu Handling... to many to mention.\nThe control now uses subclassing from Paul Caton (thanks Paul) And the cMemdc for drawing From Vlad Vissoultchev (Thanks Vlad) Awesome code From two very talented programmers.\nTake a look and tell me what you think. As Always comments and constructive critisim is always welcome.\nNote:\n1) You MUST Copy the WinSubHook.tlb Located in then tlb folder to you system folder.\n2) The Control Doesn't Support 32bit Alpha Icons As Yet (Vlad If You have Any Idea on how to do this - I Would Be Very Interested indeed)\nRegards\nGary\n___________________________________________________\nUpdate: 09/02/2005\nResizing Of Containers Where Causeing A Flicker. Now Sorted.\nToolbar Items Now Draw And Display The Same As The Original MSOutlook Sidebar. \n___________________________________________________\nUpdate: 10/02/2005\nDisabled Icons Now Render To Grey.\nFixed The Max Visible Items On Redraw/Resize.\nFixed Toolbar Drawing (Icons Not Displayed Correctly When Sizing.\nAdded Custom Color Property(As A Trial).\nEnjoy.\nThanks Gary\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052101349102374.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Outlook_201851082102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":130,"AuthorName":"Phantom Man","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58830,"Title":"BEA3D","Description":"Some basic 3D Stuff uses matrix Transformations","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Lots See code","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052101740135164.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BEA3D1851202102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Brent Albertson","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58842,"Title":"[HME] ADO Recordset Export Class (CSV, HTML, Excel)","Description":"[Updated 27/2/05] Make your recordset universal! Use this class to export ADO recordsets into the industrial standered [csv], commercial standered [html] and the power user standered [Excel]. This is an updated version of my previous work, now complete Events, Properties, Documentation and even more options! Fuly optimized and commented. All bugs fixed. A must have for any database devoloper and a must add to any code library!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'API used for custom DoEvents Function\nPrivate Declare Function GetQueueStatus Lib \"user32\" (ByVal qsFlags As Long) As Long","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005227932375427.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[HME]_ADO_1858212272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Hussain Mohd. Elius","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58843,"Title":"[ 3 lines of codes ]","Description":"Play a wave file with only 3 lines of codes!\nIt works with .wav files 100%, with other extension I don't know. Try and then report.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":19,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58845,"Title":"VbEclipse (docking MDI) - New Version 0.8.99","Description":"Version 0.8.99 of the VbEclipse project is available now. Please look at the screenshots. PLEASE VOTE AT http://www.pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=58641&lngWId=1.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005211111859977.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"AB-Software","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58853,"Title":"Floating Menu update: 2.1","Description":"I am currently working on a major update and improvement, it will almost the same, as it is but with many enhancements. This is the second update for Floating/Docking Menu. \ncompletly done with vb. code, no secret code (designer has complete control over what it does) in a dll some done with standard drawing methods and some with API's. simply add menu items the same way that items would be added to a treeview or listview control. Almost an endless number of skining color schemes/skins (white does not work so good, probably some others too), draggable popup menus, Icons, Menu extender (used to save screen space), sizable, a control container (users can draw controls and have them float with the menu or dock them on the main form), docks to the top of the screen and auto hides when mouse is moved off. \nThere is more commenting and some protection against fatal errors. but still there are some issues with the control container option that causes unexpected proplems on occasion.\nHotkeys and some keyboard navigation of the menu.","Inputs":"Private Sub Form_Load()\n '\n With MenuBar1\n 'initialize the image list\n .SetImageList = ImageList1\n 'add some data\n .Menu.Add Text, Key, Parent, ImageIndex, Checkable, Value, CheckBuddyIndex, IsFloatable, Visible, IsIconGrid, HotKey(control key), HotKey (character), MaxRows\n '...\n .Menu.Add Text, Key, Parent, ImageIndex, Checkable, Value, CheckBuddyIndex, IsFloatable, Visible, IsIconGrid\n '\n End With\n '\nEnd Sub\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Private Sub MenuBar1_Clicked(Button As Menu.MenuData)\n MsgBox Button.Key\nEnd Sub\n","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005214338258788.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Floating_M1853002152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Joe Smith","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58858,"Title":"Faster-than-API .Ini Manipulation Class","Description":"According to feedback by several PSC'ers, this module is blowing away API .Ini calls speedwise. After I originally submitted it I became curious just how much faster the API calls were than my class in accessing .Ini files because I assumed APIs are always faster. So I found a millisecond timer class, and added that and an old API .Ini class that I had gotten from who knows where. I merged them into this project and ran some tests.\nI read somewhere on PSC that the API calls ran \"at least 50 times faster\" than pure\nVB equivalents (I can't remember who posted that comment). I had never doubted that remark\nbecause you can't beat APIs for speed (compared to pure VB). Then I ran some tests and saw that my class ran 18 times slower than the API class. I started tweaking my code and ended up with the screen shot you see below. These times are for an ancient 500 mHz Win98 machine. Many people with newer systems are reporting my class is MUCH faster than the API calls. I could shave a few dozen more milliseconds off these times by inlining more code but enough is enough. This was just a fun project to do and I thought some people here might be interested in these comparisons. I learned some code optimization techniques out of this project, anyway. If you spot any errors please let me know. Thanks.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052121059443022.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fast_Non-A1851802122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Nerdley Noodleslicer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58860,"Title":"[ HMS ] Crystal Hospital Management System","Description":"This is a fully computerized Hospital Management System.\nThe system is mainly divided in to 2 modules\n In Patients / Out Patients\n Pharmacy System\n Employee Management System (Under Construction)\n \n \n \n----Download----\nhttp://hmsCrystal.web1000.com","Inputs":"This program has used 3 main additional 3rd party components. The program will not function correctly with out these \ncomponents.\n\t1. VB Skinner Pro\n\t2. Active Resize Control\n\t3. Crystal Reports 8.5","Assumes":"Please email us if you have any difficulties/ Suggetions / Complains regarding to the Crystal HMS. \nThank you.\n ----Download the full program + Additional components from --------\nhttp://hmsCrystal.web1000.com\n \nSachith Dassanayake\nAsvine Ganeshan","CodeReturns":"You can download the components + Source Code + Compiled Software (Package) + Documentaion + User Manaual from-------------\n\thttp://hmsCrystal.web1000.com---\n \n If you are unable to download please contact us on -\n** nicefunnyguy@hotmail.com **\n** sachith@myrealbox.com **\n","SideEffects":"Note: If you want to use the code with out the components\n\tRemove all the components which uses the above 3 components\n\t\t\n\t\nComponent\t\tForm\t\t\t Side Effect\n----------- ------------- --------------\nVB Skinner \t\t(frmSidebar)\t\t Enable/ Disable Skin Button won't work\nActive Resize all the forms The forms will not display correctly according to the resolutuon \nCrystal Reports Reports Forms / Invoices Reports will not work\n","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052121150478995.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_HMS_]_Cr186163362005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":71,"AuthorName":"Sachith Dassanayake","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58861,"Title":"The Art of Writing Quality Software","Description":"This is a tutorial whic will explain to you how to write maintainable, robust, efficient, reliable, portable, reusable software and will also give you some ideas and advice on how to go about this by giving you an understanding of coupling, cohesion, testing, code documentation and so on.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/The_Art_of1851852122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":100,"AuthorName":"IRBMe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58865,"Title":"Child Lock 2005","Description":"This is a follow on from Protect 2005, with this code you can bar over 30 parts of Windows to prevent kids from messing up your computer, by blocking access to Control Panel, My Computer ect. a lot of your settings can not be change, the softwares security can be overided with a password. Please download as it is full of features. I am only 15 and this took a long time to make so PLEASE VOTE and LEAVE COMMENTS. Thank you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052121739543217.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Child_Lock1851952122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Adam Ranshaw","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58866,"Title":"Space Shooter - A complete game for Windows CE (Pocket PC)","Description":"LOL!!! Ha! I'm sorry It's been a while, but I just now realized that I uploaded the wrong zip file! You would have gotten the error \"File Not Found\" when you executed it. Sorry to all of those EVB programmers needing something to work. Now if there are any MORE problems please post so I may put working code online. Anyways the REAL zip is online now! \nThis is a complete game I created for learning purposes. It's a little corny, but I think it's still cool. It has collision data if you need it. This code also shows you how to play wav files, use picture files, hardware key inputs, and AI! I'm looking forward to your comments and feedback and I will be updating this game from time to time. Check in the future.\nWell commented!\nPlease take some time to vote... I would really like to see how well I did on my very first game. \nHappy programming! ├£","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":41,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052122019404398.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Space_Shoo1858452282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Daniel Harris","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54250,"Title":"Active Directory Browser","Description":"This Active Directory browser allows you to browse objects within the Active Directory, delete objects, create and edit user accounts, change group membership ... and a few other things.\nThe entire code is based around the Active Directory ADSI scripting interface so no compiled objects or custom CGIs are needed. Should you wish to implement your own ADSI code, this project should serve as a good tutorial.\nAny questions etc. should be directed to the support forum (registration required) at http://www.sanx.org/forum/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Within the ZIP package is a file called licence.txt. Please read this as it contains important information as to what you need to do to get this code working.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200468355275500.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Active_Dir175503682004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sanx","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54253,"Title":"Bass Maker 2","Description":"Make wave files with nothing but pure bass!! Watch your subwoofer pump in and out!! Bass Maker 2 can also work with higher frequencies to produce loud ear piercing treble for use with tweeters. There have been several improvements on the previous version of Bass Maker like a new 'Graphical' style way of entering points. Bass Maker 2 has capabilities of storing about 10000 points, so you shouldn't run out of project space. Bass Maker 2 also has an option to compensate for the changes in wavelengths between different frequencies to make higher frequencies last for the same amount of time as low frequencies. Another improvement is simplified algorithms, which make Bass Maker 2 faster than the original Bass Maker. A few unnecessary pictures and code were removed resulting in the file size to be a quater of the original. These and many other improvements have been made upon the previous version. I hope you enjoy Bass Maker 2.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Global arrPointsForFreq&(10000)\nGlobal intMaxHertzScale%\n","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200468812226249.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Bass_Maker1756386122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Alex Murray","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54257,"Title":"Half-Life/Counter-Strike Clone- Complete First Person Shooter","Description":"Complete first person shooter, with sound, and full animated models. You're a soldier sent into an area to free a hostage but encounter a hostage?! What!? Exactly. With four jedi knights and yoda?! Check it out. All animation are done by me except for gun and cyborg, thier credits are in the main module's declaration. Any code taken is credited in the declarations of the main module. Remeber to vote, especially since i'm a gr.10 student ;)This game is extremly fast and heavely commented. It also includes an executable as fps.exf, just change the .exf to .exe ;) Note the textures for the battle are located at: http://planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=54256&lngWId=1 For some reason planetsourcecode won't let me upload the entire thing with textures and source code, the file probably got too big :D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004681437426375.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Half-Life_175516682004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Sunny Corp.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54272,"Title":"Roses","Description":"This program creates a really cool flower effect. Just click the start button and it creates a random flower. You can then click to save it as a bitmap. It also does a really nice gradient effect. Please vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200468235312617.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Roses175530682004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"SixLetter","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54277,"Title":"Join tables from multiple database","Description":"This is a very usefull code, which i want to share it with u all, as i am working on an accounting package, this package closes it files at year end, and places it in backup database files. But the running year may need reports based on old data, i.e. the date range from the close file. Here is the SQL which can be used to get data form multiply database file in the fastes possible manner.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Yunuskhan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54281,"Title":"__When VB OOP meets Unix_____ Doing textfiles with a fine class!","Description":"This carefully designed VB CLASS encapsulates the following UNIX shell commands: CAT, HEAD, TAIL, >> (Append) and some more like GetUniqueTempFileName. With properties like FILTER (grep), CancelParsing, IgnoreLinesWith, LinesToHandle and some more handling of text files is easy and fast implemented into your current project. ____ A detailed example for every command is included. Error handling is fully implemented, comments are included and code is fine structured. If you are interested in \"things behind\": Have a closer look to the ring buffer technik used in TAIL() to save memory. btw: We DON'T load the whole file into memory, so even VERY large files can be handled (e.g. catch the last 50 lines from a 2 GByte logfile without any problems ;) ...) _______ Constructive comments are welcome - votes are motivating ;) ! ______ Regards__Light Templer_______________________________________________UPDATE 1 - Fixed the problem with empty 'IgnoreLinesWith' Update 2 - The check for missing path/filename was against the wrong var.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046911383321.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__When_VB_179073982004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53572,"Title":"isExplorerBar 1.91 - The Explorer Bar Control. Updated: 2004-08-12","Description":"Just See the Screenshot!. Have You ever wanted \nto use in your apps a control like the left bar \nin the explorer? there are some controls like \nthat on the net, but they have too many \ndependences. isExplorerBar is a SINGLE FILE \nCONTROL and has almost NO DEPENDENCES (actually \nruns without extra dependences in a new VB \nProject) And uses THE REAL theme apareance or \nemulates it when no theme data aviable, \neverything is done in Runtime, using UxTheme.dll \n(included in WinXP). no extra dll's or \nsubclasing cls modules, a single file control \nthat has everything you need to make your apps \nlook better. I've put a lot of work on this. \nplease donwnload and tellme what you think. I've \ncreated a webpage for this control. includes \nsome help, comments and extra info about It. \nplease comments, sugestions and of course, \nvotes are wellcome. \n************************************************* \nLot Of Updates, Current version: 1.91\nFeedback comments, are wellcome. Visit the page for versions history.\nBest Regards to everyone.\nFred.cpp","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"a nice looking app","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Tons, see the zip","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004621221246286.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/isExplorer1781108122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":89,"UserRatingTotal":433,"AuthorName":"Fred.cpp","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54538,"Title":"__Keyboard Capturer(Spy what the other one is typing)","Description":"This code captures all the keys that are pressed on the remote machine and sends its scancode to the server. It displays you the keys pressed in understandable manner. The best usage of it is to spy the others computer and to get passwords(Except login password). For that only I have created it. Kindly vote my code","Inputs":"null","Assumes":"you should be familiar with the Windows Hooks. B'coz I have used windows keyboard hooks in my program. And a little bit of knowledge in Winsock control.","CodeReturns":"null","SideEffects":"null","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Keyboard1760526222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Prabu Kumar G.P.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54544,"Title":"Cube Photos(update added aspect ratio)","Description":"Load your pictures and print bitmap out. Cut,fold, and paste into a photocube.Added Print, drag&drop and aspect ratio of image to program.Hopefully this is the last update needed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046242133282919.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cube_Photo1762026252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54545,"Title":"Advanced PSC Code Ticker","Description":"I have always wanted to do this. I wanted a way to format the code ticker myself in VB so I can do whatever with it. So this doesn't use the IE control it downloads the ASP page from the internet saves it to the HD and then parses it for code samples. I haven't seen anything on here that does the ticker like this hense the \"Advanced\" title. If I get good feedback I will most likely add features like: Alerts (This would make it possible to be notified with certain authors post code or even to notify when new code is posted) this can be done by a form that shows up and goes away after a bit.\nI think it is endless. I did notice that with the ASP page it is executed at the server so I get the HTML back and I am guessing that the ticker SQL code just grabs the top 9 code submissions. Of course I don't have the ability to query the DB so this is the best I could think of. Well please remember to vote and I hope you friendly PCS'ers think this is a good idea. Please comment. Have a great day.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046221434152233.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advances_P1760716222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Sentax","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54547,"Title":"VbLander Game","Description":"This example will show you how to make fast and hi-quality windows games by using basic GDI functions, no VB controls like lines, picture boxes or such stuff. You will learn how to use bitmaps, how to draw them, load them into memory, how to use DC, create them, draw on them, etc. It is a simple Lunar Lander game, screenshot is included if you want to see the game. If you want to make proffesional 2d games that can be played at any computer, have a look at this example... 15kb only ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"' Copy DC's by using many advanced methods\nPublic Declare Function BitBlt Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long\n' Select GDI object, basic GDI function\nPublic Declare Function SelectObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\n' Delete object to free memory\nPublic Declare Function DeleteObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\n' Create DC that is compatible with device\nPublic Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long\n' Delete DC from memory\nPublic Declare Function DeleteDC Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long\n' GetObject, used to retrieve BITMAP object form StdPicture's handle\nPublic Declare Function GetObjectA Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, lpObject As Any) As Long\n' Simple api to create DIB section, nice stuff\nPublic Declare Function CreateDIBSection Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, pBitmapInfo As HBITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal un As Long, lplpVoid As Long, ByVal handle As Long, ByVal dw As Long) As Long\n' Draws a pixel anywhere on the screen, DC that is...\nPublic Declare Function SetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\n' Gets any visible pixel's color\nPublic Declare Function GetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long\n' Gets current mouse cursor position\nPublic Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib \"user32\" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long\n' Get the miliseconds interval sense windows stared\nPublic Declare Function GetTickCount Lib \"kernel32\" () As Long\n' If a certain key was pressed or released\nPublic Declare Function GetKeyState Lib \"user32\" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer\n' Change current position on some DC, used for lines mostly...\nPublic Declare Function MoveToEx Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long\n' Draw a line to a specified point, begins at the currently selected point (from MoveTo function)\nPublic Declare Function LineTo Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long\n' Creates a pen for drawing\nPublic Declare Function CreatePen Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal nPenStyle As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\n' Fill and area (specified color) with currently selected color\nPublic Declare Function ExtFloodFill Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long, ByVal wFillType As Long) As Long\n' Draw text on DC with currently selected font\nPublic Declare Function TextOut Lib \"gdi32\" Alias \"TextOutA\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long\n' Change background mode, mostly for text operations\nPublic Declare Function SetBkMode Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nBkMode As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004622174757445.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VbLander_G1760776222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"TheAlas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54549,"Title":"An example of what you get when you mess with Trigonometry.","Description":"This uses 2 little tricks to graph triginometric functions looping around the angle. It uses scrollbars for realtime editing (they change the frequency of the secondary angle that is used)\nThe results are quite interesting","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"SetPixel","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/An_example1760886222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Scott Buckley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54550,"Title":"_ [A Perfect Gradient with Emboss text effect]","Description":"A Perfect Gradient with Emboss text effect. If any bug please contact: lafifa@mail.com.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"A Perfect Gradient with Emboss text effect.","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046222346575966.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__[A_Perfe1760896222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Lutfur Rahman Bhuiyan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54553,"Title":"[A1 Gradient Form and Picture with Gradient and Emboss Text]","Description":"A perfect Gradient Form and Picture with Emboss and Gradient Text Effect. Enter your text with a text box than save it a Bitmap file format.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"A perfect Gradient Form and Picture with Emboss and Gradient Text Effect. Enter your text with a text box than save it a Bitmap file format.","CodeReturns":"Graphics","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function CreateFontIndirect Lib \"gdi32\" Alias _\n \"CreateFontIndirectA\" (lpLogFont As LOGFONT) As Long\nPrivate Type LOGFONT\n lfHeight As Long\n lfWidth As Long\n lfEscapement As Long\n lfOrientation As Long\n lfWeight As Long\n lfItalic As Byte\n lfUnderline As Byte\n lfStrikeOut As Byte\n lfCharSet As Byte\n lfOutPrecision As Byte\n lfClipPrecision As Byte\n lfQuality As Byte\n lfPitchAndFamily As Byte\n lfFaceName As String * 33\nEnd Type\nPrivate Declare Function SelectObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, _\n ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DeleteObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetGraphicsMode Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal iMode As Long) As Long\nConst GM_ADVANCED = 2\n","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200462361349170.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A1_Gradie1760956232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Lutfur Rahman Bhuiyan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54554,"Title":"A ShellSort with a twist (updated)","Description":"Introducing a shellsort hybrid that slips pre-sorted data to a built in walker with a very fast smart-find (binary search) twister. This shell algorithm is founded on a very solid performer that was originally developed by vb2themax, and optimized further by several very talented coders, before I twisted a little more out of it in this hybrid version. Although this algorithm is optimized for re-sorting and reverse sorting, it also has been greatly boosted in raw outright speed to square up against anything, anytime! This is the fastest shellsort I know of by far*. This algorithm excels on both un-sorted and pre-sorted data. *A hybrid shellsort with a twist, and no bubbles.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_ShellSor1800591042004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54557,"Title":"WINSOCK client server commands","Description":"This will show you how to make a 'client' 'server' using winsock and send commands from the client to server. please leave feedback on this because its my first tutorial","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WINSOCK__c1761126232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Matt Dudley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54558,"Title":"Soldier of Misfortune","Description":"Very nice 2d arcade side-scrooling directx7 game, there are sounds, music, nice graphics, 4 levels, bunch of monsters, all that 2d game must have. If you like Super Mario, then you WILL like this game. I wrote it a year ago, and dont have time to add more levels (there are 4 only, about 30 minutes to play). \nPlease vote if you liked it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"a few","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046231558549088.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Soldier_of1761176232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"TheAlas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54560,"Title":"A Two Way Instant Messenger Application (Client and Server using the Winsock Control)","Description":"This is a Two Way Instant Messenger that I made after taking a class on using the Winsock control. It is based on two different programs. One of the two is a server and the other is a client. The Server creates a connection on your computer and the client connects to that and can sent and recieve messeges from the server. When running the two programs, you must run the server first so the client has something to connect to, then you can do whatever you want when the client makes the connection. You can also use this to chat with friends if you know your IP address, you can give them the compiled client and they can type your IP address in and you can chat on two different computers. All the coding in my applications is my work that I learned from the classes I attend. Please Vote and leave comments!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004623186393469.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Two_Way_1761226232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Red Revolver 5","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54562,"Title":"Multiplayer Tank game","Description":"Its a 2 player game in which both parties can move around and attempt to shoot the other person. Its pretty fun, so try it out. Also, the source is currently pretty ugly but going to be prettier soon. Special thanks to Mephisto for helping me out with his tutorial (cant find it again... sorry!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"u can also play yourself :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046231931213287.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Multiplaye1761246232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Jonathan Naamad","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54563,"Title":"NasmwEdit 1.3","Description":"it is a asm's editor,ummmmmmm.i dont know that to say,you look at the screenshot,please\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200462319463670.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NasmwEdit_1761266232004.3 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Manuel(ErcUn)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54564,"Title":"Mac OS X Panther Titlebar Control","Description":"Well if you're familiar with my last window control, the METAL version of the Panther windows, then you'll see some bug fixes in this one. The most majoy one, in which people requested, is to be able to maximize and still be able to see the Windows taskbar, I tried many methods but none worked. I spent about an hour trying to get it to do that, now it works. You can maximize and the taskbar will still show. I have made it so you can enabled/disable the titlebar controls (x, minimize, and zoom). Of course there is also in-active-window functions. This is almost exactly the same as the actual Panther GUI, very close in detail. Feedback is appreciated, ratings are not a requirement, but if you feel I've done a good job, please feel free to do so. KEYWORDS::::: OSX OS X Panther GUI Custom Aqua SpitFire Fire :::::\n\nBUGS:: There is a small bug. The timer which checks in-activity causes the intellisense menu to not show up on your form in which you place the control. ::","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"There is a small bug. The timer which checks in-activity causes the intellisense menu to not show up on your form in which you place the control.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Option Explicit\nPrivate Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20)\nPrivate Const WS_EX_LAYERED = &H80000\nPrivate Const WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = &H20&\nPrivate Const LWA_ALPHA = &H2&\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowExA\" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long\n\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ShowWindow Lib \"user32.dll\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetActiveWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long\nConst LW_KEY = &H1\nConst G_E = (-20)\nConst W_E = &H80000\nPrivate Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib \"user32.dll\" () As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32.dll\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib \"user32.dll\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal crKey As Long, ByVal bAlpha As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib \"user32\" () As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib \"user32.dll\" (lpPoint As POINT) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function WindowFromPoint Lib \"user32.dll\" (ByVal xPoint As Long, ByVal yPoint As Long) As Long\nPrivate Type POINT\n x As Long\n y As Long\nEnd Type","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004624058153509.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mac_OS_X_P1761286242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54567,"Title":"Task Listing using ShellHookProc","Description":"PLEASE DO PROVIDE FEEDBACK. I got another undocumented api call \"ShellHookProc\" which is exported from\nshell32.dll can be used to set system wide shell hook and get various shell\nrelated notifications like window created , window destroyed , and window\nactivated. Attached to this article is the working code to implement this\nAPI. it is tested under my win2k and act as microsoft windows taskmanager\nlist. but the problem is that it works as long as windows \"explorer.exe\" is\nrunning and fail to work if i register it as a shell in the registery and\nload at startup, can anyone tell me the way to get this working in that\ncondition too. please help me out as soon as possible.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'Windows API\nDeclare Function CallWindowProc Lib \"user32\" Alias \"CallWindowProcA\" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function EnumWindows Lib \"user32\" (ByVal lpfn As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function GetProcAddress Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long\nDeclare Function GetWindowText Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetWindowTextA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function IsWindowVisible Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function LoadLibrary Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"LoadLibraryA\" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long\nDeclare Function RegisterWindowMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"RegisterWindowMessageA\" (ByVal lpString As String) As Long\nDeclare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SetWindowsHookExA\" (ByVal idHook As Long, ByVal lpfn As Long, ByVal hmod As Long, ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function SetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function GetParent Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function GetWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function GetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function RegisterShellHook Lib \"Shell32\" Alias \"#181\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nAction As Long) As Long\n'Undocumented (at least that I could find) Windows API.\n' Use with caution\nDeclare Function RegisterShellHookWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long\n\n'Constants for Windows API\nPublic Const HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED = 1\nPublic Const HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED = 2\nPublic Const HSHELL_ACTIVATESHELLWINDOW = 3\nPublic Const HSHELL_WINDOWACTIVATED = 4\nPublic Const HSHELL_GETMINRECT = 5\nPublic Const HSHELL_REDRAW = 6\nPublic Const HSHELL_TASKMAN = 7\nPublic Const HSHELL_LANGUAGE = 8\nPublic Const WM_NCDESTROY = &H82\nPublic Const GWL_WNDPROC = -4\nPublic Const WH_SHELL = 10\nPublic Const WH_CBT As Long = 5\nPublic Const GW_OWNER = 4\nPublic Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20)\nPublic Const WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = &H80\nPublic Const WS_EX_APPWINDOW = &H40000\nPublic Const RSH_DEREGISTER = 0\nPublic Const RSH_REGISTER = 1\nPublic Const RSH_REGISTER_PROGMAN = 2\nPublic Const RSH_REGISTER_TASKMAN = 3\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200462455659521.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Task_Listi1761476242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"V2","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58278,"Title":"VB Perceptron","Description":"VB Perceptron is a pattern recognizer program using single layer perceptron. It has the capability to learn patterns and classify them to specified classes. VB Perceptron features: input patterns from installed fonts or handwriting, train the perceptron using input patterns and give information about highest epoch reached and training error percentage, recognize a pattern and give information about the match score and match percentage of each known classes, open and save the perceptron, training options (learning rate, threshold, target error and maximum epochs) and add noise to a pattern.\nNote that the perceptron has not been trained yet. You have to train it first before it can be used to recognize any pattern. To train the perceptron select patterns from the font list and symbol list (hold down shift or ctrl to select multiple fonts or symbols) or draw a pattern on the left picture box then press the Train button. To recognize a pattern, simply select a pattern form the list or draw one and then press the Recognize button.\nPlease report any bugs to me. Your feedback and votes will be very appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005114850275385.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Percept1842111202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"Theo Zacharias","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58295,"Title":"Turn your VB app into a Windows NT-2K-XP-2K3 Background Service Application! (Atomic Time Demo Inc)","Description":"Enclosed is a VB SOURCE TEMPLATE you can add to your Templates folder for quick addition to any project and a DEMONSTRATION project to show how VB can successfully act and operate as a Windows NT+ Background Service ~ Even when you're not logged into your computer!\nWith this system you can build your own SERVICE CONTROLLED server software such as FTP, WWW, Mail and so forth. The demonstration is a clock sync program similar to that which comes included with Windows XP+ (for those who know it's even there ;) which by default is set to update your system time/date hourly. (Time Zone and Daylight Savings safe.) \nThere are THREE projects: 1. Template 2. Demonstration 3. User Control Binary Builder (which creates the OCX needed to allow VB to become an NT Service) which is necessary since PSC removes OCX/DLL/EXE files from their uploads.\nIf you have any trouble feel free to ask!!!\nPlease leave comments, questions and -= Votes =- !\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Requires Windows NT Version 4.0, Windows 2000 (any), Windows XP (any), Windows 2003 (any) or newer. Administrative rights required to register OCX (in most cases) and to install/uninstall the service.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005115130349905.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Turn_your_1840021152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"CentralWare","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58268,"Title":"Form Designer - design and edit forms, add,move,resize controls, save & load forms...","Description":"\nForm Designer - design and edit forms, add,move,resize controls, save & load forms...\nThe ControlSizer class is from <www.vbthunder.com> with minor modification, the rest is mine.\nThis code is part of a larger project i'm working on (called Axiom) where i use VBScript for scripting the app, and this to design forms for use with it.\nI'm only using textboxes,labels,checkboxes, and option buttons, but nay control can also be added.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051132350519821.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Form_Desig1839611132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58298,"Title":"MelCPB Circular ProgressBar OCX","Description":"The previous submitted code concerning the graphical Circular ProgressBar, has turned into an OCX. Just try it, and report the bugs or strange behaviour. Your comments concerning some upgrades are also welcome. There's a test project included. A part of this of this test may show you how to use the OCX while writing files (some asked for it, so here it is).\nThe pictures can easily be changed, the size is free (jpg, gif or bmp files allowed).\nThe main functions are commented in the test project.\nLet's try and report.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051151541234205.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MelCPB_Cir1840421162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"brainwasher","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58299,"Title":"webpage Document Elements extractor","Description":"this class allows you to extract all the elements of specified type (this class includes, image, table,links, and input elements) of the webbrowsers document object..which is necessary if your going to be doing anything more than surfacy webbrowser related programming","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051151815552485.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/webpage_Do1840111152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"zoom2","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58301,"Title":"Hijri Calendar OCX","Description":"Show hijri Calendar (Islamic Calendar)you can download the ocx from\nhttp://www.arabteam2000.com/files/code/files/HijriCalendar.zip\nfor more info (arabic)\nhttp://www.arabteam2000.com/applib/show.asp?ID=114","Inputs":"Just One Line of Code","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Reurns The Hijri Date From Calendar Or Set The Date to view","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005115217394224.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hijri_Cale1840161152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Mohammed Badwi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58302,"Title":"Put TEXT as well as ICONS from your VB app in the System Tray!","Description":"Why bother storing a TON of numerical icons within your VB App just to show the temperature in the tray? Why not improve the tray by scrolling text, putting virtually anything you want there for a change?\nThis ZIP contains two projects, one in which you can create a plug-in OCX and the other the demonstration (the User Control simply added to a standard VB app.)\nThe picture basically speaks for itself - all standard icons can be used (Win9x must be 16-256 colors depending on the installation) and the text properties are simple... font settings are the same as with any normal control from colors to sizes to types.\nComments, suggestions and thoughts are welcome! (Votes welcome, too!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"msCom6","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005115226526900.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Put_TEXT_a1840191152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"CentralWare","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58308,"Title":"Bobo VB Code To HTML","Description":"The Richtextbox is a great tool for displaying text but it can be quite a task converting it's format for use on the web. This project is part of a Code Library application that I still use today. It has HTML saving options for publishing source code to web sites. It demonstrates manipulation of the Richtextbox control, string parsing routines and syntax highlighting. It will also format your code applying standard indentation, remove blank lines and truncate long lines neatly, making your code much more readable. You can then choose to save it back to disk as a VB file(retaining it's original header), an HTML file or as a rich text file(rtf). Like all code this old, I would do many of the functions quite differently nowadays, but there are still some handy techniques used here. I hope I didn't create too many bugs when I pulled it out of my Code Library app ! I have had quite a few emails of late enquiring as to when I'll upload some more submissions, so in response to those here is yet another Bobo submission !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200511692285352.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Bobo_VB_Co1840781172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58309,"Title":"[AMAZING DirextX GAME] You MUST se it - Volley Spheres","Description":"Volley Spheres is a simple yet amazing game. It can be played by 1 person ( AI opponent ) or 2. Using DirectPlay gives you the ability to play the multiplayer game with a buddy from the internet, or in your LAN. The game was not supposed to be published nor here neither at www.spider-bit.com so it is not very commented ( the purpose of the game is not to teach who to create that big games ). It has Excellent sound effects and graphics made using Paintshop and 3D Studio max. Have Fun :) PLEASE VOTE AND VISIT WWW.SPIDER-BIT.COM","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051161018353372.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AMAZING_Di1840381162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"George Papadopoulos - VirusFree","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58316,"Title":"IMDB Movie info tool UPDATED","Description":"UPDATED, FIXED.. now uses a parse.dat file to change the way the program parses the imdb site, so if they change something, you can just distribute the parse.dat file and not the full app. - - Connect to the Internet movie Database and Download detailed information, and box cover images for your favorite movies. Search for movies by title, Drag and Drop .NFO Files with IMDB Codes inside, Get movie info by IMDB Code. Note: this project is for informational and educational purposes only, I just wanted to see if I could make a GUI type program for a nice website, please support IMDB.com, it is a great service.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051161759193147.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IMDB_Movie1840511162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Tecc","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58319,"Title":"FYI: Fun with Regions","Description":"A compilation of region functions & examples. Included is probably the fastest window shaping routine on PSC. Regions used to create shaped windows, regions used for simple animation, rotating & stretching regions, and using regions similar to FloodFill are examples shown. All are heavily commented to assist in learning.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005116195497371.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FYI__Fun_w1840571162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":85,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58325,"Title":"VBCorLib v0.5","Description":"This is a milestone release of VBCorLib. VBCorLib is a VB6 implementation of the .NET mscorlib assembly, providing many of the classes that are available to .NET developers to now be available to VB6 developers. This release includes much of the System.IO namespace which primarly consists of Streams and File/Directory manipulation, and a few fixes. In conjunction with this release is a new website dedicated to VBCorLib (www.kellyethridge.com/vbcorlib). The site is in constant updating as I'm trying to get some tutorials online. This archive also includes the unit-tests and will require SimplyVBUnit v1.4.x to run. You not have to run the tests.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"visit www.kellyethridge.com/vbcorlib\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBCorLib_v1840671172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Kelly S. Ethridge","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55205,"Title":"Rich Text Formatted Chat Pane, with Hyperlinks and Emoticons","Description":"This control duplicates most of the functionality of the \"Chat Logs\" people will encounter in Chat or Instant Messenger applications.\nIt wraps functions, for special formatting of text, and has a full range of pre-defined events which also can be displayed.\nIt detects link starting with http://, and using the windows API, will detect when the link is clicked, and open it in Internet Explorer (Based on a submission by another PSCode User, who's name I have forgotten)\nUseing the Tag property of elements in an image list control, this chat log can detect when pre-defined key combinations are present in the text, and replace them with \"emoticons\". This is done using more Windows API Calls.\nSee the demo application, and the screenshot for a much better (and more visual) description. This Chat Log control is similar to the one used in a Chat Client I am currently developing, for Ionic Roleplay at http://www.ionicrp.co.uk.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Obviously, this code using the Rich Textbox Control, so please ensure you have it before attempting to run.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"In some cases, if an idle IE Window is open, instead of opening a new IE instance to follow a link, the control will take over the running browser.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047262337479527.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Rich_Text_1774667262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Ryan Stenhouse","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55208,"Title":"Collapsable Frame","Description":"This is a modified version of the the frame which can be expanded or collapsed with or without animation. The control is greatly customizable in terms of appearance.\n___________________________________________\nUpdated 13/9:\n- Prevented if user tries to change the height of the frame in code while the fame is collapsed\n- Added CaptionMousePointer property\n- Added ability to change caption tooltip when in expanded and collapsed mode\n__________________________________________\nUpdated 28/7:\n- Added ShowFocusRectangle property\n- Added Enabled property\n- Added ExpandedHeight property\n- Fixed bug that occurs if user continously holds down the Space or Enter key while the frame has the focus","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047281144534315.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Collapsabl1794459162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Alaeddin Hallak","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55209,"Title":"MP3 player Great animations and GUI (updated)(see screenshot)","Description":"This is my first submission. Its an mp3 player(almost complete) that utilizes the fmod sound engine. The GUI is one of the best on psc for this type project. I submitted it in hopes of recieveing tips on coding and reports of any bugs it has, but if you like it or it gives you some ideas then throw me a vote.\nUPDATE: I have uploaded a few additions such as tooltips, a few bug fixes, an audio balance control, and playlist support. Its still a little buggy but i wont be able to update for a while so i figured what the hell.\nNOTE: I could not include the outdated fmod dll an ocx but thanks to Sebastian Mares they are now available at http://www.transilvania2000.com/fmod.zip\n (case sensitive).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200472716329001.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MP3_player1775257282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"J ATT","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55213,"Title":"Images Zoom","Description":"this simple code is zoom in and out images.its makes the feelings like moving camera uopn images.\ni made it as user control for easy use . i hope this short lines of code can help anyone in this world .","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Images_Zoo1774877282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Yasser Samir","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55216,"Title":"___ Advance Addresses Book XP ( support Luna Theme; XP Blue,XpOlive and XPSilver) ___","Description":"Hi! This is my first submision.\nThis is a complete address book with picture likes\nschool database to keeps track of your relatives,\nyour friends and your classmates.\nLook and feel of WIndows XP regardless an operating system. download now! and don't forget to vote me .....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004728339216886.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/____Advanc1799069302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Asan Khan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55217,"Title":"File Disassembler","Description":"PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A DECOMPILER. All it does is that it converts files into ASM code. If anyone can build a decompiler that works, I'd be proud because it takes hard work to convert ASM code into VB code.\nOBSERVE POR FAVOR QUE ESTO NO ES UN DECOMPILER. Todo lo que lo hace es que convierte archivos en c├│digo del ASM. Si cualquier persona puede construir un decompiler que trabaje, ser├¡a orgulloso porque toma el trabajo duro para convertir c├│digo del ASM en c├│digo de VB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004728431121334.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Disas1774947282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"mathXpert","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55222,"Title":"Animated Command Buttons","Description":"This simple and easy code lets ya to animate your command buttons with or without caption. This does not use any other activex controls or API's.I had added the screenshot. do rate my code folks!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047281235375383.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animated_C1775107282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Suresh Ramanujam","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55225,"Title":"Your Application in Windows System Control Panel","Description":"Place a Shortcut on Windows System Control Panel.\nNice for Setting up your Program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200472940132801.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Your_Appli1775307292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":67,"AuthorName":"J. Rostek","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55227,"Title":"EZ Capture - Screen Capture tool","Description":"An easy to use screen capture tool. Based on Gary Choma's submission but simpler, smaller and different implementation. You can capture full screen, selected area and active window. Image can be copied to clipboard for pasting to other applications. Great for creating documentations.\nAn update is on the way with more features such as Image filter effects: Sharpen, Emboss, Diffuse, Solarize, Smoothen, etc. Image manipulation such as Invert, Zoomed, etc.\nAutomatic selection of window to capture.","Inputs":"All image capturing is down using BitBlt api call for faster copying. Uses MDI to implement scrolling image without trial and error programming the scrollbar button. It doesn't uses picturebox instead create a bitmap and assign to form's picture properties which means fewer resources, compact and faster.\n","Assumes":"Tested on Win98SE WinXP Professional","CodeReturns":"The image capturing procedures is placed in a module which returns a bitmap","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004729521118214.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/EZ_Capture188597592005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Donn C. Romasanta","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55228,"Title":"Even or Odd?","Description":"Nothing spectacular or ground breaking, but just a little piece of code I thought I would do in 20 minutes. After 'Fateha Rahman's attempts at writing this code, I felt my comments weren't really taking effect of improving their code much. So I decided to write this in 20 minutes of spare time to show how it should be done. This code shows 3 different methods of checking if a number is even or odd, and shows which is the fastest. It includes proper bench marking code with it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004729727124803.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Even_or_Od1775367292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"IRBMe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55230,"Title":"Print Field Definitions for SQL Tables","Description":"Enter your SQL server's information, and easily select a table (or all of them), and the application will print the Table's Field properties... Great for a quick-reference. ****BE SURE TO SET THE CONSTs IN MODULE1 TO REFLECT YOUR SERVER SETTINGS****","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004729103161540.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Print_Fiel1775387292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55232,"Title":"VB IDE Full Screen (Update #2)","Description":"This little AddIn toggles VB's code pane windows between normal display mode and full screen display mode. Simply compile the .dll into your VB folder and then use the Add-Ins manager to load it into VB.\nUpdates include: safeguard against accidentaly closing a codepane or VB while in maximized state, and an emergeny fallback in case VB crashes while maximized. So the necessity to manually re-do the registry after a crash should have gone. Some of your feedback suggestions have also been added.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_IDE_Ful177675822004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55233,"Title":"Anchor Class","Description":"Anchors, makes controls size along with the form.\nI wanted to use anchors in VB and make this class in order to save some time. I hope you'll find it usefull.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You need to know how to use classes","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":89,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047291410496571.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Ferry Timmers","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55235,"Title":"Make 800mb (lol)","Description":"(Update)This will create a file and add 999999 words to it. It can take upto 800mb of HDD space. silly simple code but i had fun with my friends PC, Lol.\nOk have 800mb's of fun.\nIf you give me 5 votes i will pay :) hehe\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Nothing here.","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":15,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Father Christmas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55245,"Title":"DM Custom Toolbar","Description":"Hi, Was sitting at my system thinking what to do. well I make a custom toolbar without using picture arrays just by using a one strip of bitmaps 16x16 and BitBlt and TransparentBlt and the Line function to make a kind of toolbar. anyway the toolbar you can add your own button click code and button up code it also has a tooltip.\nI know this ant as good as the normal toolbar but it quick simple and easy. anyway I hope you beginners may find some ideas from this code to help you. Please vote if you like this code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047301245478639.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Custom_1775667302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55254,"Title":"Any Year Calendar","Description":"This excel marco generates Calendar for any year in a new spreadsheet. Good learning tool for Excel Macros. Don't forget to vote :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200473109533830.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Any_Year_C177695822004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Parmender Dahiya","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54837,"Title":"XML PrettyPrint Test app","Description":"This small application is one example to show the possible use of the XML PrettyPrint Class.\nIn addiction, it allows you to save the indented XML string to a .xml or .txt file.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Don't forget : \n1. You must also download the XML PrettyPrint class to run this application.\n2. Before you run this app. you must compile the class into XMLPrettyPrint.dll, register it and then, add its reference to this project\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200479922441584.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XML_Pretty176772792004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Edson Ferreira","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54863,"Title":"BASIC PRODUCTION","Description":"Dos Basic like POKE and PEEK functions for VB6","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Sub GetMem1 Lib \"msvbvm60\" (ByVal Addr As Long, RetVal As Byte)\nPrivate Declare Sub GetMem2 Lib \"msvbvm60\" (ByVal Addr As Long, RetVal As Integer)\nPrivate Declare Sub GetMem4 Lib \"msvbvm60\" (ByVal Addr As Long, RetVal As Long)\nPrivate Declare Sub GetMem8 Lib \"msvbvm60\" (ByVal Addr As Long, RetVal As Currency)\nPrivate Declare Sub PutMem1 Lib \"msvbvm60\" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByVal NewVal As Byte)\nPrivate Declare Sub PutMem2 Lib \"msvbvm60\" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByVal NewVal As Integer)\nPrivate Declare Sub PutMem4 Lib \"msvbvm60\" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByVal NewVal As Long)\nPrivate Declare Sub PutMem8 Lib \"msvbvm60\" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByVal NewVal As Currency)\n","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":59,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"BASIC PRODUCTION","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54855,"Title":"T3XT CH4NG3R","Description":"converts text to ├½┬ú├«T├½, ├Ñ┬º┬⌐├»├», rAndOM CApS and Backwards","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004710739353330.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/T3XT_CH4NG1768027102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"FL1PP3R","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54856,"Title":"Create URL from Path (URLCreateFromPath API)","Description":"create an url from a file path\nfor example \ninput: \"E:/my photo.jpg\"\noutput: \"file:///E:/my%20photo.jpg\"\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":34,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Alexander Triantafyllou","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54858,"Title":"Learn Basic","Description":"This is a program which helps the beginner a lot. Easy coding and commented every line. If it helps anybody please comment","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Learn_Basi1768047102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Pokhraj Das","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53581,"Title":"Wave File 'Bass Maker' Program","Description":"Creates wave files from frequencies entered by the user via a text file. Good for testing out sound systems!! Use a really low frequency and watch your speakers move slowly in and out!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200455954401427.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Wave_File_174240572004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Alex Murray","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53583,"Title":"File Ripper Program (Extract .Jpg, .Mid and more from a File)","Description":"This program can \"Extract\" picture, sound and more from any file. Say you like a splash screen in a program, Well this program can try and extract the picture for you. It can also replace picture within files with other picture (Still has some errors though). It Saves all the extracted Files on \"C:\\\" as a default. \nEnjoy!!\n(Sorry about the lack of remarks in the code, I havn't had time)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The 'Replace File with another' option still has errors!! I managed to patch the Serials 2000 background and adobe splash screen, but other programs did not work as well. In general, you need the same sized file or a smaller file to replace an existing file.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200455107332281.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Rippe174260572004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Alex Murray","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53589,"Title":"Screen Shaper -- Button Shaper -- About Screen","Description":"This code allows you to easily create shaped forms and buttons. All the complexity is hidden behind the scenes so that ultimately it only takes 1 line of code to make a form, button, or picturebox take on the complex shape of a picture. The code is ready to be plugged right into a project.\nAn example application is included that is itself pretty cool. It is a little framework for creating \"About Screens.\" The screen shot is an example of what a few lines of code get you. \nA second example app allows you to dynamically create shaped forms by selecting a file name. Just good clean fun.\nSome of the Win32 API code came from another PSC submission. Don't know who. But thanks !","Inputs":"N/A","Assumes":"none","CodeReturns":"N/A","SideEffects":"N/A","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200456152739352.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Screen_Sha174234562004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"chris fitzmartin","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53610,"Title":"Norton Pop-up Window","Description":"This is like as nortan antivirus message window. A pop-up window appears just like as nortan or Msn-Messanger.A very amazing code which helps u to understand calling api's. Convert twips to pixels, and many more.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Knowleadge of Windows api. and conversion of twips and pixels.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004568472705.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Nortan_Pop174212562004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Anuj sharrma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53615,"Title":"Millionaire3","Description":"The purpose of Millionaire is to test your general knowledge, see if you can win a virtual ┬ú1,000,000.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just unzip and open millionaire2.vbp","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Millionair174223562004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"David John King","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":47987,"Title":"Mouse Mat Installer","Description":"To install your mouse mat.\nThere can be a big big difference in how your mouse is working.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Side effects could be, in some cases, your mouse is not working properly anymore.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_Mat_1635528262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Henry K","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48013,"Title":"Storing files in Access MDB","Description":"UPDATED!!!!!\nThis usercontrol allows to get/put files in an Access 2000 mdb with one line of code!!!\nAnd I've forgot to mention it, if the file is a picture, it is autom. shown !!!\nPlease leave me a comment !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Since many people ask me samples on PSC and E-mail, I've updated my source with a example, a Access 2000 db. Look at it !!!\nAll the code is not from me... give credit to PSC and VBFrance pros who have first created bases!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Storing_fi1635978262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Sebas23","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48015,"Title":"Easy KDE Custom Form Controls","Description":"Ok, this zip includes KCombo, KdeButton, four custom form conrols, you align them to the sides, and its as if thats the actual window. You can resize the forms, as long as you align the the sides right... You can set an icon, you can double click the drag bar and it will become smaller, also you can click the icon for a menu for resizing, minimizing, and closing... This one has a gradient drag bar, I tried to do the dot thing like in KDE but for some reason they dont show up, maybe you know why :( ... Please rate this, by the way, I dont know if the Kcombo.ctl is in there, so if it isnt, just leave a comment about it, and ill submit the source for it to PSC... Thanks, Dr. Fire :) OH YEA, you can also make resizing disabled ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20038261733135612.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Easy_KDE_C1635928262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48018,"Title":"TWTCIPIAO - Three ways to check if program is already open","Description":"This code shows 3 ways to check if program is already open. First way doesn't use any API (it uses App.PrevInstance property). Second way to find out if program is already open is to use FindWindow function. Third and the best way is to create mutex object.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Option Explicit\n'API function for 2nd way\nPublic Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" _\nAlias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName _\nAs String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long\n'API functions for 3rd way\nPublic Declare Function CreateMutex Lib _\n\"kernel32\" Alias \"CreateMutexA\" _\n(lpMutexAttributes As Any, ByVal bInitialOwner _\nAs Long, ByVal lpName As String) As Long\nPublic Declare Function ReleaseMutex _\nLib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hMutex As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function CloseHandle _\nLib \"kernel32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":126,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Filip Wielewski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48021,"Title":"MenuAPI Example v1","Description":"This shows how to access another process' menu and clone it in your own application using API. The example allows you to choose an app from a list of open windows, then once the menu is 'cloned', it will allow you to execute menu items in the other process by clicking on them in your own app. This also demonstrates how to create & remove dynamic menus and submenus on your form, as well as handle messages from them when clicked (uses subclassing). API Calls: IsWindow(), SetWindowLong(), EnumWindows(), GetMenuString(), GetMenuItemID(), GetMenuItemCount(), GetMenu(), GetSubMenu(), AppendMenu(), DeleteMenu(), CreatePopupMenu(), DrawMenuBar(), CallWindowProc(), PostMessage(), GetWindowTextLength(), GetWindowText(), & IsWindowVisible()","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"As with any subclassing and cross-process calls, debugging can be tricky and cause VB Environment to crash so save project often if you make any changes.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003827427371196.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MenuAPI_Ex1636128272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Danny Krotzer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48022,"Title":"Send Text to Ultima Online without SendKeys","Description":"This code is an example of how to send text to the Ultima Online game window (to say out loud) using API and not SendKeys like most people do.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Send_Text_1636148272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Filex","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48023,"Title":"[ Center Forms Without Errors When Maximized ]","Description":"This will center forms and when you maximize the form the Command Button which you click to re-center it will be disabled.","Inputs":"You will need: One Command Button (you just need to keep there default names)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":21,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"JamesJD","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48024,"Title":"Cool effects on form unload","Description":"Paste into a fresh project's form1. on unloading the form, you can specify combination effects on how the form will disappear. This code is *not* mine, I found it on allapi.net. Simple effects that lend a touch of professionalism to an application. hope u like.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":21,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":53033,"Title":"File Finder v0.1","Description":"File Finder v0.1 will scan an entire disk, a directory tree, or a single directory, searching for the file you specify. It is very fast, and can scan a whole 10gb disk in under a minute (roughly 30-40 seconds). It displays all the matches it finds by filename, path, size, and file date/time. During searches, it displays stats of what it has found so far for you, so you can keep an eye on what is happening.\nThis version (0.1) is fully functional, but is limited in some areas, such as wildcard usage. Version 1.0 will be a fully funcional search program, with all the bells and wistles, so look out for it shortly.\nThe code used in this program is loosely based upon my previous submission, Drive Indexer (http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=53001&lngWId=1). If you like File Finder, please vote/comment. If I don't get enough interest, I won't bother with a new version.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044101017225684.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Finde1731724102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"E. Parkes","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53041,"Title":"Win CE Device Connection Detect II","Description":"The code is based on my article \"Win CE Device Connection Detect\". But someone may find it will be crashed for new version of ActiveSync. Thank Alber to remind me of this problem. <BR><BR>After a simple test of my code, I have found why the code does not work. Once again VB's old problem, crash for multi-thread issue. As what we knew, VB is not a thread safety language. In this case, ActiveSync in process-server change the calling context to different context from original. It caused VB's runtime library crashed. Why does VB always crash for multi-thread? You can compile your VB code and generate a PDB for your debugger like VS or VS.Net.Use debugger to trap the error and you will understand why crash crash everywhere. VB's runtime always assumes we just live in single thread.<BR><BR>\nAnother solution for this case is creating a COM server and passes the object reference to ActiveSync's COM Interface. VB supports STA thread model and all of object calls will be protected by STA. But this is not what a good solution for this case \"A simple implementation\".<BR><BR>My solution here is more complex but you don't have to create a COM server for your code. Since VB's code isn't thread-safety, we have to find it out and modify it. After observing the PDB behavior, we found following calls are not safe for MT. It's 'Any Win32 API code' and 'Most COM related VB-call'. Win32 API of VB's not safe. The problem is not caused by API but caused by VB's compiler adding some extra code (prolog/epilog) after each API calls (it's _VBASetSystemError and it's not safe). <BR><BR>We use ReplaceVTableEntry technique to do a wrapper by VB's Module. Because function of a module in VB is not belongs to any object and it will be called safely. After our wrap functions are called, we need to do something like synchronization and force original thread to deal our request here. What can we do any synchronization stuff without Win32 API functions and most object calls? Here I design a simple mechanism for VB's user. I just pass all of parameters to a buffer and deal this buffer by a continual time-loop. You can see the code and know what it's. The problem is that we just deal the parameters asynchronous and never cares about something like thread-safety for parameters processing. <BR><BR>But who cares!<BR><BR>http://home.kimo.com.tw/kwyshell/<BR>http://kwyshekk.myweb.hinet.net/<BR>\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":41,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200441020574214.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Win_CE_Dev1731864102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kwyshell","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53054,"Title":"ComTalk","Description":"This is a great program which uses MSAgent to create a helpful desktop character. ComTalk can tell you the time at regular intervals, remind you of dates, syncronise your clock to an atomic clock and has up to 10 voice-activated programs.\nPlease vote and comments are appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ComTalk1732024112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Dean Camera","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56701,"Title":"help-Decompiler Multi-Language","Description":"Many peoples write to me that my hlp-Decompiler (see on PSC) make errors.\nSo i test it and i think i found the error.\nI use a german system with Decimal = \",\".\nOn other systems Decimal = \".\".\nSo i change that and it works.\nI hope this helps.\nThe code is small so i resubmit him.\nIf someone find an other error please send the helpfile to me with a description.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/help-Decom18044210122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Alfred Koppold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56702,"Title":"VU meter/gauge class control","Description":"This class displays a fully customizable VU meter / gauge control (see screenshot). Needle animation included to make it move smoooooth (3 types). ALL parameters can be set and all objects of the gauge can be scaled (X and Y).\nNice example included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410121446212309.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VU_meter_g18044310122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":134,"AuthorName":"Alain van Hanegem","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56706,"Title":"Ultimate One Line Application Skin","Description":"A Skin Library that soo easy to use, just add a reference to it and one line of code to your Sub Main and that's it the whole application get skinned.\nNo need for OCX or redesign all of your forms.\nDon't forget to read the Readme.txt for additional features and instruction on how to run the project.\nSpecial thanks to Paul Caton for his great works on ASM Hook and Subclass, also for Vlad Visoultchev for his similar ASM thunks and XP Colors reproduction.\nEnjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410122251294082.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ultimate_O18045610122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Luthfi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56711,"Title":"Codebox V1.0","Description":"This is a syntax highlighting codebox for almost every programming language you want. You can easily create new syntax shemes, if you want.\nThe highlighting algo isn't super fast, but much faster than many other examples, because it modifies directly RTF source, not the visible text.\nIf someone has any suggestions to improve this control or make the algo faster, then please tell me.\nHint: You will need SSubTmr6.dll from vbaccelerator to run the control. You can download it from:\nhttp://www.vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Code/Libraries/Subclassing/SSubTimer/VB6_SSubTmr_Binary.asp\nDon't forget to register DLL before, otherwise it won't work.\nSample and Comments are in German.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessageLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwndLock As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function InvalidateRectAsNull Lib \"user32\" Alias \"InvalidateRect\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpRect As Long, ByVal bErase As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetScrollPos Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nBar As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetScrollPos Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nBar As Long, ByVal nPos As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetPrivateProfileStringA\" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041013617585001.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Codebox_V118046410132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"MPCole","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56713,"Title":"VB Installation Setup1 files","Description":"VB Setup (Installation application) This is a generic rewritten VB program (.exe, .dll) installation program originally published by Microsoft.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Install18047410132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Josh Kleppe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56714,"Title":"[ Virtual Password ]","Description":"This is a whole new concept for entering passwords. By using this system, it's impossible to steal your passwords by keylogging, capturing mouse events or positions, screencaptures or hooking those really unsafe textboxes with hidden but unsafe passwordchars (*). All these tricks cannot be used, and you can enter your password without fear of a compromise. The characters are 'entered' by detecting pauses in moving over a random character field. You'll need to try it, to understand it. The zip includes the Password Form and a Demo Form to explain te function. You're a bit paranoia about security? This is your code! Read all the comments in the code!\nPS: Since I noticed that some people didn't understand quit the purpose when I used a textbox in the demo to visualize the result, so I decided to use another way to demonstrate it. Basically it goes like this: Don't use any more that window that pops up and asks you to enter a password in a textbox on the form (even those *****-boxes can be read by calling the window from outside your program!), NO, you use the frmEnter INSTEAD of a textbox. The program is NOT used to put a password in a textbox, but to pass the password directly to your sourcecode. All your comments and suggestions are most welcom :-) *** 10/19 made the square change after each char and use random validation times ***","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041014133201839.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Virtual_18077410192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":78,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56952,"Title":"Dev Color Selector","Description":"This is a small project I made about 20 min ago that I wanted a list of colours like in the VBs properties Box. so I made one using the line control and Bitblt. very easy to use. I also make it into an ActiveX control. anyway please vote if you find this usfull.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410262229444186.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dev_Color_18107910262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56955,"Title":"Fourier Plotter","Description":"This is a program to plot periodic functions using fourier series when the equation of a0, an and bn is given. You can also use VBScript here to specify constants, conditions etc. It can also plot any explicit function of x. It is not only a tool to plot Fourier Series but also to learn about its(Fouries Series) differents properties.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I assume you have primitive knowledge about Fourier Series of Mathematics","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The VBScript Help is not added","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004102731762887.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fourier_Pl18108510272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Iftekhar Tanveer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56957,"Title":"A Satelite Targeting game...try it\\Updated","Description":"It sets a point on the map and it finds it....\ni wonder if american presidents use that....LOOOOL (no need to say that i jk)\\In this Version you get to control the \"satelite\" ... ;) ... i hope you like it...\nUpdate Date and Time : 28\\10\\2004 -- 16:45","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Satelite18113510282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Vasilis Vasileiadhs","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56958,"Title":"API-ucTreeView 1.2","Description":"Almost single-module TreeView user-control (thanks, Paul). // Zip 32Kb.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041027108312851.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API-ucTree1887955132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":100,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56959,"Title":"PSC Downloads","Description":"Over the years I've collected quite a few code and program examples. The problem is that I may know I have an example of how to do something, but I can't find it. This program will open a downloaded file and parse the PSC-readme file, then insert the information into a database that can then be search on. I hope you enjoy it. Please read the readme file prior to running the code as there is a free dll that must be downloaded from another site first.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004102710030662.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PSC_Downlo18109910272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"GettingOld","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51446,"Title":"VAV Player","Description":"This program is used for playing audio and video files of different formats. it can play file having extension \".dat\",\".mp3\",\"*.snd\",\"*.wav\" and more.","Inputs":"There is no input parameter as such, the person has only to select the file audio or video for playing.","Assumes":"one just need to know VB and the method of using media player control","CodeReturns":"it plays the selected file by the user.","SideEffects":"No known if u recover any, then kindly inform me.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VAV_Player170335232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Harshvir Singh Sidhu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51456,"Title":"One-Stop shop for File System Access","Description":"This code replaces all features of the the FileSystemObject through the API for very fast access. Also provides fast API File I/O, file searching, _ALL_ special folders without slow late bound objects or unnecessary dependencies, and much, much more. All code here was written by me, and free for you to use in any way you find beneficial. As always, I ask only for bug reports and ideas on improvement.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/One-Stop_s170354232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51457,"Title":"Easy Dos Control: Execute Dos Command & Capture Result","Description":"This is a very easy to use control. Example Code: 'Text2.Text = Text2.Text & DOS1.ExecuteCommand(Text1.Text)'. Thats all you have to do. You execute the command and it captures the result. Tell me how you like or what i need to do to make it better.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004231428257436.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Easy_Dos_C170355232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":52,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51464,"Title":"A Revolution in Vb rpg gaming version 2..8","Description":"The Best Vb Rpg Game Ever\nUPDATED! 2/10/04","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"fun","SideEffects":"still has some bugs in it","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004231717531095.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Revoluti1706882102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":37,"UserRatingTotal":175,"AuthorName":"Jeffery Taylor","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51466,"Title":"SQLHelper","Description":"This code will blaze through creating even the longest SQL statements(Jet supports up to 64K). This is an updated version of the SQLHelper post I made about six or so months ago, with various optimizations made since then. I have found it to be very useful, hopefully you can too! All code was written by me and is free for all purposes with the exception of cStringBuilder.cls, which is from vbaccelerator.com.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SQLHelper170366232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51467,"Title":"HTML File Compression with enhanced compression","Description":"Compress your HTML files and reduce download time. HTML compression tool reduces the size of your HTML file almost upto 50%. When you build a html file there are lots of useless bytes which comsumes space. HTML compression tool removes those extra bytes,doing this will tightly compact your HTML code. You can also note the percentage ratio of the compressed file. This tool uses ENHANCED COMPRESSION- by enabling this feature you can eliminate all the extra tags which are not necessary. COmpress multiple files at once,this utility is extremely fast and free. It uses easy to understand code and also comes with a sample HTML file. I've seen many people selling it for $$$. So please vote for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200423214955207.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_File_170367232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sriharish.H","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51473,"Title":"[ Authenticate Application ]","Description":"This code will explain you how you can authenticate your \napplication from disallowing the user who wants to run\nyour application without having license to use it...\nThis is the SIMPLEST AND EFFECTIVE example which checks\nregistry settings. DON'T FORGET TO REWARD ME BY YOUR VOTE.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Authenti170374242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51474,"Title":"Over 6320 Windows API flags as VB Constants (1)","Description":"Collection 1 of 4 (6320 out of nearly 30 thousand in all!) constants (flags) for the Windows API functions in 84kb zip!. The API documentation tells you what flags you need but not their values. Well here they are, as many as I can find so far, converted to VB constants. But be warned I have not tested them all so some may not work correctly, I don't know. Happy coding, Rd.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Collection 1 of 4. Does not include error constants collection also here on PSC.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004551140455084.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Over_6320_170375242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51478,"Title":"Over 7070 Windows API flags as VB Constants (4)","Description":"Collection 4 of 4 (7070 out of nearly 30 thousand in all!) constants (flags) for the Windows API functions in 83kb zip!. The API documentation tells you what flags you need but not their values. Well here they are, as many as I can find so far, converted to VB constants. But be warned I have not tested them all so some may not work correctly, I don't know. Happy coding, Rd.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Collection 4 of 4. Does not include error constants collection also here on PSC.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Over_7070_170379242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51487,"Title":"A 2D Rotation Demo using SIN() and COS()","Description":"This VB code graphically shows the relationship between Sine and Cosine when drawing a cirlce. In my humble opinion, I think drawing a circle is the first thing all graphics programmers need to learn. Although it may look like I'm just plotting a single dot in a cirlce, there is another way of looking at this. You could say I am rotating the dot around it's origin. This is exactly the sort of code you will need to rotate a space ship around it's origin, ala 'Asteroids' style. In all my years of programming, I've never once seen an application such as this one. Hopefully, it will clear up what SIN and COS actually look like when plotted.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200424852269668.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_2D_Rotat170394242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51483,"Title":"A Slide Show Viewer","Description":"This program can be used for viewing thwe image files in both single and multiple mode and allows to view slide shows and in the external viewer and even allow to zoom in and zoom out the images.","Inputs":"the user just has to select the image files for viewing.","Assumes":"nothing special just an little experiance of VB Programming","CodeReturns":"displays the picture as preview, full screen, slide show, and in external viewer enabling the zooming and zooming out of the images.","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Slide_Sh170385242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Harshvir Singh Sidhu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51484,"Title":"A Wordpad Program in VB","Description":"This code is provides almost similar options to that of the wordpad provided with the windows, and also a few more than that like of spell checking using OLE Automation","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Some times the OLE object created of the word application is not destroyed and this might give some problem. i will be thankful if anyone can give me any suggestion for it's improvement.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Wordpad_170386242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Harshvir Singh Sidhu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51490,"Title":"Jump All But One Game","Description":"Version 1.1.11. A great game that is easy to learn, but hard to master. This game provides all the ingredients of strategy visualization, hand-eye coordination, and pattern-recognition, which promotes increased IQ ratings. So you are making yourself smarter! Additional features are UNDO, HINTS, auto-finish games (when there is a solution and you are stuck -- or just plain want to learn a set of moves [you cheater ;-) ]). Unlike the urban legend that there are only a few solutions to this game, a quick test revealed that there are about 200 solutions (if not more) starting from ANY location on the board (that's about 3000 total -- I used to think for years there was maybe 2 or 3). Prove it to yourself by selecting the same starting point, and let the game auto-finish for you. Chances are good it will successfully solve the same game differently each time. TRAINING WHEELS MODE added to walk beginners through a game. It highlights marbles with a cyan circle that will lead to victory when you move your mouse over them. Fun to watch all the possible variations in a single game. Added another cheater option that disables the HINT button when it is not possible to complete a game in victory. This helps beginners tell immediately when they took a step that will lead to defeat. Added more help and escapable demos and replays (use the ESC key).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004292014531198.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Jump_All_B1706942102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"David Ross Goben","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51493,"Title":"SuperPicture (Updated) - A More Powerful PictureBox Control","Description":"SuperPicture is a modified PictureBox that supports scrolling and zooming. (Updated to include Panning support and fixes outstanding bugs. Added Picture property.) Based on original code submission by \"amirnezhad\", entitled \"Simple Scrollable Image Viewer\". Now is available as a UserControl. QuickBar for integrated zooming. Fixed scrollbar coloration. Well documented. I appreciate any feedback and/or votes. Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200426118539591.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SuperPictu170489262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Joseph M. Ferris","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51513,"Title":"Windows Lockout 5.0","Description":"Windows Lockout is great it disables ctrl+alt+del in all windows versions including XP and even better windows cannot load until a valid password is entered, it acts the same sort of way as windows xp activation on boot (no taskbar, icons ect) you must make the programe an exe than log off log on again and it may/may not appear then the secound time you log on it should, the password is: 1234567890-54321abc \nPlease Please Vote For Me********************","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Windows_Lo170454252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Adam Ranshaw","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51423,"Title":"Another Prev Instance Activator","Description":"This code will activate a previous instance of your program if detected. It uses subclassing of the main window.","Inputs":"N/A","Assumes":"May crash the ide, so save your work before execution (did not crash mine however, but subclassing can be unstable)","CodeReturns":"N/A","SideEffects":"Had to use end to close the next instance (not the prev instance). Using Unload Obj in Form_Load produced an error, it can be used if On Error Resume Next or a Error Handler is produced.","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long\n' ^ Used to change window proc\nPrivate Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib \"user32\" Alias \"CallWindowProcA\" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long\n' ^ Used to call default window proc for window\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Long) As Long\n' ^ Send Message to window (Proc)\nPrivate Declare Function FlashWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal bInvert As Long) As Long\n' ^ Used, funnily enough...to flash the window :D\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long\n' ^ Used to find the window if we have a prev instance\nPrivate Declare Function IsWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long\n' ^ Check to see if we have a valid window.","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Another_Pr170288222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Thomas Greenwood","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51529,"Title":"Flashing text","Description":"This code will teach you to make text flash, for beginners, code by A2theK.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flashing_t170474262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"A2theK","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51530,"Title":"Library System 112","Description":"Basic library system based on one by Abdul Rafay Mansoor which contains: titles, books, members, employees, borrow books, return books, renew books, missing books, and pay fines. I have added open database (MS Access) file (for network environment), employee log in, lookup search function (uses ado in a single form), and bigger buttons. This is still in progress, appreciate feedback and suggestions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004261560725.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Library_Sy170476262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Raja Iskandar Shah","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":56526,"Title":"The Question of Existence","Description":"I have come across several different solutions for testing for a file's existance, from Dir to opening the file, testing for error, then closing the file again. I remembered an article/comment by Bruce McKinney that influenced my solution to this problem and thought I would share it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004104124151557.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56529,"Title":"xTree Custom Tree Control","Description":"A First On PSC (I Think)\nAn Attempt At A Fully Owner Drawn Treeview Control.\nCreated To Simulate The Outlook 2003 Treeview Control.\nEach Node Can Have It's Own Properties: ie: Fontcolor,Itemdata etc.\nLots Of Properties ie: Gradient Select, Background picture, Background Gradient(Without Picture),Full Row Select, Icons, No Horizontal Scrollbar, XP Theme Support To Many To Mention.\nAlthough This Uses A Collection Based Methodoligy I Think It works Quite Good.\nDrawing Is Fast and Flicker Free.\nI Have Tested This on Windows XP and Works Really Well Upto 3000 Nodes.\nAs This Is The First Relase Please Don't Be To Harsh As I Know There Are Many Things Still Missing.\n\nAs Always Feedback And Constructive Critisim is Always Welcome.\nKind Regards\nGary\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041041630478940.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/xTree_Cust1801021042004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":113,"AuthorName":"Phantom Man","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56531,"Title":"Writing data in a file without any file Content/Size/Attributes changes (NO FILE-CHANGES AT ALL)!!!","Description":"This program uses NTFS streams to save data in a hidden place of files. So your data is saved without any file-changes like size,attributes,contents or .... everything is like before you save data. It can be used to prevent file monitoring utilities like InCtrl5 or ... to track your file activities. YOU CAN SAVE & RETRIVE WITHOUT ANY CHANGE IN FILES. Pure VB code (No API or ..)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041042333507831.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Writing_da1801071042004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Omid G.L.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56535,"Title":"Read hlp-files","Description":"This simple app can decompile Windows-HLP-files if you lost your sources.\nIt get rtf files, graphics, projektfile and so on.\nYou can recompile it.\nA Desription of the HLP-Format is included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Read_hlp-f1801121052004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Alfred Koppold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56537,"Title":"PNG_Class","Description":"This is a class to display PNG-Graphics without a speciell Dll (pure VB and Windows-Api).\nWith Alphablending and Transparence!!!\nAlso included are my old classes to read PCX and TGA-Graphics and a new class to read some kind of TIF-Graphics.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PNG_Class1801141052004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":85,"AuthorName":"Alfred Koppold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56545,"Title":"CALL VB FUNCTIONS IN ARABIC","Description":"CALL VB FUNCTIONS IN ARABIC","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CALL_FUNCT1801261052004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"muad ahmed ali","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56550,"Title":"Mass File Renamer II","Description":"Allows you to rename files en masse with some preset patterns. Added the ability to use the modification date in the numeric indexing pattern. (Press '?' for details) Replaced the browse for folder method with the control in http://ccrp.mvps.org/download/controls/ccrpftv6-10.zip\nCan now use the old filename in the numeric indexing pattern. I did have it in MR1 but thought no one used it.\nFixed a critical error","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041051313345238.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mass_File_18040810112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56559,"Title":"Excelent way to save data in table","Description":"we have to save data in TABLE \ni wrote this utility to help beginers in vb for saving data\nwithout using the old way \nLIKE \nrs!st_no=val(me.text1.text)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/excelent_p1801651062004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"muad ahmed ali","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56557,"Title":"Advanced Registry Functions","Description":"This gives you control over the windows registry\nall neede registry functions included\neven this has KeyExist and KeyValuExist function\nheavily commneted even a kid would understand whats going on","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004106342233475.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_R1801611062004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ranuka","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56558,"Title":"Global Torrent Searcher","Description":"GTorrent is a Basic Way to Make a Mass Search in all Torrent Websites, you can add more BitTorrent websites :)\nGTorreent Support Multi LAnguage, Popup Blocker and a KDE Interface ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410651915831.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Global_Tor1801641062004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Ashraf Magdi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":49791,"Title":"Appointment Book","Description":"Provides a Monthly Calendar and keeps track of the Important dates and appointments you have.","Inputs":"For a new calendar year just click on new from the file menu and type in the year (i.e. 2003) and the program will create a full years calendar for that year.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003111017518565.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Appointmen16701611102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Casper Phillips","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49792,"Title":"Animated Window","Description":"Add special effect to your form when it is showing and hiding! 6 types of effects can be applied. They are roll left to right, roll right to left, roll top to bottom, roll bottom to top, expand window outward and fade window. This program shows how to add these fancy effects. Make sure you have Windows 2000 and later or Windows 98 and later running before running this program. The program is well commented and a tutorial is included. Your comments and votes is the way you repay me for my work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031110137406905.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animated_W16701911102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49796,"Title":"bsPolygonButton","Description":"Replacing the nasty bsOctControls is the latest in BadSoft tomfoolery - the bsPolygonButton. This control will let you create a 3D button with between 3 and 100 sides, with customisable colours. \nFor more UserControls please visit http://www.badsoft.co.uk/activex","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The DrawEdge API wasn't used in this control because it requires a lot of calculation to draw diagonal controls. Also, it doesn't draw diagonal lines properly anyway. :(","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031110443235546.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/bsPolygonB16702311102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Headdy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49798,"Title":"Copy memory FAST using MMX/SSE. Updated","Description":"I was wondering whether MMX/SSE instructions could be employed to improve on the performance of CopyMemory for large blocks of data. Well, as you can from the screenshot, in some scenarios huge benefits can be wrought. Though I have to state, overall, the best strategy is to play nice with the cache and ensure that both source and destination are aligned on 16 byte boundaries. Nota Bene: The ASM routines DO NOT work with overlapped source and destination, though why a VB programmer would be doing that, I can't imagine. Don't concern yourself that that a user's CPU might be ancient and not support either MMX or SSE instructions, if those capabilities aren't found, then the cMemory class seamlessly falls back to using the regular api functions. For actual usage, use the cMemory.cls which chooses SSE over MMX, if available, automatically, rather than the cMemTest.cls, as used in the sample project, which was written just so that I could demonstrate both MMX and SSE codes against each other. Just for fun, I also test the equivalent C run-time functions memcpy, memmove & memset. The screenshot was produced on a P4 @ 1.8GHz\nSee comments below for update details...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031110859411340.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Copy_memor16711211122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":110,"AuthorName":"Paul Caton","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49802,"Title":"DLL Tutorial - MyFirstDLL","Description":"Learn how to not only create a DLL file, but also add it to another project, and call its functions, subs, and properties. This tutorial is step-by-step and very easy to understand. I made this because I noticed that all the other how-to DLL examples on PSC were pretty poor.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Rob Loach","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49805,"Title":"Fastest \"STDCALL\" externals","Description":"....unusually IMPORT external fuction to VB---!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fastest__S16702811102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49811,"Title":"Virus Remover Maker","Description":"I wrote this project because viruses are increasing dramatically and are becoming more and more everyday and I wanted to give a hand to fight them, not that this project will exinquish all the viruses but at least it can be developed by many programmers and become a great tool for removing new viruses. Please respect my work, leave comments(important!) and if you like it vote for it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311101543179533.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Virus_Remo16704711102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Kyriakos Nicola","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49812,"Title":"JHabboT","Description":"This piece of code was created by me but now since i have no use for it check it out. Basicly the program connects with socket compoments to the fuse server HabboHotel.com and contains a client sock and sends custom data and thats it but to add all the info together it comes up to to that it basicly connects recieves sends then custom sends.Dunno if this code is useful.Great code to learn spliting and a little bit of variable array looping :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"If you think you will use this code to biuld other applications for habbohotel or other sulake products please read the terms of sulake and then think of what you will biuld NOT damaging there terms.This code was biult for educational purposes.(Program doesnt hack script break database or any other kinda stuff that is related to hacking)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/JHabboT18223611272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Evgeni(Aries)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":55058,"Title":"MultiMedia Browser XP V2","Description":"MultiMedia Browser XP V2 is an All-in-one file browser. It lets you view Text Files, Photos, HTML Files and plays videos and music files in just a single click. Its look is good and its handy keyboard shortcuts make switching between files much easier. Any comments and suggestions are welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004720164538240.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MultiMedia1772047202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":7,"AuthorName":"Afaque Ahmed Memon","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55059,"Title":"LaUnix Operating System v 0.0.1","Description":"First Unix was written in BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language). In 1973, Unix OS was rewitten in C. \nToday, its visual basic language. LaUnix is future OS -- (3D OS, Internet kernel, kernel will be create by you) -- born in 2004. Verison 0.0.0 wasn't success product. Now, Verison 0.0.1 includes: ASM bootable OS disk, linux kernel bootdisk source code for C, and Visual Basic source code for console, calulator, notepad, etc. Be sure to compile at C:\\launix\\launix.exe. (not tested on XP & NT) \nTell me what you like/dislike about this program. I'll be working next verison. I'll be adding docs how to build 3d operating system. Don't forget to vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":5,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004720203703950.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Jimmy Lau","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55073,"Title":"Lame Active X","Description":"Converting Wave to MP3 using the Lame Active X Control.You need to download the activex control at http://jwstop.com/nhgames/vb/LameEncoderX.zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You need to download the activex control at\nhttp://jwstop.com/nhgames/vb/LameEncoderX.zip","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004721191198833.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Lame_Activ1772257212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"NHGames","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55074,"Title":"[ Safe UBound and LBound ]","Description":"Ever wanted to use LBound and UBound to get arrays boundaries without jumping over error message when the array is empty? These functions will replace the ordinary LBound and UBound procedures so you donΓÇÖt need to worry about errors. I've also included a way to get the dimensions of an array. Just paste the following code into a module, and the problem is solved.\n","Inputs":"SafeUBound and SafeLBound: [Address to the array], [What dimension you want to obtain]\nArrayDims: [Address to the array]","Assumes":"You obtain the address to an array by passing it to the VarPtrArray API call. So if you want to get the boundaries of an array called aTmp, you need to call the functions like this:\nlLowBound = SafeLBound(VarPtrArray(aTmp))\nlHighBound = SafeUBound(VarPtrArray(aTmp))\nlDimensions = ArrayDims(VarPtrArray(aTmp))","CodeReturns":"As expected from the ordinary functions, except that they will return -1 when the array is empty.","SideEffects":"Since the return value is minus when the array is empty it's a big chance you will get problems with minus dimensioned arrays, but who use them anyway?","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib \"msvbvm50.dll\" Alias \"VarPtr\" (Ptr() As Any) As Long\nDeclare Sub CopyMemory Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"RtlMoveMemory\" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":55,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Kristian S. Stangeland","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55075,"Title":"[PathFinding -Simple way]","Description":"This is a heavily commented pathfinding algorithm. It has a customizable map, you can generate the terrain randomly, and just put in start and end position. I decided to do this program because ive seen a lot of pathfinding tools out there that are simply too big and hard, while pathfinding in nature is pretty simple. Enjoy and vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047212040489807.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[PathFindi1772277212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Mephisto","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57296,"Title":"File Exists PLUS","Description":"Determine if a file exists and retrieve information about size, creation/modifed/access dates and file attributes, this could also be modified to retrieve version information as well.\nUPDATE: In Response to Solo's statement you can now also retrieve file version info and other information such as company name, file description, default language, etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"CopyMemory\nFindFirstFile\nFindClose\nFileTimeToSystemTime\nFileTimeToLocalFileTime\nGetFileVersionInfo\nGetFileVersionInfoSize\nGetFullPathName\nlstrlenA\nVerLanguageName\nVerQueryValue","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411191548395072.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/File_Exist18200911192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"james kahl","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57301,"Title":"Revelatek MDITabs Control v1.05 *BIG UPDATE*","Description":"Revelatek MDI Tabs control provides you with the ability to have Visual Studio.NET, Office 2003 and Office 2000 style tabs. To use this control you don't have to write a single line of code you just need to put it on MDI form and that's all!\nUPDATE: Check out comments bellow for update history.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041119925365106.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Revelatek_18200511192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":105,"AuthorName":"Andrea Batina[Revelatek]","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57302,"Title":"Kewl Image Effects","Description":"Many image effects for free. There are 30: GreyScale, Negative, Lighten, Darken, Blur1, Blur2, NoRed, NoGreen, NoBlue, Warped, Warped2, DecreaseRed, DecreaseGreen, DecreaseBlue, DecreaseRGB, IncreaseRed, IncreaseGreen, IncreaseBlue, IncreaseRGB, SandBlasting, Incoherence, GlowInTheDark, SunShinnyDay, Silk, Silk2, Flatten, Silhuette, Emboss, Pixilated, and my favorite Pointalism.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Kewl_Image18193111172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Evil_Bob","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57311,"Title":"Transport Automation System","Description":"This Helps in maintainign the booking, vechicles, contacts and other important aspects of any transport organisation.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041118642335818.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Transport_18194311182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Poornima Prakash","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57313,"Title":"[ SaveText - LoadText Functions For TextBox ]","Description":"This is an example of 'SaveText' - 'LoadText' functions for TextBoxes.It is easy to use and works smoothly. I Need your 'FeedBack' and never forget to -Rate- this code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[__SaveTex18194711182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":61,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57315,"Title":"exact copy of mircs $gettok function","Description":"the same as the mirc gettok function - very usefull","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":36,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Hans Otto der dritte","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57317,"Title":"[ Shade Picture ] - Shades a picture with a specified color","Description":"This is an example of \"ShadePicture\" functions for PictureBoxes.It is easy to use and works smoothly. I Need your 'FeedBack' and never forget to -Rate- this code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[__Shade_P18196911182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57325,"Title":"[*DirectX 8 Isometric RPG - UPDATED!*]","Description":"A simple isometric RPG engine that can read maps from a save file, draw the map, draw the player, read walls from a save file, draw an NPC, draw the walls, and can move the character. UPDATE: I got character movement working! As long as the players movement is less than 17 pixels it works fine. Also added NPCs, but they are far from being done. The code is kinda messy, but I will clean it up when I'm done.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041262310328893.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_DirectX_1826431262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Calvin Mayer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57327,"Title":"Stock Getter","Description":"It will go online and return all of the stocks being traded and get the Last trade, Change, and volume for now","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"returning info for all stocks takes about 15 minutes","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Stock_Gett18199311192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ustes","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57332,"Title":"Complete Pure 3D Engine with 3D Editor! Must see for all mathematicians.","Description":"This is a working complete 3D Engine(Model Editor), only using math and some API. I must admit some of the matrix code on psc really got me going to make this. If you are wondering what GB(Galatic Battle) is, then I can tell you that it was a game I was working on, only got the Engine finished though.\nPlease vote for me, inputs and any techniques for speeding up are agreatly appreciated.\nOne last thing, put focus on the render window and press \"R\" to switch bettwen render modes, and sorry but textures not completed yet.\n- Julian","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411191521196903.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Complete_P18201211192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Julian The Programmer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57334,"Title":"DirectX8 Multi User Voice Client","Description":"This is a working example of direct x peertopeervoice. It tarted out as a microsoft example that had a few other options but i took all that out so you could see just the voice part. Sorry but you can only have one open on a computer at a time","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DirectX8_M18201111192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"zoom","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57336,"Title":"DevCon FTP 3.0.4","Description":"This is an update to DevCon FTP 3.0.3. It is now DevCon FTP 3.0.4 Fatty Edition. I am not the original author of this code. I have mearly fixed things, and added functionality to this program. It now has the ablity to CHMOD files, and as it appears, is the first to have it on PSC. CHMOD might not work, I have no FTP to test it on, my host doesn't support these commands. But from what I gathered on the web, it SHOULD work. If it doesn't, it won't take much modification to get it working. There is a list of changes in the zip, as well as the original PSC readme.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004112040371727.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DevCon_FTP18202511202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Shawn J Cox","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57338,"Title":"Simple Begin of Your Own Screenmate","Description":"The code let you see how easy it is to make your own screenmate. Import some sounds , more animations and actions.\nNo Flicker at all!!\nTry it out, it is not the most advanced code there is but it is just a little start.\nI'll made this code by my selfs, please vote.thanx","Inputs":"n/a","Assumes":"n/a","CodeReturns":"n/a","SideEffects":"n/a","ApiDeclarations":"Private Const LWA_COLORKEY = 1\nPrivate Const LWA_ALPHA = 2\nPrivate Const LWA_BOTH = 3\nPrivate Const WS_EX_LAYERED = &H80000\nPrivate Const GWL_EXSTYLE = -20\nPrivate Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal color As Long, ByVal x As Byte, ByVal alpha As Long) As Boolean\nPrivate Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041120726497900.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Beg18202711202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Fire2Burn","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57341,"Title":"Code Organiser","Description":"Code Organiser \"beautifies\" your code, i.e. automatically indents it properly. You tell it which project to organise, and it will allow you to select which forms, modules or classes to modify. Extremely useful for making code much more readable.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411201039413035.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Code_Organ18202811202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Craig Bonathan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57342,"Title":"YourTime","Description":"This is an electronic-calender that can do a plenty of things. It can function as a Diary, keep track of special dates and occasions, have serveral users, collect information about your contacts and help you with appointsments and tasks. Plus, it can tell you when the sun rises and sets; and the time, week, weekday and month. And it can of course let you search in all the data.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"When you use the \"red-letter\" editor, you use some tags to let the text be more suitable:\n(!CF) = Insert a flag\n(!CH) = The day will be \"holy\" and marked blue.\n(!YA) = Will be replaced with how many years it has been since the event took place.\n(!FB) = Makes the text bold\n(!FI) = Makes the text italic\n(!FU) = Makes the text underlined\n(!FS) = Makes the text strike-troughed\n(!FR) = Reset the font\nAnd the \"Expression:\" is simply an string that tells the program how to compare the date. \"-\" is equal, \"^\" is not equal, \"+\" and \"?\" will OR or XOR the current state (check the source code in SimpleRegExp) and everything else is ignore. So if you want the program to check if the month and date is equal, then you'll have to write this string:\n--.--.****\nAnd, the order is [day].[month].[year], NOT [month].[day].[year]!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Too many.","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411201223392203.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/YourTime18215711242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Kristian S. Stangeland","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57343,"Title":"A 3D fractal Terrain / Landscape Generator","Description":"This is a simple, yet powerful 3D fractal terrain landscape generator in VB. includes, Heightmapping, Subdivision, Random noise, colour shading,etc","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041120159367037.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_fract18203911202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Aniruddha Marathe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":49839,"Title":"Yahoo Online Offline Status Check","Description":"Easiest way you will ever find to check if someone is online in Yahoo. Just enter the ID and it checks it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311112229156533.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Yahoo_Onli16709111112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49840,"Title":"Apply a Skin To a Form","Description":"Example of how to apply a complex looking skin to any form. Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003111122425731.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Apply_a_Sk16709211112003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49845,"Title":"Gradient Progress Bar v2","Description":"Gradient Progress Bar v2 is the second version in its series. This progress bar now comes with 12 types of gradient in two main categories: horizontal gradient and vertical gradient. They are 6 colors in each category. Comments are welcomed. If you liked this progress bar, please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031112132222914.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Gradient_P16710111122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Lam Ri Hui","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49852,"Title":"Histogram Control (like Windows Task Manager Performance)","Description":"This control is like Windows Task Manager performance scrollers.\nIt's pretty simple, so the lack of comments :-( shouldn't be a problem.\nThe main useful bit is bulding the scroller in a hidden picture box, and using bitblt to move it onto the\nUserControl (so we don't have to keep adding to the memory required for the display).\nThere are a few properties for the colours and grid settings, and the whole thing's runtime resizeable\n(though I don't know why you'd want to do that).\nFeel free to use/modify/improve etc. this for your own stuff - hope you find it useful!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031112948169810.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Histogram_16711111122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"James Kerr","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49859,"Title":"PathFinder: Dijkstra Method","Description":"Contribution to Julien Lecomte's post. AI path finder now goes diagonally too, less memory intensive. All credit goes to original author; if you wish to comment on the diagonal path routine, please do; otherwise any voting should go to the original author at www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=31654&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311121637323715.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PathFinder16712111122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49860,"Title":"Apply A Skin To An MDI and Child Form(s)","Description":"Example of how to apply a skin to both the MDI Parent & Child Forms. Please Vote!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311121656243222.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Apply_A_Sk16712311122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49869,"Title":"XP Style / Rendered (Skinned) Toolbar Buttons Control","Description":"This control lets you have Office XP Style or Rendered Toolbar buttons (useful for skinning forms). The style can be switched dynamically if you like. See the 'SetButtonStyle' procedure on Form1 for details on using the control. The control includes Steve McMahon's excellent vbAccelerator Subclassing module, and some snippets picked up from Planet Source Code - thanks to all! Feel free to use and/or improve the control - comments and suggestions very welcome. Hope you find it useful!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031113531447185.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Style__16713411132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"James Kerr","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49870,"Title":"Internet Explorer and Office XP Toolbar","Description":"Use a better toolbar in your project\nAvailiable Styles:\n- Office XP\n- Internet Explorer\nOnly input is 1 bitmap file with the toolbar icons\nGreat code to generate the grayscale bitmap in 1 jiffy\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031113540404158.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Internet_E16713511132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49875,"Title":"Ordered dither test","Description":"Playing with ordered dither.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031113711467993.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ordered_di1763016282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49877,"Title":"FileSystemAPI","Description":"A clone of Microsoft's Scripting Runtime: FileSystemObject using API calls with a few additions and necessary changes. If you want total control over file access this is the object for you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FileSystem16715411132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Anthony Ciccolini","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49879,"Title":"RAW IP Sniffer","Description":"Updated.(21/nov/03)\nSniff all IP Packets in your PC using RAW sockets (needs windows 2000 or XP)\nI┬┤ve used a subclassing class posted here in PSC\nPlease comment and tell me what you think.\n\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031121759129194.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RAW_IP_Sni16744511212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"MaRiØ G. Serrano","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":53743,"Title":"Report Builder","Description":"it's an application in which i use text files databse, yes......... when u work on it u feel that u work on a database project, but it's compleately text files database project, you learn soo many of things when you use this project beleave me..........","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Report_Bui1744615132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Anuj sharrma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53748,"Title":"Cash Register/Point of Sales","Description":"Has a simple cash register, monitor sales and product status, user restriction. it is a simple Point of Sales Dont forget to rate and vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004514804747.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Point_of_S1744725132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":46,"AuthorName":"Calther Bacoy","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53750,"Title":"Dots 2 - PIPES [Animated Screen Saver Algorythm]","Description":"This is the sequel to my previous submission \"Dots\". Meet \"Dots 2\". This grpahical process will produce \"pipe-like\" effects.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045131224449418.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dots_2_-_P1744745132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53757,"Title":"ColorFade Class","Description":"This is a class module that will return a midpoint color between a start and end color. You specify the start color, end colors, and a percentage to find out what color falls in between. A method is included to draw gradients on a form or picture box.\nThis is a standalone class module. A project is included for testing the class, but you only need the class module in your final code.","Inputs":"Supply a start and end color as a long number, probably using the built-in RGB() function. When you are ready to find a midpoint color, supply a percentage. 0% is the start color and 100% is the end color. If you want to use form or picture gradients, you need to supply the object name.","Assumes":"Comes with an excellent project to demonstrate the class, but all you need is the class itself. Simply include the class module with your application and your there! Fairly small footprint.","CodeReturns":"Returns a long number specifying the in-between number. This uses the individual Red, Green, and Blue channels, not the finished long number to determine, so you get a \"perfect\" fade. For form and picture gradients, the drawing is done automatically using the built in Line()-() method.","SideEffects":"Frames do not look good on top of a gradient. It is recommended that you draw your frame inside of a picture box. Also, you will have to turn on the auto-redraw of the form or picturebox.","ApiDeclarations":"'\n'No API usage. Globals in the test project are for the test project only.\n'","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045131810128160.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ColorFade_1745745152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Brian Zablocky","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53759,"Title":"Remote Administration Through IE. (Big Updates)","Description":"This program is basicly a server that sits on a remote machine. By simply typing the IP address into the internet explorer address bar. it will require you to login with a username ane password. This update containes streaming processes. I also added a connection monitor. Along with other updates the login page is now more secure............................................................................................REMEMBER!!!!!!!! you must change your security options to allow you to use active x components. i have some oages use the activex winsock component...............","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004513202367840.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Remote_Adm1744965132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53763,"Title":"Stack Class","Description":"This is a class module that provides a LIFO stack for parsers et al. Pretty well commented and comes with a test project to demonstrate it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is a class module. You will need to add the class to your project and declare it before using it. There is no interface to the actual class.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Data is stored in variants, so you should do some checking on values that you read from the stack to make sure they are the values you want.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Stack_Clas1748005202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Brian Zablocky","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53767,"Title":"SpaceWars","Description":"This is a vertical scrolling space shooter. I think you'll like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SpaceWars1745045132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Radick","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53768,"Title":"Calipers3.0(Updated Again 5-17-04)","Description":"I think I have finally got it working the way I wanted. Use it to measure pixels on screen or in projects.Hope you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004513223411013.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Calipers3_1747255182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53778,"Title":"Extended Textbox","Description":"Text box with all extensions which one always need. No more MSMASK!!! Finally!","Inputs":"any Strings in the the correct Format","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"nice Control","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200451455913286.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Extended_T1745205142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"J. Rostek","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53779,"Title":"RRS AsciiChart","Description":"Hi there.\nThis is a simple, but still useful, little character map application. It's pretty much like all the others out there, only it's 'my way'Γäó :p\nHope you find it useful, and maybe learn a little from it.\nThe project also serves as a thourogh and detailed demonstration of my paintlib - I actually took some time to comment the code in this project. Yay!\nAnyways, enjoy the code, until next time :)\n\nRavn Revheim\nravn_revheim@hotmail.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004514639248220.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RRS_AsciiC1745225142004.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Ravn Revheim","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53781,"Title":"A VB Collection","Description":"If you want your program to become very popular you must use all what is in the article. this Article contans\nContents\nTo read the content of the a list box \nto add a row in the ListView\nto remove an item from the listView\nto remove a selected item from the listview\nif there is more than a colomn on the listview and you want to add to \nTo put more than one line in the MsgBox \nTo create a directory\nto view a submenu on the form when you right click it\nto read a specific letter in a word in the text box\nto know the windows version\nto go to a new line use\nto make an object on the top of the taskbar\nTo add a text to the listbox\nto open a message box MsgBox\nto declare an input dilog box\nTo show the current date and time\nto show the date only\nto show the time only\nto take the value of a string\nto declare a random number\nto print to the defaut printer\nto connect the File viewer with the Directory Viewer\nto run a file \nto save to the registry\nto get from the registry\nto click a button by pressing enter \nto insert a picture in the button \nif you where wrighting a code and it was too long and you want to \nto make a word in the menu checked\nif you want to type date or time or both \nto make a declared variable limited\nThe <> means \nHow to use the case\nto make a form in the center if the screen\nto make a form full screen\nto know how many forms in the project\nto open files\nto use the winsock\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_VB_Colle1745245142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Firas S. Assaad","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53787,"Title":"\\ Traffic Simulator /","Description":"Simulate a traffic (smileys are driving cars)\n _-_Vote If You Want_-_","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Traffic_1745405142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53789,"Title":"From VB 6.0 To VB.NET - A Great Tutorial - For all VB programmers, to upgrade their skills to VB.NET","Description":"VB.NET is completely Object Oriented. Most VB 6.0 programmers find it difficult to cope up with the new object oriented features of VB.NET. The whole tutorial is divided to 10 lessons. Each lesson is available as a vb source code file, in the same folder. You can open each lesson and start learning. Creating And Using Classes And Objects In VB.NET, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance And Polymorphism , Overloading And Overriding , Constructors And Destructors ,Static Functions etc - and relevant comparisons with VB 6.0. [Important: This tutorial explains everything from beginning - including how to download and install the free Dotnet Framework. Also, you don't need any other tools - like Visual Studio.NET - to compile the excercises in this tutorial.]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045141445222.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/From_VB_6_1745435142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":102,"AuthorName":"Anoop Madhusudanan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53794,"Title":"[Process Sniffer]","Description":"This program lists all processes on computer and sorts them into listboxes depending on their detailed information. If it is available, you can also check detail info on a particular process, search for not-found processes. This application is meant to act like a Virus/Spyware/Adware protection that alerts you on common viruses etc. It automatically scans all your processes and matches them with the ones in database and those that are recorded as Spyware / Viruses etc, they are highlited with comment after the process name saying - ATTENTION\nThis code is not fixing any viruses, spywares etc, it is only identifing the problem. The next step of removal is upon you. Enjoy & vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045141754382861.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Process_S1745555142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Mephisto","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53797,"Title":"ColorGradient Class","Description":"This is an improvement upon my ColorFade class. Supply up to 11 colors (0% to 100% by 10%) and it will produce a gradient on your form or picture box. Optionally choose up to 8 sources for the gradient (4 sides, 4 corners). The only file needed is the class module. The test project is for demonstration purposes. Updated with comments. Added a new UnSetColor method.","Inputs":"Include the class in your project and declare it. Specify up to 11 colors and a gradient source using the SetColor method with an index of 0 through 10. Use the PaintObject method to draw the gradient.","Assumes":"This code does not require ColorFade. It is standalone. Much of the code in this class was derived from ColorFade. If you need a midpoint color, use ColorFade instead of ColorGradient.","CodeReturns":"A gradient drawn on a form or picture box.","SideEffects":"Make sure the auto-redraw is on. After you draw the gradient on an object, call the object's Refresh method.","ApiDeclarations":"'\n' No API. Pure VB\n'","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045142221117732.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ColorGradi1748025202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Brian Zablocky","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55783,"Title":"Transparent Forms on Fly","Description":"This Project was based on program TRANSPARENT FORM MAKER by Robert Gainor.\nI improved the method, saving the BytRegion array as binary file.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004824513465351.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Transparen1785228242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Agustin Rodriguez","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55784,"Title":"Convert VB code to C++","Description":"This is a C++ library to convert your VB code to C++. If you love BASIC and want to learn to code in C++ this can be the perfect library to code. It provides all possible functions/data type that avaliable in VB. For more information http://ezbasic.sf.net/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Convert_VB1785238242004.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"Vivek Jishtu","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55799,"Title":"Msflexgrid Preview (ver. 2)","Description":"This is the second version of Msflexgrid preview,it has powerfull functions such as printing and adding your logo,textbox data and good look.\nplease check it and tell me your Opinon","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004824215894223.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Msflexgrid1785518242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Khaled Agwa","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55800,"Title":"PictureFrame UserControl","Description":"\nThis is a response to Ralnautikuus upload 'BackBorders' txtCodeId=55728. Still not perfect but cute. \nYou can create a decorative form which conceals additional controls behind the decorations, by modifying the menu\non the UserControl you can extend or limit the end-users ability to interact with the control.\n-----------------------------------------\nSuggestions, bugs gratefully accepted.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004824226323538.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PictureFra1785528242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55802,"Title":"Get Yahoo! IMWindows Chat Text! (With colors/fonts/sizes and smileys!","Description":"Do you want to save your conversations from Yahoo! Messeenger with colors/fonts/smileys? here's the solution!. you can write whatever you want and before close the IMWindow, open GetY!Text, double click the window you want to save the conversation from in the GetY!Text list and the app will get the text for you, ready to be saved In HTML Format or In a Word Document!\nUpdated to work with The new Yahoo Messenger 6.0","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004824231997584.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Get_Yahoo!1785558242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fred.cpp","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55795,"Title":"Listview Demo","Description":"This is a really good demo that will help show you all the basics with using a listview and how it works compaired to a listbox. I added as much comments as I could and I think it will really help you to get started with using a Listview.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048241431546070.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Listview_D1785428242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"grumtek","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55805,"Title":"A Simple Technique Behind Progress Bar","Description":"A simple and cool Progress Bar with SINGLE LINE SOURCE CODE... a simple technique it will gives an idea how to build effective and variety progress bars for your needs... Enjoy...!","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004825118105838.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Simple_T1785588252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Laxman Ch. iah","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55806,"Title":"PropertyList_With_MSFlexGrid","Description":"Create PropertyList control just like the one in VB.IDE","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200482513138026.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PropertyLi1785598252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Octoni","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55808,"Title":"AAA Cool Graphical Line-Fade Thing","Description":"A simple graphical line fade thingy using arrays. Vote if you like. I thought this was a good idea for a something like a winamp visualization, but i can't find much stuff on PSC to do integrate it. If anyone has any ideas please comment or resubmit.\nCoded by Jared Povazan 2004.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004825146248512.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AAA_Cool_G1785618252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Jared Povazan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55815,"Title":"Product Activation using the Internet by manually issuing codes!","Description":"This code will validate each product you distribute to make sure it has not been registered on another computer.\nIf the wizard detects that the software has already been installed on another computer then it won't allow you complete registration. If the software has not been used for 30 days then it will allow someone else to register it even if it is on another computer.\nThe file neede to upload onto the Internet is included but if you ask you can use my host just tell me the productID and I can sort it out for you.\nThere is instructions on how how to issue codes in the readme file.\nSome code in this project has been taken from other examples on PlanetSourceCode. I can't remember who I have taken code from. If you recognise any of your code then e-mail me and I will credit you.\nIf you like this example then please vote for me!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004825928143396.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Product_Ac1785808252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Andrew Roberts","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55816,"Title":"Old DOS Style Floating Button","Description":"This little project is an OLD DOS style floating button. You can change the font, shadow color,font color, button color.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Old_DOS_St1785828252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"DJ Williams","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55820,"Title":"Intercept/Foward Data Sent and Received from IE","Description":"This program sets one of its winsocks as a proxy and from this you are able to interecpt and alter the data being transfered from IE to the remote host. If you take a look at the screen shot you can see what i was able to do to Yahoo.com with i simple line of code. Please tell me what you think and/or how i can make this better. And i also took it upon myself to make this into an easy control to make building a \"Net Nanny\" program much easier.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004825145051831.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Intercept_1785888252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":49880,"Title":"Knot","Description":"Rotating solid knot wireframed in small window. Example of using StencilBuffer function in OpenGL.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311131548265423.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Knot16715511132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jan Tosovsky","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49881,"Title":"Tunnel flight","Description":"Flight through tunnel. Example of TextureMapping in OpenGL.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311131553322927.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tunnel_fli16715711132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jan Tosovsky","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49884,"Title":"Get File Sizes of Large Files","Description":"Gets the correct value for file sizes when the file is large (> ~2.1GB). Basically the file size function included in VB will give a wrong value when used on large files. The traditional way of getting the file size via API will also not work as detailed in the MS article http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;185476. After a bit of research I ended up tweaking the API function to calculate the proper file size. To see the differences, browse to a large file. Let me know if there are any bugs or suggestions to improve performance.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Several are listed in the code.","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031113184733958.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Get_File_S16716311132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"El Mariachi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49891,"Title":"Some very very POWERFULL internet functions","Description":"Some very very POWERFULL internet functions\nBe careful some of them can harm people or machines.\nYou can end up in jail!!!!. \nUse it at your own risk\n(like hacker's say : This 'nuclear bomb' was made for educational purposes.We dont\nhave any reponsibility if it blows in your country)\nDo not do try it at home ,try it from your friends pc...;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031114105186599.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Some_very_16718511142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"edy kapa","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49897,"Title":"Integrate Regsvr32 with Shell (Click to register/unregister .dll or .ocx or .tlb","Description":"Now updated with the possiblity to register/unregister typelibs (*.tlb) it can now\nalso handle long filenames, thanks Vlad :-)\nI got tired of using regsvr32 the old way, so I integrated it to the shell.\nMakes life easier to register/unregister an .dll or .ocx file with just an click.\nI can┬┤t figure out why I have not thought about it before :-)))\nWhat you need to do is to create your own .reg file putting in below info using notepad and naming the file to regsvr32.reg \nOr you can download my already made .reg file","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031114112937477.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Integrate_16747011222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Knoton","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49901,"Title":"Access 97 database password recovery","Description":"this code is made for experimental purpose only. this program recovers the database password created in MS-ACCESS 97. THIS program is created for learning purpose only.","Inputs":"Enter the full path of the Database (e.g. \"c:\\kirit\\vipul.mdb\") created in MS-Access 97 in the textbox. and click the \"Get PASSWORD\" button to recover it.","Assumes":"user must be thorough with the file handling to understand the code and various logical operations (such as - and, or, xor, etc.) to understand the logic behind the recovery.","CodeReturns":"This will return the database password forgot by the user.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Access_97_16719011142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"vipul parmar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49902,"Title":"Put ANY app in systray (Updated)","Description":"Put Any app in the systray, bring up menu, and show them again. Ability to change Icon and Tooltip. Please give comments!","Inputs":"mouse + [F9]","Assumes":"1: Hold mouse over wondow you want to hide.\n2: Press [F9], The window will be hidden.\n3: Rightclick TrayIcon to bring up menu, click program to show.\n4: In the Optionspage, You can change Icon, and tooltip to whatever you like, options will be stored in Registry, under VB-Section.","CodeReturns":"N/A","SideEffects":"NONE","ApiDeclarations":"Some, Check code :-)","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Put_ANY_ap16737811192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Bobbek","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49906,"Title":"AutoCAD_VisualBasic_CodeLoad","Description":"A load of AutoCAD Functions in VB. Align Text, Blocks, send entity data to excel. Erase specific entites, all kinds of stuff for general drawing info and maintenance, good for beginners experimenting with AutoCAD VB and VBA, there's enough here to last a week or two.","Inputs":"AutoCAD2000","Assumes":"In progress set of AutoCAD functions in VB6","CodeReturns":"AutoCAD Entities and Data","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AutoCAD_Vi16720011142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mark Acuna","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49911,"Title":"A 3D Cube","Description":"A simple 3D test i made to help myself get of the ground in 3D, just has basic 3D algoritms.\nthe page i learnt this from is:\nhttp://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2151/math3d.html\nYou just move the scrollbars of drag on picView to rotate the cube","Inputs":"Couple scroll bars, draging","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031114226204710.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_Cube16720711142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"chris broadbent","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":49913,"Title":"FYI: Multidimensional Array Sort","Description":"Another contribution to existing code. Very quickly sort a two-dimensional array containing any amount of members (ex: vArray(5,1000) by simply identifying the member of the array to sort on. This routine has links to the original authors' posts in the source. My only contribution was to tweak for use in more than a 1-dimensional & 2-dimensional/2-member arrays. Please no voting on this one; 99% of it is the work of other coders. PS. Revised by switching the array elements around properly,i.e, from vArray(1000,5) to vArray(5,1000). Revised once again (21 Nov) to offer fast search on sorted array & to properly handle non-zero based arrays.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FYI__Multi16745611212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50347,"Title":"RbExplorer","Description":"This is a good looking, powerful browser with many useful features. You can browse in several locations in a single window (like Opera browser). You can also make connections to other users and chat with them or execute some commands (like NavigateTo: To browser current page to a location, Messagebox: To show a message box and File Manager: To see remote computer's files and folders and download files). This is a code that you must see.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003126051252627.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RbExplorer1680951262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Arbie Sarkissian","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50351,"Title":"cJPEGi Integer JPEG Encoder","Description":"This is an Integer only implementation of John Korejwa's CJPEG class (derived from v0.9) - about 30% faster when compiled with all optimisations. To test add it to his project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/cJPEGi__In1681041262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Ron van Tilburg","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50355,"Title":"Gif-X Animation Viewer","Description":"View Gif Animation w/o any ocx at all. Prove that you could view gif frames by extracing the hex. The code could be used to view or extract frame by frame. Over 225 view and possible downloads with no votes at all. Not very encouraging to submit further projects and updates.","Inputs":"Gif Files","Assumes":"There is lots more work to do with them to make it a full gif decoder... but I did it with hexworkshop and vb. no knowledge of gifs beforehand. I think it's a good start to something that has been so mystifying to vb programmers for years that have used gif98a.ocx in the past.","CodeReturns":"View of animation in file.","SideEffects":"some files will crash the app as it's not perfect and some glitches may occur. I've not added any support yet for frame header reading or header generation for extracted frames. The extracted frames won't open as gifs but will open in paint since paint doesn't read the image header.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031261432278046.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Gif-X_Anim1681141262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Lord Kuraria","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54298,"Title":"Visual D++ 4.1","Description":"A new generation of D++ is here, now you can code visual D++ applications, yeah thats right with forms and everything!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":58,"AuthorName":"Paul J. Murphy","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54310,"Title":"Mac Address Via Netbios","Description":"Unlike the complex code required to obtain your own MAC address, this is considerably easier involving three API calls in total. \nThe iphlpapi.dll library exposes a SendArp call whose only purpose is send an ARP request to obtain the physical address that corresponds to the specified destination IP address.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The DestIP member specifies the destination IP address, and the ARP request attempts to obtain the physical address corresponding to this IP address. \nSrcIP can specify the IP address of the sender. This is optional, and zero for this parameter. \nFollowing the call the pMacAddr member contains the pointer to an array of ULONG variables. The first six bytes of this array receive the physical address that corresponds to the IP address specified by the DestIP parameter. These are copied to a byte array, from which the MAC address is extracted. \nPhyAddrLen is passed initially with &HFF (255), and on return contains the length of the physical address pointed to by the pMacAddr parameter (which should be 6). . \nNote that this call is only available under Windows 2000; Windows XP Pro; and Windows .NET Server. No corresponding NT4 or 9x call is supplied.\nNote: One reader has informed me that while SendArp works on determining the MAC address of another device on the same network segment, it doesn't return a MAC address for a controller that is on another network segment where it has to go through a router -- the pointer to the MAC address (pMacAddr) returns with a value of zero. This caused the application to crash on hitting the CopyMemory call, thus I have added code to the routine below to ensure CopyMemory is not called when pMacAddr or PhyAddrLen are returned as 0.\nNote 2: Another user has reported a problem with the code below when compiled to an exe. I've identified the problem as a combination of Native code compiling and the assignment of a string return type to the demo's GetRemoteMACAddress function (bugs with Native compiling are not news!). To remedy this problem, the code below has been updated to change the return type of the function to Boolean from String, and to pass an empty string to the function for it to fill with the remote MAC address. These changes mean the code to set the error message (the msgboxes) must be moved out of the main routine into the calling routine. With the modified code below compiling to either pcode or native code will work.\nNote 3: In earlier versions of this code, I had previously stated that passing the local machine's IP address crashed VB. While true with the old version, an astute reader identified the problem as pre-allocating the value &HFF (255) to PhyAddrLen. His tests, verified here and by further examination of the MSDN, has confirmed that the value assigned to PhyAddrLen should be 6. The code below, which reflects this change, can now be used to successfully return both a remote or local machine's MAC address without issue.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mac_Addres1756046112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Celentano","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54321,"Title":"[ ULTRA v1.0.3 ] File and Text encryption module","Description":"ULTRA v1.0.3 File and Text encryption module. Very well documented sourcecode feat. strong and fast ULTRA symmetric encryption algorithm, OFB mode, variabel-lenght key, key quality check, data compression, string encryption to Crypto Message Format, full file handling support and error return codes with description. Ready to use and complete module. The ideal way to create your project using professional encryption. The zipfile contains the module and an example form to demonstrate the use of the module. Just create a project, add the module and write your own program code around it. Please read first how to use the module functions and subroutines. All your comments and suggestions are welcome...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004121132391118.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_ULTRA_v11823771212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54324,"Title":"A Visual Basic Compile Interceptor","Description":"Dont spend 100's of $$$ simply to have a look at the assembly language listings of your VB code. Use this free program. NOTE : Download this only if you understand assembly language. Not for new programmers.\nKeywords : ASM, ASSEMBLY, COMPILE, EXE","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Visual_B1756296112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Akiti Yadav","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54326,"Title":"How to use Binary access, Put and Get statements to store any data","Description":"Shows you how to use files to store any type of data, in 4-5 lines of code you can save anything as a binary file. Of course, there is a button for opening them :), download it if you dont know how to use Put, Get, binary stuffs. In a 10 lines of code, you can make a small database, if you know how to handle binary files.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/How_to_use1756306112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"TheAlas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54327,"Title":"The Fastest Transblt","Description":"Make TRANSPARENTLY pictures fast","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/The_Fastes1756326112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Whiteulver","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54330,"Title":"Audio Kiosk v0.9.4 [Updated 6/24/04]","Description":"Another update to Audio Kiosk. Many more bugs fixed, some new features, lots of changes, etc. Please see the changelog in the read me or on the holder site for more information on changes.\nAudio Kiosk is an easy to use, fully featured program to extract, encode, and play media. \nFeatures, include, but are not limited to:\nA. Extraction:\n\t- Rip directly to WAV, MP3, or both.\n\t- CDDB Querying\n\t- Editable ID3 tags\n\t- Automatically parsing files to directories based on Artist and Album\nB. Encoding\n\t- Ability to customize the most important settings with regard to Encoding (ie. bitrate, vbr, mode, etc) or use presets [NOTE: these settings also affect extraction to MP3]\n\t- Easy to use interface which allows you to create a list of WAVs then encode the list, instead of having to pick each file one at a time.\nC. Media Player\n\t- Skins\n\t- Visualizations\n\t- ID3 viewing/editing\n\t- Many media files supported including mp3, wav, ogg vorbis, wma, etc\n\t- Custom Sound Studio, which allows you to tweak the audio to your heart's content\nD. General\n\t- Kiosk mode to lock down the rest of the computer [NOTE: the term \"lock down\" is used very loosely!]\n\t- Every section of Audio Kiosk can be password protected to block unwanted access to certain features\n\t- Usage of system tray icon to be more user-friendly\n\t- And much, much more!\nMuch of the code used in Audio Kiosk came from submissions to PSC. I tried my best to give full credit in both the readme and the about dialog of the program.\nNOTE: The website on the about screen is non-existent... so don't even bother. ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":2,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046112352502432.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Jason Schnitzler","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54335,"Title":"Region Maker: Create, Save and Load Regions to Completely Re-Shape Your Forms!","Description":"Region Maker is an extremely useful and powerful tool that can completely re-shape forms. See the screenshot for an example, using a partially transparent 3D version of my school's logo. The package includes a tool to create regions (which is the part that defines the shape of the form) from bitmaps and then save them to a file to be used later. The included class module allows you to easily load the region back to any form to reshape it in the way that YOU want it to!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200461265467022.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Region_Mak1756466122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Craig Bonathan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54336,"Title":"Balls!!!! Try it out.","Description":"This is a small fun program with absolutely no practical use. It is written for the sole purpose of demonstration. It is balls in a container(picture box), as you move or resize the form the balls inside it move. Have fun and please let me know what you think!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200461261205981.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Balls!!!!_1756476122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Hrayr Artunyan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54337,"Title":"ORACLE PAYROLL","Description":"THE PURPOSE OF THIS PROGRAM IS TO CALCULATE INDUSTRIAL PAYROLL \nIN INDIAN SYSTEM INCLUDING ESI,EPF etc. \nYOU MUST HAVE LITTLE KNOWLEDGE OF ORACLE TO RUN THIS PROGRAM\nSUCCESSFULLY OR JUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION AS GIVEN IN README.TXT\nFILE.\n!!!!PLEASE VOTE FOR ME.!!!!\n!!!!PLEASE VOTE FOR ME.!!!!\n!!!!PLEASE VOTE FOR ME.!!!!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"YOU NEED TO INSERT SOME RAW DATA IN TABLE\nEMPMAST TABLE - MORE THAN 1 RECORD\nPARA TABLE - ONE RECORD\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ORACLE_PAY1756496122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Chittaranjan Satpathy","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55546,"Title":"Sort without sorting (one million elements in 3(!) seconds) Update","Description":"This Sort-Class can be used to retrieve the elements in a one-dimensional table of strings in either ascending or descending sequence. The table itself is not altered in any way by this process, rather pointers into the table are returned which point to the elements in the table in the requested order.\nTests on a 1800 MHz Athlon processor have shown that the Sort is in fact the fastest I know, sorting 100,000 elements on a five byte random sort key in under 0.3 seconds. The speed varies only very slightly with the number of elements to be sorted, so one million elements take about three seconds to sort. Any special presorting has no measurable effect on speed (Quicksort by contrast is almost killed by a presorted sequence).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200481573463204.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Sort_witho1782158152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":30,"UserRatingTotal":150,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55548,"Title":"uy! messenger yahoo messenger and chat client; great GUI !!","Description":"This is a WORKING yahoo chat client with uniques features: You can run multiple instances (like multiyahoo) / log in various nicknames from the same account simultaneously / all smileys /font sizes, colors / privacy options /great GUI and months of work. I've added credits for lot of code, since I didn't code everything. (see about box) Maybe I need some help with this, comments, votes, help Is very apreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004813125307034.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/uy!_messen1781578132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Fred.cpp","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55549,"Title":"Picture Works","Description":"A partial picture editing tool.this is a great tool for multimeda programmers and also for those who want to add plugins support to their applications . the best method (as far as i know) for implementing plugins. you can add more functionality to your application without even recompiling your code. now all the plugins are already included in the package. just check them out and also do vote for it......","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"'multimedia,graphics,dll,ocx,activeX,plugins,bitmap,jpeg,jpg,screen capture,","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048131255389281.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Picture_Wo1781558132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"V2","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55558,"Title":"A reversi (othello) game with AI","Description":"This is a program that uses alpha beta search to play reversi, at its highest level it searches 6 moves during the game plus playing the last 12 moves perfectly, so it plays at a really good level and it is hard to beat for most people, the game also includes a setup mode that lets you setup any position to play, and you can ask the computer to make a move suggstion for you, the code is well commented, so please vote or comment if you liked the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200481458342600.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_reversi_1781728142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"sohaib farsakh","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55570,"Title":"A ScriptMagic DLL","Description":"UPDATED 8/16 A turnkey ActiveX DLL that allows you to REALLY embed VBA style scripting into your application. With built-in code editor and events. Must see to appreciate. You can use early OR late binding and still process realtime events. A lot of code came from this site for some of the support objects. PSC has been such a great help to me for many years, but I've never submitted anything before.\nVBScript is a powerful tool, but why embed it into your application UNLESS there is a way to really control it AFTER you deploy your application. With this, you could either let users create their own code OR create customer-specific validation/processing/complete subsystems\nPOST deployment. Enjoy and please give me feedback (positive or negative) all welcomed. Open the Group Project in the TestHarness folder and run.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048161539386334.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_ScriptMa1782528162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Ed Daniel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55576,"Title":"Site History","Description":"Ever wonder how yahoo.com look like before. Back to 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999.. look what your favaurite site look like! Be a detective on your own! Every comment is welcome!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004815051305282.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Back_Histo1782068152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Alvin Chua","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55580,"Title":"Picture Combine","Description":"This program show how to combine two picture into one picture using alpha blend. This is actually an update version of my last time project. It is now support Window 98 or later. You can also combine and let it fade. Easy to understand with well explanation! Any vote or comment is welcome!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004815636377903.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Picture_Co1782128152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Alvin Chua","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55587,"Title":"HTTP YMSG12 Login To Yahoo","Description":"this is a small part of a bigger project im working on. \nthis is a login to yahoo that uses http to send the ymsg packets. \nits use in yahoo is for loggin into yahoo behind firewall software, routers or other security software that prevents a TCP connection to yahoo. this type of communication to yahoo supports most of the YMSG packets a normal TCP connection to yahoo would. \ni will update this code one day, but i woould like to share a small part of it with you all\nNOTE: it uses a login encryption dll it can be downloaded from\nhttp://www.geocities.com/httpymsg/ymsg12crypt.zip\nplease vote :P","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"NOTE: this uses a login encryption dll it can be downloaded from\nhttp://www.geocities.com/httpymsg/ymsg12crypt.zip","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTTP_YMSG11782308152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"YFunnel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56415,"Title":"[ Tetris ]","Description":"** Update 9/30 faster levels and added 30 songs(835Kb but worth waiting)** This splendid Tetris game was originally submitted by Jeremiah Hughes about three years ago on PSC under the name 'Miah Tetris'. It still is one of the best Tetris versions I ever saw. I decided to improve the user interface a bit, integrated the soundeffects in a res files, done some changes to the levels and the preview blocks, made it possible to play more midi files (just add them into the games folder, they are found all over the internet) and I got out the little 'bug' (seen in many tetris clones) that prevents you from turning a block when falling along the side. Most important and not to be forgotten: The game code itselve is pretty much unchanged so THE FULL CREDITS FOR THIS GAME GOES TO Jeremiah Hughes !!! Special thanks to him for the great code. This code is worth getting reanimated so that every tetris fan can enjoy it again. I submit it specially at the end of the month so that I cannot benifit of all your votes, and that those votes are nothing less than credits to Jeremiah.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004929956533705.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Tetris_]1799009302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56416,"Title":"[ -= XML GENERATOR =- ]","Description":"-= INFORMATIKA-IPB =- Convert Database to XML. this code use classes. you just have to put the database file and the program will show table from your database. put the Query, the record result will shown in xml.","Inputs":"File Database Access and Database SQL server","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"it's can return new File XML","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049291013129661.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/x_gen1798679292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Adiputra Nurkartanto","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56430,"Title":"[Cool Picture Box Effect]","Description":"this code makes a effect with picture box, this code make copies of this picture box and make the effect like a menu it's cool and funny...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049301226574702.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Pictu1798949302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Luis A. Castillo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56431,"Title":"Adding Machine ΓÇô Calculator","Description":"A simple calculator you can add to a project; use the keyboard and/or mouse.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049301244363767.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Adding_Mac1800961042004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56432,"Title":"API-ucFolderView 1.0","Description":"Basic FolderView user control (only standard folders). // 21Kb zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004930142751704.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API-ucFold1887985132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56434,"Title":"Visual Basic cracking video!!!","Description":"Learn to crack visual basic applications, learn how to protect yourself from crackers. This is a video , that means multimedia, so sit back relax and Watch in learn.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"OpcodeVoid","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56435,"Title":"ActiveX Coder 4 [ Final Ver. ]","Description":"ActiveX Coder 4 [ Final Ver. ] is a complete program that generates a usercontrol properties in a seconds and lots of features sort,edit ,modify, import, drag ^ drop ... Vote!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ActiveX_Co1799029302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jovica Mizdrak","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56436,"Title":"RoseCurve","Description":"This program draws rose curves. The Text box indicates how many leaves are drawn. When it is even the number of curves are equal to twice that number. When it is odd the number of curves is equal to that number.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The code repeatedly draws rose curves on a picture box.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RoseCurve1799059302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"boying jurolan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56450,"Title":"Example of using CodeSense control in VB","Description":"CodeSense is a control that allows you to have syntax highlighing, autocomplete and function tooltips in an edit control. Unfortunately, it doesn't include a proper VB example. This example shows you how to properly use the CodeSense control in Visual Basic, providing AutoComplete, function tooltips and syntax highlighting. If you go to http://www.dansoftaustralia.com/index.php/3/1 then you can see some screenshots of stuff you can do with the control (the last 2 screenshots aren't included).\nNOTE: you will need to download the CodeSense control (version 2.22) from http://member.telpacific.com.au/daniel15/cmcs21.ocx and register it for this code to work.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Example_of1799241012004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Daniel Lo Nigro - DanSoft Australia","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56454,"Title":"How to Get 36 ActiveX Controls from Microsoft for free.","Description":"This Article shows you how to download 36 ActiveX controls. Microsoft is giving them away for free.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":51,"AuthorName":"Stephen Coleman","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56448,"Title":"Numbered TreeView","Description":"TreeView subclassing to adding a number at right of treeview text items (like Outlook Express)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004101837535054.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Numbered_T1799201012004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Giovanni Biagioni","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56459,"Title":"Owner-Drawn Transparent SelectBox","Description":"Building on my previous transparent bullet labels submission, I have built this control which draws transparent checkboxes. It is still a work in progress but ready for feedback. One drawback, it uses the dreaded GetKeyState + Timer combination to capture mouse clicks within the control rectangle. If anyone knows a better way to trap mouse events on the transparent parts of a control, I'd be happy to hear it...Anyway, it is functional...just launch the .vbg file...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"A few.... ;-)","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004101142942201.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Owner-Draw1799521012004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"AlT","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53802,"Title":"Menu Method V2 Using Web Scripting","Description":"This is an update to the first project. This example shows how to use an external source for the Menu. Like setting up themes for your app. This code is for creating a sweet custom looking navigation method on your project using basic HTML and CSS web scripting. Executing the 'document.write' function write to the Microsoft Web Browser Control. Creating a menu this way allows it to be sort of dynamic allowing it to have many customizations.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004515135544241.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Menu_Metho1745755152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Justin LeBlanc","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53803,"Title":"_ Hover Picture Button Control With 3 States (Mouse Over, Mouse Leave, Mouse Down) _","Description":"A custom control I made for a program to save time. Its a custom button using your own pictures. Accurately detect when mouse enters, leaves, or is pressed. Please vote/leave comments :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004515135556979.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Hover_Pi1745765152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54077,"Title":"Desk Top Shooter","Description":"A desk top shooter game","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004529042575902.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Desk_Top_S1751325292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"LCSBSSRHXXX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54078,"Title":"Encryption with Winsock(Key)","Description":"This encryption technique is really amazing, coz in this i use winsock control as a password key. u can encrypt/decrypt a long text file very easy with this code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Encryption1751335292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Anuj sharrma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54083,"Title":"Subclassing a right click event on the listview","Description":"Windows has it, but your application does not have it. Solve the ListView problem by Subclassing it!\nWe all know that mouse right click on the header in a listview isnt a standard event on the control. So, by subclassing it you can achieve that function.\nIt is very little code with commenting, so it will not be hard to learn. But if you do have any questions, dont hesitate and ask right away.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045291143283148.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Subclassin1751415292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Taltan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54088,"Title":"Unique Serial Number Protection **UPDATED AGAIN - Version 1.5**","Description":"This is an example of a method for developing a serial based registration/activation for your software. It develops a 25 digit using the hard disk serial number of the user, and a ProductID which you supply. The user is provided with a request code, which is sent to you, and you send back the serial based on the request code. I've found it to work pretty well. Though I would share it with everyone else. There is negligible commenting in the code, however use the note and help utility to see how the code works, and how each process takes place. Easy to manipulate to meet your need. Hope it's of some use to someone...\n**UPDATED - Version 1.2**\nAdded new features such as digit swapping and label previews. Also changed certain routines.\n**UPDATED AGAIN - Version 1.5**\nAdded sample registration form. Good example of how to allow users to paste the whole key into one textbox, and have the program split it to fill up all 5 appropriately...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200453043428388.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Unique_Ser1751645302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":72,"AuthorName":"Rehan R. Dalal","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54092,"Title":"Mac OS X Panther Window Control","Description":"With this user control, you can have the very sleek GUI of a window from Mac OS X Panther (www.apple.com/macosx). All you need to do is draw the control on a form, and use 3 lines of code in the Form_Load event, or you can change it at Design-Time to be able to put controls and such in it like a frame control. This is version 0.0.1, so if I decided to work on this project further, you'll probably see features such as several window styles to pick from (i.e. the lines). For right now this control only works on Windows XP, and maybe 2000, I'm not quite sure about that one. I really hope you enjoy this, and rate it well if you consider it to be a good control, because I have spent about 27 hours total on this thing. (Keywords: OSX, OS X, Mac, Panther, GUI).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045292353434156.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mac_OS_X_P1751575292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54094,"Title":"Broadcast Video With SHOUTCAST!","Description":"To broadcast live video. Which IS AWSOME!! READ DOCUMENTATION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION! THIS IS NOT LIKE AVPHONE CUZ AVPHONE IS LAME!\nVersion 2 will be here shortly.\nVersion 2 will consists of streaming CAM and possibly AUDIO. And AVPHONE YOU CAN FORGET BOUT YER SELF BECAUSE LOOK PSC INDICATES NO PAYMENT FULL FUNCTIONAL CODES!!! LIKE MINE! :D\n\n__________________________________________________\nYou can download VERSION 2 at\nhttp://www.freewebtown.com/jerrymcelraftinc/SHOUTCast.zip\nVERSION 2 HAS IT ALL 100% YOU CAN STRAM WITHWEBCAM/AUDIO AND YOU CAN CODE AND RECODE MUSIC VIDS AND MOVIES AND ALL!!! AND BROADCAST THEM OVER YER VERRY OWN SHOUTCAST SERVER.\nYou Need The Server Program To Begin To Download This Go To:\nhttp://www.shoutcast.com/downloads/sc1-9-4/shoutcast-1-9-4-windows.exe\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"You can download VERSION 2 at\nhttp://www.freewebtown.com/jerrymcelraftinc/SHOUTCast.zip","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200453011435863.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Broadcast_1751595302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jerry McElraft","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54095,"Title":"PlayOids2(Update2)","Description":"PlayOids2 by Robert Rayment. (2nd update, move shape to mouse click point) (Quick update to rotate in plane). Just a bit of maths play for those who like that kind of thing. Demonstrates rotatable wireframe spheres, ellipsoids,cylinders etc with and without perspective. Aspect ratio, perspective distance and animation variable on the fly and save as bmp. Zip 9 KB.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"LineTo & MoveToEx apart form dialog class","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200453112190104.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PlayOids2(175302632004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54100,"Title":"iExplorerXP","Description":"Here is a clone of the Internet Explorer from Mac OS X (GUI-wise), it is missing the menu's and a few other things, because you probably know there is no menu bar on the top of the screen like Mac OS X. And if I put the menu's in the program, it wouldnt look as close in visual appearance as it does without them. Please rate it on whatever you think is fair, I personally would probably give it maybe 4 globes.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004530155194433.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/iExplorerX1751825302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54102,"Title":"Mouse Button Swapper","Description":"swap the mouse buttons with this API.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SwapMouseButton Lib \"user32\" (ByVal bSwap As Long) As Long","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":7,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"LCSBSSRHXXX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54342,"Title":"AA Gravity Simulation - new features available!!","Description":"A gravity simulation of a falling object + Elastic\\plastic colision + adjustable Wind effect. New features: Wind, trail, adjustable Colision type and gravity 4ce. plz vote and suggest improvements..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200461214305222.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AA_Gravity1756586122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Michael Vainshtein","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56317,"Title":"UniCommand - Unicode Command Button","Description":"Second unicode control in the series, UniCommand is just as easy as an usercontrol can be: add .ctl to your project and you're ready to use it! *** Supports unicode under NT4/2000/XP and works under 9X series. You can choose from various borderstyles, define if the focus rectangle is shown and have all the neat functionality from the UniLabel as well! I made it work very much like VB's default command button. You are free to code the control further and repost it here! (possible additions could be solid one color border, Office XP style, graphics, caption padding, checkbox/option mode, Windows XP style...) *** Hope the control fits your needs. And again, the more interest, the more likely I'm to do more free unicode controls! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004922225918764.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/UniCommand1796719222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Vesa Piittinen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56334,"Title":"Norton Antivirus Updater (Update 1)","Description":"This little programm allows you to download the latest virus definitions from Symantec to update your Norton Antivirus 200X. You are also able to update your virus definitions if your subscription has already expired!\nUPDATE: Modified the prog to work again after Symantec changed the download server.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Was only tested with Norton Antivirus 2003, but should work with all newer versions. Please tell me if it works with other versions too.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004927250364000.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Norton_Ant18070610182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"theint","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56335,"Title":"Chart (graph)","Description":"Simple small activeX control to display graph, in VB or to make it save to file and use it in ASP. Movable legend, fast, uses only VB standard graphics functions. This was made to draw directly from recordset loop so it has everything in arrays. This is used in commercial program only in more advanced stage. Good example for beginners. Some votes would be nice","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004924141027283.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Chart_(gra1797209242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Maroshi Enver","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56338,"Title":"MaxProtector Registration System","Description":"With this code users or your software can use it for 30 mins free then they have to buy a code from you at your price to unlock the software. If the user gets the registration code wrong 5 times they must get a PUK code off of you and unlock the software. if they stop playing half way though there time will be saved and resumend when they open it again. It has lots of features and took me a long time to make also i am only 14 and havent been doing VB for long so please please please VOTE! Thanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200492555397908.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MaxProtect1797319252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Adam Ranshaw","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56339,"Title":"Download example","Description":"Download multiple files at the same time from the internet WITHOUT the Winsock control but a simple usercontrol!\nProgress indication, byte display and real Windows XP controls","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004925658241598.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Download_e1797329252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"HardStream Software Development","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56342,"Title":"Mandelbrot Explorer 1.2 (*****Extreme****) with Deep ZOOM support!!!!! Must See!","Description":"SEE THE SCREEN-SHOT FIRST!!!!!!!!!!\nThis program explores mandelbrot into any level you want! it is an update to my earliest submission.\nNow the Julia set is expanded withis a floting window which can be closed and reopened using View menu.\nNEW : YOU CAN ALSO SET NEW INTERRESTING PALETTES WITH THE PALETTE EDITOR. [ settings -> Change Palette ]\nPlease don't forget to rate me if you like this...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049251323366994.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mandelbrot1797379252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Hari Krishnan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56349,"Title":"Updated! Determine if a file is binary or text","Description":"Compares a file's contents to a predefined byte-table. If a match is found, the file is classified as binary.\nI've extracted the byte-table from over 4500 different textfiles in both ANSI and ASCII standard (well over 200 Mb.) The bytes in the table do not occur in any of the following filetypes: .BAT, .TXT, .HTM, .INI, .JS, .BAS, .INC, .LOG, .VBP, etc.\nBecause of this it's pretty plausible to state that if a file should contain any of the bytes in the table, it MUST be binary. I do not expect this routine to be 100% accurate but for the purpose of deciding whether to open a file in a text-editor or a hex-editor this will do just fine.\nplease keep in mind that the original byte-table is a bit larger (mail me to get a list) but comparing the rest as well does not provide more accuracy and will lead to false interpretation of localized files.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004928521254811.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Updated!_D1798309282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"NeBaGeMo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54986,"Title":"I use my friends, do you?","Description":"This code is a simple example to illustrate using friend methods (or functions, etc...) to pass information between objects within a project (ocx,dll,etc...). The purpose of this example is to show people unfamiliar with friend procedures how they can enable you to develop components that only expose the properties/procedures you wish to make available to your target audience.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"hope you find this useful!","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047162337164251.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/I_use_my_f1770467162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Ray Hildenbrand","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54987,"Title":"hackers (the game)","Description":"This is a simple game that i whipped up. Great fun if you know how to play it. easy to learn and play too.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/hackers_(t1773417232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"rhys cartlidge","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54992,"Title":"Complete Winsock Library","Description":"This is a very complete, rich object oriented DLL which provides an easy to use set of classes for working with all aspects of winsock programming. It includes dns, enumeration, socket options, socket io, async and blocking mode and much more. IMPORTANT: This library isn't really complete. It's complete enough to use, but it hasn't been tested, and some things still don't work. I gave up on it half way through and started working on something else. Right now I don't know if I'll bother finishing it (possibly some time in the future) so I figured I'd release it to the public. If you ever want to work with Winsock API then this is a must, even if just for the incredibly compelte winsock.bas module I wrote for it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004717827468873.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Complete_W1770747172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"IRBMe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55523,"Title":"Skinable Progress Bar 2.0","Description":"This is a skinable ProgressBar \nThis is version 2.0.\n┬⌐ HardStream Productions","Inputs":"Inputs are:\nvalue, image, picture from Bg And Fg","Assumes":"Enjoy this ProgressBar!","CodeReturns":"currentvalue","SideEffects":"A cool interface with your own progressbar image","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004812841474161.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Skinable_P1781058122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"GhΓé¼ttoWarr!or","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55524,"Title":"Msn 6.2 API Sample Code","Description":"This is for a beginner who requested I add source code so that he could learn from it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Windows XP and up at the moment. Windows xp tested so far.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public WithEvents Msn As Messsenger","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Msn_6_2_AP1781048122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Chaositic Serge","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55530,"Title":"MAC Window","Description":"I did not make this VBP, it was made by Evan Toder, but as it so good i thought it deserved to be here. This really does look good, all i have done is modified it so that it is easier to undertsand. Plus i have marked out points where you should edit the project. Nothing else needed, just extract and run. Please read the Readme.txt as it will explain alot about the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048121430575617.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MAC_Window1781458132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Andrew Cooke","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55532,"Title":"Turn any program into an App Bar (Desktop Toolbar)","Description":"This code lets you turn almost any program into an AppBar (that is, make it a dockable toolbar on your desktop). You could for instance, have MSN Messenger docked at the side of your screen so it's always visible and other windows don't maximize over it. The AppBar and TaskBar DLL code was mostly not written by myself; I merely combined the two into this project because they did what I needed them to do.\nYou should run the GROUP PROJECT and NOT the individual projects.\nThanks to Patrick Bigley for the AppBar code and Jim White for the Taskbar code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This has been tested on XP Home (SP1) only. It should work on Windows 9x and above but I haven't tried it.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048121517153774.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Turn_any_p1781238122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Stephen Robson","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55533,"Title":"Plugins Example","Description":"This code is examlpe how to add plugin dlls to \nyour projects. This program uses plugins for editing images(sometion like photoshop)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"When you download code it is important to read readme file!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Plugins_Ex1781258122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Tomislav Podhraski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55538,"Title":"A File Splitter - Updated","Description":"*** UPDATED AND IMPROVED *** This will cut a large file into smaller pieces. For example if you have a 4MB email attachment limit, and you want to send a 40MB file, you can use this program to split the file into 10 pieces of 4MB each. It also generates a batch file to reconnect the seperate pieces.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_File_Spl1782238152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"KGabert","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55539,"Title":"Quicksort Word Tricks","Description":"Inspired by Evan Toder's 'EvanSort' I pulled together some of my QuickSort Array manipulation stuff into a single module.\nEnjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Quicksort_1781398132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55544,"Title":"MDI File Muncher - Opens multiple files into one instance (New version - no hook)","Description":"Hi. This is an MDI app work in progress. Many have asked after a way to open files into a single (previous) instance of a program. This demo can open multiple files at startup into one instance, you can drag-and-drop onto the running program to open files, and it can receive files to open when already running from explorer or the command line. It also includes working file handling code (open, edit and save files) and some generic menu items. It cannot yet receive commands like [print], this is yet to be added. I have eliminated the need for the MsgLink module which subclass's the window. By raising the LinkExecute event (I looked at doing this programatically but it also needed a hook) using DDE and a label on an invisible form. My idea was to use this form as a progress meter but I made it invisible, using an existing form would load the new instance when the DDE properties are accessed. I have used a RTB control on the child form which is likely to give you trouble. If so you can add your own RTB ref from Components and place it on the child form and name it rtfText. You do not need to size it as it will auto-size at runtime. Please don't complain too much about the lack of comments in the code (there aren't many I admit). I am working on it. Let me know if you have any issues with this working correctly. I've uploaded already to get comments and suggestions, so please DO.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"A few.","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MDI_File_M1782078152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55545,"Title":"A Binary Printing with only 10 lines of code !","Description":"This procedure prints the binary code of a number on Immediate window.","Inputs":"Num as Long","Assumes":"You can easily change the procedure to a function for returning the binary code.","CodeReturns":"Nothing","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":12,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Eduardo B. Castro","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":50260,"Title":"_!!!!*JAVA EDITOR (IDE FOR JAVA)*!!!!","Description":"This application is IDE for Java. I have created this editor for myself and you all.\nIt allows us to write, compile, view errors and execute Java programs and applets.\nIt allows us to set path (Java path, classpath) and Environment Settings.\nIt allows us to create javadoc and jar files.\nIt allows us to access Browser and Command Prompt.\n","Inputs":"After executing this application, the user has to \nselect options menu -> setup...\nand specify the following paths :-\nJava Bin directory\nJava Api Documentation\nCommand Prompt path\nBrowser Path\nDefault Directory path","Assumes":"The user should build the .exe executable by\nselecting File->Make from VB IDE\nOpen Redirect.dsw in VC++ IDE and build Redirect.exe","CodeReturns":"It makes developing java programs faster, simpler and efficient","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003123147363527.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/JAVA_EDITO1679081222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":99,"AuthorName":"NIHAR DINESH MANIYAR","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50266,"Title":"GraphXSuite (XChart, XPie, XQuadrant)","Description":"Hi! Due to some enhancements needed in my applications, I decided to do improvements in XChart.\nI had no time to implement requirements coming from PSC users, but some significant changes were made,\nabove all regarding the GUI and the printing.\nAlso, I needed two more OCX for viewing data through 2D-pie (XPie) and a chartesian plan (XQuadrant),\nshowing data in four quadrants.\nI'ts quite difficult to explain the capabilities of all the OCXs, so I let the pictures speak!\nI tested them hardly (WinXP, Win2000 and WINNT), since I has to release them in a package, so I hope they're fully bug free.\nPlease let me know if it's all ok or some bugs are present again.\nI'm very sorry for not implementing all PSC users' requirements, but I think to have produced\na couple of useful OCXs, to enable users a good way of data presentation.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312211568367.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GraphXSuit1679231222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":105,"AuthorName":"mcosta68","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50267,"Title":"FuelOil","Description":"FuelOil is a two part Application Update Creator and Installer for VB6. Fuel is the Installer, Oil the update package creator.\nWhat does Oil do?\nUses a complied executable to create an update installation package\nFinds the executable's File name and version\nAllows for entry of new files required for the update.\nAllows for creation of new folders/directories.\nAllows for new files to be .zip compressed\nAllows for update to the uninstall log - ST6UNST.LOG, for VB's P&D wirard\nCreates an install ini file that the Fuel install reads.\nCopies any new files and the Fuel installer to the package folder.\nWhat does the Fuel installer do?\nReads the install.oil (ini file)\nFinds the Application to update's path\nFinds the Windows System Dir.\nDetermines what files to install and where they go.\nInstalls the files, downloads then if needed. \nRegisters any System files (ocx,dll)\nUpdates the uninstall log - ST6UNST.LOG, if selected to. \nThis is an updatefor my submission UpdateInstaller","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031231112519214.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FuelOil1679241222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"cdevos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50269,"Title":"updated as requested, find letters or words or replace","Description":"see screenshot for explanation.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031221754477975.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/updated_as1679281222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"stephen whittle","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50279,"Title":"Glue Files 1.2","Description":"If you been searching for a program that join files like movies, music or other kind of files, then here's my program. Let's you join many files as you want into one simple file, organize and view with the associated aplication. Please vote or leave your comments. Enjoy","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031222332372003.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Glue_Files1679451222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Misael Morales","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50290,"Title":"EzCryptoEngineOCX","Description":"Blowfish, Twofish, DES, 3DES, 3DES112, Gost, RC2, RC4, Rijndael, SkipJack, Serpent, SHA256, TEA, MD2, MD4, MD5, Huffman... ALL IN ONE EASY TO USE ACTIVEX!\nMost of the cryptographic algorithms were provided by David Midkiff (thank you mate) I had to clean some bugs in the code but his work is awesome... \nBefore you download and use the control.. please, do NOT VOTE the test project as it is not GOOD at all... it is just to prove the algorithms... i am sure you can do better than that!... apart from the cryptoapi code(EZCRYPTOAPIOCX updated version!), the other algorithms are provided as an example on how to implement them in VB. It is far faster in another languages... It is also a good document to learn how to implement polymorphism...\nComments and votes are the most welcome...\nRegards","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/EzCryptoEn1679731232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Antonio Ramirez Cobos [TonyDSpaniard]","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50291,"Title":"[CiTRiX] Simple Graph","Description":"You enter the numbers and the Code design the graph. It shows how to make a graph with lines. Please vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031231124356298.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[CiTRiX]_S1679751232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"CiTRiX","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50293,"Title":"PSC Search Toolbar for IE","Description":"This places a Toolbar on IE and allows you to search the VB section of PSC for articles and such. A great way to save time!! This is only version 1, I am working on a new version that will include an options button and a button for each language in PSC to search from.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Please read and follow the SetupInstructions.txt in the .zip file. It explains how to setup everything.\nThis code was NOT created by me. I found it online from a man named:\n' Author: Eduardo Morcillo\n' E-Mail: edanmo@geocities.com\n' Web Page: http://www.domaindlx.com/e_morcillo\nI simply took his version, changed the way it looks, feels, and reacts, then applied changes necessary to suit my needs.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Program will not appear correct if just ran from within VB. The Redraw mode does not draw the bitmaps correctly, but this goes away when running on the stand-alone dll.","ApiDeclarations":"None.","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PSC_Search1679781232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Robert D. Fahey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50297,"Title":"Snakes","Description":"1 or 2 Players. Eat food and dodge walls and other snakes to complete each level.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function StretchBlt Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal nSrcWidth As Long, ByVal nSrcHeight As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function BitBlt Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DeleteDC Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetTickCount Lib \"kernel32\" () As Long\nPrivate Declare Sub Sleep Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003123151618118.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Snakes1679881232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Code Toad","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":53837,"Title":"ZabArray","Description":"ZabArray stores data in Key/Value pairs like a collection. The key difference is that ZabArrays allow you to serialize the data into a string (PHP function) which can be saved to a text file or the registry. The string can be loaded into a different ZabArray to restore the entire structure.","Inputs":"A key (string) and and associated value. Value is solid data types like Int, Lng, Sng, Dbl, Cur, String, Byte, Bool, and Date. Also accepts a single-line string representing the data that was created from another ZabArray.","Assumes":"You cannot store arrays or objects in a ZabArray because of problems converting them to a string.","CodeReturns":"The same data that was input. Also returns a single-line string representing the data for restoration later.","SideEffects":"The memory used by the data is 10% larger than the actual data. During serialization and unserialization the data is 120% larger until the process is complete.","ApiDeclarations":"'\n' No API. Everything is hard-coded.\n'","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ZabArray1748015202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Brian Zablocky","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53838,"Title":"SciFi Calciculatro","Description":"Hi friends,this is a scientific calculator designed and developed by Rajiv V Jathan \nactually this is the upgraded version of the Scientific calculator created by my own my friend Priyank R Panchal.\nWe enjoy doing such stuffs. \nRight now we are working on a project for a small firm.\n\nThis calculator is not perfect i accept that.Currently it can perform operations with two operands only (a+b and not a+b+c).So please mail some feedback on this calculator \nto rajiv_load@yahoo.co.in\nhope u enjoyed it.............","Inputs":"numbers","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"numbers","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004517516561944.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SciFi_Calc1746545172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Rajiv V Jathan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53848,"Title":"Read Output from Command Prompt [Cpu/User-Friendly Control]","Description":"This program reads the output of CLI (Command Line Interface) Applications. Examples of CLI Applications are:\n -PING\n -NETSTAT\n -TRACERT\nThis program will grab the output and call events so that you can process the commands. For example, if you ping a person, the output that is usely returned to the screen by the command prompt is captured and called into an event! This isnt a cheap method, it doesnt use any file input/output.\nPlease vote if you like, would like to hear complaints about bugs if you find any, but I also appreciate comments ;)\nThanks again\n-Endra","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004517149125982.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Read_Outpu1746715172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"AmineHaddad","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53842,"Title":"code depository","Description":"stores your codes","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/code_depos1746655172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Arnel Q. Labarda","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57587,"Title":"Innovative Login","Description":"Log-in forms of the systems I've seen are so monotonous so I have\nmade this innovation, take a look!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051182147296292.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Innovative1826411262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Rodelio Rodriguez","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57602,"Title":"[Firewall & Process Monitor]","Description":"This code enumerates all running process and determines which processes are services, system, and user-run processes. You can pull just about any infomation you want from a process. The program cna also enumerate processes on ports (Using the internet) and can monitor for any you specify and close the connection. \nThere is also a firewall Which is XP only. It does NOT use the built in windows firewall. It can block programs base on Process Name/Remote IP/Remote Port/Local Port. It can also block program by default and only allowed ones you specify on the previous conditions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004127173091092.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Firewall_1826711272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57608,"Title":"ASL Scripting Language with IDE","Description":"Ace Scripting Language is a my attempt to create a computer language. It's bundled with an IDE called Visual Ace which includes a dialog editor(window editor), a code editor and a ton of other things. The script functions and commands are fully documented in the IDE via the code browser and it will 'compile' to an executable. An example project is included.\nRepresents about a years worth of work and a countless amount of rewrites. The actual scripting 'engine' is an older working version that is riddled with poor coding but it works. I have already rewritten the engine for a project and I will release the source code here as well. Please visit http://onlies.net/ for more information. \nCode is free to use for non-commercial applications, if you want to use this code in a professional app please contact me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004128938495940.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ASL_Script1826881282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"DoWnLoHo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57611,"Title":"Copy Only New Files in a Folder","Description":"This progrqam will scan through a drive or a folder and all subdirectories and only copy file that were created on the current day. This program was developed to backup all new data.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004128134485903.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Copy_Only_1826971282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"ElitePCBOX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57614,"Title":"Enigma X","Description":"This is a little Hacking Game (THAT IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT). I mainly put it up here to see if there would be any interest in the final product.\nNOTE: This code uses the isButton 3.0 Control. Author: Fred.cpp\nURL:http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=56053&lngWId=1 \nProgram Update v0.0002","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004121362511135.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Enigma_X18288312132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Redpath","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57621,"Title":"MSN Multi-Message","Description":"This can send multiple message's to the selected MSN Messenger contact using Sendkeys along with the MSN Api. It has a nice look to it (see screenshot) & i included the images & icon in the Zipped file, so have fun with all that stuff :P Please hit me with some feedback (nothing evil, please!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004128233459624.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_Multi-1827191282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Hakavelli Pliz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57622,"Title":"Remote Winamp","Description":"Recently I found this code on PSC. I found it quite interesting so I downloaded it and help to do some makeover to it.<br><Br>\nI added a LAN ip search, and a download feature.\nWell, I cannot describe it all. Download and see for yourself.<br><br>\nPlease do not vote for this. It is not my project. This is a compilation of 3 codes found on PSC.<br><Br>\nPlease vote for the authors of these codes instead. :) Thankx.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Beware! The server will register to run at startup.<br>\nYou can remove the key from:<br>\nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> MICROSOFT -> WINDOWS -> CURRENT VERSION -> RUN<br><br>\nThe key is under service/RWServer\n","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Remote_Win1827201292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Lau Jia Sheng","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57624,"Title":"Directory Security 1.1","Description":"This is pro project by ashim deb. it was to little but strong than any Directory password... just chek out... thanks \nemail programergroups@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No side effict","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004129329533005.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Directory_1827261292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Ashim deb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57629,"Title":"DM Resource Viewer / Extract","Description":"Well I am back agian with a new update.\nSome of you may remmber DM Bitmap Extractor well if you liked that you will also find this usfull. You can.\nView and Extract AVI,REG Files, Bitmaps, Icons, Cursots, Menus, Dialogs,Text files, HTML,String Tables and more Hope you like this update.\nPlease Vote.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004129933437168.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Resourc1827321292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":28,"UserRatingTotal":140,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57631,"Title":"DemoOCX","Description":"Vari DIrectX : Sliders Horizontali\n Sliders Verticali\n Contatori UpDown\n Display LCD","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041291041299470.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DemoOCX1827381292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Bruno crepaldi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54682,"Title":"A way to call VB Exports from C/ASM","Description":"Hi Everyone!\nThey said it couldn't be done! Well, here I am, back from the shadows, with some new low-level information to share. Although I'm known for my NT Articles (check out the one this month... 130 pages!), this month I've also decided to enhance the life of every VB Programmer out there.\nThis code is the \"World's First VB DLL callable from C/ASM\". Some explenations: thanks to some addins out there, you can now create DLLs that contain exports. Unforunately, those exports will not work if they are called from any other application then VB (with some exceptions). This is because the runtime is not intialized properly by the application which calls them (and it won't know how to).\nSo, thanks to the Relsoft DLL Compiler (a Demo version is included in the ZIP files), you can now create a DLL in Visual Basic that contains exports, and that a foreign language will be able to call, after setting up a small \"context\". This allows you to call *most* (but not ALL) VB intrinsic functions. Here's what's included:\n- The full source code to the DLL, which you can modify to adjust to your own needs.\n- Source code in C and ASM to call the Export in the DLL, free for you to modify and implant into your own projects. It's easily convertible to Delphi/PowerBasic.\n- The Demo version of the Relsoft DLL Compiler, which allows *TEN* compilations.\n- A short readme.\nEnjoy! And please vote!\nPlease remember to rename dllcompilerpsc.ex_ to EXE and Install it :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200471058273323.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_way_to_c176431712004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Ion Alex Ionescu","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54690,"Title":"Camera Surveillance tool with motion detection and password protection (version 2.4)","Description":"Have you ever wonderered what people do in your room while you're away, what happens in your office during your coffee break or what your kids do when you're not around. Now you can find out with this surveillance tool. Whenever motion is detected by your webcam or digital camera, this tool will save a detailed report in the detection log. You can set up a password that prevents unauthorized users from shutting the program down, clearing the detection log or changing the settings. /// The OCX-file will probably have been deleted from the ZIP-file. You can download it from http://www.shrinkwrapvb.com/ezvidc60.zip /// Any feedback and votes are welcome, thanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200471652512711.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Camera_Sur176441712004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"aXap software","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54691,"Title":"Execute DOS Commands From Visual Basic","Description":"Well this has been made to teach you how to execute dos commands directly from visual basic application. A more advanced use of this application can be made by using it in ftp applications to change the file types of cgi files using ftp.exe, this function is not available to you when you program a ftp client in visualbasic \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Well this has been made to teach you how to execute dos commands directly from visual basic application. A more advanced use of this application can be made by using it in ftp applications to change the file types of cgi files using ftp.exe, this function is not available to you when you program a ftp client in visualbasic","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200471717333305.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Execute_DO176453712004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"ManuMehrotra","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54693,"Title":"Frame3D and Line3D","Description":"A replacement for Sheridan's 3D (THREED32.OCX) SSPanel and SSFrame controls. This is not a direct replacement because some of the property names are different. A good alternative when using XP manifest files over VB's Frame control and a picture box (which contains a lot of overhead). This control has 70 different border combinations and 3 text styles that can be positioned one of 15 possible locations. You can change the background, highlight and shadow colors; add gradient fill and/or fill with a pattern.\nAlso included: Line3D control, automatically create a manifest file, link XP themes to the application, and End an application the proper way. Please see the Readme file for a listing of the property definitions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200471745333440.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Frame3D_an176583742004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":101,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54696,"Title":"Introduction to NT Intenals, Part 1","Description":"Hi Everyone!\nIt's been a long time I haven't contributed with an article to the PSC community, but after a couple of months of writing, I'm back with Part 1 of my \"NT Internals\" article.\nThe series will deal with NT Objects, which is how the NT Kernel basically manages all its \"components\". A File is an Object, a Process is an Object, an Event is an Object, etc.\nPart 1 deals with Processes, Threads and Jobs (and Fibers, although they are not Objects, but included because Part 1 deals with executable code).\nAt roughly 125 pages, it's a hefty read, but it's mostly garnered as a reference tool, not a teaching tool. However, it's more of a hybrid, so reading the beginnings of each chapter will give you an impression of how everything works. That's only about 10 pages of reading :)\nI hope you enjoy it, and please vote... I'm still 18 and this feels like my life's work ;)\nPS. Some parts have some typing/colouring mistakes...I'm working on fixing that.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Introducti176451712004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Ion Alex Ionescu","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54697,"Title":"Kokoro's Downloader 1.3 - Game downloader","Description":"Officially Kokoro's Downloader is a professional game downloader powered by CSocketMaster 1.2 that lets you choose from a periodically updated list of games, where you can see the game information and a preview image before downloading. But it's much more than that. Here is the list of what you can learn from this project: how to get free unlimited web space with unlimited bandwidth to share whatever you want, how to skin your form and at the same time keep an icon on the taskbar button and the system menu (not found anywhere else), how to download (and upload) files, how to work with transparent forms, splash windows, personal buttons, label links, proxies, update systems, windows registry, tabstrips, imagelist, personal tooltips, help files, winsock APIs, how to deal with microsoft listview bugs and more. You can upload your own files and share them with the world, NO FILE SIZE LIMIT. All the content shared on KD is legal, and I don't take any responsibility for what kind of material you share. Credits: Leo Barsukov, button control, Kaustubh Zoal, tooltip class, ArthurW, translucent code. This is my third and last post on VB, so I thought I could leave sharing one of my best codes. Keep the good work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200471121688326.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Kokoro's_D176454712004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Emiliano Scavuzzo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54686,"Title":"Funny Eyes","Description":"The eyes follow your mouse cursor.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200528439585515.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Funny_Eyes184993282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Robert Kaltenbach","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54688,"Title":"Check whether application is running from VB IDE or outside VB","Description":"<PRE><B>I was looking for a one line code which can tell me if i am running my application from inside ide or from outside vb scope because i need to call some api calls which crash my vb ide if i run them from inside vb. i had seen many working code for this but i think this checking is best... please vote and comment for this code.....</B></PRE>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":7,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047163225891.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"V2","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54705,"Title":"YMSG12 Client Example","Description":"Client to login to Yahoo YMSG12(like yahoo messenger 6) join chat rooms, get buddies list, PMs, etc etc","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/YMSG12_Cli176471712004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Matthew Robertson","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":50982,"Title":"Virgin Mobile sms","Description":"This is a SMS program. You can send unlimited SMS's for free without signing up for anything. I gave Virgin Mobile a bunch of credit for this because I dont know much about the legal stuff. But Please feel free to leave your comments and VOTE!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041131638117797.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Virgin_Mob1693941132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jeff Broderick","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50985,"Title":"A Standard Message Box with TimeOut","Description":"This is a normal Message Box, but with a timer which will make it disappear after a certain amount of time. The return value depends on whether the user clicked one of the buttons (when the normal MsgBox return values are handed back) or whether the box was closed automatically - in this case a zero is returned.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Standard1694051132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50986,"Title":"Undetecable startup method","Description":"This is useful for making your EXE memory resident.Every time widows starts your app will run.Your app will be undetectable by MSConfig(a windows tool at system32 directory).There are other methods like leave a shortcut at windows startup folder (Start->programs->startup), use win.ini, boot.ini, autoexec.bat and the most popular method is HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->Microsoft->Windows->CurrentVersion->Run (MSBlast uses this) and ... .All these works but MSConfig can trace them.Have been tested on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP.In safe mode it won't work.Comments are included at module.The app that uses my code will stop windows from loading until be closed.If you don't like this, make two apps : your main app & another one that uses this module and 'MakeResident' function and runs your main app with vb 'SHELL' command(see my other submission EXE in EXE but there is a better way that I'll describe later on PSC).\nIt's hard to find.For removing, delete the App and the reg keys will be removed automatically on next restart.\nNOTE:Don't test it from VB IDE.Compile run and restart your computer.\nEasily can be coded in other languages.\nI've registered this code at a1vbcode.com on 2/17/2003.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Undetecabl1694061132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":104,"AuthorName":"Masoud Yousefvand","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50989,"Title":"FileSplitter 1.0","Description":"This program splits a file larger than a floppy to fit in floppy disks for transferring and can also fuse them together to get back the original file. The code is very simple for a beginner to understand.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FileSplitt1694221142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Nilanjan Sen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50993,"Title":"New ASCII City! Convert your high-resolution photos to colorful ASCII pictures in HTML format","Description":"(Must See Preview) - All errors removed - now can convert any size of picture !!! ASCII City is a powerful utility to convert any kind of picture (bitmap, jpeg, gifs, icons and so on) to colorful ASCII Picture in HTML formatted codes. Four 'Qualities' are available from 'Excellent' to 'Worst'. Preview after Making/Conversion available. Just browse, paste or drag'n'drop picture file in to input area, set 'Options' (defaults are the best) and hit 'Make' button !!! Believe me, you will get the FINEST, most COMPRESSED and extremely FAST results from ASCII City. I have tried my best to generate fast results and you will see when you use it. Codes are well commented. Hay wait, vote for me if you like; And please leave comments if u have any :D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004114730335030.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/New_ASCII_1694201142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":24,"UserRatingTotal":111,"AuthorName":"Naveed ur Rahman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51000,"Title":"All ADO Code only For You. Enjoy !!!","Description":"Hello To All\nThis module demonstrates how to perform common operations with ADO. This bas is essential if you want to do any database access with ADO. It shows how to perform common task as well as complex task using ADO. The notes on top of each function is self explanatory.\nThe important feature is that it shows comparison with DAO (the older database access technology)and instructs how to perform similar task in ADO and which parameter to use.\nPlease Rate it.\nThanks and Enjoy..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/All_ADO_Co1694281142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Behrouz Rad","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51001,"Title":"Text Sorting Simple and Easy","Description":"This is an easy, simple and quick code to sorte up a bunch of text lines, say you merged 2 text files and then use this code?.. it only care about the first letter of each line but its easy to add the full line if needed, look","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Spyo","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51301,"Title":"forever Start","Description":"This continously boot ur system after 8 seconds.\napplication automatically starts when Windows starts. u can exit the program by clicking the \"exit\" on the lower right of the screen.You can stop this to load on start up by click \"STOP\" on the right part of the screen. this disabled CTR +ALT DEL,ESC key","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"this always run on start up \nand continously restart ur PC","ApiDeclarations":"Just look at the code\n","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/forever_St1700701282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Archeer Maroon","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51307,"Title":"VBFind","Description":"This code replaces XP find, and also provides functionality for creating compressed and/or encrypted composite files. It supports all conceivable search options, with the exception of searching inside of zip files. You may use my code(parts of this code are not mine) in any way you like, commercial or otherwise I don't care. I don't need votes/comments, but I would appreciate any and all bug reports or ideas on improving effeciency.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041281315307293.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBFind1700841282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51309,"Title":"A Blocker Against SoftIce, Win32Dasm and Other Disassembly Progs","Description":"This code attempts to detect and disable the following:\n(If it can't disable, it'll just quit)\nWin32Dasm, Debuggy, OllyDBG, ProcDump, SoftSnoop, TimeFix, TMR Ripper Studio, Regmon and Filemon. \nIt also attempts to add protection against other step-debugging applications. (TimeFix-kill used before this check too!!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The code is sloppy as I am yet to establish the actual size of applications running and I'm not exactly a methodical coder!!! - I'm very unorthodox to say the least (tried to comment throughout though). However, These routines do seem to be quite effective against the programs I've tried. I'll post an update in the near future... It'll check itself to make sure it's not been modified!! ;)","ApiDeclarations":"(See Zip)","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Blocker_1700891282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"method (methlabs.org)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":57013,"Title":"Jonathan O Donnell","Description":"Well Its A Pretty Basic Browser And Needs No Explanation,Im New To VB But I feel This can Help Fellow n00bs To VB As Alotta The Codes Here Have Helped Me To Learn!!!Ver Easy To Understand I Didnt Feel Like It Needed Commenting Coz Its So Simple!!!!Vote For It !!!Go Easy Though Im New!lol","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Jonathan_O18123510312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jonathan O Donnell","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57019,"Title":"clsTextPic - Display formatted text on tiled image backgrounds","Description":"This class was designed to help someone create a formatted text (rich-text-like) display featuring tiled image backgrounds that was smooth and fast. Though someone can easily create a custom control from this, I did not need for it to go that far. Features: Any font style and size and color supported, indenting, hanging indents, smooth scrolling, single or tiled background image, and more. It was too useful to keep just to myself.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041031124454623.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/clsTextPic18124610312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"David Ross Goben","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57021,"Title":"Get Screen Mouse Coordinates (Simplified)","Description":"See code name.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":28,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Steve Bailey","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57027,"Title":"A prog that draws and animated ripple on an image. a good example of trigonometry)-","Description":"Uses basic Trig to draw ripples on an image. Its draws multiple frames that move outwards and the animates them to give the appearance of an image on a puddle","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Get/SetDIBits","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004103121473686.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_prog_tha18126110312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Scott Buckley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57028,"Title":"A Bubble generator. Screws with peoples faces. v funny","Description":"Ths puts a bulge behind an image to enlarge features of the image. You can get a photo of someones face and make him look like a tool. Also pinches images. Very affective.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Get/SetDIBits","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410312155405370.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Bubble_g18126210312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Scott Buckley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57030,"Title":"Control Character LCD-Modules (ie. HD44780) connected to the Parallel Port - fully commented(german)","Description":"Rather big library for controlling textbased LCD-Modules with HD44780 (or compatible) controller.\nNearly all features of the controller are supported!\nSee it for yourself!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411115659645.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Control_Ch1812681112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Chr!s","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57036,"Title":"Popup Balloon - UPDATED! (1.0.2)","Description":"This is another Update of my Popup Balloon!\nIt Now Supports: Different Icons, Finds Computer Name, External IP, Local IP.. and pops it up in Balloon. \nMain Purpose: Sends the program to the system tray and when you click on the command button it will show a popup balloon. - (See Screenshot)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004111322116244.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Popup_Ball1812781112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":" ","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57042,"Title":"Barcode 39 maker","Description":"Generate 3 of 9 barcode (in just 1 sub). No special fonts used, just code. This is an update to one of my old submissions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411186466766.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Barcode_391812951112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Paul Bahlawan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57043,"Title":"Barcode 39 reader","Description":"This is a reusable module for reading 3 of 9 barcode from an image such as a scanned page. I have included in the zip an image with barcodes for testing.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411181285952.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Barcode_391812961112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Paul Bahlawan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57045,"Title":"VB TabX","Description":"An Update To The VB Accelerator Tab Control.\nThe Tab Now Supports Xp Style Rendering.\nSince Steve Has Not Replied To My Emails And The Code Is Lying About On My Computer Doing Nothing, I Thought I Would Upload It So Other People Could Use It (If They Like).\nNote: Steve Must Take Credit For His Original Works, I Only Updated The Drawing And Fixed A Few Bugs. \nAlthough The Original Code Is Not Commented Very Well, You Can See The Changes Made By Searching For 'Ammended By'\nKind Regards\nGary\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004111105713740.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_TabX1813021112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":126,"AuthorName":"Phantom Man","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57047,"Title":"API-ucTreeView 1.3 (OLE Drag & Drop support)","Description":"New update: OLE Drag & Drop support. // Most part of new code is based on vbAccelerator's TreeView control. Some new methods and properties have been added, too (see control History for more info). // Let me know about any bug, suggestion. __________________________________________________ Update #1: Added CheckChildren() method (hereditary checking) // Fixed: NodeDblClick not raised when DblClick on 'CheckBox'. Also node not expanded/collapsed. // For folder-explorer implementation, see CodeId=56432. __________________________________________________ Update #2: Unicode.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041111438472880.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API-ucTree1887935132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":110,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57050,"Title":"Winsock4PureBeginner","Description":"Purely 4 a winsock Beginner,Nothing More Or Less Heavily Commented Im Still Learning My Self,But I Thought This Might Help Someone Like Others Codes Have Helped Me To Learn\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock4Pu1813211112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jonathan O Donnell","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57051,"Title":"YFunnelPro Open Source","Description":"This is the full source code to yfunnelpro, i no longer make this program as i dont have the time.\nso here it is for all you \"Uber\" elite yahoo programmers lol enjoy,\nDaZZa","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See Code. \nDaZZa","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/YFunnelPro1813341122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"YFunnel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57053,"Title":"Advance Access to MySQL","Description":"Here is my first submission on www.pscode.com,\nThis project prepared to help you to convert your \nMs Access Database into MySQL data source format.\nOn this project, I'm using some API function to\nDraw caption or Picture, so it is helpfull for\nnewbie in VB to learn about API programming.\nI'm using osenxpsuite controls, to\nimprove my GUI application. if you does not have\nosenxpsuite controls, you can download it from:\nhttp://download.osenxpsuite.com/osenxpsuite.zip\nI WAS TESTED THIS APP IN MY PC P-III 730 Mhz, and\nIt work fine. It can convert nwind.mdb to MySQL\ndata source for 7.07 seconds\n\nIf this project usefull for you,\nPLEASE VOTE THIS APPLICATION IN www.pscode.com\nNote:\n- MDAC 2.5 needed\n- OsenXPSuite controls (http://download.osenxpsuite.com/osenxpsuite.zip) needed\n- MySQL oDBC 3.51 Driver needed\n\nDOES NOT SUPPORT:\nΓÇó cREATE INDEX \nΓÇó CREATE PRIMARY KEY\nΓÇó CREATE FOREIGN KEY\nΓÇó CONVERT BINARY DATA VALUES (BLOB)\n\nIF ANY IDEA HOW TO SOLVE SOME TROUBLE ABOVE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.\nI REALLY NEED HELP ADVANCE VB DEVELOPER TO SOLVE MY APP\n\nTHANK YOU\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041112313595238.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advance_Ac1813281112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Ita","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57054,"Title":"Outlining in VB","Description":"I havent seen a Outlineing text on PSC so i decided to make one i hope you find some use for it.. it really makes text look cool if you expiriment with it. Anyway comment or vote please!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004111235169315.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Outlining_1813291112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"x sAGE x","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53118,"Title":"Power","Description":"Shutdown, reboot, log off, standby or hibernate system. Also included code how to detect when computer goes standby or hibernate. I've wrapped everything in class for easier use.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Power1732874132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Hrvoje Butina","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53120,"Title":"FileZach - Winsock Transfer Application","Description":"FileZach is a perfomance driven application which uses the Winsock control to send and recieve files from one computer to another. While not exactly 'super fast' (as its brother FileZap), it is much faster than tradditional email/im clients. To start off, you can choose 5 basic upload/input speeds. The first one, small, will open the file in binary mode, and input 1024 bytes (1kb) and send it to the remote user. There is then Medium (10kb), Large (1mb) and Huge(10mb). Due to perfomance issues with your computer, I recommend you select 'Medium' first, then if your pc can handle it 'Large'. Huge on my own development computer (Celeron1.5/128ram) caused crashes and freezes with the application and windows. For your convieniance, you can monitor two upload speeds, wherein most apps only have one. The *Sent* progressbar monitors how much data you have sent via winsock to the remote host. The *Recieved* progressbar monitors how much data the remote host has recieved and written to disk. While using larger input speeds, keep in mind that if the remote host computer is much slower than yours, you may see that the upload bar is much farther than the recieved one. You can monitor all downloading files on the listview on the main form, and click on an item to see its progress. If you do not want to recieve any files, goto File --> Disable, and the winsocks will stop listening for connections. IF you would like to send a file goto File --> Send, or if you would like to cancel all downloads, goto File --> Disconnect all. I look forward to hearing your feedback and/or votes, please report any bugs you find in this application. If I get enough response, I'll start working on FileZach Plus+, which will have File Sharing, operate as a download manager for internet explorer, will include compression/encryption and also UserToUser chat while files are being transfered.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004413124337579.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FileZach_-1732944132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Xomni Networks","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53129,"Title":"Create Drop Shadows","Description":"'Develop a \"drop shadow\" around a picturebox. Module uses standard APIs so that code will work in all versions of Windows (Win95 to WinXP).\nProduces true, variable width, gradient transparent drop shadows that become part of the original graphic.","Inputs":"PictureBox, shadow width","Assumes":"'Procedure develops a \"drop shadow\" around a picturebox (sWidth in Pixels). The right and lower edge sections of the object container are stored in temporary Device Contexts and used as \"background(s)\" to create the shadow. These\nsections are then added to the existing picturebox to create an integral effect.","CodeReturns":"Adjusted picturebox (includes gradient shadow)","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004413153414436.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Create_Dro1733064132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":74,"AuthorName":"Ed Porter","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53137,"Title":"Create secure Access database","Description":"This sample shows how to secure Access database using ADOX and SIDs. In apps where database is created on-the-fly from code its only way to prevent your database from being modified.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":143,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Grzegorz P.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53140,"Title":"Binary Finger Counting (User Control version)","Description":"Teach yourself to count in binary on your fingers. \nIncludes a couple of simple finger games, let me know if you develop others and I'll add them.\nConverted earlier program to use a tidier UserControl. Fixed a logic error one of the games.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200441404867182.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Binary_Fin1733184142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53146,"Title":"At last! A solution to the Select Case Enum problem! Believe me, you want this code","Description":"The VB IDE's intellisense features really are a godsend. However, a few omissions in its conception are a bit annoying.\nFor example, when you are doing a Select Case statement with an enum value, you would expect the intellisense to pop up a list box of all the enum values, like it does if you were in an If statement.\n\nThat's exactly what this add-in does. It adds this functionality to the IDE. I have seen several ideas of how to get around this limitation, but none that take it this far.\n\nIt's not really surprising that no one else has done it. The objects add-ins get to play with to query and manipulate the code conveniently ignore the existence of Enums, totally. So you really have to do it the hard way - parsing the strings until you find the right one. If none is found then it falls back on the typelibs the project references, hoping to find it there.\n\nI'm not going to delve into a detailed description of how the parsing system works, because it's really not that complicated. It's just long, annoying, and with lots of pitfalls to watch out for.\n\nThe parsing code itself could be is very useful to anyone wanting to parse VB code, for any reason. Little gems like GetModuleEnums() or GetProcParams() could prove themselves handy in any number of situations.\n\nI'm not saying the code is bug-free, because it almost certainly isn't. It does however work in every circumstance I have tested, and has yet to crash the IDE.\n\nA lot of improvements could be made to this code. Caching the parsing results would dramatically improve search speed, and the parsing algorithms themselves could be vastly accelerated. Still, it works.\n\nHere's a list of exercises left \"for the reader\" :)\n\n* Improve the parsing algorithms, possibly by using array pointers instead of string manipulation\n\n* Cache results so they don't have to be repeated every time\n\n* Extend the concept to popup a list of labels when the user types \"Goto \" or \"GoSub \"\n\n* Implement sorting in the list box [as an option, as it's not always appropriate]\n\n* In the enum pop-up box, check which values have already been checked for in the Select Case statement, and draw them in grey, or strike through, or something.\n\nAnyway, have fun, enjoy the code, and don't forget to send me your comments [and your vote :) ]\n\nIf you use any of the code, please let me know [I won't mind, honest, but I'd like to be informed, for my ego's sake if nothing else].\n\ngrigri","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200441465977051.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/At_last!_A1733274142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":62,"AuthorName":"grigri","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53144,"Title":"Google Image Grabber","Description":"This program will grab the first 1000 images from Google for any search. This will help you locate porn, get pictures of your favorite car, or possibly even something usefull. Saves download picutures to a folder called \"pics\". Let me know what bugs this has so I can fix them and re-upload it (I probably should have spent this last hour sleeping instead of coding, so it isn't exactly da vinci) =P Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"You may end up with a lot of porn and car pictures on your hard drive, so be careful!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004414439162817.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Google_Ima1733244142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"VW_","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53161,"Title":"Dj Box 4","Description":"This is a proyect i been working on so many months. As you can see in the picture it's a complete DJ software to mix your mp3 in party's. Well what can i say, it has lots of modules i've recopilated from this page. Incorporates m3u and pls lists, id3 tags, fx and rythm mix, predifined mixes, skins, also cd control module, cutting for intros, fade out, and an experimental lights module for use with printer port.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044141457521363.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dj_Box_41733494142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Julio C. Gotuzzo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53151,"Title":"Lock PC Icon","Description":"Add a shortcut to your desktop that automatically locks your Windows 2000/XP","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Bryan Lass","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53153,"Title":"_Calories Calculator_","Description":"Vote if you like this calculator","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Calories_1733354142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57850,"Title":"[ A++ FEATURE PACKED! PROFESSIONAL CODE! HOTTEST CHAT ON THE NET. NOT A HOW-TO! ]","Description":"NCHAT FORUMS ON-LINE! www.solidinc.tk\nPLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE! THE Hottest chat program on the internet. When used on a network, requires NO server!! Internet ready, > 60 emoticons, private messaging with whiteboard, create your own room, earn points for chatting, hyperlink support, emotions support, full set of administrator tools (more than 20 of them), full data logging. Perfect for office, home, or other small network. More than 1 1/2 years of code here. > 5,000 lines of code, 22 FORMS, 10 MODULES, 2 CUSTOM CONTROLS. A MUST DOWNLOAD! TOO MANY FEATURES TO LIST HERE. COMMENT, CRITICISE, VOTE <-- MOST IMPORTANT","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041222756274285.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_A++_FEAT18322312222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Grayda","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57853,"Title":"Word Processor 3.1 Pro","Description":"Is a Word Processor possessing multiple capabilities ranging from simple text editting to adding images,plotting graphs,maintaining a database of employees,browsing internet,etc.","Inputs":"form1,form2,frmbrowser,richtextc,frmabout,textc,texteditor--------forms","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A GUI displaying Windows based software","SideEffects":"Not completely error free...trying to improvise the current error handling system.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Word_Proce18324912232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Aman Moudgil","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57854,"Title":"GEEKmoney 3.1.1","Description":"This is based on the famous Board Game \"MONOPOLY\".I have even introduced systems of LOANS,and many more.But it is not the last and an improved version of the same is being developed.","Inputs":"Form1 and Form2","Assumes":"The game is a 2 player game with the assumption that 2 players are playing as if they are playing on a board,that is they have to keep a check of their moves.","CodeReturns":"---","SideEffects":"---","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041231255593502.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GEEKmoney_18347412312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Aman Moudgil","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57858,"Title":"Animalogy Test","Description":"This is an animology test that I found a while ago and I decided to make it into a program. Please vote and leave comments","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004122213057152.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animalogy_18323612222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Trevor K.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57864,"Title":"Using the MCI to play Multimedia Files","Description":"The mciSendString function is a powerful function for adding multimedia to your applications. Learn how to:\n- Play sound and video files\n- Make the video play inside a picture box\n- Get information about the file playback state (whether its playing, stopped etc)\n- Find out how to use the mciGetErrorString to deal with error numbers returned from the mciSendString","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Using_the_18325012232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Matthew Stride","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57865,"Title":"Combining DBGrid & Combo","Description":"Often I use to thought of using a particular cell of DBGrid control as a Combo box, so that user can select using the combo box.This facility is available in MS Access. This code shows how to combine DBGrid control and a combo box in VB, so that whenever the user clicks a particular cell if DBGrid control this combo box is visible and user can select the value from the combo box.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":47,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041223214149846.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"AR. Sithanandam","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57866,"Title":"Hydrology","Description":"This application can be used in certain areas of Hydrology involving design of a turbine,Design of a transition forebay by Mitra's Method,And in the calculation of the specific speeds.That is, this can serve as a calculator for those designing Dams,etc.","Inputs":"---","Assumes":"---","CodeReturns":"---","SideEffects":"---","ApiDeclarations":"---","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hydrology18325112232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Aman Moudgil","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57868,"Title":"[3D maze & frustum ]","Description":"3D \"maze\" doesn't really have an ending.. but it serves another purpose. This is a cell&portals maze. It uses exact visibility ( recursion ) and clipping to create a view of the maze. I originally had to do this in C++.net using openGL. This USES PURE VB. only a few api calls. I'm looking for someone who has a good idea for a maze building algorithm so i can do some file I/O. right now i just build the maze in the program which takes up A LOT of lines, and could be done much easier by reading a file. anyway, leave your comments, learn, enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041223354277140.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[3D_maze_&18325212232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"john hollister","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57874,"Title":"SnailTrail Master Volume Fader Control","Description":"Simply a master volume fader control...Slider functionality piggybacked from Carles P.V.'s excellent cpvSlider submission. I added mixer api to control and detect changes in the sound volume as well as a routine to draw the snail trail...Also uses Paul Caton's excellent winsubhook typelib and timer class, included in the zip. Skinnable in that the slider thumb pic can be changed. Can also probably set the pic of your choice as the usercontrol background although I did not attempt that myself...\nHappy Holidays!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412231141399414.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SnailTrail18328412232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"AlT","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57877,"Title":"Downloadable Mind Blowing Modules","Description":"Downloadable Mind Blowing Modules, go grab them while you can !!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Thomas Swift","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57882,"Title":"Event Recorder (Simulates Events)","Description":"This little application records your mouse movements, clicks, and keypresses when turned on. When \"played\", it will simulate the mouse clicks, movement, and key presses you've made while it was being recorded. I have now updated the coding a bit to remove minor bugs and add more commenting on the code. The program does not currently recognize multiple-key presses but I plan to include that in the future.\nBugs, comments, and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Please vote for me! PS. This is my first submission so don't hate, =) Umm.. Need some more comments please!! Also check out my other submissions!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Included in project.","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412232029104080.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Event_Reco18330112242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Daniel M","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57887,"Title":"[ API Collection ]","Description":"This is a submission for all API lovers.\nA big HTML collecion of APIs ,I found. I think you all take this as a reference. Thanks for 'www.Atwillys.de' for providing the same.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57889,"Title":"Launch IE in *Edit* Mode","Description":"This is a VB Script to Launch IE in Edit Mode, that is it functions kinda like FrontPage, supports command-line arguments it also can be done in VB, check it out so simple!","Inputs":"Option Explicit\nMain\nPublic Sub Main ()\nDim Args , FileName , ie\nSet Args = WScript.Arguments\nIf Args.Count > 0 Then\n\tFileName = Args(0)\nElse\n\tFileName = \"about:blank\"\nEnd If\nSet Args = Nothing\nSet ie=CreateObject(\"InternetExplorer.Application\")\nie.Visible=true\nie.Navigate FileName\nie.Document.designMode = \"On\"\nset ie=Nothing\nEnd Sub\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Launch_IE_18329312242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57897,"Title":"Desktop Toy - Bouncing Santa Claus","Description":"This is just a little stuffed santa. You can drag him arround and he falls down and bounces! nothing special but fun ;) Merry Christmas!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412241918297458.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Desktop_To18330612242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Kinex","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57898,"Title":"Sort String Arrays without Swapping Strings","Description":"Sort Array without Swapping Strings\nThe latest Sort submission by Ulli, whcih is unquestionably superior and advanced is, well, advanced! so i cooked-up this sort which is very simple, the algorithm used is shell sort but instead of swapping strings, we swap their index, and finally return an array of sorted indexes, well sort of (pun intended ;-)","Inputs":"String Array to be Sorted\nwith the option of Ignoring Case","Assumes":"assumes u have VB6 !!!","CodeReturns":"Array (of type Long) of Sorted Indexes (indices) that can be used to access the original unchanged array according to the sorted order.","SideEffects":"who knows :-p","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041224204339116.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Sort_Strin18330712242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56038,"Title":"The trouble with VB's Recent Project List is that...","Description":"...it is untidy and unsorted, it grows until you can't find anything, it does not remove broken links, and last but not least the window is way to samll to display long pathes. So what we need is a little helper to tidy up and sort VB's Recent Projects List. And wouldn't it be nice if you could launch VB with an open project inside it right from the beginning? Well, try this one - download is only 14 kB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049794362650.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/The_troubl179076982004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56042,"Title":"Yahoo Packet Coding","Description":"Well i made this tutorial a long time ago back when i had www.elite-crackers.com! well anyways this tutorial will show u how to sniff packets for yahoo and code them so u can use them in ur Visual Basic Projects! well please vote cause i would like to win something from here atleast once Lol!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Yahoo_Pack179028972004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Shane Briley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56044,"Title":"UPDATED: Code Library with Auto Add Feature","Description":"About a year ago, I submitted a code library, which was pretty basic. My first submission, etc.\nOne of the comments I received was the wish for an automatic code addition function. I have finally found the time to make that addition.\nThis version of my code library has a much different interface, supports attachments as well as snippets, and also includes AUTOMATIC ADDITION OF SNIPPETS on your hard drive.\nThe program searches for .BAS files on the specified drive, then looks in each .BAS file it finds for Functions and Subs, which are added to the back-end Access database.\nFurther, snippets can be added singly, by clicking the 'Add Snip From File' button on the Add New form (frmAddNew).\nBe forewarned - this code is not yet complete; I've yet to work the GUI, and commenting is sparse. And no, I am not an expert programmer. This is just a hobby for me!\n","Inputs":"N/A","Assumes":"N/A","CodeReturns":"N/A","SideEffects":"UPDATE: I've added to the AutoAdd function. It now grabs the declarations for that module. I haven't got it down to grabbing the required modules. Rather, it grabs them all, and stores them with the snip.\nAlso, since PSC has been having problems with ZIP downloading (due to the hurricane), I've placed the ZIP file on my test server: http://derekw.dynu.net/codelib.zip\nThanks for the ratings, everyone. Wasn't expecting to get any response!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200497123212965.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Code_Libra179081982004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"mcseforhire","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56045,"Title":"Free Obsolete Versions Of VB, Basic & Other Compilers","Description":"This is a third party review on where to find Free Obsolete Versions Of VB, Basic & Other Compilers.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004971442463036.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Thomas Swift","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56053,"Title":"isButton 3.0 With Multiple Visual Styles, and more features. Updated: 2004-sep-15","Description":"Do you want to change the style of your boring command buttons? try this cuztomizable button, drawn by code, baloon tooltips, 10 Visual Styles( winXP, Office XP, Mac OSX and more!), customizable caption and icon align and more! See screenshot. Also Includes a very creative way to show a about box Without add a extra form (using some api calls). The button is a single file control, without more dependences than VB Itself. uses Paul Caton Self subclasser: ' http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=54117&lngWId=1 Feedback Is highly apreciated. I'm working on the MacOSX style, since I need a faster way to draw It. Please coment. also, votes are wellcome. I've made a page for the control: http://www.geocities.com/isbutton3/ \nUpdate Includes lot of fixes and Checkbox behavior and Value property. If you want a Multy style ComboBox try SComboBox ( http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?lngWId=1&txtCodeId=56157 )\nRegards and Have fun","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"tons","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200498227299903.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/isButton_31793829152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":106,"UserRatingTotal":525,"AuthorName":"Fred.cpp","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56073,"Title":"Card Trick","Description":"To demonstrate the use of the cards.dll shipped with windows. Only tested on Windows XP.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function cdtInit Lib \"cards.dll\" (ByRef width As Long, ByRef height As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function cdtDraw Lib \"cards.dll\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal card As Long, ByVal cardtype As Long, ByVal color As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200499448186947.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Card_Trick179104992004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Eugene Wolff","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56083,"Title":"VPS - Variable Plugin System","Description":"VPS is a Plugin system; You write ActiveX plugins and VPS will execute them by a few standard functions you must have in your project.\nCurrently it has 2 plugins in it; A MUD server which isn't finished and a Backup system which is reasonably finished (delete the ini to get the config screen when starting VPS)\nAll source is included for each plugin and VPS itself, VPS is a console based application and you should use CAP to make it able to run inside a cmd.exe instead of it's own console window.","Inputs":"No input is necessary.","Assumes":"A bit about the plugins (you can find this text also in the plugins dir as a .txt file)\nPlugin required functions...\nDLL Name = VPS\nClass name = Filename of DLL\nfstrGetName (no args) return result should be a string giving the friendly name of the plugin\nfstrGetFunction (no args) return result should be a string giving the function that initializes the plugin\nfClose (no args) allows plugin to close itself before VPS terminates\nregisterparent (refObject) allows the plugin to be able to return calls.\nParent functions\nLog(String) - logs to the log file and screen.\nLogfile(String) - logs only to file\nLogscreen(String) - logs only to screen\nThat should get you started :)","CodeReturns":"No output except screen and what the plugin does.","SideEffects":"None so far.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VPS_-_Vari179129992004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rob 'Devion' Janssen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56088,"Title":"AllAPI API Manager/Viewer","Description":"AllAPI parses the wonderful site www.allapi.net collecting every API call from it, storing every detail about each API and lists it allowing you to view details, save, copy and paste code, print (eventually), and more. It also links you to examples of the API (must be connected to internet). This is perfect for any programmer! Never navigate your way through API websites again. Click the \"Update\" menu item to parse the website and update your API calls. MUST SEE!! Some code was not written by myself, just snippets of code I have collected over the years and for this I am sorry I cannot give the proper credit to their original authors. Please Vote! Thank you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004992147354774.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AllAPI_API179141992004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Mike Davis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55904,"Title":"Banks Transactions Management System","Description":"Do you want to make a WIZARD-LIKE application? see this appliaction. i like to work on GUI more than programming.\nits for my dad, he makes alot of transactions in banks. and he needed something that can help him do that. Manage bank accounts' balances and transactions. I included this prog here because i really used a very complicated GUI, the easiest way to use by users. its like the wizard of windows with backs and nexts you know. there's alot of good tricks there. Now, i am not after any votes or anything I just wouls lke you to tell me what do you think because its my first program in VB. NOTE: tell me if you see a missing file or dll or anything. :) because i devloped this prog 3 months ago. i copied some codes from the internet also.Username & password are guest:guest or Admin:Admin","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200483094096492.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Banks_Tran1792759122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Meshal H.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55917,"Title":"POP_MAIL v2.0","Description":"This program checks your pop mail.\nIt downloads all your email, parses every message, gets all the useful info and displays it all in either html or text according to the content type. Also handles multiple attachments per email. If the code is lacking it should be easily modified.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"assumes some knowledge of pop protocol","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"--None--","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200483135778610.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/POP_MAIL_v1787838312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jason Barrera","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55919,"Title":"Animated Gif Buttons","Description":"Use Animated Gif as buttons with just a few lines of code, no ocx or dlls. VERY SIMPLE.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004831110463676.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animated_G1787908312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"ElitePCBOX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55922,"Title":"HTML Image Mapper!! Every web developer should have 1!!","Description":"Very user-friendly util. Makes a CUSTOM AREA of an image, in a HTML page, to link to a destination and not the whole rectangular shape of the image as usual. Includes preview button! The area can be either a circle, rectangle or polygon. Enjoy & PLZ vote!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048311355128441.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Image178823912004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Michael Vainshtein","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55925,"Title":"Attack Tool Kit 2.0","Description":"The acronym ATK stands for Attack Tool Kit. It was first developed to provide a very small and handy tool for Windows to realize simple security checks. \nBut more and more the utility grows and allows in the meanwhile to do full security audits as like other vulnerability scanners are able to do (e.g. Nessus or ISS Internet Scanner). But this is not the main goal of the tool. The primary task is to allow small and fast checks for dedicated vulnerabilities.\nThe special thing about ATK is that the tool is able to do the work without great interaction. But there is also always the possibility to vary and change the behaviour of the software. This concern the plugins, checking, enumeration and reporting. The user is not dependent of the ideas of the developers - If needed because of the modularity nearly every change can be done within a few seconds. \nATK is absolutely free to use and distribute. The software is written in Visual Basic and underlies the General Public License (GPL). The official project web site can be found at http://www.computec.ch/projekte/atk/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Do not scan ressources without permission.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The testing may affect the productivity and reachability of an environment.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004831167487762.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Attack_Too1788028312004.0src ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Marc Ruef","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55927,"Title":"Usenet NNTP with OCX and source","Description":"This is a Newsgroup program which is better than anything I found on PSC. Do NOT vote as I did not write this and I am only sharing this excellent code written by Uwe Keller.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004831172327766.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Usenet_NNT1788058312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Warren Goff","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55928,"Title":"PSC Express Login SE (Updated)","Description":"PSC Express Login SE holds the users login & password. As well as launching default browser & logs the user into any desired code section of PSC automatically. I got sick of constantly getting logged out of PSC, so I created PSC Express Login. It makes logging in a breeze & uploading code a piece of cake. You can also download my Internet Explorer Toolbar Integrator here on PSC & itegrate this right into your browsers toolbar. This is the last one I'm going to build so folks please remember to vote if you find this program useful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048311817343771.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PSC_Expres1788088312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Thomas Swift","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55932,"Title":"VB Metronome","Description":"A metronome (used in music for keeping time) written in Visual Basic, using one API call. Assumes that you have a working sound card, or other method for playing a sound. Theoretically, it can support any BPM setting, but realistically, I set the limits to 31-500 BPM. Also includes Cut Time, allowing for the beat to be twice as fast. WARNING : DO NOT DELETE THE INCLUDED WAV FILES. THE PROGRAM NEEDS THEM!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"sndPlaySound","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Metrono1788138312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ra the Glitch Maker","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55935,"Title":"Semi VB Decompiler 0.03","Description":"Release 0.03\nAdded Ocx Support\nAdded P-Code procedure decompile to P-Code tokens.\nAdded Image Extraction\nAdded Better Handling of Control properties.\nAdded Form Patch Editor\nAdded Syntax Coloring.\nBetter support of User Controls/And MDI Forms.\nApi's Recovered\nProcedure Names recovered for Forms and classes.\nResizing of the windows added.\nNumerous Bug fixes and other things added.\nBegun work on a basic antidecompiler.\nFeatures Advanced decompiling using COM via VB6.OLB\nUsing COM allows me not to have to hard code every single property\nThe only properties that need to be hardcoded is the size, font, and dataformat opcodes.\nOne day I hope to use msvbvm60.dll instead of vb6.olb so nothing will have to be hardcoded.\nThis is the best Open Source VB Decompiler you can find.\nShow your support and leave comments and vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200491026137684.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Semi_VB_De178817912004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":33,"UserRatingTotal":157,"AuthorName":"vbgamer45","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55936,"Title":"A 3D Engine v7, Fly Around Demo","Description":"Learn how to create your own 3D graphics library without using OpenGL or DirectX, just pure VB code. Watch the scripted introduction complete with sound track! Walk or Fly around a 3D environment in a similar style to popular 1st person shooting games like Quake, Unreal Tournament and FarCry. Use a combination of the keys and mouse to look around just like you would in the professional games. The core 3D programming and is very stable; it won't change too much in the future, so this would be a good project to get familiar with. Comments are everywhere. If this 3D application is too complex for you, look up my previous work, especially \"A 3D Lesson v2, Very Simple\".","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200491110108125.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_Engin178818912004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":30,"UserRatingTotal":148,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55937,"Title":"clsRandomObject","Description":"This class simulates several common random objects (coins/dice/cards) and provides the ability to extract either a single member of a random range or an array containing a shuffled array of the full range of the object. Also supports random letters, vowels & consonents(standard English only), numerals(0-9), RndWords or user created ranges. Please let me know if you extend the letters to cope with other languages.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004912053157.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/clsRandomO178820912004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55943,"Title":"External App as VB Form Child","Description":"Of late I have been doing quite a bit of Office automation. I thought it look quite tacky the fact that the Office application loaded outside the main app. The following shows how to make MS Word a child of your VB App. (this will work for any application) This has been place on PSC just for others whom may not know the technique to see how simple it is. Hope you enjoy it and please leave any comments positive or negative.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/External_A178827912004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"bombdrop","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55944,"Title":"Ulli's VB Companion AddIn","Description":"(formerly IDE Mousewheel Support and AutoComplete)\nThis Add-In adds configurable mousewheel support and a few other goodies to the VB IDE. Check it out; download is only 80kB (the best 80 kB you ever downloaded *g*).\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049192397479.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ulli's_VB_178833912004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":127,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55946,"Title":"Excel Program-Msflexgrid Preview (ver. 4)","Description":"I think This code is the best code for me,It is something like Excel Application,you can Print/Save/Open change the color of cell and writing and also the font.\nI have spend alot of time in this project to put many Functions of Excel Sheet and i hope it admire you.\nIf my Code admire you,please Vote me,this will Support me much.Thanks alot for your Help and advice.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049112966929.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Excel_Prog1797579262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":53,"UserRatingTotal":262,"AuthorName":"Khaled Agwa","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55947,"Title":"Magic Button","Description":"This is my first submission to PSC.\nYes it is another Button ActiveX, but this one has predefined shapes (ellipse, polygon, star, pie, arrow, arrowhead, slant box...) you can also design your own shape (mask). Background can be plain, textured, gradient or transparent. Text can be rotated (even non true type font). You can add picture. But the major difference compared to the other buttons you can currently find, is that the lightning and shadows and computed in real time. Just download it and play with it. Please leave comments with bug report and new ideas. If you want to vote for this piece of code, just do it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Few of them (see code)","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004911530354296.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Magic_Butt178841912004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":63,"AuthorName":"frk","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55952,"Title":"Lite PAd","Description":"Can read Vietnamese\nLitepad: read Vietnamese,find and replace,on top, sent to tray,bullet. change case,script...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Lite_PAd178855912004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"nguyen thanh phat","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56967,"Title":"Parallel Port Controller","Description":"The purpose of this program is to show how to use inpout32.dll to get input and output through your parallel port. This was created on XP pro so I presume that it will also work on XP home \nTo use this porgram you will need the inpout32.dll you can get it from : http://www.logix4u.net/inpout32_source_and_bins.zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"To use this porgram you will need the inpout32.dll you can get it from : http://www.logix4u.net/inpout32_source_and_bins.zip","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410272324381404.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Parallel_P18116110282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"josh gaby","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56968,"Title":"Create a Self-Extracting EXE, just like Microsoft!","Description":"NEW WAY OF CREATING A SELF-EXTRACTING EXE!\nNOTE: I'm not sure wether this works on other versions of Windows besides Windows XP Professional. Try it anyway, and let me know what you think! And tell me if it works on other versions of Windows!\nIf you're lucky, you will have a file called \"iexpress.exe\" somewhere in your system folder (On mine it is on my \"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\" folder).\n\nOpen it, and follow the steps. I'll give you an example of how to do it below.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041028350252697.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Adam Kachwalla","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56990,"Title":"Grid Highlight","Description":"This code is in response to a question from armbararan, who wanted to highlight the navigation of the flex grid. I threw this together from some of my other projects as a quick example to allow highlighting of gridrow and gridcol in the msflexgrid.","Inputs":"Move Mouse over Grid.","Assumes":"Uses MS FlexGrid Control.","CodeReturns":"The Row and Column will highlight","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041029192256753.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Grid_Highl18118710292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Tom Pydeski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56992,"Title":"Popup Balloon","Description":"Sends the program to the system tray and when you click on the command button it will show a popup balloon. - (See Screenshot) No OCX Files needed!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041029233892705.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Popup_Ball18119210292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":" ","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56984,"Title":"Undo\\Redo","Description":"The most simple example for Undo\\Redo.Please -Rate-","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Undo_Redo18116810292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56995,"Title":"A Platform Game","Description":"my second game trying. i tried about gravity and tile based screen. also enemy control. sorry for writing code in turkish but i wrote the commetns in english, yo can ask abou them...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041030529525677.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Platform18119610302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Erkan Kaynak","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56998,"Title":"FTP Control","Description":"This is an FTP OCX control. What it does is provide easy to use FTP access to applications. Applications can choose weather to download the file to a location using this control or to strictly store it in a string and make it accessible to the application. This way you could use it to say download a text file from an FTP site in your text editor. I know this control will work in vb6, and I'm almost positive it will also work in VB 4 and 5 because it just uses API to achieve it's goal. Leave comments and suggestions. Thanks :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410301033547565.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FTP_Contro18120110302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ackbar","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57001,"Title":"Binary Reflected Gray Code Conversion","Description":"Example to convert Decimal to Binary Reflected Gray Code.\nI did some poking around and found some info, but could not find any examples in visual basic. I took the C examples and converted them to VB.\nI only tried it up to a byte leve(255)\nCan probably easily be changed to convert integers and larger, but for my purpose, 255 was enough.\n","Inputs":"Enter either a decimal or gray code","Assumes":"see above","CodeReturns":"the converted gray code or decimal value","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041030159455163.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Binary_Ref18121310302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Tom Pydeski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57004,"Title":"A Hundred Buttons","Description":"If you need a lot of buttons on your forms then you can fairly easily draw them on and save resources.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"A small number","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Hundred_18125110312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"jeremyxtz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57007,"Title":"Popup Balloon - UPDATED!","Description":"This is an Update of my Popup Balloon. It now supports Differenet Icons. (Warning, Error..) It Sends the program to the system tray and when you click on the command button it will show a popup balloon. - (See Screenshot) No OCX Files needed!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004103132708913.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Popup_Ball18122610312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":" ","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57746,"Title":"Client-Server (RAT) (Remade-Nemisis)","Description":"I had posted another server client remote admin called Nemisis a while back that I had not worked on in years and I just found another version that I made which seems to be alot more perfected then the previous one and I commented almost every line of code so I hope you like it. Some may call it a trojan but I dont care I liked making it and it works so im proud.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041216121552513.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Client-Ser18298512162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Max Powers","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57748,"Title":"Mp3AudioDll","Description":"This ActiveX Dll allows you to easily play Mp3 Audio using the Mci Api. You simply create an Audio object with a filename and control the playback through the objects interface. Gives you control over the speed, volume (both left and right) and so on... If enough of you are interested I will gladly expand and improve this project. Comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function CoCreateGuid Lib \"ole32\" (id As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetShortPathNameA\" (ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal lpszShortPath As String, ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function mciSendString Lib \"winmm.dll\" Alias \"mciSendStringA\" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function mciGetErrorString Lib \"winmm.dll\" Alias \"mciGetErrorStringA\" (ByVal dwError As Long, ByVal lpstrBuffer As String, ByVal uLength As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mp3AudioDl18299312162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jason George","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57750,"Title":"Circulatory System","Description":"A little \"Circulatory System\" program. I just want to share this program to all.\nIt's up to you if you want to vote for this code..\nThanx..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041216152710685.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Circulator18299712162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Master Yeoh","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57751,"Title":"Create XP Style Buttons","Description":"Here's a nice way to create XP Style Buttons. This literally will just take minutes to change the look of your .exe. Just simply follow the instructions and you'll be quite happy with the result. Note: You have to be on an XP machine for this to work. Visualicious is probably an even better alternative here at PSC, But doing it this way with Reshacker is kind of fun.. and the program is quite interesting...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Create_XP_18300012162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jeff Kastner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57764,"Title":"Uses (101) for Ulli's KnightRider ActiveX Control","Description":"Well, I only came up with 3 so far. Why you ask? Well, I downloaded this some time ago and thought it was a neat effect but what to use it for? Well, I found a little time to kill and went through all my downloaded code. I re-discovered this and decided to see if there was a fun way to make use of it. I found a couple and decided to resubmit this to PSC to see what some of you evil geniuses could do with it. If you got a little time to play, let's see what you got. ;-) Let's have some fun dammit....\nMy revisions:\nRemoved the intrinsic VB timer and added Paul Caton's timer class and a reference to the WinSubHook2 typelib included in the zip. In my opinion, Paul's code is one the most useful ever submitted to PSC. I have found a multitude of uses for it and it is simply awesome coding. Also, I formatted the code and changed variable names to my taste. Forgive me Ulli. Finally, I added a TripComplete event for use in my demo.\nTo use, make sure you have a reference to the WinSubHook2 typelib. If for some reason you can not see the effect, substitute the use of the Alphablend (msimg32.dll) API for the use of the GDIAlphablend (gdi32.dll) API call. The parameters are identical so you should only have to change the function name, uncomment the Alphablend api call, and comment the GDIAlphablend API call. Votes are not necessary but if you vote, they are Ulli's.....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"GDIAlphablend\nAlphablend","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412171339374225.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Uses_(101)18304212172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"AlT","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57781,"Title":"VBScripting Made EASY!","Description":"This code will show you how simple it is to insert VBScript into your application. This code also shows alot of features for Scripting. You can edit all of it right in the form or you can save what you have and edit in the text file. You can also open an existing vbscript text file and start editing from there. When its saved it automaticly makes it in VBScript form... See screen shot... Has a number of command buttons all doing someting differnt and putting a bunch of differnt commands at use. Practice on labels, Check boxes, Text boxes, Timers, common dialogs and more! Possiblies are endless. I hope you enjoyed my code and much i did making it. If you could please leave feedback and VOTE. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041218041201709.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBScriptin18306112182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Justin Lilley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57789,"Title":"Hide and Seek","Description":"I am creating a teaching game for my son, and this is one section. Uses MS Agent, random numbers, and the registry.\nThis games is actually kind of addictive...:)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hide_and_S18307412182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jacob's Dad","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57790,"Title":"[ Circular Gradient ]","Description":"It is a simple circular color gradient example.No need to Vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Circular18307512182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57798,"Title":"What is 'Conflicting names were found....'? (update2)","Description":"An occasional irritation when downloading is this messagebox appearing while loading a project. \nThis article and code demonstrate it and explain how to fix it. \nThe program in the zip has had this bug inserted deliberately, just click a button and continue to load. \nThe article is an html file so you can view it directly or read it from the demo program.\nIf you haven't seen this before you are lucky, just stick the article away somewhere for the day when you do face it.\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nThe article also discusses some other ways to use NotePad to repair some other problems with VBP files.\n---------------------\nThanks Kevin Wigbels for finding another way to trigger this message and another place VB stores a FormName, I have updated the html file to include it and called this way of getting the msgbox Keven's bug in his honour ;).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041218222245240.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/What_is_'C18321912222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":50560,"Title":"Cool Space Invaders style game","Description":"This is a cool space invaders style game i'm not quite done with yet. I still want to add about 40 more levels, create bosses for every 10 levels, and have powerups, but this is sorta like a demo typa thing. Tell me what you think!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"bitblt","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Space16859112212003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"David James Torrey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50576,"Title":"PBase (Picture Base)","Description":"Displays thumbs of all image files in a given folder, a larger view and a description of the selected thumb.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312222347371756.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PBase_(Pic16861612222003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Peter Raddatz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50571,"Title":"Direct3D World","Description":"FIXED JUMPING. I updated the older 3d World. Now you can strafe and jump. And I also added a little sauna thing with animating water. You'll have to check it out to understand. Check out the \"Keys.txt\" text file for the controls. Please rate and give feedback on what else I should implement.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312312037307092.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Direct3D_W168901112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Jim DeLap","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50584,"Title":"Linear System Solver and Determinant","Description":"This is a linear System Solver that solves the linear system of equations: [A]*{x}={b} for {x} and calculates the Determinant of matrix [A]. It features a user-friendly interface which is limited to 10x10 System dimensions. Yet, the solver itself, which uses the Gauss Elimination Method, can solve systems of (whatever) greater dimensions, too.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312231945489587.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Linear_Sys16863412232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Pluto11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50586,"Title":"Strength Wrapper * Updated* with License File registration","Description":"This is an updated version of my wrapper with LICENSE FILE REGISTRATION\nFIRST TIME IN PLANET SOURCE CODE.Easily and quickly wrap your EXE file into Trail version with ADVANCED EXE WRAPPER. You can customize whether on how many times your application should run in TRIAL MODE. While wrapping your exe file you can choose whether you want DEBUGGER DETECION SYSTEM wrapped in your exe file. Have a look at screen shot, this is the best protection ever made in planet. It also sports registration system with 3 levels of KEY GENERATION. You can easily Choose whether you want WEB REGISTRATION or OFFLINE REGISTRATION,Live Update or both. With a US GOVT Standard file shredding tool the wrapper erases all the traces of the trial application. The WEB REGISTRATION is a new step where there is no room for Cracking or using illegal Registration Codes. The Wrapper consists of webregistration wizard which uses ASP based files to communicate. The Wrapper blocks your software if an ILLEGAL Serial Key is detected. All the transactions are done through the software itself. If you don't want webregistration then opt for OFFLINE Registration where you can PASSWORD PROTECT the Offline registration wizard. There are also HIDDEN TRAPS in the wrapper and any modification is DETECTED IMMEDIATELY. This Software works best under Windows XP. All the information you provide while building Wrapped EXE is SECURELY PROTECTED with HIGH LEVEL of ENCRYPTION SYSTEM(RC4 and Caeser). Commercial Strength Wrappers are the best and approved methods of Protecting your EXE files because its easy and fast and you don't need to write a single line of code. Mose popular softwares like Adobe Photoshop 7 uses Commercial Wrapping System. The trial status is stored in a BINARY ENCRYPTED FORMAT and no Cracker can find out any recent changes in the system due to File and Date Changing system which modifies the DATE/TIME of the file where trial status is stored and this is done every 5 Seconds. If you wish you can also choose HARDWARE FINGER PRINT for Keygeneration. Now, this code has a bunch of cool features which you may not find in Planetsource Code. This concept took a really long time to analyze and build. This code can be twisted and manipulated the way you want it like you can add features like memory encryption, License file registration etc. Code also comes with a Documentation and context diagram.Thanks for reading such a huge description and DONT FORGET TO VOTE FOR ME, after all this is the primary reason why i submitted this best code.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Strength_W16863612232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Sriharish.H","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":54757,"Title":"SniffProTCP","Description":"The it is a program that brings the traffic, so much for protocols tcp, udp, icmp.ummmmm look at it","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004741447352266.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SniffProTC176585742004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Manuel(ErcUn)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56768,"Title":"Fun with MouseWheel","Description":"Just intercepting MouseWheel event with API. Make an empty project (standard exe) and paste code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":42,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"MasterBlaster_PL","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56769,"Title":"API-ucToolbar 3.1","Description":"ucToolbar version 3.1 (API). // Update 10/17: AddBitmap() and AddIcon() methods. // Fixed shutdown-crash when using manifest for themes (thanks to Abhishek.NET for report this). Also fixed ToolbarEnter() and ButtonEnter() events when button disabled.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004101614202178.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API-ucTool1887975132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56771,"Title":"DynamicNodes","Description":"DynamicNodes is a powerful ActiveX library that supports a feature-rich hierarchical list of Node objects. Each node contains a rich set of properties and methods to support a wide variety of projects, from simply storing the headings of a document, the entries of an index, a dictionary, the files and directories of a disk, to being the core of a custom tree-view control. DynamicNodes is capable of holding any information that can be stored in a branching, hierarchal structure. The provided DLL (or class files) supplies a primary Node class, called dynNode, which defines the actual Node objects. It also supports a secondary class called dynNodes, which is a Nodes Collection object automatically instantiated by the dynNode class whenever a new Node is created. This collection class is used to store references to potential sub-nodes for its associated Node object.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DynamicNod18064610162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"David Ross Goben","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56776,"Title":"Data Logger","Description":"(Refer to DataLogger 2 for newest version) - I wrote this program to monitor the input of an RS232 Serial Port and graphically log all activity. It acts and operates just like a Digital Storage Oscilloscope, capable of logging up to 5 hours in one file. It also has real time cursors, displaying amplitude, time and frequency.\nThe program monitors a selected Comm Port and records the digital values sent to it (Range 0 ~ 255). It runs in two clock modes (Horiz step modes) selectable by the user. It does not send anything out the port. It reads the port only. \nAll files are saved as DataLogger Files (*.dlg). This is a fully functional program which will allow you to hunt bugs and/or test your embedded micro projects with ease.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib \"winmm.dll\" Alias \"sndPlaySoundA\" ( _\n ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041016203510156.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Data_Logge1814411142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"0x34","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56202,"Title":"A Simple Key Logger","Description":"This is a simple keylogger I wrote for fun. It records most keystrokes and saves the log to a file! It sometimes gets keystrokes mixed up but other than that it seems to work fine. Please comment on my code as this is the first project I've uploaded onto PSC. Any help/suggestions are appreciated!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Needs a textbox on the form called txtLog.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib \"user32\" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":174,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049152213133156.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Calvin Mayer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56204,"Title":"FileZIP Detector","Description":"This program is able to scan the files contained in a ZIP archive,but it cannot unzip them. http://linuxman.2ya.com/. if you think this is useful do rate it, thanks:)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004916458327074.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LinuxMan1794299162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Jim Reforma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56206,"Title":"Password Manager BETA","Description":"You can use this application to store sensitive data like LoginID Password in a secure database, using a user friendly interface. This application can also encrypt text messages using with a password. This version uses Microsoft CryptoAPI to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data in a password database file. Please feel free to drop in your suggestions, your effort in this direction is highly appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Password_M1794329162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Dipankar Basu","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56208,"Title":"PC PART INVENTORY","Description":"Good for beginners who want to learn database. I include simple code in searching,add,edit,delete,print in the system. It has good GUI.JUST TRY!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"COPY THE THE PCX FOLDER TO YOUR VB98 folder @\nC;/Program Files/Microsft Visual Studio/Vb98","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004916656129197.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PC_PART_IN1794379162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"carbign","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56211,"Title":"Avoid multiple instances by using Mutexes (much stronger than App.PrevInstance)","Description":"If you want your program to have only one instance, then there exists VB's in-built way to do it, the App.PrevInstance property. But it does not work if you copy your exe file elsewhere and then run (at least in my machine, Win98). So, here is another approach that guarantees only one instance of your app whether it is copied to different paths or renamed unless any serious error has occurred. You have to compile it to see the effect. And it will also work if the application has crashed for some reason. The code is fairly commented, hope it will help somebody. Please report bugs or any problem in this method of avoiding multiple instances. I will appreciate comments greatly.######Special thanks to LiTe for first pointing out that there is a problem in my previous method. However, it is solved now.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Avoid_mult1794929172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Isbat Sakib","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58811,"Title":"Matrix Text Control (live animated screenshot)","Description":"A simple text effect control that is best described as black background with falling green letters that reveal a message.\nThe controls [MatrixText] property lets you control what the message is that is revealed..nice splash sceen effect","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200529192445071.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Matrix_Tex185065292005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58814,"Title":"ezDatabase ADO Class Updated! (30+ Functions!)","Description":"This class makes VB Database Applications easy to write on the fly! This class includes over 30 functions for ADODB programming in VB! It encapsulates all the Find Functions, Move Functions, along with AddNew, Delete, Update functions and a ton of error trapping for easy use! Also includes events to program at your disposal! Please leave comments/feedback and vote if you'd like. This is my first class file I have been working on.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200529220318967.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ezDatabase1850892102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Daniel M","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51046,"Title":"A 5 axis milling machine simulator","Description":"It's a simulation software for 5 axis milling machine. I'm using OpenGL library and especially the function glGetDoublev glgModelViewMatrix, Matrix(1) to get back the Opengl matrix. \nTool and tool holder are created via standard Opengl function like gluSphere, gluDisk,and gluCylinder .. The elements of the milling machines are created via STL ascii file and you will find in the source code some samples of ISO code and STL part.\nI'm sorry because all the code and comments are in french but if I have any time and if someone is interresting I will try to translate the code in english.\nIt's of course a Beta release full of bugs and limitations. \nYou can find the zip file at : \nhttp://5axes.free.fr/devel_machine/Machine-en.zip\nJust some informations concerning the dynamic manipulation \nClic on the PictureBox with the left button to move the machine.\nThe zoom function is attached to the right button.\nPress the shift key + the left button it's a rotation against X and Y \nShift key + right button = rotation against Z axis\nRegards\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It's of course a Beta release full of bugs and limitations. \nAll is In the Zip File but I have some trouble To upload the zip file. \nFor the moment you can find the zip file at :\n http://5axes.free.fr/devel_machine/Machine-en.zip\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041161116309489.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_5_axis_m1695191162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"CUQ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51050,"Title":"VB DataReport OCX to access2000","Description":"A vb test application which opens queries from access instead of tables for a datareport.I could not individually open selected records so i made this instead.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004116118398495.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_DataRep1695131162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Garry Thompson","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":59975,"Title":"Flamed v3 - CD writing and more","Description":"Flamed - the world's first open source VB6 cd writing app - is back :)\nIt gives you almost full low level CD/DVD-ROM access for VB6 in Windows 9x/Me/NT/2K/XP.\n(9x/Me: ASPI driver needed, rest: admin priviledges or ASPI driver).\nin contrast to the last 2 versions this one isn't a huge app, but 11 copy'n'paste friendly demonstration projects.\nthey can: burn audio/data discs, grab audio tracks, read CD-Text, read CD/Drive information, calculate CDDB disc ID, read single sectors, get media status (media present/missing, locked/unlocked),\nlock/unlock drive, get bus position and much more.\nPlease read \"readme.txt\". Developed the project now for about 2 years and spent about 150$, this'll be the last version.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Could produce coasters or freeze your system (mostly caused by damaged ASPI driver).","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054121519523930.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flamed_v3_1875974122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":200,"AuthorName":"[rm_code]","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59967,"Title":"BHO Registry Tracer Tool","Description":"BHO Registry Tracer is a simple tool for manipulating the so called Browser Helper Objects information located in the registry.\nUPDATES: \n27.04.05. ADD: \n- App icon changed. \n- TLB Info. \n- Generation of xml report with xsl transformation. \n- Report content display in dynamic web browser control.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005412819508267.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BHO_Regist1881814282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Power Fox","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59979,"Title":"Dynamically Add WebBrowser Control at runtime without a Reference (V. 2)","Description":"Allows VB applications to determine at run-time if Internet Explorer (4.0 or later) is installed, and if so, creates a WebBrowser. If not, a trappable error allows program to continue. This is an enhanced version of a previous article, showing how to capture the events of the created object.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200541321873471.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Dave Slinn","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59688,"Title":"Thirteen's (SOLITAIR TYPE CARD GAME)","Description":"Ok i was thought how to play this game... i don't know what it's called so i called it 13 because the object is to make 13 with a pair of cards. It's fun and my little sister likes to play it... i just wish i could make it an exe and if you want to use my some of my code please ask... Thank you Sehab Veljacic","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200532836169148.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Thirteen's1869003282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Sehab Veljacic","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59265,"Title":"NChat Alpha - [Professional Code] - More features than MSN (Seriously!) [UPDATED 3rd MARCH 2005]","Description":"[*See Screenshot!*] THE Hottest chat on the internet. Has features you won't find in MSN - NO SERVER REQUIRED IF USED ON LAN! Internet server included!! Chatbot with learning, VBScript support, RSS support, Awesome PNG Splashscreens, Over 20 administrator tools, create and run your own room, animated smileys, HTML profiles for cool skins, specially designed forums for support, earn points for chatting, and spend them in the store!, FULL help file (500K!), cool text effects, can download NEW components (Like smileys) off the NChat web-site, more than 3 years of solid coding, private chat with WHITEBOARD! System Tray functions too, so you can minimize when your boss comes! :|. Too many features to list here! Download today, you won't regret it, and PLEASE COMMENT AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, VOTE! [You can now download NEW features and updates from www.solidinc.tk]!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005321934105724.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NChat_Alph186064332005.3 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Grayda","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59286,"Title":"ip to ip voice ocx","Description":"I added the example of how to use it!!!!! What I have done is take the Wavestream.Dll source code and make it in to a easy to use ocx i didnt add any options or extras just made it into a ocx. It works 100% of the time for me and witha little work you can add just as many options as some of the more $$$$ voice controls...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ip_to_ip_v186086342005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"zoom","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59297,"Title":"DeepLook 4.9","Description":"The (now guaranteed) final version of the DeepLook project analysing software. I have now moved onto embedded microcontrollers and the C language so I will not be updating this project any further, unless problems are found by users.\nDeepLook can scan and give reports for group, project or single VB files written in VB6, VB5 and (limited information) .NET. It shows all returned information in an easy to navigate Treeview and (for found unused variables) grid.\nPlease vote and comments on the final version of this software are most definetly welcome.\n--------------------------------------------------\nUPDATE: A new version is avaliable on PSC, this is kept because it has my only shiny gold logo.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200534527325909.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DeepLook_F186078342005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":46,"UserRatingTotal":227,"AuthorName":"Dean Camera","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59299,"Title":"Digital Image Subtraction or Addition (16th Mar. Correction to Save result)","Description":"Digital Image Subtraction or Addition by Robert Rayment. (16th Mar. Correction to Save result) Combines two images by subtraction (Minus or Xor) or addition ( Whole Image or Edge Transparency). Subtraction only shows the difference bewteen two images and addition combines the images. The first image forms the base and the second, size equal or smaller than the base, takes the effects. Hand-scrolling is used rather than scrollbars, where the display is from a windowed array. Results can be saved as a bmp. Can run with Basic or MMX machine code. The machine code is held in a res file and the asm file included for reference. Couple of images included. CodeId=58968 has some subtraction images. dreamVB frames are used (CodeId=58966). Please see menu item Info. In particular the screen res needs to be >= 1024x768.\nZip 189 KB.","Inputs":"Images","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"Images","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005346553632.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Digital_Im1865193162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58230,"Title":"View Each Process's Memory","Description":"Easily view the amount of memory a process is using. Works on all Windows OS's (well at least 9x, ME, 2k, NT, XP). Take a look. Please vote :). Let me know of any bugs/comments or features ud like to see :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051102221349564.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/View_Each_1838951102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Marcin Kleczynski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58988,"Title":"Custom Flood Fill code _","Description":"This code works perfectly.It is slow because i am using vb's drawing functions.Draw a line while left button is pressed and fill it with clicking the right.\nI know,it is slow.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052181314153606.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Custom_Flo1854472182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"KadmosVB","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58990,"Title":"GIF ANIMATION CONTROL :: fully resizable","Description":"This is a control that displays animated gif images.\nThe control, and its associated animated gif are totally resizable. \nIts properties include pathToGif which is the string path to the animated gif, ShowBorder, offsetx and offsety allow you to center or frame the animation perfectly for your tastes. feedback comments and upgrade ideas totally welcomed","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052181558561616.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GIF_ANIMAT1854532182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58995,"Title":"VB API coding assistant (updated)","Description":"If you havent heard about it..the api assistant is your api best friend. The api assistant is a thin, unobtrussive strip that sits at the very top or very bottom of your screen (a full 22 pixels high). It is a library of close to 200 of the most common api calls. Here is how it works. Your working on your project..you realize you need the api call \"SetWindowPos\" Just click on that item (everthing in the api assistant is alphabetized for fast access), click back on your project and the api call is instantly pasted into your project..followed immediately by a window that contains all of the constants or types that that api call would need. Its a huge time saver. Other time saving features of the api assistant also include the skeleton coding of all the most common vb calls. for instance..click the vb functions menu item \"select case\", an input box asks you how many cases you want..you enter 4...click in your project and instantly a 4 case select case skeleton structure is typed into your project where you clicked. the VB API assistant also has a small, but, evergrowing menu list of functions to also assist you. And just in case this program doesnt give you a specific api solution for you, there is a menu of other api resources for you as well. sorry for the large screenshot movie (2mb) but i felt it was necessarry to communicate what the program does..you know..a picture and a thousand words","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052182347198999.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_API_cod1854622182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":14103,"Title":"Blocked File IO","Description":"This code demonstrates the basics behind blocked IO.\nThis is commonly used when copying files.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The size of the buffer greatly affects the transfer speed. The bigger the better.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200114445366410.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD13349142001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Neil Ramsbottom","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":14104,"Title":"Make Shareware Demo","Description":"This code shows one how to make a shareware lock for a program.It uses the registry to keep details of the program","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD13351142001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Venkat Mani","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":14105,"Title":"JPEG Image Saver (Reduce the Size of an Image)","Description":"This is a simple program that minimizes the size of JPEGs. It removes commenting, un needed junk and more. Ideal for uploading big JPEGs into your servers. Please vote! I need comments too! (Note: VB Dude is 12 and does npot tolerate swearing)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is a simple program that minimizes the size of JPEGs. It removes commenting, un needed junk and more. Ideal for uploading big JPEGs into your servers. Please vote! I need comments too! (Note: VB Dude is 12 and does npot tolerate swearing)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD13352142001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"VB Dude","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":22891,"Title":"Eval or Evaluate function","Description":"evaluate basic math strings function","Inputs":"math formula, eg; (6+(4.322^6)+(9*7)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"result","SideEffects":"no bad char validation!","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":91,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mike Toye","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":22893,"Title":"BF Icon Extractor","Description":"BF Icon Extractor utility extracts icons from ICL, DLL, EXE and other files into real ICON files (not bitmaps). It currently supports only 32x32 icons at 256 color depth. Hope you like it!! Vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/BF Icon Ex19138532001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":72,"AuthorName":"Jordy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":23057,"Title":"CodeDawg Toolbar (100% Source Code Included)","Description":"CodeDawg Toolbar Assistant Introducing 'Guard Dawg'. This Add-In for VB 6.0 gives you the power of saving your precious code while running, or even while in debug mode. If that wasn't enough this incredible tool even saves your bookmarks and breakpoints. Never forget where you left off again!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"If you are trying to run the source code, please be aware that there are some thrird party DLL's that are needed. If you run the installation, you will have all neccessary files.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CodeDawg T19425592001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sean Iannuzzi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":23538,"Title":"Analysis Financial Structure","Description":"Analysis any kind of report from a company.\nCash Flow Analysis\nWorking Capital Analysis\nRatio Analysis","Inputs":"Code is a complete app","Assumes":"Code explanation is in Swedish. However it┬┤s very simple, i┬┤m a newbie, so it┬┤s easy to follow anyway. Send me a mail if you need some translation. Almost everything is in code, including databaseconnection, DAO.","CodeReturns":"Different reports re the above mentioned","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Analysis F201915292001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":56131,"Title":"solitaire 13","Description":"solitaire 13 card game. if you dont know how to play there are instructions in the zip. doesnt use any card ocx","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049111829496062.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/solitaire_1792319112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"ttb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56134,"Title":"Pool table physics","Description":"Circular collision detection using movement vectors. Does not have actual game rules but you use a cue ball to hit others and they react upon collisions including chain reactions. There are probably better ways of doing this, but I initially made this with something else in mind that did not turn out...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004912318482318.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Pool_table1792349122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Erik Stites","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56142,"Title":"Playing MP3 in 2 lines !","Description":"Playing MP3 with 2 lines of code !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"MasterBlaster_PL","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56143,"Title":"OpenGL ScreenSaver 3D","Description":"OpenGL 3D ScreenSaver. Normal screensaver, includes Excellent update!! u can see it in the desktop properties, compile as scr to system32, there are lots of settings in the settings form, easy to create your own screensavers after seeing this one which includes everything you need to know about making screensavers... Enjoy it!! please comment; for other opengl tutorials goto nehe.gamedev.net... if you don't have the vbogl.tlb then e-mail me & i will send it to u, Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/OpenGL_Scr1796429222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Timothy Coutlakis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56145,"Title":"Explorer XP","Description":"Explorer, extracts icons 2 make it look like xp, includes listview, treeview, shell,get all folders size in a directory(don't have to keep on clicking properties) preview docs, error traping, please comment(at lease comment) and vote, Thanks and enjoy!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Explorer_X1792679122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Timothy Coutlakis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56147,"Title":"HTML email entity converter","Description":"The purpose of this program is to convert email addresses into their html entity equivalents as a basic way to avoid email bots. I didn't see anything like this here so I'm posting. Only took 2 minutes to make so I'd say it's beginner level. :) Hope it helps someone out there.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049121735166502.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_email1792719122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"C.Smith","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56789,"Title":"Creating Aboutbox in UserControl","Description":"This article show how you can do custom AboutBox in custom control (usercontrol).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041017713363692.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"MasterBlaster_PL","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56791,"Title":"Date of First/Last weekday in month","Description":"What date is Thanksgiving, or Labor Day? Get date of First or last weekday in month. i.e. Get first Monday of September, or last Thursday of November.","Inputs":"Required day (Sunday-Saturday), month (1-12), year (any), first (0) or last (1).","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Date","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":37,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Shauli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56792,"Title":"Killing me softly...","Description":"Process killer","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Killing_me18068210172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"NaLe!T","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56800,"Title":"Custom Enumerator","Description":"Did you wish you could create enumerators to be used by For..Each in VB6? \nUsing lightweight objects, custom enumerators can be created, and all you have to do is implement the IEnumerator interface in your class.\nThis archive contains several example enumerators for both arrays and a class that is a dynamic list. I show several styles of enumeration (Forward, Reverse, Random) just so you can see that it doesn't have to always be in a straight line. \nThe real beauty is the lightweight object. I hand build a wrapper object about your IEnumerator interfaced object, and it delegates the IEnumVARIANT method calls to your custom enumerator. \nYou can create any kinds of enumerator, with as little or as much logic as you want. Have it enumerate a collection of collections, and have it appear to be enumerating a single collection!\nPlease leave feedback and/or vote :)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Custom_Enu1823631212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Kelly S. Ethridge","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56793,"Title":"Auto XP Styles","Description":"Didn't want to delete this, so instead here is a redirect to the latest:\nhttp://pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=60049&lngWId=1\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054201743171036.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Auto_XP_St1879034202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Anders Lyman","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56794,"Title":"Treasure Chest (DirectX)","Description":"Remember the old days when the Black Avenger of the Spanish Main (alias Tom Sawyer) roamed the Carribean Seas and spread terror among his foes? Well, this is what went overboard one day and you are the lucky one to find it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041017161067459.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Treasure_C18069410172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56817,"Title":"SharpGX30 PoliEdit","Description":"Sorry if I'm Italian and i don't think you really appreciate my work cause the words is in my language.. But I know that there is some thing that beginners can find helpful. I don't submit this in english version only for the reason that I think most of the people here don't know this cellular! I'm wrong?? But if you want you can adapt code for any type of pholifonic cell. Is there anyone that is able to make it professional by put in all the music for the notes??! This is my first submission and I made it for my father and is new cell.Please be good with me.It's not simple study all by myself.I want to thanks everyone in this community for the good work and I appreciate most of the submissions where I found a lot of good things for my study!!! CIAO!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041019244142661.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SharpGX30_18075510192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Leporale Michele","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57358,"Title":"RebaBanner","Description":"Create buttons and banners for your web site or use in you programs\nUPDATE:\nAdded outlined text","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Uses 2 api's - GetPixel & SetPixel","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411211243465745.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RebaBanner18211911232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Wayne Spangler","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57360,"Title":"KeyPad","Description":"I made this program to protect the main from from being access by an unwanted user. The curent code is 13337. So you would have to click the numbers in the same order 13337 for it to launch the main form hope you guys like. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411211345278770.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/KeyPad18206911212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Jeremy Banker","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57366,"Title":"Disk Serial Number","Description":"To get the real HDD serial number (the unchangable one written on the HDD )not just volume serial number which can be changed if you formated your hdd \nThis is a sample use of the code you can put it in your applications and then you can distribute them easly and no one is able to run them except the one you wanted him to run\nyou can make another extention to this program that can generate a code after modifing the hdd code itself this will help you to make your application with a code to run and this code will be the 'encrypted' hdd serial(this makes you avoiding making a separate exe file for every one )","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"HDD serial","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Disk_Seria18208111212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"H.A.Younes","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57368,"Title":"FYI: A Gradient Strategy","Description":"Do you need to draw a large gradient area during window resizing? The slowness! Maybe an answer is to draw faster in poorer quality then when done sizing (i.e., Button Up), redraw in fine quality. The attached sample, if nothing else, is a good routine for drawing gradients between 2 colors. The extra code in the routines allows user-supplied quality values which when used with the example can show a dramatic decrease in the number of loop iterations required to draw in the different qualities/roughness. RePosted: Reworked calcs to account for the uneven left/right edges of thick lines.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FYI__A_Gra18212911232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57379,"Title":"Mutifunktions DLL","Description":"This DLL includes *over 500* Functions and Subs\nAll Functions and Subs are documentadet by an own Help System\nThis DLL does not need any other components\nYou only need the DLL\nI worked over 1 year at this nice proggie .)\nso....enjoy it\n(Sorry.....the help system is only in german)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041122101846221.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mutifunkti18210411222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Wolfgang Ehrhardt","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57384,"Title":"ColorBar Control","Description":"This control can be a level meter (with peaks) for visualizations, a seekbar, a progress bar, or just a gradient/solid line. I consider this control to now be in beta so feedback with regard to bugs encountered, optimizations, enchancements, feature suggestions/requests are most desired. I would also like to hear suggestions on how I can improve the gradient routines. I know some excellent gradient routines have been posted recently, especially Light Templer's/LaVolpe's, but they are only 2 color and I have struggled with integrating them into my control...any help would be welcome and appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"LineTo\nMoveToEx\nRectangle\nSetPixel","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041123162538738.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ColorBar_C18211511232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"AlT","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":50592,"Title":"Matrix Inverse and Transpose Calculator (v1.1)","Description":"This is a program that calculates the Inverse of a Rectangular Matrix [A] (Dimensions N x N) using the Gauss elimination method, the product [A]*[A-1] for verification purposes (must be always equal to Singular Matrix [I]) and also the transpose of Matrix [A]. The interface is limited to 10x10 dimensions, but the solver itself can\nbe used to calculate the Inverse of any Rectangular Matrix, provided the determinant of it is non-zero. v1.1 fixes a bug of the first version.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003122442638733.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Matrix_Inv1706952102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Pluto11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50595,"Title":"QSort Program","Description":"Qsort is a general purpose sorting program for columnized data and allows one to sort on as many as three fields. It implements the quicksort algorithm. It sorts a 100,000 line file on my P4 at 2Ghz in 11 minutes. Larger than that is a question mark.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/QSort_Prog16865312242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Bill Adams","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50597,"Title":"[Winsock Simple Multiplayer Game]","Description":"This is a heavily commented demonstration of how to connect two people through the winsock to create a simple game. This includes Get External IP feature and copy it to cplipboard fast, Skins, Say feature to communicate, anything to get you started with Winsock Multiplayer Games programming. Enjoy & Vote :p","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312241352428861.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Winsock_S16866012242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Mephisto","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50608,"Title":"CheChin's Duel","Description":"A lil' game where you play against an AI, while you trie your hardets to get that *** ball into his goal :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"there are some, sure... mostly gfx related.","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312251230561579.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CheChin's_16868412262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jannik F. Kokkvoll","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50613,"Title":"CryptIM: Instant Messaging and Multi-user chat system. (client and server.)","Description":"CryptIM is a fully encrypted chat system. It is the most complete IM and multi-user chat (irc like) chat system on planet source code. It has many features, to many to list here. Currently is 1 public t1 (dedicated) server up. More on the way. Some features listed below, more on the homepage http://sc.am/cryptim/chat.zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":38,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312252015492291.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Gregg Housh","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50614,"Title":"Using the Windows Speech Synthesizer","Description":"This article explains how to use the windows speech synthesizer, which can be useful sometimes, such as in programs that have an Impaired person help option. Note: to use this, you have to have a speech synthesizer installed, but usually XP has one automatically.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Miles Cloud","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50629,"Title":"Dial-Up Auto-Reconnector for Modems","Description":"This program is for those of us who suffer from modem-based internet connections, and ISPs who cut the connection at intervals. The program sits in your system tray, and will monitor your dial-up connection. If it drops, the program will automatically dial your chosen connection, and re-establish your internet link (with an optional delay setting - to get round ISPs who allocate a low-speed line if you immediately re-connect). There are quite a few other programs like this on the site, but I didn't see any that did the job quite as simply as this. I hope you find it useful. Happy (slow) downloading!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031227634409931.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dial-Up_Au16871512272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"James Kerr","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50631,"Title":"Indexer [ 27-12-2003]","Description":"Just A Updated of my last version as someone asked me for external database for filetypes in this version i tried my hands on plugins capability in this unique application which lets you add your own plugins for adding more file types scan capability the plugin engine is developed by me itself and is at very first stage. so any comment and bug report is invited plz vote for this code and also try to help by creating your own plugins and if you find them working plz send them to me to add them officially to this application.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312271030416357.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Indexer__[16872012272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"V2","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50633,"Title":"XP Form Drop Shadow for All Platform (Added ScreenShot)","Description":"Adds Drop shadow effect to top level window, works for all windows platform as long as msimg32.dll is available (It's included in Win98 and above). This project use some works from Vlad Vissoultchev, Paul Caton, and a modified routine from www.vbaccelerator.com.\nComments and suggestions are welcome, and please vote if you like it.\nThe screenshot by the way is for my next update, I'm trying to create DropShadow for Irregular Window shape. I'll upload it as soon as it completed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003122911901443.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Form_Dr16873112272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Luthfi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48066,"Title":"AutoResize DataGrid","Description":"The Code auto-resizes all columns of a DataGrid.\nThe longest string of a gridcolumn is the new width of the column. Similar to this ListView- or FlexGrid- feature.\nI havn't found anything similar here, so I just want to put it in the codebase.","Inputs":"2 parameters:\na) pointer to the datagrid\nb) pointer to any form","Assumes":"most tabular controls in VB have a functionality that aligns colums of those table to a 'rational' width, that makes good use of the visible space. Not so with the DataGrid control, which is a fine piece of software in all other regards. To fill this gap, this code here was written.","CodeReturns":"nothing","SideEffects":"none that I know of","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AutoResize1637158292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"dietmar bos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48068,"Title":"[ If Statements, Weekend? ]","Description":"This will show beginners how to use simple If Statements why telling them if it's the weekend or not. Please leave your votes and comments :)","Inputs":"Just place one Label into the form and just keep it's defalut name.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A message telling you if it is the weekend or not.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":20,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003829549274794.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"JamesJD","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48070,"Title":"Excellent potential: Class to draw a calendar month onto a bitmap","Description":"*************************************************\n*** updated to correct day 1 positioning ***\n*************************************************\n*** Updated to use dateserial as per comments ***\n*************************************************\n* I will convert this to a wallpaper stamper *\n* real soon *\n*************************************************\nBasically draw a formatted calendar month to a picturebox. All in a self contained class. Fancy having a batch app that when you start up your pc, it takes your wallpaper and sticks a calendar in the top right of your wallpaper! This is the class to base that on! I will write the whole thing, but in the meantime a fully functional class!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200382970256601.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Excellent_164019932003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48071,"Title":"Access Browser","Description":"This is a nice program for Browsing through the MS Access file i.e. *.mdb. It works quiet fast comparatively. This shows you the number of tables present in the selected Database. Further it will show the fields in the selected table.Theres also a provision for seeing the whole selected table in the grid. Its quiet a good thing for using & even for the users who are not well known with the usage of Access Databases & dealing with the uncertainity tables into it.","Inputs":"The MS Access Name","Assumes":"Set Reference To ADO, DAO if needed.","CodeReturns":"various properties like the Tables, Fields & Data","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039426503258.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Access_Bro164061942003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"krachit","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48074,"Title":"Mem","Description":"Memory monitoring","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mem1637258292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Adriaan De Lange","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48078,"Title":"Zip-code to LATT/LONG","Description":"Grabs your LATT/LONG by zip-code from the US Census zip database.","Inputs":"Zipcode list (INCLUDED)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"LATT/LONG for your zipcode","SideEffects":"Wait a long time on slow connections","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003829152199041.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Zip-code_t1637318292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"cr8zy1van","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48083,"Title":"Clinic Management System","Description":"Further developments are found at: \nhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/cliMgmtSys\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003829222317130.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Clinic_Man1637428292003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Oliver Lu","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48087,"Title":"TWTSOOSD - Three ways to show open or save dialog (without CommonDialog control)","Description":"Viewing this code you can learn how to show (without CommonDialog control and using default system dlls) three kinds of open and save dialogs (see the screenshot!!!). The dialogs may look like in old programs from win95 or like in VB or like in Notepad or Wordpad. One way uses three controls and 2nd and 3rd ways use API functions. This code also shows how to open files in multi mode (open more than one file). The zip file is small and every line is commented. Vote or leave a comment if you want and if this code will help you!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003830736401440.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TWTSOOSD_-1637528302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Filip Wielewski","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48091,"Title":"Virus Scanner + Repairer DIY ( Do It Your Self )","Description":"With This Tool You Can Create Definations For Worms (Text Based , Html , Vbs) And Start Repairing Files. (I USed It To Remove My Redlof (Folder.htt Virus)) By Ajay Kumar","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Virus_Scan1637728302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Ajay kumar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48093,"Title":"Copy files byte by byte","Description":"Basically, this program shows you how to copy file byte by byte. Everytime it reads 4 kbs from the source file and write them in the destination file until it reads all bytes in the srouce file. There is a bar that shows the copying progress. ( Would you please vote for this code )","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Copy_files1638028302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Nabhan Ahmed","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48104,"Title":"PRINTING FLEXGRIDE_2","Description":"my english is bla bla so try to understand my words\nfirst i want to thank mr.opal coz \nof the code he put here about the same thing\nprinting flexgride.\ni want to say to mr.opal great mind = great code but vb has \na great tool called DataReport what u need to deal with this\ntool is imagine take ur mind a way.\nif u don't understand my words u will understand my code.\n","Inputs":"my english is bla bla so try to understand my words\nfirst i want to thank mr.opal coz \nof the code he put here about the same thing\nprinting flexgride.\ni want to say to mr.opal great mind = great code but vb has \na great tool called DataReport what u need to deal with this\ntool is imagine take ur mind a way.\nif u don't understand my words u will understand my code.\n","Assumes":"my english is bla bla so try to understand my words\nfirst i want to thank mr.opal coz \nof the code he put here about the same thing\nprinting flexgride.\ni want to say to mr.opal great mind = great code but vb has \na great tool called DataReport what u need to deal with this\ntool is imagine take ur mind a way.\nif u don't understand my words u will understand my code.\n","CodeReturns":"my english is bla bla so try to understand my words\nfirst i want to thank mr.opal coz \nof the code he put here about the same thing\nprinting flexgride.\ni want to say to mr.opal great mind = great code but vb has \na great tool called DataReport what u need to deal with this\ntool is imagine take ur mind a way.\nif u don't understand my words u will understand my code.\n","SideEffects":"my english is bla bla so try to understand my words\nfirst i want to thank mr.opal coz \nof the code he put here about the same thing\nprinting flexgride.\ni want to say to mr.opal great mind = great code but vb has \na great tool called DataReport what u need to deal with this\ntool is imagine take ur mind a way.\nif u don't understand my words u will understand my code.\n","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PRINTING_F1638268302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"sdxsdx","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48109,"Title":"basicNES","Description":"This code emulates the NES hardware from back in the day.","Inputs":"A user capable of pressing keys on the keyboard.","Assumes":"You must have a .pal file in the directory you have the exe in, and you must have .NES games to play.","CodeReturns":"A NES screen.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003831239385509.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/basicNES1638318312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Don Jarrett","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48112,"Title":"[ Controls Explained, Tutorial - PART 02 ]","Description":"PART 02 - This tutorial will help start-up any beginner or intermediate programming into Visual Basic as it explains using the toolbars controls and what they do. If you like it then please leave your comments etc and I may consider finishing it off :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Controls1638378312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"JamesJD","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48115,"Title":"Connections Monitor (Firewall)","Description":"Shows all active connections with respective programs along with their 'actual' icons, shows status and remote address (IP) that connection is been made. Comes with a neat popup of new connections made (check screen shot). i owe credit for some parts of the code to others; Ariel icon extractor and CyberAlert (thanks Guys).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Due to user feedback i should mention that this program was done in XP professional i do not know if win9X or 2000 support these kind of commands i am working on a fix that will use API and support all windows formats. Also people that are saying it hangs on WinXP the program may hang on \"bSuccess = ReadFile(hReadPipe, mybuff, Len(mybuff), bytesread, 0&)\" due to the size and number of connections, patients is a virtue and it will work just make sure to disable automatic refresh at design time. thank, update will appear on planetsourcecode in a number of days.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003831755368140.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Connection1638418312003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"JayStacey","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":56171,"Title":"Build The Tower (UPDATED, English Version)","Description":"This is kind of game where u build a tower using worker (i am using lemmings type worker).. sorry some of graphics i just got it from internet.. hope they dont mind.. please vote for it.. and tell me what you guys think.\nPress A for new worker, and other please refer to help menu inside the games. Already translate it to English Version.. enjoy it","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049132359174159.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Build_The_1794239152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Imam Gunawan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56172,"Title":"Expert System","Description":"(Updated!)A simple expert system. It has a great visual and graphics presentation... It includes an office assistant that will help you in browsing the system...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049141032301893.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Expert_Sys1794059152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Casem, Moonie Ian","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56174,"Title":"Hypnotiser","Description":"Looks pretty cool","Inputs":"1 timer named \"Timer1\"","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":9,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004914438179740.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"indolg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56175,"Title":"Generic Multi-Threading Engine (Asynchronous Drop in Replacement for VB's CallByName with Events)","Description":"**** LAST UPDATED 16-Sep-04 11:50am ****\nThis is an Asynchronous ActiveX server to replace the built in VB6 CallByName function. By substituting current CallByname instances with a call to the AsyncServer, this allows the user interface to remain responsive while heavy processes are being conducted in the background. \nIt also means that your application has effectively become multi-threaded. \nEvents within the AsyncServer notify the client app when the call has been completed. Events within the called DLL can also be raised as per normal (for interface notification etc..) \nHope it serves some purpose for someone. I use it across a range of projects in instances where it is important to maintain a responsive UI. \nThe other nice thing is that it is generic and existing classes/objects that you've created can be used without change. \n''' *** Notes: Before using asyncronously, the AsyncServer.exe and AsyncTest.dll projects should be compiled. The AsyncTest DLL is purely included as an example of what the AsyncServer can be used for. The small test project (Project1) demonstrates the difference between a function in the test dll being called thro' the server or thro' the exe's thread. \n''' *** \nBTW - was going to include callbyname example but thought that interested parties would already have a handle on this.\nthe original zip has been updated to include a 'preprocessing' event that allows factory created objects to be tweaked before async processing continues.\nAdded implemented interface to AsyncServer to allow for VTable 'fast' tight integration.\nchanged the ReturnAsyncObject function parameters to accept an object in order to be identical to the CallByName implementation. Cahnged the FactoryObject event nad callbacks to be more meaningfully named PreProcessFactoryObject.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Before using asyncronously, the AsyncServer project should be compiled. The AsyncTest DLL is purely included as an example of what the AsyncServer can be used for. The small test project (Project1) demonstrates the difference between a function in the test dll being called thro' the server or thro' the exe's thread.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Generic_Mu1794389162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"jim tollan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56177,"Title":"[ Time Synchronizer ]","Description":"Always have the EXACT time on your PC. Time Sync connects to atomic clock servers on the net to adjust the inaccurate computer's system time. You can select from a large list of timeservers all over the world. Run the program in normal mode, or without user-interface by the 'now' command to set the time automatically (can be used to synchronize on each startup). When synchronizing, time is automatically adjusted to your local time. Check the Readme File. The date format may only need some adjustment to the format that is common in your region. Special thanks to George McCoy and Jim Huff for the winsock code (see readme file). Your comments are most welcome :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004914108493296.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Time_Syn1802171072004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56184,"Title":"Download 196 Cute kittens","Description":"This program connects to http://kittens.sytes.org/ and downloads all their cute kitten pictures.\nThe program is nice commented and easy to understand.\nFeedback, bug reports and suggetions, greatly appreciated","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib \"urlmon\" Alias \"URLDownloadToFileA\" (ByVal pCaller As Long, ByVal szURL As String, ByVal szFileName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long 'Api to download a file\n","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049141450544439.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Download_11793559142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Mike Kosmatopoulos","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56189,"Title":"WebSite Replicator","Description":"This code will connect to a website and download all the original source code that make up that website. If you have ever used HTTrack or WebStripper, then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. This thing is version 0.0.000001. So don't kill me too bad","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This code will connect to a website and download all the original source code that make up that website. If you have ever used HTTrack or WebStripper, then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004914213412688.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WebSite_Re1793719142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Chad Carter","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56192,"Title":"Create Excel Report From ADO Recordset","Description":"This class allows you to create a Microsoft Excel report from an ADO recordset. The report can be formatted with headers, footers, headings, borders, totals etc by simply setting the class options.","Inputs":"ADO Recordset","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Microsoft Excel Report formatted as required.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Create_Exc1793869152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Andy Stevens","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56193,"Title":"ucCanvas + cDIB revised","Description":"Nothing special: This is a simplified version of a custom control I've been using in several applications. cDIB class has been revised (supports all color depths) and new functions added. For NT users, new StretchBltMode parameter (Paint() and Stretch() functions), allowing [Halftone] mode for API-dithering (ordered dither). Note: If you only want to preview images, pass [Force32bpp]=True (->CreateFromStdPicture); this will improve zoom/scroll behavior (specialy on palette based bitmaps). // 14Kb zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004916649421257.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ucCanvas_+1795879202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56196,"Title":"Fabipo-Image Viewer","Description":"It is an Image Viewer (similar to ACDSee) which displays the contents of a folder as thumbnails. Its able to read jpg, gif and bmp image formats.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"occasionally returns an error when the user resizes the form.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004915826396557.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fabipo-Ima1794029152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Fabiop","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56198,"Title":"[A virtual synth :: RDX AUDIO VECTOR ├ƒ]","Description":"This is a virtual synthetizer.\nUse DirectX 8 visual basic type library.\nSorry for my horrible english, i'm french.\nNeed to have some experience in software synthesis. \nIf not, Open a patch, for example :\npatch\\adagio for string 3 [] trancepatch.px0\nand a sequence, for example\nsequence\\adagio for strings - bass up.px1\nclick on the play button.\nIf you hear gliches, go to file>preferences and increase the latency value.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Need to have some experience in software synthesis. \nIf not, Open a patch, for example :\npatch\\adagio for string 3 [] trancepatch.px0\nand a sequence, for example\nsequence\\adagio for strings - bass up.px1\nclick on the play button.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"DirectX 8 for vb type library.\nPreset load : automation error fixed!\nEnhanced wave tables.\nSound device selection added.\nEnhanced time management by DJ-Wincha\nMultilingual support ! (French-spanish-english)\nEnhanced GUI\nNoise problem fixed by DJ-Wincha","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049231242221290.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A_virtual18211411232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"anotherRDX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56199,"Title":"FlexUI : The ultimate resizer of all time! v 1.3","Description":"Stop writting those repetitive resize events. Make your forms resizable with absolutely no code. Throw in this lightweight OCX and let it do the anchoring and resizing of your form controls based on the behaviour you specify. \nFeatures include:\n* 15 combination of anchoring and resizing styles. Goes beyond what is available in Visual Studio .NET\n\n* Support for RightToLeft mode (reverses the behaviour you specify when the form is changed to RightToLeft)\n\n* Optional minumum and maximum height and width for the form (uses subclassing to achieve that)\n\n* Function to center the form on screen\n\n* Backup/restore your controls' style configuration to/from a file\n\n* Takes up very little memory resources\nI'm always looking forward to enhancing this control based on your suggestions. And please VOTE if you use or recommend this OCX.\n\n______________________________________________\nUpdated v1.3 9/29/04\n* Changed subclassing to be in the usercontrol instead of a seperate module (thanks Paul Caton!)\n\n* Eliminated the two lines neccessary to activate and call the resize method of the control (again using subclassing)\n\n* Added a function to center form on the screen\n\n* Made MinFormWidth and MinFormHeight have default values equal to the size of the form when the control is created\n______________________________________________\nUpdated v1.2 9/19/04\n\n* Added a help file to the package\n______________________________________________\nUpdated v1.2 9/16/04\n* Added support for runtime-created controls. To set a style for such a control, call SetControlStyle method after you dynamically create a control \n______________________________________________\nUpdated v1.1 9/16/04\n* Added max form size properties\n\n* Made min and max form size imposing use form subclassing instead of traditional form.Height and form.Width","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049152133132995.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FlexUI___T1798739292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Alaeddin Hallak","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56200,"Title":"Winstartup Manager 2004","Description":"Winstartup manager v 1.4 as the name says, it's a startup management tool, this new version I name it 2004 v 1.0 and many things enhanced as well as will work under all operating systems including XP, this utility include the following: view and delete items that usually run or load when you start your windows it also allow you to create backup before modify anything or restore backup in case anything removed in wrong purpose. I preferred to make mine just because I download a tool from the net and it was nice working, but when once I tried to email its creator I don┬í┬ªt like to motion his name he is also a coder in vb, on how to access and delete registry entries in XP he didn┬í┬ªt even replied me by a small honest reply that ┬í┬ºsorry I cant tell you┬í┬¿, so that┬í┬ªs why I code my own and complete one and post and shared with all my friends just reason to kick that looser and to help some beginners ╞Æ┬║, if you feel this tool desire a vote it will be something appreciated...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049151926417984.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Winstartup1794199152004.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57709,"Title":"Tim's Scientific Calculator 1.01","Description":"This program is a Simple Scientific Calculator. It handles Roman Numeral, Hex, Decimal, Octal and Binary numbers. Degrees, Radians and Gradians. All the standard Trig functions. Factorial, Sqr, Inverse, Square, Cube, X^Y. Fun conversions like Ounce <-> Grams, Pounds <-> Kilograms, Gallon <-> Litre, Mile <-> Kilometer, Inch <-> Centimeter and Fahrenheight <-> Celsius","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412131757388543.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tim's_Scie18289912132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Timothy C. Alvord","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57710,"Title":"Back UP SQL Database","Description":"Second Version Open application and change Windows (XP) theme Works Cooool with XP theme.\n--------------------------Code is Updating","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052163409870.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/New_Window184641212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"SIJO","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57711,"Title":"Another Assemble a Form on start-up (Update 1)","Description":"This is a modification/rewrite of Chris Seelbach's 'A$$emble a Form on start-up' <txtCodeId=57585>. \nI have used a suggestion of Luke H in his comment on 'Dr. Fire Transparent Control' <txtCodeId=50160> to make the effect more impressive if you use XP. (it will run in earlier versions but lacks transparency).\nI have also modified the code 'Capture Active Window The Inventive Way (without API calls)'<txtCodeId=33946> to allow the my code to capture a live image of the form it is pretending to assemble.\nA couple of new Start and Build modes and better comments.\n---------------------------------------\nUpdated: Thanks to Raul Fragoso's 'Verify if a point is inside a polygon (convex and non-convex)' <txtCodeId=32682> I have now included a version of Chris's original wedge drawing.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041214234176752.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Another_As18294412142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57718,"Title":"Property Sheet","Description":"Just a simple property sheet to make some work more easy and show several informations in one place. It saved me lots of work. It is neither ready nor professional.\nFeel free to use and modify it.\nWould be nice if you keep me informed on updates/changes","Inputs":"as you desire","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041214753321670.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Property_S18292212142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Wallonso","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57704,"Title":"easy mapeditor","Description":"a good mapeditor to easyly create and edit maps upto 1000 * 1000 tiles, only 50 lines of code!\ni made this cause i saw many bad submissions with slow bitblt commands or way too litle tile buffer to work properly, those codes were all over 100 lines and used api, so i wrote a lil mapeditor to make maps, you should write your own saveroutine, cause i didnt want to put mine in the code(im creating a dx game so i dont want that to be public)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/easy_maped18288512132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"vampyr","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57727,"Title":"Clipboard Mointor","Description":"Clipboard Monitor, catches whatever text you copy to the clipboard in any program and present all these texts in a list, where u can copy any or all of them or save to a textfile.\nThe Clipboard Hook code module is \"Copyright KPD-Team URL: http://www.allapi.net E-Mail: KPDTeam@Allapi.net\"\nThe rest is mine ;-)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412142348545972.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Clipboard_18294512142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57593,"Title":"[ !!! ] Extended TrayIcon DLL with balloon tool tip even displaying on win 9x systems.","Description":"Displays Tray Icon and two types of balloons. \n The first one is the system provided by Shell_NotifyIcon function balloon.\n The second one is actually a customisable Tool Tip control provided by \"tooltips_class32\" class. This balloon can be displayied on any Windows system since win 95 in opposite of \"Shell_NotifyIcon\" balloon. In addition it is possible to display several ballons in the same time for each application while the system balloon will not appears when any other application is already displaying its own balloon. \nAlso the cTrayIcon class provides information about Tray Icon position on the screen. \nCredits: \nNayan S. Patel: http://www.codeproject.com/Purgatory/Balloon-Tooltip.asp\nSteve McMahon: http://www.vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Code/Libraries/Subclassing/SSubTimer/article.asp\nArkadiy Olovyannikov: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=3291 .\nOn some Win9x or NT systems you may need updated \"MS Common Controls DLL\". Download it from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=6F94D31A-D1E0-4658-A566-93AF0D8D4A1E","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041214117463158.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_!!!_]_Ex18341912292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Anatoliy Avroniev","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57594,"Title":"Turn your tutorials Into Books Publish your own books","Description":"I know this is not the place for stuff like this but I found this great site where you can turn your tutorials into books, go ahead flame me, I just know someone will find this useful","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412874989538.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"OpcodeVoid","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57734,"Title":"Dictionary Parse","Description":"How to obtain the dictionary spelling using inet control and a parsing table.(If you call it that) This is the complete coding.(Maybe I should be more clear) The alternates source looking is for one source not found it searches for the next inline. If that one isn't found it goes on to the next one. I did this to get the Definition of the word meaning. What fun is it to get a return no matches found? this was not here for feedback nore was I looking for feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412151115399897.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dictionary18308512182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Quake","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57737,"Title":"Load an Image List from Resource","Description":"I hate maintaining ImageList controls, especially for larger projects where there might be several forms that can contain two or more of them on each form and have them same images. I prefer instead to use a Resource file for all resources and extract the items as needed. This provides faster load times for forms, creates smaller executables (since you only need one copy of each image), and becomes easier to maintain since all items are located in one place. (Notice there is no .frx file for this project) I loaded all images from the resource file and into the same ImageList control. I also added the capability in this sample to change the size of the toolbar buttons to show another advantage of doing it this way.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412151235534591.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Load_an_Im18296212152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"james kahl","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57741,"Title":"VbEclipse (Preview Version 0.2.36 - Last Update: 12/24/2004)","Description":"Perspectives like Eclipse. Comments welcome ;) \nNOTE: This is just a preview.\nFeatures:\n* Multiple Perspectives\n* Drag & Drop Support\n* DoubleClick to expand/restore tabs\n* Tabbed views\n* Windows XP Themes\nLatest version is available at: http://www.pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=58587&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412241247138389.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VbEclipse_18330012242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"AB-Software","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57742,"Title":"[Advanced Firewall]","Description":"Advanced Firewall application which blocks all TCP process based on rules you specify such as Remote Port, Process Name, Remote IP, and Local Port. Logs all activity and gives option to save log files. You can also save your settings and import/export them. You can block All processes by default and allow them based on a set of rules or block only based on those rules. You can password protect the firewall and its functions with 3 different security levels. There is also detailed or simple alerts to notify you when a process is found...plus many more functions. If I get some good responses Ill continue with this project. If you notice any bugs or things you`d like to see let me know.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412151834132743.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Advanced_18298112152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57743,"Title":"Increase your game's FPS tips","Description":"Increase your game's FPS, coding tips, game tips, mesh tips, etc, might help you out a bit, i know they all greatly affected the way i code VB games, vote if you want, hope it helps","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"George E.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58098,"Title":"Spell check 2.0","Description":"Spell check any text chat window you have open, (Ex: look at screenshot). works with almost all windows. By just clicking on a windows text field it gets the hwnd and gets the text from it. If you right click on a highlighted word it can be added or it can give you suggestions. I put in a 1024 letter limit so it would not slow down while your typing, you can change it to be what ever you want in the code. \nI included with this a 280.000 words file if you dont need so many words you can get a smaller word file.\nKnown Issues:\nDoesnt work with trillian and MSN messanger. If you know how to get text from thosue programs please post the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005132341368099.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Spell_chec183645132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Buddy1007","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52750,"Title":"A Road Users Guide To Intersections","Description":"To teach new drivers the rules of intersections. i made this with some hjelp from some of my friends.","Inputs":"brain power","Assumes":"easy, comes with read me file","CodeReturns":"knowlage","SideEffects":"??smartness??","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004330824464369.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Road_Use1726403302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":6,"AuthorName":"Adrian Stein","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52751,"Title":"Acronym Translator","Description":"A viewer and editor of a database with 10,000 computer acronyms.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Acronym_Tr1726413302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"D.W.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52753,"Title":"FYI: Combine Modal/Non-Modal Window Styles","Description":"A sneaky way to have your program pause for a window to close (Modal) without disabling your project (non-Modal). Uses subclassing & hooks with 0% cpu usage. So the Do:DoEvents:Loop not used which hogs 95% CPU time. Can be used for all-API windows or standard VB windows. Heavily commented too.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004330118192988.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FYI__Combi1726483302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52755,"Title":"Using MSHTML and VB - NO MORE HTML PARSING!!!","Description":"This code will create a new instance of internet explorer (although it will not be set to visible.) then it will goto the URL of you choice, and once the web page has finished loading it will get a list of a wide variety of HTML elements and place them in the Treeview. As you can see this is much easier than parsing each of these links all by yourself, and probably faster too.\nPlease note that the loop waiting for the web page to load is very sloppy, but was just added to demonstrate this functionality. Normally there should be code in the DocumentComplete Event of the InternetExplorer object to handle this functionality. Also, this code can be VERY easily changed to include functionality for ALL HTML tags.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043301637549480.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Using_MSHT1726533302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52763,"Title":"Desktop Information Buddy","Description":"This application collects a few bits of system information, the time and date and puts them onto a transparent form to sit on your desk. dbl-click to end the app, it remembers where you left it. I'm after a few suggestions on how to enhance it (what other information to show?). There's a ton of code I've written here - all by me. comments and votes all welcome. Cheers Fosters","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200433177587025.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Desktop_In1726743312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52756,"Title":"Visual Studio 6 Service Pack 6 Released","Description":"Microsoft released Service Pack 6 for Visual Studio 6, download the latest(and final) service pack if you have VS6/VB6 installed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Thushan Fernando","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52772,"Title":"_A cool CODE LIBRARY / Using ADO","Description":"Code Library is an application where you deposit your code. I created this one because it's sooo tired for me to find and get my existing code to my existing applications specially functions and API's. This Code Library is very usefull to me and I hope this will be usefull to you too coz simple code Inventory or Repository System .By the way I forgot I also put some samples on it like Visual Basic Trick / Tricks and Tip / Tips , API functions , some VB functions and codes , Compilations of OLE DB Provider , ADO to ADO.NET migration , ADO.NET Turorials , some VB.NET or Visual Basic.NET articles and tutorials , check it out by your self, it also have a samples and etc. in ASP.NET , PHP , SQL , C / C++ and Java . This application is expandable so expand it by your own because you can add your own Langguage , Folder and Files , op's this application is also a password protected to avoid others from viewing codes.\nPLEASE DON'T FORGET TO VOTE !!!!!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043312145529825.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_A_cool_CO1726883312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":24,"UserRatingTotal":114,"AuthorName":"Philip V. Naparan :-)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52775,"Title":"MP3 ID3V1.1/ID3V2.3.0 Tagger *UPDATE*","Description":"This is a complete application that shows you how to: 1) Read an MP3 file to determine Bitrate, Length, Etc. 2) Read/Write ID3V1 1.1 Tags 3) Read/Write ID3V2 3.0 Tags. I was debating on whether or not to submit this code, but I decided to. Two small procedures were borrowed and modified from PSC code (SetBit, and CreateUnsyncInteger), other than that, all code is mine. In terms of ID3V2 3.0 tags, not all frames are supported, but the code is written to EASILY add other frame support. Also, this code will allow you to read/write the ID3V2 3.0 Lyrics and Picture Frames. This code also shows you how to allow multiple picture frames in the tag. While there may be some bugs left in this program, the read/write functionality has been incorporated via class files - making it easy to port this code into your application. If you like this code, please tell me! If you find a bug, I'd like to know as well. I hope someone out there can make use of this. As far as I can see, this is the most comprehensive ID3 tagger on VB PSC. It took me a decent amount of time to get this working, so please, comments (and votes) are welcome! ***I have updated the code to include a couple of bug fixes, and the ability to read/write Synchronized Lyrics as well!*** This is yet another update...all I did was update the SyncLyrics to allow you to insert the time from Winamp... Also, I am also submitting my WinAMP front so you can test the SyncLyrics as well, search for other submissions of mine, and you'll see it. I have updated yet once again! Now you can import LRC files! For those of you that don't know what an LRC file is - it's a Syncronized Lyric file...makes things a little easier I hope. Alos you can copy the lyrics back and forth between the Syncronized and UnSyncronized Lyrics!","Inputs":"A valid MP3 file.","Assumes":"If you are trying to work with an MP3 file that includes other versions of tags (ID3V2 2.0, or ID3V2 4.0), this program will not work. This is ONLY intended for use with ID3V1 1.1, and ID3V2 3.0 Tags.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MP3_ID3V1_1736324222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Kevin Wiegand","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52778,"Title":"BSoftPlayer 4.0b5 SQL-Based Media Player","Description":"BSoftPlayer 4.0b5 is the latest release in a line of media players in development since 2001. With a SQL backend, BSoftPlayer handles tens of thousands of tracks without bogging down. Instantly search through thousands of tracks organized by artist, album, and genre. Create your own favorites list. Customize the keyboard shortcuts any way you like them - they work even when BSoftPlayer is in the background. Full mouse wheel support. Full playlist support with drag and drop from iTunes and Windows Explorer. BASS sound system with MP3/WMA/Vorbis/WAV support. Fully ID3v1 and ID3v2 compatible.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200441158292617.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Brian Cairns","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52781,"Title":"Icons4VB *UPDATED* - Display different icons in explorer for VB projects, depending on their type","Description":"This is a Shell Extension (Icon Handler) for VB files, written in VB. It allows you to display different icons in explorer for project and form files, depending on their type - very useful for opening the correct project. The code is quite simple, and well-commented. Also included are replacement icons for the relevant VB files, in multiple formats up to 48x48 in 32-bit colour.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200441311465986.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Icons4VB__172840442004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"grigri","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52788,"Title":"[ Digital Clock v1.0 ]","Description":"Small nice Digital Clock that remembers its last position","Inputs":"No","Assumes":"No","CodeReturns":"No","SideEffects":"No","ApiDeclarations":"No","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200441635264377.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[___Digita188318512005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Michael Margold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53426,"Title":"Multi MSN v 6.2.0133","Description":"This will teach you how to access in binary mode the newest MSN Messenger on web v 6.2.0133 and edit offssets and allow MultiMsn,SingleMsn,AddBanner.RemoveBanner,Sign in using offline mode,Sign in using online mode + allow to check if msnmsgr.exe there if not copy itself and execute it from its default dir by choosing the drive letter, please always know that using such kinds of codes probably we name it cracking, and its all are illegal just it's an example to a begginer in file access, i can't be held any responsibility and you should not in anyway edit the code and re submit it anywhere else, please a small request i need someone to tel me in case the drive letter is not default let say not \"c:\\\" and its \"MyDisk\" how can i auto identify to read the drive whatever it is :)any answer will be happily appriciated and thanks a lot :) ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004427514527815.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Multi_MSN_1738344272004.2 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53440,"Title":"Desktop Messages - Transparent (Beta dll)","Description":"Check out the Screen Shot! I dont recall seeing this before. Takes Evan's idea a step further with transparent background, although the code is nothing alike!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004428132577761.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Desktop_Me174040532004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Peter.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53442,"Title":"RRS PaintLib v3.0.3","Description":"Hi there, fellow VB coders.\nThis project is yet another demonstration of the latest version of my paintlib, wich I hope you will enjoy and use. (and maybe even vote for? ;)\nI made some adjustments, cleanup and a few additions to the lib just last night, so I thought I'd get them out ther right away. See the head of 'CPainterc.cls' for the details\nAgain, enjoy!\nKind regards,\nRavn Revheim\nravn_revheim@hotmail.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RRS_PaintL1738474282004.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Ravn Revheim","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53443,"Title":"Program Priority Changer 2.8 2K & XP Only","Description":"Set the CPU priority of each of your programs for higher performance. Runs in the tray monitoring & adjusting each of your programs cpu priority the minute they load & allows you to set your programs individually to what runs best on your particular computer. You have a choice of High, Above Normal, Normal, Below Normal or Idle. Works great on all programs. If you cant configure several system speed increases with this program, Nothing Will !!!! Special thanks goes out to Brandon Kampschuur for the main core that he submitted in 2001 ! http://planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=26281&lngWId=1 I have done a ton of improvements to the GUI, also error handling, now it is a complete app. Enjoy ! You must have administrator rights to use this program !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044281025375840.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Program_Pr1738484282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Thomas Swift","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53436,"Title":"ICQ Notification","Description":"This is just one way a trojan will notify his you if your victim is connected to the internet.This will send you an icq message along with the victims ip address. This code will also tell you if your computer is connected to the internet or not.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You should have a baisc knowledge of what a trojan is and its way of communicating with its owner.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ICQ_Notifi1738354272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Mel Christian Maranan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53438,"Title":"Image Duplicate Scanner and Remover 1.4","Description":"This is a easy to use utility to scan your image collection to find the duplicates. This is an ideal tool to use with resource extrators. The utility gives the user the option of moving or deleting any duplicates it finds. Works great for icons.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044272349476850.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Image_Dupl1738384272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"L. M. Trivette ","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53446,"Title":"InstallFile module - Install files on end user's machine w/o copy older version over a new version.","Description":"When installing a file on an end user's machine, you should not copy an older version of the file over a new version.\nThe InstallFile wrapper in the InstFile.bas module uses the VerFindFile and VerInstallFile API functions provided by Version.dll to copy files to the user's machine, and will not overwrite an existing file with an older version.\nThe InstFile.bas module requires the GetVersionInfo wrapper in the VerInfo.bas module (also included) which uses several API functions also provided by Version.dll, most importantly the GetFileVersionInfo function.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Several declares to version.dll in modules\n18k zip","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200452923555804.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/InstallFil1792109112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53448,"Title":"BAS Module Mania (LUCKY 13 UPDATED)","Description":"Collection of lucky 13 modules packed with API wrappers, commonly used funcs, and some not-so common bits as well. Includes:\nAlertErr.bas (new)\nAPITimer.bas\nCommon.bas (updated)\nConv.bas\nFileSys.bas\nFileTime.bas\nFindFiles.bas\nMemMaps.bas\nMisc.bas\nMRUFiles.bas\nMsgLink.bas\nShellExe.bas\nWinVersion.bas (updated)\nUPDATED Now has NEW AlertErr.bas! This CHERRY mod includes the full GetClientSpec module code which it replaces so still 13. Must be lucky!\nThanks to everyone who responded to my request for info to update the WinVersion module. \nPlease give more feedback :)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Many API in modules.\n51k zip.","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200455112428143.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BAS_Module18049510142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53453,"Title":"Trial Registration System (v2)","Description":"..Trial Registration System (v2) a.k.a SimpleTrial is a good way to offer trial applications and add them to your projects, please vote, it uses two encryption formats, and it comes with a cool welcome screen with a trial delay and a cool splash image..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200442819373375.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Trial_Regi1738644282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Lee Stuart Cook","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53461,"Title":"Updated Access 2000 password recovery","Description":"Recovers the password from Access 2000 databases. The problem of every other character being returned is fixed. This problem was caused by the creation date of the database having changed since it was originally created, probably by being copied.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"May change the system clock or slow it. Sorry!!!","ApiDeclarations":"A few.","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Updated_Ac1738824292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Future Sound of Budleigh Salterton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57386,"Title":"Color Selector - Small ,basic ,simple","Description":"If you need a small,basic color selector(Only 11 lines) then this might fit the bill. Got the idea from Robert Rayment's code. Enjoy ..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Color_Sele18215311242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57388,"Title":"Video Rental System using ADO","Description":"This is a program that uses the ADODB connections to link to an Access database. All connections are created/opened at runtime. Security,passwords,usernames are in Database. Users are in two user groups. Uses SQL statements such as INsert, SElect etc. Links to website uses MDI form and Child Forms. Toolbar with Image list. Status bar that displays a random message. Data Reports using Datareport control. Class Module Example. ISnumeric validation. Search facility for searching the database. examples of using the List View Control","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"reports","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041123178284582.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Video_Rent18212011232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Robert Dondo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57389,"Title":"Auto Detect Hyperlinks In a RTB!","Description":"This is simply AMAZING! With a Rich Text Box learn how to auto detect hyperlinks and have COLOR! Also a very slick send command that adds text to the Rich Text Box with the time and the name of your choice. =) If you do like the code i would like it if voted. Thanks and happy coding!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411231720467765.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Auto_Detec18212111232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Justin Lilley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57390,"Title":"Change/ Add To VB's ColorConstants","Description":"Most people know about and use VB's color constants. Most people that I know think green and yellow are a little too bright. Did you know that you can override and change the colors to what you want them to be? Using this technique you can also add your own predfined colors. I have added all of the constants defined in LaVolpe's color picker to show you just some of the possibilities.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411231727558835.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Change__Ad18212211232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"james kahl","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57391,"Title":"Database Compact/Conversion Utility","Description":"I created this for work to maintain a list of databases that we have for different product lines. It uses the Access 10 Object Library to perform this functionality \"behind the scenes\", so to speak. By doing it this way, you should notice a vast performance increase. NOTE: If you do not have Access 2002, this will not work for you unless you have msacc.olb registered on your system, but there are other options that work in much the same way.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041123185563961.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Database_C18212311232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"james kahl","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57395,"Title":"The EASIEST DataBase Tutorial - a Picture by Picture guide for the beginner!","Description":"A VERY simple guide to aid the beginner in creating a simple database.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041123214422589.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/The_EASIES18213211232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"C. S. Trout","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57396,"Title":"[Physics]","Description":"I made this off the top of my head without any outside help whatsoever. Its pretty d@mn good considering I have an F in math.. Download it and see what you think and if you like it please vote! If you have any bugs please tell me and Ill try to fix them. Thx","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004112423719121.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Physics]18213711242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"x sAGE x","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57398,"Title":"Mouse Overheating (Now with this code your mouse can overheat!)","Description":"This is pretty funny, I slapped it together when I had the idea.. If you move your mouse around too fast your mouse will overheat and stop moving. If you keep moving your mouse it will take longer for your mouse to get moving again. Try it out to see what I mean.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_Over18214411242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"x sAGE x","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57400,"Title":"Icon Extraction Utility","Description":"Extract any or all icons from executables and dynamic link libraries. Includes most-recently-used file list, ini file usage, and a small HTML help page. Nothing groundbreaking here, I wanted a utility like this with these functions. Plus it's my first attempt at an HTML help file. I've been using it for a while. I made some tweaks to it and decided to release it.\n[Updated to allow for scrolling through large number of icons.]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512673489705.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Icon_Extra1844361262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"CubeSolver","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57402,"Title":"Snow is falling.","Description":"There are a few of these on PSC, but none that allow you to change the size of the flakes or a lot of other things also.\nI have commented this code A LOT :)\nSo it should help newbies and some oldies alike!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function GetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function SetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041124858439996.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Snow_is_fa18215011242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"cokey","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57404,"Title":"Call Management System","Description":"It is a Complete Call Management System using VB6.0 and SQL 7.0, I try to use maximum powers of Vb as Classes, Modules, Components etc. Your comments and suggesitions will be appreciated. I use front end validations for very few forms so supply data for all fields, You can also download Ms-Access database for this project from \nhttp://members.fortunecity.com/rajatplanet\nRajat Arora","Inputs":"Front end validations are applied for very few forms so supply details for all fields.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411241042129941.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Call_Manag18215211242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Rajat Arora","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57406,"Title":"LaVolpe Custom Windows: Part I","Description":"Part 1. Prequel to a full-blown skinning application. This part does not skin but attempts to completely control the window non-client area. Provided in hopes you will help identify any bugs on different O/Ss. Works well on 98/2K. The other parts of this project will be submitted after bugs fixed in this part and feedback has been addressed. Part 2 will be skinned version compatible with MDIs, Part 3 will include routines for custom-drawn menus. Heavily subclassed and heavily commented; but still a work in progress. Feedback is definitely requested especially pertaining to bugs and suggestions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411241248363417.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LaVolpe_Cu18215811242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":46,"UserRatingTotal":225,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57410,"Title":"Nemisis Client/Loader/Server","Description":"This is a remote admin I worked on a few years ago and ended up not touching it for another year. I am currently porting it to Delphi so while im doing that I figure I might as well post it to PSC. I guess in alot of ways its a trojan but I enjoy making these kinds of programs and I think any VB coder can get something from this cause I hit on almost everything invovled in VB at somepoint while making this code. It took me a long time to make so I hope you guys at least check it out. It may have some errors I havent looked at it in years and probably wont be updating it so feel free to do whatever you want with this code. This zip contains the Client, Server and a Loader which does all the bad things like installing it into your computer and hiding it and such so dont worry about running the Server just watch out with the Loader. Any comments would really be appriciated unless its just trojan bashing.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041125256198727.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Nemisis_Cl18217411252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Max Powers","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57411,"Title":"DM Bitmap Extractor","Description":"DM Bitmap Extractor is a small project I made about 2 hours ago that will allow you to open a file type of Dll EXE or OCX files and View and Save the Bitmaps inside them.\nThis is handy if you ever need toolbar bitmaps or what ever else you may find usfull. anyway all the code is commented on evey line. Please Vote and give feedback. Hope you like the code.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041125342205232.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Bitmap_18217511252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57412,"Title":"Print Graph Sheets","Description":"Print Graph Sheets by Robert Rayment. Prints British(US) or Metric scales see screenshot for variations. Zip 8KB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Jusr run - needs a printer","CodeReturns":"Graph sheets","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None apart from Color & Print Dialogs","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041125524255501.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Print_Grap18217711252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57414,"Title":"System Running Process","Description":"This code shows u, the current running process of u r system. Its very fast and effieient.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":41,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041125654262145.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/System_Run18218111252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Anuj sharrma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57415,"Title":"ADODB Example - Connect To Access Database","Description":"Example shows how to connect to an Access database; browse, add, and delete records.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004112574955607.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ADODB_Exam18218211252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Mark Howard","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57416,"Title":"Clan Manager","Description":"Clan Manager is an application to save all your Clan Information from a Game Clan.\nDon't expect too much of it cause I'm only 12 years old...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"The isButton, MacButton, XP_Progressbar and the XTab.ocx are not mine! They are created by other people and the original source from the files are also published here at PSC.com.","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411251018516765.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Clan_Manag18218311252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Jurek Rutkowski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57417,"Title":"Create a multi-dimensional array of numbers using only a byte of memory","Description":"Yes - REALLY!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":70,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"jeremyxtz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57422,"Title":"Happy Thanksgiving!!!","Description":"Haha! Just a silly (REALLY BAD) Thanksgiving game. I guess its useful to play sounds with? Ok, Have fun!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Makes your Hard drive explode, no just kidding :)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041125165461186.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Happy_Than18219511252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"CBBibleboy","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57162,"Title":"Physics Particle Simulator","Description":"I was not able to find anything like this on PSC so i decided to code a small bouncing partile physics system using arrays. It's not perfect but i intend to recode it later in direct-x so it the graphics are a bit better. Vote if you think its alright or comment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041181916349928.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Physics_Pa1816171182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Jared Povazan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57164,"Title":"View Windows XP CD Key","Description":"Function: sGetXPCDKey() will return the CD Key for Windows XP in the format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX.","Inputs":"Nothing.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Your Windows XP CD Key.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Option Explicit\nPrivate Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib \"advapi32.dll\" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegOpenKeyA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegQueryValueExA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long ' Note that if you declare the lpData parameter as String, you must pass it By Value.\nPrivate Const REG_BINARY = 3\nPrivate Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002\nPrivate Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":86,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":82,"AuthorName":"Snytax","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57178,"Title":"DragonQuest - Game","Description":"This is a game I wrote awhile back called DragonQuest. You basically are trying to fight your way to the top and become strong enough to defeat the dragon. Along the way you will visit: your home, weapon/armor/item shop, the trainer to advance your training, the forest to fight monsters and gain experience/gold and to search for the ever ellusive dragon. It uses SQL and all VB coding with an Access database. I know the graphics are horrible so please don't flame me over them. I commented where I could but there is a lot of repetitive code. All battles are performed with a dice-rolling competition (learn how to do random dice rolls and show the correct dice). If the players roll is higher than or equal to the monsters, he/she wins the attack. I hope someone learns something from this. Please comment and vote. I am thinking about upgrading this with DirectX and sounds but I don't know. I guess I'll see what kind of response I get here.\nThank You","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041192117594728.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DragonQues1816711192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Capp00","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57180,"Title":"online chart control","Description":"hi all, this code creates chart at runtime. At run time if you can change a value the chart will automatically change. u just set the values and it shows results continuously. u can use this code in any u r applications.its very smart.in this i m not using ms-chart control, everything is done by code.......but trust me the code is soo short.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004111040183319.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/online_cha18167411102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Anuj sharrma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57184,"Title":"Uno Game 2.2 (Updated: 11/10/04)","Description":"here's the updated version of my uno game 2.1. More features added, bugs fixed and nice GUI.\nBTW, since this is just an update, it's up to you if you want to vote it or not. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041110100262715.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Uno_Game_218310812192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":34,"UserRatingTotal":165,"AuthorName":"Aris Buenaventura","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57185,"Title":"Yahoo! Deny Buddy","Description":"To Remove Your Yahoo! ID off another persons List and the ability to Remove them from Your List Yahoo! serverside using the YMSG protocol.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041110958455862.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Yahoo!_Den18168111102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Dermot R","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57173,"Title":"Undo/Redo Class","Description":"This class allows users to implement undo/redo functionality within their own applications. The new and improved version now even includes the \"actual\" classes ;-)","Inputs":"Class initialisation/use should be self explanatory in the example provided.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Only works for Textboxes, Listboxes, Combo Boxes, Option buttons and Checkboxes at the moment","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Rob_Small18167511102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Rob Small","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57186,"Title":"draw and rotate 3d function","Description":"a simple 3d function paint.you can rotate it round any axis.i give example of helix equations.i tried to make the code more simple to the reader and replaced the old bad interface by new one.see it now and please vote or at least comment.i need ur recommends","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005516350371007.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/draw_and_r1888675162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"mohamed nagar","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57192,"Title":"Let's Talk About SPEED! A VERY fast gradient sub by Light Templer and Carles P.V. UPDATE 02/01/05","Description":"A small competition ;) : This should be the fastest gradient sub in VB running from Win95 to Win XP. A small iterative shell arround shows VB's power on your machine. It draws a gradients with ramdom colors onto client area and subdivide into four equal parts. Repeat. This way we get a mix of larger and smaller gradients. Its amazing how many gradients VB can draw even uncompiled in ten seconds. Have fun ;) ! ____ Regards - LiTe _____ (Please comment and vote if you like it. Thank you.) ___________________________________________\nUPDATE 1 : Carles P.V. 's solution beats all! Got upto 7 times! faster results (879500 gradients in ten seconds ... !). His code is elegantly and charming - plz look at it!___________________________________________\nUPDATE 2 - 12/15/04: (FINAL VERSION - hope so ;) ) Some bug fixing in code and demo (implementing the suggestions from the thread here) and new (tricky) intro screen.___________________________________________\nUPDATE 3 - 02/01/2005: Bugfix for X size and speed improvement ... ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411101459204952.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Let's_Talk184669212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":89,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55964,"Title":"AlertError (Updated)","Description":"AlertError module - this is a simple solution for handling and alerting errors when they occur. Rather than hiding errors away this module uses the philosophy of alerting you to errors right where they occur, while logging errors to file in the most convenient location when in your end-users space, all automatically according to the running environment. This module can *best pick* the log path for all running environments including when running as a compiled ActiveX component in/out of the IDE. Update inspired by Ulli's submission at: txtCodeId=56112&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200492748407809.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AlertError1795519192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55965,"Title":"Dial up Password recovery","Description":"The program is a dial-up password Recovery program for all windows version 98/ME/2k/NT/XP. \nIt displays the connection name , username and the pass of the dialup connection.\nIf i see interest about my code soon will post code with dialup pass on XP and phone numbers\nin XP it has a bug. it displays correct all those except that the pass is ******. i'm working on it.Pleaze vote.If i see interest about my code soon will post code with dialup pass on XP and phone numbers.thnks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"this prog is made by john papadakhs. I am using windows API'S to access the phone\nbook of windows and get informations about the RAS CONNECTIONS available\nthe ras api is RasGetCredentials. this programm shows the connection name of eatch dialup\nconnection the username and the password. Only in windows XP the password is\nshown with \"*\". I'm working on an other api that solves that problem with XP\nand soon will have and XP passwords.also i'm working on getting the dialup number.\nall these will be send soon if i see interest on my code.that's a promise.Pleaze vote","CodeReturns":"return the connection name, the username and the password of all dialup connection in WINDOWS version","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function RasGetCredentials Lib \"rasapi32.dll\" Alias \"RasGetCredentialsA\" _\n (ByVal lpcstr As String, ByVal lpcstr As String, ByRef TLPRASCREDENTIALSA As RASCREDENTIALS) _\n As Long","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dial_up_Pa178870922004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"John Papadakis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55970,"Title":"Match2","Description":"Game -> Match pairs of cards. Multiple decks to choose from... ie., Flags, Animals, Clocks (Time), etc. Good educational memory game for children, but stll fun for all ages. Uses the Games & Graphics Library developed by same author (included). Requires DirectX 7+ for sound and 3D support.\nFor more details on using the Games&Graphics Library in your own projects see the submission by that name as it includes a full 300+ page manual.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Requires DirectX 7+ To be installed. Also the program uses a reference to the Visual Basic DirectX 7 Type library.","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Match2178881922004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Tim Harpur","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55971,"Title":"Pro-Player v1.0","Description":"This is the first version the pro-player, wait more submit in the future!!!\nThis a simple Mp3 player, this code use Direct Show (the FilgraphManager object) to play the mp3 files, and wave's Apis to represent the sound in sine-scope, FTT-scope, and bars-scope, playlist.\nall code was wrote by me\nIf u like my code, post ur comment and give me ur Vote =)\nhave fun!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004921446359858.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Pro-Player178882922004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Int_21","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55973,"Title":"Micro Search (Fixed) Phone Number reverse!!**","Description":"This code allows you to access a data base, which holds several phone numbers, actually every phone number across the world. By entering a phone number, you may reverse it to access this person(s) full name, address, city, state, zip, and so forth. I hope you enjoy","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Uses manifest file, make sure the compiled exe file matches the manifest file name. Eg: Micro-Searchhh.exe / Micro-Searchhh.exe.manifest","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004921531243002.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MicroSearc178884922004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Brian D. Matthews","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55974,"Title":"MSN PopUp Multiply messages","Description":"This is a MSN POPUP \nSound,Real buttons..\nand you can apply your own language","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004921538338093.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_PopUp_178885922004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"GhΓé¼ttoWarr!or","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55975,"Title":"Inet Sockets","Description":"This is a real simple demo on how to use Inet's sockets.. This will make Inet run a lot faster when you need it to execute a lot of stuff at the same time.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200492161750874.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Inet_Socke178886922004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"grumtek","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55976,"Title":"[All Seeing Eye] (Mulit-Pop E-Mail Checker)","Description":"SEE SCREENSHOT! A Multi-Pop E-Mail checker (With help from many people including GhΓé¼ttoWarr!or, for his MSN Popupbox) Totally written in VB (No external OCX/DLL files other than a few standard MS controls). Complete with sound, notification, color, and timing options. With sysTray support as well as \"Form On Top\" capability.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004921622236728.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[All_Seein178887922004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55978,"Title":"Red Cross Medical Supplies","Description":"I worked really hard on this for my VB2 college class.. I got a REALLY good grade and even my teacher said it was the best she has ever seen.. I am really proud of it and I hope to get more out of it by giving to everyone to help them out on ideas and what not. I spent about 100+ hours on it but it's not perfect. Had a last minute crash and had to do some crappy coding.. But, I spent most of the time on the GUI.. It uses Flash, Nicer Looking Buttons, CoolXP, Listview, MDI, etc. I hope everyone enjoys it! Please, Vote or Comment! Thanks...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Sorry, but I didn't comment in the program.. Never expected to release it..","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200492163395690.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Red_Cross_18299912162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":67,"AuthorName":"grumtek","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55987,"Title":"Create/Edit Animated Cursors (3 Oct)","Description":"Create/Edit Animated Cursors by Robert Rayment. As well as drawing the frames of an animated cursor, provides a set of step changes across the frames or a selected area for peppering, waving, swirling, squashing & Xfading. Frames can also be step changed for rotation and reduction. So this prog automates some kinds of animation. 1,4,8 & 24 bpp images can be handled. Some effects are included for 24 bpp images. Images can be loaded from ani, cur or ico files as well as captured from a bmp, gif or jpg. Title, author, number of frames, HotX & HotY and frame rates can be changed. For a new cursor any of the bpps can be selected. Some example ani-files are included. Cursors can be tested and saved at any stage. Please read the help for limitations. (Tested on Win98 & WinXP, Zip 82KB) (3 Oct Calc duration in frmDetails, system cursor preserved).\n","Inputs":"Can be ani,cur etc","Assumes":"Just run, read Help","CodeReturns":"ani-cursors","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004103230368413.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Create_Edi1799951032004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":109,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55988,"Title":"Crystal Report Help","Description":"This document provides a listing of all available Report Designer Component (RDC) sample applications available on the Crystal Decisions Support web site. For Example.. Creating CR Reports at Runtime Thru VB Code, Fetching Data Form Reports and use them, And All Stuff You ever want to know about Crystal Reports.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Knowledge of VB6 and Crystal Reports 7,8 or Above.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Crystal_Re178910932004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Nitesh Sharma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55989,"Title":"Flash-Math(v2.0)","Description":"Enhancing Arithmetic Skills! coded and design mostly on FlashMX2004 and a bit of VB6.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flash-Math178911932004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jessie Panerio","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55990,"Title":"MyIP Personal v2.0","Description":"MyIP Personal is a pretty small application I created for helping my friends play online games (internet and LAN). Features include: Your REAL IP and Hostname, Detects all computers connected via LAN (helpful to make sure everyone had a successful connection) and resides in the system tray. As an added bonus it has a quick link to scan your ports for weaknesses and exploits.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004931421559764.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MyIP_Perso178915932004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Mati Lurey","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55991,"Title":"BAT-Man BatchFile Editor/Maker","Description":"BAT-Man A well-featured DOS Batch File that lets you add code from over 40 built-in commands as well as your own commands. The cream of the utility is the Message box wizard that allows your batch file to show custom boxes with you message.Quickly create Batch file at the press of a few keys ( or clicks of a few mouses :) if you like.The code is written In unoptimised form so as to help the beginners to understand VB concepts like Popup-menus,Listbox control and most of all - the working of DOS commands.Try it.& vote : )))","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"You can be a beginner to understand the code.You must however have a basic knowledge of VB.","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"Well YOU may insert the wrong DOS commands in your batch file and up goes your computer (POOF)\nBut if you stick with the normal command no such thing will happen","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BAT-Man_Ba178924932004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"GeeK FreeK Anil","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55993,"Title":"Class for enumerating machines in net with filtering in / out","Description":"A VB class to enumerate all machines in your network. There are filters for 'take it' and 'leave it' and you can select the type of machines (e.g. Unix only, print servers only, all windows machines, ...) Its a spin-off from my daily work - nothing special, but plain, sometimes usefull und extendable ;) - If you like OOP, its for you. ___ \nLiTe","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200493942556264.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Class_for_178936932004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53174,"Title":"Archive Explorer (update 1)","Description":"This programm is capable of showing the contents of different archives\nand some archives can be extracted.\nArchives which contents can be shown are.\nZIP,GZ,TGZ,TAR,ARC,ARJ,RAR,CAB,LZH,LHA\nArchives which contents can be extracted are.\nZIP,GZ,TGZ,TAR\nAll coding is done in vb without use of third party components so everybody\nwho needs to unzip something in there project can use this one so the need for\nthird party components will be absolete.\nDon't expect it to be fast but it is as fast as we could get it.\nit is far from Finished but since i haven't much time lately, i uploaded\nit to PSC so maybe someone else could use the code from it.\nNot all parts are coded by me but some parts are coded by john korejwa and others.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200441571235856.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Archive_Ex1733794152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":28,"UserRatingTotal":137,"AuthorName":"Marco v/d Berg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53177,"Title":"[[**A Simple**]] IRC CODE - CLIRC - Add IRC to your program :)","Description":"CLIRC - Add Internet Relay Chat to your program :) \nCLIRC is a group Visual Basic classes that add IRC functionality to your programs. It handles connecting to the IRC server, maintaining the connection, input buffer, decoding messages. All you have to do is put your code in the events it calls. It supports CTCP, and auto responds for FINGER, TIME, VERSION, PING. It auto-responds to PING from the server. This will save you a lot of time, whether you want to quickly program a powerful IRC bot, or if you want to make a full-fledged IRC client like mIRC either way this code is for you. This code is some of the best code IΓÇÖve seen in a long time and possibly the best IRC code for Visual Basic. If you like it then please pay some respect and chuck a vote my way ;) Hope you all enjoy! God Bless!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[__A_Simp1734044162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"leahciMic","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53180,"Title":"FileLib2/TextLib2","Description":"FileLib2 is a class module for handling a big file that contain other files. Useful for storing small files if you have big cluster size.\nTextLib2 is a text database program using FileLib2.\nYeah, i know that this doesn't sound good, but it's fast, and easy to use (...and my english is bad).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044151724109598.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FileLib2_T1733864152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Mih├íly Tall├│di","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53182,"Title":"Treeview OLEDragDrop Demo","Description":"Demo that shows how to create a custom drag format, dragging between treeviews and different forms, auto-expanding and auto-scrolling nodes, changing node images, validating data before dropping, plus several other little tricks. Demo gets a list of countries from the user's registry to use as data to make the demo more like a 'real life' program.","Inputs":"Requires Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044151933409911.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Treeview_O1733894152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Brent Culpepper","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53183,"Title":"Security Port Scanner","Description":"Security Port Scanner can check for open ports on your own or a friend's computer. You can specify what ports to scan, and they will be added to the listbox when a successful connection has been made. A recommendation message box will popup if any open ports are found on your own system to install a personal firewall, but that will only happen once if you dont care. Security Port Scanner is high speed, and has scan rates of over 200 ports per second on local scans, and 100 ports per second on remote scans. The computer I tested this on was a 1.4 GHZ Celeron with 128 RAM using Cox Cable Internet, so your results may be diffrent. I hope this will help you out, I have seen many slower and less efficent ones here on planet source code. Votes and feedback appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044151955257944.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Security_P1733904152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Xomni Networks","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53521,"Title":"[[[A Road Crossing Game. (Includes Blood Splatter)]]] (now with InverseTan.bas(sorry))","Description":"Little dude runs across a 16 lane highway. his arms swing from side to side, try not to get hgit by the cars. you can change the armswing amplitude, the car speed, turn death on or off, blood stains on or off, etc. have fun","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"ummmm...\ni wrote ALL the functions in this MYSELF (yay!)\nexcept for the InverseTan module, which i stole and modified.\nfeel free to steal any of my functions, but dont say you wrote them\nif you liek this, i have loads of other programs that i never bothered to submit\nso tell me if you'rew interested.\nbye","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"you might get jealous of me\ncos i wrote it\nand you might not be able to write it\nbut you might\nand then you will feel better\ncos you are better than me\ncongratulations\nnow i am jealous","ApiDeclarations":"IntersectRect","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200453338245459.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[[A_Road_174024532004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Scott Buckley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53522,"Title":"Custom Shaped Form Example - Transparent Cls - Any O.S.","Description":"This Transparent Class Module Will Allow you To Create Custom Shaped Forms With Ease! Very Flexible. (With transparent text example)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200453552486011.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Custom_Sha174039532004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Peter.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53525,"Title":"RRS PaintLib 3.0.6","Description":"Hi there.\nFirst of all I would like to thank you for your interest in my paintlib, thanks :)\nA couple of new drawing functions added, as well some more general cleanup to the source, all relevant changes are listed in the head of 'CPainter.cls'.\nAlso this time, I've introduced two new and helpfull friends to the family: 'CRect.cls' and 'CQuickDC.cls' (stripped down version of 'CCanvas.cls'). See the demos for usage, should be pretty selfexplanatory stuff.\nIncluded with the classes this time, is an excellent class by Karl E. Peterson (http://www.mvps.org/vb/), 'CFontPreview.cls', see it in action in the 'TextAnim' demo. Kudos to Karl, great code.\nEnjoy\n\nRavn Revheim","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200453620501766.0 ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RRS_PaintL174034532004.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ravn Revheim","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53533,"Title":"_Desactivate The BOMB_","Description":"Try to find the code of the BOMB, you can open the bomb and chose cable or FIND THE CODE.\nVote if you want.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Desactiva174055532004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":50302,"Title":"VB IActiveScript (No Ocx Scripting)","Description":"By creating a custom type library it is possible to implement IActiveScriptSite directly in VB and add Scripting support to your VB apps without having to include the MSScript control. Includes support for AddObject and Eval()\nDont forget to check out the open source section of my site for more stuff\nhttp://sandsprite.com/openSource.html","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_IActive1877984172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"dzzie","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50314,"Title":"CUBOID CITY","Description":"CUBOID CITY by Robert Rayment. Demo of what can be done with wire-frame cuboids, using pure VB & a couple of APIs for creating & animating scenes. Several thousand cuboids can be happily handled but make sure to compile the animation program!. Two progs, one to draw cuboid pictures (including random mazes) and the other to use the output files (*.ccc) and animate them. There are lots of options to help with drawing - too many to describe here. The animation program uses planar perspective for speed with mostly pure VB. Speed & direction set by distance of cursor from center of display, eye (camera) level and block heights changeable, collison detection and reaching the pyramid in the mazes explodes all. These progs provide a start for a full 3D wire-frame drawing program. Example ccc files included. See Notes. (Exe tested on WinXP) Win98. Zip 115 KB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"Spec graphic files","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Not many","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003124113545876.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CUBOID_CIT1680991262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":81,"UserRatingTotal":401,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50306,"Title":"KnightRider ActiveX Custom Control","Description":"This is a KnightRider Custom Control with customizable Back- and ForeColors, Size, Speed, and Effect. The appearance and effects can be viewed in the IDE; that is it is already active in Design Mode :- just set the Enabled-property to True. It was inspired by a previous submission to PSC.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312456156641.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/KnightRide1680101242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50310,"Title":"Capture Screen and Mouse ****RELOADED","Description":"Capture screen and mouse, show it in a picturebox and let you save it on disk (bmp format)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Use Api \nie:GetCursorPos, GetCursor,GetCursorInfo, DrawIcon, and keybd_event - this last for win2k or earlier os, while for win9x and Nt used routines from MSDN to grab screen","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Modified to grab aslo the mouse shape...It should work with win98, not with win95. I tested on win2K and it worked fine (but did not try with custom or animated cursors...).","ApiDeclarations":"Reloaded to add the GetCursorInfo Api to grab mouse shape","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312555354131.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Capture_Sc1680671252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Cesare Imperiali","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50318,"Title":"_ 3D Label Control","Description":"3D Label Control. Easy to use. Can change appearance. (Raised, Inset, Emboss, Color(s), etc.) See screen shot and PLEASE VOTE!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031241815375175.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__3D_Label1680311242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":47,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50319,"Title":"[Winsock MiniChat, Get IP, Save Conversation etc]","Description":"This code is heavily commented example of how to create a simple chat using winsock component. It has also some more features like Save Conversation, Get External IP, Nickname. \nNO API's, NO Modules, NO 1000 forms, just plain simple working code","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312419545412.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Winsock_M1680331242003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mephisto","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50323,"Title":"_ Replace text in All text boxes contained in frames, form, and/or pictureboxes","Description":"I noticed an article recently posted about this. I am posting this because it is a much more efficient way to do it. Simple code so I am not expecting votes, but if you like it please feel free :)","Inputs":"'Example usage:\n'TextBoxMod Me, 0, \"Kryo\"\n'Would make ALL textboxe' text say \"Kryo\"","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'Enum declared to make using following sub easier\nPublic Enum What2Clear\n [Clear All Textbox's] = 0\n [Clear Textbox's Contained In Frames] = 1\n [Clear Textbox's Contained In Picturebox's] = 2\n [Clear Textbox's Contained In Form] = 3\nEnd Enum","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":17,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50337,"Title":"CPU Utilization","Description":"I created this because I needed to be able to adjust how many child processes my batch processing app created so that it didn't I created this demo because I needed to be able to adjust how many child processes my batch processing app created so that it didn't overutilize the CPU.\nTo duplicate this, create a form with one text box (Text1) and one timer (Timer1) in the configuration you see in the screen shot. Then paste the code seen here.\nThe main key is the windows idle process (PID = 0), which eats up whatever CPU cycles are not used by other apps. Every so often, this code takes a sample of how much CPU time, in seconds, that process has taken up since it started. Then it takes the delta to calculate its own CPU utilization. Subtract it from 100% and you get the CPU utlization.\nIn this case, we're using the Windows Management Interface (WMI) to get this information -- mainly because the API calls to get process times won't work for the idle process for security reasons. This should work for Windows 2000 and XP, but probably not for NT 4.0- or Windows 3.x, 9x, or ME.\nYou can morph this sample a lot of ways. For example, increase the SampleRate variable to get a smoother variation curve over time or decrease to get more immediate values. You can use additional parameters in Locator.ConnectServer() to connect to a remote machine, as another example. See here for more about the WMI objects:\n http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wmisdk/wmi/wmi_reference.asp\nYou could also easily modify this to track some other process' CPU utilization by its PID. Or you could also use it to track memory or other resource utilization.\n- Cheers,\n Jim Carnicelli\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":87,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031251114297337.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"James Vincent Carnicelli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50338,"Title":"ListBox extension (grey checks)","Description":"UPDATE(2003-12-06): Off-by-one error when using large font sizes fixed.\n_________________________________________________\nThis is a class that extends standard VB.ListBox control when its style is set to 1 - Checkbox. In addition to the standard checked/unchecked states listbox items can be marked as unknown (greyed) too. Also, mouse clicks/dbl-clicks anywhere on the item are interpreted as selection requests. This behaviour closely emulates the listbox control implementation in the Outlook Categories dialog. Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003125122118516.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ListBox_ex1681091262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Vlad Vissoultchev","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50339,"Title":"Folder Size Viewer","Description":"Folder Size is a *simple* way to visualize the amount of space folders take up on your computer via a pie chart and list report. -- It is still in the way before complete stage, so any comments/suggestions/criticisms would be nice! -- Note: To start, open pFolderSize.vbp in the Folder Size folder.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031251258134698.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Folder_Siz1680741252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"redbird77","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50335,"Title":"_ 3D Label Control (UPDATE)","Description":"Small update to my 3D-Label control. Added X and Y offset as separate coordinates instead of one integer acting as both. Vote if you like the code. Or at least leave some comments...I would appreciate it, thanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003125519304489.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__3D_Label1680681252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":108,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":59054,"Title":"Flash Button - VB 6 (with Sounds)","Description":"This is an updated version of my Previous submission about Flash buttons in vb6 forms. this time i have provided a much more better capability, buttons can now play a wav file on the Mouse-Over triggered event. be sure you have our speaker on to hear the accompanying wav.\n Please Vote..thank you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Please add this script on the Design of your buttons in Flash. (Just Right Click, then choose Action - Use the Expert Mode to Add this script.)\non (release)\n{\n fscommand(\"ButtonClick\", \"cmdFire\");\n}\non (rollOver)\n{\n fscommand(\"RollOver\", \"cmdFire\");\n}\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005221219185143.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flash_Butt1856142212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"WCM","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59058,"Title":"Cool Menu Replacement","Description":"A nice Menu Effect.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"A nice menu Effect.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Menu_1855742212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Sachin Jain","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59063,"Title":"[ Hi guys! Who need the form-icon in taskbar with 'BorderStyle=0!' ]","Description":"\nThis code is for those guys who wish to make their forms unique/attractive by creating theirown skins or background images. But the problem is that when you set the form-'BorderStyle=0', the form-icon will not be there in the taskbar. Because, a 'ZeroBorderStyle' will not support icons in taskbar. This code contains a 'SetZeroBorder' function which can set your form without a border and the icon is there in the taskbar. This is a very simple implementation and works perfectly. Enjoy! and please leave your valid comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Hi_guys!1855802212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59067,"Title":"[ A color Progress Bar ]","Description":"A color progress bar!, I made this because I wanted to have a color progress bar, cause I don't have any components for color progress bars so : I share with you all! If you like this little example --->Vote please!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005221124457145.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_A_color_1855832212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59068,"Title":"VB WebCam Capture","Description":"Capture WebCam Picture and Save it in JPEG format\nThis Code is a collection of some code from this site from vb, c# \nand connverted to be core VB6 code .\nmost code is commented in English .\nI love vb .... \nI love this site .....\nso this code for you and for this site\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005221125481363.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_WebCam_1855842212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mohammed Fayed","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59074,"Title":"Advanced Subclasser","Description":"This code uses Paul Caton's subclassing assembly code, but extends it to allow any number of objects to subclass the same hwnd. It is fast and memory effecient, and is easy to use. Included is a bare-bones example and an more thorough testing tool.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052211613409078.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_S1855972212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59082,"Title":"vbBase Dll","Description":"vbBase. So named because it is the foundation of all my best projects. It encapsulates all the details involved in subclasses, windows hooks, api timers, registered classes, vtable subclassing such as the iEnumVARIANT interface for for .. each enumeration and iOleInPlaceActiveObject, iPerPropertyBrowsing, and iOleControl for building powerful usercontrols.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052211759393486.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/vbBase_Dll1856112212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59087,"Title":"Penitentiary Horse Race","Description":"VERY SIMPLE GAME (BEGINNER LEVEL). This is the first game ive ever done. It's a game I learned while doing a 9 year sentence. You have a deck of cards (minus the aces - these are your 'horses') and you go through the deck flipping cards. Whatever suit you flip, that's which 'horse' you move. Whichever horse makes it past the finish line first wins. This game is usually bet on (JUST LIKE THE HORSE TRACK).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Penitentia1856552222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"B. McClain","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59091,"Title":"XPThumbnails","Description":"Xpress Thumbnails Viewer (plus Image Viewer / slideshow). Auto create thumbnails. Use PropertyBag to save and load ImageList and ListView data. Compute CRC picture files.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Only for VB6 with SP6 version.\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200522284835233.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XPThumbnai1856372222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Tmax","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59092,"Title":"Move last top menu to the right","Description":"Dock the most right top menu to the right of a form. Check the screenshot.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Find portions of the code on PSC. Freshen it up a bit and made it more generic.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005222854373792.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Move_last_1856382222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"AndreB","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59094,"Title":"three dimensional text","Description":"my code converts two dimensional text into three dimensional text.","Inputs":"two dimensional text.","Assumes":"no Explanation,no Assumptions,no Misc","CodeReturns":"three dimensional text.","SideEffects":"no side effects.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005222101338993.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/three_dime1856402222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"saeed sheikholeslami","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58239,"Title":"Image Database 2.0.0 (with thumbnails)","Description":"Collects and stores all your images into a single MDB database. You can view the images found the database as thumbnails, detailed list, or simple list. You can also export the images back out fo the database. Too many features to list. Just be sure the read the readme included. \nUsed only basic controls in the project. No need for any outside ocxs. Just load and run. This program does however require Windows XP or GDIPlus.dll (not included of course)(Google itif you need it.)\nThis is still a work in progress so take that for what it is... Enjoy and I hope someone learns something from it. Or least what not to do. LOL","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Requires Windows XP or GDIPlus.dll","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005111223505926.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Image_Data1839091112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"L. M. Trivette ","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58241,"Title":"National Weather Service U.S. Map Center (Final Version)","Description":"National Weather Service U.S. Map Center - Quick access to important NWS maps. If anyone learns of new maps that should be included in this application please post them !! Some of the current maps are experimental at the NWS. So be warned they may change over time. I have written this code so that it should be a snap for anyone to add more maps as they come available or are discovered. I have literally spent days upon days on this version of this application running down maps & down right busting my butt to create what you are about to download. The weather warnings & all other parts of this application are complete. So please take 10 seconds of your time to place your vote after testing the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005111225972483.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/National_W1839131112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Thomas Swift","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58261,"Title":"Balloon Tip example for MSFlexGrid cells - UPDATED","Description":"UPDATED 3-FEB-2005, added Highlighted cell under mouse cursor. This is an example of how to use Balloon Tool Tips with MSFlexGrid control to get \"Context sensitive help\" on each cell of the grid. This is only an EXAMPLE of what can be done and is not a complete application. Other controls have similar methods and properties, so you could make this work with list boxes and combo controls for example. In this example I used a simple multiplication table and show the equation as the Balloon Tip. Some of the code could be compacted a bit, but I did this as a request from a not so strong on English fellow, so I made the flow as \"clean\" reading as I could. Take it, change it, use it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200526212917705.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Balloon_Ti184935262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Mark Mokoski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58262,"Title":"Attack Tool Kit 4.0","Description":"The Attack Tool Kit (ATK) is an open-source security scanner and exploiting framework for Microsoft Windows.\nIn ATK 4.the most improvements and enhancements has been invested in the reporting engine. The generation of html, text and Nessus nsr reports is now possible. Furthermore more than 340 ATK plugins are available and the Nessus NASL plugin handling has been re-introduced.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005113459244380.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Attack_Too1839421132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Marc Ruef","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58265,"Title":"Wolf DataGrid 1.0.0","Description":"If you hate Microsoft DataGrid and you dont need, cant find or dont have $300 for other grid then \nyou are gonna love this ;).\nThis is an activex control made in vb to replace bug-plagued DataGrid that you got with vs6. It \nis pretty fast, supports many things that are left behind in MS DataGrid and it is open-source \n(though not for proper distribution for now). Have a look at screenshots if there are some (psc \nmight not allow me to upload them).\nThere are some examples included on how to use the grid. It does not matter what drivers are used \nsince this grid uses t-sql for reading/writing data. For now it does not support built-in \neditors, but that is to be added in next version. Just download the example and experiment a bit.\nIf you need any help on using the control post comment here and I will be glad to help.\nThis is first version, so please post any bugs you may find.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005113741324677.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Wolf_DataG1839491132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":124,"AuthorName":"TheAlas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58273,"Title":"A ListView Sorting","Description":"A ListView sort. This code is not mine. I made a small changes to work well with formated numbers. Sort - Numbers, Dates, Strings","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_ListView1839671142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Petko Petkov","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58274,"Title":"StockQuote.ocx }{ activeX control that (1) get stock prices (2) does stock symbol lookup","Description":"StockQuote.ocx }{ activeX control that (1) get stock prices (2) does stock symbol lookup","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005114415173905.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/StockQuote1839681142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"zoom2","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58689,"Title":"LDAP AUthentication","Description":"Authenticates user using LDAP/ADSI","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":39,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Taner Akbulut","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58691,"Title":"simple listbox tip/trick=> you know how control the resized height of listbox can be a pain??","Description":"you know how it can be difficult to resize the height of the listbox because it only allows you to reset its height + or - a full font height and not in incerments inbetween ? Well this little tip I found out purely by accident.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58694,"Title":"Phader Example by Chad","Description":"This is a full Text Fader Example allowing you to fade text by three (3) colors. It uses nine (9) scrollbars (3 for each color to fade by) allowing you to set the color of each of three (3) Color Labels. It has a great Fade Preview so you can see what the Faded Text looks like as you type it. It also has Bold, Italic, Underline and Strike Through options that can be changed real time (the Faded Text Preview updates as you change the options). There is also a very cool option that Dynamically updates the Faded Text Preview as you change or scroll any of the color scrollbars. If enabled, it allows you to change the colors dynamically and see what the Faded Text looks like instantly. It does, however, require a fairly fast PC with at least 256MBs of RAM. It doesn't slow down your PC or eat up memory, slower PCs just don't scroll the scrollbars smoothly and the RGB values jump in large increments instead of smoothly by 1 if the Dynamic Option is enabled. This is a perfect start for an AOL Chat Fader or any other type of Chat Fader.","Inputs":"You simply scroll the color scrollbars to set each of three (3) Color Labels. As you scroll each srollbar, the RGB value is shown beside each one. Once you have all three (3) Color Labels set to the color you want, you start typing the text to fade and it automatically fades and shows up in a Preview box exactly how it will appear when it is faded.","Assumes":"There really isn't anything to know. I did not comment the code because it is so easy to understand, anyone can understand and use it. This example is the perfect start for a very nice AOL Chat Fader (or any other Chat Fader) and can be easily changed to fade by more or less colors.","CodeReturns":"Each scrollbar returs it's RGB value in a label beside them and as you type, the Faded Text is Previewed in a Rich Text Box. If you expand the form downwards, you will see a text box that has all the color HTML used to create the Faded Text Preview. This can be copied into a webpage for Faded Text in a website.","SideEffects":"No side effects at all unless the Dynamic option is checked. With it checked, it really isn't a side effect, it just makes the scrollbars and RGB values jump in large increments instead of scrolling smoothly by 1. PCs with 1Ghz+ Processors and 256MBs+ of RAM should not experience any side effects at all.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200524183721976.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Phader_Exa184832242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Chad Roe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58697,"Title":"Winsock Reconnection Idea","Description":"I want to promote the idea of giving your client-side apps a reconnection feature. This is convenient if you need your clients to automatically reconnect to the server. Good for server-client cafe management and networked desktop locking. I do believe that there are other ideas and ways to do this and if you DO have a better idea, I'll appreciate it if you could share it with me since I need this feature for a school project. I have included a simple server-client chat to demonstrate this feature. To test, compile both server and clients into exe format then just run any number of clients either with the server running or not. Then just close the server and then run it again to see your clients reconnecting. That's it. Hope this helps and if you feel like it please do vote. Cheerio!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_Re184846252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Francis Arnold G. Balatico","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58765,"Title":"Error Handling Utility","Description":"(Update 2/17/05) You should include error handling in every procedure of your application regardless of its size or purpose. Usually, during an applicationΓÇÖs design phase, we naturally include ΓÇ£ON ERROR RESUME NEXTΓÇ¥ to handle expected errors while we are writing the code. The problem occurs when the initial design is complete; we donΓÇÖt always go back and add error trapping for those unexpected errors. This is usually because it takes to much time or we meant to but just miss some when we did. This utility will add error trapping and logging to all the procedures in your code that you didnΓÇÖt. View the read_me document for more information. I am not interested in trying to winning the monthly contest so please DONΓÇÖT vote; save your votes for those who are.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200527146448937.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Error_Hand1853952172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58770,"Title":"VB binary file embedded graphics extractor(update)","Description":"\nThe VB binary files (frx, ctx, dox, drx & pax) are where VB stores the image data for graphics you load into the objects from the IDE Properties window (or a Property page). If you forget to include it in an upload then people get log files complaining about missing graphics. It doesn't matter if you supply the original graphic files, VB doesn't know what they are. When you include the VB binary files in a zip there is no need to supply the graphics saving bandwidth and disk space. \n----------------------------------------------------\nHowever end-users have a problem; they are stuck with your graphics. With this program you can extract graphics (bmp, gif, ico, jpg, wmf (some loadable image classes extract as a different (legitimate) type; cur as ico, dib as bmp, jpeg & Tiff as jpg) from the binary files. The image may need editing or you might just want it to use in your own purposes (Ask first;)). Perhaps you want to reuse an image you included in your own code but can't remember where you stored the original? Another use is to extract large Bitmap graphics, convert them to Jpg (or other small files types) in almost any modern (that rules out MSPaint then;)) paint program and reloading them into the project. This will shrink the code considerably and often improve performance as the memory impact is lowered (there is some debate about this; VB has to do more work to display non-BMP images but the data is much smaller so may process more quickly). To assist with this the program names the files it produces with the format 'Form_Control_Property' making reloading them much easier. This code can also extract from ImageLists. \nNOTE ToolBar's images are stored in an ImageList so the filename will be for the Imagelist not the toolbar.\n \n----------------------------------------------------\nThis is a major modification of Tony's 'Extract images from a VB project files' at <txtCodeId=5539>. A great program I've used for ages.\nThanks also to 'Light Templer' whose 'JES - JPEG EXPLOIT SCANNER' at <txtCodeId=56236> while not directly used allowed me to understand and include a simple test for that threat. If the program can't find a valid file extention for the graphic it assumes that it is the exploit and warns of the risk (you can still save the file if you want but have to work past a couple of MsgBoxes). This may not be an accurate test, if you find an image type that VB allows you to load but this program doesn't extract let me know.\nAlso inlcudes a modified version of my ClsScrollPicture.cls to display selected images.\n----------------------------------------------------\nBug reports/suggestions very welcome. \nThis project is an experiment prior to incorparating the functionality into Code Fixer. \nI hope I have included all the Image holding Properties and all the usable Image types but let me know if I missed any.\n----------------------------------------------------\nBTW does anyone know of code that can extract List/ComboBox data and large Label/TextBox data from binary files? I'll probably work it out but would be happy to 'borrow' ;)\n----------------------------------------------------\nWhat's New? Resized to fit on a 800X600 screen, improved image scroller.\n----------------------------------------------------","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005272046468896.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_binary_184984272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58773,"Title":"LittleButton.ocx allows you to instantly create a button array (up to 20 elements) AND...........","Description":"LittleButton.ocx is a one of a kind button that is actually many buttons in one. Instantly creates and array of buttons(up to 20 elements). The buttons can be arranged vertically or horizontally (menu style) Just about every visual aspect of the control is totally customizable from the caption style(flat, embossed, shadow, raised) to the mouse over hilite color, and more than 2 dozen additional properties. One look at the screensh0t will convince you of just how much time and work was put into this.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005272219222587.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LittleButt184987272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58776,"Title":"A Dream!","Description":"Concat 2 Arrays (My Dream) - a simple function.... the point is that i wrote it in my dream! yes i did!!! and no i'm not stoned :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":8,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58778,"Title":"Reposition/Resize Textboxs","Description":"I needed a method to resize or reposition a row of textboxes when form size changes. I knew it was possible but was unable to determine the math equations to make it work. I couldn't find an example anywhere so went to rent-a-coder out of desperation. A coder who's name I've since lost sent me this example free of charge. It's pretty well documented and I hope you find it useful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Reposition184998282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Mr Grump","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58794,"Title":"RedHat Window","Description":"I wrote this to use along with my RedHat shell. It isnt quite done yet. Ive basicly subclassed everything with OnMouseOver and OnMouseLeave abilities. The form will resize without a Timer, API only. Doesnt seem to respond well with slower machine when resizing. Tell me what you think. This program has no purpose, just basicly EyeCandy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005282143241745.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RedHat_Win185020282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58796,"Title":"Animation using BackBuffers and Device Contexts","Description":"loads graphics into memory and draws them to a BackBuffer, then to the primary Buffer.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"this code will show you how to animate without that sh*tty flickering. Assume you know how to use GetTickCount and BitBlt.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200528221825538.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animation_185024282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"funktionvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58801,"Title":"Clock (screenshot)","Description":"A clock usercontrol. It doesnt get any easier (for you) than this. After downloading now, read the breif readme.txt for correct usage","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200529429491709.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Clock__(sc185035292005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51052,"Title":"BartNet Startup Manager","Description":"This program runs in the background and tells the user when a new program has added itself to the registry to startup with Windows. The purpose of this program is to make sure that no programs startup with Windows that the user doesn't know about. You could just use Regedit to see which programs they are but not a lot of people feel comfortable about using it, don't know where to look or don't even know it exists. This programs works fine on my pc but if you find any errors than please let me know a.s.a.p. (error@bartnet.be).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041161534368885.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BartNet_St1695481172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"BelgiumBoy_007","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51060,"Title":"docCER 1.0> Generate Word documents importing data from any database with templates [UPDATE]","Description":"This utility enables you to import data from any Access, MS SQL Sevrer or ODBC complaint data source and generate unlimited Word documents using templates. YOu can create templates of your own & filter the you want. You can save the whole action as profiles for doing the same action over & over by a few mouse clicks. Sample database & usage is included. You need to have \nMS Word installed on the system. You also may need to have MDAC 2.8 that can be found at \nhttp://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=6c05\n0fe3-c795-4b7d-b037-185d0506396c&DisplayLang=en, don't install it unless you face trouble. The only 3rd party ActiveX can be found at HTTP://www.GeoCities.Com/WOWFormer/ \n(note that the ActiveX is not the objective here!). I am grateful to Gongchuki for his Chameleon button. This will also show the beginners how to use ADO for any kind of \ndatabase in a modular way, creat & use UserControls, clean & structured programming. You may visit \nHTTP://www.BDSource.Com/docCER/ for the ownloads.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041173134592.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/docCER_1_01695491172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Broken Arrow","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51068,"Title":"Scrolling Sys Tray OCX","Description":"This is a systray control with scrolling text on the tray.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is a systray control with scrolling text on the tray.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041171247121820.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Scrolling_1695661172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Priyan R","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51077,"Title":"IMAP Email Checker","Description":"There are several program that will let you check your emails & delete unwanted ones, but all of the ones I have seen here are POP examples. Using POP, you have to download the emails before you can delete them. Sometimes that can be real time consuming.\nAfter searching for an example of how to check email using IMAP, and not finding any - I wrote this little program. Using IMAP, you can view the email headers (From, Subject etc...) and delete the unwanted emails without having to download them first. \nThe program uses AutoDelete, Exclusion list, Keyword checking. Your email server has to allow IMAP to be able to use this program. Includes lots of useful functions you can use in your own code. Thanks to Randy Beach (http://vbnet.mvps.org/) for the modWindows file.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004118193387418.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IMAP_Email1696841192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Magoo2","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51083,"Title":"Number Puzzle with no variable","Description":"It is a small number puzzle game tells if the user has winned or not. But the punch is that there is no variables used in the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"NO variables declared","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"NO variables declared","ApiDeclarations":"NO variables declared","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Number_Puz1696141182004.1 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Feroz khan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50634,"Title":"Base64 Encode and Decode","Description":"Encode and Decode base64 strings to/from regular text strings","Inputs":"regular text or base64 text","Assumes":"You need know that you want base64 text coded or decoded","CodeReturns":"regular text or base64 text","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"none, it's all string manipulation","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003122821013568.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Base64_Enc16873212282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Ron Pitts","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50640,"Title":"Translucent Form with 100 percent visible controls","Description":"With this, you can maintain a translucent form background with 100 percent visible controls! This is the Win2k/XP translucency, so it live updates! I came up with the idea for this while I was playing a game on my ps2, and I saw a translucent thing on the screen. And I started thinking about this, and I made it! Please leave feedback!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312282143438801.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Translucen16874712282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50647,"Title":"Component Cleaner","Description":"This app clean the registry entries the activex files (dll,ocx,exe activex). You must configure the path where lives the activex files and go to clean the registry.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031229848133215.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Component_16876212292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Leo Nunez","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50656,"Title":"Font Rotator Module","Description":"With this code you can create a rotated text.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Font_Rotat16877812292003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Lyox Soft","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50661,"Title":"NTMessager Network Message Utility","Description":"Must see. NTMessager is easy message sending system. This program working all 32Bit Microsoft Windows Sysytem and using NETBIOS. Very easy and power. MultiUSER message sending,SPY message traffic possibility,Easy effective tool...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003123073921969.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NTMessager16879612302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"B.Cem HANER","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50662,"Title":"Mini Tetris","Description":"Complete Tetris clone (Type A and Type B), with good game play, high scores, reconfigurable control keys, sound, music. Better game play than most other clones I have seen.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031230916188382.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mini_Tetri16879712302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Code Toad","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50663,"Title":"Stealth Exchange SFX","Description":"Stealth Exchange SFX modules are 16548 bit strong enhanced cryptographic modules like Winzip SFX, but with Built-In Public Private Key encryption!\nThis is the result of 5 months worth of research into MS CRYPTO API - the first USEABLE real-world example complete with !>1024 Bit Key sizes problem solved!\n","Inputs":"MS CRYPTO API, Windows 2000.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Stealth_Ex16879912302003.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"dvchaos","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50669,"Title":"HowTo Use 32Bit Icons in ToolBar","Description":"This example shows you, how to use 32Bit Icons in a ToolBar. I also added the nice Windows XP Icons and Windows XP Style. If you remove the top of the code, you also must remove the 'XPManifest.res', else the App won't work. So, if you have any questions, please mail me at Zpage@gmx.net. I hope you enjoy my work, and please feel free to leave comments and to vote...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200312301725491059.12 ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HowTo_Use_16881212302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Zpage","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50674,"Title":"ASP Style String Splitter(Parser)","Description":"You know ASP and HTML String container. For example www.planet-source-code.com?X=1;R=10. How can I X content from this string ? What's X ? This program is this! Thanx for your vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"ASPParser Function included this application. Very easy!!","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031230190129128.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ASP_Style_16881912302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"B.Cem HANER","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":57977,"Title":"Mouse KeyGen","Description":"UPDATE: Changed save path and included hotkeys to start/stop generator so that random data can be produced without the fact that the mouse was around the command button. Somebody gave me a comment about creating a key generator based on\nmouse movement and I had already heard about this previously and decided to\nmake my own version of it. Well here you have it. You can modify this key-gen\nto be more random if you'd like, it is just a simple example. You can choose options between the generator to generate uppercase/lowercase alpha and numeric characters. I'm too lazy to\nmake more settings modifiable such as interval for recording, choosing save\nlocation, whatever else.. But anyhow, please VOTE FOR ME!\nExtra Notes: AT PSC search for \"DNS Browser\" for a 100+ source code web browser\nI spent over 2 1/2 months working on it so go check it out and give me feedback","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Included in project.","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041229213524058.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_KeyG18348112312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Daniel M","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57979,"Title":"DHTML Editor","Description":"DHTML Edit Control is an ActiveX control provided by Microsoft, they provide with it a sample app, this code is built on that app but much enhanced, to get the DHTML control goto:\nhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/archive/default.asp?url=/archive/en-us/dnaredcom/html/cncpt.asp\nalso the project refrences WinMain's CodeMax control, if u don't have it, remove the refernce and replace it with a richtext box.....or whatever :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412292122522211.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DHTML_Edit18343612292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57992,"Title":"RTF2MDB","Description":"This sample code is an example of how to put text and graphics into a richtext box on a form and then save that information into a database. The example uses MS Access, but should work with SQL Server as well. I needed this for a specific purpose and when I could not find any examples, I created my own solution. Use this however you like there are no copyrights on the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RTF2MDB18345212302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"KAB WEBs","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57994,"Title":"Activity Logger Client-Server","Description":"This is a fully functional daily activity storing Client-Server application, which uses MSSQL Server 2000 as the back-end.\nWe, the developers of VeriPark (One of the leading software companies in Turkey) use this application as our activity logger. Many more features will be added in time.\nPlease report any bugs/comments, so they will be emailed to me.. (The only developer of the application)\nTested up to 40 simultaneous client connections, with no problem at all..\nUses the client's NT Domain name as the only authentication method, when creating users on the server application, please give them their NT Name as the user name\nThe Database will be created when first running the server application, the script is in db.sql, you may run it for yourself if you want. If the database exists, no SQL statements will be run on the server.\nclient.cfg is for clients and tells the client application which server to connect, and by which port\nClients can get their daily reports by clicking the up arrow, and can get their current activity by clicking the question mark, Other button's functionality is obvious : )\nThe communication is secured by a custom encryption algorithm : )\nEasy to use, enjoy, and please give me some marks or at least a feedback : )\nThanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412301344495615.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Activity_L18345412302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"O├░uz ├ûzg├╝l","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57995,"Title":"Simple Fireworks Effect","Description":"Simple fireworks effect, fullscreen. Simple","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Fir18345512302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"O├░uz ├ûzg├╝l","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57997,"Title":"IsIP Function","Description":"Checks if string is a valid IP or not. I saw this submitted earlier and made my own better version of it. =) \nOK there is now an updated version with fixes so go check it out here:\nhttp://planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=57999&lngWId=1&txtForceRefresh=123020041845765523","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":22,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Daniel M","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57999,"Title":"IsIP Function v2","Description":"Updated version of IsIP function. Should clear up all the problems in the last one. Here ya go, =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":41,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Daniel M","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58004,"Title":"XP ArrowButton","Description":"This is a simple arrow button control with an XP style. It gots 3 different look. It also generates 4 events: Click, MouseDown, MouseIn and MouseOut.\nI don't want vote, I just wanna share in case it can be usefull to somebody. Any comments are welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib \"user32\" (lpPoint As POINT_API) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ScreenToClient Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpPoint As POINT_API) As Long\n","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041231122303025.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_ArrowBu18347112312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Le King Des Kings","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58005,"Title":"A Client/Server example/tutorial","Description":"This is an example of a VERY simple Client/Server using winsock. For this and more tutorials and example code visit my site http://affordablefreedom.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Client_S18347212312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Hackwood","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58007,"Title":"Marketing Database","Description":"This is an another application related to marketing database. but it is different from my previous one. This application is very usefull foe the heavy industries. Where marketing database is very wide. Security wall is very tight in this project. when u login as admin u can access all the application & u see all the menus but when u login as client u see something different menus. its really amazing. & works fine in a company.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041231557429495.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Marketing_18347712312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Anuj sharrma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58012,"Title":"MsgBoxEx Dll","Description":"This is the standard windows message box modified with hooks - no additional forms or controls. The way this is compiled, when you reference it in a project it becomes part of the Global Namespace of the project, this means you do not need to make any special declares to start. You just enter it as you would any VB function. It is 100% backward compatible with the VB MsgBox function. You can change all existing MsgBox statements to MsgBoxEx statements with no further coding unless you want to make use of additional parameters. This dll gives the added advantage of setting the font for the message box once and then forgetting about it or you can set the font each time you display a message. Have optimized some of the routines and added ability to perform Translucency.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412311429103498.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MsgBoxEx_D183613132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"james kahl","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58016,"Title":"a revolving logo made by silver fox","Description":"a really great revloving logo made in visual basic it inclued the basic of drawing on a form","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_revolvin18349512312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"silver_fox_vb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58017,"Title":"a really great way to detrmine if the mouse is inside or out side a specfic object","Description":"to know if a mouse is inside a specfic object","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_really_g18349612312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"silver_fox_vb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58026,"Title":"EXE Protector v1.2-->7 Hardware Fingerprints, Memory Encryption, Public Key Encryption and More","Description":"This is the major update of my AWARD WINNING code(now supports all major EXE's-VB, Delphi, VC++,FLASH etc.) this submission has a number of new features, and has almost everything you find in commercial software protectors. Convert your Exe Files into trial versions within few minutes, everything has been taken care of and exe's protected with this open source version is almost uncrakable. There are number of Anti Dumping and Anti Debug measures implemented in the loader like MEMORY ENCRYPTION, MEMORY STRIP, Debugger detection systems and more. If you implement these protection then it becomes very difficult for the cracker to to dump your software from the memory. And there is VARIABLE KEYS- it means that no one can make registry erasing cracks any more, Exe Protector stores data in different locations on each computer. Registration key system is also technically advanced because of MONITORING THREAD running in background so its impossible to load any cracking tools while exe protector is running and registration now supports 15 different hardwarefingerprints like SMART (the most unique number a computer has), BIOS, VOLUME, GEOMETRY, CPU INFO, MEMORY. With four cool trial systems TRIAL BY DAYS, TRIAL BY DATE, TRIAL BY COUNT,TRIAL BY VERSION which you can implement in your protected software. With Language editor you can put your own custom texts in the loader. Loader uses Advanced Tamper detection systems and loader immediately blocks the access to your software if any information is manually modiifed, but still a user can unblock it with UNBLOCK KEY.The loader is extremely fast, it is tested under different conditions and it works pretty well.There are many customisable options like you can choose to give FREE UPDATES for minor versions of your software, reset trial on new versions, add BUY NOW URL's, increase trial count by request, password access to reigstration menu and more. And thats not all Exe Protector now supports SDK from which you can add programatic functions to your software like GetRegstrationName, InstallKey, InitiateCreep. There is a feature in SDK called \"Creep\" i call it creep because it silently keep cracker away from your software. The \"Creeps\" should be spread all around your software like in the functions where some serious programming is done, now exe protector will secure all the places where \"creep\" is implemented. Thanks to Public Key Encryption Module- now your software is uncrackable even in this open source version. The author can store a lot of information in the registration key like Datecreated, Creator, Purchase date, Customer's info, test registration keys with VIRTUAL KEY TESTER which supports hardwarefingerprints, generate keys that can be used only withing certain time. Easily save projects, generate XML based reports and what else do you want?. You are getting a techincally advanced software protection system which is also secure in this open source version so please put some effort and VOTE FOR THIS CODE.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051142050523.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/EXE_Protec183517112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":73,"UserRatingTotal":348,"AuthorName":"Sriharish.H","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55341,"Title":"Load Dialog from Resource","Description":"This code load's a dialog from a resouce file, it can also manipulate the controls on the dialog and recieve messages from it using subclassing. There is included one resource file containing a dialog with various controls, also one commoncontrol (slider) and some non-standard buttons.\nJust made this for fun and a little experimenting with resource files, hope you like it.\nBTW, you need Visual C++ if you want to add dialog's youself or change them. This because VB is only capable to see and compile the dialog resources, not to edit them.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200484119164126.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Load_Dialo177752842004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Peter Hebels","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55343,"Title":"a Resizable Hole in a Topmost Form","Description":"Wow! There's a hole in my form!! And it's resizable %D\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"SetLayeredWindowAttributes, GetWindowLong, SetWindowLong, RedrawWindow, GetWindowRect,SetWindowPos","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048423711463.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_Resizabl177831852004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Robert Kaltenbach","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55345,"Title":"RDY2USE: clsJPEGasm VB class to READ/MODIFY/WRITE a JPEG structure","Description":"A selfcontained class based on my class clsJPEGparser to ***READ in a JPEG file ***Parse the underlying structure (segments) ***Get a list with start and size of segments ***Isolate the comments ***Add/modify/remove comments ***Remove some segments on demand (Exif, Adobe (TM) PhotoShop header, all application specific headers, all comments) ***Get important informations (like the TRUE size (width/height) of the image even when there is a Adobe PhotoShop (TM) preview included ..., parseable without errors and so on) ***WRITE out a new JPEG file _____ THIS IS NOT AN IMAGE MANIPULATION CLASS OR SOMETHING TO SHOW THE PICTURE - WE HANDLE THE UNDERLYING (COMPLEX) STRUCTURE OF JPEGS ____ A sample is included --- RDY2USE ___Comments are welcome, votes are motivating ;) __________ LiTe","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200484826337544.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RDY2USE___177766842004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55352,"Title":"A GDI+ Program Dock (Update #2)","Description":"Now you can draw text with each icon and set the the position (top, right, etc.) via gdiPosition variable and I fixed the App.Path thing, the memory leak was allready fixed last time ... Here is the transparent version of my DirectX Program Dock, but this time based on GDI+. Big thanks to Apeiron for his Per Pixel Transparency code which made this version possible. Again you need to create a folder called (ΓÇ£iconsΓÇ¥) in App.Path and put some PNG-Files in it. For the screenshot I used a PNG set from http://www.rokey.net/ but you can add any 128x128 PNG files you want.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004841725544103.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_GDI+_Pro177892862004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Peacemaker2000","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55359,"Title":"Extracto","Description":"Extracto is an Icon Extraction Tool. Open an Icon from any Program and save in a variety of formats! Quick and easy. Please vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200484229357701.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Extracto177792842004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Frequency","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55361,"Title":"A Fully Working Code Library Version","Description":"A working code library that users can keep & organize a code collection within. Tuns of features !!! This version has a completly revamped data file format that is not compatible with my original version of this program. I found out that the original formating was bugy. This format has been tested with over a meg of data. The program has room for more improvement. The declairs also need work. Enjoy !!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200484237312148.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Fully_Wo177795842004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Thomas Swift","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55371,"Title":"SQL DataBase Backup Using SQLDMO Onject","Description":"Using this code You can easily backup your sql database. There were some code here that used ADO for the backup purpose, here in my code i have used the SQLDMO object for all the sql transactions.\nFew code are taken from here and are upgraded with comments.\nHope you all would like the work","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048584252832.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SQL_DataBa177809852004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rohit Sharma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55376,"Title":"Editor (C++ VB Java and more) Real Time Syntax Color","Description":"editor real time color it load file for coloring C++ VB etc.. up to file fast code color cool try and you see. please vote for my code","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004851030116809.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Editor_(C+177815852004.) ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Visal .In","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59207,"Title":"Error Handler -RW","Description":"This class sets a generic rule for your program to follow in the event of errors. The class is setup to handle all basic trapable errors. The layout of the messagebox i found on here, but i do not remember the authors name.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200522810226374.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Error_Hand1858742282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ryan Wiltshire","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59217,"Title":"File Associations and the Command Line","Description":"This tutorial will help you create a custom file extension that opens directly in your program when you open the file. Read on...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Triumph","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59221,"Title":"Multi_skinner","Description":"PLease WHo ever voted 4 me please vote again i was just editing the name and it was deleted so iam very soory and as befeore this a multi skinning engine that supports all the skins of vbkinner pro i have placed about 80 skins with it and iam developing it to support more skins like winamp and windows blinds so please vote and comment and report any bugs and ideas","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200531221486166.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Multi_skin185911312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":41,"UserRatingTotal":186,"AuthorName":"silver_fox_vb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59222,"Title":"Form Gradient UserControl","Description":"A useful UserControl that will speed up your development time and give you a great looking GUI. Simply drop the control on your form and thats it, all done. At run time your form will be rendered with a stylish gradient background.\nWhy should you bother with it when there are plenty of other gradient submissions out there? Because it will reduce your development time and keep your project organised and simple. It is easily transfered between projects. It doesnt repaint your whole form on each WM_PAINT message so generates no lag when other windows move in front of your app. It is clean, fast, and easy to understand. It produces little to no resize lag and can easily be added to any project.\nSome submissions are fun, some are educational, this one is FUNCTIONAL. 99% of projects could benifit from this sumbission.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200531533297216.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Form_Gradi185914312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"GDuncan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59224,"Title":"Green Screen","Description":"Create green screen effects like they do in the movies. Select the screen color and the broadness of the color. Modify it to fit your needs. Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200531736349392.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Green_Scre185917312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"keith_escalade","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59226,"Title":"FYI: Window Border Styles","Description":"While back I posted something like: 2 new borders for your picture boxes. Well how about 13 more? Trying to get a handle on the pixel measurement of borders, I was sometimes off by a pixel & couldn't figure out why. You know 1+3 should = 4, but interesting 'nuf thickframe(3)+staticedge(1)=2 and not 4. Anyway, if you wanted to know...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005311133154679.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FYI__Windo185940312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59229,"Title":"ntFlexGrid - GRADIENT/PICTURE BACKGROUND! Drag/drop, formatting - TOO MUCH TO LIST!","Description":"This code is a custom control I wrote for use in our companies products. It has tons of implemented ideas in it - way, way too much to list. So a full HTML help file is also included.\nThe grid will bind directly to an ADO recordset, or will make an internal copy of the recordset if you wish.\nI would like to thank everybody that posts on this site. Some of the examples have been invaluable over the years, so I like to return the favors.","Inputs":"Please vote again, I submitted it on the last day of february originally, so it had no chance.","Assumes":"I would like to thank everybody that posts on this site. Some of the examples have been invaluable over the years, so I like to return the favors.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Uses ADO and MSHFlexGrid. Explore the help file before using the grid.\nI included the MSHFlexgrid control in the Zip File for those that might not have it already.","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053241747493567.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ntFlexGrid1868743272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":55,"UserRatingTotal":269,"AuthorName":"Darryn Frost","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59230,"Title":"Easy Outlook E-Mail w/Attachment","Description":"To send an e-mail with outlook with an attachment. Very easy to understand instructions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":37,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Dino Roger","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59231,"Title":"Use Win XP Icons in VB Apps","Description":"I needed to use windows xp (32-bit alpha icons) icons in my vb app, but vb does not supports them. one day I found a example on vbaccelerator, the vbaccelerator example was fully working but I found one problem with it. the example shown at vbaccelerator needed we should make a Resource Script, in other words the resource file should be manually made. this article shows how you can use xp style icon for the follwing conditions: 1. without using resource at all or without breaking you existing resource file. Plese Vote If You Found this Usefull.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200531165381015.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Use_Win_XP185945312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":52,"AuthorName":"Abhishek.NET","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59233,"Title":"CozIcon - True Color Icon Editor","Description":"Supports 16x16 and 32x32 Full Transparency True Color Icons. Has most of the basic image editor type settings: pen, fill, eclipse, rect, text, selections, etc.\nBut also includes gradient rectangles and gradient eclipses. Also has mild support for custom brushes and my own type of plugins.\nDrag and Drop is supported as well is bmp, gif or jpeg to icon conversion. Can also load language packs for our non-english reading friends.\nIncluded is the Main Project, some sample Plugins Projects, some custom brush files, a read me file about custom brushes and a read me concerning the language packs(with two example packs: one for english and the other for spanish).\nSome subsets of the Main Project include dynamically loading custom language packs, winconnect(a custom activex for communication through different windows) and hard coding icons (not using savepicture via Visual Basic).\n**Fixed**","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200531184574595.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CozIcon_-_185949312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"DoWnLoHo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59236,"Title":"SpecialWorm","Description":"this game is very different from other games of this type\nIn this game you control a worm to eat every thing \nthis worm eats apples,people and cars\npeople try to get away when this worm gets near them","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SpecialWor185951312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"hadiabedini","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59251,"Title":"PARTICLE System / GRAVITY Simulator - Updated!","Description":"This is a trigonometry / physics based particle system which can also simulate friction, bouncing and gravity wells. Several cool effects are possible by this. \nPLEASE DOWNLOAD IT! The screenshot can't really do it justice. It looks cool. You will also be pleasantly surprised by how short and well-commented the code is.\n \nUPDATE: One new example added (Black Hole), improved existing examples, improved colors for visibility. This code is easily capable of handling 3000+ particles and the effects of various gravity sources on them. COMPILE FOR BEST PERFORMANCE.\n \nPlease vote if you like it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"SetPixel","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200533624178448.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PARTICLE_S186029332005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"Philipp E. Weidmann","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59261,"Title":"Win XP Style Menu","Description":"Pretty much this is an Win XP style menu that Fades in and out alos includes the Drop Shadow Effect. It still could have alot more work done on it. I made this because the \"Plane\" style menus just wasnt cutting it, and I would like my menu to semi match the rest of my programs. Hope this helps. Please vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Smiles, Maybe money Haha","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005321825434759.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Win_XP_Sty186003322005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"David Carrigan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52281,"Title":"Startup Methods With Interface","Description":"many startup methods some work wome don't, but I included an interface.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004310429409351.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Startup_Me1718503102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Scurry Underground","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52285,"Title":"Soap Client to use Webservice","Description":"Soap Client in VB6.0 to utilize the webservice","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Soap_Clien1718623102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"TechnoJuice","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52287,"Title":"text rotation effects","Description":"This prog takes a string and prints it to a picture with many effects. You can make a text on a circle or you can print text in any orientation . Just pure vb but not commented because is very simple if there is anything you can not understand please post it","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I have seen this effects in a cd labeling programme i have and i wondered how this can be done here is the result\nMy very first code posted here any comments accepted","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043101429486097.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/text_rotat1718663102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"koze","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52288,"Title":"Display Matrix (Professional Look Like) OCX","Description":"This OCX simulates the screen of a dot Display. It's full customizable and very very easy to use. This is ideal for instrumentation applications. I have seen similar OCX like this for more than 60$ O_o. As you can see this is very accurate. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200431015836630.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Display_Ma1718673102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"John Ripper","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52303,"Title":"I~*Ctrl+Alt+Delete Disable!*~*I (Works With All Windows)","Description":"Disable Windows Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Works With All Windows ;o)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004311255443067.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/I~_Ctrl+Al1718953112004.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"-W|tch-Doct0r-","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52309,"Title":"iPod","Description":"A functional but incomplete iPod clone. Seeing as I don't own an iPod, I would like/require help from those who do. Updated interface. And remote. Added media Databasing and the block game, and now the parachute game. Fixed the bugs where the title bar wouldnt refresh, and the brick game started prematurely. Fixed a bug where now playing wouldnt claim the menu mode, and added keyboard controls","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200431301815637.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/iPod1721823192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52316,"Title":"IP+DHCP Management","Description":"Gets all IP iformation, add delete ip forward routes, Release and renew DHCP IP address on an adapter, Kill currently connected sockets.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043111758471155.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IP+DHCP_Ma1719123112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":70,"AuthorName":"Brian Yule","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52317,"Title":"Stick Warz 3000 alpha release (yes! its back)","Description":"Hey everyone, havent done anything in vb lately, so i have decided to make a new stickwarz game. This one will be better, obviously. The game is not quite done yet, it still needs alot of work, the players dont even die yet, but thats why its only an alpha release. So far all you can do it jump around, kick, punch, and... you guessed it! fling poo. Dont be scared though, the game will have alot more characters to play around with in the future, and the \"classic\" character is unlocked in the game but it has no special weapon yet, cannot think of one. You cannot select levels yet either. Well, anyways, enjoy the game and please comment, i need ideas. and yes... for all those wondering... that is a house... covered in poo","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004311194279678.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Stick_Warz1719133112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"poop_4_brains","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52318,"Title":"Icon Convertor and Extractor","Description":"This code is 2 Programmes. one of them Convert picture formats (bmp,jpg...etc) into icon format & the other Extract icons frome (exe,dll..etc)..enjoy it","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Icon_Conve1719143112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":87,"AuthorName":"Ahmed Mohamed El-Mougazi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52322,"Title":"Database Operation-Auto Generated Class","Description":"Database Operations Using Automatically Generated Class\n \n This is demo application that demonstrates powerful database functionality of database class automatically generated by CLASSter 2.0. Demo is for MS SQL Server, but CLASSter supports now MS Access, Sybase and Oracle server. Powerful features implemented by class - executing stored procedures, parameterized SQLs, multiple recordsets, batch execution, XML processing. The class code shows full implementation of these features","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004312311468156.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Database_O1719203122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Nishigandh Sudrik","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59552,"Title":"SizeGrip Control (Update)","Description":"Need to add a Sizing Grip to your form without the ComCtl32 overhead? Wish you could have a control which detects the OS version, applies the correct style (Windows Classic and XP Styles), and automatically adjusts itΓÇÖs location based on the parent forms resize event? Then this control is for youΓǪSimply drop the control anywhere on your form and it takes care of the restΓǪ.enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200532175105494.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SizeGrip_C1869833302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"TerriTop","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59965,"Title":"________________________________<_..::VB 6.5 (The User Friendly Version Not Released)","Description":"VB 6.5 (The User Friendly Version Not Released)\nSee Screenshot\nDownload the vb6ide.zip from www.sijo.8k.com\ncopy and paste it into your VB Path (with vb6.exe)\nKeep a back up of your existing VB6IDE.dll file\nDownload VB6.exe also,\nIt gives and amazing look to vbp, cls,frm,bas files\nby changing the icon\nDeveloped by SIJo Soft Developing team\nif you are from Kerala, SIJO Soft Malayalam Notepad is my another submission. see this also\nThe best Malayalam Writer, Malayalam Notepad and Best Malayalam Editer","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005412558544490.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"SIJO","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59966,"Title":"Generate Mask","Description":"This project with Class to generate a mask for bitmap and u can save the mask on disk\nu can do any color for mask :\nU can define any color to be transparent, NOT ONLY WHITE\nU can define any color to be on Bitmap Bixel \"Real Image\" ,NOT ONLY BLACK\nU can define any color too to be in the transparent pixel ,NOT ONLY WHITE\nso , u can use white and black or u can choose any color else u want\ni wish this be useful to u\npls vote for me","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This project with Class to generate a mask for bitmap and u can save the mask on disk\nu can do any color for mask :\nU can define any color to be transparent, NOT ONLY WHITE\nU can define any color to be on Bitmap Bixel \"Real Image\" ,NOT ONLY BLACK\nU can define any color too to be in the transparent pixel ,NOT ONLY WHITE\nso , u can use white and black or u can choose any color else u want\ni wish this be useful to u\npls vote for me","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005412610525733.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Generate__1876554142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"wael owida","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59972,"Title":"VBENet Easy-To-Use High Performance UDP Networking Library","Description":"VBENet is a VB wrapper for the open source ENet networking library. ENet is a simple, high-performance networking library that makes it easy to build fast, simple, reliable multiplayer software - it's great for multiplayer games, chats, and similar applications.","Inputs":"VBENet is very simple to use. You can create a server in as little as two lines of code, and connecting to a server is equally as easy. Everything is wrapped in clean, easy to use VB classes, so you don't have to touch any nasty C structs or make API calls. VBENet also includes a useful 'time synchronizer' class that can be used to automatically determine the amount of time it takes to transmit data between machines. You can use this class to synchronize two clocks, or to automatically adjust for latency in time-based code - very useful when developing time-sensitive applications like games!","Assumes":"Included in this ZIP is the source code to a DLL version of the ENet library that has been modified to work with Visual Basic, along with the source code to the VBENet ActiveX DLL, and a simple chat demonstration client/server.","CodeReturns":"VBENet exposes a simple set of 3 events to notify you of connections, disconnections, and recieved information. Each connection exposes a small set of useful properties with information like connection latency and address.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Includes mdlENet.bas with all necessary API declarations.\nIf you can't compile the necessary ENet library yourself, a pre-compiled version is available. See the included readme for information.","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005412113162618.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBENet_Eas1875894122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kevin Gadd","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59973,"Title":"Change Icon in compiled EXE","Description":"This will mod PE headers of compiled EXEs to change their icons.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005412151197840.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Change_Ico1875954122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Immortal Tako","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59974,"Title":"Dijkstra PathFinding in Arbitrary Graphs and Raster Images! (Update #1)","Description":"This is an efficient implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm using a Linked List and a Priority Queue (Binary Heap). Unlike most other path finding implementations found in PSC, this application maintains a topological structure to store and navigate through the graphs. Can import user defined graphs, tile maps and images.\nSeveral test instances are included, all wrapped up in a cool application! Useful for Vehicle Routing, Vector and Raster GIS Applications, AI Path Finding and more. Any comments / suggestions would be really appreciated!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'//Update #1 (2005/16/04)\n'\n'-Import your own BMP, JPG, GIF images!\n'-Fixed extreme memory utilization when pruning a graph.\n'-Fixed progress bar behaviour when benchmarking a random graph.\n'-Fixed .at loading glitches.\n'-Fixed error when .ga files had no coordinates.\n'-Fixed some file I/O errors.\n' Download size: 221 KB","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005415174699927.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dijkstra_P1882594302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Stavros Sirigos","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59697,"Title":"Retrieve CLSID of Registered Object","Description":"Most people will probably never need to know the clsid's of their components, but sometimes you do. Although manually searching the registry isn't that difficult, it can get to be irritating when your working on a dll and the clsid changes everytime you recompile it.\nThat's pretty much what this is for. You can just get the id easily everytime you need to.\nFor ease of use, an inf file is included that will install a menu item in the shell context menu. (Only visible for dll, ocx, exe.)\nTo install the inf you have to compile the exe first. It will copy the exe to the windows directory and be run from there. Meaning, if you install it and make changes to the code, you will have to copy the exe to the windows directory for changes to be effective. It is easily uninstalled from the add / remove software applet.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005329137519622.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Retrieve_C1869213292005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Michael W.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59698,"Title":"NWS Radar Monitor","Description":"Allows a user to monitor any of the NWS's 178 different US radar locations for the latest set of radar imagery for that location. Has 6 different style maps to choose from. Automatically updates images every 2 minutes. This is a work in progress. A lot of time & work has gone into the creation of this project, so if you like it please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053292221431.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NWS_Radar_1869223292005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Thomas Swift","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59704,"Title":"Tube Drawer","Description":"You must see Screen Shot fisrt. Very easy way to draw 3D tubes.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200532985941169.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tube_Drawe1869323292005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Ramzi Komati","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59718,"Title":"a tabbed form (the fast N cheesy way)","Description":"this is a fast and simple way to implement a sort of tabbed form effect","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005330119317750.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_tabbed_f1869523302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59719,"Title":"Easier Method than the SaveSetting GetSetting commands","Description":"Want an easier way to save and retrieve the value of a control to and from the registry?\nWhy use SaveSetting(app.EXEName, \"Settings\", \"Text1\", Text1.Text)?\nWhen you can use: \nRegSave(Text1, Text1)\nOfcourse you can still use SaveSetting(blah,blah,blah,blah) when you want your program to remember something specific.\nBut for popular controls, I think you will find RegSave and RegGet to be easier. It's easier to use the name of the control than using your own naming convention.\nLet me know if you find this method useful, if you do, please toss me a vote. If not, Ready Aim Fire with the comments. Thanks\nKeywords: Saving Registry GetSetting SaveSetting Load Value Retrieve Value INI Settings\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Can only save one property per control.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005330121487495.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Easier_Met187264462005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Phishbowla","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59725,"Title":"Nokia Snake","Description":"This is very cool Nokia Snake Game.. Please Vote Me","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Nokia_Snak1869633302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Umer KK","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59726,"Title":"[ A working Fill SYstem!!!! ]","Description":"A working fill system...\nIt fills everything you draw!!-!!-!!\nCode wrote by Tanner Helland","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005330634115389.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_A_workin1869653302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59727,"Title":"ut_VBClsBuilder V302","Description":"Aid a developer in creating a VB6 cls based on a table located in SQL Server","Inputs":"Table Name","Assumes":"zip contains additional files used by the Procedure and the resulting VB6 cls","CodeReturns":"Basic code for the VB6 Cls","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ut_VBClsBu1869723302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rob Waibel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59730,"Title":"Flat Shading 3D, Pure VB","Description":"A 3D demonstration for Flat Shading in pure VB\ncode (see sceen shot)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053301246175456.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flat_Shadi1869773302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"KACI Lounes","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59723,"Title":"Smart Storage with 2 compressions(zip/huffman) #update 4","Description":"Smart Storage with 2 compressions(zip/huffman)\nSmart Storage is something like a file packager, you can add any file(s) of any format to the storage file(AddUpdateItem function) and remove them(DeleteItem function), of course. It uses index(file) technique for a better performance, thus it has VaccumStorage() function. And this project is originally aimed to be the storage part of Carles P.V's Thumbnailer 1.0 (image thumbnailer-viewer with GDI+)(http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=59677&lngWId=1), thus it includes the PictureFromByteStream() function to directly return a picture object from a byte array! Beside that, there are: GetItemText() function for direct return of plain text content; GetItemPicture() function for direct return of picture object according to the index; SaveItemToFile() function to save the content to disk file according to the index.\nSome of the codes are not written by me, such as cHuffman, cCRC. They are from psc, now they are back for you guys:)\nThe zlib dll is generated at runtime of sample test since psc will remove all PE file. It is easy for you to remove the zlib dependancy, that's why I only enclosed it in the sample project.\nAnd I make all these functions into a class for handy usage. I also use Copymemory for a better performance. Please feel free to leave any comments, bugs or suggestions are welcome!\nUsage: \n1.Simply open the sample storage, then click listed files, content displayed, doubleclick to save.\n2.Select DB File->Create->Open->Select Item File, add it...\nSorry for lack of code comments, but I think that the method is really simple.\n#update 1: now with compression and better sample, fixed some bugs and improve error handling\n#update 2: added huffman compression, CRC, GetItemText()/GetItemPicture() functions, fixed bugs in VaccumStorage.\n#update 3: added support for byte array(such as DIBs)/text etc. And ItemData for extract info.\n#update 4: added FilterItems() function for quick searcing.\nplease visit a new version: http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=59797&lngWId=1\nwith updates:\n#update 5: added ReadItemContentChunk(), chunk by chunk to read a file, rather than read the whole file at once. added Version support. Improved OpenStorage result. Now with full DIBs support, from an image to store in storage, then from storage back to be an image!\n#update 6: fixed bug in ReadItemContentChunk() due to changed with serialized section chunk.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005331433315515.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Smart_Stor187103422005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"enmity","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55594,"Title":"[ Transparent Analog Clock ]","Description":"Nice Transparent Analog Clock.","Inputs":"No","Assumes":"No","CodeReturns":"No","SideEffects":"No","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041221558561913.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[___Transp1824271222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Michael Margold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55596,"Title":"A simple \"particle\" effect","Description":"This is a very simple particle effect.\nFirst off, let me say that I agree that it doesn't look all that neat. I would need to create a set of few particles sprites to display with BitBlt instead of declaring a colour palette and using it to draw pixels with SetPixel, but I'm not a good graphist (well, I am, as good as I am a programmer!) and I'm a bit lazy as well :)\nAnyway, few APIs, no controls, backbuffering, the usual stuff. The particle aims for the mouse cursor, but it should be very easy to modify, that is why comments are not as dense as I use to make them, it's very simple, really.\nOh, since this is very simple, you will notice the use of GetTickCount in a loop to release as much CPU as possible. On this PC, it takes virtually no CPU resources. Oh, and I included a background, you can use whatever pic, it was just to demonstrate that I'm genuinely using a backbuffer and not cheating by painting black pixels between loops :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048161329188203.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_simple__1782418162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Cricri","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55597,"Title":"An attempt at a smoke effect","Description":"Hello again people :) As you understand and see on the screenshot, this is an attempt at a smoke effect. I won't try to tell you that I spent hours on that since it's heavily based on my fire effect. Differences are the much simpler grayscale palette, the fact that smoke do not cool down (so pixel colour is not decreased), and that's about it :) Code fully commented again, which will highlight the few differences with the fire effect if you downloaded it. I have to say it looks ok, but it doesn't look all that great. The fact that pixels colour is computed based on neighbours works well with fire, but gives smoke a look a bit too smooth in my humble opinion. Anyway, I finished it (I mean, I'm not going to take it any further), so I make it available here. Enjoy if you can, gals and guys!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048161355357223.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/An_attempt1782428162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Cricri","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55598,"Title":"Word Programming Stuff for Beginners","Description":"Its cool stuff enables to beginners for initiating MSWORD Programming... with VisualBasic.. It is extracted from \"MSWord2000 VisualBasic Programming\", MicrosoftPress...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":7,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Word_Progr1782448162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Laxman Ch. iah","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55602,"Title":"Simple Hex Encode / Decode","Description":"Two functions: One to turn an ASCII string into a HEX string, and one to turn a HEX string into an ASCII string.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":24,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Snytax","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55605,"Title":"Get Windows, System, User and Temp Directories","Description":"Functions to get the Windows Directory, System Directory, Temp Directory, and User Directory.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function ExpandEnvironmentStrings Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"ExpandEnvironmentStringsA\" (ByVal lpSrc As String, ByVal lpDst As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetSystemDirectory Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetSystemDirectoryA\" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetWindowsDirectoryA\" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":32,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Snytax","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55606,"Title":"InBArr and InBArrRev - searching strings from a byte array","Description":"This code seeks from the end of a byte array trying to find a matching text. Why? Well, handling byte arrays is much faster than handling strings. So, if you needed to parse data real fast and a lot, it would be benefical to do it using a byte array instead of a string.\nMy starting point to this was rather simple: do the search faster than InStr and InStrRev. Beating the latter was easy: InStrRev isn't of the fastest build-in functions in VB. With InStr I had to taste half of a defeat: it just is superb when it can search in BinaryCompare. But, what if we wanted to do TextCompare? Well, there InBArr and InBArrRev beat real badly both InStr and InStrRev!\nAnyways, I hope somebody finds this submission helpful. I'm sorry I didn't comment the code as well as I could/should have, but I hope it doesn't matter as the code should be rather flawless on what it does :) Comments and votes welcome, as always!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004816176205324.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/InBArr_and1782538162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Vesa Piittinen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55630,"Title":"[popup menu made simple]","Description":"Popmenu for beginners, shows great example of how to implement a popup menu into your program, from this example you should be able to add popup menus to which ever control you wish, hope this provides use to sombody.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004817954386049.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[popup_men1782798172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Ste Dunn","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55638,"Title":"List a File's Dependencies","Description":"Get a list of a files dependencies. For example, calling ListDependencies \"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\MSVBVM60.DLL\", results in \"KERNEL32.dll USER32.dll GDI32.dll ADVAPI32.dll ole32.dll OLEAUT32.dll\".","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"LoadLibraryA\" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long\nPublic Declare Function ImageDirectoryEntryToData Lib \"imagehlp\" (ByVal Base As Long, ByVal MappedAsImage As Byte, ByVal DirectoryEntry As Integer, Size As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function ImageRvaToVa Lib \"imagehlp\" (NtHeaders As Any, ByVal Base As Long, ByVal RVA As Long, Optional LastRvaSection As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function MapAndLoad Lib \"imagehlp\" (ByVal ImageName As String, ByVal DllPath As String, LoadedImage As LOADED_IMAGE, ByVal DotDll As Long, ByVal ReadOnly As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function UnMapAndLoad Lib \"imagehlp\" (LoadedImage As LOADED_IMAGE) As Long\nPublic Declare Function CheckSumMappedFile Lib \"imagehlp\" (ByVal BaseAddress As Long, ByVal FileLength As Long, HeaderSum As Long, CheckSum As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function UnDecorateSymbolName Lib \"imagehlp\" (ByVal DecoratedName As String, ByVal UnDecoratedName As String, ByVal UndecoratedLength As Long, ByVal Flags As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function lstrlenA Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal pString As Any) As Long\nPublic Declare Function lstrcpyA Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal pString1 As Any, ByVal pString2 As Any) As Long\nPublic Declare Sub MoveMemory Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"RtlMoveMemory\" (Dest As Any, Src As Any, ByVal L As Long)\nPublic Const IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES = 16\nPublic Type IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR\n OriginalFirstThunk As Long\n TimeDateStamp As Long\n ForwarderChain As Long\n Name As Long\n FirstThunk As Long\nEnd Type\nPublic Type IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY\n VirtualAddress As Long\n Size As Long\nEnd Type\nPublic Type LIST_ENTRY\n Flk As Long\n Blk As Long\nEnd Type\nPublic Type LOADED_IMAGE\n ModuleName As Long\n hFile As Long\n MappedAddress As Long\n FileHeader As Long\n LastRvaSection As Long\n NumberOfSections As Long\n Sections As Long\n Characteristics As Long\n fSystemImage As Byte\n fDOSImage As Byte\n Lks As LIST_ENTRY\n SizeOfImage As Long\nEnd Type\nPublic Type IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER\n Magic As Integer\n MajorLinkerVersion As Byte\n MinorLinkerVersion As Byte\n SizeOfCode As Long\n SizeOfInitializedData As Long\n SizeOfUnitializedData As Long\n AddressOfEntryPot As Long\n BaseOfCode As Long\n BaseOfData As Long\n ImageBase As Long\n SectionAlignment As Long\n FileAlignment As Long\n MajorOperatingSystemVersion As Integer\n MinorOperatingSystemVersion As Integer\n MajorImageVersion As Integer\n MinorImageVersion As Integer\n MajorSubsystemVersion As Integer\n MinorSubsystemVersion As Integer\n W32VersionValue As Long\n SizeOfImage As Long\n SizeOfHeaders As Long\n CheckSum As Long\n SubSystem As Integer\n DllCharacteristics As Integer\n SizeOfStackReserve As Long\n SizeOfStackCommit As Long\n SizeOfHeapReserve As Long\n SizeOfHeapCommit As Long\n LoaderFlags As Long\n NumberOfRvaAndSizes As Long\n DataDirectory(0 To IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES - 1) As IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY\nEnd Type\nPublic Type IMAGE_FILE_HEADER\n Machine As Integer\n NumberOfSections As Integer\n TimeDateStamp As Long\n PointerToSymbolTable As Long\n NumberOfSymbols As Long\n SizeOfOptionalHeader As Integer\n Characteristics As Integer\nEnd Type\nPublic Type IMAGE_NT_HEADERS\n Signature As Long\n FileHeader As IMAGE_FILE_HEADER\n OptionalHeader As IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER\nEnd Type","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":52,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Snytax","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55388,"Title":"A \"layered\" window (Pre-Alpha version!)","Description":"A transparent window which stays on the top of the desktop icons and allows you to click them.\nAt the current stage you can only click/dblclick on the icons, but don't forget -- this is just the first version. In the next release you will be able to manipulate all windows in the sysem.\nPlease vote for me if you like the code and its conception! :-))","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004851543243138.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A__layered177836852004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"George Smilianov","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55389,"Title":"SimpleTrial v3 (beta)","Description":"Beta release of my upcoming project SimpleTrial v3, this new version has a license file creation system called 'TUX', hardware fingerprint system so a license can only be used on one computer to prevent none buyers to get the full version, also the new version has a cool splash startup dialog, please vote :), v3 (full) will be released next month.. this beta version is only a taster of whats to come..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004851691450.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SimpleTria177837852004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Lee Stuart Cook","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55395,"Title":"Remote Desktop","Description":"This project is actually a client and a server. The client connects to the server and allows the server to remotely control the client desktop. Double clicking the remote desktop sends a single click to the client computer. The program works great when you run both programs on the same computer and you use for the connect to IP on the client. If you use your external IP address to connect to the server (Ex. they still connect but the connection is exceptionally laggy. I've tried this on my DSL connection. I appreciate any and all feedback on this project as I'm still trying to work out bugs and improve the programs. \nThis Remote Desktop program features blowfish encryption capabilties into the client and server modules!\nPlease leave comments as I am providing code that required a lot of hard work on my part! Thanks again!\nThis code uses the Intel JPEG library. This file is required for the JPEG compression of the screen capture. The filename is IJL11.dll Please download this file and place it in the Client folder before running. You can find it at http://oldphotopreserve.com/IJL11.dll","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Remote_Des177849852004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Todd Tanner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55396,"Title":"Number to Word Convertion","Description":"Converts Number into words up to 999 trillion. It is a simple short code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Opal Raj Ghimire","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55397,"Title":"VB6 Add-In :: Inno Setup Toolbar","Description":"A fully-functional VB6 IDE Addin for working with the freeware installation program Inno Setup. Tested with Inno Setup Version 3 And Version 4, can autodetect the installation directory and uses the most recent installation. The controls in order are 'Script Editor', 'Compile Script' and 'Configure Toolbar'. The Script Editor will create a default script with the project name in the project folder if one does not exist, and launch the Inno Script Editor. The Compile button will automatically compile the script using Inno as long as its in the project directory. Allows you to override the path and force it to use a different Inno version, and contains options for creating blank default scripts or autogenerating a simple one. Considerably more useful than the built-in Pacakge and Deployment wizard in Visual Basic. If you find this useful, please vote - Feel free to send suggestions, also.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200485231757243.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB6_Add-In177882862004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Coder_Ghost","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55399,"Title":"Dr. Mario","Description":"A remake of the classic puzzle game, Dr. Mario.\nMade in a 2 day period where I didn't feel like working on Panel de Pon. With one less file needed, and a couple less bugs. More authentic look now","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048251212434404.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dr__Mario1786818282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55408,"Title":"Copy API (Over 2GB limit)","Description":"A little Class that allow you to \"seek into\" and \"copy\" files bigger than 2GB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Copy_API_(177870862004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Matteo Loro","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55420,"Title":"VB6 Add-In :: Inno Setup Toolbar 2.0","Description":"A fully-functional VB6 IDE Addin for working with the freeware installation program Inno Setup. Tested with Inno Setup Version 3 And Version 4, can autodetect the installation directory and uses the most recent installation. The controls in order are 'Script Editor', 'Script Wizard', 'Compile Script' and 'Configure Toolbar'. The Script Editor will create a default script with the project name in the project folder if one does not exist, and launch the Inno Script Editor. The Script Wizard will do a similar thing, but after walking you through a detailed script creation wizard, including Dependency sniffing. The Compile button will automatically compile the script using Inno as long as its in the project directory. Allows you to override the path and force it to use a different Inno version, and contains options for creating blank default scripts or autogenerating a simple one. Considerably more useful than the built-in Pacakge and Deployment wizard in Visual Basic. Feel free to send suggestions, also. If you find this handy, please vote. Enjoy! [Updated 08/07/14] - Repaired the crash glitch when trying to generate a script with no project loaded.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004871324367398.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB6_Add-In177933872004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Coder_Ghost","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55422,"Title":"How to make a powerful crypt algorithm","Description":"The title explains everything.This article deals with two encryption method: text and file encryption.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/How_to_mak177914872004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Fekete György","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55423,"Title":"Programming Techniques Explained","Description":"The article deals with how to develop your thinking of building logically an application, refers to some programming techniques.More to come soon.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Programmin177915872004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Fekete György","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55425,"Title":"CODE GENERATOR STUDIO :: Design Projects & Generate Code - Also learn plugin architecture.","Description":"Hello Guys, Need a true killer VB application that teaches you tonnes of programming techniques? Here is one. You can use this project to design entity relationship diagrams, to generate database and program code out of it. ER diagrams can be imported from databases and existing program code (classes). An Entity relationship diagram is something like a relationship diagram you see in Microsoft Access. This project provides (1) A small environment to work with ER diagrams, (2) an XML language and its DOM to describe these ER diagrams, and\n(3) A control that can be used to visually represent these ER Diagrams. It supports code generation as well.\nPresently, It can import ER diagrams from Access 97 database (using DAO) and Export code to ASP (with relational lookup combos for implementing relations).\nAlso, You can write your own plugins to import and export diagram/code from a variety of platforms. Download and see the readme file. Also visit project homepage at http://www.logicmatrixonline.com/estudio - I spend a lot of time on this, so vote please. Thanks, and enjoy coding.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004871248338243.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Estudio177924872004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":198,"AuthorName":"Anoop Madhusudanan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":48476,"Title":"get all Form Item Names with webbrowser control","Description":"This will get all Form Item Names with webbrowser control.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Andrew PLaisted","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48480,"Title":"Make Uppercase or lowercase in Textbox","Description":"how to Make Uppercase or lowercase in Textbox","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":11,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sokha RUN","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48486,"Title":"Hot Or Not Match Maker","Description":"IF you use hot or not .. this will get you TONS of matches. you simply login and then hit start. It flips through showing you pictures and keywords of your potential matches all while 'clicking yes' that you want to meet them. I used it for a couple hours and have over 300 matches. Its alot easier to just delete people you dont want to meet, than to look for ones you want to meet, click yes and hope they click yes back !","Inputs":"sex - keyword - age","Assumes":"you need a hotornot.com account","CodeReturns":"matches","SideEffects":"this product is not endorsed by hotornot - use at your own risk","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200391491175132.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hot_Or_Not1645249142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"budz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48488,"Title":"lightning the image","Description":"this program makes the image lighten by the value user has entered as input","Inputs":"the value to which user want to lighten the image","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"lighen the image","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/lightning_1645189142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"bhargav raval","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48490,"Title":"Minesweeper Cheat","Description":"AFter learning how to use the API call ReadProcessMemoy, I made this. It discoveres the locations of the hidden mine's in the game MineSweeper. Just load the game then run this program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200391493924254.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Minesweepe1645209142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":76,"AuthorName":"IRBMe","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48492,"Title":"Squares Board Game","Description":"The object of this game is to score as many points as possible by removing coloured squares from the grid. This is done by clicking on a square that is the same colour as its neighbour (above, below, left or right)\nAll contiguously coloured squares in each direction will be removed and the squares above will drop down. If this is not clear, right click a square to see which will be removed. More points are scored for removing lots of squares in one go and a bonus is scored for completing a level.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039141110481115.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Squares_Bo1645959162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Gilzean","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48498,"Title":"Net utility","Description":"The program allows you to translate ip numbers into domain names and vice veers. You can scan a ip number for open services and you can do a ping. If you choose the \"scan network\" tab you can scan a range of ip numbers for a open port. For example if you choose port 80 you can see witch computers are running a web server.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003923121392359.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Net_utilit1649219232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Martin Dahl","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48507,"Title":"LoadFileIntoArray","Description":"Function that loads delimeted, fixed or Excel-files into an array.","Inputs":"Described in code","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Number of rows addded to array","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003915543243138.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LoadFileIn1645569152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Martin Idman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48508,"Title":"GetTok - How to tokenize a string ? (Like $gettok() in mIRC Scripting)","Description":"It simply tokenizes the string by a specified separator.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Like $gettok identifier in mIRC. Easy to understand and use. Please vote for my code because this is my first code on planet-soruce-code.com :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":12,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Roni Tovi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48509,"Title":"Grid control based on ListView control","Description":"This is a grid control that is based on VB's ListView control. It includes methods to get and set individual cell data, row counts, column sorting, and column widths. I got the code that is used for the multi-line tooltips from somebody else's PSC submission.","Inputs":"The \"LoadGrid\" method accepts an SQL string and a connection string for the database.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003915855247487.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Grid_contr1645589152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"VB Bob","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48510,"Title":"[[ a ini file to XML converter","Description":"Header says it all...\nLeave a vote or comment...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[_a_ini_f1645639152003.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Pamela RAI","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48512,"Title":"[[ Create XML file using MSXML 3","Description":"Vote or leave a comment","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[_Create_1645679152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Pamela RAI","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48513,"Title":"[[ Access db to XML db","Description":"Converts an Access database to XML file.\nVote or leave a comment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[_Access_1645689152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Pamela RAI","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48514,"Title":"[A++] Data/Chart-FlowVisual Programming Language - Updated! (now without custom ActiveX!!!)","Description":"Data-Flow Visual Programming Language allows\nto run basic algorithms in a visual way. All you\nhave to do is to place program blocks on screen,\nconnect them with lines (arrows) and run. You\ncan also run it in step by step mode (when\ndelay is set to maximum).\nAnd now, no ActiveX required!! Pure VB code!\nEnjoy!\nPlease vote, but only if you like it! Tanks! :)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20039151143311082.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Data_Chart186295392005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":71,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48515,"Title":"OCR Analyzer","Description":"Attempts Handwritten Optical Character Recognition. (And does a good job at it)","Inputs":"It's possible to specify Tolerance Level, Sampling Rate, and Max # of bad sectors for letters to be considered a match. (See read-me file in archive)","Assumes":"The default settings work the best.","CodeReturns":"Returns a typed letter based on what the user draws.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003915132057892.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/OCR_Analyz1645759152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":88,"AuthorName":"Nelson T","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":48520,"Title":"VidRental-Multitier Ready","Description":"Unfinished video rental proj.(currently working on int) Shows you how to make your code multi-tier ready, reusable, how to use class, how to dynamically add toolbars, this is kinda basic but will help begginers to intermediate! I like the way PDSA codes that's why i pattern my code to them :) Begginners if you like my code or learn from my code pls. vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Unfinished1645819152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Lenin Cruz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":60044,"Title":"[ !] Check for PrevInstance","Description":"This code checks for a previous instance of the program. This is not like the App.PrevInstance property. This checks the prevInstance no matter the location of the file, or the name of the app. You don't have to call DestroyWindow to destroy the created window, since when you quit the application, it is self destroyed. This may not work in the VB IDE, because the window is created by VB6.EXE. In this case you can call DestroyWindow in the Form_Unload().","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054161320118841.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_!]_Check1877774172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sergio del Rio","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60045,"Title":"XP Container Control III - Now with XP Icons!","Description":"In response to a request (demand?) by enmity, this is a version of the XP Container that\nincorporates part of Carles P.V.'s brilliant AlphaBlend submission to allow you to extract XP Icons\nfrom resource (.res) files for display. I submitted this separately from my last\nsubmission because not all people may want this feature. A million thanks to Carles\nfor the mods.\nNote: YOU MUST COMPILE THIS FIRST, even if subsequent runs are from the IDE, for\nthe icon resources to display.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005417055266686.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Contain1877654172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Matthew R. Usner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60057,"Title":"Boost Your Code ver2.0","Description":"It is simple. Some optimizations on how to optimize your visual basic code. Testing results, optimization methods, optimize compilig, optimize for speed or for size and much much more.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Boost_Your1877754172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":110,"AuthorName":"Fekete György","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60058,"Title":"TriState InputBox","Description":"With the InputBox you cannot distinguish between the cases\n a:- Cancel clicked\n b:- nothing entered and OK clicked\nbecause in both cases the returned string is a vbNullString\nThere is a simple trick however as is shown here","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":23,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60049,"Title":"AVS - XP Enable","Description":"Enables XP Visual Styles for VB6 projects and VB6 IDE. Creates backups of any files changed so no worries. Also adds an xp frame control to your project so you can deal with any graphic issues you come across.\n*UPDATED April 29, 2005*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054252235252744.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AVS_-_XP_E1882164292005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Anders Lyman","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60050,"Title":"XP Frame Reloaded","Description":"An XP frame control, check it out. Screenshot doesn't do it justice. Based off of Flex dit Tannos frame control. Tons of options and features.\n*UPDATED April 29, 2005*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005416234544115.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Frame_R1882154292005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Anders Lyman","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60059,"Title":"HTML Help Maker","Description":"I was asked to write a Help file for CozIcon(my icon editor) but I wanted to include it on my website (http://cozicon.onlies.net/). I aslo didn't want to write the whole thing out in notepad so this is what I came up with. HTML Help Maker will allow you to build a custom Table of Contents and edit an html string corresponding to each selection. You can add a html template that will be generated with the html code from what you entered. Try it out.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054171057414647.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Help_1877764172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"DoWnLoHo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60064,"Title":"Abhishek's Image Processing - Bluring A Image","Description":"A Simple Algorithm For Blurring Images.Note: The Depth Of The Blur Is In Amount Of Times The Algorithm Is Applied","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054171618493426.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Abhishek's1877854172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Abhishek Kalsekar","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60065,"Title":"DataLogger 2","Description":"NEW v6.1 - DataLogger II is an extremely improved version of my original program. I’ve added all the suggestions posted by users and made numerous improvements to all aspects of the program. It now has optional on-screen cursor info; print capabilities and screen capture capabilities. You can now pinpoint an event through a very accurate timing system based on the cursors. These are just some of the improvements.\nYou can save either an image (screenshot) of the display window or the whole program (form). You can use the Cursor Display function to include all cursor data in a display window save. Files are saved in “.bmp” format.\nThe print function will automatically print a landscape image of the screen. It will include all cursor data in the print. This is based on your computers default printer and paper configuration. It works fine with standard 8”x11” paper.\nI haven’t had the time to create an operator manual. But, the program is intuitive and if you experiment by clicking (both left & right mouse buttons) on buttons and in the display window, you’ll discover a lot of functionality. \nFor those unfamiliar to this program, I wrote this program to monitor the input of an RS232 Serial Port and graphically log all activity. It acts and operates just like a Digital Storage Oscilloscope, capable of logging up to 5 hours in one file.","Inputs":"The program monitors a selected Comm Port and records the digital values sent to it (Range 0 ~ 255). It runs in two clock modes (Horiz step modes) selectable by the user. It does not send anything out the port.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"All files are saved as DataLogger Files (*.dlg). This is a fully functional program which will allow you to hunt bugs and/or test your embedded micro projects with ease.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200551514842377.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DataLogger1888375152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"0x34","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60067,"Title":"Sizing Grabber","Description":"Would you believe that the sizing grabber - that is the little triangle in the bottom right hand corner - is in fact disguised a scroll bar? Well, have a look...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054172013311066.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Sizing_Gra1877944172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60069,"Title":"Gradient Putzer (UPDATED 04/22/05)","Description":"A nice tool for those who work with gradients and want a utility to quickly set up and view them for incorporation into custom controls or backgrounds. Inspired by Paul Turcksin's gradient test submission at txtCodeID=52141. It extends his excellent idea a bit by allowing on-the-fly updating of test gradients using two simple color picker controls. Drag the crosshairs around or tweak colors using the RGB scrollers. Adjust the angle as desired, and view\neffects of automatic rotation if desired (speed adjustment included). Redbird77's gradient generation sub is used. Have fun.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005422114067069.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Gradient_P1880104222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Matthew R. Usner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60075,"Title":"Clinic Project","Description":"Clinic Management for Doctors","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just set the paths for ado,dao controls to the given data base included","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Clinic_Pro1878064182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"tanveer akhtar","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60077,"Title":"[A!] Draw a mathematical flower using some tricky formula - looks like hemp or canadian maple","Description":"This code draws a mathematical flower using some tricky formula...\nThe resulting image looks like grown hemp or canadian maple.\nAll I did was just a port to Visual Basic from PHP.\n \"I have no idea how this stuff works,\n I just hire the guys who do it....\"\nSO PLEASE VOTE: if you don't have 5 balls, then give 1 ball! Even 1 ball is a vote!! \n... if I get enought balls, I'll post some other stuff like this :)\n Using this formula in design of nuclear reactor/airplane or navigation system is strictly prohibited!\n You are allowed to use this code for demonstration purposes only.\n You are not allowed to redistribute this code without written permission.\n If you want to use this formula in any way you must contact the authors for written permission (see ReadMe.txt).\n By downloading this code from Planet-Source-Code.com you agree to the above conditions.\n All rights reserved. Patens pending.\n April 2005.\noriginal source:\nhttp://www.livejournal.com/users/supman/30298.html\nGreetings to my friend and true fellow \"DutchMaster\" who helped me and supported me all these hard days!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054181437273754.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[A!]_Draw_1878214182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58588,"Title":"Optimized QuickSorts","Description":"QuickSort is one of the fastest sorts available but contains a couple of gotcha's. You cannot just stick any old QuickSort into your code; you have to optimize it to the data you are sorting. \n--------------------------------\nThis demo provides optimized versions for each of the major variable types (Integer and Byte are not covered but you should be able to work it out). It also demonstrates some of the problems with using the wrong QuickSort and demonstrates the sheer speed of QuickSort on different data types. \n--------------------------------\nThe other Gotcha is that if the data is nearly sorted then it can be very slow. But all of these QuickSorts also have a an asending/desending switch, if you suspect your data is near sorted then reverse it first. \n--------------------------------\nA further optimization is that if you only need one direction in your code you can strip out the asending/desending switch improving speed greatly because you are not passing a parameter. \n--------------------------------\nIf you want both you could also use a Variable to control the direction instead of the parameter.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Optimized_1846191312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58589,"Title":"VB binary file embedded graphics extractor.","Description":"updated------------------------------------\nThe VB binary files (frx, ctx, dox, drx & pax) are where VB stores the image data for graphics you load into the objects from the IDE Properties window (or a Property page). If you forget to include it in an upload then people get log files complaining about missing graphics. It doesn't matter if you supply the original graphic files, VB doesn't know what they are. When you include the VB binary files in a zip there is no need to supply the graphics saving bandwidth and disk space. \n----------------------------------------------------\nHowever end-users have a problem; they are stuck with your graphics. With this program you can extract graphics (bmp, gif, ico, jpg, wmf (some loadable image classes extract as a different (legitimate) type; cur as ico, dib as bmp, jpeg & Tiff as jpg) from the binary files. The image may need editing or you might just want it to use in your own purposes (Ask first;)). Perhaps you want to reuse an image you included in your own code but can't remember where you stored the original? Another use is to extract large Bitmap graphics, convert them to Jpg (or other small files types) in almost any modern (that rules out MSPaint then;)) paint program and reloading them into the project. This will shrink the code considerably and often improve performance as the memory impact is lowered (there is some debate about this; VB has to do more work to display non-BMP images but the data is much smaller so may process more quickly). To assist with this the program names the files it produces with the format 'Form_Control_Property' making reloading them much easier. This code can also extract from ImageLists. \nNOTE ToolBar's images are stored in an ImageList so the filename will be for the Imagelist not the toolbar.\n \n----------------------------------------------------\nThis is a major modification of Tony's 'Extract images from a VB project files' at <txtCodeId=5539>. A great program I've used for ages.\nThanks also to 'Light Templer' whose 'JES - JPEG EXPLOIT SCANNER' at <txtCodeId=56236> while not directly used allowed me to understand and include a simple test for that threat. If the program can't find a valid file extention for the graphic it assumes that it is the exploit and warns of the risk (you can still save the file if you want but have to work past a couple of MsgBoxes). This may not be an accurate test, if you find an image type that VB allows you to load but this program doesn't extract let me know.\nAlso inlcudes a modified version of my ClsScrollPicture.cls to display selected images.\n----------------------------------------------------\nBug reports/suggestions very welcome. \nThis project is an experiment prior to incorparating the functionality into Code Fixer. \nI hope I have included all the Image holding Properties and all the usable Image types but let me know if I missed any.\n----------------------------------------------------\nBTW does anyone know of code that can extract List/ComboBox data and large Label/TextBox data from binary files? I'll probably work it out but would be happy to 'borrow' ;)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051312223362455.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_binary_184694212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58591,"Title":"Progress Bar Color Change Functions and Code Generator App","Description":"Functions module for changing colors of the plain MS Progress Bar. There a a lot of these here on PSC, this one is a bit different as the demo application also includes a Code Generator. After you get the demo Progress Bar looking the way you want, enter your control name and click the \"Generate\" button. Then just copy and paste into your app. All you need to do is place the Progress Bar on your form, size it and set the min/max values, and the generated code takes care of it's good looks! Hope this is usefull for others.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'********************************************************\n '\n ' Progress Bar Functions\n ' 31-JAN-2005\n '\n ' Mark Mokoski\n ' 28-OCT-2003\n ' markm@cmtelephone.com\n ' http://www.rjillc.com\n '\n ' Set of functions to change colors of the stock\n ' (and plain) MS Common Controls Progress Bar.\n ' The fuctions are from a user control I did in 2003 for myself.\n ' But I found that I only used these functions most of the time,\n ' just changing the Foreground and Background colors.\n ' So why add \"Code Bloat\" with a user control when a few functions\n ' will do the job.\n '\n '**********************************************************\n \n Option Explicit\n \n Private Const WM_USER As Long = &H400\n Private Const CCM_FIRST As Long = &H2000\n Private Const CCM_SETBKCOLOR As Long = (CCM_FIRST + 1)\n Private Const PBM_SETBARCOLOR As Long = (WM_USER + 9)\n Private Const PBM_SETBKCOLOR As Long = CCM_SETBKCOLOR\n \n Public Const CLR_DEFAULT As Long = &HFF000000\n \n Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" _\n (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wparam As Long, lparam As Any) As Long\n \nPublic Function pbForeColor(ByRef pbControl As Control, ByVal pbColor As Long)\n 'Set the Progress Bar ForeColor\n SendMessage pbControl.hwnd, PBM_SETBARCOLOR, 0, ByVal pbColor\nEnd Function\nPublic Function pbBackColor(ByRef pbControl As Control, ByVal pbColor As Long)\n 'Set the Progress Bar Backcolor\n SendMessage pbControl.hwnd, PBM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, ByVal pbColor\nEnd Function\nPublic Function pbDefaultColor(ByRef pbControl As Control)\n 'Set the Progress Bar to default colors\n SendMessage pbControl.hwnd, PBM_SETBARCOLOR, 0, ByVal CLR_DEFAULT\n SendMessage pbControl.hwnd, PBM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, ByVal CLR_DEFAULT\n \nEnd Function\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200521052196736.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Progress_B1851782122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Mark Mokoski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58593,"Title":"Time to get rectal ====>","Description":"This is a class that allows you to easily..without any api knowledge, create rect regions and fill/paint them in a variety of cool ways..and if you vote make sure you vote for Kerry","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052110453438.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Time_to_ge184625212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58597,"Title":"Cool SStab 2.0","Description":"Change the Old Appearance of the SSTab Control With Some new Cool Options.\nOk some of the PSC coders ask me to fix some of the bugs on this code, instead I change the Subclass Code ΓǪ the SStab Control is now more safe , without any vb Crash, and also easy to call the SStab Function.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Of course.","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200521234549241.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_SStab184631212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":105,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58607,"Title":"SprintPCS and Centennial Cell Phone Message Senders","Description":"Have a SprintPCS or Centennial cell phone that supports notifications? If you do, you are going to love this source. Both projects come with an easy-to-use user control designed by me. A user-friendly interface, as well as a help file, makes this program very easy to use. Track a SprintPCS message with the tracking feature. Modify/customize the source to fit your needs in any way. All I ask is that you give me credit for the PCS and Centennial user control made by me if you use them in any of your projects.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200521831256127.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SprintPCS_184650212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"keith_escalade","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58610,"Title":"Dot Matrix control","Description":"I used the idea of Michael Hammond, Dot Matrix clock, and made a control out of it. Right now, you have the choice of 4 colors, of course you can add some yourself. You can change the font. The width of the control is ajustable but the height will automatically adjust to the height of one line of text depending on the font you choose. Tell me what you think.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200521105275028.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dot_Matrix184688212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Fr├⌐d├⌐ric C├┤t├⌐","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58612,"Title":"A1: Star-Like Rating Control (like iTunes and Shockwave)","Description":"Definately see screenshot. This is a iTunes/shockwave-style star-like rating system. I havent seen this (to my recollection) on PSC. This was developped for a custom DVD/Video management application. Set the MaxStars to 4, and use it to rate restaurants. Use (virtually) any number of stars and rate at an interval of 0.5.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005211115293687.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A1__Star-L184662212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58604,"Title":"[ * * * The Ultimate Snake * * * ]","Description":"This game fo snake is different from many others. In addition to the classic snake game,\nthis game ships many new features such as 2 modes: classic and campaign,where in campaign mode\nyou can progress through different levels by eating food and avoid being hit in the walls or\non your own body.According to me, the most novel idea in the game is theat it supports a two \nplayer option in both the modes. The players can compete through various levels of exciting gameplay\nfor hours. Initially, there are 7 levels in the campaign modes, but the the game is so stuctured that \nalmost anyone can add new levels to the game. If so, please mail me the code for those levels.\nIf you like the game, please encourge me by giving your valuable votes.\n\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200521710519705.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_______Th184646212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Sandeep.G","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58606,"Title":"[ Shooting-Range v1.40 ]","Description":"Shooting-range. \nYou can print picture of target on the standard A4 paper and put this picture of target in \nfront of standard web camera. Afterwards you can shot to this target with laser beam \nso the camera will see laser point on the paper, determine it's place and report to you \nhow accurate you are.","Inputs":"No","Assumes":"No","CodeReturns":"No","SideEffects":"No","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200521739288311.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Shooting184647212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Michael Margold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58620,"Title":"Use .NET Class Libraries in VB6 Apps","Description":"You can use COM Components in .NET Apps, but have you ever wished for the other way, Use of .NET Classes you have written in a VB6 app. Yes, this is possible, just read this tutorial. and Please Vote!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005211350171391.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Use__NET_C184676212005_NET_Class_Libraries_in_VB6.Apps ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Abhishek.NET","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58621,"Title":"Uber Stats","Description":"Automatically generate statistics for anything (even comment fields!). Just send it the data, or tell it where to find it (txt and mdb files) and Uber Stats does the rest (locations can be relative). Instructions can be found on the form during design time - check it out, its way easy to use! Thanks go to: Neeraj Agrawal - xTab, Mario Flores G - XP Progress Bar, Fred.cpp - isButton, Steve McMahon - Awesome Popup Menu","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"SetWindowPos\nSetLayeredWindowAttributes\nSetWindowLong\nGetWindowLong\nGetCursorPos\nShellExecute\nCopyFile\nDeleteFile\nPlease remember to vote!","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005211416217282.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Uber_Stats184677212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Anders Lyman","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58622,"Title":"Icon Gray Render Function","Description":"Draw an Icon in a Gray scale, a nice one!; This simple code demonstrates how you can give a different gray scale to your icons, this is when you need to draw a disabled state or something similar, some other codes, APIS, Functions (small ones) can also give icons the disabled state, but this one looks more attractive in appearance. Take a Look.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200521142283251.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Icon_Gray_184678212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58628,"Title":"Simple Editor ActiveX","Description":"I needed a simple msword compatible text editor in various parts of my system. So I sat down one night and designed this ActiveX control which you can 'throw' into any form. You can even bind it on a database. No technology breakthroughs here. Just lots of time saving when you want your users to have some control over what they write and you want to save them exactly as they want. It uses the richtextbox encapsulated as an activex and so you dont have to write any code every time you need a simple editor. Just throw it in.\nYou can enable or disable the \"New', 'Open', and 'Save' buttons. Some of the code for the richtextbox comes from some other contributors of planet-source, but I dont remember from who.\nDont have to vote for it. I just hope that you find it useful. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005211747452802.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Edi184689212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Makis Charalambous","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58629,"Title":"Listbox class ==> hot-tracking effect => horizontal scrollbars => add header => seperate tooltip fo","Description":"This is a listbox class that adds several great features to the standard listbox. (1) function draw_header:=This function draws an attractive header at the top of your listbox so it looks more like a listview control. The string you provide should be the text you want for your header, seperated by pipe \"\"|\"\" characters. The [container] parameter is the object the listbox is drawn on..ie the form or frame or picturebox (2) sub additems_with_tabs:=\"This sub allows you to additems to the listbox in such a manner that string \"\"string|string2|string3\"\" takes the pipe character and converts it to tabs\" (3) sub horiz_scrollbars:=\"Allows you to add horizontal scrollbars to the listbox. If [scroll_width] is not supplied then the items in the list are scanned and if horizontal scrollbars are required, then it is added, making the listbox wide enouph to view the widest list entry. If [scroll_width] is supplied then you are manually adding them, the width based upon the value you supply for [scroll_width].\" (4) function search:=\"Allows you to search for an item in the listbox. This acts like the autocomplete feature of browsers in that the search is case insensitive, and a partial match returns the index of the first listitem matching so a search of \"\"VIS\"\", for example, will return the index of \"\"visual basic\"\" entry in the listbox.\" (5)initialize_listbox:= \"This must be the first method called and it sets reference to the listbox you will be referring to in this class.\" (6) sub hot_tracking (this one is real cool) \"Calling this sub and setting [benable] to True makes your listbox have a \"\"hot-tracking\"\" effect in that moving your mouse over the listbox causes the item under your mouse to be hilighted\" (7) sub individual_item_tooltips:=\"The tooltip for the listbox displays the contents of the listitem the mouse is over. Useful if the contents of listitems width exceed the width of the listbox itself\" (8) sub tabstops:=\"Set tabstop points for the listbox. Specify in pixels..a value for each succeeding column\" (9) sub add_many_items:=\"Enables you to add multiple items with one call. Each item to add is seperated by a comma.\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052119132344.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Listbox_cl184763232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":56,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56462,"Title":"[!!!!! XTab a complete Tab ActiveX control written from scratch Updated -Now Supports Icons !!!!!]","Description":"XTab is an ActiveX Control which can be used as a substitute for the Microsoft Tabbed Dialog/Property Page Control. XTab uses subclassing to achieve same design-time switching effect as MS Tab control does. XTab is highly customizable and provides many standard themes like XP,Visual Studio 2003 .Net, Rounded Tabs, Owner Drawn, Iconed theme etc. And best of all it has no external dependencies to subclassing dlls or common dialog etc controls. Optimized code for flicker free drawing. New themes can be easily added by simply implementing the ITheme Interface. Featured Property Page for easily setting properties.\nSupports Individual Tab Enabling/Disabling.\nNow supports Icons in all the themes. Also we can use PictureSize,PictureAlignment and MaskColor property to customize the Interface. Updated Property page too for better UI. Added a method to allow copying images from any compatible ImageList Control.\nemail:\nnja91@yahoo.com\nneeraj_agrawal_ind@rediffmail.com\nIf you like the code please leave a comment/vote. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"uses subclassing... may crash VB if you try to debug without setting the IsDebug conditional compilation flag to true.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041027437108317.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[!!!!!__XT183827192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":93,"UserRatingTotal":456,"AuthorName":"Neeraj Agrawal","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56482,"Title":"Tweak & Clean","Description":"Tweak & Clean for Windows XP\nI ensamble this app as add on of my Cyber Cafe software. The main idea is give to owners of cafe's the ability of apply some restrictions to rental users in the use of Windows and Internet Explorer 5.5 or above.\nI make all the adjustments refering to Windows XP and IE, some of the settings are:\nProhibit access to the control panel, remove Add/Programs, Hide and disable items on desktop, remove Run menu from Start Menu, Remove Search from Start menu, Do not keep history of recent opened documents, Prevent changes to task bar and Start menu settings, Remove links and access to Windows Update, Remove user name from Start menu, Remove Set Program Access and Defaults from Start menu, Prevent addition of printers, Prevent deletion of printers, Hide My Network Places icon on desktop, No entire network, Hide Workgroup Content fom Network Neighnorhood, Remove Network Connections from Start Menu, Remove My network places icon from start menu...\nAlso has tweaks for Internet Explorer 5.5 or above.\nThe settings are for Windows XP, but some of them can work on other versions. Must of them need restart.\nThe settings for Internet Explorer works on 5.5 or above versions.\nThe cleaning utility is some code I found here, sorry I can not remember who creates the original, I add some other as Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks and Excel recent files list cleaning.\nAs complement, you find the app shows the user name of logged user in system and the time of running Windows. Also the version and build information of Windows. Some of this are code found here and other recreated, adapted or created by me. Again thanks the authors of this.\nFinally it has a cache cleaning utility, that again is someone else code, I just adapt to the application. \nThe resource file is only the app Icon, this routine come from VBAdvanced for correctly display hi res icons.\nI believe that this is an interesting proyect, particullary for those concerned in Windows Security, wait for comments and votes.\nIf you can help with more cleaning recent files will be usufull for all. Particulary Word 2003 but any app you know how to remove recent files will be fine.\nPlease don't use as commercial application. I put here for sharing and if comments, suggestions and votes are good enought, grow this for have a tweaking application like commercial versions but free for all.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004102162372914.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tweak_&_Cl1799841022004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Juan Carlos Pazos","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56483,"Title":"HiderX v2","Description":"I finally moved my lame hands to make this. HiderX 2 is here. Now it can handle unlimited windows at a time. If you dont have a clue what im talking about then listen: HiderX can make any application/window on the desktop and hide it to system tray. That way you can have much more space on your desktop and minimize the programs to tray which you are not currently working on. This new version is more like the Task Manager of WinXP/2K. Well I think this program will also work on Win98 but i dont expect the icons will appear properly. Ill work on that later. So.. its like the Task Manager; you just select any window and Capture it. Its icon appears on the tray and then you can minimize it, show it, quit the program, etc. Some bugs are there, i know.. i really dont have time to finish this thing.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":1,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041021732537262.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Faraz Azhar","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56474,"Title":"HTML Data Box","Description":"Just some code to help some people out with HTML.\nSorry I couldnt post a screenshot... PLEASE VOTE!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Data_1799651022004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"theory | neftaly.net","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56475,"Title":"Fractal Shapes Composer","Description":"Fractal Shapes Composer was my \"Computer Graphics\" project in IUST University. It generates fractal shapes in 2 methods","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004102625435861.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fractal_Sh1800341042004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Omid G.L.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56479,"Title":"CTS Anti Virus 2005 + AV Engine ( Updated )","Description":"This is the latest release of my Anti Virus series. This version now contains a separate Anti Virus Engine DLL. So it can easily be included to any GUI you want. A demo GUI comes with the DLL that shows the usage of the Engine. The GUI is 100% re-programmed. I've decide to create a Web - Interface like Norton Anti Virus has. The searching algorithms are optimized and the scanning speed has nearly doubled. The signature file now contains 33674(!) entries: I've decided to go away from CRCs and to scan for Virus strings. But the AV Engine still scans for CRC, but it's recommended to use the string search (due to big size of the full signature file (1.45MB) IΓÇÖve only included a small (600Kb) demo. The full version can be downloaded with the included update routine.). Since the first release the software has grown to 4739 lines of code. I hope that you like my work! Any feedback would be really appreciated!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410210418602.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CTS_Anti_V1799771022004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":135,"AuthorName":"Cyber Chris","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56486,"Title":"DES-ANALYSIS Program","Description":"Quite a good DES-Analyse Program to understand and test every step of DES, his Rounds, \nthe relationship to S-boxes und so on ... \nThe program needs VCI Formula One Library (VCF132.OCX)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004102194358761.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DES-ANALYS1799891022004.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Yasin Akdag","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55426,"Title":"Outlying Pixels II","Description":"This program gets mouses coordinates and captures screen.\nThen calculates main statistics (mean and variance) from captured screen\nand defines a volume of area as an outlier pixels set where pixel color values\nexceed a critical value.\nFinally calculates minimum volume rectangle and shows outlying area\nNote: For more robust outlying applications use median instead of mean.\nFor basic operation of this small algorithm look \"Outlying Pixels\" in Source\ncode planet web site.\nenjoy.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004871242219303.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Outlying_P177925872004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"M. Hakan Satman","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55428,"Title":"Ulli's Profiler AddIn (Update)","Description":"This AddIn will put all necessary instrumentation into your project to create a run profile. Then during execution profile data are acquired and finally evaluated and shown. \nNew: You can now also replay your program code execution at different speeds. Update includes breakpoints by count and a bug fix by Roger G.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004871631491029.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ulli's_Pro1781078122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":70,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55432,"Title":"CaptionBarFX","Description":"This changes the captionbar of a form, it can change it's look and even add bitmaps to it.\nI resubmit this code because many people asked me where to download it, well here it is.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004872254597323.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CaptionBar177942872004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Peter Hebels","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55435,"Title":"SUS Client Subnet Checker","Description":"Microsoft Corporation has released the Software Update Services, a useful system to keep computers up to date for patches and hotfixes.\nThis program is intended to help Administrators to manage the SUS Client settings in a network.","Inputs":"IP subnet to check for.","Assumes":"Given an IP address range, the program scans the network and checks if the connected hosts have the SUS Client enabled; if they have it, the program writes the discovered hosts in a list.\nTo see the client settings of a given host, simply clicking it on the list, the program opens a window containing the SUS Client settings and gives the opportunity to change the SUS Client settings","CodeReturns":"List of discovered hosts with SUS Client enabled","SideEffects":"Use it with Domain Admin privileges","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048805175788.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SUS_Client177947882004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"SirBlack","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55440,"Title":"[ LCD Clock v1.14 ]","Description":"LCD Clock v1.14\nVery beautiful LCD Clock.","Inputs":"No","Assumes":"No","CodeReturns":"No","SideEffects":"No","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200488932428559.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[___LCD_Cl188319512005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":61,"AuthorName":"Michael Margold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55455,"Title":"A great utility, I call it quick tray quicktray 1.0.14","Description":"A mutant cross of your quick launch and system tray! quickTray is to help you save taskbar space, and allowing you to close your windows and open them back up...\nI made this because taskbar space is something very important to me, and I never seem to have enough of it. Like, When I download a movie lets say, I open d:\\downloads, then I have to decompress it, then I open that folder, and either un ISO it or just move it then to d:\\Movies, or music, etc etc. You get the point.\nAnyways, this is so that you can access webpages apps, folders, anything you need to at the easy click of a mouse.\nThis app isnt commented, because I dont like commenting code, but it shows you how to change the registry, how to add files and read files from a txt, and how to open applications using simple system32 api.\nI call it... quickTray\n<b>Beware, this may cause mild forms of efficiency!</b>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Ok, I am still working on this, like a screen to organize and delete the info, for now just use notepad! Also, I am working on it extracting and using the icon in the menu just like in quick launch, and eventually I would like to enable it to watch for certain keystrokes, which I already made some code for, but it hangs the cpu at around 50% because it is a key hooker. But you can type like [ctrl][ctrl]vb and it opens up the application you want for that.\nIf anyone wants to help me finish this up, or wants to see any more of my code like the keyhook please let me know. I only share code I think people will comment on.. But I have lots..\n<b>Beware, this may cause mild forms of efficiency!</b>","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"Beware, this may cause mild forms of efficiency!","ApiDeclarations":"rbgCODE.... nuff said!\n<b>Beware, this may cause mild forms of efficiency!</b>","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004882211372031.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_great_ut177987882004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"rBg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55464,"Title":"Software Activation using the Internet","Description":"Have you ever wanted an easy-to-use method of product activation over the Internet? Well, here is one. A serial number generator is included.\nYou only need to upload one file onto your webserver called writeFile.php You only need PHP. MYSQL is not required.\nI have downloaded some code from others and included it here but I cannot remember who the authors are...sorry.\nI have used this method (but with a different mathematical algorithm) on my new program which I am hopefully going to sell. I will post snippets of my new program (KTK File Explorer) in the future.","Inputs":"serial number\nname","Assumes":"first of all before you start using this you must upload writeFile.php onto your webserver with PHP support (i used www.lycos.co.uk). Then in the folder you upload writeFile.php you must create a new folder and rename it to the productID. In the form you must change productid at the top to this value.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004891233442619.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Software_A178003892004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Andrew Roberts","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55468,"Title":"Connect Client to Server without either knowing the others IP","Description":"This is two applications; a client and a server application. It uses a combination of UDP broadcast packets and TCP client/server protocol to connect. The server sends a broadcast packet every second and the client catches it and connects to the server via the IP that is contained in the broadcast packet reteived from the server.","Inputs":"There are no inputs, the program connects to any other computer on a network, excluding any that are behind other routers of course.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The client program displays the connection information as far as local and remote IPs and ports. The server holds a list of connected clients and an indicator as to whether or not the passed the confirmation string.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Connect_Cl178011892004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Kerry Kevin McCullough","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55470,"Title":"Sclean(system cleaning tool) v 1.7","Description":"Sclean version 1.7 a tool for cleaning your system, this is the last release I think I work on it,may be some updates later on will be,but at least for now the tool will help you to finished from files that usually you feel they are annoy able like, Programs MRU Lists, Temp, recent, restore, cache, cookies orphan files finder, some security related. well since 2 weeks aim working on this tool, and I think now is ready to share its code with my brothers here in ps code, I use many modules lines from people here and class files from different source and many of them I write them myself for personal purposes, this tool is a commercial thatΓÇÖs mean I've already upload it compiled and setupped. So honestly 2 things I must remind them and they are completely important at least for me, first you are not allowed by anyway to recompile it as yours and upload it, second donΓÇÖt bother yourself to make a keygen for it and post on some sites, because honestly the complete internal crc check routine is a lot far and too different from the one I used here in this code as an example at least I have reverse knowledge so donΓÇÖt think urself clever more than enough. Many lines changed in help, register etc files and xxx(ed) so that you will not know more info :), else other cases you are most welcome to use and line any code you wish in your projects as I use others and they shared me I share this tool with all of you hoping that many of you need some lines from it and why not to vote me if this tool really deserve :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Inisde the main code !","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Sclean(sys178016892004.7 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"kegham","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59486,"Title":"Send e-mail silently","Description":"Send e-mail silently using the MAPI controls, a great feature is if a user account doesn't exist it will create an account and use it by default. You don't need an outlook account to use this e-mailer.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053151152101763.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Send_e-mai1865773182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"EGL","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59487,"Title":"API Created Form","Description":"Hi this is to show a beginner how to create a new Window just using Pure API Code. the code features an API Message Box and also a API Created Menu. anyway Hope you may find this usfull in some way.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053151319341018.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API_Create1864703152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59488,"Title":"laboratory management system","Description":"it is hospital lab management system,manage the patient profile and their diffent Test record","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"no api used","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/laboratory1864723152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"mezar","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59498,"Title":"Inside your monitor","Description":"Play a joke on someone. Made for fun. Tested in XP.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Play a joke on someone. Made for fun. Tested in XP.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Inside_you1864863152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Chris Seelbach.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59508,"Title":"DM ALL API NotePad","Description":"Hi well as promised. I have updated My ALL API Windows. to a NotePad program. yes it is all pure API code. Supports Open and Save, Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All. and also has support for Droping of files. anyway hope you find this usfull. I make a new update as soon.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053161855159972.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_ALL_API1865293162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59247,"Title":"Code Fixer 3.0.9","Description":"This is a VB6 Add-in. It's purpose is to format, optimize and improve VB code. \nMany fixes are performed automatically and there are also many additional suggestions to improve your code.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nIt also contains a user-friend replacement for VB's find and replace tool.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nThis is a very powerful tool so please download the separate help file upload and read it for installation and operating instructions.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nIf you have tried it before then it's time to up-date (or give it another go, there may have been a lot of bug fixes and improvements since then). \n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nComments/bug reports welcome. Please contact me if you have any questions.\nRe-issued because the version number has rolled over and to gather some new end-user input so suggest away.\n---------------------------------------\nUpdates \n3.0.9\nFIXED debug Stop left in code, NEW fix Fonts properties in USerControls fix, Release folder has better naming\n see history.txt for details and thanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200532756182944.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Code_Fixer1867783242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":41,"UserRatingTotal":205,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59248,"Title":"Code Fixer Help File 3","Description":"Code Fixer Help File 3.0.4\nThis is the Help File for Code Fixer 3. It is presented as a separate upload so you don't have to download it every time there is a bug fix to the program. Help file is only updated if a new tool or fix is added to the program. For bug fix details see the history.txt file in the program zip file.\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\nWARNING Code Fixer is very powerful, 'Suck it and see' is not a good idea with this add-in. Don't operate it without checking the help file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Code_Fixer1864563142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59510,"Title":"Modal Form Popups","Description":"Shows how to launch forms modaly from popup menus while retaining the abailty to use popup menus on the new form. (Windows bug work-around)","Inputs":"By the way... soon I will post how to unload a control during a drop down's click event. (Another Window's bug workaround)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005316204750325.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Modal_Form1865313162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"sean oats","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59513,"Title":"Radix Sort (JunusSort revised)","Description":"Very fast integer sorter. Using 1800 MHz Athlon processor will sort ten million integers in just over three seconds. \n(see http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=59491&lngWId=1)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200531745263024.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Radix_Sort1865373172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59517,"Title":"Infrared receiver for remote controls (1) 03/16/2005","Description":"Project size : 58kB\nNo matter which button you press on your infrared remote\ncontrol - this program \"recognizes\" each button you press \non the remote control.\nEach button is assigned to an individual \"hexadecimal\" string.\n-So if you are an experienced programmer, you can log these characteristic\nand individual strings, you can analyse the strings - et cetera.\nThe program works with a 9-pin \"COM port\" interface with 1 diode,\n1 resistor, 1 capacitor and a \"TSOP\" Infrared receiver (the interface\ncan be do-it-yourself). The electronic components are cheap and cost about 2 dollars. \nProject tested on Win98SE.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005317821543019.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Infrared_r1865433172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"vb_elmar","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59519,"Title":"Voice Command(Voice/Speech Recognition)","Description":"Voice Commander is an Voice/Speech Recognition application developed using Microsoft SAPI(Speech SDK).\nIt has got\n1.Dictation Pad- Whatever is spoken will be typed on the Dictation Pad. The text in the pad can be saved to file from there itself. It can be used write long texts.\n2.Speak to Yahoo Messenger- This feature enable you to speak to yahoo Instant Messenger window. Whatever you speak will be typed in the Yahoo IM Window.\n3.System Commands- Commands like Shutdown,reboot etc can be given to the computer. The Code here used for Shutdown process is very powerful unlike the ExitWindows() api. You can also add your own commands to start commonly used application such as Notepad,Word etc.\n4.Read Active Window Titles- This application can read the Window title of the currently active window. The Voices can be changed in the Change Voice form.\n5.Voice training wizard- the Microsoft Voice and Mic traing wizard can be directly called from this application. Alos the Voice profiles can be added and changed from this application.\nIn case of any problem pls feel free to contact me.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This has been developed in Windows XP. The Voice Profile window may not appear in some OSs.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"1.In some machines Automation error occurs when the spSharedRecoContext object is created. This is not a problem with the code. This is a problem with Sapi.dll. This occurs in most of the applications developed using Sapi.\n2. before using the application it needs to trained. This can be done using the Voice training wizard and Mic training wizard. Only after training will it give proper results.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Voice_Comm1865453172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jayaraman Narayanan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59521,"Title":"Computer Monioring","Description":"Spying Software: \nSpyware is becoming more sophisticated in today's digital age. Some of these applications have the ability to be remotely installed without the need of physical access to your computer. Others have the ability to monitor your chat transcripts, email usage, and internet connection in a complete stealth environment. There are many other powerful features these Spyware applications offer. To name a few: Remote Access, Critical System Information, Remote Desktop Viewing, Webcam Capturing, Keystroke Logging, Application Usage etc.\n\nThis software does the following task\n1.\tKey Stroke Logger\n2.\tScreen Shots Logger\n3.\tActive Application Logger\n4.\tShows Currently Running Processes.\n5.\tOptions for Securing Windows and Internet Explorer.\n\nThis software remains in stealth mode except for the first time it is running. The shortcut key assigned to it is F12 which can toggle the state of the program from visible to invisible. There is no freely available software of this type in the market. All comes with the heavy price tags along with them. Also companies horrifies user that these softwareΓÇÖs are impossible to develop at personal level.\n\n1.\tKey Stroke Logger: In key stroke logger records every key stroke generated by the user and stored at the installation path in separate folder. It records all the keys. \n2.\tScreen Shot Logger: It takes the screen shots at the given interval of time supplied by the user. The image is stored as above in bmp format. \n3.\tActive Application Logger: It captures each application name which runs on the system and recorded in the log file. \n4.\tShowing Currently Running Processes. : It shows even those applications which are impossible to see in the Windows 98 environment e.g. kernel32 and so onΓǪ\n5.\tSecuring Windows And I.E.: Normally we see the professional softwareΓÇÖs which restrict windows environment by some way or another.One can secure by disabling common but important features so that any other user just canΓÇÖt change the settings of windows environment intentionally or accidentally which may even cause system crash. The other important feature is to clear CMOS password without even removing the CMOS battery. It also removes content rating password also which is helpful if one forgets these passwords.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053171250454958.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Computer_M1865563172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Soundlesslove","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59523,"Title":"SizeGrip Control","Description":"Ever wish you could add a Sizing Grip to your form without the added overhead of the ComCtl32? This control provides a nice work around and builds on the code of Karl PetersonΓÇÖs subclassing technique to provide a lightweight solution that is only ~4kb. Simply drop on your form and of you go...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053171524157702.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SizeGrip_C1865593172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"TerriTop","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59525,"Title":"BAC Calculator","Description":"This is a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Calculator. You put in your gender, weight, amount you've had, and how long it's been and it tells you your BAC%. I thought it might be good for those ppl drinking tonight since it's St. Patric's Day.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053171849327994.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BAC_Calcul1865673172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Homicidal4","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59527,"Title":"SWF Forge","Description":"SWF Forage, a parser/extractor and a compiler of swf file. I found similar codes on psc but I wish to do it in a more clear and faster way. \nExtracting compiled flash(.exe) back to swf file. It is easy to do compile a swf file to a standalone exe without a separate palyer, but it depends on what version Flash you made the swf, because new features with new Flash. If new features used in swf, older player maybe play it correctly. So a workaround solution is to use the latest player:) And I included a small play game as resource and automatically extracted it to \"Marshi Maro.exe\" since psc will automatically remove any file with PE headers, no matter what you name the file.\nAnd I make these two functions into a class for handy usage. I used Copymemory for a better performance. Please feel free to leave any comments, bugs or suggestions are welcome!\nNext version will feature in automatically list IE cached swf files for users to select. Maybe I will develop a much more robust version in really parsing the frames of a swf file to gifs.\nSome basic function classes are found on psc, but the core swf storage class is written by me.\nI strictly follow the coding standard so that I hope you can learn abou it without too much difficult. Sorry for lack of detail code comments, but I think that the method is really simple.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"CopyMemory For a better performance","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005318857415757.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SWF_Forge1865763182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"enmity","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59535,"Title":"Habbo Winsock - A working habbo program! (Updated, Again)","Description":"This is a fully working habbo program, it uses two Winsock controls, 1 for the Client, and 1 for the Server. It can log incoming data, send custom data (such as a mountain dew - see screenshot), and it can filter code like WPE (Usefull for editing stickie colors - See screenshot for stickies). I will update this on a regular basis, if i can be arsed, so enjoy my code, LEAVE A COMMENT, and VOTE. =]\nUpdate: I have updated the .html to Habbo v7, so everything works again.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005320439426935.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Habbo_Wins1880424232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Hakavelli Pliz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59539,"Title":"LaVolpe TileBlt","Description":"A tile blt'er with some added options. Out performs against CreatePatternBrush & may out perform most on PSC. Options include staggered alternating rows, tile over image, & can use transparent gifs, icons & cursors.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005320232399812.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LaVolpe_Ti1865853202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58106,"Title":"a game made with direct-x 7.0","Description":"a galaxy game have a strategy games look like using direct-x 7.0 with direct play","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_good_gam183668142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"silver_fox_vb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58111,"Title":"Joystick Class and dem0","Description":"THis is a joystick class that finds a valid joystick and then returns to you one event that reports everything you need to know to program that joystick..from which button is being pressed to the X and Y pos of both joyhandles(assuming your joypad has two..if only 1 this will still work) to the position of the D-pad","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"NOTE!!! IMPORTANT!! replace this structure with this....structure provided in submission not correct!!\n'-- JOYCAPS User Defined Type.\nPrivate Type JOYCAPS\n wMid As Integer\n wPid As Integer\n szPname As String * 32\n wXmin As Long\n wXmax As Long\n wYmin As Long\n wYmax As Long\n wZmin As Long\n wZmax As Long\n wNumButtons As Long\n wPeriodMin As Long\n wPeriodMax As Long\n wRmin As Long\n wRmax As Long\n wUmin As Long\n wUmax As Long\n wVmin As Long\n wVmax As Long\n wCaps As Long\n wMaxAxes As Long\n wNumAxes As Long\n wMaxButtons As Long\n szRegKey As String * 32\n szOEMVxD As String * 260\nEnd Type\nPrivate typeJoyCaps As JOYCAPS","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200514223515245.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Joystick_C183678142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58113,"Title":"API Created Folder Tree - this is the real one Windows uses, not a user control !!","Description":"API Created Folder Tree - this is the real one Windows uses, not a user control !!\nthe code is not mine, i only cleaned it up a little,whatever...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200515021332222.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API_Create183680152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":78,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58115,"Title":"GhostYourself (Make yourself translucent using a webcam!) No joke! (Version 2)","Description":"With this application you can actually make yourself translucent, and see right through yourself in real-time. Meaning it's like you really are a ghost! The code can generate the translucency very fast and therefore can keep up with the webcam refreshing every 50 millisenonds, appearing real-time. I came up with this idea after trying to come up with ideas of making some some use of green-screen technology, but it turned out to be this. This is the second upload of it, as I have made some minor changes to the code and added a status-bar as well as made it so you can select a location of your saved images, instead of it just saving to C:\\temp.bmp. I have also commented almost every line of the code so you know what's going on all through the code. Also I have actually reduced the filesize of the ZIP from 22 KB to 5 KB, and there's more stuff in it... PLEASE leave lots of feedback if you look at this. I only submit things to keep Planet Source Code alive, and to see whatever everyone thinks about my ideas and what the end-results are. So PLEASE leave me lots of feedback on what you think. Enjoy everyone.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200515055473896.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GhostYours183683152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58119,"Title":"Trace And Replay 3a (ClsSketcher)","Description":"A class that allows you to create animated drawing images. \nTo use the class all you need is a Form and a CommonDialog control. Menus are optional but useful.\nYou can either draw your own images or load an existing image and trace it. \n-----------------------------------------\nTracing can either be with standard pen, where the user selects the colour used or a Duplicate Pen which takes its colour from the underlaying image. \nTo assist tracing you can either draw directly on the underlying image or offset the trace output to any side of the underlying image.\n-----------------------------------------\nThe images are stored in a very simple (and large) file format called 'Sket' which is simply a hex description of the position, drawing phase(Start/Drawing/End), Colour and DrawWidth of a point on the lines you draw. This is a very inefficent file format which I plan to improve as soon as possible (so don't commit yourself to it too deeply)\n-----------------------------------------\nSuggested by Lucim Lack's 'Retrace your Footsteps!' at http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=58084&lngWId=1\n-----------------------------------------\nUPDATE Fixed the save error (accidentally zipped the next to last version))\nAdded new hotkeys, improved data storage in the Sket file format(unfortunately this means anything you built with version 1 is useless) and added a Scaling method of drawing and some auto sketchers.\n--------------------------\nAlso thought of a use for this, and am building a screensaver engine which could use the Sket files as input.\n-------------------------- NEW NEW NEW NEW -----------\nMinor update 'Save' now displays a progress report in caption bar as it can be rather slow if you have large data or high bit colour.\nAuto Dash now looks more like pencil strokes (use Width 4-8).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005151820559601.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Trace_And_183843192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58121,"Title":"Tiny Compiler (16-Bit)","Description":"This is a real 16-Bit compiler. Many things were token from Tommy L.'s old Viking. I just wrote the Parsing stuff and GUI and so on ASM stuff by Tommy remember ;). This can be improved.. It's just a start. Download it from: http://www.kidev.com/files/TinyCompiler.zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":1,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200515216233063.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Kinex","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58124,"Title":"Code-Rix","Description":"Code-Rix is a nice matrix screen saver, gives a multi-threaded application feeling since 6 windows and the main background all run together\nWaiting for someone to convert it to a real screen saver, I don't have much time","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051622083267.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Code-Rix183705162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"O├░uz ├ûzg├╝l","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58131,"Title":"Fyreworks","Description":"A really cool looking fireworks simulator. Lots of cool effects, looks good, render loop, uses a backbuffer, ,sound, you name it, its got it. look at the screenshot for an example. I dont care if you vote but please leave a comment!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200516835141603.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fyreworks183714162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Tim Heap","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58132,"Title":"SearchPatcher","Description":"(Uploaded fixed zip)\nFor adding filetypes to the Windows XP Search Tools Text Search.\nOn Windows XP the facility to look for text within a file only works against filetypes that have a filter defined. This means that .BAS, .CLS, .CTL, .FRM, .VBP (etc.) files are NOT scanned. This utility allows filetypes that have no associated search filter to be searched with the standard Text Filter.\nI have knocked this up very quickly as one of my colleagues just asked me why he couldn't find a subroutine in our libraries on his new (Windows XP) machine when it was found on his old (Windows 98) machine! I hope it may be useful for someone else.\nNOTE: You can also remove a Filter association from a filetype but you should not do this unless you have a specfic reason! You must reboot the PC for the changes to take effect.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200516122076738.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SearchPatc183741172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Richard Mewett","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58133,"Title":"TrayVolume Clock Toy - Direct Access To Your Master Volume","Description":"System tray clock with a twist. I always thought it was crazy to have to double-click the tray icon to launch the mixer app just so you can adjust the volume. Since the clock is not doing a helluva lot more than wasting screen real estate, I added the ability to adjust the master volume directly from the clock window. In other words, direct access. Nothing earth-shattering here, I know, but I just wanted to solve something that nags me. Now I can double-click the volume bar at the bottom of the clock and mute the sound instantly. Clicking and dragging the mouse over the volume bar will increment/decrement the volume depending upon the direction you are going. You can also click anywhere in the area of the volume bar to set the volume level where you click. To get to the options window, double-click the clock area which is above the volume bar. The clock's fore and backcolors can be changed. Hopefully I can add more customizations and features later. To exit the clock toy, press Ctrl--> Shift --> and click on the clock at the same time. As with all my code lately, I piggy-backed from Carlos P.V.'s fader code and employ Paul Caton's WinSubHook2....I know there are a couple of minor issues and the ones I don't know about, I am sure I will hear about them. Comments and suggestions welcome! Just compile it and place a shortcut to the exe in your startup folder if you want direct access to your master volume. Enjoy and happy coding! ;-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051251557113365.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TrayVolume1844161252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"AlT","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58138,"Title":"Network communication system (Intramessenger TCP/IP) UPDATED) See screenshot","Description":"Espa├▒ol: El prop├│sito de este programa es establecer comunicacion entre computadoras de una misma red, al estilo del cliente MSN Messenger. Cuenta con dos componentes b├ísicos, el servidor (donde se almacenan todas las configuraciones y se administra el servicio), y el cliente (quien se conecta al servidor.) Se han solucionado algunos problemas con esta versi├│n y agregado varias funciones. NO TE OLVIDES DE VOTAR POR ESTE C├ôDIGO!!! \n<br>\nEnglish: This proyect allow you to estabilish communication between computers of a same network, this app works like the MSN Messenger client. This app have two basic components, the server (where all settings are stored and the service is administered), and the client (who connects to the server.) Some bugs fixed on this release, new features add. PLEASE VOTE!!! :) a multilanguage version comming soon!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005162218168252.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Network_co183731162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Manuel E. Serrano I.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58139,"Title":"Ultimate Self Delete EXE for 98/2000/XP","Description":"Self Delete any EXE irrespective of its NAME or PATH. As some examples i have seen do not delete the exe if the exe name contains space \ne.g Copy of Project1.exe\nPlease vote for me if u like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Please don't try to delete in a CD. Just Joking","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ultimate_S183732162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Shawn Samuel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58140,"Title":"DM++ Script 5k Version 1","Description":"DM++ Scripting Language. Lots of Updates now has IF Statements, Switch statements, Goto, Goto Sub, For Loop,Arrays,Variables,Consts,Enums, Subs, Call Functions and Return from a function, Over 100 built in functions, FileIO support, Registry, INI File support, Use your own include modules. You can now also compile to an exe. Also quick user guide to help you get started.\nPlus over 100 script Examples.\nNote please read the Compile Help.doc if gives information on setting it up.\nPlease Vote.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051623357517.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM++_Scrip183733162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58149,"Title":"Create your own button with any shape!","Description":"Create your own button with any shape!If you want to have your program with professional and beautiful appearance , you can use this UserControl .Thanks for downloading this program and please post your comment about my program(good/bad).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051764347606.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Create_you183779182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Mostafa Asgari","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58153,"Title":"a simple way to search planet source code","Description":"this code will show you how to load a webpage in your project and then click buttons on that browser.","Inputs":"choose a search catagory and a search string and it will search the catagory for that string","Assumes":"n/a","CodeReturns":"n/a","SideEffects":"n/a","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/a_simple_w183755172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"┬╛ ├ƒ├║zz├¿├É","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58155,"Title":"Terrain Triangulation","Description":"This creates a triangulated terrain model from samples taken in the real world. Samples consist of x-, y-, and z-coordinates taken at arbitrary points in the terrain during a survey on site or during a satelite or airborne radar survey. The project shows several methods and techniques regarding trigonometry, maths, and transforming/projecting 3D entities onto a 2D drawing canvas. Some documentation and the basic theory about the triangulation process is included. Download is 77kB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Terrain_Tr183757172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55821,"Title":"Effect 3D Lines","Description":"This is an example of what you can do with only lines. It contains a focus/zoom effect also made with lines. Feedbacks are welcomed","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200482810551803.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Effect_3D_1785918252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Licar Bogdan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55827,"Title":"[[[[Spaint v1.0a]]]]","Description":"This is a upgrade and all round better version of my previouse paint","Inputs":"This is a upgrade and all round better version of my previouse paint","Assumes":"This is a upgrade and all round better version of my previouse paint","CodeReturns":"This is a upgrade and all round better version of my previouse paint","SideEffects":"This is a upgrade and all round better version of my previouse paint","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[[[Spaint1786078262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Andrew Bert","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55828,"Title":"Windows 2000 Logon (check network username/password)","Description":"Allows the user to check the username/password combination used to logon to Windows 2000 if the user does not have the SE_TCB_NAME privilege (most users do not).","Inputs":"Username, password, domain","Assumes":"Code taken from the web - could not find it on PSC. Original by Andrew Baker, as credited in code.","CodeReturns":"True if username/password match on domain, false if not.","SideEffects":"None that I know of.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Windows_201786088262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Wamdue Project","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55835,"Title":"Perspective 3D object Viewer (small bug fix)","Description":"This is a 3d object viewer (object files included) that renders at relatively high speed for pure vb. The viewer is well made but the class is a well commented masterpiece. It can rotate, move, and scale the objects, order their polygons with quicksort (Z Ordering), and render in points, wireframe, or solid stlyes. It also implements basic lighting effects and backface removal. Comments are appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function CreatePen Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal nPenStyle As Long, _\n ByVal nWidth As Long, _\n ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SelectObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, _\n ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DeleteObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function Polygon Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, _\n lpPoint As POINTAPI, _\n ByVal nCount As Long) As Long","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004826178275221.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Perspectiv1786548272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"J ATT","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55837,"Title":"Full FTP Client","Description":"This is a fully functional FTP client. You can rename files and folders, set filters, enumerate files and directories, and delete files and directories. Easy to use and understand.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048261848395662.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Full_FTP_C1786298262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55839,"Title":"ActiveX Explorer/Explorador ActiveX","Description":"ActiveXExplorer is a DLL COM+ component that enables to browse a registered ActiveX Component Properties and Values at RunTime, ActiveXExplorer es un componente COM+ que permite mostrar las propiedades en tiempo de ejecucion de un componente activex registrado.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048262038565435.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ActiveX_Ex1786348262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Quiqueze","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55842,"Title":"Animation Control (Update)","Description":"Cool Animation Control. I have bin asked for help about this control so the update includs same pictures and help html file. Vote and Coments are always welcome ;-) \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004826213107652.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Animation_1786388262004.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Toni","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55843,"Title":"POP_MAIL","Description":"---UPDATED AGAIN--- \nNow Deletes messages of the Host!\nAlso gets attachments...\nCurrently though, it only handles one attachment per email.\nThis is a program that will connect to your pop mail host and download your email, then parse it, then show you your mail either in html or text.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Assumes you have IQ over 50,\nin other words, its pretty simple!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"---NONE---","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004826223786589.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/POP_MAIL1786798282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Jason Barrera","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55846,"Title":"Display Checkboxes in Listbox Horizontally","Description":"Display Checkboxes in Listbox Horizontally\nI've been searching the internet and PSC on how to display checkboxes in a listbox in a horizontal manner but I didn't found any. Perhaps my search keywords are wrong but really I found nothing.\nI decided to re-examine the listbox property if I can find something that I have overlooked before and there it is. Who would have thought that by merely CHANGING THE COLUMNS PROPERTY TO ANY NUMBER OTHER THAN 0 WOULD ACCOMPLISH WHAT I WANTED TO DO.\nMany of you may have already known this but for newbies out there, this might help. See the screenshot to see what I mean.\nFor the screenshot below, the setting is:\nListbox1.columns = 4 \nOR\nIn the properties list, change Columns = 0 to Columns = any number you want. \nThe number of columns specified will configure the listbox to show 4 columns in its display window. A horizontal scrollbar will be displayed if the data display occupies more than 4 columns.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004827442184335.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Erick Asas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55848,"Title":"Full Name Splitter / Divider / Name Breaker / Split Name (NEW UPDATED)","Description":"THANX FOR YOUR SUPPORT GUYS, I'VE UPDATED MY FILE AND TRIED TO FIX ALL THE BUGS AS PER YOUR TESTING.\nPlease check out the newer code and let me know if still some development needed coz it's only you people who better check it out, and try to encourage my work by voting for me and writing comments about my work.\n'------------------------------------------------'\nThis application works for you as Name Splitter means you can provide it with a full name which consist of Title, firstname, middlename, lastname and suffix. What it will do it return all the five things seprately. Check this out. And Please VOTE for me coz I need encouragement from you so that I can upload for all of you THANX","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Full_Name_1787478302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Ankur Arora","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55850,"Title":"Nested Arrays Solution","Description":"Example","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":31,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55860,"Title":"Transparent effect","Description":"This coding can be used to whatever you want. I hope you like it, it took a while to create. I will probably find use of this little coding, maybe you will too? All it does is creating a transparent-effect in your window. Not so advanced. If you have any compliments about it, feel free to contact me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200482892399942.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Transparen1786898282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"SonicBlue","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51538,"Title":"AdBGone","Description":"AdBGone is an advanced popup and advertisement killer.\nIt will stop popups before they are displayed\nand replace banners/advertisements with the AdBGone\nlogo, solid color, or HTML of your choice.\nThis was a project I started as an experiment to see\nif I could generate any revenue from it.\nI haven't done any work on this application since\nAugust of 2003 so I believe I should give the source code away.\nThere is a registration feature on this application but the key\nencoder is included under 'adbgone/encoder'. In order to enable protection you must first download\nthe known advertisement hosts from my site (www.ccorpsoft.com).\nThis can be done through the menu, under 'Update Hosts'.\nThere weren't many testers for this project so I am sure there\nwill be a bug or two. Enjoy. If you re-use my code please respect my project and keep\nmy name somewhere in the credits. Sincerely, Emanuel Miller (www.ccorpsoft.com)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004261417434624.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AdBGone170496262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Emanuel Miller","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51553,"Title":"CRC32 Implementation","Description":"The purpose of this project was to implement a cleaner & faster CRC32 algorithm","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CRC32_Impl170538272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"David J. Fritts","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":56606,"Title":"Application Watcher ver1 Atlast i uploaded it!","Description":"Acts as your taskmanager PLUS Can prevent application from running in your system and also screensavers, it automatically attaches itself on system startup! Try it out and vote for it(password:monitor)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004108221528289.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Applicatio1802701082004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"jhei balisi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56611,"Title":"isButton 3.1 Update 2004:10:8","Description":"Hi every one. I've updated the isButton, you can get it on the page it was before here on PSC\nalso, I've made a ocx version for those have requested It.\nthis message will be deleted soon, but I thought this was a nice ay to repply to all the e-mail I've recibed claiming for updates. and to the PSC admins, sorry, I promise that I won't do this again :) \nvisit http://www.geocities.com/isbutton3/ to get the compiled ocx.\nhappy coding.\n************************fred.cpp","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Fred.cpp","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56618,"Title":"Printing Special Characters in VB6 - The Good One","Description":"Replace the first One, I posted wrongly. My Apologies for the Community. \nThis program print, special characters in different font types like \"Symbol\", \"GreekC\", and \"GreekS\".\nPlease Accept my apologies","Inputs":"A string","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A string in the Font type choosed","SideEffects":"No side effects","ApiDeclarations":"No Api Declarations.\n","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004109717598309.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Printing_S1802901092004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Alberto T. Klinger","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56626,"Title":"Game Engine Fully Commented","Description":"Well, the code is fully commented and it's a very nice program. Got an A on my final because of this program. The program is easy to use it starts out with default values if you dont know what your doing yet just run the default then use your up down left and right keys to move and when your infront of the dew machine press enter and you got yourself a drink. Please Vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041091351502303.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Game_Engin18223711272004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":57,"AuthorName":"Evgeni(Aries)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51200,"Title":"Flex Grid Made Flexible","Description":"Flex Grid is Made to be More Flexible. A editable Flexgrid with textbox moving along to cells on a click or a cursor movement:)","Inputs":"MSFLEX Grid Control Required","Assumes":"FlexGrid","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041231333594410.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flex_Grid_1698551232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Vijay Saki","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51212,"Title":"turnoff monitor","Description":"this code can be used to turnoff the computer","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"code is usable if motherbord support for api given","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"unknown yet","ApiDeclarations":"SendMessage\nSC_MONITORPOWER = &HF170&\nConst MONITOR_ON = -1&\nConst MONITOR_OFF = 2&\nConst WM_SYSCOMMAND = &H112","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/turnoff_mo1698851242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Sahir ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51213,"Title":"Transparent Tiler 4","Description":"Back again. Draws coloured tiles over any picture, looks better than it sounds (see screenshot). \nAmbiant light problem solved brilliantly by redbird77. API working thanks to Carle PV and Robert Rayment who both spotted my dumb mistake in passing the wrong values into the colour setting (took a while to notice it even with their help, some times your brain just won't work, eh). redbird77's code allowed me to activate the Ambiant colour parameter and add another one (Intensity). Aslo increased the number of bevels the demo allows to 200 (there is no real limit other than time) This allows you to create a single tile on a reasonably large picture giving a nice frame or curved (Hard edge Off) effect. If the bevel number is high enough the whole picture will be tinted, play with transparency and Intensity controls for best effect.\n---------------------------------------------------\nI have also cleaned up the code a bit (removed some unnecessary Optional parameters) and created 2 modules; one using pure VB, the other API. I recommend that if you want to use this you use the API version it is about 40 -50% faster especially with large numbers of tiles. There is a simple (and not very good) timer message so you can compare the two versions. \n ---------------------------------------------------\nThis demo takes advantage of a weakness in VB; it doesn't notice if you have Private routines with the same name in different modules, so both modules contain the some of the basic support functions. This is a potential source of bugs in code, if the 2 routines are not exact copies of each other. In this demo they are exactly the same, I could also have renamed them by adding 'VB' or 'API' to end of names as i did with other routines (which are not identical). Alternatively a single copy of the routines declared Public (in a 3rd module or either of the exiting modules) would work but would make the modules less portable.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041261722224721.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Transparen1698861242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51214,"Title":"Mini Converter 2.0.1","Description":"A complete conversion program that will convert virtually anything (over 4000 conversions already programed).... also has a wide range of categories to choose from. Options to add/remove more categories and units. I have a couple more improvements still to do to it so message me if you want any updates sent to you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041241031254928.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mini_Conve1698891242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Daniel Cassar","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51215,"Title":"SuperGT 3D racing game","Description":"SuperGT is a 3D racing game made with DirectX. You can drive a car around a track, and it keeps track of how many laps you have completed. A joystick/gamepad is supported. \nAll of the models except the car were made by me.\nPlease vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Make sure you compile /Config/Config.vbp into /Config.exe to set the options.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041241249456867.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SuperGT_3D1698911242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":94,"AuthorName":"Marshall H.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51229,"Title":"Alternate Listview Row Colors","Description":"This is a small example showing how to alternate row colors in a listview. Very basic...very simple!\nPlease comment and rate, I am looking forward to reading your thoughts.\nThanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042291953273057.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Alternate_187468492005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"Bugzy","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51231,"Title":"Balloon Msgboxes, Inputboxes and timeout popups","Description":"Display msgboxes, inputboxes and custom dialogs in balloons of any color you choose with an alphablended drop shadow of varying intensity. This is an update which has been rewritten to take into account users feedback. The code should now be clean and consists of only one form and one enumeration in a module. It is easy to replace the standard vb controls used with usercontrols of your choice to give an XP appearance. All balloons can be positioned via the calling code or just left to appear at the cursor position. Please see the screenshot and leave feedback, thanks.","Inputs":"Function msg_Box(ByVal mPrompt As String, _\nByVal mFlags As MsgBox_Flags, _ ByVal mCaption As String, _\nOptional NoPointer As Boolean, _\nOptional CheckboxTxt As String, _\nOptional Btn1 As String, _\nOptional Btn2 As String, _\nOptional Btn3 As String, _\nOptional mColor As OLE_COLOR, _\nOptional X As Single, _\nOptional Y As Single, _\nOptional Intensity As Integer) As Integer\nFunction input_box(ByVal mPrompt As String, _\nByVal mFlags As MsgBox_Flags, _\nByVal mCaption As String, _\nOptional DefaultText As String, _\nOptional NoPointer As Boolean, _\nOptional CheckboxTxt As String, _\nOptional mColor As OLE_COLOR, _\nOptional X As Single, _\nOptional Y As Single, _\nOptional Intensity As Integer) As String\nFunction MsgAuto_box(ByVal mPrompt As String, _\nByVal mFlags As MsgBox_Flags, _\nByVal mCaption As String, _\nByVal nTime As Integer, _\nOptional NoPointer As Boolean, _\nOptional mColor As OLE_COLOR, _\nOptional X As Single, _\nOptional Y As Single, _\nOptional Intensity As Integer) As String","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Function msg_Box returns a integer decribing which button was pressed.\nFunction input_box returns a string decribing the text the user entered.\n","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200413121203424.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Baloon_Msg1702441312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"Chris S Farmer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51242,"Title":"MSN Update","Description":"This is for msn chat users to quickly retrieve passpassport information needed to authenticate with third party applications. Rthe passportticket, passportprofile, and the subscriberinfo. Please vote :o)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041252330117653.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_Update1699511252004.7 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Kerry Weekley","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":58041,"Title":"FYI: StdPicture.Render Function","Description":"It appears this VB function can easily replace APIs like BitBlt, StretchBlt, DrawIconEx and others. So how do you use this function that no one seems to use? Included are a few ideas and \"how to's\". Hoping others more knowledgeable will add positive comments so others can learn too. Zip updated to include sample of portion Rendering. No BitBlt API used at all in examples.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005142126543933.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FYI__StdPi183677142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":76,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58047,"Title":"oPicFlex Object:: A powerful, yet lightweight picture control(ocx) W/ the following api ready featu","Description":"This is a picture control that I think most of you will like and (most ;~| ) all of you will appreciate. This picture object least importantly of all, displays a picture.\nHere are some of its more powerful features: 1)Can display a picture from a file, just like a regular picture control, BUT can also, on the fly, instantly (without winsock or any other control) download a picture off the web and display it..so this control can dynamically display images that dont even reside on your machine 2) The control has a storedPicture object..which allows you to store an unlimited number of pictures for later use. simply call the AddToStoredPictures method. Display any one of the stored pictures, later, as the current picture by a call to oPicFlex.ActivePicture = 2 (or whatever index you specify) 3)The image displayed in this control automatically resizes as the control resizes (like the Image control)..buy only if the stretch property is set to True, like the Image control 4)A single call to this controls DrawFromThisBlt method acts as an internal replacement to the BitBlt, StretchBlt, and TransparentBlt api calls, so any part or all, of the controls current image can be painted to any other DC","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/oPicFlex_O183558122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":56,"AuthorName":"zoom2","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58064,"Title":"Mouse Record","Description":"Fully commented. This program allows the user to record and playback mouse movements and clicks. When recording, it adds the mouse's coordinates and what the mouse is doing (moving, clicking) to a list. Then the program scrolls through the list and follows the scripts instructions on where to move and what to do.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512149234715.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_Reco183580122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"tazrockon","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58066,"Title":"Frequency Analysis","Description":"Learn how to break cyphertext with Frequency Analysis.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Frequency_183583122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Daniel M","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58067,"Title":"_Parse Proxies From Cybersyndrome.net_","Description":"Parses the non-anon proxies from cybersyndrome.net/pld.html","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Me = Newbie + Dumb***","CodeReturns":"Proxies in a listbox (format proxy:port)","SideEffects":"I have no clue..","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512181955317.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Parse_Prox183584122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Richard V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58069,"Title":"Bounce off the walls!","Description":"Bounce off the Wall! This program is similar to my 'bouncing balls' program; however this one bounces balls off walls of any angles. It is very realistic, and has no errors... I donΓÇÖt think anyway. If you find one, then contact me!\nNote that no API commands have been used to keep things simple! You can provide your own map just by replacing the default picture.\nEnjoy. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005121916473509.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Bounce_off183587122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Niranjan Paudyal","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58070,"Title":"Image Database 1.0","Description":"Organizes and saves images into a single access database. You can import/export single or multiple images at a time. Handles *.bmp, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.wmf, *.ico, and *.gif image files. Great tool to keep and organize your image collections into one single access database. This is only a start. I do realize that more polishing and debugging need to be done. I hope someone just learn something from it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"I wrote this in 1 day and still need to put in some database utilities to handle the upkeep of the database. ie - repair and compact database.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512211418845.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Image_Data183634132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"L. M. Trivette ","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58072,"Title":"GhostYourself (Make yourself translucent using a webcam!) No joke!","Description":"This will make you actually be able to see what's behind you right through your body in real-time! No joke! Read the directions inside the .ZIP to find out how this is done! The directions are simple. You need a webcam to do this obviously. Please leave feedback and suggestions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005131818483.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GhostYours183592132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58081,"Title":"E-FBSoft Stitch Crafts","Description":"Very simple to use, Cross-stitch allows him to realize marvellous creations as his pleasures..Cross Stitch offers him a collection of hardware to realize his own designs.\nIncomplete. \nIf anybody of you this one interested in helping me to continue with development of this program can connect me to:\nfirstbizsoft@gmail.com\nPlease feedback and vote this code!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/E-FBSoft_S183606132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"firstbizsoft","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58085,"Title":"Little Design thingy (Uses GDI+,png) ..:D -***MUST SEE***-","Description":"Skin a form with a PNG image. Uses GDI+ and a lot of CPU :D\nCredit to Appeiron, who wrote the GDI+ modules :P\nYou can also download the DLL version here @ PSC","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005131021153169.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Little_Des183611132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"HardStream Software Development","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58086,"Title":"ImageXp [Thumbnail/Image_Viewer]","Description":"ImageXp is a program which can show a very large number of high-quality T┬┤thumbnails. And the user has the option of searching for a special filename (wildcards supported).\nLook @ the screenshot and enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005131355151286.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ImageXp_[T183655142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Thorben Linneweber","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58088,"Title":"MSN Messenger 6.x Blockchecker (server like app.) - Autoemail blocklist to user after the job !!!","Description":"Lets easily impress your friends or raise up the traffic at your site !!! I think, the title is enough to explain my project. Well, just a few more things to say that ... I have tested it with MSN 6.x and I got 100% results. This application works as a server on your computer. The project needs no more code updating, just compile it, put it on your server machine and run it ! Even just run it for a few minutes and provide services to your friends (Even if you are using a lazy internet service like me - ewww) Readme included.\nSMTP servers are also given so don't worry about this. Oh yeh, send comments and don't forget to VOTE ME.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005131629377266.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_Messen183625132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Naveed ur Rahman","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58091,"Title":"Wandering Controls","Description":"A class that allows you to move controls around on a form or other container. There are several built in animated movements or you can specify a specific point for the control to move to. Using a timer it produces some interesting effects. No Screenshot, it's about movement.\n-----------\nThanks to Oscar Medina whose 'Marquees Marquesinas\" at http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=58044&lngWId=1 inspired it.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Wandering_183632132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58904,"Title":"HiIamHere.ocx (Your software reports back to you)","Description":"I wanted my software to \"report back\" to me, now and then, about their whereabouts. \nSo here itΓÇÖs an activex control that asynchronously and unobtrusively sends me back information. \nIt is fully parametric and I have it set to report back the first week, first month and then every 3 months. It calls the API directly instead of the winsock control and never gives an error no matter what! It just works on the background and waits the right moment. Then it can try on predefined periods to contact the internet and send the info. In this way I know how many copies are out there, their serials etc. To demonstrate the control I have included a very simple MP3 utility that I wrote to help me clean my mp3s (DonΓÇÖt burn me for this ). Unlike other software it can also take the ID Tag information and use it to rename the filename of the song (instead of 44xx23.mp3 etc ). Some of the code ofcourse comes from the great Planet-Source!!\nLet me know what you think because there is also the ETHICAL side of this control and I would like to know your opinion about it. \nI mean if itΓÇÖs ethical to have your software sending back info about their users without their knowledge.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005214175934116.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HiIamHere_1852832142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Makis Charalambous","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58930,"Title":"GetShoutcast - Download mp3 streaming","Description":"With GetShoutcast you can save to disk the mp3 data stream \nfrom the on-line radio while you listen audio thougth \nwinamp player (for example). This work like as \"sniffer\".\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052151536431171.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GetShoutca1854002172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Fernando Aldea","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58933,"Title":"Allankit wordpad","Description":"its is a most simple codes that can u see by a wordpad. it has a code's the same of wordpad.and it can run as the same of wordpad and microsoft word. u can insert picture and can open many document! all that can u make in wordpad u can do it here! u can use the right click of the mouse!this code is made for all the biggenner like me!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052202222574572.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Allankit_w1855622202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"allan s onquit","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58935,"Title":"BLACK BEAUTY (button) This button is a imitation of a flash button (screenshot)","Description":"This is a flash button simulation in that when the mouse enters the button the caption flashes several times. In terms of the actual number of lines of code needed for this button it is quite thrifty which should mean a totally error free and processor easy button. I call it black beauty. Once again feedback to motivate me for improvement is highly desired.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005215235338839.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BLACK_BEAU1853432152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58950,"Title":"AddProcedure","Description":"This is a addin that I wrote while working on a major project that needed many classes and repeated code. It will insert a sub, function and property with error handling. You can select private or public. If it is a class or a form. You can create a user defined type in a class, select it and it will create the properties for it. Give it a try.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052161326114310.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AddProcedu1853632162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Gary Simonelli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58952,"Title":"DSN Module and UserName","Description":"DSN Connection Creation or modification for Access or SQL Server\nIncluded is a few functions et get UserName, ComputerName, DomainName, FullUserName (Requires NT or more)\nBy the way, GetServer, found at Microsoft","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"DomainName and FullUserName does not work on win98, but who's still on 98???","ApiDeclarations":"Option Explicit\nOption Compare Text\nPrivate Declare Function NetServerEnum Lib \"netapi32\" (ByVal ServerName As Long, ByVal level As Long, buf As Any, ByVal prefmaxlen As Long, entriesread As Long, totalentries As Long, ByVal ServerType As Long, ByVal domain As Long, resume_handle As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"RtlMoveMemory\" (pTo As Any, uFrom As Any, ByVal lSize As Long)\nPrivate Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib \"netapi32\" (ByVal Buffer As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function lstrlenW Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetUserName Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"GetUserNameA\" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nsize As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetComputerName Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetComputerNameA\" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nsize As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SQLConfigDataSource Lib \"ODBCCP32.DLL\" (ByVal hwndParent As Long, ByVal fRequest As Long, ByVal lpszDriver As String, ByVal lpszAttributes As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SQLAllocEnv Lib \"odbc32.dll\" (phenv As Long) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function SQLDataSources Lib \"odbc32.dll\" (ByVal hEnv As Long, ByVal fDirection As Integer, ByVal szDSN$, ByVal cbDSNMax%, pcbDSN As Integer, ByVal szDescription As String, ByVal cbDescriptionMax As Integer, pcbDescription As Integer) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function SQLDrivers Lib \"odbc32.dll\" (ByVal hEnv As Long, ByVal fDirection As Integer, ByVal szDesc$, ByVal cbDescMax%, pcbDesc As Integer, ByVal szAttr$, ByVal cbAttrMax%, pcbAttr As Integer) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function SQLFreeEnv Lib \"odbc32.dll\" (ByVal hEnv As Long) As Integer\nPrivate Const MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH As Long = -1\nPrivate Const NERR_SUCCESS As Long = 0&\nPrivate Const ERROR_MORE_DATA As Long = 234&\nPublic Enum SV_TYPE\n SV_TYPE_WORKSTATION = 1\n SV_TYPE_SERVER = 2\n SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER = 4\n SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL = 8\n SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL = 16\n SV_TYPE_TIME_SOURCE = 32\n SV_TYPE_AFP = &H40\n SV_TYPE_NOVELL = &H80\n SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_MEMBER = &H100\n SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER = &H200\n SV_TYPE_DIALIN_SERVER = &H400\n SV_TYPE_XENIX_SERVER = &H800\n SV_TYPE_SERVER_UNIX = SV_TYPE_XENIX_SERVER\n SV_TYPE_NT = &H1000\n SV_TYPE_WFW = &H2000\n SV_TYPE_SERVER_MFPN = &H4000\n SV_TYPE_SERVER_NT = &H8000\n SV_TYPE_POTENTIAL_BROWSER = &H10000\n SV_TYPE_BACKUP_BROWSER = &H20000\n SV_TYPE_MASTER_BROWSER = &H40000\n SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_MASTER = &H80000\n SV_TYPE_SERVER_OSF = &H100000\n SV_TYPE_SERVER_VMS = &H200000\n SV_TYPE_WINDOWS = &H400000 'Windows95 and above\n SV_TYPE_DFS = &H800000 'Root of a DFS tree\n SV_TYPE_CLUSTER_NT = &H1000000 'NT Cluster\n SV_TYPE_TERMINALSERVER = &H2000000 'Terminal Server\n SV_TYPE_DCE = &H10000000 'IBM DSS\n SV_TYPE_ALTERNATE_XPORT = &H20000000 'rtn alternate transport\n SV_TYPE_LOCAL_LIST_ONLY = &H40000000 'rtn local only\n SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_ENUM = &H80000000\n SV_TYPE_ALL = &HFFFFFFFF\nEnd Enum\nPrivate Const SV_PLATFORM_ID_OS2 As Long = 400\nPrivate Const SV_PLATFORM_ID_NT As Long = 500\n\nPrivate Type SERVER_INFO_100\n sv100_platform_id As Long\n sv100_name As Long\nEnd Type\n\nPublic Enum ODBC_TYPE\n ODBC_USER_DNS = 1\n ODBC_SYSTEM_DNS = 2\nEnd Enum\nPublic Enum DSN_DATABASE_TYPE\n MICROSOFT_ACCESS = 1\n MICROSOFT_SQL_SERVER = 2\nEnd Enum\n'Constants for SQLConfigDataSource.\nPrivate Const ODBC_ADD_DSN = 1 ' Add user data source\nPrivate Const ODBC_CONFIG_DSN = 2 ' Configure (edit) user data Source\nPrivate Const ODBC_REMOVE_DSN = 3 ' Remove user data source\nPrivate Const ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN = 4 ' Add system data source\nPrivate Const ODBC_CONFIG_SYS_DSN = 5 ' Configure (edit) system data Source\nPrivate Const ODBC_REMOVE_SYS_DSN = 6 ' Remove system data source\nPrivate Const vbAPINull As Long = 0& ' NULL Pointer\n'Constants for SQLDataSources.\nPrivate Const SQL_SUCCESS As Long = 0\nPrivate Const SQL_FETCH_NEXT = 1\nPrivate Const SQL_FETCH_FIRST_USER = 2\nPrivate Const SQL_FETCH_FIRST_SYSTEM = 32\n","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":282,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Patrick Garceau","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58956,"Title":"Casino Slot Machine","Description":"Its a casino style slot machine, runs fine now, but there are still a few things I plan to add to it to make it better. You can place bets on 8 lines, with a total of 4 bets per line. Good GUI example, and commentted as well as I now how to. So maybe someone just starting can see how things work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052161752263979.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Casino_Slo1853752162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Anthony Lohr","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58966,"Title":"DM FrameXP","Description":"Hi this is a small Frame control I made about 30 min ago. anyway I sure other people have uploaded there own but here is mine. anyway You can move the frames around. Add captions, Chnage border colors and more. uses No pictures boxes or lables Pure VB code o and only Three API calls that just allow you to move the control and get RGB Value. anyway hope you like it do as you please with the code. Please vote if you like this code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005217826175552.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_FrameXP1853922172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58968,"Title":"Digital Image Subtraction(Updated)","Description":"Digital Image Subtraction by Robert Rayment. (Updated: faster Basic routine, ASM action on Weighting & GreyLevel scrollbars) Demonstrates the power of MMX machine code which is at least 10 times faster than Basic in an optimally compiled EXE. See Info for limitations. Sample BMPs. Assumes MMX & QueryPerform.. APIs. Zip 123 KB.","Inputs":"Pictures","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"Pictures","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"A few see code","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052171216433594.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Digital_Im1854762192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58969,"Title":"Dual Monitor Support","Description":"This class adds dual monitor support to your apps, supporting any number of monitors, weather they are different screen resolutions or have been moved around in the display properties. I had tried many other methods, but they didnt work at all (microsofts example), or they didnt with different screen resolutions. This one does!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052171511355682.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dual_Monit1854042172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Darren Scales","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58970,"Title":"[ Cipher Classics ]","Description":"Encryption with a list of classic field-ciphers. Encrypt swift and easy with this program, or try out the pencil-and-paper versions by following the instructions on how to use them \"in the field\", as many secret agents and soldiers did. Use ADFGVX, Caesar Shift, Single or Double Columnar Transposition, Playfair, the Straddling Checkerboard or Vigen├¿re. Discover now, after the thrill of using my Enigma machine ;-), the secret world of the field ciphers. All comments and ideas welcome ;-) *** New Updated 3/17 !!! added Print option ***","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005317437558535.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Cipher_C1865383172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58972,"Title":"MP3 Property Page","Description":"This is an explorer property page shell extension which will allow you to edit mp3 tag properties. By adding an empty dialog and plopping a vb form on top you can handle all the programming in vb instead of c++. There is a .dll required that is available at http://www.programmersheaven.com/search/download.asp?FileID=38704. The propext.dll is essential since you cannot call a function pointer in vb.(that I'm aware of)It allows the adding of the empty dialog, on top of which the vb form is placed. This can of course be applied to any file extension. You can make your own custom property page. I have found many instances where an external .dll written in c++ can extend vb into an extremely robust language. Too bad they aren't allowed to be submitted for security reasons.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200521719093315.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MP3_Proper1854112172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"jjprogrammer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58976,"Title":"DM MenuXP","Description":"Hi All well I am back agian. mesing around with the line function. anyway this Time I sort of made a custom menu. you know like them DHTML sort of things. anyway still some bugs in it. but no bad for an hours work of codeing.\nwell if I get some time I put this into an Usercontrol next time for you and add some more features. anyway hope you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052172149341590.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_MenuXP1854152172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58983,"Title":"Hospital Monitoring System","Description":"It has Administration and more, with encrypted password and multiuser. Most interesting here is the report generation..just check it out.","Inputs":"NO parameters needed","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"NO returns","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hospital_M1854282182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Brian C. Rosal","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58985,"Title":"Alarm Clock with Ultimate Design","Description":"An alarm Clock that plays an mp3 file when the time you specified is on.\nThe design is based on a transparent form code i found here.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005218944556133.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Alarm_Cloc1854352182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"TheBlackCr0w","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55996,"Title":"Common Dialogs","Description":"ASM callback procedures, compiler switches to expose only the functionality required, nice examples and more. Be sure to register the type library to run the project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004931415514680.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Common_Dia1794209152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56000,"Title":"Remove TextBox Popup","Description":"This code does some useful things. First ,it replaces the default textbox context menu(the menu which pops up when u right click the textbox or press context menu key on the keyboard) with menu \nof ur choice. Secondly it shows how u can create ur own Edit Menu. Thirdly it shows how u can restrict user from pasting into textbox(it may be desired in some cases). Users can't paste into textbox by any means.I found some codes on the site where u could replace the textbox default popup menu but all failed when user pressed context menu key/application key on keyboard(the key immediate to Right Windows Key). I hope u find it of some use ;-).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"only one, which is already in form","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Remove_Tex178944932004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"TheAlmighty","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56002,"Title":"T.A.S. Internet Explorer Toolbar Integrator & Editor","Description":"The Internet Explorer Toolbar Integrator & Editor allows a user to integrate any program into the internet explorer tools menu & the tool bar with custom icons. Each time it integrates a new tool bar item it generates a uneek UUID number so that it wont interfere with any other software. Now has a full blown toolbar tools editor & better icon handling. It literally can extract the main icon out of all program files, irregardless what their index is & implement them.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200493163159342.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/T_A_S__Int178946932004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Thomas Swift","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56005,"Title":"GetSetting and SaveSetting Tutorial","Description":"explains SaveSetting and GetSetting","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GetSetting178949932004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"LT sK8eR2gO","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56011,"Title":"T-Master VB ARTICLES Part - 1 (Array,Collections)","Description":"If u wanna use your own Collection You Can Try This With Many Functions.. And For The Beginners \nNerly All Usuable Statements and functions about arrays..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/T-Master_V178970942004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Tolgahan ALBAYRAK","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56021,"Title":"API-ucListView 1.0","Description":"API-ListView usercontrol with most commom features (no dependencies -> thanks to Paul Caton for his great self-subclassing usercontrol template [CodeId=54117]). __________________________________________________ Notice: 1) Column, item and imagelist-icon indexing is zero-based. 2) Sorting: user should create a 'private' array for storing current column sort order (Ascending/Descending: 1/-1) -> Switch between sort order. 3) Items/SubItems do not allow custom font appearance (Bold, Color, etc). -> This needs custom-draw routines. 4) All properties are 'run-time properties'. __________________________________________________ Update 09/07: Added basic custom-draw support (for [Details] mode). Now, you can easily create a highlight effect (row and/or column). Enable RaiseSubItemPrePaint() and respond to OnSubItemPrePaint() event. __________________________________________________ Update 09/08: Custom-draw fix. Crash when XP theme enabled (Thanks to Dana Seaman). __________________________________________________ Update 12/09: Second and last fix for XP. __________________________________________________ Compatibility: in principle, all systems. // 33Kb zip.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004976317994.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API-ucList1887915132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":100,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56033,"Title":"FIRE GDI+","Description":"FIRE GDIplus - a must-see for all who like Cecri's fire effect!\nBased on his code, I used GDIplus to display it ***MUCH*** faster at double width. This is done by using GdipBitmapLockBits to enable direct memory access. No more CPU-hog! But be sure to COMPILE IT to see how fast it works!!\nIncludes API-Timer, display of CPU-load with ProgressBar within StatusBar. \nThis is my first post. I've put a lot of work on this. Please download and tellme what you think - comments, sugestions and of course, votes are welcome.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"GDIplus.dll needed","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200495112544349.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FIRE_GDI+179010952004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"joerg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58337,"Title":"simple clock (a lot less than 46000 lines ;)","Description":"OK I'm pretty sure that the Jornak D'teires 'Alarm Clock v1.1 w/ 46000 lines of code\n' is a stunt/fake but I'd like to see the code that wrote that @$%#!\n(I pray it wasn't Cut'n'Paste or hand-crafted)\nbut it was a challange so here's my answer\n36 lines; 34 if you grant me the line continuation formatting; 31 if you ditch the Form_Load and set the Visible status of the dots in the IDE( one True /one False)\nNot a brilliant clock but I kind of like the LED function for elegance\n\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/simple_clo1840961172005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58339,"Title":"Monitor Registry Changes","Description":"This program monitors registry changes and changes them back if they're changed. Give me lots of feedback! (Good or Bad) Give specific reasons and how to improve it if it's bad. There is also a better way of monitoring the registry by someone else at http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.asp?ID=2229.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Add 2 timers and 1 label. Change the interval for Timer1 to 30000 and the interval for Timer2 to 1000 and the caption of Label1 to 30000 and \"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\ActiveX Compatibility\" to the registry key you want to monitor. Make sure the registry key you want to monitor isn't too big or else it'll take a long time to compare.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":72,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"VB Beginner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58348,"Title":"LED clock (a little shorter than god's)","Description":"In one line - well, with a little cheating ;-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LED_clock_1841071182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58353,"Title":"GDI Management (Updated 1/19/05)","Description":"That horrible bug found by Lavolpe scared me into spending half the night going over this code with a fine-tooth comb. Minor optimizations and major commenting added. Anyone who downloaded the code before this update will probably want to scrap the old version and grab this one. Also check out the new screenshot. If that's not stress testing, I don't know what is!\nInspired by Lavolpe's \"GDI Font Management\" submission, this code is a drop-in replacement for common gdi api calls. The benefits of using this code as opposed to the api calls directly are two-fold: \n1. Identical fonts, brushes and pens are shared between all procedures who request them. A reference count is kept, and the objects are deleted when no longer in use.\n2. Debugging is simple, simply change a few compiler constants and you will receive a debug message if any font, brush, pen, DC, or bitmap handles are leaked.\nThis code is very fast, because it hashes the gdi objects and uses a linked list to store the necessary information. Actually it's a bit more complicated than that because the nodes in the list must be looked up by the gdi object when creating an object and by the handle when destroying it. So two linked lists are kept, but only one set of nodes. One is used to lookup by the gdi object and the other by handle.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200511913448420.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GDI_Manage1841861192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58354,"Title":"L.E.D clock - In one line and ONE command! ;)","Description":"Stop! Before taking Ulli to the winner: A L.E.D. clock in one line of VB code and only ONE command! ;))) Putting the focus onto the 'Visual' in our beloved programming enviroment VB I got another solution. (Plz don't kill me for it :))) ) Light Templer","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051181557324860.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/L_E_D_cloc1841141182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58360,"Title":"Very Very Basic encryption and decryption routine - but effective","Description":"This is a very simple enocde decode routine that I created for a program where I didn't want to store the password in a plaintext string. This routine then came in handy when creating a client/server program where to stop people sending spurious commands to either the server of the client - I encrypted the time in minutes and it was sent with every bit of data - if the time was out by 3 minutes then the server or client discared the data - this is just one example for this bit of code.\nThe routine currently runs 100 times in encryption or decryption but is a for loop - so easy to change - just make sure that the encryption and decryption routines run the same number of times.\nAs an example \"Planet Source Code Rocks\" becomes \"8=EMPT\\chipu{$'/49;>?DEHKRY\\dehiosuv{}~$+1369;CKQRZ[^`cfglpuw~$%*0479AFKNQSZ]ekry~$*-48:ACHOVW_elrz$D`UbYhrGcifWYr7cXYrFcW_g\"\nThe key to the encryption and decryption is the number at the beginning of the string (which is randomly chosen during encryption - and because it is a printable character gets encrypted itself on every subsequent encryption). This routine is for from unbreakable but is going to throw of the person who just wants to quickly find the password.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Very_Very_1841431192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Andrew Simon Jones","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58361,"Title":"Office 2003 Button","Description":"This code improve Office 2003 Button for VB. With MouseOver effect (No Flicker), CheckButton, ToolTipText, Frozen (Enabled Property). You can built a nice Toolbar. I Just improve and join same other code peaces from PSC. THANKS PSC","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005119148259380.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Office_2001841771192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Joao Carlos Fortes","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58363,"Title":"LED (20 Wires)","Description":"A more complex LED UserControl. uses a hacthwork of 20 'wires' to draw numbers/UpperCase letters. Another spin-off of the LED clock challange , but not in the running way more code than absoutely necessary (if no where near 64000 lines). Please feel free to adapt for yourself. Lots of comments in the UserCOntrol should help modifications/additions. \n------------\nOops left the screenshot at home but it's only 8K so give it a go.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LED_(20_Wi1841501192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58365,"Title":"ThunderVB - Beta 1","Description":"ThunderVB is a Addin for Visual Basic 6 sp6 that adds \nInline Asm/C , non ActiveX Dll creation , Asm and C \ncode coloring and Asm Code completion on the VB ide.\nThis is some outdated code that was released as a\n\"public beta test\".\nExpect a new release soon..\n \nThe ThunderVB development team [ Raziel and Libor].","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200511994328843.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ThunderVB_1841591192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"ThunderVB development Team","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58343,"Title":"LED Clock Challenge","Description":"Rodger threw down the challenge to write an LED clock application in a few lines as possible. This is my solution, can anyone better this! If not, you may all kneel trembling before me and worship me as your new programming god <insert evil laugh here> ;-p","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005118929205591.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LED_Clock_1841031182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58346,"Title":"Index Server via VB","Description":"Microsoft Indexing Service is a service that provides a means of quickly searching for files on a machine. The most familiar usage of the service is on web servers, where it provides the functionality behind site searches. It provides a straightforward way to index and search your web site or machine. This simple app. provides a way of accessing that functionality via VB.\nMy initial reason for looking at Index Server was so I could search for documents in a particular directory that I have set up. If you create your own Catalog and add certain Directory's (collectively the dir's. are called the 'Scope') to that Catalog, you can then specify which Catalog to search in. Handy if you have documents that need to be kept in separate folders etc. (see the Help file) Included is a handy ListView builder which only needs a recordset and the target ListView, and an Internet Explorer imbedded in a form used as the Help file. I hope you find all of this useful and if so (or if not!), please leave a rating and comments. Regards....","Inputs":"Entry fields:\n1. Host/Computer Name.\n2. Catalog name you wish to search.","Assumes":"You will need to ensure that you have referenced and available;\n1. Index Server Control Library.\n2. Microsoft Internet controls (for the Help file)\n3. ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 2.7 - an older version should be OK.\nI am using Windows XP and haven't tried on any other op. system.","CodeReturns":"A list of files will be returned that contain the search words that you have specified, from the Catalog that you have specified. You could open them up from there, but I have just shown a message box on Double Click.","SideEffects":"Happy users and developers!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051181049304494.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Index_Serv1841051182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"GazMan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58369,"Title":"___Cool Taskbar Fade In/Out__","Description":"This code makes your taskbar transparent when the mouse is not on it. When the mouse approaches the taskbar fades up. This is my first entry. U can also control the speen of fade ups and downs and the taskbar transparency level. Please enjoy thr code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Do not End the code from VB if so the taskbar may remain transparent till the next reboot. Please close the program.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005119105435515.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/___Cool_Ta1841641192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Arun P {:-)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58370,"Title":"Graphical LED Clock","Description":"This is a continuation of the LED-Battle thats has been taking place lately. Not the smallest code, but this graphical LED clock easily allows for skinning the numbers. Simply make 11 small images for \"0123456789:\", place them in a folder which is the skin name (Skin Folders go within program folder) and set the mSkin constant. Also uses a borderless frame dragging technique. Very simplistic and basic. No need to vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051191125388340.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Graphical_1841651192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58372,"Title":"GS Browser - Get Serverlists from GameSpy","Description":"Get Serverlists from the public GameSpy Master!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005119113755769.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GS_Browser1841661192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Thomas Reiser","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58374,"Title":"Compact All MDB","Description":"Tired of seeking through your hard rives to find Access databases, to compact\nthem and gain some free space?\nThen this tool could help you.\nBasically it parses all the directories and sub-directories of a given hard drive\nunit, and tries to find Access Databases.\nWhen this operation is done, you can repair or compact them. I gained on one\nof my HD unit over 6Gb of data.\nWhat you need to make this project work:\nvbalSGrid6.ocx and ssubtmr6.dll fro vbAccelerator. These files should\nbe in the libs directory. If ever they had been removed then, just\ngo to this url: \nhttp://www.vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Code/Controls/S_Grid_2/S_Grid_2/VB6_SGrid_2_Binary.asp\n1- Open a blank project.\n2- Goto to project -> references and select ssubtmr6.dll, it should register it\nfor you.\n3- Open your the test project (an error should appear), then goto\nproject, components, and select the vbalSGrid6.ocx\n4- close the test project.\n5- restart it it should be ok.\nYou'll also need Microsoft DAO 3.51 or 3.6 (depending on the Access version\ninstalled on your computer). Generally 3.51 works well with Ms Office 97 databases\n3.6 or above should suit best to newer versions of Access. I'm currently using\nMs Office PRO 97, and thus for referenced DAO 3.51.\nIf you have troubles or do not understand how to make this thing work,\ndon't hesitate to send me an email.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051191147543633.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Compact_Al1841711192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"brainwasher","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58375,"Title":"[!!VOTE!!] cGFX - Style up Your Form Class!","Description":"The cGFX Class allows you to make super SEXY tools in seconds!!! A Demonstration tool is includet!","Inputs":"No Params","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"No Returns","SideEffects":"No Side Effects","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib \"user32\" _\n(ByVal HwnD As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, _\nByVal bRedraw As Boolean) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreateRectRgn Lib \"gdi32\" _\n(ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, _\nByVal Y2 As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CombineRgn Lib \"gdi32\" _\n(ByVal hDestRgn As Long, ByVal hSrcRgn1 As Long, _\nByVal hSrcRgn2 As Long, ByVal nCombineMode As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias _\n\"SendMessageA\" (ByVal HwnD As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _\nByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib \"user32\" () As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DeleteObject Lib \"gdi32\" _\n(ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib \"user32.dll\" Alias \"GetWindowLongA\" (ByVal HwnD As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib \"user32.dll\" Alias \"SetWindowLongA\" (ByVal HwnD As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib \"user32.dll\" (ByVal HwnD As Long, ByVal crKey As Long, ByVal bAlpha As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function UpdateLayeredWindow Lib \"user32.dll\" (ByVal HwnD As Long, ByVal hdcDst As Long, pptDst As Any, psize As Any, ByVal hdcSrc As Long, pptSrc As Any, crKey As Long, ByVal pblend As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051191243498204.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/cGFX_-_Sty1841721192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"tHa_imaX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58376,"Title":"GDI Management put to good use","Description":"Ever written a usercontrol that exposed a Font property? Then this code is for you. cFont.cls uses offers many features you won't get with the StdFont object. You can call the Browse method to show the Font dialog and the font properties will be set automatically if the user chooses a font. You can set the font to the ambient font or a system font and it will update itself provided that you call OnAmbientFontChanged from your usercontrol's AmbientChanged event or OnSettingChange in your WM_SETTINGCHANGED handler. All of the properties from the LOGFONT structure are exposed, including charset, escapement, etc. And I even included a property page that allows for multiple properties on multiple controls to be edited simeltaneously, all your controls have to do is implement the iSupportFontPropPage interface. Sound good? I had hoped so! Bug reports are much appreciated. Also, anyone who has downloaded my last submission, GDI management, should check out the new version I just uploaded with additional optimizations and much more in depth explanations and comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051191329411817.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GDI_Manage1841911192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58378,"Title":"Flowchart to Code","Description":"Is to generate VB Code out from a flowchart..\nPlease vote...Download now...see for ur self.\nif u feel upgrading it or something, ur free \nto...but please just even our name placed on ur about/help/anywhere where people will know will be much appreciated.. thanks..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Help is included...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"doctors cant help the side effects... =)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200511922615472.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flowchart_1841941192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Kevs.mtΓäó","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58380,"Title":"RedHat Shell","Description":"This is a basic layout for a shell that looks like Linux RedHat. Comes with a few custom controls for easy customization. Has a 'startmenu', 'taskbar' as well has desktop icons. i was really bored and this is what i came up with. i didnt mean for this to have any use, just did it for fun.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051192219169253.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RedHat_She1841961192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":88,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58383,"Title":"Fade-In/Fade-Out Splash Screen","Description":"Well commented Splash Screen. Shows how to create a nice splash screen for your program that fades in slowly, pauses, and then fades out.\nFairly simple, but professional looking. Uses 3 API calls and a simple loop.\nPlease leave comments/opinions...even if you don't vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fade-In_Fa1842021202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Capp00","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58386,"Title":"You too can access all the properties/methods/events of the webbrowser + html object w/o 1 control!!","Description":"\nHow you can access all the properties, methods, and\nevents of the html object libray/webbrowser control\nwith using any webbrowser or winsock or inet control.\nMost people believe that in order to use these objects\nyou have to load some sort of browser object\ninto memory..which has always been problem for me\nsince i know that IE has a lot of security holes.\nthe secret basically lies in one method of the \nHTMLobject library. it is the \".CreateDocumentFromURl\"\nmethod\nIt goes something like this","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58392,"Title":"Stock Quotes","Description":"This example Excel spreadsheet shows how to get live datafeeds for Stock using Excel Querys. I have password protected the workbook, but I will give that to you, so you can see the 'Protection' functionality in use. (Password = 'stockquotes'). There are hidden sheets that contain the Listings for each industry sector (this is set at startup of the workbook), but these could be parked in a database such as Access or SQL if you liked. I have used a ListView to manage the stocks that you need quotes on. Anyway, I hope that this is useful! It could be adapted for other markets, which is why a database of sectors/markets would be handy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The latest stock quotes for the stocks that you have selected.","SideEffects":"A larger understanding (and brain!?) of Excel and Query's.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005120110257918.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Stock_Quot1842121202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"GazMan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58393,"Title":"Send SMS via PDU","Description":"Example on how to send an SMS using a standard\nGSM mobile Phone using the PDU encoded telegram\ncommon to all GSM mobiles.","Inputs":"Internal tel-number, SMS-text","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"an SMS on your mobile if all is good","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Send_SMS_v1842151202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"John van Zijl","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58638,"Title":"Advanced Multiple Connection Server and Client","Description":"The coding shows for any beginner or intermediate how to solve many of the tough challenges of:\n\nInserting a picture without using the clipboard\n. \nA list of people currently in the chat room, and an icon showing whether they are away or not\n. \nHow to use an imagelist to draw onto a picturebox that changes it's color on mouseover\n. \nHow to use the Tree control\n. \nHow to create your <B>VERY OWN PROTOCOL</b> using winsocks and dataarrivals\n. \nHow to use the Toolbar control\n. \nHow to dynamically load as many winsocks as necessary\n. \nHow to unload spare winsocks when they are no longer in use to save memory\n. \nShows how to use anti-flood methods by not allowing the client to re-post until the server sends everyone the last post\n. \nShows how to use picture manipulation in a tree control\n. \nTHERES EVEN A SPECIAL SUB HERE TO CONVERT A PICTURE TO RTF CODE!!!!!\n. \nYou cannot send text while in an away state\n. \nHow to create a max send, not from the text they write, but from the maximum a socket can send, ie. the TextRTF of a RichTextBox\n. \nHow to scroll to the bottom of a textbox, where more text is added\n. \nInserting smilies and converting them from pictures to strings, using their keys to store which picture they are\n. \nAnd many more techniques, including good programming habits","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"They can be viewed in the program.","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200522038403591.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_M184705222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"DanDaMan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58639,"Title":"True Type (ttf) reader 1.0","Description":"This clas (sample included) read True Type Fonts (ttf) you get many informations over the font.\nNames, Descriptions, Dates...\nIf you want that i made a next version please give feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/True_Type_184706222005.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Alfred Koppold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58641,"Title":"VbEclipse Version 0.9.02 (docking MDI solution) - Updated: 27/02/05","Description":"The VbEclipse project is a Visual Basic 6.0 implementation of the Eclipse perspectives. It provides a high flexible and complete configurable docking MDI solution with a nice user interface.\nFEATURES: + Multiple Perspectives + Tabbed Views + Drag & Drop Support + Maximize and Restore Views / Editors + Windows XP Schemes (Classic, Metallic, HomeStead, Normal) + Custom Color Scheme Support by IScheme Interface + Floating Views + Auto hide tab navigation buttons + Disable tab navigation buttons + --- P L E A S E V O T E ---","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Sub Form_Load()\n \n With Me.ucPerspective1\n \n ' Set the handle of main window \n .MainHwnd = Me.hWnd\n \n ' Register the views\n .AddView \"Favorites\", frmViewFavorites\n .AddView \"History\", frmViewHistory\n .AddView \"Console\", frmViewConsole\n \n ' Perspective without an editor area\n With .AddPerspective(\"OnlyViews\")\n \n ' Add new folders with views\n With .AddFolder(\"Project_Folder\", vbRelLeft, 1, .ID_EDITOR_AREA)\n .AddView \"Project\"\n .AddView \"Objects\"\n .ActiveViewId = \"Objects\" ' Set objects view as active view\n End With\n With .AddFolder(\"Properties_Folder\", vbRelRight, 0.7, \"Project_Folder\")\n .AddView \"Properties\"\n .AddView \"Help\"\n .ActiveViewId = \"Help\"\n End With\n With .AddFolder(\"Console_Folder\", vbRelBottom, 0.7, \"Properties_Folder\")\n .AddView \"Console\"\n .AddView \"Tasks\"\n .AddView \"Code\"\n .ActiveViewId = \"Tasks\"\n End With\n \n ' Set the perspectives active view\n .ActiveViewId = \"Project\"\n \n ' Hide the editor area\n .EditorAreaVisible = False\n \n End With\n\n ' Create a browser perspective\n With .AddPerspective(\"Browser\")\n \n ' Add favorites left to the editor area\n With .AddFolder(\"Left_Folder\", REL_LEFT, 0.3, .ID_EDITOR_AREA)\n .AddView \"Favorites\"\n End With\n ' Add history bottom to favorites\n With .AddFolder(\"Left_Bottom_Folder\", REL_BOTTOM, 0.5, \"Left_Folder\")\n .AddView \"History\"\n End With\n ' Add console bottom to editor area\n With .AddFolder(\"Bottom_Folder\", REL_BOTTOM, 0.7, .ID_EDITOR_AREA)\n .AddView \"Console\"\n End With\n \n ' Show the editor area\n .EditorAreaVisible = True\n \n End With\n \n ' Display the browser perspective \n .ShowPerspective \"Browser\"\n \n End With\n \nEnd Sub","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005241542109975.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VbEclipse_1858042262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":50,"UserRatingTotal":235,"AuthorName":"AB-Software","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58644,"Title":"Nice Frame","Description":"This user control is a replacement for the VB frame control.This is not a direct replacement because some of the property names are different.\nThe control have a header and a footer.Independent on one another you can set their look, size, text it will contain and you can also set images in the header. Header has in addition one button can collapse or expand\nYou can set:\n- squared or rounded shape\n-5 border style\n-2 different gradient types of fillings \n, gradient style shape style.The control exposes 3 properties to this affect: BorderStyle, FillStyle and ShapeStyle. \nSEE SCREENSHOT\nIf you are not currently involved in the coding contest, I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE YOU VOTING FOR MY CODE. Will only take a minute or two to make an account, and while it won't make me any money... =) it will encourage me to keep posting code and controls like this one.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052263228517.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Nice_Frame184812242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":28,"UserRatingTotal":131,"AuthorName":"Flex dit Tannos","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58645,"Title":"DarkRAD: Rapid Adventure Development Game Engine","Description":"DarkRAD is an graphical Rapid Adventure Development Game engine created in Visual Basic. It features a first person view, point-and-click gameplay, just like most old-school adventure games. It is currently under development, but so far it supports sound, graphical effects and game programming with the easy to use built-in programming language called DialogScript. The Engine also includes an intuitive game editor to help you create graphical adventure games.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052264993138.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DarkRAD__R184725222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Remerico Cruz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58651,"Title":"Add Command Buttons To Form's TitleBar (Updated: 20-Feb-2005)","Description":"Updated: 20-Feb-2005. Now Include Example Showing Its Uses (Add To SysTray Code)\nThis code allows you to add any command button (or any control with hwnd) to the VB forms's title bar. Take a look at my other PSC submission ID: 58620","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005241412591805.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Add_Comman184827242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":42,"UserRatingTotal":201,"AuthorName":"Abhishek.NET","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58652,"Title":"[ A Chart Maker ]","Description":"An example of chart maker, this is my first chart maker so do not expect too much.\nVote please, I will make a second version later","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005221651437746.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_A_Chart_184739222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58653,"Title":"[snIPer] A multiple port scanner","Description":"Unhappy as I was with other simple port scanners, I wrote snIPer. It'll scan a range of IPs as well as a range of ports, extremely fast with upto 999 simultaneous threads. I'm sure there are some bugs in the code, I wrote this about 3-4 years ago, found it again the other day and thought it might be worth uploading. Any comments, suggestions, critisms, death threats are more than welcome. Sorry, I haven't annotated it, if I get some free time I'll fix the bugs I find and give it comments. Just to explain WHY itΓÇÖs faster, I have found and it runs faster than every scanner IΓÇÖve found yet except for SYN scanners. This is because it doesnΓÇÖt donΓÇÖt rely on winsock timing out, you set the timeout yourself (default of 4ms) and when the port has been open at that length of time the thread forcibly disconnects from the host without waiting for winsock to timeout and create an error report to provide the Visual Basic runtime files, which IΓÇÖve found effectively cuts time on an unnecessary function in the port scanner, there are buffer overflow issues when the scanner has more to do than Visual Basic will allow it, i.e. When 999 threads have scanned around 300,000 ports.\nI think for my next project IΓÇÖll get onto writing a stealth scanner (SYN>SYN/ACK>CLOSE) with the same principle of response time as snIPer, fix the buffer overflow issue and add some extra functions to it. So watch this space! If anyone finds a faster SYN>SYN-ACK>ACK (Connecting) port scanner, let me know!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005221715103625.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/snIPer184741222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Luke Huxley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58657,"Title":"VB Klotski Game (aka) Brick Puzzle Game","Description":"Hi folks! How you all doing?\nSeveral sleepless nights and hard work culminated in this lousy game. This is a simulation of Microsoft(R) Klotski Game written by ZH Computer. By the way, I'm sure someone asked me about this game several months ago (I just don't remember who). Anyway, there are THREE folders in this ZIP file. The first is Level Editor, the rest are both Klotski Game, one with region-outlining and the other with line-outlining technique. You have to play around with Editor to create your own custom level. Okay, enough talking, some of the levels included will definitely leave you scratching your heads! You'd better check it out, LOL.\nComments and suggestions are welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005412041263008.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Klotski_Ga184754222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Min Thant Sin","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58662,"Title":"[ One-time-pad - The Secure Implementation]","Description":"This One-Time-Pad encryption program lets you use and manage One-Time-Pad keys as they should be. This program uses secure keys that contain status and segment information. You can use large One-time-pads for many encryptions, while the key stores info on it's already used segments and weither it's still valid or expired. There are many programs that use so called one-time-pad, but the key is limited in size and smaller than the message, is used more than once, or has a weak random (such as the PC's RND function). With this program, each encryption is unique and it's impossible to use any part of a key twice. Once the key is fully used, it's status is changed into Expired. You can manage a key list, export your keys or import other users keys. In practice, you and your contacts exchange each others keys (one-time-pads). Suppose you have exchanged a 1MB key, each of you can send the amount of 1MB on encrypted messages (by mail or other ways) in a completely secure way (that are a lot of mails!). Since each message is encrypted with a unique array of random bytes (a mix of 5(!) different transposition keys, each initialized by its own totally random 320 bits key, extracted from mousemovements), it's impossible to decode this message. Each message is encrypted, than converted into Base64 and wrapped in the OTP-Message-Format. The encryption principle is the same as Vernam's original implementation, the Telex which used one-time code-tapes, as it was used by the militairy until the 80's. Instead of the common way of synchronizing the segmented tapes by hand, this program manages the segments automatically. You can keep track of each individual key's status and how many of his segments are already used and weither there is a problem with a key. There is a Helpfile and a Tip Of The Day to the program. The code also contains some interesting functions and routines. This is THE program to communicate on the most secure existing way! Read the security considerations in the Help file befor use! For more detaillled info on one-time-pad, check out 'Shannon's Theory Of Secrecy Systems' on the net. All comments most welcome ;-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200523521177798.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_One-time187448492005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58664,"Title":"JawBreaker","Description":"A fully functional JawBreaker Game. Simple Code. Demonstrates use of recursive search.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052364761619.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/JawBreaker184764232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ramon Ya├▒ez","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58665,"Title":"_Tire Inventory System_","Description":"This inventory system for tires include: Administrator Password, User Account, Tire Maintenance with Category, Tire Size and Tread Pattern Data Entry and Data Report, Customer Maintenance with Data Report, Sales Invoice with Receipt, Printable Monthly Earnings and Order Slip Form with Supplier Data Entry. Made with ADO. 100% working and bug free. *Administrator password is \"DBMS\"* VOTE OR DIE!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052374708233.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Tire_Inve184818242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"Enrico Lorenzo (Enrico X)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58669,"Title":"My Reminder","Description":"It's just a simple reminder so you don't forget todo something. This is my 1st submission here so please let me know what you think either way and if you like it please vote and show me how much.\nThankyou for your time,\nIan.J.Gough","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Nothing it's commented as much as possible.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200524538483806.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/My_Reminde184775232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Ian.J.Gough","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58670,"Title":"A1: My ucPanel Control","Description":"This is a custom Frame (Panel) control. It is VERY simple and VERY lightweight. I used the Fast Gradient code from Carles P.V. + Light Templer to generate the background gradients (Excellent code guys - VERY fast). Also I allowed the panel's Picture to be resized to fit in the header properly. Font, Font Color, Border Color, etc.. All included. I am working on making the image transparent.. Stay tuned.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200523109196425.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A1__My_ucP184779232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58674,"Title":"MZ-Tools 3.0 (the Ultimate VB6 AddIn)","Description":"MZ-Tools 3.0 is a freeware add-in for VB 5.0, 6.0 and the VBA (Office) which adds several productivity features to the IDE. You can download it from www.mztools.com, i am using this addin for 1.5 years and my productivity has really increased. i really like its feature particularly 'clear intermediate windows', 'close all windows' and 'procedure caller'. Take a look at my other PSC submission ID: 58620 & 58651","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200523175422264.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":51,"AuthorName":"Abhishek.NET","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58678,"Title":"FYI: 3D Shapes Using Regions","Description":"Create a cool 3D shape from a 2D region. See screenshot which pretty much says it all. The direction of the 3D shape is hardcoded at 45deg angles. If you choose, you can modify to allow any angle. Updated to include sample of blt'ing an image over the plain shape.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052131513432744.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FYI__3D_Sh1852352132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58679,"Title":"TitleButton (add new button to window caption)","Description":"Add a new button to the window caption. Supports Windows XP theming.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005231916178122.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TitleButto184799232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"AB-Software","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58683,"Title":"ListGrid control a lightweight FlexGrid replacement that's cross between listbox + flexgrid","Description":"This extends the functionality of the listbox by (1) allowing you to create an attractive header with 3 styles ( sunken, framed, raised) (2) specify a header backcolor, forecolor and font.. as well as the fore and backcolor and font of the list portion of the control. The best part of this control is that is specifically designed to be a listbox with tabstops AND you can retrieve AND set data in the list based upon a row and column setting...so all the dirty working of juggling text data is taken care of.\nThis is something i whipped together in a couple of hours so its not totally complete..but its pretty much there..and I am hoping to get suggestions from you on how to enhance and refine it..but I am pretty sure you will like and appreciate it!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200524249424020.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ListGrid_c184808242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58637,"Title":"Setup & Deploy Your Application","Description":"Okay, so you've finished your application and are all set to distribute it to your clients, but do you know how? Are you aware of the issues and pitfalls you'll need to face while you design the setup for your application? Do you know about the right tools? This article discusses the basics of setup design, and will talk about several important issues that you should take care of when you write your setups.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Cyrilgupta","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59289,"Title":"Text Critic","Description":"This is a simple program I wrote quite a while ago. Just double-click the textbox, and watch the \"Test Critic\" pretend to be smart, with long sentences like: \"extravagantly underlining feeling of vivacity belonging to the text relates itself in that the feeling of finalization cavourts the erroneous validity of simplified being\". Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005332314461255.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Text_Criti186067332005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Leonid Etkin","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58867,"Title":"G00Gle Search Mate: all of googles search options and features, with auto text hilighting or result","Description":"This is a google search application that places all of google search refinement and power searching options in one simple interface. Auto highlighting of the search words makes finding the pages of the most likely match, of your desired search, a simple snap. whether you want 10 results per page or 100, adult filtering or not, narrow your search down to a specific file type, make sure the results DONT include certain words...this program is for you","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052122054465460.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/G00Gle_Sea1852012122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58873,"Title":"Illuminator","Description":"Just make your form a disco hall. VOTE FOR ME PLEASE!!!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Illuminato1852182132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Jesly John","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58874,"Title":"Advanced Guitar Tuner (MIDI API)","Description":"This is a guitar tuner that uses the Windows MIDI API functions. It supports 36 different tunings and 7 guitars. It comes with a class module I wrote that simplifies using the MIDI functions. Please leave a comment if you find it useful, as this took me quite awhile to figure out.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005213718494409.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_G1852192132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":70,"AuthorName":"Daniel W Elkins","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58875,"Title":"Yours Truly - Rnd (updated)","Description":"This little code snippet returns a truly random sequence of Rnd's","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":37,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58885,"Title":"VB API code assistant ]] the ultimate, invisible, visual basic buddy, by your side when U need him.","Description":"Whether your new to api programming and need that special tutorial \"buddy\" by your side or your an API pro and just are sick of the hassles of having to find, copy, and paste api declarations and their associated constants and types, then this program is for you. (also included with this download is my \"RAM purge\" program that allows you to instantly reclaim wasted ram)\nThis program sits, as a tiny 20 pixel high menu strip on your desktop. You can place it at the very top of your screen or the very bottom, or anywhere in between..its never in the way because it is so small. This program, the VB API code assistant is basically a huge repository of the most commonly used and needed code, just a mouse click away. One click of a button and a procedure header is pasted in your project for you. Another click and the skeleton of an entire select case structure is pasted for you. Want to move a window without a titlebar but forget get how??..one mouse click away. The program also contains well over 100 of the most common api calls along with their constants and type. This program is similair to the well know API-guide..but it takes it to the next level. The screenshot shows all of the menus built into this tiny, thin interface.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052131750253533.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_API_cod1852392132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":70,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58891,"Title":"Cutom MessageBox with all the bell whistles and trimmings","Description":"yea yea I know..there are around a million messageboxes on planet. But i was building this one for my app and Im really partial to it and here is why. This does the same things the windows message box does but (1) you can have any size or type picture you want, and specify a transparent color (2) this message box will self close after any number of predefined seconds you specify (If the message box requires a response..ie YesNo messagebox this feature is disabled for obvious reasons) (3)This messagebox self centers vertically and horizontally in relation to its calling form. (4)This message box also responds to the shortcut keys so it can be interacted with the keyboard OR the mouse.\nTake a look...i think you will like it now.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200521446108390.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cutom_Mess1852502142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58907,"Title":"Extract VB Binary data 4","Description":"VB Binary files are where VB stores any data added to a form/designer/usecontrol/property page in the IDE (either through wizards or the Property window). These are the .frx, .ctx, .dsx, .pax etc files that vb generates.\nTHe advantage is that you don't need to provide the original graphics, the disadvantage is that it can be hard to access/edit stored this way.\nThis program allows you to extract that data for easier manipulation.\n----------------------WHATS NEW------------\nThis version can extract Text and List/Combo data as well as graphics. At present the data is just dumped to text files. To reincorperate it in your code you will have to added the necessary code. \n--------------------WHAT'S FIXED-----------\nFIXED error in code meant that dsr(dsx) files were ignored.\nIMPROVED Speed up in file scanning.\n------------------WHAT'S MISSING-----------\nNot yet able to extract TextRTF from RichTextBoxes. Any suggestions?","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052142038157871.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Extract_VB1852882142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58913,"Title":"Evans Custom Message Box (Updated) screenshot says it all : ├₧","Description":"A superior, in many ways, messagebox. Based on my yesterday submission with improvements. It is in the form of an activeX (usercontrol) now and has 6 differents \"skins\" (red/candy/blue/orange/yellow/silver) has an option of showing the message with no buttons and self closing as fast as you specify...and you can have a picture, any type, any size. This really makes microsoft messagebox look flat and boring.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005215155497343.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Evans_Cust1853012152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58922,"Title":"WXLite","Description":"Gather detailed weather information from weather.com and display it in a condensed, easy to read format. Includes 36 hour forcast information. The program utilizes a reference to \"Windows XML, version 2.0\" to complete the task. Also includes a module that allows for \"form fade in/out\". This fade module was taken from another post here on PSC but I can not remember who posted it (sorry I can't give you credit for your work by name). Also makes use of a simple text file to track all zip codes you enter into the program, and will remember the last zip that you looked at and display it automatically when the program is run again. One fault of the program (or maybe it's the website, I don't know) is that when refreshing, the program will display the same data as previously even though the actual information on the web site has been updated (website updates approximately every 20 minutes). If anyone can figure out how to get the XML object to get a true refresh, please post the modified project to PSC for all to enjoy! Hope you enjoy this project, it's been fun putting it together.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005215127576577.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WXLite1853182152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Christopher Reason","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53622,"Title":"Disable Task Manager","Description":"This code disables Task Manager in XP and I think other Operating Systems like Win2000","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Laz45","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53624,"Title":"Speed Screenshot v2.12 ****UPDATED****","Description":"This is the UPDATED version of the one i submited before. I added alot to it and its almost complete just need to debug it and finishing adding stuff. I included a Note text file for who ever wants to help finish it. For those of you taht did not see the first version this program takes screenshots really fast! You can shrink the main window if you want to take a full screen pic or use the toolbar too for speed shots or just shrink it all into your taskbar and press the hot key while say in a game that takes up your whole screen. Very usefull little program. If you like it please vote for me/ If you find bugs (i already know it has a few) you can post if you want. Thanks and enjoy :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004561930291355.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Speed_Scre174237562004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Ryan27","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53625,"Title":"___ULTIMATE FILE SEARCHER 2.0 !!!___","Description":"Awsome file searching program. Works as good as the windows xp one if not better. Uses recursing due to the easyness and speed, Specify the filters u want and you should be able to search your hard drive very fast. Uses api not Dir$() so its rather fast. NEW-- Added lots more filters and now can edit a file's properties by the file menu","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See code :)","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200458828587515.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/___ULTIMAT174311582004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"Mathieu Chartier","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53627,"Title":"Messages","Description":"This application was designed to show messages from a text file. Originally it show Bible verses. The file messages.txt can be edited to add or enter your own messages. Through interface you can define the time interval for display the messages. Usefull for students for remember assigments that need memorize and for every one who wants to show different messages for reading or memorize.\nI made this app, using several codes found here in PSC. Particurally 'Windows Alerts' recently code of the month. This implementation is more complex but not an upgrade to the original. In this code you will find, how to implement sound to messages, about read and write INI files for configuration, read and display text form a text file, registry for load app at startup, use TrayIcon and other routines.\nMain code is fully commented. The code is in Spanish and English because I created originally in spanish, I redo the main form for English programmers.\nHope you like it and wait for your comments, suggestions, and votes. I have some ideas for next version. First time submission here.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I made this app, using several codes found here in PSC. Particurally 'Windows Alerts' recently code of the month. This implementation is more complex but not an upgrade to the original. In this code you will find, how to implement sound to messages, about read and write INI files for configuration, read and display text form a text file, registry for load app at startup, use TrayIcon and other routines.\nMain code is fully commented. The code is in Spanish and English because I created originally in spanish, I redo the main form for English programmers.\nHope you like it and wait for your comments, suggestions, and votes. I have some ideas for next version. First time submission here.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If time for show message is less that time from launch screensaver, the screensave will not be showed.","ApiDeclarations":"Option Explicit\n'******************************************************************************\n' Este programa fue dise├▒ado originalmente para mostrar autom├íticamnete\n' vers├¡culos bibl├¡cos. Puede editarse el archivo mensajes.txt para mostrar\n' cualquier mensaje(s) que se quiera a intervalos de tiempo programados.\n'\n' This application was designed to show Bible verses. The file messages.txt can\n' be edited to add or enter your own messages. Through interface you can define\n' the time interval for display the messages.\n... Download the file","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200457115258335.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Messages174242572004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Juan Carlos Pazos","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53628,"Title":"Cool Xp Progress Bar ( Plus + ProgressBar in TaskBar example)","Description":"Emulate the Windows Xp Progress Bar Control\nColor Customizable no Pictures yust APi\nSupports Standard,Smooth,Search styles\n..Seen Alot of Progress Bar Controls on PSC,but didn't get the look an feel that i wanted.So i coded my own. This one is really clean and does not flicker ..cheers..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200458190301855.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Xp_Pr174330582004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":41,"UserRatingTotal":193,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53632,"Title":"Sinusoid_MustSee","Description":"Draw's sinusoid, with only one math formula , at the end picture box disapeares but that is not important, this code is for math demonstration,Votes, complains,... are welcome","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200457618131149.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Sinusoid_M174253572004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Matija","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53635,"Title":"[[Basic Draw Poker]]","Description":"This is a basic Jacks or better video poker game using simple built in VB controls.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[Basic_Dr174262572004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"noi_max","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53644,"Title":"Cards Demo Without OCX or DLL","Description":"Here's the very very basics of creating cards games. The difference here is to do it without using Cards'OCX or Cards32.DLL.\nNo votes wanted, feedback would be nice!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cards_Demo174280572004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Ivar Ekstromer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53647,"Title":"Executable Crypter","Description":"example of how to integrate PE crypter routines into your compiled executables. Useful for shareware authors trying to add another layer of protection against crackers. Simple example to teach you how. See article link in source code for more info. Also includes a decent set of classes for editing and analyzing PE files.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Executable174285572004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"dzzie","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53651,"Title":"Encrypter/Decryptor","Description":"This code mainly used to encrypt large amount of data files . you can select a file & the destination path of it with the help of common dialog box.and then it encrypt the data. in the same way you can decrypt the file also. you can encrypt any type of file like .txt,.doc,.mdb any.........it's a very powerful encryption/decryption software. trust me.........","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Encrypter_174310582004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"Anuj sharrma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53652,"Title":"Y!Cracker - Yahoo Password Cracker - NEW","Description":"Educational use only! - A Yahoo Password Cracker","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045895048752.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Y!Cracker_174313582004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"N/A - Too Lazy","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53653,"Title":"The Greatest Ever Quiz Application","Description":"Well this program is regarded as the best quiz program because it presents two types of questions to the users by clicking next and previous buttons. You have to login in order to do the quiz. I did not do the quiz on my own, I would like to thank Sachin Palewar (a member here) for the timer, Madhur Namdev (also a member) for the interface of the Question Form, Dave Applegate (a VBCity member) for contributing in supplying a significant amount of code, especially for the OO code, Catejan DΓÇÖSouza (a member here) for the Results Form, and Richard Jackson ΓÇô for the interface of the Login Form and Rafay Mansoor for the Register Form. I acknowledged the original authors so I made sure that the application was not written by me. Many thanks you all people for making it possible. I hope someone uses my code to improve it. It will also help for their projects at school or uni.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/The_Greate174316582004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mo Maz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53659,"Title":"Popup Alerts","Description":"With this you can produce three types of alert boxes in the bottom right corner of the screen. You can make new MSN style, Old MSN style and a simple flat one. The MSN boxes are pretty good reproductions of the real thing. I should probably remake with API instead of timers etc. but this will do for now.\nBasically a little alert slides up, waits for five seconds and slides down again.\nEnjoy (and vote)!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200458177532432.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Popup_Aler174326582004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Tom Hendriks","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53660,"Title":"Win98 - password","Description":"Hi, I wrote a simple program which obtains user's password. Yes, his main password, no cached passwords. Your OS must be Windows98 (SE) because this version has a small \"bug\" which I exploit -> when user login, Windows save his password to memory...... Don't believe? Just have a look at this simple \"hack\".","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":41,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Win98_-_pa174327582004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Libor Blaheta","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53661,"Title":"[ A RPG Helper 2 ]","Description":"My code is just here to help anyone who is need of help when creating their own RPG. My code just as some basics, collision detection, and 'scrolling' techiques... Hope you guys find it useful... Please, leave you comments and votes... I will be adding comments to my code very soon :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200458181968060.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_A_RPG_He174328582004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"JamesJD","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51401,"Title":"Anti Virus 2004","Description":"This is a real working Anti Virus Program! This is how it works: It has a Signature file and searches for these signatures in every file you want to have scanned (10MB scanned within 7s). \nBut don't expect much when you scan your HD with this, because the Signaturefile only contains a few entries e.g. format, kill... That means the program is currently only able to detect a few script viruses, but this is done perfectly (Pleas mail me, when somebody knows a hughe Anti Virus DB, i can include to this).\nI've included a online - updater for the signature file, command line commandos, a tray window for Drag and Drop and check out my LoadIcon and ShowOpenDlg Function! \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042141264038.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Anti_Virus170248212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Cyber Chris","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51402,"Title":"Remote Ado Winsock Project","Description":"Updated!!\nAdo project now supports multi-user connections and is much more stable than ever before. if you have more than one connection open, the server now refreshes all clients connected when a new job has been created or modified.\nServer keeps a real time status of active and disconnected users, great great over vpn, or internet connection.\nADO Project allows remote users to access a database over a network/dialup connection. You will be able to access the database fully, with Add/Delete, Read/Write access. Also i have inbedded authentication against the database via the winsock control. This program is simply for basic job tracking, from inhouse, and for remote access areas. Bascially how this works, It sends the server a few commands/strings, and the server generates the sql statement and sends back the results, to the client winsock application, it then recieves the information and displays it out into a listview control with columns","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200421425173882.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Remote_Ado170249212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":70,"AuthorName":"Chris Hatton","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51403,"Title":"WinSubHook2 Thunks - updated 2/13","Description":"Version 2 of my funky thunks. Teaser: check out the global keyboard hook sample as the basis of a spy app... with active app tracking. Update 2/13 minor enhancement to cTimer.cls","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200421616418899.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WinSubHook1708152132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":35,"UserRatingTotal":170,"AuthorName":"Paul Caton","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51406,"Title":"A 3DvbBlurMotion [Updated. 5 times faster]","Description":"BlurMotion its in *Pure VB*, but runs faster,faster on my K6-2 350Mhz, with 16 Mb Voodoo card, so\nimagine on Pentium IV or Athlon 2000 Mhz with ATI or nVidia card! xD. See screenShot to believe me.\nThis source its a modification of 3DvbROT (see CodeId:43292). There is a flag to run the source\nat fullscreen mode (320x240 at 16 bpp). Use the keys Z,X or Y to change speed rotation.\nI included a short \"howto\" txt file if you want to make your own meshes.\nReports will be apreciated. Enjoy it!\n*** UPDATED ***\nThanks for this optimizations to Carles P.V. Give him all medals! hehehe! :-)\n-Adjusted min. and max values for X and Y \n-Big blur motion scene (x:1-318, y:1-238)\n-Calc3DRotations simplified\n-Updated Proyect3D \n-Removed border-Image\n-New DrawLine (Bresenham) with checking points out of array \"scene\"\n-Enable optimizations on Compiler options\nResults: 5 times faster renderings","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042195871096.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3DvbBlur170329222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":91,"AuthorName":"John Ripper","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51409,"Title":"Data Provider ActiveX User Control","Description":"Data Provider ActiveX User Control\nThis Control is Data Provider Control Providing Simple Binding with the User Control; this is the best example of Data Binding User Control, and best for beginners of ActiveX Control Designer.\nGo through the Code and Learn it ΓǪ\nDo not forget to Vote me and also keep rating my Award Wining Code which is at 2nd in Hall of Fame.","Inputs":"\n","Assumes":"Please Extract this ZIP on C:\\> Drive Only,\nBecause this Control is Data Provider like ADO and that requires absolute path","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Data_Provi170265212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Divyen k Patel","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51411,"Title":"MyDVD Personal Edition","Description":"This is my first attempt to make a DVD Player. It uses MSWebDVD.dll or something like that. It's a really cute program :P. I haven't added any explanations, but the code is easy enough to understand! Please PLEASE Vote, and post your comments, suggestions, or helps!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MyDVD_Pers170268212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jim Papadimitriou","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51417,"Title":"CSV to Text File Converter Version 2","Description":"Hey Friends As promised due to your good response i am uploading the next version of the CSV to Text File Converter. This new version will sort the text file data in either ascending or descending format.\n\nI thought of sharing this program with you all. Converting CSV files to Text Files as per customisation required. I was using this small project to convert the CSV file i have into different text files. The name of the text file use to be the same as the first column in the csv. Rest all corresponding data goes to the subsequent files and gets append to it. For Example : when i run three different CSV's then all the for the first column named \"UNIVERSAL\" gets logged into one text file named UNIVERSAL.txt.... \nsimilar others data are getting appended.\n01/01/2003,81,81.5,79.3,80,9848 01/06/2003,81,81.5,79.3,80,9848 02/06/2003,81,81.5,79.3,80,9848 \n----------------- \nAs the database format is big i would like request whosoever use this code to create a Access Database . Following are the Inputs\nDatabase Name : Import.mdb\nTable Name : TImport\nFields Name : Field1 , Field2 , Field3 , Field4 ,\n Field5, Field6\n\nI will be soon giving you with the new version of it only if the response is good. Email me your suggestions and feedback @ universalprogrammer@indiatimes.com\n","Inputs":"As the database format is big i would like request whosoever use this code to create a Access Database . Following are the Inputs\nDatabase Name : Import.mdb\nTable Name : TImport\nFields Name : Field1 , Field2 , Field3 , Field4 ,\n Field5, Field6","Assumes":"This project was done for Stock Exchange Agent, for sorting their daily data.\n\nAs the database format is big i would like request whosoever use this code to create a Access Database . Following are the Inputs\nDatabase Name : Import.mdb\nTable Name : TImport\nFields Name : Field1 , Field2 , Field3 , Field4 ,\n Field5, Field6","CodeReturns":"Will Convert all the CSV data to its corresponding text file name(as per the first column.)and will sort the text file data in either ascending or descending format.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200421218284749.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CSV_to_Tex170275212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Universal Kida","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51419,"Title":"Chatroom Example (With Private Messaging, Multiple Chat Rooms)","Description":"My reason for this coding was to show people how easy it was to create a chat client with multiple chat rooms, and allow the users to create there own rooms. Also showing how to do instant messaging, with fast and efficient coding, also clean.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200422352172277.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Chatroom_E170279222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Kyle W.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51413,"Title":"[[A-PopupBlocker","Description":"Ok. I've worked on the popup blocker, and this is the second edition of the first 1. If you all liked the first one. I think you all will find this one a bit more amusing. Thanks for all of yours votes. Please do keep on voting.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You must have a version of Internet Explore Installed on your system. As this program will be relying on that.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042316375449.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[A-PopupB1708192132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Andron Smth","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51425,"Title":"Source Code Documenter v3.6","Description":"(Updated 11/09/04) This application will give you a well-formatted printout that includes a cover page, a table of contents and a project summary. You can select what will be printed, from the entire project, a single procedure in a module, or just the project summary. You can send the output to the screen (preview) or the printer. You can also export the results to a RTF file, HTML file, or a bitmap file (using the preview). It also has some additional printing options to save paper. Includes a stand-alone version as well a VB add-in. It uses VB6's TreeView control, so it will not work with older version of VB. (Project's name change: was 'A Project's Source Code Printer).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004221030159980.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Source_Cod1816431192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":94,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51426,"Title":"Get System Directory -- 1 Line of Code No API","Description":"Get the system directory with 1 line of code and no API.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I've tested this on Windows 9x/2000/NT/XP, but I cannot say it will work on ME.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":1,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Immortal Tako","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51451,"Title":"CompactAllMDBs","Description":"CompactAllMDBs is a Microsoft Access 2000/2002 (XP) application that will \n(1) Search for all specified files (default is .MDB and .MDA files) in a specified directory (and optionally, in all subdirectories below it)\n(2) Display all such files found in a listbox with their sizes\n(3) Compact all the files it found or only the ones selected from the list by the user\n(4) Search for the same files it found the first time and compare their size as compacted with their original size, to see how much disk space has been reclaimed\nIt's handy to keep your ever-inflating MDB files of a manageable size, and it works nicely on networks. This can't really eb smoothly ported to MS Access 97 because it uses ENUMs in the code, which isn't supported by VBA in Office 97, to my understanding. \nAlso included:\n(1) A simple routine for calculating and displaying elapsed time for the process down to milliseconds.\n(2) A \"Browse For Folder\" routine, based on a Windows API call (I originally wanted to make this start with a specified default folder, but I haven't had a chance to figure out how to do that yet)\n(3) Uses the Access (2000/2002) routine to Compact and ReCompile the application when it's closed down.\nIn your VBA code, this application requires a Reference to MS DAO 3.6 library\nIf you have any comments or questions, drop a note to brianb@battleszone.com\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"In your VBA code, this application requires a Reference to MS DAO 3.6 library","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200423104258560.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ComapctAll170349232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Brian Battles WS1O","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":60218,"Title":"Binary Search Tree Node Class (database engine)","Description":"Binary Search Tree Nodes Class - an effective and very fast searching/database storage methodology. \nThis is a self-contained binary tree class along with a non-gui listbox class to create, search and maintain \nany unique key data in a binary tree. A lot of databases use this methodology as the basis for their \ndatabase engines. Now you can have the database power inside your application. For example, \na search of 3,000 keys will only require an average of 7-11 tree visits/seeks regardless of the \nkey your are trying to locate. Also included are member routines to output all the data keys in \ntree in alpha order or even in reverse alpha order. This has been extensively tested for reliabilty \nand fast response for searching, insertions, deletions and traversals of tree nodes in general. \nIncluded root node release, tree re-balancing and garbage threshold detection and collection. \nAlso extensive notes and a built-in commented example project/form to build a couple of example \nbinary trees which output to a gui listbox. Also to demonstrate some of the class member functions \nusage. You may be surprised to learn there is little emphasis on recursion so no worries of runaway \nstack levels.(**IMPORTANT**: this latest version includes a major bug fix. When using the data index to reference external data, during a tree rebalance the data index was being lost or mixed up with another. It is a simple fix but significant to keeping the database integrity. This latest version is 1.1 and also includes the functions referenced in the supplemental article). ## LATEST: ## now includes a CD,DVD,Books Media Library application sample. ## (c) David K Richmond","Inputs":"self contained","Assumes":"A basic understanding of Binary Tree Methods would be helpful but not essential. The class has examples to build and try.","CodeReturns":"self contained","SideEffects":"Member functions have been tested so none as yet.","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005551713414947.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Binary_Sea188491552005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"David K Richmond","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60224,"Title":"Binary Search Tree Node Class (database engine) - GetPrevInSortedOrder & GetNextInSortedOrder","Description":"Supplements existing article by similar name and by this author. This is a new release and includes the extra member functions in cBSTNStorage.cls in order to allow node removal. (INCLUDES major bug fix to preserve data index during node removal).","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"Revised zip file including member functions in order to allow node removal. These were due to be removed from cBSTNStorage.cls","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"Removal of nodes not possible without these extra functions","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Binary_Sea188435542005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"David K Richmond","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60225,"Title":"Cabral IRC EX (open source irc client) - Rerelease","Description":"If you like or use the code please read the agreements and VOTE for me(?). I have decided to rerelease the irc client due to the fact that there has been many requests for it. This client is a bare bones COMPLETE irc client, bare bones meaning that there are no external ocx or active x controls, pure vb coding. The code is commented the best and could be.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This code was developed with VB6.0 Enterprise, utilizing many of the enterprise controls. I'm in the process of creating a new multi-server irc client with the main focus on file transfers and user to user interaction (games, cams, pics) and such.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The code has everything a normal irc client has, file transfers, colors, and multiple windows.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054261523354601.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cabral_IRC1881394262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Jaime Cabral","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60239,"Title":"VBCorLib v0.7","Description":"VBCorLib v0.7 is a massive library of classes that duplicate much of the functionality found in the mscorlib.dll of the Dot NET framework. This has been an ongoing project and I have finally gotten some time to add even more capabilities. New additions include all of the Calendars found in Dot NET, Console capabilities, and Registry manipulation. This library is too big to attempt to explain here, so there is a support website with documentation located at www.kellyethridge.com/vbcorlib. There is a set of unit tests included with this code and they require SimplyVBUnit v1.4.x (located on PSCode) in order to be run. The tests themselves can also serve as a guide for how to use most of the classes and interfaces. The unit tests are not required to compile the library.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You will need to be able to register type libraries that are included, and you will need SimplyVBUnit v1.4.x in order to load and run the unit tests.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VBCorLib_v1881684272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Kelly S. Ethridge","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59837,"Title":"DM CSS Scrollbar Designer Plus","Description":"Hi all this is an CSS Scrollbar maker to make colofull scrollbars for IE. I did infact want submit this about a year ago but lost the source. so I desdied yesterday to rewrite it all out for you.\nok about the program. You can design your bars in W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G style you can also have your save/load your scrollbar projects. Generator CSS code. and your also have a preview display. I also included over 20 scrollbar scheams to help you get started. hope you like it. please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200545631134079.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_CSS_Scr187222452005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59838,"Title":"BTCentral Personal Webserver - A webserver with ASP, PHP and Perl support. (Last updated 04/05/05)","Description":"LAST UPDATED 04/05/05 11:30 (GMT) - Works on all Windows versions & All web-browsers! \nBTCentral Personal Webserver is an OpenSource Webserver with all the basic features plus more advanced features it supports ASP, PHP, Perl, SSI and Basic WWW Authentication, IP Banning, multiple simultaneous connections & downloads, DNS Support, URL Redirection, Server Cache options and much more! It is easy to setup and has a nice simple GUI that tells you how long the server has been running etc. it also lets you save server logs. These are just some of the server features. This server is mainly my own work however some source has been taken/modified from other servers on PSCode.com, many thanks to the authors of any other code used. I hope you enjoy using this server and if you find it useful please please please vote for it also please make suggestions for new features etc. this is an on-going project if you wish to join the update mailing list please email me/leave a comment saying that you wish to join the mailing list! \nRegards,\nBen Thomas (BTCentral Software Development.)\nPLEASE DOWNLOAD MyASP.dll from:\nhttp://www.btcentral.co.nr/software/pws/MyASP.dll or compile MyASP.dll referring to MyASP Readme.txt in the zip file then run Regdll.bat BEFORE USE otherwise it WILL NOT WORK!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200553852307008.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BTCentral_188410532005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Ben Thomas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54351,"Title":"P2P Service","Description":"Hey :-)\nThis little program, is just a little client so send files to your friends, and they can send back to you. \nIt's a very simple program. I should have commented it, but it was for personal use, and since it worked well i though I'll share it with you.\nCiX","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004612184284186.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/P2P_Servic1756726122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"CiX","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54354,"Title":"Color Recognition","Description":"This snippet of code will change the background\ncolor of a picture box to reflect the value of the Red, Green and Blue scroll bars and indicate in a message box what the color it is: A shade of blue, purple, orange etc...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This code is still in its infancy so it's unable to determine if a color is brown or tan just yet.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046121846555067.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Color_Reco1756786122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Jennifer MacDonald","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54356,"Title":"AGENT SIMPLE","Description":"Microsoft Agent Simple like in Microsoft Office!","Inputs":"MiCrodoft Agent!\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AGENT_SIMP1756866132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Wizard2004","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54359,"Title":"Manufacturer and Support Details in System Properties","Description":"This program lets you include a company logo and contact information in the System Properties dialog box. This is especially useful if you run a computer store and want your customers to be reminded where they bought their PC and where to get technical support. or use it for fun its cool :) and simple and works on all windows versions. please vote and leave comment. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004613192257298.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Manufactur1756886132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Ahmad Mami","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54375,"Title":"Debugging VB Applications","Description":"The purpose of this article is to show how to use the VB IDE to accomplish debugging. And why use ActiveX components in your projects.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":6,"AuthorName":"CodeDoctor","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54378,"Title":"Custom Splash Screen","Description":"Custom form is meant to be saved to the Templates folder with a distinctive name for easy reuse. Add an image to the form and a custom shaped region is created. There are options that will let the form fade when showing and/or closing.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Custom_Spl1757196142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Brent Culpepper","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":54382,"Title":"Insane Progress Bar","Description":"The main purpose of this code is to show an extremely fast method for displaying graphics. The progress bar is done as an OCX, which displays an 8-bit image done in to a byte array which is then made an API image and BitBlt'd to the custom control. It is about as fast you can get. The project includes a string.tlb Type Library which has an assembly optimized CopyMemory API replacement (I hope these are allowed here, if not, look for VBSpeed @ Google). The code is fairly commented and should be easy to follow, even as it uses some advanced techniques. It is very fast and it gets even faster when you compile the code! Hope you like it and find it useful for learning :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"If you want to use this in your own projects, remember to include string.tlb in the references! Or then replace RtlMoveMemory with CopyMemory API so you can get rid of the type library.","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20046141951272421.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Insane_Pro1757256142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Vesa Piittinen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":50124,"Title":"Calculatrice 7","Description":"A multifuctional calculator with graph plotter please vote for the one who did it on pscode sorry i copied it. Full of functions like LCM GCF and many other please vote to encourage me to continue !!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Uses a few math function in dll that you may not have but won't disturb prog","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311251829595664.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Calculatri16761811252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ti_fran","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50125,"Title":"Nebula Web Server","Description":"Acts as an ASP web server similar to IIS where you can alias multiple directories. Certain things are incomplete (Like locking out remote viewers) but will be added later. Just wanted to get some bug reports/help","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Requires MS Script Control","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Lots","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311251911114918.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Nebula_Web16762111252003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Techni Rei Myoko","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50135,"Title":"Application busy graphic - knight rider effect","Description":"Nice little graphic for activating when your application is busy. Uses alphablend, gdialphablend and bitblt. background doesn't have to be black and you can use a different image too.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031126753233747.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Applicatio16764111262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":58,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50137,"Title":"User management with access","Description":"Create/edit users for your app, set and build permissions. Shows use of modular functions, databases, flexgrids and simple effective use of flash.\nThanks to LaVolpe for his excellent menu system!\nThis is my first post to PSC (or a website of its kind), only been programming for 10 months. This is the very beginning of a Telecoms Billing Platform, and will be converted to SQL soon. \nThe main form contains a flexgrid and a set of tabs full of controls, the form uses functions in a module to populate the form with data and for it to use the right controls in tha tabs. This means the same form can be and will be used for many different data entities, not just for the business's User management, but the customers, salesforce, bills, accounts, customer services and telecoms technical titbits.\nAll comments, ideas, modifications, are well \nappreciated.\nThanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031126105259341.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/User_manag16764411262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Liam Ingram","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50140,"Title":"Easiest way to Drag a Form (Like in Winamp!)","Description":"Easiest and simpliest way to drag a form--Just how its done in Winamp! No api calls, no timers, and the forms moves with the mouse! If you've been looking for something like this, this is IT!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Easiest_wa16766011262003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"a_narchysnd_drome","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50144,"Title":"VB6 Multithreader ++","Description":"VB6 Multithreader vs. any existing (on psc or else).....\nVB6 multithreader + examples + help...\nI expect comments (hm? Srideep Prasad)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB6_Multit16767711272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50146,"Title":"Automatic Control Resizer","Description":"Need Anchor Control, I've updated my code and You can find it here: Advanced Control Resizer & Positioner -> http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=53861&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311271036519075.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Automatic_16768011272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"Hamed Oveisi","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50151,"Title":"Polar Graph (Rotate and 3D View)","Description":"Since many of you like my first polar graph, so here's a new one.\nYou can now rotate and view polar graph in 3D.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311271223156439.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Polar_Grap16768911272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Aris Buenaventura","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50154,"Title":"vbFindInList - ( NO API )","Description":"This searches for a string in a listbox, it can retrieve multiple results and can use only partial string..","Inputs":"The string to search for, and the listbox to search in.","Assumes":"Non","CodeReturns":"True if found, and it highlights the list items that contains the search criteria.","SideEffects":"Non","ApiDeclarations":"'This is how it's done the EASY WAY, No API declarations required..suitable for small to medium lists...enjoy..\nFunction vbFind(vbString As String, vbList As ListBox, Optional iStart As Integer) As Boolean\n Dim vbWhere As String\n vbFind = False\n If iStart < 0 Then iStart = 0\n If vbString <> \"\" Then\n For i = iStart To vbList.ListCount - 1\n vbString = LCase(vbString)\n vbWhere = LCase(vbList.List(i))\n If InStr(1, vbWhere, vbString) > 0 Then\n vbFind = True\n Debug.Print (i)\n vbList.Selected(i) = True\n iStart = i + 1\n End If\n Next i\n End If\n If vbFind = False Then MsgBox \"Search string not found, Please make sure that you've entered the file name correctly and try again.\", vbCritical, \"Error\"\nEnd Function","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311271340449064.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/vbFindInLi16769311272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Yaser Hani","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50155,"Title":"_ Unique Encryption Method","Description":"Unique way to encrypt a file. I have posted an example of this, put this here just in case people did not feel like downloading it. This is my first encryption method. Wanted to make one that no other method used. So I came up with this. Please leave comments to let me know what you think of this, like I said it is my first so I would really appreciate some feedback. Thanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":56,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311271647206675.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50156,"Title":"Enumerate explorer windows","Description":"Enumerates different (internet) explorer windows, show name, path, filename, status text and URL of each window","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311271733514569.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Enumerate_16769611272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Georgi Yordanov Ganchev","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50158,"Title":"Modem Tool","Description":"Program to help in protocol development with MultiTECH DSVD Voice Modem. Can be used with any COMM device. Good tool for learning COMM control.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031127184496257.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Modem_Tool16769811272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"0x34","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50160,"Title":"Dr. Fire Transparent Control","Description":"With this control, all you need to do is drop it on your form, and then ANYTHING on your form that is pruple will become transparent. This would be a useful tool for created custom shaped forms. On the example form provided, I have set a command button, label, frame control, text box, and shape control to purple, so they become transparent, incase you somehow got confused on how to use this.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311272013359756.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dr__Fire_T16770011272003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50165,"Title":"gdialphablend animated text hi lite - great for splash screens!","Description":"Remember the 'Cheers' logo where the hi lite skips left to right across the text and you get a little animated star on the text - well this is like that - flicker free and smooth! Good gfx techniques here using frame buffering, TextOut/SetTextColor to a picture, BitBlt and GDIAlphaBlend.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311286403398.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/gdialphabl16771711282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fosters","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52793,"Title":"Alert Window","Description":"(Update 5/11/04 - added another display type) This is an alert window that rises up from the taskbar or fades in/out. I had no intentions of posting this but after seeing Todd Tanner's MSN style alert window, and having my comments deleted, I decided to post it for education purposes only. NO VOTING PLEASE but comments are welcome. (Update 4/7/04 - Added options for border style, background color, and Close by code only.)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045111115171506.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Alert_Wind1744095112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":47,"UserRatingTotal":224,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52802,"Title":"[An improved version] of my previous Random File Access Program","Description":"Beta V1.0.4 of my Random Access File program. By no means is this a complete app; however, it now has the look and feel of an Access environment...MDI look-and-feel (just the beginnings). Adding more validation routines, login prompt (which uses reads from an ini/config file), toolbars, menubars, progressbar and search function. Great for beginners and may help some intermediates. No ODBC or ODBC-bridge needed. Just a simple text file using the age-old Random Access. Again, this is not a complete app. If you like it, please vote and leave comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200441235538978.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[An_improv172762422004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Steven Jacobs","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52803,"Title":"Pro PhoneBook 2004 - New Version","Description":"A Complete PhoneBook Aplication. Powerfull an very simple, fast, friendly contact management phone book software with printing ability/report-Easy to understand screen layout. Perfect for sales leads, customer database, vendor database, business/personal contacts, and much more. Please give us your feedback on how we can make this software better to suit your needs. We appreciate your input","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004771737464448.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Pro_PhoneB176718772004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Gerardo Orellana","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52806,"Title":"Create Excel file using ADOX","Description":"This sample shows how create Excel file using ADOX. In database apps when ADO and ADOX is used it's simple way to create 'Excel reports'. Using ADOX is about 3 times faster than Excel Automation. If you find this code useful, please vote...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":98,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Grzegorz P.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52807,"Title":"FindNode (Minimun n┬║ nodes on a net)","Description":"FindNodes its a source code to find the less number of nodes (routers) on a net. This is a extreamlly usefull under cert\ncircumstances, like traffic controls, congestion, bottle necks, etc. The code its heavy commented, but as you can see\nit has a Advanced level. Read the ReadmeFirst.txt for important information. If you want to vote for this, thanks (i'm not looking for votes, only for sharing code with\nthe VB community ) or if you prefer dont vote this and vote another kiddy \"cd-rom\" open/close, \"What is my IP\", etc.\nJohn","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200442832581000.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FindNode_(172750422004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"John Ripper","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52812,"Title":"Flash Desktop Mate","Description":"Flash Desktop Mate can put a transparent flash animation that wanders around your desktop interacting with windows. It's a fun little program I made for my kids last Christmas, but you can pretty easily change to your own animations if you want. It shows window interaction, flash-vb communication, form drag, window on top etc. Must have windows 2000 or XP as it uses layered windows. '98 users can comment out two lines in form_load to try it without transparency, read the readme for more info. You also have to have a recent flash ocx 6 or 7 to run.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"Several","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004421316272808.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flash_Desk172758422004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Apeiron","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52813,"Title":"RadioAnn DirectShow Live Internet Radio","Description":"A live internet Radio that rests in your systray.\nIt is very low on CPU and Memory.\nIt gets it┬┤s channels from a ini file you can edit and put your own channels in.\nObserve that the channels that are in the included ini file is swedish broadband musicradio channels. I made this for my lovely wife Ann since we dont have a radio in the kitchen and she loves to listen to radio while cooking and cleaning. We got a computer in the kitchen though :-)\nThis InternetRadio is very straightforward, doesn┬┤t have any fancy features, It does one thing well and that is playing Internet radio.\nNo graphical editor is included to edit the channels in the ini file, you need to edit it yourselve.\nI am sorry but I have not commented the code, it is very few lines of code and I did not plan to show others it. The only reason I am putting it up here is because it has become popular amongs my friends so I decided to share it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RadioAnn_D172798432004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Knoton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52815,"Title":"LightQ Version 2","Description":"LightQ is a game of mirrors, light and IQ ! it's a logic puzzle game that will proof your knowledge of merging light and reflections. The goal is to get all coins spin by sending a beam of light of the same color over it. This is a COMPLETE game with menu, sounds, music, intro, players, levelpack, editor (for making your own puzzles) and more ! you need the DirectX 8.0 type library (for sound). Further this code is based on the windows GDI32 DLL. In future i will convert it to pure directx for more platform support. Please let me know incorrect code behaviour. For now check it and have a lot of fun playing this game!!!","Inputs":"mouse, keyboard","Assumes":"I tested it on a Pentium II 350 Mhz with 128 MB, WinME, it was very slow. I tested it on a AMD Athlon XP 2400+, 512 MB, WinXP, it runs superb !!!","CodeReturns":"nothing","SideEffects":"directx 8.0 type library on system for sound, uses GDI32.DLL for drawing","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044217320481.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LightQ_Ver172771422004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":78,"AuthorName":"TPD Software","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52837,"Title":"TCP-Communication Framework Winsock API made easy","Description":"Updated 2004-04-09: TCP-Communication is my attempt to make a framework to run a TCP-Server without \nany protocol. It consists of 2 components TCPServer.dll and TCPClient.dll. \nI am a believer to make things that do one thing and that thing very well. \nTCP-Communication is an exellent framework to make chatservers for ex. \nThe components are very easy to use and the developer using them mostly need\nto add the appropiate protocol for the TCP-Socket application being made.\nI have been working with it on and off for quite som time now, and \nfrom time to time it didn┬┤t respond fast enough for me to approve it. \nBut then I saw Emiliano Scavuzzo┬┤s CSocketMaster using a implementation of \nPaul caton┬┤s WinSubHook. I tried it out and it worked like a charm :-)\nHowever I must say I cannot explain why winsubhook works so much better \nthan the ordinary subclassing I used.\nAnyone care to explain to me ? :-)\nThe TCP Components are very influenced by some authors and due credit and\na big thanks for teaching me about Socket programming goes to following authors.\nCoding Genius\nEdwin Vermeer\nTrevor Herselman\nEmiliano Scavuzzo for influencing me to use Paul catons WinsubHook\nOther authors on www.planet-Source-code.com/vb\nwww.allapi.net\nAnd a big thanks to Paul Caton for providing me with the winsubhook that\nare giving me so much better response than the common subclassing techniques.\nOnly one problem, I cant explain why my TCP-framework respons so much better\nwith his solution than the common solution. If anyone could try to explain this\nto me I would be grateful :-)\nNote that the TCP-Components are not needed to be compiled\nYou could integrate them directly into your project.\nFor an example look at \nhttp://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=52538&lngWId=1\nThe demo projects are not to be rated, they are a mess and not much energy is used\non developing them. They could be buggy. They are just included to give you an idea\non how to use the TCP-components.\nHelp me grow as a developer and give me constructive feedback :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/TCP-Commun173116492004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Knoton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52843,"Title":"Neopets Flash Cheater","Description":"Score Cheat @ Neopets","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Neopets_Fl172810432004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Genetix","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58710,"Title":"Actor MD2 sample with dynamic shadows","Description":"This code demonstrates one of the iRender 3D game engine features - md2 loading, rendering with dynamic lighting and shadows.\nThere are only 50 lines of code. This sample uses iRender3D.dll which you can download from http://irender3d.com in download section (It is about 250 kb).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200525145744629.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Actor_MD2_184866252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"iR_OrBit","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58711,"Title":"Reversi 2.0 (updated version): A reversi (othello) game with AI","Description":"This Game uses alpha-beta search to play reversi (othello), it has five levels of computer intelligence and the highest level plays really well (better than the previous version). The game also has some more features like: save/load position, setup position, undo/redo, sound,...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005251544389800.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Reversi_2_184867252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"sohaib farsakh","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58717,"Title":"MsgBox Chat","Description":"I decided to make a winsock app to help \"newbies\"(No offense to anyone) understand winsock and how it connects, send's data, recieves, etc. A chat program would be a perfect example, but there are so many chat examples out already. In this chat, all the messages are recieved in MsgBox's. It's a bit original, if this code doesn't help you fully understand how winsock works, it will help you to some extent if you have no idea what your doing.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005251822582877.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MsgBox_Cha184877252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Gus Vargas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58718,"Title":"AliasEXE32","Description":"AliasEXE32 is a program that allows users on a network to automatically get an updated EXE for a Visual Basic program whenever that program is modified.\nWhy This Program Was Written\nThe problem:\nWe were developing applications rapidly for a Y2K coversion from the legacy database to SQL Server. We needed a way to distribute these front-end applications to all of the users on the network. As the programs were modified and new EXEs were created, it was not practical to have the users run a setup program for each update.\nThe solution:\nBasically the way the tool works is it creates an alias EXE based on the original .VBP project file. For example, your application EXE name is myapp.exe. This tool creates an EXE named myapp_run.exe. On the network you have created a directory called apps\\bin where all of the program executables reside. In order for this to work all of the users must be mapped to the same common drive on the network. During distribution of the program you include the alias EXE file (myapp_run.exe) in the setup and the desktop icon and the program group link point to this file instead of the actual program EXE. When the user runs the program, it goes out to the specified network location and checks to see if there is a more recent version of the base EXE file. If one exists it copies the file from the network location to the home directory of the user and then executes the program and closes itself. \nObviously this was a quick fix and it worked great for a time, but later other methods were put into place. The reason I am submitting this code example is because it is an interesting little project using VB6 to actually create a VB project and then compile it into an EXE on the fly.\nI don't know if there is another program of this type on PSC, but here it is. I hope this is useful to someone. It came in handy at the time it was needed and would probably be usable on any any small network today.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200525203002631.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AliasEXE32184879252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"KnowWare-Soft","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58727,"Title":"A 360 Rotating Sample","Description":"rotating players in 2d games? make clocks, rotate stuff in whole three hundred and sixty degrees :P .. rate it please ;) and ENJOY","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052691491327.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_360_Rota184902262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Thorleif Jacobsen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58729,"Title":"[ Scrolling and Fading Credits ]","Description":"Well, It's all in the title! The text is fading in and out. Smooth scrolling, no flicker. Left, center or right alignment. Very simple and compact code. No API's used, just plain and simple basic drawing code. Only two subs: Form_Load & Timer1_timer. You can change background, forecolor or even add your own image as background! There are 2 different demo forms to try out. (don't mind the screenshot, it's a bit fuzzy due to jpg conversion) All comments welcome ;-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005271433218252.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Scrollin184968272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58735,"Title":"MsWord in a Box - msWord.ocx (Alpha Version)","Description":"I always wanted to 'imprison' microsoft word and this is the execution of the sentense. I wanted word to reside inside an activex control and not run by itself. I also wanted full control of it and also use it as a report generator. Of cource you must have microsoft word 2000+ on your computer (Sorry for that, but we are going to IMPRISON it so feel a bit better). I have only tested this with word 2003 and I would like your feedback. First loading can be slow (Microsoft!!). This is the VERY first version (pre-alpha) and any comments will be highly appreciated. Forgive my dirty programming demo program but this is the work of a single day and I put effort on the control and not the demo. The concept is for word to live inside the Webbrowser control. You can create named bookmarks and replace them with values at runtime. This is the backbone for custom reports (or templates like reminding letters etc). You can insert pictures, files etc at will anywhere. You can toggle various things on-off. You can print, load and save documents in various formats (see code for 'Save File'). Click on the 'Load Test file' to test the predefined bookmarks. Also there is a technique to load files from the resource file (see code in the control). Well I hope that somebody out there wanted something like this. I wil keep on improving it as I need it in one of my projects (Radiologist reports with IC10 codes etc) but thought that I get some feedback from you while at it. If you care to vote then please leave a message as some sort of feedback that will help me in this project. Have fun and enjoy VB = Very Beautyful :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200526143230134.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MsWord_in_184914262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Makis Charalambous","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58737,"Title":"ListGrid control (update) a cross between a listbox and a listview controls that >>>>>","Description":"This is my ListGrid control..so called because it basically merges the functionality of a listbox with a listgrid control. Some of its appealing features are (1) with a short, simple call you can get or set the text of a specified \"cell\" in the list (2) you create attractive header (2 possible styles) with as many columns as you wish. (3) clicking any of the columns headers cause the list to be sorted in ascending or descending order (alphabetically) just like in outlook or kazaa (4) There is a property call .highest_index which makes for slightly easier looping...for example with the listbox or any of ms controls..there is a property such as the listcount so if you want to loop through the list you go> for i = 0 to list1.listcount -1 the .highest_index property already takes that into account so now you just loop by>> for i = 0 to listGrid1.highest_index. The listcount is still available to you as well if you prefer that, (5) your can set the font/forecolor/backcolor, individually for both the header and the list itself. If you prefer the lightweightness (not a real word i dont think) of the listbox, and used the settabs api to try to increase the functionality of the listbox but felt like you wish you could take the improvements many steps further than that then you will love this control. Suggestions for improvement will be implemented so suggest away.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005261515154898.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ListGrid_c184919262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58741,"Title":"Titlebar Button","Description":"A button that you would use to minimise your app to the system tray.\nI liked a submission made earlier by AB Software (code id = 58679) but didnt like the need for external controls and bas files. \nThis submission does the same job but everything is contained within one usercontrol making it easy to just drop into any project.\nIt has its limitations and there is scope for further development. If I do anything further on it I will post updates.\nFeedback appreciated.\nAcknowledgements made within the code where appropriate.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005261610265692.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Titlebar_B184924262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":107,"AuthorName":"GDuncan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58746,"Title":"Line 3D replacement for the line control","Description":"a replacement for the standard line control. creates a line that looks more like the line that makes up the edge of the frame control (screenshot) there are 3 types, (single,double, triple) and 2 different types (embossed, raised). Not a huge or fancy control but will save you about 4 or 5 lines of code, without having to think too hard. with there control there is no coding whatsoever..like the standard line control..just drop and position and your done","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005262131341278.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Line_3D___184936262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58747,"Title":"Lightning Ball","Description":"Makes a cool Lightning Ball thing on the screen. Looks cool, see screen shot. If anyone wants to help me translate it into a Java Applet so i can put it on a Web Page, just leave a comment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005262337318921.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Lightning_184938262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Tim Heap","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58753,"Title":"Privacy Cleaner","Description":"This program can clean: IE History, IE temporary files, IE typed urls, Cookies, Temp, recent documents, typed commands in run, searched files, WMP recent files, ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052760174658.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Privacy_Cl184949272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Farshad Shahbazi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58760,"Title":"Databse prog adressbook Well Commented!","Description":"adressbook well commented databse","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200527126453859.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Databse_pr184958272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"GhΓé¼ttoWarr!or","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53670,"Title":"KlanScape Web Browser 2.1 - Instant Filtering (Popups, Content, Design) new GUI, see Project Comment","Description":"This is a complete web browser with powerful features that give you full control over any webpage. It has the ability to protect your privacy, detect content, and extract any element from the page. It can filter websites based on the content that it finds using one of four powerful filter options. You can edit web pages in real-time and edit any active element on it; including replacing, deleting, and modifying attribute such as color. For example, clicking on a text box (form) on the page, in real-time, you can change its border style, colors, fonts, ect. ItΓÇÖs the features of a WYSIWYG web page editor, except that you are still on the page and can use the page. The built-in text editor used for viewing source code has tools like Find String Between and Does String Exist. You can control Popup Windows ( Popups ) different ways including ΓÇÿAsk MeΓÇÖ, ΓÇÿBlockΓÇÖ, and ΓÇÿAllowΓÇÖ. New windows can open in my program instead of Internet Explorer. Detect active cookies and SSL Certificates. Control Download and JavaScript windows and block download requests. My browser includes an Alert Bar which covers top of screen to display important messages when needed. The browser is full featured and has a complete tool bar and panel. The panel can be shown or hidden to give the browser more space. Extract all links on a page into a list, and also show each part of the site in neat categories (treeview) including Links, Elements, Buttons (Inputs), and Images. Filter pages using different methods, and perform an action based on what is found on the site. For example, if anywhere on the site you find ΓÇ£at least 18ΓÇ¥ you can block the site. You can add HTML to each page you are viewing so that you can make a totally customized filter. You can have it redirect to another page based on what is found in the site. Give it a try, and please vote. The theme shown is for clarity and isnΓÇÖt included. If you wish to help support my hard time put into this program, find out how you can show your thanks at the projectΓÇÖs official homepage http://www.klansoft.com/klanscape. I hope it helps you learn and be sure to provide me with comments on how I can make it better. Please vote if you like it! The screen shot isnΓÇÖt included to save download time, so you may right-click it and save it or get it from the project official homepage.\n[WARNING] THIS PROJECT IS COPYRIGHTED AND YOU MUST READ AND AGREE TO ALL INCLUDED TEXT FILES AND DOCUMENTATION. YOU MAY NOT USE ANY PART OF THIS SOURCE CODE, PROJECT, OR IDEAS WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM JOSHUA DOUCETTE, THE AUTHOR OF THIS PROGRAM.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Filter can sometimes slow down webpages if you are attempting too much on a huge site.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045141743485582.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/KlanScape_1745575142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":190,"AuthorName":"Josh Doucette","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53682,"Title":"Auto System Color on Pictures","Description":"Hi people! This is my first code about graphics. This sample demonstrate how you can colorize a picture with the system colors (in this sample a used the look of the Windows Media Player 9 Setup for the pictures). The code uses Hue, Saturation and Luminance functions, converte it to RGB, paint pixel-per-pixel speed using DIB sections and run with themes of Win XP and above or classic themes of other versions. The colors of pictures is obtained with the same code of Office XP / Office 2003 to set the color of their menus. Is very usefull for all programers... And more: apply alpha to a bitmap and show icons of Windows XP with the 32bit (with alpha chanel) suport! I believe that you will like... Bye...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004592037286217.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Auto_Syste174365592004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Erick Eduardo Petrucelli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53688,"Title":"Send SMS (Text Message) via PC Modem","Description":"The purpose of this code is to send a SMS (Text message from your PC to any mobile phone, you do not have to regester or buy credits just simply dial up and send.","Inputs":"The cTapProtocol class requires init to be called passing in the comm port of your modem and a mscomm object","Assumes":"the Tap centre number that is dialed is UK vodaphone you can change it to any TAP centre but this one seems to work best.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Send_SMS_(1826081262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Michael Ball","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53694,"Title":"A Minesweeper windows replica","Description":"this is pretty close to the windows version. it pretty much has all the features, i think. it even employs the little-known double click clear that most of the minesweepers on psc seem to lack. i don't think there are any bugs left. the code pretty basic. i use bitblt and some recursion and simple file I/O. let me know what you think. thanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045101223324859.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Mineswee1743855102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"john hollister","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59560,"Title":"Compass Control","Description":"Custom Compass control, will show direction or degrees. \nPrivate Sub Text1_Change()\n'some basic error checking\n If Val(Text1.Text) > 359 Then\n Text1.Text = (Val(Text1.Text) - 360)\n End If\n'call the control\n Compass.Value = Text1.Text\nEnd Sub\nEasy example of using sin in graphics applications.","Inputs":".Value","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005321172484542.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Compass_Co1866243212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Onmitsu","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59575,"Title":"jherone","Description":"To be recognized by the IT student, that University of Caloocan City can produce a games or any application program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005322034471711.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/jherone1866473222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"jerry m. jose ","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59584,"Title":"Tool Tip example..","Description":"A simple tooltip to alert a user of anything you want..you can either fade it in or slide it up..neat and usefull..i added the green bullet gif and bmp's as well so you may use them if you want to add more alerts..useful !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005322133522049.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tool_Tip_e1866623222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"EGL","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59564,"Title":"Hotel (Booking Reservation Example)","Description":"A simple example of database use in VB.\nNot very well written but may help some people.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005321182456186.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hotel_(Boo1866313212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"David Lowe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59565,"Title":"A 3D RPG IN PURE VB!! NO DX! VERY FAST!","Description":"A 3D RPG made with PURE VB! Use the Mouse to look around, the keyboard to move! Unlimited terrain sizes! No Direct X or third-party controls. Very Fast - Tested on a P133!!! Very simple code - Anyone can understand it and every line is commented. But keep in mind this is only a draft and it will eventually be made into something much bigger. I made this in 2 hours, including the textures so please don't mind the graphics. Please download to see for yourself. And please vote!!! Thanks!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005321182844660.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_RPG_I1866453222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":6,"AuthorName":"dwin05","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59591,"Title":"sharenet","Description":"it is a windows shared scanner,it use function wnetresourceenum,wnetopenenum,wnetcloseenum,ect..\nis very easy use de api,the applicantion have a option for i give more o less speed to progran,and you can enum of files ect.. you see the screenshot\nchao","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053221821185928.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/sharenet1866793222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Manuel(ErcUn)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59593,"Title":"Simplify Fractions","Description":"This program will simplify your fractions. You input [3 / 9] and it will return [1 / 3]. Please let me know of any bugs/fractions that are not working.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053222316294022.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simplify_F1866863222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Amine Haddad","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59594,"Title":"Face Recognition Using Nueral Net","Description":"This simple program can recognize face using a trained Nueral Net, it just convert the picture to raw grayscaled image which serves as a pattern for recognition. download first Perceptron.dll at http://www.mindworksoft.com/dll/Perceptron.zip to make this program works, or if you like, use the cNetFast class included on the zip file, but your program execution will obviously slow specially in the training. the Nueral Net class was from the code of Jonathan Daniel (bigcalm@hotmail.com)in the Glyphs (Teaching the computer to read) project, so I am not expecting any votes.","Inputs":"25x25 grayscaled pictures, just replace the default images with the picture you like.","Assumes":"The user must know all about the Nueral Network before they can fully understand the program.","CodeReturns":"a pattern value from the recognize image","SideEffects":"The training is so slow in the slow computer","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053230845532.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Face_Recog1866873232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Dario Mindoro","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59602,"Title":"ucCaptionButton 1.0.3","Description":"New release. Hope now working correctly on W9x, too. // Added 'Enabled', 'Bitmap' and 'MaskColor' R/W properties for caption buttons. Fixed centering of bitmap. // 15Kb.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005323114138383.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ucCaptionB187154432005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59604,"Title":"cDropShadowBlt 1.1.1 (icons supported)","Description":"Simple rendering/painting class for 'drop-shadow' effect. Three methods: CreateFromStdPicture, CreateFromDC and Paint. Shadow options: opacity [0,100], xOffset [1+] and yOffset [1+]. // 5Kb. __________________________________________________ Added 'ShadowColor' option and slightly improved 'pvRenderDropShadow' routine (now maping DIB bits: no buffers and '1-pass' blurring). __________________________________________________ Icons supported. New generic method name: CreateFromHandle(). __________________________________________________ Fixed shadow left-top edges.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005326958124821.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/cDropShado1869683302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59609,"Title":"Net Send v5","Description":"this utility if for sending Messeges on the network.it has a directory listing of all pc's on ur domain. u can clear/Delete the eventview or View it directly of our Pc or any pc on the network, just select the pc and click view eventviewer. this was one of my most succesfull utility. please Vote for Me ...!!!!!!\nPrakash Patel \nimprakashpatel@yahoo.co.in / ppatel@in.hoc.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200532448126667.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Net_Send_v1867343242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"imprakashpatel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59994,"Title":"Brush Stroke 2.4","Description":"Brush Stroke 2.4, the extreme Home Desktop Image Editing Standard, Created In Visual Basic, Brush Stroke has Come from one Extreme to the Other... Check out the Screen shot, and Review.\nThis Review is informing that Visual Basic Can be used, for the 'Professional' Side of things. If You would like to Help in this Project, please Contact us (Contact details in the Review).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054131836212602.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"David Nedved - DaTo Software","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59995,"Title":"Flash And Action Script With VB6(","Description":"This code demonstrates how to use macromedia flash files in vb6...this means that with it you \ncan send the flash player values...I've done this here with setting the value of a variable which was \ndeclaired and used in the \".fla\" file from within the vb programme,and flash player can also send \nvalues to your vb programme.You'll have to use the Shockwave Flash Component...and set the \n\"Allow Action Script\" to \"alwaya\" which is the default value i think...In this example I have a flash \nfile...when you click the \"Walk\" button the vb programme tells the flash player to move the\ncharacter...and when the character reaches the \"Finish\" thingy the flash player tells vb that so...\nIts my first submission here,and i've seen few things like this here, but they were all just \nexamples of how to use flash files in vb and thats all...whereas this examples tells how to use \nthe action script of the flash file from vb6.This a part of an another project which i'm doin'...and \nbeing a beignner I find ths quiet usefull! :)....SPACIAL THANX TO THE isButton..which i'm using \nin this programme..ITS AWSOME!..if u don't have downloaded it already then please do so from \nthis site...this gives you programme very cool look ;)\nI've updated this submission with the \"*.fla\" file this time,and now you can view the flash code if it is not deleted by PSC :)\nanyways here is the Action Script\nPaste This Code On The First Frame\nwalk=a Movie Clip...The Walkin Character\nfin= A Movie Clip...The Finish Thing At The Bottom\nvar Move;\nMove=0\n_root.onEnterFrame = function() {\n\tif(Move==1)\n\t\t{\n\t\twalk._y=walk._y+2;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(_root.walk.hittest(_root.fin))\n\t\t\t\tfscommand(\"fin\", \"true\");\n}\nBy Aryan Sinha","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054131911446998.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flash_And_1876474132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Aryan (Vinny)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59996,"Title":"Deeplook 4.10","Description":"Ok, Ok. I know I said last month that I wouldn't be submitting any more versions of this, but bugs and the incompletness of some of the features annoyed me enough to update it. The new features of the program are outlined below.\nThanks to all who voted for me last month, I got 3rd place! No votes on this please, just detailed comments.\nSpecial thanks to LaVolpe for his help in tracking down annoying memory leaks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n \tNEW FEATURES IN THIS VERSION\n\tEngine specific additions/changes are for the VB6 Scan engine unless indicated\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Added pie charts for graphical representation of data\n * Fixed several small problems of data not showing\n * Fixed reports - report header now shows correctly and .NET file reports now work\n * Fixed bug where first line in each file is ignored\n * Replaced Charmelion button control with LaVolpe buttons due to memory leak in Charmelion control\n * Files with projects as references now scan correctly\n * Added \"Used Fonts\" for each project - now user can easily see which fonts are used in a project\n * Fixed many other memory leaks - thanks to LaVolpe\n * The \"Show Individual Sub/Function/Property lines\" option now works\n * Re-enabled the close button on forms, fixed bug where DeepLook was not exiting correctly when ALT+F4 used\n * Fixed bug where DeepLook not exiting properly when in the middle of scanning\n * Swapped simple progressbar with a disabled LaVolpe button - edited LaVolpe code to show status text as enabled\n * Rewrote the FixRelPath sub to correct relative paths that do not only have \"\\..\"'s at the start/end\n * UVC Scanning engine now works for non-unique variable names\n * Now reports both total control count and control count (not including all array objects)\n * Empty SPFs now show the correct Red ForeColour when not hilighted\n * User can now save the Unused Variable List as a text file\n * Added overwrite warnings when saving report files\n * Added option to only allow one open Treeview Branch at a time\n * Added group information to reports when a group file is scanned\n * Fixed a little bit of faulty logic in the IsHybridLine function\n * Now the entire file line statistics does NOT count blank lines outside a SPF\n * Added event functionality to Class Modules","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054132029122625.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Deeplook_41876444132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":95,"AuthorName":"Dean Camera","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59998,"Title":"Automatic Cool Image Drawer Thing","Description":"This was originally going to be a particle sim but it turned out to be able to draw awesome pictures on its own!","Inputs":"You can change all sorts of options from the bar on the left","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A cool pattern kind of thing that you can save as a .bmp image","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200541405415321.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Automatic_1876484142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"stegasaurus","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60001,"Title":"ppAutoIndent","Description":"correct indentation increases readibilty no end.\nSo this add-in has been written to fix the problem. \nRun Auto Indenter. This will go through the \ncode and correctly 'tab' out blocks.\n(Rirst Register this Dll )","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ppAutoInde1876524142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"imprakashpatel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60006,"Title":"DDE Example","Description":"Get Data from Excel on the Fly.","Inputs":"'*************************************************\n'open one excel file and Type Something in first ccell\n'************************************************\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005414832237415.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DDE_Exampl1876574142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"imprakashpatel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59864,"Title":"ICMP Made Easy","Description":"This simple VB6 class allow you to send ping (Packet Internet Groper) and perform a trace route. Though you could expand it for use with other icmp responces. The class can easily be slotted into any application you wish but a simple interface is provided to try out. The code should be very stable no missing constants etc and doesnt lock up when a paticular point in the trace route doesnt respond (see notes in code). Anyway hope you like it.\nPs. Update 14 April 05 - updated for an overflow error when the tracert gets stuck waiting at a paticular place in the hop. Also added a screenshot though its the class that I submitted not the interface. Anyhow those of you having trouble with crashs the only thing I can think of is its something to do with the version of the icmp dll or winsock dll. I've tested it on ICMP.dll version 5.1.2600.2180 and have had no crashs at all. Even for addresses that dont exist even for planet-source-code.com. So check you have the latest icmp and latest winsock. One of you reported it happened on both ping and tracert so its probably the actual ICMP echo thats falling over.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Expect arguments for packet size in the near future. Its easily added i just havent done it yet.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Only one that i'm aware of for some reason the raiseevent in the winsock startup sub wont fire. It only gives details on the winsock connection and the code runs fine anyway. But if someone sees/knows why it doesnt work i would really appreciate it.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005414163423627.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ICMP_Made_1876804142005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Shimirel Information Systems","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60007,"Title":"Adding multiple language support to captions of controls","Description":"This is a small sample to add multilanguage support to programs you developed. All the job is done in the module. For forms with lots of controls I prefer you modify the database and function to run 1 query for each language and let the program do it, 1 query for each control means slow program.\nAdded : MsgBoxes, Grid Headers, Form Captions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Please check the codes before modifying database and/or Language.ini file","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Language ID is declared global to be able to use on everyform you have.","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200541891403567.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Adding_mul1878084182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Serdar Tas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60014,"Title":"Unique Address Book 2005 Updated Version","Description":"A very user-friendly address book. saves text and image/photo in database.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005415519208193.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Unique_Add1876924152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jessie Panerio","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60022,"Title":"Ulli's Code Formatter V2.19.3","Description":"This Visual Basic Add-In will format your code for a generally accepted indentation - one tab per structure level, the tab width being obtained from the IDE. It will also check your code for some of the most common ommissions and traps. Included are a Code Printer, a Copy Facility, a Code Structure Viewer and an option to create WinXP manifest files and to modify your code to make use of them.\nSimply compile the DLL into your VB directory and then use the AddIns Manager to add it to the AddIns Menu.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005415135226525.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ulli's_Cod1877074152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60027,"Title":"Find if Process is Runing using Windows Management Instrurmentation (WMI)","Description":"Simple function that uses Windows Management Instrurmentation (WMI) to find if Process (task) is running on your system. I used this to detect if pcAnywhere Host (awhost32.exe) was running before I had a Telephone Call Accounting System \"Phone Home\" using the modem. Then I use the same function to detect that awhost32.exe was stopped before using the modem. After my app was done with the modem and issued the restart of pcAnywhere, used the function to see that awhost32.exe had started. Also included in the sample app is a simple task list.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005415211195744.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Finf_if_Pr1877254152005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mark Mokoski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60039,"Title":"Wolf DataGrid 1.5 ActiveX Control","Description":"Version 1.5 of award winning Wolf DataGrid, fully working data grid now with many new features.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005416829356599.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"TheAlas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60042,"Title":"Process Revolution 2005(PE) - Fixed","Description":"Not Your Fathers VISIO<BR>.....Fixed the Download Download<BR>FREE Copy of Full 2004(PE) 'Pro Edition' for Planet Source Code Users. Professional Flow Chart Diagram Tool. Generate PDF / PNG / BMP / JPG / SVG, XML Based, Full VBA Compatible Engine Embedded.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054161212318839.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Bruce J. Hafner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60043,"Title":"Help dialog","Description":"Just a 'help dialog' tip for you. (GUI)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054161311279405.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Help_dialo1877424162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jim K","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58395,"Title":"___Single Player TicTacToe__!","Description":"This is a Single Player TIC TAC TOE game, its wonderful to play with the computer, but its not finished yet, as i have limited time. My 2nd entry. Ur chances of winning are rear. Check out.\nPlease vote for me (Just to know my quality). Thank U. {:).All comments and sugestions are welcomed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I think it works best in 98. (XP also but slower!!!)why??","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051201250209715.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/___Single_1842181202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Arun P {:-)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58396,"Title":"[ Animated / Fading ] - [ About / Credits ] - Form","Description":"This is a sample About/Credit form with a nice fade effect. You can specify any background image and can set fade accordingly. You can also specify the Start/Mid/End fade color. You can edit the text by replacing the \"*.txt\" file in the app folder. If you like this please inform me. Kindly give me your Feedbacks/Comments. Good Luck!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051201257336953.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Animated1842201202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58400,"Title":"Clock (shorter code than all the rest)","Description":"It's a clock, only, it's the shortest and only one line.\nIt supports major timezones too.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Clock_(sho1842261202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ryan K.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58405,"Title":"Flowchart to Code REQ","Description":"guys,whew! heres the ftc, i include the controls from khebscontrols.ocx in the project, sorry about that the errors,trying to fix, so that u can rate it more and upgrade/etc... hope this will work now, please vote... thanks...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512114292673.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flowchart_1842331212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Kevs.mtΓäó","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58406,"Title":"Programmer library","Description":"This application is to make easy programmer working. The reason is; almost programmer always using same code for an application, such as database programmer, in database programming there are some categoroy update, delete and adding data, commontly code is always same event it defferent table.\nEvery code you insert can be save in .RTF format so you can easy to print it, and save to database directly. If you using same code again now you can copy the old code which has been saved in code library, then paste the code to your project, how easyly is it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005121134309526.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Programmer1842341212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"yudi astira","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58407,"Title":"Dot Matrix Clock","Description":"Just For FUN","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Time and Date","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005121142561689.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dot_Matrix1842351212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Michael Hammond","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58409,"Title":"MSN Messenger 7.0.0425 Multi UN/Patch by Project SP","Description":"This MSN 7.0.0425 Patch Will Allow You To Use The Messenger on Unlimited Accounts At A Same Time","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512153513072.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_Messen1842441212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Salman Paji","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58410,"Title":"MSN Messenger 7.0.0425 Banner Removal UN/Patch by Project SP","Description":"This MSN 7.0.0425 Patch Will Allow You To Remove The Banner Which Shows At the Bottom Of the Messenger.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005121534248914.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_Messen1842431212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Salman Paji","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58412,"Title":"WWWebFast :::: This is two submissions in one..A web class that is super fast and exposes all of the","Description":"This is a webclass that makes it super easy for you to access the document object, the document.body object, all of the links, image, input elements, and table cells for a web page. And because there is no visible interface (directly anyway)..the pages load super super fast...the second part of this submission is a quick and dirty way to provide your applications with multiline tool tips. Please vote because my Im not strong enouph to pick my head up off the sand and put it back on my body but if i get a lot of good votes that will inspire me a little","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512163618157.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WWWebFast_1842471212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58413,"Title":"[ A Shoter Game Tutorial v2.0 ]","Description":"This is the second version of my program \"Basic Shoter Tutorial\". I added some other cool stuff\nVote Please","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_A_Shoter1842481212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58414,"Title":"[ Find Function For FlexGrid ]","Description":"This is a sample 'FindOnGrid Function For FlexGrid' . This code is made on a request from PSC.\nThis function can search your 'FlexGrid' and will setfocus the cell which containing the text. It can\nPerform 'WhorlWordOnly', 'MatchCase' search. The additional option , ie searching with the 'cell\nBackcolor' is also included , which was in the request. I uploaded this code , to get useful to somebody else too. Your comments are welcomed. Good Luck!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Find_Fun1842501212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58416,"Title":"[ Best NavalBattle Game ]","Description":"This is the best Naval Battle game ever created.\nThere are 6 different ships and two kind of weapons.\nYou can play against an intelligent computer or a friend on the same PC.\nOr you can play with someone through LAN or Internet.\nAlso it saves top 10 high scores for single player games.\nLastly, it has some secrets waiting to be found.\nPlease vote for it and dont forget to give feedback!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051211125262717.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Best_Nav1842531212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Can Cilli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58420,"Title":"Control Resizing Module","Description":"Add modResize to any vb project. Controls on a form are resized automatically when the size of the form changes. The original form/control size ratio is maintained. Fonts are resized also.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"In the resize event of any form:\nmodResize.resize(me)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"You may want to limit how small a form can be sized to.....the smaller a form gets the more crowded the controls get and some may overlap.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Control_Re1842991222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Shaun Gurley","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58421,"Title":"Super 101 Visual Basic Tips & Tricks","Description":"Hello friends !!! These tips and tricks were submitted by professional developers using Visual Basic 6.0 on various sites .I have compiled these tips along with my own tips to churn out this massive Tips for all my Programming Brothers. Special code tips on - Sort and Reverse-Sort a ListView, Quick Recordset Copy to Excel Workbook, Test for Alpha/Alphanum Characters Only, Add Incremental Search to a Combo Box, Perform Strict Date Validity Check and many more.This is my first post on PSC.Your precious votes will encourage me to continue posting more better codes for you so that all of you can develop Xcellent Projects in Visual Basic.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Super_101_1842581212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":62,"AuthorName":"Abhishek Datta Gupta","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58422,"Title":"[Webcam Motion Detection]","Description":"This program captures from default camera and detects motion. Its very small code, and i commented all that wasnt common sense. Enjoy and vote =p\nSide Note: In case your camera doesnt work too good or properly, start up Movie Maker and it will detect the camera and add it to cameras connected list in windows... then you can use it for sure... sometimes this happens","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051211823465865.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Webcam_Mo1842591212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Mephisto","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58424,"Title":"LED (20 Wire) v2","Description":"A quickie LED UserControl. \nLED20 because it uses 20 'Wires' to display characters (numbered 0 to 19 in case you're wondering)\n'\nNEW in V2\nChanged Font consturction and display routines to use arrays\nuses the Count property of Wire control array rather than hard coded values (Potentially allows you to add more Wires)\n'\nThis is a spin off from the LED clock challange but definitely not a contender (way too many lines) but I was more interested in the LED than the clock. \nIf you look at the control in IDE you'll see that there has been no attempt to position the wires ahead of time.\nIn case you do want to edit it please note that the form has been locked to stop unnecessary fiddling about.\n'\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051211843541674.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LED_(20_Wi1842611212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Roger Gilchrist","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58432,"Title":"GetPixel Color (colorpicker for programmers)","Description":"I made this couse I got sick of opening those huge programs just to get one color value :) FEATURES ARE: Click on picture to get the color,\nYou get HEX(vb) and RGB color, By clicking on a textbox with the value, it's copied to clipboard, LOAD button for loading your own pictures. ################ \nI hope I helped, Have fun! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512123457346.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GetPixel_C1842741222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Edi Budimilic","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58434,"Title":"DM Color Picker Version 2.05","Description":"Hi, well after seeing a Color picker on here. It remined me of my old version I updated but forgot to submit anyway. I thought I do it now.\nOk DM Color Picker, You can save and load your own pallets also comes with 15 or so ready made ones. You can pick a color from the screen, has support for VB hex color, VB long color, RGB , C++, Delphi and HTML anyway hope you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512253384703.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Color_P1842751222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58435,"Title":"ApiViewer","Description":"Powerful API viewer to replace apiloader you used till now.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512292084892.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58436,"Title":"[ Secure Data Split ]","Description":"This program converts any type of file into a crypto-secure file pair, enabling data storage on the most secure way. Retrieving the original file requires both secure files and is impossible without them! The program has a user-friendly Wizard interface. A rnd-stream, initialized by truely random mousemovements and generated by the ULTRA algorithm, calculates both secure files (this method is critical and cannot be compared nor replaced with the computer's unsecure rnd-function). There is no key involved because the two secure files can be considered as each others one-time-pad keys. Therefore the encryption can not be solved without the use of both files. Used function: KS1(n) = rnd(i), KS2(n) = Original(n) xor KS1(n). As long as both files are stored on seperate and secure location, or under custody of two different persons, the original is absolutely secure. One secure file, no matter wich one, can be made public without risk of compromising the original's security. For a given original, each session of generating secure files will produce a totally different pair, not compatible with previous pairs (retrieving data from different pairs, created from one original is impossible). Therefore it's possible to create several pairs without compromising security, as long as each individual pair is kept seperated. As long as both secure files are seperated, this methode is the perfect methode to safely store highly sensitive data. Supports unlimited file size. All comments and ideas welcome ;-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005122924578114.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Secure_D1842811222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58439,"Title":"CircAnaDig Clock (Circular Analog and digital clocks)","Description":"I saw recently there was a buzz concerning digital clocks. I decided to provide two different types of clocks. One fake digital (but nice looking, in my opinion), so don't expect coding exploits, and a circular analog clock. This one is a bit tricky, and the code is commented. A good base to start when willing to generate cosine and sine tables (ie: can be usefull if you want to code 3D apps). This code could have been set in intermediate, but due to some tricky routines... well you see. Nothing mind blasting but a funny couple of hours to bring those to life.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005122111288075.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CircAnaDig1842871222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"brainwasher","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58444,"Title":"[Foil Password Loggers]","Description":"Foil Password Loggers\nFPLv1.FRM is a form you can use to obtain a password from the user in a way that key loggers and people looking over your shoulder cannot capture the password.\nIt comes up as a normal small password entry box with the prompt \"Use secure password entry method\". If you are on a secure computer and nobody is looking, you just enter your password as usual.\nBUT if the situation demands, you click to get the expanded display shown here.\nNow let's say you are entering \"Fz34M\" (your real password) and you've entered \"Fz3\" so far. You will have actually typed some bogus stuff like \"YEm\" and you are looking at three asterisks. Someone is watching you. Here, for example, is what happens next:\nYou know the next character of your password is \"4\". You glance at the panel showing A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and quickly locate \"4\" and you see that to enter \"4\" you must type \"q\".\nOk, you type \"q\". The person spying might actually see you hit the \"q\", but immediately the screen changes and she doesn't have time to scan the 62 random characters to find out that it means \"4\".\nNow the next time you use the program, \"4\" won't necessarily be \"q\". It is a random pick of the 62 characters.\nThat's the idea. The 62 characters are encrypted. Any other characters just stay as is. For example if your password is \"m,@37\" then one day you might enter \"Q,@j8\" and another day you enter \"p,@9Y\".\nThere was one problem with the original design. The letter \"O\" and the digit \"0\" look alike. So does little L (l) and one (1). This was error prone, so the characters \"+\" and \"-\" (what else?) were used in the encryption. This meant that if your password actually had one of those characters, you couldn't enter it. To get around that, \"+\" is always entered as zero (0) and \"-\" is entered as one (1).\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051221633364424.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Foil_Pass1843021222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"QBasic Mac","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58445,"Title":"Retrieve Windows serial number","Description":"Retrieves the Windows serial number. This works on Win 98 SE, but not tested on W2K or XP coz I don't have it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Retrieve_W1843031222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Future Sound of Budleigh Salterton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58447,"Title":"SQL Server Developer","Description":"A must for the SQL Server Developer. Combines what developers use with Enterprise Manager and Query Analyser in one package as well as other features including a simple but effective stored procedure debugger, perfect for the beginning SQL developer. Search utility very helpful also. Requires 1024x screen resolution. Can handle multiple selects (max 10) at a time. Be sure to read the readme.txt file for extra features.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"Most of the features of SQL Server Developer are easily discovered by simply playing with\nthe application. The purpose of this readme file is to inform you of some things that are\nnot. \nClicking on a database will populate the top portion of the screen with the tables, stored\nprocedures and/or triggers that exist for that database.\nClicking on a table will populate a column list. Double clicking on the table listbox will\nproduce a sorted list easier to view.\nClicking on a column name will append it to the SQL text box.\nDouble clicking on a stored procedure or trigger will render the contents of the stored\nprocedure or trigger in a large text box which can be edited and altered back to the SQL\nServer.\nDouble clicking on a recordset will render a full screen view of the recordset. The buttons\n< and > on top or below a recordset will increase or decrease the column sizes. Right click\non a recordset and see what happens.\nIf you plan on using the stored procedure debugger, also make sure you have an empty line\nafter Inserts, Deletes, Updates and Deletes. Use the Set command to populate the paramaters\nyou will be using (for example Set @Name = 'George'). If using a cursor, always use the\nDo While @@rowcount<>0.\n","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SQL_Server1843151232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Steven Zoch","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58456,"Title":"Scrollbars A++ Example","Description":"This is my first submission to PSC so be nice :). I decided to make this example because all of the other examples were too hard for new coders to understand, or they were all part of something bigger (full programs). Click the picture to load up another one. Also there is some help with the commondialog (for new coders). Hope you all get what you need from this, please vote :D.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051231024359285.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Scrollbars1843281232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"_]D-Angel[_","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58512,"Title":"XP Manifest UI State fix","Description":"Perhaps you've noticed that the VB Form engine does not support dynamic changing of the ui state. It gets the ui state when the form is first created and then never again. Obviously this defeats the whole purpose of it. For example, if the user opens your form using the mouse then the focus rectangles will not show on the command buttons or on other controls that conform to XP ui standards. This code a kludge that will show all ui states instead of only the state that was active when the form was created. Just call this sub in the initialize event of a form that is linked to CC 6 with a manifest.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32.dll\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":15,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"selftaught","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58515,"Title":"Frog3D - 3D frogger game","Description":"Frog3D is a 3D frogger game, with DirectX graphics and sound. The goal of the game is to get the frog across the road without becoming road pizza, and get him across the pirahna-infested river. \nI spent more than 4 months on this game that I made about a year ago, and hopefully you will be able to learn something from it.\nIf you have any problems downloading this, you can get it also at\nhttp://gamesoft.dyndns.org/frog3d/f3d_src_psc.zip\nI'm hoping to get Code of the Month with this game, so please vote for this game!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20051261957336661.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Frog3D_-_31844541262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":42,"UserRatingTotal":208,"AuthorName":"Marshall H.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58518,"Title":"System Information","Description":"This is Just an example of How to Pull the System drives and Processor Type , Size ex. from the registry of Windows XP","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"i Only Tested this on XP and The registry Design would be different for other systems","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/System_Inf1844561262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Roger D Rodgers II","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58528,"Title":"Window Functions","Description":"Demonstrates a few APIs and how they work, giving users an overview of how they can manipulate the window.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Window_Fun1844701272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James P","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58534,"Title":"HTML tutorial series # 2::: How to find and Hilite words in a webpage (like .PDF)","Description":"This a thoroughly comment..easy to understand, and , yet, amazing example of the power the HTML object library has. This particular example with show you how you can find, and hilight (any color you wish) words in a web page","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512819503804.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_tutor1844901282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58536,"Title":"GEN-X NET CONTROL and KEYLOGGER","Description":"GEN-X NET CONTROL AND KEY LOGGER !!!MAY SYSTEM CONTROL KANA, MAY KEY LOGGER KA PA...UPDATE VERSION OF GEN-X NET COTROL..STILL PASSWORD.CONTROL THE APPLICATION, SYSTEM POWER, OPEN CALCULATOR,MOUSE, KEYBOARD,CD-ROM, DESKTOP ICONS,TASKBAR,AND KEY LOGGER\n","Inputs":"ITS ONLY THE USERNAME AND PASSWORD....\n","Assumes":"PWEDE KA NANG MANG-NAKAW NG ACCOUNT NG IBA\nKNOW ITS PASSWORD AND USERNAME !!!!","CodeReturns":"CONTROL THE CLIENT,,AND TRACE THE KEY LOGGED\nALL KEY LOGED CAN FIND IN C:\\WINDOW\\IO.TXT\n","SideEffects":"NONE","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512845439360.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/GEN-X_NET_1844941282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"JENNER ALAGAO A.K.A. JHONCE XYREN","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58539,"Title":"LedCLock (Cool images!)","Description":"Ledclock","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512872632248.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LedCLock_(1844991282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"GhΓé¼ttoWarr!or","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58548,"Title":"Msn7 Simple Controler and Informer","Description":"This Code allows anyone to change their Msn 7 Status, Open Inbox, Detect the Unread Mail count, Get all contacts and nickname. Start differnet types of conversation, Get nickmae and email address. Send email to Contact. Log on / off Msn Messenger. Order you contacts and get your received folder's directory.\nThis is mainly a tutorial for people who what to start programing with msn7.\nNote: YOU NEED MSN7 to make this work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Messenger Type Libary\nMessengerApr Type Libary","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512934938967.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tommy1845261292005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Thomas Charriere","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58553,"Title":"Cow Thing","Description":"Watch 28 frames of animated cow walk all over your desktop and windows, munch on the grass and moo occasionally. I was inspired by a web site I found whilst researching another project. I downloaded the cow animation and thought I might as well have some fun with it. The code is a little messy because I just threw it together on a lazy Saturday night.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512995956809.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cow_Thing1845331292005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":74,"AuthorName":"Peter Wilson","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58555,"Title":"COM Detect and Test, Ver 2","Description":"A freshening up of a previous PSC submission. I gave the original to a customer of mine, and he used it to audit industrial control PC's COM ports that he didn't know if there was still an application running that used them. So as a result, He made a few suggestions for improvments in the original COM Detect App. Resultant changes are here. App now enumerates installed COM ports, allows selection of ports for test and changed some GUI issues. A usefull tool to have in your \"Bag of Tricks\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005131195194119.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/COM_Detect1846131312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Mark Mokoski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58557,"Title":"A complete ping code using API Code and ICMP ! very easy","Description":"Is a API code that allows the application to make a PING to host, just as the command \"ping\" made in the CMD of Windows, which will respond suitably","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It allows to detect if host exists or not before making a connection TCP/UDP","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005130010409624.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_complete1845441302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"DiNeSat4","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58566,"Title":"____Custom3D_ScreenSaver_Diretcx8_","Description":"This is a cool directx 8.0 screensaver, it is a 3D room in which the user can create her/his own walls, floor and roof from any bitmap. This is my 3rd entry and first in directx. hope u like it.\ni'm not compelling to vote 4 me but please do not forget to submit a comment pleasee....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Requires Directx8.0 \nWindows XP for faster rendering\nor windows 9x.(slow)\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"DO NOT USE LARGE SIZE BITMAPS IF U DONT HAVE A GOOD GRAPHICS SUPPORT.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005130118577784.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/____Custom1845661302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Arun P {:-)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58569,"Title":"CyberKiller 3D","Description":"This is full functional 3D action demo, written with visual basic with iRender 3D game engine usage (http://irender3d.com). The code is too big to upload it to PSC, so I decided to make a link to the file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005130133750592.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CyberKille1845701302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":105,"AuthorName":"iR_OrBit","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58574,"Title":"[ ! Gym Application ! ]","Description":"This is a gym application that I created for my VB class. This App. keeps track of members, employees and inventory. This program uses MS Access with SQL DAO.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No side Effects.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005131116287169.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Gym_Applic1846011312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":68,"AuthorName":"Kenny S Hall","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58582,"Title":"PSC Downloader 1.1","Description":"This little App is a enhancement of my former PSC Downloader (http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=27782&lngWId=1).\nWhat it does:\n1) Let you drag and drop code projects from PSC to download sources and info about it. \n2) Download sources into a directory of same name as the project (NEW). \n3) Download project description. \n4) Download project image (Enhanced). \n5) Create internet Shortcut in download folder to project homepage at PSC (NEW). \n6) Download zip-file. \n7) Stays on top. \n8) Easily to drag around on the screen.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200513198542717.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PSC_Downlo1845961312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Thomas Hannibal","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58583,"Title":"Petrol and Filling Station Management","Description":"A software for managing the activites of a petrol station. Worker salaries are based on the amount of sales made.\nPlease email me feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Petrol_and1845971312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Demola Oladipo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57486,"Title":"[FA] City Builder [v1.2]","Description":"A 2D Windows-based game. You can construct various buildings, roads, destroy them, earn money through monthly taxes, scroll around the terrain.... all like a professional strategy game! inspired from my favorite dos-based game Transport Tycoon Deluxe by Chris Sawyer, Micropose. Graphics are drawn on the basis of flicker-free drawing concept. Great frame rate. Ive also made support for full-screen mode. Actually in Full-Screen mode, the game switches the screen resolution to 640x480 size so it wont have to stretch the graphics. Anywayz.. contains load and loads of stuff which i cant even explain here. Ive got some great great stuff for amateur programmers. I was planning to make a proper game out of it but the frame rate didnt supported enough and im no good at directx so i kept the game only to a little coding demonstration. Try it out dudes!!! plz vote.. means very much to me! .... IMPORTANT: Please please dont forget to read the README.TXT file first to see the recommended system requirements for this game. [UPDATIONS]: Load/Save map, better framerate, new effect on selecting buildings.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041251335107472.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[FA]_City_18298612162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":81,"UserRatingTotal":404,"AuthorName":"Faraz Azhar","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57487,"Title":"Barcode ActiveX","Description":"This is a barcode ocx. I got a code for barcodes from same site and made my ocx using that.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Barcode_Ac1824081212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Muhammad Shahid Malik","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57489,"Title":"Easy Balloon Tool Tip Class","Description":"Class module for adding Balloon or Rectangle style tool tips to your forms. Tool Tips can be Multiline and colors are selectable. Because of my other PSC submission\nhttp://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?lngWId=1&txtCodeId=57128 on how to use Balloon tips in the Systray, which is included in the ZIP, I did some API digging and came up with this.\nAlso included as part of the demo app is a Code Generator for Tool Tips made with the demo app, so you can cut and paste into your own code.\nI'm sure there are many improvments that can be made, but this works, so take it and go play.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041211142415257.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Easy_Ballo18282312112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":83,"AuthorName":"Mark Mokoski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57495,"Title":"[ aAaA_ MMPlayerX ]","Description":"what's up KABRONES(AS), LA PORRA LOS SALUDA...\nMusic Mp3 Player X version 2.0. UPDATED(Nov-2004), search, order and play through albums mp3, \nwma, wav, ogg files and show your cover front.\nFull code here.\nSupport Skins, Languages, Karaoke function, Tag editor, Visualization Studio, Spectrum Analyzer, Equalizer 10 bands, Sound Effects, \nAlbums Browser, Covert Front Browser, Mini mode, Play List... and more functions...\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041211547304568.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_________1823841212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"R@├║L M@RtInEz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57496,"Title":"Add a VC++ like 'Build' Button to your VB6 Toolbar Without any AddIns","Description":"Ever wish you had a 'Build' button in vb6 just like VC++, now you can add a build button to your visual basic 6 toolbar. There are addins available for doing it but they are part of a paid addin products, but my methods don't uses addins etc. Just download the zip and read the instructions. zip also contains image for build button. AND PLEASE VOTE.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004121162273839.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Add_a_VC++1824851232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Abhishek.NET","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57498,"Title":"Quest of Knowledge (massive project)","Description":"uses loads of coding to acheive lots of different objectives without using a single control (apart from default obviously) also features a log in feature to edit scores, default password is 'lothlorien' you can change this, it also shows how to save this password to a file securly by passing the password through an algorythm to encrypt and de-crypt it, nothing speshial though.","Inputs":"inputs, this game features an rpg map engine, an interactive quiz that takes questions from an access database, a very user controled wrld map which includes a brilliantly simple but affective physics engine (some maths involved)","Assumes":"read things in game, not finished! only two location have quizes and game over functionality, this is explained in game.","CodeReturns":"returns results from quizes, ombat (yes there is a basic combat engine in there too!)","SideEffects":"BIG any loads of files","ApiDeclarations":"crap loads lol","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412119220828.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Quest_of_K1823971212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Jordon Pilling","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57502,"Title":"[FA] Draggable ToolWindow","Description":"This is a draggable toolwindow inside another window. Normally windows can only be inside an MDI form, but this is a great control which looks and acts like a real window. Completely customizable!!! If you plan to place many toolwindows inside a form, try duplicating the source files and adding each toolwindow as a separate toolwindow so you can customize them according to your needs. [ See another demonstration of this control in my other project: City Builder (txtCodeId=57486&lngWId=1)]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004121235942453.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[FA]_Dragg1824091212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Faraz Azhar","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57506,"Title":"bauRSSNews","Description":"Program for read news from internet (RSS). A lot of webs write news in this format","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412283321413.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/bauRSSNews1824181222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Bau","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57507,"Title":"PolyShader( + Stars)","Description":"PolyShader by Robert Rayment. (+ Stars) Demonstrates shading of regular and user defined polygons. Zip 36 KB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Jusr run","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Dialog APIs","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041251133347265.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PolyShader1825661252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":58,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57511,"Title":"Scratch & Win OCX","Description":"Just for add some fun to many kind of application (educational, family parties, and so on)","Inputs":"Just specify the path of the Cover image, the \"to be revealed image\" and the size of the scratcher !","Assumes":"Just made in vb , with no api (only loadpicture!)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Absolutely none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041221459428720.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Scratch_&_1824311222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":57,"AuthorName":"Fabio La Vitola","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57512,"Title":"bible search database","Description":"links to the bible allowing searching and indexing of indervidual passages, works using sql and select statements. Program also demonstrates web browser integration and use of the flex grid and shaped forms. you can either select a bible passages or sub chapter etc... or you can enter a passage using the global format, example:\nGenesis 5(5:9)\nNOTE ALL BOOKS HAVE A CAPITAL LETTER AND SEARCHES ARE CASE SENSITIVE.There are a few bugs still in this program in relation to back to menu buttons mid wizard and stuff, so be carefull.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041221524243243.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/bible_sear1824321222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jordon Pilling","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57517,"Title":"Very Popular Contact Manager New Version Ver. 2.0.1","Description":"A Complete Solution for Contact Management - Address Book. Credo Contact Manager Ver. 2.0.1 is an easy to use management software program. It has a build in trial, registration or activation solution. It is a password protected Contact Manager with the possibility to disable the password login. Also you can make notes of all your contacts with a build in text editor. You can backup all your contacts and notes. Email client and a phone dialer is also included (modem required). Web links of your contacts will take you straight to there web site. No database required. ... SOME BUG FIXED AND ADDED PRINTING OUT CONTACTS (SELECTED CONTACT, AND ALSO ALL CONTACTS).------------------------------------------- Updated again on 03-12-2004 16:40 (UK time) BUG FIX PROGRAM START AFTER ACTIVATE.----------------------------------------------\nPlease rate this or give us feedback , so we can see if our code/software is useful and/or good.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041221739271915.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Very_Popul1824811232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"R Paret","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57524,"Title":"[[[AdvancedDS2]]]","Description":"Advanced version of DS2.Encrypts data with RC4 before encrypted into DS2...Coded:Pavethira Kumar\nThis encryption method is specifically designed for data transfer over inter/intranet.............","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[[[Advance1824491222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Pavethira Kumar","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57531,"Title":"Magic (Gradient) Label","Description":"Just another new kinda gradient smart label!\nAnd don't forget to vote if you find this code useful !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It's a control without particular effects, just to be efficent and slim !\nNo pictures allowed (i use another OCX of mine) and - at the moment - no rotation, even if api used permits (set angle degree to 0)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Just few api rquired, the usual API found everywhere !","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412372467523.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Magic_(Gra1824711232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fabio La Vitola","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57492,"Title":"AdvancedMD5","Description":"MD5 generator. The software encrypts the string before hashing it.....very strong hash method..bruteforcing is useless and could consume a lot of time.......","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/AdvancedMD1823711212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Pavethira Kumar","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57537,"Title":"Advanced Physics Engine 2.0","Description":"The Physics engine uses collision detection and applied physics to create cool effects and it's been recoded to stop a lot of the box flickering. This version also features predictive collision detection so that no collisions are seen and looks better. I've also commented on most of the code so it shouldn't be too hard to understand. Have a play aroud with different settings turned on and off, and check out what holding the right mouse button down dose. Anyways Vote if you like it or comment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041232052201302.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_P1825011232004.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jared Povazan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57544,"Title":"Cover Print Pro 1.0","Description":"The Purpose Of This Is To Make It As Simple As Possible To Print Your Cd Covers Realy Good Layout (Graphics Included) If You Want To Carry On this Project Please email Me At i8crowts@hotmail.com\n(Only Tested On Windows XP)\nPlz Vote As This Is My First App","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041241229303076.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cover_Prin1826211262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"peter lockwood","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59741,"Title":"Winsock Complete Chat with smileys,FTP and more","Description":"This is a complete chat program with smileys that has no limit,private chat,file transfer,chat font change,chat color change,kick,banned,warning,nudge and many more. This software is tested on LAN. It supports Multiple networks that vypress,realpop and others dont support. Really kool interface that you will like.Its inspired by Yahoo!.if ya like that chat then plz vote for me 5 globes.I hope you wont disheart me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005331153272773.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_Co1869933312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Evilgenious","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59745,"Title":"Painting 1.0","Description":"The purpose of this program is just to color the picture template. The picture template it self is the monochrome bitmap. You can color the picture using the interactive pit. Select the brush, the dense of the brush, the color, and then play it over the picture. \nHow can I color the tree without annoy the sky? DonΓÇÖt wory; the Painting Application will set the border from one site to another in the picture by using specific color of the template. So, you can color site by site. Just click and play! Have fun.\nPS: This application is not complete yet. Maybe one of you can make it for me. \nThx\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"May be you must try to debug it first before make the EXE file. Because there's a problem on OCX that I can't understand how it happen.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005331352331806.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Painting_11870013312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Derio","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59748,"Title":"Timer Class Module","Description":"This class module contains everything needed for creating a timer. It is very simple (18 lines), but provides millisecond accuracy using the GetTickCount API.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"To start the timer: MyTimer.StartTimer\nTo stop the timer: MyTimer.StopTimer\nTo read duration: MyTimer.ElapsedTime","CodeReturns":"Duration the timer has been running in milliseconds (divide by 1000 for seconds).","SideEffects":"Due to the fact this is a class module the timer will continue to run even if a message box is displayed - the normal VB timer will pause when a messagebox is displayed. This can be an advantage or disadvantage, so take note.","ApiDeclarations":"Dim myTimer as timTimer\nSet myTimer = New timTimer","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005331814141871.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Timer_Clas1870063312005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James Arnold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59757,"Title":"Video Rental System","Description":"To handle all the video renting aspects e.g movies renting, buying , searching and waiting lists.\nINSTEAD OF DOWNLOADING THIS VERSION, PLEASE CHECK THE NEWEST ONE THAT IΓÇÖVE ALREADY UPLOADED (UNDER THE NAME VIDEO RENTAL SYSTEM (UPDATE #1)), ITΓÇÖS CONTAINING SOME CHANGES AND ENHANCEMENTS.\nIN ORDER TO REACH THAT VERSION, PLEASE SCROLL DOWN THE PAGE UNTIL YOU SEE THE PHRASE SAYING Other 1 submission(s) by this author,\nPLEASE CLICK ON THAT LINK TO VIEW THE IMPROVED VERSION. THANK YOU.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054271820706.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Video_Rent187330472005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Salim Al-Adawi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59767,"Title":"rvtDX9vb","Description":"This is a first!. A Typelib and DLL for the use of Direct3D9 from VB6. Consult Readme and Doco for useage. Requires DirectX 9.0c to be operational on your machine. (163K)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/rvtDX9vb187036412005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ron van Tilburg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59769,"Title":"Virtual OwnerDraw API Treeview","Description":"Today VB6 has become the most widespread dead (programming) language.\nIn celebration here's the only(AFAIK) ownerdrawn treeview published in VB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054175119264.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Virtual_Ow187042412005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"OrlandoCurioso","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59772,"Title":"Use GDI to put a Progress Bar in your command button... or any control","Description":"Need a progress bar and not sure where to put it?\nhow about on the command button that started the process :-)\nor basically on any control with a handle.\nPut this code into a form and place a command button on there.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":47,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200541103938517.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Michael Toye","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59779,"Title":"CStack","Description":"Was just looking tho one of my C++ books and came accross a stack class. so I desided since had nothing better to do and convert it to VB. anyway I done it as a class and added some other features. comes with evey line commented and a small example. hope you can find a use for it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005411350526198.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CStack187056412005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59786,"Title":"API's AlphaBlend emulation","Description":"A little module: AlphaBlt() and AlphaBlend() functions will let you render 32-bit-alpha bitmaps onto a given DC. Use first one (faster) when rendering onto solid-color surfaces. Use second one for a complete emulation of API's AlphaBlend. // W9x and WNT systems compatible, I hope. // ~115Kb. __________________________________________________ \nUpdate #1. Added cDIB32 class (simplified version accepting only 32-bit DIB sections). Useful in case loading a resource bitmap. All properties have been preserved to allow create/edit custom alpha DIBs. Thanks go to redbird77 for the new CreateFromResourceBitmap() function. Note: compile first if you want to test this function! (also you'll get about 10 times faster results).\n __________________________________________________ \nUpdate #2. Added a mini-tool to export 32-bit bitmaps from icon/cursor resources (XP format). __________________________________________________ Update #3 (2005.05.03). Speed up: checked special alpha values (full opaque and full transparent).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200553112747534.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API's_Alph188423532005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":135,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55112,"Title":"ASP Editor * HTML * Web Editor * Codepiler * Millions of Functions","Description":"http://codepiler.com/dl/codepilersource105.zip\nThat is the link to download this application, I have tried 3 times to upload the source to planet source code and everytime fails. I dont know what to say, but here is the description<br>\nI have spent over 300 hours working on this, but just recently decided to make tis open source so please dont message me about the nag screen, you can register for free and it removes the screem.\nif you have any suggestions please either leave them here or in my forum, http://forums.codepiler.com and i will try to address or fix them, or add them depending on what it is. <br>\nPlease be gentle, but also vote for me if you like this, I would actually suggest going to http://codepiler.com and clicking the cnet download link on the main page to get the installer, if you get the installer and install it, then open the source all the dll's will be pre registered for you!! very easy.<br><br><b>\nCodepiler is a versatile code editor geared towards ASP/HTML design. It features a File Explorer, Multiple document mangement, History Window to keep track of all your work, Split screen coding, Intelligent Code Recognition, Color Coding, CSS Stylesheet Editor, Multiple Site Management, Live FTP File Update, Database Explorer for viewing MS Access and SQL tables. Many wizards and options for fast development and much more.</b>\n**UPDATE** You can now download all source code from here","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Codepiler is a versatile code editor geared towards ASP/HTML design. It features a File Explorer, Multiple document mangement, History Window to keep track of all your work, Split screen coding, Intelligent Code Recognition, Color Coding, CSS Stylesheet Editor, Multiple Site Management, Live FTP File Update, Database Explorer for viewing MS Access and SQL tables. Many wizards and options for fast development and much more.\nFor the easyness, please download the installer from codepiler.com and install it to register all the dll's for you, it took me months to make this, so please dont be too harsh and remember to vote....","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047222341531257.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ASP_Editor18291812142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":47,"UserRatingTotal":235,"AuthorName":"rBg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55114,"Title":"Folder Backup Utility","Description":"Automatically Backs up a folder by synchronizing the contents to a destination folder. Looking for easy way of synching folders? Want a utility that will instantly back up your files when specified? This utility is for you. Not only will it use an incremental back up method to secure your files but it can back up your folder when a change is made to the directory. Demonstrates file synch and folder watching for changes much like Norton Anti virus. This application will load with windows to ensure that your folder is backed up automatically from the start. Sits in the task bar as a small folder icon.\nKeywords: Auto Backup Backing up Back up Copy Sync Synch Synchronize Incremental Differential Folder File Transfer Taskbar Icon Registry Load with Windows GetSetting SaveSetting Destination Source Directory Norton Anti-Virus","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"If you have trouble downloading try here http://www.dreamstruct.com/folderbackup.zip\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200472301347593.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Folder_Bac1775137282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Phishbowla","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57196,"Title":"Golden Mean ( Fibonacci Sequencer )","Description":"Golden Mean Fibonacci Sequencer \nThis program will sequence up to the 1,476th Fibonacci number (309 digits long). These super long numbers avoid exponent display ( E+ num ) and rather spell out the value. It shows the Golden Ratio for each number and explains in the code exactly how to come up with it. The Golden Ratio is an extremely interesting number as it appears in many things in nature such as pinecones, seashells, body parts, dna, reproduction of bees, hurricanes, birth of universes and much more! The mysterious number Phi has been found in many ancient architectures and even in paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci. The numbers were also used to create beautiful musical compositions. This is definitely something worth exploring.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041111029533910.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Golden_Mea18170611112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Phishbowla","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57198,"Title":"ADO Address Book","Description":"This project was developed to help those just starting or wanting to start usind ADO and MYSQL Database. Contains a module that creates a MYSQL database on the fly. Hopefully this will help some of the new people get off the ground with ADO and MYSQL quickly and learn the full capabilites of using this combination. Please read the Program and Module notes before running.","Inputs":"see code","Assumes":"Requires localhost installation of MYSQL Database","CodeReturns":"see codes","SideEffects":"none known","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ADO_Addres18171411112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"J. M. Rizzo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57199,"Title":"Programming with the WinXP firewall","Description":"This code teachs you how to change WinXPSP2 Firewall settings via the hnetcfg.dll with VB6.\nYou can\n1) Enable and disable the Firewall\n2) Select Ports from a large Portlist (with description and trojan info) and add them to the Windows Firewall Settings\n3) Allow and Disallow incomming ICMP requests\nNOTE: you need WinXPSP2 to run this code.\nReferences to NetCon 1.0 Type Library and Microsoft Scripting Runtime\nDownload this code and much more VB6, VB.NET and C# Code from my Website www.visualsoft-net.de","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041111852409055.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Programmin18171611112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"M├ñhr Stefan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57206,"Title":"Text Progress Bar","Description":"Give this function a number from 0 to 100, and it will generate a cool progress bar made of text!","Inputs":"A number from 0 to 100. (Using a bigger value will cause the bar to extend.)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A string containing a progress bar made of text.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":16,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041112139581.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"HyperHacker","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57208,"Title":"A Four Player Pong Game - 4Pong","Description":"I came up with the idea of having a four player pong game in college when player on a friends pong game. So I sat down and coded it.<br>\nThis game allows for four human players to four computer players (with varining levels of difficulties). It's extremely fun to play, if I do say so myself!\nHowever watch out because every so oftern the ball might explode into three different ones at different speeds and directions!\nPlease comment on what features you like and what you think could make the game better, thank you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041112945202914.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Four_Pla18173811122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"-=Phenix=-","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57210,"Title":"[ Find Function For TextBox - New Update ]","Description":"This is an example of 'Find Function' for TextBoxes.It can perform MachCase,WholeWordOnly search and easy to use.Now updated.I want your 'FeedBack'and never forget to -Rate- this code.Thanks to Rde:-),you strikes once again.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Find_Fun18176411132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57216,"Title":"FruitLandGame","Description":"Funny","Inputs":"no","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"^^;","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041113049441477.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FruitLandG18175911132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"BoYeonHwang","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57228,"Title":"FYI: Alt+Tab Icon Updating","Description":"How do you change the icon that appears in the Alt+Tab window? This is nothing new can be found on MSDN. The notes I added here are of interest. More info for skinning forms. Changing a form's icon doesn't affect the Alt+Tab window; you need to change the icon in an upper level, hidden window. Code below shows how. Notes to keep in mind.... The icon does NOT have to be one assigned to a form! If not, the only thing to remember is to cache that icon handle and don't destroy it until your application closes or you reassign using the same code below. Should you not cache the icon, and it is destroyed, the Alt+Tab will show a \"blank/invisible\" icon instead.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":26,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57232,"Title":"[Updated]Registry Access Class Module","Description":"With this class module you can access windows's registry base and edit String, DWORD or Binary data type.\nList of functions (in class):\n-ReadString\n-WriteString\n-ReadDWORD\n-WriteDWORD\n-ReadBinary\n-WriteBinary\n-KillValue\n-ValueExists\n-EnumValues\n-KeyExists\n-CreateKey\n-KillKey\n-EnumKeys\n-HasSubKeys\n-ExportToReg\n-ImportFromReg\n-isBinValid\nEnjoy!\nUpdate: fixed some bugs and added new function...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[Updated]R187416482005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Aleksandar Ruzicic","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57240,"Title":"Attack Tool Kit 3.0","Description":"The Attack Tool Kit (ATK) is an open-source utility to realize vulnerability checks and enhance security audits. The most important changes in ATK 3.0 are the introduction of a dedicated exploiting routine and the Plugin AutoUpdate (over HTTP).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004111436199273.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Attack_Too18187111162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Marc Ruef","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57244,"Title":"Tweak Machine (compatable with all Windows versions)","Description":"Tweak Machine (compatable with all Windows versions) - This application consists of highly graphical detail of configuring or changing the system registry for security purposes. It would come to use for networking or home computers. Have you seen that these programs cost lots of money, well this program is free to use. To stop unauthorised users trying to change the registry this program is password protected with a extreme encoding process and have the capability of changing the password. If you are not familiar with the registry do not try and change it your self because it could crash the system. This uses high-tech xp style buttons. This also has four user-controls textbox, checkbox, frame and xp button. The checkbox is a fully animated button, when you click it, it changes the image. It is composed of two screens which are accessable by pressing one of the buttons on the bottom-left of the screen as shown in the screenshot. You are able to; hide the Control Panel Applets, Remove Programs, hide drives and many more. One that is highly used thoughout networks is Dont Display Last User logged onto the network. I would like to thank Noushad P for permission to develop his program which was based on Windows 98. I also would like to address that I do not take any responsibility for any system crashes or failures. This program is not to be sold.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041114119415539.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tweak_Mach18180511142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Craig Phillips","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57245,"Title":"Create a Table of Procedures","Description":"Use to make a list of the procedures in your app and paste them in like a table of contents. Hopefully it will be of some use. Had fun programming it anyways.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004111413298701.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Create_a_T18183611152004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60232,"Title":"ToolTip Balloon windowless (no hwnd)","Description":"This code set a balloon tool tip with the standard windows API on every type of control with or without window handle (no hwnd or windowless)\nPlease vote if you like it\nAdapt this code for your needs","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054271052374159.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ToolTip_Ba1881494272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"Cydrix","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60245,"Title":"Reverse Border Styles","Description":"My code will create a border style on runrime, and it can reverse the borders it can edit the border styles of any app if you get its handle. ive showed it rversing the taskbar as well I never found this code any where else I serached for months so finally I just Wrote my own code to do this so if you use it plz give me some feed back!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You need to have a good grip on Windows Api.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200542863422689.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Reverse_Bo1881854282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Robert Bequette","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60248,"Title":"DM Console+Make Tool","Description":"Hi all, this is a real console app that can run from the DOS Prompt. comes with it's own tools so you can convert the app after it's been compiled. so no need to mess around with Link.exe. well it comes with it's own example. and also I made a little help file.\nHope you like it.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005428128252894.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Console1881934282005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60265,"Title":"VSNet Property Tree (Alpha)","Description":"A Fully Ownerdrawn Implemetation Of A VSNet Style Property Tree (Supporting Nested Levels).\nSupports: Picture Object,Common Dialogs (Open,Browse etc), Font Object, Custom Lists,Spin Button, Nested Levels blah blah blah....\nThere Is No Calander Support As Yet But You Can Format Each Property Item and Validate It Before Updateing.\nCaveats: No For Each Suuport And No Delete On Property Items But you Can Clear and Reload.\nList Only Need To Be Created Once and And As Many Property Item(s) you Like Can Be Pointed To It.\nI'm Not Going To Bore You With Anymore Details, Check The Screen Shot And download The Code.\nA Big Thanks Goes To Paul Caton For the Hook Code, Vlad Vissoultchev For The Drawing Code, Fred Cpp For The isButton And Carles PV For His Coolist.\nNotes Before Use: You Must Copy The WinsubHook2.tlb To Your System Folder.\nAs Always Comments and Constructive Critism Is Always Welcome.\nThe Sample Included Is A Basic Sample But I Will Update When I have More Time.\nNote: This Has Only Been Tested On XP Pro And Home SP2 I Would Like To Know If It Works On Other Os's\nKind Regards\nGary\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054291639144482.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VSNet_Prop188382522005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"Phantom Man","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60273,"Title":"Button Shaper Change your simple command buttons","Description":"A great button changer example which can change the shape of a simple command button. just set the command button style property to graphical and see the difference.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"before using it set style property of button to graphical","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Button_Sha1882434302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Gaurav-007Sharma","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60283,"Title":"Excel Chart Wrapper Class","Description":"Does your application require plotting / charting of data? Do you like the plotting styles offered by Microsoft Excel, but do not want, or have time, to create a custom control of your own, then this wrapper class is for you. This class provides a simple interface to the complexities of the Excel object model and provides a simple and effective means to plot your data. Simply place an OLE2 container on your form, add the class to your project, set references, and pass it an array of data. In addition, this class supports either single or bi-directional error bars, and reduces some of complexities in handling this type of data. The chart interface, as with Excel’s, is fully customizable (colors, styles, grids, axis, fonts, etc..) at runtime, and supports direct OLE2 changes to the chart object by double clicking the object. So, if you need charting support, and do not want to spend a fortune on third party controls, then give this a try….","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005430131465251.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Excel_Char1882644302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"TerriTop","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60089,"Title":"Grey Options","Description":"Grey Options by Robert Rayment. Shows 8 different ways of changing an image to grey scale/effects (See code for descriptions). (Update BGR for RGB)(Zip 38 KB).","Inputs":"Picture","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"Grey picture","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"A few, see code","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005419613595846.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Grey_Optio1886865112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60092,"Title":"Shappire: Multi-User / Multi-Room Chat w/White Board","Description":"This is a multiple room/user chat program with white board and instant messaging, with mild room permissions and etc. It's incomplete because I got bored with the project. You can take this code and incorporate it into any non-profit program as long as I know about the development and am allowed to follow the progress of the program. All other uses must be approved by myself. If you do not agree with these terms then do not download.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005419954527085.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Shappire__1878414192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"AParker","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51910,"Title":"clsRegistry_by_mariush","Description":"Registry class allows you to add, modify or delete registry keys without additional controls. Only Windows API.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/clsRegistr1711432212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Hudea Marius","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51916,"Title":"Effective Closing of Form","Description":"Closes your form in an interesting ways. Which is most useful in your applications","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Effective_1711552212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Ram Chander","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51918,"Title":"Simple mouse clicker macro with 2 modes","Description":"There's two setting types, the basic mode and 4x mode. Basic mode allows the user to lock 1 point on the screen and have the program repeatedly click it until told not to. 4x mode lets the user select 4 up to points to click and choose the intervals between the clicks. Then the program will cycle through and click all the points until told to stop.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042211243308851.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_mou1711602212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"tazrockon","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51924,"Title":"A chat system v 1.1 (UPDATED)","Description":"This is great code to learn from. You'll discover how easy it is to create a multi-connection server / client and put together a chat-system with commands such as \"ADD\" \"REM\" ... and colors, splitting, NICKLIST!!! Please vote for me, or leave a comment.. :) btw.. heavily commented code!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004221191215028.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_chat_sys1711922222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"├ÿyvind H├╕is├ªther","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51925,"Title":"Hide/Protect a Folder","Description":"this application shows you how to protect/hided a folder easily,.. please vote if you like it xD,..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004221211423889.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hide_Prote1711732212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Oscar David ","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51926,"Title":"Scrolling Graph","Description":"Nothing special, just a scrolling graph. I just wanted to see if I could make one, and I did. I'm sure there are other ways of doing it, but this seems to work fine. Enjoy","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SetPixelV Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function LineTo Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function MoveToEx Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long\n","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042212139234680.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Scrolling_1711742212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"MJOsborn","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51932,"Title":"Explorer Watch","Description":"Logs your computer's explorer system events by using the Microsoft Internet Control (refrence/shdocvw.dll)Monitors all explorer activity and outputs to a logfile & access database in the app's root directory. I have been running the compiled version in the background for 7 days and have had no problems. It logs all internet pages viewd, all local access to the harddrive, including files modified and file size changes etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Explorer_W1711932222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Luke Hardiman","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":51933,"Title":"NetScan 2.0 - Debugged, 5 apps","Description":"This is NetScan 2.0. It has a totally new look to it, i fixed my form moving code, debugged my apps, enhanced them, and added the Ping/Pong Form. This is a major improvement on my NetScan set of network tools because now, they work. Ping/Pong Gives you a response time, a 10 second time-lease for remote host responses, and error protection. My host scanner is a lot less efficient than i would like it to be. I am working on something to where it would load a timer for each host and try to connect for a certain amount of time. My Port Scanner works, its fast, and extremely efficient. My Telnet Client has improved, is sizeable now, has tutorials, and the option to listen on a port too. It generates HTML Logs now also. The IP Grabber is pretty much the same but it gives a warning about being behind networks, it gives you your IP address, the status, and phase of IP grabbing. Votes would be great and hang around for NetScan 2.0.1, the rebuild, with NetStat. Votes, suggestions, and comments would be great. Please also try to find bugs, I haven't found beta testers.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20042221414198291.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NetScan_2_1712022222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Corey langdon (has since resigned)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":55260,"Title":"T-Install","Description":"This code will help you make your own installation file.\nAll you have to do is:\n1. Choose a directory in wich your application is goinf to be installed.\n2. Vote for my code :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200473113266619.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/T-Install1776017312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Nikola Milovic","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55261,"Title":"A Real Clock","Description":"This is an analog clock. Its hands move like a battery-operated clock! You also have the option to show the second hand or not. You can minimize this application to the system tray as well! Other features include a swinging pendulum, hourly chime, and time synchronization with an atomic time server without using MSWINSCK.OCX (GUARANTEED ACCURACY)! Configurations include start-up on Windows start and setting the windows to be always on top. On load, the main form reshapes to the shape of the clock as you can see in the screenshot. It has ticks for easy time reading. If you like it, plz vote!!! :-P","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200410918389702.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Real_Clo18177611132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"mathXpert","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55262,"Title":"Direct Memory Addressing (Fast Pixels) in DirectX7","Description":"Also known as Direct Memory Access. This is based on Andre Lamothe's method of plotting pixels. The purpose of this is to show people how to do direct memory addressing on the backbuffer surface to draw pixels extremly fast. Microsoft has hidden some useful things within DirectX in VB that make stuff like this possible. The main one that is needed is the pointer to the backbuffer surface called lpSurface (located and hidden in DDSURFACEDESC2.) If you want to see other hidden members, just go in object browser, right click, and goto Show Hidded Members. We now need an array that will point to the lpSurface (using Safe Array of course) that we can use to actually draw the pixels. We will call it Video_Buffer(). Depending on the color mode you are using though, you will need to declare Video_Buffer() with the same number of bytes the color mode is. For example, Video_Buffer() as Integer (2 bytes) for 16 bit color mode (2 bytes). Now the formula to plot the pixel is this: Video_Buffer(X + Y * Memory_Pitch) = Color.\nThe memory pitch (lPitch, located in \nDDSURFACEDESC2) models the fact that a video card\nmight have some extra memory per line because of caches or hardware addressing. For example, your resolution set at 640x480x8 shows you have 640 bytes per line on the screen, but the memory pitch\nis set at 1024 bytes per line in video memory. Of course, depending on what color mode you are using, you have to divide the memory pitch by the number of bytes your color mode is. Before you can actually write the pixel though, you have to lock the backbuffer surface and obtain the correct memory pitch (if you didn't, the memory pitch is useless.) Then you write the pixel, and unlock the backbuffer when done. I have three examples of how this can be useful. My only problem now is figuring out a way to Fillmemory in words (2 bytes) and Dwords (4 bytes) for fast scanline drawing. I have the assembly source code commented within this program (written by Andre Lamothe) but don't know how to use it in Visual Basic nor do I have any experience in assembly. Oh, well, at least I got this far. This program is heavily commented for those who are beginners. VOTES AND COMMENTS PLEASE!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004731150354150.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Direct_Mem177657812004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"KRADLE OF FILTH","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55263,"Title":"Get UK Weather","Description":"This code will let the user select their town in a tree view panel, then by double clicking the name of their town and then clicking the button a 5 day weather forecast is displayed","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"quite slow when searching through the HTML for all the weather information","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20047311848184912.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Get_UK_Wea1776097312004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Stu Lishman","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55277,"Title":"Matrix Blender - ALL customizeable - NO API","Description":"The programm generates \"matrix\" lines - with user's settings. Then blends the \"matrix\" with another image in a special way so the image is only blended on the letters. See SCREENSHOT.NO API.Creates Cool effect! Has a lot more features like: Drawing by yourself, choosing transparent color, cusomizing matrix(line length, font, num of lines etc.),select RGB channales to adjust image and more.. please vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004812026894.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Matrix_Ble177627812004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":74,"AuthorName":"Michael Vainshtein","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55280,"Title":"Get Current Winamp Song","Description":"This Function gets the current winamp song. I got tired of people iming me asking for this and me redoing it each time.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"-=Pc=-","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55282,"Title":"A DirectX Program Dock","Description":"I was inspired by MobyDock (http://www.mobydock.tk/) and created this program which can be used to replace the taskbar. ItΓÇÖs based on DirectX 8 for VB and needs just a little few tweaks (transparent background and anti-aliasing for example) but because the lack of time I canΓÇÖt finish my code. So feel free to download the code and finish it on your own with your customs features.\nYou need to create a folder called (ΓÇ£iconsΓÇ¥) in App.Path and put some PNG-Files in it. For the screenshot I used a PNG set from http://www.rokey.net/ but you can add any 128x128 PNG files you want.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200481738134785.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_DirectX_177638812004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Peacemaker2000","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55284,"Title":"CONVERT EXE FILES TO SHAREWARE VERSIONS-now supports VB, VC++, Flash,.NET, MASM and Screensavers","Description":"*UPDATED*.The BEST SOFTWARE PROTECTION YOU CAN EVER FIND IN PSCODE.COM.This isn't any rubbish submission. This is nearly as good as commercial software protection.This is really a good software protection ever made in planetsourcecode.com.The program uses MEMORY techniques to directly embed your EXE into the MEMORY and works with any VB EXE (PE). This code comes with a LOADER written in VB which has protection just like any other commercial software protection like DEBUG DETECTION, ANTI MONITORING and DUMPING, suspecious activity detection, BLACK LISTED CODES, FAKE MEMORY INJECTION, ADVANCED TAMPER DETECTION SYSTEM etc. The trial system is also very secure and it is manually IMPOSSIBLE to revert the trial settings. In EXE PROTECTOR you have to select many settings like the trial type, key generation, black listed codes, key maker password, etc, then your software is automatically converted to the trial version according to the settings made. The Key generation uses a Triple Key DES Encryption with SHA which is good. The loader is extremely fast, it is tested under different conditions and it works pretty well.There are many customisable options like you can choose to give FREE UPDATES for minor versions of your software, reset trial on new versions, add BUY NOW URL's, increase trial count by request and more.This submission took many days to build and test before submission. The code is excactly as secure as other software protectors and my submission is a freeware. If you need more help you can refer the very extensive documentation and sample project. Easily generate XML based reports and save projects for future use.Inspite of repeated requests, i'm submitting this code as a FREEWARE. A vote- thats all i need.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200481816292639.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CONVERT_EX177641812004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":97,"UserRatingTotal":468,"AuthorName":"Sriharish.H","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55285,"Title":"VB Real Time Syntax Color With Function List","Description":"Super real time color syntax with list of function sub and more also with auto indent you must try it very cool and powerful please vote for me if you like my code thank you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048197162768.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Real_Ti177644812004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Visal .In","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55288,"Title":"Transparent Form Maker 2 (VB6 addin)","Description":"This is an Add-In Project that creates transparent forms and adds them to your project. This Add-In works almost exactly like the Transparent Form Maker program that I posted a while back on PSC, except that I changed a few functions to add extra LoadByte Procedures to handle the size limit of Procedures (64k is the limit) and I added a way to move the form without using the task bar(see the Form_MouseDown event on the frmRegion).The Created form will also contain the mousedown code.(Note: Some of you may need to change the reference to the Microsoft Office 9.0 Object Library to the version of Office that you have installed.)\nTo get this to work open the project and compile it then close the project and open a new project. Select Add-In Manager from the Add-Ins Menu. Check the Loaded/Unloaded Check box (You can also check the Startup check box to load the add-in when Visual Basic starts). The add-in will then be listed in the Add-Ins Menu as \"SSE Transform\". Follow the instructions on the Main Dialog to create and add transparent forms to your project. (Note: The program may take a few minutes creating a form depending on the complexity and size of the picture that you use.)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If you run the add-in from the IDE it will not put the picture on the form.(see code comments in the frmRegion.SaveForm function. If you compile the dll and load it with the Add-In manager it will work fine.)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Transparen177653812004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Robert Gainor","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55290,"Title":"Hyper Scanner 1.0 port scanner","Description":"This is designed to be a fast(er) port scanner, configurable (pipelines, timeouts) and automatic (scans Class D or C level ranges). It uses Winsock arrays to make pipelines to test ports. Works very well on a LAN, and has good to excellent success on the Internet, in my testing anyways. The code demonstrates using arrays of controls, etc. This is my first submission to PSCode.com, please enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004811822254708.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hyper_Scan177661812004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Warren Genik","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55291,"Title":"Space Conqueror","Description":"This is a shoot 'em up game similar to projectX.\nIt was created with bitblt functions and all the others functions from the gdi32.dll.\nIt is not with full comments but i 'll do it if you ask for it. Anyway i wish you have fun with this game and vote me if you like it.\nThe graphics aren't mine. I found them on the internet. I didn't have time to create my own.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200481184279568.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Space_Conq177662812004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Whiteulver","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59307,"Title":"FYI: Transparent Container","Description":"Asked how I might make a transparent frame or picture box? After a moment of wondering why, I realized that was a neat idea & one solution provided; there are more but this doesn't use custom controls. Would give credit to the person for the idea, but when he commented it was by a \"No-Namer\". Idea isn't mine; just the routines.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005341223105993.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FYI__Trans186093342005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59311,"Title":"Synchronize system time and date from time.nist.gov","Description":"Synchronize the system clock to the correct time according to the time.nist.gov server. useful...","Inputs":"'WINSOCK CONTROL\n'COMMAND BUTTON","Assumes":"'WINSOCK CONTROL\n'COMMAND BUTTON","CodeReturns":"'WINSOCK CONTROL\n'COMMAND BUTTON","SideEffects":"'WINSOCK CONTROL\n'COMMAND BUTTON","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053417440602.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Synchroniz186103342005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"EGL","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59312,"Title":"Clockster XP....Almost There","Description":"Updated 8 March. Added the ability to cycle through the menu options on the settings form using the enter key and the up/down arrow keys. Only works when at least one item has the focus which is always the case when the form loads. Also, removed X offset property and implemented Y offset so you can adjust the vertical position of the clock and Volume slider. Also added the ability to adjust the height of the Volume slider. Just didn't need the x property because the control automatically centers on the X axis. As for the Y axis, I wanted to give the user absolute control over placement so I added Carles P.V.'s updown control, with his permission of course, to allow the user to position the clock/slider where they want. They can even be reversed and you can put the slider on top and the clock on the bottom if you want. I also added sound and the tooltip when using the mousewheel to adjust the volume. Still implementing some validation and error handling so don't get too extreme with adjusting the volume slider's height. Also working on some bullet-proof error handling and the addition of date/day display. Keep the suggestions coming...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005361618187263.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Clockster_186289382005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"AlT","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59313,"Title":"Form Fading In and Out","Description":"This code will make your form fade in and out. This only works in Win2k and up.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Form_Fadin186106342005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Zachary Northrup","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59330,"Title":"FreeChess","Description":"This is just a new almost-finished chess game. \"Almost\" because it lacks AI. I had some very big difficulties in creating one, so i decided just to ommit it. This code is just an idea of creating a fully-functional chess game. I called it \"FreeChess\", because there are no rules of moving the figures on the chessboard. You can do whatever you wish with them. My first intention was to create a simple, but still functional chess game that could be played via Winsock.\n- there is a supported multiplayer for 2 people.\n- chat system.\n- move notifications (like check, checkmate, castling).\n- move colors, that show the legal moves for every elected figure, green for moving, red for attacking.\n- because of the fact that the chess was intended for buddy playing across WAN or LAN i ommitted all restrictions for moving the figures, thus making it ideal for the people to \"undo\" their moves if they wish.\n- perfect for teaching novices in playing chess.\nI hope this code can be of use for your own chess game. Please, if you spot any \"BIG\" bugs in it, i'm glad to hear your comments :)\nPS: I almost forgot to thank Emiliano Scavuzzo for creating the CSocketMaster. It's the best Winsock object you can ever find!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/FreeChess186137352005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Todor Plamenov Tzvetkov","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59334,"Title":"OCX Extractor","Description":"This is a very simple, but still usefull app. It is designed for easier transporting of .ocx files. Like, you can include this with your application, that needs some special controls that you are not sure if the user have.\nWith a simple click, the desired ocx files are copied to the system folder, and registered via REGSVR32.EXE. Now your application is ready to go. No need anymore to increase the size of your EXE with resource files with OCXs. You can also ZIP the OCX Extractor to reduce it's size. I frequently use it myself, so i decided to publish it, despite the fact it's so simple.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/OCX_Extrac186147362005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Todor Plamenov Tzvetkov","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59339,"Title":"CSharedMemory","Description":"Share memory between processes. Write a port daemon to continually read data and make it available via shared memory to any number of running applications. Easy To Use: Dim S as new CSharedMemory : S.sharedMemory \"BlockName\",1000 : S.memory=\"Shared Data\" : Print S.memory","Inputs":"Requires a string containing the user defined name for the shared memory block and the block size in bytes.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A string placed in the shared memory block can be retrieved by any application which knows the name of the shared memory block.","SideEffects":"Shared memory blocks are created but never destroyed until the system is rebooted. Don't make more blocks than are required.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200536135444073.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CSharedMem186174362005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"surfaceLife","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59341,"Title":"Thinker (Waiting Bar) Control","Description":"This is a control used to display that your program is doing something, such as checking the internet for updates or checking for previously installed applications. Sort of a \"please wait while\" control. Basicly fully customizeable. Many options. Rate it if you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200536132877855.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Thinker_(W186160362005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59357,"Title":"[A++] Flow Chart Visual Programming Language","Description":"Flow Chart Visual Programming Language allows to run basic algorithms in a visual way. All you have to do is to place program blocks on the screen, connect them with arrows and run. You can also run it in step by step mode (when delay\nis set to maximum).\nMore documentation is available here:\n http://www.emu8086.com/fp/\nUpdates since version 2.1:\n* Font correction for the blocks. \n Now it's possible to use standard western alphabet.\n* Fixed system font is set for variables and stack viewers.\n* Examples updated.\n* Interface updated.\n* Drag & Drop support (you can drag \".fpp\" files directly into the editor).\n* Several bugs with deleting blocks are fixed.\n* Executable creation bug fixed.\n* \"Pause\" button works even when output is displayed very frequently.\n* New template is loaded correctly.\n* Default path for FileDialog is set to project path.\n* SQL support removed due to its crapping (examples removed).\n* Arrows became just red (instead of \"red-green\").\n* Online documentation should be updated earlier this week....\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005373359251.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flow_Chart186189372005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59361,"Title":"Professional Source Code?","Description":"SHOULD PSC Start a 'Professional Source Code' section?","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":76,"AuthorName":"Grayda","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59363,"Title":"[ Hey! , Look At The 3D Form ] - A Gradient 3D Form Making Function","Description":"All you need is a borderless form. You can convert that into a nice 3d looking one. You just need to call the function on the form load. The function is also provided with gradient effects ( see the screenshot). Enjoy! and please leave your comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005371239485589.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Hey!___L186209372005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58162,"Title":"PalTalk 7 Messenger F9 Mic Holder By Project SP","Description":"This Will Hold F9 Button To Hold Mic In PalTalk 7 Messenger Rooms, In This I Used F9 Button To Grab Mic, & This Example Can Also Be Used For Other Programz.... As You Can See No Handles Were Used In It...... Have Fun!!.... Use It As You Guyz Like To.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib \"user32\" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)\nPrivate Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2\nPrivate Const VK_F9 = &H78","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":11,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Salman Paji","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58167,"Title":"Get Text Method by Project SP","Description":"A Simple API Method Of Getting Text From Your Selected Window...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Option Explicit\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowExA\" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessageString Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As String) As Long\nPrivate Const WM_GETTEXT = &HD","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":14,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200518058575881.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Salman Paji","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58170,"Title":"Arrange It","Description":"A game based on the famous 16 blocks game. It has three levels of game. Try to beat the third level","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200518640117900.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Arrange_It183778182005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Sandeep.G","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58188,"Title":"ACD - Amazon Cover Downloader","Description":"Information and download available here:\nhttp://www.maresweb.de/forums/index.php?showtopic=11","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200519521301126.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ACD_-_Amaz183811192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sebastian Mares","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58189,"Title":"smooth tri mesh preview","Description":"A recent planet source code entry inspired me to do the unthinkable: release a preview of something I've been working on.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200511043405353.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/smooth_tri183812192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"dafhi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58192,"Title":"Graphical circular progressbar","Description":"This simple code will teach you how to create a graphical progress bar. You'll see how to use classical progressbar, some maths (angle conversions), you'll use PSet functions. Nothing really hard, but it could help soem people arounde here. The code is a bit messy, but you should be able to understand it quite easily. It was written in 2000 and revised for PSC.\nWhat's the interest? This is up to you to figure it out. I wanted to do this after seing Fix-it utilities progress bar. Have fun.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005191057593956.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Graphical_183821192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"brainwasher","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58198,"Title":"WaterMark an Image","Description":"Threw this together real quick, hoping it will spark someone with more program knowhow ,to make a first class watermark program with it. The alphablending code is by Aaron DeRenad and the cmndlg mod is by Mr.Bobo.Not looking for votes, just a better working program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005191741425132.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WaterMark_1838871102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58208,"Title":"Fastest Shaped forms and Save them as .Frm File","Description":"Updated !!! Create Bitmap Shaped/Transparent Forms and SAVE them with or without Pictures. The new Form has no calculation to do no loading of background images minimal code on it (About 1K) .... Fast and easy way to make shaped forms. Fixed errors and increased the speed it up.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005192257567870.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Fastest_Sh1839321122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Scythe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58211,"Title":"Cardiovascular Risk","Description":"This is one of many of my medical artificial intelligence programs. Yes I know this isn't what you might consider AI, but I do. The program combines a bunch of algorithms to generate an interpretation of CV risk based upon history, BP and lipid levels. I've included the xls files from the Medical Algorithms web site for your interest (that is why the project is so big-sorry). The logic is intermediate while the programming beginners and it is not commented.","Inputs":"I suggest you use the tab-stops to scroll through your answers in that order as I haven't debugged every direction that data is entered.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"An interpretation of your risk of dying from a heart attack.","SideEffects":"Needs error checking.","ApiDeclarations":"Nope","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005110447176517.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cardiovasc1838631102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Warren Goff","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58218,"Title":"Demo Ocx 2.0","Description":"vers. 2.0 di demo ocx ( See Readme.txt )\nHorizontal Slider\nVertical Slider\nDisplay Led\nUpdown Counter\nProgressbar","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005110108236963.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Demo_Ocx_21838751102005.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Bruno crepaldi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58223,"Title":"VB HTTP POST","Description":"This software simply demonstrates the use of Windows DLL's to POST data over the Internet and to read back the contents of the returned HTML rather than using the GET equivalent which is less secure.","Inputs":"Enter any American IP Address to look up with ARIN.net","Assumes":"Example use of Basic Code to replace a web browser to POST request data via HTTP and to call the CGI/ASP to process the POST. So, for example, whereas you may normally on a web-page \"POST\" field data, this Visual Basic application shows you how to do it in pure code, with an easy Form.","CodeReturns":"Places the results into text boxes","SideEffects":"You need to be connected to the Internet to make this work.","ApiDeclarations":"Various Internet DLL's \nPlease note, I did not write the BAS Module, I have written similar ones but this one I researched using Google.","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005110169163697.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_POST_HT1838851102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kevin Ritch","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58225,"Title":"Default Browser -","Description":"This code will determine your default browser.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Copyright 2005 Paul Kurczaba","CodeReturns":"The function returns the location of your default browser.","SideEffects":"None :)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":11,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Paul Kurczaba","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58228,"Title":"[Fast] Remove Duplicates From A Listbox","Description":"Removes Duplicates From A Listbox. Fastest one i've seen.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I did NOT write this code, I just felt like putting it up.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":15,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Richard V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59002,"Title":"Flash button in VB forms","Description":"This sample app demonstrate how to use the designed button constructed under Flash and incorporated it with vb6\nin a way that such button shall behave the way a vb6 normal button does (Click Event in this example).\nPlease vote..thanks.\nIn this way we shall be able to add more better look for the interface which we would think would only be applicable\non the web browsers. by default, shockwave control add-in in vb application does not support click event.\n","Inputs":"Flash-made buttons","Assumes":"Note:\non the construction of the Flash button be sure to add the script below:\non (release)\n{\n fscommand(\"ButtonClick\", \"value\");\n}\n'--------------------------\nthat script shall allow he click event later if used on the vb6 interface.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005221201936262.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flash_butt1856132212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"WCM","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59003,"Title":"[ Tray Icon?, Wow! Thats Simple! ]","Description":"Get the very easy implimentation to set yourown system TrayIcon. You can also capture any mouse event that happens on that. Enjoy! and please leave your comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Tray_Ico1854772192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59004,"Title":"R Quest ( RPG ) 2","Description":"Hey every one again well after 2 days of releseing R Quest 1 i relese R Quest 2 :D what does it do thats so good well now its more of a rpg maker that a map editor And now its Highly Commented\nMapper Features:\nEndless tile support\nNo LAG!! At all runs perfectly fine on 1 ghz!\nCOLLISIONS!!!!\nFps\nMap Scroling\nSaveing and Loading\nGame Runner:\nNpc's!! really cool :D\nnpc movement they can follow u / move random\nScroling\nPlayer Animation\nLoading / Saveing of INI's\nPlayers\nNpc > Monsters (very basic tho they chase you thats about it lol)\nNow this is how to use it when you have made a map useing my basic map editor copy the maps folder into the game directory overwrite the old 1 :) fairly basic so far then run the game.\nMovement uses the arrow keys\nAction = Space e.g your under a npc to talk to him press space\nAnd there is a small Technical demo of the chaseing system\npress the letter T whilst standing neer the 2 npc's by the tree one of them will chase you if you walk out of his boundtry which is 3 tiles arround him he will move randomly (this can be used for wiled monsters that attack you ect).\nPLEASE VOTE AND POST YOUR RESONSES!!!!! I REALLY NEED FEEDBACK ON THIS OR ELSE R QUEST 3 WONT BE RELESED!!!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005219824515594.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/R_Quest_(_1854802192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Ryan Lamvohe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59005,"Title":"[*a 3d racing game with commercial quality graphics*]","Description":"This is a completly 3d racing game with commercial quality!!! It includes a 3d engine with support for advanced techniques like realtime shadows and reflections. You never thought this would be possible in VB. NOTICE: DirectX 8 or higher must be installed on your system. Now about the game itself: it's a Tron clone. The basic game idea of any Tron lightcycle game is that you drive a fast futuristic bike, called lightcycle. It leaves a wall where it goes, so the arena turns into a labyrinth after some time. The goal is to force the enemies to hit a wall while you should try to avoid this for yourself, of course. The last player alive is the winner. REVO TRON also invented a new game mode: the action mode. If it's switched on, you can use speedups, different weapons and shields. You'll get an item after some time which is displayed at the top-right corner of your screen. You can use this item then by pressing the space key. The action mode makes a Tron game become a real action battle! YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE COMPILED EXE VERSION AT http://revotron.tripod.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200521993498664.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_a_3d_rac1854832192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":50,"UserRatingTotal":248,"AuthorName":"Mathias Kunter","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59011,"Title":"Secure Key Exchange","Description":"How to securely exchange encryption keys over unsecure lines.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Secure_Key1854932192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59016,"Title":"Frogger Clone","Description":"Its just a simple frogger game, Although in the next version I am planning to make it more... graphical :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Frogger_Cl1855032192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Matt Pope","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59019,"Title":"mseditor2.ocx (Greatly updated version of mseditor.ocx)","Description":"Here is mseditor2 greatly updated from mseditor1. I received many emails with a lot of ideas as to what to add to the control. This is the new version. Now you can print WYSIWYG, insert pictures, files and OBJECTS (Like msword Charts, excel, ANYTHING). You can find and replace text without affecting its formatting. There is a status line with current line, column total lines etc. I did remove the databound properties but this is only a couple of lines of code anyway. You can always implement this outside the control. If there is interest I will add more features. The whole idea is the same. Just THROW the control into a form and USE IT. In the examples in the screenshots below there is absolutely no code in the form, JUST the control. It is fully parametric with a lot of exposed ΓÇÿmethodsΓÇÖ which you can call from your program. There is a technique for a form to call back on the control (in the find replace form). This might be educating to novice programmers. If you donΓÇÖt want almost instant status refresh then remove the timer and its code. The status gets informed when you change something or click the mouse somewhere. ItΓÇÖs a lean mean word editor and with your help it gets better all the time. Thanks for your feedback, both online and into my mail box.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Exposed methods (besides the standard)\n---------------------------------------\nmsOpen\nPrintText\nUndo\nRedo\nInsertPicture\nInsertObject\nInsertFile\nFindReplaceDialog\nFindReplace\nSaveNow\n","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005221546592064.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/mseditor2_1855122192005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Makis Charalambous","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59020,"Title":"Linear Gradients (at any angle)","Description":"-- Yes, another gradient. Highlights: can draw at any angle, is reasonably fast, is totally contained in one sub (no need to add a class or module). ---\nSee explanation.gif and the comments for a rough idea on how it works. ---\nAlso check out the demo picturebox, it is resizable at runtime. ---\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052192123337771.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Linear_Gra1855772212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"redbird77","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59026,"Title":"[ Hi guys! Who need a Smooothly-Curved Form ]","Description":"This code is for those guys who wish to make there form unique/smooth, but worried about speed. This is a 'SmoothForm' function which can make your form smoothly curved with in 'NO TIME'. This is a simple implementation and works perfect. Enjoy! and please leave your comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Hi__guys1855212202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59038,"Title":"Processes ONLY","Description":"After getting sick and tired of being sick and tired of looking for something that demonstrated this, I decided to make it myself. This lists all processes running. It also demonstrates how to 'stop processes' that are running. That's it. I've commented every line needed and I hope this helps someone. \nEnjoy!!\nJames","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Processes_1855442202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"James Miller","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52354,"Title":"a net send with cloaker","Description":"PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT! This little proggie is a net sender with a cloaker! Net send is a dumb tool built in to all windows versions and automatically turned on, which lets people on the network comunicate with each other, but unless you are a pro, there is no way to stop receiving the messages! The cloaker hides the usual \"From: Bob to Mike\" and makes it \"From: GOD to Mike\". You can replace god with whatever you want. This program comes complete with message and name cycling, and you can send multiple messages at a time (10000 per second i beleive). I once spammed the whole school network (it a big high school with over 2500 ppl) with 1 million messages. To use it, just Type your fake name (or if you wana use a list check the box name list and edit the txt file attached to this called namelist.txt), their Computer name, your message (or check message list and do the same thing as name list) and then number of times and then bang, your messages are sent.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Dont get caught doing this!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20043132120544697.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/net_send_w1719713132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Jonathan Naamad","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52355,"Title":"[ Database Package ]","Description":"This zip file consist of almost all Database related stuff!!!. Some of the highlights are Dynamic Report Generation Utility with ADO coding, Chart Generation, Datagrid, MSHFlexgrid, And Much More Stuff!!! including searching databasse.....\n1> Connection\n2> Traversal such as MoveFirst, MoveNext, MovePrevious, MoveLast\n3> Manipulation such as Add, Update, Save, Delete\n4> A Complete Search Facility\n5> Dynamic Report Generation Facility\n6> This utility can be esily copy and paste to any of management system...as it is designed as generalise-code which works for\n all Management System...with little modification according to their requirement.\n7> Each Functionality is well explained through needed comment.\nPlz...rate my work......if you really enjoyed if you want to collect more work than logged-on to http://www.vivekpatel.cjb.net\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Database1719723132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":102,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52362,"Title":"Simple and Quick Bar Chart (update)","Description":"Are you looking for a quick and easy bar chart for you program? Then this just might fill the bill.This is a user control so all you have to do is plug it in,set a few values and go.Howdy from Texas.Ya'll.On update: added Number of Bars (NOB) to show with resize.Also you can now set the scale you want.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004314127534334.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_and1781688142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Foster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":51468,"Title":"Neo Quest","Description":"Just a basic game. Pure luck. Still can be kinda fun . :D Just press A,B,C, or D, and see whether you get to continue or not.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Neo_Quest170368232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Cosmo Hopper","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":59801,"Title":"[ Computer-Info v 1.0 ]","Description":"Fox-Info v 1.1 UPDATED VERSION, this software shows you a lot of informations about your computer:|||| System Info: Processor name, number of processors of your computer, system drive path, wan ip address, local ip address, screen resolution, operating system, total physical memory, available physical memory, total paging file, available paging file, number of running programs, printer name and your DirectX version.|||| Computer Profile: Computer up-time, computer name, current username and a lot of other regional informations.|||| Drives Space: Shows you for each drive on your computer his : (Name, Type, Total size, Free space and Used space).|||| Processes: Shows you all your processes running on your computer, the options \"Terminate Selected Process\" is now available.|||| BIOS Info: Shows you a lot of informations of your BIOS, such as (Status, BIOS version, BIOS name,...|||| Fox-Info also can create a log file of your computer profile and system info. PLEASE VOTE, I WORKED VERY HARD FOR THIS SOFTWARE, Thank's","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054269339805.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Fox-Info187139432005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":85,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59797,"Title":"Smart Storage with 2 compressions(zip/huffman) #BIG update 6","Description":"Smart Storage is something like a file packager, you can add any file(s) of any format to the storage file(AddUpdateItem function) and remove them(DeleteItem function), of course. \nNow it comes into two separate version: with/without compression.\nYou can choose zlib/huffman or no compression for each file.\nIt uses index(file) technique for a better performance, thus it has VaccumStorage() function. \nAnd, the most inportant part is that it uses serialized section(chunk) technique to handle the CRC & compression of large file.\nAnd this project is originally aimed to be the storage part of Carles P.V's Thumbnailer 1.0 (image thumbnailer-viewer with GDI+)(http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=59677&lngWId=1), thus it includes the PictureFromByteStream() function to directly return a picture object from a byte array! \nBeside that, there are: GetItemText() function for direct return of plain text content; GetItemPicture() function for direct return of picture object according to the index; SaveItemToFile() function to save the content to disk file according to the index.\nSome of the codes are not written by me, such as cHuffman, cCRC. They are from psc, now they are back for you guys:)\nThe zlib dll is generated at runtime of sample test since psc will remove all PE file. It is easy for you to remove the zlib dependancy, that's why I only enclosed it in the sample project.\nAnd I make all these functions into a class for handy usage. I also use Copymemory for a better performance. Please feel free to leave any comments, bugs or suggestions are welcome!\nUsage: \n1.Simply open the sample storage, then click listed files, content displayed, doubleclick to save.\n2.Select DB File->Create->Open->Select Item File, add it...\nSorry for lack of code comments, but I think that the method is really simple.\n\n#update 5: added ReadItemContentChunk(), chunk by chunk to read a file, rather than read the whole file at once. added Version support. Improved OpenStorage result. Now with full DIBs support, from an image to store in storage, then from storage back to be an image!\n#update 6: fixed bug in ReadItemContentChunk() due to changed with serialized section chunk.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005421016426277.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Smart_Stor187102422005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"enmity","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59810,"Title":"VB ExTooltip","Description":"ExTooltip Class is the First Full VB Open Source from Scratch written code, that allows you to create AWESOME Customizable tooltips. \nDisplay any custom Icon of Your Choice. \nToolTip can be standard rectangle, or Balloon style like windows 2000/XP\nMake Your Balloon Tooltip Semi-Transparent (Works on All Windows)\nAdd Any Color, Gradient or Picture of your choice to the Background.\nUse any Custom Font you want on each Tooltip. And more!! \nThe Ultimate Tooltip code you will want to use!\nUpdates at http://www.geocities.com/sistec_de_juarez/ExTooltip/ \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054215443322.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_ExToolt187167442005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":82,"UserRatingTotal":406,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59815,"Title":"Handle-X Trial V1.0","Description":"Used For Network Administration ,Controlling Systems and Hacking VIA any network type ... \nThe Tools Included [ \n1 - Multi Channle Connection Mnager . \n2 - Net Address Book . \n3 - Remote MsgBox/Matrix & Normal Text Chat/Half Duplex Voise Chat/White Board/Minesweeper Detecting Game . \n4 - Complete Functionality Remote File Browser & Manager (Download & Upload Files) . \n5 - Multi-threaded Remote Download Manager . \n6 - Complete Functionality Remote Processes and Application Mnager Much stronger than The Normal Windows Task Mnager . \n7 - Remote Registry Manager such [regedit.exe] . \n8 - Some Interbet functions included such fetch the remoted system history . \n9 - Remoted ClipBoard Controller . \n10 - Mass Device manager includes Strong monitor controlling . \n11 - Of cource the windows OS controlling functions is included such as shutdown , restart ...etc . \n12 - Simple Server Editor . \n13 - Embeded Firewall . \n14 - Many Network tools such \"X-Ping , X-Router , X-Whois , X-Port Scanner ,....) . \n15 - The X-Editor is still under construction . \n16 - The Help & Documentation is also not completed. ] \n[Notes] \n1 - Handle-X is built on a new application-layer protocol called BBP (Byte Based Protocol) . \n2 - The Transmition data is not encrypted and not compressed untill now . \n3 - Also i'm searching now to support LAN Hacking . \n[Enjoy]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Side Efects :-\n---------------\nBe Sure that the server still untill now don't load it'self at startup or hide it's self from processes window ... also it open only one port.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054339393268.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Handle-X_T187133432005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Ahmed Ezz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59818,"Title":"Crystal Report 10 and VB 6","Description":"This project demonstrates how to open the Crystal Report 10 in VB 6 and assign the path of Access db. to the report file. It has uses some function in the VB, like the Formula, RecordsSelectionFormula.... \nI weak in commenting the code, but hopefully it help some of you. Please give some comments/ critics and vote to me.\nBefore opening the project, please make sure Crystal Report 10 is installed in your Windows, otherwise, the project cannot function normally.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005431053547473.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Crystal_Re187150432005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Tan Jiunn Yann","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59821,"Title":"CozIcon v1.1 - True Color Icon Editor","Description":"Newest version of CozIcon.\n----\nNow can open/save icons with multiple icons inside and also edit 48x48 icons. Also new to CozIcon is Filters, many premade filters come bundled but you can create your own(this is made easier with the Filter Maker Plugin/Stand Alone program). An example plugin is now included highlighting the new features available to plugin makers. In addition CozIcon now supports a layer system while editing icons. Custom brushes are easier to access now that they're displayed on the main window. And quite a bit more features. This release may contain bugs and I ask that you post any that you find below, thanks. And don't forget to compile the plugins and check them out! ****FIXED****\n----\nOld version here: http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=59233&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005431952369135.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CozIcon_v1187206442005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"DoWnLoHo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59828,"Title":"OLD VERSION - BTCentral Personal Webserver - A webserver with ASP, PHP and Perl support.","Description":"PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE UPDATED BUG-FIXED VERSION from:\nhttp://www.pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=59838&lngWId=1\nPLEASE DOWNLOAD MyASP.dll from:\nhttp://www.btcentral.co.nr/software/pws/MyASP.dll BEFORE USE!\nBTCentral Personal Webserver is an OpenSource Webserver with all the basic features plus more advanced features it supports ASP, PHP, Perl and secure documents and more... It is easy to setup and has a nice simple GUI which tells you how long the server has been running etc. it also lets you save server logs. These are just a few of the servers features.\nThis server is mainly my own work however some source has been taken/modified from other servers on PSCode.com, many thanks to the authors of any other code used.\nI hope you enjoy using this server and if you find it useful please vote for it!\nRegards,\nBen Thomas (BTCentral Software Development.)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200544118281441.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/BTCentral_187176442005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ben Thomas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59830,"Title":"Matrix Fall 3.2","Description":"Since PSC removed my previous post of this screen saver for download problems...(?), I repost it.\nThis screensaver represents the falling caracters of the matrix movie in 3D. It uses DirectX 8.1\nThe source code of the previous version (3.0b) had been translated in english. This version is an update (3.2) I never released on PSC. So this one is in french... sorry for english-only coders...\nBut !... you can still download the previous version from my server at this address : http://www.open-design.be/dev/Matrix_Fall_3.0b_en.zip\nenjoy !\nps : sorry for the screenshot's size ;), I don't have the time to download a screenshot utility and make a new one\nps2 : I switched to c++ and guess what ? I made an other screensaver of matrix but in C++ this time.\nThe result is: performances increased and a new effect... you can download it from psc at this address : http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=8854&lngWId=3","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005441245451877.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Matrix_Fal187226452005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"NoRabbit","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59834,"Title":"Transparency Control","Description":"Looking for a method to produce transparency fading on forms that easy to use, lightweight (~9kb), and provides a clean method to subclass your forms Load/Unload events? Then this simple Transparency Control is for you! Just drop the control on the form and the rest is done for youΓǪ","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005441952147220.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Transparen187215442005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"TerriTop","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59835,"Title":"MovieBase v3.1","Description":"An easy to use movie database program. If you have alot of movies then this is for you. To run you will need 2 different ocx's. 1) FlatButton V1.1 By: Wayne Hartell http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=10646&lngWId=1\n and 2) HookMenu 1.5 By: NR/GN http://planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=49985&lngWId=1 \nPlease note the hookmenu it not required to run all it does is add images to the menu. So enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005441956253441.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MovieBase_187295462005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"JScott3D","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59826,"Title":"Prevent Double Start Program","Description":"This Code Prevent double start for your Program see it it's very simple.\n(And double start will happen when you make a copy for your program and open it again from another directory ,I will try to find another method),I Thank so much every one who criticism me positively not negatively.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"mohd al-jeylani","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59827,"Title":"UPDATED - BTCentral Certificate Authority (CA)/SSL Certificate Maker","Description":"NEW VERSION - Now the Email certificate option works properly and there are also some slight bug fixes and the GUI has been slightly modified too! Descripton: This program is a GUI for openSSL, it lets you set-up your own CA and is totally free, it does all the hardwork - creates the configuration files, sends the commands etc. all you have to do is fill in a few fields... it's never been easier to set-up your own CA or make SSL/Email/Software Signing certificates! Make sure you download openSSL from: http://www.slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html and copy openSSL.exe and any of it's required DLL files to the folder CA.exe is in before use!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005441056585526.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/UPDATED_-_187174442005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ben Thomas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59276,"Title":"Get Password Ms.Access 97/2000/XP With vb","Description":"Get Password from Ms.Access 97/2000/XP file\nfor more information come to: http://www.vbbego.cjb.net","Inputs":"http://www.vbbego.cjb.net","Assumes":"http://www.vbbego.cjb.net","CodeReturns":"http://www.vbbego.cjb.net","SideEffects":"http://www.vbbego.cjb.net","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Get_Passwo186046332005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":74,"AuthorName":"Admin Bego","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59381,"Title":"Http server pc","Description":"http server on pc","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053885135127.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Http_serve186256382005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"kemalperk","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59396,"Title":"VB7 - Maybe a last chance","Description":"Right now there is a big online petition to get Microsoft to continue supporting/developing our beloved Visual Basic. Great sites like VBnet (Randy Birch) are supporting it. If you do so goto ___ http://classicvb.org/petition/ ___ and read more/sign there. ___ Light Templer","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":32,"UserRatingTotal":159,"AuthorName":"Light Templer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59399,"Title":"Easiest way to disable CTRL + ALT + DEL (so easy it almost hurts) 1 Line of code","Description":"This code shows you how to disable CTRL ALT DEL with 1 line of code. Its really easy and i figured someone might find this usefull.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":3,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Eric Szafran","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59402,"Title":"Protected Mode","Description":"Perform at ring0 level. Shows how to operate at ring0 from visual basic several ways, int 20, calls and deviceiocontrol. Hopefully this program and the included documentation will help you in some way. GDT, LDT, IDT, status control registers and flags, VxD's, service calls all explained and with good documentation. Many examples in the program. Check it out.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Especially read these included files:\nGDT_info.txt a great article by Yann Stephen to\ngive an explantion on how the protected mode works.\nvmm.inc - useful information.\n\t\nassmTut_vxd.txt - The basic file used to create the blue screen of death Message.\nThe vxd is accessed via deviceiocontrol. There is 1 service call and that is the blue screen that appears. from a call to SHELL_SYSMODAL_MESSAGE\n\t\nservices.dat - lists the major ring0 service calls\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005391936305960.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Protected_186309392005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mark Duhame","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59406,"Title":"Codeline Tracker :> copies each line of U'r code as it executes so U can examine code flow","Description":"This is a simple addin that can help you examine the exact flow of your code. It copies each line of code as it executes...then you can save this as a text file and examine to detect potential weaknesses or bottlenecks your program may have","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005392347574494.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Codeline_T1863183102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59408,"Title":"SpotLight3D pure VB","Description":"Light a 3d scene with a spot light filter.","Inputs":"Numpads 0,1,2","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Look the screen !","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"No APIs","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005310444217560.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SpotLight31863223102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"KACI Lounes","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59410,"Title":"Doom 3 Model Loader [With iRender 3D]","Description":"First on VB! Loading and rendering Doom 3 models with your favourite compiller! It is really possible see the screenshot. This sample uses iRender 3D game engine that is becoming more and more powerfull from day to day. Right industrial quality games and do not spend hours writing boring code! Check it!\nP.S. Sorry for missing files, you can dowload it from here: http://irender3d.com/datas/users/1-ireng.zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005310144345841.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Doom_3_Mod1863313102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"iR_OrBit","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59419,"Title":"Playable Bass Guitar Tuner","Description":"A playable bass guitar tuner using MIDI. I wrote this because I'm learning bass and I'm unsure of what notes are where. This program tells you what note you have played..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Playable_B1863553112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Happy Lobster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59108,"Title":"Brick break","Description":"A brick break game with level editor, high scores, and more. Original core-code not from mee, but very good.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052231058557483.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Brick_brea1856752232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"JSystems","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59114,"Title":"Instant Proxy (screenshot) total anonimity on the internet is now your with a simple mouse click","Description":"This is a program who's entire interface is an icon in your system tray that brings up a menu when you right click the trays icon. This menu contains 25 of the freshest FREE proxy servers. A proxy server is another computer that your computer routes through. The whole point of this is its like putting on a mask..the internet cant see who you are (your ip address and other sensitive identifying information) the proxy server becomes your mask guaranteeing your privacy and anonimity on the net. Just point and click to select from one of the 25 FREE proxy servers.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005223234656730.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Instant_Pr1856912232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59119,"Title":"Lan Brother VNC (beta Stable)","Description":"A great VNC Remote Control tool for Network administrators that has LanTV Function.\nThis is my first contribution to PSC from which i use a lot of source code in the past 2 years.\nThe project is a pre Release i've been working for a week now.i'm posting it to get feedback suggestions and improvements.\nThe code is messy with greek comments, i'll work on that soon.\nThe app uses 4 external ocx's/dlls that i can't upload to PSC but i've included the download links in the README FIRST.TXT , so read it before opening the project.I've tested it on Windows XP pro and WIN2000 sp3 and works fine compiled or not once the ocx's are properly registered.\nThe password feature is very basic at this time,no data encryption, and no silent deployment of the VNC server yet (to implement) so u'll have to download and install a vnc server on the machines u wish to connect.\nThe project is under heavy development and it WILL FINISH.\nFeedback comments will be appreciated.\nThanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20052241141302372.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Lan_Brothe1857032242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Sotos - Salonica","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59131,"Title":"WebSite Link Extractor","Description":"It extracts links from web pages, and displays them in a textbox, very useful...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WebSite_Li1857312252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"EJ Smith","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59136,"Title":"[ Yes! The Transparent Rectangle Form Animation ] - V1","Description":"This code is nicely implimented form animation which is so powerful to have the same performance of the 'Microsoft Word's' animation. The different options can control the animation-speed/frames/time/borderwidth/bordercolor and even the CPU load. It works on simple idea and I think you all like this. Enjoy! and please leave your valid comments.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Yea!__No1857422252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59142,"Title":"A 3D Shooter Game (Half-Life Style)","Description":".:Zombie 3D Action Demo:.\n1. Introdution.\n2. Installation\n3. System Requrements\n4. Developer Info.\n5. Contacts.\n\n1. Introduction. Zombie Demo - is full functional 3D action demo with weapons, enemies and mission. You have to collect lost CD's in the lost laboratory, be be careful - there are zombies, which are very hungry and will hunt for you blood. The map for this game was made by it's author Alex (dubralex@yandex.ru). Weapons and zombie model had been taken from Quake II and Half-Life games and mods for them.\n2. This game uses iRender 3D game engine. The last version of it can be found in the folder Bin of the game. To register it just replace the extension dl_ to dll and change the registrator extension from ex_ to exe. After that run the registrator and click button \"register\". After that open the project \"Zombie.vbp\" and compile the code. If there will be troubles with the library, connect it to project manually. In Visual Basic Menu click Project->References find iRender 3D Engine there (if there no engine click brouse and find it) and add it to project.\n3. This game run with PIII 450, 196 RAM, 16 mb video card. DirectX 8 or higher also needed.\n4. This game is only sample of iRender 3D game technology. iRender 3D is now one of the most powerfull game engines for Visual Basic. It developes from day to day and becomes more and more powerfull. Visit iRender homepage at http://irender3d.com. \n5. You can contact the authors of the engine OrBit (asdvb@mail.ru), Alex (dubralex@yandex.ru) for more info. Contact Alex if you have quastions about this game.\n\thttp: \twww.irender3d.com\n\tmailto:\tsupport@irender3d.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005225129234088.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_3D_Shoot1857502252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":95,"AuthorName":"iR_OrBit","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59144,"Title":"[ Address Book ]","Description":"**Niro Professional Address Book** This is my second use of database. This is an address book with password protection, ect... I've worked hard so please vote! Watch up the screen shot!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005225148392070.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Address_1857562252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Power Of Anubis","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59145,"Title":"XNumbers MultiPrecision Math Library","Description":"A quick note about a great freeware DLL I came across recently.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005225155276552.Jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":7,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Matthew R. Usner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59155,"Title":"[ Yes! The Transparent Rectangle Form Animation ] - V2","Description":"This was my dream function which can animate your form with transparent rectangles during Loading and Unloading. This updated version can create trails for the form and with nicely gradiented colors. This function is powerful and works pefect. Enjoy! and please leave your comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005226820591883.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Yes!_The1857722262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56076,"Title":"_Learn DLL in 5 minutes_","Description":"An easy to learn DLL Tutorial for beginners. Learn DLL in 5 Minutes NO JOKE!!! Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Learn_DLL1792179112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Enrico Lorenzo (Enrico X)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56080,"Title":"Alpha-Blend-Image Graphics Engine","Description":"The Alpha-Blend-Image graphics engine allows you to draw pictures to the screen with variable transparency (see screenshot), and if done correctly, can reduce aliasing so much that it isn't visible. It also prevents graphical glitches, such as flickering, by using a buffer. The engine works particularly well for 2D games, such as the one I am working on now (screenshots included in zip file).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049915725704.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Alpha-Blen179138992004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Craig Bonathan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56090,"Title":"QuizMaster","Description":"This is a quiz administration programme. It was created with the military in mind (Navy) so to login you use an official number and a password.There are two groups of users, the administrators and the students.\nAn adminstrator would have access to the questions database (being able to modify it or add new questions), he can also set the conditions for taking the test like number of questions type of questions and duration of test. Only an administrator can register or modify or delete other users. He also has access to all test scores and can prune the database.\nThe questions are stored according to subjects and could be in form of True/False, Multiple Choice or Short Answer type. Each question can be associated with a picture.\nA student can either take a test of check his scores.\nAll users can change there password anytime.\nEven though the application was written to suit the military it can easily be modified.\nPlease leave you comments and views, as I am sure I still have a great deal to learn.\nI have indeed learnt alot from this great site and most of this code can be traced to this site. I am really gratefull to all members of PSC.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/QuizMaster1793799142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Kele Wax","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56098,"Title":"MySql Viewer using ADO","Description":"Demonstrate the use VB/ ADO to connect to a mySQL server/database / table. Show the records in MSHFlegrid. You can also user sql statement to customize recordset","Inputs":"remote/local server name, username, password, database name, table name","Assumes":"know basic db programming","CodeReturns":"records in grid","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004910940593119.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MySql_View1791609102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mark T. Almen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56101,"Title":"Tracking Down","Description":"This program is nothing but my wish to imitate the spy movies where the bad guy was tracked down by fbi. You can go across the world in few seconds.. Feedbacks are welcomed","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004910145559267.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tracking_D1793089132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Licar Bogdan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56104,"Title":"HTML Viewer","Description":"Hi Fellow Programmers. This is a small example I made to view Basic HTML text. I was board so I desided to make it Only took 30 min to make.\nAnyway supports Bold, Italic, Underline, Images, Text Colors, Text Sizes, Hoz Lines you can have a picture background or a color background Also Added a Refresh to go to a different page.\nAnyway Got fed up after a while and desided to stop working on it hope you find it of some use.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004910151138587.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Viewe1791769102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56112,"Title":"Am I running in the IDE?","Description":"The proper way to find out whether your code is running in the IDE or was compiled","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":40,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56117,"Title":"A Very Flat Std Command Button","Description":"Make a standard command button very flat ;-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":30,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56120,"Title":"Knotons Installmaker","Description":"Knotons Installmaker\nIt consist of three parts\nKInstaller\t(makes the setup packages)\nKSetup\t(Installs the setup packages)\nKUninstall\t(Uninstall what has been installed)\nThe main reason I have built this installmaker is because I was in need of an setup for easy distribution\nof a major update at work. didnt feel like spend a lot of $ on a professional one.\nI also built it because it was great fun and to see if I was able to :-)\nAs far as I can tell it works well for the purpose it was built.\nIt has great potential to be extended, feel free to do so and please share any extensions.\n\nCredits\nGoes to a lot of people, to many for me to remember.\nI gained the knowledge howto build it from various places and programmers.\nwww.planet-source-code.com\nwww.allapi.net\nand more.....\nThank you all, open source is the best source for knowledge :-)\nHow it works\nFirst you must compile all three parts into the same directory.\nYou choose File/New in Kinstaller and gives your project the same name as the application you are\nbuilding a setup for. That name is later being used at various places, for example the descriptive name\nin the add or remove programs applet...\nYou add Files by choosing Action/Add files\nYou change Destination by choose the destination in the Environ Path Variables combo, it then adds\nto the textbox there you can add any trailing folders manually. after that check all files that should have\nthat destination and click Action/Change destination. Repeat until all files have the correct destination.\nYou add Links (shortcuts) by choosing the link in the Links combo and it then adds it to the textbox there\nyou manually could enter any trailing folders. After that check all files that should have that link and click\nAction/Set link\nNote that environ paths and links are casesensitive, DO NOT CHANGE IT.\nYou can mark files as shared by checking them and click Action/Mark files as shared.\nThis means your files wont be deleted during uninstall.\nYou can specify if the one installing must be admin by checking the checkbox User must be admin\nYou can specify if the one installing are allowed to choose his installationpath by checking the checkbox\nAllow user to choose %InstallationPath%\nYou can also delete files, links, undo shared files..\nFinally you are set to make the setup for your application\nClick Action/Create cabinet\nThe cabinet will be made and Ksetup will be copied along with it with the name of your application\nthe cabinet and the renamed Ksetup file is the ones you distribute.\n\nsystem directories for installation\n%System32%\t\t= Windows directory/System32\n%InstallationPath%\t\t= Program files\\ name of your application, or userspecified if allowed\n%CommonProgramFiles%\t= Program files\\Common Files\n%ProgramFiles%\t\t= Program files\n%WinDir%\t\t= Windows directory\n\nSpecial folders directories for links/shortcuts\n%Programs%\t\t= Start\\Programs (for current user)\n%AllUsersPrograms%\t= Start\\Programs (for all users)\n%AllUsersStartUp%\t\t= Start\\Programs\\Startup (For all users)\n%AllUsersDesktop%\t= Desktop (For all users)\n%Desktop%\t\t= Desktop (For current user)\n%SendTo%\t\t= Shell\\SendTo (For current user)\n%StartUp%\t\t= Start\\Programs\\Startup (for current user)\n%QuickLaunch%\t\t= Puts a quicklaunch link next to the startbutton\nNote that you only can add trailing folders to Programs/AllusersPrograms.\nHope you will enjoy it.\nLet me know what you think, Feedback is what makes me a better programmer.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200491165234441.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Knotons_In1792069112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Knoton","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56126,"Title":"Monsters Duel (Trading Card Game)","Description":"Hi everyone. Monsters Duel is based on the Yu-Gi-Oh card game. It is a single player oriented game were you have to defeat your opponents in order to get more cards. It also includes a deck builder were you can freely rearrange your deck as your wich. I hope you get as much fun as I did creating this game so if you like it please vote for it. If you have any questions, commentaries or suggetions I'm all ears.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049151656521709.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Monsters_D1792239112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Abel Ricaurte","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56128,"Title":"New Code And Procedure Injection","Description":"Read On.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Ok! first I want to say that I haven't taken the time to spell check much of anything. In fact when reading this you'll likely get the impression that an educated person was dictating to a forth grader; however, if you forget the rules and sound out the words. This will, I think, convey it's meaning.\nBoth the dlls in this upload are compliments to a larger Project, One I've been working on for about four years. It's what I like to call a snippets creator/editor. Creator first because that was it's initial intent; however, over the years it has grown to a near clone of the VB IDE excluding form designers and a few other things; but, isn't lacking in functionality. I'm not sure what it's called but I'll call it the form explorer. When you open a code pane in the IDE there are two comboboxes above the code pane one with Object names and the other with event and procedure names. I used a submission on PSC \n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTitle: VB Project Explorer .. Must See It !!!!!!!!!!!!!\nDescription: Hi All .. That's A Very Cool Program .. It Explores VB Files ( VBP , Bas , CLS , CTL , FRM ) And Get All functions , Variables , constants .etc In The File And View It With The Same Colors And Font Of VB Editor .. You Will Read It Exactly As You Read It In VB Project .. ( See Screen Shot ) .. This Program Is Useful If You Want To Read Function , subs .etc In a File To Find Something In Huge Files .. Please Comment And Vote ..\nThis file came from Planet-source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of Source code\nYou can view comments On this code/and Or vote On it at: http://www.Planet-source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=44002&lngWId=1\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n to give Snipets(\"Snipets\" is the name of the creator/editor, by the by) the same functionality. And many many other things. My first submission was much like tommas swifts' submission, sorry if I spelled your name wrong, of a code keeper of sorts.\nNot putting his code down, my first could only save and view files. His is a far cry better than that. That is one of the reasons I've never submitted it. I think every beginner has saw the need for something like that, without knowing the IDE has functionality for things like that, and has written one for themselves. Do a search on the net even on PSC and you'll see there are tons of them. some with databases some without.\nJust to give you a clue, the exe for the my app is a little over 2 meg, three if compiled for fast operation. There are also around fifteen support files including a cd recording dll written in C++. These two addins in this upload are among the most useful. the'll make your code easily accessable from the IDE so I submit them for the enhancement of all the code editors/keepers. For you that use databases, you can use these same addins but will need to write your own code for the access; but, the ideas here are still sound for your application.\nThis is an addin that will add two code pane right click menu options to the VB IDE. If there seems to be useless code in this submission read above.\nThe first Option is \"Save snipet\"(I know snipet should have two p's but snippets was taken) This option allows you to save any selected text in the VB IDE as a snippet of code. It has a hard coded directory app.path & \"\\Notes\". Also when saving a file you will be presented with a couple of other options one is the option to make a \"Quick Code\" and the other is to allow you to store a comment as the first line of the snippet. What I have told you so far would be eaiser to understand by telling you this. There is a second Addin. a docking window with a file list directed to you guessed it App.Path & \"\\Notes\". When a file is double clicked It will be added to the current open code pane at the current curser location. With a right click you can rename, delete, view or edit, and add a comment. also in this addin bellow the file list is a textbox when the curser moves over filenames in the list the first line of the file is displayed in this box. Starting to make sence now? above the file list is another textbox when you type the file list is updated to show only the files that match what you have typed wild cards are supported. This makes a very good search. I have over 1400 files in my list and in most cases with less than 6 key stroks I can narrow my search down to 20 to 30 files. And finally Quick Code simply it is files so named as to identify that they need no further editing to be used. they are created by prefixing a file with \"QC-\". If you were to type \"qc-\" in the textbox I just described only files prefixed with these letters(Quick Code\" would be visible in the file list. And because I'm... well I added an option in the form of a checkbox that when selected would eliminate the need to type those characters(QC-). The option is \"View Quick Code Only\" and when checked will set the pattern of the file list to \"QC-*\" excluding the extension which is \".nts\" meaning notes. which in turn would make the filelistbox pattern \"QC-\" & the text from the textbox above the filelistbox and finally \"*.nts\". I wasn't going to include this other addin; but, after describing things the way I have it doesn't sound like this would be very useful upload without it. So I guess I'll need to spend another few days getting it ready.\n\nThe second option is Add Procedure which was originally written By Richard Mewett. His code can be found at \"Http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/showcode.asp?txtCodeId=55487&lngWId=1\" The original PSC insert from the zip is as follows:\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTitle: InsertProcedure\nDescription: VB6 Add-In to insert new Subs, Functions, Properties or Events into active code window.\nMore control over format than the standard Add Procedure' option including specifying data type & inserting property variable code.\nThis file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code\nYou can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=55487&lngWId=1\nThe author may have retained certain copyrights to this code...please observe their request and the law by reviewing all copyright conditions at the above URL.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThe additions I have made to this code is simply this:\n\t\nAdded the ability to add the function/sub parameters IE: \"ByRef A As Object\" \"optional tet As Boolean = True\" and also add local Dims as well. With this part of the update, Again cause I'm... well; lazy, There I said it, I have added a sort of IntelliSence when a space is keyed before the word \"AS\" a list of types is displayed bellow the curser. Trying to mimic vb as much as I could; however, there are still some shortcomings. Although this will most likely be fixed when I upload this, there is an error when you backspace back over the space after the word \"As\" (Fixed It)\nAdded the option to include some error handlers. (needs work)\nAnd finally added the ability to Inject user defined types and also include there members. However I've yet to add the ability to Set a variable to this new type IE: \"Set Var = NewUserDefinedType\". That may be something else I add before I upload. (Fixed IT)\nI also made a small change in his code. In his code all injections were done at the top of the code pane. I changed that and now subs, functions, procedures and events are injected to the curser position removing any selected text in its path. Never fear though any changes can be undone via the undo menu in the IDE. types and others are still injected at the beginning of the code.\n\nThere was a third option that has been commented out which would save the file and then shell it with the Bigger part of this, The main app for which this is a companion. Also in the sendIt mod. there is alot of code unused in this post but it is used in the overall picture. I did comment some of it and haven't tested it sence if when you run this you get a not defined or something like that check the mod. The declaration may be commented out.\nThis is by no means perfect code. There is redundant code. and at best poor structure. I have written the author of the procedure addin asking to post this update to his code. I also asked him to download it and fix it. I tried to make my code conform with his, I think he could blend the two better. Hell, just for someone to correct my spelling and repost with no other edits would just about merit a version change.\n\nI have added the second dll addin compile both in this directory. I have included the default folder \"Notes\" with a few snipets for testing. but the dlls must reside where this folder is. With luck they should work well and be helpful additions to your IDE. anyway compile and register them. open the ide then the addin manager look for Snipets Inserter and I think you can go from there. \nPS. I'm going to include a copy of the help file for my snipets creator/editor. I remarked above the reason I've not posted it, because of the multitude in existence; however, I think it will give some good ideas to things to include in your own editors. Although, it's not up to date with the program, you'll get the jest I think.\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049111457385726.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/New_Code_A1792279112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Russell Sanders","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56130,"Title":"[A++] Boulder Dash Game 2.0","Description":"The task of this game is to collect diamonds\nand avoid ugly butter-flies. You have to dodge\naround the stones moving them if required,\nand making sure they do not fall over you.\nYou can play alone or two player game.\nSecond player can be on another computer,\nTCP/IP (Internet) connection is used.\n(Direct cable connection version is also available).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049111510504487.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Boulder_Da1792299112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55641,"Title":"Frame 'flickering' in Windows XP Goodbye!","Description":"This function change the CommandButton style to a BS_GROUPBOX to transform it like a Frame control! This solve many problems (bad drawning controls, flickering, etc.).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"\nWhen you use a Frame control on Windows XP where Themes is active (XP Style), there is some problems: \n1) OptionButton is draw black\n2) CommandButton is draw with black border\n3) all controls contained on the frame 'flickering' when you move mouse over them. \nThis code show how to change a CommandButton style and use it like a Frame control.\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'-----------------------------------------------\n'Module BAS declarations:\n'-----------------------------------------------\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" ( _\n ByVal hWnd As Long, _\n ByVal wMsg As Long, _\n ByVal wParam As Long, _\n lParam As Any) As Long\n Private Const BM_SETSTYLE As Long = &HF4\n Private Const BS_GROUPBOX As Long = &H7&\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":67,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"gibra","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55642,"Title":"Ultralite Splitter","Description":"This is a very small piece of code that produces a farely effective pane splitter. It is also a useful demonstracion of the SetCapture, ReleaseCapture events, and capturing mouse movement beyond the edge of an object.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"SetCapture, ReleaseCapture. See source for implementation.","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004817162142683.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ultralite_1782968172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Bruce Fast","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55650,"Title":"A Proper Msn Messenger Bot!","Description":"Hello, This Msn Bot Example Runs On The Msn Protocol 9 And Allows Users To Interact And Play With It. It Is Run On Commands, Such as If a user types !menu, The Bot Will Respond As What you coded him to respond. Fairly Straight Forward, Easy To Learn, And Will Have Users Playing With Him In No Time. The Other Users Dont Need No Special Software At All, They Only Have To Add The Bot To Their Msn Messenger List, And They Can Talk To It. To Make Your Bot, Edit The \" Bot.bas \" Module And Type In Your Bots Email And Password. I Have Gone Over the code and checked for bugs and found none. If you have any questions Or problems with the bot, feel free to write your questions in the comments section, and i will try and get back to you A.S.A.P, And Dont forget to rate and comment this code, as i have spent hours of hard work bringing this great project to you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Proper_M1783068182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"Jamie C","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55657,"Title":"NTM MP3 Player 1.0 BETA *Update 3*","Description":"*Updated*\n..\nFix: I fixed the bug that caused the program to crash when you removed the last song from the playlist with mnuRemove.\n..\nFix: I fixed one minor bug that disabled cmdSave and cmdClear even if it was songs in the playlist.\n..\n*Updated*\n..\n*Updated 2*\nI added lots of stuff, i┬┤ve refine the designe some, not much. I have fixed som bugs, and I┬┤ve added i Play Fast Forward/Backward kind athing =)\nI hope u like it and please leave comments\n*Updated 2*\n..\nThis small mp3 player has support for Save and Load Playlist, Drag and Drop, Computer Uptime etc etc.This mp3 player was made to take no place at all, u can minimize it to the system tray and still do everything. Please leave a comment if u downloaded the code and are happy about it and realy if yuor not, I want to know","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048291827201374.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NTM_MP3_Pl1787258292004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"NeoTheMaster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55661,"Title":"Simple VB Add-In Toolbar Example","Description":"Example VB Add-In toolbar, with one button which when pressed displays the project name. ~40 lines of code. Intended to provide a simple framework on which you can build your own Add-In toolbar. Includes prjAddinList (demonstrates how to add the add-in to the vb add-in list).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_VB_1783248182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Snytax","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55663,"Title":"Process And Ports","Description":"List all process and TCPIP used / open ports with a killing process and list dependencies files for process.\nRight click on a process to kill or list dependencies...\nThis is a LUPRIX's code evolution / modification.\nThanks to LUPRIX and SNYTAX for the dependencies file's code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See source code","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048181612296343.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Process_An1783288182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Alain GUERIN","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55665,"Title":"DM Self Extractor / Creator","Description":"hello all,\nThis is a project I made about 3 hours ago. that is a self extractor and Creator. Yer I know it done in VB and requires Runtimes. but if you just want to install small files like screen savers and you know your users have runtimes it should be ok.\nanyway please read the information in the creator file. I also commented 98% of all the code. Hope you like it. Hope you like the code please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004818172554710.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Self_Ex1783318182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55668,"Title":"Allow User To Resize Controls The Simple Way","Description":"UPDATED To allow the user to resize a control at run-time with the mouse. All API, short code, just set it and forget it. Useful for picture boxes, report designers, etc. No high overhead.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Allow_User1783388182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Ed Daniel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55670,"Title":"Get Registry Value From Full String Name","Description":"Get a REG_SZ (string) registry value from the full key name, such as \"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\DirectX\". Functions for both default and named values.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegOpenKeyExA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegQueryValueExA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long ' Note that if you declare the lpData parameter as String, you must pass it By Value. \nPublic Declare Function RegQueryValue Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegQueryValueA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal lpValue As String, lpcbValue As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegCloseKey\" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long\nPublic Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000\nPublic Const HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = &H80000005\nPublic Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001\nPublic Const HKEY_DYN_DATA = &H80000006\nPublic Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002\nPublic Const HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA = &H80000004\nPublic Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003\nPublic Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H1\nPublic Const KEY_NOTIFY = &H10\nPublic Const KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS = &H8\nPublic Const READ_CONTROL = &H20000\nPublic Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000\nPublic Const STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ = (READ_CONTROL)\nPublic Const KEY_READ = ((STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ Or KEY_QUERY_VALUE Or KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS Or KEY_NOTIFY) And (Not SYNCHRONIZE))\nPublic Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&\n","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":81,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Snytax","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55679,"Title":"Bass Maker 2 - Updated Version","Description":".Title:- Bass Maker 2 (Updated Version)\n.Description:- Make wave files with nothing but pure bass!! Watch your subwoofer pump in and out!! Bass Maker 2 can also work with higher frequencies to produce loud ear piercing treble for use with tweeters. There have been several improvements on the previous version of Bass Maker like a new 'Graphical' style way of entering points. Bass Maker 2 has capabilities of storing about 10000 points, so you shouldn't run out of project space. Bass Maker 2 also has an option to compensate for the changes in wavelengths between different frequencies to make higher frequencies last for the same amount of time as low frequencies. Another improvement is simplified algorithms, which make Bass Maker 2 alot faster than the original Bass Maker. Bass Maker 2 is now using API-Guide's (www.allapi.net) commondialog to save/load files. These and many other improvements have been made upon the previous version. I hope you enjoy Bass Maker 2.\n.Updates in Bass Maker 2 Updated Version:- \n - Much Faster Wave File Creation.\n - Alternate Commondialog Used (Code from AllAPI Guide, www.allapi.net).\n - Amplitude Graph Added\n - Several Minor Updates\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004819649153798.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Bass_Maker1783558192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Alex Murray","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55675,"Title":"Mouse Wheel !","Description":"This code demonstrates a simple and easy way to handle the mouse wheel in VB by method of subclassing.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_Whee1783518192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"William Keith","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59615,"Title":"A1 - VB6 Project BATCH COMPILER","Description":"This application allows you to create Batch Compile Profiles for different projects. Add all of your VB Projects to a profile, and watch thtem compile (using the project's compile information) automatically. I am involved in a project which uses VB to produce over 50 WEB-EXEs for a website. When I want to change 1 thing in the header, I used to have to re-compile all 50+ EXE files by hand. NO MORE. Simply Drag-n-Drop your projects in this application and watch them go!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053241045234119.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A1_-_VB6_P1867483242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"[])utch[]v[]aster","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59623,"Title":"Outlook (and Express) and MAPI Inbox Email Addresses Extractor","Description":"Extract all senders email addresses from your mail client Inbox folder like Outlook and Outlook Express to a text file and removes duplicates.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053241550159252.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Outlook_(a1867623242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"ahmed elsheshtawy","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59626,"Title":"API/constants/types autopaste addin (resubbmitted without the large avi files)","Description":"\nTHIS PROGRAM IS A VB ADDIN THAT SIMPLIFIES AND QUICKENS THE \nPROCESS OF INSERTING API DECLARATIONS AS WELL AS THEIR ASSOCIATED\nCONSTANTS AND TYPES IN YOUR PROJECT.\nHERE IS HOW IT WORKS:\n1) FOR API DECLARATION INSERTION:\n \n type out the api call i.e \"setwindowpos\"\n (without the quotes) \n select or highlight the call with your mouse \n cursor, and with the left button still pressed\n down hit the \"a\" key on the keyboard.\n \n2) FOR CONSTANTS INSERTION\n \n (a) if you know the constants you want\n type out the first 3 letters ( or more) of\n the constant(s) you wish to insert.\n For example..say you've just inserted the \n api call \"DrawText\" which requires at least\n on of the constants prefixed with \"DT_\n i.e \"DT_LEFT or \"DT_SINGLELINE\"\n Type out \"dt_\" (without the quotes)\n select it with your mouse and with the left \n button still down hit the \"c\" key\n select the constants you desire from the\n alphabetical list\n (b) If your unsure of the constants you want\n \n with the left mouse button pressed anywhere\n in the code window\n hit the \"c\" key\n select the constants you desire from the\n alphabetical list\n3) FOR TYPE INSERTION\n (a) if you know the type you desire\n type out the entire types name i.e. \"pointapi\"\n (without the quotes) \n select it with your mouse, with the left button\n still down hit the \"t\" key, confirm your selection\n (b) if your usure of the constants you desire\n with the left mouse button depressed anywhere\n in the code window, hit the \"t\"\n key.\n The entire list of constants is displayed in\n alphabetical order.\n Make your selection(s)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200532418433577.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API_consta1867723242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59628,"Title":"c_listview","Description":"Whith this class you can load a lisview control with a recorset, and export the data to the TXT, CSV and HTML Format, you can use or not the progressbar.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005324212820972.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/c_listview1867763242005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"seMOnkey","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59632,"Title":"API Viewer Parsing Engine","Description":"Don't have API Viewer freeware program? Don't bother downloading this. However, should you need or want to parse the API Viewer apv files from your code, a module is included in the zip. The parsing engine is fast & pretty well designed. The included interface to show a way of using the engine is not finished & no plans on finishing it. Required: API Viewer *.apv files (not included in zip)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005325114447967.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/API_Viewer1867893252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59633,"Title":"VB Recent Projects List Update #4","Description":"The trouble with VB's own Recent Projects List is that it is untidy and unsorted, it grows until you can't find anything, it does not remove broken links, and last but not least the window is way to small to display long pathes. So what we need is a little helper to tidy up and sort VB's Recent Projects List. And wouldn't it be nice if you could launch VB with an open project inside it right from the beginning? Well, try this one - download is 20.8 kB. (bug fix for the drive-not-ready bug reported by Josh)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005325559291649.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Recent_1869643302005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":95,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59638,"Title":"Backup and restore MySQL DBs within Visual Basic","Description":"The purpouse of this module is to backup and restore mysql databases within a Visual Basic program.\nPlease, don't vote for this one... It is a remake of http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=57138&lngWId=1 which inspires me. \nIt has some improvement on his code: Basically, it take the table creation statement directly from the MySQL engine (so now it publish constrains and indexes correctly) and perfom only on insertion statement per table no matter the number of rows in the table.\nAlso, it prevent MySQL from generating errors because of the constraing and block the tables before the insertion process.\nAlso, it could allows the programmers to give feedback to the user about the process and, last but not least, it is IMHO a bit cleaner.\n","Inputs":"Just the filename of the backup file and the connection (ADODB.Connection)","Assumes":"The connection should be a valid and active one.","CodeReturns":"Nothing.","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Backup_and1868073252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Williams Castillo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59640,"Title":"IE Tabbed 4 (Proper IE tabbing)","Description":"Tab Internet Explorer windows in real time! This is a much more stable release of the previous versions and has a whole host of new features, including right click menu, running in the background and loading at start up. It also supports windows XP skins. It doesnΓÇÖt need any extra controls for subclassing and source code is fully commented. Please see the screenshot. PLEASE COMPILE BEFORE RUNNING. (Please read the txt file before running the program)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053251514466061.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IE_Tabbed_1868093252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Niranjan Paudyal","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59642,"Title":"Wireframe 3D, Pure VB","Description":"Wireframe3D fully in VB, you can move the player position, view the scene anywhere..... (see screenshot)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005325155672202.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Wireframe_1868133252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"KACI Lounes","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59645,"Title":"Puzzle Script 2006 (+API +Types [reupload])","Description":"Puzzle Script is a scripting language. It supports API and Types (no strings allowed.. any help is welcome) also clean parser and structured code. Managed the Stack with a timer.. I think this technique has been never used. Anyway you should take a look and please vote and leave comments. The runtime sources (PZL20VM.DLL) are also included in the .zip file just look for 'Sources\\Runtime\\' you have to compile it as PZL20VM.DLL into the application directory.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":1,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053252056432024.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Kinex","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59646,"Title":"Registering\\Unregistering Dlls","Description":"Registering\\Unregistering\\Slient Dlls From VB!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053252214481360.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Registerin1868213252005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"NHGames","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59648,"Title":"HTML Calendar 2","Description":"This program builds a HTML web page that uses a table for a month calendar.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005325222904251.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Calen1868243252005.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"David M Rice","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59653,"Title":"[ winsock file transfer tutorial ]","Description":"This tutorial is to explain how to send files (of any size) to any ip using winsock.I've assumed that the reader knows only the basics of winsock...so i've explained it in detail and the codes are higly commented...PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005326723571389.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_winsock_1868443262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Manjit Padhy","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59657,"Title":"Calendar without ocx, 1 form, great features","Description":"This is an interactive calendar (like the windows one) that is totally definable. It does not use any OCX's the code is simple and effective. Great for adding into projects when you need a date input from the user.","Inputs":"Graphic calender","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Date","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Calendar_w1868423262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"eika","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59659,"Title":"OrcaIce V0.0.2a","Description":"- Web image grab & search engine. Alpha fix *** Wait for next verison 0.0.3 improvements.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053261544143993.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/OrcaIce_V01868493262005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jimmy Lau","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59671,"Title":"___OneLine Shutdown.","Description":"Not sure if this has been posted before.\nAllows you to shutdown quickly using the shell command. This also enables you to restart as well.","Inputs":"Nope","Assumes":"Save any work that you've done since you last saved it..but thats kinda a given.","CodeReturns":"Depending on your time given before the pc shuts down...a Window that gives the time remaining before it shutsdown and it will give you who shutdown the computer, by your computer name.\nSorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm not too well of a writer.","SideEffects":"....umm...shuttingdown your computer :P.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":20,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Michael Fausett","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59673,"Title":"DM Visual Dialog Designer","Description":"Hi, all. This is a project I been working on for the last day or so. That is a Visual Form designer. Note this is not a full version and was only made for my new scripting language but I thought I share it with you all. Anyway I hope you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005327650487953.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Visual_1868663272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":721,"Title":"Detect if there is a Dial up network connection","Description":"Here is how I detect if there is a DUN (ISP) connection. You want to take a look at the Remote Access Services (RAS) APIs. They are\nfully documented at the Microsoft site. \"J Gerard Olszowiec\" entity@ns.sympatico.ca","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"' Registry APIs.\nPublic Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000\nPublic Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001\nPublic Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002\nPublic Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003\nPublic Const HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA = &H80000004\nPublic Const HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = &H80000005\nPublic Const HKEY_DYN_DATA = &H80000006\nPublic Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&\nPublic Const APINULL = 0&\nPublic Const MAX_STRING_LENGTH As Integer = 256\nDeclare Function RegOpenKey Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegOpenKeyA\" (ByVal\nhKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function RegCloseKey Lib \"advapi32.dll\" (ByVal hKey As Long) As\nLong\n' RegQueryValueEx: If you declare the lpData parameter as String, you must\npass it By Value.\nDeclare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias\n\"RegQueryValueExA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal\nlpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As\nLong\n' Remote Access Services (RAS) APIs.\nPublic Const RAS_MAXENTRYNAME As Integer = 256\nPublic Const RAS_MAXDEVICETYPE As Integer = 16\nPublic Const RAS_MAXDEVICENAME As Integer = 128\nPublic Const RAS_RASCONNSIZE As Integer = 412\nPublic Type RasEntryName\n dwSize As Long\n szEntryName(RAS_MAXENTRYNAME) As Byte\nEnd Type\nPublic Type RasConn\n dwSize As Long\n hRasConn As Long\n szEntryName(RAS_MAXENTRYNAME) As Byte\n szDeviceType(RAS_MAXDEVICETYPE) As Byte\n szDeviceName(RAS_MAXDEVICENAME) As Byte\nEnd Type\nPublic Declare Function RasEnumConnections Lib \"rasapi32.dll\" Alias\n\"RasEnumConnectionsA\" (lpRasConn As Any, lpcb As Long, lpcConnections As\nLong) As Long\nPublic Declare Function RasHangUp Lib \"rasapi32.dll\" Alias \"RasHangUpA\"\n(ByVal hRasConn As Long) As Long\nPublic gstrISPName As String\nPublic ReturnCode As Long","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":166,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":171,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":722,"Title":"How to dynamically invoke DCOM objects","Description":"Ever wished you could say\nset c = createobject(server,myobj.myclass)\nand have DCOM invoke the object on the specified server dynamically?.\nThis avoids having to configure which server a DCOM object should run\non each time you want to invoke the object (with the DCOMCNFG\nutility). Plus you can run the same object on different servers\nwithout running DCOMCNFG each time. andrew@geac.co.nz (Andrew Mayo)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'DCOM structures\nType SERV_STRUC\n reserved1 As Long\n ptrserver As Long\n authinfo As Long\n reserved2 As Long\nEnd Type\nType MULTI_QI\n piid As Long\n pitf As Object\n hresult As Long\nEnd Type\nDeclare Function CLSIDFromProgID Lib \"ole32.dll\" (progid As Any, clsid\nAs Any) As Long\nDeclare Function OleInitialize Lib \"ole32.dll\" (ByVal nullptr As Long)\nAs Long\nDeclare Function CoCreateInstanceEx Lib \"ole32.dll\" (clsid As Any,\nByVal punkouter As Long, ByVal context As Long, server As SERV_STRUC,\nByVal nelems As Long, mqi As MULTI_QI) As Long\nDeclare Function VarPtr Lib \"vb40032.dll\" (x As Any) As Long\nDeclare Function GetComputerName Lib \"kernel32\" Alias\n\"GetComputerNameA\" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":96,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":3072,"Title":"Basic Sound Engine","Description":"Play wave files with one command","Inputs":"You can either specify a Sound Event number, or a filename","Assumes":"Thanks to Gordon Stewart, author of 4000AD for the base API function.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None known","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD476.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"Neil Ramsbottom","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":3074,"Title":"Create Multiline Message Boxes!","Description":"Creates multiline MsgBoxes","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just paste the code any where you want","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":6,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Ian Gorse","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":3076,"Title":"RPG GAME: Version 2: Updated again","Description":"This is the same version of the game I submitted last time, but I've removed the timer and now it uses a while loop for character movement, so it runs MUCH faster.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You should be a good - intermediat programmer to understand any of this and be able to put it to good use.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD500.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":103,"UserRatingTotal":615,"AuthorName":"Matthew Eagar","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":3077,"Title":"Pong 2000 with Sound,Bitblit and AI instructions","Description":"!Pong 2000 with Sound,Bitblit and AI instructions, Made so you guys can start to program correctly. Those of you that ask how I do it, well here is the source code for you to ponder over.... Have fun, coz I do.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD481.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Derek Hall","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":3174,"Title":"A Good Imaging Program to learn from * FIXED *","Description":"Learn how to use imaging controls! Quick Image allows you to scan images, save them, print them, open images in diffrent formats. You can do alot of things with this program. Change the resolution, and alot of other stuff. It used the kodak image control and the kodak image admin control to show the image and kodak scan control to scan images. Anyone looking for help on making an imaging program, look here! Good start","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD579.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Dustin Davis","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":3177,"Title":"an Error Index!!","Description":"With this program, you can look up and define any error that Visual Basic can give to you! It will teach you how to do error handling, define errors of your own, how to use the Err object and can be very useful! Please add to it and keep it going as a tool everyone can use!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD578.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Dustin Davis","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":4165,"Title":"Boom! -- Particle Explosion Simulation","Description":"Boom! is a particle explosion simulation. It simulates explosions composed of many individual elastic pieces. Each piece also has a shadow, which has a very nice effect when the explosion occurs over a detailed background graphic.\n<br><br>\nBoom! is a fun little side project that I devised while looking for a quick way to put explosions into another game I'm writing. It turned out well enough to warrant a GUI so that the user can tweak the particle properties. There is also a 'multiball' feature, so that you can start up several explosions at once!\n<br><br>\nIn this simulation, each particle is an instance of the same class. I used this approach to show how easy it is to create an array of similar objects, each with dynamic property values. It makes for very concise and understandable code!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1468.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Jason Merlo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":5421,"Title":"VBchat Jr","Description":"Sample chat (client to server), VBChatJr v1.0.45\nServer-side optons: Client-handling (up to 15 on port 1000), user list updates, Idle user limits, administrative booting (double click user name), client-code intercept via \"Guard\", server started via \"Start\" button\nClient-side options: Vairalbe local port, default host is local pc, 2 codes","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD28151112000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Kenneth Gilbert Jr.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":7914,"Title":"Winsock - Multi-Connect Server","Description":"A full basic winsock server allowing for 1000 and more client connections. Very easy to expand on for any type of server that needs the ability to allow multiple socket connections.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Run the 'Server' and then run as many 'Client' as you want. The socket client that is included connects to the server on launch. If you read the code, it is well commented, and not very complex. This makes winsock easy and fun. =) .... Enjoy.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"================================================\nSERVER: I tried to trap for Error 340, but somehow, it ignores it sometimes... (you will understand when you run it)... all this error means is that the control is not available... I unload them as they are no longer needed to free up memory, and use error handling to try and trap it, but it would seem this is another microsoft bug.\n=================================================\nCLIENT: Further, on the client side, I tried to add some code to the unload event that would send a disconnect request to the server prior to unloading if the socket was still connected, It would seem that this too is sadly ignored.\n=================================================\n= Any input on this matter would be appreciated.=\n=================================================","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD5560572000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Daniel Krusky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":7915,"Title":"A simple Wait Function","Description":"Ur code waits for X seconds without stopping complete VB like most others (incl. Sleep Api)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"'Set the API Declaration and the Code into a Module\n'to use the function Wait(x) x stands for the amount of seconds to wait","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib \"kernel32.dll\" () As Long","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":10,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"PrixM","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":7917,"Title":"Font Browser - With preview text!","Description":"This program will grab all screen fonts avaliable, and add them all to a list, and to a menu! So you can select the font from a menu! Also, when a font has been selected, the 'Sample Text' font will change to the font selected. So you can preview fonts before you use them! And the list and menu's are in sync. So if you select something from the menu, it gets selected in the font list! Please vote for me!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200057747197899.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD5563572000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Andrew A","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":8604,"Title":"Real Window Snap to","Description":"This code produces a snap to effect exactly like Winamp.\nUses POINTAPI type and GetCursorPos API. \nIt gets the current x and y does a few calculations and snaps-to the screen edge. \nIt does take into account for the taskbar but that may need some tweaking.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":74,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"DoWnLoHo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":8610,"Title":"Get Windows 2000/XP CPU Usage","Description":"Gets the CPU Usage for Windows 2000/XP. This is a sample of using PDH.DLL to sample performance data from Windows 2000. It can be used to monitor any performance data. Should also work in NT 4.0 (Requires VB6 and PDH.DLL - included with Win2k).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000632037293608.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD6405632000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"pt","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":8682,"Title":"Voice activation of programs","Description":"Allows voice activation of programs. Programs and words recognised (dictionary) are customisable. Click on \"Add Word\" to add a word to the dictionary. See CommandButton tooltips for help.\nNotes: It uses Microsoft Agent's Speech Recognition Engine 4.0 (included in \ninstallation). Need a working microphone, use preferably in a quiet room.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\n","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD6496662000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"sunny","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":8684,"Title":"Napster Client with Chat","Description":"This is a Napster client with chat example! It's like my last Napster client example except I've fixed a TON of bugs/problems, made it a little bit more efficient, made the code a little neater, and of course.. you can now chat with this! I've also included more information on how to communicate with Napster's servers using VB incase you would like to add additional functionality to it. Vote if you like this example!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD6500662000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"moccasin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":8686,"Title":"Registry Information for Security Program Developers","Description":"If you are developing any type of security program, this information is for you! These are all of the known registry entries that you can use to secure a person's system. There are 7 pages of them so enjoy! PLEASE VOTE FOR THIS INFORMATION!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":92,"AuthorName":"John Hall","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":8777,"Title":"Project File Name Correction","Description":"Eliminate short name conversion in the VB IDE.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James E. Toebes","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":8778,"Title":"Evaluate","Description":"Takes a string and evaluates it, thus giving the user an answer to a string such as \"hsin(1)+hcos(1)\", which will be e. The evaluator incorporates an error handler, as well as user entered constants. The function is in the module, easily made to be imported to other programs. A demonstration program is included an shows some possiblities. A help file is not included, but will be available by e-mail. An important point, to keep in mind, that almost all functions must be entered in form of sin(45). If a function has one argument, enter it like sin(45), otherwise, put first argument, function, second argument, as in 2+1.","Inputs":"The user inputs are minimum. The user only has to enter the string. Optional arguments are to enable/disable the error handler, and include user-created constants.","Assumes":"Those that use TI graphing calculators will remember the way functions are used. To enter square root of nine, put in sqr(9). Sine of 45 is sin(45), and so on, with some exceptions. Standard two-argrument operants like +, are entered just like that, 2+4.","CodeReturns":"Returns the value of the string, and any errors. Depending on whether the error handler is enabled or not, a message box may pop up.","SideEffects":"Error handler is not fully functional. That means that it doesn't give back very good responses. At this point, though, it will detect any error. No crashes were detected in the testing period of over eight weeks.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000691611103968.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD6600692000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Maseraj","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":8779,"Title":"BatchBasic v1.0","Description":"This program will create batch files with the commands you choose. great program, easy to use.\nPlease rate this program and leave your comments\n","Inputs":"non","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000691622112659.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD6591692000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Eric Sullivan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":8780,"Title":"Database Table Copy","Description":"This code will copy all fields from all tables in a database and add them to another identical database. \nMy company has Rep submitting database reports all the time. I need to append the data from the reports database to a live database. At first I was running querys I had made in the database but our file structure changed and that was no long an option. This is about as simple as it gets but someone might find it useful.","Inputs":"Call the function like this.\nAddData \"C:\\My Documents\\Test\\From.mdb\", \"C:\\My Documents\\Test\\To.mdb\"","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None that I know of.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":32,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Shawn Jetton","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9036,"Title":"Registry Viewer","Description":"A full functional registry viewer with treeView and ListView controls using API's","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"a few...","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000619958191425.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD68956192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Udi Azulay","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10136,"Title":"simple drag drop file textbox","Description":"drag and drop files into a textbox is simple with this code","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"cold_postage","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10139,"Title":"Combobox - Font Color / Font Bold Ability!","Description":"This is a FULLY FUNCTIONAL Custom Control. I have \nnot loaded it with features for the purpose of letting\nyou download it and add to it yourselves! The code\nIncluded Allows RemoveItem, Clear, Listcount,\nItem(X), and AddItem(Text, Bold, Color)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000727155411542.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82507272000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10141,"Title":"_Hide Internet Explorer Hotkey","Description":"This makes all your Internet Explorer windows disappear (boss key)! Just press windows key + Z to hide all IE windows, and windows key + shift + Z to unhide all IE windows. Great example of subclassing, hotkeys, API calls, enumeration, callback functions, and use of the system tray. Your feedback (and/or votes) are greatly appreciated!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If you hide all the IE windows then close the app, you can only get them back by re-opening the app, then pressing win-Z, win-shift-Z. I have only tested this on Windows 2000. Please let me know if it works for you on NT4, 95, or 98! Thanks!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8566832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":188,"AuthorName":"Atul Brad Buono","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10881,"Title":"Winsock Tcp","Description":"This a portion of a program I am working on that will have chat, file download, message boards, instant messaging, and more. The server is setup to send and receive login, chat, file information, message board lists, and im's. The client however only does anything with login, chat messages and files. Check it out for a good look into using the winsock control. A login is in the users database handle:admin passsword:admin\nAnd it is multi-user also.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD92028222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Chris Andersen","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10882,"Title":"Customers","Description":"Simple Database Application with find function.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You must have ADO 6.0 and Dao 3.51","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008211819441682.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91798212000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Domagoj Barisic","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11091,"Title":"Toolbars with Chevrons Demo","Description":"Chevrons are buttons that display a popup menu when there are more items on a toolbar than room to display them. All items that overflow the width of the toolbar are dynamically added to a popup menu to display them.\nSpecial thanks to Night Wolf for use of the Gold Button control which can be found here on Planet Source Code.\nPlease vote if you like it, and drop me a line if you have any questions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008291926308124.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD94158292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"Joseph M. Ferris","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11093,"Title":"SIMPLE SQL ACCESS","Description":"This is Easy. Very Easy. 10 lines of code, 30 of comments. I'm sick to death of trying to find simple, concise code that tells me what I need to know. This is an example of how to access a SQL Database from VB, and how to use the data returned.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":51,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Zen","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11859,"Title":"FRX Restore.","Description":"Ever have an old program that you backed up the .FRMs\\FRXs to, and suddenly notice that you need the pictures that where on that form. I bet its the worse feeling in the world, right up there with getting dumped. But wait! There is a light! FRX Restore will take that old dirty FRX File and turn it back into there old picture files! Pick and choose what pictures get extracted from the FRX data.","Inputs":"you need to tell it the location of a FRX File.","Assumes":"Small amounts of file I\\O. I have fully remarked out my code so it should be a breeze.","CodeReturns":"It returns a vuable picture, this picture can also be saved to a normal file.","SideEffects":"It will allways create a small image file in your root dir (C:\\)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD103851022000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"JoeHL.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11862,"Title":"Calculation Solver 3.0","Description":"** Out of date ** Advanced Calculation Solver has replaced this program and its screenshot. Visit it <a href=http://www.planet-source-code.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.13032/lngWId.1/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm>here</a>.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20001123103348754.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1087110222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Anton Venema","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":12769,"Title":"Glycerine - Internet Chat Server","Description":"This is a example I have been working on a while (since d++ v1) and I finally wanted and got to releace it. Not really commented. Thanks goes to dos for letting me use his subs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000111319581484.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1165911132000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"AParker","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":12770,"Title":"Glycerine - Internet Chat Client","Description":"This is a example I have been working on a while (since d++ v1) and I finally wanted and got to releace it. Not really commented. Thanks goes to dos for letting me use his subs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200011131932195355.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1166011132000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"AParker","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":23539,"Title":"Black-FX (a little photoshop!)","Description":"This code is an Image/photo editor witch allow you to transform, draw, all pictures you want!\nIt's composed of 19 effect like photoshop's plugins and 9 drawing tool like pen, brush, line, ... See screenshoot for more!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001529150102032.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Black-FX (277711072001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"BlackWizzard","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":23549,"Title":"Flicker -free Info Control","Description":"This control was used in several commercial applications that I've written as an on-screen Help system. \nI've included the prototyping code (non-api) and the flicker free API version. I hope this helps someone ..... Happy Coding!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001529947515359.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Flicker -f202045292001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Slider","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":23550,"Title":"Clean IT Out","Description":"Hi this is a little program that can remove Items left behinde by programs, It rmoves old files form the Temp folder., Removes Items form the Recent Doucemnts menu, Removes old Typed in web address form IE and Netscape. Removes Netscape cache, Clears Items form the Run Menu, Emptys the Recyle Bin And also has some more functions like a Simple but effect File Wipeing. anyway I hope you like this program and please Vote for Me...\nAlso please leve lots of comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001529721392207.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Clean IT O202065292001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":23783,"Title":"Simple Extract to Excel","Description":"This is just a simple extract from a flexgrid to excel.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The application gives a sample data in the flexgrid and allows the user to extract the data to excel. It also has a functionality to filter odd/even rows and dumps only the data seen in the flexgrid/table. \nPlease comment on the code. I would like though to start the excel application showing its flash screen. I hope someone can help me with it. In my code, after extracting the data and you close the workbook alone not the excel application, excel will still close. Worst is, it leaves an excel process in the memory. \n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple Ext20603642001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Christian Christian","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25919,"Title":"csD Email Client ( SMTP )","Description":"This is an email client that use the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.Can be used with many SMTP servers ( Haven't found any server that didn't works well yet ).Able to include attachments with Email.Can authenticate with POP server first.Use MS WInsock Control TCP/IP connection.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It used SMTP protocol as described in RFC 821. There may be any updates which still not applied.\nThere is no SSL or TLS implementation, so currently the username and password are sent without any protection, so make sure you are in a secured network environment before trying this code.This client program are made to demonstrate the SMTP protocol.If you find any bugs, please email me.Vote if you want to,I greatly appreciated.Also if any of you know how to implement SSL/TLS, can you tell me how ?","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"There is no implementation of timeout controls yet.There is only a simple timer at the beginning of the connection.The code may be not optimized for performance.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001862039586900.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/csD Email 24194862001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"dReaMgRaZeR","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":28667,"Title":"AutoUpdate - ActiveX EXE","Description":"clsUpdate is a ActiveX EXE that can be called from an executable and used to download program updates from a remote FTP Server. You can download multiple files, supports closing and restarting the app, shows file progress stats, and because it is an ActiveX EXE, it can run without the calling app. The code has lots of commenting, so it should be easy to follow.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AutoUpdate334651152001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Dino Damalas","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":28672,"Title":"NMEAgent","Description":"To \"listen\" to an NMEA stream from a GPS unit and display as much information as possible from this stream in a useful way. Source code for version 1.25. Compiled form at www.ILikeTheInternet.com","Inputs":"NMEA 2.0 from most GPS units at 4800 baud (the NMEA standard)","Assumes":"You have to use a Comm port with this code. I know of no GPS using USB.","CodeReturns":"Graphs and charts.","SideEffects":"Pleasure","ApiDeclarations":"See the code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NMEAgent1793339142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Mike Morrow","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":29688,"Title":"GoXML","Description":"GoXML is a wrapper class for MSXML 2.0 / 2.6 / 3.0 / 4.0,\noffering access to some of the more basic elements in\nyour xml documents.\nUse GoXML and easy-to-learn XPath to open, create, modify\nand save XML documents without a hassle.\nDon't worry about available MS XML Parser version, GoXML will autodetect it for you!\nThe included code sample illustrates the use of all methods and properties.\nPLEASE VOTE OR COMMENT, THANKS!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200246048164168.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/GoXML882595292002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":120,"AuthorName":"Roman Kehr","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":29689,"Title":"Time Delay Function","Description":"It is method that delay time as much as time that designate.\nThere is no problem even if use over midnight.\nWith Sleep function, use and lowered CPU's use rate.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Sub Sleep Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)\n","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":16,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"SeonJong,CHOI","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":29690,"Title":"Earth Quake (hidden from Alt+ctrl+del)","Description":"Hey !! This Program Will Shake Your Desktop Using Simple Tricks. Double Click To End.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Earth_Quak4134312122001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"OMKARck","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":29692,"Title":"FAST Tail Function for VB","Description":"After hunting for this functionality since I started using VB, I've finally figured out how to *quickly* read the last few lines in a file. This function fills a dynamic array with the last X number of lines in a file you specify. I use it to monitor apachewin32 logs on another server. This is much faster than using 'line input'. I know there may be more optimized ways of doing this, I just thought I should get it out there.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Assumes a publicly declared dynamic array.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":33,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"pt","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":30461,"Title":"View HTML without MS Controls 1.2 - Speed Bug Fixed","Description":"The speed bug has been fixed, thanks for your input guys. Anyone have ideas on images? I am thinking of BitBlting them onto the picture but the X - Y positions get messed up, same thing with alignment.\n<br>\nThis is a little test I wrote to see if VB do this sort of thing. As of right now it is pretty boring, and only accepts a few HTML command like BOLD, Italics, and Font Styles and I added Hyperlinks this morning. I need help with this thing so if you can, vote or send me an email. There are a few bad bugs in it (like the screen flickering) but let me know what you think so far. Thanks Bryan Cairns.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Nasty flicker as screen repaints, and I am having trouble with the BitBLT code to put images on the page.","ApiDeclarations":"A TON - see the zip file","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002161517339136.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/View_HTML_47064172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Bryan A. Cairns","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":32251,"Title":"An Updated!!! Much Better Battle.net Bot","Description":"This update uses a Config.ini to save username and password. I also have added a userdatabase with some chat commands. Have fun with this update and keep learning Newbs! Please leave feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Pure-Leetness","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20026161136143040.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/An_Updated951906162002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Adam Bleech","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":32253,"Title":"CS Bandwidth Monitor - UPDATED -","Description":"UPDATE(Included stay on top option, fixed some minor bugs and added auto apply to settings. This is beta 2, see pic)\nThis program has code from antoher tool I have on this site called CS Internet Tools. But the main purpose of this program was to teach myself much better UI. There are alot of nice things about this program such as the form that will blend into your desktop so it looks like it is part of it. The stats form that will \"Roll\" out of the main form. Really not to hard to do. It will remember where you have your forms at startup, has many options and is very custmizable. A large part of this code came from other source code not by me. All props go to them. I hope this helps anybody who needs it. Vote if you like. Remember the main purpose of this was to teach myself UI. Anyways I hope you do like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200235036373164.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CS_Bandwid59505352002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":186,"AuthorName":"Shane Croft","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33349,"Title":"Attaching Help to Apps","Description":"A shell command could be used to do this as *.chm file excute by clicking on them. Below is the shell command to use. Also shows how to shell execute a string variable.\nMore info on Help and what you could with it. Goto. http://www.smountain.com/c_VBHelp.htm.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":13,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Scurry Underground","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33350,"Title":"[ [ A Color Code in Richtextbox","Description":"!! The easyest way to color your code in a\nrichtextbox. Easy to setup. Colorize your\ncode in 1 minute. For VB Code, Perl code etc. PLEACE VOTE!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"1 to reduce flicker, but can be removed","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200242103483472.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/a__1_Color67829422002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Pamela RAI","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33631,"Title":"FTPScheduler","Description":"The purpose of this application was to establish an application that could collect information from an ftp site on a scheduled basis.\nThe application collects Remote and Local file information from the user by requiring a valid connection to a site before addition to the Transfer List can be completed. Items that are saved in the Transfer List are prepared to be transfered according to the schedule that is established by the Scheduling form.\nThe application was designed to acquire files only. With a few modifications, it could be converted to place files on a server as well. \nAs stated previously it is purely an FTP application. With a few modifications, it could be converted to HTTP and Gopher as well. \nThe application consists of 2 applications really. One is the FTPConfig.exe, which is used to modify the .xml file that retains the file specific information onwhat has to be moved where. The other is the FTPAutoExec.exe, which is used by the Scheduler to perform the update behind the scenes.\nThe scheduling form successfully adds a job to the Scheduled Jobs for the local PC by way of the netapi32.dll, so this application can only be used on NT 3.5 and Win 2K machines. I found, that when executing the Scheduler on my Win 2K machine that the job would not execute as expected. I actually had to enter my NT username and password into the job Properties, before it would work correctly. Any suggestions on how to perform this programatically would be appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002491145416241.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FTPSchedul70417492002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Jeff Cote","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33633,"Title":"Serial Generator","Description":"Protect your programs with this serial key\nIf the program is installed in another computer need new serial number.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Windows API","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002491254307905.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Serial_Gen707464102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Victor Velepucha","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33635,"Title":"[ [ A Extended Copy Paste function","Description":"Extend your Copy Paste functions. Please VOTE!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[_[_A_Exte70429492002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Pamela RAI","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33889,"Title":"Gif-To-Sprite 1.0 full features","Description":"Last week I submitted the first version of Gif-To-Sprite. Well, here it is, the new and improved Gif-To-Srite that supports jpg saving with quality options, bmp save, no frame overlapping, animation preview, background color change and even Batch processing... If you are a games programmer, or just want to see each frame of an animated gif, be sure to check this full-featured app. Thanks darkbasic community for encouraging me to develop this new version.\nIf ijl11.dll was removed YOU NEED IT to save to Jpeg","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002417164209560.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Gif-To-Spr730014172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Mario A. Di Vece","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33890,"Title":"MR lista","Description":"I Wrote this code to Catalogue my MP3 collection, it scans the disk and then splits up the name into Artist,title,number of cd and does it have covers. it then stord all the information in a Databse And/or a text document.","Inputs":"A Cd with mp3 albums","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A Database and/or a text document","SideEffects":"Needs win media player","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MR_lista730144172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Christopher Rouse","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":36404,"Title":"PicViewer OCX 1.0","Description":"This is not a really new submission. It's a simplified version of PicScroll v3.0.\nI've added -some people asked about this, and this is the reason for this version- Best Fit mode. Nevertheless, zoom factors still are magnification factors. See iDst_Paint sub to see how current visible area is painted. You'll understand why fractional zoom factors (1:2, 1:3...) 'bring' this problem. __________________________________________________ (Re-coded: 02.10.2003)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20033355039115.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PicViewer_1763106282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":36406,"Title":"Trigonometry Helper","Description":"The program will provide a fully commented and tutored process of how to use and calculate some basic trigonometry functions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It's best to have a basic idea of what trig is and how to use sin, cos, tan.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":":====;\n:NONE;\n:====;","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Trigonomet1003296302002_0-so.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"eleet","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":36409,"Title":"Guitar Notes","Description":"Learn the notes on the guitar with graphical representation of the notes up to the twelfth fret.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20026301610209163.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Guitar_Not1003396302002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"lostcauz","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":38657,"Title":"Mouse Wheel Support for the IDE (Final Version)","Description":"This is just here because it's a contest winner. There's a newer version here also.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mouse_Whee1291659102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":89,"UserRatingTotal":441,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":38661,"Title":"Final Fantasy RPG","Description":"This is to show a battle system for a RPG. I seen some good code'd ones on this site, but the graphics or styles of it were just sick. So I took some from Final Fantasy 3, and made a complete design of a battle engine.\n---\nWow it's been more then a year since I updated this. If you want you can check my new site FoxGear.Net or my own PHP Game at FoxWar.Com.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Attack Screen might be hid from the main form. I should redo the whole thing since I made it 3 years ago and know so much more now. Possibly finally make it so you could walk around and get into a battle :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200294212409475.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Final_Fant170411242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"$uper-$tar (MR)","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":42589,"Title":"Directory Recursion","Description":"Shows How To Get Directorys/Folder Contents And Calculate All File Sizes Using Pure Vb Code, without using any controls ****Updated 11/06/03 This submission was long a thorn in my side because it never worked as well as it was intended to, well the pain is gone and its now better than ever!! all file related functions now fully support file masks, and all code has been optimized for maximum speed!***** forget slow fso code!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20031211655311174.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Directory_1668461162003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Deth","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":42591,"Title":"PictureBox Mask Generator","Description":"I'm not sure if this has been done before, but here it is. This program will automatically generate a mask which you can use with blt'ing transparent images using GDI32 or some others. You can also implement this code into your very own games and never have to make external masks! This is a fully operational program so you could use it to generate and save masks for your games or aplications.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This program deals mainly with the PictureBox control.\nThe coding may be a little sloppy because I did it in 1 1/2 hours.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Might be a little slow with big images.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003120128343987.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PictureBox1532091202003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Hou Xiong","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":42592,"Title":"Seating Chart Generator","Description":"Easily create seating charts for class rooms. I'm not sure why I wanted to do this, but I got a lot of extra credit in my Biology, IT, Algebra, and English classes for making this program for them. Try it out, I really like it and am very proud of it...considering when I started the program I didn't know how to do any of the things that I did in the program, so I learned a lot by making it....sort of....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Seating_Ch15321012020.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Risket","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50088,"Title":"Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another.","Description":"Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":41,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Alexander Triantafyllou","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":8498,"Title":"Text To Speach Conversion : Implementation of MSAgent and T2S Conversion","Description":"Hi Folks: - This project shows you how to implement MSAgent and Text to speach conversion facilities in your VB application and/or web pages. Think about creating talking e-mail apps, talking web pages and text readers. You need MS Agent core components and truevoice text to speach converter for using this code. Download zip and read Readme for more info regarding obtaining them. See my other apps like Icon Hunter and Script Engine for more coding tricks. A little about me; I am looking for creating tie-ups with established US companies for implementing Web Phone services and Voice chat apps using the latest broadcasting technology I developed, and is planning to relocate to US shortly. Kindly visit my website http://www.geocities.com/streamingaudio if u have enough time. If u r a US based developer, I would be gratefull if you can provide me information regarding finding investors/sponsors in US for my ventures. ONE LAST WORD,SEE THE README FILE INCLUDED BEFORE DOING ANYTHING, AND VOTE FOR ME IF YOU FIND THIS COOL.. : Regards, Anoop M Nedumkunnam, anoopj12@angelfire.com\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20005311644413081.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD62675312000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Anoop Madhusudanan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":8500,"Title":"Planet Source Code Dedication","Description":"I have used Planet Source Code for ages and never submitted any of my code, so now i am showing my appreciation, by making this special code ticker in a VB app, especially for PSC, i hope you like it it is a simple code but please vote and make a comment!! or you can contact me on my ICQ number: 74831238","Inputs":"NONE!","Assumes":"Nothing","CodeReturns":"NONe!","SideEffects":"it blows your computer up, Just kidding","ApiDeclarations":"None!!","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD62695312000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"hax24","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10504,"Title":"Cool Net Send (v II)","Description":"Enables instant Messaging on a WinNT/2000 net work. Adds a layer to the Net Send CMD command. Also rembers people you've sent messages to for quick reference. Based on a users NT sign on/machine name or IP address.","Inputs":"User just types in the destination USERID or Machine name or IP address.","Assumes":"At sent.dat file will be created in the path of the app. If you get any probs create it manually.","CodeReturns":"Confirmation that the message got there.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8724882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"The Developer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10505,"Title":"EZMailer, an SMTP/POP3 email program","Description":"Are you tired of Outlook and Outlook Express hanging your machine, and letting the KAK virus in? Well, I am too, so in response, I made EZMailer, a simple email program that sends and receives mail, PERIOD. It doesn't attempt to interpret or auto-execute ANYthing, thus sparing you from the vagaries of security loopholes in 'advanced' mail programs. This program receives incoming mail from a POP3 server, sends outgoing mail through an SMTP server, handles MIME attachments, multiple users, and automatically routes incoming mail to folders based on criteria you specify. Note that to successfully execute this code in the runtime environment, you must own Apex Software's TrueDBGrid Pro, www.apexsc.com; and Funduc's Encode/Decode DLL, www.funduc.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200088417355890.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8725882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Kamilche","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10506,"Title":"McMouseCaptureIntoAnyArea ver. 2.0","Description":"I extended this thing, so I should be able to\nget more than one vote now.\nver 1: capture mouse to any rect area defined\nby any vb rect control(including shape,image..)\nver 2. capture mouse to following:\"CaptionBar\" \nor \"FormClientArea\" or \"CompleteForm\" or\n\"CompleteFormBorderExcluded\"\nAll detailed explained in module. Exe that\nshows things included ( code too ofcourse)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008862059250.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8728882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"M.C","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10977,"Title":"Unbreakable Encryption","Description":"'this is probably the crappest encryption going here\n'i wrote this cause i saw it on descovery channel\n'its an encryption that has been used for ages even used\n'in wars\n'its supposed to use passwords and encode whole\n'sentences but i didn't feel like doing that\n'i will soon, mabey this weekend\n'anyway what this does it gets the ascii code of the\n'uppercase letter in text1 and adds the ascii code of\n'the uppercase letter in text2 it then subtracts 64 from\n'it and converts this to a new character to test draw a\n'table similar to this one:\n'A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J ETC. UNTIL Z.\n'B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K\n'C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L\n'D\n'E\n'ETC. UNTIL Z\n'YOU GET THE PICTURE\n'Now take the word you want to encode say norm and choose\n'password say dog . what you do now is go to the 1st\n'letter of the password on the top row and the 1st letter\n'of the text in the vertical row and move down/across until\n'they meet. this is the encoded character. you keep doing\n'this until the text is encoded. if the password is at the\n'end start at the beginning again.\n'to decode do the same as the encryption but now you do\n'the password in the vertical side and the text on the\n'horizontal side\n'tada\n'Themba Kriger : wayne_kerr@hushmail.com send me any\n'modifications plz! thanx","Inputs":"the password and the text to encrypt decrypt","Assumes":"'this is probably the crappest encryption going here\n'i wrote this cause i saw it on descovery channel\n'its an encryption that has been used for ages even used\n'in wars\n'its supposed to use passwords and encode whole\n'sentences but i didn't feel like doing that\n'i will soon, mabey this weekend\n'anyway what this does it gets the ascii code of the\n'uppercase letter in text1 and adds the ascii code of\n'the uppercase letter in text2 it then subtracts 64 from\n'it and converts this to a new character to test draw a\n'table similar to this one:\n'A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J ETC. UNTIL Z.\n'B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K\n'C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L\n'D\n'E\n'ETC. UNTIL Z\n'YOU GET THE PICTURE\n'Now take the word you want to encode say norm and choose\n'password say dog . what you do now is go to the 1st\n'letter of the password on the top row and the 1st letter\n'of the text in the vertical row and move down/across until\n'they meet. this is the encoded character. you keep doing\n'this until the text is encoded. if the password is at the\n'end start at the beginning again.\n'to decode do the same as the encryption but now you do\n'the password in the vertical side and the text on the\n'horizontal side\n'tada\n'Themba Kriger : wayne_kerr@hushmail.com send me any\n'modifications plz! thanx","CodeReturns":"the encoded decoded text","SideEffects":"may cause neasea","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200082415344901.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD92718242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Themba Kriger","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10978,"Title":"Balloon Tooltip :BUGS FIXED","Description":"working at last without subclassing. I used a technique posted in the MSDN.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD93148252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Emilio Aguirre","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10979,"Title":"Count Down Sticker - Date & Time","Description":"Count down counter for any date & time which \nwill stick on window desktop. Featured dual \nlanguage setting, English & German for this \nversion. Allow always on top and side bounding.","Inputs":"Target date & time","Assumes":"target date & time will be saved in the text file format automatically when the program terminated and will be auto fetch into the program setting on next loading.","CodeReturns":"time/date left for the desired date & time","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000824151123606.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD92748242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ong Hui Lam","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11222,"Title":"SpaceDebris(v1.2)","Description":"I am sorry i forgot to include 2 files in my zip file last time.Here it is now 100% bug free.With 4 levels of gameplay it now uses Microsoft's voice Text(vtext.dll) to READ OUT THE MISSION OBJECTIVES TO YOU(see screenshot).I have used Simon Price code for changing the screen resolution.I would like you all to. P L E A S E V O T E & R E V I E W T H I S C O D E.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000931031582929.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD9573932000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Gaurav Creations","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":12357,"Title":"QuikTic: PSC Ticker","Description":"This is a very neat little ticker that displays new submitted code just like the one on the left.\nIt also has a cool Point-and-Search feature that doesnt require you to click the textbox, just move the mouse to the bottom left and start typing. Oh and when you click on any link, it will open it in your default browser, not inside itself like others have it. Please Vote and tell me any suggestions :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is a very neat little ticker that displays new submitted code just like the one on the left.\nIt also has a cool Point-and-Search feature that doesnt require you to click the textbox, just move the mouse to the bottom left and start typing. Oh and when you click on any link, it will open it in your default browser, not inside itself like others have it. Please Vote and tell me any suggestions :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000102814381038.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1102710282000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Jarem Archer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":12359,"Title":"ICQMAPI.dll DECLARES","Description":"Establishes Basic communication with Mirabilis ICQ through the Official ICQ API's.","Inputs":"In the function \"ICQ_SET_LICENSE\" you must set the variables \"strName$, strPassword$, strLicense$\" with the respective data Mirabilis sends to you when you license \"ICQMAPI.dll\" (This is Free)","Assumes":"You must obtain a License to use \"ICQMAPI.DLL\" from Mirabilis. It is free.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Some of the API's may not function correctly because in the documentation I was sent, some of the API's return two values of two different data types. If anyone knows how to fix this, your support would be appreciated.","ApiDeclarations":"Public Enum ONLINE_STATUS\n BICQAPI_USER_STATE_ONLINE = 0\n BICQAPI_USER_STATE_CHAT = 1\n BICQAPI_USER_STATE_AWAY = 2\n BICQAPI_USER_STATE_NA = 3\n BICQAPI_USER_STATE_OCCUPIED = 4\n BICQAPI_USER_STATE_DND = 5\n BICQAPI_USER_STATE_INVISIBLE = 6\n BICQAPI_USER_STATE_OFFLINE = 7\nEnd Enum\nPublic Enum DOCKING_STATE\n DCK_FLOATING = 0\n DCK_DOCKED_RIGHT = 1\n DCK_DOCKED_LEFT = 2\n DCK_DOCKED_TOP = 3\n DCK_DOCKED_BOTTOM = 4\nEnd Enum\nPublic Enum LIST_CHANGE\n USER_GONE_ON_OR_OFF = 1\n USER_FLOAT_WINDOW_ON_OR_OFF = 2\n USER_CHANGED_POSITION_IN_THE_LIST = 3\nEnd Enum\nPublic Enum GENDER\n NOT_SPECIFIED = 0\n FEMALE = 1\n MALE = 2\nEnd Enum\nPublic Enum LIST_TYPE\n REGULAR_MODE = 0\n GROUP_MODE = 1\nEnd Enum\nPublic Type BSICQAPI_FireWallData\n m_bEnabled As Byte\n m_bSocksEnabled As Byte\n m_sSocksVersion As Integer\n m_szSocksHost As String '512 chr\n m_iSocksPort As Integer\n m_bSocksAuthenticationMethod As Byte\nEnd Type\nPublic Type BSICQAPI_User\n m_iUIN As Integer\n m_hFloatWindow As hWnd\n m_iIP As Integer\n m_szNickname As String '20 chr\n m_szFirstName As String '20 chr\n m_szLastName As String '20 chr\n m_szEmail As String '100 chr\n m_szCity As String '100 chr\n m_szState As String '100 chr\n m_iCountry As Integer\n m_szCountryName As String '100 chr\n m_szHomePage As String '100 chr\n m_iAge As Integer\n m_szPhone As String '20 chr\n m_bGender As GENDER\n m_iHomeZip As Integer\n 'VERSION 1.0001\n m_iStateFlags As ONLINE_STATUS\nEnd Type\n\n'CALLS\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_GetDockingState Lib \"ICQMAPI\" () As DOCKING_STATE\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_GetFirewallSettings Lib \"ICQMAPI\" () As BSICQAPI_FireWallData\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_GetFullOwnerData Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (ppUser As BSICQAPI_User, iVersion As Integer) As BSICQAPI_User\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_GetFullUserData Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (ppUser As BSICQAPI_User, iVersion As Integer) As BSICQAPI_User\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_GetOnlineListDetails Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iCount As Integer, ppUsers() As BSICQAPI_User)\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_GetOnlineListPlacement Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iVersion As Integer, iCount As Integer, piEvents() As Byte) As Integer\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_RegisterNotify Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iVersion As Integer, iCount As Integer, piEvents() As Byte)\n'YOU MUST OBTAIN A LICENSE KEY FROM MIRABILIS\n'=============================================\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_SetLicenseKey Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (pszName As String, pszPassword As String, pszLicense As String)\n'=============================================\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_SendFile Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iUIN As Integer, pszFileNames As String)\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_UnRegisterNotify Lib \"ICQMAPI\" ()\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_GetVersion Lib \"ICQMAPI\" () As Integer\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_GetWindowHandle Lib \"ICQMAPI\" () As hWnd\n'CALLS v1.0.0.1\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_GetOnlineListType Lib \"ICQMAPI\" () As LIST_TYPE\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_GetGroupOnlineListDetails Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iGroupCount As Integer, ppGroups() As BPSICQAPI_Group)\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_SetOwnerState Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iState As ONLINE_STATUS)\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_SetOwnerPhoneState Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iPhoneState As Integer)\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_SendMessage Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iUIN As Integer, pszMessage As String)\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_SendURL Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iUIN As Integer, pszMessage As String)\nDeclare Function ICQAPICall_SendExternal Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iUIN As Integer, pszExternal As String, pszMessage As String, bAutoSend As Byte)\n'NOTIFICATIONS\nDeclare Function ICQAPINotify_OnlineListChange Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iType As LIST_CHANGE)\nDeclare Function ICQAPINotify_FullUserDataChange Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iUIN As Integer)\nDeclare Function ICQAPINotify_AppBarStateChange Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iDockingState As DOCKING_STATE)\nDeclare Function ICQAPINotify_OnlinePlacementChange Lib \"ICQMAPI\" ()\nDeclare Function ICQAPINotify_OwnerChange Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iUIN As Integer)\nDeclare Function ICQAPINotify_OwnerFullUserDataChange Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iUIN As Integer)\nDeclare Function ICQAPINotify_OnlineListHandleChange Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (hWindow As hWnd)\nDeclare Function ICQAPINotify_FileReceived Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (pszFileNames As String)\n'UTILITY FUNCTIONS\nDeclare Function ICQAPIUtil_FreeUser Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (pUser As BSICQAPI_User)\nDeclare Function ICQAPIUtil_FreeUsers Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (iCount As Integer, ppUsers() As BSICQAPI_User)\nDeclare Function ICQAPIUtil_SetUserNotificationFunc Lib \"ICQMAPI\" (uNotificationCode As UIN_TYPE, pUserFunc As void)\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":24,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Daniel Krusky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":12360,"Title":"Gorilla The QB Game Remade","Description":"If you have ever played the original Gorilla by IBM for QBasic, back in the days of DOS, you may remember how much fun firing that little banana at your friend was. Gorilla is back, now in VB, this is the same incredible game. Very good at teaching some basics of collision detection, and projectile motion.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000102819342651.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1103210282000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Kunal Johar","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":12720,"Title":"Wi├æ├É├ÿw┬º M├à├æ├àg├¿m├¿├æt","Description":"This Is A Great Example For Newbies And Moderate Proggers It As Great Examples Of Mouse Effects And It Calls Up Programs(Iexplorer, Notepad, ect) To Save You Time And Has Other Great Examples Such As Show The Time And Date And Scrolling Label\nPlease Vote For Me People This Was A Very Time Consuming Project. Thank You!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200011111854459528.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1159511112000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Htpc_Cerberus","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":12951,"Title":"How to support multiple users in your applications!","Description":"This small project demonstrates how to support multiple users in your applications. Saves/loads settings from the registry that pertain to specific users. Has ability to create new users. Please vote for me if you find this useful. ANY feedback, negative or positive, is greatly appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200011191834357050.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1184611192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Patrick Moore (Zelda)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":13923,"Title":"Truncate Text with Ellipses","Description":"This code will truncate specified text with ellipses. It is very usefull for displaying long strings in textboxes and title bars. It will even truncate a pathname similar to windows.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A truncated string with ellipses.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1313012282000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Matthew Hood","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":13928,"Title":"DirectDraw Sharks","Description":"This program uses DirectDraw 7 to display sharks swimming around and other stuff (check the screenshot). I created this because I 'discovered' class modules to move sprites around which simplifies the code alot, and allows easy implementation of more sprites. The sprites have been taken from the SNES game 'Donkey Kong Country', that explains the monkey :-). The program runs really great, even on my P133 with 1000 sharks... maybe someone could help me create a screensaver out of this?\nAs usual, please leave feedback so I know what people think about it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20001229731584375.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1313612292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":132,"AuthorName":"Mark van Renswoude","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":13977,"Title":"Alpha Blending Menu's","Description":"Shows you how to use the Alphablend api to make a menu system.","Inputs":"N/A","Assumes":"This is also for Intermediate users, but as i havent commented it if you only just switched intermediate status it might not be that easy to understand.\nI didnt have time to comment it.","CodeReturns":"N/A","SideEffects":"None that i know of","ApiDeclarations":"A Few, see zip","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1320412312000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Wilksey","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":13978,"Title":"JW_Cooltab","Description":"A new VB Tab-control that looks like the one used in Photoshop.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None what I know.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200012311245106109.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD13231112001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jim Williams","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":14233,"Title":"Cameo-Pro (Fixed)","Description":"Cameo-Pro is a web cam server application. Set the frames per second, enable the stream, and anyone with the provided web address will be able to see your sweet little face right on their web browser. Images are updated every second. Code is heavily commented. Please Vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20011721998750.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD13517172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"CovertLoop","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":14234,"Title":"TextPad FIXED ***","Description":"My name Is Jason and i Had hoped too create a fully Fledged working text editor and here it is TextPad , It has all these Features and more ; \n* Options Dialog\n* Full Screen Mode\n* Edit , View Clipboard Text\n* Text File Manager \n* Toolbar\n* Wordwrap Feature \n* Works On the Command Line\n* Can be default Text Viewer (*.TXT)\n* If user has Chosen Option, TextPad can Launch An External editor if the file is too large too be opened normally .\n* File Properties Dialog\n* Find Dialog\n* Launch Better Instances User has Choice Through Dialog or Through the Menu.\n* Recent File Menu\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"My name Is Jason and i Had hoped too create a fully Fledged working text editor and here it is TextPad , It has all these Features and more ; \n* Options Dialog\n* Full Screen Mode\n* Edit , View Clipboard Text\n* Text File Manager \n* Toolbar\n* Wordwrap Feature \n* Works On the Command Line\n* Can be default Text Viewer (*.TXT)\n* If user has Chosen Option, TextPad can Launch An External editor if the file is too large too be opened normally .\n* File Properties Dialog\n* Find Dialog\n* Launch Better Instances User has Choice Through Dialog or Through the Menu.\n* Recent File Menu\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001172151502577.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD13515172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Jason","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":14235,"Title":"Credit window with BitBlt Animation","Description":"Create a cool animation for your credit window","Inputs":"--","Assumes":"Just VB !","CodeReturns":"--","SideEffects":"???","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function SelectObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hobj As Long) As Integer\nPublic Declare Function GetObjectA Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hobj As Long, ByVal buffsize As Integer, ByRef buff As bitmap) As Long\nPublic Declare Function StretchBlt Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdcd As Long, ByVal xd As Long, ByVal yd As Long, ByVal widthd As Long, ByVal heightd As Long, ByVal hdcs As Long, ByVal xs As Long, ByVal ys As Long, ByVal widths As Long, ByVal heights As Long, ByVal opr As Long) As Integer\nPublic Declare Function LoadImageA Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hInst As Long, ByVal pfilename As String, ByVal typeimg As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal flag As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function BitBlt Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdcd As Long, ByVal xd As Long, ByVal yd As Long, ByVal widthd As Long, ByVal heightd As Long, ByVal hdcs As Long, ByVal xs As Long, ByVal ys As Long, ByVal opr As Long) As Integer\nPublic Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Integer\nPublic Declare Function DeleteDC Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Integer\nPublic Declare Function DeleteObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hobj As Long) As Integer\n","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200117225122659.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD13518172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Very","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":14331,"Title":"Rich Textbox IRC Color Parser","Description":"The purpose of this code is to easily allow you to add color to a richtextbox if you are making an IRC client.\nI am currently in the process of writing an IRC client and I have had people telling me it's hard.. so I made my own color parser, it does not support backgrounds.\nAnyway, it works and I am going to make use of it, you could too, it supports 7 colors defined just like irc through character 3-31-2-15.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20011102142252575.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD136521102001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Vlad Stanculescu","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":14438,"Title":"YourChoice Wallpaper Slideshow","Description":"Wallslider is an Application that sits in your System Tray, and changes your desktop wallpaper when you want or automatically at the end of a timed interval.\nThe program changes the wallpaper to one of the Images (*.bmp or *.jpg) in the Source folder, that you Specify.\nThe Application will automatically change the wallpaper Images, sequentially (in alpha order) or in random order. various other options are available.\nProgram defaults to an Interval of 5 minutes and the folder for the current Source path is the Folder from which you Executed from. \n * Wallpaper Style is either centered or Stretched.\nWallpaper Style is Under the Options Menu, and is checked for centered, not checked to be stretched. \nWhen the Slideshow is activated options are not available for modification. Stop the Slideshow to modify your options.\nThe Wallpaper Slideshow Works on Both the Standard and the Active Desktops, and is fully compitable with Win9x, WinNT, WinME, and Win2K.\nThe Source Code, and Executable File, Contianed within this package, is Copyrighted, and MAY NOT be Reproduced, or Copied, without the Prior Written Consent of the Author, Paul Bryan Bensch.\n\t\t\n\tAuthor Contact Info : Pbryan@SoftHome.net\n\t","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001115132672215.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD137991152001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Pbryan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":21186,"Title":"Aesy ftp","Description":"Nearly done Ftp aplication made with Wininet.bas (Wininet.dll). It (multi)downloads, \n(multi)uploads files, creates / removes folders, renames files, has progress bars, time\n and transfer speed rate and many others more or less usefull windows and ftp functions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20012201121106380.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD152442202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":58,"UserRatingTotal":287,"AuthorName":"David Smejkal","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":22677,"Title":"Easily Getting Your Icon In The Systray","Description":"Easily add and delete your applications icon from the System Tray (systray), and the icon responds to all mouse clicks. lost all the formatting when i uploaded this article, very disappointing, the readme.txt contains the formatted article, sorry","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001425245315265.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Easily Get188094252001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Brandon Gabert","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":23813,"Title":"App.Path Thing","Description":"Correct Reference to Files in App.Path.\nFor Newbies and for all who get Errors and don't know why.\nIf you think this deserves a Vote, then do so, if not, then don't. I just wanted to explain a common error source !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":56,"AuthorName":"Thomas Sturm","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":23814,"Title":"EBDSNCombo","Description":"Supplies a list of available User and System ODBC Data Sources. The DriverFilter Property allows you to limit the available DSNs to that of a specific driver (e.g. SQL Server). Uses pure ODBC API calls.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"SQLGetDiagRec\nSQLAllocHandle\nSQLFreeHandle\nSQLSetEnvAttrInteger\nSQLDataSources\n","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20016649297841.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EBDSNCombo20656662001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Richard@Home","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25237,"Title":"Create and validate license keys","Description":"The code demonstrates how you can add license key functionality to your source code similar to that used by Microsoft. Three different methods are shown, one of which ties a licence key to a particular user name.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Create and231197192001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":86,"AuthorName":"Phil Fresle","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25238,"Title":"DirectX8 Container Class!","Description":"The purpose of this code is to supply would-be 3D graphic developers with a foundation class to ease the use of DirectX8, and for others to expand upon this code so that I can get past whatever learning block I'm currently experiencing. Presently, the only thing that actually 'happens' in the code is that the pyramid will spin if you drag the mouse over the form with the left mouse button down. Please vote for me, as this is my very first code submission (I've been saving for something cool, and I hope this is it!). As a side note, you must have DirectX8 installed on your computer for this to work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You MUST have DirectX8 installed on your machine (at LEAST the runtimes which are available at MicroShaft for free) for this code to even have a CHANCE at working!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"I have only tested this code with Win2k/Win98, VB6, and DirectX8 with this code. If any systems/configurations are incompatible, please let me know. :)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017201524408741.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DirectX8 C231207192001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"Joseph T Hicks","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25650,"Title":"MDLockFormResize","Description":"Lock's user resize in a form without FLASH. \nIt's very easy, just put MDLockResize.OCX in a form and set the properties MaxFormHeight, MaxFormWidth, minFormHeight, minFormWidth.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MDLockForm237537302001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Michele Bravi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25890,"Title":"Resource Viewer/Extractor","Description":"View any PE executables (exe, dll, ocx etc) resources (icons, cursors, strings, menus, dialogs, AVI etc).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"View any PE executables (exe, dll, ocx etc) resources (icons, cursors, strings, menus, dialogs, AVI etc). You can extract these recources and save them to file for futhure use.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Resource V24148852001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":92,"AuthorName":"Ark","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":27078,"Title":"Missile Command (5megs) *links UPDATED*","Description":"UPDATED!!!!!!!!******** Please VOTE AND COMMENT, i'd like to imporve it\nremake of the original arcade game. there are a lot more colours. sound, music, and very smooth animation. Warning WIN2k has problems with this program. THIS PROJECT IS FULLY COMMENTTED, therefore it can also be a tutorial, almost every line is commented\ngame features:\n21 levels\npowerups / bonuses\n1024x768 res, 16 bit colour \ncan use mouse and / or keyboard\nlots of fighters and bombers","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":45,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001981559433595.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Xiaohua Guo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":27368,"Title":"Fake Trojan Virus","Description":"A very annoying joke, but this is a totally different type of a fake virus joke that I've found on this site. This one has everything from shutdown, flip windows, scroll windows, stretch windows, disable ctrl alt del, a very funny way to open close CD Door and much more, just check it out. Good one to scare and annoy newbies. It’s worth a try.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001918181228822.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fake Troja266509182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Dexter Zafra","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":29143,"Title":"Pic View 2002","Description":"Remember to vote for me....\nThis is a directory picture viewer It can handle up to 32000 pictures. Double click pics to view, use +,- and number keys to zoom, 0 = resets to original size and arrow keys to scroll. A Previous posting was missing a file, I have deleted it. Now with source for OCX and shows how to use it, EXE is included and virus free...\nDo not run EXE if you can compile a new one. please do that.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Pic_View_23701011232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Derek Hall","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":29146,"Title":"Text Search","Description":"This is a simple text search engine I created in less than an hour. It is very fast and usefull. I'm sure it can be optimized so feel free to do so. It will find the specified text and highlight it. Also one can load a file's text into the text box and search it. It automatically finds the next item once the text is found before it. Check this out!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200111232024595470.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Text_Searc3702611232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Nick Behel","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":29651,"Title":"FIX :TabDock Control with Error Free Example","Description":"THIS IS A FIX FOR MY LAST SUBMISSION * ALL FILES ARE INCLUDED! Look in the \"RELATED\" folder for the tab dock control. COMPILE THE TABDOCK CONTROL, then add it to the MDI form that is included. IF you have any more concerns...contact me on AIM: CAaronWright!\nThis is a nice example of the TabDock control at work. I did not write the control, but I did fix alot of errors in it, so this control should run smoothly now. The example included, however, was written by me, and also works perfectly! The example will show you how to Dock and Undock four different forms all at one time, or individually via Menus. (See screenshot for more detail) This is pretty much like the VB environment, so have fun, and If you like it, please vote, thanks!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"FIXED * See Example","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001121020531318.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FIX__TYabD4096312102001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Aaron Wright","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":31826,"Title":"World's Fastest Binary Search","Description":"This ain't your daddy's binary search tool! Mine goes about 30% faster than his. Why people insist on using the same tired and slow function I'll never know, but it suffers from two glaring weaknesses. First and foremost: < and > are about the slowest way to compare strings! Second: The tired old function assumes that you will find a match more often than not which is slow! My function doesn't suffer from either of these two \"features\".","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":21,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Chris_Lucas ","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33045,"Title":"english-turkish dictionary","Description":"This is a complete eng-tr & tr-eng dict. it included an access database. you can freely use it in your apps. (sorry about the explanations in code, because it is turkish)","Inputs":"dictionary, english, turkish","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/english-tu651733252002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"suhan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":35476,"Title":"A_Great_Winsock_Example","Description":"This Winsock example shows you the basics of Winsock. VERY SIMPLE! This code is sure to help anyone who wants to make any kind of chat program or an over the internet multi-player game and much more! Please vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Great_Wi90187642002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"8BallPayer","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":36004,"Title":"StarShip Fighter v1.0","Description":"On PSC I saw this stragety game so I wanted to make my own. I did make one and I also think that it is pretty good. There is kinda of a help file and you can read the Meanings.txt if you need further help. I could go on and on about my game, but I think it is better if you play it then just read about it. Please leave comments and votes. Have fun and thanks in Advance.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20026182311309955.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/StarShip_F962706182002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sehab","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":37097,"Title":"[A++] Ping Pong with Artificial Intelligence","Description":"Play against human or computer opponent.\nArtificial Intelligence is emulated by\nyour computer, it is possible to make\ncomputer to play against itself.\nMultiple number of balls can be used in\na game (up to 7 balls).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002720611209733.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Ping_Pong_1085307202002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":37098,"Title":"[A++] Make and Solve a picture Puzzle","Description":"This game allows you to select any picture\nfrom your hard-drive, divide it into specified\nnumber of pieces. Your mission is to make this\nimage back. A simple puzzle game, you know for\nfor kids :)\nIMPORTANT: open \"Group1.vbg\" (there are 2 projects).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002720613242168.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Make_and_S1085317202002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"coder86","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":38113,"Title":"Detects and closes W32Dasm Deassembler","Description":"Detects and closes W32Dasm Deassembler. Just a few lines of code. Well commented. Open W32Dasm Deassembler and run this program (or vice versa). It detects the presence of the deassembler, closes it and raises an exception/system error (if you so desire). I have checked this with URSoft W32Dasm v8.93. Please vote for me and intimate me if it works with other versions of W32Dasm too.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Simply run this program and open W32Dasm or vice versa.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None that I know of","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Detects_an1201278192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Sunil Wason","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":39934,"Title":"Manage your code snippets AND generate an HTML bookmarked page with them! 2 Apps!","Description":"Two Applications in one submission!\nManage your code tips, functions and subs in one app and the other will generate a web page from those code snippets with bookmarks. Just point a link from your site! couldn't be simpler!\n150K code file supplied\nplease comment if you find this useful","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002101884013314.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Manage_you14795410182002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Qucami","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":42031,"Title":"X10 Control","Description":"This program controls X10 units. X10 units are modules that plug into the wall and lets you plug in lamps and other appliances. The cool thing about it is that you can use a remote to control them. Also, you can use your computer, which is what I do. I made this program to schedule certin events, like if you want to program it to turn lights on and off if you want to make it look like you're home or something. If you want to know more about X10 controls, go to www.x10.com. This program requires an X10 Computer Interface.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This program uses tray functions and it controls X10 units. I designed this program after I saw another program like this on PSC.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200212311232253757.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/X10_Contro15210412312002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Andy Wells","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":42255,"Title":"Encrypted Login Dialog (For use with Any Program)","Description":"It is a sample Login Dialog which users can place into their applications easily to allow them to have multiple user accounts using their program. All passwords and usernames are Encrypted. You can view all user accounts and alter each username at runtime.\nThis is part of a larger program I am working on to Manage Network computers based around the Winsock Control which i will be posting sometime soon.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"To reset all passwords, instead of doing so from inside the application at runtime (if you forget the password and are unable to get into the application), you can just DELETE the LOGIN.dat file that is created when the program first runs. This will allow you to start a new userlist.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The code at the moment can support upto 20 users. However I am planning on changing it to be able to handle any number of users. This can be accomplished by simply changing the size of a few arrays! I just havent had time recently.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200317198476916.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Encrypted_152561172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James Ricketts","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":42256,"Title":"Run Remote Apps on a Network","Description":"This demo project shows one way to easily send a program to another computer on your LAN and run it remotely. Sound impossible? Actually it is pretty easy. I have seen several questions on how to do this recently on the discussion boards \nand decided to show and easy way. NOTE: THIS IS A DEMO APPLICATION. I know it has some shortcomings and a lack of features...but simple is better for demos. It works. Feel free to use it and spiff it up if you like. Some possible enhancements could be adding the ability to display an image, play a sound, or print a document on remote machines. Network admins should especially have a lot of ideas on how this could be used for maintenance and inventory.\nPlease read the README before posting any comments or questions. If you ask about something that was covered in the ReadMe file, I will make fun of you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This project file contains two VERY SMALL application project folders. Extract them both. Change the share folder and exe folder settings in the client application to your liking. \nNOTE: THIS WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU SHARE A FOLDER ON THE CLIENT COMPUTER! The actual folder name should be set as the \"strListenFolder\" setting in the client application. \nAlso, create a \"Exe\" folder to hold the application as it executes and put that path in the client as \"strExeFolder\"\nOnce you get the folder information set, compile both applications. Run the client one on the client computer and the server one on your computer. When you send a file from your computer, the client should run it within 10 seconds.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Run_Remote152562172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Matt Roberts","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":59367,"Title":"OLD VERSION - BTCentral Certificate Authority (CA)/SSL Certificate Maker","Description":"This is the OLD version - please download the new version from:\nhttp://www.pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=59827&lngWId=1\nThis program is a GUI for openSSL, it lets you set-up your own CA and is totally free, it does all the hardwork - creates the configuration files, sends the commands etc. all you have to do is fill in a few fields... it's never been easier to set-up your own CA or make SSL/Email/Software Signing certificates! Make sure you download openSSL from: http://www.slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html and copy openSSL.exe and any of it's required DLL files to the folder CA.exe is in before use!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005371423254820.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ceritifica186212372005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Ben Thomas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59839,"Title":"vCard Creator","Description":"Creates vCard files and send them over BlueTooth","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/vCard_Crea187225452005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"JA","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59840,"Title":"IP From Domain Application","Description":"Retrieves IP Address from domain name by querying a DNS Server using NS Lookup. Application \"waits\" until command prompt is closed before opening results file by using the FindWindow API. Results are added to a listbox and Internet Explorer can be shelled when an address is found. Code is commented.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Must make sure all command prompts are closed when using application otherwise application will stall until closed because it checks if ANY command prompts are open.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200545124865724.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IP_From_Do187227452005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Daniel M","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59843,"Title":"[ PROBA Encryption Algorithm ]","Description":"The PROBA algorithm (Programmable Rotating Box Algorithm) is encryption, based on the rotation of 32 sBoxes, each of them serving as 4 bit substitution encryption. The sBoxes, the order and start position are selected by the key. In addition to the normal advancing (rotation) of the sBoxes, there are extra rotations, caused by combinated outputvalues of some sBoxes, providing a complex interaction. This way, the plain data will also influence the rotation sequence, providing a secure encryption scheme. The demo show how to encrypt strings, but you can modify the code to encode byte arrays or files. All comments most welcome ;-) *** Last update 10/4 ***","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005451630557246.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_PROBA_En1874874102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59846,"Title":"Transparency Control (Update)","Description":"Need a transparency fading effect for both SDI and MDI Forms? Want the control to be drop in place, lightweight (~10kb), provide Load/Unload event subclassing, and allow splash form sleeping? This simple Transparency Control does this and more...Just drop the control on the form, set the properties and that is itΓǪNo additional coding!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005452043352564.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Transparen187263452005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"TerriTop","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59847,"Title":"Mole Scale","Description":"It takes a user inputed weight, in grams, of a chemical compoud and convert's it into moles. I made it for a chemistry project and recieved 200 extra credit points for it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"A little chemistry knowledge would be good.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005452125159856.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Mole_Scale187309462005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Cory Shivers","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59848,"Title":"Multilingual Timeline Control for Appoiments","Description":"This Control shows any Appoiments in a timeline.\nThe Timeline is variable from any date.\nYou can Display one Day or more.\nIn this example will display 2 Users (JR and HP).\nHe has different Timelines. Try it out.\nThe Caption for Month and Years comes from your System hmmm i like this.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"a multilingual timeline on screen","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"any","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200546144102274.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Multilingu187268462005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"J. Rostek","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59855,"Title":"Digital Eye","Description":"This little baby is just a replication of something i saw on TV once...although the one on TV looked better, but wasn't as random :)","Inputs":"You can adjust several aspects of the segments","Assumes":"Its been heavily optimized, and the code isn't commented much at all :(\nSorry, but i'm sure if you know your stuff you'll be able to make sense of it all :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\"Sleep\" is defined, but is only ever used if you change a few things and enable the feature to change the number of segments :)","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200546759288290.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Digital_Ey187285462005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":72,"AuthorName":"Sithellaneous","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59856,"Title":"Hot Keys -- My Version :p","Description":"I saw this submition\n>>>http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=59841&lngWId=1<<<\nAnd this just poped up in my head... i know this is not some great code, but it worxXx (the hotkeys work, in any combination)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hot_Keys_-187287462005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":6,"AuthorName":"Vasilis Vasileiadhs","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59858,"Title":"Save image from PictureBox or ImageBox. Very simple, one line of code.","Description":"SavePicture function","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":4,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Mickie Poulsen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59859,"Title":"DM Little# Interpreter","Description":"Hi this is my little new Interpreter anyway supports GUI Forms and controls, IF Then else, For loops,while loops, 5 Data variable datatypes,Sub,Arrays,Consts, Functions, incldue files, over 40 built functions,You can also use. also comes with over 50 script files, compile to exe and more please vote. O IDE is on it's way. Please see DM Little.doc for Compile information.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005461213167076.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Little_187294462005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59863,"Title":"IsPanel With Mouse Wheel Support","Description":"Did a complete rewrite of the core functionality in order to make the control a self contained container, with no need to code anything in the user form.\nLatest version can be found here.\nhttp://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=59922&lngWId=1\n\nA control that allows programmers to extend the aviable space in their forms, adding the posibility of show scrollbars\nCredit to Fred.cpp for the Original Code submitted found here.\nhttp://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=45171&lngWId=1\nI have added support for the Mouse Wheel,\nand when a control that has focus is out of viewing range it will now place it in viewing range.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200546195488314.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/IsPanel_Wi187391482005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"DavidJ","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59869,"Title":"XP Container Control (UPDATED)","Description":"A simple XP Style lightweight container Control.\n \nUpdates:\n \n08/04/2005 - Resize Bug Fixed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200547444327955.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Contain187389482005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Cameron Groves","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59871,"Title":"Video Rental System (Update #1) in 7/4/2005","Description":"To handle all the Video Renting aspects e.g. video renting, buying and waiting lists.\nNew features and enhancements as in (4/7/2005): -\n1.\tStart-up Splash screen that dynamically changes whenever you logoff/logon.\n2.\tApplication screens titles that allow you to specify your Business and Reports titles.\n3.\tEnhancements in the Security Manager (in Assigning the user permissions/privileges).\nAfter downloading the application code, PLEASE SCROLL DOWN THE PAGE AND TAKE SOME TIME TO VOTE FOR THE APPLICATION OR JUST TO POST YOUR VALUABLE COMMENTS. Thank You","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"New features and enhancements: -\n1.\tStart-up Splash screen that dynamically changes whenever you logoff/logon.\n2.\tApplication screens titles that allow you to specify your Business and Repots titles.\n3.\tEnhancements in the Security Manager (in Assigning the user permissions/privileges).\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200547726349320.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Video_Rent187359472005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":72,"AuthorName":"Salim Al-Adawi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59873,"Title":"[BreakoutDX]","Description":"I think every would be indie game developer has to get a pong/breakout game out of their system.. this one is mine\nHow to play:\nClick the left mouse button to fire the ball from\nthe paddle twoards the rows of bricks. The object\nis to keep the ball in play by bouncing it off the\npaddle until all of the bricks are destroyed.\nWhen that happens the level is cleared, a bonus is\nawarded and a new row of bricks is presented.\nCapturing the ball:\nOnce the blue meter below the score is full, \nchime is sounded and the ball can be retreived.\nTo retreive the ball, click the left mouse button\nand the ball will turn blue and stick to the\npaddle. It is now ready to be re-fired.\nAt any time you can hit the Esc key to exit the\ngame.\nExtra ball awarded at 80,000 points.\nDirectX7 or better is required, along with a soundcard.\nOther features:\nSound effects and shameless self promoting splashscreens (with beatz!)\nHigh score keeper.\nKnown bugs:\nThe paddle can move much faster than the ball, which will lead to possible collision issues if the side of the paddle hits the ball really fast.\nMisc:\nThe ball must reunite with the paddle for the level to be cleared. So if a ball is lost after the last brick is destroyed, you'll need to re-fire.\nThere's other features I wanted to add to this game, but other projects are taking up my time\nFeatures that come to mind are:\nTop 10 score list with name entry.\nMultiball\nDifferent block patterns.\nProbably more I'm forgetting","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[BreakoutD187349472005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"noi_max","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59877,"Title":"Work With Dates","Description":"(Update: Added input limits on the time) 22 functions for working with dates. Included are a Calendar Form and a Class module; both are independent entities (you can use one without the other). The Calendar Form provides a \"popup\" calendar using VB code only, no OCXs or DLLs. The Class module provides various date functions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005471631147601.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Work_With_1875274112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59884,"Title":"LaVolpe Animated GIF Control","Description":"Not your ordinary GIF viewer. Recognizes encoded animation loops, allows you to modify settings on the fly. With little effort, you can make the control appear transparent (screenshot), force transparency on non-transparent GIFs, skip frames, shift frames & a host of other options. A little unique in the fact that it does not use arrays of pictures, nor does it write the frames to a file. Putting this one on the backshelf for a couple months unless someone finds a serious bug or proposes a super idea/suggestion for improvement. <IMPORTANT> Download the included GIFs into the same folder. You can get rid of them later, but project won't run without them. Last Updated: 11 Apr/14:35. Added cropping option to control & 2 more examples on the Test project. Tweaked ShowFrame routine. 12 Apr/10:40 Tweaked GetCustomBkgDC so users don't need to remember to stop animation b4 updating custom background to avoid leaks. Added BorderWidth & BorderHeight read only properties.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200548236375831.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LaVolpe_An1875904122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":44,"UserRatingTotal":220,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59886,"Title":"Shell Context Menu Handler - Ownerdrawn","Description":"Well, one thing I just haven't found ANY examples of in VB is implementing IContextMenu3. This does that. I have tried to include as many comments \\ references as possible. Please read the info in the documentation folder, especially if you don't know how to use this. Step by step info as well as credits are located there. Several tools are included: one for easily registering / deregistering the dll as a handler, one for unregistering the dll / type library, and one for enumerating all the active menu handlers on the system (for anyone that might be curious.) One note, as any CONTEXT <-(keyword here) handler should be, the menus will vary, depending on the type and amount of files / folders selected. At the moment, it doesn't do that much, but it does demonstrate how to create a handler.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200548228224237.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Shell_Cont187381482005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Michael W.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59888,"Title":"Atlantis POS","Description":"The purpose of this program is to give POS programmers to have an idea on how POS works in a simplest GUI. This application is for Cashier only. If you need the manager's application just send me emails..tnxx..\ngod bless\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"PLease send me comments if you wish too...\nI hope this will help you","SideEffects":"Please comment out the \"Open port\" commands and \"printer #1, \" command.\nThis line sends signals for printing the receipt and kicking-out the drawer.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054852534601.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Atlantis_P1875104112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":115,"AuthorName":"rollie a. jabonero","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58251,"Title":"Setup Inno","Description":"Convert you visual basic setup lst file to an inno setup compatible format. Inno setup is a program to create installation packs.","Inputs":"Setup 'Lst' file to convert","Assumes":"Some functions may be stored in 'Kimmo - CodelibraryNew' obtainable from psc, get that first.","CodeReturns":"Inno 'Iss' file","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005112814394387.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Setup_Inno1839261122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Anele Mbanga","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":58450,"Title":"Hundreds of FREE activex controls and VB related compenents with this download","Description":"This is an application I put together that goes on the web and downloads and lists the links to thousands of vb related software and more. Not all the items are free but enouph are that you ll be busy \"unwrapping\" your new christmas presents for weeks to come!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200512341942480.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Hundreds_o1843191232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Evan Toder","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59354,"Title":"LaVolpe Selection Tool","Description":"A usercontrol that mimics the selection/sizing tool like VB & MS Paint. It is a little unique, is flexible, and works well. Developed for a skinning engine I'm creating. I think it is pretty much done & offer it to you to play with. Read the remarks please. It isn't that big of a project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200537026299784.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LaVolpe_Se186182372005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":85,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59677,"Title":"Thumbnailer 1.0 (image thumbnailer-viewer with GDI+)","Description":"A little note... The big issue of this work has been multithreading: thumbnails extraction should run independently. Despite of speed GDI+ extracts thumbnails, working with not so 'quick' devices can slow down all this, causing an 'awkward' navigation through folders. Also, application termination is still deficient: you can end up with an still running instance in case closing application during thumbnails extraction (see task manager). Nevertheless, I've finaly decided to post this work hoping it could be useful for someone. // Suggestions-solutions will be welcome (mainly, regarding to application termination), thanks. // 170Kb. // gdiplus.dll needed!.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20053271339195946.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Thumbnaile1868763272005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59802,"Title":"Tab Order","Description":"Tab Order ia a Visual Basic Add-In that allows you to reorder each Control(s) Tab Order or Tab Indexes to your specifications. Several methods allow you to do this quickly and efficiently.\nBy order of the controls Left position on the form. \nBy order of the controls Top position on the form. \nBy order of selection of controls. \nBy order of individual incrementing tab index or decrementing tab index.\nThis is a true add-in meaning it is run in the IDE. \nTo run and setup see the Help file.\n\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"See Help file.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054263141513.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tab_Order187094422005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Mark Duhame","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60035,"Title":"Start your Own Shareware Business","Description":"Tutorial on how to start a Shareware Business, what is shareware ?, (software that is available free of charge and distributed for evaluation with a fee requested for additional features or a manual etc.) aka 30-day trial software.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Start_your1877344162005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Abhishek.NET","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":30707,"Title":"EXE Joiner 1.01","Description":"Bug fixed! When running more than 1 patch file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EXE_Joiner481041112002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"TSHsoft","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":21870,"Title":"Database 2 HTML","Description":"This application will take any table from any database, and converts it into a HTML page, with nice looking tables. I have included a database with the entire 2000-2001 hockey season schedule as an example. The user can then view the schedule for any given date and convert it into a HTML page. Good idea if you're a hockey fan and want to update your page with the games scheduled for the day. Please remember to vote for me!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20013231313352892.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD174643232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Gnu Kemist","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":53467,"Title":"Getting Started with VB 6.0","Description":"Comprehensive tutorial that is aimed at the beginning programmer that will go through all of the basics in learning Visual Basic 6.0.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"bs0d","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53476,"Title":"Make Standard DLLs in Visual Basic","Description":"[The new version of this code is located at http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=54190&lngWId=1]\nEver wanted to create your own API? Well, now you can! Using this program, you can make standard DLL's in Visual Basic, thus allowing you to do things previously only C++ and Delphi programmers can, including creating ISAPI scripts and control panel applets. You can create your own API and then use this API from any programming language that supports API calls! I created this because I saw a program that does the same thing but it costed $800!!!!!!! [This is my first submission to Planet-Source-Code, if you like it, please vote!]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Make_Stand174304582004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":24,"UserRatingTotal":120,"AuthorName":"Daniel Lo Nigro - DanSoft Australia","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53479,"Title":"Ball Physics","Description":"This program is a demonstration of the way balls collide and bounce off each other like a pool table, it uses classes and could be improved a lot ie. bit blitting sprites etc. instead of using shapes.\nMy physics stinks, BIG style, so I wrote this to try and remember all that stuff i forgot! :D So please excuse any physics terms/maths that are not correct.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Ball_Physi1739194302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"cokey","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53482,"Title":"Thumbnail Control - OCX Source","Description":"With OCX Source Code.\nThis is a thumbnail active-x control, like the one in windows explorer. Displays images, while maintaing the aspect ratio. Just specify the path of the folder containing the images...\nEvents : mouseover, click, doubleclick\nMenu : rightclick on the image. select zoom. the original image will be displayed. Press the (+) and (-) keys on the keypad to increase/decrease the image size in the zoom window.\nI welcome bugs and/or suggestions.\nVote if you like .... not mandatory.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20044301149562548.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Thumbnail_1739224302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Prateek Nigam","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53492,"Title":"Polygon Area Calculator - Calculates the Area of any Polygon","Description":"This is just a minor rework of a program submitted 6 months ago by andy. I have replaced the area calculation method with one that is a bit simpler, and not limited to convex polygons. It was also easy to add in a calculation to display the centroid of the polygon.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045122567655.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Polygon_Ar173940512004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Gary Crowell","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53493,"Title":"Flowchart Assistant - Design and run flowcharts","Description":"Complete Application!\nDesign and test flowcharts. Execute code step-by step, add watches and see how variables change, create loops, export flowchart to visual basic and Turbo pascal source code, Print the flowchart.\nPlease vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200451649256242.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Flowchart_173944512004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":82,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53497,"Title":"CC Anti Virus 2004 (4.1 Bug fixed)","Description":"Completely working Anti Virus program. Big updates: Added possibility to scan for Virus specific strings. That means the software is able to find Viruses that infect other files. Another big improvement: AFM ΓÇô Active File system Monitoring: The software scans automatically the Directory youΓÇÖre browsing with the Explorer. The interface is now multilingual (Currently supporting English, German, and Portuguese). Added sound notification to Alert Box. Added Advanced Errorhandling. A lot of smaller bugs fixed (update problem). Online Signature File now includes 24.000 Signatures. Added a helpsystem. ***NOTE: For testing the AFM I've added the String 'Eicar' to the DB. You can write this string into a Text file and rename it to .com or .exe. Then execute my Program and browse with the explorer to the directory that contains the file and wait a few seconds***","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004511051241871.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/CC_Anti_Vi173971522004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":114,"AuthorName":"Cyber Chris","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53499,"Title":"Uno Game 2.1 **** UPDATED ****","Description":"Since many of you liked my uno game 1.0 so here's the new version. The game has a cool design and lots of animation. I've put a lot of features so that you can enjoy the game. Now the game is more faster than before.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004511216423506.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Uno_Game_21744065112004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":50,"UserRatingTotal":245,"AuthorName":"Aris Buenaventura","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53501,"Title":"Read / Write Combo Boxs","Description":"This code will let you read in values from a file of your choice, probably a .ini or .txt into a combobox. It will also let you save the contents of the combobox to a file of your choice.\nExample:\nCall WriteCombo(combo1, \"C:/example.ini\")\nor\nCall ReadCombo(combo1, \"C:/example.ini\")","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":39,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"T-Unit","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53504,"Title":"A1 Updater","Description":"Once your app decides that there is a newer version available (through your own methods), you can use this program to download the newest version. It downloads via HTTP using the inet control and can be outfitted to update just about anything. Features include cancel action, listbox with verbiage of the download status and status in numbers. It's ver simple and straight forward. It works by you closing the main app and launching the updater. The updater then replaces the existing main app's .exe, then upon completion closes and launches the updated program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200451173746739.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A1_Updater173964512004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"C.Smith","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53507,"Title":"EXE Protector V 1.01","Description":"protecte your EXE file via put a password to file and when you open the file you must type the correct password then it will be run.Note: first compile password project with name \"data.dat\" to the folder of EXEProtector then run EXEProtector project and enjoy! Please rate me if you like this.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200452353384113.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/EXE_Protec1751015282004.01 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mostafa Asgari","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53508,"Title":"Header UserControl 360 - API Version (Update 8th Nov 04)","Description":"360 Degree gradient added. Thanks for all the previous comments/votes!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200411863452698.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Header_Use1815861182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":42,"UserRatingTotal":204,"AuthorName":"Peter.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":53509,"Title":"Transparent Desktop Text - A Different Method","Description":"Evan's Approach With Transparent Background","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20045262567649.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Transparen173975522004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Peter.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60111,"Title":"Size into pixels","Description":"Here is a real simple way to convert the size of vb into pixels.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"SPY-3","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60129,"Title":"Persian Carpet Designs","Description":"The screenshot tells everything.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054202254318838.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Persian_Ca1879264202005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Heriberto Mantilla Santamaría","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60130,"Title":"PSC ID Grabber - Updated","Description":"A small app that will retrieve the psc id of users that leave comments, but no user name. Once you have the id you can find the user name and / or see if they've posted code. When you leave comments, your id gets embedded in the web page whether you have a visible name or not. So basically this is an adventure in string parsing.\nI posted ( and removed ) something similar to this a long time ago in a galaxy far far away... Well I thought it was funny. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005421317265458.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PSC_ID_Gra1880354232005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Michael W.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60145,"Title":"Priory Hotel","Description":"Haven't made a visual basic program for a long time. Made this for a place that I work. I haven't finished the program yet but couldn't wait to see any comments you make.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054211954497196.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Priory_Hot1879694212005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Gary Eyles","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60147,"Title":"Patern recognition","Description":"This is a new standard in patern recognition ( Relevancy algorythim ) This program gives you a small 150,150 sized drawing aeria where you can write letters then the program will search ur drawing space and convert it to text (this can be edited and modified to do your homework lol not that i promote that)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005422123196158.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Patern_rec1879814222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Ryan Lamvohe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":60152,"Title":"phone_chat","Description":"a prof code of what i saw here \nConnection Via the Telephone line.No internet or cable.Just the telephone line\nThis article's purpose is to (reallllly) teach you how to connect with a remote system using your simple telephone line.No internet or special pc-cable required.It's pretty simple.\nTo sum up it will let you connnect with your friend's pc and send and recieve messages.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005422712139860.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/phone_chat1880004222005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":115,"AuthorName":"Salim Basse","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55685,"Title":"[ Super Simple File Search ] No API","Description":"super simple file search uses no api.\nuses only directory box and file list box easy to modify get more detailed results etc. kept simple as possible and pretty fast to","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Super_Si1783778192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Gareth CodeMan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55694,"Title":"ProgressXp (Standalone Usercontrol)","Description":"ProgressXp is a Progressbar in the windowsXp style. \nIt has a behavior like the Progressbar in \"Mozilla Firefox\". NO OTHER CONTROLS are used !!! NO API!!! VB ONLY!!! And I think it just look better than the xp progressbar...","Inputs":"-","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048201046286989.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/ProgressXp1784368212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Thorben Linneweber","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55688,"Title":"Self Extract EXE","Description":"Did you ever want a self-extract exe? This program creates self extract exes. you can pack into one exe many files, at any size, and when you run the exe, the exe will extract the files.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004820733333984.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Self_Extra1783858202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":" ┬½A.R┬╗","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55707,"Title":"PantherXP (Help wanted)","Description":"This is a Mac OS X - Panther, Windows XP shell. It's not complete, and for a good reason, I need some help. All that is done so far I have done myself (Not including the class module by Akhil). If you would like to help, e-mail me at drfire@gmail.com . Now, lets talk about what I have done so far... I've got the dock with a few icons which bounce when clicked and have the text above them when you mouse over them. The dock is translucent and uses Windows XP API's, sorry for you people who don't have it. I'm currently working on the Finder Bar on top, which is what I need some help with along with some other things. Among the things I need help with on the Finder Bar is how to get the menu's of the active window and display them there. There is also some bugs and the program can become quite slow for some reason, I havn't figure that out yet, which I need help doing. Now please realize that I had to save the screenshot in JPEG format, so there is some quality loss, it dosn't look like a cheap program consisting of bad screenshot images. The quality is much better... So far, the GUI anf functions of the program are pretty close to how the real Mac OS X - Panther is. What I figure people would use this for is to complete the look of Mac OS X - Panther, using WindowBlinds or something along with it. Please note: Do NOT e-mail me saying you want to help unless you will actually help out! Well I guess that about wraps it up for now, PLEASE HELP! I have included what I've done so far, so you can screw around with it if you please. Also please note: This is currently only made for the 1024x768 screen resolution. Thanks everyone.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048201856123355.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/PantherXP_1784128202004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56137,"Title":"Generating and Animating Bezier, BSPline, Nurbs Curves, with Antialiasing enabled !!!","Description":"This code demonstrated the following:\nGenerating a Bezier Curve\nGenerating a BSPLine / Nurbs curve\nComparison with both curves\nAffine 2D transformations (such as rotation, translation, scaling).\nAffine 3D transformation\nFractal Coastline generator\n3D transformation Demo\n","Inputs":"You can control if it will be Anti-aliased or not, the smoothness of curves, the number of control points to generate the curve etc..\n","Assumes":"This includes a GraphiX library and a transformation library.\nIt shows you how to draw a multi power Classic Bezier and Bspline curves. This means you can approximate the routines very easly to generate a Cubic or Quadratic Bezier curve!\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004912747162185.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Generating1792419122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Hari Krishnan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56138,"Title":"Asm Compiler","Description":"This is a real assembly compiler, it compiles assembly code \"written directly into VB\" into '.COM' files. It's an unfinished sample, it supports a little amount of instructions. But it's still great! If you like it *pLeAsE* v-o-t-e for me ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Be aware of the code you compile using this program, if you write the wrong code, you may crash your system cuz assembly deals directly with the processor","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Asm_Compil1792429122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Islam Adel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56140,"Title":"A Color Picker that works ( ocx )","Description":"This is a Color Picker, and provides and easy, yet powerful way of picking any color. I've developed it as an ActiveX Control (ocx), and is just as easy to use within your code as the MS-Common Dialog Color Picker.\n","Inputs":"There's only one Function that the developer need to use, which is the ShowColor()- function. Here you can throw 2 optional arguments; 1 : The title of the Dialog, 2 : Any default color you want to be displayed","Assumes":"Install : \n1. Compile the code into an ocx\n2. Add this ocx as an component within your app\nUsage (Example) :\nPrivate Sub ChangeBGColor()\n Dim myColor As Long\n 'ctrColorPicker is the name of the OCX\n myColor = ctrColorPicker.ShowColor(\"Select a color\", vbRed)\n 'This Control returns -1 if user cancel the\n 'dialog, so we must make sure the value is \n 'greater than -1\n If myColor > 0 Then txtText.BackColor = myColor\nEnd Sub","CodeReturns":"The function returns a Long, which is the VB-internal Color","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'Install : \n'1. Compile the code into an ocx\n'2. Add this ocx as an component within your app\n'Usage (Example) :\nPrivate Sub ChangeBGColor()\n Dim myColor As Long\n 'ctrColorPicker is the name of the OCX\n myColor = ctrColorPicker.ShowColor(\"Select a color\", vbRed)\n 'This Control returns -1 if user cancel the\n 'dialog, so we must make sure the value is \n 'greater than -1\n If myColor > -1 Then txtText.BackColor = myColor\nEnd Sub\n'There's only one Function that the developer need\n'to use, which is the ShowColor()- function. Here \n'you can throw 2 optional arguments; 1 : The title\n'of the Dialog, 2 : Any default color you want to \n'be displayed","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004912121542674.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/An_Color_P1792479122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"David Gabrielsen 2","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57687,"Title":"New FAST Gradient Example - 3 different directions!","Description":"Creates a gradient background (VERY FAST). and much cleaner than the screenshot (crappy jpgs). Can do up to 3 different directions! left to right, top to bottom, and diagonal. Please give me aosme feedback on this n vote plz :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib \"gdi32.dll\" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function DeleteObject Lib \"gdi32.dll\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function FillRect Lib \"user32.dll\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByRef lpRect As RECT, ByVal hBrush As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib \"gdi32.dll\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041212144253209.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/New_FAST_G18284712122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Macro-Pc","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57693,"Title":"Alpha Blending - using AlphaBlend API","Description":"Alpha Blending is a hot topic in the graphics world. This code is an example of how to use the API for Alpha Blending. This code is well commented, and I am active with all of my projects. Any input is also welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041212142616345.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Alpha_Blen18285912122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Aaron V. DeRenard","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57695,"Title":"Particle Emiter UPDATE","Description":"I got rid of most bugs, and putted Option Explicit And for the most important I added some new Effects. Votes and Comments are welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041213147389767.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Particle_E18288812132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Tomislav Podhraski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57698,"Title":"Balloon Tool Tip Code Generator Add In","Description":"By Request, A VB6 Add In for creating Tool Tips.\nGenerates declares, DIM,s and code for Tool Tips.\nTool Tip can be standard rectangle, or Balloon style. Based on Easy Tool Tip Class on PSC\nhttp://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?lngWId=1&txtCodeId=57489\nYou can add the class module to your project, or ... use it as a \"Real\" Add In and go to the Project References (under \"Project\" on the tool menu)and check \"Tool Tip Code Generator\" to expose\nthe class to your project. Sample Project included. See the \"ReadMe\" file and clsToolTips module for details on use and properties of the class.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See Code","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004121691718987.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Tool_Tip_C18299112162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"Mark Mokoski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56564,"Title":"Simple Multi-select Listbox Manipulation","Description":"I am just a beginner myself, and this is my first submission, so don't bother voting for this unless it really helped you. It's just a tutorial (if you will) of how to move multiple items from one listbox to another. Basically, I am a newbie, helping other newbies. Eventually, I plan on making this into a custom control or something that I can use in future applications, but I'm not ready to attack that yet. I tried putting as much comments as I could, so I hope that this helps atleast 1 person.\nNote: You'll notice that the code for the Add and Remove procedures are identical, other than the listbox names, so in a real world scenario, you'd probably only have one procedure for both, with 2 parameters, (fromList, toList).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041061250476276.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Mul1801821062004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Eric Harris","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56565,"Title":"[ QuickMail ]","Description":"QuickMail is a ready to use basic mailer, based on winsock, featuring multiple adressing, attachments encoded with base64, winsock statusbar, Contacts list and mailsender information edit. Full error handling. Good code to learn the basic of winsock mailing and the MIME 1.0 mail format. This is an 'upgraded' and rewritten version of my FastMailer submission (deleted). Special Thanks to Alon Gal for the winsock and MIME basics. All comments and suggestions welcom :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041061630151608.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_QuickMai18033810102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56568,"Title":"REGISTRAR SYSTEM Try it out","Description":"A registrar system. With the use of Views and Stored Procedures of MS SqlServer 7.0 (The access dbase is in here, just transfer it to SQLSERVER with the stored procedures and views to gain full functionality). Try it out if it works. Thanks and please vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/REGISTRAR_1802711082004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"jhei balisi","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56577,"Title":"NoPassword","Description":"There are other ways than passwords to restrict access to applications. The method I present here is suited for personal and limited public use. You'll see what I mean when you try out the basic method and two alternatives, all nicely packaged in a well commented appliction. But these are just examples. Use your creativity and create your own \"protection\"-scenario's.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041072056487489.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NoPassword1802121072004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Paul Turcksin","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56569,"Title":"Beeper Madness","Description":"Beeper Madness by Robert Rayment. Plays 160 tunes through the PC speaker. Crazy! (Not Win98, Zip 143KB)","Inputs":"spk files","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"beep sound","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Beep","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Beeper_Mad1801981072004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56151,"Title":"Cool XP ProgressBar 2.0 (MultiStyle ProgressBar)","Description":"The New Release of the Awesome XP Progress Bar is now available.\nThe new control offers more detailed painted controls, with more OS capability, now supports NT4, Also included the Media Player Progress Bar Style, and many others.\nThe Control itself as it predecessor does not need any dependency file and its very light in size.\nNow It haves 8 Styles to choose from. \nThe 5 New Styles are Limited to horizontal Orientation as I donΓÇÖt use vertical very often , but if you like using it just code it your self, the code is very easy to follow and very understandable .\nYou are free to use this code on any way you wish, on commercial apps, on freeware or any other except selling the code claiming that is yours. \nEnjoy!\nIf you have any question, you can contact me on my e-mail \nsistec_de_juarez@hotmail.com or mflores@ansell.com\nFeedback is Welcome\n14 September \nNew Style ::: \"\" METALLIC XP\"\" \nAdded Font capability\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049142249495442.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_XP_Pr1793789142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":75,"UserRatingTotal":373,"AuthorName":"MArio Flores G","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56157,"Title":"SComboBox 1.0.4 Update: 2004-09-12","Description":"English: This control is a customizable ComboBox with multiple appearances. I hope you it like. Description: This usercontrol simulates a ComboBox.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But adds new an great features like: - The first ComboBox On PSC that actually works in a single file control. - When the list is shown doesn't deactivate the parent form. - More than 20 Visual Styles; no images everything done by code. - Some extra cool properties----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE -------------- So many thanks fred_cpp for his contribution for this project, some styles and Traduction to English of some comments. All rights Reserved ┬⌐ HACKPRO TM 2004------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nFixes bugs version 1.0.4-------------------------\n- ItemFocus correction.\n - Clear function.\n - Border Select.\n - ScrollBar.\n - Width Text.\n - Move for the list.\n - Office 2003 Appearance.\n - Sub DrawAppearance.\n - Sub CreateText.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNew in this version 1.0.4 (Update: 2004-09-12)---\n------------------------------------------------ \n - Now if the Font change works.\n - Now the temporary directory of Windows is used to manipulate the images.\n - Parameter ShadowText.\n - Property ListGradient.\n - Function CalcTextWidth.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004913745412605.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SComboBox_1792939132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Heriberto Mantilla Santamaría","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56160,"Title":"T├╝rk├ºe S├╢zl├╝k - Turkish Dictionary","Description":"This is a Turkish-Turkish (meanings) dictionary. It has 85.000 words in an access database. You can use it in your applications. \n(Sorry from Intl.Users but it's mainly for Turkish users of PSC) \nInspired from Stephen Whittle's crossword application, but it uses an access database and adodc instead of text file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200491399529409.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/T├╝rk├ºe_S├╢z1792979132004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"suhan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56803,"Title":"Superfast Base64 En/Decoder 1.0","Description":"This zipfile contains the sourcecode for an ActiveX DLL wich can be used to en/decode base64 data. This data can be strings or files. The object is one of the fastest (VB) variations around and thoroughly tested.\nThe zipfile also contains a sample application wich demonstrates the use of the object and also the object's documentation in PDF format. It is completely free to use, just make sure you mention my name somewhere and drop me an email!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The user does need to have MSXML 3.0 or higher to be installed on the system. The object will handle it when this is not the case and return a neat error (rather than just crashing)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No side-effects known","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Superfast_18071010182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"RobIII","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56805,"Title":"WIN XP CTRL_ALT_DEL","Description":"CTRL+ALT+DE can be used in WinXP to invoke the task manager. But non bonafide software companies include a disable of this feature to prevent users from terminating their hidden adware/spyware. I know because they 'got' me!\nIt took me hours to discover he trick. An exclusive for the PSC community in return for all the goodies I received. A special thanks for Evan Toder who informed us of tools that helped me solve the riddle. UPDATED (tip of Roger Gilchrist)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041018643407287.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/WIN_XP_CTR18079510192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Paul Turcksin","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":50172,"Title":"A Super Colorpicker V3","Description":"With this colorpicker you can create colors using a Red, Green and Blue Bar (RGB). And get/set a HEX, RGB and VB colorcode or convert one to another. You can grab any color of the screen and use it, so you can get a color of a website without looking in the code. It's possible to make the color lighter or darker. Now added 7 saveslots, just drag the color to them and double click them to get the color back. There is also a color gradient to make a gradient between 2 colors. Please vote and all comments are welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311281258196880.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Super_Co16772711282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Wwward","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50173,"Title":"Basic Device Driver communication","Description":"Process notificator server+device driver class,since that Snapshot kernel doesnt provide directly notification! REQUIRED compilation to exe!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Basic_Devi16772911282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50176,"Title":"Drop Shadow","Description":"I wanted to do something with special FX, like real dropshadow FX like in Photoshop or PaintShopPro.\nNobody could answer my questions at www.vbforums.com, only \"Cyborg\" gave me some usefuladvice about the blending parts. (tx...)\nNow, the GFX part has already been coded and works fine & fast. Very fast! Very very fast!!!\nSIMPLE CODE!!! NO DIRECTX!!! TRANSPARENCY!!! TRANSLUCENCY!!!\nThis is a preliminary project with goals to maintain a company's ICT infrastructure.\nIt also includes: hover buttons with special FX (in software, very fast!), SysTray handling, irregular forms, texturing, ...\nSMALL CODE!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Perform transparent (!) dropshadows on any given text (Font, Bold, ForeColor, ShadowColor, ShadowDepth, X & Y) on any given hDC.\nIt doesn't use DirectX.\nIt's very very fast! It runs even very fast on a Pentium III @450MHz... (Thanks to the DIB section algorithms)\nIt uses some code from VBAccelerator.com (thank you!)\nWhy should you include .GIF & .JPG if you can do it in code?","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The SysTray event trigger is not yet 100% when a child window is opened. (= small modification)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311281519586740.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Drop_Shado16773211282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Mad Compie","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50179,"Title":"_ Yahoo Profile Parsing Routine _","Description":"Routine I made to pull the infomation of a yahoo profile. (English) Most 'profilers' just connect to the profile page and display it. This will return the information with no need to display it. Vote if you like, thanks.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20031128185317888.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/__Yahoo_Pr16773611282003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"KRYO_11","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50198,"Title":"App Installer v1.1","Description":"VB based Installer that Installs a new app, Unzips files, Creates directories, copies files, registers DLL's, Creates Program Shortcuts, runs external programs required for installation, removes and/or writes registry keys. Thanks to all who contributed to this submission. I used a lot of code from here and other VB sites to create this little app.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You will need to get UnZip.DLL from www.info-zip.org in order to run this or you can simply replace it. I wish I could take all the credit for this code but I got a great deal of it from Planet Source Code and others. I simply put it together with some of my own code to create this installer. It does quite a bit but this is only the initial version so let me know what you think so I can improve this thing. The setup.ini file is similar to the Seupt.LST generated by the Vb Package and deployment wizard with some additions. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this so far and I hope I can complete the release(free) version by January 2004.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"CreateDirectoryEx\nSHBrowseForFolder\nSHGetPathFromIDListA\nSHGetSpecialFolderLocation\nSHGetPathFromIDList\nlstrcat\nUnhookWindowsHookEx\nGetWindowLong\nGetCurrentThreadId\nSetWindowsHookEx\nSetWindowPos\nGetWindowRect\nGetOpenFileName\nGetSaveFileName\nChooseColor\nCommDlgExtendedError\nGetShortPathName\nChooseFont\nPrintDlg\nReleaseDC\nGetClientRect\nGetParent\nSetActiveWindow\nSetForegroundWindow\nGetVersionEx\nGetTickCount\nIsWindowVisible\nSetWindowText\nGetWindowsDirectory\nGetSystemDirectory\nOpenIcon\nFindWindow\nGetWindow\nGetPrivateProfileString\nRegOpenKeyEx\nRegQueryValueEx\nRegCreateKey\nRegSetValueExString\nRegCloseKey\nRegSetValueExLong\nCreateProcessBynum\nOpenProcess\nCloseHandle\nWaitForSingleObject\nWaitForInputIdle\nMoveFile\nCreateDirectory\nSetCurrentDirectory\nGetCurrentDirectory\nCopyFile\nExitWindowsEx\nGetCurrentProcess\nOpenProcessToken\nLookupPrivilegeValue\nAdjustTokenPrivileges\nGetOSVersion\nGetOSVersionEx\nVerifyVersionInfo\nVerSetConditionMask\nZeroMemory\nGetDiskFreeSpace\nGetVolumeInformation\nGetComputerName\nGetUserName\nGlobalMemoryStatus\nGetShortPathName\nGetDeviceCaps\nGetDriveType\nwaveOutGetNumDevs\nLoadLibraryRegister\nFreeLibraryRegister\nCreateThreadForRegister\nCloseHandle\nGetProcAddressRegister\nWaitForSingleObject\nGetExitCodeThread\nExitThread\nRegOpenKeyEx\nRegCloseKey\nRegQueryValueEx\nRegSetValueEx\nRegCreateKeyEx\nRegDeleteKey\nRegDeleteValue\nRegEnumKeyEx\nRegEnumValue\nRegConnectRegistry\nExpandEnvironmentStrings\nCopyMemory\n","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200311301049593796.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/App_Instal16780811302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Thomas Rice Jr","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50210,"Title":"___Fast Masks!___ (Error fixed)","Description":"Have you ever wanted to create your bitblt masks when the application starts without having the user wait 5 minutes, now u can!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This code creates masks for bitblt during runtime really fast!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See the code below.","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":39,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mathieu Chartier","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":50205,"Title":"A cool 3D Room","Description":"This code teaches the basics of RMcontrol. RMcontrol is a .ocx that has all the devices and calls for direct-x built in. You just have to know for to use it :). This has comments to explain everything and teaches most of the basics of RMcontrol. YOU MUST RENAME RMCONTROL.TXT TO RMCONTROL.OCX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_cool_3D_16781711302003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Alex Claas","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":55730,"Title":"Google Power 2","Description":"This version of Google Power has automatic top open browser detection for searching individual websites as well as the form staying on top when open.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048211746107150.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Google_Pow1784438212004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Thomas Swift","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55732,"Title":"Manager Creator","Description":"The best example for beginner, of how can create a Management program. All line of this code are commented.You can use this program for video rental,or for your collections...Sorry bur can't upload this code...You can download it from www.piedrasrusticas.as.ro/Manager.zip Please rate it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":2,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048241415528321.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"firstbizsoft","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55741,"Title":"Auto Register","Description":"When you run these small lines of code your register will be edited in such way, that you'll be able to register any new dll and ocx files by just double clicking on them!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200482253677561.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Auto_Regis1784578222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sjoerd","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55744,"Title":"XCopy GUI","Description":"A GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the powerfull command-line utility XCopy that ships with all versions of windows","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XCopy_GUI1784628222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55745,"Title":"HTML Song Creator","Description":"Combine a song (mp3 or wave or whatever) and lyrics and a background picture into a html page","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004822822931.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Song_1784638222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55757,"Title":"Space Shoot","Description":"An example of how even with just API calls and some simple math, you can have a lot going on in your game and create some neat effects. Sorry, not much for comments in the code. This example does not incorporate collision detection, but it's a starting point for further development.\nBy the way, if you press \"L\" or \"K\" you can activate/de-activate a triple shot feature for the bottom ship (\"B\" or \"N\" for the top ship)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200482321498206.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Space_Shoo1784808222004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Randy Gomez","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55772,"Title":"A very handy tip!","Description":"I've been programming in VB for many years and i only found out about this handy shortcut now!\ntype the first letter or first few letters of a variable name, then press [CTRL]+[SPACE] or the button shown in the screen-shot and the var name will be completed! very simple, yet i never knew about it, is it just me being stup!d? let me know...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"M. J. Highlander","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55773,"Title":"Create Animated Semi-Transperent image using AlphaBlend API","Description":"In this article we will see how to use new AlphaBlend API which is only available in win 2k and later , Win 98 and later. In this example we have function called DoAlphablend and this function takes 3 arguments : source picturebox, destination picture box and AlphaVal. Alphavalue determine the transparancy of image. \nVisit ===> http://binaryworld.no-ip.info <=== for more than 3500 VB/VB.net/SQL server Artcles \nAnd dont Miss our Exclusive API Dictionary at ===> http://binaryworld.no-ip.info/api.aspx <===","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048231541555543.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Create_Ani1785028232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Nayan Patel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55774,"Title":"Dark Window - fully functional telnet daemon","Description":"DarkWindow is (in my humble opinion) a very concisely written, professional and fully functional, command-line configured, telnet conversation server that supports ANSI Emulation. All the connecting user needs is any Telnet client. The project is also a great example of effective winsock use, various string processes (string splitting,counting , etc), handling many users, assigning names to each, faciliting private messaging, other server commands, making sure users dont overlap, event notifications, etc etc etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Dark_Windo1785088232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Barcley Brown","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55775,"Title":"Stop Any Program Before Its Even Run","Description":"disables any program before it is even run that means the program is not run and then just hidden but not opened at all until the correct password is entered can be set to block access to any file and password can be changed .does this by modifying exe run in registry easy to understand and modify please commant and rate","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048231956513722.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Stop_Any_P1785098232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Gareth CodeMan","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55777,"Title":"DynamicCall","Description":"DynamicCall is an ActiveX DLL that lets you call functions from dynamically loaded libraries (DLLs). This is impossible to do directly in Visual Basic. With DynamicCall you can use a library even if you don't know its name at design time, or use a heavy library and unload it when it is not needed anymore, or you can delete a library after using it (in VB you cannot do this since the library is not freed until the end of the program). With DynamicCall you can also call a function by its address (commonly known as 'callback').","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DynamicCal1785148232004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Paul Guerra","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55768,"Title":"Code Formatter (Simple) v1.4.4","Description":"(Update 3/8/05 - Check for unused, Added some user options.) Fix poorly formatted code by reformat all tab indenting and removing all double spaces between lines, - Add line continuations (user defined maximum line length, - Change type declaration postfix (exp: Dim x% changed to Dim x As Integer), - Change multi-line declaration to single line, - Insert ΓÇÿOption ExplicitΓÇ¥ where missing, - Alphabetically sort procedures within a module, - Move comments between procedures inside procedures. It supports drag-and-drop and command line (so you can add it to your Send-To list). You can save your code in RTF and HTML formats. All features, except tab indenting, can be turned on or off. This code was originally developed as a teaching tool. It will make backups of any files it changes and is very fast. Because the varieties of program styles are endless, ALWAYS test your modified code before you delete any backups created by this application. The code is simple and easy to follow, even for beginners. This is an update to a previous submission, NO VOITING PLEASE, but suggestions for improvement or enhancements would be appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200539103058756.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Code_Forma186302392005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Morgan Haueisen","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59894,"Title":"MP Registry Editor","Description":"Fully suported Registry Editor written in VB that can handle all types (main) of registry values REG_SZ, REG_BINARY, REG_DWORD. Have all functions as regedit.exe\nIf you like the code plaes vote, cuz i spent some time on this! :D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005482042369588.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MP_Registr187428482005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Aleksandar Ruzicic","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59899,"Title":"A new kind of browser (Using mozilla, NOT IE!)","Description":"Want to make a browser but hate IE? Now you can use mozilla thanks to the help of the mozilla active x control\nhttp://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/control.htm","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005497204187.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_new_kind187435492005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"Hebosaurus","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59922,"Title":"DVBPanel","Description":"Formerly: IsPanel With Mouse Wheel Support\nThis is a complete rewrite of my original code posted here.\nhttp://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=59863&lngWId=1\nSimilar to Java's JPanel this control allows you to add scroll bars to a form easily.\nSupports Mouse Wheel, while tabbing through controls will keep the active control in current view.\nDVBPanel is also now a container so no need to write any code in your form to support this control.\nWorks best as a compiled OCX however will run fine if just added to your application.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005492212457891.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DVBPanel187470492005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"DavidJ","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59923,"Title":"Basics On Database","Description":"It explains the basics on Database managing with ADO using Datagrid.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200541213745235.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Basics_On_1875724122005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Diego Torquato","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59925,"Title":"[ LED Line v1.15 ]","Description":"LED Line program lets you make a virtual LED table in the air. You can make simple hardware, as shown in the picture below, that consists of an 8 LEDs line ,9 resistors of 470 Ohm each, a button and a pendulum that presses this button. If you will move LED line left and right 5-10 times per second and desired LEDs will shine at desired moments, you will see words in the air. There is still a problem of line synchronization so the mechanism of button and pendulum is needed. When LED line moves from right to left, the button must be released, but when the direction has been changed, the pendulum must press the button. Remember that wrong hardware or wrong connection may cause harm to your computer!!!","Inputs":"No","Assumes":"Nothing","CodeReturns":"No","SideEffects":"No","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200541045649527.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_LED_Line1874804102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Michael Margold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59927,"Title":"A Ghost","Description":"For XP & Win' 2K. Just a simple example of combining transparent form(s), with a fading effect. Zip ~70K.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"For XP & Win' 2K. Just a simple example of combining transparent form(s), with a fading effect. Zip ~70K.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054101148566105.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_Ghost1874934102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Chris Seelbach.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59928,"Title":"Demo AZ666","Description":"Creating effects from an input image using varius shapes brush, animating the effect with timer and draw your owen effects...","Inputs":"Image files","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"you can save you work as image files","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054101315294299.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Demo_AZ6661874964102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Axi Nadee","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59932,"Title":"Occupied Space Test","Description":"This is a test of an Occupied Space algorithm. It organizes objects (Pictureboxes, controls, etc.) on the screen in as little space as possible. The objects can be justified to the top, left, right, and bottom of the screen.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Run the Program, then click on the form (not on the pictureboxes) to redraw with the next Justification (top, left, right, or bottom).","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005410202278559.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Occupied_S1875034102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Kevin N.","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59933,"Title":"Generate GUIDs From VB","Description":"Generate GUIDs From VB!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005410201587843.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Generate_G1875044102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"NHGames","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59935,"Title":"Atlantis POS and the Enterprise Manager","Description":"Hi. A lot of great ocx made by la volpe, and others used in one great inventory system..check also the Atlantis POS","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054102152163899.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Atlantis_P1875074102005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"rollie a. jabonero","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59944,"Title":"HtGuitar Guitar chords, Notes and Metronome","Description":"Guitar chord finder, note table and metronome","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054111019201283.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/HtGuitar_G1876194132005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"haliltunc","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59945,"Title":"Computer Music Beep","Description":"A program to play music on your computer speaker. Comes with several songs you can load and play. Also, it can import MIDI files and convert them to Beep files. Similar to http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?lngWId=1&txtCodeId=59929 but I wrote it before this program was ever released.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054111036563127.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Computer_M1875354112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Edward Dassmesser","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59946,"Title":"Balanced Binary AVL Trees Using Dynamic RAM Allocation","Description":"ABSTRACT\nProvides any amount of requested memory (as long \nas there is available RAM) and associates that \nmemory with a user-defined alphanumeric key. \nFeatures very fast retrieval in sorted order, even\nfaster sequential access (in the chronological \norder the requests were made).\n DESCRIPTION\nThe alphanumeric keys are associated with a \ncertain quantity of bytes located at a designated \nposition in RAM. That RAM is and remains \nexclusively reserved for that Key. Via the key the\naddress can be returned, and also the reserved \nbytes at that address. Keys are internally managed\nwith a balanced binary AVL tree. It is possible to\niterate through the whole collection of keys in \nthe order in which these keys were created (and \nthe memory allocated), returning the Key, the \nMemory Address and the Size. It is also possible \nto access all the Keys in sorted order (ascending \nas well as descending). All operations are \nconsiderabily faster than VB's Collection object \n(as far as such functions are provided by the \nCollection).\n","Inputs":"Requires the type library ISHF_Ex.tlb \"IShellFolder Extended type Library v1.2\" by Brad Martinez.\n","Assumes":"WARNINGS\n* Whatever you do with the allocated memory, do \nnot forget to free it (\"Set ThisClassesObject = \nNothing\" will do), or you soon end up with a lot \nof blocked RAM.\n* Do not attempt to write data beyond the end of \nthe requested and allocated memory fragment! \nChances are you get a crash if you do.\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005411110285969.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Balanced_B1875434112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Herbert Glarner","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59947,"Title":"Menu Cube","Description":"Creating a nice animated menu made from different forms...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2005411117512904.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Menu_Cube1875384112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Axi Nadee","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":59948,"Title":"Colorful Starfield","Description":"Creating a colorful starfield with timers only...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20054111112486755.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Colorful_S1875404112005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Axi Nadee","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57547,"Title":"Chrismass animation for your screen","Description":"Simply animate your screen with pictures appearing and disappearing smoothly.\nIt use Form design from image, transparencies effects.\nDon't works on W95, W98, Millennium and NT windows versions.\nNota : Author and source comments are french","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041241412377181.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Chrismass_1825331242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"The_Jokez","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57551,"Title":"False GUI and Console","Description":"This was the code that I was using to make an \"OS\" in VB, but i have moved it to QBasic and C++ now, so this code is a little old. There is a bug in it, where it slows down and eats all the CPU up, I dont know where tho.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041241726437748.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/False_GUI_1825401242004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Llama Boy","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57555,"Title":"Updated:VB-Win32DLL Compiler, V1.01 build 041212 (Rev. 1)","Description":"VB-Win32DLL Compiler, V1.01 build 041212 (Rev. 1)\n This small project allows you to create a EXE or DLL through VB that could export functions and subs, and you can use your own file just like using WinApi. (e.g. Declare MyFunction Lib \"MyDLL.dll\" Alias \"MyFunction\"...)\n This version corrects a bug that do not support multiple line defines, and there're\n small changes with the function MakeParameter and other parts, modifies some of the\n spellings in the project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"see readme.txt","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Updated_VB18285312122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"KFGG","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57560,"Title":"[ Mind Reader ] - New Update","Description":"This is an example to show 'How to load controls at RunTime', with an interesting 'Mind Reader' Program.-Rate- this program as an Entertainer.Don't forget to add your feedback","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041251414038.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[__Mind__R1825691252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57563,"Title":"Greg's 3D Snooker revived","Description":"A new version of Greg's DirectX 3D Snooker with a few minor qirks removed and generally overhauled. Please do not vote, this is not my original work. Download is 208 kB.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004125944509449.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Greg's_3D_1825631252004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":29,"UserRatingTotal":143,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57571,"Title":"[Knock Game]","Description":"This is a simple game. Just for fun only. Knock the tiger's head.With the easy function that using Timer, Image control with the randomise number...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Pass_and_B1826121262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Tan Jiunn Yann","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57579,"Title":"Remove The Textbox Menu","Description":"This article will show you how you can remove that annoying textbox menu and replace it with your own or just have it gone.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"SPY-3","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57580,"Title":"MSN,Yahoo password logger","Description":"This is best for stealing MSN,Yahoo passwords.My first keylogger.Plz vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_Yahoo_1826311262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Faysal Sohail","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57581,"Title":"Sort and rename files","Description":"With this program you can sort and rename multiple files and give them a filename like this: \"Name 1\" - \"Name 2\" - \"Name 3\" - and so on.","Inputs":"A new name to the multiple files.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A new name on the multiple files.","SideEffects":"Uses a lot of the CPU.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041261747179958.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Sort_and_r1826321262004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Niclas Hemberg","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57646,"Title":"[ Get CPU Speed in MHz ]","Description":"How to get the CPU Speed in MHz","Inputs":"No","Assumes":"No","CodeReturns":"No","SideEffects":"No","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041210557152317.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Get_CPU_18285112122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Michael Margold","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":3596,"Title":"VB Timer Replacement","Description":"This is an OCX example of the SetTimer and KillTimer API calls. You can essentially replace the VB timer with this example. The Interval property can be set to as long as 24 days. It also has a ProcessPriority property to easily change the priority of your application.\nNOTE: Priority level setting DOES NOT WORK on XP or Windows 2000. It won't error out anymore, but the process priority setting code was causing the error. Fixed 12/10/2004","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Has the same properties and events as the standard VB Timer.","SideEffects":"Please note that the API does not seem to have the necessary resolution to keep accurate time. If you count 60 ticks of 1000 msec interval, you'll find that it actually took longer than that 60000 msec. This can get worse with high processor load. This (as with the standard VB timer) should be used as a re-occurring event trigger rather than a time accurate counter. \nPlease note that wrapping the SetTimer and KillTimer API calls in an OCX is not necessarily desirable. For demonstrative purposes, this is the easiest way. However, in actual implementation, it would be bast to just have the IDBAS_Timer module.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041210151391429.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Timer_R18278412102004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":167,"AuthorName":"Paul Mather","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":3600,"Title":"Base64 - VERY FAST","Description":"Encode and Decode base64 at 6 megabytes per second !!!(on a Intel Pentium 233)\nDocumentation is in the zip (full source code included).\nBased on Sebastien's functions posted few monts ago on this site.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD923.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"AndrComm","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":57661,"Title":"Draw Regular Polygon - The Best Method for drawing a filled Polygon.","Description":"This is a 'Draw Polygon' function which can draw a regular-filled Polygon.The main importance of this code is that, you need only to specify the 'Side-length' and only one 'Co-ordinate'.It is not needed to specify all the verticies included. It can draw unlimited sides and can 'Rotate' the polygon about the centre as well as the specified vertex.You can specify the filling color by setting the \"FillColor' of the PictureBox. It works smooth and fast. It contains some equations which derived myself. Please rate this code and never forget to add Feedback.If you found it useful \"PLEASE VOTE FOR ME'. Good luck !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Draw_Regul18311212192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Jim Jose","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57670,"Title":"Bulk SMS","Description":"I searched on internet for a Bulk SMS application on GSM wavecom modem, but found only few and that commercial softwares. So started making my own Bulk SMS application. Fine even this is a version a lot of bugs. But hope it is some what useful to the one who are starting Bulk SMS application. I am thankful to Rajinikanth for giving good sample to send SMS using \"SMS Thru GSM Modem \"\n","Inputs":"Using MSComm,Microsoft Access,WaveCom modem.","Assumes":"Good GUI with and userfriendly interface.","CodeReturns":"Hi guyz a best Bulk SMS application with Outlook simulating features, maintaining phone book and faster messaging.","SideEffects":"Inform me if any :)","ApiDeclarations":":-?","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041211143865714.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Bulk_SMS18292112142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"m A h E s H k U m A r","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":57673,"Title":"Popup Alerts v 2.0","Description":"This code produces four styles of Popup Alert windows in the bottom right corner of the screen. \nUpgrades from v 1.1 are that the positioning will work with all resolutions/screen sizes, and I have added a Gmail Notifier style alert, which appears semi-transparent like the real one in XP/2k, or normal in other versions of Windows.\nStill featuring are the two MSN Messenger style popups, which are pretty accurate, and a simple flat style one for functionality.\nThe MSN style ones use bitmaps and therefore aren't customizable, but the flat and Gmail style ones are, including an image on the Gmail one.\nHyperlink capabilities are built into the two MSN style popups. All feature standard title and message areas, except Old MSN, which doesn't have a title bar in keeping with its real counterpart.\nPlease vote :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Uses some for the semi-transparent stuff","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412111616154526.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Popup_Aler18293212142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Tom Hendriks","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56570,"Title":"Windows Special Folders","Description":"With this module you will be able to get the directory of 43 different Windows Special Folders ex. Windows, System, Program Files. sorry for not commenting and i hope you find this useful example included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004107630114265.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Windows_Sp1802031072004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Mike Bruer","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56580,"Title":"help tool tip (like in VB)","Description":"tool tip it like you type Split and (\nthen it will show the help like Split(Expression As String, [Delimiter], [Limit As Long = -1], [Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare])\nlike in VB","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004107122340940.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/help_tool_1802161072004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Visal .In","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56589,"Title":"Breakout style game","Description":"My version of breakout. OOP used.\n623 kb","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Breakout_s1802371082004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"lostcauz","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56591,"Title":"Educational Games","Description":"A very useful System for Kids. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Educationa1802401082004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jessie Panerio","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56598,"Title":"xDirectory And Custom Tree Control","Description":"Full OwnerDrawn Tree Control To Designed To Simulate A Browse For Folder Structure.\nThe Advantages Of The Control Other Than Being Very Easy To Use, Is I've Also Made It Customizable (To A Certain Extent).\nOne Call Will Automatically Load Your Directory Structure.\nSet The Property Init To Load The Fonts And Display Them In a Tree Structrue.\n(See Sample!)\nSet The Property Init To Load Using Custom And Populate The Nodes On Demand.(See Sample Main Menu)\nNote: The Fonts And Custom Load Load Does Not Support Icons. You Can Change this As It's Very Simple To See Whats Happening Within the Code.\nSee Thee Sample Included It Should Explain EveryThing.\n\nAs Always Comments And Contructive Critisism Is Awlays Welcome.\n\nKind Regards\nGary","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041081237354697.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/xDirectory1802551082004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Phantom Man","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56214,"Title":"NTS Encryption","Description":"Encryption\nsome old aglorithm has been done\npoly , ceaser , NTS(Made by me) , mono , wait for more","Inputs":"any file\nvideo , audio , zip , text \nany thing","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Encrypted file","SideEffects":"no one can hack your stuff\nit's need some prof to make it out","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049161211298096.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/NTS_Encryp1794529162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ahmed Essam Naiem","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56216,"Title":"XPInputMsg","Description":"MsgBox and InputBox con un stilo XP y algunos opciones mas, como ponerle colores al texto o agragarle un icono, etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004916146531886.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/XPInputMsg1794599162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"DamonG","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56217,"Title":"[ ULTRA File Encrypt ]","Description":"ULTRA File Encrypt is the ideal way to professional encryption from all types of files with a password. Simple and Clear interface. The program uses the ULTRA cipher, and there's an optional 'Private Crypto Code' for exclusive user groups. The files are encrypted to .ucc files, original filetype and extension are included into the encryption and cannot be retrieved. Includes some handy features to view images, open or run files and check theire properties. All comments are most welcome :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041131657338355.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_ULTRA_Fi18076910192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56221,"Title":"Internet checker, see screen shot","Description":"use to watch the sites visited, allocate time spent on the net, create a log file, hide in the system tray. uses password so you have control over the program. added the use of adding more users with there own set of websites they can visit.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004916183791065.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Internet_c1794709162004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"stephen whittle","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56223,"Title":"RecentDocList Retriever","Description":"Updated 12/28/2004\nAdded the ability to delete all values in a selected node.\nAlso added the typedURLs key and runMRU key\n'This Program will read the Recent Doc List located in the registry at:\n'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\RecentDocs\n'This data is stored in a binary format, so we have to read the binary data into\n'a byte array and build it into strings.\n'As with all of my submissions, I have utilized code found on PSC and elsewhere\n'for various functions, but the rest was written by me.\n'Special thanks to Kegham, whose Winstartup 2004 project had some valuable code\n'for enumerating and walking through registry keys and for some treeview pointers\n'and to MrBoBo who also had some very useful code for the registry\n'also to David Sykes for his XP style module that i have implemented in all\n'of my projects for that XP Look\n'once the key values are loaded into the list, pressing delete will delete the selected\n'entry from the registry.\n'\n","Inputs":"Select the Desired subkey within the RecentDocs Key (Binary Info)","Assumes":"'Disclaimer:\n'THIS PROGRAM ACCESSES AND MODIFIES ENTRIES IN THE REGISTRY!\n'I tested it only on my machine, which is windows XP service pack 2\n'I am not responsible for any bad things that may happen due to the\n'use of this program\n''As with all software using the registry\n'BACKUP your registry before using\n'This ran fine on my machine and the only thing it deletes are the\n'binary entries for the recent doc list\n","CodeReturns":"The converted string value","SideEffects":"It is the registry....so please be careful!","ApiDeclarations":"see code","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200412281519233596.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/RecentDocL18341012282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Tom Pydeski","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56229,"Title":"Reminder Notes","Description":"This is simple Reminder System, that you can add to your system startup, so that when system starts up you get the notes you stored previously.\nYou can also schedule the note for a particular date, which will be displayed only on that date.","Inputs":"On creating a new note you get a RNote form, where you can enter the text to be remembered.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Reminder_N1794829172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Bhansali Vikas","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56230,"Title":"Remote Keylogger ByLeo","Description":"This is an example of a keylogger using winsock. It's a client/server application and also my first upload to PSC. Please leave comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004917144451230.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Remote_Key1794869172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"UkLeo","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56232,"Title":"Customized TextBox","Description":"This is an very very simple activex control that replaces a single line textbox. Features include vertical alignement of the text, text selection on focus, border color, possibility to type only numbers in the box, additional description label. It has a minimalistic and simple look,which i like best.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004917754484273.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Customized1794939172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Lorenzo Nocentini","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56233,"Title":"_Image_Browser_Explorer_","Description":"A simple image explorer like ACDSee but much simpler, primer, lightweight & with source :) Explorer like navigation & thumbnail view, preview, printing, etc. Thanks to GonChuki for his nice Chameleon button, other than that, all are mine develops. This has been done in complete OOP way. Password is 'password' (of course without the single quotes). This is not complete yet, I am adding more features whenever I get some time.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20049172020466284.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/_Image_Bro1795029172004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Broken Arrow","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55906,"Title":"Simulated 3D Progressbar","Description":"This code allows you to implement a 3D Progressbar in your form without the use of a OCX","Inputs":"Use this code only requires 3 parameters, the name of a picturebox control in a form, the name of the form, and a numeric value at your choice. There is a whole bunch of other parameters, but all they are optional and used only for customizing the progress bar aspect.","Assumes":"All the code is heavily commented, parameter to parameter, so it will be easy to use.","CodeReturns":"Simulated 3D Progressbar creates a 3D progressbar in your form that show how much time a process will take. I designed it to use it within repetition structures like Next..For and Do..Loop, but may be given other uses.","SideEffects":"The Progressbar drawing may seem imperfectly sometimes. Is required to put the picturebox in front of all other controls in the form","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004921349197087.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Simulated_1787588302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Marco Antonio Calvente Nieto","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":55908,"Title":"[ DTS ] (Data Transformation Service) Search Tool","Description":"Search strings in DTS (Data Transformation Services) in SQL SErver. Microsoft don't provide such tool. Allows, for instance, find what task/package contains certain table or field. Accepts a table name, field name or any text and returns the packages/tasks where the text is. This code is usefull when you have lots of DTS packages that perform changes on tables that exist in the various database. Where is that table ??? Find with this tool. Uses SQlDMO.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"SQL Server acess is needed","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20048301956233976.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/DTSSearch1787718302004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Carlos Alvarado","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56234,"Title":"[ Babylon ] (tm) like dictionary","Description":"Translate words from and to several languages just like Babylon(tm). Capture the Clipboard and translations from and to English, Arabic, Chinese, Chinese (S), Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, German, Greek, \nHebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, \nRussian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish and much more.\nFree Access to all dictionaries from Babylon.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004917133436446.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_Babylon_1798359282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Carlos Alvarado","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56235,"Title":"[ SafeNote Encryption & Stegano]","Description":"SafeNote is an easy an secure way to encrypt notes. This text-editor encrypts your text using the ULTRA cipher and stores it in usn files with the Crypto Message Format. It has an easy to use clipboard encryption and supports steganography, the hiding of text in images. Want to store some important notitions in a safe way ? Use SafeNote! All your comments and suggestions are most welcome :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004917122549390.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_SafeNote18076810192004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"D. Rijmenants","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56686,"Title":"Setting and getting file attributes w/o affecting other attributes - Updated","Description":"These two simple wrappers can be used for setting and retrieving individual or selected file attributes without affecting the other attributes of the file. For example, to set the Archive bit of a file you should not just set its attributes to vbArchive (32), as this will turn off any other attributes currently set. Normally you would need to get the file attributes, add the desired attribute to the current attributes, then set them again. These wrappers just hide the details of this process. Update thanks to redbird77.\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nWith the GetAttrib wrapper you can easily test the current state of an attribute. You simply specify the attribute(s) and the function will return True if the specified attribute(s) is set to on. You can specify more than one attribute and True will be returned only if all specified attributes are turned on.\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nThe SetAttrib wrapper simplifies the setting of an attribute to on or off, and will be set as desired irrespective of its current state. You can set more than one attibute at a time (eg. SetAttrib(sFile, vbReadOnly Or vbHidden) will set these attributes to on, no matter if they are on or off, without affecting other attributes that may be set.\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nMy first version of the SetAttrib function used 'Xor' to turn attributes off, but thanks to redbird77, I have updated it to 'Not' which has eliminated a limitation of my version. The bottom line is that you can set a files attribute(s) to on or off without needing to know the current state of the specified attributes, while not affecting other attributes that may be set.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rde","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56689,"Title":"Windows Media Player 10 TabMenu","Description":"This is an Usercontrol with the Windows Media Player 10 Tabs","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC20041012217457344.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Windows_Me18041510122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"GhΓé¼ttoWarr!or","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":56690,"Title":"SMART LISTBOX","Description":"VERY SMART LISTBOX ACTIONS (NO MODULE NO API)\n--------------------------------------------\n(FILTER)(REMOVE FILTER)(AUTO SCROLL)(DIRECT SEARCH)(PREVENT DUPLICATE)(FIND DUPLICATE)(AUTO COMPLEATE)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2004101253335923.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/SMART_LIST18041610122004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"muad ahmed ali","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":42920,"Title":"Shell integrated DirectoryTree control","Description":"This is not just a standard DirectoryTree control. It is enhanced over the various submissions here in several ways - firstly, it doesn't use the Dir$() command, or the FSO for two reasons: 1) speed, and 2) filesize (The FSO adds a huge dependancy). Instead, it uses API wherever possible. Secondly, it doesn't use dummy nodes to simulate children, but instead it popuplates each node fully, then uses the scarcely documented ApiSHChangeNotifyRegister API to register for shell change events (When a folder created, renamed, moved, or removed). This produces a control that is well integrated with Explorer. \nLastly, it has a right click menu to allow controls over the directories - renaming, creation and deletion. Any action you perform on the control will be performed on the local disk! If you rename your desktop, it will really be renamed! (So don't do it.. :D)\nIt's been tested on several Windows systems, but if you find any bugs, I'd love to know about them.\nIf you like it, vote. Thanks :)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200323543134612.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Shell_inte153874232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Will Barden","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":42924,"Title":"Open HTTP Scanner","Description":"Someone requested that I did this, so here it is a HTTP Subnet scanner, basically it just scans whole subnets for open port 80, then when it finds an IP with port 80 open it finds out what server itΓÇÖs running (eg apache/IIS etc) and what version, but if itΓÇÖs Kazaa which is using port 80, it finds out that persons Kazaa username. Fully Documented, uses Inet controls (internet Transfer Control), and Winsock.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200323821492077.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Open_HTTP_153881232003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Peter Rowan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43111,"Title":"TCP/IP Volume Controller","Description":"This application is design to sychonize volume of workstations over a network Using tcp/ip protocol. It has a Master Volume Controller (the server) which does it all, and Client Volume Control (the client) that process values from the master controller. It's very useful especially on gaming centers where loud volume are not controlled.\nFeel free to use it, but at your own risk. But if you use it please e-mail me for notification.\nPlease VOTE for this one! Please!!!!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TCP_IP_Vol15420721020.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"deviantCoder","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43114,"Title":"Listbox Select Color","Description":"What this code does is it subclasses a listbox's parent (in order to trap the listbox's messages), then the listbox (in order to change colors). I have commented the area's that you will need to change in order to change the colors.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I hope this helps you, and don't forget to vote. Thanks ahead of time.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"You must end project by click the exit button in the upper right corner of the form or else Visual Basic WILL error.","ApiDeclarations":"'\\\\ This code is for the people that were wondering\n'\\\\ how to get this working with 2 listbox's instead\n'\\\\ of just one. All the code you will see below is\n'\\\\ what you will need to replace in the original\n'\\\\ form.\n'\\\\ I'm letting you know ahead of time that this code\n'\\\\ could be modified to make it shorter by using\n'\\\\ controll arrays, however I just didn't feel like\n'\\\\ writing the code for arrays. This method still\n'\\\\ works though.\n'\\\\ Enjoy!\nOption Explicit\nPrivate Sub Form_Activate()\nDim lrtn As Long\n lrtn = GetWindowLong(lst_subclass1.hwnd, GWL_STYLE)\n \n If (lrtn And LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) = LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED Then\n End If\n \n If (lrtn And LBS_MULTIPLESEL) = LBS_MULTIPLESEL Then\n lrtn = lrtn Xor LBS_MULTIPLESEL\n End If\n lrtn = SetWindowLong(lst_subclass1.hwnd, GWL_STYLE, lrtn)\n \n lrtn = GetWindowLong(lst_subclass2.hwnd, GWL_STYLE)\n \n If (lrtn And LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) = LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED Then\n End If\n \n If (lrtn And LBS_MULTIPLESEL) = LBS_MULTIPLESEL Then\n lrtn = lrtn Xor LBS_MULTIPLESEL\n End If\n lrtn = SetWindowLong(lst_subclass2.hwnd, GWL_STYLE, lrtn)\n \nEnd Sub\nPrivate Sub Form_Load()\nDim i As Integer\n If App.PrevInstance = True Then\n MsgBox \"There is an instance already running. Cant run one more\"\n Unload Me\n Else\n lst_subclass1.AddItem (\"Hello there!\")\n lst_subclass2.AddItem (\"hello there!\")\n \n mod_subclass.List_Set lst_subclass1\n mod_subclass.List_Set lst_subclass2\n Hook_SetParent Me.hwnd, True\n m_hooked = True\n \n End If\n \nEnd Sub\n","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003210946418699.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Listbox__S1542212102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Charles R. Chobot","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43122,"Title":"Open HTTP Scanner V2","Description":"Scans whole subnets for open port 80 using multiple winsock connections (array/threads), once found it finds out the server running (eg IIS/apache) and what version, if no server is found, it tries to find out the kazaa username. Can now scan subnets in under 2 minutes (on dsl). Fully Documented, uses Inet controls (internet Transfer Control), and Winsock.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032101555194562.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Open_HTTP_1542402102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Peter Rowan","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43129,"Title":"Add Checkbox to MSFlexGrid Control","Description":"This example shows how to add a Checkbox to the MSFlexGrid control.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20032102055372497.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Add_Checkb1542602102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":61,"AuthorName":"Christopher Pietschmann, MCSD, MCAD","ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":43131,"Title":"XP Fade","Description":"WORKS ONLY ON WINDOWS 2000/XP!!!\nThis is my first submission on PSC and I know there is a lot of fade effects here, and transparent samples too. But I've merged the functions in a module, with two simples subs called in form_load and form_queryUnload. Also check constants in module to set transparent degree and fade speed. you can use this in your apps to add cool look.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Fade1542592102003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"ProductId":4},{"WorldId":1,"id":52833,"Title":"[ A Library System (Final Updation) ]","Description":"A Library Management System, which stores Book Details, Student Using Library Details, Publication Details, Class Details, Issued Book Details...It provides you with backUp Facility of your archieved records. It provides both mouse and keyboard interface to deal with software. It Provides various settings to administrators. It also provide powerful report generating facility. Help Facility.\nBenefits \nFrom End-Users Point of View\n----------------------------\n1) It takes minimum inputs from user and so avoid data-entry error\n to 95%\n2) It can be designed to operate easily with keyboard only.\n\nFrom Programmers Point of View\n----------------------------\n1) Whenever Book is Returned it's record is deleted from issue table.\n => Maintaining Return and issue information make database bulkier,\n with no necessary information and it is really not recommended.\n2) Lots of Database Stuff!!! to understand.\n3) Registry Coding...\n4) ActiveX\n5) Dynamic Report Generation\n6) Presentation or Screen Layout Design.... (still lots of Creativeness can be added)\n7) News Bar and MSN - Style Pop-up on Start-up\n8) Circular Form (About Me form)\n9) And a complete analysis...of LMS.\nProduct of www.VIVEKPATEL.cjb.net","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200443737596614.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/[_A_Librar172794432004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":36,"UserRatingTotal":165,"AuthorName":"vivek patel","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52854,"Title":"Draw Jigsaw Pattern","Description":"I've wanted to draw jigsaw pattern for a long time. After I had seen Robert Rayment's Jigsaw Pattern project, I decided to create one. \nI'd like to thank Kenny for his inspiration. Comments and suggestions are welcome. See the screenshot for what it looks like.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"A few API declarations.","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200444132114713.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Draw_Jigsa172830442004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Min Thant Sin","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52863,"Title":"Enumerate Icon Resources","Description":"A 'VERY' How To Use Windows XP icons (32bpp with Alpha channel) from Visual Basic. The VB 'standard' methods not allow to use this icons, and reject them with \"Invalid image\" error message. This code show (using advanced of API) how to load this icon types. Not only! You can choose 'which' image format and size to load from icon file. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"A 'VERY' How To Use Windows XP icons (32bpp with Alpha channel) from Visual Basic. The VB 'standard' methods not allow to use this icons, and reject them with \"Invalid image\" error message. This code show (using advanced of API) how to load this icon types. Not only! You can choose 'which' image format and size to load from icon file. \nTherefore you can load 16x16 or 24x24 or 32x32 or 48x48 image formats on 16, 256, TrueColor or Windows XP colors Alpha channel! \nAlso, this project explain how to create DLL libraries containing Windows XP icons (Resource Editor not allow neither this!).\nThe screenshot explain better. \nDue to PSC don't allow to include DLL, I have leave out 4 DLL with Windows XP icons. If you want, download them from my web site.\nEnjoy","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200444124156886.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Enumerate_172850442004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"gibra","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52868,"Title":"Whiteboard Pro 2.0","Description":"This is an internet whiteboard made for two people, I made it for me and my friend Sarah cause yahoo kept screwing up. It has a ton of tools and options. It has Freehand, Squares, Circles, Lines, Flood fill, Gradient Backgrounds, Eyedropper, and an Airbrush. You can set your airbrush pressure and drawing width, generate random colors while drawing using the arrow down key and change your drawing width while drawing using the arrow left and right keys. You can chat, see the other users current options, change your name and even save your art work! Please Vote!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200444198553967.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Whiteboard172859442004.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":103,"AuthorName":"hstexodus","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":52878,"Title":"LaVolpe Color Chooser","Description":"Maybe the last color selector you will ever use? You supply a dummy/empty form & the code does the rest. Lots of options & will list most of them here: 1) 3 palettes to choose from, 2) palette tabs can be disabled, 3) grab color from anywhere on screen, 4) fail-safe mode will display std color dialog if routines fail, 5) mouse wheel support, 6) prevent non-palette selections, 7)auto-convert negative sys colors to positive values, 8)add custom colors to the default palette or replace completely, 9) easy window placement, 10) even more options. Heavily documented, jump to end of the module for a detailed description of options & their settings. Feedback works ladies & gents... that's why this new version is up on PSC. Last Updated: 7 Apr/1630 CST - Critical flag wasn't always being reset - could cause picker to show up as a plain gray window.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None known","ApiDeclarations":"Too many to list.","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200445154159512.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/LaVolpe_Co173039472004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":37,"UserRatingTotal":184,"AuthorName":"LaVolpe","ProductId":5},{"WorldId":1,"id":33527,"Title":"View Source - Webbrowser","Description":"View source - using webbrowser control.\nNo need of those msinet.ocx which all people always tell to use to get source of HTML-page.\nThis is a simple and beatiful way to do it.\nPS..another even smart way is to add a webbrowser2.visible = false and to change viewsource function to use the hidden one.. instead of the webbrowser1 (which you may use to navigate pages) ; )","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Source of webpage, opens notepad and if html-source is too big automaticly opens wordpad !!","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":13,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Juha S├╢derqvist","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33530,"Title":"Generation HTTP Server","Description":"HTTP server that has it's own type of plugins. There are actually five projects I've worked on contained in this code. First is the server itself: fully functional HTTP server. Second is an ActiveX control I made call WinConnect: allows a program to shell a seperate executable, it sends a hWnd of a textbox via the command line which allows the executed file to communticate with the main program. Third is an ActiveX control for retrieving files from HTTP servers: supports GET and POST methods (POST method is slightly modified for it's use in this project). The third is one of the plugins included and is just a modified version of a scripting language I wrote called CastScript (do a search on PSC for CastScript for original source). The fourth is another plugin that will connect to a remote server and translate the requested file from english into several langauges. The fifth is called Ace Script Language but the project's source code is not included, rather just the executable, and because PSC won't allow '.exe' files you can download the ace plugin at http://www.onlies.net/ace.exe (drop the file into the server's folder) , the reason the source is not included is because I plan on releasing a project using the main engine for a much bigger project I am writing and do not want to spoil it. This plugin is a scripting language (modified from it's original purpose) and is similar to PERL, only in functionality not syntax (the syntax is a mix of PERL, VB, JS and my own).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"there is a file called plugins.txt which holds the path to, and the file extensions handled by, the plugins.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Generation69464462002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"DoWnLoHo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33532,"Title":"Textpad","Description":"A simple Text Editor provided with inbuilt calculator,picture viewer,\nsearching text,changing text colors,background colors,Uppper case and lower \ncase conversion and much more.(Powerful than Notepad of Windows)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200246148596429.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Textpad69480462002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ganesh Salpure","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33533,"Title":"Simple (but full) Webserver III","Description":"This is a simple webserver I made just to demonstrate how a webserver sends and recieves information from the client. This webserver allows you to configure the port to listen on and your home directory. The default document is set to be index.html, but you can change that under the winsock1_dataarival(...). It also featues a graphical representation of the computers that connect to you and a progress bar for transfers. This webserver has a simple IP log which shows the IP addresses of those who connect to you, and a more sophisticated log which shows all the information that the client sends to you. If you like this, please vote for me :) --\"if only one man in the world could see and the rest were blind, they'd say he's crazy too\"--","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002461449505261.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_(bu69487462002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Matt Carpenter","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33534,"Title":"http client comparison","Description":"This code shows how to perform an http GET or POST from your VB program using 6 different methods: xmlhttp (msxml), WinInet (dll), WinInet (ocx), WebBrowser control, AspHttp, AspTear. Some methods only run when you install the 3rd party components from their Web sites. There are hints in the code how to get them from the Internet.\nTo avoid difficulties with missing components use the project file HttpClient_LateBinding.vbp.\nFor more information and to get future updates please visit my Homepage.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The code in the CUrl class makes heavily use of regular expressions and therefore you need a reference to the \"Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5\".","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002461557253230.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/http_clien18074210182004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Klemens Schmid","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33538,"Title":"[ [ A Perl/CGI code Editor with syntax checking","Description":"This is a MUST SEE!!\nGreat code PLEASE VOTE","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[_[_A_Perl69538462002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Pamela RAI","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33539,"Title":"PcmRiffADSR","Description":"PcmRiffADSR (upgraded PcmRiff project with ADSR envelope capabilities) generates and mixes Sine Wave based data to produce a standard Type 1 Riff File (.WAV) in either 8-bit, 16-bit or 24-bit bandwidths at just about any sample rate. The files generated are standard files that can be used with any application, including samplers or sounds for your PC. Complete and extensive demo project included. This variation on the original PcmRiff code includes the addition of an envelope generator for more dynamic sound shapes. Package also includes the original PcmRiff project.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200246197412271.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PcmRiffADS69570462002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Urthman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33542,"Title":"Access_TO_XML","Description":"Using this Program one can browse for Access Database through Network or local computer, pick a table you want to make an XML file from, and finally push a button to create a file in XML format. One can also display the newly created XML file and print it into Textbox with further \"copy-and-paste\". \n For database browsing I used an API call: GetOpenFileName Lib \"comdlg32.dll\" instead of bulky CommonDialog Control.\n For getting a tablenames of the database I used OpenSchema(adSchemaTables)for create Connection and then simply added tablenames into Combobox.\n Then I used File access VB feature to write an XML file from access table, reading column names and columns, converting it into XML format and writing on disk. \n The last feature this program has to print out a newly created XML file into Textbox for analysis and, if necessary, \"copy-and-paste\".","Inputs":"All the inputs are: Access Database Path and name like: C:\\My Databases\\MyData.mdb\n I use \"Browse for files\" using API call:\nGetOpenFileName Lib \"comdlg32.dll\", it works faster.","Assumes":"Just unzip and upload into your directory.\n","CodeReturns":"Ready to go XML file. The default directory is the Project directory, can be simply modified.","SideEffects":"There are no side effects besides the necessaty to customize an Output directory.","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib \"comdlg32.dll\" Alias _\n\"GetOpenFileNameA\" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long\n","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002471739305732.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Access_TO_69939482002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Tata's","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33543,"Title":"Game Programming in Visual Basic - Lesson Two","Description":"This article is lesson two in my mini-series of \"Game Programming in Visual Basic\". If you like it or even dislike please tell me what was wrong and what was good. PLEASE EVERYONE VOTE, IT ONLY TAKES A FEW SECONDS!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Game_Progr69583462002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":48,"UserRatingTotal":235,"AuthorName":"Gregory English","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33544,"Title":"Cyber Cafe Billing Calculation Program","Description":"It can be used in Cyber Cafe for billing calculation. Rates are according to indian market.","Inputs":"Enter Customer name , System no , Intime","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Outtime, Ammounts to pay","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Cyber_Cafe69590462002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Divyen k Patel","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33545,"Title":"Cool Direct X8 Side scroller","Description":"This is a very good side scrolling game which has lots of nice effects and a few enemies in it. It took me a while so please vote if you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_Direc69601462002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"chris mulley","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33553,"Title":"Attachment Ripper - Outlook","Description":"Outlook Attachment Ripper:\nThis utility will allow you to extract the mails and the attachment from the Outlook folders. This will work even if your outlook has multiple and recursive folders.\nThis Utility can:\n1.\tExtract Email.\n2.\tExtract Attachment.\n3.\tDelete Attachments.\n4.\tDelete mails and attachments.\n5.\tSet the target directory.\n6.\tSpecify the Source Folder (Outlook).\nPlease VOTE, if you feel its useful to PSC....\nthanks\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just add outlook 9.0 object library\nand microsoft VBSCript Regular Expressions.\nstep : click on project/ preferences....\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024713227537.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Outlook_at69638472002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":106,"AuthorName":"Sriram Jayaraman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33554,"Title":"Flat Controls","Description":"These is an easy way to create your own ocx controls. Has a Flat Command and a Flat Combo Box\nyou could use it to your advantage and create your own flat controls, and i'll be updating this as soon as i finish the flat scroll bar, check box, option button, and frame..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024713612064.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Flat_Contr69641472002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"oof","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33560,"Title":"Advance Query Builder v1.0","Description":"Use this class to create select, insert, update, delete sql queries. It automatically manages datatype and build data according. I generated this code in order to reduce my time in creation of queries.","Inputs":"Dim abc As New mQueryBuilder.QueryBuilder\n With abc\n .TableName = \"User\"\n .QueryType = [Update Data]\n .DateIdentifier = \"#\" ' change only needed for msaccess database, default value is '\n .AddFields \"UserID\"\n .AddFields \"Password\"\n .AddFields \"NDATE\", Date\n .AddCondition \"UserID\", \"priyank\"\n .AddOrderBy \"UserID\"\n Debug.Print .GetQuery\n End With\n","Assumes":"Use this class to create select, insert, update, delete sql queries. It automatically manages datatype and build data according. I generated this code in order to reduce my time in creation of queries. Code was developed in one hour time and code might have some bug. If anyone finds bug please let me know I shall fix the problem in my next version or will be thankfill to anyone who modifies and send me copy.","CodeReturns":"SQL Query","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Advance_Qu69691472002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Priyank M Bhat","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33562,"Title":"MDI Child Count","Description":"Count how many mdi child forms in a MDI form.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200247848593503.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MDI_Child_69706472002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"enmity","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33568,"Title":"Dir Maker","Description":"Make any level directories, such as:\nMakeDir \"c:\\abc\\1234\\aaaa\\1111\\6666\\ggggggggg\\dddddddddd\\ssssssss\\7676\\dsdsds\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":24,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"enmity","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33574,"Title":"A New Cool Way To Load Browse For Folder Dialog(Updated)","Description":"Remember the old one page module to load Browse For Folder!? This code makes it in four or five lines :) Just a reference to shell32.dll class:\ndim SH as New Shell and that's all. In fact, shell32.dll supports many functions. I have included some of them such as tiling and cascading windows and running System Properties, getting folder details and.... Download the source code to see how and if you liked it please remember to leave comments and vote!\nI developed this yesterday on my XP. If you have any idea, I'll be glad to know.\nUpdate Note: I checked compatibility. This is supported in Win 98 etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002471210573390.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_New_Cool69994482002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":95,"AuthorName":"Behrooz Sangani","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33582,"Title":"Fast Mask Fades and Single Picture Sprite Creation!","Description":"This little ap is a powerful addition to anyone's\nlibrary of code. It produces fast fades and fade effects\nusing an unusual \"masking\" technique. It will also take\nyour \"single\" fade in picture and produce the two required\nfor sprite transparency! It does this by converting the \nbackground color to the two mask colors needed in \nsprite transparency. This assuming the background \nis of a solid color of course. This will save alot of\ntime not having to edit two pictures.\n As for the masking technique used in the fades a tiny\n20 x 20 pixel black and white mask is used. This tiny mask\nis expanded by the ap and passed over the sprite in a \nuser entered X, Y scanning fashion. The sprite will bleed thru\nthe white portions of the mask as it is being scanned, unto\nthe main picture. And maintain sprite transparency!\n I have tried to make the ap as easy to use and as\nself explanatory as possible.\nTo get an idea of the program's function you might try to\nuse the default pictures and scan values for\nthe masks. To change masks or pictures simply click on the\nappropiate box. Changing masks will change the default\nscan values for you. After you get the hang of it you may\nwant to try making your own masks with Window's Paint. \nI have included 14 masks in this zip along with a few pictures.\n If you are into graphics, fades, etc, you will want to\ncheck this out!\nHave fun!\nPS: I tried to include a sceenshot but \nPSC don't seem to take it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Get/Set","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fast_Mask_69814472002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Jose M. Lopez","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33586,"Title":"MSNClient 1.1/File Transfer","Description":"This next version of the MSNClient. A few minor bugs were fixed and file transfer is now included. Read the README file included with this zip as it contains some important information about this code. I wanted to wait until I hade voice and video done but I am working on other things right now and this was just laying on my hd. If you like the code, please comment or vote as feedback is always important.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MSNClient_69858472002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":63,"AuthorName":"Joseph Smugeresky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33591,"Title":"PcmRiff2","Description":"The same code module behind PcmRiff and PcmRiffADSR with frequency modulation (FM) synthesis and amplitude modulation (AM) subroutines. This is a bit complex to form a suitable demo in a short amount of time, but the FM technique is the same used by Yamaha FM synthesizers (i.e., DX-7), tone modules and sound cards. Replace your original modRiff.bas with this beastie, and your capabilities are a bit more extensive. PS - this variation *should* work just fine (not directly tested), just attenuate the modulating wave or wave mix, and life should be wonderful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PcmRiff269925472002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Urthman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33594,"Title":"A more realistic starfield","Description":"This is a fairly good starfield which has a couple of features like speed, roll and amount of stars (100-10000) in it. The effects work best in the dark as the stars are all single pixels and sometimes you may even get a little motion sickness from it too. :D","Inputs":"Cursor UP/Down: Amount of Speed\nCursor Left/Right: Amount of Roll\nPage Up/Down: Amount of Stars\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Some dizziness perhaps.. :p\n","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_more_rea69940482002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":129,"AuthorName":"Pookie","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33603,"Title":"cyber cafe management (cafe cyber","Description":"This is a exciting project on cyber cafe management...it is a great example of network programming...The entire process is automatic....u can manage upto 28 clients in a n/w using this software....user's are shown the time left and other informa in their screen...they are assigned username and random password for authentification....unique gui...backup...etc..etc............just vote for me!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024883322584.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/cyber_cafe70040482002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":173,"AuthorName":"somdutt ganguly","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33608,"Title":"LAN chat v1.1","Description":"This is LAN chat (UPDATED), I think it's one of the best chat programs here on PSC, it uses the winsock.ocx can accept multiple connections! You can see what other people are running on theyre computers! It displays commercial messages and if you get any connection errors, you can run a portscan! If you are not chatting over a LAN, you can even request a connection over the Internet so check out the code ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/LAN_chat_v70100482002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Tom Demets","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33609,"Title":"Alphablended Mousetrails","Description":"The code makes a picture follow the mouse in a \"Motion Blur\"-like Motion. Set picture 2's picture to everything, what's on your drive. The code is very simple, enhance it or just leave it behind...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Something looking like mousetrails","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Alphablend(msimg32.dll)","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Alphablend70105482002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Butterkeks","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33610,"Title":"EuroDepth (Superior Fast Picture Color Depth Changer)","Description":"This will change the depth of an image in the matter of milliseconds. This is as fast as PhotoShop. It includes the Visual Basic Source Code to the .dll and a demo to show how quick it is. I didn't have time to comment this. Its for a image editor I'm working on. Please leave feedback and vote if you like it. (If PSC deletes the .dll's just compile it and put one in the demo folder to run it) -James-","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002481518257757.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EuroDepth_70116482002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"James Dougherty","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33611,"Title":"Encode / Decode Data to and from Hex","Description":"Learn how to take strings and encode them to a data file in HEX format, and how to pull strings from a HEX-encoded file and convert them back into readable text! Please Vote on this Tutorial!\nIt doesn't format quite right in PSC, so I suggest downloading the htm version and viewing it that way.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Encode___D70388492002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jason Allen","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33624,"Title":"Drama By Agents","Description":"This program can execute drama scripts using ms agents. See Screen Shot.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200249046352745.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Drama_By_A70261492002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Iftekhar Tanveer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33626,"Title":"File Email Extractor","Description":"Extracts valid email addresses (quickly) from local .txt,.rtf,.doc,.mdb,.xls files and more.\nWill scan entire drive recursively. Save list in different formats. \nUses single regular expression and recursive dir scanner class.\nPlease vote!\nIf you do not like this program return it, and keep the recursive directory scanner as my gift to you.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Requires Microsoft scripting runtime\nRequires Microsoft VBscript Regular Expresions 5.5","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200249643559270.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/File_Email713394122002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":81,"AuthorName":"RegX","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33627,"Title":"Four Colour Gradient (one on each corner, Updated with more examples)","Description":"This module can draw a gradient with four colours, one on each corner. It is not really hard to draw such a gradient, only it is slow. As the loops get larger, the processing takes more time. Even if you use DIB sections, you still have to perform large loops, slowing down the performance. But, by this method, it is possible to eliminate the larger loops, hence increasing the performance manifold. On my PII 233 MHz, drawing a gradient of 640 * 480 took 0.771 (as seen in the screenshot) seconds in the IDE and 0.44 seconds on compiling. New examples include drawing of Hue/Blackness, Hue/Whiteness and Hue/Saturation (Like VB) colour models.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024972942361.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Four_Colou707514102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Sunero Technologies","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33630,"Title":"EHS Language","Description":"This code is a really basic scripting language that is good for beginners and can be used to start anyone who is interested in making a programming language off in the right direction. Please vote if you think it's any good!\nI'll add the IF stuff for you guys soon!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This code is not the most sophisticated as I had to make this language without any help, or code from examples, I wrote it all from my own logic, therefore although it works I recommend you learn to improve my work a bit as I am learning.\n** Now with DLL that a friend pointed out I forgot to upload! **","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"A few bugs may cause VB to crash on you while experimenting with them, nothing to worry about really :)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200249118415119.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EHS_Langua955726172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Peter Winter-Smith","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33638,"Title":"Tree And ListView Demo","Description":"Tree and ListView Demo","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"A Demo For beginners on the treeview and listview control","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002491525285268.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Tree_And_L70471492002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Terry L","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33647,"Title":"FlatObjects","Description":"The Purpose of this code is to demonstrate how to semi flatten objects.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002492033118014.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FlatObject70560492002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Spinflip","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33649,"Title":"Bang Bang Clone!","Description":"\"This is a remake of an old 2-player game, where you was a cannon and you had to shoot at the other cannon. They are placed randomly in a random-generated landscape. The game simulates wind and gravity, so it's not so easy to destroy the adversary cannon. Tell me if you liked this, or suggestions, and VOTE!!\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002492050556014.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Bang_Bang_70561492002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Enrico Bertozzi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33650,"Title":"Image Informer","Description":"Image Informer is a simple program which shows basic information about image like Type of image, Height, Width, FileSize etc. In Image Informer you can see the image also. Image Informer only supports Jpg, Gif, Bmp and Png Files. All the Error handling is done. You can easily understand the program. If u like this program pls Vote for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200249231462412.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Image_Info708984102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"inderpal","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33655,"Title":"Snake Game (NOKIA'S SNAKE CLONE)","Description":"I was bored and I decided to clone the game I play on my Nokia while others pay attention to differential equations in math class. This is a great code for beginners because it shows how to create simple games with 'native' VB objects and detect collitions among them.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"CONTROLS ARE:\nW=UP\nS=DOWN\nA=LEFT\nD=RIGHT","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Snake_Game706224102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Mario A. Di Vece","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33839,"Title":"Detailed search","Description":"make a detailed search, you can read music files (playlist), video files, pictures, text. And print text and pictures.","Inputs":"name of search file and details like length and kind of file.","Assumes":"very simple to use.","CodeReturns":"results of the detailed search.","SideEffects":"none.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024151520533710.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Detailed_s722744152002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"dubourgnoux nicolas","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33840,"Title":"A++ PASSWORD GENERATOR Version 2.0 WITH MASKS(Like in Auto Play Menu Studio)","Description":"This will create any number of passwords you want with any mask. You can also create custom masks and now custom keys! Also checks to make sure the passwords are unique. Very simple to use. Easily customizable. IF YOU LIKE MY LAST ONE THIS IS A MUST SEE! If you like it please vote and leave feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002415153389628.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A++_PASSWO722854152002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"James Dougherty","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33845,"Title":"Circular Form","Description":"Nice circular Form","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002415198549679.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Circular_F723504152002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"JccSoft","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33847,"Title":"Launch APPs using Voice Recognition","Description":"You don't need anymore to click on icons or browse the start menu : you just have to say the name of the app and it opens it! Fully customizable, an option to run the program at system startup...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You need the MS Agent Speech Engines. Main componements + speech recognition engine.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If the PhraseFinish event never raises, it's because you don't have all the necessary MS Agent componements.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024152126418127.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Launch_APP723934152002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"RMD Software","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33849,"Title":"Label","Description":"Nice 3D Label Control","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"A 3D Label Control. you can compile to ocx or use as a standard user control, If used that way be sure to include property page for the extra goodies.. have fun","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Label724024152002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Terry L","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33850,"Title":"Read Excel as Recordset","Description":"An alternative method of reading an MS Excel Spreadsheet.","Inputs":"You must supply the full path and file name of the Excel Sheet you wish to read.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"It returns the Specified Sheets' data in an ADO recordset.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":30,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":46,"AuthorName":"BigP","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33852,"Title":"IP Converter V 0.1","Description":"This is a simply app used for converting IP address' into Hexidecimal, octal and dword values, In its next incarnation it will be able to do the reverse too (its eventuall aim is to become a URL obfusticator(sp?)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/IP_Convert724864162002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"oeb","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33853,"Title":"Simple Rubix cube","Description":"This is just a simple Rubix cube, no API, no DirectX ... well you get the idea.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Rub728074172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"oeb","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33856,"Title":"Winsock HTTP download class","Description":"Updated - now includes file download example\nThis is a simple HTTP download class using WinSock. This class extracts the server name from the URL so all you say is wsc.geturl txturl. \nshows progress and parses the header object returned by the server and throws an error event on a bad response. The full header is made available. Currently this just downloads to memory using the cAppendString class since I just needed this for HTML parsing but it could easily be modified to save to a file.\nEnjoy and please Vote. Or comment or negativaly comment ............or don't.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Requires:\nref to Microsoft Scripting Runtime.\nref to MSWinsockLib.Winsock (Mswinsck.ocx)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002416720183690.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_HT1506121212002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"RegX","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33859,"Title":"Registration Key Generator and Verificator","Description":"This Registration Key generator will do just what the name says: generate Keys based on details you give and allow your applications to verify them (less than 10 lines of code for the verification)\nYou can keep details of multiple applications and their Key caracteristics. Any comment is welcome!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024161151314238.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Registrati726074162002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Chris Gillent","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25088,"Title":"Icon Changer 2 ( TNC edition )","Description":"Windows Icon Changer ( TNC Edition )\nIt's a complete project of Icon Changing.It's based on registry. You can add this code in your\nproject by simply modify.\nFor more code..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\ndidar911@yahoo.com\ntahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Icon Chang228977162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25089,"Title":"AIM Filter (Local Proxy)","Description":"*Please read readme.txt to learn how to use it* Do you like your current AIM client, but wish you had some cool new features your friends don't? This easy to configure program will process your AIM data and do things you normally couldn't do (send IM's while away, crash users, talk in auto responses, send fake files, just to name a few). I never go on AIM without it! Notes: Uses AIM's newer protocol (OSCAR) not TIC/TOC","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001716203222922.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AIM Filter228987162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Robbie Saunders","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25090,"Title":"Simple MCI program","Description":"A simple MCI program.\nFor more code Please Contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nTahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple MCI228997162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25092,"Title":"A simple Logo Program","Description":"A simple transperant Logo program.\nNice outlook...\nFor more code Please Contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nTahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A simple L229017162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25093,"Title":"Winmaster 4.0 ( TNC Edition )","Description":"Winmaster 4.0 ( TNC edition )\nA windows enhancement program.You can modify\nyour windows setting and speed by this code.\nIt's based on registry...\nIt's a strong program for windows enhancement..\nFor more code Please Contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nTahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Winmaster 2290271620.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25095,"Title":"Lock a Window","Description":"Lock a Window..\nHow to lock a window?\nYeah!!! it's so simple..\nFor more code Please Contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nTahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Lock a Win229047162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25096,"Title":"Find a Window And Close It....","Description":"Find a window and Close it..\nIt's so simple code..\nFor more code Please Contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nTahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Find a Win229057162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9995,"Title":"Text Editor","Description":"This code shows the basic functions of a text editor. Cut, copy, paste, save, print, etc. I hope this will be helpful for beginners.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80687242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Jason Mohammed","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9996,"Title":"API - TTOSock Winsock API User Control","Description":"Sorry all, the website (ttosock.2y.net) has been shut down. Thanks to everyone who visted ... Here it is! What you've all been looking for! This is a user control that uses the WINSOCK API, and has the functionality of the WINSOCK.OCX!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD112761132000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"Minnow","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10000,"Title":"HackerScan Routine","Description":"This code will scan for popular hacking tools: FileMon, RegMon and SoftICE (both Win 9x and NT versions). This code was inspired by the SoftICE detection routine by Joox (http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?lngWId=1&txtCodeId=7600). If any of these programs are in memory an access violation is generated. You should call this routine before you read or write any sensitive information (ie license files) to files or the regsitry.\nI'm certain that there are workarounds for this code, but its intent is to make things harder for the hacker.\nI would love to see other methods added to this to detect other debuggers, tools, etc. so please leave whatever comments come to mind. Go ahead and vote too!\nEnjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Simply call this routine before doing any sensitive reading or writing to files or the registry...ie license information.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Acces violations, but it is by design. See the comment in the code for details.","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long\nPublic Declare Sub RaiseException Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"RaiseException\" (ByVal dwExceptionCode As Long, ByVal dwExceptionFlags As Long, ByVal nNumberOfArguments As Long, lpArguments As Long)\nPublic Declare Function CreateFile Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"CreateFileA\" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As ANY, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function CloseHandle Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"CloseHandle\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPublic Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000\nPublic Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000\nPublic Const FILE_SHARE_READ = &H1\nPublic Const FILE_SHARE_WRITE = &H2\nPublic Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3\nPublic Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = &H80\nPublic Const EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION = &HC0000005","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":31,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10002,"Title":"MP3 DJ+ Crossfader","Description":"This time, I've tidied up some code.....PLEASE VOTE AGAIN! (sorry).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80757242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"R-Aboo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10005,"Title":"A Tiny MP3 Player","Description":"On start, it drops to the Sys Tray, left click on it and it opens a commondialog so you can open an audio file. Right click and it exits. Really simple code, but it shows how easily a decent MP3 player could be made in no time. (Uses MS-MP OCX obviously)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Coupla calls for the SysTray. MS standard tho.","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80787242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"LoKi-ZA","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10006,"Title":"ColorWheel","Description":"Displays a color wheel on your monitor.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":101,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072491414531.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Fastgraph boy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10007,"Title":"Encryption/decryption program","Description":"This article explains how to encrypt a message and then decrypt it using an array and loops. Using random letters to change the original letters of the original message.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Steve","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10008,"Title":"TimeChart_ado.ocx","Description":"Mit TimeChart_ado.ocx k├╢nnen Zeitr├ñume von, zB. Urlaubpl├ñnen oder Projektplanungen, grafisch dargestellt werden. Dabei werden die relevanten Infos aus deiner individuellen Datenbank ausgelesen.\nNEU: Im Gegensatz zur DAO Version (TimeChart.ocx) nutzt dieses Ding nun ADO 2.1 und kann damit an jede datenbank gehangen werden, die ADO unterst├╝tzt!","Inputs":"Enthalten ist der gesamte Quellecode (dokumentiert) und ein komplettes Beispiel (dokumentiert)\nAch ja:\nDas OCX ist ebenfalls FREEWARE f├╝r den privaten Gebrauch.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007241014365959.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80827242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Axel Womatschka","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34046,"Title":"MacBoot","Description":"None really.. its just an imitation Mac boot up sequence. Has some API sound playing, screen capture routine, resource file use etc etc.. ok to learn a few things from.. \nSome sections of the code have been obtained from various sources on PSC","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002422154273611.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MacBoot746104222002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Matzy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34050,"Title":"True DB Grid 7.0 Generic Class","Description":"Generic Library to improve the Component One True OleDb Grid 7.0\nAllow Filter, Grouping, searching, Sorting,Copyng.\nFilter library also included.\nTo download the ocx trial version go to www.componentone.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You need to have Component One TrueOleDbGrid 7.0 and Ado 2.5. To download ocx trial version go to www.componentone.com\ncan use version 6 or 5 by just changing the reference and replacing the grid in the form.\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024221711831.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/True_DB_Gr748544232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Erick Antelo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34052,"Title":"Awesome Hyperlink Control (updated)","Description":"This is not your average hyperlink control. This is a bumped up hyperlink control that smoothly fades to your mouseover color when your mouse is paused over it, and fades smoothly back to your idlecolor when the mouse leaves the control, WITHOUT A FLICKER! There's also a property where you can have a orange carrot to the left of your caption, and on mouseover the carrot turns into a carrot with a circle. There is also another property that puts a gray, rounded rectangle around your label on mouseover. Theres also ANOTHER property that fades the old caption out and fades the new caption in when you change the control's caption. This control is extremely cool. This can replace big ugly command buttons with a small simple hyperlink control. Vote if you like it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Awesome_Hy1112277262002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Andrew Christiansen","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34053,"Title":"Get Clean Square Root","Description":"It returns a nice clean square root of a number (No Fractions). It uses a simple factoring routine to get all the factors of a number. It then multiplies all the terms that appear twice. It returns \"N1~N2\", where N1*sqr(N2)=sqr(X).","Inputs":"X","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"\"N1~N2\", where N1*sqr(N2)=sqr(X).","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":37,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jonathan P. Ivy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34057,"Title":"Newbie Database Helper","Description":"Basically I took the most common database commands and wrapped them into an Active X DLL. \nStep 1 ΓÇô Compile the DLL \nStep 2 ΓÇô Open and run the ΓÇ£TestΓÇ¥ program\nHope this helps some of you newbies\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Newbie_Dat747534232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Bryan A. Cairns","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34058,"Title":"Colour Balls","Description":"Balls that bounce and change color when they hit the ground.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Colour_Bal747794232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Abrian Stemmet","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10146,"Title":"VU Meter","Description":"I have seen a few remaks of one vu meter so i decided to do one up myself. This one supports 18 frequencies & can resize it vertaclly. It is pretty basic, lowest freqs from 31hz to highes of 16khz going right to left (low to high). Works great with napster, dont work with windows media player (wmp dont sent threw vu meter on snd card).","Inputs":"Sound file plaied threw the vu meter on sound card.","Assumes":"Your sound card Must support a vu meter (sound blaster 16 works fine).\nLet me know what ya think email: Lantz@1st.net or ICQ# 17255556.\nPlz vote if you want, if no that ok too =)","CodeReturns":"Graphic VU Meter","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82587282000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":167,"AuthorName":"Zack Lantz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10149,"Title":"View Printer status","Description":"View Data that go to the printer and the control strobe, select enz and view the status from the printer to the computer. \nOut.dll by Denis Wiegand","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072854537846.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82637282000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Sjaan Banaan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10156,"Title":"IE Favorites <-> Netscape bookmark converter","Description":"Converts IE Favorites to Netscape Bookmarks and vice-versa in just 9 lines of code","Inputs":"Just the Netscape bookmark.htm file path","Assumes":"To use this code, make sure you have an Internet Control component in your project. Then its simple - call the functions with the path of your netscape bookmark file.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The export operation will not merge with the Netscape file - it will overwrite it.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":10,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Mark Roberts","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10157,"Title":"Mp3Player","Description":"It is a simple Mp3 Player","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82947282000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Runner","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10158,"Title":"SwooshBox v1.0 - Custom Control - Special Effect Textbox","Description":"When the Swooshbox Gets Focus, it will smoothly expand to its end width and when focus is lost, will smoothly scroll back to its origional Start width. VERY PROFESSIONAL LOOKING!","Inputs":"Start Width\nEnd Width","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82957282000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10160,"Title":"Back to simplicity: Floating CommandButtons","Description":"A lame little \"3D\" effect with a shape and a command button. makes it look like the button is floating above the form.. the contained code shows how to further that effect by moving the button..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You need 1 command button and one shape.\nsize them both to the same size, fill the shap to a nice shadow color, and place the shape 60 twips right, and 60 twips down from the button.. \nif you wish the shorten/lengthen the distance, simply play with the numbers; don't forget to remove the border around the shape..","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":12,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007281245255710.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"^DaRk^","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10165,"Title":"A Simple encryption function with Password","Description":"A simple encryption function with Password. The slightest change with the password will effect the text so that it is unreadable. This function also encrypts and decrypts depending on if you set EnDeCrypt Boolean to True or False.\nI am sure you could crack a message from this code after a while but i think it is stronger than other simple cryption codes you will find on planet source code.\nSorry that I ain't REMed it but it is quite simple so you should understand it. I hope you like.","Inputs":"Text for encryption, Password and either true or false for encrypt or decrypt.","Assumes":"All you need to do is paste the code into a project and create a Command button. I useally put the function into a module.","CodeReturns":"The En/Decrypted text.","SideEffects":"None I know off","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":36,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Eskimoman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10167,"Title":"DrawFrame Secrets!","Description":"This code will show you some of the hidden secrets of the DrawFrame API function!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83017282000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Jay","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34327,"Title":"The easiest way to add shadow to controls","Description":"An easy code - \nIt will put a shadow behind the control which is currently focussed and will loose the shadow when the control has lost focus.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200252030568900.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/The_easies78367522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Nitin Bagga","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34332,"Title":"Changing the ways of VB programming (Make life so simple)","Description":"Last update for this program for a long time. Basicly what i am trying to do is make visual basic programming so much easier for beginners or even advanced people. My way's may not be the best, but it gets the job done. Now, c'mon people, ** VOTE ** I really want to win *** ONE *** last time on PSC befor i stop programming for awhile. It's a really cool feeling!\nAlso PLEASE leave feedback. I love to hear what everyone has to say. If you don't think this program can help beginners or even advanced users let me know..\nEnjoy!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200252135325115.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Changing_t78390522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Patrick G","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34334,"Title":"Create New Folder from the popup menu of \"tpye:File Folders\"","Description":"tired of waiting to popup the new>New Folder heres a little program... this makes yer life easier","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200252253136433.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"BIOS [ze0slot]","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34335,"Title":"Advanced Multiple Undos Class for Text- AND RichText-Boxes [Updated 05/09/2003]","Description":"This is an advanced version of my last month's submission. Now supports richtextboxes AND textboxes. You still only need to add two class files and a few lines of code to your VB project to add the multiple undo feature to any richtextbox or textbox. For more information read the readme.txt included in the zip file, please. -- Again, thanks to MrBobo for his ideas and suggestions. -- Time and Type (deletion, modification, addition)of an undo snapshot is tracked. Thanks to Andrea Moro for this idea.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" _\n(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function InvalidateClientRect Lib \"user32\" Alias \"InvalidateRect\" _\n(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpRect As Long, ByVal bErase As Long) As Long\nPrivate Const WM_SETREDRAW = &HB\nPrivate Const EM_LINESCROLL = &HB6\nPrivate Const EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE = &HCE\n'\n'\n'Example API Declarations:\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" _\n(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\nPrivate Const WM_CUT = &H300\nPrivate Const WM_COPY = &H301\nPrivate Const WM_PASTE = &H302","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20021241041439591.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced_M158572592003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":110,"AuthorName":"Sebastian Thomschke","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33661,"Title":"The Super Fast HTML Filter","Description":"HTML Filter will filter all html tags from an HTML Content, and its fast (it processed 30 KB of HTML in 2.5 seconds in a Pentium at 500 Mhz), only paste the code and press the button, and \"Vuala!\" all done for you by Visual Basic!\nNote: Please vote it if you can, please :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002410255236266.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/The_Super_706424102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Design7 Software","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33662,"Title":"DAO Database Browser OCX Control","Description":"This is a prefabricated database browser to be used with bookmark- and clone-supporting SQL databases (MS-Access for example). It lets the user browse a database or search for specific entries and then select an entry for further processing. The appearance and contents are customizable. \nEverything above the blue line is part of the OCX Control. Simply stick it in a form, set a few properties and you're go with a commercial quality browser/record selector.\nA cross linked help file is included. Download is only 20.5 kB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002410357114791.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DAO_Databa706554102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33665,"Title":"Folder Compare","Description":"Compares the contents of two folders and move files if necessary. I needed to compare the contents of two system folders on two machines to see what library files were missing on one machine. So I just threw this together today, thought it might be useful to some of you. Any feedback mush appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Rossc007706644102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"CSD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33673,"Title":"Systray Toolbar Bug","Description":"When a form contains a toolbar (from MS Common Controls 6.0), there is a bug in vb6 that causes the systray icon to not respond to mouse events. The workaround for this is to set the toolbar.enabled = False before creating the systray icon","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function SetForegroundWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long\n Private Declare Function Shell_NotifyIcon Lib \"shell32\" Alias \"Shell_NotifyIconA\" (ByVal dwMessage As Long, pnid As NOTIFYICONDATA) As Boolean\n","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":116,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Ben White","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33677,"Title":"Image Thumbnail Viewer","Description":"This is a very simple way to view a thumbnail of an image file while maintaining the aspect ration.","Inputs":"'String - The full path to the image file\n'PictureBox1 - Temporary holding place for the image\n'PictureBox2 - Final resting place for the image","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":36,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ben White","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33678,"Title":"Serial generator&program's protection","Description":"Protect yours programs with registration\nIf the program is installed in another computner need a new licence","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Windows api","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Serial_gen707714102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Victor Velepucha","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33679,"Title":"RushHour Puzzle Game with Puzzle Editor included. Nice Graphics","Description":"I was in love with RushHour since I first saw it. It comes in a little box with puzzle cards and nice little plastic cars and trucks, but it took too long for me to accomodate the cars each time I wanted to play a new puzzle. I then decided to clone this game for the PC. The package comes with all standard 40 levels of the original game, has a solution saver, a puzzle editor, a score routine, supports movements with mouse and with arrow keys, a nice-looking timer (7-segment-displays)... A complete game to excercise your brains.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200241015940978.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RushHour_P707724102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Mario A. Di Vece","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33686,"Title":"Pie Graph Generator","Description":"To create a pie chart for reporting by adding a number of segments with the relevant data.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"There is a complete project demonstrating how to use the class Pie chart so even the beginner should be able to use this. All code it well commented.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function Pie Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long, ByVal x3 As Long, ByVal y3 As Long, ByVal x4 As Long, ByVal y4 As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SelectObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function Rectangle Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreateFontIndirect Lib \"gdi32\" Alias \"CreateFontIndirectA\" (lpLogFont As LOGFONT) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetClientRect Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function TextOut Lib \"gdi32\" Alias \"TextOutA\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Pie_Graph_708094102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Trevor Newsome","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33690,"Title":"VBRSGen","Description":"VBRSGen is a handy VB 6.0 Add-In that creates formatted ADO/DAO recordset and SQL code from Access database tables and queries. Generates variables, sets objects, etc. Also includes a simple \"Where\" clause creator tool and a results preview grid. Code is ready to paste from the Clipboard or Notepad.\nSome SQL statements aren't parsed properly, but these can be easily edited; this still saves a lot of time in repetitive ADO/DAO database coding. \nI'm making this available elsewhere as shareware for $20, but because the PSC community has provided so much invaluable support and helpful code, feel free to download the open source code here for your own personal use at no charge!\nThis was originally posted in early April 2002 and received amazing feedback and dozens of \"5-Globe\" votes, until the PSC database had some problems. So please vote and leave feedback to let me know what you think!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Some SQL statements aren't parsed properly, but these can be easily edited; this still saves a lot of time in repetitive ADO/DAO database coding. \nI'm making this available elsewhere as shareware for $20, but because the PSC community has provided so much invaluable support and helpful code, feel free to download the open source code here for your own personal use at no charge!\nThis was originally posted in early April 2002 and received amazing feedback and dozens of \"5-Globe\" votes, until the PSC database had some problems. So please vote and leave feedback to let me know what you think!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024301041583831.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VBRSGen775774302002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":64,"UserRatingTotal":318,"AuthorName":"Brian Battles WS1O","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33693,"Title":"A++ PASSWORD GENERATOR WITH MASKS(Like in Auto Play Menu Studio) (UPDATED)","Description":"(BY REQUEST IT NOW PRODUCES ONLY UNIQUE PASSWORDS. ENJOY IT!!) This will create passwords any number of passwords you want with any mask. You can also create custom masks! Very simple and little code. Easily customizable. MUST SEE! If you like it please vote and leave feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024102352466076.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A++_PASSWO710914112002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"James Dougherty","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33694,"Title":"Change background/foreground color of Progressbar","Description":"Change background/foreground color of Progressbar.\nusing SENDMESSAGE/win32API","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib _\n \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" _\n (ByVal hwnd As Long, _\n ByVal wMsg As Long, _\n ByVal wParam As Long, _\n lParam As Any) As Long\nPublic Const CCM_FIRST = &H2000\nPublic Const CCM_SETBKCOLOR = (CCM_FIRST + 1)\nPublic Const PBM_SETBKCOLOR = CCM_SETBKCOLOR\nPublic Const WM_USER = &H400\nPublic Const PBM_SETBARCOLOR = (WM_USER + 9)","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":41,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Juha S├╢derqvist","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33699,"Title":"Mileage Counter and Speedometer OCX Control","Description":"A new type of progress indicator (mileage counter and speedometer), similar to the one you have in your car. Check it out, download is only 17 kB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024111121251482.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mileage_Co710014112002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":58,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33700,"Title":"VirtualDigimonz1.75 -The VirtualPet That U Adopt And Fight....(Best Game Ever In PSC#1!! REALLY!!!","Description":"(Just advertise again!! lol.. I need vote)Sorry For The 1.85 that I realease EXE file in PSC. The code have been deleted by me. But I just only need yours comments only. Never mine, I just release my 1.75 source code first, ok? This is my Best Game Project since I learn VB 4 years ago. I'm 16. This project are already over 1 year(January 2001 until now) of making . I never since before adopt pet games in computer that greatest than this! Just like Digimon that you play, u can fight with your friends digimon. In this game, it through TCP/IP to connect and fight or you can fight with computer! There are many many many many game ideas that I think out, like: Online Ranking(You will get scores in the battle), Professional hire(Hire a Professional(Robber, Theif, ...) and throught TCP/IP to steal information from your friend digimon or steal his money), Online Transfer Money(Like Cheque), Games like... Lottery, Casino(to earn credit[credit is use for gainning ur pets defences, health, attack....]), Online Tournament And many many many more....!!! It also contain many VB-BESTsource like Half-Transparent(WINNT) form, internal sound(midi), Form skin(from VBAccelator), Check for UPDATE(Online) and many more.... It's really many many many function!!!!!!!!!(Just download and see!). All online function is really works cause we found a ASP server(like online score will store at there). I lost my 1.85 source code because I formmated the d:\\ while the source code I haven't backup. Anyway, I got backup my lastest Version(1.75) and the compiled .exe file in my other computer but I will try to rewrite the source code back until 1.85. I will try my best to release the 1.85 source code as fast as I can(I'm working on it every day! but sometimes rellly can't remember where I edited, so I need some times). Leave some comments to me and if you like it, VOTE for me(cause I need to know how you all feel about this game[p.s. : My friends(Game tester) rating me 90%]) : The code is at http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/showcode.asp?txtCodeId=33496&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":1,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002411114376550.JPg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Choong You Qi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33701,"Title":"Any region date validation with maskedit - Handles Nulls","Description":"Checks any date regardless of regional settings. Uses the mask edit control handles null dates!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002411120455720.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Any_region710574112002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Michael Clarke","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33704,"Title":"FreeMem","Description":"This program uses Api calls to get the current free physical memory, then both prints and shows you graphically the data. The project uses a borderless form so you can move it around with a simple mouse click.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002411152662917.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FreeMem710804112002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Spinflip","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33710,"Title":"Count.","Description":"This is a small game I created for some people that wre asking for it.. It is for kids age 6 and up... Kinda slow on old computers cause its using my own, easy bitblit function :)\nNice engine... For a start .. Could be extended... First project commented :) Rate this please ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"' See in zip","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002411194522082.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Count_711394112002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"TV2kNET.net","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33717,"Title":"A 3d Menu using DirectX 8","Description":"This is supposed to be a menu, it works, but it doesnt do much yet... (still working on it). This would be a nice add-on for a 3d game...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_3d_Menu_711834122002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"<<ULTIMA>>","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33718,"Title":"ActiveMovie PLayer","Description":"VIEW MOVIES IN YOUR APP! Uses active movie to display movies in fullscreen, textboxs, picture boxs, controls anything! also plays sounds like mp3 wavs and others. Very easy to learn. uses quartz.dll (included) Sorry screenshot didnt include actual viewing of movie (i dont know why) but it does show the app.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002412022368276.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ActiveMovi711934122002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Master_Kaos","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33720,"Title":"GradientMaster","Description":"Don't laugh, it's my second VB program ever. It creates three-level gradients that can be saves as bitmaps. The vertical resolution is 500 pixels, so they look good even when stretched to fit the desktop.","Inputs":"RGB color values between 0 and 100","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200241202311373.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/GradientMa711954122002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Joshua Foster","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33728,"Title":"Football Manager","Description":"Pretty addictive little football manager VBA project. The code is not mine I recieved it in a mail so the Kudos(if any) go to the mystery author. Anyway enjoy it, I did.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Football_M713184122002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"CSD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33729,"Title":"Locate Entry in List/Combo using API, no looping","Description":"Locate an entry in combo or listbox using API call, rather than looping through all entries.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Mark Compton","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33730,"Title":"SQL GUID 2 String (Compression)","Description":"2 functions to convert a 38 character GUID eg. {2E1EFAD8-4AD9-48A6-B9A9-75505F2B9A51} to a compact/compressed 16 character VB String eg. @#$%<|{.#&(@*^&! and back again. I use these 2 functions to efficiently convert literally millions of my SQL uniqueidentifier variables to their 16 character VB String equivalents for storage in arrays. This code is from my SQL & VB based game which stores millions of these GUID's, I needed a more efficient way to store them as my memory requirements are already running into gigs. The code has been slightly modified for PSC (no input/debug checks). If anyone finds it useful or has any kind of speed improvement or has questions, please let me know !!! If you find this code/concept good/useful, or don't understand, or have any performance suggestions (besides using API calls), just let me know. NB. With the help of Ian Webling's AWESOME advice and re-coding, this is the latest version using concepts from both of us, and has been heavily modified from the first release. MAJOR credit and thank you's must again be paid to Ian for his optimization skill !!! Ian collectively improved their speed by an estimated 70%, and I provided an additional 30% increase on his code, both calculated on 100,000 conversions. If U want MORE power/speed, check my API versions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"String concatenation, using &, reduced my first version's speed by over 20% for 100,000 conversions. The iif statement has been replaced by a MUCH faster Format$ and Replace$ combination. Uses the Space$(16) VB Function to create a Buffer of spaces in GUID2ID function, 1.5% faster than using String$(16, 32) function. 99% of this code is attributed to the enhancements and suggestions made by Ian Webling.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":57,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Trevor Herselman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33731,"Title":"File Email Extractor 1.0.6","Description":"Extracts valid email addresses (quickly) from local .txt,.rtf,.doc,.mdb,.xls,.zip files and more automatically removing duplicates.\nWill scan entire drive recursively. Combine sort and edit and save list to several formats.\nUses single regular expression and recursive dir scanner class.\nPlease vote!!!\nIf you do not like this program return it, and keep the recursive directory scanner as my gift to you.\nAdded ini.bas so extention list is persistant.\nNow recognizes .*** extension for all files.\nAlso added documentaion for dirscanner class.\nFixed a few bugs.\nI will add resizing support soon.\nResizing code is lame, so I wrote a module to do it, but the module scales controls relatively to the form wich isn't as pretty as when it is hardcoded so controls are relative to each other.\nI am working on an addin to do this, but I am new to addins. Any help would be greatly appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Requires Microsoft scripting runtime\nRequires Microsoft VBscript Regular Expresions 5.5","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002412831237621.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/File_Email713364122002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"RegX","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33738,"Title":"Language Translator Gizmo Speech Recognition","Description":"Translates langauges, I say Hello into microphone, computer says Ciao out of speaker. like those Sci-Fi Translation Gizmo in the movie The Last Star Fighter. Maybe the U.N can make use of it.\nYou will need the 5.1 speech sdk get this operating. \nhttp://www.microsoft.com/speech/download/sdk51/\nEmail me if you have any problems.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024121115564994.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Language_T713844122002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Scurry Underground","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33740,"Title":"LSystems","Description":"It generates a parallel rewriting system (Lindenmayer System). Take a look at the screen shot.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024121356176355.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/LSystems714124122002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Loreno Heer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33741,"Title":"DirBox Sample","Description":"It is the same as the Common Dialog Control,when you use it for openning/saving files,but it is working with directories not with files.This is my first code on PSC.Pls send some feedback!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024121420513348.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DirBox_Sam714194122002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Ivan Zlatev","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33747,"Title":"Cookies Analyser 1.03","Description":"This program helps you analyze your IE cookies. It shows cookie's details allows you to delete individual cookies or cookies based on certain domain. Gives you some quick stats about cookies and helps you to monitor what exactly you are receiving. It's quite nice and actually useful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024121847383668.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Cookies_An724034152002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":63,"AuthorName":"Vladimir S. Pekulas","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33748,"Title":"PadString Any Side","Description":"Pads a string with any character you like. I usually use it to pad numbers with leading zeros. But you can use it for other things.","Inputs":"Input ltring, length of return string, pad character, and side to pad","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"a string","SideEffects":"No matter howmany characters in the pstrChar your pad character is the first character of pstrChar.","ApiDeclarations":"Public Enum enPadString\n pdLeft\n pdRight\nEnd Enum","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":28,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"VisualProgman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33751,"Title":"Skin Editor v1.0","Description":"this is a program that lets you load/save skins for programs, and then compile it into a bitmap for display in your vb progs. i believe this is original to this site (if its not plz tell me). and if people like it i will continue with it. please vote and comment!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024122136321244.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Skin_Edito714894122002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"poop_4_brains","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33752,"Title":"Updated! Direct3D Piramid","Description":"It shows how to do 3D graphics with direct3d. It's render a piramid. \nThis version have: \n- Choose BackColor\n- Choose axis for rotation or no rotation\n- You can move the camera\nIf you like this code please vote for it.\nFeel free to make any comment.\nSorry about my english, I'm from Argentina.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200241322324837.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Updated!_D717344132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Fedrico Vidueiro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33754,"Title":"Shadow OCX","Description":"Create DOS like Shadows to your form with just one line code","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200241343475542.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Shadow_OCX715644132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":72,"AuthorName":"Praveen Menon","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33755,"Title":"Forces Windows XP to skin your app","Description":"This program forces Windows XP to skin your application with the Windows XP skin. Just select your project and click 'Update project'. Can't be easier! Tip: Copy the .manifest file into your Visual Basic 6 directory and rename it to 'vb6.exe.manifest'. Now Visual Basic is also skinned!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002413416275.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Forces_Win715694132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"VirtLink Software Productions","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33756,"Title":"FORM ANIMATIONS","Description":"MAKE UR FORMS BLINK,BOUNCE,SHAKE,SLIDE AND ZOOM.\nVERY EASY CODE (without any API mambo-jambo)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"MAKE UR FORMS BLINK,BOUNCE,SHAKE,SLIDE AND ZOOM.\nVERY EASY CODE (without any API mambo-jambo)\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FORM_ANIMA715734132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Pankaj Jaju","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33764,"Title":"Winsock Client/Server Example -- Every Line Commented","Description":"Well, I just now finished my Winsock Client/Server example. I wrote this with the intention of people learning from it. That's why I commented every single line in the whole program. It shows you how to do the following: \n1) Setup a multi-user server \n2) Write your own winsock client \n3) Login with a username and password \n4) Send data to all connected sockets \n5) Write your own commands that the user types \n6) Save and load files \n7) Work with common dialogs \nIt has more options than I have listed here. You'll have to download and check it out for yourself, you will not be disappointed. \nFor directions on how to use this program. See the client example. Everything you need to know is in there. \nIf you download this, please give me some feed back. I spent about 3 hours writing this, it's the least you could do.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_Cl716474132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Tony Drummond","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33767,"Title":"Batch UI 4 VB - For Maximum Speed & Safety to Batch Modify Forms' UI - A Must See!!!","Description":"Batch UI 4 VB, for maximum speed and safety to batch modify forms' UI!\nwanna Save your time when changing the appearance of your forms?\nBatch UI 4 VB is intended to batch change the appearance of forms, \nsuch as fonts, borders, etc with high speed!\nBatch UI 4 VB strictly follows the coding standards with a nice UI.\nPlease vote & commend for Batch UI 4 VB for a better speed and safety\nwith custom borders, styles, texts, captions, tooltips, menus and more!!!!!!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024131229435647.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Batch_UI_4716534132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"enmity","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33770,"Title":"Code Tree (incl. Sample Codes and Colour Picker & Progress Bar OCX)","Description":"UPDATE: NEW VERSION CAN BE FOUND AT http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=41941&lngWId=1\n\nThis program is for keeping a store of useful code in an easily manageable way. It creates a Tree View of all the code (or any RTF/Text document) in the app's path (incl. sub DIRs). I wrote this quite a while ago, so there are bad ways of doing things, and bugs, but on the whole it does what it's supposed to. I think there are about 25 code samples in different languages, and you may add your own including custom categories - just create sub directories with a large and small bmp in them and they will be added to the tree. Anyway, if you like it or want to leave any comments/vote please do. If you need some help then just e-mail me or leave a comment here.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024131339135138.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Code_Tree_716634132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":70,"AuthorName":"Rick Bull","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33772,"Title":"Gradient2","Description":"Don't laugh -- it's only my second VB program ever! Creates three-level gradients. Uses a custom-made color control. The gradient has a vertical resolution of 500 so it will still look fine as a streched background.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Drag the RGB sliders and the gradient will dynamically update.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024131454266179.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Gradient2716734132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"josh2112","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33776,"Title":"______Rotating Gradient______","Description":"The kewlest gradient ever shown in an easy way, it allows u to draw a gradient filled picture box at any angle simply click and drag the picture box and up to 15 colors can be added through the blend aswell!!! (can be modified for more)\nhope u like, please vote!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024131846347715.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Rotating_G717084132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Agent Smith","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33787,"Title":"Variable Pointers 32-Bit in VB! Really easy!","Description":"With vbpointers32.dll, you can now use 32 bit pointers in vb. A pointer is a \nreference to a variable, like those in C. VB doesn 't let you do this, but \nyou can get around this. You can do it the VarPtr() ways combined with \nCopymemory (the hard way) or you can do it the easy way with this dll. \nvbpointers32.dll lets you reference a variable thats less than or equal to \n32 bits, like a byte, integer, long, single and booleans (no objects or \nstrings yet), and put it into a long variable! You can also do arrays, \nmulti-dim arrays and types! This is my first submission to PSC. By the way, \ncheck out my profile. PLEASE VOTE AND LEAVE COMMENTS!\nSide Effects:\nIf you misuse the dll you might crash vb or vb will skip the line.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Variable_P717384132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"speedy5","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33788,"Title":"RevEx","Description":"RevEx - creates a random alphanumeric string based on a pattern.\nThink of it as regular expression pattern matching in reverse.\nUseful if you need to create a random combination of values in a\ncertain format. Letters (lower/upper case) and decimal numbers or\nany combination or part thereof: boolean, hex, octal values; dates, times,\nvowels, consonants, phone numbers, zip codes, GUIDs; IP, social security,\ncredit card numbers ... \nPLEASE VOTE OR COMMENT, THANKS!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024132331355989.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RevEx717754132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Roman Kehr","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33789,"Title":"Take Screenshot From VB","Description":"This will take a screenshot of the screen from inside VB. It is not mainly for taking screenshots of apps (Alt + PrintScreen or just PrintScreen). This is mainly for stuff like spying, etc. So this will have the same effect as the PrintScreen key. You will be responsible for protecting the clipboard info. Please erase the clipboard before you run this function as then it will take the previous data in the clipboard first, and then work the second time. I tried putting Clipboard.Clear into the sub but then it will not work at all.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Sub keybd_event Lib \"user32\" Alias \"keybd_event\" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)\n","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":7,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"excelblue (Mark Lu)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33792,"Title":"Change MSN Messenger Name","Description":"This Code Lets you to change your name on msn messenger","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Justin Middelton","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33794,"Title":"[ Form On Top ]","Description":"This will put your forms on top. Works good. It uses API calls to do this. Hope it helps you.\nAlso Please visut my site, i got some video tutorials there about visual basic. http://www14.brinkster.com/computerteck/?p254","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_______Fo718274142002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":127,"AuthorName":"Brian Link","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33795,"Title":"Realistic Matrix ScreenSaver without using DirectX","Description":"This is a very realistic Matrix falling code style screensaver but without the need of using DirectX...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024141436205442.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Matrix_Scr718854142002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Kevin Pfister","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33802,"Title":"[ [ #1 How to create ASP applications without writing ASP code","Description":"PLEASE VOTE","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[_[__1_No_719454142002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":82,"AuthorName":"Pamela RAI","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33806,"Title":"Scroll a Form uing its own ScrollBars","Description":"This simple example shows you how to use the FORMS very own scrollbars. No need to use pictureboxes and added horizontal and vertical scrollbars adjacent to it to allow display of a form larger than the screen. This could get quite messy. And yes, the Form does have its very own scrollbars. Take a look at the screen shot and also run the example.\nA couple of APIs do most of the work for you","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Most VB programmers do not realize the Form has scrollbars and consequently create elaborate methods for displaying forms that are larger than the physical screen. This example shows how to use the Forms scrollbars using a couple of simple API's.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Controls such as Lines and Shapes, or for that matter any control that does not have a hwnd, will need to be repainted when scrolled out of view and back in again. A simple way around this is to put those controls in pictureboxes with AutoRedraw = True.","ApiDeclarations":"Several. See the accompanying Module.","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024141655419654.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Scroll_a_F719474142002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"John G","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33817,"Title":"MSN AutoAway","Description":"This program interfaces with MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger to provide an Automatic away message. Advanced features such as Find User, and Login as Invisible are still being developed. Please add comments and lemme know what you think.\nSabiancrash","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Beware. This is an alpha version of the program. Expect many changes in look and functionality in the future.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002414211535314.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MSN_AutoAw720194142002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Peter Sloan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33820,"Title":"Skin Editor v2","Description":"a same as before but added features including indivual buttons and file association (which works). please vote and comment!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200241423634517.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Skin_Edito720324142002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"poop_4_brains","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33821,"Title":"VBSpaceShooter AKA VBRaptor","Description":"This is a game written in Visual Basic. Many of you have probably seen it here already as I had it posted here in the past. This has a few bug fixes, updates, etc. I look forward to any comments, suggestions, and constructive critisism you might have regarding it. For those wondering what it is, it's a game using BitBlt, which has enemy ai, levels, pickups, and it's plenty of fun :)\nDue to size could not upload here. Download at:\nhttp://cedit.sourceforge.net/vbspaceshooter.zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":2,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002415024162022.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Ackbar","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33827,"Title":"Ultima 8 Graphics viewer","Description":"For some reason about a month ago I felt this urge to suddenly start playing Ultima 8 again. For those of you who don't know, Ultima 8 is one of the Ultima series of games (most recently Ultima Online), which was a Dos game around in 1994/1995. Anyways, this program allows you to view the graphics (or some of them at least, it seems to have problems decoding some files) which come with it. I got the format from http://members.iinet.net.au/~garydep/ultima8.html, and there is some other borrowed code in here. Oh yeah, this program is essentially useless if you don't have Ultima 8, unless you feel like reading the well commented code to get a better understanding of low level file reading.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024151128276915.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Ultima_8_G721934152002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"JimCamel","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33830,"Title":"Accounts Database **UPDATED**","Description":"Heh, I just can't stop thinking of new things to add to this program. I've now added the option under properties to customize your packages to sell. I used to have this program using registry for the database, but now im using a DAO database for the clients. Program has many options. Take a look, let me know what you think please. One thing i look for most is feedback and of course votes =)\nEnjoy","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024151220244010.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Accounts_D722164152002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Patrick G","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33862,"Title":"Membrane Effect and Sphere Mapping","Description":"This code demonstrates the membrane effect and sphere mapping.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This code uses alpha blending, which is not 100% supported accross all video crads. You DO have the source code to look at, so you can easily modify the blending constants to get it too work properly on your video card. I don't have access to every video card made, so I can't do the testing for you.","ApiDeclarations":"This is CODE, not some silly noobie question.\non Lines 439, 440, you can modify the blending constants. Use the Directx caps viewer to see what your card supports, but if you're an advanced user, you would know that already.","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024161232493513.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Membrane_E726374162002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Eric Coleman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33863,"Title":"PopupCreator","Description":"The PopupCreator class allow you to create Popups menu without the use of the PopupMenu method on a form object.\nThis is cool becouse you don't need to build a menu on a form;\nNote that sub menus aren't allowed... :-(\nIf you got the solution to this, just tell me how can I do :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See code","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PopupCreat726484162002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sebastiano Pallaro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33865,"Title":"A TreeView Example By Pio","Description":"This is a really good example showing you how to do the basics with TreeView. ex. Load List, Expand a Node on Run, etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024161340171882.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_TreeView726584162002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":63,"AuthorName":"Pioneer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33869,"Title":"A List Search Example by Pio *Updated*","Description":"List Search Example using One Sub, that has many uses, you can search for Multiple of the Exact item, non multiple of the exact, Multiple of Containing text, It just goes on and on. \n'*** UPDATED ***\nAugust 06, 2003\n1) Recoded Procedure\n2) Formated Procedure\n3) Added Comments","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC200386724188063.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/A_List_Sea162478862003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Pioneer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24860,"Title":"A!-Tic-Tac-Toe-!","Description":"This is the best Tic-Tac-Toe game out there. With nice images and a score board.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A!-Tic-Tac22471792001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Will Wharton","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24861,"Title":"UPDATED: MDI Task Bar control 1.6","Description":"*UPDATE 1.6*\nAdded the AutoHide features that people have been requesting.\nThe control now has 4 properties that are for the AutoHide feature:\n1. AutoHide, Boolean\n This tells the bar to hide when the mouse is no longer over it.\n2. AutoHideWait, Integer\n This tells the bar how long to wait before hiding (in case you accidentally move the mouse off of it, it wont immediately hide)\n It is in Milliseconds so 1000 = 1 second.\n3. AutoHideAnimate, Boolean\n This tells the bar to \"slide\" off screen instead of just disappearing.\n4. AutoHideAnimateFrames, Integer\n This is the # of frames to split the \"Slide\" effect into (more frames is slower, but smoother)\n I recommend 50 - 100 frames. From my testing it seems to be the best.\n*UPDATE 1.5*\nFixed the icon drawing problems when comipled on windows 2000.\nRe-wrote a lot of code to optimize for speed, and to make the code easier to read/understand.\nAdded a lot more and better comments.\n*UPDATE 1.4* Fixed the drawing on windows 2000/nt/95.\nFixed the bar to work when used with a compiled exe.\nFixed some drawing problems with the coolbar style.\n*UPDATE 1.3* Fixed one more windows 2000 bug. still having the compiled issue on win2k.\nAdded a new style (now you can select the style property), Coolbar.\n*UPDATE 1.2* fixed the win2k bug. Now works perfectly in windows 2000.\nADDED: Color settings, for every button state, and for the bar itself.\nFixed many bugs (none left that I know of)\nAdded the menu. Now when you right click on \na button on the task bar, it shows the system\nmenu from the form that the button belongs to.\nThis ia fully working Taskbar for an MDI form. Works just like the windows task bar. It was originally written by Maxx Zephyr Technology and uploaded to www.freevbcode.com. That version had problems, and also was not a stand alone control, it had to be included in your project because it was dependant on the Forms collection. I went through the code, cleaned it up, removed the forms collection (used the api to replace it) and made the user control into a full stand alone ocx, that you can simply drop on an MDI form.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017231314265047.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/UPDATED_ 235037252001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":68,"AuthorName":"Gregg Housh","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24862,"Title":"Disable","Description":"Disable the keyboard and mouse. Just reboot your computer to enable.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Disable22473792001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"VAMMM","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24864,"Title":"ThirteenOut","Description":"Thirteen Out is a patience I made to figure out how to draw 3 cards from a number of cards in a deck and in the end of the deck put the last 1-2 cards in the beginning of the deck.\nThe card values are hold in an array and when you throw one card away I needed to figure out how to rearrange the array. So basically it is a projekt\nto figure out the algorithm of moving arrays irregular and still keep track of the correct value.\nAlthough it is a fully functional patience it still need some finishing touches..\nEnjoy it\nKnoton","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200179195181731.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ThirteenOu225617112001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Knoton","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24869,"Title":"Ticker Mania","Description":"New in this demo: Active titlebar skin (all running applications) and a new version of my award winning Textanimation control. Extra in this version is: transparent background, Picture background, Transparent background of parent form!, a lot of gradient options, MousIn and Mouse out events, ..?<BR><BR>\nAlso in this demo: system tray skin with tickertape, docked window with tickertape, text animation demo, transparent animation (including form), vertical titlebar, gradient form, button control with a lot of properties, Win2k form transparency, animating logo, ...?<BR><BR>\nThis publication is using code of about a dozen developers, so thanks everyone.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017101021208600.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Ticker Man225397112001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":66,"UserRatingTotal":327,"AuthorName":"Edwin Vermeer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24870,"Title":"RGCC - Challenge1 Entry","Description":"This is in response to the RGCC challenge 1, posted by Bruce Pierson. This code increments a number by one.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":175,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200171012249444.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Stephen Kent","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24872,"Title":"Print Scheduler","Description":"This utility runs in the system tray and prints an image at the time specified by the user on a once a week basis. It was written to be sure that our seldom used inkjet printer's cartridges will not dry up from lack of use.","Inputs":"To use it, you should specify the printer to print to (system's default printer if none is chosen), the day of week and time of day to run.","Assumes":"I didn't want this utility to run on every start of my computer so there are no registry entries used to invoke that behavior. If such behavior is desirable to you, create a shortcut to this app in your startup folder.","CodeReturns":"The app will print a picture of a color wheel to ensure that none of the cartridges will be left unused. Feel free to place any image in the picture box on frmCwheel. After printing, it will write the print time to a text file \"print_log.txt\", which will be created if it doesn't exist. The application will also save all user input to a \"schedule.ini\" file so that it can be retrieved the next time the utility is loaded. This file will also created.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017101245373601.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Print Sche224967102001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Justin Z","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24875,"Title":"RGCC - Challenge1 Candidate","Description":"Just wanted to stab at this contest...I know a lot more can be added to this to make it more...complex yet fun...but I am at work and this is what I could through together during lunch. This program will just tell you the number of times the program was ran by using a custom control to access a ASP page on an external website which connects to a database to read the hit count then the ASP formats the results in INI format then the custom control saves that dowloaded ASP page to an INI file on the users hard drive then uses simple API calls tor read the value and display it. Just wanted to start of the contest with a little something that uses the web as well.\nBTW: The custom control code is included since I know you are not supposed to upload OCX's. The control was made by me and you can find a compiled version at http://lafever.iscool.net if you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017101312327002.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RGCC_-_Cha749484232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Clint LaFever","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24881,"Title":"A Complete Subnet Scanner","Description":"The App is well documented to teach how to use the winsock control. It connects to remote computers on the assigned port, could be used to scan your subnet, or others for trojans and vulnerabilities","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A Complete225167102001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Jeff","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24882,"Title":"rexec client & windows server","Description":"Many unix servers also run a rexec daemon, which lets you execute a command on the server remotely. This project provides an rexec client, and a windows server, so the same client can execute commands on both windows and unix machines. The rexec client works flawlessly for my needs when connecting to SCO Unix, Solaris, and Red Hat Linux. I imagine it will work on any unix rexec server, but I've never seen any documentation on the rexec protocol, so I couldn't say for sure. \nPlease note, that the windows server component is nothing special. It was a quick job I wrote this morning, and it works with the rexec client I wrote. It allows full password protected access to the command prompt of the serving machine. If there is a need for it, I'll invest some time and add better security, multiple connection support, or ability to run as an NT service, or whatever else I think of.\nIt stores the password in an obscured and compressed field in the registry, so it is not humanly decipherable, but it requires a trivial amount of code to retreive it. It doesn't represent any significant form of security, but it does give complete access to the command prompt once you're logged in, so BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU USE IT! Also, there may be (large) discrepancies in the real rexec protocol and my implementation of it. If anyone has documetation on it, I wouldn't mind having a look. \nIf you find any bugs, or have some thoughts on this, feel free to write.","Inputs":"server, username, password, port, and command to send","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"results displayed on the command prompt","SideEffects":"probably has a few bugs in the server. Its not been tested too much.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017101616301807.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/rexec clie226447122001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Alan Toews","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24885,"Title":"A! FTP","Description":"This is a program used to upload and download ftp files.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A! FTP225237102001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Will Wharton","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24886,"Title":"mySQL Connection with VB","Description":"I just put a bunch of controls on a form to play around with it and thought others might be interested in looking at it. Basically it allows you to conect to a mySQL database and ADD, EDIT, and DELETE records.\nYou will need to create a table in mySQL called feedback with the following Fields.\nField username\nType varchar\nSize 50\nField emailaddress\nType varchar\nsize 50\nField subject\nType varchar\nSize 50\nField message\nType Text\nRequirements: This program requires that you have mySQL loaded somewhere you can connect to it. You must also have myODBC loaded on your machine. This program uses Windows ODBC 0to connect to your mySQL database. Written in VB6","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/mySQL Conn225257102001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"iamtgo3","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24891,"Title":"Age Tools","Description":"This neat little program will, after entering your birthday, calculate how old you are in total years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and even seconds. Demonstrates some simple equations and even a bit of string and form manipulation. Nice interface too! Hope you enjoy! (O:","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Age Tools225347102001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"SeeD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24892,"Title":"an othello game","Description":"Its an othello game can play player vs comp, player vs player, and player vs player net game very fun check it out is really pretty cool.\nSorry if you downloaded this before I found some more bugs and fixed it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001710221841457.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/an othello225857112001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"dustin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24894,"Title":"ADO Public Connection and ADO Data Control","Description":"Shows how ADO technology connects globaly. Also shows how to integrate ADO Data Control and the Data Grid. This project uses the phonebook concept to show these concepts.","Inputs":"Optional ByVal WhereStr As String, this is just a String to add to a query for searching.","Assumes":"Check all references and components. Check if your Visual Basic has updated DCOM and MDAC. And Extract these files into a single folder.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib \"shell32.dll\" Alias \"ShellExecuteA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017102347567418.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ADO Public225377102001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Raymond T. Chiu","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24904,"Title":"Dynamically generate MS Access ODBC DSN's (for VbNick)","Description":"Class object that can be compiled or copied and pasted into your application that will dynamically create MS Access ODBC DSN's for you.\n","Inputs":"ODBC Type, ODBC Name, MDB Path, Optional User ID, Optional Password","Assumes":"Copy and Paste into your app, or compile and call the object.","CodeReturns":"Success code-Integer; Creates ODBC DSN","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function SQLAllocConnect Lib \"odbc32.dll\" (ByVal henv _\n As Long, phdbc As Long) As Integer\nDeclare Function SQLDisconnect Lib \"odbc32.dll\" (ByVal hdbc As _\n Long) As Integer\nDeclare Function SQLConnect Lib \"odbc32.dll\" (ByVal hdbc As _\n Long, ByVal szDSN As String, ByVal cbDSN As Integer, ByVal szUID As _\n String, ByVal cbUID As Integer, ByVal szAuthStr As String, ByVal _\n cbAuthStr As Integer) As Integer\nDeclare Function SQLFreeEnv Lib \"odbc32.dll\" (ByVal henv As _\n Long) As Integer\nDeclare Function SQLFreeConnect Lib \"odbc32.dll\" (ByVal hdbc _\n As Long) As Integer\nDeclare Function SQLError Lib \"odbc32.dll\" (ByVal henv As _\n Long, ByVal hdbc As Long, ByVal hstmt As Long, ByVal szSqlState As _\n String, pfNativeError As Long, ByVal szErrorMsg As String, ByVal _\n cbErrorMsgMax As Integer, pcbErrorMsg As Integer) As Integer\nDeclare Function SQLConfigDataSource Lib \"ODBCCP32\" _\n (ByVal hwndParent As Long, ByVal fRequest As Long, _\n ByVal lpszDriver As String, ByVal lpszAttributes As String) As Long\n","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":57,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Royce Powers","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24906,"Title":"Mass Change Crystal Reports Database","Description":"Mass change the database reference for all crystal reports in a folder.","Inputs":"Report Folder, Database, UserID, Password, Target Folder","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Nothing","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mass Chang225527112001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Royce Powers","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24907,"Title":"Store Binary files in a database","Description":"Here are two functions that will allow you to\nread and write a Large Binary Object \n(BLOB) to and from a database. This could be used\nto store and retrieve images, documents, etc\ninside the database it self. This is great for\nthose of use that have a lot of Binary files\naround that we want to keep in a central place\nthat can be backed up and protected with the same\nsecurity that a database offers.\nThis code will work with *ANY* database that ADO can connect to.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The code needs a referance to the ADO library.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"NONE","ApiDeclarations":"NONE","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":112,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Henri","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24913,"Title":"MaxIE","Description":"Small app sits in SysTray and lets user maximize or minimize all running instances of Internet Explorer, handy when you've been popping links open in separate windows all over the place. Uses API calls so it's quick.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017111638303692.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MaxIE225757112001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Brian Battles WS1O","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24914,"Title":"RGCC - Entry 2 - Logical Operators","Description":"Submission 2 for the RGCC contest\n<BR><BR>\nUses a neural network to provide a \"universal\" logical operator replacement function. This wonderful function will do all the work that Xor, Or, And, Imp, Eqv, and Not would do - IN ONE SIMPLE FUNCTION!!!\n<BR><BR>\nGod I love this contest.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RGCC - Ent225767112001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"BrewGuru99","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24921,"Title":"Smartcard Interface for VB5+","Description":"This code will demonstrate the windows API for communicating with a smartcard. This source/program was specifically designed to read the non-volatile information on DSS digital TV access cards of the older P2 H series type. Note that this program does NOTHING illegal, its only a tool for educating yourself in the field of smartcard technology. This program does nothing to a card other than read information thats on it. It \"can\" be made to write to a smartcard rather easily :-)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You DO need to have a ISO7816 smartcard reader/writer in order to evaluate this software.\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Most all of the serial API is demo`d\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Smartcard 225877112001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Head Hick Of The CREW","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24922,"Title":"SkinForm","Description":"This program uses a popular method to skin a form with an alternative I developed that is over twice as fast. It also highlights the 'button' the mouse is over. Thanks to Sergey Belous at http://www.softshape.com for use of the images.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017112020238028.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SkinForm225847112001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Wayland Young","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24925,"Title":"aFinalFantasy/ChronoTrigger RPG BattleEngine!!","Description":"A FinalFantasy and Chrono Trigger BattleEngine! Are you tired of RPG battles with only words describing the shi* outta your mind? Well, the battle engine you've been searching for has arrived! Battle animations like the type FinalFantasy and Chrono Trigger make this one of the most decent RPG battles in PSC and on da net! However, this engine will be used in my future RPGs and I made this from scratch, so if you're planning to use some of this, mostly graphics, e-mail me. And don't forget to vote! It'll be GREATLY appreciated!\nEnjoy! And also see my other submissions! I promise it'll be worth it!\nSearchKeyWords: \"Art, graphic, animations, game, rpg, rpg game, map, maker, 3d, x, cool, forms, mouse, icon, animation.\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017112125248642.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FinalFanta225897112001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"LordsOfGames","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24936,"Title":"AutoICQ - Automate ICQ","Description":"This app uses ICQ API calls\nschedule functions to be done by ICQ in the future, without supervision.\nthe current Beta version allowes you to schedule your UIN status change (online, away, offline , dnd, free for chat...) and also allows you to schedule the sending of messages\nto other ICQ users, by your ICQ client. future versions will include the possibility to schedule file sending as well.\nthis is a good example of how to use some of the ICQ API calls\nI understand the ICQ API DLL file ICQMAPI.DLL maybe removed during the submit process, if it is\nyou can probably find it in your ICQ folder or\nat web.icq.com/api","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"put ICQMAPI.DLL in your system folder \n(it's supplied here)\nmake sure ICQ is running!(not the ICQ launch agent)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017126274444.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AutoICQ - 226087122001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Michael Bel.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24939,"Title":"SIMPLE Steganography","Description":"Steganography is the act of hiding data in an image. This is a *VERY* simplistic example. I say this because true steganography you can not tell the data is there. In this program you can tell the data is there, but you cant retrieve it without the pattern. I wrote this shearly as a way for someone to learn from and modify to become TRUE steganography. The idea for this pattern of hiding (that i use here, to my knowledge anyway) came from my friend Philip who attempted this very thing but was unable to get it to work correctly, so I took it upon myself and made it work! *Uses fredrik qvarfort's compression routine.*\n** I KNOW ITS SIMPLE, I KNOW ITS EASY TO CRACK, BUT I WAS BORED **","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"SetPixelV\nGetPixel","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SIMPLE Ste226137122001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Davy Cook","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24949,"Title":"ThreeDAnimation","Description":"Create 3D models with the following features:\nLoad, Save, Reverse, Scale, Name, Save, Compile\nExpand, Group, Play, Copy, Rotate, Bend, Create\nCustomize, Render, Animate, Import, Zoom, Flip\nHelp and examples included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001712112587933.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ThreeDAnim226337122001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":92,"AuthorName":"DeadFred","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24954,"Title":"SQL DataBase","Description":"how to use SQL to extract desired information from a database","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SQL DataBa226517122001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Rene Gomez","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24957,"Title":"Search a string using a web search engine like query","Description":"This code demonstrates how to search a string using a web search engine style query. With this code you can analyze text files looking for specific patterns. For example:\n(Microsoft and AOL) or \"instant messenger\"\nThis query will analyze any string for the occurrence of the words Microsoft and AOL or \"instant messenger\".\nI use this code (in conjunction with other code) to scan the users hard drive for occurrences of text files that meet the user defined search parameters. This is an enhanced version of the search for files containing text feature in windows.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001712188502851.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Search a s226547122001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Jason R. Fayling","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24958,"Title":"index.dat URLs Extractor","Description":"Choose your Temporary Internet Files\\index.dat File and this code will extract all the ftp and http URLs. and you can click on one of them and choose : GoTo, CopyShortCut, SavelistToFile\nIt's COOL! Try it or see the ScreenShot","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001712207523559.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/index_dat 226597122001_dat URL Extra.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Hussain Al-Omran","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24962,"Title":"Convert Image to Dithered Black and White (1-bit)","Description":"In large images, conversion to 2 colors with programs such as ACDSee can result in lossy data (mainly values). My code dithers the image's colors based on 11 patterns of black and white.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Does not work well with detailed images (images with a lot of small spaces such as text).","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Convert Im226757132001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Loc Nguyen","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24963,"Title":"Draw A Device Context In A Disabled State","Description":"\nCut and Paste the code below into a new project. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Const SRCCOPY = &HCC0020\nPrivate Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SelectObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetBkColor Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function BitBlt Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DeleteDC Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DeleteObject Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":72,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Vincent Zack","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24966,"Title":"Fast Search CoboBox and ListBox using Windows API","Description":"Using windows API SendMessage Call, this class Searches for a matching string in ListBox (In Association with a textbox) or ComboBox. And believe me its really Fast, Super Fast... ;-)","Inputs":"ctlSource: The Source control (ComboBox or TextBox in case to search in ListBox)\nstr: The string to search (i.e. <ctlSource>.Text)\nintKey : Keycode of Key pressed (i.e. KeyAscii Parameter in KeyPress Event)\nOptional ctlTarget : If to search in ListBox The ListBox Control \n","Assumes":"Usage: \n' 1 - In the module declaration declare\nDim cBS As New clsBoxSearch\n' 2 - Write on TextBox or ComboBox Keypress event\nPrivate Sub cmbSearch_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)\n cBS.FindIndexStr cmbSearch, cmbSearch.Text, KeyAscii\nEnd Sub\nPrivate Sub txtSearchItem_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)\ncBS.FindIndexStr txtSearchItem, txtSearchItem.Text, KeyAscii, lstSearchName\nEnd Sub","CodeReturns":"None: Just sets the ListIndex to the Found String","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'**********************************************************************\n'Declaration for Search Routines in ListBox (LB) and ComboBox (CB)\nPublic Const LB_FINDSTRING As Long = &H18F\nPublic Const LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT As Long = &H1A2\nPublic Const CB_ERR As Long = (-1)\nPublic Const LB_ERR As Long = (-1)\nPublic Const WM_USER As Long = &H400\nPublic Const CB_FINDSTRING As Long = &H14C\nPublic Const CB_SHOWDROPDOWN As Long = &H14F\nPublic Declare Function SendMessageStr Lib _\n \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Long, _\n ByVal wMsg As Long, _\n ByVal wParam As Long, _\n ByVal lParam As String) As Long\n'***********************************************************************\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":53,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Pankaj Nagar","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24970,"Title":"Adreess Book v3.0","Description":"Best Adreess Book ever seen, very cool thing, cool graphic (see screenshot), user system, treeview, very hot thing. ok ok, this code was submited from other author which name i forgot, but I have fixed some bugs, thanks, please leave a comment or vote...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001713548272136.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Adreess Bo226837132001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Bashkim Abdyli","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24972,"Title":"A 3D Label ActiveX Control","Description":"3D Label ActiveX Control","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200171372549110.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A 3D Label280561092001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Pradeep Singh","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24987,"Title":"Creating Dynamic ODBC DSN","Description":"ODBCDSN Project main Idea is Adding a ODBCDSN Dynamically Inside a Program using\nthe Registry.\nIt is Written in Generic and nothing is Hard coded.\nIt is Generic and it has ODBCDSN.ini Configuration File.\nUser needs to change the Name of the Odbc What every they want to create","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"\nUser needs to change the Name of the Odbc What every they want to create\n\nConfiguration File Read as follows:\n\n'Don't Change this line MAINKEY is must\nMainKey=\"SOFTWARE\\ODBC\\ODBC.INI\\\"\n'Change the DataSourceName What ever you want to call it\nDataSourceName = \"MIDAS PRODUCTION\"\n'Type the DatabaseName\nDatabaseName = \"MIDAS\"\n'Type the Description\nDescription = \"MIDAS ON CLUSTER VIRTUAL SQL SERVER TROYSQL\"\n'Type the SqlServer Name Example TROYSQL, THEN TYPE \\\\TROYSQL\\PIPE\\SQL\\QUERY\nDriverPath = \"\\\\TROYSQL\\pipe\\sql\\query\"\n'If you want Trusted Connection then Say Yes Otherwise No\nTrusted_Connection= \"Yes\"\n'Type the User who you want to connect Say Train\nLastUser = \"TRAIN\"\n'Type the Server Name\nServer = \"TROYSQL\"\n'Type the Driver Name SQl Server\nDriverName = \"SQL Server\"\n'Type Whether you need QuoteId Yes or No\nQuotedId = \"No\"","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017131428452588.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Creating D227167132001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24992,"Title":"Visual Basic Smartcard Interface 2","Description":"Source code release #2 that shows how to communicate with DSS smartcards of the P3 HU type also known as the \"football\" cards.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You will need a smartcard reader/writer device connected to a serial communications port.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Most of the serial API is demonstrated.","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017131530568476.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Visual Bas227247132001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":88,"AuthorName":"Head Hick Of The CREW","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24994,"Title":"NewsReader 2001","Description":"This is an update to previous version of NewsReader. Fixed couple small bugs. Added the ability to download XML channel listings from Moreover, 10am and OurFavoriteSongs (Settings->Web Logs).\nThis app downloads XML feeds from various sources and diplays them in tree format. It can read syndication formats like RSS, scriptingNews or moreoeverNews, OCS. NewsReader downloads those syndication files or channels, parses and displays them. It also caches channels for later viewing. Unfortunately right now it doesn't cache any external resources like links or images.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017131552291671.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/NewsReader227267132001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sergey Kats","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":24996,"Title":"CheckandReplace","Description":"My coworker programs Access databases that pull information from an Oracle database. The front-ends of these databases need modifications on a regular basis. Since all the front end master files are kept in a single folder on one computer, and all the clients have the frontends in the same location locally (to reduce network traffic), he asked me to come up with a way to automatically check the modification date of the client files against the master files to make sure the clients were all running the most recent frontends. This is my first submission to PSC, so be gentle! Please vote!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"A reference to the MS Scripting Runtimes is needed","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CheckandRe227307132001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Julie Holmes","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25001,"Title":"RedFTP Daemon - A Windows FTP Server","Description":"It is what it says, a FTP Server. Based on the\nsource of nearly all the others here, gathered\nwhat was useful into this one. Also got support\nfor SITE commands that some of you might be\naware of from glFTPd for Linux. As well as a \nbit script support have been added. The user\nand group system are also nearly done, just\nneeds a bit more works.\nIMPORTANT: You need to read the IMPORTANT.TXT\nfile that is included within the .rar file\nof this package.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"IMPORTANT NOTE! Read the Important.txt file\nincluded within the .rar file that is shipped\nwith this .zip file. That file explains where\nto get and install the necessary .OCX files if\nyou don't already have them installed.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017132044211326.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RedFTP Dae227397132001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Red","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25002,"Title":"A very easy to make Registering Program!!! Check it out!","Description":"The Easiest way to make an registration program!\nTOTALLY Customizable into you own favor! I never saw a registration program at PSC so I decided to create one in 10 minutes. Very easy code. I don't expect much of a rating, cause it's TOO EASY! :=)\nSmall download. Check it out! And also see my other submissions! I promise it'll be worth it!\nSearchKeyWords: \"program, misc., game, rpg, internet, browser, web, html, cool, art\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A very eas227387132001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"LordsOfGames","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25003,"Title":"Drag & Drop Re-ordering of ListView Items","Description":"Shows how to re-order items in a listview by dragging and dropping them in their new position. Also shows how to give the user a nice visual cue for the new position. Items can also be re-ordered using the scrollbar.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The visual cue does some weird things when scrolling the listview while dragging an item.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017132220479779.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Drag & Dro227427132001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Chetan Sarva","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25016,"Title":"StickyForm","Description":"Let your form atach itself to another window.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001715446455115.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/StickyForm227687142001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"crown","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25017,"Title":"An INI file manager -- no API's!!!","Description":"This code provides pure VB source for the following API calls: GetPrivateProfileSection, GetPrivateProfileString, WritePrivateProfileSection, and WritePrivateProfileString. With this code, YOU CAN ACCESS LARGER *.INI FILES!!! Unlike the traditional API commands, there is no limit to the size of *.INI file that you can access/create. Also, believe it or not, the windows API calls for INI file manipulation lack in speed. These functions are PLENTY times faster then the same functions provided in Kernel32.dll. If this isn't significant, I've added the following extremely usefull INI functions/commands of my own: GetPrivateProfileKeys, GetPrivateProfileSections, RemovePrivateProfileSection, RemovePrivateProfileString. Now you can find out very easy which keys are inside an *.INI file! A sampler program is included, which allows you to view INI files, their keys and their values. Also, you can delete unwanted sections and keys to help keep your INI file clean and compact!!! This code is heavily commented, logical, and easy to understand. Try it out today!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017141028296310.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/An INI fil227707142001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Feuchtersoft","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25019,"Title":"An LED Marquee/Label","Description":"A really cool LED display which can be scrolled like a marquee or just a normal label you cant change the size of the font because they are pictures but you can change the color of it and it looks awesome on web pages!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001714135447544.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/LED Marque227757142001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Agent Smith","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25023,"Title":"A simple yet very effieient PSC search engine! Quick and easy! A must see, check out the screenshot!","Description":"A simple yet vrey effieient PSC search engine! Features different searches, how many results, alphabetical, or newest code! Check it out! Small download, definently worth your time! A vote will be appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017141913431810.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A simple y227897142001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"LordsOfGames","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25025,"Title":"ADD A MENU TO ANY PROGRAM IN ONLY 6 LINES OF CODING!!!!","Description":"This actually Adds a menu to any program! AOL, AIM, Notepad, you name it! This code also enables you to add sub menu's to the menu you want to create!!! DOWNLOAD THIS NOW, please vote!\nE-Mail: itzmunky@hotmail.com\nScreen name: itbemunky","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001714204565252.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ADD A MENU227917142001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"Munky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25026,"Title":"Encrypt By Char","Description":"i made this for a few diff prjs(and keep losing and remaking the code because it is so cool, so i want to keep a copy saved), if you like it vote, if you have ways to make it better please tell me, and i hope you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001715334461829.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Encrypt By227947152001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Cory J. Geesaman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25030,"Title":"HTMLpack!","Description":"This program compress HTML code and reduce load time of the page into your browser!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/HTMLpack!228017152001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25041,"Title":"Add a button to the ControlBox (beside the Min, Max and close buttons)","Description":"This will add an ADDITIONL button in the ControlBox (beside the the Minmize, Maximize, and Close buttons).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This will add an ADDITIONL button in the ControlBox (beside the the Minmize, Maximize, and Close buttons).","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"As with any form of subclassing, make sure that you exit the Form by clicking the 'X' in the corner (not the stop button) otherwise it will crash!","ApiDeclarations":"See the code below:","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":238,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017151652134758.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Megatron","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25049,"Title":"Custom VB6 Treeview control","Description":"A UserControl made with a VB6 Treeview control (MSCOMCTL.OCX - 6.00.8862)\nwith customized Background (Color, GradientRectHor, GradientRectHor\nGradientTri, tiled Picture), Backcolor, Forecolor, Buttons, Tooltips etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The UserControl does not repaint correctly if the ClipControls property of the Form1 has been set to False\nSome of the Background options behave strangely, because of the Treeview control, but this is only a demo, showing some ways to draw on a VB6 Treeview background.\nIf Background = fvGrdntRectVer or fvGrdntTri or fvPicturedTiled (m_BackScroll = True) then the control\ndoes not show Tooltips and Scrolls one at a time","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001715202182889.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Custom VB6228267152001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Panos Koutsoukeras","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25052,"Title":"Bomb Diffuser V 0.1.2","Description":"This is the 4th version of the very first thing I made in VB or any language. This is not really a game, but more of \"An aray of command buttons that has a random-button reaction...with all the frills.\" Haha. This is more like a game that comes with new computers as a filler. THIS CODE IS COMPLETE, so all you have to do is compile it and then, BOOM! There you go you got a cool looking game that is addictive as drugs (not really). But for some reason you like this, PLEASE let me know so I can stop or continue making this game. Now some info about the code. The reason for having no [x] button, is that if you try using it, the music will still still play when its done. If you have any way to make this smaller, or add anything then please let me know. Also if you have any ideas for future versions PLEASE TELL ME! If you findANYTHING wrong with this, bugs, glitches, ANYTHING please post it! Than you and i hope you enjoy Playing this game... If you can bear it! If for any reason you would like to see previous versions of thi (including the VERY first thing I ever made) then please e-mail me! Ok? um... ok","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017152110261827.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Bomb Diffu2283171520.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"[>Fatal.Disruption<]","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25055,"Title":"VBPaint (Pure VB!)","Description":"That's right... not a single line of API, no OCX, or third-party dependencies. All of the paint utilities in this program are coded in pure VB. Features include invert colors, resize, black and white, blur, and more. Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200171924625785.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VBPaint (P231217192001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Loc Nguyen","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25058,"Title":"Folder Security 6 way ( TNC 2 edition)","Description":"---5 Way Folder Security -----\nFolder Security is The Strongest Security Program Than Ever Before.It's So Powerful For protect\nany type of documents or FOLDER from unauthorized\nuser.It's so strong that nobody can delete the\nprotected folder.\nFor More Code Please Contact With Me..\nGENERAL CORPORATION BANGLADESH. \ndidar911@yahoo.com\n<tahmina911@yahoo.com>","Inputs":"N/A","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"N/A","SideEffects":"No side Effects","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001716245516887.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Folder Sec228397162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25059,"Title":"ADO to Excel 2000 and up","Description":"I did not write this code by myself , i had found it at http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q246/3/35.ASP\nWith this code you can transfer the contents of an ADO recordset to a Microsoft Excel worksheet by\nautomating Excel , this code will work only with Excel 2000 or 2002 , for Execl 97 use my previous examples, or just look at this examlpe for basic knowledge at the IF statement.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ADO to Exc228417162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Gil Shabthai","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25060,"Title":"IP TextBox control","Description":"Finally a textbox-control for IP addres input. Now recently updated, with most of the features of the ordinary textbox, plus a bunch of others.</P><P>It accepts input in either dot-separated (n.n.n.n) and/or zero-padded (00n00n00n00n) string. The combination 00n00nn.1 is valid!<BR>You always get a properly formatted output string: \"n.n.n.n\"","Inputs":"either dot-separated (n.n.n.n) and/or zero-padded (00n00n00n00n) string. The combination 00n00nn.1 is valid!","Assumes":"Try it out!","CodeReturns":"String property text, formatted as \"n.n.n.n\"","SideEffects":"Use at Your own risk... There may be bugs.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200171649312232.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/IP TextBox230357182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Marcin Holmstr├╢m","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25065,"Title":"Led Display Marqueze","Description":"LED Marquee/Label (Tuned)\n' This code is only a high performance of the original made by Wasp53x\n' i only change some functions so all the work is from the autor, i just though\n' is was a great code but a bit slowly so dont wait any more and rate the original autor\n' at\n' www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?lngWId=1&txtCodeId=25019\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Led Displa228607162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fernando Zamora","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25071,"Title":"TCP-IP Datalook V1.4 UPDATED!! ** Support multiple protocol adaptors ** (07-24-01)","Description":"UPDATED!!(07-24-2001)<BR>\nSupport now Multiple IP,protocol adaptors !<BR>\nCheck,look the data on TCP-IP sockets.\nNow with 'Extra' , that shows a option menu per Connection you make.(clearscreen - Data change for Client appl - Connect/Disconnect button - Help box)<BR><BR> \nPROGRAM DESCRIPTION:::: <BR>\n----------------------- <BR> \nView the data on a socket between Client application & Server application.<BR>\n(With this program you can use multiple connections-sockets)<BR>\nSo with this program you can see (visual) the data between example outlook & ISP-pop3 server.\nYou can also save the data for further study.<BR>\nIf you have example a internet application,\nDirect Connect,mirc..ect, let this client appl connect to my program & let my program connect the needed server, so now you have the possibility to view the data between server & client.. so you can study it & make maybe a own clone application that uses the protocol , data you've captured.. <BR><BR>\nHOW IT WORKS: <BR>\n-------------- <BR>\nLet a client appl not connect to the server, but to the local ip & port of your pc..<BR>\nNow click on the new connection button,<BR>\n& lets listen on the port where the client appl will connect to..(fill down the port!)<BR>\nPut in the box connecting to the dns or ip & port where my appl will connect to (in that case the ip & port of the server).<BR>\nSo you have now the possibility to view the data between server & client..<BR>\nYou can also save the captured data to DISK !<BR>\n(And you can it open later...)<BR>\nTry the program & test the new options ! <BR>\nWith this application , you also can see the local used ports & where they are connected to..\n(that part of code i've borrowed here..)<BR><BR>\nHave fun ! and view now the protocols that you doesn't know yet....<BR><BR>\nPS: Please Vote for me !<BR><BR>\n.... See my other stuff on PSC..<BR>\n************************************ <BR>\nTo Nick Johnson for the NETSTAT part ! see on right part of the screenshot .\n************************************ <BR><BR>\nGreetings,<BR>\nPeter.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"uses Inet & winsock control.\nand a few api calls.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001724185424099.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TCP-IP Dat234337242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":199,"AuthorName":"Peter V.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25086,"Title":"File Properties Dialog","Description":"Display a files property dialog box","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":50,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017161845345156.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Russ Huebner","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25087,"Title":"Graphical Transition","Description":"Simple Graphical Transition\nIt's simple Graphical transition.Best for\nslide show projects.\nFor more code..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\ndidar911@yahoo.com\ntahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Graphical 228967162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25097,"Title":"Drag Drop Files","Description":"Drag Drop Files..\nIt's a very important code for drag drop files\nfunction using any project..\nYou can get any filename by drag drop in the\nform.\nFor more code Please Contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nTahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Drag Drop 229067162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25098,"Title":"Explore a drive..","Description":"Explore a drive by Vb code..??\nit's so simple code..You can simply modify\nand use it into your project..\nFor more code Please Contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nTahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Explore a 229077162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25099,"Title":"Convert to Dos system Filename.","Description":"Do you need to convert any filename into\nDos system filename??? like didar~1.dat\nyeah!!! it's so easy to use...\nFor more code Please Contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nTahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Convert to229087162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25100,"Title":"Simple Mp3 file play","Description":"A simple MP3 file play.\nNo Ocx file or No 'Active Movie driver'..\nJust using API function..\nAnd it's so easy to use..\n\nFor more code Please Contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nTahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple Mp3229097162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25101,"Title":"TNC Multimedia Player","Description":"TNC Multimedia Player\nA strong Multimedia Player.You can watch all types\nof video file by this code.And it has some new\nexcellent feature also..\nLike 'Full Function Keyboard Control'.\nQuick Play,Dual Video Driver,Remote View..\nDrag drop files play, Auto Video File search and\nother many more options..\nFor more code Please Contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nTahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TNC Multim229107162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25102,"Title":"Super Advanced Trial Edition Scheme and security. Require Name & serial. charge for your progs!","Description":"Super advanced code. Did you ever have a program you wanted to protect. charge money for. or just have some kinda registration system. well now you can. this very secure trial registration system will ensure complete safety from newb and intermediate crackers. complete with keygen and genkey to create a serial conversion to your own needs. using simple text input output i was able to save and check for registartion. Complete with some very nice file security. if somthing has been changed. it checks btw. it will know and say security false. and close down the program. cant trick this one!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200171620416100.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Super Adva229117162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"meth0s","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25103,"Title":"A. WingDuel2- 3D Space Fighting Simulation!-WingCommanderStyle! A must see! Check out screenshot!","Description":"A 3D Space fighting simulation! Wing Commander style! Features include: A radar, starfield background, target collision, enemy, and a COOL theme! You detect enemies according to your radar. Then steer their way whe you see them approaching. When you've locked them on, FIRE! Just like in any 3D Air/Space simulation! A small download, check it out! Definently worth your time! If you like it, a vote will be appreciated.\nEnjoy...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200171620481489.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_ WingDue229177162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"LordsOfGames","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25104,"Title":"LED Scrolling Marquee","Description":"Check it out! This scrolling marquee ActiveX example is able to display any character from ASCII 0 to 255 except for carrage return, line feed or tab. It can scroll horizontal or vertical. It has custom colors, LED sizes, LED spacing, and more.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017162054253804.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/LED Scroll229137162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Feuchtersoft","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25105,"Title":"Auto Cursor Movement","Description":"Auto Cursor Movement Program..\nThis program will move cursor automatically.\nThis system was used in MICROSOFT learning CD's.\nSo you can add this in your project..\nfor more code Please contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\ndidar911@yahoo.com\ntahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Auto Curso229147162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25106,"Title":"General Multimedia Keyboard ( TNC Edition )","Description":"General Multimedia Keyboard ( TNC Edition )\nDo have a multimedia keyboard?? no problem you\ncan use your num keypad as a multimedia keyboard\nfunction.And some other hotkeys like\nF11: Restart F12:Shutdown etc\nyou can set 10 application to run a simple button.\nand many more...\nfor more code Please contact with me..\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\ndidar911@yahoo.com\ntahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/General Mu229157162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25107,"Title":"RS232-Datalook Updated V1.1","Description":"NOW UPDATED!!!\nWith errorhandling and detecting if the application you want to send the recieved data to is active ! (looks after the right process!)\nWith this application , you can receive data from a serial device & let it send the to a appliction, example , port COM1 & appl is Excell... so the data sendit to com1 would be displayed in excell.\nLook at my other Code on PSC \n 15-07-2001 TCP-IP datalook (spy data between client & server applications)\nVote for me ,\nGreetings,\nPeter Verburgh.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"use MSCOMM control (standard in VB)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017162133491057.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RS232-Data229167162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":89,"AuthorName":"Peter V.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25110,"Title":"PwdViewer & IE Bar","Description":"PasswordViewer is VB application that organizes all of your passwords. Passwords are stored encrypted in Access database. The app provides regular windows interface as well as IE explorer bands. Explorer band can insert the password right into <INPUT> tag of the page.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017162235276332.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/PwdViewer 229217162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Sergey Kats","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25113,"Title":"Network Computer Control","Description":"If you are a network administration taking care of\n labs, this tool can be indispensable. Although \nit takes some work to configure the tool, it pings \nup to 200 computers and with a gui shows the \ngood/bad status of the computers. I use it to \ntrack over 170 \"public\" computers. Although \nthere are other ping programs out there, the gui \non this one is better than having the data in a \nlistbox and looks pretty neat, even if I say so \nmyself.\nThis is an upgrade to my orginal submission. \nThis upgrade resizes the form depending on the \nnumber of computers configured.\n","Inputs":"Ips.txt file that has a listing of computer names\nand ip addresses.","Assumes":"Ips.txt must be configured either in a word \nprocessing program capable of making dos text files\nor via the program itself.","CodeReturns":"Returns whether a ping was returned.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See the BAS","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Network Co229257172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Phillip Ponchot","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25121,"Title":"A 0 Calculator","Description":"This is just a calculator i made a while ago, thought i might submit it for other people to get ideas or somthing?!?! Please check out my PhoneBook program, please vote, i will also be uploading a program in two weeks time that is going to be an awesome front-end to an Access DB that i am designing for a college, so come back and check it out! PS THIS IS THE RIGHT ONE THIS TIME. THE LAST ONE I UPLOADED WAS AN EARLIER STAGE IN THE DEVELOPMENT. HEY! ACCIDENTS HAPPEN","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Sorry the other one was the wrong one","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A 0 Calcul229387172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Ian White","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25122,"Title":"Repair and Compact an Access Database using JRO","Description":"This code will let you repair and compact an Access 97 or 2000 (haven't tested on other versions yet) database. Using JRO, when you call the CompactDatabase function, it automatically repairs the database first. You must have a reference to Microsoft Jet And Replication Objects x.x Library in your project.\nAlso, where I have a DoEvents in the code, there really should be some routine that checks to see when the file is actually deleted. I've tested this on databases that are about 5 megs in size with no problem. If anyone has any ideas (maybe a routine that checks to see when the file is unlocked or deleted), let me now. Thanks and enjoy!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25124,"Title":"Denzo VB2Java","Description":"This code ganerate java source of a VB form!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"All you have to do is design your form, start a project with that form and VB2Java package and send the form to a function as parameter then you'll find in clipboard the code to paste in a Java class with all events.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Denzo VB2J229437172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25125,"Title":"GetAccessUsers","Description":"Ok, and now that you have finished your Super Multiuser Access application ,would you like to know who is logged on??? well, here is the answer and the code to do it. don┬┤t forget to rate if you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/GetAccessU229447172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Fernando Zamora","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25126,"Title":"Brick Play","Description":"Brick Play by Robert Rayment. UPDATE: picture size handle added (idea from Loc Nyguyen's VB Paint). Produces a variety of brick patterns that can be saved as BMPs. __________________________________________________ Pure and simple VB apart from a bit of blitting and a touch of timing (Assembler Not Included). Zip file 10 Kb.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"Patterns","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Blit & Time API's","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001717113423832.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Brick Play230787192001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25127,"Title":"Cool Menu 1.4","Description":"This module allows an application to show\nicons in Menus,Change ForeColor,BackColor \nthis is a new fix for the original Code Copyright Olivier Martin 2000...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017171157139477.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Cool Menu 2295171720.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"mini","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25128,"Title":"Directory Cleaner (recursively)","Description":"This function attempts to delete all files\nand subdirectories of the given \ndirectory name, and leaves the given \ndirectory intact, but completely empty.\nIf the Kill command generates an error (i.e.\nfile is in use by another process - \npermission denied error), then that file and\nsubdirectory will be skipped, and the \nprogram will continue (On Error Resume Next).\nEXAMPLE CALL:\n ClearDirectory \"C:\\Temp\\\"\n","Inputs":"Full path directory name","Assumes":"Kill statement may error out for various reasons, which will prevent those files/directories from being deleted.","CodeReturns":"N/A","SideEffects":"WARNING: If a subdirectory is prevented from being deleted (i.e. Kill statement errors out because of file access error), the loop will NOT terminate (While Len(sSubDir) > 0).\nThis may not be an issue in most cases, but I just wanted to make clear the limitations of this code.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":75,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Gary Choma","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25129,"Title":"Connect to SQL Server 7/2000","Description":"This code/tutorial is a beginners guide to connecting to your own SQL Server database.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You have, and installed Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.x","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":48,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Dan Lash","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25133,"Title":"Chemistry Electronic Configuration","Description":"Helps U Calculate the electronic configuration of elements which have atomic number upto 20","Inputs":"---","Assumes":"---","CodeReturns":"Electronic Configuration & Diagram","SideEffects":"---","ApiDeclarations":"--- PLEASE VOTE FOR MY CODE ---\nPLEASE EMAIL ME WITH UR COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Chemistry 229547172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Gaurang Sinha","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25134,"Title":"Add Contacts from Access 2k to outlook 2k","Description":"This code will send customer information such as Name address , city, state, zip to outlook2 contacts","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You will need to set the references to use the Outlook 9.0 Object library.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":44,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"John Pope","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25137,"Title":"Detonate","Description":"You have 60 seconds to defuse the bomb before it detonates. The problem is, the only information available is a logic diagram. You need to decode the logic to figure out which jumpers to cut. The initial inputs on the left of each logic gate are either a GROUND (0) or VCC-voltage (1). Follow the logic through and only cut the jumpers that are a logic=1. Good Luck!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001717167183230.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Detonate229627172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Max Seim","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25143,"Title":"IIS Exploiter","Description":"Scan for IIS servers that contain certain a bug. Then you can run all kind of dos commands eg. diretory listing, delete etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001717185112713.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/IIS Exploi229717172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Stephan Blanchard","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25145,"Title":"Memory Game Mr.Bean Style","Description":"just made it for a project on MCSD course..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017172220256923.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Memory Gam229797172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Yaniv Arazi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25148,"Title":"Trial Registration OCX - 100% working example and keygen. this is a must see!","Description":"Completly redone. Completly new encryption scheme. Did you want to add a trial registration to your program. or just a registration plain and simple. or evan charge money for your programs. well I just made it easier for you. it would be a bit hard to copy my code in my earlier post with just a example. but now I have created a complete ocx. it works excelent. and there is 100% bullet proof file security. if you edit it. the program will now. it has its ways. but to know more check it out for your self. download my great programs!. complete with working keygen and example app. also the OCX Source code. I am sure thats what you all want ;) give me some credit. and a nice vote. I work hard for all of you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017172359124652.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Trial Regi229847172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"meth0s","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25149,"Title":"Command Prompt through IIS Exploit","Description":"With this code you can:<br><br>1. Scan a block of IP addresses for ones that are compatible with the IIS Exploit<br>2. Open the host system in a DOS-like command prompt<br>3. Perform commands on the host system<br><br><br>Have fun! Don't do anything illegal! (It's easily traced) And Vote!<br>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200171816412256.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Command Pr229867182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Alan Perelman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25152,"Title":"A Complete Database Program ( TNC Edition )","Description":"A complete Database application. Based on ADO\nDatabase.It has some new mathematical features.\nI used here FLEX GRID. Moreover coold design.\nFor more code Please Contact with \nGENERAL CORPORATION BANGLADESH\ndidar911@yahoo.com\ntahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"Create a Access database file (*.mdb) with\n a table name product table.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A Complete229907182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":58,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25153,"Title":"A simple Love Calculator","Description":"A Simple Love Calculator..\nJust Fun....\nFor more code Please Contact with \nGENERAL CORPORATION BANGLADESH\ndidar911@yahoo.com\ntahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"Create a Access database file (*.mdb) with\n a table name product table.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A simple L229917182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25154,"Title":"Vertical Menu","Description":"Maybe 2 years ago someone submited VerticalMenu\nWell... i did fixes major bugs and try to enhanced it. It is not a full Skin control\ncause the design have to be done differently.\nMeanwhile this is fun control to use.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001718440491981.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Vertical M229937182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Yves Lessard","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25169,"Title":"Make your project ONTOP","Description":"Make your project ONTOP\nThis code will help you to make set\nyour project ONTOP.\nfor more code..\nGENERAL CORPORATION BANGLADESH\ndidar911@yahoo.com\ntahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Make your 230277182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25171,"Title":"AUTO Wallpaper Change","Description":"Auto Wallpaper Change\nThis Code will change your wallpaper automatically while each time your windows starts.\nfor more code..\nGENERAL CORPORATION BANGLADESH\ndidar911@yahoo.com\ntahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AUTO Wallp230297182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25172,"Title":"CD Drive Select","Description":"CD DRive Select\nThis code will help you run a specific program\nfrom a cd rom drive.If the specific cd is not present on the cd rom drive, then it will show massage..\nfor more code..\nGENERAL CORPORATION BANGLADESH\ndidar911@yahoo.com\ntahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CD Drive S230307182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25173,"Title":"TNC Image Processor","Description":"TNC Image Processor.\nA image viewer program.\nSupports all types of image file\nfor more code..\nGENERAL CORPORATION BANGLADESH\ndidar911@yahoo.com\ntahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TNC Image 230317182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25174,"Title":"Simple Love Calculator","Description":"Simple Love Calculator\nJust FUN!!!\nfor more code..\nGENERAL CORPORATION BANGLADESH\ndidar911@yahoo.com\ntahmina911@yahoo.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple Lov230327182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25176,"Title":"Protect Your Folder In Different Method","Description":"Do you want to protect your folder,Which will look\nlike a movie clip, control panel etc???\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25180,"Title":"Validate Date","Description":"Checks and makes sure that the user enters in a valid date. Make a text box on a form and call it txtDate","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I made this in a few minutes, after looking for a simple code so that I can make sure that if the user enters in bogus or an incorect form it will either clear it and throw a message or correct it and allow it to pass.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":12,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Michael Powers","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25181,"Title":"Creating Intuitive Picture Masks","Description":"this code displays how to apply a polygon of any dimension with an unlimited number of verticies over a picture (or literally any control.)","Inputs":"picture, coordinates","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"mask","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"CreatePolygonRgn, DeleteObject, SetWindowRgn","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017181330405883.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Creating I230367182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"matt dennewitz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25190,"Title":"Symmetric Arithmetic Rounding (Excel style rounding)","Description":"The Visual Basic functions CByte(), CInt(), CLng(), CCur() and Round() user a Banker's Rounding algorithm. For example, VBA.Round(0.15,1) = 0.2 **AND** VBA.Round(0.25,1) = 0.2. The following code uses Symmetric Arithmetic Rounding (similar to the Excel Worksheet Round function) where Round(0.15,1) = 0.2 and Round(0.25,1) = 0.3. Also, precision is enhanced by passing the 'Number' parameter as variant and using CDec within the routine. This helps circumvent floating point limitations. To see an excellent resource on different rounding procedures (the basis for this code) see Microsoft Article ID: Q196652.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":9,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Brian Pierron","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25191,"Title":"VB Spell Checker","Description":"This program calls word to spell check from Visual Basic. It creates a Word.Basic object and invokes its methods. I have added a few little features thought the program to answer questions people have asked me in the past this way you have the source. I Wrote this utitly to be able to check my spelling fast without haveing to load programs that would take a lot of system resources.\nRequirements: In order to use the spell checking feature in this program you need to have Microsoft Word Installed on your Computer and every computer you want to use this on.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017181634575849.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB Spell C230497182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"iamtgo3","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25204,"Title":"Pocket Defender - Antivirus for windows ce 3.0","Description":"demonstrate two system falls on windows ce 3.0 , using windows ce API registry calls.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"FINAL USER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE USE OF THIS CODE.\n\nINSTALL THE ANTIVIRUS PROVIDED FIRST OF ALL!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"after the execution of these programs if you:\n1. select a configured RAS the system will crash\nand you must make a simple reset.\n2. try to connect to the desktop machine for syncronization or other purpose, you can't , you must make an HARWARE RESET if you don't know how to restore the corrupted registry keys.\n\nA SIMPLE AND EFFICIENT ANTIVIRUS (FULL SOURCE CODE PROVIDED) IS INCLUDED FOR RESTORING ALL THE SYSTEM FUNCTIONALITY.\nYOU MUST INSTALL FIRT OF ALL THE ANTIVIRUS INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE NAMED \"POCKETDEFENDER\".","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":41,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Pocket Def230587182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"michele berardi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25210,"Title":"MSN messenger ROBOT","Description":"Its msn chat robot easy 2 user 2 have fun with chatfriends","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Download this file 2 let it work http://chatbot.netfirms.com/aamd532.dll","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MSN messen230667182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Wizz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25212,"Title":"Visual Basic Add-In To Simplify Zipping Projects =)","Description":"This is an add-in for VB 6 (theoretically should compile in VB5 but not tested) that provides a simple way for you to zip up your project files. I invented this add-in over a year ago now for one sole reason. As a single developer working on multiple projects, I want only 1 copy of my code in source safe... period. No shares. I want to check a module out in one app... change it... and check it back in while working on a different app. I have implemented a standard directory structure and all of my project files use relative addressing for pulling in the other files. The beauty of this add-in is that you can do this, and when it comes time to (as I often do) update a remote code base, such as home, all I have to do is select the peices of the project I want to zip in the treeview, click the button, and presto... a zip file is generated preserving the directory structure and correctly pulling in files from the other directories. =) I decided to post this up here on PSC after reading a recent post by Clint LaFever regarding the issues that affect a lot of the posts here (source safe files, workspace files, and other misc junk) when entire directories are just zipped up via Explorer. My apologies to the fellow who was whining about code people have uploaded here the other day, but while it DOES compile and it DOES work, =) it's ugly as sin. =) I'm sure there's a couple modules in there from the guys over vbAccelerator.com (I believe I left their header files in tact). So if you need a tool to help you when creating zip files of code, then download and compile this add-in. =) Particularly, please, if you plan to upload code. =) A few notes on use: the add-in works together with your existing WinZip. If you don't have it, get it (winzip.com). Originally, I developed the add-in in Windows 98... and built in ZIP dll I found worked. I didn't have to integrate with WinZip until I tried using the add-in on Windows 2000. The dll blew up. So I have omitted it from this post since we can't post dlls anyways and because all I ever use is the external option (will eventually remove that checkbox altogether I guess). Anyways... when you do click on the Use External button, WinZip will launch. Click past the ShareWare screen, and then go back to the add-in and click the ZIP button. That's about it. If you do want to include the compiled version or the compiled compatibility version, just check the appropriate boxes. =)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Cheers, All! Enjoy! \n<too many declared calls to list>\n=)","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001718222634178.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Add-In To 230677182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"TheFrogPrince","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25213,"Title":"DeathStar!","Description":"DeathStar is a COOL puzzle/strategy game based off of an extremely popular calculator game. It can be quite challenging but is also VERY fun! The object of the game is to collect the 10 green orbs in each of the 10 levels. It may sound easy, but it's not! Check it out, you'll probably have fun!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None: Just d/l the game and play.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DeathStar!230697182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"SeeD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25214,"Title":"Easy Tab Replacement","Description":"With only 6 lines of code, create an awesome new tab replacement that can be customized to any color, font and size that fits your application.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017182331225099.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Easy Tab R230707182001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Genosyde","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25219,"Title":"Execute a file with any extension .doc,.xls,.bmp as long the application is install in windows","Description":"Pass the file name and the function wil check from windows what is the application exe to run the file.Exp you want to run a abc.doc document from your program,u need to know msword.exe path and then you run the shell(applicate exe abc.doc,1) to execute the abc.doc\nThis work with any extension as long as it register to windows. etc .xls,.vbp,.doc","Inputs":"strname = \"Full path of your file\"\nexp C:\\Myfolder\\Abc.doc or C:\\abc.xls or c:\\abc.bmp\n","Assumes":"none","CodeReturns":"Execute a file with any extension\nfor more access www.efastclick.com","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function FindExecutable _\n Lib \"shell32.dll\" Alias \"FindExecutableA\" _\n (ByVal lpFile As String, _\n ByVal lpDirectory As String, _\n ByVal lpResult As String) As Long\n \n","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":16,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"KHONG YEW JOON","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25223,"Title":"Personal Frankwall **UPDATED**","Description":"This is your very own personal frankwall, completely skinabble, just check out the 3 templates in the people directory. Its a better way of getting your ip address ON DEMAND, if your address changes, i.e. your modem crashes etc. this will tell you, its descreet and very handy, i use it all the time. So download the code, comment on the code and then rate the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"It has one little problem, when you right click on the head the menu can corrupt the form, it doesnt seem to redraw itself, and the me.refresh function didnt have any effect, easy solution, drag it off the screen and on again to force a redraw.","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Sub SetWindowPos Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long)\nPrivate Declare Function Beep Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal dwFreq As Long, ByVal dwDuration As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200171995619277.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Personal F230887192001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Niknak!!","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25227,"Title":"Pageballoon **DESKTOP TOY!!!**","Description":"This is PageBalloon (v 1.1.6), its your very own desktop toy, you can chuck as many balloons onto your desktop as you desire, they are all skin mapped with ex acquaintances of mine. Its a must see, and a good screensaver replacement. they can wrap around the screen to float off the top and come up from the bottom again, they can also be kept ontop at all times. I have improved the movement function a little to cut processing time and speed it up.so download the code, comment on the code, and vote the code!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017191357251209.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Pageballoo231087192001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Niknak!!","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9678,"Title":"Table- and FieldNames","Description":"zwo routines for easily retrieving Table- and Fieldnames of MS-Access-Databases","Inputs":"Database-Path (and Table-Name)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"it returns an array with Table- or Field-Names","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007111127428531.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD76877112000.rar ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9679,"Title":"HTMLHelpLauncher","Description":"Allows you to show the new compiled HTML help files (.chm) within a vb application.","Inputs":"The filename of the compiled HTML help file.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The window handler of the help file.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":36,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Neil Ault","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9684,"Title":"TORCH CURSOR! - Interacts with pictures!!!","Description":"You'll love this! This is a cursor which interacts with a picturebox by lighting it up around the cursor position! Look at the screenshot. You can choose any picture you want, and the size and brightness of the torch can be chosen too! (Although larger torches run slowly). If you think this is cool/interesting/well programmed/original then please vote. The code is fully commented. Also look at my other submission of a transition special effect (look in best code of the month).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007111333316991.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD76917112000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"Simon Price","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9686,"Title":"Movie Credits IMPR0VED","Description":"GET YOUR POPCORN! \nScrolls Credits like in a movie theatre. \nCustomize Colors, Alignment, size, etc... \nThis code is IDEAL for ABOUT FORMS!! \nA MUST SEE!!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD76977112000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9690,"Title":"View information about Zip archives' contents without WinZip","Description":"Richsoft Zipit Control Version 0.9\n-------- ----- ------- ------- ---\nThis ActiveX control will read a Zip file and will return information about its contents.\nIt also returns information about the files within the archive.\n","Inputs":"A zip file.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Information about the files the archive contains.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77007112000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Richard Southey","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9692,"Title":"Convert to from Binary in very little code","Description":"Here is are two nice functions that will convert Decimal values to binary and binary to decimal in a surprisingly short amount of code.<BR><BR>\nComments welcome. Please","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":39,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"MrEnigma","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9703,"Title":"Autocheck www.mail.com E-mail accounts","Description":"This code runs in your system tray and checks a specifed www.mail.com account at intervals you specify, ie. every 5 minutes, 20 minutes etc etc.\nIf new e-mail is found, it will play a user specifed wav file and ask you if you want to goto the login page.\nThe way it works is to recreate the login page into a string, filling in login and password while its doing it. A Javascript to automatically submit the form is also added, which stimulates clicking the submit button onLoad. This string is saved to a file, then opened into a webbrowser, which stimulates logging into your account. It will then use Inet to retrieve your inbox -- which it we be able to retrieve as you were logged in using the webbrowser control -- and do searches on that page for keywords denoting no new message. If theres no new messages - there must be new messages.\nLogin information is encrypted and stored in the registry for security reasons. Sure it aint pretty, but it does what its meant to do. Hope someone finds it useful...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77167122000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jamie Dillon","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9704,"Title":"Advanced Task Manager - Shows both loaded files / dll's and windows","Description":"Shows running executables and dll's, with their\nversion and threads no. also shows\nall the open windows and child-windows, giving an\noption to close each one, featuring a cpu usage meter and\nmany usefull API's, if you like it please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Be carefull not to close important app's","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"to much - all in the code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000712618389173.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77177122000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"ShookyN@GAR","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9710,"Title":"CoverKit (Updated)","Description":"This is a complete CD Label Application. You can print the Booklet,Inlay and CD Label ... You must have it !!!! Language english and german","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007121238312010.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77257122000.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Defcon2","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9711,"Title":"Determine file format using file header, ignoring the extension","Description":"Determines the filetype (PE Executable, GIF Image, Word Document, etc) using the file header/contents, as opposed to using the file extension. Supported types: PE Executable, INI File, AVI Movie, WAV Audio, Word document, Access database, GIF Image, MP3 audio, BMP image, TIFF image, ZIP archive, ARJ archive, RAR archive, HTML/HTA docs, JPEG image, Visual Basic files. If it can't determine the filetype, itll try and determine if the file is text or binary.","Inputs":"Public Function GetFileType(xFile As String)\n'xFile is the full path:\\filename of the file to test.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Returns a string indicating the filetype, or if the file is an unknown text or unknown binary file.\n","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":76,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Detonate","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9715,"Title":"Richtextbox - new functionality","Description":"Show some new functionality of the Richtextbox control. Read the notes inside the program. Needs the new riched2.dll (version 3)and the Riched32.dll available from www.vbaccelerator.com (I include them with the program - you need to replace the windows\\system files with these ). Thanks to Steve McMahon for his work which I gladly was influenced by. Vb5 needs to remove some of the vbp file keys. (Size of zip 454KB)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007121352588648.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83797302000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"oigres P","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9719,"Title":"Convert Milliseconds to Time","Description":"Converts a number of milliseconds to a time of form HH:MM:SS:hh","Inputs":"No. of Milliseconds","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Time","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":44,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Aidan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9722,"Title":"API MIXER","Description":"Here is an update of my cd/mixer found on this site. It is a little odd as I have removed more than I have added. It is now a dedicated mixer. I have inproved the coding putting all the controls into arrays making better faster code and reducing the overal size. Also in the download you will find another Zip with the mute only for the people whom keep wondering how it works. The VU meters still do not work but I am determined to sort it soon.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/API_MIXER1530471172003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Jamie Pocock","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9731,"Title":"Choose Directory","Description":"Via API calls, has the user choose a directory. No commondialog needed!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Place this in a class to use.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":46,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007121923473238.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Kamilche","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9736,"Title":"mIRC clone, IRC client","Description":"This is an updated copy of my Client I submitted a couple days ago, I still didn't add colors yet, but I stared on DCC, if your still intrested in helping, my ICQ# is 52567840... This will be a complete mIRC clone when I am done...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000712239491972.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77447122000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":115,"AuthorName":"Wanna-Sk8er","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9737,"Title":"Use XML to Call a Remote Object","Description":"This is an example of how you might use XML in an application. The client project makes a call to a remote object by sending XML to a webserver, which in return creates the object, performs the method requested and returns the results to the client. Please read the readme.txt included in the zip file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You need a webserver to test against. Otherwise just use the web server address already coded in the client project.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77467132000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"fishoutawata","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9752,"Title":"TIFF File Info Class *Updated*","Description":"This is an updated zip of my TIFF File info class - I fixed a bug with the IFD Count.. \n<BR>\n<BR>\nChanging parts of the tags is not an easy task as they move depending on the images size,<BR><BR>\nI needed to set the XResolution to 200/1 and the YResolution to 100/1 - file manipulation \nnot always an easy task.<BR>\nSo I looked for help on PSC and found 1 entry using \na C DLL to return the info - more files to distribute hohum!!<BR>\n<BR>\nWell I have made my own in using VB ONLY and have turned it into a class module for you all to \nuse....<BR>\n<BR>\nPlease Vote if you like it - any comments or suggestions to improve on it ..<BR>\n<BR>\nI think I have put all the info that is required for the header and tag info - \nit is based on Revision 6.0 of the TIFF file spec dated June 3,1992.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD99999192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"MrEnigma","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9758,"Title":"System-wide mouse and keyboard hook","Description":"Set system-wide mouse and keyboard hook and generate 'standard' VB events (System_MouseUp/Down/Move, System_KeyUp/Down) with standard parameters (Button, Shift, X, Y, KeyCode).","Inputs":"Form to receive hook notification and hook flags","Assumes":"Though MSDN says that WH_JOURNALRECORD hook is thread defined, in w95/98 it allow system-wide hook when set ThreadID parameter of hook = 0. To run this code you need form with two multiline textboxes (Text1 and Text2) and one label (Label1).","CodeReturns":"Mouse/keyboard events with appropriate parameters","SideEffects":"Works only with w95/98. Don't work with NT/2000. \nThis code use hook, don't stop sample from IDE, use Form [x] button.","ApiDeclarations":"'See bas module code","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":213,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Ark","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9761,"Title":"Angles MUST SEE!!!","Description":"tHIS CALCULATES ANGLES AND CAN MAKE IT TO...\nESTA APLICACION PUEDE CALCULAR ANGULOS Y...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77707142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Geovany Villegas (yovasXp)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9763,"Title":"Internet Downloader (Like Gozilla) Resume, Pause, Etc. (UPDATED - August 16) Uses Winsock.ocx Only!!","Description":"Resume's Files, Pause Files, Or anything from anywhere on the net just like GoZilla but this is open source for your hacking pleasure! =]\nEnjoy it!!\nOk I did a complete code revamp of the code and im not finished yet. I cant seem to get the ftp stuff to work right if someone could help me out with that. It conencts to server and the server trys to send me the file but it wont come through and I cant figure out why. Help me on this one please!!! Thanks for all your wonderful support and votes by the way I really appreciate them. Well I got the reward thanks again for all the votes...By the way I have updated this again to fix a bug it has with unix servers. Pointed out to me by Michael Pauletta along with a way to fix it. Much appreciated micheal. Im glad people are still loving this code as yesterday auguest 15 it hit code of the day yet again.############################## GET THE LATEST VERSION HERE -----> http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?lngWId=1&txtCodeId=10926 <------------ GET THE LATEST VERSION THERE ##############################","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90218162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":119,"AuthorName":"Eric Malamisura","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9764,"Title":"Getting the gradient title bar end colors","Description":"This submission contains a function to get the gradient end colors of that gradient title bars as set in the control panel by the user and two other ones to check if the gradient effect is enabled/supported.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":98,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jonas Wolz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9770,"Title":"An HTML STEALER┬«","Description":"Allows the user to get quick and easy access to code from a website they quite like. Say you wanted to know how a certail thing had been coded, but the internet was really busy that day, you could use this little program to access the code at a touch of a button. It also includes webpage developement opportunities and also the ability to code Visual Basic in to a .FRM file, that can be run through your Visual Basic compiler.","Inputs":"A valid URL for the desired site","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The HTML for the webpage in question","SideEffects":"There are none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77877142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Brutus","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9773,"Title":"Awesome Geiss Effects","Description":"The Geiss Effects program is a collection of effects that I wrote to learn to some fluid graphic manipulation. Included is a moving background, the ability to draw text onto the moving fading background (where it will then fade away with everything else), drawing lines on the background, and drawing with your mouse to produce some spectacular effects. Also shows how to do a basic frames per second monitor.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"If someone wants to help me port this code to use directx and get some fullscreen effects going, PLEASE email me so we can work on that. arsecannon@yahoo.com","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"This code runs as 80pixels by 80pixels on my AMD Athlon 750 with 650meg of ram and a Gladiac GeForce(2) DDR... but it is fluid at that size.","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007141659594268.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77907142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"Scott Fitzhugh","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9775,"Title":"Data Access Wrapper","Description":"Provides a wrapper around ADO future proofing your code and making accessing your database much easier. Ensures all your code is standard and uses the best data base access techniques. Also provides functions to convert a recordset to HTML or CSV format - handy for web pages as well as client/server applications. WOULD love your feedback, feel free to contact me directly or submit comments.","Inputs":"Can take connection string to database, query, stored procedure names and input/output recordsets.","Assumes":"As reccomended by microsoft, you should be developing component based solutions for your database applications.. this code is best used if you are serious about writing database apps.","CodeReturns":"Recordsets, Array or Strings (HTML, CSV) representations of your data","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77927142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Ewart MacLucas","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9777,"Title":"NoClose - Users Cant Close Your Program!","Description":"This Awesome Code Doesnt Let People Close Your Form!! Thats Right! It cannot be CTRL+ALT+DEL Closed, Alt+F4 Closed, The X Button, Even When You Get The Window Handle of Your Form and Try To Close it, it wont close!!! The Only way To close it is \"End\". This is a Great Piece of Code For Either Security Applications, or Even Joke Applications, You name it! The only way to Close is \"End\"!! So Have Fun With this awesome code and Please VOTE for me!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Just Download the Code","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77957142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Randy Porosky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9778,"Title":"Piano","Description":"Piano is a Visual basic Piano (Duh) included with 127 Tunes. Of Course You Can only use your mouse to play the piano, but if anyone wants to add keyboard playing support they can. if you like this code please vote for me!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'Compiled EXE is included in the ZIP","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD77997142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Randy Porosky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9781,"Title":"Set Font Smoothing On/Off","Description":"This sample shows how to\nSee if Plus! is installed and\nhow to turn Font smoothing On Or Off\nEnjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007142342501036.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78017142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"MDSW","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9783,"Title":"Forget Controls MultiMedia. Now By API Support DVD Video Version 6.1","Description":"(New version, now version 6.1 with control volume channels audio)\nHello,\nYou can here make Controls for audio,video and midi files just by pure Windows API.\nyou can open,play,pause,resume,stop,close,make control for audio channels,Get Progress,Get Total Time,Get Total frames,Get Number frames per second,SetAutoRepeat,GetCurrent frame (Get current position),Get cuurent time,Get Actual size,Get Current Size,resize the movie,SetDefaultDevice,let you at the end of file..for all types Multimedia qt,mov, dat,snd, mpg, mpa, mpv, enc, m1v, mp2,mp3, mpe, mpeg, mpm\nau,snd, aif, aiff, aifc,wav,avi,mid,rmi,(and *.vob this format for dvd video)...etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000816175241286.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91508202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":177,"UserRatingTotal":868,"AuthorName":"Abdullah Al-Ahdal","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9792,"Title":"Distortion Field","Description":"This function basically mixes all the pixels in an area of an image, defined by a mask image. The result is much like the invisibility effect used in the movie \"The Predator\", very cool if you want a small, quick function for that effect in your games! (It looks like the Predator is made of water or something)\nThe image doesn't quite reproduce the effect, I just used PrintScreen 3 times, that's all. It has about 100 frames per second in the real code ;)","Inputs":"All you need to give is an image, the mask image, the coordinates where the effect will appear, and the height/width of the image (basically ScaleHeight and ScaleWidth of the form or picturebox).","Assumes":"You don't need to know anything at all. Just add the .bas file and call the function.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If you use this function too much (large mask image or used many times), it may slow down because of the calculations it must do.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007151933272867.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78217152000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Jotaf98","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9793,"Title":"Translucency for Games","Description":"What this function does is paint a picture to another one, but with a nice translucency effect! Very cool if you want a small, quick function to use translucency in your games -- something that only the top games you buy had!","Inputs":"All you'll input is the image that will be drawn and where, its position and the height/width of the first image (basically you'll put here the ScaleHeight/ScaleWidth of the form or picturebox you'll draw to).","Assumes":"To use, just add the .bas file and call the function.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If you use this function in large or many images at the same time, it may slow down the game, because of the huge calculations involved.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007151944394116.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78227152000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Jotaf98","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9794,"Title":"mIRC Clone, IRC Client - UPDATED","Description":"Ok, I finally have colors working, I got Ident Server working as well, I started on a taskbar and DCC, just about done.. I want to add scripting support next, If you want to help, my ICQ# is 52567840...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007152031335868.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78237152000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":57,"AuthorName":"Wanna-Sk8er","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9798,"Title":"A Cool and Complete DirectX Game (part 1)","Description":"This a pretty cool game that uses Direct Draw, Direct Sound, and Direct Music from the DirectX API. It demonstrates how to create simple character animations as well as showing you how to create sounds when certain events occur and how to play midi files in gameplay. This is definitely a must see! A vote will be most appreciated! (PSC Admin note: Requires Part 1,2,3,4 to work!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000715222659437.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78277152000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":102,"AuthorName":"Jason Shimkoski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9799,"Title":"A Cool and Complete DirectX Game (part 2)","Description":"This a pretty cool game that uses Direct Draw, Direct Sound, and Direct Music from the DirectX API. It demonstrates how to create simple character animations as well as showing you how to create sounds when certain events occur and how to play midi files in gameplay. This is definitely a must see! A vote will be most appreciated! (PSC Admin note: Requires Part 1,2,3,4 to work!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78287152000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jason Shimkoski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9803,"Title":"Easy ┬úl├«†├½ Text!","Description":"I've had a lot of people ask me how to create \"Elite\" text or \"Funky\" looking text, so here it is. The coding is extremely simple and it's commented. No votes unless this really helps you or something!","Inputs":"Do this:\n1) Start up a new project in VB.\n2) Add a command button and a Text Box.\n3) Thats all! Insert the below code into the command buttons \"Click\" event.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":62,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"SeeD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9805,"Title":"Progress Bar in Listview","Description":"I started to make a Download manager and wanted a progress bar inside of a report list like napster. So here it is, the incomplete version. I guess i'll post a improved version with resizing the progress bar. And for some reason it adds a blank picture to the first item. i dunno so please help. -Special thanx to Eric","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I started to make a Download manager and wanted a progress bar inside of a report list like napster. So here it is, the incomplete version. I guess i'll post a improved version with resizing the progress bar. And for some reason it adds a blank picture to the first item. i dunno so please help.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000716021107236.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78337162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Jarem Archer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9810,"Title":"Instant Messaging","Description":"Updated. (Fixed MOD) Add Instant Messaging To Your VB Program (LAN).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78387162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"michael schmidt","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9811,"Title":"Message Box Generator","Description":"VB6.0 IDE Add-In, automatically generates Message\nBoxes for your programs.","Inputs":"Title; Message; Icon - Copy to Clipboard","Assumes":"Message Box Generator is a DLL. See the Readme\nfile to install. Once installed the Message Box Generator is availabel through the VB6.0 IDE. Go to the IDE's Menu Bar, select Add-Ins, select Add-In Manager, select Message Box Generator and check\nLoaded/Unloaded and Load on Start Up. The Message\nBox Generator will then be available from the Add-Ins menu.","CodeReturns":"Completed Message Box Code - Paste into your program from the Clipboard","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007161022506772.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78397162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"John P. Cunningham","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9817,"Title":"Crystal Report Viewer","Description":"VERY VERY SIMPLE CRYSTAl REPORTS VIEWER - View Any Crystal Report with ease..lets you add reports to a list that you use all the time. Also allows for changing the parameter values. Very easy to understand code -- example report included. Hope you enjoy.","Inputs":"your mind","Assumes":"Some Crystal Report exp.","CodeReturns":"a smile","SideEffects":"hopefully, better vb knowledge","ApiDeclarations":"Included in the .bas files","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007162134323681.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78497162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Stephen King","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9819,"Title":"E.R.C - External Resource Compiler","Description":"Compiles External Resource Files. \nLets say u have 10 files in a external resource file. You want to extract just one, ezy. Soon I will add a peice of code that lets u extract it to memory rather then to a new file/then to memory. but I'm reaaaal busy, so it will be a while. (you probably' can figure it out. but still :) ....)\nI was in such a rush, theres alittle I have to had. Check back in awhile. (I am busy it takes along \"while\"). I dunno even if it works. Justkidding, sure it works. But it was rushed. There is no comments in this sorry. But I may add them.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Compiled Resource File Maybe???","SideEffects":"No sure, I hope not!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78517162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Cory Ului","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9822,"Title":"Size a form exactly!","Description":"Sizes a form to an exact size. Ever tried to size a form to say. 320 by 240 like this\nMe.Width = 320 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX\nMe.Height = 240 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY\nBut you want the border and title bar at the same time. And it doesn't look right at all.\nHeres your answer!\n(I dunno if anyone has done this before if they have. cool.) I made this years ago, but didn't know of Planet-Source-Code then.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"'Either use\n'I.E.\n'Call Size(Me, 320, 240)\n'or\n'Size Me, 320, 240\n'Same result.\n'Size [Form], [Width], [Height]","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":10,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200071715234313.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Cory Ului","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9823,"Title":"DragListBox class","Description":"This submission uses APIs from ComCtl32.dll to create a drag list box (a list box that enables the user to drag items from one position to another).\nIt includes a class that will do all work for you (after having been initialized with three lines of code) and a sample showing how to do that.\nPlease note: You'll have to register the file SSubTmr.dll included in order to make it work properly.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD92278232000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jonas Wolz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9824,"Title":"Create a Master/Detail form","Description":"This application demostrates the creation of Master/Detail form in VB, VB programmers always felt handicapped by the fact that there was no concept of sub forms in VB but here we show how to create such forms in VB using RDO. Users are encouraged to customize the code to use ADO inplace of RDO or wait for us to write another article in which we will show you how to accomplish the same task using ADO.","Inputs":"User will have to change the UserID and Password of the SQL Server in the code, see the attached document for details.","Assumes":"The application uses a SQL Server at the backend, the user will have to run the SQL files (included with the application) after creating a database in the SQL Server. RDO and DAO 3.51 should be present on the user's machine, these are installed when the user installs VB.","CodeReturns":"Returns a resultset that is displayed in the grid control.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000717533599148.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78557172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Khalifa Ahmed Tarhoni","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9825,"Title":"A Particle's Tale.","Description":"Trying to make Fairy Dust, With Particles, it runs good and fast on this comp. (Note: May Freeze).\nI don't usualy ask for feedback, but it sounds nice so I'll apprecate any. (I'll reply soon as possible. IF NEEDED).\nYup, this time it's all commented! (I usualy don't comment/REM the code I make... but I did this time)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78567172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Cory Ului","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9826,"Title":"API Example","Description":"API Example : Getting all the windows captions and \"hwnd\"s and to Minimize, Normal\nand maximizing a windows using it's \"hwnd\". (Without having to point the mouse at\nthe window first.)\nNote: This does not include child windows.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Note : This does note include child windows.\nRead the Comments!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78577172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Coburt 'Clawy' Jordaan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9831,"Title":"Change FileTime","Description":"This is a compact code that changes the date of an at the moment hard coded file to the time at the moment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I put everything (declarations etc.) in the Form so no extra modul etc. is needed.\nOne command button named Command1 is needed to execute the FileTime-changes. I don't like to put actions in the Form_Load-event.\nIt's now possible to include a select-file dialogue to easyly change the FileTimes of multiple files.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":63,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Bernhard \"Bard\" Doebler","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9834,"Title":"MayComm","Description":"File transmision between two computers with modem.\nSupports resume and message sending.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"see the test project.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000717128248786.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1112610302000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Marcos \"DrMay\" Mayorga Aguirre","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9835,"Title":"AOL Scroller","Description":"Made by Oogle originally, I dont want to be rated for this, please dont vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78667172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Splix","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9839,"Title":"Card ActiveX Control, Sample CrazyEights Game","Description":"Contains an ActiveX Card control, which is an ideal tool for creating a card game. Proof of that is in the CrazyEights game I also have uploaded. The computer algorighm is guaranteed to beat you some times. It is worth a play.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000717154405480.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78727172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Feuchtersoft","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9842,"Title":"Super Transparent Form using my FREE C++ DLL","Description":"I made some modifications from My previous entry. Fixed the output.txt problem. It was in the OCX file\n Source included = OCX,DLL and Sample .EXE\n DLL SOURCE INCLUDED!!!! FREE. FAST. Easy.\n This is a port from Chris Yates code\n(Awesome)\n \nMake Transparent Forms using pictures. SUPER FAST AND EFFICIENT.\n Now you can select the Transparent color. Example EXE to show how it is done.\n No DLL Calls. Use my TransRegion ActiveX to run the TransRegion.Dll\n REAL easy and it is Royalty free.\n Please vote for me.","Inputs":"Just put the control on the form and put a picture in the control.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"an AWESOME FORM","SideEffects":"None so far.","ApiDeclarations":"Uses \nCreateRectRegion\nCombineRegion\nDeleteObject calls within the dll\nDC and HWND api's (in the source) are used for control the PARENT window for moving with the mouse","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200071717568272.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78957182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Shawn Elliott","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9850,"Title":"WavVortex","Description":"Create decent wavs for trackers, or games, or whatever you have in mind. This is a must see! Wav File Header code was found here on PSC.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78887182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Dave Katrowski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9851,"Title":"Screenshot with print option (BitBlt and DC's)","Description":"This little program will let you take a picture of the screen at any time and Blitter from the screen's DC to the Form's DC making it appear as the form background you can then save it as a .BMP\nor print it out. Sorry about the messy .BAS but its all there. Please take the time to leave a comment and vote. Thank you. Enjoy! =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function BitBlt Lib \"gdi32.dll\" (ByVal hdcDest As Long, ByVal nXDest As Long, ByVal nYDest As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hdcSrc As Long, ByVal nXSrc As Long, ByVal nYSrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib \"user32.dll\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hDC As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetDC Lib \"user32.dll\" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib \"user32.dll\" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer\nPublic Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib \"user32\" () As Long","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78897182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Adam Orenstein","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9853,"Title":"Hover Buttons","Description":"Hover Buttons. Like the Internet Explorer menu buttons. Check it out. And.. if you like it... please vote... ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000718730291193.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78917182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Andreas ├àhlfeldt","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9855,"Title":"Lots Of Source Code","Description":"This is 3 text files and a bas combined into one file. The code in each text file is code I have gathered over the past 4 years. The bas is something some of the code in the text files needs to run.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just Info For Those Who Can Use It.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78927182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":52,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9858,"Title":"Accent Insensitive database querying","Description":"Since MS-Access doesn't support accent insensitive queries by itself (MS SQL Server does as far as I know), I had to create a function that would fix the problem. With this function, it is possible to turn any SQL query into an accent insensitive query. With a few little modifications, it works great with ASP too!","Inputs":"Example: STRSQL = \"SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE animal LIKE '%\" & AccIns(\"ELEPHANT\") & \"%'\"\nThis will return any record where animal = ├ëlephant, Elephant, ├⌐l├⌐phant, el├⌐phant, etc. You get the picture. Now have fun! :)","Assumes":"You need to know how SQL queries work.","CodeReturns":"An accent insensitive string to use against a database.","SideEffects":"My friend's computer exploded last time he used this function, so watch out!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":33,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Carl Mercier","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9861,"Title":"Printing and spaces","Description":"The purpose of this article is to introduce the new user to the art of printing quickly and simply.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Robin Thomas Benjamin McKay","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9862,"Title":"Light Effects","Description":"\"DrawLight\" is a function that I wrote because I wanted to add lightning effects to my game, if it was possible. Guess what, it is -- and here's the proof! Just have a look at that screenshot; it was made with my program, I didn't edit it with any other graphics program! :)\n It draws a light in any picture, but it's faster than most ways to achive this (because I used the circle's core equation instead of the Circle function). Also, you can choose the color that will be used in the effect, instead of a simple white light!\nAs a \"bonus\", included is the code to draw a circle (its core equation), and something I did to remind people to vote me (because I noticed that 290 people had downloaded the Translucency effect, but only 2 had voted!) -- and automatically opens your browser and orders it to go to Planet Source-Code (it asks you if you want before doing it).\nAnd there's no need for backbuffers, as the light uses a very cool effect while loading ;)\nI'm working now on a way of doing this, but instead of a circle, you can use a mask! I also wanna make a variation of this for lasers (same way as the mask, but automatically draws the mask with a line).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You don't need to know nothing at all before using. It can even teach you something instead: about using equations with loops, messing with the RGB values of each pixel to get some nice effects, and how basic algorythms for graphics work.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000718147311447.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80277222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":118,"AuthorName":"Jotaf98","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9863,"Title":"Multi-Connection Chat - update","Description":"Now there is support for security, forcing all users to log in to the server. The usernames and passwords are stored in a DB at the server site, and the clients are then authenticated. ---> This is a multi connection chat using winsock. It supports multi-user, coloured chat windows, private messages, and will even display all the tasks running on another clients PC (but you'll have to look in the code for the command =). Each client displays the entry and exit of other clients, as well as maintaining a listbox of current users. Also included is a mIRC like entry box where you can use the up and down arrows to access recent commands. Please leave any suggestions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000718143917782.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD78987182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"VB Man","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9870,"Title":"Application Registration - Key Generator v2.02 Build 01","Description":"The KeyGen will generate a key for a given name and password, this can be used to allow a programmer to issue software in demo mode, if the customer wants to purchase your software you only have to give them the key for the software based on there name and your password NOW WITH SIMPLE DEMO PROGRAM.. \nNEW VERSION OUT KeyGen v2.02","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20011221542355025.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Applicatio187338472005.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":124,"AuthorName":"William Gerard Griffiths (Author)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9871,"Title":"New Hotmail Messages (Checker)! *THE ORIGINAL*","Description":"This code logs you in to the Hotmail server using standard http commands (the same thing your browser uses). After retrieving your mailbox source from Hotmail, it will tell you how many new messages you have. With this code however, you may do whatever you wish with your account (through programming), once you understand how it works. commented heavily to ensure understanding. if you have any questions or comments, my email address is: nmjblue@hotmail.com...\nEnjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Good knowlegde of socket programming, and the http protocol required if you want to expand this program.\nAlso, this program uses the Catalyst SocketWrench control, so if the one included in this zip doesn't work, you can get it at www.catalyst.com","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007203426582.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD9704962000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":103,"AuthorName":"Bill Katz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9879,"Title":"BOOM","Description":"Complete Drum Sequencer with 5 built in effects (slow loading. filtered/reversed sounds are generated when you load a sound to a channel). When you save a sequence, wavs are stored in the file. nice interface! another must see...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'be sure to add module12 to the project if any errors are raised..","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79437202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Dave Katrowski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9888,"Title":"File Search (UPDATE)","Description":"I recieved an e.mail from Randy Porosky asking if can update \nthe Application so it would search for multiple Files and\nlist the Search Name only, well, it now searches for multiple\nFiles and adds the search name to a seperate listbox. You\nwould expect the search to take double the time when adding\nanother File to the SearchList, but with a litte recursive \nprogramming it only adds approx 0.6 seconds to the search time.\nSo again, this Application will search for multiple Files on\nmultiple Drives, Folders etc, VERY FAST, eg. On my system it \ntook 3.5sec to search 1079 Folders for 1 File, because of the\nrecursive programming it took 4.1sec to search 1079 Folders\nfor 2 Files.","Inputs":"Search String","Assumes":"Read the Capital comments first","CodeReturns":"True if Found","SideEffects":"This is FAST","ApiDeclarations":"FindFirstFile etc, GetTickCount","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79307192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Nelly","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9890,"Title":"charactermap","Description":"Recreation of windows character map program.\nLatest version 1.2. New features - faster loading, zoom facility, minor tidy-ups.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80197222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"oigres P","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9895,"Title":"Chat Thing 2.2","Description":"Chat Thing is a 1 on 1 chat program with a few interesting features: It has its own web browser (simple, but does the job), it has 2 games you and your friend can play (tic tac toe and rock scissors paper), title bar flashes if the program is minimized and you get a message and much much more! Please vote for me! :-D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000719204412036.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79377192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"MaskingTape","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9896,"Title":"MSFlexGrid row colors","Description":"This short SUB will allow you to set alternate colors in rows background of any MSflexGrid in your project. It will work with any number of rows and columns. (upgraded version of Raul Lopez submission).","Inputs":"MSFlexgrid name, RGB values\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":23,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007192152202236.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"HarvestR","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9897,"Title":"napster.ocx","Description":"this ocx file works with napster, as an aol prog would work with aol. it is still in major beta, and the code is being fixed, and sorted. it can punt users, view user info, get napster ver, add chatroom list to listbox, mass im, macros, etc. it has all the options of an aol prog, but they have a few bugs to fix :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79387192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"amaf","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9899,"Title":"EZ Control Panel","Description":"Opens programs located in the Windows Control Panel","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The .cpl files I call in the program are just the standard Windows .cpl files. Your computer may have more depending on your hardware & software.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"None.","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79407192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Darrin Mason","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9900,"Title":"A RGB & VB Color Coder","Description":"RGB and VB color coder has 3 ways of picking colors (scrollbars, slider bars, and common dialog colors). After picking a color it shows the RGB color code, the VB color code, and the color example... Not hard...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072001096519.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79427202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Philip Beam","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9901,"Title":"PAK Control","Description":"With this code, you can merge multiples files (any file) in a one single file! It's fast and easy to understand.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000720037405116.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79447202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Tobe_","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9904,"Title":"Call Logger","Description":"This is a program to record callers to a helpdesk. It uses a very good example of records, if you are looking for how to create records then this code is for you. Special thanks to \nMark Robert Strange for his excellent flicker-free\ngradient scrolling credits screen that I've incorporated into my program, hope this is helpful. Enjoy ...\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072052013744.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79487202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Toby Gunston","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9905,"Title":"Diablo 2 Item Socketer Source","Description":"This is the source code to the Diablo 2 Item Socketer I made. I'm just posting it for anybody who doesn't know where to start on a project like this :) I remember how hard it was for me to get started, so I thought I'd make it a little easier for newbies...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"In the zip...","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072052314302.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79497202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Will Brendel","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9917,"Title":"mctextboxv8","Description":"Control from purpose of change your easy mode off use the activex textbox control.\nNew version with new 2 controls (textfile and textfolder), and new propertie: forcediscardchars.\nThats new propertie, has been the inputed ascii char not is accept case have in list of discardchars.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000720120288146.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79687202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Mauricio Cunha","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9923,"Title":"EnHex / DeHex","Description":"EnHex converts a string to hexidecimal characters, which I designed for use with encryption routines that sometimes output unprintable characters. It's a simple way to convert unprintable characters into something printable. DeHex simply reverses the process.","Inputs":"EnHex Input: normal text\nDeHex Input: text that has been \"en-hexed\"","Assumes":"The assumption is that any text sent to DeHex is in fact hexidecimal. I pulled this from my own personal coding toolbox so I haven't built in any error checking because it was written for use in a very controlled environment -- such as apps I've written that use encryption.","CodeReturns":"EnHex Return: text converted into hexidecimal characters\nDeHex Return: the original text that was converted to hexidecimal characters using EnHex","SideEffects":"Converting a string into hexidecimal format will effectively double the size of the string (hexidecial requires two characters for every \"en-hexed character), so be sure to weigh the benefits of having printable text against the size of the result. I tend to only use this if I need to send encrypted data blocks through email or if I want a user to manually enter small amounts of encrypted data, such as a one-line registration number.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":17,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Jamie Richard Wilson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9925,"Title":"A Color Notepad","Description":"This is a notepad that is black with green text... All the colors can be customized. It opens, saves (and save as), cuts, copies, pastes, and shows the file path (if saved or opened) on the Title bar. Demonstrates an easy way to save with a textbox... Also has horizontal and vertical scrollbars. I dont know the limit to the amount of text (if there is one). Please vote if you like it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007201546299498.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79757202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Philip Beam","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9926,"Title":"Flickerfree Scrolling Credit About box","Description":"An about/splash box that has a flicker-free Credit scroll. Uses only the form and one Picturebox; bitblt's the pb image into the client area of the form and uses InvalidateRect to force a redraw of only the area affected. Has methods to read data in from a .RES or a text file. Vote for me if you like what I've done with this, but take a look at Mark's original and let him know he did a great job too!\nThis code uses the basic idea of Mark Robert Strange's 'Flicker Free Gradient Credits' and applies a great deal of modifications to use less resources and have more features.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You can pretty much just throw this form in and modify your app's RES file or include the credits.txt file in your app path.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None known.","ApiDeclarations":"Uses:\nBitBlt\nInvalidateRect","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79767202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Duane A Newman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9927,"Title":"GetTag, GetTagText, CutTag","Description":"This is a set of three functions that pull tagged data, such as that from HTML or XML, based on the tag name. I've used this in a number of applications where I've need to store multiple bits of variable-length data in a single string or file.","Inputs":"A string containing tags which in turn contain data you are searching for AND the name of the tag.\nFor instance, if you're pulling from HTML for anything between <H1> and </H1> then you would enter \"H1\" as the tag name.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"GetTag() returns the data between the specified tags along with the tags.\nGetTagText() returns the data between the specified tags, without the tags.\nCutTag() returns the original text minus the specified tags and the data between them.\n","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":26,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Jamie Richard Wilson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9928,"Title":"MandelBrotSet","Description":"This application uses a small amount of API and some judicious use of looping to draw a MandelBrot set inside of a picture box located on a form. The fractal is fully customizable and the sub routine that creates it is almost completely independent. To draw the image just click on the picturebox. To copy the completed image to the clipboard, right-click on the picturebox and select that option from the popup menu.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It would help to know how fractals come to being but that isn't necessary. This application was written in Visual Basic 6.0 with Service Pack 3 installed and that's the only compiler I know it works in. If anybody is interested I might try putting it in VB3, but I won't until somebody asks nicely.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If you maximize the form and start image construction it can take a long time to finish. Maximized at 1024x768 at 24 million colors it took my PC(Intel Celeron 400Mhz with 64Mb) several hours to complete.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000720163489241.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79777202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"KenKnutson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9929,"Title":"Icon Viewer","Description":"Select a directory and the program will show all icons in the selected directory, in one list.\nCool, please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000720182479767.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79817202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Andreas ├àhlfeldt","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9930,"Title":"ShockInstall","Description":"Create Flash movies and allow them to launch ANY associated file on your system.\nIdeal for use as a CD menu and the like.\n(Excuse the name, I always call Flash, Shock because I use ShockMachine a lot :-0 )","Inputs":"An absolute filename to the source Flash movie is required, however to allow use on a CD, to following command should be used\nShockInstall.exe $APPDIR$[flashfilename]","Assumes":"To be able to use this to its fullest, you must be able to create Flash movies.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007202250597677.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79837202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Neil Ramsbottom","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9931,"Title":"Label HyperLink uses existing browser -OR- opens new browser window!","Description":"After searching the net for some time I couldnt find a function that would give me a choice to open a Label hyperlink in an existing browser window OR open a brand new browser window. I coded this function with the help of some snippets i found. Included is some error trapping as well. I also added functionality to the hyperlink so that it acts like an internet hyperlink.","Inputs":"Just two parameters passed to the function:\n1. the website address\n2. TRUE if you want a brand new browser window, or FALSE if you want to use the existing browser window. If no browser windows is open then a brand new browser window will open regardless of wether you choose TRUE or FALSE.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"nonw. i tested it on a win98 machine though.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79847212000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"El Mariachi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9932,"Title":"A Easy Login","Description":"This is a Login program that you can easily put into your program... It lets you make a new name/password or put in a previous name/password to login. After pressing the Login button you will get a message of \"Login Successful!\" if your name/password match, if they dont you will get \"Login Unsuccessful\". This uses a database and searches for the name and matches it with its password (if login is successful)... If this is useful to you please vote for it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79857212000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"Philip Beam","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9933,"Title":"Camaro's NetZero 3.0.4 DUN Creator (Updated for Netzero 3.0.4)","Description":"The main purpose is to access Netzero through my Windows CE Device. \nBut can also be used to Access NetZero Faster, and without the banners.\nThis program allows you to convert your current netzero account so you don't have to use the netzero software. \nYou can surf at faster speeds because there are no banners loading,\njust enter your username and password and it will tell you the codes to set in a Dial Up account. \nTo use on 3.0.4 change the version to 0:3.0.4\nCheck out http://pass.ezcpufix.com for an online version. Use an Active X enabled browser!","Inputs":"To use on 3.0.4 change the version to 0:3.0.4","Assumes":"Very Detailed Code Source.\nEasy For Everyone.\nWeb Based version at http://pass.ezcpufix.com","CodeReturns":"The Valid Dial-Up Username and Password for netzero.\nTo use on 3.0.4 change the version to 0:3.0.4","SideEffects":"To use on 3.0.4 change the version to 0:3.0.4","ApiDeclarations":"Function Pass(password)\nKey1 = \"`-=~!@#$%^&*()_+[]\\{}|;':\" _\n& \"\"\"\" & \",./<>?abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFG\" _\n& \"HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789\"\nKey2 = \"GFEDCBAzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed\" _\n& \"cba?></.,\" & \"\"\"\" & \":';|}{\\][+_)(*&^%$#@\" _\n& \"!~=-`9876543210ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH\"\n \n For i = 1 To Len(password)\n \n A = Mid(password, i, 1)\n \n B = InStr(1, Key1, A)\n \n C = B - (i - 1)\n \n D = Mid(Key2, C, 1)\n \n E = E + D\n \n Next i\n \n If E = \"\" Then\n Else\n Pass = \"0\" & E & \"1\"\n End If\nEnd Function\nFunction User(Username, Version)\nIf Username = \"\" Then\nUser = \"\"\nElse\n If Version = \"\" Then\n User = \"2.2.2:\" & Username & \"@netzero.net\"\n Else\n User = Version & \":\" & Username & \"@netzero.net\"\n End If\n End If\nEnd Function\nTo Use on Netzero Zeroport 3.0.4 change the version to 0:3.0.4\nThis would cause netzero to connect.","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007290546849.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD1258912112000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Zinna Pro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9936,"Title":"Hotkey Example 3.0","Description":"Ever wonder how a program executes a certain command everytime you hold down ALT and press S? Or maybe how certain games nowadays respond to certain Hotkeys (ie: Starcraft, Duke Nukem, etc)? Well, here's your answer! No custom controls necessary, no dirty coding to sift through, and best of all, it's VERY HEAVILY COMMENTED. Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81317252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Abhijeet Kumar","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9938,"Title":"CoverKit (UPDATE)","Description":"This is a complete CD Label Application. You can print the Booklet,Inlay and CD Label ... You must have it !!!! Language english and german","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072183978099.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD79937212000.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Defcon2","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9939,"Title":"Network Browser - Updated","Description":"I needed a way to select a network share, As I couldn't find any source I had to put this together. So now I am sharing it for others,\nenjoy","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Nothing, it couldn't be simpler","CodeReturns":"String of the chosen path","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Long = 0\nPrivate Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260\nPrivate Const CSIDL_NETWORK As Long = &H12\nPrivate Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS As Long = &H1\nPrivate Const BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER As Long = &H1000\nPrivate Type BROWSEINFO 'BI\n hOwner As Long\n pidlRoot As Long\n pszDisplayName As String\n lpszTitle As String\n ulFlags As Long\n lpfn As Long\n lParam As Long\n iImage As Long\nEnd Type\nPrivate Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib \"shell32.dll\" _\n Alias \"SHGetPathFromIDListA\" _\n (ByVal pidl As Long, _\n ByVal pszPath As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib \"shell32.dll\" _\n Alias \"SHBrowseForFolderA\" _\n (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation _\n Lib \"shell32.dll\" _\n (ByVal hwndOwner As Long, _\n ByVal nFolder As Long, _\n pidl As Long) As Long","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":42,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Malcolm Clarke","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9940,"Title":"Implementing an event stack","Description":"Using DCOM? Remote instantiation? well now you can respond to events from a remote component without freezing the server app!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Philippe DesRosiers","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9946,"Title":"TrayClock","Description":"Create a round clock in your IconTray and let you place a small round clock ontop of all your other forms.... All credits goes to my cousin, Eran Boujnah.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80047212000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Itay Sagui","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9947,"Title":"Direct X tank version 0.2","Description":"I am now turning my tank game into DirectX tank. And here it is so far. This is about 5 hours solid work spread over a week. Now I know somthing about Direct X, I should soon have moving objects to shoot at. But for now, you just drive around a load of shapes. Its pretty fast thought, over 100,000 polygons per sec on a (cwappy) cerlon 200, without any hardware support what so ever. As its direct X, I asume that it will run throught harware if you have it. Any way, say what you think, and stand around for the full version. +, if you know any FREE software for creating 3D models, then please tell me, cos notepad is getting annoying.\nTo play, click on Add 40, and sellect a model, with the extension RAW (5 provided). Now move your mouse around the game window to move around, like in the original tank game. Click on add 40 again, to add more shapes. By the way, I used some code by 'Tim Talma' to figure out DirectX. However, in his code, he says its 30% Microsoft SDK egg and engine parts, but I think I cut out all Tims code, so I have all Microsoft to thank","Inputs":"None, really, except selecting what shapes appear","Assumes":"...and I can't even see these messages appear on any part of thewebsite, so whats the point?","CodeReturns":"Do I really have to fill this in?","SideEffects":"No-one reads them anyway...","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000721157153791.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80057212000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9948,"Title":"SurfTabs","Description":"A Web browser using the IE browser object. Surf multiple web sites at the same time on different tabs. Unfortunatly it seems Eric Malamisua had the same idea with Netab (to reproduce NetCaptor), but I have been working on this on and off now for about 8 months or more.\nIncludes most if not all browser functionality: Forward, Backward, Stop, Refresh, Home, Search, Favorites (Add, Organize and View using IE's favorites), Options (SurfTabs and IE options), History (using IE's history) and other common features.\nCan add tabs, delete tabs, delete all tabs. Tabs are given the name of the web page. Minimize to system tray. Completely resizeable. Will work with IE4, but not all will work.\nThanks to Chris Shell for the favorites code.\nThanks to Jelsoft Vb-World at http://www.jelsoft.com/vbw/ for the Registry code.\nI think there is a bug in the Favorites code somewhere. Other then that, it sould be bug free.\nSome future enhancements will include: blocking individual \"popup\" sites, View page source, A search pane (like the favorites one), New icon logo, Animated icon logo, to name a few.\nPlease enjoy. I welcome any comments, sugestions and recommendations.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000724833435476.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90448172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":68,"AuthorName":"Jim Black","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9957,"Title":"Encrypted Note Pad","Description":"Demonstrates how to make a simple noptepad that supports encryption. The notepad supports fonts, colours, sizes etc. Demonstrates how to encrypt stuff using the Xor operator. Also show how to use MDI.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007212352125358.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80157212000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"mike","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9965,"Title":"Masked Light","Description":"Well, since the first \"Light\" demo project came out so good, I had to make another one ;)\n This one has a difference: instead of drawing a light with the specified radius, it draws a light based on a mask image. The Radius now only controls the size of the glow effect. It's also just a bit faster (remember, I'm just about to learn DirectX to enhance these effects even more!).","Inputs":"Call the function and it will draw it all for you! You don't need to understand the code, if you're looking for how to make your own algorythms, the \"Light Effects\" sample is much easier and well commented. Still, this one would be good for a game or a painting program anyway.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007221435158667.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80287222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Jotaf98","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9966,"Title":"Create a folder with one line of code no OCX's or other controls","Description":"Here you can make a new folder with just ONE line of code. You decide where you wanna place the folder(like 'c:\\New Folder\\Sub\\'). You don't need any extra OCX's or other kind of controls so just take the code and enjoy it. The code is very useful to me and im sure it will be to you too.\n/Author","Inputs":"No Inputs","Assumes":"This is a very simple code and i don't think there is any problems","CodeReturns":"Well, you get a nice new folder.","SideEffects":"No side effects on my perfect code!","ApiDeclarations":"There is no declarations but you can\nvisit our homepage: \nwww.FireStorm.Now.Nu","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":3,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":63,"AuthorName":"Per Andersson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9967,"Title":"Shaping Forms Programs","Description":"Allow you to create a file that changes the forms shape. Let you create an array of points, and shows you how to load it in another program.\nComment throughout the code...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80297222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Itay Sagui","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9968,"Title":"How to use the RES Protocol of the Webbrowser Control or how to use a HTML Files in Resources.","Description":"Resource Files offers many types of function. One\nof them is to include HTML Files and Graphics into\nyour VB Project. The Webbrowser Control supports the Microsoft RES Protocol. And with this you can load the HTML Files directly from the EXE to your Project. View and vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80307222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Andreas Schwarz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9972,"Title":"Cool Tool Bar","Description":"This is a program that will allow you to change the color of the Forms Caption and instead of the dull blue color it will allow designs and stuff. If anyone has an API version please let me know! Thanks!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007222116531997.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80347222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Japeth Starlite","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9973,"Title":"Golf 2000 *UPDATE #2*","Description":"This is the second update of my first Golf 2000, the \nNew Updates:\nI changed around the tools in the course editor and added some more tools including a water tool with wave like ripples, I also made the ball grow bigger as it gets higher and then shrinks back to normal!!!\nOld Updates:\nThis version has an animated moving ball and ball color selection in the main screen. In the custom course area I have added a \"Fill Tool\", Unlimited Undo's, and the loading automatically will find the hole and starting place from loaded in bitmaps, awesome update with all previous glitches known fixed.\nThis is great code, Just hope you like it, and if you do, please vote for me!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD84007302000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Japeth Starlite","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9974,"Title":"Format VB - VB6 add-in. Very usefull","Description":"compile this Dll into a folder in you VB folder with any name. try it out on some code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80377222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Richard Petithory","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9975,"Title":"A_VisualEqualizerUpgrade","Description":"A Visual Equalizer Upgrade.\n This is a \n \"graphic equalizer\"\nGreat for anyone programming \n \"MP3 Players\"\nYou must have a Volume Display \n(VU Meter) Unit for this code \n to function on your system.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072317303990.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80387232000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":22,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9976,"Title":"Personal Screen Saver Creator v1.0","Description":"This is a pretty cool program that I made that allows you to create custom \nscreen savers. It's not just a screen saver example - but a screen saver \ncreator! Add your own picture(s) or message and choose from a variety of \neffects! You could also learn a lot from this because it's commented and the \ncoding is simple. This took me a few days to make so I hope you like it! \nPlease vote if you find it useful or you learn something! Email all \nquestions or comments to me at: AedSeeD@aol.com. Thanks! (O:\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80447232000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"SeeD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9983,"Title":"MP3 DJ/FADER - CODE","Description":"THE CODE IS FINALLY HERE!! ALL I ASK IS THAT YOU SEND ME THE UPDATES/ CHANGES, AND OF COURSE THAT YOU VOTE FOR ME!!!!! sam.samr@virgin.net","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000723184335189.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80587232000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"R-Aboo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9985,"Title":"napster.bas","Description":"the first ever napster.bas created. this module was created for napster api programming, not winsock. it is the fix to the ocx file i released a while ago, which is \nincluded in the zip file. with this module you can create progs for napster, as people created progs for aol. i included some ex of how to work the punt correctly, so you don't recieve a lag as\nthe punter works. the code automatically closes the main window of the im. it also shows how to finger the user, using napster's finger option, get connection status, punt users, send a normal\ninstant message, close napster, connect to napster, disconnect from napster, get error text, get normal text, kill error msgs, hide napster, show napster, kill toolbar, run menu item's etc.\neveryone who uses this has to promise to release a fixed ver. of this code, even if you added one or two routines. and atleast give me credit for my own work.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80607232000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"amaf","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9986,"Title":"Dynamic(truly late-bound) loading of controls","Description":"This is a technique for late-binding to controls on your forms or usercontrols. Other techniques that I've seen on this web-site involve using control arrays. But in order to do this you need to include a reference to the control from the components menu. This is called early-binding and can disasterous for your programs if you're utilizing a COM object that frequently changes interfaces. The late-binding technique requires only the ProgID of the object as listed under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT in your registry.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Zac Spery","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9990,"Title":"Clean Code","Description":"This code is a VB6 Add-on that, when compiled as a Dll into your VB directory will place itself in the Add-ons menu. When run, it will open up a window showing you all the variables you have declared but have not used anywhere. why would you want to know this? I work for a company writing a VB app that is 600,000 lines long right now. you can save yourself about 8 megs of memory consumption this way.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80717242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Richard Petithory","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9991,"Title":"Zac's Bulletin Board System","Description":"Half-finished, ansi capable, multi-threaded telnet bulletin board system (BBS) written entirely in VB. I modelled it slightly off of Telegard. Be sure to extract the files into the root of your c drive. It'll create a directory called ZBBS. Follow the instructions in README.TXT. To test locally, run the following: telnet Default login is SYSOP, and the password is SYSOP.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80637232000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Zac Spery","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":9992,"Title":"All the Basics of Printing in VB","Description":"This code, completely documented, will show you how to easily print text and pictures in VB, with no API calls and no external OCX. Please see the snapshot for all topics covered in it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"feel free to edit, modify, comment, upgrade or offer better solutions","CodeReturns":"nice printed pages :-)","SideEffects":"low ink cartridge level...","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000723224298394.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80647232000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":187,"AuthorName":"HarvestR","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10011,"Title":"Knight's Gradient Effect (Commented)","Description":"Dither Any Form The Colours: White, Red, Green, Blue or Random to Black (Similar To Setup Programz). Please Remember To Vote & Leave Comments & Suggestions, Thank You!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007241235415833.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80847242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Knight","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10013,"Title":"BitBuddy -- no overflow error.","Description":"I'd been working a lot with 32bits data register bitfields lately. To aid the job, this utility is built.\nDuring coding, i'd troubled by the overflow problem. with helps from friends on the net, the problem is SOLVED.\nMy thanks to ameba, GivenRandy, PaulHews and others from www.experts-exchange.com, and also Twister of Twisted Media (author of BaseConverter -- can be dl from www.planetsourcecode.com) for the HexToDec routine.\n** update : handle error 340 (occur when user input value larger than 32bits) **","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81227252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"chun meng","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10017,"Title":"A Easy Login Update","Description":"This is a Login program that you can easily put into your program... It lets you make a new name/password or put in a previous name/password to login. After pressing the Login button you will get a message of \"Login Successful!\" if your name/password match, if they dont you will get \"Login Unsuccessful\". This uses a database and searches for the name and matches it with its password (if login is successful)... \nNow you cant get logged in by leaving the fields blank and after any number of tries (any number you put) It will close automatically. \nAny other updates or ideas please e-mail me at EXTvgamer@Juno.com. If this is useful to you please vote for it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD80937242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"Philip Beam","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10018,"Title":"WebBrowser Commands","Description":"This is a list of some basic WebBrowser Commands and a few advanced ones.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Shdocvw.dll and Comdlg32.dll required.\nI didn't bother to make this a Tutorial because I didn't think it belonged in that category. Most of the codes are commented on what it does.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":43,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Matthew Gates","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10021,"Title":"Shell Print Any Document","Description":"Easy code allows you to print any document on the computer using its default print handler. This is the same as if you right-click in the windows explorer and select Print. No command switches are needed. So simple I added a handy ShellExecute Error Handler.","Inputs":"To make it a public function for use in a bas, I use the form's Hwnd as a parameter. This hwnd is only used to retrieve errors. So if you only care about pass/fail you could leave that part out. Just pass the function the hwnd and the path to the file and call.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib \"shell32.dll\" Alias \"ShellExecuteA\" _\n (ByVal hwnd As Long, _\n ByVal lpszOp As String, _\n ByVal lpszFile As String, _\n ByVal lpszParams As String, _\n ByVal lpszDir As String, _\n ByVal FsShowCmd As Long) As Long\nPrivate Const SE_ERR_FNF = 2&\nPrivate Const SE_ERR_PNF = 3&\nPrivate Const SE_ERR_ACCESSDENIED = 5&\nPrivate Const SE_ERR_OOM = 8&\nPrivate Const SE_ERR_DLLNOTFOUND = 32&\nPrivate Const SE_ERR_SHARE = 26&\nPrivate Const SE_ERR_ASSOCINCOMPLETE = 27&\nPrivate Const SE_ERR_DDETIMEOUT = 28&\nPrivate Const SE_ERR_DDEFAIL = 29&\nPrivate Const SE_ERR_DDEBUSY = 30&\nPrivate Const SE_ERR_NOASSOC = 31&\nPrivate Const ERROR_BAD_FORMAT = 11&\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":51,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Jay Kreusch","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10023,"Title":"AIM IP Sniffer","Description":"This code gets an AIM users IP address through an IM window.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"(none)","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":215,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"vbproggyboy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10027,"Title":"Bitmap to HTML","Description":"Converts any bitmap, jpeg or gif image to a color html page.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"This program simply steps through each pixel of the image and uses a specified character(s) to create the image as a webpage.","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"makes IE run slow or freezes IE sometimes if the image is too large.","ApiDeclarations":"none.","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007241810421123.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81047242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Calvin H, (Nitro)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10035,"Title":"Windows 2000 TopBar (Updated)","Description":"Create a look like one used in windows2000 Great for wizards dialogs... Demostration of Drawedge API and DrawText API. if you like it, vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000724225087980.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81137242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Laudeci Oliveira","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10039,"Title":"Task List Addin **Updated v 2**","Description":"An update to Pete Sral's update to Mark Joyal's Task List.\nAdded - Project Group functionality.\nAdded - List sorting by clicking on column header.\nModified - Cleaned up coding convention and moved stuff around a little to make it a little more efficient and in support of multiple project files.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81177242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"B. Harriger","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10042,"Title":"Code Commentor Add-in","Description":"Comment any line of code in your project","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This Add-in is written in VB6 and sp4.\nYou have to manualy register the add-in dll.\nFirst copy the RBVBCommentor.dll to the \\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32 or \\WINNT\\SYSTEM32 directory.\nIn the SYSTEM32 directory type REGSVR32 RBVBCommentor.dll.\nIf the registration is succeeded, start Visual Basic and activate the add-in.\nIn some cases the add-in is not shown in the add-in manager.\nTo make it visible, go to the \\WINDOWS or \\WINNT directory and edit the VBADDIN.INI.\nAdd the following key; RBVBCommentor.Connector=0.\nRestart Visual Basic and activate the Add-in.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007254174638.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81287252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"REBO","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10045,"Title":"earthquake!","Description":"Example of how to get information from a webpage and use in VB. I was going to do something with this data but never got around to it ... The program gets today's list of earthquakes around the world. It actually downloads the HTML code and stuffs it into a RichTextBox.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072591998722.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81327252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Max Seim","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10046,"Title":"InputBox - Dynamic Control Creation","Description":"I wanted to thank everyone who contributes here. I find all the code sinpets very helpful. Even when they dont tackle the exact problem I am facing they at least point me in the right direction.\nWith this ACTIVE X componet I hope I can show you something useful.\nIT Dynamical creates TEXT Boxes and Labels. It uses WITH EVENTS and some smiple techniques for creating a Dynamic form. You could also Pass VALIDATION information to the DLL if you want to add the code.\nI use this with a FOXPRO based MRP system to collect Data from the Users. We dont have the code to the MRP system and cant extend it easily. But with this DLL, I was able to call it from FOXPRO and add extra criteria to the WHERE clause that I otherwise would not have been able to do. \nI have a more complex version that uses a Text File to generate the Lables, Text Boxes and COMBO BOXES.\n( I CLICK THEREFORE I PROGRAM \t)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"NONR","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81337252000.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"S Eubank","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10047,"Title":"Get away from repetative VB Controls! NO EXTERNAL FILES!!","Description":"This code will give you some ideas on how to \nbreak away from VB's standard controls, using \nVB's standard controls. Ironic isn't it? :)\nIncluded: Specialized Textboxes\n Specialized Command Buttons\n Scrolling Text\n SelStart / SelLength","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000725101369455.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81367252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10049,"Title":"LineCount","Description":"This code (program) counts how many lines are in your forms, modules, classes, user controls and designers. It shows you how many of them you used in your project.\nIt can count all lines in file (also properties written by VB) or just program code (without properties).\nNOW REPAIRED VERSION: Some minor bugs fixed and added for counting lines in property pages!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"It's compatible with all versions of vb, but for versions before 6.0 you have to make replacements for Split function.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000726635463769.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81867262000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Zvonko","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10051,"Title":"HOW TO MANIPULATE AN ACCESS DATABASE - Demo Pay Roll Program","Description":"To show how to ADD / EDIT / DELETE information\nfrom an access Database. Fully Functional - Ready\nto be used in your programs!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"must have MSDA0","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000725111727401.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81397252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10058,"Title":"Sound Visualization","Description":"Shows a colorful visualisation based music played.\nI found here a code that shows a graphic EQ,but \nmine does not show it on progress bars - but gives\na base example for true visualization.(like plug-ins for winamp) this is good for all writing Sound\nplaying apps.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Something like an MP3 file should be playing in the background.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007251510152182.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81467252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"ShookyN@GAR","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10060,"Title":"Fit an unlimited number of controls on a small form!!","Description":"This project will show you how to scroll all of<BR>\n'your controls within a small form - EASY! <BR>\n'NO External Files needed!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81487252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10065,"Title":"AIM TOC Password Roasting example","Description":"This program roasts AIM passwords for sending to a TOC server. Ths program also shows the process it goes through as it's doing it.","Inputs":"password","Assumes":"AOL Instant Messenger's default TOC roasting string is \"Tic/Toc\". Passwords are case sensitive.","CodeReturns":"roasted password","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81517252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Calvin H, (Nitro)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10067,"Title":"Rounded Frames","Description":"This sample is a great starting point for a custom control. What this source code shows is how to use various shape controls and pictureboxes to create a custom frame container that has the ability to use rounded corners.\nThis code is well commented. Most of this code can be easily migrated to an ActiveX control. See the screenshot for an example of its appearance.\nFeel free to leave me feedback, and I will try to respond. Don't forget to vote if you like it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Will work in Visual Basic 5.0, as long as you remove the RETAINED key in the .vbp file.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007251827582803.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81547252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":52,"AuthorName":"Joseph M. Ferris","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10069,"Title":"AIM Password Extractor","Description":"This code will extract AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) screennames and passwords from the registry and then decrypt them with an extremely long algorithm. Then it adds them to listboxes.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81787252000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Brandon Benvie","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10076,"Title":"Hackster - Napster Clone","Description":"Hackster is a (well known) vb napster clone.\nI do not take any credits here. I just fixed some bugs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81807262000.0 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"SantaR","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10077,"Title":"A Extremely Easy Clock","Description":"This code is the easiest clock ever... The code doesnt get any easier. If you like it vote for it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You need a Timer (named Timer1) and a label (named Label1)... Do not rename the form. Leave it Form1.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":7,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Philip Beam","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10084,"Title":"DrawFrameOn","Description":"This code draws transparent frames around any\ncontrol in any style you want and it's so easy\nto use !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072675482922.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81887262000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Roee Golan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10093,"Title":"Planetsourcecode Code Ticker ActiveX","Description":"This ActiveX Control show you the latest code submissions on Planetsourcecode, like the Ticker on the left hand side.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007261239498897.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD81977262000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Dirk Hottes","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1,"Title":"Center_Form","Description":"To center all of your forms nicely on the screen, use this as the first line in the Form_Load event--resolution independent.\n'note:call this function like this:\nCenter_Form Me","Inputs":"frmForm--form to center. Call this function like this:Center_Form Me","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":4,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":165,"AuthorName":"Ian Ippolito (RAC)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10,"Title":"Dump_String_To_File","Description":"Dumps a string to a file","Inputs":"strString--string to dump\nstrFile--file to dump to","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":12,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"Ian Ippolito (RAC)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":39,"Title":"Validate_Drive","Description":"Validates whether a given hard/floppy/network drive is valid","Inputs":"strDrive--drive to validate","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"i the dirve exists returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":18,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"Ian Ippolito (RAC)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":40,"Title":"Validate_File","Description":"Determines if a file exists\nImproved version--detects hidden files too!","Inputs":"filename--file to validate","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"'returns true or false","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":18,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Ian Ippolito (RAC)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":68,"Title":"cmdFormatDrive","Description":"Format Floppy Disk using API:Here is the code on How to Format Floppy Disk using API. Note -- This code can format your Hard Disk as well, so you should be careful!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SHFormatDrive Lib \"shell32\" _\n (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Drive As Long, ByVal fmtID As Long, _\n ByVal options As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetDriveType Lib \"kernel32\" Alias _\n \"GetDriveTypeA\" (ByVal nDrive As String) As Long","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":49,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"Duncan Diep","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":69,"Title":"StopTextBoxFromBeeping","Description":"Show how to make a text box not beep but do something else when I hit the Enter key. This code example makes nothing happen, for an extended period of time:","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":7,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"VB FAQ","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":73,"Title":"AppOnTop","Description":"How do I get my application on top?To make your window truly topmost, use the SetWindowPos API call","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You can, to make the application stay on top, put the ZOrder method in a Timer event repeatedly called, say, every 1000 milliseconds. This makes a \"softer\" on-top than other methods, and allows the user to make a short peek below the form. \nThere are two different Zorder's of windows (forms) in Windows, both implemented internally as linked lists. One is for \"normal\" windows, the other for \"topmost\" windows (like the Clock application which is distributed with Windows). The ZOrder command above simply moves your window to the top of the \"normal\" window stack. There is another, independent stack for topmost windows - like those created by the example code above - which resolves problems if several of those should conflict.\nNote that when a form is minimized, it loses its topmost attribute and you will have to set it again.\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\n\n#IF WIN32 THEN\nDeclare Function SetWindowPos Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SetWindowPos\" _\n(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _\nByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, _\nByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long\n#ELSE 'Win16\nDeclare Sub SetWindowPos Lib \"User\" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, _\nByVal hWndInsertAfter As Integer, ByVal X As Integer, _\nByVal Y As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, _\nByVal wFlags As Integer) \n#END IF\nGlobal Const SWP_NOMOVE = 2 \nGlobal Const SWP_NOSIZE = 1 \nGlobal Const FLAGS = SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE\nGlobal Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1 \nGlobal Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":25,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"VB FAQ","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":74,"Title":"DetectPreviousInstance","Description":"How do I prevent multiple instances of my program? In VB 3 and above, the property App.PrevInstance is set to True if an older instance of the program already exist.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"As Robert Knienider(rknienid@email.tuwien.ac.at) informed me, this piece of code will not work for non-English versions of Mirosoft Windows where the word for \"Restore\" does not have \"R\" as the underlined word. Replace the \"R\" in the SendKeys line above with \"{ENTER}\" or \"~\". \nNote that you shouldn't prevent multiple instances of your application unless you have a good reason to do so, since this is a very useful feature in MS Windows. Windows will only load the code and dynamic link code once, so it (normally) uses much less memory for the later instances than the first.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":10,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"VB FAQ","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":78,"Title":"Changing Windows Printer w/o using priint dialog","Description":"How can I change the printer Windows uses in code without using the print common dialog? How can I change orientation? \nYou can change the printer the VB 3.0 Printer object is pointing to programmatically (without using the common dialogs). Just use the WriteProfileString API call and rewrite the [WINDOWS], DEVICE entry in the WIN.INI file! VB will instantly use the new printer, when the next Printer.Print command is issued. If you get the old printer string before you rewrite it (GetProfileString API call), you can set it back after using a specific printer. This technique is especially useful, when you want to use a FAX printer driver: Select the FAX driver, send your fax by printing to it and switch back to the normal default printer. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":8,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":41,"UserRatingTotal":173,"AuthorName":"VB FAQ","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":89,"Title":"Launch file and associated program","Description":"How do I launch a file in its associated program?\nThe Shell statement unfortunately only supports launching an EXE file directly. If you want to be able to launch, i.e. Microsoft Word by calling a .DOC file only, you can make your VB application launch the associated program with the document using the following method:","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\n\n#IF WIN32 THEN\nPrivate Declare Function ShellExecute Lib \"shell32.dll\" Alias \"ShellExecuteA\" _\n(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, _\nByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd _\nAs Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib \"user32\" () As Long\n#ELSE\nDeclare Function ShellExecute Lib \"SHELL\" (ByVal hwnd%, _\nByVal lpszOp$, ByVal lpszFile$, ByVal lpszParams$, _\nByVal lpszDir$, ByVal fsShowCmd%) As Integer\nDeclare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib \"USER\" () As Integer\n#END IF\nPrivate Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":10,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"VB FAQ","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":92,"Title":"Avoiding use of null","Description":"How do you avoid the \"Invalid use of null\" error when reading null values from a database?If you try to retrieve a null value (empty field) from a database, you will get the error: \"Invalid use of Null\". Here is one way to get around this problem: ..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":1,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"VB FAQ","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":103,"Title":"Passing a control array","Description":"Working with control arrays in VB3 was frustrating, but with VB4 you can pass a control array as an argument to a function. Simply specify the parameter type as Variant:","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":16,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":171,"AuthorName":"VB Pro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":111,"Title":"Dragging a form by a control","Description":"This code is reusable and small enough to paste into whatever you're doing and instantly have a form that has no need for a title bar.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"In the general declarations section, insert these lines: \n\nDeclare Sub ReleaseCapture Lib \"User\" ()\nDeclare Function SendMessage _\nLib \"User\" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, _\nByVal wMsg As Integer, _\nByVal wParem As Integer, lParem As Any) As Long\n\n\n","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":9,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"VB Pro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":112,"Title":"Converting long file names","Description":"VB4's commands for dealing with file names (such as KILL, MKDIR, and FILECOPY) support long file names without programmer interaction. A number of the Win95 API functions will return only the short name, and you'll notice a number of short file name entries if you're digging through the registration database. Therefore, occasionally you'll need to convert a short file name into a long file name. \nThis function lets you pass a long file name with no ill effects. The file must exist for the conversion to succeed. Because this routine uses Dir$ and \"walks\" the path name to do its work, it will not impress you with its speed:","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":55,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":165,"AuthorName":"VB Pro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":126,"Title":"Cool screen wipes","Description":"You can achieve some cool form wipes with judicious use of the Move method. For example, to draw a curtain from right to left use this routine. It is also possible to wipe a form from bottom to top, and from both sides to the middle, using similar routines","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":18,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":107,"UserRatingTotal":630,"AuthorName":"VB Pro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":128,"Title":"Determine when an app launches with SHELL is done","Description":"In VB3, you call GetModuleUsage() to determine when an app you started with the Shell command was complete. However, this call does not work correctly in the 32-bit arena of Windows NT and Windows 95. \nTo overcome this obstacle, use a routine in both 16- and 32- bit environments that will tell you when a program has finished, even if it does not create a window. \nThe IsInst() routine uses the TaskFirst and TaskNext functions defined in the TOOLHELP.DLL to see if the instance handle returned by the Shell function is still valid. When IsInst() returns False, the command has finished.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":19,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"VB Pro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":153,"Title":"Create a form bigger than the screen!","Description":"The primary focus here is to allow you to display forms that are larger than the screen can show. Need an 8┬╜\" x 11\" Form? NO Problem!The size used in this example is 8┬╜\" x 11\", but it could just as easily be landscape, envelope, or any needed size.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":107,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"VB Tips and Source Code","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":157,"Title":"Create multi-Colored forms without using the API","Description":"Although using the API is a nice way to create multi-colored forms, there might be a reason why you would wish to create one without using the API.","Inputs":"The routine requires several parameters to be passed to it. They are: \n\u0007FormName - Used to indicate which form is to be colored \u0007Orientation% - Top to bottom or right to left painting effect \u0007RStart% - (0-255) value for Red \u0007GStart% - (0-255) value for Green \u0007BStart% - (0-255) value for Blue \u0007RInc% - Amount to increment or decrement for Red \u0007GInc% - Amount to increment or decrement for Green \u0007BInc% - Amount to increment or decrement for Blue","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":40,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":4,"AuthorName":"VB Tips and Source Code","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":158,"Title":"Extract Numerical Values from Text Strings","Description":"The purpose of this routine is to take a string of text (such as with a textbox) and extract a numerical value from it. let's say that you have a textbox in which people enter dollar amounts. Many users are likely to enter something such as \"$ 4,335.49\" and expect calculations to be performed on it. The trouble is, the value of that string is 0 (zero), not 4335.49!","Inputs":"The function shown below called PurgeNumericInput requires one argument. That argument is a string containing numbers with or without special characters.","Assumes":"Using the following function, a person would actually be able to enter a string like \"$4,335.49\" or even \"4335.49 dollars\" and still have the value returned as 4335.49.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":32,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"VB Tips and Source Code","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":162,"Title":"Creating a Screen Saver","Description":"Create a screen saver in VB!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":116,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"VB Tips and Source Code","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":163,"Title":"Creating Program Manager Groups & Icons","Description":"Create program manager groups and icons from your code!","Inputs":"It requires 3 arguments to be passed to it. They are: \n1.The form that contains Label1 (x) 2.A string variable containing the group's name (GroupName$) 3.A string variable containing the path to the group (*.GRP) file (GroupPath$)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":55,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"VB Tips and Source Code","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":164,"Title":"Center an MDI Child Form Within the Parent","Description":"useful when you need to center an MDI child form within the parent windo","Inputs":"The SUB (CenterChild) requires two arguments. The first of these two arguments is the name of the MDI (parent) form. The second argument is the name of the MDI Child form.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":15,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Chris Gibbs","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":174,"Title":"16 and 32 bit functions to create","Description":"16 AND 32 bit functions to read/write ini files--very useful!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'****************************************************\n'* INI_sm.BAS *\n'****************************************************\nOption Explicit\n#If Win16 Then\n Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib \"Kernel\" (ByVal AppName As String, ByVal KeyName As String, ByVal NewString As String, ByVal filename As String) As Integer\n Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib \"Kernel\" Alias \"GetPrivateProfilestring\" (ByVal AppName As String, ByVal KeyName As Any, ByVal default As String, ByVal ReturnedString As String, ByVal MAXSIZE As Integer, ByVal filename As String) As Integer\n#Else\n' NOTE: The lpKeyName argument for GetProfileString, WriteProfileString,\n' GetPrivateProfileString, and WritePrivateProfileString can be either\n' a string or NULL. This is why the argument is defined as \"As Any\".\n' For example, to pass a string specify ByVal \"wallpaper\"\n' To pass NULL specify ByVal 0&\n' You can also pass NULL for the lpString argument for WriteProfileString\n' and WritePrivateProfileString\n' Below it has been changed to a string due to the ability to use vbNullString\n Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetPrivateProfileStringA\" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long\n Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"WritePrivateProfileStringA\" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long\n#End If","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":31,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":84,"AuthorName":"VB Qaid","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":179,"Title":"add a horizontal scroll bar to a listbox or combo","Description":"add a horizontal scroll bar to a listbox or combo box","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"#If Win16 Then\n Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"User\" (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, lParam As Any) As Long\n#Else\n Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\n#End If","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":6,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"VB Qaid","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":196,"Title":"NetUseDrive","Description":"maps/connects to a network drive in the same fashion as 'NET USE'","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'Define structures\nPublic Type NETRESOURCE\n dwScope As Long\n dwType As Long\n dwDisplayType As Long\n dwUsage As Long\n lpLocalName As String\n lpRemoteName As String\n lpComment As String\n lpProvider As String\nEnd Type\n\n'Declare functions from MPR.DLL\nDeclare Function WNetAddConnection2 Lib \"mpr.dll\" Alias \"WNetAddConnection2A\" (lpNetResource As NETRESOURCE, ByVal lpPassword As String, ByVal lpUserName As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function WNetCancelConnection2 Lib \"mpr.dll\" Alias \"WNetCancelConnection2A\" (ByVal lpName As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal fForce As Long) As Long\n\n'Define constants\nPublic Const RESOURCETYPE_ANY = &H0\nPublic Const RESOURCETYPE_DISK = &H1\nPublic Const RESOURCETYPE_PRINT = &H2\nPublic Const RESOURCETYPE_UNKNOWN = &HFFFF\nPublic Const CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE = &H1\nPublic Const NO_ERROR = 0\nPublic Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5&\nPublic Const ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED = 85&\nPublic Const ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE = 66&\nPublic Const ERROR_BAD_DEVICE = 1200&\nPublic Const ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME = 67&\nPublic Const ERROR_BAD_PROFILE = 1206&\nPublic Const ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER = 1204&\nPublic Const ERROR_BUSY = 170&\nPublic Const ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILE = 1205&\nPublic Const ERROR_DEVICE_ALREADY_REMEMBERED = 1202&\nPublic Const ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE = 2404&\nPublic Const ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR = 1208&\nPublic Const ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD = 86&\nPublic Const ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH = 1203&\nPublic Const ERROR_NO_NETWORK = 1222&\nPublic Const ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED = 2250&\nPublic Const ERROR_OPEN_FILES = 2401&\n\n'Define miscellaneous variables\nPrivate varTemp As Variant\nPrivate sNull As String","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":82,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"VB Qaid","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":242,"Title":"CapsLock and NumLock","Description":"How to Activate CapsLock and NumLock from Code","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The keyboard APIs for VB4-16 and VB3 do not support the byte data type.\nBy changing the Windows constant to Public Const VK_NUMLOCK = &H90, you can use the above to activate the NumLock key.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Const VK_CAPITAL = &H14\nPublic Type KeyboardBytes\n┬á┬á┬á┬á┬ákbByte(0 To 255) As Byte\nEnd Type\nPublic kbArray As KeyboardBytes\nPublic Declare Function GetKeyState Lib \"user32\" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetKeyboardState Lib \"user32\" (kbArray As KeyboardBytes) As Long\nPublic Declare Function SetKeyboardState Lib \"user32\" (kbArray As KeyboardBytes) As Long","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":25,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Ian Ippolito (RAC)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":247,"Title":"DegreesToXYsubroutine","Description":"The DegreesToXYsubroutine, calculates the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) coordinates of any point, measured in degrees, on the circumference of a circle or ellipse.","Inputs":"Pass the subroutine the center X, Y of your ellipse, the degree position,\nand the horizontal and vertical radii (if they are equal, you're specifying a\ncircle, if not, it is an elongated ellipse).","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Returns the coordinates in the X and Y parameters.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":13,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":254,"Title":"Win95DirectoryPrompt","Description":"Prompting the User for a Directory in Win95. Windows' common dialogs are great if you want the user to select a file, but what if you want them to select a directory? Call the following function, which relies on Win32's new SHBrowseForFolder function:","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Type BrowseInfo\n hWndOwner As Long\n pIDLRoot As Long\n pszDisplayName As Long\n lpszTitle As Long\n ulFlags As Long\n lpfnCallback As Long\n lParam As Long\n iImage As Long\nEnd Type\nPrivate Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS = 1\nPrivate Const MAX_PATH = 260\nPrivate Declare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib \"ole32.dll\" (ByVal hMem As Long)\nPrivate Declare Function lstrcat Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"lstrcatA\" _ \n (ByVal lpString1 As String, ByVal lpString2 As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib \"shell32\" _ \n (lpbi As BrowseInfo) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib \"shell32\" _ \n (ByVal pidList As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":23,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":255,"Title":"Add32Font, Add16Font,AddNTFont","Description":"How to install a font in WIN16/WIN32","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"First copy the file to c:\\windows\\system (in Win 3.1 and Win NT) or to\nc:\\windows\\fonts in Win 95 and call AddFont16 or AddFont32 from the\nfollowing code with the name of the font file; e.g. to install arial.ttf,\ncopy arial.ttf to \\windows\\system and then call AddFont16(\"arial.ttf\")","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"#If Win16 Then\n Private Declare Function CreateScalableFontResource% Lib \"GDI\"\n(ByVal fHidden%, ByVal lpszResourceFile$, ByVal lpszFontFile$, ByVal\nlpszCurrentPath$)\n Private Declare Function AddFontResource Lib \"GDI\" (ByVal\nlpFilename As Any) As Integer\n Private Declare Function WriteProfileString Lib \"Kernel\" (ByVal\nlpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpString As\nString) As Integer\n Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"User\" (ByVal hWnd As\nInteger, ByVal wMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, lParam As Any) As\nLong\n \n Declare Function GetSystemDirectory Lib \"Kernel\" (ByVal lpBuffer As\nString, ByVal nSize As Integer) As Integer\n \n Private Const HWND_BROADCAST As Integer = &HFFFF\n Private Const WM_FONTCHANGE As Integer = &H1D\n \n #End If\n\n #If Win32 Then\n '32-bit declares\n Private Type OSVERSIONINFO\n dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long\n dwMajorVersion As Long\n dwMinorVersion As Long\n dwBuildNumber As Long\n dwPlatformId As Long\n szCSDVersion As String * 128\n ' Maintenance string for PSS usage\n End Type\n \n Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib \"user32\" _\n Alias \"PostMessageA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal _\n wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal _\n lParam As Long) As Long\n \n Private Declare Function AddFontResource Lib \"gdi32\" _\n Alias \"AddFontResourceA\" (ByVal lpFilename As _\n String) As Long\n \n Private Declare Function CreateScalableFontResource _\n Lib \"gdi32\" Alias \"CreateScalableFontResourceA\" _\n (ByVal fHidden As Long, ByVal lpszResourceFile _\n As String, ByVal lpszFontFile As String, ByVal _\n lpszCurrentPath As String) As Long\n \n Private Declare Function RemoveFontResource Lib _\n \"gdi32\" Alias \"RemoveFontResourceA\" (ByVal _\n lpFilename As String) As Long\n \n Private Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory Lib _\n \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetWindowsDirectoryA\" (ByVal _\n lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long\n \n Private Declare Function GetSystemDirectory Lib _\n \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetWindowsDirectoryA\" (ByVal _\n lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long\n \n Private Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib _\n \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegSetValueExA\" (ByVal _\n hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, _\n ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, _\n lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long\n \n Private Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib _\n \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegOpenKeyA\" (ByVal hKey _\n As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult _\n As Long) As Long\n \n Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib _\n \"advapi32.dll\" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long\n \n Private Declare Function RegDeleteValue Lib _\n \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegDeleteValueA\" (ByVal _\n hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String) As Long\n \n Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib \"kernel32\" _\n Alias \"GetVersionExA\" (lpVersionInformation As _\n OSVERSIONINFO) As Long\n \n ' dwPlatformId defines:\n Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2\n \n Private Const HWND_BROADCAST = &HFFFF&\n Private Const WM_FONTCHANGE = &H1D\n Private Const MAX_PATH = 260\n Private Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002\n Private Const REG_SZ = 1 ' Unicode null terminated string\n \n #End If\n","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":139,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":275,"Title":"TaskManager","Description":"Here's a simple application to function like the Windows Task Manager...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Start\n' a new project and add the following controls to the form: \n' Control Name Caption\n' ----------------------------------------------------------\n' commandbutton cmdRefresh Refresh\n' commandbutton cmdSwitch Switch\n' commandbutton cmdExit Exit\n' listbox lstApp","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'for 16 bit (VB3 and VB4-16) use these:\n Declare Function ShowWindow Lib \"User\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal flgs As Integer) _\n As Integer\n Declare Function GetWindow Lib \"User\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wCmd As Integer) _\n As Integer\n Declare Function GetWindowWord Lib \"User\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wIndx As Integer) _\n As Integer\n Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib \"User\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wIndx As Integer) As Long\n Declare Function GetWindowText Lib \"User\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal lpSting As String, _\n ByVal nMaxCount As Integer) As Integer\n Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib \"User\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Integer) As Integer\n Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib \"User\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal insaft As Integer, _\n ByVal x%, ByVal y%, ByVal cx%, ByVal cy%, _\n ByVal flgs As Integer) As Integer\n Const WS_MINIMIZE = &H20000000 ' Style bit 'is minimized'\n Const HWND_TOP = 0 ' Move to top of z-order\n Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1 ' Do not re-size window\n Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2 ' Do not reposition window\n Const SWP_SHOWWINDOW = &H40 ' Make window visible/active\n Const GW_HWNDFIRST = 0 ' Get first Window handle\n Const GW_HWNDNEXT = 2 ' Get next window handle\n Const GWL_STYLE = (-16) ' Get Window's style bits\n Const SW_RESTORE = 9 ' Restore window\n Dim IsTask As Long ' Style bits for normal task\n ' The following bits will be combined to define properties\n ' of a 'normal' task top-level window. Any window with ' these set will be \n included in the list:\n Const WS_VISIBLE = &H10000000 ' Window is not hidden\n Const WS_BORDER = &H800000 ' Window has a border\n ' Other bits that are normally set include:\n Const WS_CLIPSIBLINGS = &H4000000 ' can clip windows\n Const WS_THICKFRAME = &H40000 ' Window has thick border\n Const WS_GROUP = &H20000 ' Window is top of group\n Const WS_TABSTOP = &H10000 ' Window has tabstop\n\n For VB4 32-bit change the function defintions to the following:\n Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib \"User32\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal flgs As Long) As Long\n Private Declare Function GetWindow Lib \"User32\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long\n Private Declare Function GetWindowWord Lib \"User32\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wIndx As Long) As Long\n Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib \"User32\" Alias \"GetWindowLongA\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wIndx As Long) As Long\n Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib \"User32\" Alias \"GetWindowTextA\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpSting As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As \n Long\n Private Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib \"User32\" Alias \n \"GetWindowTextLengthA\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long\n Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib \"User32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _\n ByVal insaft As Long, ByVal x%, ByVal y%, ByVal cx%, ByVal cy%, _\n ByVal flgs As Long) As Long","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":63,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25232,"Title":"Favorites Editor","Description":"This is a very basic favorites editor I put together in a hour or so. This code is very basic and shows you how to make your very own favorites editor. The purpose of this code if because I tend to lose all my favorites from formatting, and I thought this looks more organized than from Internet Explorer menu. Please vote for my code. Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Favorites 231007192001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"MuraL","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25239,"Title":"SHA256 message digest/one-way encryption","Description":"The zip file contains VB and ASP implementations of the SHA256 message digest algorithm. One common use for this algorithm is for the one way encryption of passwords before storing in a database.\nSHA256 is similar in nature to MD5, but 256 rather than 128 bits.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Have a look at the in code comments regarding implementation on versions of Windows with different character sets.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SHA256 mes231227192001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Phil Fresle","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25240,"Title":"Music Maker","Description":"This program allows you to create your own midi music. I tried to make the interface easy and efficient to use but I'm sure it could use some improvement. It's similar to MarioPaint's music designer. Some planned improvements:\n* Improved overall controls\n* Semi-transparent highlighting instead of \n cross-hatch pattern (Please email me if you know\n how to do this)\n* Ability to export a Midi (.mid) file\n* Drums\n* Volume control\n* Pitch bending. \nI've included some sample songs. Please feel free to leave comments. I'd like to know of any suggestions/criticism etc. you might have. Also, I'd really appreciate it if you'd vote for me. Thanks! \nUpdate: I just uploaded a newer version. The main difference is that the form is now resizable. Also, you can place the red column by clicking on the top black bar. While you have an area selected you can now transpose just that section and you can assign an instrument to all the selected notes of the current track. I think I added some more stuff too but I can't remember now.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001724925324316.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Music Make235957272001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":100,"AuthorName":"Jeremiah Hughes","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25244,"Title":"AdoGeneric","Description":"I used this class for well over 2 years. It is easy. It comes with a simple program that show you how to use it. I am sure that once you will know how it is working that you will adopt it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001720431315751.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AdoGeneric231857212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Yves Lessard","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25246,"Title":"A 0 Phonebook (non-source safe)","Description":"PLEASE FIND A BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DARE YA! I fixed the one that was found when you type somthign in the main interface when you have an empty dat file then click in the search list box. See if u can find more. By the way PLEASE VOTE!!!! thanx ;-)\nWell finally after heaps of emails complaining about the source safe protection HERE you go!! a non protected version, as you will see the code is a shocka, it really needs arrays. It reads everything off a text file to save HD Space. I am going to make an Access version prolly in about a month or so, well maybe longer coz i am doing my HSC. Anyway, this prog provides a simple to use, yet useful phonebook/contacts program. I have gone through and sussed out pretty much every bug I could think of, see if you can find any!\nI DARE YA TO FIND A BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017208548917.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A 0 Phoneb231777202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Ian White","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25248,"Title":"Personal Frankwall **Revised**","Description":"This is a smaller version of personal frankwall for those of you who do not posess the Microsoft Voice Text dll which is used to speak the new IP address. This is mainly submitted to Vicky who nicely pointed out this dll problem, the skin mapping should work perfect now as it uses file verification before mapping. Please download, comment, and vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200172098501299.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Personal F231427202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Niknak!!","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25251,"Title":"Video Poker","Description":"Simple video poker game, demonstrates the use of cards.dll. Detects various types of hands (full house, 4 of a kind, etc) and pays appropriate amount. Written on win2000. Not tested on other platforms.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"'requires cards.dll (installed with built-in Win games).","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017201035406902.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Video Poke231517202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Gregory Mahan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25252,"Title":"VBScript Compiler!!This is for REAL!!","Description":"This code successfully compiles VBScript code into a .VBS which acts as an .EXE! It has many functions such as \"Run\" and \"Last Run\", along with the usual \"New\", \"Open\", and \"Save\" abilites! If you know VBScript (it is almost exactly the same as Visual Basic) then this program will be a temendous help. VOTE FOR THIS!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017201038347303.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VBScript C231527202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Alex M","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25257,"Title":"FormShadow 1.1","Description":"Drop in OCX control adds an alpha-blended shadow to the bottom and right borders of the containing form. No properties to set or code to add! Just drop and go. Fixed in 1.1 - Shadow artifacts are no longer left on forms brought to the foreground and the shadows are now correctly repainting when bringing the containing form to the foreground.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017201317504347.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FormShadow231597202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Owen Graupman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25258,"Title":"Smooth, Fast Breakout Game.","Description":"This is a breakout game that is fast and smooth. The engine works great and it has 10 levels. I can add more to it if it get's a good response.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Smooth, Fa231607202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"SeeD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25259,"Title":"LR Encryptions X V.1.1","Description":"The porpose of this program is to encrypt text and files, there are two encryptions for text and one for files, the file encryption works with a key, the key is not a code,password, or numbers that you have to remember, its just a simple file on your computer, it gets the binary number of that file and thats what it uses to decrypt it, its kind of like win zip.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n'*********************************************\n'*************LR Software INC.****************\n'*************Luis Ramos:Coder****************\n'*********************************************\n'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/LR Encrypt2316172020.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Luis Ramos","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25264,"Title":"Game 15","Description":"Simple 15 game but built pretty well","Inputs":"Simple 15 game but built pretty well","Assumes":"Simple 15 game but built pretty well","CodeReturns":"Simple 15 game but built pretty well","SideEffects":"Simple 15 game but built pretty well","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001720151696231.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Game 15231667202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25268,"Title":"Display Installed and Uninstalled Fonts samples and infos","Description":"This little piece of code will display all fonts (installed or not on your system) available on your computer, with some usefull statistics. Fully commented code for beginners/intermediates","Inputs":"n/a","Assumes":"use easy API code","CodeReturns":"n/a","SideEffects":"n/a","ApiDeclarations":"see in source code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017201630182251.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Display In231707202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"HarvestR","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25269,"Title":"FileThing (Explorer)","Description":"File Thing (simple file explorer)\nThis is a small project I made, for just having a basic file-explorer.\nIt looks a bit like the windows explorer does nothing than browsing and \nshowing the files in a directory.\nIt has no real function except for being a base implementation of a file explorer.\nBut doubleclicking a file is working !\nSo all additional functions you need can be added.\nAll functions are well documented.\nFeel free to modify this programm to your own needs.\n","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"a few minor optical ones","ApiDeclarations":"see code","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017201645213273.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FileThing 231717202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Wallonso","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25275,"Title":"A 00 PhoneBook - Fixed The Runtime Bug","Description":"PLEASE FIND A BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DARE YA! I fixed the one that was found when you type somthign in the main interface when you have an empty dat file then click in the search list box. See if u can find more. By the way PLEASE VOTE!!!! thanx ;-)\nWell finally after heaps of emails complaining about the source safe protection HERE you go!! a non protected version, as you will see the code is a shocka, it really needs arrays. It reads everything off a text file to save HD Space. I am going to make an Access version prolly in about a month or so, well maybe longer coz i am doing my HSC. Anyway, this prog provides a simple to use, yet useful phonebook/contacts program. I have gone through and sussed out pretty much every bug I could think of, see if you can find any!\nI DARE YA TO FIND A BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017202346426176.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A 00 Phone231837202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":46,"AuthorName":"Ian White","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25276,"Title":"Access Style Combo & ADO DataCombo Class","Description":"Create an MS Access Style Combo or ADO DataCombo using a class and a single property","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Access Sty231817202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Peter Morgan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25277,"Title":"LARGE Prime Number Checker","Description":"LARGE Prime Number Checker. Largest Possible Number = 9999999999999999999999999999 (Much larger than other prime number checkers). Its fairly quick for a number <= 15 digits long. Equiped with progressbar, seconds of processing time, and currently thinking of information.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Knows that Variants can use CDec(Expression) to deal with larger numbers.\nThe largest Variant can be: \n+/-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 or\n+/-7.9228162514264337593543950335\nA little error checking...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No \"side effects\" that I know of... besides waiting alittle on the larger numbers!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017202330546096.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/LARGE Prim231827202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"David N","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25278,"Title":"MSN Bot","Description":"This will allow u to join a chat, and when u do u can Kick All, Host all, Dehost all, and so on.. Very simple and basic!!!!! If you come on MSN Saying you made these bot'z could u please mention my name a bit in the copyright or w/e u add to it... Give me a fead back on what u like/dislike............ Im looking for someone to program with if anyone is intrested add me to messenger supa_thug21@hotmail.com!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MSN Bot231847202001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Dustin Davis","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25281,"Title":"Mike's VirtualListbox! (update 5/19/03)","Description":"The reason i wrote this class and project demo was because\nthe vb listbox control is a great, fast\nand easy way of storing large amounts of\ninformation in memory and then being able\nto retreive that info after from an organized\nlist w/indexed items etc. But.. What you will see in this\nclass is the exact same thing as the\nvb listbox control except for the activex control\ninterface of course (not a bad idea if you wanted to make one with this class). I also wrote functions in this\nclass that arent included within the vb\nlistbox control, such as RemoveDuplicates,\nResizeList, RemoveItemByString, and FindItem.\nThis class is faster than vbs listbox because\nthe vb listbox is a memory hog (when it's listcount is in the thousands) because of the graphic\nroutines and cause of this its slow as well.\nIf all your using the vb listbox for is to store info, like\ni said earlier, then this is a better substitute since it's just code based and faster; not to mention it can hold more than 32k items.\nThe great part about this is you can just keep\nadding functions and your own routines or modify\nmine to your own liking. What you can learn from\nthis class is the following:\n(1) How to use and create property functions\nin classes such as Property Get or Property Let.\n(2) How to use arrays and their features in vb,\nsuch as UBound and LBound, redeclaring arrays,\nand how to preserve them as well. Enjoy :) [update, added SetItem sub to store info as well as read infro from the listbox. I forgot to add this long ago)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"To use this class, if you havnt added to your\nproject yet then do so now and then on the form,\nclass, or module you need to use this virtuallistbox,\nsimple enter the following line:\nDim List1 As New VirtualListbox\n(Where List1 is the name you want to call it)\nWritten by: Mike Canejo\nAOL/AIM: Mikey3dd\nEmail: mikecanejo@hotmail.com","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20035191910345876.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mike's_Vir1589625192003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"Michael L. Canejo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25285,"Title":"GetGuidID","Description":"This code creates a Genuinely Unique Identification Number,\n{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A Genuinely Unique Identification Number (GUID)","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001721815402929.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/GetGuidID231947212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Vassilis Antonoulas","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25286,"Title":"I'm gonna keep doing this till I win code of the month : 3D Boat racers!","Description":"This game took me about 2 hours. Its fun and addictive, I think, and it runs fast on a 166mhz pc. You'll wanna slow this down abit, I expect. Race the evil Boris the nasty in this racing game, maybe the first or secnod such game on VB planetsourcecode. Anyway, its got to be the first 3D racer, and you can make a better one, just by downloading my 3D engine, my 3D model maker, and using your imagination and abit of VB code. Resspect","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200172190516897.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/I'm gonna 232157212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":186,"AuthorName":"DeadFred","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25287,"Title":"_Desktop Cam_","Description":"A Nice Looking Screen Capturing Tool. Use this camera take pictures of your desktop screen. You\ncan take screenshots for your works using this\nprogram.\nBy the way, your vote is appreciated by me.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200172190543425.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Desktop Ca232397222001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":67,"AuthorName":"Hesan Feghhi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25290,"Title":"GUID (Global Unique Identification Number) using API","Description":"The code bellow creates a Global Unique Identification Number (GUID), using the CoCreateGuid API found in OLE32.DLL on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT and Windows 2000. The created GUID has five parts that represent the individual parts separated by dashes that you would see when viewing a CLSID or GUID in the system registry.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The five parts of the GUID separeted by dashes.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001721142421799.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/GUID (Glob232067212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Vassilis Antonoulas","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25293,"Title":"Smarty Report","Description":"Create Easy Report & Export Report to HTML Page You Can Use With VB VC Delphe Programmer Very Fast\nSmarty Report OCX with Example To how Use By VB You Can Download OCX from\nhttp://www.arabteam2000.com/prog/badwi/SmartReportOCX.zip","Inputs":"Database and Query By SQL or Use SQL Wizerd With OCX Only","Assumes":"Smarty Report V 1.1 Avilbal Now for VB VC Delphe Progrmer and Faster Than V 1.0 10000 Times You Can Download Free Today is Arabic / English Intrface \nhttp://www.arabteam2000.com/code/SmartyReport.htm\nor Down load\nhttp://www.arabteam2000.com/prog/badwi/SmartReportOCX.zip","CodeReturns":"Report & HTML PAge","SideEffects":"Database Report HTMLK PAge","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Smarty Rep232087212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Mohammed Badwi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25294,"Title":"Traffic Simulator","Description":"Nothing, really, it simulates a basic traffic system. AI tell the cars to keep on route and make them turn at random when they reach a junction. This prog shows how to easy juse arrays in combination with bilblt to make STRATEGY GAME-ENGINES.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function BitBlt Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetTickCount Lib \"kernel32.dll\" () As Long","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001721122267380.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Traffic Si232107212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Jonas Ask","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25300,"Title":"TV Lines Image Filter","Description":"This code puts lines over a picture box's picture. You can set it's opacity, and it's direction.","Inputs":"PictBox, the picture box to manipulate. optional Opacity. This controls how transparent/solid the lines are. The value works best with a value 1-100. And direction...wich sets the lines horizontal(1) or vertical(2).","Assumes":"For this to work, the picturebox must have AutoRedraw set, and it's scalemode must be pixels.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"if it's a very big image, it might be a tiny bit slow.","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function SetPixel Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal HDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function GetPixel Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal HDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":51,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017211521354242.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jared Collums","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25303,"Title":"Modem Dialer","Description":"This code shows how simple it is to access your modem and dial phone #s using tone or pulse dialing. This code requires the Microsoft Comm Control. Please vote and give me plenty of feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":25,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Micah Lansing","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25305,"Title":"A TankRace game in VB! No joke! Check out screenshot!","Description":"A tank racing game in VB! Guide race tank against 2 other computer players! Featuring collision detection, one track, crash scenes, and more! Check it out! Small zip file, worth your time. However, the computer players were made to only drive through this track. Making new tracks require(but no hard) heavy modifications. Basically, I had nothing to do and created this in a few minutes. Yes, there are(to some of you) a lot of timers. You may change that, but I wanted things to happen at different intervals, and squeezed as much as I can as each timer can do. If you like this game, a vote will be appreciated. If not, then please don't vote poorly.\nEnjoy...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017211741409009.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A TankRace232257212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"LordsOfGames","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25306,"Title":"Multi Ping v0.3 beta","Description":"Multi-Ping is a simple ping program that can scan an entire network just by setting the starting computer and the final, *FULLY CODED*, it has stats and it's fast and simple (i guess ^_^) Check it out! Please criticise my code. And sorry about the bad english - i'm portuguese =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001721174310711.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Multi Ping232267212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Tiago Cogumbreiro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25307,"Title":"Four Card Solitaire","Description":"This submission is a 4 card soltaire game that I've never seen a PC version of. The game hard to win so it's a little boring. I just wanted to do a card game. \nThis code uses Microsoft's Cards32.dll. I've included a copy of the cards32.dll if your system does not already have it.\nThanks to the following people:\nShaddy (from PlanetSourceCode) - for help with getting the API calls to work.\nSean Calvert (from PlanetSourceCode) - for his idea of using Windows API calls to keep track of the cards.\nVB2TheMax - for the \"shuffle\" logic.\nLet me know if you have any problems, comments or questions.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Your PC may not have as copy of cards32.dll. If it does not then make sure to copy cards32.dll to the Windows/System directory.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Four Card 232277212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"chris hankey","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25310,"Title":"Simple Web Server","Description":"With this program you can use your own PC as a Web Server. By connecting to your IP Address annyone on the internet can view your web site off your PC.\nThis code has only the very basics for the server to function, it is compleatly explanable. If you are uncertain of what your IP Address is it is provided in the first text box. My full version is avalible at my site.\n'www.learnelectronics.f2s.com/webserver.php\nPlease vote and give me plenty of feedback.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple Web232307212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Micah Lansing","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25311,"Title":"DataBase using DbGrid, MSFlexGrid,TextBox, ComboBox, Etc..","Description":"THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW YOU CAN DO A SIMPLE TABLE WITH DATA, SO YOU CAN NOT USE THE FREEFILE() , YOU CAN MAKE MSFLEX GRID, TEXT BOX,COMBO BOX ETC WITH THIS CODE, AND IS SO EASY, TRY IT, PLEASE DONT FORGET TO VOTE FOR ME THANKS.....","Inputs":"THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE NAME OF YOUR FRIEND AND EMAIL , but you can view in the text box the data and somo other things","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017212238256414.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DataBase u232337212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Jose Manuel Mendez","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25315,"Title":"TreeView Export Routine","Description":"Exports a TreeView control (including ALL it's children) into a graphical representation with plain text.","Inputs":"A tree control!","Assumes":"You'll never find anything\n'easier. just paste the code into your\n'program and call the first function\n'and it will return the output of\n'everything in your TreeView control\n'Ex:Text1.Text = exportTree(MyTreeView)","CodeReturns":"A string with the formatted\n'text to look like the tree control","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":77,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"Levi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25316,"Title":"Dynacom **Now includes Autocomplete, and Find functions**","Description":"This is the latest version of Dynacom, the combobox replacement. Its even flashier because it can now even autocomplete while you type, just like the internet explorer address bar, and even find list entries by string!!. There is a list of all the user accessable member subs/functions and events inside the zip so check it out before you look at the source. Check it out!!!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001722928517334.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Dynacom __232407222001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Niknak!!","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25323,"Title":"FileReader Classes","Description":"Two class modules that load any size flat file with delimiters (tab, comma, space, etc.) into memory. Once loaded, you can reference any cell that has been loaded... sort of like Excel.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017221953194731.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FileReader4334912212001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"RGSoftware","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25324,"Title":"Hangup the Internet Connection with 2 lines of code","Description":"This code show you how to hang up the internet conenction with only 2 lines of code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Joao Bettencourt","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25325,"Title":"See Ville - Map Maker","Description":"This program is the official MAP MAKER for \"See Ville\", another of my current projects. As far as I', aware of there's no bugs, and the mapper is (unlike See Ville itself) ready to ship.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Function BitBlt Lib \"gdi32\"Function \nFunction GetTickCount Lib \"kernel32.dll\"","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001722165243358.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/See Ville 232587222001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jonas Ask","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25326,"Title":"See Ville","Description":"See Ville is a city simulator, much like Sim City (The good o'll one). to put it short;\n- It's Bigish\n- It's Bugish\n- It's Messy\n- and it's FAAAAR form complete <g>\nFar, far, far from done... Only residental buildings are compelted, and MANY importaint functions are still missing (some because I can't figure out how to do it). Eventhough, I thought I would share it with the VB comunity, and get som feedback :) \nP.S. If anybody have a good idea on how to distribuate the citizens over all the res. buildings, get i touch with me, please, it's hard! ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I had to remove all the bmps to upload it, sorry","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Function BitBlt Lib \"gdi32\" \nFunction GetTickCount Lib \"kernel32.dll\"","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001722176258752.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/See Ville232607222001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Jonas Ask","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25333,"Title":"VoiceWeb","Description":"This is a Talking Webbrowser that I wrote for my 86 year old neighbor. His eyesight is starting to give, so he needs something that would help him surf the net.\nThis webbrowser is a good example of several functions, such as:\nReading the ACTUAL bookmarks that IE4 has stored, and displaying them in a manner that IE4 has (a scrolling window, where each bookmark is highlighted as the mouse is moving over it).\n(Many codes on this site have browsers with custom bookmarks, but this is useless if you want to use the existing bookmarks).\nAdding bookmarks to the existing ones.\nAccessing selected text on the page\nAccessing the complete text of the page\nMS Agent (text-to-speech) usage, which can be found at: http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/agent2/msagent.exe\nI hope you have fun with this code. Good luck!\n(Remember, this is designed for an almost blind person, so everything is very large. You can resize all the fonts to your taste).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VoiceWeb232667222001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"AlexI","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25334,"Title":"CardBase","Description":"Creates a database using a Random-access file.\nalso shows how to use Multi-Interface Documents in your applications.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"how to execute Vb5.exe!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None!","ApiDeclarations":"'Explained in the .Zip file...","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CardBase232737222001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"TwinB","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25336,"Title":"Drive Structure","Description":"Just a simple program which uses the FileSystemObject and Recursion to output a complete directory/file structure of your computer to a file. I was originally gonna use this as a sort of snooping thing a while ago, you could run it on someones computer, and then read the text file to see what they had on their computers. The text files come out quite large, but when zipped up they're usually only about 50k. Uses a good example of recursion.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017222316169031.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Drive Stru232777222001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"JimCamel","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25338,"Title":"send file using winsock","Description":"send files using winsock control.\nThis project demonstrates how to send a file to a remote\ncomputer using the Winsock control. One side is the\nserver and the other is the client. Only the server can\nsend a file to the client. The client is then promted if\nthey want to accept the file. Before the server sends the\nfile, there has to be a connection. If you are the server,\nclick \"HOST\" to listen for incoming connections.When\nthe client connects to you (by putting your IP address\nin the Remote IP field and clicking \"CONNECT\"), you\ncan select a file and send it.\nOhhh...yeah... and please vote!!!\nUnderground Technologies\nu_tech@excite.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/send file 232787232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"underground technologies","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25346,"Title":"simple way to enable/disable in any form","Description":"a very simple and very easy way to enable, disable controls in any form. You can also get all editable controls list in the form.\nno other code can be as simple as this :)\nThis is my first submission in PSC....please vote for me\n(i just uploaded a simple application to explain how to use)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/simple way233697232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Mohan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25352,"Title":"SHAKING MOUSE !!","Description":"A teasing program, your mouse shakes and you can't do anything. The only way to escape is to click on a button. But the button escapes from you and there is no way to get it! Could you find another way? Yeah!! There is a hidden button in the right-bottom of the screen. Move the mouse around there to find it. If you like this teasing virus, vote for it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SHAKING MO233027232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Hesan Feghhi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25359,"Title":"Perform 3-D Line Drawing in Win32 with DrawEdge","Description":"The ZATRiX Win32 DrawEdge function provides an extremely powerful, yet simple, method for drawing three-dimensional (3-D) lines. By using this function, your application can duplicate any 3-D effects found in the operating system. The main advantage of this function over your custom function is that it adapts to changes in the system colors and resolution. This function is also more likely to adapt to changes in the operating system as future versions of Microsoft Windows are released.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Perform 3-233127232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"ZATRiX","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25361,"Title":"BMGBugTracker","Description":"Due to the recent interest in providing Bug Tracking software, I have decided to submit this application (with source!) to assist developers in the software development process.","Inputs":"User Entered Data","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"HTML/Printed Output/Data Stored in A97 DB","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001723115202956.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/BMGBugTrac233137232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"M H","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25363,"Title":"BMGDocumenter","Description":"BMGDocumenter is a Visual Basic 6 Project documenter. It handles Forms, Modules, Classes, and insert information about Designers (no handling yet for User Controls, etc.) Source included.","Inputs":"Visual Basic 6 Project File","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"HTML documentation","SideEffects":"Sometimes, naming conventions can cause odd behaviour (ie. Type) and using HTML tags in your program can also corrupt output.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/BMGDocumen233177232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"M H","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25369,"Title":"Using Multi-Column Combo and Transparent TextBox","Description":"You can use FM20.dll library from Microsoft forms 2.0 for create easily Multi-Column Combo and Transparent Text Box. It is too easy a cool!.\nIdentical to appearence Microsoft Access forms.\nRate mi code, please!\nSee you later!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You Should add reference to Microsoft Form 2.o Library (FM20.dll)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Transparent TextBox and MultiColumn Combo Microsoft Access Style.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001723131823799.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Multi-Colu233247232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Oliver Toro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25375,"Title":"Form On-Top","Description":"Whant to make your form on-top of of all other applications, well this is the code for you!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Form On-To233377232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"ZATRiX","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25381,"Title":"Sorting Demo","Description":"This code demonstrates five sorting algorithms: BubbleSort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, and QuickSort. A simple project is included which allows the user to create a random array of any length and choose the algorithm to sort it. The sorting algorithms are the primary focus, and any CS students taking a Data Structures/Algorithms course could find this useful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Sorting De234317242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Seth Guenther","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25385,"Title":"Network Tools 0.4 beta","Description":"NetTools is a program that a little package that includes PortScan and Ping on a Single or Multiple network, with both simple and advanced options, usefull for seaching a trojan in your LAN, it's user friendly, and has an intuitive disign, it also includes a little BAS that you may find usefull. Comments are greatly apreciated! Next update will have an INI, a little database for maximum control of portscan and if you send any post any adition that i forgot. Please try it it's a good piece of coding anyways^_^!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001723192994499.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Network To233447232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Tiago Cogumbreiro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25386,"Title":"MSImg32 Usage","Description":"Complete examples about how to use msimg32 library. AlphaBlend, TransparentFill and more...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200172318156782.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MSImg32_Us507281242002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Daniel Morgato Martin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25388,"Title":"Detect multiple protocoll adaptors on your PC !!","Description":"Detect multiple protocol adaptors ..find the IP addresses installed on your PC<BR>\n------------------------------------------------<BR><BR>\nThis program will detect the IP addresses installed on your pc !! <BR>\nIt also detects the Subnetmask address , and Broadcast address... <BR>\nNow you can easy use the winsock control to bind to the right IP address ! <BR><BR>\nExample: <BR>\n---------\nif you have a networkcard installed on your pc and use a dial up for internet, then you could have the problem that if you use winsock control\nthat its detect the default ip (netw card) but not the IP that you use for dial up...<BR>\nYou can now fill down the bind to the right IP!!\n<BR>\nI've wrote this because i've an application called TCP-IP Datalook V1.3 that checks data on ports - sockets.. but and there was maybe the problem that some people could not use it because it detected the wrong ip address..<BR>\n<BR>\nTCP - IP Datalook will be updated soon with this new part !! <BR>\n<BR>\nPlease Vote for me !\n<BR>\nSee my other code on PSC ...\n<BR>\nPeter Verburgh.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001723184623533.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Detect mul233527232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":28,"UserRatingTotal":137,"AuthorName":"Peter V.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25389,"Title":"SQL Stored Procedure Interface Generator","Description":"This nifty little program interrogates Microsoft SQL Stored Procedures and generates VB code to interface with them. The concept was Adapted for VB from David R. K. DeLoveh's work for Active Server Pages found at : http://www.15seconds.com/issue/010718.htm the article make for a very good read so do so if you can! I converted it to run under VB and spruced it up a bit. While programs like LockWoodTech's PROCEDURE BLASTER do the same thing they cost $$$ and this is free. If you like it remember to give a vote. And again thanks goes out to David R. K. DeLoveh's for his original work. With this code in hand it would be easy to modify it to be MTS/COM+ compatiable. For more extensive developers tools like this one check out www.LockWoodTech.com.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001723194412986.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SQL Stored233537232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Kevin Pirkl","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25392,"Title":"A different Window Shape Designer (Corrected Version)","Description":"An easy-to-use program to DRAW a shape for your form. Just several clicks ... and you have a beautiful-shaped form designed by yourself! See it and vote for it.I'll appreciate your vote. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017232320537941.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A differen233597232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Hesan Feghhi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25394,"Title":"Magnifier","Description":"This was created because I hated all those rectangular zoom windows. This allows you to magnify the screen in a magnifying glass. Much of this code was taken from PSC, if you want to vote for anyone vote for the people I borrowed from. So enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"read the readme.txt file","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017232330307025.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Magnifier233657232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"|LOST|","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25406,"Title":"DirectX8 3D tank 'game'","Description":"This is a 3D tank 'game'. you control the tank on the landscape. You can fire missiles from the tank that forms craters in the land where it hits, or blows up trees. There is full collision detection. Read the readme.txt file in the zip for features and how to play. I created this to show off what TrueVision3D ( the 3D engine) can do, as well as to teach others how to use it. If it is worthy, please vote :)\n*****\nI cant upload to PSC, please get it at:\nhttp://storm.prohosting.com/eric650/game3.zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":3,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001724112472914.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Eric650","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25407,"Title":"A-1 ListBox (style =1) select","Description":"For Beginners. Copy the contents of ListBox1 to ListBox2 where the contents of ListBox1 is checked off. Remove any duplicates from ListBox2 and remove contents of ListBox2 where the contents of ListBox1 becomes unselected. (uhmmm... hope that made sense)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":40,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001724139154781.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"twentyleafclover","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25408,"Title":"Windows API functionality","Description":"I have seen many submissions on how to Hide/show windows functions but they werent all written very well or they were \"overcoded\". This code is very easy to understand and easy to incorporate into your project. I havent commented it very much but it doesnt need it really.I can comment it heavily if you'd like me too and re-send the code to you.Please E-mail me if this is the case. I also didnt consolidate the module's for the reason that its hard for a new coder to discriminate beetween neccessary declarations for there function's. I know this would helped me when I was starting out.Please vote and Enjoy-","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200172422272219.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Windows AP233847242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Shane Myers","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25410,"Title":"Sample Telephony Application","Description":"This sample application shows you how you can create telephony application using the TAPI 3.0. You can dial any telephone number from your computer using this application. Read the readme file provided with the application for more information about TAPI.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You must have TAPI installed on your machine","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017244373947.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Sample Tel233877242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"S.S. Ahmed","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25414,"Title":"Complete TextBox in pure code (no RTFs) with syntax colouring","Description":"This is a complete TextBox in pure code without any RTF box or anything. It supports custom colour coding, and lots more - now even comment colouring. Also supports external draw events. The Demo is a Java IDE.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001724614232906.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Complete T233917242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Sushant Pandurangi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25416,"Title":"VB Documenter","Description":"Document projects in VB","Inputs":"Name of vbp and index.html","Assumes":"VB Documenter is a documenter for projects in vb, it reads the project, forms, classes, ... and creates pages HTML with the documentation about the project.\nIt considers that all comments that begin with '--> are special comments and generates a comment aditional in the HTML.\nTry to document the project DocumentadorHTML.vbp\nSend ideas, suggest and comments to bau1970@hotmail.com","CodeReturns":"Documents in HTML about the project","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB Documen233957242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jose Antonio Bautista","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25420,"Title":"Using Datareport utility in VB","Description":"This sample code will show how you can create wonderful, flexible and robust reports using DataReport utility that comes with VB6. It only takes minutes to create reports in VB using this utility. You can connect via dataenvironment and drag the fields you want to show in your report to the form, thats it!!! happy programming!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001724926491576.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Using Data234007242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"S.S. Ahmed","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25423,"Title":"Cool Rotating Text","Description":"Ever wanted to rotate your text this is the code for you. Its pretty cool!!! Plz vote & comments =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Cool Rotat234047242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":46,"AuthorName":"ZATRiX","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25435,"Title":"a ** PURE VB ** Space Invaders game","Description":"This a \"pure VB\" clone of the original Space invaders by TAITO. NO DirectX, NO Cheating, NO Wizards. ONLY pure VB who anyone can read and understand and... MODIFY!\nPlease RATE IT!","Inputs":"keys to move:\nsimply the arrow keys .\nTo shot use space bar - or - UP arrow","Assumes":"It was only a Joke. I made the v1.0 in Qbasic in 1994, then here are the v2.0 in VB. It is not a complete game (no UFOs and no sound) but feel free to modify it.\nI use it in my classes to demonstrate the use of object and collections in VB.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"none.\nOnly PURE VB","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001724145516489.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/a __ PURE 234247242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":78,"AuthorName":"aldo prinzi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25441,"Title":"Amazing Spiral Effect","Description":"This is an amazing spiral creator. So simple yet so complicated! Look what you can do with a simple PictureBox! Look for yourelf in my screenshot! Please also vote and add comments =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001724151641423.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Amazing Sp234287242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"ZATRiX","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25445,"Title":"Get the UNC Path","Description":"Networked drives. They're an administrative nightmare. In fact, the average user changes his networked drive letters more often than his underwear.\nBut you can solve this problem of binding an application to a particular drive by using a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. This still references a network area, but doesn’t tie it to any one drive letter.\nAnd you can retrieve and check the UNC of a particular path in code using this neat little function.\nTo use it, simply call GetUNCPath, passing it your drive letter along with a pre-declared empty string. If a problem occurs, the relevant number is passed back with the function. These can be matched with the possible return code constants.\nHowever if everything goes swimmingly, the function returns a zero (a constant value of NO_ERROR) and places the UNC path into the ByRef-passed variable.\nThis code works by making a call to the WNetGetConnection function in MPR.DLL. It's essentially a neat wrapper for a regular API call.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"' To be put inside a module\n'Possible return codes from the API\nPublic Const ERROR_BAD_DEVICE As Long = 1200\nPublic Const ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL As Long = 1201\nPublic Const ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR As Long = 1208\nPublic Const ERROR_MORE_DATA As Long = 234\nPublic Const ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED As Long = 50\nPublic Const ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH As Long = 1203\nPublic Const ERROR_NO_NETWORK As Long = 1222\nPublic Const ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED As Long = 2250\nPublic Const NO_ERROR As Long = 0\n'This API returns a UNC from a drive letter\nDeclare Function WNetGetConnection Lib \"mpr.dll\" Alias _\n \"WNetGetConnectionA\" _\n (ByVal lpszLocalName As String, _\n ByVal lpszRemoteName As String, _\n cbRemoteName As Long) As Long\nFunction GetUNCPath(ByVal strDriveLetter As String, _\n ByRef strUNCPath As String) As Long\nOn Local Error GoTo GetUNCPath_Err\n Dim strMsg As String\n Dim lngReturn As Long\n Dim strLocalName As String\n Dim strRemoteName As String\n Dim lngRemoteName As Long\n strLocalName = strDriveLetter\n strRemoteName = String$(255, Chr$(32))\n lngRemoteName = Len(strRemoteName)\n 'Attempt to grab UNC\n lngReturn = WNetGetConnection(strLocalName, _\n strRemoteName, _\n lngRemoteName)\n If lngReturn = NO_ERROR Then\n 'No problems - return the UNC\n 'to the passed ByRef string\n GetUNCPath = NO_ERROR\n strUNCPath = Trim$(strRemoteName)\n strUNCPath = Left$(strUNCPath, Len(strUNCPath) - 1)\n Else\n 'Problems - so return original\n 'drive letter and error number\n GetUNCPath = lngReturn\n strUNCPath = strDriveLetter & \"\\\"\n End If\n \nGetUNCPath_End:\n Exit Function\n \nGetUNCPath_Err:\n GetUNCPath = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED\n strUNCPath = strDriveLetter\n Resume GetUNCPath_End\n \nEnd Function\n","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":6,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25456,"Title":"A Tennis Game in VB! First time ever on PSC! Even features a Guard System! Check out screenshot!","Description":"Finally! A tennis game in VB! Sick of the ping pong ones? This'll give you a break! Features include: Computer Players, a tennis court(not official :=)), 3 different types of hitting the ball, moving around, even in the audience! I'll fix that. *duh*. A Program Guard System completly made by me comes with it too! Ok, here's some more info on this \"Guard System\" of mine. It opens up a password file and loads it to a rich text box. Then, the user must type in the correct password. If the 2 text boxes don't match, u got wrong password. Which means, it blocks access from people who doesn't know the password, and you can easily change the password without opening up VB! You change the password file to a txt file then you type in the password u desire, then rename it into .pass file and distribute it! With my permission of course. Hope it gets a desent vote! Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Want more hard action games?\nCheck out my other submissions!","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001724215593238.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A Tennis G234457242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"LordsOfGames","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25460,"Title":"FileExists Function With Demo","Description":"This is a function that will check if the file is present on the gived Path.This Is Verry Easy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Verry easy With a demo","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"NO Side Effects","ApiDeclarations":"No API Calls","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FileExists234507242001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"mini","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25462,"Title":"Binary string replacement","Description":"Opens any file in binary mode and replaces all instances of a specified string with another specified string.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Binary str234537252001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"nhsxth","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25463,"Title":"Fading Start Menu Button","Description":"This program makes the start button *FADE IN* when you move the mouse over its location and *FADE OUT* when it losts mouse focus. See the screen shot. It gives a different shell to your windows. By the way, I'll appreciate your vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No side Effects, but Before \"END TASK\"ing this program, you must move the mouse over start button to make it fade in, and the press ALT+CTRL+DEL, or the start button will stay hidden until the next startup of Windows or this program.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200172513457921.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fading Sta235247262001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Hesan Feghhi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25469,"Title":"Get you IP Address","Description":"This code will retrieve either your host name or ip address.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"uses wsock32.dll","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":176,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Mike Toye","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25478,"Title":"How to make a richtextbox link aware","Description":"Found on a chinese site, tidied up by myself, but not my original code, thought a few peeps would find this handy.\nThis code allows a richtextbox to launch the default browser upon clicking a link in a richtextbox control.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"remember to close down the FORM and not stop the code as this can have unpredictable effects.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/How to mak234697252001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Jim Booth","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25486,"Title":"a ** PURE VB ** HTTP Client Sniffer","Description":"A simple program in PURE VB to \"sniff\" HTTP response to the client.\nThis cute application includes the page visualizzation in the browser tab (see the screenshot)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"A user must only knows what HTTP is. This program help he to read HTTP responses and response headers cfor a given URL.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'Nothing of nothig. \n'This is only PURE VB, in my programming style.","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001725141039366.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/a __ PURE 234877252001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"aldo prinzi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25489,"Title":"RichTextBox w/ Database Mail Merge","Description":"select any access database then select the table you want then select and insert any fields to a richtextbox then preform a mail merge like MSWord. you can then browse through the database while viewing the merged data.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RichTextBo234927252001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"John Phillips","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25490,"Title":"Program that updates its own DLL","Description":"This program demonstrates how a program can update its own DLL’s by initializing them with CreateObject() and freeing their resources after use with CoFreeUnusedLibraries. With a few modifications you could make the program download the updated DLL from the internet to simulate automatic program updates. The program also creates a backup so it can Rollback the Update in case there is a problem with the new DLL.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001725145348258.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Program th234947252001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Nickels","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25497,"Title":"UPDATE: MDI Task Bar control 1.6","Description":"ADDED: AutoHide features.<br>\nControl can be downloaded/viewed from: <br>\nhttp://www.planetsourcecode.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.24861/lngWId.1/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":3,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001725175342712.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Gregg Housh","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25533,"Title":"Best way to run programs at Startup","Description":"This learns you how to run programs with startup\nplease try!!! >>>FULL<<< Explain!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Best way t235657262001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Yochai","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25539,"Title":"Seven Segment Display Example","Description":"....to make 7segment displays with ease!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Seven Segm235747262001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"MudBlud","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25541,"Title":"A!--Shadow Haven--A cool RPG in the making! Features Saving! Check out screenshot![UPDATED Again!]","Description":"A cool RPG in the making!-Final Fantasy style! Features include: Saving, battle mode, map maker, cool menu, new games, saving positions, and a hell lot more! Check it out! Some of you might have seen my Final Fantasy battle engine that I've submitted a few weeks ago, well I'll be adding that in here! Small download! The new updated version has all the errors wiped out, includes music, and battle mode!\nJust like Final Fantasy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'Want more hard-knock games?\n'Check out my other submissions!","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017301646235395.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A!--Shadow237797302001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"LordsOfGames","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25544,"Title":"Newbie's Tutorial","Description":"This tutorial (in Microsoft Office .doc format) teaches some basic things about making a good app in Visual Basic, and about several basic functions, plus some stuff on data types. You'll learn lots of things to help you become a better programmer.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017262325275831.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Newbie's T235857262001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jamie Lindgren","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25546,"Title":"Super Calendar","Description":"This program is a calendar. You may set reminders that will be activated at a certain hour. This reminders can be daily, weekly, etc.\nIt does not use any ActiveX control or DLL. Everything is calculated using math. This new version has many bugs fixed and a better performance.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024232337106095.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Super_Cale750974232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Paul Guerra","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25548,"Title":"Hesan's Bitmap Works","Description":"This Program is used to add great effects to your images. Such as : Rotation, Blur, Noise, ... .","Inputs":"Normal Pictures + Few Parameters","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Great Pictures","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"nothing","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":112,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Hesan Feghhi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25555,"Title":"update: Complete Text to Speech Application--MS Agents,Direct Speech synthesis(DirectSS) & Voicetext","Description":"all packed in one with almost all their features included .please rate for me!please give your valuable comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"no declarations","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001727103355462.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/update_ Co236677282001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"vaibhav gandhe","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25559,"Title":"MH-Scheduler","Description":"The first line of the DAS.INI file are boolean, You set what days of the week a task needs to be run, and assign a File to run, The Sample file included is a .BAT file. You will have to modify the Days.INI file in order to have the program execute properly. I wrote this simple program for the purpous of signing a system onto the mainframe on weekdays. You can replace the Shell() function with AppActivate() and SendKeys() if you want to advance the program. I used it to launch an AS400 macro.","Inputs":"an .INI file","Assumes":"the .INI file is as follows.\n1,1,1,1,1,1,1 'Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.. etc\nTIME\nFile To Run","CodeReturns":"Starts a program","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MH-Schedul236047272001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Mike Hartrick","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25560,"Title":"Moonlander","Description":"Aim of the game is to land a space craft onto a moving platform.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The game has 5 levels and scores you on your landing performance & saves the highest score.\nUse the DOWN ARROW button on your keyboard to apply thrust, and use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow buttons to move your ship left and right.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Moonlander236057272001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Chris Wilson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25561,"Title":"MSN Messenger Assistant","Description":"Adds extra features to MSN Messenger including:\nan answering machine, and it reads out conversation text and other alerts in a computer voice + lots more.\nRequires MSN Messenger & Microsoft Speech Agent (available from http://www.wilsonr1.karoo.net/MSSpeech.exe or the Microsoft web-site.)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018211225588457.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MSN Messen236077272001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Chris Wilson UK","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25563,"Title":"Magnifier Modified","Description":"Magnify a part of the screen where the mouse is. I did not write this code. I just made some cosmetic changes to it. I added a help section, put in tooltips, added a place where you can minimize it (when not in use) and added code to keep it from loading more than once. This code was put on this site by [LOST], so if you vote, vote for this person. Search for Magnifier.\nPhillip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See Code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Magnifier 236097272001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Phillip Ponchot","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25565,"Title":"A Slider Control","Description":"This is a slider control i wrote becouse the standard slider control isn't very customizable, with this one you can choose the background color, set a background picture and more...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A Slider C236117272001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Dennis Meelker","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25568,"Title":"A Standart Calculator","Description":"I did this project for my MCSD VB6 course.\nIt should behave exactly like Windows-Calculator.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017271419243125.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A Standart24120852001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Yaniv Arazi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25570,"Title":"Log (class)","Description":"Easily log events. Log errors by passing the ERR object.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":93,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Michael A. Schmidt","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25572,"Title":"Undetectable remote admin tool","Description":"a basic client server type remote admin tool. the client end of it is basic with very simple options the great part is the server because once it is run it copys itself to the windows directory and creates a registry key to start with windows, it is also hidden from the ctrl+alt+del Menu. It is a simple example of a client server admin tool that you can add your own features to. below is a screenshot of the client. (i have the client named \"Master\" and the server named \"Slave\")","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017271617395763.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Undetectab236197272001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Nerd","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25577,"Title":"MultiPart (Sections) HTTP File Downloader UserControl (work as Flashget, Gozilla, GetSmart)","Description":"This UserControl show to you, how split downloaded file into sections, and downloading each section simultaneously (work as Flashget, Gozilla, GetSmart).\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017271733377266.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MultiPart 238197312001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":58,"UserRatingTotal":256,"AuthorName":"Lev Zabudkin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25578,"Title":"FULL Screen Saver *Unique*","Description":"A Full Screen saver with MP3 player, Options Page, Preview works, password field. Its a Slide Show..that centers each pic., it also sizes the pic to fit the screen. it scales it NOT stretches it.\nYou can set it to cycle pics by directory, Multipul directorys or individual pics. You can also setup an MP3 playlist. If it is left blank it won't play any(of cource).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The Modual I used was written by Igguk E-Mail : pcharles@swing.be with one small change.\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Entire drive playlist has not been implemented yet and neither has pit types...default are gifs mpg's and bmp's","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FULL Scree236317272001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Dan Dmytrasz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25579,"Title":"Moonlander 2","Description":"Land a space craft onto a moving platform, has 10 levels. Supports game controllers, good graphics and good fun! Scores you on your landing performance and saves the highest score.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Controls (Game controller)\nBUTTON 1 = THRUST\nBUTTON 2 = NEW GAME\nControls (Keyboard)\nN = New Game\nDOWN ARROW = Thrust\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018211219424314.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Moonlander236347272001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Chris Wilson UK","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25581,"Title":"Music List","Description":"This program is used to database a directory of music on your computer for sharing to another with the same program. It supports up to 10 directories and infinite subdirectories. It includes code to execute any file without using shell (bonus), how to read subdirectories using DIR, and copying to the clipboard. Just double-click a name in the list to run it in its default player. Works with any file type.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Music_List567292212002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Drummer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25589,"Title":"Split a string in many of similar size","Description":"Splits a string in two or more parts so they can fit in a given space, but only take into account complete words.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This example uses the InStr function in order to work backwards and then the main routine will split the string. \nI have used these routines for the total amount in letters for receipts. The zipped file includes the code with an example.","CodeReturns":"Two or more strings with complete words with some maximum size.","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Split a st236517282001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Fernando Higa","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25592,"Title":"_A Awesome Snakes Game","Description":"This is a good example of implementing linked-lists. This is a fun and addictive snakes game with lots of interesting and original features. You can play just a one player game where you just collect food and watch your tail grow. \nOr you can play a two player game which is vey different and much more fun. This is where you compete with another snake for to eat the food and try and trap him with your tail so he dies. You can either play against the computer, with three levels of artifical intelligence, or player against a friend.\nYou can also select an option which allows you to go through the walls ! \nPlease vote (what you think I should get) and give me as much feedback as possible. I would like to know what you think of it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001728437415909.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A Awesome 236557282001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":60,"AuthorName":"Rosh Mendis","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25593,"Title":"Plural Check (extremely simple, very useful)","Description":"I hope I'm not the only person who wants to cringe every time I see something like \"You have been online for 1 minutes.\" 1 minutes?? I see this kind of thing everywhere; here on PSC, even. It looks very unprofessional to me, and it's so easy to fix! That's why I listed this code as beginner level. Hopefully, Planet Source Code will implement this code and I won't have to see that I got an excellent vote from \"1 users.\" ;-) I would like to hear any comments you have about this code. Also, please click to see my other submissions to PSC. My latest program, Music Maker is nearing the top of the Code of the Month list. If I can get a few more votes it would really help me out! :-) Thanks for looking!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":19,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001728440287397.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jeremiah Hughes","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25596,"Title":"Font List For Each Language","Description":"With this code you will be able to select one or more language from a list , and then to get all the fonts that was installed on the operating system which support the languages that was chosen. \nSo if you want to develop a word prossesor maybe you will find it useful - to change the font list when the user had change the language. some part of it i had found on the net ( I dont know who is the Auther) and more help from the MSDN.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function GetLocaleInfoA Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal LCID As Long, ByVal LCType As Long, ByVal lpData As String, ByVal cchData As Integer) As Integer '*\nPublic Declare Function TranslateCharsetInfo Lib \"gdi32\" (lpSrc As Long, lpcs As CHARSETINFO, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long '*\nPublic Declare Function EnumFontFamiliesEx Lib \"gdi32\" Alias \"EnumFontFamiliesExA\" (ByVal hDC As Long, lpLogFont As LOGFONT, ByVal lpEnumFontProc As Long, ByVal LParam As Long, ByVal dw As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Font List 237067292001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Gil Shabthai","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25598,"Title":"_**A Cool One-On-One Soccer Game**","Description":"A very fun to play one-on-one soccer game. You can play against either a friend or the computer. I haven't seen a soccer game written in VB yet so I thought I'd make one. I used a game library I made that has some functions that helps calculate collision detection and artifical intelligence. Feel free to use it in your own games - I hope you find it useful. This game is more of a fun game. It's a bit silly but nevertheless enjoyable. Please vote (what you think it deserves) and gives as much feedback as possible. I would like to know what you think of it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200172865553826.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/___A_Cool_59730362002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":59,"UserRatingTotal":285,"AuthorName":"Rosh Mendis","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25599,"Title":"A Real Good Ini Editor","Description":"This is a Ini editor I made, it has many functions and is especially handy for editing the rules.ini file from Red Alert2.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200172873452708.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A Real Goo236637282001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Dennis Meelker","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25602,"Title":"Menu System 4.1","Description":"This class allows you to replace the standard Visual Basic menu with one that supports many more features, some of which include:\nAddition of bitmaps or icons to menu items (supports any size). \nOptional MonoDefault state will only colorize icons of menu items that are selected (a la Outlook Express) \nExtended keyboard shortcut keys, using Ctrl+, Shift+, Ctrl+Shift+, combinations, function keys, system keys, the menu and print keys, and the CapsLock key. \nDraws in the style of the Office 97 menu bar. \nImplements Visual Studio-menu style check marks and radio buttons. \nImplements Hot-tracking, Hot-lighted and Clear-box highlighting visual effects. \nImplements a \"CaptionSeperator\" item-type which is a Seperator Bar with scaled, centered text and optional background coloring and submenu support. \nImplements Color-select, a type of highlighting that lets the highlight bar be different than the system default \nBackground gradients \nMulti-line menu items \nDBCS (Unicode) support for languages such as Chinese \nEach feature is Item-by-item. You can have a whole menu full of items that colorize or highlight differently.\nVersion Upgrades: 4.1 (07/01/2001), 4.0 (06/18/01), 3.0 (02/22/2001) and 2.3 (10/28/2000): New Features include: Each item may have its own Font, right-justification of menu items, and support for menu breaks and menu bar-breaks. In Version 4.0, the object model was completely revamped and simplified, developer documentation is now included, and a number of new features, such as support for background gradients, multi-line menu items, and Unicode, were added. Version 4.1 adds Office XP style flat menus.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Doesn't support MDI frames / MDI child menus. Version 5.0 will. Version 5.0 will have a commercial version, and a non-commercial version. The source to the non-commercial version I shall post.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017311727329540.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Menu Syste236687282001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Nathan Moschkin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25607,"Title":"Command Line Port Scanner **Very fast!!!**","Description":"This is a command line version of the port scanner that I have used in Frankinal 2. The useage is, cline_portscanner.exe <ipaddress>,<start port>,<stop port>,<timout (ms)>\nAs you can see from the screenshot it includes a pause and stop button and also a thread timout slider so you can actually change the timeout in milleseconds whilst it scans. Which is nice. I hope you like it. Please comment on it, and if you like it download Frankinal 2 from this site as that enables you to double click on the open ports and instantly connect to them, wonderful!! Votes wouldnt go un-noticed either!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017281427423662.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Command Li236797282001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Niknak!!","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25608,"Title":"A Mac OSX Control","Description":"This code cn be used instead of a title bar on a form. It allows you to make your software look sort of like a Mac OSX application.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017281521231596.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A Mac OSX 236807282001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"David Smith","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25611,"Title":"Digital Cool Marquee which supports Greek language","Description":"although i am in mailing list of PSC for over a year, i decided to upload one my codes that i think could be useful for someone. it's a very cool digital marquee. it supports 5 different colors, scrolling direction, interval... pretty good for an application","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just double click on Digital_Marquee.vbg adn run the programm","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017281734573262.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Digital Co236857282001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Panos000","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33873,"Title":"fLASH eXTRACTOR","Description":"extracts .swf-files from compiled Flash-Projectors...","Inputs":"Projector-Executable","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":".swf-file","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"(none)","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024162011418056.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/fLASH_eXTR727324162002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Benedikt Huebschen","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33875,"Title":"Square Drawing Effect","Description":"This will draw a square with a neat little gradient effect, and an X in the middle.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Square_Dra727574162002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Bob Bryant","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33876,"Title":"FormBar","Description":"Ever wanted to create a tray bar for your MDIChild forms that looks like windows tray? or just tired to use Windows menu to switch beetween child forms? or just want to improve the looks of your app... Here is an example of how to create a form bar (a'la tray) to place in a mdi form. \nit doesn't use any api to detect forms and stuff, only old fasion Visual Basic event model.\nall u have to do is invoke ONE sub to add a form to the bar, and the rest will be done automatically. I have tested this control only in a MDI app, you are welcome to try its functionality in a SDI app, and leave your comments. Menu functions are not implemented fully, cause i couldn't decide how... Well u can add a custom menu, but control doesn't raise any event when a button is clicked. It's up to u to figure out and implement such functionality. Have fun (and rate!!!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024175452737.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FormBar728224172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Dmitriy (DiMan)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33877,"Title":"resolve relative link","Description":"This is a simple function to resolve a relative link. ie turns www.a/b/c/../e.htm into www.a/b/e.htm \nMade this for a web crawler I am working on.\nHope you find this usefull.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":19,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"RegX","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33881,"Title":"Spinning Illusions","Description":"Spinning Illusions by Robert Rayment. (Small change, hopefully more stable on other OS than Win98) Just a bit of VB doodling, 8 shapes with odd effects. [ Shaped form & picbox, +/- rotation <-> anti-alias rotation, VB<->ASM, Res wav ]. Zip 100 KB, Win98.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just run","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"See code, several","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024171150334023.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Spinning_I731604182002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33882,"Title":"MDI Taskbar 1.9b7","Description":"*UPDATE 1.9b7*\nAdded a system tray clone to it. Updated the demo to show how to use it. Added better color selection to it. Added the menu system, updated the demo to show this as well.\n*UPDATE 1.6* Added the AutoHide features that people have been requesting. The control now has 4 properties that are for the AutoHide feature: 1. AutoHide, Boolean This tells the bar to hide when the mouse is no longer over it. 2. AutoHideWait, Integer This tells the bar how long to wait before hiding (in case you accidentally move the mouse off of it, it wont immediately hide) It is in Milliseconds so 1000 = 1 second. 3. AutoHideAnimate, Boolean This tells the bar to \"slide\" off screen instead of just disappearing. 4. AutoHideAnimateFrames, Integer This is the # of frames to split the \"Slide\" effect into (more frames is slower, but smoother) I recommend 50 - 100 frames. From my testing it seems to be the best. *UPDATE 1.5* Fixed the icon drawing problems when comipled on windows 2000. Re-wrote a lot of code to optimize for speed, and to make the code easier to read/understand. Added a lot more and better comments. *UPDATE 1.4* Fixed the drawing on windows 2000/nt/95. Fixed the bar to work when used with a compiled exe. Fixed some drawing problems with the coolbar style. *UPDATE 1.3* Fixed one more windows 2000 bug. still having the compiled issue on win2k. Added a new style (now you can select the style property), Coolbar. *UPDATE 1.2* fixed the win2k bug. Now works perfectly in windows 2000. ADDED: Color settings, for every button state, and for the bar itself. Fixed many bugs (none left that I know of) Added the menu. Now when you right click on a button on the task bar, it shows the system menu from the form that the button belongs to. This ia fully working Taskbar for an MDI form. Works just like the windows task bar. It was originally written by Maxx Zephyr Technology and uploaded to www.freevbcode.com. That version had problems, and also was not a stand alone control, it had to be included in your project because it was dependant on the Forms collection. I went through the code, cleaned it up, removed the forms collection (used the api to replace it) and made the user control into a full stand alone ocx, that you can simply drop on an MDI form. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002417120403858.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MDI_Taskba729084172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":76,"AuthorName":"Gregg Housh","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33883,"Title":"Font Rotation Example","Description":"Font Rotate: This code provides a user method to draw text on a anything with a device Context (form, user control, printer, etc.) at any angle. This is a rework of code found on PSC by ZATRiX","Inputs":"The DrawText routine takes the following:\n* ByRef Canvas As Object - Device getting \"drawn\" on\n* ByVal txt As String - text to write\n* ByVal X As Single - X Coordinate\n* ByVal Y As Single - Y Coordinate\n* ByVal font_name As String - Font Face to use\n* ByVal size As Long - Font Size\n* ByVal Angle As Single - Angle of Rotation\n* ByVal weight As FontWeight - How heavy a pen\n* ByVal Italic As Boolean - Italic?\n* ByVal Underline As Boolean - Underline ?\n* ByVal Strikethrough As Boolean - Strikethrough?","Assumes":"Make sure that your drawing canvas has the \"AutoRedraw\" property set to true, otherwise your text may dissappear off the control.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002417124417602.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Font_Rotat729144172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Seraphire","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33884,"Title":"Check Writer","Description":"This complete program prints check data onto checks using a holder to hold the check on a piece of paper and then feed through a printer.\n\nSince each check is slightly different there is a designer that will allow you to move the fields around using point and click (drag and drop) or key in the position (in inches) of a preset fields.\n\nFinally, a data entry screen to type your check data with Autocomplete function and print it.\n\nOther items of interest: wizards, option screen to set default check design and printer and a simple help file.\n\nThe code in this project will show how to use the Printer Object to print lines and text in specific positions. Using some routines to select a control, move it on the form, and much more).\n------------------------------------------------\nCredits:\n* AutoComplete is from PSC (sorry, don't know who the author is).\n* The moving of controls is from a sample on vbsquare.com (however, I made it into a class).\nSome of the coding might not be \"Best Practice\" b/c it was a learn as I go project.\n* Ruler code is from www.freevbcode.com\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024171333201064.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Check_Writ729354172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":84,"AuthorName":"PeteS","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33886,"Title":"KuDos - KaZaa Leecher","Description":"Download files from KaZaa users without having to be connected to the KaZaa network. Features include: Search, Browsing, Download queue, etc. Currently only downloades one file at a time but you can add multiple files to a queue so that they will be downloaded automatically. You also have the ability to send KuDos to the system try while downloading. I used the IP Scanner code from James (A little buggy but thanks | http://www.pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=32384&lngWId=1) and I used the Downloader OCX provided by Sean (Awsome code! | http://www.pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=23693&lngWId=1). I also used a Tray Icon Module (can't remember where I got it :( sorry). Could be improved by adding a faster search, multiple download's, etc. Oh Ya, Please vote `,:0)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I have included all icons/bas modules with zip. Might need to download the Downloader OCX which can be found here: http://www.pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=23693&lngWId=1","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024171446284088.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/KuDos_-_Ka729674172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Tom Bishop","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33891,"Title":"X-Server 2.0","Description":"<--Check out the new version!-->\nhttp://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=34010&lngWId=1 \nX-Server is a simple HTTP v1.0 server. Run it on your computer to turn your computer into a webserver. X-Server allows you to \"plop\" it into the directory of your website. If the user just types in your web-address(IP Address) such as then it willl direct them to APP.PATH + \"\\Index.html\" so your users will not need to type in the Index filename. Also, it will generate an error message for you when a file doesn't excist! X-Server 2.0 includes the ability to block users and check a server log. Please Vote!!!!! :-)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/X-Server_2734034182002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Daniel Church","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33893,"Title":"Dynamic Media Player 2 (BETA 1b)","Description":"This is the second upload of my Media Player, it plays the following media types:\n<br>\n*.avi;*.mpg;*.dat;*.mpeg;*.mpe;*.mp3;*.mp2;*.mp1 *.wav;*.aif;*.aiff;*.aifc;*.au;*.mv1;*.mov;*.mpa *.qt;*.snd;*.mpm;*.mpv;*.enc;*.mid;*.rmi;*.vob *.wma;*.wmv \n<br>\nPlease vote, and leave feedback.\nNow completely commented!\nMany bug fixes since BETA 1a","Inputs":"File","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Music and video","SideEffects":"None that I know of, you tell me!","ApiDeclarations":"Lots of API","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025292315288238.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Dynamic_Me874545272002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Paranoid_Android","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33895,"Title":"Hunting Permit Printer 101","Description":"Simple Printform button, One click dumps form contents right to your printer.., This makes you a label to hang proud on your car or truck.., Put it this way... If you liked what it printed dont I deserve a GLOBE or 2??, It doesnt gotta be a HUGE program to make CODE OF THE DAY does it?, Has a TINY one ever made it?","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I assume that if someone likes my artwork and they are a REAL AMERICAN that they would give me some STARS (globes) for my own personal flag on PSC??, \nThanks Rob\nberkelusa@hotmail.com\n","CodeReturns":"American People Bonding as ONE!, We are not just a bunch of \"states\" we are a NATION that thrives on FREEDOM and the right to keep and bear arms.","SideEffects":"I bet you PASS IT ON TO A FRIEND or use it on your own website.. (I did) FEEL FREE as I too am an AMERICAN and offer it to you FREE (as in FREEDOM)","ApiDeclarations":"All in the ZIP, This has got to be the BEST\nprogram I have ever made, (and the smallest),\nI put it in JOKES/HUMOR just so you ALL could\nfind it.. September 11th was NO JOKE and NOT\nHUMEROUS!","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024172254477575.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Hunting_Pe730764172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Rob in New Hampshire","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33897,"Title":"Server Database Scanner","Description":"Enables any user that can login to a database to monitor sybase activities. You can monitor your SQL transactions, functionalityy accdate, audflags,dbname,fullname,language,name,password,pwdate,resultlimit,spacelimit,srvname,status,suid,timelimit,totcpu,totio,affinity,blocked,cmd,cpu,dbid and much much more","Inputs":"User Name, Password, Database, Server","Assumes":"Confirm the versoin of Sybase, you will find that in the connection string.","CodeReturns":"All the databases activities you like, its quite generic and you may select from a large selection.","SideEffects":"None recorded till now.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Server_Dat731404182002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Peter Marynowski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33899,"Title":"Dedupe ListView Function with an Database. UPDATED! Also shows how to do some simple math","Description":"My Code commenting sucked, My bad. So heres the update! This funtion is meant to be used when passing values from another control to a listview control with a database. I needed a way to keep duplicate entries away in the recieving Listview. The funtion is called after the row insertion on a double click event or Drag and drop.It works because the index is set dynamicaly by the database values.If used out of context it WILL delete everything, which in fact, does suck. I used LCase incase you want to pass a nonnumerical value(which i did and then did not), but you can remove it, no harm, no foul. Hope this helps. Feedback is very welcome. Please Feedback, Please.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Example of use: RS is a record set in case you needed to know.\n With rs ' Recordset\n On Error Resume Next\n Do While Not .EOF 'list products of a specific category on ListView starts loop\n Set rs = ListView2.ListItems.Add(, , !Productid, 1, 1)\n rs.SubItems(1) = !ProductName\n rs.SubItems(2) = !Unit\n rs.SubItems(3) = Format(!PRICE, \"Currency\")\n rs.SubItems(4) = Format(!Extcost, \"Currency\")\n rs.SubItems(5) = Format(!Retail, \"Currency\")\n rs.SubItems(6) = Format(!Add)\n cTotal = cTotal + CCur(rs.SubItems(3)) * (rs.SubItems(6)) ' here the math part , really simple CCur sets it as Currency\n rs.SubItems(7) = Format(cTotal, \"Currency\")\n .MoveNext ' Restarts loop till EOF\n \n Loop\n .Close\n \n End With\nCall RemoveDupes(ListView2)\nListView2.Refresh\nEnd Sub","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"DO NOT USE OUT OF CONTEXT> IF YOU NEED A REGULAR DEDUPE FUNCTION EMAIL ME> YOU ARE MY FRIEND> I WILL HELP YOU>MABEY","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":16,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Joe Momma","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33902,"Title":"FileTextXtractor","Description":"Extract Anything from anything. RegExps for email, phone numbers, creditcard#s and more included. Also includes link to regular expresion tutorial.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Requires ref to microsoft scripting runtime and\nmicrosoft regular expresions.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002418630467657.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FileTextXt733824182002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"RegX","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33906,"Title":"Implode Form (with API) Project Included","Description":"I posted this code yesterday but I had comments on it and emails sent directly to me from my web site asking how to use it. Guess that is the problem when you only post the sub routine. So, here is the code again, but this time with a demo project. This uses the API to simulate the minimize effect you see of a form shrinking to the taskbar, but with this code you can shrink it to any place you want, like itself to show it imploding, or the tray, or to the mouse.\nKEYWORDS: FORM ANIMATION DRAWANIMATEDRECTS FOLD IMPLODE MOUSE TASKBAR EFFECT EFFECTS","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Implode_Fo733324182002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Clint LaFever","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33908,"Title":"Weather Display Program","Description":"Displays the current weather and forecast for 7 days. Also has tabs for Local Radar loop and a East coast Hurricane watch loop, and also a pollen count tab. When minimized it has a mini weather form with current temp and conditions image. Can also be fully minimzed to the tray. I download the webpage code and make a new local webpage based on what I am looking for and then browse to the local page. Let me know what you think. Later","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024181224268033.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Weather_Di732534182002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Larry Myers","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33915,"Title":"Quick String Parsing of a Comma Delimited String","Description":"This example will show you how parse a list a variables quickly with minimal coding.","Inputs":"A string of variables separated by a common like \"stuff1,stuff2,stuff3\"","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Returns individual variables","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":60,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Mark Collins","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33929,"Title":"A basic encryption thing","Description":"This is a nice basic Encryption Program. It reverses and encripts text streams. You will need to log in as N: MSanders P: mypassword53\nThe login reads from an encrypted file, gets the passwords and compares the feilds. Give it a look it's worth it to get you started on encryption.\nI did this a while ago now so i'm just updating the entry. The encryption/decryption algorithm is not as good as it could be, but take a look.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_basic_en734424192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Mike Sanders","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33930,"Title":"Syphon - VB IRC Bot","Description":"This is a fully functional IRC Bot written in VB6. There are lots of other applications I'm building into it, but I thought I'd release this stable BETA so long. The applications to come are: 1) Statistical logging to a SQL database from which Analytical reports can be drawn. 2) Dictionary driven events. 3) Owners/admins list for stopping normal users abusing the bot (this section is actually almost complete in the version i'm working on now)\n<edit>\nI've included these instructions for operation:\nInside the /media/ subfolder, there's a file called \"settings.conf\" .. inside there, change the bot's connection details to the server you want it to connect to. Run the program (debug or compiled) and the bot will connect to that server. You can view the bot's progress in the /media/logs/ folder, under the log file that matches today's date. Once the bot has connected successfully, you can then control it through IRC. Commands are sent like this: /msg <bot> .<command> <parameters>\nexample:\n/msg MyBot .join #bots\nWhen doing commands, if you get the parameters wrong, the bot will give you a syntax breakdown..\nHere's all the commands so far:\n.join <channel>\n.part <channel>\n.say <nick/channel> <message>\n.notice <nick/channel> <message>\n.action <nick/channel> <action>\n.quit <quit message>\n.kick <channel> <nick> <message>\n.ban <channel> <nick>\n.mode <channel> <mode type> <mode>\n(eg. .mode #bots +b <nick>)\nThere should be lots more coming in ver.2 :)\n</edit>\nSo tell me what you think? And remember, vote lots!!! ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Syphon_-_V734574192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"LoKi-ZA","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33934,"Title":"Change of field Size-Source","Description":"Sorry !, My contents of snippet was posted very strange as below. So, i will post my source code\nOnce again, Sorry","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002419435592252.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Change_of_734844192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"sjchae","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33936,"Title":"Projectile Physics (useful for games)","Description":"The program is demonstrating a module I wrote for calculating things about a projectile (For example a mortar) it gives things like the range, the time till impact and it graphs the flight path. Any questions of comments? post here\nNew version : fixed Gravity constants and set autoredraw on pic boxes to true ... thanks rick =D","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200241973416895.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Projectile736514192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"oeb","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33937,"Title":"API Detailed Progress Bar","Description":"This is basically a smooth-scrolling progress bar that is able to take a caption. I know there are loads of these already on the site, but the code is well commented, and wth anyway :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002419718294630.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/API_Detail747634232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Eric O'Sullivan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33940,"Title":"Pocket Calculator using a State Transition Table","Description":"This pocket calculator is meant as an example for the almost forgotten State Transition Table technique. With this technique the complete behaviour pattern is stored in a two-dimensional table containig Reactions to input-triggers (in this case key presses, but depending on circumstances the triggers may be anything else), and States. An STT is an ideal tool to control game characters for example because it allows different reactions to identical inputs.\nThe code is documented and also contains a short description of how it works. It's worth the download if you want to learn more about STTs, so give it a try. Download is 18 kB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002419941519416.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Pocket_Cal735684192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ulli","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33946,"Title":"Capture Active Window The Inventive Way (without API calls)","Description":"Capture snapshots of your active window, taskbar, desktop or even start menu itself WITHOUT API calls!!! No create bitmaps and palletes. Just capture and save by clicking on them. It practically captures anything active. See Screenshot taken by the program itself or download it (2.5 Kb). If you like it, please come back and give comments or vote...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024191250103016.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Capture_Ac736214192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Behrooz Sangani","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33947,"Title":"Sine ScreenSaver","Description":"A simple screensaver. You'll see a moving sine curve with a ball on it, a stretching sine curve and a clock. This screensaver also supports the preview mode (you can see this in the control panel where you choose your screensaver) and has a config window (just a little about-box).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"If you want to use this as your screensaver, put it into your windows directory.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"see code","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024191250416359.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Sine_Scree736224192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Pablo Hoch","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33951,"Title":"File Quick Sync","Description":"FQS (File Quick Sync) is complete app. for synchronizing files and folders on local and network shared disks. Easy-to-use app., very functional (like Windows backup software but much user-friendly :) ). Scheduler sync included. You can create, modify, delete, import and export sync templates. I use this app. for over 9 months ... try it yourself! Post some comments if you want. Regards, Struja.\nNote: you must have True DB Grid 5 control (tdbg5.ocx). You can download it from: http://web.vip.hr/struja-online.vip/tdbg5.zip\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024191640229736.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/File_Quick737104192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Struja","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33958,"Title":"Screensaver Tutorial *UPDATED* (Again)","Description":"This article is for you who struggle to find out how to create a screensaver with vb. This article is an update to my last one. This one includes a working source code example. I have updated this yet again. This one ends on mouse movements. Please vote for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024191922199982.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Screensave741784212002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Person82484536536578579365897","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33960,"Title":"___Binary Encryption___","Description":"Present a concise, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-use method of binary encryption. It could easily be taken and twisted into something more complex and harder to crack.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024192159211254.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/___Binary_737894192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Dound","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33973,"Title":"[***Gradient painter Liniair+Angle / Radial***]","Description":"V 1.2 This is the most advanced gradient painter on PSC it can paint a liniair gradient in any angle WITHOUT blank areas!!! but that's not all you can also paint a radial gradient and define youre own center!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025272857113.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[___Gradie78446522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":24,"UserRatingTotal":110,"AuthorName":"PowerSoft","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33975,"Title":"Wait Box (Application Modal)","Description":"Show a wait box with progress while your program \nis performing a task that takes a long time.\nThis project shows an application modal wait box\nwhile doing a work.\nYou can change the progress value from the\nowner form with preventing the user from activating it.\nThe wait box also shows time infos such as \nstart time, elaspsed time, end estimated time, \nremaining time.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This project shows an application modal wait box\nwhile doing a work.\nYou can change the progress value from the\nowner form with preventing the user from activating it.\nThe wait box also shows time infos such as \nstart time, elaspsed time, end estimated time, \nremaining time.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200242092579903.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Wait_Box_(739494202002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"S.Y. Kim","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33984,"Title":"Matrix Screensaver with Settings","Description":"This is now the working Version of the Matrix ScreenSaver. The Settings now work and it has been improved","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024201552214612.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Matrix_Scr740534202002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Kevin Pfister","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33992,"Title":"FF8, Triple Triad Game","Description":"just a small, triple triad game featured in final fantasy 8..ill expand it for online gaming and stuff soon, add all the rules...i just need someone to do the GFX for each card :/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FF8,_Tripl741004202002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Mud Blud","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33994,"Title":"ArchivePro - Rename many files...","Description":"Simply and efficiently rename all the files of a directory. Select a directory, Choose what type of files to rename (All, Graphic, text), Enter a starting number, Select a number of 'padding' (zero's) and thats it!. Good example of simple error handling, Loop Structures, etc. Nothing too exciting, but it works on Windows 98 - XP. Mail me if you need more functionality.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None... Not proud of it, but none the same. =)","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002421015105689.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ArchivePro741274212002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Chase Gale","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33995,"Title":"Drawing a circle using lines","Description":"the purpose of this code is just to make a circle by using lines of different gradients","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"the user just needs to understand a bit about graphing, (eg coordinates)","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002421155173308.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Drawing_a_741464212002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"eagle4","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33997,"Title":"Complete Library Management Software","Description":"Complete Library Management Software\nfully commented,No dirty coding. \nVery useful for beginners!!!!!!\nPlease vote \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/Upload_PSC/ScreenShots/PIC2003771443484233.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Complete_L741584212002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":78,"AuthorName":"Abdul Rafay Mansoor","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":33998,"Title":"Prevent your application from unauthorised person","Description":"Prevent your files from copying by unauthorised person.\n \nBy default any file's Attribute is Archive.\nYou have to just remove this Attribute from it's property.\nWhen any one copy this file,at this time the file is again \nbecame Archive we can use this to identifying Unauthorised user.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":42,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Milind Patil","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34000,"Title":"Lens effect","Description":"A little animation. (Re-coded: 02.10.2003)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Lens_effec1763146282004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":135,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34006,"Title":"A most excellent version of Yartcee!","Description":"Pure VB version of Yahtzee. A version that you might actually play, rather than one you'd write and never look at again!\nPlease vote for me.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002421143038425.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_most_exc742334212002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Qucami","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34007,"Title":"Ebay Auction Watcher","Description":"This program allows you to type in multiple ebay auction item numbers and it will load the info about them. In a list box, it tells you the auction name, the number of bids, the price, and when it ends. When you click an auction on the list, it re-loads the auction and displays the most current info.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Ebay_Aucti742414212002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Matt Carpenter","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34009,"Title":"Progress Bar with Timer","Description":"This code shows how to hook a progress bar up to a timer accurately. You can stop and resume from where you left off. I designed this code for a game I plan on designing. It shows the percentage and it is easy to change the max value and increments of the progress bar during run-time. Please feel free to use the code as you like. I would really appreciate it if you can leave some feedback and vote. Thanks!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002421154712170.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Progress_B742524212002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Nick Fantis","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34016,"Title":"MX Query","Description":"This code looks up MX (Mail eXchange) records for any domain from a DNS server (For those who dont know what a MX record is, MX records contain the name of the SMTP server which receives mail for a domain). \nThis is an improvement (I hope so :) over Jason Martin's code (http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=11006&lngWId=1). Here are the changes I made:\n1. It uses winsock and not API for the query.\n2. It wont freeze if you give a non-existent domain or DNS server.\n3. It gets the DNS server in use by your computer by network api instead of registry.\n4. There was a bug in Jason's code due to which if the DNS response was compressed it would return only the first MX record. For example, Jason's code would return one MX record for earthlink.com while mine will return all five.\nI'll appreciate any feedback on this code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The MX records of a domain.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"A few in the code.","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002421194164124.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MX_Query743404212002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":61,"AuthorName":"Saurabh Gupta","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34017,"Title":"Accounts Database 2.8","Description":"Keep track of all clients registered in your company. If they have a payment comming up the program will automaticly e-mail them. Has many many fetures. Search options, properties. Also used to help from someone here for the updates form and the e-mail, and i thank you!!. Uses DAO database. Any further questions just send feedback. I will be e-mailed any feedback posted\nI sure hope you people le arn something from this program or like it, one or the other. Because this has taken some time to do.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002421195005763.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Accounts_D743414212002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":63,"AuthorName":"Patrick G","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34027,"Title":"Titlebar Scroller","Description":"This scrolls a string in the titlebar","Inputs":"you can change the speed and the string from the code or input boxes","Assumes":"nothing is needed to be known. It looks at the first letter of the string. removes it. then adds it to the end over and over.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"might be slow on older computers","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Titlebar_S744284222002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"David Crosbie","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34028,"Title":"EggTimer - A General Use Timer Utility (Update 2)","Description":"I was sitting at my computer today in a programming quandary when my fianc├⌐ asked me to let her know when it was 1:15pm. Since she does this quite often and I needed a distraction from my current task, I decided to build this little application ΓÇô EggTimer. EggTimer allows you to set a duration (i.e. - 30min), a specific time (i.e. - 1:15pm) or it can be used as an upward counting timer (like a stopwatch). Once you start EggTimer, it minimizes itself into the system tray where it can be accessed to check the time remaining, reset/change the time, or pause/resume/stop the timer. You can also see the time remaining/running time by floating over the tray icon. When the timer expires, a ΓÇÿvbSystemModalΓÇÖ message box is popped above your working app to let you know the time is up. This little application is really handy if you sometimes need a reminder of the time when youΓÇÖre working on the computer =) This code utilizes a simple class I created from a number of examples from around the web that encapsulates the API functions used in placing an icon in the system tray. This class is definitely something to look it if youΓÇÖre interested in placing an icon in the system tray. *LATEST UPDATE* It seems that I had a little issue with the time math in certain situations (it was adding an extra minute). When I get a chance IΓÇÖm going to overhaul that little but complicated portion of the code. Enjoy, if you like it please remember to vote! If you find a bug, please let me know!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002423356248818.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EggTimer_-1227668262002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Nick Campbeln","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34030,"Title":"Contacts","Description":"I made this application only to learn how to use databases. I was looking for an easy way to add pictures to an access database but couldnt find it so this I came up with an unconventional way to store the files. The app first saves the picture to a tempfile to disk to get the pictures binary data and then opens it again and adds it to a memo field.. I did this because I wanted the option to paste pictures into my app... I'm not sure but I think there is somekind of limitations with this type of field, although I haven't noticed any problems. The search function might have it's glitches, I'm not quite sure..\nYou might want to add reference to the MS DAO 3.6 lib to get it to work...\nAnd finally, it would be nice with comments and votes..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200242272747334.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Contacts744624222002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Persona non grata","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34034,"Title":"SMTP Mailer Object","Description":"There are a few examples of SMTP mail on this site - but I wanted an easy, reusable object to take care of all my e-mail requirements.\nMD5 & BASE64 code from various authors, see module comments.\nCompile the project into the DLL and it's ready to go...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SMTP_Maile751474242002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Dylan Morley","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34035,"Title":"TCP IP Complete Client Server Application","Description":"Allows application of TCP\\IP network communication via two seperate\n applications.. You can Query Current Windows Username, Execute EXE file,\n Toggle Hide Server, Query IP Address (for DNS resolution), Send Instant\n Message, Windows ShellExec and RSA Skipjack Encrypted Chat. It is very easy\n to implement more features into the project, just take a quick delve into the\n code and all will be clear!\nPS. Sorry about the last submission I uploaded the wrong .zip file to the PSC server, and promptly forgot my password =p. Heres the full *and updated version*\nPLEASE COMMENT so I can improve\\rectify any problems with the code! Cheers guys!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024221016239155.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TCP_IP_Com745154222002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"ByteForce UK","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34045,"Title":"_Bang Bang Clone! UPDATE 1.3_","Description":"Bang Bang updated 1.3 - now adds visual aimer - it's more easy to destroy the enemy (wind changes less) - some other fixes. Enjoy it and LEAVE FEEDBACK please!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/_Bang_Bang746084222002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Enrico Bertozzi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34059,"Title":"[RH] Lock : Screen locking [Reuploaded]","Description":"This is my latest project, not my best and biggest though. I code this between my spare time. [RH] Lock is a screen-locking app, not like the other screen-locking apps. [RH] Lock looks like a commercial programs [ready to use, just compile it and run the EXE file], better and more features [such as multi-password, and selectable background]. My codes are simple, and I'm sure you'll understand 'em in no time. I use some OCX, and DLL from PSC because I'm lazy to write my own OCX [because I don't have enough time for that]. Also some codes from PSC, such as TextEncryption [I forgot the author], WriteReadRegistry [I forgot the author]. Because I'm going to upload this program as a FREEWARE program [at download.com, or tucows.com] I'll change the registry encryption and [maybe] more features :). I want to hear about your comment, suggestion, or critics. You can vote for me if you want to or if you think I deserves it. Anyway, just enjoy my program... I re-uploaded this program because on my previous submission some file was deleted. Yes, I'm new to this PSC... and this is my first submission. I've heard some license file are missing, but if you've downloaded Page Creator 3 [also from PSC] there's an ocx called prjChameleon.ocx... Maybe the license also inside the Page Creator 3 package. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200242345933781.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[RH]_Lock_747944232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":78,"AuthorName":"Ariel825010106","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34060,"Title":"XP Menu '2002 version 0.12 (alpha)","Description":"This is the next alpha version of my XP Menu system. Removed some bugs, new function to add pictures, now you don't need any external OCX (ImageList) for menu, load pictures from resources, add simple top menubar, recreated as control, ... Work only in compiled exe, not in IDE, because it using hooking and resources, that not workin in debug mode.\nSee code at :\nhttp://www.pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=33571&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":1,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002423536346848.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Anthonius","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34062,"Title":"_ Extract an icon from any file you wish, including the root of a drive or a folder _","Description":"You can use this code to get the icon from any file on your hard disk.... Simply call the function with a filename; 'c:\\testfile.exe', an imagelist to add the icon to; 'imagelist1', a picturebox for buffer purposes; 'picturebox1' and the size of the image you wish to extract, either 16, or 32 pixels. This code returns the index of the icon that has been added to the imagelist.\ntHe_cLeanER","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200242382462705.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/__Extract_748294232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"Jon Barker","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34068,"Title":"Simple Text based Adventure","Description":"This is a simple Text based game in its early stages. It is intended to be a cross between the old unix games Adventure and Rouge (basicly a Rouge with more discriptions (sp?). \n It reads maps and events from ASCII text files so the maps etc are Easy to change. I have yet to add monsters, items or anything else and mabey in some release Imight try stringing together a random map generator. Hope you like it,\noeb","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"uses timegettime, GetAsyncKeyState and getactivewindow","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024231028255410.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Tex748744232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"oeb","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34071,"Title":"Easy way to store data to Access Web Database File","Description":"I was in need of certain application that can store data in to the database and the database is stored on the Web.. And I want it without XML. I asked many people that how Audiogalaxy and Napster are doing those all the things.. they told they are using such service like XML or other.. But I don't want to use XML. So I develope application for me.. It is really very easy to use and also very easy to develope.. This is made with Visual Basic and simple codes of ASP. Must See this code.. and please vote for it..\nNOTE: Now probleme is that, that I am not able to get data from the web. If any one can do it.. please let me know..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No Side effects...","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024231346414493.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Easy_way_t749344232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Dhaval Faria","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34072,"Title":"Freisho","Description":"Animation on windows desktop","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Freisho749374232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":58,"AuthorName":"Paulo Freixo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34075,"Title":"CleanSweepPro - Clear IE Cache that WORKS!","Description":"CleanSweepPro uses the Win32 API (WinInet.dll) to enumerate all entries in the URL Cache and then remove them. THIS WORKS! I made this because I was really tired with all the non-working 'Clear Your Steps' type programs that only worked on Windows 95. Read the 'about..' section if you have questions/problems. This is a good example of OOP, Win32 API, WinInet, and more! Enjoy!","Inputs":"Notta","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A message if your cache is cleared.","SideEffects":"You will lose your IE cache.","ApiDeclarations":"Many =)","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002423161324197.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CleanSweep749924232002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Chase Gale","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34077,"Title":"Listbox selection with Right Click (using LB_ITEMFROMPOINT)","Description":"Allows selection of listbox items with right-click. *Not trying to get any votes, just sharing help I've provided in VB Discussion forum to everyone. Enjoy.*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just add a listbox with the default name of List1 to the form, and paste the code into the form.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias _\n\"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _\n ByVal wParam As Long, _\n ByVal lParam As Long) As Long\nPrivate Const LB_ITEMFROMPOINT = &H1A9","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":34,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jason Sawdey","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34081,"Title":"CD Class Module v2.1 *Updated*","Description":"Easily create a feature rich cd player with this class module. Designed to be very easy to use. Contains over 30 functions wrapped up in a small class module. I also included a basic example on how to use the module. You can visit my webpage at: www.vbcodesource.com or email me at: help@vbcodesource.com.\n Update: Added support for selecting a cdrom drive to play from instead of the default cd drive.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024232217155739.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CD_Class_M752744242002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jason Hensley","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34084,"Title":"Crystal Report Viewer for MS Access Database (Password Protected)","Description":"Crystal Report Viewer.. How to Display a report in Crystal Report Viewer (MS Access Password Protected Database)..","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"sreeattan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34088,"Title":"bsGradientLabel version 3","Description":"This is version 3 of my bsGradientLabel, and I've given in. It now supports multiline text, both horizontally and vertically. Check it out! It's a 63 kb download.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024241142194357.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/bsGradient752794242002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Headdy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34094,"Title":"Professional Multiple Undos Class for RichTextBoxes v1.03 [UPDATED 05/01/2002]","Description":"I've tried a lot of different multiple undo examples from the Inet, but every had at least one draw back. So I had to write my on solution and I think this one is quite smart. If you want to use it, you don't have to clutter your code by pasting in lots of undo-related subs, functions and variables. Everything comes within two handy class files and you only need to add three lines of code to your VB projects. -- I didn't test the code on VB5.0, would be cool if anybody can give a feedback on that. -- NEW: a single undoitem now stores only the modifications and not the whole text --> that is important when working with bigger files. -- NEW: now you can turn off the automatical tracking of text changes --> may be useful on automated text operations. -- NEW: Speed improvements. New properties getUndoCount and getRedoCount. Now you can undo/redo multiple changes with one function call. -- Thanks to MrBobo for his ideas and suggestions. -- -- Have a look at the latest version supporting standard textboxes too: http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=34335&lngWId=1","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" _\n(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function InvalidateClientRect Lib \"user32\" Alias \"InvalidateRect\" _\n(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpRect As Long, ByVal bErase As Long) As Long\nPrivate Const WM_SETREDRAW = &HB\n'These API declarations are only used for\n'the example and not part of the undo\n'class itself:\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" _\n(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\nPrivate Const WM_CUT = &H300\nPrivate Const WM_COPY = &H301\nPrivate Const WM_PASTE = &H302","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002511242547939.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Profession78405522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":85,"AuthorName":"Sebastian Thomschke","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34098,"Title":"Hierarchy v1.0","Description":"This sample application wraps a set of functions used to create, manage, modify and display a hierarchy of objects (organigram, ...)\nIt uses only standard VB controls, no OCX or API calls needed. All comments are VERY welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002425422304271.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Hierarchy_756474252002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":73,"AuthorName":"Chris Gillent","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34101,"Title":"How windows works (part 1)","Description":"A beginners guide to how windows (tm) works","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Duncan Jones","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34107,"Title":"Word Racer and Boggle Solver (UPDATED)","Description":"I developed this to solve 'Yahoo Word Racer' games. You can put in a 'letter grid' of any shape or size - even ones with HOLES such as in round 4. (right now up to 10X10) and it will solve all of the possible REAL words (using the included dictionary). It would also work fine for Boggle. Since Word Racer is a fast-paced game, I have it set to only solve 3,4, and 5 letter words (unless there is a 'QU' in there in which case it will also solve 6 letters) \nOne of the intersting things about my solver is that you can use groups of letters in each cell, and it could find words in combination of groups of letters.\nIf you want to have it solve longer words, simply add a new listbox to the lstWords array - giving it an index number equal to the number of letters wanted, and then modify the limits at the bottom of function \"AddNextLetter\"\nEnjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002426108438474.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Word_Racer760794262002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Dave Andrews","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34108,"Title":"Cool ToolTip Notify for System Tray","Description":"This code will popup a little notify window in near the system tray! It uses a transparent form and is movable by the user.\nTake it easy on this newbie ;0) This is my first code submission.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is not complete code, pretty close to it i suppose but your gonna have to of course customize it to work with your application.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024251123111724.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Cool_ToolT757454252002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Nate Plumm","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34110,"Title":"Excel To Access","Description":"Extracts the Excel sheet data into the Access database file.","Inputs":"Name of the excel file.","Assumes":"Here in this code along with ADO, an extension of ADO ie. ADOX has been used.\nADOX is the ADO extension for DDL schemas and security.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Few error handling is still remaining.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Excel_To_A757944252002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Sachin Shakya","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34111,"Title":"RPG Engine with Editor","Description":"My new simple RPG engine... comes with a little map editor.It use vbscript for scripts..it can load npcs...2layers and so on..please vote =)\n(because it doesnt run as fast as i wanted it..i have started a new engine using ddraw)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024251421154082.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RPG_Engine758034252002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"SmokingFish","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34112,"Title":"Windows Messages and Subclassing","Description":"Subclassing ofers great advantages to VB programmres. This article should teach you all about the message system Windows Uses, and how to implement it into your Visual Basic Programs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":33,"UserRatingTotal":159,"AuthorName":"IRBMe","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34114,"Title":"Inventory Tracker.","Description":"This is a database application. It stores information for keeping track of company inventory. The database is empty, so you will have to populate it yourself","Inputs":"Input data.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"View data.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002425175185210.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Inventory_758684252002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Paul Konchar","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34136,"Title":"Simple Outlook Style List Bar","Description":"A simple (and free) way to create an Outlook-style listbar on a form. This could easily be made into an ocx but for simplicity I have just designed it as part of the program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002426129522005.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple_Lis761524262002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Brent Podruzny","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34142,"Title":"__Excel Cell Values to a FlexGrid Control","Description":"Sample code which demonstrates how to copy data from Excel worksheet cells to a FlexGrid control.","Inputs":"NA","Assumes":"NA","CodeReturns":"NA","SideEffects":"NA","ApiDeclarations":"NA","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/__Excel_Ce866225242002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Frank Kusluski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34143,"Title":"XP Menu '2002 version 0.12 (alpha version)","Description":"This is the next alpha version of my XP Menu system. Removed some bugs, new function to add pictures, now you don't need any external OCX (ImageList) for menu, load pictures from resources, add simple top menubar, recreated as control, ... Menu is show only in compiled exe, not in IDE, because it using hooking and resources, that not workin in debug mode (sorry, Microsoft)...\n\nAnybody was deleted my original submission, so please vote for me!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024261631359666.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/XP_Menu_'2762294262002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":72,"AuthorName":"Anthonius","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34145,"Title":"Refresh Desktop","Description":"Refresh / Redraw / Repaint the users desktop. Used when you have changed something on the desktop and you want the user to see it :) - Comments and Rates will be appreciated.","Inputs":"Nothing.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Nothing.","SideEffects":"Nothing.","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"PostMessageA\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib \"user32\" _\n Alias \"FindWindowExA\" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, _\n ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, _\n ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long\nConst WM_KEYDOWN = &H100","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":7,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"F2","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34146,"Title":"MultiGradient V1.0","Description":"This prog produces a multiple gradient (max. 10 colors) with different pointers. The colors and the pointers can be saved. Together with the sub (called Multigrad) and two functions (GetFirst and GetLast), you can have a multigradient in your own application. If you find any bugs, please let me know. Suggestions are welcome. See screenshot. Have fun !...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024261913233404.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MultiGradi762724262002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"stephane swertvaegher","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34154,"Title":"whois thinggy","Description":"whois program its great bla bla bla. no one ever likes my code dont know wny i ever post. if u wanna look then go ahead if u wanna steal be my guest just what ever you do dont e-mail me! my lifes hard enuff avoiding uni work. oh the only thing i like about this program is you can run it from the little run box thing. compille it then dump it in the windows file then all you have to type is \"whois bob.com\" in the run box.\noh and if your in a really evil mood why not rip off my other code. there should be a link someware on this page","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/whois_thin763274262002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"syphen_2k","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34157,"Title":"A Cool Textbox","Description":"It's a textbox XP Style with a cool border\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002427455344789.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Cool_Tex763734272002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Linky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34158,"Title":"A Char Viewer","Description":"A cool char viewer","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Char_Vie763704272002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Linky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34159,"Title":"A VBDecompiler 1.1","Description":"This is a Visual Basic Decompiler\nThis program may decompile label, form and dependecies files\nPlease vote for me !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002427614412365.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_VBDecomp764234272002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":112,"AuthorName":"Linky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34165,"Title":"Word-Counter that actually counts words","Description":"This is an update to Kurt Joseph Serge's word counter code that was long, clunky and not entirely accurate. Takes a string and counts the \"words\" (characters separated by spaces) in it. Take a look.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Unless you uncomment the block i point out in the code, it will accept any character at all as a \"word\", assuming it isn't a space.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Word-Count764044272002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Bidders","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34167,"Title":"DVD Player2002","Description":"DVD player, more features than any other I have seen on the planet to date and looks much better, this is a very good example of playing DVD's with VB, it started as an app to be published as shareware, but I got bored. So it is now open source. It is in no way finished but is fully functional.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002427122220449.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DVD_Player764614272002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Jamie Pocock","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34172,"Title":"[Aurora Borealis] Text scroller","Description":"This is the easiest way to make text scroll.\nAt least that's what I think. Just sit down\nand let the timer do all the working for you...\nPaste your text on the frame and it will automaticly scroll on application start :D Belive me, this works just as good or perhaps even better than a lot of other submission I've seen here...\nRemember to vote please...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024271515123894.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Homarid__T765234272002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Arcanix","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34178,"Title":"El Scripto","Description":"This is another tweak of the somewhat popular scripting language JEL here on PSC =) I don't take any credit for the scripting class, but all of the other i've made myself! :) (I might add that it's not finished yet! There's alot more to do) Also, i've added some small network and keyboard input features and there's more to come.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Don't make .exe files right now.. they don't end up to good; you can run them, but they restart when they should end.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002427186319717.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/El_Scripto766934282002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"ReXz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34181,"Title":"Stop hackers!","Description":"Do you really hate when you make a textbox for a password, but some hacker comes and turns the *'s into regular words? Well then this is for you. My simple code will stop a hacker from doing that. (Very easy. No API's. Commented)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Before using this code, you should first have a textbox on your form.","CodeReturns":"Stops hackers","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"' No API's","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":13,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002427182566830.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Computer Controller","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34182,"Title":"Nexus Special Edition 8.5.1w Replacement shell for Windows","Description":"Nexus Special Edition is a replacement \\ companion shell for MS Windows. It has many features, over 4MB worth of pure source code and commented generously.. Multiple user enabled, User rights policy system, Icon Transition FX, Skinnable theme components, RSA Encryption, Lock desktop icons with password, lock computer, built in Snake game, Shortcut menus, etc etc... The .zip file contains System files, Compiled installation (required for media and folder structure) and the source code. If you have any trouble getting the code to work, e-mail me and I'll try to help you as best as I can :). May even put a FAQ section up on my website. More screenshots available at http:\\\\www.angelfire.com\\d20\\vbfiles\\files\\nexus\\nexus_scr\\index.html. Find out about my new shell im developing at http:\\\\www.angelfire.com\\d20\\vbfiles\\vb.html. Please feel free to e-mail me any suggestions about Nexus\\EZShell [in development]. Enjoy! PS: You will need WinRAR from winrar.com to extract the source code element. (WinRAR is higher compression) 6MB download includes all required components. Background taken from www.skinz.org. Module PROBas.bas by unknown author [refers to non-working fusionz.net]. I have a new shell in the works at the moment that will supersede Nexus [view website 4 details]. Mail me if you have any questions. Hope you like the code guys!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002527932349601.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Nexus_Spec766034272002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"ByteForce UK","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34184,"Title":"VSMessenger.ocx","Description":"A very cool way to give messages to your users. A totaly new idea !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VSMessenge766164272002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Stjepan Vardic","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34186,"Title":"Transparent Form without OCX or DLL","Description":"Very well transparent form without any ocx or dll, every line are commented.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Transparen766844282002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Avoid","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34187,"Title":"_ How to query a Half-Life, or mod (eg Counter-Strike) server and get map information, player etc _","Description":"This code connects to a half life or half life mod server that you type in, and retrieves info about it. Perfect if you wish to make you own gamespy program, or something similar.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200242882551211.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/__How_to_q767274282002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Jon Barker","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34189,"Title":"VB Basix","Description":"Variables, combo boxs, timers, color, if/then, elseif, looping, select case, special (clipboard), and menus. Look at the screen shot. If you download this please vote for me and leave comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024281018287751.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Basix767484282002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"KLoWnZ","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34190,"Title":"What is Subclassing in a few words","Description":"I asked John Galanopoulos to explain sub classing in a few words ... I liked his reply which follows ... I take no credit for this and I'm only posting this as credit to him ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Trevor Herselman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34196,"Title":"Smooth object dragging/alignment tip in VB","Description":"THIS IS NOT CODE!\nThis is just an easy way to temporarily turn off the \"align to grid\" function i VB(for example when you need full control of your textbox's position)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Jonathan Fors","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34203,"Title":"RPG Engine (bitblt)","Description":"This is a fairly simple RPG engine that is very fast for using just bitblt, it is tile based and does very smooth scrolling, it can handle maps as big as you can make them, and it also does collision detection and animation.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RPG_Engine768744282002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Matt P Claiborne","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34204,"Title":"[_A Very Simple Car Game _!","Description":"Teaches basics of collision detection(PictureBoxes), game programming, controlling objects by mouse, ProgressBar, and Image indexes. Also writes and reads from .ini files.\nBefore clicking the back button, Please VOTE FOR ME!!!(My code teaches a lot of stuff)","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"The code may have a few bugs.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200242821584106.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Very_Simpl768854282002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":63,"UserRatingTotal":266,"AuthorName":"Tomas Tupy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34206,"Title":"IsWindowTopmost - Function","Description":"I recently had a need for this and I haven't seen anything else like it on here. I adapted this from Delphi.\nhttp://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/torry/showcode.php?id=1073","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":8,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Michael W.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34209,"Title":"SHOUTcast(ICY) Protocol","Description":"This article explains how to use the ICY Internet Protocol(that SHOUTcast uses) to make a client or server. Also explains how to find current song.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ICY_Protoc769224292002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"SAndrewH","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34210,"Title":"Rounded Gradient Background Button","Description":"This is an OCX replacement for the command button. It has rounded corners fully customizable, and a gradient background, wich illuminates when the focus event is on. You can give any color you want, inluding system colors. It takes vbButtonFace color by default. When pressed the gradient inverts to give the sensation of pressed. Supports pictures. Hope you like it! (Now it has the recommendations of Rick Bull)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"nope","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200242921976194.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Rounded_Gr773694292002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Oscarreno","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34213,"Title":"REDFTP SERVER UPDATE 29/04/2002","Description":"This code is a updated version of REDFTP Server with OCX's. I have Fixed some of the bugs but there is a few still like it wont work in IE5. You can Upload/Download/Add/Rename/Delete. Is there anyone intrested it doing the client for this prog?. RED has put all the commands into the server. RED Nice 1 but why is there no updates???? and Where is your site gone??????","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002429511599784.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/REDFTP_SER770514292002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Matthew Bone","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34214,"Title":"HTML Help and VB","Description":"This tutorial will learn you how to combine HTML Help with VB, so your applications can easily have functions like \"Whats this help\" and \"context sensitive help\". This tutorial is fully illustrated, (17 images), everything done nicely step by step. VB6 is REQUIRED. This will not work with older versions.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200242952261323.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/HTML_Help_770154292002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":58,"UserRatingTotal":282,"AuthorName":"Almar Joling","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34216,"Title":"Send message API & 50 samples","Description":"Database with 50 diferent constants, wParams, lParams and comments all together means examples. Please contribute to this as stated in Readme1st.\nHave fun\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002429554215722.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Send_messa770224292002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"M.C","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34218,"Title":"DES Library","Description":"You can encrypt and decrypt strings / files / emails / anything using DES and 3DES (triple DES) cryptography standards. It works great with VB, ASP, VBScript.","Inputs":"strings","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"strings","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DES_Librar770544292002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Kaushal Shah (Applitech Solution Limited)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34219,"Title":"A CD-Key Database","Description":"Stores CD-Keys, serial numbers and registration information for software. This shows database functionality with viewing, adding, deleting and updating records using DAO as a reference. Also, shows using the database to authenticate users, a simple encoding and decoding mod is included to somewhat encrypt the data in the database. This is worth the look, even if you do not plan on using the database. Sorry guys, I only include the database structure, not data. No serials/keys included. That's illegal ;> No votes requested, however I do like comments on how to improve the code. I will be adding comments when I get the chance.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_CD-Key_D770504292002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"VBScript","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34223,"Title":"Remote Database Connection (connect to web based database)","Description":"The demo will show you how to use ADO to connect to a database hosted on a web server. From there all standard uses of ADO recordsets and what not are possible. I see this question asked a lot in newsgroups so I thought I would share this code here to to help refer them to a working example. Note, the web server has to be a server you have rights to and not just some free web hoster like GeoCities so don't get too excited if you thought that is what this was. This demo will connect to my web server and read data from the NorthWind database found in SQL Server. Also note, my web server cannot handle a lot of traffic so depending on how many people download this and try it, you may have some slow responses or errors on connection. Sorry, but this is just a demo. This code is really not advanced, but many people do not know you can use ADO like this so I just wanted a demo up to point people to later on. Hope it helps some.\nKEYWORDS: REMOTE DB DATABASE ADO RECORDSET WEB SERVER WEBSERVER CONNECTION SQL IIS","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Remote_Dat1082327192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":85,"AuthorName":"Clint LaFever","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34229,"Title":"Magicquest 2 (simple rpg)","Description":"ok the story is STILL not finished... but i think ive done just about it on the engine except for optimizing it... now you have different tiles with night and day (goes along with ur windows clock) and some other things.... please vote and comment!!! and leave all suggestions!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024291725318308.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Magicquest773184292002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"poop_4_brains","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34233,"Title":"Realtime Fire (must see)","Description":"This is an update to my previous fire effect program. This runs slightly faster, much better coding styles, easier to understand, and is more realistic. There are two different ways this can simulate the fire now. Just simply comment out either line 154 or 156 to see the two different effects. This code is very well documented. Both styles are different than the previous. Using line 154 is a simplistic \"flow map\" which is the left picture, and line 156 is the linear. Please let me know what you think. (And yes, I have started development on the full screen version). Please make sure you compile the code to see the actual speed, it runs slow in IDE.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Compile code to see speed","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Unknown","ApiDeclarations":"GetObject\nSetBitmapBits\nGetTickCount\nCopyMemory","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024292043261908.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Realtime_F773814292002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":19,"UserRatingTotal":91,"AuthorName":"Odin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34237,"Title":"DirectX/Direct3D Configuration Applet DLL","Description":"In keeping up with DirectX, it may be hard to find some good utility code that allows you to present the user with a configuration GUI, similar to the config GUI in Freespace 2, Half-Life or any other big game which relies on DirectX. This is a small ActiveX DLL which uses DirectX 8 to enumerate all of the video cards on the computer, and also displays the acceptable resolutions for each one. It can then return the values selected by the user in a format which DirectX understands (adapter number, mode number, fullscreen, etc.). Modification of the DLL is as easy as changing the D3DConfig.res file using the Resource Editor. It took me a little while to not overcook this problem, but I actually found a simplistic but powerful solution. Hopefully, this will help all of you out there to understand UI isn't just in the game, but also in the setup. Also enclosed in the zip is a README and a sample program. Use the .VBG file if you don't want to compile everything. Have fun, and don't forget to vote or comment on this if you want.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Make sure you have DirectX 8.0 or higher installed on your computer before using.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024292215224127.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DirectX_Co773994292002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Devin Watson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34240,"Title":"Good Map Editor (Version 1.5)","Description":"This is a update of the previous version, witch was given complains about to many picture boxes. So here's another better version that runs faster and has more features. Please vote and give comments.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024302964130.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Good_Map_E774864302002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"ReXz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34241,"Title":"Extream simple make and use of DLL's","Description":"If you are looking for simple, then i don't know how much more simple this CAN be to create and use a dll in your project for much easier use. This project just uses a few API calls as for what i have it to, but i will bet anyone can learn how to make and use dll's in just a few minutes. If i get a lot of positive feedback on this i will create much, much more to this CURRENT dll that i have started. Love to know if i have helped you. If so, i might start creating tutorials","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002430330452321.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Extream_si775054302002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"Patrick G","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34242,"Title":"Database Compare","Description":"This source code compares two database structures and wrote report or copy differences into second database. It uses DAO control and works with MDB database.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Database_C775254302002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mitja","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10096,"Title":"FancyControls","Description":"An excellent set of ActiveX controls which are so unique that you'll start using them in your software instantly.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Knowledge about using ActiveX controls.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000726132734082.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82027262000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Venu G.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10101,"Title":"Mixer with crossfader - V2.00","Description":"This is my contribution to all these mixing programs out there. This one has a crossfader that you control, volume control and the track names turn red when there is less than 20 seconds left in a track.\nThis update includes:\n- BPM Counter\n- Drag and drop ability (i.e. Windows Explorer)\n- File find form to help changing tracks\n- Time elapsed and time remaining display","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000727139497959.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82437272000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"James Compton","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10102,"Title":"LIMIT MOUSE MOVEMENT TO WITHIN YOUR FORM! Easy Code!!!","Description":"Will not let the mouse leave the form specified.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82107262000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10107,"Title":"REAL TIME TEXTURE MAPPED 3D IN PURE VB CODE!!!","Description":"The most successful program of all time on Planet Source Code is RJSoft's textured 3D cube, it has had 176 excellent votes for it including my vote. People obviously were impressed by real time 3D texture mapping - it's the best graphics you can get. RJSoft's program produced these cool graphics using DirectX 7, it is a very well written program. But what if I were to tell you that it is possible to do this WITHOUT DIRECTX?! Yep, this is texture mapped 3D in PURE VB CODE! It doesn't use DirectX, no OpenGL, no DLL's, just label and image controls, and NO DRAWING API's - not even Windows ones. It doesn't use ANY API's in the main rendering loop!!! Yet it still has several rendering modes to choose from and runs at the following frame rates (on my 400Mhz PC). \nCorners Only - 135 FPS\nWireFrame - 120 FPS\nOutline - 110 FPS\nFlat Colour Polygons - 40 FPS\nSingle Texture Mapped Polygons - 20 FPS\nMultiple Texture Mapped Polygons - 11 FPS\nThat's FAST! I don't promise the graphics to be as good as RJSoft's program, but I do promise they're done in pure VB code. You can spin the cube on the x,y and z axis and stop it too. You can change the rendering mode by pressing the spacebar. So, 176 of you voted for RJSoft's program using DirectX, I hope you think this deserves a vote too.\nNOTE - for best performance run the compiled .exe (supplied) and close all other programs. This doubles the frame rates!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82157262000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":188,"AuthorName":"Simon Price","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10109,"Title":"Mint - Serverless NT instant messenger","Description":"Mint is an instant messenger for Windows NT. IT uses the NetSendMessage API and many others to display a constantly-updated list of users you have chosen to monitor, and allows you to send messages to them, ignore them, and be notified when they go online/offline! Mint does all this without requiring the other person to be running Mint themselves. (although Mint is required if they wish to reply). The interface is similar to that used by ICQ, and provides many similar features, but without requiring a central server, or other clients","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000726184342487.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82197262000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Nick Johnson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10110,"Title":"Net Browser Version 2","Description":"This is version 2 because it actually works, i responded to an e-mail about it. This one does work i promise. This is an easy to use web explorer. It can logon automatically to the net, it has a hovering surfing panel (never seen before) to enable a full browsing screen it has pre-coded web sites. Any problems, e-mail at david_j_lovegrove@hotmail.com Each e-mail will be read and taken into account and used to make the next version even better.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82217262000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10111,"Title":"WavVortex *updated*","Description":"Simple Waveform/FM synth. Use it to create wavs for trackers, or games, or whatever you have in mind. New version features 13 filters, and sweet fm synthesis. Generate using the default settings to hear the FM.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82237262000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Dave Katrowski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10112,"Title":"Skin Example","Description":"This is just a simple skin example. It uses the BitBlt Statement. Please leave all feedback. I will try to email a reply, or ill post it here.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007262038305226.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82257262000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"rich2oo1","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10114,"Title":"Denzo FTP 1.0","Description":"This code allows you to download all files included in a directory (and also in subdirectories) using FTP. If you stop download, when you restart it application verify all file dimension to avoid to download againg files and restart download from where you stop it.\nIn this code you can find a class that implemts ftp comands over MS Internet controls (very useful).","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82297272000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10117,"Title":"Save/Load in Binary Text","Description":"Shows the basic save/load procedure in Binary","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"nothing","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072780405587.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82327272000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Eric LeBourgeois","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10118,"Title":"Key Generator","Description":"This will generate a unique serial number from your username! This is very handy for protecting your software! The code is fully commented so u can see what the hell is going on :o)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82337272000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"chris c","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10120,"Title":"SoftICE-NT Generic Service Detection Routine","Description":"Detects Numega SoftICE-NT (WinNT/2K) using a generic services module to hunt down the NTICE service.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82357272000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Detonate","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10122,"Title":"O'clock Version 2","Description":"This is the update to my O'clock that I posted early today.Vote for me or at least give me some comments!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is the update to my O'clock that I posted early today.Vote for me or at least give me some comments!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072793649705.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82367272000.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Razavian","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10126,"Title":"Mouse Snake","Description":"Have you ever seen it in a program? A long snake that is following your mouse pointer. Here is the code. PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007271047121431.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82397272000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"Druid Developing","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10128,"Title":"gAvanza - A DeCoder For HTML-sites","Description":"This code lets you take out differet thing from a webpage, In this case I used the swedeish Site \"Avanza\" its a stock site that showing stock in realtime. I have done a filter that takes out all stock and their value,+/- ratings and alot of more thing......","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007271249593248.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82427272000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Gearman Production","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10132,"Title":"How Enable/Disable Back & Forward in webbrowser","Description":"it show how to enable / disable\nback & forward in a webbrowser control","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":29,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Sebastien Levesque","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10133,"Title":"Drive Search","Description":"Search for all Drives connected to the computer including networked drives and states them in a list box.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Drives names & types.","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82467272000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"M H","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10134,"Title":"IE Customizer","Description":"This Code allows you to change the title of the title bar of IE 4.x and above on a Windows9x machine. It also has an option to backup and restore the system registry as the above change a registry key. I want to thank all who contribute to this site. I am a beginner and I have learned a lot from all.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD82477272000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10171,"Title":"Using/Saving/Loading List boxes","Description":"This shows you how to load and save list boxes. It also shows you how to add and remove entrys. Its fully commented. Very good help for a beginner. If you like this code then please vote for me!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"well, uhm...... drugs are bad.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83097282000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Mark Collins","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10176,"Title":"ActiveX Data aware Listview control","Description":"This is a fully functional ActiveX control, which is a data aware wrapper for Listview control. Pass the listview a recordset and it will automatically populate. It also includes some different properties and methods. Also demonstrates ActiveX control creation.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Open up the test.vbg project. This includes the control and a test form. It also includes an Access .mdb file for testing purposes. Data access code and Access file are a little dated.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007282318235546.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83117282000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Brian Lockwood","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10177,"Title":"Floating Calendar control","Description":"Provides a \"floating\" calendar control that you can doc next to text boxes. It's a wrapper for MS Cal Control 8.0 that provides some value added and fixed an annoying bug. Updated to show use with MS Masked Edit control as well.","Inputs":"Requires MS Cal Control 8.0 - might not have it unless you have installed MS Access","Assumes":"This is an .ocx that sits on a form. You doc the form next to an edit box.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007291418581165.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83317292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Brian Lockwood","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10183,"Title":"Change Reg Settings","Description":"This lets you change some setting that some did not know. Eg... Name of your Internet Explorer browser (Change it from Internet Explorer to My Browser) Name of Control Panel, Recycle Bin, Outlook Express. Add Empty Recycle Bin & Open with Notepad to Right Click context menus. Change \\ or add a skin to your browser (thanks to L1nd@ for code), Change your username and org. Show\\Hide - Find - Exit - Rec Docs - Run - Fav. Any other info please E-Mail me. Comments are welcome. Not advised if you are using Windows 2000. Reg Settings are different. Still working on Win 2000 settings. Thanks BJ (UPDATE # 2) Sun 24 Sep","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD101179242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"BJ","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10184,"Title":"Diablo 2 GemEdit Source","Description":"This is another program I wrote for Diablo 2. It converts any mana or health potion to a gem of your choice. It can also upgrade gems to perfect. This is only a start. The method used can be applied to other cheats.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000729230568697.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83217292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Will Brendel","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10185,"Title":"Back to simplicity: Fun with lines","Description":"Yet another lame installment of simple effects.. this one uses lines and labels to simulate a button of different shapes.. i believe ive commented it enough for basic understanding (not like its complicated). So check it out, leave a flame, and have a coke and a smile..... ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Assuming you have a computer, VB installed, and have more or less aquired basic reading/writing skills,\n you should be all set.\nAlthough i've labeled this as VB6 code,\n it should work in other versions, provided\n that you edit the retained line..","CodeReturns":"A sense of pride and self-satisfaction to know that you're better than i am.","SideEffects":"You might devolope a psycological condition from\n your unresolved hate towards me, but the acutal\n risk is quite minimal.. just breathe deeply,\n count to 10 and leave a nasty message, i'm sure\n it will pass... ;)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200072997265133.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83257292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"^DaRk^","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10189,"Title":"MS Access/ADO/Stored Query Test Project","Description":"This VB test project demonstrates how to insert, delete, update and select from a Microsoft Access database using parameterized stored queries and ADO command objects. .mdb file in included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":".mdb file is included in test project.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007291451139954.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83337292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Brian Lockwood","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10190,"Title":"Binary Convert","Description":"I always thought 0's and 1's were cool as a background to web pages or in the credits to the movie \"Ghost in the Shell\". I found a way to actually make your binary numbers mean something instead of trying to make a lot of random binary numbers on your own. This program looks as the Ascii value (0 - 255) of a character and determines an 8 digit binary number that the number equals to in binary language. It also converts binary language back into strings so you can send binary messages to and from your friends if your really up for it. Take note - A binary text message will be 8 times larger then a regular message. Download: This zip file comes with the executable and the source code. Hopefully it is all self explanitory. This is only the executable itself and does not include the run time dll's. You may need to download a visual basic 6.0 virtual machine. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Copyright (C) 1998, Lewis Moten. All rights reserved","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83347292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Lewis E. Moten III","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10192,"Title":"X-Conn TCP Chat","Description":"Two-user chat program, complete with SOUND EFFECTS and many other options. EVERY LINE OF CODE is commented so anyone should be able to understand the code and modify it without any trouble. My first PSC submission, all feedback is very much appreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007291742307102.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83367292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10194,"Title":"Mailto: (98/NT/2000 compatible)","Description":"A very simple program that opens a new message in Outlook/Outlook Express (may work on others but not tested) addressed to whatever you enter in the text box. Submitted because other examples didn't work with NT/2000. This one does","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Used the shell32 api call","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib \"shell32.dll\" Alias \"ShellExecuteA\" ( _\nByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, _\nByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83407292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Tim Kent","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10215,"Title":"Very cool screensaver!!!","Description":"Pattern screensaver using lines and circles!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007301246548942.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83937302000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Johannes B","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10222,"Title":"Fade Label Caption to Red","Description":"These codes fade a Label ForeColor from Black to Red, Blue, or Green. They were written to be used on a Splash Screen. I used them on my Splash Screen and it works pretty good I like it...","Inputs":"Place this code in the \"Declarations\" section...\nThere must be a Timer with an Interval of 1...\nIf you aren't sure how to Fade these colors, I will explain how to... Type FadeRed Label1, FadeBlue Label1, or FadeGreen Label1, in the Timer1_Timer event...","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If the FadeRed Label1, FadeBlue Label1, or FadeGreen Label1 is not placed in the Timer1_Timer event, the Form won't Load properly and propably not Load at all, so place it in the Timer1_Timer...","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":19,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"photon","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10227,"Title":"File Renamer","Description":"An example of how to rename files using code\n(Very simple)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Very simple code to understand","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD83997302000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"John Kapodistrias","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10228,"Title":"Advanced HTML Editor ***Update ***","Description":"Well,<br><br> Casper HTML was one of mine first big application, which at the\ntime had many not-quite working functions, but since then I have recoded\nthe whole thing from scrach and now it looks and works almost fine.\nThere is two or three things that needs to be fixed and I'll fix them \nin the next release.\nSome of the functions are: Real time TAG editing, Insert TAG function, \nsyntax coloring, initial pop-up (needs fix), Java and HTML snippets library,\nreal time view, special characters, txt files conversion, recent files and more ...\nHope you'll like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007302125563639.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD84037302000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":120,"AuthorName":"Vladimir S. Pekulas","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10232,"Title":"Client - Server APP","Description":"ITS AWESOME! This little program comes with a Client and a Server. The PC with the client can control some Windows Functions to the one that has the Server installed on it. A must have!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200073103183863.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD84097312000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Andres Santos","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10233,"Title":"Collision Detection","Description":"This is an example in how to proove if there is a collision between object A and object B. There are already some codes like this here, but all i've seen so far, did not work very well, so here is my solution...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":16,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"gunti","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10243,"Title":"Aa Tutorial on Saving: How to do it!","Description":"This code will teach a user how to save their data and also how to retrieve it. Very easy to understand if you read the ' comments. :) Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just read the code/comments and be prepared to learn!","CodeReturns":"Nothing","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None.","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":32,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Dound","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10245,"Title":"AD&D Character Generator","Description":"((UPDATED!!!)) I commented the code and added a \"Generate Character Stats\" button on the Add Character form... I still need to add some rules for the generation. This is a new program I am just beginning to work on. I would like ideas on what to add. It is far from finished, but like I said, I would like some ideas. It uses an Access2000 database (included) and I have included an executable.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007311123445965.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8484812000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"VBScript","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10249,"Title":"An old card-trick","Description":"\"ctrix\" is an old card-trick using VBCARDS.OCX (included). It has a good shuffle routine you can cut/paste into your own card apps. Not an original idea, but I thought it would be fun to see if I could create it myself. Have Fun!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200081838567324.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8467812000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Max Seim","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10250,"Title":"FINALLY! A Way To Freely Rotate Text.","Description":"Rotate Text to any Angle!!!\nEASY!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007311340385728.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD84357312000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10252,"Title":"Particles","Description":"Ever wandered who sparks fly from your mouse in games like Nox? Now you can do it too.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD84387312000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Itay Sagui","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10257,"Title":"Add Error Handling","Description":"This is the complete code for a VB IDE addin that will add error handling to your procedure. Requires that you have a routine called \"HandleError\" in a public module accessible to all routines. Sample HandleError routine follows: \n<PRE>\nPublic Sub HandleError(ByVal CurrentModule As String, ByVal CurrentProcedure As String, _\n ByVal ErrNum As Long, ByVal ErrDescription As String)\n On Error GoTo Err_Init\n MsgBox CurrentModule & \" \" & CurrentProcedure & \": \" & ErrNum & \" - \" & ErrDescription\n Exit Sub\nErr_Init:\n MsgBox CurrentModule & \" HandleError: \" & Err.Number & \" - \" & Err.Description\nEnd Sub\n</pre>\nThe best VB code handles errors in every routine - this makes the program very robust. However, there's no easy way to determine WHICH routine failed once you're inside of your global error handler 'HandleError'. Therefore, you must pass the routine name to the global error. This can be very tedious! :-O\nThis addin adds an 'On Error Goto Err_Init' to the beginning of the routine, and an 'exit function', 'exit sub', or 'exit property' statement plus the error handling code at the bottom. To add error handling to a routine, place the cursor anywhere in the routine code, and choose 'Add Error Handling' from the 'Add-Ins' menu.\nThe code this routine adds, looks like this:\n<PRE>\n Exit (sub, function, or property here)\nErr_Init:\n HandleError CurrentModule, \"(your routine name here)\", Err.Number, Err.Description\n</pre>\nNote that it will automatically determine which sort of 'exit' statement is necessary, and what the name of the current procedure is, and pass the procedure name to the error handler.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007311733199773.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Add_Error_1653291032003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":132,"AuthorName":"Kamilche","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10258,"Title":"Cheating the Printer","Description":"Why mess around with the printer object if you don't have to? In my example, I print the contents of a richtextbox control to the printer with only a couple of lines of code. PERFECTLY formatted. Readily applies to just about any control or string, though.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Sometimes displays the splash screen of another program or a print dialog box","ApiDeclarations":"'Used for the shell printing\nPrivate Declare Function ShellExecute Lib \"shell32.dll\" Alias _\n \"ShellExecuteA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _\n ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal _\n lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long\n'Used to come up with the temp file directory\nPrivate Declare Function GetTempPath Lib \"kernel32\" _\n Alias \"GetTempPathA\" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, _\n ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long\n'used to come up with the temp file name\nPrivate Declare Function GetTempFileName Lib \"kernel32\" _\n Alias \"GetTempFileNameA\" (ByVal lpszPath As String, _\n ByVal lpPrefixString As String, ByVal wUnique As Long, _\n ByVal lpTempFileName As String) As Long","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":45,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Jay Kreusch","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10259,"Title":"FindWindowWild","Description":"Find window using full or part of it's caption. Allow wild characters (*,?,[]). For example, using this string :\"*Mi??OSoFt In[s-u]ernet*\" you can find Microsoft Internet Explorer window.","Inputs":"Full or part of window's caption. Wild characters accepted.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Handle of window if find, zero otherwise.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":41,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ark","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10260,"Title":"First(!) pure API(!) Find/Replace dialog","Description":"Since Bruce McKinney stop his attempts to implement standard Find/Replace dialog into VB apps, all VB programmers use their own dialogs based on modelless windows. Few samples in the Net may work with NT/2000, but crash with w95/98. Here is working code for implementing these dialogs w95/98/2000/NT. Support dialog's keys (Tab, Enter, HotKeys). Include functions for finding/replace text in text controls (TextBox and RTB). Not wide tested yet on all platforms. Plz send comments.","Inputs":"String(s) to find(replace with) and start dialog flags (searc direction, match case, help button etc).","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Output string(s) to find(replace with) and output dialog flags, according to user choice.\n","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD84477312000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Ark","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10266,"Title":"activebar","Description":"creates containers for objects","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"use restore function to bring back up the bar if you close it","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20007312152341790.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD84537312000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"brad barnich","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10268,"Title":"virtual start page emulator","Description":"this is a virtual start page emulator using the winsock and inet control, not webbrowser control. the emulator shows the status of the emulator and winsock. i really don't know if it works or not but it's a example. this also shows you how you can use .http files from ie_explore to work with winsock. atleast give me some credit.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8456812000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"amaf","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10271,"Title":"Mp3 Hollow Egg","Description":"Heard of the Cuckoo Egg? It is a mp3 file of music with random sounds inserted in the mp3 file. It is done for musicians who wish to fight a battle with napster from within. Making a cuckoo egg can be slow and this program makes a Hollow Egg, which is kind of like the Cuckoo Egg except it makes a totally blank mp3 file that has the size, bitrate, and length of a real mp3.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008105713747.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8459812000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Spyda","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10272,"Title":"Logical String Encryption","Description":"This will logically encrypt a string by deviating its ASC() value. Works perfectly. Its just a VERY Short Algoritm the String gets passed through Charachter by Character. To decrypt just redo the encryption. just like a double negative.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":16,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Adam Orenstein","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10283,"Title":"A MUST HAVE CONTROL FOR ALL VB PROGRAMMERS: Degree of Rotation Control.","Description":"When placed on a form, this Control will take whatever its .Value is and show you what angle of rotation you've entered. GREAT FOR Graphic / Multimedia / Game Application Development","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200081844109377.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8468812000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10284,"Title":"Stu Paint V2","Description":"Stu Paint Version 2.0.4\nThis program has 18 filters/effects, polygon-drawing tool, zoom, fill, ellipse, and rectangle\npencil, 12 brushes, 3 different styles of TEXT (3D, Raised, Outlined), Spray, Stipple, Steal \nColour, Blur, Line, Clone, Trace. There are Vertical and horizontal rulers available, the \nProgress bar can be switched off to speed up filters. There are various colour selection tools,\nChange line width and fill type, Select Twain device and scan images, also print / Save / Load.\nCapture Background Screen (Behind Paint Form), 5 undo events and 1 Redo, Cut / Copy / Paste.\nClick the icon between the colour selections in the status bar to swap button colours.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"To use the clone tool place the mouse at the area on the picture to be cloned, then hold ALT\nand left click, then the next time you click the mouse it will copy from the area where you\npressed the ALT key and clicked.\nTo use the Trace tool click on it then move it away from the Main Picture, then just use the\nmouse Left button then trace out onto the Trace form, when complete click on finish - this will\ntransfer the traced image to the main picture.\nThe Spray and Stipple will be effected by the Line width Setting, the spray area will be larger\nand the stipple lines will be longer.\nAll other tools are self-explanatory.\n","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200081845232821.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8469812000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"STUART LISHMAN","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10287,"Title":"Get file attributes","Description":"This shows how to get the files attributes or set the attribute for the file","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If you are not carefull you shuld lock som system file so there can't be used","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000811016330.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8472812000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Paw Jershauge","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10288,"Title":"Diablo II Character Manager * Updated *","Description":"Updated Again !\nI know there are some backup utilities hanging around the web, but I wanted to make something of my own and also share the source code with other people, so anyway, in this character manager program, you can backup quickly and easily any character and also add a description of it so you will know what backup is that, it uses Info-Zip's zip compression for the making of the backup files, and stores the save and the description in the same file, all is quickly compressed and uncompressed.\nIt also has a character monitor (timer) that the program knows when any new character is created.\nI have tested this program and it works 100% fine, and if something wrong u can easily modify the code and do things of your own ! :)\nin the zip file you will find also the unzipping and zipping DLLs of Info-Zip,\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000881620303144.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8755882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Max Raskin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10291,"Title":"Fake Buttons","Description":"Owner drawn custom buttons like never before, even create your own Titlebar. Just take a look at the screen shot to see what it can do.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000811131237385.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8477812000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Gary Eyles","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10293,"Title":"Huffman Compression Algorithm (like WinZIP)","Description":"PKZIP, ARJ, ARC, JPEG, and a host of other programs and compressed file formats all use the Huffman coding algorithm (or similar redundancy-minimization methods) for compressing strings.\n<P>With this small VB module, you can do your own compression in code -- compressing strings down to as small as 13%. Here's how easy it is:\n<P STYLE=\"color:003399\">\n┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á┬áCompressed = HuffmanEncode(Text1)\n<BR>┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á┬áText2 = HuffmanDecode(Compressed)\n</P>\n<P>This simple code can be used to compress big text fields in databases, keep your data files small, or speed up transfers of data across the Internet. It can also be used as a form of encryption.\n<P>The HuffmanCoding.bas module has plenty of extra information and some in-code documentation (in case you're wondering out how it works.)\n<P>Please comment on this code and vote for my hard work if you like this code.\n<P>_____________________________________\n<BR>Updates:\n<P>1 August 2000:\n<LI>Rebuilt from scratch\n<LI>Compression takes 28% of the time it did before\n<LI>Decompression takes 19% of the time it did before\n<LI>There's only one file, now (no extra class)\n<LI>Much better error checking and reporting\n<LI>Uses a stored checksum upon decompression to check for corruption\n<LI>The code is only 455 lines, including comments!\n<LI>Thanks to optimization, the code is even more convoluted :-)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8510822000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":95,"AuthorName":"James Vincent Carnicelli","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10294,"Title":"CUTE CALCULATOR","Description":"Come and have a look at the CUTE CALCULATOR(fully functional) it even calculates basic trigonometric functions.PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE \nRATE IT.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000811411512861.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91988222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"Gaurav Creations","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10295,"Title":"Animated Titlebar take 3","Description":"More updates and more bugs fixed, please try this program. You can create great effects, ALPHA TRANSPARENCY on buttons gives a great effect. TAKE A LOOK AT SCREEN SHOT.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200081165813569.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8529822000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Gary Eyles","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10305,"Title":"Softshell Logi Beta 1.2","Description":"Softshell Logi is a Replacementshell for Windows.\nIt has a Taskbar with auto-sizeble (taskbar-buttons)\n, a SwapForm to make the right swap\n, a clock with change from time to date and time\n, doubleclick for system-time\n, a Startmenu with Programs, Favorites, Desktop\n, My Documents, Find, Run, Control Devices\n, Recycled and Shut-Down.\nIt also has a Quick menu where you can place shortcuts in \n(place them in the dir called Quickmenu it can be found in \nthe App.path).\nThe Quickmenu also collect the items as you have placed \nabove the Programs-menu in the Orginal Startmenu.\nDon┬┤t forget to put amclabel.ocx in the system dir(\ncomes with the .zip file..)...\n***NEWS***:The Scrolling function on the startmenu is finished, \nYou can run it under VB5 if you make some changes in the modDevice1\n/ExtractFileName (Read to understand) a new function called 'RevString' \ninsted of using the command 'strReverse'.***END NEWS***\nSpecial Thank┬┤s to:\nBrian and his [BoS-Shell]...\nPup for his [Ideas]...\nJeffrey C. Tatum for his [Ini read and write]...\nAltamira for his [AMCLabel.ocx]...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000812123474048.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD9682962000.2 ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":93,"AuthorName":"Johan Olofsson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10307,"Title":"South Park [Kick The Baby] - Full Game","Description":"Makes u haveing fun!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"I had some problems uploading it go here:\nhttp://host.bip.net/niklas_lonn/kickbaby.zip","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":1,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200082010327003.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Niklaz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10309,"Title":"Using the AnimateWindow API","Description":"Updated --> now includes project source.\nRead on... more tutorials listed (page not finished) @ http://prgmrsruin.hypermart.net/tutorials/","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8524822000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Bradley Liang","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10311,"Title":"PureGold TitleBar Control (Also Great demonstartion of the drawborder API)","Description":"An excellent emample on how to use the drawcaption API all in a nice OCX included in it is a form with some exmaples of what it can do! Even alpha blending the form is possible, or creating your own task bar buttons ;)\nNEW:\n1) Ttitle Bar Feature that when the mouse is over the titlebar the bar draws a border around itself and looks as if its moving up to meet the mouse!\n2) All Bugs Fixed (when working in design mode the control would cause vb to do some strange stuff)\n3) Mouse Enter and MouseLeve events now Available!\nCheck it out :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008192012451843.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91348192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Jay","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10312,"Title":"A (Flex)Grid printing class, version 2","Description":"This class makes it easy to print a formatted grid on the printer, a PictureBox or a Form. You can set the font for the \"normal\" cols, the header cols and the footer cols, set the col alignment, the grid line thicknesses, the col widths, margins and other things. It also supports column and row merging. With a simple multi-page support !\nThis submission also includes a function (in a separate module) to \"import\" a MSFlexGrid allowing you to print such a grid quite easy.\nNow it also includes such code for DBGrids and ListViews !\nThis code doesn't base on the MSFlexGrid or any other OCX !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000825796544.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A (Flex)Gr224917102001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":129,"AuthorName":"Jonas Wolz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10313,"Title":"RAINBOW PROGRESS BAR (like in InstallShield)","Description":"Tired of using the ProgressBar control?\nThis Example shows you how to create your very own ProgressBar with FREE selectable BackColor and FREE selectable ForeColor. Enjoy! AND VOTE FOR ME!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"NONE!!!","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008266116512.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8505822000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Druid Developing","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10317,"Title":"AnswerIT(VoiceMail) (ReSubmit)","Description":"Voice Mail, answering machine using Microsoft Telephony which installed as a part of the MS Speech SDK. This submission has the xtell.dll i left out before.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"If you can't get this program to work, try installing vb service pack 4, and MS Speech SDK. That should get it to work for you. If not reintsall sp4. If that still don't work email me.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008295287702.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8512822000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"CJNLENNY.COM","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10326,"Title":"nice grafix","Description":"The code draws a nice texture in a PictureBox. I don't know what it could be used for, but perhaps you ... ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"it's easy: just make a new form with a picturebox (6000 x 3000 twips) and a button (cmdDraw) then copy this code.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":26,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000821242165484.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Daniel Quernheim","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10331,"Title":"Scrolling Form","Description":"This code is a template for a scrolling form. This is great to use if you would like to create applications that work in all resolutions.\nI reccomend placing this form in your C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VB98\\Template\\Forms\nfolder so that it is available as a form template.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"On the main form there are two picture boxes, and two scrolling controls. The scrolling controls are not initially visible as they get sized during run-time. The most important aspect of this form is the size of the inner picture box, as it represents your 'form'. So basically all you should worry about with this form is to make the form big enough to see the main picture box, and the main picture box big enough to see the inner picture box(the one with the black outline.) Then just add controls to the inner picture box as you would a normal form and viola! The inner picture box is set by default to be horizontally fully viewable in 800x600. Finally, I would suggest removing the border of the inner picture box before final compile so it all looks perfect! Enjoy.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8528822000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Roy Bernhard","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10336,"Title":"paidforsurf emulator","Description":"this works with paidforsurf, one of the hardest companies to emulate. so here is the source code to the emulator using two inet controls, and one webbrowser control. it will also emulate clicks! and it shows you the ad banner. it works great, and it clicks ad's every 30 minutes. get money from paidforsurf fast. use this code to your advantage to create your own emulators using this. give me credit, atleast add my name to the credits.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8536822000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"amaf","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10339,"Title":"Backup Shield","Description":"You can backup You Files and folders with this program. When You shut down your computer, Backup Shield will ask You, if You want to backup Your files.\nIt uses a backup.ini file to store the backup directories. please copy My Backup.ini file in the folder, where you put Backup.exe then change the settings (I haven't wrote to make a backup.ini when it does not exists)\nThe files, and directories which have been backuped are stored in a directory like \\Backup\\Backup 2000.08.03.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8540832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Puskai Zoltan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10340,"Title":"kewl effects","Description":"it's a kewl tool i first made that has alot of cool effects like a nuker password retriever, etc a begginers security tutorial so enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8541832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Drakken","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10341,"Title":"woah kewl form","Description":"this is nothing much it just looks really cool i mean really it uses the individualfrm whatever ocx, it makes a cool form that' also movable thanx to mike c for the moving form w/out a title bar code ; )","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"kewl form","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008454183442.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8542832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Drakken","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10342,"Title":"Make hard graphics easy!","Description":"Make your graphic work easy with msimg32.dll. This dll shipped with w98/2000. Include functions for Transparent blitting, AlphaBlending and Gradient Filling. Easy to code, but great effect. See screenshot!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Works only with w98/2000","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008363337741.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8543832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":46,"AuthorName":"Ark","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10344,"Title":"ASCII Art Creator (Version 4 - Html, Last Update: Nov 06 2000)","Description":"This App Will Load An Image, Resize It, And Then Grey Scale It. It Will Then Redraw The Image, But Not Using Pixels, Using Text!(ASCII Characters) You Can Get Some Cool Effect Doing This, But I'm Not Sure If It Will Be Of Use To Anyone. (When Viewing The Images, It Is Best To Do It In Notepad, With The Font Terminal.)\nNow Includes Progrss Indicators.\nNow Has Faster Resize Sub (Uses Stretch Blt)\nCan Now Create Coloured Html Art!!!\nNow","Inputs":"An Image (One Supplied)","Assumes":"When Viewing The Images, It Is Best To Do It In Notepad, With The Font TERMINAL.","CodeReturns":"A Cool Looking Image Made Out Of Text","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20001161158141496.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD113751162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":138,"UserRatingTotal":665,"AuthorName":"Arvinder Sehmi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10351,"Title":"File Info","Description":"Following a number of requests for information, suggestions for improvements\nI have spent some time updating this little application with some improved functionality.\nIt is still primarily a little tutorial on the useful nature of the FileSystemObject wrapped \nup in the scrrun.dll, with some useful content on the nature of a class: setting, getting\nand populatinf attributes. Now includes some useful interface guidance on menu setting\noption buttons and ListView control handling.\n- File information is now viewed in a resizable ListView control\n- The ListView Control supports multiple views\n- Columns in the ListView can be sorted by clicking on the columnheader\n- Columns in the ListView can dragged to change order","Inputs":"Not Applicable","Assumes":"Your PC should have scrrun.dll installed and registered.","CodeReturns":"Not Applicable","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000831138265176.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8554832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"Scott Brown","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10352,"Title":"Unlike any Notepad on PSC! Try It!!!","Description":"With this notebook you can change between 2 colors with just a click, have it will read what you wrote for you, make bold, italic, and underline, save and open txt and rtb files, cut, paste, copy, select all and more. Please try it out and give good feedback if you like it.\nP.S. To use the \"read\" function you need MS Agent and the character Peedy. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8555832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Josh Brown","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10353,"Title":"VB Start Menu !","Description":"A VB Start Menu that actually looks a little like the the windows one (check screen shot) I downloaded Itay Sagui 's code the other day and i thought it needed some updating (no offence Itay) i kept some of his code in there but its now more like a task bar with my own 'Run' form in as well, it's fully commented nearly everything is explained.\nPlease check it out, Leave comments & Vote.\n(no laughing at my PSC logo hehe)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000831348357050.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8557832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Andrew Killer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10357,"Title":"Sparks - or how to create fireworks over a background picture.","Description":"Inspired by the 'Sparks' example entered by Itay Sagui, this demo shows how to display sparks flying out of your mouse, against a background picture, with a programmer-defined color.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200083171624398.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8564832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Kamilche","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10366,"Title":"Check if A Directory Exists","Description":"This Code Just Checks if a Directory Exists, only a Few Lines of Coding!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8573832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Randy Porosky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10369,"Title":"How To Write To a INI File","Description":"This VERY Simple 5 Line Code Writes To a INI File! Enjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Place a Command Button on The Form, Name it Command1. Put The 1 Declaration in a Module. Have Fun!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib \"kernel32\" _\nAlias \"WritePrivateProfileStringA\" (ByVal lpApplicationName _\nAs String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, _\nByVal lpFileName As String) As Long","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":9,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Randy Porosky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10373,"Title":"CaleidoScope","Description":"a CaleidoScope =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200083220268958.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8580832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Randy Porosky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10374,"Title":"_a cool 3D jet simulation","Description":"Real Time 3D Jet Simulation with Gouraud Shading and Ambient Lighting. PLS. REGISTER THE VBOPENGL.TLB type library before running the program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200083223529636.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8581832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":24,"UserRatingTotal":112,"AuthorName":"martin casta├▒eda","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10375,"Title":"Adauto","Description":"Make your own program bar (as Office Bar). You choose the programs that you would like to stay there and active by a click. Choose the position of the icon at the bar and so on.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200083225353259.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8582832000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Jose Adauto Ribeiro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10386,"Title":"FileCopy1","Description":"copy all files with this code","Inputs":"copy all files with this code","Assumes":"copy all files with this code","CodeReturns":"copy all files with this code","SideEffects":"copy all files with this code","ApiDeclarations":"copy all files with this code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8594842000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"ELIE DEMIEN","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10388,"Title":"Black Jack Client - Server using TcpIp","Description":"This was my Diploma project.There is some \"Nice\" complex networking code here.\nControl arrays, dynamic object creation...so much fun...:-)\nThere is sound in the game too. There are 2 programs (Client and Server) ther is also a read me. \nPlease give me some feedback. egan007@netscape.net\nYou can use all this code - if you do please return the favour by voting for me thanks :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200221471869939.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8598842000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Kevin Egan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10390,"Title":"Image utils","Description":"This is a dll I wrote. You can get desktop(in bmp or jpg), You can convert BMPtoJPG or JPGtoBMP, You can RotateLeft, RotateRight and You can make Grayscale a picture with it.\nI have included the dll Source code. Enjoy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8599842000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":36,"AuthorName":"Puskai Zoltan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10392,"Title":"MS FlexGrid with Combo box and more...","Description":"Ever wanted to have drop down combo boxes, list boxes, or check boxes in a MS FlexGrid? Well with this code you can now do it. With the code you can see how to do it for your own projects. You can add or take out what you need for your program. All you ned to to then is write the code to load the FlexGrid and save the changes to the grid. I also included two buttons that can add or delete grid rows on the fly.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"User needs know how to work with FlexGrids and Combo boxes.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000841137444353.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8602842000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":72,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10397,"Title":"X-Conn TCP Split-Screen Mode","Description":"* UPDATED * Thanks to David Pope, I've got the backspace bug repaired. This is a \"on the fly\" chat program, complete with sound effects, stay on top option, all the bells and whistles. Sequel to \"X-Conn TCP Chat.\" This is an ICQ split-screen style chat program. Hope you like it. If there are any other bugs, please let me know... THANKS!","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"none","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8681862000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10399,"Title":"DelTree","Description":"DelTree function using FileSystemObject. Removes folder regardless of files/folders/system/hidden contained within. Couldn't find any deltree code here that worked, most used the kill statement and such in a rather large sub, found this in MSDN...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"michael schmidt","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10403,"Title":"Internet File Control (File Properties and Download, with Resume Function) UPDATED!","Description":"This control download a given Url to a local file. You can stop the download process on any time and resume it later. With this control you can also get information, like filesize, last modification date and if the file exists, about an given url. This control doesn't use any ActiveX control. Code is completly written with WinInet Api.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200081094734142.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88198102000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":101,"AuthorName":"Dirk Hottes","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10405,"Title":"Full MPEG Player including mp3","Description":"Update IIII\nHere you can make you own player for Multimedia inculding mp3,mpg..etc and Makes full controls\nJust via windows API.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000841749504149.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Abdullah Al-Ahdal","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10425,"Title":"A* Move a form without a title bar!","Description":"Move any form without a title bar! You can use a label, command button, picturebox, anything to move the form.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":12,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":71,"AuthorName":"rikkter","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10428,"Title":"SimpleText","Description":"*For Beginners* A simple \"word processor\" that shows you how to use commondialog to open and save rich text box files. Uses image boxes as buttons, including the \"X\" button and \"M\" (minimize) button.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"none","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200085185528256.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8641852000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10438,"Title":"Twisted Text","Description":"Makes Twisted Text, Kinda Like Scrambled","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8650852000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Randy Porosky","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10440,"Title":"operating system example","Description":"this is a small windows. it has a working menu, working taskbar, working startmenu, working programs, working drap&drop, working recycle bin, working desktop. download it and use it to release your own type of small os. edit the source to make it more powerful.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8652852000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"amaf","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10442,"Title":"Irc Dcc Send Test","Description":"The code shows how abouts the DCC in Irc Servers For Sending Files Goes Abouts. The 4 Bit Network Order Code. Please Post Your Feedbakc And What you thing. Plz Vote For Me..\n","Inputs":"Inputs From User Are File In And File Out","Assumes":"User Needs To Know A Little About DCC Prodecedure And What Goes Abouts","CodeReturns":"Returns The Return Values To The Sender Of A File","SideEffects":"The Program Does Not Have Any Error Checking As In If You Enter A File Name That Does Not Exist Or A Filename That Is Illegal","ApiDeclarations":"NONE","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8654852000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Tanerax","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10443,"Title":"Irc DCC Sending","Description":"This Is An Extention From My Previous DCC Test. This Program Will Send A File On The Irc's Compatible With mIRC. With The Proper Conditions A Must For All Those Irc Client Creators. Fully Commented. Please Post Your Feedback. And Vote For me","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You Must Do the Actual Sending Of The CTCP Command With The File Name, Encoded IP, Port, And Filesize. This Example Accepts a Connection And Sends The File","CodeReturns":"If File Is Sent Returns a True","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Uses Winsock v6.0 OCX May Work With v5.0","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8655862000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Tanerax","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10445,"Title":"List all running processes , Windows 95 / 98 / NT4 / 2000","Description":"This sample project contains a class-module that lists all processes currently running. The class works for Windows 95 , Windows 98 , Windows NT 4.0 , Windows ME , Windows 2000 and Windows XP (all tested) -","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"List of processes currently running","SideEffects":"none, I hope","ApiDeclarations":"kernel32.dll :\n\tGetVersionEx\n\tCreateToolhelpSnapshot\n\tProcessFirst\n\tProcessNext\n\tCloseHandle\n\tProcess32First\n\tOpenProcess\npsapi.dll :\n\tEnumProcesses\n\tGetModuleFileNameExA\n\tEnumProcessModules\n---------------------------------\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/List_all_r16840712152003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Joost Rongen","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10451,"Title":"Mscomm","Description":"mscomm","Inputs":"mscomm","Assumes":"mscomm","CodeReturns":"mscomm","SideEffects":"mscomm","ApiDeclarations":"mscomm","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8662862000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"ELIE DEMIEN","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10456,"Title":"Great Media Ocx (Source Code)","Description":"Greate OCX Source Code to playing and access with media files and you can record by this ocx and more useful functions \ni like the capsulation in programming by that you can reduce the time to build the project at the same another and you can ignore the west time\ni hope this ocx satisfy you and you can try with that code to modify it \nbut wait as soon as possible i will modify and add other functions and method to do more and more \nif you have a question or to contact with me e-mail: osama_nt@intouch.com\nicq#: 64529562\ndon't forget if you satisified to vote me :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8669862000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Osama Mohamed El sayed","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10460,"Title":"Application error JOKE","Description":"It basically displays a error message\nread the readme.txt file! it has directions on how to use this...","Inputs":"NO!","Assumes":"it is just a joke!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none...","ApiDeclarations":"NONE!","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000861656502915.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8672862000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jack Peterson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10464,"Title":"new version of operating system","Description":"i added a few more programs like aol, help, and error messages. this is a small windows. it has a working menu, working taskbar, working startmenu, working programs, working drap&drop, working recycle bin, working desktop. download it and use it to release your own type of small os. edit the source to make it more powerful. don't believe this is going to totally replace windows, it's just a little project that's fun to work on.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8679862000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"amaf","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10467,"Title":"Check Internet Status thath works [Vote for me plz!]","Description":"Checks Internet status using napsters main server\nVote for me plz!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8714872000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Niklaz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10469,"Title":"Editor","Description":"Yet another word processor. Shows the basics of centering text, left/right justify, choose font, font color, cut, copy, paste, undo, select all... Keeps track of if your current file has been saved or not, basic word processor. I got bored.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8687872000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10470,"Title":"PC Lock","Description":"PcLock NT Stylee!!! is a simple program that blocks unauthorised users from accessing into your system while you are away. This program worked by covering the whole screen & disabling all the windows hotkeys during its runtime untill a valid password was entered.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8690872000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Muthu","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10471,"Title":"Visual querybuilder","Description":"visual user interface to construct a query","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200087614433520.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8691872000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10474,"Title":"A Runic Oracle","Description":"((UPDATE)) I have compiled the images into a resource file. Makes it a bit cleaner and a fraction faster. This program generates a simple Runic layout (Past, Present, Future) for simple divination. It uses an Access2000 DB to store the Runes' information. It is far from complete, but it works. I wrote this for a friend of mine in another city. She wanted quick access to the info on the runes. Please, leave me some suggestions. I don't really care about votes.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200087948591702.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8733882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"VBScript","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10475,"Title":"Ryan's Paint","Description":"UPDATED AGAIN!!! I fixed it so that the progress bar isn't jumpy when trying to change position. It has a built in MP3 Player. Pretty COOL. Along with the MP3 Player update I also put in something when drawing an ellipse or rectangle it shows the height and width and when you draw a line it says the length of the line. I put on the fill regions code at last, but the fill styles didn't work so I got rid of them. There are cursors(I think you will have to move the cursors to C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VB98\\ or it will be an arrow), and I also put in something that shows the frame number when you are playing the animation, and I made the animation list have numbers. Choose the style of animation. This paint program has the basics: rectangles, ellipses, paintbrush, freehand, spraypaint, eraser, lines, and connected lines. You can save and load pictures. There are also animations, and you can save and load those too. You can select the draw style and draw width also. You can also print your picture. It also lets you undo your last action. This program has it all!! Please comment on program and tell me what it needs. I hope you enjoy it and PLEASE rate the code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000811204825712.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88788112000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Ryan Chandler","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10478,"Title":"ORGANIZE YOUR LISTBOXES INTO GRUPS!","Description":"This will show you how to make groups in your listboxes with this simple control. Since it is not yet 100% functional (it's about 95%), there is a lot of roomfor personal customization. This control is yours for the taking. Download it and add / remove any features you want.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000871240156789.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8702872000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10479,"Title":"______A Edit Registry","Description":"How to Read and Write to the Registry using all HKEYS","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function RegEnumValue Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegEnumValueA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal dwIndex As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, lpcbValueName As Long, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, ByVal lpData As String, lpcbData As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib \"advapi32\" Alias \"RegOpenKeyExA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function RegSetValueEx Lib \"advapi32\" Alias \"RegSetValueExA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, ByVal szData As String, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function RegCloseKey Lib \"advapi32\" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function RegCreateKeyEx Lib \"advapi32\" Alias \"RegCreateKeyExA\" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal lpClass As String, ByVal dwOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, phkResult As Long, lpdwDisposition As Long) As Long\n#If Win32 Then\n \n Public Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000\n Public Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001\n Public Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002\n Public Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003\n Public Const KEY_ALL_ACCESS = &H3F\n Public Const REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE = 0&\n Public Const REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY = &H1\n Public Const REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY = &H2\n Public Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&\n Public Const REG_SZ = (1)\n#End If\nType SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES\n \n nLength As Long\n lpSecurityDescriptor As Long\n bInheritHandle As Boolean\nEnd Type\n","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":48,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":87,"AuthorName":"Agent Smith","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10480,"Title":"GMindmap","Description":"Pre-version (but full and working) of a software to make Mindmaps.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000871415498125.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8704872000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"C.Dutoit","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10481,"Title":"A Better API Error Lookup","Description":"Queries Windows for the meaning of an API error number, and allows you to search a range of numbers... the results get placed in a list","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The only place this is useful is for grabbing the definition of those cryptic API error number. The other route is to look them up on MSDN... this is easier.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"While it will return most API error messages, there are some (such as error 34) which won't... for somereason, FormatMessage API returns an exception, so there is code in VB to trap Exceptions but as a side effect, the error codes which return the exception are not displayed","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000871441116669.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8705872000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Shawn Bullock","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10483,"Title":"Prefessional Effects - BlindBox v1.0 - FORGET REGUALR TEXTBOXES!","Description":"Amazing new control! Tired of VB's common controls, check out this textbox! When it receives focus, the blinds open and when focus is lost, the blinds close again, creating a dazzling effect on YOUR FORM! PS - Dont worry, YOU CAN CHANGE THE COLORS OF THE BLINDS TO A COLOR OTHER THAN PALE RAINBOW COLORS :) I did that for effect.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000871630298076.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8707872000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10484,"Title":"Proper case function! hi! iT is CoOl -> Hi! It is cool","Description":"To fix the input of the user. For example if the user inputs a bad case sentance it will make it normal:\nwhat do yOu think? -> What do you think?\nIt checks for ./?/!. Have fun.","Inputs":"Bad case string","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Proper case string","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":40,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Vitaly","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10497,"Title":"BinFileEdit1","Description":"This code includes Hex Edit functions. View/edit binary and text files, with both hex and character search facilities fully functional, and you can print any displayed page (each page upto 512 bytes, showing byte positions, hex and characters). - Note: This version is for a slower machine, if you have a fast one, you may use BinFileEdit2 instead.","Inputs":"See code","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"See code","SideEffects":"Not aware of","ApiDeclarations":"Two","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000830120203361.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD113851162000.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":88,"AuthorName":"Herman L","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10500,"Title":"Small Media Player (must see!)","Description":"This is a very small and compact media player. It doesn't use Windows Media Player, but rather the API to play the files. I have noticed that when you play WAV and MIDI files that the time doesn't work. I'm currently seeing what I can do about that, but other than that everything works great. I hope to get some feedback and please vote. I hope you enjoy this, but atleast you could learn how to play media files w/o windows media player.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None known","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8719882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Odin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":425,"Title":"The 15 minute WWW browser","Description":"It took Netscape months to create their first browser, and Microsoft wasnt able to follow up that trick until years later. But you can create a world wide web browser in less than 15 minutes, even if you are a Visual Basic novice! The following tutorial will show you how to create an Internet browser using the Microsoft Internet Control (part of Internet Explorer). My only caveat is that if you end up putting the big-boys out of the Internet business with your creation, that you give me a litle credit in your About box! ;)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"If you are running Visual Basic 5.0 or 6.0 the Microsoft Internet Controls are included with VB, so you don't need to do anything special to get them. If you are running an older version, you may still be able to get the controls for free from Microsoft's site at www.microsoft.com.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":180,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Ian Ippolito (RAC)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":432,"Title":"Close/open the CD Rom door","Description":"Open and close the CD rom door from code! Note:comment out the unneeded api declaration (16 or 32 bit) depending on what operating system you are using!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'for 16 bit windows\nDeclare Function mcisendstring Lib \"MMSystem\" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal wReturnLength As Integer, ByVal hCallback As Integer) As Long\n'Note:FOR 95/98/NT using the following:\nPublic Declare Function \nmciSendString Lib \"winmm.dll\" Alias \n\"mciSendStringA\" (ByVal lpstrCommand As \nString, ByVal lpstrReturnString As \nString, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, \nByVal hwndCallback As Long) As \nLong\n","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":10,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Visual Basic On Line User Group","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":440,"Title":"Printing a Microsoft Access Report from Visual Bas","Description":"How to print a Microsoft Access report from within VB. Also, VB 16-bit. (by Jose Garrick)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":14,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"anonomous (or see description)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":444,"Title":"GetWaveInfo","Description":"If you've ever wondered how sound applications can show the kilohertz and samples per second\n information about a waveform file (.WAV), the answer lies in the RIFF file format.\n The RIFF file format is designed to be as generic as possible. It is used for waveform, AVI, palette,\n and other information standards that may need to be mixed and used together. Generally speaking,\n though, any file with a WAV extension will only contain waveform data.\n RIFF provides information in chunks and subchunks. The header for each chunk describes the\n length of the chunk and the type of data the chunk contains (WAVE, for instance, is the string\n identifying a WAVE chunk).\n The Wave subchunk is immediately followed by the WAVE Format Chunk. It is this small chunk\n that defines the structure of the waveform data that will follow. It defines the format of the\n waveform, the number of channels used (with 0 being mono, 1 being stereo), the sampling rate, the\n kilohertz at which is was recorded, and the data block size. Of these, only mono/stereo and the\n sampling rate are likely to be of interest unless you intend to write your own custom waveform\n player.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"had originally defined all of the string chunk identifiers (RIFF, WAVE, and 'fmt ') as being strings\n in our user-defined data type WavInfo. But as fate would have it, I kept getting 'Bad File Handle'\n errors when I used the string data types with VB5.0. So I elected to use a rather lengthy binary\n representation of the same information, which follows the BUG FIX comment. I suspect that it has\n something to do with Unicode, but really don't care to chase it down.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\n 'Type n, Mono/Stereo, 8/16 bit sample\n 'These constants are not used internally, and\n 'can be safely deleted if you do not intend to use them\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_1M08 = &H1\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_1M16 = &H4\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_1S08 = &H2\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_1S16 = &H8\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_2M08 = &H10\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_2M16 = &H40\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_2S08 = &H20\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_2S16 = &H80\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_4M08 = &H100\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_4M16 = &H400\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_4S08 = &H200\n Public Const WAVE_FORMAT_4S16 = &H800\n 'BUG FIX\n 'Binary representations of strings\n Public Const RIFF_ID = 1179011410\n Public Const RIFF_WAVE = 1163280727\n Public Const RIFF_FMT = 544501094\n 'Typical header of a simple RIFF WAVE file\n Public Type WAVInfo\n Riff_Format As Long\n chunk_size As Long\n ChunkID As Long\n fmt As Long\n Wave_Format As Integer\n Channels As Integer '0 = mono, 1 = stereo\n SamplesPerSecond As Long\n AverageBytesPerSecond As Long '11.025kHz, 22.05kHz, etc\n BlockAlign As Integer 'Size of blocks for low level playback\n End Type\n","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":31,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":4,"AuthorName":"Tim's VB 5 tips and tricks","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":447,"Title":"control subclassing switchboard","Description":"The Switchboard:A method for handling subclassing in ActiveX controls\nf you develop ActiveX controls and intend to subclass or hook a window, you'll very quickly\n discover a problem when you attempt to site multiple instances of your control. The subclassing,\n which worked fine with a single instance of your control, now no longer works and is, in fact, most\n likely is causing a GPF.\n Why is this happening? The AddressOf operator requires you to place the callback routine in a\n module. This module is shared between all instances of your control and the variables and subroutines\n that the module provide are not unique to each instance. The easiest way to visualize the problem is\n to imagine a shared phoneline (or a partyline as we hicks call it) where multiple parties are trying to\n dial a number, talk, and hangup, all at the same time. What's needed is an operator, a routine that\n controls the dialing (hooking), the talking (the callback routine), and who routes information to the\n instance of the control that requested it.\n The Switchboard subroutine (see below) and it's supporting code provides a method for subclassing\n from multiple instances of your ActiveX control. It is not memory intensive, nor is it slow. It's biggest\n weakness is that it is hardcoded to intercept particular messages (in this case, WM_SIZE, to trap\n resize events) and will require some minor modification on your part to use.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You will find references to myUC in the code below. Replace each instance of this with a reference\n to your user control. It is very important that your code detect and respond to a subclassed window when it either closes\n (WM_CLOSE) or is destroyed (WM_DESTROY). When this message is received, you should\n immediately unhook the window in question. The example code provided here does this, but knowing\n why it does it will hopefully save you some grief.\n Code Starts\n Here\nBecause this codes hooks into the windows messaging system, you should not use the IDE's STOP\n button to terminate the execution of your code. Closing the form normally is mandatory. Debugging\n will become difficult once you have subclassed a window, so I recommend adding instancing support\n after the bulk of your programming work has been completed. As with any serious API\n programming tasks, you should save your project before execution.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\nPublic Const WM_SIZE = &H5\n Public Const GWL_WNDPROC = (-4&)\n Public Const GWL_USERDATA = (-21&)\n Public Const WM_CLOSE = &H10\n Public Const MIN_INSTANCES = 1\n Public Const MAX_INSTANCES = 256\n Type Instances\n in_use As Boolean 'This instance is alive\n ClassAddr As Long 'Pointer to self\n hwnd As Long 'hWnd being hooked\n PrevWndProc As Long 'Stored for unhooking\n End Type\n 'Hooking Related Declares\n Declare Function GetWindowLong& Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetWindowLongA\" (ByVal _\n hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long)\n Declare Function CallWindowProc& Lib \"user32\" Alias \"CallWindowProcA\" _\n (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hwnd As Long, _\n ByVal MSG As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)\n Declare Function SetWindowLong& Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SetWindowLongA\" _\n (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long)\n Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"RtlMoveMemory\" _\n (pDest As Any, pSource As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long)\n Global Instances(MIN_INSTANCES To MAX_INSTANCES) As Instances\n","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":106,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":165,"AuthorName":"Tim's VB 5 tips and tricks","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":450,"Title":"Mouse manipulation","Description":"At some point, you may find it useful to manipulate the location of the mouse cursor. Perhaps you are\n designing an interactive tutorial, a walkthrough, or maybe you plan on controlling another application\n through mouse events. Regardless, you will quickly find a number of hurdles to overcome and it is the\n goal of this example to help you over, under, or around these hurdle","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"First, a little bit of background about the mouse in general. Since the days of DOS, mouse drivers have\n reported their location in graphic applications by returning X/Y coordinates based up on a resolution\n independent coordinate system. This coordinate system neatly breaks the screen down into 65535\n units on each axis. A unit of measurement in this system is known as a Mickey. This system was\n devised to insure that the specification for mouse drivers would be a lasting one, and that screen\n resolution would never overtake the resolution of the mouse driver. \n Why mention this? Well, the Win32 API function call which allows you to specify the location for the\n mouse wants the location provided in mickeys. And the first hurdle to overcome is converting screen\n coordinates to mouse coordinates.\n In order to make the coversion, we first need to get the screen's height and width with\n GetSystemMetrics. The GetScreenRes subroutine illustrates how this is done.\n Once the resolution of the display is known, we can convert the pixels returned by GetScreenRes into\n mickeys. There are four conversion routines included with this example, two to handle pixel\n conversions to mickeys (PixelXToMickey, PixelYToMickey), and two to handle mickey to pixel\n conversions (MickeyXToPixel, MickeyYToPixel).\n Now that we have conversion routines, we can actually do some work. Included with this example is\n CenterMouseOn, a function that will center the mouse cursor on anything that has an hWnd. An\n example of using this function to put the cursor over a commandbutton appears as:\n CenterMouseOn (command1.hWnd)\n If you need to move the mouse but don't have an hWnd to reference, the MouseMove function will\n allow you to specify an X/Y coordinate for the mouse cursor. And once it is moved, you can use the\n MouseFullClick function to simulate a mouseclick.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"There are a series of mouse coordinate to screen coordinate routines included in this example. Due to\n rounding problems, it is quite likely that the calculations may be off by a pixel. If your application\n requires extremely precise pointer placement, you may want to develop or look for a more precise\n method.\nOne of the uglier portions of this code are the mickey to pixel routines. They use a series of\n temporary singles to store values prior to being converted. This was done to improve the accuracy of\n the conversion, but even so, rounding errors continue to creep in. If you know of a better, more\n accurate way to accomplish the same task, I would appreciate hearing about it.","ApiDeclarations":"' ----------------------------------------------\n ' * MouseEvent Related Declares *\n ' ----------------------------------------------\n Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = &H8000\n Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = &H2\n Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = &H4\n Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN = &H20\n Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP = &H40\n Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = &H1\n Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN = &H8\n Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP = &H10\n Private Declare Sub mouse_event Lib \"user32\" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, _\n ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cbuttons As Long, _\n ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)\n ' ----------------------------------------------\n ' * GetSystemMetrics Related Declares *\n ' ----------------------------------------------\n Private Const SM_CXSCREEN = 0\n Private Const SM_CYSCREEN = 1\n Private Const TWIPS_PER_INCH = 1440\n Private Const POINTS_PER_INCH = 72\n Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib \"user32\" (ByVal nIndex _\n As Long) As Long\n ' ----------------------------------------------\n ' * GetWindowRect Related Declares *\n ' ----------------------------------------------\n Private Type RECT\n Left As Long\n Top As Long\n Right As Long\n Bottom As Long\n End Type\n Private Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _\n lpRect As RECT) As Long\n\n ' ----------------------------------------------\n ' * Internal Constants and Types *\n ' ----------------------------------------------\n Private Const MOUSE_MICKEYS = 65535\n Public Enum enReportStyle\n rsPixels\n rsTwips\n rsInches\n rsPoints\n End Enum\n Public Enum enButtonToClick\n btcLeft\n btcRight\n btcMiddle\n End Enum\n","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":150,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Tim's VB 5 tips and tricks","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":458,"Title":"Disable the Windows Taskbar","Description":"Disable the Taskbar","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Dim hwnd1 As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib \"user32\" _\n(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As _\nLong, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags\n_As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" _\nAlias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName _\nAs String) As Long\nConst SWP_HIDEWINDOW &H80\nConst SWP_SHOWWINDOW &H40","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":13,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"StonePage","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":461,"Title":"CaptureWindows,CaptureForm,CaptureClient,etc...","Description":"Screen capture code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Option Explicit\n'declares to disable PC\nPublic Const SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING = 97\nDeclare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SystemParametersInfoA\" (ByVal uAction As Long, ByVal uParam As Long, ByVal lpvParam As Boolean, ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long\n'global variable for capture setting\nGlobal Setting As Integer\nPrivate Type PALETTEENTRY\npeRed As Byte\npeGreen As Byte\npeBlue As Byte\npeFlags As Byte\nEnd Type\nPrivate Type LOGPALETTE\npalVersion As Integer\npalNumEntries As Integer\npalPalEntry(255) As PALETTEENTRY ' Enough for 256 colors\nEnd Type\nPrivate Type GUID\nData1 As Long\nData2 As Integer\nData3 As Integer\nData4(7) As Byte\nEnd Type\n#If Win32 Then\nPrivate Const RASTERCAPS As Long = 38\nPrivate Const RC_PALETTE As Long = &H100\nPrivate Const SIZEPALETTE As Long = 104\nPrivate Type RECT\nLeft As Long\nTop As Long\nRight As Long\nBottom As Long\nEnd Type\nPrivate Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib \"GDI32\" ( _\nByVal hDC As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib \"GDI32\" ( _\nByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long _\n) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal hDC As Long, _\nByVal iCapabilitiy As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetSystemPaletteEntries Lib \"GDI32\" ( _\nByVal hDC As Long, ByVal wStartIndex As Long, _\nByVal wNumEntries As Long, lpPaletteEntries As PALETTEENTRY) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreatePalette Lib \"GDI32\" ( _\nlpLogPalette As LOGPALETTE) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SelectObject Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal hDC As Long, _\nByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function BitBlt Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal hDCDest As Long, _\nByVal XDest As Long, ByVal YDest As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, _\nByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hDCSrc As Long, ByVal XSrc As Long, _\nByVal YSrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DeleteDC Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib \"user32\" () As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SelectPalette Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal hDC As Long, _\nByVal hPalette As Long, ByVal bForceBackground As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function RealizePalette Lib \"GDI32\" ( _\nByVal hDC As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetWindowDC Lib \"user32\" ( _\nByVal hWnd As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetDC Lib \"user32\" ( _\nByVal hWnd As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib \"user32\" ( _\nByVal hWnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _\nByVal hDC As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib \"user32\" () As Long\nPrivate Type PicBmp\nSize As Long\nType As Long\nhBmp As Long\nhPal As Long\nReserved As Long\nEnd Type\nPrivate Declare Function OleCreatePictureIndirect Lib \"olepro32.dll\" ( _\nPicDesc As PicBmp, RefIID As GUID, _\nByVal fPictureOwnsHandle As Long, IPic As IPicture) As Long\n#ElseIf Win16 Then\nPrivate Const RASTERCAPS As Integer = 38\nPrivate Const RC_PALETTE As Integer = &H100\nPrivate Const SIZEPALETTE As Integer = 104\nPrivate Type RECT\nLeft As Integer\nTop As Integer\nRight As Integer\nBottom As Integer\nEnd Type\nPrivate Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib \"GDI\" ( _\nByVal hDC As Integer) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib \"GDI\" ( _\nByVal hDC As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, _\nByVal nHeight As Integer) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib \"GDI\" ( _\nByVal hDC As Integer, ByVal iCapabilitiy As Integer) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function GetSystemPaletteEntries Lib \"GDI\" ( _\nByVal hDC As Integer, ByVal wStartIndex As Integer, _\nByVal wNumEntries As Integer, _\nlpPaletteEntries As PALETTEENTRY) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function CreatePalette Lib \"GDI\" ( _\nlpLogPalette As LOGPALETTE) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function SelectObject Lib \"GDI\" (ByVal hDC As Integer, _\nByVal hObject As Integer) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function BitBlt Lib \"GDI\" (ByVal hDCDest As Integer, _\nByVal XDest As Integer, ByVal YDest As Integer, _\nByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, _\nByVal hDCSrc As Integer, ByVal XSrc As Integ","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":276,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"StonePage","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":465,"Title":"Lost Focus / Got Focus Event--text box validation","Description":"These events are usually ignored or inconsistent amongst programs. For the users benefit, highlighting the current textbox, or tab control will aid in their navigation of your forms. But how to keep all these events consistent? Here is the answer. (Well our answer anyhow... until full-inheritance in VB 5.0)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":47,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"TDCNET Visual Basic Page","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":517,"Title":"GetMonDate","Description":"Get the previous week's Monday...\"Kathleen A. Earley\" <kearley@minnmutual.com>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":16,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":520,"Title":"Convert currency numbers into text","Description":"This function converts numbers (currency) to words including cent\nconversion and cent rounding. \nNote: ms stores 4 decimal positions internally but displays only 2. \nIn a lot of number to word functions this is not handled and can cause\nerroneous values... this function corrects for this situation.\n Baz,","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Create a module and copy all the below functions into\nit.\nTo use: Create a \"text box\" wide enough to hold the converted word\n in the \"control source\" property add:\n=numtoword([grand\ntotal])\n The [grand total] can be any numeric field.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":164,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":521,"Title":"95/NT username","Description":"95/NT username\n\"Joseph P. Fisher\" <jfisher@cellone.net>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function GetUserName Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"GetUserNameA\" (ByVal\nlpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":28,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":532,"Title":"Create/Destroy User on Domain ( Administrating NT)","Description":"Create a new user and destroy an existing user on a Windows NT domain..\nWhen a user is \ncreated, I set him to be a member of Domain Users while you can specify that he goes \ninto Domain User, Domain Guests, Domain Admins \n Hong YAN <HONG-YAN@worldnet.att.net>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'Jeff Hong YAN 11/20/96 modified on 4/18/97\n'This module shows how to create / destroy a user account.\n'Modified according to MS KB article Q159498\n'You must have account operator's right to run\n' for dwPriv\nConst USER_PRIV_MASK = &H3\nConst USER_PRIV_GUEST = &H0\nConst USER_PRIV_USER = &H1\nConst USER_PRIV_ADMIN = &H2\n' for dwFlags\nConst UF_SCRIPT = &H1\nConst UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE = &H2\nConst UF_HOMEDIR_REQUIRED = &H8\nConst UF_LOCKOUT = &H10\nConst UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD = &H20\nConst UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE = &H40\nConst UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT = &H200\n \nDeclare Function StrToPtr Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"lstrcpyW\" ( _\nByVal Ptr As Long, Source As Byte) As Long\n' Add using Level 1 user structure\nDeclare Function NetUserAdd1 Lib \"NETAPI32.DLL\" Alias \"NetUserAdd\" _\n(ServerName As Byte, ByVal Level As Long, Buffer As TUser1, lParmError _\nAs Long) As Long\nDeclare Function NetUserDel Lib \"NETAPI32.DLL\" (ServerName As Byte, _\nUserName As Byte) As Long\nType TUser1 ' Level 1\n ptrName As Long\n ptrPassword As Long\n dwPasswordAge As Long\n dwPriv As Long\n ptrHomeDir As Long\n ptrComment As Long\n dwFlags As Long\n ptrScriptHomeDir As Long\nEnd Type\nDeclare Function NetAPIBufferFree Lib \"NETAPI32.DLL\" Alias _\n\"NetApiBufferFree\" (ByVal Ptr As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function NetAPIBufferAllocate Lib \"NETAPI32.DLL\" Alias _\n\"NetApiBufferAllocate\" (ByVal ByteCount As Long, Ptr As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":97,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":534,"Title":"Check if dynamic array dimensioned already","Description":"Tells if a dynamic array has been dimensioned or not.\n Lu <learly@ix.netcom.com>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":21,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":159,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":540,"Title":"Copy a database table","Description":"How to copy a database table. This may require some tweaking....\n \"Bill Pearson\" <billp@dnai.com>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":127,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":557,"Title":"ACCESS BACKUP ROUTINE","Description":"A short routine that backups the tables from an open Access database\nGeorge Kinney <kinneyg@logan.net>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Right now it is basic, it assumes that the tables to backup are in the \nlocal database (easily changed, just haven't had a chance to do it.), \nand just exports EVERYTHING that isn't filtered out.\nA number of improvements can (and will eventually) be built in so that it\ncan address attached tables, multiple backups, backup logging, etc. These\nare all things I need to add anyways for a current project, and when they \nare done, I'll b eposting them to.\nApologies are in order to a few of the people I sent code. The function\nrelied on a couple of outside functions, not included in the post, and \nalso contained a lot extraneous junk (you who work with large projects full\ntime know how this stuff accumulates, those who don't, well you'll find\nout.). To these people, I'm sorry for that, and hope you don't take me to\nbe a complete idiot. (3am is a bad time to reply to mail!)\nI don't claim to be a programming guru, but I think this example could \nbenefit some people. I recieved a lot of help from others early on, so I \nintend to give what I can as I can so others can hopefully benefit from me.\n'Just call BackupDatabase() with the name of the backup file\n'you want to create, and sit back.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Const modulename = \"MBackup\"","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":125,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":558,"Title":"DecToBin","Description":"Converting numbers to binary\nalgie@tcp.co.uk (Alan Davis)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":26,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":568,"Title":"EndOfMonth","Description":"Last day of the month\nCalculates the last day of the month.\n\"Jim Doherty\" <jdoherty@proweb.co.uk>\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":3,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":583,"Title":"NetworkRoutines","Description":"NetworkRoutines:DisconnectNetworkDrive, MapNetworkDrive,GetUserName,GetUNCPath,etc.\nproactiv@ssnet.com (Kenneth L. Rosenberg)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function WNetAddConnection Lib \"mpr.dll\" Alias\n\"WNetAddConnectionA\" (ByVal lpszNetPath As String, ByVal lpszPassword\nAs String, ByVal lpszLocalName As String) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function WNetGetConnection Lib \"mpr.dll\" Alias\n\"WNetGetConnectionA\" (ByVal lpszLocalName As String, ByVal\nlpszRemoteName As String, cbRemoteName As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function WNetCancelConnection Lib \"mpr.dll\" Alias\n\"WNetCancelConnectionA\" (ByVal lpszName As String, ByVal bForce As\nLong) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetUserName Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias\n\"GetUserNameA\" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long\nPrivate Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5&\nPrivate Const ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED = 85&\nPrivate Const ERROR_BAD_DEVICE = 1200&\nPrivate Const ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME = 67&\nPrivate Const ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD = 86&\nPrivate Const ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS = 487&\nPrivate Const ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87\nPrivate Const ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234\nPrivate Const ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR = 59&\nPrivate Const ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED = 2250&\nPrivate Const ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 50&\nPrivate Const ERROR_OPEN_FILES = 2401&\nPrivate Const ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY = 8\nPrivate Const NO_ERROR = 0\n \nPrivate Const WN_ACCESS_DENIED = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED\nPrivate Const WN_ALREADY_CONNECTED = ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED\nPrivate Const WN_BAD_LOCALNAME = ERROR_BAD_DEVICE\nPrivate Const WN_BAD_NETNAME = ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME\nPrivate Const WN_BAD_PASSWORD = ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD\nPrivate Const WN_BAD_POINTER = ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS\nPrivate Const WN_BAD_VALUE = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER\nPrivate Const WN_MORE_DATA = ERROR_MORE_DATA\nPrivate Const WN_NET_ERROR = ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR\nPrivate Const WN_NOT_CONNECTED = ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED\nPrivate Const WN_NOT_SUPPORTED = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED\nPrivate Const WN_OPEN_FILES = ERROR_OPEN_FILES\nPrivate Const WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY\nPrivate Const WN_SUCCESS = NO_ERROR","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":169,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":165,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":584,"Title":".INI read/write routines","Description":".INI read/write routines\nmfncGetFromIni-- Reads from an *.INI file strFileName (full path & file name)\nmfncWriteIni--Writes to an *.INI file called strFileName (full path & file name)\nsitush@aol.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"mfncGetFromIni--The string stored in [strSectionHeader], line beginning strVariableName\nmfncWriteIni--Integer indicating failure (0) or success (other) to write","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib \"Kernel\" (ByVal\nlpApplicationName As String, lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String,\nByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByVal lpFileName\nAs String) As Integer\nDeclare Function WritePrivateProfileString% Lib \"Kernel\" (ByVal\nlpApplicationName$, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal\nlpFileName$)","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":104,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":601,"Title":"Create database user","Description":"\nThe following function creates a user. You can execute it under any user you like.\ndror-a@euronet.co.il (Dror Dotan A')","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"const ADMIN_USERNAME = \"Admin\"\nconst ADMIN_PASSWORD = \"adminpass (or whatever)\"\nconst SHOWICON_STOP = 16","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":52,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":164,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":608,"Title":"cIniFile","Description":"Complete access to INI files through a simple class module, which works with VB4 16,32 and VB5. This class module allows you to read/write INI values, delete values, delete sections and query whole sections through a simple inteface.","Inputs":"Here is a sample of using the cIniFile class:\ndim cIni as new cIniFile\nwith cIni\n .Path = \"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM.INI\" ' Use GetWindowsDir() call to find the correct dir\n .Section = \"boot\" ' Look under the section headed [boot]\n .Key = \"shell\" ' Search for shell=\n if (ucase$(trim$(.Value)) = \"EXPLORER.EXE\") then ' Get the section value\n msgbox \"Da Shell is here\",vbInformation\n else\n msgbox \"Da Computer is too old....\",vbExclamation\n endif\n' end with\n","Assumes":"Save the code into a file called cIniFile.cls and add it to your project. Follow the sample code in the top comment block to try it out.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":135,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"Steve McMahon","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":639,"Title":"Get the name of a control at runtime","Description":"I've recently taken over a project from someone else, and I've been left with code that has few naming conventions and a lot of bugs. I often find myself stepping through code wanting to check the value of a field. Unfortunately, I don't know the field's name-it could be Name, UserName, NameUser, txtName, and so on. It's a real pain to stop the program, click on the control in question, press [F4], get the control name, start the program again, and return to the point in the code where I was before. Here's a handy trick to get the control name right away.\n by Jeff Brown; Jeff.Brown@piog.com; Pioneering Management Corporation","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":3,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":644,"Title":"Getting a Reference to a VB┬á5.0 UserControl","Description":"Visual Basic┬á5.0 allows you to use UserControls to create ActiveX controls in your projects. The following code snippet does two things: It gets a reference to the form in which a UserControl is placed, and it gets a reference to that control on the form. by David Mendlen","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":15,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":159,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":650,"Title":"Full example of Drag and Drop within a application","Description":"Suppose you have a listbox with some elements and want to drag&drop a selected one into a textbox.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":21,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":42,"UserRatingTotal":176,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":658,"Title":"Clear all textboxes on a form at run-time","Description":"handy code for clearing all text box controls at run-time\nso you don't have to bother doing it at design time.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":7,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":671,"Title":"How to use the common dialog control","Description":"Use of 3 types of common dialog boxes:1: choose printer, 2: choose font, 3: choose color.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":76,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":675,"Title":"AssociateFileType","Description":"Associate a file type with a program in windows95.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function RegCreateKey& Lib \"advapi32.DLL\" Alias \"RegCreateKeyA\" (ByVal hKey&, ByVal lpszSubKey$, lphKey&)\nDeclare Function RegSetValue& Lib \"advapi32.DLL\" Alias \"RegSetValueA\" (ByVal hKey&, ByVal lpszSubKey$, ByVal fdwType&, ByVal lpszValue$, ByVal dwLength&)\n' Return codes from Registration functions.\nPublic Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&\nPublic Const ERROR_BADDB = 1&\nPublic Const ERROR_BADKEY = 2&\nPublic Const ERROR_CANTOPEN = 3&\nPublic Const ERROR_CANTREAD = 4&\nPublic Const ERROR_CANTWRITE = 5&\nPublic Const ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY = 6&\nPublic Const ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 7&\nPublic Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 8&\nGlobal Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000\nPublic Const MAX_PATH = 256&\nPublic Const REG_SZ = 1","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":39,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":681,"Title":"Phone Dialer in VB","Description":"Phone Dialer in VB for windows 95. 'thanks to Andre Obelink\n'De Visual Basic Groep\n'http://www.plus.nl/vbg/\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function tapiRequestMakeCall& Lib \"TAPI32.DLL\" (ByVal DestAdress$, ByVal AppName$, ByVal CalledParty$, ByVal Comment$)","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":37,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":682,"Title":"Play .WAV (example 1)","Description":"Check if soundcard exist and then play a wave-file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib \"winmm.dll\" Alias \"sndPlaySoundA\" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function waveOutGetNumDevs Lib \"winmm\" () As Long\nGlobal Const SND_SYNC = &H0 'just after the sound is ended exit function\nGlobal Const SND_ASYNC = &H1 'just after the beginning of the sound exit function\nGlobal Const SND_NODEFAULT = &H2 'if the sound cannot be found no error message\nGlobal Const SND_LOOP = &H8 'repeat the sound until the function is called again\nGLOBAL Const SND_NOSTOP = &H10 'if currently a sound is played the function will return without playing the selected sound\nGlobal Const Flags& = SND_ASYNC Or SND_NODEFAULT","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":12,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34247,"Title":"File Stamper","Description":"Allows you to reset the Created/Last Modified/Last Accessed date/time stamp on a single file, multiple files or all files in a specified directory. Works on all file types with all file attributes (normal, read-only, archive, system, hidden). Useful for setting uniform date/time stamps for a project deployment.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"A few...","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/File_Stamp77959512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Graham Daly","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34254,"Title":"Get any Color Number","Description":"very simple code to get the color number (long) of any position of the screen","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Get_any_Co776254302002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"MaRiØ G. Serrano","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34265,"Title":"Command line class","Description":"When your application is ready for system wide file-associations , this class will easily read out the command line during run-time.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"none","CodeReturns":"collection of filenames in the command line ,\ncollection of arguments in the command line.","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Command_li81398592002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Ruud Suykerbuyk","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34266,"Title":"Germatik - learn vocabulary lists","Description":"This is a fully functional program designed to help in the study of vocabulary lists in German. I was doing poorly on my vocabulary tests, but after using this program, I passed every one with flying colors.\n Included are several lists of words, and you can easily create your own with the built-in ListEditor.\n There are also many modules of code to access list boxes, manipulate strings, etc. You could download the program just for those.\n This program started out two years ago as a text only program in GW-BASIC. At the time, that was all I knew how to do. It was a pain to change the list of words. Since then, the program has grown considerably. You can easily add words, change words and even look up the correct article for nouns (der/die/das)! It even gives you a score at the end of the test!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Sorry, but there is no user documentation. It shouldn't be hard to figure out anyway.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The only side effect is that you may find yourself passing vocabulary tests!","ApiDeclarations":"Some, but nothing out of the ordinary.","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024301856278723.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Germatik_-777664302002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Aaron Parecki","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34268,"Title":"_** School Countdown 3.0 ***","Description":"This program counts down till the end of the school year. Select your own date using DTPicker. Also uses SSTab nad writes to INI the poisition of the form and the date. Minimizes after 10 seconds into taskbar, with a popup menu and an Icon. Before clicking the back button, Please VOTE FOR ME!!!(My code teaches a lot of stuff)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'Included in code","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20024302022429149.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/School_Cou777794302002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Tomas Tupy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34273,"Title":"DESKTOP SHARE - FULL CODE","Description":"(ALL FORMS & FILES UPLOADED) Desktop Share is a program which allows users to share their desktop. It can be used thought the internet or through a network. The program takes a snapshot of your desktop, compresses, and sends. The \"Viewer\" has the option of changing: Quality, Host Upload Rate, and Resolution of Pic. To connect to one another, you can either use my internet server which I have set up or connect direct through #IP (accessed through File > Bypass) which is much quicker. The server has no Response system, it is just a text file (on a internet server up 99%) which is written too, which means the name in the list are can be really old (I can add some Response and checking systems if anyone is interested)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Notes:\n- Please add the .dll file To your windows/system\n- When opening the project add in all the forms in the folder If it says \"form Not loaded\"\n- To test Locally: open up 2 instances of VB\nLoad up In one: Local Test 1\nThe other With Local Test 2\nAnd have one VB as host, the other the viewer.\nEnter this #ip: (to test On one machine)\n","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200251213493834.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DESKTOP_SH77919512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34274,"Title":"A complete Perl, + PHP, SSI and ASP webserver (be your own geocities!)","Description":"Several webservers here support CGI. but this is the ONLY one that supports FORM POSTING (get/POST), REDIRECTION!, FILE UPLOADING!, COOKIES!, RESUME DOWNLOADS!, STREAMING SUPPORT! SERVER SIDE INCLUDES! SENDMAIL! PERL! PHP! ASP!. Plus the usual webserver features (multiple silmultanious connections, images, flash, pdf, audio, movies, directory browsing (with simple filters), html files, 404 pages, pause feature, javascript!, etc) If a website works on apache (or anything less), 95% of the time it'll work on this without any modifications! (no .htaccess, sendmail in diff place, diff filesystem, some ASP missing)\nOVER 200kb OF CODE (ASP, PHP, PERL, HTML, SSI, JS, VB6, C++) is included. and things like mx lookup (email without smtp server) are included.\n(a vote would be nice...)\nNOTE: set runperl = false if you dont have perl! (same for php)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_complete80205572002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":173,"UserRatingTotal":845,"AuthorName":"Ashley Harris","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34278,"Title":"Bubble-Gravity","Description":"A screensaver and a simple simulation all in one. Little (or big) 'bubbles' bounce around the screen, following the laws of gravity and force. Each 'bubble' has a mass and velocity, and are affected by Gravity and Wind. You can change the gravity and wind, as well as changing the mass of an individual 'bubble' or applying a thrust to it. There are a lot of key commands, so press F1 while it's running if you're not sure what to do.\nbtw, if you look really carefully, it's not entirely accurate: but it's more than good enough for a screensaver, that's for sure :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025166262143.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Bubble-Gra77974512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":48,"AuthorName":"Somma!","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34280,"Title":"Anagram Phrases: Planet Source Code = ACCENTED OUR SLOPE","Description":"This will make phrase-anagrams of any set of words (like names) For example \"Planet Source Code\" = \"Accented Our Slope\" Or my name \"David Michael Andrews\" = \"I am dad's new arch-devil\" This code is a lot of fun and easy to use. Nothing 'really' useful though, if you want to vote, go ahead, but I prefer positive user feedback much more than votes.\nNOTE: this upload includes a 250,000 word dictionary in plain-text form.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200251836477857.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Anagram_Ph78027512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Dave Andrews","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34284,"Title":"Complete Error Handler","Description":"This is a complete error handler that you may compile into a DLL and add to any application. There are a number of options for handling errors, such as adding to a custom error stack (with or without displaying a message to the user) and writing to a log file. Handling errors has never been easier!!\nImportant: Please look as 'basMain' which initialises the error handler and gives project wide access to the object with the property 'ErrReport'. You must also include these procedures if you wish to add the error handler to your applications.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200251814457296.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Complete_E78013512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Dylan Morley","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34285,"Title":"DDE Example - communicating between apps","Description":"This tutorial demonstrates DDE conversation with which you can easyly communicate between your apps.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":28,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025182822137.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DDE_Exampl78016512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":34,"UserRatingTotal":164,"AuthorName":"Peeter Puusemp jr.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34288,"Title":"^^^ZeroCool's Paint Program^^^","Description":"This is a simple, yet more advanced version of the Microsoft Paint Program that is included within the Windows bundle. As of right now there are a few things that aren't exactly working but, you will get the jist of it. I soon hope to have a few more \"normal\" paint features on here. Above all else, have fun, and if you can help is always nice.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"There are no comments. Bad programming style, yes. But at this moment I haven't had time. So, by the next version I hope there will be some comments and possibly help. I'm available through email to help at anytime~~Adidas1071323@aol.com","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/^^^ZeroCoo78110512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Kyle Begole","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34290,"Title":"Header2File_by_GiChTy","Description":"This one saves/reads some small headers in biary format to a file, e.g. to save some extra-data to an executable (such as almost any server-builder works!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002511247191941.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Header2Fil78133512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"gichty","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34291,"Title":"Reduce Frx and Exe file size","Description":"Did you that your Frx files and Exe files, may be bigger in size than they were supposed to?\n(Note: I have submitted this artical befoure but it got deleted. I don't know how.)\nPlease Vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34295,"Title":"Connect to Lotus Notes View using COM and Loop through records","Description":"This piece of code allows you to connect to an existing Lotus Notes View using COM and Loop through the records within that View. This is simple, but for those people out there that deal with Notes and SQL Server/Access databases, then this is a must. Very easy to manipulate.","Inputs":"None.","Assumes":"Be sure to reference the Lotus Domino Object!","CodeReturns":"Nothing.","SideEffects":"None that I am aware of.","ApiDeclarations":"' Declare Notes COM variables\n Dim n_Session As New Domino.NotesSession\n Dim n_Database As New Domino.NotesDatabase\n Dim n_Document As NotesDocument\n Dim n_ViewEntry As NotesViewEntry\n Dim n_View As NotesView\n Dim n_ViewNav As NotesViewNavigator\n Dim l_TestVariable As String\n","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":34,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Todd Walling","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34296,"Title":"FindWindow/FindWindowEx Source code writer","Description":"Find Window Writer writes the source code to windows through findwindow and findwindowex. It has some trouble with non unique windows (i.e. some AIM windows). All you need to do is copy and paste the code. It is printed out in function form, no work needed. In 4 mouse clicks you can have full source code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"WindowFromPoint,FindWindow,FindWindowEx, etc.","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002511411103324.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FindWindow78676522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sean Gallardy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34297,"Title":"Fast Graphics with Direct Memory Access (DMA)","Description":"Graphical operations are amoung the slowest and most cpu intensive tasks a program can do. Using API calls over the native VB Methods can increase speed by several times, but you can get even better performance with Direct Memory Access (DMA).\nThis project encapsulates DMA operations into a simple ActiveX DLL which converts a stdPicture object into an array. You then manipulate the array to change the picture.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002511434197710.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fast_Graph78172512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Bill Soo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34300,"Title":"__ A Better Image Combo: ISCombo __","Description":"This is a Flat ImageCombo, I made It, because I was bored with the \"normal\" Combo from VB. And I could'n detect when user selectted an Item on the list. So I decided make one better. It's very userful ( I hope ) please Check It out and vote. Comments are also very apreciated.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200251160286358.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/___A_Bette7928954200.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":52,"UserRatingTotal":231,"AuthorName":"Fred.cpp","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34301,"Title":"Sweet Music Visualizations v1 [resubmitted for may]","Description":"this is my first try at a music visualization program. so dont expect the best. i could never find code that would run a visualization on my machine so when i did, well... it sucked. it only had one visualization and a simple one... so i added some visualizations and i want to share it with u! please VOTE and leave SUGGESTIONS!\ni know i have already submitted this... but i missed the 12:00 am deadline by like and hour or 2 so it wasnt entered in may's contest.... it may be a hassle but please re-vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200251169553491.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Sweet_Musi78216512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"poop_4_brains","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34302,"Title":"Dynamically Populate a Treeview/Listview from MSAccess DB using ADO","Description":"This project demonstrates populating a Microsoft Access database dynamically into a treeview and listview control, by using loops and arrays. Also added the common Add/Edit/Update functions into the database for those who wish to learn the basics functions of ADO. Another purpose of designing the code the way I have with objects is so you can reuse the listview and treeview modules just in case you wanted to load the same information into another treeview or listview control, with out adding extra code. Once any database is loaded you can also edit the values in the treeview with the label edit functions. (F2). anyway there are lots of code samples available in this project.\nif you like this code please vote. Thanks.\n \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200252427236425.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Dynamicall78227512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":89,"AuthorName":"Chris Hatton","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34316,"Title":"IMenu, ActiveX","Description":"ActiveX control like on WinXP open dialog.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002511845212688.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/IMenu,_Act78259512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Edin Omeragic ","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34317,"Title":"MSFlexGrid With ADO - GREAT","Description":"I need your opinion/suggestions. I'm a newbie to VB. This is a complete grid program that updates the DB row behind the grid row every time you change rows to minimize possible data loss. Uses excellent ADO procs and has a great error handling routine. Also has alternating color lines and row and col totals. Uses cbo and a calendar popup as well as text box overlay on the grid. There is a more complete explanation (along with a few of my questions) in the .txt file that opens with the project.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Updates the DB","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MSFlexGrid78329512002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Bruce McCormick","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34324,"Title":"Communicate and share data bet apps with Virtual RAM Files (No RamDrives Needed!)","Description":"Create ultra fast virtual files that reside in the RAM (No need of slow harddrives !) that can be shared by more than one app at once... With VFile32, you can even communicate with \"N\" number of other apps connected to a particular virtual file.. With a host of ActiveX events, this power packed component will no doubt extend the VB environment and make interprocess communication and data sharing a LOT easier ! And of you found this code useful, your vote would be appreciated","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002512224177185.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Communicat1176108132002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":35,"UserRatingTotal":172,"AuthorName":"Srideep Prasad","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34336,"Title":"DeathMatch SOM","Description":"Chose your Class, your weapons (16 to chose from!), and battle it out to the death with a friend or the AI. Also features Powerups, which can do anything from boost your armour, weaken your enemy, or even unleash a deadly ring of pipebombs to destroy your opponent. The game even has sounds for everything, so you can actually hear when you hit your opponent, or when a powerup appears.\nBut the best part is, this code is *highly customisable*. You can add new weapons, new powerups, and new classes without having to change any code at all! You can quite easily make your own game by drawing your own pictures, recording your own sounds, and making your own settings file. You can even change the skins of the players: just draw your character, name the bmp files appropriately, and select 'Change Skins' from the menu. There's even a half-completed help file to get you started with the game (I haven't linked it to the program though. Sorry.)\nWell what are you waiting for? Download it :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002524429519.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DeathMatch78409522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Somma!","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34339,"Title":"Four Cool User Controls - GGCommand, GGProgressBar, GGMover and GGCommonDialog","Description":"4 cool user controls. !!! FOR ADVANCED USERS ONLY !!! NO SAMPLE PROJECT INCLUDED !!! Experiment with Properties Browser and methods and events. Look at the great events of GGCommand (I have not seen a Flat Command Button like mine on PSC yet :)) - MouseEnter and MouseExit. Supports transparent images and Caption and Picture position adjustments. \nUsage of GGMover:\nIn MouseDown events of some object (Picture1 for example - set form and picture1 .ScaleMode to 3-Pixel):\nGGMover1.CaptureObject X,Y\nIn MouseMove event:\nGGMover1.MoveObject Picture1,X,Y,True,True,0,300,0,500\nIn MouseUp event:\nGGMover1.ReleaseTargetObject\nIf you have any problems with these user controls just write me an email to gogox@yahoo com or gogox@lycos.com\nThis is my first submission to PSC.Enjoy\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Be carefull with GGCommonDialog - Set .Flags before using it for Fonts - Use GGCommonDialog1.Flags = cdlCFBoth","ApiDeclarations":"A lot of API's in user control's source code.","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025245322240.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Four_Cool_78425522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Georgi Yordanov Ganchev","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34340,"Title":"Bobo Pad","Description":"Advanced Find/Replace. Unlimited Undo/Redo. UPDATED - some minor bugs removed. Demonstrates getting file properties, obtaining document statistics, page setup, printing, file association, create shortcuts, date format, advanced selection options, wordwrap, using commondialog without MS control, controlling RichTextBox scrolling. Can open/save .rtf, .doc and any plain text. Includes a heavily modified version of Undo/Redo classes by Sebastian Thomschke - fully optimized for speed when handling large files. There are many examples of plain text editors here on PSC. I would not have submitted this upload unless I thought it was a significant improvement upon existing submissions.\nThis one is definately better than Notepad. Having submitted \nBobo RegEdit(RegEdit.exe replacement), and Bobo Image Workshop(more than a Paint replacement), I thought I might as well upload this. Behaves just like Notepad without filesize restrictions (Rich Text Box) but edits entirely in plain text format.\nThankyou all for reporting the bugs you found - zip file updated minus those bugs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Bobo_Pad80148562002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34341,"Title":"CommonDialog with Recent File Tab","Description":"Adds a touch of professionalism to your project.\nJust like VB IDE. One tab has the common dialog, the other tab\nshows recent files, their path and their icon in a listview.\nCan obviously be adapted to show images, provide different settings and options to the user as to how they wish to open a file.\nIncluded : Standard EXE project, UserControl Project and test project,\nOCX Project and a test project for the OCX. \nDemonstrates saving/loading listview to registry, getting file icons for use in a listview, how to build your own commondialog controls,\ncontrolling other apps windows.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025254243772.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CommonDial78433522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34344,"Title":"Watcher","Description":"Watcher is server-client application. In zip file there are two files. \nFirst is Writer. this actually monitor activity on your computer. \nFirst it gets active window and its Hwnd, then convert this into thread ID and create snapshot if this is Win9x OS, if not there is no need for this because we can get threads for windows directly. Then compares hwnd and ThreadId to get correct thread and finally convert it to process. \nThen all we have to do is find this process EXE and get app name from there. There are few different ways to get application name from exe file. This application also monitors keyboard and mouse activity just to see when user was working and when not. \nAll data are saved into database.\nSecond source is Watcher. This app connect to writer using TCP/IP protocol (winsock object). The protocol is similar to smpt protocol. I think this could be good example how protocol should look like. I had to wrote my own grid object for this project. The source and OCX is included also. Watcher have hidden functions which are visible if you start app with /SetUp parameter. The code is written somewhere in source of watcher. You can then communicate with writer's manually. Just type Help or check writers source.\nThis software was written few years ago so I don't remember now exactly how and could be some mistakes in description. This is the basically what this source do. If you need additional info let me know and I'll write more about functions and APIs in this source. Or you can contact me on my email.\nThanks, Mitja\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200252933332426.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Watcher78507522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Mitja","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34345,"Title":"Network Pong Game","Description":"This is a very simple pong game I made using the winsock control. It allows two players to play the game over a network, with quite good performance.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002521016249208.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Network_Po78518522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Dino Scarcella","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34351,"Title":"QSCRAB - 3D Cubic Scrabble Γäó","Description":"***UPDATED WITH USER REQUESTS***\nA one-player 3D scrabbleΓäó game using DirectX7. Has a 250,000 word dictionary (plain text). Will check and verify the words. Uses standard scrabbleΓäó rules and scoring - except you can build words around corners. It is lots of fun. To Play, simply click on a letter in the 'rack' and then rotate the cube and click the space you want to place the letter.\nI might end up modifying the game to be 2-player over the TCP/IP if enough interest and positive feedback is given.\nIf you think it's worthy of a vote, then vote. I would appreciate any user feedback and suggestions to improve this game.\nEnjoy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002531051354564.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/QSCRAB_-_378939532002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":97,"AuthorName":"Dave Andrews","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34364,"Title":"SpaceBuggz","Description":"Entertainment/Educational - This is a fully functional Space Zap-Em type application that I whipped up for beginning students interested in game programming, complete with sound effects and Midi Music.","Inputs":"Minimum of 1 finger, Max-3 (use the Arrow keys to move - use the forward Arrow or Z key to shoot)","Assumes":"NA","CodeReturns":"Hours of exceptional Brain-Rot!","SideEffects":"Note: some weight gain has been experienced in test subjects who like to Snak-N-Play!","ApiDeclarations":"Multimedia Apis' for WAV and MIDI","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002521542251885.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SpaceBuggz78622522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Frederick J. Benjamin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34367,"Title":"Changing Forms Read Only Properties at Runtime","Description":"This submission is prompted by a question in Ask a Pro. Allows you to change some readonly properties at runtime.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002521634588488.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Changing_F78641522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34368,"Title":"Laser Credits Writer V3","Description":"This is a credits screen with effect! (see screenshot)\nIt will draw texts with are strings in code (no pictures) so they can also be changed at runtime!\nEasy to understand code with much comments..\nIt's really cool, just trie it!!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Some like BitBlt and sleep, see code","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200252173701703.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Laser_Cred78652522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Peter Hebels","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34374,"Title":"High Precision Timer esp. for Multimedia Applications [Updated 05/07/02]","Description":"This code is a VB implementation of the high precision multimedia timer which can be found\nin the winmm.dll. ---- I wrote this code because of the same reason I created my multiple undo implementation: I wanted to have a smart solution that can be easily added to different VB projects,\nthat doesn't clutter the code, that doesn't let depend my project on another custom\nOCX or DLL file and that is object oriented as much as possible. ---- The demo project's intension is NOT to show that the multimedia timer is or is not more accurate than the standard VB timer. It's primary task is just to show how to use the timer class and how to instantiate and handle more than one timer object. ---- For more information have a look at the readme.txt please. -- NEW: I added a high precision profiler class. -- NEW: UserControl instead of class file. Doesn't crash anymore when run compiled. Much easier handling.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'Several. Look at the code, please.","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025876343047.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/High_Preci80699582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"Sebastian Thomschke","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34376,"Title":"eBay Watcher","Description":"eBay Watcher will periodically check for updates to eBay Auctions. The user specifies the eBay auction IDs and can view the status of the auctions at any time. When the bid price changes, a popup boxes notifies the user of the auction name, the number of bids, and the current price.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200252201314170.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/eBay_Watch78703522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Sean Ferguson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34378,"Title":"ResChanger","Description":"ResChanger will change the screen to the specified resolution and color depth, execute an application, and change the screen settings back when the application terminates. Execute the application for command line parameter specifications.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ResChanger78711522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Sean Ferguson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34382,"Title":"SMTP Relay Control","Description":"SMTP Relay Control will send a message via an SMTP server. Supports one attachment, as well as SMTP authentication.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/SMTP_Relay78720522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Sean Ferguson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34384,"Title":"Winsock Downloader","Description":"Winsock Downloader will download any file from a web server. The control is a progress bar which shows the progress of the download.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_Do78722522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Sean Ferguson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34388,"Title":"Car Racing Game Version 2","Description":"A cool car racing game for 2 players using photorealistic images of real cars.\nThis is an update of an earlier version\nPlease vote for me","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Car_Racing78759522002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jonathan Santos","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34392,"Title":"Convert Columns To Rows","Description":"Convert Columns To Rows for Excel. Select Cells and copy to clipboard. Click then past back to excel.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025341432692.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Convert_Co78802532002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Tony Albutt","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34397,"Title":"_A1 Database Comparison Tool (orig)","Description":"*** A1 Database Copmarison Tool.... Can compare 2 databases for missing Tables.... Can compare 2 Tables for columns and report the missing one's... Generate the Create Table Script... Run the generated script on Target database.... lot more to come.... Uses ADO DB Objects... Can connect to MS Access NOW... SQL Server , Oracle , Foxpro etc ... later...","Inputs":"A OCX is required. It is there in ZIP file. If missing please mail to saigiridhar_k@yahoo.com","Assumes":"Requires a OCX control (Provided in ZIP). Basically this control is developed by someone else and I downloaded it from THIS SITE. Thanks to him.....","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/_A1_Databa815515102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Saigiridhar K","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34398,"Title":"QuickLauncher","Description":"Runs other programs... bzzzz... which you can see on screenshot.\nNOTE: Never run comiled and in vb ide together.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200253847149381.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/QuickLaunc78859532002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Edin Omeragic ","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34402,"Title":"COM","Description":"COM programming with database and without database\nsame com component will run in asp/vb.try it yourself and see the magic.please vote me and send your suggestion to deepakmailto@rediffmail.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/COM78875532002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Deepak Sharma","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34409,"Title":"Excel Timer - let Excel perform periodical tasks!","Description":"A friend of mine asked me about how to let excel periodically update\nsome worksheets containing stock prices. So the first thing I did was\nsearching the web for a solution in Visual Basic for Applications.\nBut the only one I found was to use a 3rd party ActiveX timer control\nwhich you have to place onto a userform. Then I found the VBA command\n\"Application.onTime\" and I had an idea. \nHere is my solution only utilizing the VBA onTime command. NO need for\nActiveX control or any other 3rd party module.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002531030402175.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Excel_Time78891532002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Sebastian Thomschke","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34411,"Title":"Adding an icon to the system tray","Description":"A Win32 API to Add an icon to the system tray. It has very little use but it usefull for all-time programs.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Adding_an_78896532002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Peh Tee Howe","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34413,"Title":"_TechFTP - A Complete FTP Client with Cool Interface.","Description":"Complete FTP Client. Download, Upload, Queues, Site Manager etc. Features like CuteFTP. Used almost all common control (useful for new coders) Illustrates use of winsock control to create FTP Client.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200253113274119.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/_A_Complet80668582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":70,"UserRatingTotal":340,"AuthorName":"Muktak Joshi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34420,"Title":"Source Code Toolbox","Description":"A developers source code database. I built this application as an intermediate project for building a complete application. It illustrates design and human computer interaction techniques, as well as a fully functioning VB app banging on an Access database.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I built this originally in VB5/6 a dogs age ago '99-00 & never posted it on PSC. I dusted this off last week & found a lot of the code examples still relavent. I hope you find some of code useful. \nTons of comments, lots of modules for you to use & abuse.\nLet me know what you think.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Being able to store & retrieve your source code more rapidly may increase your salary, enhance your reputation among co-workers and make you more desirable to the opposite sex (or the same sex if that's your thing).","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002571311217753.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB_Tips_ap78951532002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"James Fleming","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34422,"Title":"Everything bas - EVERYTHING IS ON THIS BAS!!!!!! [ updated!!! ]","Description":"This .bas file has everything. I MEAN EVERYTHING!!! Out of the deep dark secrets of my mind, this .bas file contains:\nStartup maneveurs, shutdown/restart/force/reboot etc. functions, helpful guidelines, sound play, computer-pranks, and way way way way way way more!!! File Move/Copy etc. Commands, Easy way to make your form stay on top of other windows, how to take your program out of the ctrl + alt + delete list, and a lot more that I can't explain in an article like this [it would take too long!!!]","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Everything79072532002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"*JJ*","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34429,"Title":"[_ Line Rotate _]","Description":"Rotate lines, by timer or by mouse move. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200253221921257.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Line_Rotat79050532002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":51,"AuthorName":"Tomas Tupy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34432,"Title":"HexEditor","Description":"For the byte's lovers, another HexaEdit, still in BETA version. \nFeatures: It can edit in hex and char mode, can select blocks of bytes, \nfind and replace bytes and char, multi-language, conversor of numeric \nbases, etc...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200254158127585.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/HexEditor90331642002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":68,"UserRatingTotal":340,"AuthorName":"Arruda","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34436,"Title":"Skinned working fake Winamp","Description":"This program is an imitation of Nullsoft's Winamp. It's is skinnable with the Winamp skins, can play music and sound (mp3, wav, cda, etc...) and works completely.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200254553343497.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Skinned_wo79163542002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"VirtLink Software Productions","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34439,"Title":"cTreeView Class wrapper v02.01.00 (Release 4)","Description":"The award-winning TreeView Class wrapper has been optimised using APIs plus many new features added like simple Drag'n'Drop with auto-expand & auto-scroll, Multi-Node selection, Overlay Icons, load/save to binary/Xml file, and many more... 6 Tutorial applications are included to demonstrate sets of features to help make it easier to understand and implement into your own applications. The Wrapper contains several files that can either be embedded directly in an appplication or compiled into an in-process DLL (by Default). If you're considering working with the TreeView control, then this will be an invaluable tool for you! *** Latest version can be found here:- http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=37553&lngWId=1 ***","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"*** Latest version can be found here:- <a href=\"http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=37553&lngWId=1\">Here!</a>","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"many...","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200254202238819.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TreeView_C79206542002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":57,"UserRatingTotal":285,"AuthorName":"Slider","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34442,"Title":"Clock (DirectAnim. in Html)","Description":"draw a animated clock using VBScript-DirectAnimation in an Html file!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200254946492940.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Clock_(Dir79223542002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"Saeed Serpooshan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34444,"Title":"Simple text effect","Description":"very Simple but interesting text effect for the form caption","Inputs":"needs a timer called timer1","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":13,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Chris Martian","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34449,"Title":"Listbox Item ΓÇómoveΓÇó Multiselect compatable","Description":"Planning to use (a) listbox in your program? Maybe loading database data or MP3 Playlist. With these two functions (including the normal remove function) you are able to move items (compatable to Multiselect) up and down. I may be wrong but I haven't seen these two function on PSC so that's why I decided to posted these functions. Find it useful??? ***Please Vote***","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":50,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"uDmx IoCp┬⌐","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34461,"Title":"Jigsaw Puzzle","Description":"Life like jigsaw puzzle where pieces are actualy cut like the real thing and snap together as they are pieced one by one. Oh! How I wish you┬┤d help me take that PSC CD on home - I hope they shipp to Brazil... so vote!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200255424426933.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Jigsaw_Puz79483552002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":31,"UserRatingTotal":142,"AuthorName":"Aleksander C. Spacca","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34462,"Title":"Rounded 3D Button","Description":"OCX replacement for the command button. You can customize the roundness of the base (corners) and for the face (how much the button is raised to your eyes). You can define the amount of light/shadow that will affect the 3D effect. This control illuminates automatically when the focus and MouseOver event is on. You can give it any color you want, inluding system colors. It takes vbButtonFace color by default. Try with different values to all of these properties to paint the button with many different visual effects. Since cool ones, to sober and ellegant.\nWhen pressed, the gradient inverts to give the sensation of pressed. Supports transparent pictures. with Default, Cancel and Disabled features. \nVery light in weight. All 100% VB code.\nYou are free to use this any way you want! What do you think about it?","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200261166181906.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Rounded_3D89159612002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":187,"AuthorName":"Oscarreno","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34466,"Title":"Edit your OEM Settings","Description":"I just created it for people who want to chang or add items to there system properties.\nVisit http://www.wionj.net/\nVote For ME!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"It works Great.","SideEffects":"None at all","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Edit_your_79491552002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"John Wion","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34472,"Title":"Translucency OCX V2","Description":"Guys as i promised, here am back with the resizeable and moveable version of Translucency OCX... a Novel method to implement translucency to your VB Forms, with just a single line of code !!!!! You expect it to be more easy ????","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200255845432305.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Translucen79543552002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":66,"AuthorName":"Praveen Menon","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34476,"Title":"Music Compuser (notation interface)","Description":"An incomplete music composer (Can't save or load songs, can't print, or replay it after you have written it)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200255102925904.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Music_Comp79577552002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34483,"Title":"_The Simplest DirectX example","Description":"***It's the simplest directX example here!!!***\nIf don't know anything about DX, this is the perfect code for you. \nNo Modules or Classes, just one form with little code. Even includes conv3ds.exe, which lets you convert your 3DS files to .x files which are used in VB. You can easily add them into the world you can create.\n *** GREAT CODE!!! ***\n ***Heavily commented***\n DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT\nLOOK BELOW IN THE COMMENTS FOR URL OF RMCONTROL.ocx AND 3dconv.exe","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002551836283961.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/The_Simple79739552002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"Tomas Tupy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34485,"Title":"graphing in 3d - lorenz attractor and torus knot","Description":"3d graphing, no 3d acceleration of any kind","Inputs":"mouse controlled 3d enviornment, and complexity controls, equation type","Assumes":"complex example of graphing 3d differential calculus and the chaos theory using the lorenz attractor","CodeReturns":"graphs","SideEffects":"proccessor consumption :)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/graphing_i79723552002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"A Kubacki","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34486,"Title":"a 3d starfield!!!!!!!","Description":"3d starfield","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"all you need is a timer control, and a back background for the form","CodeReturns":"stars!!!","SideEffects":"extreme obsessiong with putting this on every platform possible, calculators, etc...","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":99,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":21,"AuthorName":"A Kubacki","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34493,"Title":"API - WinSock OCX replication to Advanced WinSock API Class","Description":"Sox is a 'best of breed' project incorporating many hours of study and testing! With the ability to adjust ALL WinSock API features, eg. KeepAlives, TCP_NODELAY or the Send and Receive buffer sizes, you have the full power and flexability of the API at your disposal! This project utilizes the fastest methods in every aspect, from the Data Buffers to the Sockets Array (all other projects use a 'slow' collection) and is guaranteed to outperform any other project of this nature! If its heavy duty with high traffic, then Sox is your VB answer!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200256753388902.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Sox_-_WinS839885162002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Trevor Herselman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34495,"Title":"WordWrapper","Description":"This function takes a long string of text, splits it up into lines for printing or displaying, then returns the new string. Like the newspaper, it doesnt cut off words, it carries them over to the next line. It includes a function to check for the longest word so you dont accidently ask for a column width smaller than your largest word.","Inputs":"It accepts a long as a parameter that represents the max number of characters per line.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Returns the new string.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None.","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/WordWrappe79864562002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Robert J. Fucci","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34496,"Title":"APIInputBox&ComboBox","Description":"Bugs fixed, autotype ability added. This was hard to figure out as API combo box doesnt get WM_CHAR message + some others neat adds.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200256919232857.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/APIInputBo79895562002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"M.C","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34507,"Title":"Formatted Label","Description":"The FormattedLabel acts as a standart label control, but by placing commands within the caption, you can display different font effects. \nDifferent commands allow you to change bold, italic, underline, strikethru and color styles and insert line breaks. \nThe control also features AutoSize and WordWrap.\nBut i can't do it with transparent background. Buuuu. :o)\nHi folks. I change tags to html like but without color tag. In declaration part of UserControl there is constants like \nCONST cBoldStart = \"<something>\". \nYou can change tags there but they must by among < and >. Thanks to all for your reqest and tips.\np.s. I hope than my programing is better then my english. Sorry :o))))","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025892553232.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Formatted_80743582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":64,"AuthorName":"RadimS","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34509,"Title":"Network Naughts & Crosses","Description":"Play Naughts & crosses (Tic Tac Toe) across a network.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Network_Na80077562002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jamin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34515,"Title":"Update - RPG Engine (DX)","Description":"Update to my earlier game, has a few new features, i also changed it to use time based moedling, which allows the game to run the same speed on any computer without limiting the frame rate. After all, why should people with faster computers be punished? =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002591818187416.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Update_-_R81405592002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Matt P Claiborne","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34516,"Title":"Quotes in Strings","Description":"If you ever wanted to have a string with quotes inside this is a handy tip.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"JoshD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34520,"Title":"Testing Installations and Installing Windows in Under 5 Minutes.","Description":"Need to test installs on different operating systems? Need a new operating system fast? Infected by virus?...Read this - it may help.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34521,"Title":"Count characters in textstring","Description":"Here is an example of how one can count the number of appearances of a specified character in a given textstring.\nIncluded is a little project file with a form.\nThe code is quite understandable.\nActually it is beginners code.\nI just submitted this as a sequel to another submission here on PSC. Not that I find the other submission bad, but to show another way of doing things.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200257107488774.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Count_char80363572002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"_Merlin_","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34523,"Title":"ODBC Clone","Description":"This example show how can do User DSN, System DSN or File DSN using ODBC API┬┤s. It's works in Windows 9X,Me,NT,2000,Xp.\nThis example create DSN's for Microsoft Access and SQL Server, but you can use other driver.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002571025315766.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ODBC_Clone80366572002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Victor Velepucha","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34526,"Title":"Dinamic MENU CREATOR","Description":"Best Way To Create 10000 Menues At Once! And\nDisplay Them As Menu Bar or Floating PopUp!!!\nBETA TESTING!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Dinamic_ME81165592002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":63,"AuthorName":"VF-fCRO","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34531,"Title":"Codebox with Line Numbers","Description":"This is a rich-text-box with a built-in line-number panel on the left. Typical use would be for a script editor language IDE. I Couldn't find a decent one on here that did this, so I spent some time doing it myself, and passing it on for you to use (and improve on, of course). It is a pretty basic control, but I did make into a control so you can just pop it onto a form and go (of course, source code for control is included). You can control the Line Number panel width, backcolor and forecolor, along with all textbox stuff (uses RTF in case you want to use my syntax code colorizer submission). The Line number panel automatically adjusts its font to be the same name/size/etc., as the text box so that they line up properly. Hope you find it helpful - if so, votes are always appreciated (kind of makes me feel like it was time well spent).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002571429275656.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Codebox_wi80456572002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":61,"AuthorName":"Anthony Dunleavy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34532,"Title":"Wiz AddIn","Description":"This is an add-in for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. It does following of things: 1. Adds or removes line numbers from projects in a group. Unlike other add-ins, this one has been thoroughly tested on live complex projects for more then a year and has lots of code to workaround VB IDE object model bugs. It also does smart numbering (for example it won't number trivial assignment statements in Property Get). 2. This add-in can also add error handlers in all methods. Again unlike other similar utilities, this one has been thoroughly tested, accepts a directive to turn off error handler and has some decision making code to decide whether an error handler would effect actual logic. 3. Fix for VB's recent menu item bug (MRU) (you might have noticed VB's Recent project item menu always gets messed up).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200257144641574.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Wiz_AddIn80461572002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"KappaAqr","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34533,"Title":"_ Authenticate via HTTP 401, digest calculator (You have no idea how long this took to work out! ) _","Description":"This code takes into account the NONCE, CNONCE, NONCE-count, Username, Password, HTTP Method, URi, realm......... and finally QOP type :)\nTHIS CODE IS FOR WEB DEVELOPERS WHO WISH TO AUTHENTICATE VIA HTTP, AND KNOW WHAT ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE... (if you dont, i suggest you stop reading now :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE MD5 DLL, GET IT HERE:\n'http://www.esquadro.com.br/md5bas.zip\n\nPrivate Declare Sub MDFile Lib \"aamd532.dll\" (ByVal f As String, ByVal r As String)\nPrivate Declare Sub MDStringFix Lib \"aamd532.dll\" (ByVal f As String, ByVal t As Long, ByVal r As String)\nPublic Function MD5String(KeyAndPass As String) As String\n Dim r As String * 32, t As Long\n r = Space(32)\n t = Len(KeyAndPass)\n MDStringFix KeyAndPass, t, r\n MD5String = r\nEnd Function","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":19,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Jon Barker","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34535,"Title":"Custom Shaped form - A function that can convert shapes to regions!!","Description":"WOW! COOL !WOW\nYou Can convert a shape to a region, combine it with an other shape and eventually shape a form with it!!\nVery easy to use!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002571553468991.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Custom_Spa80477572002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Lefteris Eleftheriades","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34539,"Title":"WebSafe ColorPicker","Description":"Selects a color","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"ColorCodes in HEX (Web) and VBColor codes","SideEffects":"It formats your harddrive and steals your girlfriend :)","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002571716232990.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/WebSafe_Co80502572002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Dondata","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34544,"Title":"Text Pictures","Description":"I had a very different idea of this program when I started but this is just as cool. It takes any image file (gif, jpeg, bmp) and converts it to text. I've tested it with Arial. You can enter a custom text pattern but you'll have to do a little bit of extra programming. Please leave comments. Thanks ~rob","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200257214444240.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Text_Pictu80556572002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Rob H","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34547,"Title":"Basics of Using ADO! *VOTE PLEASE*","Description":"This will show new people to VB or Vb and Database's the basic's of using ADO with VB and access databases. *PLEASE VOTE*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Basics_of_80604582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"hamsters at xssi.net","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34549,"Title":"Design a Form at Run Time just like in VB!","Description":"With this usercontrol you can easily resize and move controls at runtime. First click a control to select it. Then click and drag a \"gripper\" to resize. Or right click a \"gripper\" to move the control, right click again to finish moving.\n<br>\nThis usercontrol automatically sizes and positions to the control you select. Also this usercontrol will automatically add and remove itself to a control container (like a picture box) as needed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200258158542311.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Design_a_F80613582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":31,"UserRatingTotal":153,"AuthorName":"Bryan A. Cairns","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34553,"Title":"Kyma BioRhythms (Re-upload)","Description":"Major re-write and expansion of my previous biorhythm program. Now includes database for names, synchronicity (aka compatibility) calculator, helps for operation and interpretation (somewhat sketchy at present) and journaling capability via WordPad. Operationally complete except for report generation. New archive includes forms missing from previous upload. My apologies to all for the omissions. Your comments and/or votes greatly appreciated. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200258414305991.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Kyma_BioRh80653582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Michael Hebert","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34556,"Title":"Password Manager/Database","Description":"Ado Database which stores Usernames, Passwords, Notes. Passwords are kept encrypted. For the Encryption i used the DS2 Class I found on this site.(Author: David Greenwood)So far the best Encryption - Example I could find here.\nUses the Microsoft-Style of Ado Database. Features Add, Update, Delete, Cancel, Edit and a Listbox. See Screenshot!\nUpdate available, More security:\nhttp://www.pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=41006&lngWId=1\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200258535532739.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Password_M80676582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Ranma Saotome","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34557,"Title":"ER Converter","Description":"ER Converter it is a Translit->Cyrillic->Translit text converter. As I know, it is not so convenient to write Russian text because of the keyboard structure. In addition, many countries do not have Russian keyboards at all.\nHowever, the most important thing is that it is easy to use, just 3 little steps :\n1) Copy the text you want to convert ( CTRL+C )\n2) Press CTRL+F12\n3) Paste converted text wherever you want ( CTRL+V ) \nThat is all.\n","Inputs":"Translit, English text in the program's window or by writing some text in clipboard and pressing CTRL + F12.\nExample : CTRL+C -> CTRL+F12 -> CTRL+V","Assumes":"To run ER Converter in HOT-KEY mode you have to run it with command line argument : ER_Converter.exe HOTKEY","CodeReturns":"Converted text.\nPress ΓÇ£ConvertΓÇ¥ in the program's window or CTRL+V to retrieve converted result from clipboard.\n","SideEffects":"None, as I know.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025879535182.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ER_Convert80702582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":38,"AuthorName":"XIII","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34558,"Title":"DM Colour Pal - Update","Description":"Hi this is an update to mine DM Colour Picker anyway I now added Control so it can be added to the system tray added more colour stuff like Hex colour Vbcolour codes I have also changed the interface a little fixed some bugs also now added in part were you can make you own pallets anyway I hope you find it usfull please vote if you like it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025101046495159.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DM_Colour_816135102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"dreamvb","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34570,"Title":"Broadcast Over MSN","Description":"This code will Send a message to all open MSN Conversation Windows. Please comment and vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":28,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"┬ºe7eN","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25617,"Title":"Scroll Example","Description":"This is an example of how to scroll a form vertically. It also resizes the controls and moves through the form if the focus is on an unseen control (textboxes in this example).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Nothing","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Scroll Exa236987292001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Rob","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25622,"Title":"View Pictures using HTML in VB","Description":"This searches a givin directory for .jpg .bmp .gif and can be edited to search for other picture formats as well. It then lists all pictures found in a listbox. Click the checkbox to preview each picture 1 at a time in Microsoft Internet Control(Web Control).\nPlease Vote! \nunderground technologies\nu_tech@excite.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"you must have SHDOCVW.DLL to use this sample.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200172945236481.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/View Pictu237057292001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"underground technologies","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25625,"Title":"Page Balloon **Now with API timer**","Description":"Hey I have changed Pageballoon by using API timers instead of widgets. I have found that they are much much faster and don't corrupt the balloons when you have many of them on the screen. Check it out, its quite fun, you can even put your \"\"mates\"\" head on one, which is nice!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001729744468975.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Page Ballo237097292001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Niknak!!","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25627,"Title":"Excel/Word/Access user log","Description":"It keeps a log (IP, TIME (local), NetworkUserName) of those that open the office document you put the code in.\nExample: Peter 7/29/2001 11:27:12 AM Great to see who is opening your files.","Inputs":"UserId, IP (taken from registry), Time stamp.","Assumes":"Read side effects. IP is taken from registry so it is necessary to point to its key. \nI took some code from other programmer's cotributions, if you recognize the code please let me know and i will mention you.","CodeReturns":"Writes inputs in builtindocumentproperties.\n","SideEffects":"if file is opened too oftenly and the log is not cleared, \"comment\" may become too big (i bet it will crash). Also, note that comments can be read by anyone and cleared too (unless document is write protected with password)","ApiDeclarations":"Public Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002\nPublic Const REG_SZ = 1 ' Unicode\nPublic Const REG_DWORD = 4 ' 32-bit\nDeclare Function GetUserName Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"GetUserNameA\" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function RegOpenKey Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegOpenKeyA\" (ByVal hkey As Long, ByVal lpsubkey As String, phkresult As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"RegQueryValueExA\" (ByVal hkey As Long, ByVal lpvaluename As String, ByVal lpreserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function GetComputerNameA Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":38,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"uloncha","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25632,"Title":"A Complete Telnet OS!","Description":"JOS 3 is a complete telnet OS.\nIt supports features like:\n1) Multiple Logins\n2) Multi-user Filesystem\n3) Client only needs telnet\nJOS 3 supports many commands and is set up much like Linux.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017291528217887.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A Complete237217292001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":81,"AuthorName":"Jeff Quesnelle","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25633,"Title":"How to detect if mousewheel scrolls","Description":"This snippet will detect if the mouse wheel scrolls, it does not detect if there is a scroll up/down, i do not know how to do that.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Add a timer, set inteval to 1. \nAdd a listbox.\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetMessageA\" (lpMsg As Msg, ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsgFilterMin As Long, ByVal wMsgFilterMax As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DispatchMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"DispatchMessageA\" (lpMsg As Msg) As Long\nPrivate Type POINTAPI\n x As Long\n y As Long\nEnd Type\nPrivate Type Msg\n hwnd As Long\n message As Long\n wParam As Long\n lParam As Long\n time As Long\n pt As POINTAPI\nEnd Type","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":10,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Ian Gorse","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25638,"Title":"Giant Yatzee","Description":"Here is Giant Yatzee, the yatzee game with 12 dices and everything else a Giant Yatzee needs...\nI don't know if there exists a giant yatzee in other countries, and if it does I don't know if it's the same, but this is the danish version of Giant Yatzee...\nI'm sorry I didn't translate it to english, but I guess it is not hard to figure out what they means\nThe Original Code comes from Knoton:\nhttp://www.planet-source-code.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.24535/lngWId.1/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm\nHave Fun","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017292058457273.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Giant Yatz238087312001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"ADG","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25642,"Title":"windows ce registry editor","Description":"sample application that writes ALL KINDS OF KEYES SUPPORTED BY WINDOWS 32BIT , written for windows ce systems using embedded visual basic 3.0","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":41,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001729236539611.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/windows ce23852812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"michele berardi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25646,"Title":"Create a tree directories in one single function call ** A Must SEE one **","Description":"It will create a tree of directories even though your PC doesn't have the parant directory. For example if you want to create a directory \"Test3\" under C:\\TEST1\\TEST2. This function will create TEST3 and it will also create TEST1 and TEST2 if your system doesn't have TEST1 and TEST2. Please Vote ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001730631448082.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Create a t237487302001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Nazer Mohamed","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25658,"Title":"Block Puzzle","Description":"Your objective is to get all the blocks to display the same letter. Sounds easy.. But most of the time, it isn't =)\nThis was based on the tree puzzles in the game Black & White. So if you need to solve it, get the tree puzzle solver available from www.bwcenter.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Block Puzz237717302001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Nate Strandberg","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25663,"Title":"VB 6.0 Add-In - Asc/Chr Conversions","Description":"This is an extremely usefull add-in for VB 6.0 that allows you to convert ASCII to Character and Character to ASCII. Nothing complicated here, just simple code for a simple purpose.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Just compile the .dll into the VB98 directory.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001730162222735.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB 6_0 Add237767302001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Andy T.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25664,"Title":"_Wings of Fury","Description":"This is a remake of the Apple IIe classic \"Wings of Fury\" You are a pilot of a P-51 Mustang and are attempting to rid islands of their inhabitans by strafing them.\n *WARNING* This is a work-in-progress. As to this date, the program runs but it is FAR from finished. I am submitting so that others may leave suggestions or use it to make their own game. It is heavily commented and should be easy to follow. I commented about BitBlt extremely well and this would be a great example for anyone learning it.\nENJOY!!!\nUpdate 1: Now includes Pixel Collision for landing and the plane has guns\nUpdate 2: Guns now kill people(little graves pop up, it's morbid but funny) and bullets kick up sand, dirt and water\nUpdate 3: Bombs! They don't kill yet but they will","Inputs":"Arrow Keys","Assumes":"I used to play this game when I was like 6 or 7 on my dads Apple IIe. To this day, I still consider it one of the most fun games I've ever played, that is why I am trying to remake it","CodeReturns":"A fun game","SideEffects":"This program uses memory pointers, if the program terminates irregularly, it can cause these pointers to be lost and therefore the memory unusable. To free this memory, you must restart your computer. (This sounds worse than it is, it's not a big deal)","ApiDeclarations":"A bunch but there all in the code","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001731155684998.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Wings of F238227312001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Chad Bjorklun","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25670,"Title":"Power Printer OCX (Source)","Description":"This is a Printer OCX I made because I found that it is a pain in the rear to print simple things in VB. So after many hours of debating wether i should be nice and make it open source I thought \"ahh help the newb's.\" So here it is. I don't care if you vote or not, but it may tell me if its any good or not. \nThx\nME","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Power Prin237867302001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":52,"AuthorName":"~DanDa311~","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25671,"Title":"W32.Sircam.Worm@mm Virus Remover (UPDATED!!!)","Description":"(UPDATED!!!)\n(I updated the program and now its all describted)\nNOW! Please Vote For Me!\nthis code will remove the latest virus!!!:\n(32.Sircam.Worm@mm)\nthis is my first try for a completed VB program and i am only 13 so please accept it :)\nthis code is working 100% :)\nuse the code as you like...if you have any improvments please send them to: b2sp@b2sp.net\nVisit My Site @ http://security.b2sp.net","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"remove the W32.Sircam.Worm@mm virus!!!\nanti-virus\nvirus scan\nanti-hackers\nvirus\nhack\nscan\nvirusscan\nhacking\nhacker\nhackers\nviruses\nsecurity\nW32.sicam\nworm@mm\nremove\nworm\nvb\ndecleration\nutility\ncontrol\nsystem\nvirus system\ninternet\nmobile","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017302028288178.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/W32_Sircam238057312001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Zain.A Tawfiq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25672,"Title":"Screen Docking","Description":"This module shows how to dock a form to the screen and reserve screen space so maximized windows can't cover it. All the other code I looked at had a ton of un-needed garbage in it.","Inputs":"All you need to do is pass the \"Dock\" function a form, what part of the screen to dock to, and a variable to receive the returned data.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This code reserves screen space the size of your form, depending on where you dock it, this will shift everything else, like maximized windows and all your desktop icons. If, for instance, you make your form height the same as your screen height, all your icons and your task bar will be pushed off the bottom of your screen. Also if you don't call the \"UnDock\" function when your program closes the space reserved for your program will remain reserved even afrer your program is closed.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Screen Doc237907302001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":15,"UserRatingTotal":74,"AuthorName":"Bratao","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10759,"Title":"SurfTabs - New Version 1.6.13","Description":"SurfTabs, the open source web browser based on the Microsoft Internet Explorer object.\nEnabled [backspace] in the URL address text box. Fixed History to prevent duplicate entries. Fixed History to save new entries with out the http://. Fixed Add To Favorites so it saves it as the site name instead of the URL. Also fixed a minor bug in the Favorites code, but did not yet fix the folder with in a folder problem. And a few other minor things.\nThis may be my last posting for SurfTabs here at Planet-Source-Code due to my new SurfTabs site at http://BlacksWeb.com/SurfTabs . There you can find news about SurfTabs, download the program and source code, post requests or bugs, and submit your own code for SurfTabs.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008171435192955.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90468172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"Jim Black","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10764,"Title":"Terminator","Description":"Kill any active process (program) on your computer. You can add or delete any program to the add list. The app will show all active process(program) that is running on your computer.\nUsefull app with a few clicks kill many active programs...\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90538172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"tmo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10769,"Title":"a 3d pong game","Description":"3dpong, yo!\nit needs direct 3d 7 \nit took about 20 mins....so its kinda sloppy hahahah have fun","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"nothing","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90598172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Steve Ciokan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10771,"Title":"MP3 Info - DLL","Description":"Great DLL to get the ID3 Tag information or info from an MP3. You can also edit all the ID3 tag fields except for the GENRE which I am still working on.","Inputs":"You must enter the full path of the mp3 and then read the other properties to get that info from the mp3.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90618172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Kris Gandhi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10772,"Title":"Complete Weather App","Description":"PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!\nThis is a complete Weather Program Configured for St Louis but u can enter in your zip code, city, state and your own radar links. It gets all watches/warnings, forecasts, conditions, with Dopplar Radar and Zooming into Cities. It has a built in Instant Messanger, Auto Download Timer, Pan radar in any Direction and Advanced Info.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"none","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90628172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Derek","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10775,"Title":"Detect \"\\\" in directory","Description":"Suppose You try to get the app.path when the app is in the C Drive. the result is \"C:\\\". if the app is in another directory the result may be \"C:\\Directory\". notice there is no backslash. most people skip this because they don't think it is a problem, but it is. when you put in a program, app.path & \"\\filename.file\", when it is in the C Drive or if you put app.path & \"filename.file\" in a named directory, the computer will either return \"C:\\\\filename.file\" or \"C:\\Directoryfilename.file\". this code will show you how to detect the backslash and deal with it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":8,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Eric LeBourgeois","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10779,"Title":"CoverTracks: Hide files you don't want anyone else to see","Description":"This is a prog someone requested me to make for them (I wont ask why Thomas) but here it is.\nVery simply, it asks you at startup if you want to update your winamp skins. if your laptop, etc. gets raided, the person doing the raiding will 99% of the time click \"no\", in which case, bye-bye \"unwanted\" files! note: you have to add each \"unwanted\" file individually, so that there is a list of all the files","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"deletes files permanently (not to recycle bin) so be careful what you test it on!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90708182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"J├╕hn Devenish","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10780,"Title":"Move forms together","Description":"Move forms together as if they were docked. \nNo Timer needed!\nI had to separate forms used as a kind of toolbox. My idea was, that it would be nice if I could move these two together if they were both active. VB doesn't tell me when my form is moved. But then I realised that I read s.th. about moving forms without a titlebar. Using this trick my code will perform the following action:\n1. The form detects a mousedown event\n2. The mouse is released and the form moved by FormDrag\n3. The other form is notified of the movement\n4. The other form will follow the first\nDon't forget to vote if you like it ;o)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Sub ReleaseCapture Lib \"user32\" ()\nDeclare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":22,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Andre Koester","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10781,"Title":"Very fast Image Processing","Description":"This code shows how to realize fast Image Processing. I've made a small animation with it.","Inputs":"Picture1 = PictureBox\nTimer1 = Timer","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Type BITMAP\n bmType As Long\n bmWidth As Long\n bmHeight As Long\n bmWidthBytes As Long\n bmPlanes As Integer\n bmBitsPixel As Integer\n bmBits As Long\nEnd Type\nPrivate Declare Function GetObject Lib \"gdi32\" Alias \"GetObjectA\" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, lpObject As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetBitmapBits Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal dwCount As Long, lpBits As Any) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetBitmapBits Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal dwCount As Long, lpBits As Any) As Long\nDim PicBits() As Byte, PicInfo As BITMAP, Cnt As Long","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":35,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Stephan Kirchmaier","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34849,"Title":"Presto Mp3 Lite","Description":"Play your mps3 ANDm movies in yet another media player application - but this one IS COOL!! (in my humble opinion)\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You can set your file associations and mp3lite will automatically play when you click in explorer. If you open a movie that mediaplayer can handle, then a movie window opens up to show the movie - right-click on the movie titlebar to toggle between normal and double size.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002516133759.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Presto_Mp3838965162002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"Anthony Neilsen","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34858,"Title":"OptiType 3.0 - Advanced word processor, HTML editor and webbrowser (all in one)","Description":"OptiType is a word processor, HTML editor, webbrowser, and editor for DOS batch files, all in one program. It has support for RTF and TXT files, HTML files (with an integrated preview window), and batch files. You get all the functionality of a word processor (font tools, print previews, find and replace routines, printing, inserting images, word count, e-mail, etc), plus wizards for creating letters and web pages. It has a seperate toolbar on the left that allows the user to quickly insert stuff like HTML tags and MS-DOS commands (for batch files). As an added bonus, this program can also be used as a fully functional webbrowser, even allowing you to instantly edit the source code of the website you're viewing. \nThis is a relatively big project (23 forms, 3 modules) and although this version is pretty much complete, I'm still improving things so any feedback would be more than welcome.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The original program was written in dutch, however this version is 100% translated in English. The only downside is that, in the source code, some of the subroutine and variable names are still in dutch, so you may need to take your time to figure it out.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025161819547251.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/OptiType_3843225172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":70,"AuthorName":"Benny Rossaer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34863,"Title":"[X]-HTML v1.2","Description":"This is a great HTML Editor I have been working on, its current posistion is between version 1.2, and 1.3. This HTML editor has all the good stuff, Links images formats, frames, tables scripts and a script maker, a browser and of course page preview. I am still working on this program to make it even better.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025162230392125.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/[X]-HTML_v840575162002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"SkaterRob 2k1","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34867,"Title":"Sweet Visualizations v1.5","Description":"same as the earlier submission but now has two new effects that are better than most of the other 8, ice scope fades away, and impression i cant really describe it... PLEASE VOTE!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200251702197712.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Sweet_Visu840855172002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":39,"AuthorName":"poop_4_brains","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":26213,"Title":"Color Conversion Functions","Description":"Convert any color format (hex, long, rgb) to any other color format. There may be other examples of this on PSC, but I checked them and they do not use the same algorithm. This is not the fastest way to convert colors, but it is simple and reliable.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":58,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Simon Price","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":26216,"Title":"Great & Simple Multi-Column ComboBox","Description":"Yet another update. I have fixed the scrollbar display under WindowsXP.\nHere's an update to my Combobox control. I fixed the App activation issue, and added support for MDI & MDI child forms.\nThanks for the support!\nDue to the lack in VB for a Multi-Column Combobox and the licensing issues with the Forms2.0 control, I've created my own. This control uses only the standard VB controls so there are no extra dependencies like many of the other Multi-Column comboboxes out there. It's simple to use and setup. It supports column widths, a finditem method that searches items by column, and hot-tracking. It also has the common ComboEdit & ComboList style. You can adjust the drop-down list height and width. The list will also display outside of the form border. The code for the control is not commented very well, but the demo does a pretty good job explaining how to use it. Many of the API & Subclassing base techniques used in the control are from vbAccelerator, & mvps.org/vbnet. Also, if you know of any ways to improve it, please let me know. I've tested MANY other Multi-Column comboboxes (free and the not so free) and I feel this control is a very good cross between graphical representation and useability providing the programer an easy interface and the end user a control that behaves like you would expect.\nIf you feel that this control is worth the time & effort put into it, then please vote for it! If not, any suggestions on how I can make it better are greatly appreciated. Thanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001814222428812.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Great_&_Si70055482002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Matthew Hood","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":26233,"Title":"CS Wallpaper Changer 1.0.9","Description":"This is a complete and finished program. This program has many features. It will save all your settings and remember which was the las picture load in the picture list. You can load jpg, bmp, and gif's. If a picture in the list is no longer there a pic of a error will appear in the preview. You can also have this run in the systray and launch at startup. See Pic for more details.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018151122442968.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CS Wallpap247048152001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Shane Croft","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":26238,"Title":"A Program Dock (update)","Description":"((UPDATE))\nI added the following things to this app. Ability to have it run at startup and to minimize to the System Tray.\nThis app simply allows the user to configure 8 apps to be run from the bar. It uses 48x48 icons only, or it will look funny. I know, I could have dynamically read the different sizes, but I only wanted to use 48x48. I do not know if I will maintain this app further, as it serves my purpose. The icons I included were created for IconPackager (theme FauxS-X (Black)) by Paul Boyer - mormegil@odyssey-3.com.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018151447357844.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A Program 247698162001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"VBScript","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":26242,"Title":"Daily Dilbert (no ocx)","Description":"This is my version of the Daily Dilbert program here. The big difference is that this one doesn't use the msinet ocx. It demonstrates downloading a file from the internet with a couple of lines of code and no dependencies (other than MS Internet Explorer). I used the filesystem object for file reading but this could be changed to a native open command to eliminate the dependency on scrrun.dll (the scripting runtime file).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Daily Dilb247168152001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Daniel Biener","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":26248,"Title":"simple 15 puzzle","Description":"demonstrates simple puzzle code\nwhy waste so much time on extra code when this does a good job.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"why use to much code. if it achieves the end why put in so much extra code as i have seen in other 15 puzzules on this site.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/simple 15 247268152001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"ken mckeon","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":35210,"Title":"An Easy OOP Script engine","Description":"Simple scripting language using classes. Uses callbyname function to run a classes methods. This allows for very fast parsing, because there is no IF Then or Case statements. Create a class module with the functions that you want in your scripting 'language'. Then you can simply send a string of text into the class' parse function to get the name of the function and the values to be operated on. After you have gotten the name, use CallByName with the vbMethod operator. This is a quick class (OOP) example. To keep it simple, I didn't include properties, only public and private variables.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The result of an operation","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025281521178806.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/An_Easy_OO878655282002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Erik Stites","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":35220,"Title":"Changing MS Access password using DAO and VB.","Description":"This submission was deleted due to the recent hacker attack. So I'm re-posting it to give access to other users who want this code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Changing_M879365282002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Erick Asas","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":35221,"Title":"API for beginners made easy","Description":"API for beginners made easy.\nYet another submission for beginners. The API is sometimes avoided when first starting VB programming because it seems too difficult. In fact it's quite easy, just experiment. I've tried to split the code up to into various modules to make it clearer to undertand. Vb controls sometimes lack some properties we as programmers need. The API can be used to return those properties to us. In addition API gives us access to built in dialogs and other functions not otherwise available through VB. This demo covers only a few of the more common API functions, there are hundreds and hundreds of others! \nModify VB Controls: Listview Flat Column headers, Treeview no tooltips, Progress bar change back/forecolor, Textbox - lower/uppercase and numbers only, Command button - thick edge, flat, hover.\nDialogs: Open, Save, Browse for Folder, Printer, PageSetup, Color, Font, Add to Favorites, Organize Favorites, Import/Export Favorites, About. \nFunctions: GUID Generator, Unique Temp filename, IE Version, Keycode giver, Hard Disk info, Common Paths, Long filename, Short filename, FileExists, Binary open/save\nString Parsing: Pathonly, Fileonly, ExtensionOnly, ChangeExtension, Unique filename, File size, Trim null characters.\nI recommend you visit www.allapi.net for excellent downloads regarding the API - but be quick, I understand the site is closing soon.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025282149581398.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/API_for_be879395282002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":124,"AuthorName":"MrBobo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":35224,"Title":"clsMP3","Description":"A class module that can read ID3v1, ID3v2, and header information from MP3s. Also includes a function for searching dirs for MP3's and subdirs. Can be compiled into an ActiveX Dll for use in ASP or other types of apps. Sample project shows proper use of the class.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20027191925557041.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/clsMP31083947192002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Zakk Hoyt","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11554,"Title":"C++ Controls in your app (updated) - now with tutorial","Description":"REAL C++ CONTROLS IN YOUR APP!!!\nDo you know the code \"Real C++ Buttons\" by Randy Mcdowell?\nIt sends a message to a VB Button to make it a \"C++ Button\". But if you look at this button with\nSpy++ you will see that it is still a \"ThunderCommandButton\", the VB Button.\nMy code lets you use EVERY C++ control in your app!!! And these controls are REAL C++ controls!!!\nThink of the fantastic controls you can have: e.g. the cool hotkey control. Or what about a \"real\"\nRICHEDIT control? The only limitation is your fantasy! Control events are also supported.\nWell commented, and easy to use even if you don't understand everything that happens.\nThe second version of this code, now with tutorial and some new stuff.\nHave fun with this code, use it in your app, and if you like it VOTE FOR IT!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20009191616207156.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD99959192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Druid Developing","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11557,"Title":"RRPencil","Description":"I love pencil drawing and there's nothing to beat pencil\nand paper. On the computer the mouse never moves as easily as a \npencil but mathematics does allow some types of drawing to be\ncarried out much more quickly than would be possible by hand.\nThis is a pencil drawing programme with 256 shades of grey. \nIt has 21 drawing tools and a host of sub-tools all easily\nselected from on-screen toolbars. Many shaded shapes such as\ncurved lines, tubes, cones etc can be drawn. All the standard picture \nformats can be loaded or added and re-positioned. Saving is either\nas a BMP or a JPG file. Any rectangular part of the picture can be \nsaved. JPG saving and printing is accomplished by using a single exe, \nfree-standing, freeware conversion program that takes a command \nline and is hence easily used in VB. The source and credits for this\nare included in the .zip file In addition to the tools there is a zoom \nfacility, whole-picture scrolling, +, X & perspective hair-lines, settable\nbrick & tile sizes, text with any font, size or angle, undo and two \ncanvas sizes suitable for A4 paper. All the source files, including \nbutton bitmaps, are included. The .zip file is just over 1MB and the \nprogram is written for an 800x600 screen.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000920326129297.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD100059192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":105,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11566,"Title":"E-mail Access Reports","Description":"Allows you to use Outlook to send bulk e-mails of Access Reports in Snapshot Format to users (ISO Printing, Faxing etc...)","Inputs":"Uses an Access Database with User e-mail adresses\nUsed DAO, thus you need to set a Reference in Outlook to the MS DAO 3.51 Library","Assumes":"This code should go in an Oulook module. You can then run the code by itself or by creating a menuitem on your menus.\nThis would also require you to first save your files as Snapshot files in a specified direcory. You can of course do this in one step but we needed to send 6 files. That would have meant six e-mails, we prefferred to send 1 only and hence the effort to first create the files","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No Error Trapping.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":76,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Miyagi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11568,"Title":"Contact Manager v5.0 - Now with HTML Export and Record Print","Description":"Wow - Im averaging a New version every 1.4 days. Well This version has 2 main features added.<BR>\n1. Record printing is now possible<BR>\n2. You can export your ENTIRE Phonebook to a fully functioning HTML Web-Phonebook (ONE CLICK TO EXPORT AND VIEW!!!)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20009201130238311.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD100179202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":37,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11755,"Title":"Advanced Console Techniques","Description":"Looking at some of the existing VB Console Source Code, I could not find one that did everything I wanted. So I created this one complete with familiar commands like CLS, Locate and Color. Extremely well documented and easy to use sample application included. Vote if you like it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD102669292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Joseph M. Ferris","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11756,"Title":"Line by Line Text Cycle","Description":"This code will cycle through a text box or rich text box line by line, select the line and place it into a string array. The array will then be passed to another method where it will be placed into a list box excluding the blank lines.\nI've seen other code like this but if there is no ending vbCrLf then the last line of the box is not read, I've fixed this and showed how to extract the line information and how to use it.\nThe code is slowed down using a pause routine that I made about a year ago.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"Assumption is that this code is for beginners to experts","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":58,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000929123539384.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"rbennett","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11758,"Title":"Os - ill Synthesizer *Update 3*","Description":"Same 2 osc. synth. New features: Save the machine state (patch). Higher resolution. Load user drawn envelopes (UDE). Uses an xternal program (with source) to draw these envelopes. smoothing! NOTE: No new effects have been added >>YET<<.\nNew interface! \nKnob OCX is now a private usercontrol. It also has a new look. The waveform monitor now in fading color. Good samples are from green to yellow, bad samples are bright red (&HFF)\nThe decay bug is no more! **just fixed UDE amplitude problem.Osc1 & Osc2s amp are totally editable now**","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000929143338154.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD102739292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Dave Katrowski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11761,"Title":"Create your own calendar with only 3 single controls and good old VB Code! ( See Screenshot )","Description":"Take a blank form with 3 Labels, add some VB code and it turns out to be a method of making your own Custom Calendar Control or Application!! (EXE INCLUDED) *Please Vote*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20009291655578789.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD102769292000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":11767,"Title":"_Write private profiles.","Description":"Shows how to write private profile strings to ini's and get them.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD102839302000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Mark Withers","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25674,"Title":"EzCryptoApi","Description":"EzCryptoAPI is an ActiveX Control that will allow the programmer to implement encryption/hashing algorithms included on advapi32.dll. The encryption/decryption algorithms are: RC2, RC4, DES, Triple-DES, Triple-DES-112.\nThe code has a very good explanatory comments that will allow you to understand what the code does at any time.\n(For a full information about its full features, see the help file I have included within the ZIP file [source code])\nA GROUP OF VB PROGRAMMERS AT PSC HAVE DECIDED TO TEAM UP SO TO CREATE OPEN SOURCE APPLICATIONS... COME AND CHECK IT OUT -- ttp://www.vbdg.artcom.ws","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EzCryptoAp237937302001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Antonio Ramirez Cobos [TonyDSpaniard]","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25676,"Title":"EZRegApi ActiveX Control","Description":"Manipulating the registry has become really easy with this control. It also allows you, the programmer, to associate/dessasociate your files types on the fly. The source code also has a help file that explains all its features, check-it out!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I assume that you know what you are doing with your registry and take no responsability or your actions.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200211121054243430.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ERegApi Ac237957302001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Antonio Ramirez Cobos [TonyDSpaniard]","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25677,"Title":"VB 'Wrapper' Socket Class for ASP","Description":"In this code I show how to 'Wrap' the Winsock ActiveX control to make a COMponent object in order to be used on an ASP page. Don't miss it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200211121048598273.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB 'Wrappe237997312001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Antonio Ramirez Cobos [TonyDSpaniard]","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25679,"Title":"REAL Transparent RichTextBox","Description":"Create a real transparent RichTextBox with the standard Microsoft RichtextBox Control !!","Inputs":"hWnd of the RichTextBox","Assumes":"Put the : result = SetWindowLong(txtLogFile.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) Function into a Event like FormLoad e.g. !!\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Nothing","ApiDeclarations":"Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20)\n Const WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = &H20&\n Const WS_EX_LAYERED = &H80000\n Const LWA_ALPHA = &H2&\n \n Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long\n Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib \"user32\" Alias \"GetWindowLongA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long\n Private Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal crey As Byte, ByVal bAlpha As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function AlphaBlend Lib \"msimg32\" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal widthSrc As Long, ByVal heightSrc As Long, ByVal blendFunct As Long) As Boolean\n \nPrivate Type BLENDFUNCTION\n BlendOp As Byte\n BlendFlags As Byte\n SourceConstantAlpha As Byte\n AlphaFormat As Byte\nEnd Type\nPrivate Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"RtlMoveMemory\" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":4,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"-cue-","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25685,"Title":"Find the current weeknumber easy","Description":"This finds the current weeknumber easy.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":1,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001731101445529.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Dondata","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25686,"Title":"ADO Table Lister","Description":"A simple, and easy to understand code, whick lists the tables etc. in a microsoft access database.\nThe code uses ADO, so it is handy for beginners to follow while learning. Sorry forgot to comment it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ADO Table 238147312001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Steve Tempest","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25689,"Title":"Frankmailer ***Send & Recieve Email!!!***","Description":"This is my latest release of Frankmailer email suite. It enables you to send email and recieve email, received email is not limited in any sence what so ever, it handles attachments superbly and saves the downloaded message in Outlook email format, so you can simply double click on the message in Frankmailer and it will load it into Outlook. Sent email does not include attachments as yet. The module that sends and recieves email is totally independant and can be used in any aplette, its designed to run silently in the background without popping up errors, it just suffers and tries again. Its well worth a look at, please download it and for once im going to ask for loads of votes please!!! This took me a whole afternoon to write!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001731113388226.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Frankmaile238397312001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":58,"AuthorName":"Niknak!!","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25692,"Title":"CompInfo( ***Now Updated***)","Description":"Detect system information. Hardware info,software info and much more, visit, look,send feedback and please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CompInfo( 23946822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":51,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25696,"Title":"Compare Files in Different Folders","Description":"Rev 8-1-2001. Have you ever had to compare files in two different folders? Mostlikely, you used paper and pencil. This VB snippet shows the contents of 2 folders and flags files with different date or file size. My graphic design is not the best and yes it would be nice to navigate to you folder (now you enter path). For the first step (3+2 hrs work), I think it will do.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The code could be improved for graphics and for scan method. If you select 2 folders with each 1000+ files, it could take 45 seconds. Rev 8-1-2001, uses the ItemFind, which makes the code run much faster. Next change is to loop the smallest file count and use the FindItem on the larger file count listview.","CodeReturns":"Two listviews with files for each folder, it flags files that are different.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Compare Fi23903812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Patrick v O","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25699,"Title":"Text, 3D","Description":"The most simplest way to make 3d text, just see what you can do with it, Just updated for you \"The VB Lovers\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001851627517859.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Text, 3D24116852001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"PebbyCat","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25701,"Title":"Frankmailer **UPDATE**","Description":"Frankmailer is a beta mail suite application, it sends and recieves email from SMTP/POP3 servers. I have modified the checkmail routine so it's now even faster. If you haven't downloaded this or even if you have, I reccommend downloading this new version, it's coming along in leaps and bounds and in the next release I hope to have the ability to send attachments with the emails also. Just for reference all downloaded emails are saved in Outlook Express format and attachments can be downloaded perfectly, I have tested it many times and it hasn't fallen over once! Please vote for it, and comment on it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001731202572858.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Frankmaile238437312001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"Niknak!!","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25703,"Title":"ASM Helper (Offset:Segment, Hex2Dec, Dec2Hex, Hex calc, Dec calc)","Description":"helps ya wiv asm","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ASM Helper238457312001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"MudBlud","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25704,"Title":"AnalogoDigital clock savescreen","Description":"A savescreen showing an analog/digital clock bouncing on the screen borders","Inputs":"The parameters that you can set: Diameter, speed, backcolor etc...","Assumes":"This application use The \"Minimum code to create a screen saver using Visual Basic created by Igguk E-Mail : pcharles@swing.be\" that you can find on Planet-source-code, and add to that the way to design a moving clock using Visual Basic code and API functions...\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Tested only in Windows NT 4.0 ...","ApiDeclarations":"in the zip file .bas...","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017312148587295.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AnalogoDig238467312001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Ghislain Chabot","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25706,"Title":"Virus Scanner (Real)","Description":"Drag and Drop a Free File onto the List Box. The Application opens the File as Binary and loads it into Buffer Space and scans the contents for Virus Strings. Very easy to do, and commented. It only does a single file right now, looking to add Directories upcoming.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20017312320508819.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Virus Scan238487312001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Genosyde","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25707,"Title":"Properties: Not Just For Classes Anymore","Description":"Shows a methodology for drastically reducing the amount of time needed to develop \"similar but not quite\" forms for a type of task.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Devin Watson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25708,"Title":"Update 11-Aug-2001. Enhanced VbAccelerator popup menus.","Description":"Updated 11-Aug-2001. Enhanced menus builds on Steve's excellent VbAccelerator popup menus which uses standard Vb menus, not complicated menus created at run-time. Enhancements: Transparent or opaque separator captions with icons. Wallpaper highlights. Variable width (autosizes to font) vertical bar created by writing direct to DC's. Left or right orientation. 90┬░ or 270┬░ text rotation. Standard, gradient, or wallpaper style. Individual captions, icons, and font properties. Translucency NOT WORKING CORRECTLY. CAN ANYONE HELP? Rename Alphablend.DL_ to Alphablend.DLL and copy to your windows system directory. See screenshot.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Many. See code.","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001811049573711.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Update 11-244268102001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":85,"AuthorName":"Dana Seaman_","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25710,"Title":"Fully functional telnet Deamon (COMPLETE)","Description":"Forgot to include a .bas file in my last posting, so here it is again. If you downloaded it and it wouldnt work because it was missing a modProcess.bas then this should fix it .\nThis is a fully functional telnet deamon. It is capable of fully controlling the remote file system as well as creating data pipes and gathering information all controllable from a standard windows telnet client. It also implements basic stealth features and password verification. If you are interested in learning how basic servers work this code is very much for you. Try not to treat it too seriously, this little app was made as a toy to play around with on my system.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fully func23853812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Emir.U","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25711,"Title":"Media Organizer","Description":"Have you ever wished your medias\nsuch as CD-rom, Floppy, Hard drive \npartition was better organized ?\nMy Media Organizer scans your media and returns information about\nthe files.\nThe result of the scan can be saved in an\nAccess Database (MS Access does not need to be installed)<br>\nYou can select what formats to scan for\nfrom listboxes that lists the most common\nformats of Videos, Audio, Picture,\nDocuments, Web and Executables.\nYou can also add your own defined formats.\nOr choose to scan for all formats/files.<br>\nYou select on what drive your media is.\nIt can be a Floppy, CD-Rom, HD partition,\nor mapped drive.<br>\nWhen you open the program, it lists all current\nmedias on that database,It shows info such as:<br>\nMediaId - Identification no to track the media<br>\nMediaType - CD-Rom, Floppy, Hard Drive<br>\nMediaInfo - Info, for ex collection of mp3.<br>\nYou select a media for a list of files.<br>\nYou select a file for additional info such as:<br>\nMediaId, Mediatype, MediaInfo.<br>\nFilename, Path, FileSize<br>\nIf the selected file is able to run\nyou can run it. for ex mp3 in default player.<br>\nThe database is searchable in several ways.\nSearch for .mp3 and you will get a list of all\nmp3 on a media or on all medias.\nThe search function supports wildcards<br>\nIf something changes about the media you can do a\nrescan of it.<br>\nYou can delete all medias or a specific media.<br>\nYou can backup the database and restore it.<br>\nThe projekt is made with VB 6.0 SP 5, MDAC 2.5.<br>\nPlease come with constructive feedbacks and bugreports.<br>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200181446137364.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Media Orga23854812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Knoton","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25712,"Title":"Nice Form Fade \" Magic \"","Description":"Hi Again With Small Number Of Line You Can Now Make Your Form Look Very Nice And Magic With Fader Color Inside it , Download My Project And Give Me Your Vote !!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Nice Form 23856812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"The Matrix","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25713,"Title":"Trim all those EXTRA spaces","Description":"VB forgot to add a Function strip out all those LEADING, TRAILING and EXTRA spaces in ONE Function.\nI have seen many attempts at doing this but think mine does it in the least amount of code.\nNote:<spc> = literal SPACE\n","Inputs":"String eg:Strip<spc><spc>all<spc>","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Strip<spc>all","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":7,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Brian Gillham","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25714,"Title":"Is in Array Function","Description":"Find if a value exists in an array WITHOUT LOOPING. Often we need to find out if a value exists in an array. This one does it VERY FAST.\nNOTE: This Function only return True / False regarding the Existence of a Value. If you need the Index you will have to LOOP.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":10,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Brian Gillham","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25715,"Title":"Nice 3D Text","Description":"Hi Make 3d Text In Your Form With Small line Of Code 'Give Me Your vote !!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Nice 3D Te23857812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"The Matrix","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25716,"Title":"Excel App","Description":"This code is the simpliest way to open Excel from VB","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"You must set a reference to Excel","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Excel App23858812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Pedro Rui","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25721,"Title":"cContactName Class v1.0.1","Description":"This class is great for use with contact database programs. It's designed to take a Person's Full Name and break out the details to individual fields (Title, First, Middle, Last, Suffix); criteria validation function that check for missing field; auto capitalisation; and fill a passed combobox with all Titles (Mr. Miss, ...) or Suffixes (Jr., Sr, ...). Also takes multiple fields and returns a formatted Full Contact Name. The test application also demonstrates (for beginners) how to create an Auto-complete a ComboBox; Quick ComboBox search using API; Simple field hilighting methods for TextBox and ComboBox; Avoid complex If/Then structures using bitwise operation and the IIF function. The code is commented and clean - well worth the look. Please vote if you like it...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200181948416492.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/cContactNa24056832001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Slider","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25722,"Title":"Drive Browser Example","Description":"This is a fairly simple code that is an alternative to Windows\nExplorer or My Computer. An example using the DriveListBox,\nDirListBox and FileListBox, this code was \"inspired\" by File\nBrowser, uploaded a few days ago. However, I wrote every line\nof code in it except for the \"Error\" section, you'll see when\nyou download it. This application distances itself from most,\nmaybe all of the other file browsers on PSC because it enables\nyou to OPEN files from right within the application, by using\nthe Shell (\"Start \") API call. This enables you to open all \ntypes of files that are associated with an application, not \njust open specific files. This function does not ALWAYS work, \nI don't have a clue why not, but if anyone could\npoint out why this is happening, if they could post an \nUNDERSTANDABLE comment, it would be greatly appreciated. Now,\nif you think this code is worthy, throw a few positive comments\namd votes my way, and bear in mind, I'm 11 and this is in the \nBEGINNER category. Some of you seem to derive some strange \npleaseure from rating beginner code at the intermediate, or even \nadvanced level. I hope this Drive Browser comes in handy or teaches \nyou something!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018110703479.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Drive Brow23868812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Slippah","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25724,"Title":"ListView Sort","Description":"This Is a handy code for sorting a ListView Box by whichever column header is clicked.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":17,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Steve Tempest","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25725,"Title":"Fill List View","Description":"This Is a great module, which loads data from a recordset into a listview without all the usual hastle.\nIf you like it please rate it and vote for me.\nThanks","Inputs":"Call FillListView(rsAllCalls, frmCalls.lvDetails, Me)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Fill List 23871812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Steve Tempest","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25727,"Title":"Property Box","Description":"Simple class module which \"bind\" a listview to create a property box","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Property B23873812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"fedro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25728,"Title":"Read, Write, and Remove ID3v2 Tags (Id3v2.3.x) Updated","Description":"This component will read, write, and remove ID3v2.3.x tags.\nI have done an exhuastive search and have found the correct algorithm for encoding and decoding the Frame and Tag sizes.\nI have also included a sample project that demonstrates the use of the ID3v23x DLL\nPlease check it out!","Inputs":"Please refer to the code","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Please refer to the code","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001811125453710.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Read__Writ152289122003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":135,"AuthorName":"Glenn Scott","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25730,"Title":"Express Messenger 2.0","Description":"Express Messenger is a robust instant message tool. Some of the features are: Application sits in the system tray, popup when new message arrives,sleep mode(blink in tray when message arrives), send messages to users,groups or both,play sounds,etc.. A must see appication. Please vote!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200181121594357.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Express_Me391301232001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Mike Kempf","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25732,"Title":"MJD Simple Collision Detection","Description":"Very Simple Collision Detection.\nThe intent here is for simple collision detection between two shapes only. Speed and precision were not needed, nor considered.\nMostly Written by MDavis, with credit given to Rosh Mendis (very cool soccer game post on PSC!) for the actual collision function.\nI'm fairly new to VB and I needed a collision detection for a small game I am writing.\nMy web searches led me to complicated (to me, anyway:)) posts that had a lot more than just collision, which confused me.\nSo, I wrote this to learn more for myself, and now that I understand it better, I thought I'd post it to possibly help someone else.\n","Inputs":"N/A","Assumes":"N/A","CodeReturns":"N/A","SideEffects":"Laughing at the simplicity, perhaps?","ApiDeclarations":"N/A","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001811226487525.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MJD Simple23882812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"MDavis","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25733,"Title":"Survey","Description":"This code collects answers from option arrays and text boxes and saves them to a text file. The data could easily be saved to a database. The code has validation and scroll bars and can be customized for a wide variety of business uses.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001811232245125.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Survey23883812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"John Doe","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25735,"Title":"jDXEngine v1.1 (DirectX Container Class)","Description":"Welcome to another edition of jDXEngine! ;) This time, I've added extra classes to make it a bit more OO, and so that the jDXEngine class didn't have the 100+ functions that was rapidly approaching. :) This is not meant as a tutorial on how to use DirectX8, but more as a tool so that you don't HAVE to know DirectX8 to be able to create 3D gamez/appz. Operation: The arrow keys will move you forward/back and turn (remember doom?), and the \",\" and \".\" keys will strafe you left/right respectively (remember doom?). The world itself is quite small, and I have no form of collision detection so you can just walk straight through the walls and such. There is no 'boundry' so you can walk infinately in any direction, but you won't find much except for the little building. ;) Anyway, a vote would be appreciated, but I'm far more interested in your feedback. What's good? What's bad? What could be improved/added/removed? How can I implement collision detection so that you can't move through the walls and such? That kind of stuff. :) Thank you for your time in reading/downloading this, I sincerely hope you find it useful in some way. =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You must have VB(duh...) and DirectX8 installed on your computer for this to work. Also, I've had problems with a specific TNT video card which wouldn't create the Direct3DDevice8 object (it wouldn't even work with Simon Price's tutorials...??), so if you find that this isn't working for you, please post feedback stating your hardware configuration so I can look into these devices. Thanks. :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018113132516.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/jDXEngine 23886812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Joseph T Hicks","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25738,"Title":"Flags, the Binary system and Logic operators.","Description":"This article teaches how and why to use \"flags\", and goes through the Binary System and Logic Operators to explain this. Please give feedback and/or vote if you think this could be of benefit to alot of programmers. I got the idea for this article while making an ActiveX DLL for a card game, so the I promise article is applicable to many real programming problems and I do practice what I preach. - Simon Price http://www.VBgames.co.uk","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":78,"AuthorName":"Simon Price","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25739,"Title":"OCX interface tips","Description":"3 tips that you should definitely use to make your own developed ActiveX controls more developer friendly:","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Duncan Jones","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25740,"Title":"Atomic clock w/o winsock","Description":"This is basically an Atomic Clock time retriever, this one is a little different. All the others are utilizing winsock, which is good for dialup, but I use a LAN connection with a firewall which stops me from connecting using winsock. So I created this program to go to a time site and grab the time from within the html of the page, then update all of the US time zones. It doesn't update system clock but I have found it useful. Documented good for me, but code is very simple. Vote if you want to, thanks! Updated to correct errors found by Jeff and others! Inet control removed. Let me know if there are any other problems.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200181154001893.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Atomic_clo158383552003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Larry Myers","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25750,"Title":"API System Monitor","Description":"compact system monitor that monitors CPU usage (%), total free memory (%), and free physical memory (in MB and %) with API (NO DLL's). Also includes code for efficient \"progress bars\" that don't flicker, code to find the windows directory, make programs automatically run on startup, put your program on top of all, and use the registry to it's full extent. **Fixed bugs in drawing the blue and red bars!**AND it doesn't overwrite windows' sysmon.exe anymore (oops)**","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Does NOT work for windows 2000, but should for 95, 98, and ME","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001812210107405.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/API System24172862001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Levi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25752,"Title":"Net Watch V2.1 updated ! Measure connection (internet) speed REAL TIME!","Description":"Net Watch V2.1(UPDATED) <BR>\n-------------------------------------------------\n<BR>\nUPdate 18/01 : Download / upload correction scale\nBug fixed setting upload/download<BR>\nTry the application out !! <BR>\n<BR>\nBugs fixed , less overhead...<BR><BR>\nWith this application you can see the data transfer on the adapters ( IP's )installed by your system. (including localhost!)<BR>\nIt will be visualized by an analoge/digital meters, you can see the adaptor type , connection speed , bytes recieved & sends.<BR>\nYou can also see the datatrafer/seconds.<BR>\nBy clicking on the ICON in tray , it will display an popupwindow ...<BR>\nBy clicking on the IP's in the popupwindow you can show or hide the analoge/digital meter.\nYou can input the maximum speed for upload & download in kB, then the scale will be automatic resized by using a control.\nSo if u are using example 1 networkcard & dial up modem or adsl , you can see per IP (adaptor) the speed , connection , connectionstatus ect..<BR>\n<BR>\nBy clicking on the 'Change scale ' it wil show or hide the scale partsettings.<BR>\nBy Clicking on the 'View more' it will show/hide the additional information about the ip adapter.<BR>\nBy Clicking on Digital/analoge it will change the skin !<BR>\n<BR>\n****** Please VOTE for ME !! ******\n<BR>\n<BR>\nif you have idea's to upgrade , problem , please email me !!\n<BR>\n<BR>\nGreetings,\nPeter Verburgh.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018141133143182.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Net_Watch_496661182002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":114,"UserRatingTotal":553,"AuthorName":"Peter V.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25753,"Title":"AIM Mayka 2","Description":"This will register Aol Instant Messanger(AIM) screennames super fast without going to the web page. Just update your e-mail address every two screennames you make.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20011211014303940.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AIM_Mayka_4102512112001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Kevin Still","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25754,"Title":"VB Bomberman v1.0 *Fixed*","Description":"*Fixed Version!* Hey, everybody loves Bomberman! This FULL clone of the classic game includes Powerups, Graphics, SFX, Music, and a Highscores table! Don't miss out on this excellent game!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB Bomberm23923812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"SeeD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25758,"Title":"A Screen Saver with the Lot !","Description":"Heaps of code and functionallity you can use here!\nThis is an almost complete re-write of my earlier \"Talking\" Charlie screen saver. This version is heavily documented, it will display in the Preveiw Pane of the Display Properties dialog and has a myriad of available settings to allow for colour gradients or user defined pictures in the text and backgrounds, as well as it's own Font selection dialog (Thanks to Rob Bogdanoff for the Fonts code).\nIf you are going to Vote, don't judge me on my \"off tap\" sense of humour or lack of taste, just evaluate the code and functionality of the project itself, which I reckon is S**t Hot!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"The APIs used by this program are: timeGetTime, ShowCursor, BitBlt, StretchBlt, DrawText, GetClientRect, GetWindowLong, GetDesktopWindow, PaintDesktop, GetStretchBltMode, SetStretchBltMode, SetWindowLong, SetParent, SetWindowPos, FindWindow, DrawFrameControl, DrawFocusRect, EnumFontFamilies, GetDC and ReleaseDC.","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001812329474997.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A Screen S23930812001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Nero","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25759,"Title":"Easy COM based Multichannel Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Between Apps - With InterCommVB II (Updated)","Description":"Learn a new method of dynamically exchanging data between apps - with InterCommVB II. With unparalled power and ease of use, InterCommVB truly allows you to get the max output from minimum code. So you no longer need to tamper around with DDE APIs and other hard Win32 APIs. InterCommVB truely makes implementing DDE a breeze - even a beginner could be implementing DDE with this component. The package also includes an HTML file to help you understand the concepts better, in case you are a newbie ! This version is updated to include a host of new features !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018151316256668.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Easy_COM_b985726252002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":120,"UserRatingTotal":599,"AuthorName":"Srideep Prasad","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25764,"Title":"Rotate Images in PictureBoxes","Description":"Rotates an image in a picture box. The code is fairly well commented, and may be of some use to someone out there.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200182350271730.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Rotate Ima23938822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":40,"AuthorName":"JimCamel","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25767,"Title":"Arkanoid","Description":"This is my version of the old Arkanoid game( If you don't know it see the sreenshot). The game include difrent type of enemies, bonuses and a level editor. I create 12 levels and you can modify them or just replace them with new levels. The collision is very good( determine the side of the collision). This code shows how to play wave sound from resource file. Please send me any suggestions to kicheto@goatrance.com and don't forget to vote for me!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function BitBlt Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib \"winmm.dll\" Alias \"sndPlaySoundA\" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018233851590.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Arkanoid23940822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"Ivan Uzunov","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25769,"Title":"Under Water Picture","Description":"Yaa Now With This Code You Can Make Your Picture Look Like Under Water ,, Very Easy Way So Download Code And Give Me your Vote !!!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Under Wate23943822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":47,"UserRatingTotal":186,"AuthorName":"The Matrix","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25770,"Title":"CompInfo(***Now Updated***)","Description":"Soft info,hard info and much more information. Come, see, send feedback and please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CompInfo(_23947822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25778,"Title":"ZEO Paint","Description":"!!!Please Leave Comments!!! This Prog is a painting program able to draw lines, free-hand, point to point to point, circles, rectangles, triangles, erase free-hand, selected areas, saves and loads pics, floodfill objects, create custom colors, save colors.","Inputs":"Paint","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Paint","SideEffects":"None That I know Of","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200182944348860.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ZEO Paint23956822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"ZEO","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25780,"Title":"AutoType/AutoComplete ActiveX Control - Update: IE 5 Style","Description":"It's a text box (or combobox) that will complete your typing for you, or popup a list as you type so that it doesn't annoy you while your typing. Includes standard text box events. Acts just like Internet Explorer's address bar! UPDATE: Popup List with matching items! URL Aware! Local FileSystem Path Lookup! Just like IE 5!! If your mother only knew!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001821034525020.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AutoType_A24030832001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Nickels","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25781,"Title":"WebZip - Update for Online Zip Browser (I)","Description":"This program is an update for the code that Rang3r posted (Online Zip Extractor). This version has an improved GUI, a ping feature, checking for resumable servers, and checking to make sure the ZIP file exists. GetIcon function by Tom de Lange and skinned buttons by J. Pearson.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"KNOWN BUG: Stop button sometimes doesn't close Winsock for unknown reasons.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200182114338366.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/WebZip - U23960822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Ultimatum","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25784,"Title":"CS Internet Tools","Description":"Has many tools and features. I found a lot of code to help make this and alot of it is my own.\nPlease vote and take a look at the pic for all the tools that are in the program. Also I have included a startup and shutdown sound. Enjoy!\nwebmaster@croftssoftware.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200182154512490.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CS Interne23967822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":192,"AuthorName":"Shane Croft","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25785,"Title":"Folder Master","Description":"Folder Master \nFolder Master is a simple Folder\nSecurity Program.Using the filetype extension.\nSimple and useful...\nfor more code..\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Folder Mas23969822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25786,"Title":"General Folder Security ( MEGA)","Description":"General Folder Security ( MEGA )\nGeneral Folder Security is the stronger\nsecurity program.No one can access the locked\nfolder and if anybody change it under Dos mode\nthen it'll not allow that illegal user to access\nthe computer.It's not possible to delete the folders also...\nfor more code..\nDidar911@yahoo.com\nGeneral Corporation Bangladesh\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/General Fo23970822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Didar ul Alam ( Bangladesh)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25787,"Title":"Getting extra info from wave file","Description":"Finding out if wave file is mono or stereo, 8bit or 16bit, and how many KHz's.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"David Filipovic","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25788,"Title":"E-mail Notification","Description":"The program periodicly connects to the email server and checks for new emails, if there is an email downloads it and informs you either visually or with sound, also shows the sender, subject and the reception time.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001821622261643.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/E-mail Not23972822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Hakan Guldal","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25790,"Title":"Obtain Remote User List","Description":"Uses a few API calls to enumerate a list of users on a remote windows system.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001821725519365.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Obtain Rem23975822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Richard Petithory","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25795,"Title":"The Absolute solution for a programmer. A Dll that has 91 powerfull functions","Description":"Just compile the DLL, and then add it through the references. You will find it there as panosprj. Then in the general declarations of a module or a form type e.g Dim p as new panosdll, and there you are, you have 91 powerfull functions. such as:CerterControls,ChangeScreenResolution,ChangeWallPaper,CheckForFormInIconTray,ChooseColor,CloseCDRom,ConnectToDUNConnection,ControlPanelAddNewHardWare,ControlPanelAddRemovePrograms,ControlPanelAddRemovePrograms,ControlPanelDatetime,ControlPanelDisplay,ControlPanelInternet,ControlPanelJoyStick,ControlPanelKeyBoard,ControlPanelModem,ControlPanelMouse,ControlPanelMultimedia,ControlPanelRegionalSettings,ControlPanelSounds,ControlPanelNetWork,ControlPanelSystem,DaysInMonth,CreateDesktopShortCut,DaysInYear,DaysLeftInYear,DaysLeftUntilChristmass,DirectoryExists,DisableCtrlAltDel,DisableXbutonForm,DoubleText,EnableCtrlAltDel,ExecuteFile,FadePicture\np.FileExists,FirstOfMonth,FirstOfYear,ForceShutDownComputer,FormatNumberToWords,GetAccessPassWord,GetAvailableScreenResolutions,GetComputerName,GetDUNConnections,GetFreeDriveSpace,GetSystemDir,GetUserName,GetWinDir,Gradient,HideAppButtons,HideFromCtrlLAltDel,HideMouseCursor,HideStartButton,HideTaskBar,HideTaskBarClock,HideTaskBarIcons,IsLeapYear,LastOfMonth,LastOfYear,LogOnAsDifferentUser,MakeIt3D\np.MakeStartupRegRUN,MakeStartupRegRUNSERVICES,OpenCDRom,PlayMid,PlayWav,ProgressBar,PutFormToIconTray,RebootComputer,RemoveFormFromIconTray,ReverseText,SelectDirectory,SelectFile,SelectImageFile,SetOnTopForm,ShowAbout,ShowAppButtons,ShowMouseCursor,ShowStartButton,ShowTaskBar,ShowTaskBarClock,ShowTaskBarIcons,ShuffleArray,ShutDownComputer,SoundCardExists,SpacedText,StopMid,Text3D,TilePictureAroundForm,TransparentForm,TrimPath,WholeScreenForm...Any votes are welcome","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/The Absolu23981822001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":27,"UserRatingTotal":129,"AuthorName":"Panos000","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25803,"Title":"GetPathSize","Description":"Very fast recursive function to calculate the size of a directory (folder). This code is simple and built for speed. This code does NOT use the FileSystemObject because it is NOT installed on all PCs, therefore you cannot write code using it (unless you include the scrrun.dll - Microsoft Scripting Runtime with your application). **Update - I added the search options for System, Hidden, and Read-Only files so the result will truely match the same number of bytes that is displayed in Windows Explorer properties.","Inputs":"sPathName - The path to the directory","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The size (number of bytes) as a Double","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":30,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Robert E. Phelps","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25805,"Title":"Timed Message Box!!! (BUG FIXED) Must See","Description":"Must see!!!\nShow timed MessageBox in your application. It’s easy and can replace MsgBox Function completely from VB. Uses the same MsgBox function from VB. Also get the notification about the elapsed time.\nPlease Vote for me. \nThanks to Daniels Michael.\nThanks in advance!\nhttp://domaindlx.com/anirudha","Inputs":"Same as MsgBox function from VB.","Assumes":"User should know MsgBox function from VB. Thats all!!!","CodeReturns":"It returns 0 if time out occurs otherwise the user selected option.","SideEffects":"None!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Timed Mess248128172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":21,"UserRatingTotal":104,"AuthorName":"VB Doc","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25807,"Title":"Address Class v1.0.1","Description":"This class is great for use with contact database programs. It's designed to take an address from a multiline textbox and break out the details to individual fields (Street, city, state, zip, country); criteria validation function that check for missing field; auto capitalisation; and fill a passed combobox with all known countries. Also takes multiple fields and returns a formatted address. The test application also demonstrates (for beginners) how to create an Auto-complete a ComboBox; Quick ComboBox search using API; Simple field hilighting methods for TextBox and ComboBox; Avoid complex If/Then structures using bitwise operation and the IIF function. The code is commented and clean - well worth the look. Please vote if you like it...\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":33,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200183315484537.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Address Cl24054832001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Slider","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25808,"Title":"RegSvr32 for Windows 2.0","Description":"Registers or unregisters DLL and OCX Files, but DOES NOT REQUIRE the standard RegSvr32.exe from Microsoft. All done through API.\nProgram has a GUI, but also works with CommandLine parameters. Specify only a filename, and the program attempts to register this file. Specify /u and a filename, and the program attempts to unregister this file.\nThis is an update from something I posted 5 months ago, the only new thing is the commandline option. The program also allows you to add or remove itself to or from the shell, by adding itself to the registry (so you can right-click on a DLL/OCX-File and select Register or Unregister).\nA Vote is appreciated, but not necessary, comments are always welcome.","Inputs":"The Mode - Reg or Unreg - and a filename.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A regged or unregged file","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"To many to list here...","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200183526383598.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/RegSvr32 f240018320.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Thomas Sturm","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25812,"Title":"NoteIT - Add Notes To Your Desktop Like The ICQ Note Tool ( Include The Code )","Description":"With this application called \"NoteIT\" you can add notes on your desktop to remind you things you don't want to forget like those yellow sticky notes. It works like the note tool in ICQ. In your system-tray there comes a trayicon that allows you to manage ...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200183953355225.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/NoteIT - A24021832001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"MAGiC MANiAC^mTo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25819,"Title":"Image contrast","Description":"There's not a single program on all of psc that shows how to correctly adjust an image's contrast....at least, there *wasn't.* This simple program demonstrates how to easily adjust an image's contrast based on a -100 to 100% scale. Simple and fast.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Image cont24025832001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Tanner Helland","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25820,"Title":"Basic VB Graphics Programming - working with pixels","Description":"Many VB programmers don't understand the graphics capabilities of Visual Basic when you use basic API calls. This (and a series of forthcoming tutorials) will explain the basics of getting and setting pixels using both VB and the Windows API (via SetPixel, SetPixelV, and GetPixel), as well as using the API to set pixels on objects other than picture boxes (such as command buttons, frames, etc.).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Tanner Helland","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25821,"Title":"Basic Game Physics Programming","Description":"Here's a simple demo of how to program basic physics for a flying object (like a space ship or something). It demonstrates physics for a primary object (the ship) and secondary objects (the bullets), and as always it's simple and well-commented, as well as running at 40 fps or faster. This is basically a revamped version of the Return of the Avenger game engine -also on psc- so download that to see this code actually used in a game.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Basic Game24048832001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Tanner Helland","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25825,"Title":"Word Representation of Number","Description":"Takes a number and returns a word expression for that number. Example: 123.01 returns \"One Hundred Twenty-three And 01/100\". Very useful for printing checks.","Inputs":"A number (converted to a string). Use CStr(number).","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A word expression for that number. Example: 123.01 returns \"One Hundred Twenty-three And 01/100\". Very useful for printing checks.","SideEffects":"The limit of the input number is 999,999,999,999,999 (999 trillion) before rounding errors are encountered","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Word Repre24032832001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Karl Houseknecht","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25829,"Title":"make a program language","Description":"This code will show you how to create your own programming language.It comes with tons of features and commands and samples also an IDE check out some of it features\nCompiler\n*Debugging\n*Watching\n*File Memory-Mapping-emulation\n*small Tutorial\n*IDE\n*Menu editor like visual c++\n*Help box like mircosoft word\n*File Memory Mapping\n*Tons more\n*please vote","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001831737162439.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/make a pro24036832001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"OpcodeVoid","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25831,"Title":"Diamonds (+ Level Editor)","Description":"A brick type game (45 Levels + 45 extra levels). Level editor included. From the HP48 calc. (Revised: 02.13.2003)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003213320305333.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/Upload_PSC/ftp/Diamonds_(1769657142004.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":55,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25835,"Title":"Muzik Video Saver - Play your Music Videos as a Screen Saver!!","Description":"Play your music videos as a screen saver!! My friend told me to make it so I did for his collection of music videos and now I'm using it myself. Its a pretty neat program even if you dont have videos. Please Vote and tell me what to change/add.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001831956397400.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Muzik Vide24044832001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Jarem Archer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25836,"Title":"Get extra info from MP3 file","Description":"Explains which bytes are used, and how, to store info about bit-rate, frequency, channels...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"David Filipovic","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25837,"Title":"FTP treeview simple/advanced","Description":"Simple to use due to the Advanced code. i looked around for a FTP program on this site that uses TreeView but couldnt find one so i made my own! (i made it for a bigger program which is y there is a button that does'nt do anything) P.S. if your like the code please vote at the bottom of this page, thanx","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001832041402690.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/FTP treevi24045832001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"syphen","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25840,"Title":"Wingate","Description":"Scan Wingate! For scanning a file with 100z proxy/wingate/ip to see if they are working.\nAre you really able to make this better? \nMake this program betterif you can!\nand be nice SEND me a copie\nOR post'it back to PSC\nLOVE YOU ALL Vicky","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001832353281992.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Wingate24055832001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"mini","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25859,"Title":"AlphaBlending by the Easiest & Mystical Way","Description":"Dowload it and then all will see. For more my code samples visit my personal web site: click above on my full name.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/AlphaBlend24086842001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":47,"AuthorName":"Alexander Anikin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25862,"Title":"Coooool Form closer !!!!!!!","Description":"Make Your Form Look Coool When You Close It \nVery Nice And Easy Code Wait you After Download this Code ,Go Head Download code Give Me Commant With Vote !!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Coooool Fo24088842001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"The Matrix","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25863,"Title":"cpvProgressBar OCX 1.1","Description":"This OCX joins ProgressBar and ScrollBar: 1) Choose back picture and 'fore' picture. 2) Select scroll orientation. 3) Set Min and Max values and 4) Choose caption format... Added in this update: 1) Precise value selection (Incr./decr. by one value by right mouse button) 2) Custom caption. 3) Long values accepted. Sample project included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2003213332474081.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/cpvProgres1543232132003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":45,"UserRatingTotal":223,"AuthorName":"Carles P.V.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25868,"Title":"Mouseover Effect","Description":"It is just a mouseover effect, you mouseover a label and the text color changes.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Mouseover 24106852001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Factor of hate","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25880,"Title":"MP3 Class Module","Description":"A 8KB class module for mp3 music playing. Has quite a few features and no need to worry about ocx files. I included a basic example on how to use the module. Also has support for saving and loading winamp playlists(.m3u).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MP3 Class 24133852001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Jason Hensley","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25883,"Title":"D++ IDE 2.5 - includes syntax checking! (update)","Description":"**** UPDATE ****\nNEW - expressions are better then ever in D++. It can handle all kinds of them, and prevents bad commands. You have to see it!\nNEW - FOR loops added, and are much faster then DO WHILE or DO UNTIL loops.\nD++ is faster then ever! Less then 1ms for a series of 10 commands... \n**** FIXED ****\nThere were some bugs of the previous version of D++, where in loops and if's, they would look IN quotes, which can be very bad.\nIf you downloaded before August 11, please download it again for the full version. I also added it so you can define variables as they are declared, and a simpler syntax for adding 1 to a variable or suptracting 1\nfrom a variable\nD++ is a scripting language that can handle things like basic I/O, variables, expression evaluation, full if statements, nested loops, functions, and much more! It has a syntax checker which will check your syntax before you run your aplication and tell you of any errors it finds. You can download the latest files using the IDE, and a full help file with new code examples are included. It can compile your application into an EXE, using it's own console or compile to DOS. It now handles if statements better, as beore it did not find the proper endif or else, and can do nested loops (as displayed in screenshot). Full source to the DLL and the IDE are included. Please vote and leave comments so I can improve D++! ***This is new, as there are many different things, different from previous D++ compilers***","Inputs":"D++ Source Code","Assumes":"Required controls:\n Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 \n Microsoft Internet Transfer Control\n Microsoft Common Dialog Control","CodeReturns":"Output based on language results","SideEffects":"None that I know of.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200185195517754.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/D++ IDE 2_253858262001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":29,"UserRatingTotal":107,"AuthorName":"Daniel Smith (SqueakMac)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25885,"Title":"TileFall","Description":"A very simple but highly addictive solitare game where the object is to remove large connected blocks of tiles with the same color. Make your mark in the hall of fame. 16 combinations from small to huge, 3 to 6 colours. To clear the hall of fame delete the .DAT file.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Eye strain","ApiDeclarations":"None - no dlls at all","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018522686825.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/TileFall24145852001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Ron van Tilburg","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25886,"Title":"Listbox and Datalist","Description":"This example will show you how to move items from datalist (which is connected to ADO control) to a listbox.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200185222944969.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Listbox an24146852001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"louie","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25887,"Title":"Recurse Subdirectories","Description":"Does anything you want to files in a directory and its subdirectories. For example, if you would like to add MP3's in a directory to a playlist in your MP3 player program, this would be handy for adding all of the files including those residing in subdirectories of that directory.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":26,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Loc Nguyen","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25898,"Title":"A Complete Plug-in Framework (Update: 4 (11/3/01))","Description":"This is a reusable library that demonstrates how to use plugins. The application must have an object model (demonstrated) and the pluginutility DLL also has an object model, which really because a part of the application object model (demonstrated). The app sends events and the plugs have a configuration screen which becomes a part of the application. There is a complete module manager to deal with nitty gritty tasks for you. 1500-2000 lines of code.\n<p>\nUpdate 1: I cleaned this up a little. Should be easier to install. There is a new install.txt file. Added capability to add plugins to menu item, and finsished the FindText plug in. Be sure to check the Settings for the configuration of the plug defaults, you'll learn a lot. Bug Fixes, and the plugs are now early bound. This update should correct the problem mentioned in the feedback.\n<p>\nUpdate 2: Corrected the lock up problem. This only happened before the first plug is registered. Added two project types for templates in the VB Templates directory: HostApplicatoin, PluginModule. Read the Readme.txt. Those are so you can create a new host application from the new projects box, and a new plug for any supported host from the new project box. Added a PluginSettings form for the VB Form Templates so you can add a settings manager compliant form to you're project by choosing Forms->Add->PluginSetting. Other enhancements.\n<p>\nUpdate 3: Added a new plug-in, Autosave. Added some new events and functionality to the sample host application. Minor bug fixes such as correcting the ability to register a plug-in not in the default directory. Updated the project templates to reflect changes.\n<p>\nUpdate 4: Updated the display picture shown below:\n<p>\nUpdate 4b: Right-clicking a module in the module manager will now remove the reference to the plug-in, and unregister the DLL instance.\n<P>\nRead the Readme.txt file for more info. *** Please Vote For Me ***","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":49,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200181315317880.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Complete330941132001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":73,"UserRatingTotal":364,"AuthorName":"Shawn Bullock","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25902,"Title":"Anti Keystroke Recorder","Description":"This project demonstates how to prevent keystroke recording for your application.\nActually it would be a keystroke recorder jammer, because it sends out a continuous stream of random keystrokes and validates these against the internal streambuffer.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I am currently working on an implementation of this code to protect any focussed Password field on the system.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Anti Keyst24162862001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Robin Schuil","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25913,"Title":"Advanced WebServer","Description":"This advanced webserver does downloads, hit counter, IP logger, IP blocker, /..(back directory) protection, custom 404 errors, and even lets you send a personal message to the client computer instead of the HTML document they requested. It also lets you chose how many winsock controls are to be loaded...Very simple to run, just give it the path to your HTML index file Ex: \"C:\\html\\index.php\" Then press \"Listen\" and give people your IP address in this format, \"Http://\" Please give me pleany of fedback and make sure you vote!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200186162325042.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Advanced W250988222001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":20,"UserRatingTotal":97,"AuthorName":"Micah Lansing","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25915,"Title":"Syntax Dynamic Colorizer","Description":"This projects shows how to convert an RTF box into a dynamic Syntax Colorizer (like the VB IDE colorizes what you type). It uses a text file to build its list of keywords (are you writing your own scripting language?), which you can easily modify by adding your own list of words/commands. Included is a small subset of the VB language syntax to show an example. Routines are very fast, and account for quotes, and comments. Routine also sets keywords to proper case (\"print\" to \"Print\" or \"backcolor\" to \"BackColor\". Hope this is helpful to some of you out there - I have commented it heavily to help you if you need to make modifications, or you can simply drop the \"Colorizer\" module into your own projects and use as is (simply pass your forms RTF box and the colors of your IDE you want).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001861729189872.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Syntax Dyn24185862001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"Anthony Dunleavy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25921,"Title":"VB Falldown","Description":"A simple yet FUN and ADDICTIVE game that I made in about 5 minutes. Very simple game engine. Includes a high score.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Because it is written in VB, the algorithms are slow and inefficient. It may run too slow on anything less than 600mhz. If it does then don't heckle me.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/VB Falldow24198862001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"SeeD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25923,"Title":"csD POP Client V1.0","Description":"As the name suggest, this codes allow you to connect to a POP server and download the messages ( New Email ).Currently didn't support attachments, but I will try to update as soon as I can.Works with most servers.Can't differentiate between new and has been read messages ( Can't figured it out yet, any ideas ?.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The most important matter is that there is no security/encryption options such as SSL/TLS in this codes.Passwords are sent as it is, so make sure sure you are in safe network environment before you try this code.This program are made to demostrate how POP Protocol works.If you found any bugs, please informm me, either on feedback page, or by emailing me.Any votes is greatly appreciated.\nUUEncode module is taken from Carl Franklin Book, Visual Basic Internet Programming .","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001862219327989.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/csD POP Cl24201862001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"dReaMgRaZeR","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25924,"Title":"TIPS: Optimizing your VB code-15 ways to tighten your code","Description":"This article is just a paper i wrote, in jot-note form about diferent things to check for while programming in VB to make your program run as efficiently as possible, it is concentrated on making your program faster and is a must see for game developers! Enjoy... ALSO NOTE - This article does not cover usingf the compiler options to optimize code in detail, maybe in my next version of this article...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":51,"AuthorName":"(Tim Miron) yar-interactive software","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25926,"Title":"Add a color filter to a picture","Description":"With this few lines of code you can simply add a color filter to a picture (see the ScreenShot!!!). The code is simple and very well comented. Enjoy","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetPixel Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200187421504248.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Add a colo24210872001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Ivan Uzunov","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25929,"Title":"Optimizing your VB code even more","Description":"This article shows various speed increasing methods, I've done tests myself, you can see the performance difference in a graph and in a table. \nThis article is really worth your time. \nFor example, it shows how one simple \"\\\" instead of \"/\" will speed up your app with more than 400% percent!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":48,"UserRatingTotal":224,"AuthorName":"Almar Joling","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25931,"Title":"Change Regional Settings Without Restart!!!","Description":"Hi!!!, This is a litle code for change some values of Regional Settings. This demo change Decimal separator and Thousand separator and allows retrieve these values. Is Easy!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Change Reg24214872001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Christian O. Bigentini","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25934,"Title":"Access to Excel","Description":"The code allows users to select an Access database to display the tables contained in it. When a table is selected, it is automatically loaded into an Excel spreadsheet, cmplete with column headings (field names).","Inputs":"Nil","Assumes":"The code has been built up with snippets from PSS (thanks to original authors) and a little original material.","CodeReturns":"Nil","SideEffects":"Nil","ApiDeclarations":"Nil","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Access to 24217872001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25935,"Title":"Frankweiser **FUNNIEST SUBMISSION EVER!!!**","Description":"Frankweiser is the latest Frank app to be developed by myself. It shows a way of back buffering and animation using the bitblt API. It plays sounds and can be easily scripted. This version comes with one scene. You can click on Frank while he is not reinacting his scene, left click will make him burp, right click will make him drink his beer, its MAD and a MUST SEE!!!! Please vote and comment on it ;)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018784903778.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Frankweise24221872001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Niknak!!","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25936,"Title":"KPing - Multi host ping without use of winsock","Description":"KPing is a multi host ping utility that can ping almost infinite # of hosts only depending on your connection speed. You can add as host an ip address or even a web address. You can also change the time beetwin a pings, ping separated hosts, it means that if an address(ip or www) is from the same host machine it will inform you.\nTry it, and don't forget voting!\nComments or critics are wellcome!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018792441973.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/KPing - Mu24219872001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Kerplunk_boy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25937,"Title":"True Asynchronous Direct Callback Template","Description":"This code is a template that I now use for all my Asynchronous processing.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"I did it to prove to a friend that you could do some Object Oriented stuff with VB and because I needed to show the user around a thousand records from an OS390 using MQSeries(slow) and I didn't want to lock up the application.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":47,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/True Async24220872001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Rex","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25939,"Title":"Simple Game - ShowHow","Description":"Do you want to make your own 5-min game? This Project shows how to use keyinput, sound, graphics, Mainloops, map from bmp and more. Good for looking up stuff :) Please give feedback! I love it!! ;) hehe","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"They're all in there, Bob!","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001871122248098.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Simple Gam24222872001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Jonas Ask","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25946,"Title":"DX7 engine full release with DLLengine","Description":"This is a 3d engine programming in VB with DirectX7\nIt support more than 40 useful routines\ndeals with\n Directsound,direct3dsound\n Direct Music\n Direct input\n Direct draw\n Direct3d\n That is basic use of johnaDX7 engine\n it shows how to initialize the Backbuffer and Zbuffer engine\n it show how to caps user key input from keyboard\n for explanation\n write me at Johna.pop@caramail.com\n if you like my engine write me and vote for me\n if you want the engine source code email me\n===================================================\n This is the Version 1.01\n it support Texture maping\n -Multitexturing 2 level on my P2 333 with phonix Vanta\n -Fog linar or exponentiel\n -Terrain gererating\n -Texture creation from JPEG,BMP,GIF files\n -Directsound is support and Dsound3d\n -Direct music is support\n -light mapping in multitexturing FX tools method\n -hight precision terrain colision detection\n -Basic actor camera mov\n -Walk\n -turn arround\n -jumping\n -and many more\n -Basic geometric object genarating as cube ect..\n -and many others interesting useful stuff.....\n======================================================\nDownload the Demo and the engine\nat www.multimania.com/johnapo\nor the Demo file at\nhttp://www.multimania.com/johnapop/Johna%20Dx7%20engine%20%20%20Demo1.zip","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001881117167503.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/DX7 engine24226872001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":42,"AuthorName":"polaris","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25947,"Title":"Recipes Database (Updated)","Description":"This code is used to store, track, research and share recipes. I got the application about 8 months ago from PSC from a posting by Bob Davis from Tallahassee Florida. I loved the concept and some of the recipes were cool too.\n<BR><BR>\nI really liked what Bob did but since I'm a database programmer I had some challenges that I was interested in tackling with regards to his initial design (plus I was board) so this is the result with a few added plus's that my wife dreamt up.\n<BR><BR>\nThere is one thing that is bothering me about this application though and maybe you fellow coders can help me out. For some reason I cannot distribute this to any family members or friends without installing VB6 on their computers. They are using 95B and 98? I have traced it down to the Data Access pieces for the errors (particularly the compact and repair commands). I have installed the MDAC on their PC's and it does not work until I install my copy of VB (Pssst, Please Don't Tell Bill).\n<BR><BR>\nIf you have any advice or critisisem, go ahead and let me know because there is always a better way, a different perspective or something that everyone did not think of.\n<BR><BR>\nPardon some of the not so neat code. ;-)\n<BR><BR>\nBest Regards,\n<BR><BR>\nTom Williams","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This application uses the latest Microsoft Data Access pack so you will have to intall this to use it correctly (or at least I think).","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Always use a code scanner.... I do have a kill and a copy command in my code for the backup/restore process. There is also a custom control that I created with source code. You may need to compile and install or use the one in the zip file if PSC let's it through.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001871655164502.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Recipes Da24348892001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":29,"AuthorName":"Tom Williams","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25948,"Title":"Control Outlook","Description":"This a simple demo of the various ways to use VB 6 and Outlook 2000 to Send Mail, create Tasks or Notes, View the Contacts or the Personal Address Book, Add Folders, Search for Folders, etc.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Only tested with VB 6 Enterprise and Outlook 2000 on a Win98 system. Should work with Outlook 98 and 97 but no guarentee. Tested on Win2k and most examples worked except when accessing Address Book.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":42,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Control Ou24244872001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"John McGlothlin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25954,"Title":"vbScreensaver","Description":"This is a cool 3d-screensaver complete with password and ctrl-alt-del dissabeling.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/vbScreensa24245872001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Peter Hebels","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25958,"Title":"ADO to Excel","Description":"Allows users to select any DSN-less ODBC data source, or an MS Access database, to display the tables in it, and select a table, which is automatically loaded into an Excel spreadsheet, complete with column headings (field names). Based on project submitted by Ian Mitchell: \nhttp://www.planetsourcecode.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.25934/lngWId.1/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm\nI just changed it to use ADO instead of DAO, and DSN-Less ODBC data sources, instead of just MS Access.\nSlight modifications (error handling etc) on august 9, 2001\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001871934553528.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ADO to Exc24350892001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Brian Battles WS1O","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25960,"Title":"Contact Data Base","Description":"This is a Contact Data Base with to organize our personal contacts or company contacts. This code have other features like Login User and Password, add contacts, delete contacts, edit contacts, search contacts, Print contacts, send email to our contacts without a external email program, a calendar and a digital clock.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200187202487009.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Contact Da24253872001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Brain Design Solutions","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25962,"Title":"MTS Admin","Description":"The purpose of this code is to remotely administer an MTS COM/COM+ packages from any platform (windows 9x, Win2000, etc . . .) that supports DCOM. It contains the ability to add/remove packages and components, administer packages security, change package and component properties and most other routine operations required to administer an MTS machine. It does this by using a server side DLL and client side application, eliminating issues that arrise with the differences between COM+ and NT4.0 MTS. Please note that roles cannot be administered with this version.\nUpdate #1--Fixed bug in client that didn't properly map the filename to a UNC when adding a new component. Also fixed a bug that occured when multiple computers had the same components installed resulting in duplicate keys in the treeview.\n","Inputs":"See the code.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"See the code.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Lots of Registry API's","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20018801477151.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/MTS Admin24301882001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Robert May","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25975,"Title":"Drawing Text In DirectX8","Description":"Learn how to use the D3DX.DrawText function to create text in DirectX8!\nRequires DirectX8 from http://www.microsoft.com","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Drawing Te24268882001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Skeptic Studios","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25981,"Title":"Portable executable Ripper","Description":"Portable Executable Ripper is a incomplete application, which tries to rip out all the information from a PE file including all its resources. If the comments are good may be we will complete the app.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Portable e24275882001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"NILESH KURHADE","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25982,"Title":"Dynamic Color RTF Using XML","Description":"The excellent code by Anthony Dunleavy on Dynamically Colorizing a Rich Text Box (http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?lngWId=1&txtCodeId=25915) inspired me to create my own using XML. I used a class module to monitor the Rich Text Box and allow for Starting Values, Ending Values, Colors and whether or not the Keyword can span words.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Dynamic Co24276882001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"David Greengas","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25986,"Title":"Change Windows Caption","Description":"This Program Changes the Caption of > ALMOST < any windows program!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Surprizingly Easy... Just Type the text of the Windows Program that you wish to change then type the text you want to change it too!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"There is no Side Effects to This Program","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function SetWindowText Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SetWindowTextA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String) As Long\nPublic Declare Function FindWindow Lib \"user32\" Alias \"FindWindowA\" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long\n","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":12,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Dillon","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25987,"Title":"Print a MSFlexGrid easy","Description":"This litl module prints a MSFlexGrid resizing the columns exactelly as it is.\nIt uses the OLB of excel, so you must have excel installed on your computer.\nMust see!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Print a MS24279882001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Kerplunk_boy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":25988,"Title":"Add Intellisense to your Scripting Language","Description":"This project shows how you can add an Intellisense List (like the one in VB where you type an object name, then a \"DOT\", and then a list pops up -- that's the Intellisense List). Designed to allow you to enter in YOUR SCRIPTING LANGUAGE COMMANDS AND OBJECTS quickly and easily (using an external text file). All efforts were made to make this act exactly as the one in VB does. Press TAB or ENTER to select an item in the list. Clicking TAB immediately automatically selects the first item in the list. You can begin typing the property name and the \"closest match\" will be highlighted as you type. Backspacing on your typed entry also does the same. Multiple \"DOTS\" (eg: me.text1.font.) works. Insertion of \"DOT\" characters in the middle of a string works. Location of intellisense box goes to where it can fit in view (bottom right, bottom left, top right, top left) depending on where your current cursor location is. This project Took me some time troubleshooting, so I hope some of you out there can use this.\nUPDATED ON AUGUST 9th!\nFixed a few unhandled errors, added more comments to help you see what is happening, Wrapped Intellisense core functions into subs for easier include in your projcets, and added the ability for different styles of the Intellisense box (Office XP stlye, VB6 style, and a hybrid style) as many of you have requested.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2001891110214338.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Add Intell24329892001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":108,"AuthorName":"Anthony Dunleavy","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10510,"Title":"Application Registration App","Description":"Consists of two parts.\n1. a server in which you add clients names when they pay you the registration cash.\n2.A dll which you use in your apps to register & de-register the user on-line, also checks if the user is registred already.\nThis is version 1.0, i am going to continue this with greater encryption routines and lots more advanced features.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You have ADO 2.1\nRegister the formshaper.ocx","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"User must be online to register.\nIn order for a user to free up a licence he/she must unregister on one machine before he/she can use the key on another machine.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8730882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Crazyman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10512,"Title":"Webpage Test/Survey Maker","Description":"Here's a unique program ... Use Notepad to enter a set of test questions or a survey, click the button, and it makes it into an HTML (webpage), displays in your browser. Put the HTML into your webspace and have people take a test online. The results get emailed back to you. Be sure to open the example files included and see the read.me file. I hope someone finds this program very useful ... email me comments. Thanks","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD105411092000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Max Seim","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10514,"Title":"Http Server","Description":"This is a sample http server (not chat server),it can send u the pages when you write the ip that carry this program. it don't contain asp compilier it only send html pages from your hard disk.\nThis is a good starting point to know how iexploror or netscape send requests to the servers and how they respond.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8738882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Mostafa Mohamed","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10516,"Title":"Sound Reader Update With Code","Description":"We the Programmer's of BrainFusion Present The Dancer.Ocx Which is capable of reading The Sound Peak Form Sound Card When Mp3 or Wav File Is Played(irrespective of player used(player independent)). It Tooks Us A Great Deal Of Time Please Don't forget Mail Us. And Vote Us. This Ocx is capable of reading the soundcard at a timeInterval of 1/1000 to 50 /1000 of a second. This Ocx is Capable of Dancing According to the Sound. Or you can hide the Ocx And Get Only The SoundVolume From The Sub OnTimer. This Dancer Ocx has Two Parts 1. Bar Displayer 2. Graph Displayer.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Please Vote Us...\nPlease Vote Us...\nPlease Vote Us...\nPlease Vote Us...\nPlease Vote Us...Please\n","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8743882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Imthiaz Rafiq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10517,"Title":"Any Flash Movie for Screen saver !","Description":"Transform any SWF file in a screen saver !\nYou can configure Quality and BackGround Color\nSee the result with the Screen Shot (plane.swf sample)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000881348532442.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8744882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"FredJust","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10518,"Title":"LightItOn","Description":"This is a little mind (and math) game. You need to light a area of 5*5 boxes with a special figure. It may sound a little bit odd but don't worry: When you begin it's very easy! \nThe game also include a solution-finder. The solution finder simply runs through the combinations (total: 2^25=33554432) until it finds a solution.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"The source-code should be easy to understand and it also includes some god ideas if you are trying to make a chess(with a brain) game (arrays, \"algoritm\").","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000881411271435.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8746882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Henrik Sterner","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10522,"Title":"Topmost Class","Description":"A control that sets the topmost style for a form without code !. The control show's a Visual C++ style pin graphic. The object/control poll's the form for the actual state. Includes an object to allow custom implementation. (Without the need for 'subclassing' Spit & Curse). But be warned the topmost state does not allways work under the IDE, (it's a known problem (check the MS KB) but work's ok in the compiled EXE. If you have a problem's mail me. I'm happy to hear every comment & suggstion.\nP.S I'm working on a version that show's the graphic on the caption bar, I'll post it when I can.","Inputs":"None. Just drop the control on the form.","Assumes":"Just drop the control on the form, and hit ctrl+F5","CodeReturns":"The current 'state' (Topmost or Normal) of the form specified.","SideEffects":"None currently known.","ApiDeclarations":"In the zip file.","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8751882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"'Crazey' dAVE Paterson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10524,"Title":"Find Strings in a Textbox","Description":"A sample VB program that demonstrates how to find\nand select words in a Textbox. Very simple but\nquite useful! Please rate!","Inputs":"None.","Assumes":"None.","CodeReturns":"None.","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"None.","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8753882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Frank Kusluski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10526,"Title":"Cool Datagrid Stuff!","Description":"This sample VB app shows you how to add drop down\nlists to columns in a data grid. Other cool\nfeatures include drag and drop from a Listbox to\na cell in the grid, sort grid data by clicking\nthe column header, and how to add a split to the\ngrid in run-time mode. Please vote!","Inputs":"None.","Assumes":"The ADO Data Control's (adodc1) ConnectionString\nproperty is set to the following:\nProvider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VB98\\Biblio.mdb;Persist Security Info=False\nIf the BIBLIO.MDB database resides in a different\ndirectory on your machine you will need to change\nthe Data Source location. On most machines this\nfile will exist on the C drive though.","CodeReturns":"None.","SideEffects":"None that I know of.","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Sub mouse_event Lib \"user32\" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8756882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":75,"AuthorName":"Frank Kusluski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10528,"Title":"Diablo II Trainer","Description":"This program can change character's attributes, socket items, convert potions to gems, upgrade gems, enable movies, change character's title and has a kewl interface .. check it out!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200088171383285.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8759882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Max Raskin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10529,"Title":"Ping Utility","Description":"A utility that pings a given range of IP addresses and presents the results in a sortable format,within a grid.","Inputs":"a range of IP adresses, for example\n255.255.255.1 to\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200088171643878.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8760882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Theo Kandiliotis","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10532,"Title":"Send Files on IRC","Description":"Here it is all you IRC Client programers. a complete file sending example. this includes a logon to irc, ident server, ctcp for sending a file, and the sending file that works. Please Post Post Your Feedback. Thanks. VOTE FOR ME.........................","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8764882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Tanerax","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10534,"Title":"Wake On-Lan","Description":"This code and utility provides Wake On-Lan functionality. This code has been devleoped with the help of many people in particular Dave Robinson, Thanks Man!\nWell this code is my way of saying thanks to Planet Source Code and to all of the coders out there that share the wealth. This code really does work. Just remember:\n1. You need a Wake On-Lan compliant Bios (and it must be enabled in BIOS)\n2. You need a Wake On-Lan compliant network adapter\n3. Wake On-Lan is a UDP broadcast. You cannot wake workstations on other IP subnets! This is a limitation of the technology not the application.\nI Have tested this utility on many types of hardware and it works. If you have a problem feel free to email me.\nsmanner2@csc.com.au\nThanks!\nSimon Manners\nComputer Sciences Corporation\nPerth, Western Australia","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000882022167055.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8765882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Simon Manners","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10535,"Title":"Fun with Arrow Keys","Description":"Fun with Arrow Keys\nsee how the arrow keys (Left,Right,Up,Down) works in VB. very small size . vote it if you like it !!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8766882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mohammad Munir","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10537,"Title":"Sun Position Calculator","Description":"Gives the Altitude and Azimuth angles of the sun at any time of the year, as well as giving the position in rectangular coordinates for use in positioning the sun in Lightwave. The program also creates a motion file that can be loaded into Lightwave to create animations involving the sun at a given location over a given period of time. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This program may not work depending on the date format you have chosen in your Regional Settings in the Control Panel. I have only set it up for the two most common settings.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200088213833627.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8768882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Sarah Mathiason","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10540,"Title":"Record Play Mouse Movements","Description":"This will record the mouse X,Y positions, and play them back. The only problem with this is that it is limited to how long it can record, it doesn't record long, but that can be fixed if you want to mess with the code and fix it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8770882000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"DmX","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10542,"Title":"Using Load Picture","Description":"Just a simple way to load a picture, nothing special, but sometimes people forget the basics","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":11,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Splix","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10543,"Title":"BRRIC","Description":"BRRIC by Robert Rayment: (Corrected for 2-color bmp & ico 14/01/03) This program deals with pairs of icons (16x16 & 32x32, 1 bpp to 8 bpp), small bitmaps (1 bpp to 24 bpp) and 32x32 cursors (4 bpp). A large number of palettes can be loaded. Many image manipulation controls are included eg drawing tools, blurr, rotate, text etc. All the controls include ToolTipText. My personal preference is to have as many controls on-screen rather than buried in menus. This is not to everybody's taste and the screen will look cluttered but is much quicker to use. Icons can be extracted from multiple icon files and the system icons from exe and dll files. Small 32x32 rectangles can be extracted from larger bitmaps. The use of a res file for bitmaps and binary data is demonstrated. Win98, Zip 170KB.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Icons, Cursors & Small Bitmaps","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"BRRIC API's\nSHGetFileInfo, DrawIconEx, DestroyIcon,\nCopyMemory, BitBlt, StretchBlt, GetObjectAPI, \nSetCursorPos, SendMessage, GetWindowLong, \nSetWindowLong","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/BRRIC1528971142003.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10546,"Title":"RR3D","Description":"RR3D: Displays a rotatable and scaleable wire frame of any\n3D mathematical function. This can be made up from the \nnormal VB maths plus inverse and hyperbolic functions.\nFunctions can be created and saved as wanted. Image vertices\ncan also be saved for use elsewhere. \nThe MS ScriptControl Eval function simplifies calculations\nenormously and its use is demonstrated. Also shown are\nMoveToEx, LineTo which are much faster than the VB \nequivalents and very easy to use. Included are a set of string \nhandling subroutines such as count characters, squeeze out \nspaces, replace sub-strings etc. Commented throughout \nincluding the 3D maths and perspective methods. All the \nfiles are visible and the program is written for an 800x600 \nscreen.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"MoveToEx, LineTo","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8778892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Robert Rayment","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10548,"Title":"DOS's tutorial","Description":"This is probably one of the best learning toolz I have ever come accross, this is a must for AOL programmers, and even begginers that need to lear API, this taught me alot about API, all the credit gos to DOS, only vote if you like it, I dont really wanna take credit for this.\n<>(V)enace<>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8781892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Splix","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10550,"Title":"Stealer","Description":"Stealing anything..... \nNeed to say more.....","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8783892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Muthu","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10552,"Title":"Zyweb Beta 2.5.1","Description":"* I Need Help On The Favorites System Anyone That Would Help E-Mail Me Please..\nWeb-Browser (Ie Front End) New Features In This Version Include Ability To Save Web-Documents Popup window Control (Instead Of Opening A New IE Window It Open Another Zyweb Window) And A New Web-radio Feature. Enhancements Include A Trimed Down Interface And I Have Imbeded The Flash Move (Flash Required For This Project) And A More Accurate Progressbar. Improvements Over The Previous Vershion Include A New Window Toolbar And Better Printing Management.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008974473830.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88728112000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Modis Software","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10554,"Title":"AsciiKey","Description":"This very short program will display the ascii value of any character you type. This is very useful in programming games or any other program that you would like to have accept user input from the keyboard.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"nothing","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8787892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Brian Atkin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10555,"Title":"ADO and Datagrid Sample w/Horizontal Scrollbar","Description":"My third submission to Planet Source Code demonstrates\nhow to use ADO and the Datagrid Control together.\nOne neat feature of this app is the use of a \nhorizontal scroll bar to move through records. I\nhaven't thoroughly tested this app so don't be \nsurprised if you find a couple bugs. If you're new\nto ADO or even a novice I'm sure you'll find\nsomething useful in this app. Please vote and\ngive me some feedback!","Inputs":"None.","Assumes":"This app uses the Access database file BIBLIO.MDB\nthat is shipped with VB. You may need to change\nthe ConnectionString property of the Adodc Control\nto reflect the directory where BIBLIO.MDB resides\non your machine. On most PCs it can be found on\nthe C drive.\nProvider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VB98\\Biblio.mdb;Persist Security Info=False","CodeReturns":"None.","SideEffects":"None that I know of.","ApiDeclarations":"None.","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8788892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":44,"AuthorName":"Frank Kusluski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10557,"Title":"Outlook Toolbar","Description":"Use an Outlook-Toolbar in your forms without using ActiveX.","Inputs":"none.","Assumes":"The number of \"strip\"-buttons you use have to fit the number of frames.","CodeReturns":"none.","SideEffects":"none.","ApiDeclarations":"none.","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200089922105231.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8790892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"M. Reichelt","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10558,"Title":"Manipulate Window's registry with class!","Description":"If you're looking for a class module to fiddle\nwith the Window's registry then this is the one!\nI use it all the time in my applications. Code\nincludes many examples. Please let me know what\nyou think!","Inputs":"None.","Assumes":"None.","CodeReturns":"None.","SideEffects":"None that I know of.","ApiDeclarations":"Many. Please download zip file.","CategoryId":36,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8791892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":9,"AuthorName":"Frank Kusluski","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10559,"Title":"Cool textwiping","Description":"This little rutine replaces a text in a label with a text from a textbox word by word.\nIt makes a cool text wiping or text fading.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8792892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Fernando Pires","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10563,"Title":"Haunted House","Description":"This haunted house is a long code. you have to try to make it through the house without dying. the password is \"Enter\" if i doesnt work with a capital E the try lower case. Vote For Me please","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8798892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Andreas Lekas","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10566,"Title":"A+ Winsock Filetransfer through Internet or Intranet with status bar and average display. *easy*","Description":"http://www.inter-dev.de --> Visit Inter-Dev.de for more!\nThis code allows you to transfer files from one pc to another using winsock. Well it does not use only api declarations but it works. I comment it in english so i hope you can understand it because i'm german. I made that example because a lot of winsock transfer file toolkits are not precise enought. Some do not use send complete and some examples show you how your file become bigger and bigger after every transfer because they do not check the file size! I do not say that my one is perfect but much better than most of the others. For example I do not like the filesize check-routine... if you know a better way to fix that, please send me your ideas to manager@directbox.com. The \"FILEINFO\" routine should also made in a better way... you should take another winsock to transfer fileinfos. I also included the transfered bytes per second in that sample!\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200089142371231.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8804892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":47,"AuthorName":"Hive Alien","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10567,"Title":"Nova Ice 3D Form (Updated!)","Description":"I made this to make a Form 3D,I've looked at others on PSC but none were reall, so i cooked one up. hope you like.Now you can choose how big the the 3d is(i worded it wrong youll see what i mean though)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":30,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10569,"Title":"Gold Button v1.0 by Night Wolf","Description":"This a first release of Gold Button v1.0\nI was always sick of these Default buttons, so i made one of my own. There's 18 different style of button. (None(OnUp)->Flat(OnHover)->Default(OnDown) etc.) Look at the picture to see more.\nPlease vote for me. :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000891637595865.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8807892000.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":43,"AuthorName":"Night Wolf","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10571,"Title":"Slave Form Demo","Description":"Among other things, this code demonstrates how to make 2 forms work together as if they were a single form. Make a form \"hide\" behind another and scroll down smoothly to reveal itself later. Also demonstrates how to make a custom title bar, the correct way to minimize an application, how to respond to the System Menu, and much more. It's hard to describe but it's well worth the download. Heavily commented code makes it very easy to follow what's happening. Votes and comments are appreciated!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You should be familiar with VB subclassing techniques to fully understand this code. However, the comments should let even a novice follow what's going on.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000891710178001.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8809892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":123,"AuthorName":"Russ Suter","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10573,"Title":"A How to use MSAgent program (GENIE)","Description":"This code will show you how to use the play and speak functions. (Very EASY to use or make you own SEEQUENS)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You need to have the MS Agent program installed an also you need to have the Genie character installed.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200089192847865.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8811892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":104,"AuthorName":"Paw Jershauge","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10575,"Title":"JamminMp3","Description":"This is a full Mp3 Player with a playlist and skins. It also saves the last playlist you had when the program was running and it loads it when you run it again.... I created some skins and you can change them.. There are also examples of working with ini files","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"You can see everything in the zip file","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008922141756.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD8813892000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Chris C.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10579,"Title":"A+ Winsock Transfer *NEW* both in one form. App & Client - Easy. * A MUST HAVE*","Description":"This is a re-make of the code I posted yesterday. Now you it consists of only one form who is able to receive and send files. You can use it to provide your app with internal filetransfer or even chats. Please visit http://www.inter-dev.de for more!\n-------- Thats what I posted yesterday!\n\" This code allows you to transfer files from one pc to another using winsock. Well it does not use only api declarations but it works. I comment it in english so i hope you can understand it because i'm german. I made that example because a lot of winsock transfer file toolkits are not precise enought. Some do not use send complete and some examples show you how your file become bigger and bigger after every transfer because they do not check the file size! I do not say that my one is perfect but much better than most of the others. For example I do not like the filesize check-routine... if you know a better way to fix that, please send me your ideas to manager@directbox.com. The \"FILEINFO\" routine should also made in a better way... you should take another winsock to transfer fileinfos. I also included the transfered bytes per second in that sample! \"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008108448714.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88188102000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":52,"AuthorName":"Hive Alien","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10582,"Title":"The *Array Login* Method","Description":"There's a whole lot of examples on Login forms on Planet Source Code. But half of them are garbage and don't work. And the others are generic and use everyday resource files, and databases. My project uses Arrays to make tables, and uses those arrays as the database intstead of useing up disk space.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"NONE!","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008101050499420.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88258102000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Alwyn B. (Chrome)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10585,"Title":"Blocks! Game - Cool Tetris Clone","Description":"Awesome Blocks Game. It is a Tetris clone but better. I features 2 extra blocks that have different abilities. You can use the Bomb Block to your advantage and the Scatter block to your disadvantage. Contains very nice graphics\\art.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008101347517115.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88278102000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":27,"AuthorName":"Kamran Aslam","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10586,"Title":"SQL Stored Procedures Code Control","Description":"I have several programmers that work on our SQL Server database. There have been several occasions that a stored procedure has been corrupted and we have to go through the pain staking process of restoring a backup to get the information. \nThis program utilizes Visual SourceSafe and SQL Server to copy stored procedures to SourceSafe. I run this program daily to make sure I capture all changes. This allows me to analyze what is different about a stored procedure and allows me to roll back to a earlier version. This process does not tell me who corrupted the stored procedure. I have other ways of getting that.\nHope this helps you.\nTake care","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88288102000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Mike Green","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10588,"Title":"XML DOMDocument usage","Description":"This sample code shows all the necessary steps in creating, modifying, and accessing an XML document using a DOMDocument. Please rate this code to let me know how useful it was to you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"SubmissionTypeId":4,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88308102000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":46,"AuthorName":"Scott Mayne","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10592,"Title":"groovy boxes","Description":"After wacthin star trek today, i saw a groovy scanner in the background, so i remade it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88348102000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Ian Gorse","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10596,"Title":"MCunha - Component Manager","Description":"This application manager (registry, unregistry, send to recycled bin and show properties) of all components activex and dll's in your machine.\nIn this version, only executable is avaliable, if need go to http://www.mcunha98.cjb.net and download the file including runtime files.\n\nNow, i include the **** SOURCE CODE *** and\nhelp file for understand with use.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000810217571522.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88928122000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Mauricio Cunha","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10598,"Title":"McAnalogClock","Description":"Analog clock: Only picbox and one line of \ncode needed.No other controls.\nCool example included.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000811321157596.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88428112000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"M.C","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10613,"Title":"Add Plug-Ins to your applications!!!","Description":"I know this is a zip, but if you like it, come back and VOTE! This is a simple project to show you how to add plug-ins to your apps. What do I mean by plug-ins? I mean the ability for your program to add unlimited functionality by the addition of DLLs or ActiveX exe's AFTER COMPILE. You can have a completely compiled application that simply takes a new DLL and makes it a part of itself. Why should you use it? Think of a large database application. You sell this to many users, and they all have legacy data to deal with, so you sell each of the a custom built plug-in that will convert all of thier old data. Or, if they have a custom app of thier own and they want a function that will automatically update info from thier database to yours, you could write a plugin. The possibilities are limitless, so here's the code!","Inputs":"You supply the inputs, or plug-ins. One note: The plug ins must be ActiveX DLLs or ActiveX EXEs and they must be registered!","Assumes":"YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR PLUGINS (regsvr32.exe)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008111745553888.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88758112000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":35,"UserRatingTotal":169,"AuthorName":"Jay Kreusch","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10615,"Title":"Gold Button v1.1","Description":"New version of Gold Button.\nTake a look.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008111954548628.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88768112000.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":49,"AuthorName":"Night Wolf","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10616,"Title":"A picture/image Merger without API calls. Ver 2.","Description":"This code is the second part of the Picture/image mixer. But here you can invert a picture with pixel manipulation, you can merge two pictures, and this is just using the .PSET and .POINT function ofa picture box. This does not use any OCX or API calls. This is great or beginners.","Inputs":"Just select the option, and see how it works...","Assumes":"Nothing.","CodeReturns":"A third image.","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000811214231528.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88798112000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":26,"UserRatingTotal":128,"AuthorName":"Mauricio Castelazo Gamboa","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10617,"Title":"A new era on Fonters...Preview all your installed fonts!!!","Description":"This code will make a formatted list of all your installed fonts, so you┬┤ll be able to preview all of them in a hurry. Note that you won┬┤t see font per font, you┬┤ll see ALL of them in a single formatted list. Also, if you double click a font, its character set will appear in a new window. You must see how it works. You'll learn also, how to load controls on a fly with code. \nVote for this great code if you like it!!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200111723987748.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD138531172001.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":45,"AuthorName":"Mauricio Castelazo Gamboa","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10624,"Title":"An update of JamminMp3","Description":"I submited the wrong files On the other One.This is the correct zip file","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200081247361729.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88888122000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":31,"AuthorName":"Chris C.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10626,"Title":"TwinBeat Tiny Edition","Description":"This is a tool for displaying the .Beat, the internettime by swatch.\nFurther it has a round shape and it stays on top. Really cool!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000812558211846.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88908122000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"TwinWare","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10628,"Title":"Forget Controls MultiMedia. Now By API Version 5.0","Description":"Hi everybody,\nAre you sure wanna player for All Multimedia files\nand make about more than 20 Control for Multimedia file just by Windows pure API.\nOkay.(Now version 5.0 with Channels Audio)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89878152000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Abdullah Al-Ahdal","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10629,"Title":"File I/O Functions","Description":"The codes included in zip file.\nVote if you learn something,please.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88938122000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"m3hm3t","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10631,"Title":"Add-In: Task List - Update 2.1.4","Description":"Update to the VB 6 IDE Task List Add-in. This update's features are:<br>\n<li>- Added: Column Priority\n<li>- Added: Column Version (Default: hidden)\n<li>- Modified: Column Added is now hidden (Default: hidden)\n<li>- Added: New \"Add Task\" form\n<li>- Modified: Double Click on TaskList will display menu instead of adding.\n<li>- Added: Edit Task menu option (allows to edit the description only).\n<li>- Added: Icons to Column headers to show current sort when clicked on.\n<li>- Added: Save column widths \n<li>- Added: Small toolbar on the left hand side\n<li>- Added: Select Grid (alternating) colors.\n<br><br>Thanks to B. Harriger (for v2.0) and the original author Mark Joyal\n<br><br>Updates: 2.1.3\n<li>- version set on completion (check) task\n<li>- task list disabled until project is saved (prevent error messages).\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000812202244212.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD92898242000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Pete Sral","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10632,"Title":"more 3Dish effects: Form DropShadow","Description":"Updated: this idea was expanded from Brian Kurtyka's Self updaing transparent / translucent form using the alphablend (THX a mil brian, you taught me alphablending just from that one examble...)\nin the screenshot you'll see a shadow cast by the form. Draws directly to the screen, uses the RedrawWindow API, and all in a simple to add OCX for those who dont wanna mess with the code.. just add it and run it, and theres your effect.. due to the alphablending dll, this will *now* run in the IDE, just copy the dll's to your system dir.. i use lots of DoEvents to make sure everyhting is done right..*shrug*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Chopy changes :( need someone to make that a bit more fludic..","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008121341486592.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89588142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"^DaRk^","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10634,"Title":"Need a Serial Check? Worth a Look!","Description":"SerialCheck Maker. Not quite a MUST see but it's an interesting effort on my part. More information located on the main form. Don't care? here's the binaries: http://prgmrsruin.hypermart.net/products/scm/ for evaluation -- It's now OPEN SOURCE. No need to vote as this project is scrapped, but I would like one of those PlanetSourceCode Award images for my site.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008121431349186.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88978122000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Bradley Liang","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10635,"Title":"Add Plug-in to your Programs","Description":"Shows one way to add Plug-ins to your VB programs. This sample only works with two plugins, but by using a colection or a dynamic array you could use as many as your computer can handle, and you could add a function to the plug-ins that returned the type of plugin it is. (Like image-plug-in,string-plug-in,math-plug-in,...). I am not one for adding comments but the code is not hard to follow! I hope that this help someone! You can do alot more with this then i have here, just wanted to show the basics. I used code from PSC for registry work and others, I left the comments from the owners of that code in place but changed the code to a cutdown version.\n(usage:)\nCreate the two dll's and place them in the plugins directory.\ncreate and run the registor plugins app. this registors the dll's and makes entries in the registry so the test program can find them.\nthen run the test program.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD88998122000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Frank","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10637,"Title":"FadeOut: A new way to exit your App","Description":"Another piece of code based on Alphablending.. This time it's a neat way to exit your application.. simply add the OCX to your project, and when its time to exit, call the fade1.fadeExit sub and your app will fade away and terminate.. ok so its useless, but it looks nice.. no screenshot since the effect is timebased (still shots wouldnt do it justice) - updated with missing Msimg32.dll - thx to VipeI2","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89578142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"^DaRk^","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10639,"Title":"A>|Beautiful Writter|<A","Description":"This Program search strings Ramdom characters in a Textbox anda replace then to the other textbox.\nIt's already a good letter writter, it write cool and pretty letters... it's very cool...\nPlease if you like.. VOTE!\n-------------------------------------------------\nPros Brasileiros...\n├⌐ um c├│digo que procura e altera caracteres de uma textbox para a outra.\nFora isso tamb├⌐m ├⌐ um bom escritor de cartas bunitinhas... hehehhe\nVotem em mim... n├│s brasileiros devemos mostrar a nossa for├ºa...\n-------------------------------------------------\nThanXZ","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":40,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000812188395596.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89028122000.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"Wagner Bertolini J├║nior","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10640,"Title":"Internet Session Controller","Description":"This program, object of this project, is a very good Internet online session controller.\nEach time you make a Internet session the program register in a DB and take care how long are you connected.\nYou can specify the duration of timeout to the program ask you if you want to keep the connection - if you don't answer the session is interrupted.\nYou can view a report of your sessions - the last 30 or 31 days.\nThe messages and texts may be in English or Portuguese - exchanged dynamically.\nWith some few modifications you can keep the informations for a longer period.\nIf you like, please vote on it.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89038122000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jose Adauto Ribeiro","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10644,"Title":"SI'S DIRECT 3D PARADISE","Description":"A WHOLE 3D PARADISE TO WALK AROUND IN REAL TIME!!! This is my first Direct3D program (apart from a plain cube). It demonstates lots of the basic stuff you need to use to make a Direct 3D program, such as : Z-buffering, texture mapping, matrices, polygon sorting and scrolling backgrounds. The 3D world includes a plane and a boat, and some trees. All this packed into a 264KB download! I made the trees using a trick I saw on the game Tombraider - they are 2D sprites which turn to face the camera! Even if this don't teach you much, you can at least have a laugh at the ridiculously low polygon count and cheap effects. NOTE : YOU NEED DIRECTX 7 INSTALLED TO RUN THIS! For the best performance, close all other programs and run \"Si's 3D Garden.exe\" (included). See \"readme.html\" for more information. Please COME BACK AND VOTE FOR THIS because I don't think anyone else has given up the source code for a whole 3D world to Planet Source Code!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":44,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89078132000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":44,"UserRatingTotal":191,"AuthorName":"Simon Price","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10646,"Title":"FlatButton V1.1 - wicked ;0)","Description":"This Active X control acts as a replacement for the standard Command Button. This code is a great example for a beginner to learn Active X control creation. Really its pretty much the same as my earlier posting, but ppl seemed to gloss over what it can do. Thanks to Henning Tillman (the author of the code on which this button is based).","Inputs":"See Zip","Assumes":"See Zip","CodeReturns":"See Zip","SideEffects":"See Zip","ApiDeclarations":"See Zip","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000813847136804.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89128132000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Wayne Hartell","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10648,"Title":"Communicator (TCP/IP Chat)","Description":"TCP?IP Chat program. I found the code here on Planet Source and Changed a bunch of things. I did not get permission from the author so you will have to consider that in using this code. I do not know if the person will mind or not.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000813110322884.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89148132000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Miguel Hidalgo","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10650,"Title":"VB Trainer *New Code*","Description":"Writes and reads values of a game's memory space. *Fixed problem people were having with a constant*","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"In Code","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89838152000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":32,"AuthorName":"MacDeath","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10657,"Title":"Bios Info","Description":"Read memory where the bios information is.\nFunctions used do not work on windows2000/NT5.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89188132000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"oigres P","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10658,"Title":"virtual drive to make cd menus Now with a demo project","Description":"Tools for using vb to make cd menus Vdrive.vbs makes a virtual drive Vb6rtime.bat checks for installed run times BUT NOT VERSIONS use it with the cd Autorun ini \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008131533589515.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89508142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"oc","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10663,"Title":"A DirectX Midi Player","Description":"This application will play your MIDI files using DirectX.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Some MIDI files do not compatible with DirectX.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89348132000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Albert Tedja","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10664,"Title":"Xplorer 2","Description":"This web browser has the most needed features like print, save, back, forward, stop, refresh, etc. It also includes an integrated search tool, bookmarks, and history. The best feature is the option to disable those annoying popups. The whole program (executable) is under 70k bytes, unzipped! It is also surprisingly faster than Internet Explorer 5.0 (even though it uses the same control). ANY COMMENTS sent to panself1@juno.com WILL BE APPRECIATED. I hope u enjoy my Xplorer. Please RATE IT!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90088162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Gleb Podkolzin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10671,"Title":"Set/Unset Toggle keys","Description":"Toggle Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock under Windows 95/98/NT/2000","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Refer to MSKB Q177674","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Type OSVERSIONINFO\n dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long\n dwMajorVersion As Long\n dwMinorVersion As Long\n dwBuildNumber As Long\n dwPlatformId As Long\n szCSDVersion As String * 128 ' Maintenance string for PSS usage\n End Type\n ' API declarations:\n Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib \"user32\" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Long\n Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetVersionExA\" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long\n Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib \"user32\" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)\n Private Declare Function GetKeyboardState Lib \"user32\" (pbKeyState As Byte) As Long\n Private Declare Function SetKeyboardState Lib \"user32\" (lppbKeyState As Byte) As Long\n ' Constant declarations:\n Private Const KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY = &H1\n Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2\n Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2\n Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS = 1\n","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89438142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Keith M Jacobs","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10675,"Title":"Gold Button v1.2","Description":"Well folks. Another version of Gold Button is here. I've added a few things. Here they are: Property descriptions, MaskColor, UseMask, Base Address in OCX, picture will now automatically align with text and when you are in desing mode and OnUp property is bsNone, a Dash-Dot-Dot box is drawn over the button, so you can see th button's area. Please vote for me. Thank you all who uses my button. ENJOY :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000814829145475.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89468142000.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":24,"UserRatingTotal":119,"AuthorName":"Night Wolf","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10680,"Title":"Get current weather in ANY ZipCode! - FREE CONTROL! - Simply Place on your form, Call ONE Function.","Description":"This Control will go out to the internet, connect to the host, and find the local weather conditions. This code can easily be altered to get the 5-Day Forecast, Temperature, etc..\nPlease Vote if you like it!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000814152349164.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89518142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10683,"Title":"Random Letter Generator","Description":"Actually this is kind of fun. This program genaerates 1000000 completely random letters and then uses the microsoft Word Spell check object to look for real words. You can specify the minimum length of text to search for as well as maximum and it will highlight real words. i put an Algorythm that looks for words based on each character position, for example, if \"WHOLE\" is found it will return 3 words, \"Whole\", Hole\", and OLE\". You would be surprised to see some of the words that are generated. Oh well, good for a dyno test on your computer at least. Comments and votes are greatly appreciated.","Inputs":"Download and run.","Assumes":"You do need MS word though.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008141559269865.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89548142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Brian Bender","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10684,"Title":"Sinus Scroller","Description":"Just for fun, showing some old-skool demo effects.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You like to watch demo's, normally written in assembler or C","CodeReturns":"Lot's of fun... -)","SideEffects":"When you quit the application, the walls seem to be moving","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000814169281246.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89558142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Arnout de Vries","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10685,"Title":"Confetti a Bitmap","Description":"Take any bitmap and break it down into pixels. Then draw the bitmap to a form a pixel at a time with a nice random confetti effect. With a reasonable sized bitmap this could look really great on a splash screen.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"On larger bitmaps the array processing involved can take a bit of time. Be patient!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89568142000.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Donald Johnson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10689,"Title":"Diablo II Enabler - How to make a SGE or Trainer","Description":"Diablo II Enabler is program that edits the saved game files from Diablo II that allows users to enable all difficulties, acts, movies, waypoints, quests and more. The Visual Basic 6 source code is good learners tool for creating SGEs (Saved Game Editor) and trainers. The program works by locating decimal offsets and then writes a hex value at that location. Worth a look by any new trainer maker using Visual Basic!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008142148355125.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89628142000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Pause Break","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10692,"Title":"CoolMenu v1.3","Description":"Real Office and Visual Studio like icon menus<br>\nNew features :<br>\n-White bug fixed<br>\n-Pattern behind simple checks<br>\n-Main menu bar repop bug fixed in W98<br>\n-RightToLeft property (still to be tested)<br>\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008142253307722.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89888152000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":41,"UserRatingTotal":200,"AuthorName":"Olivier Martin","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10698,"Title":"PadLock Your App! (An alternative to passwords)","Description":"This is a little app I created to give some of my clients an alternative to remembering passwords. Basically, it turns floppy disks into KeyCards. The best part about this is that simply copying the disk will not create a working key! (Although Imaging the disk might, but this hasn't been tested) I would not call this High-level security, but if you need a reasonable level of security without the hassles of administering passwords, this is the code to use. Or, you could use this in addition to regular passwords to give an added level of security. Thanks to the code on this site provided by Barry Dunne for encryption. Please vote.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":48,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89708152000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Jay Kreusch","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10703,"Title":"Simple Progress Bar v1.0","Description":"This code alows you to add a very simple progress bar to a form, you could also edit it to make it realy useful","Inputs":"BarValue ###","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Only one on a form, unless you change the name of some variables and shapes","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89758152000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":18,"AuthorName":"Doug Sheffer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10716,"Title":"PureGold Flat Push Button (Updated) 2","Description":"PureGold Button Control features a sleek thin 3D border insted of the ugly thick border on standerd windows. It also has four other styles of borders for you to try (yes even the classic thick border one), and now MOST inportant of all it has the mouse over feature meaning the button is flat untill the mouse is over it! <- This is optional see options for more info\nPictures in the control will come soon, as will tranlucentness and other skinable features.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000816250502988.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD89958162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Jay","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10725,"Title":"Reading .wav files and outputting wave sample","Description":"This code displays the waves (graphically) of a .wav file, just like in Windows' Sound Recorder","Inputs":"Picture1\nPicture2\nCommondialog1\nCommand1","Assumes":"none","CodeReturns":"A graphical representation of a .wav file","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function StretchBlt Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal nSrcWidth As Long, ByVal nSrcHeight As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":47,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000816103491529.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Cleavis the 4th","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10727,"Title":"jMarquee Control","Description":"This control handle Many Customization Factors, including Caption, ForeColor, InsideTrackColor, OutsideTrackColor, Direction, Speed and More! jMarquee is set up now to handle one line of streaming text, but is Multi-Line Ready. This could be useful for scrolling Stocks etc.. with multiple lines moving at multiple varying speeds.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008161043553677.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90058162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10728,"Title":"One Scrollbar for bound lists","Description":"Allows you to bind listboxes together with only one scrollbar per grouping of lists","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Code is uncomented but should be easy to follow..if not e-mail me...dan@factek.com","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008161350241393.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90098162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Dan Dmytrasz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10729,"Title":"GMindmap v0.5","Description":"Software to make MINDMAPS. Full-working version, with full code, even for help file. Can import and export mindmaps to text files to be reimported into another mindmap software.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008161427303241.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90128162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"C.Dutoit","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10730,"Title":"Control Any Program","Description":"(Update: Includes Example now and a spy program to help you find out what those window classes are!) Ok, among my other codz, this one is quite fun... If you've ever made a proggie (AOL/AIM) before, you've used a bas file for it...Well, those files, beleive it or not, contain the coding in this bas in one form or another to give them access to AOL/AIM's program. All you have to do is get a program's Window Class, then call cGetWindow (TheClass) and you know have control...It's more complicated than what's stated here...Thx for downloading and vote plz...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91558202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"CyberAscii","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10731,"Title":"Convert VB6 to VB5 every time a project loads! **Zipped Version for people that had problems**","Description":"This program converts the VB6 project file to VB5, before opening VB to open the file. If the file is already VB5 compatible it will leave it alone. Compile the file to the same folder where Vb5.exe is and then hold down SHIFT while right clicking on a .vbp file. Choose Open with... then click on other and choose the file that you compiled. Now whenever you open a .vbp file it will convert it then allow VB to open it. NOTE: if there are more tags that are not VB5 compatible, please tell me. The old version did not work with project files that had a space in the path, but this version is compatible. If you like this app, please rate it. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":25,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90158162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10736,"Title":"D++ Update!!! Version 2.0","Description":"Ok, this source code is a compiler that compiles the D++ language into an execuatable. There are commands like input and output, deleting files, message boxes, playing wav sounds, etc. The output of it is based in its own console. I am in the process of developing winsck support and more of a visual program. The program now automaticly locate your system folder and your desktop. PageMac made this, i just revised it. Vote for me if you like this code! Version 2.0","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008162012311694.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90208162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":52,"AuthorName":"AParker","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10738,"Title":"FlipImages AND Save it","Description":"This code lets you flip images vertical or horizontal and SAVE IT TO BITMAPS!\nPLEASE VOTE IF YOU LIKE IT!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90228162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Geovany Villegas (yovasXp)","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10739,"Title":"weather.ocx","Description":"This program will get local weather using your zip code anywhere in USA. The code can easily be modified to get the weather for the next day. Please tell me what you thing about this custom control and PLEASE vote for me :) :) :)","Inputs":"zip code","Assumes":"add the ocx to your project then use weather1.getweather to load the weather and rest of the functions to get the other stuff. (ex: text1.text = weather1.gettemp that will load current temperature into text1)","CodeReturns":"temperature,wind,dewpoint,humidity,visibility,barometer reading,sunrise,sunset,overall weather","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200081719523340.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90238172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Izek","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10740,"Title":"Advanced Casper HTML Editor 3.0","Description":"Casper HTML Editor 3.0 basic description:\nPlease note: This program is by no means finished. I have finished the \nbasics functions and tools and now I'll be fixing some bugs, improving the \ncode and etc.\nThe next version should be much more stable and not so resource-eating.\n<> Important <>\n Since I have used one OCX please make sure you've registered it before opening\n this project. The OCX is a Folder TreeView by CCRP (http://www.mvps.org/ccrp/)\n It's a free OCX under GPL Agreement so don't worry.\nSome of the tools included:\n * Meta Tag Wizard \n * Table Wizard\n * Frame Wizard\n * Color Chooser\n * Tag Chooser\n * Image Map Tool\n * Character Set Tool\n * Document Weight Calculation\nSome of the Functions Included:\n * Snippets Library for Java and HTML\n * Complete Set of HTML 4.0 Standard tags\n * Real Time tag Editor\n * Real Time Preview\n * Line Numbering in Gutter\n * Find / Replace Dialog\n * Syntax Coloring (as type / new line)\n * Open Document From WWW\n * Templates\n * HTML to Text File Conversion\n * 10 x Width Word Wrap (customizable)\n and more ....\nAbove mentioned tools and functions are a subject to improve and/or change.\nJust so you know .......","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200081714532401.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90248172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":122,"AuthorName":"Vladimir S. Pekulas","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10741,"Title":"Custom Listbox Control","Description":"This is an example that shows how to create your own kind of listbox control. This listbox does most of the stuff the normal vb listbox does, except it also lets you use a picture for the background and lets you add pictures next to items. The listbox is also done in a different style.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008171330123037.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90398172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":67,"AuthorName":"Patrick Gillespie","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10742,"Title":"Basic Game Engine","Description":"This is a basic game - engine, very simple, intended as an idea. It refers to a mask to see where you can move. Can move left, right, jump(even while in mid air :) and shoot little red squares. Good for beginners. No tileing (yet).","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"BitBlt\nGetPixel","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90268172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"JoshD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10743,"Title":"Basic Stuff","Description":"This code will show some basics such as:<p><p>\n* how to create your own subs to decrease the ammount of coding in your project\n<P><P>\n* use the select case feature for manipulating arrays\n<P><P>\n* how to manipulate common controls such as lines and shapes to create dynamic controls such as a \"cool button\" (without OCX) and creating a rounded frame\n<P><P>\nPlease rate this code and leave your comments","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"in code","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000817310372165.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90278172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":23,"AuthorName":"Eric Sullivan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10744,"Title":"Custom Control Box (a must have!)","Description":"2 custom controls are included in this project. Drag control will allow you to move the form around using any control. controlbox is a custom controlbox with 3 buttons which can be eneabled/disabled, for which you set caption and font properties, a popup menu, icon propery which can also be changed. The custom controlbox can be minimized/maximized/closed like a normal controlbox. This is a must have if you are tired of having same control box every time!!! <please vote for me :) >","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200081758126930.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90288172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Izek","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10748,"Title":"Lander Game (Updated)","Description":"Ok, I know the last time I submitted this, it didn't work. Well, this time here is everything you need. Just unzip all into one folder and run the EXE. I downloaded the first version at www.vbworld.com then I improved it a lot! Please, if you like it, Vote for me!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000827116512590.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD113951162000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Jason","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10750,"Title":"A A Sound Meter (Peak Display)","Description":"AA Sound Meter is a revison of Sound Meter. It displays sound in various diffrent forms such as diffrent peak displays and a visual equalisers.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Shares code form VU Meter.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"May cause some distortion in the wave output but only whilst program is running.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":45,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90348172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":10,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Matt Clark","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10755,"Title":"Using LSet to make reading files easier","Description":"Have you ever needed to read a fixed length text file in Visual Basic? I have written quite a lot of applications where I will receive a fixed length text file from the mainframe. \nTired of using the Left$, Right$ and Mid$ functions to parse each line for the individual elements of the line? Then read on. \nOh, and thanks to Rockford Lhotka's, book on Visual Basic 6 Business Objects for giving me this idea.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD99629182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":22,"UserRatingTotal":103,"AuthorName":"Jerry Barnett","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10756,"Title":"Chart Control - EASILY CHART STATISTICS.. MUST SEE!","Description":"This control will let you visually display Data in an easy to understand way.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008171345287445.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90408172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10757,"Title":"WOW! A Cookie Viewer for Netscape Navigator.","Description":"This will show you all the cookies you have set for netscape navigator and puts them in ENGLISH!!! Please Vote you you like .","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000817143589513.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90418172000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10783,"Title":"Emailer","Description":"This is basically a program for sending E-mails, great code if you want to learn Winsock as it is fully commented. The emails show up as being from whatever you type in. Hope this is helpful.\nAny feedback as in comments, suggestions, deaththreats, marriage proposals will be greatly appreciated.\nThanks...","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200081878382171.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90728182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":33,"AuthorName":"Toby Gunston","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10792,"Title":"Transaction Logger v1.1 *Complete Program/With Source*","Description":"This is an application to record and calculate your savings and checking account. This program is a great bit of source all the way around, commondialog, systray, listbox function, simple print functions, plus much more. I use this program and it comes in handy especially if you hate balancing your checkbook. This program if properly used could do away with balancing your checkbook. This is my first edition of this program and if you need any help understanding this program, please feel free to email me at CrazyAssNate@aol.com. I apologize for no help file and no documented code, but most of it is pretty straight forward. Please vote for me if you like. Any suggestions are well appreciated, and if you use this program or make updates, please note me as the original author. PLEASE VOTE 4 ME.\nTransaction Logger v1.1\n*File\nNew - To Create a new data file which records can be stored, edited, and saved\nOpen - To open a data file\nSave - To save your current data file\nRestore Data - To restore the backup file.\nBackup Data - To backup your data to another file called databu.nfs\n \nDelete - Delete current data file\nDefault File - To set the default file for which \nTransaction Logger loads automatically\n \nPrint - Prints all records for loaded data file\n*Transactions\n \nDeposit To Checking/Savings - Whenever there is a positive transaction to either account\nWithdrawal From Checking/Savings - Whenever there is a negative transaction to either account\nTransfer - Whenever you want to Transfer funds from one account to the other\n \nAdjustment - Used as a problem solver. Say you have 35 cents extra in your checking account and you aren't sure how it got there, you can simply adjust your account + 35 cents to make up for the extra funds. Used for positive and negative adjustments for all transaction.\n*Transaction Lists\nShows the transactions by type, just select which one you want to see.\nDetails - Shows the number of entries per transaction type and dollar ammount.\nSearch - Search entire data list for your search criteria\nShow all - Returns data list back to original state. If you do a search or look at a particular transaction type the list changes, therefore this is needed to view the entire list. The entire list is automatically shown at startup.\n* Other\n \nDatapad - Used to store any extra info\nCalendar - Shows calendar\n\n* Mouse buttons \nDouble click entry to edit a particular entry.\nRight click to delete entry.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008181114177571.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90838182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Nathan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10794,"Title":"PSC Slot Machine! Dedicated to the PSC Crew!!","Description":"This is a slot machine game I made A) Because I was bored and B) To show my appreciation to IAN, the whole PSC Crew, and everyone who contributes (no matter how little) To PSC. Enjoy .. and of course as Mayor Quimby says.. \"Vote For Me!\"","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000818141923192.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90858182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Sparq","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10796,"Title":"JEL - A Scripting Language","Description":"JEL is a scripting language made in VB that can make into an EXE file. JEL is powerful, small, and fast. It can use variables, equations, functions, if's, loops, goto's, etc. Not convinced yet? Look at the screenshot, that's not even half of what it can do! The language can also be easilly modified to include more functionality.\nI made this because I am a veteran at making scripting languages and I saw D++ getting all the kudos. This took me 2 days of non stop work and hard thinking about parsing the code but i did it. If you like this code please vote for it! (also visit my site, www.oogle.net)\nnote: This code uses the split() function which is in vb6 only. you can find it's equivilency somewhere on this site.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008181452583062.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD90908182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":29,"UserRatingTotal":122,"AuthorName":"Justin Tunney","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10801,"Title":"Rotating DNA Strand","Description":"This is something I made in QB a few years back that I finally got around to porting to VB... Basically, it simulates a rotating strand of DNA... You could probably use it to add graphics to something...","Inputs":"None required, but you can change many options: Bar Length, Number of Bars, Colors of Both Molecules, How far the molecules move, etc.","Assumes":"This is also a good example of how to use UDTs (User-Defined Types) for someone wanting to learn.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Nada...","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008181840359355.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91008182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":14,"UserRatingTotal":69,"AuthorName":"Teycho","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10805,"Title":"Advanced messagebox","Description":"A new (advanced) messagebox, with 10 different styles and 1 to 3 buttons. All input is numerated, so it's easy when you code. See the pic for the styles. The syntax is: MBox \"Prompt\", [Style], [Buttons], [Icon], [\"Title\"]. For example: MsBox \"Prompt\" or more complete: MsBox \"Prompt\", mbWinter, mbSaveDontSave, mbSave, \"Title\".\nThe prompt is required, all the rest is optional.\nRemember: The form and the module go together ! The return-value = mbReturn. If mbReturn = 0, then the first button has been pressed. If mbReturn = 1 then the second button has been pressed. If mbReturn = 2 then the third button has been pressed.\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"mbReturn (0 till 2)","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008182052198886.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91038182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":106,"AuthorName":"stephane swertvaegher","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10813,"Title":"Updated - X-Nation Chat (2nd update)","Description":"Use winsock to chat, and play sound effects on local and remote computer. Cool interface. Plz leave feedback, and vote. Thanks!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008182346367375.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91118182000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10819,"Title":"Asorted Titlebars","Description":"Added some functions which allows you to get great effects for a titlebar, just take a look at the screen shot.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008191110468158.JPG ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91198192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":34,"AuthorName":"Gary Eyles","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10824,"Title":"A FileExists Function","Description":"Checks to see if a file exists.","Inputs":"full file path(FullFileName as String)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"True or False","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":13,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":17,"UserRatingTotal":53,"AuthorName":"Blake Royer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10833,"Title":"Calandar and Clock","Description":"This is pretty useful, it shows a calander and a clock, D/L it, use it, have fun, oh and it also can teach you to use a clock i guess, and if you like plz Vote!","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"dont screw it over while programming it","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008191859118.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91328192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":7,"UserRatingTotal":27,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10837,"Title":"Countdown Timer","Description":"Displays the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds till a specified date. Allows you to enter multiple dates.\nIllustrates how to use the new ListView control in VB6, saving and retrieving from the registry, and the datediff function.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008192119384443.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91358192000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Kamilche","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10852,"Title":"TranslateColor","Description":"Windows works with normal colors and system colors. Visual basic can not handle the system colors and work with them as normal RGB colors. Here's an interesting API I found that translates System Colors to 'normal' colors. I made a little prog arround this to show how it is done. WARNING ! I work with win98 so I don't know if it works with WIN95. If it doesn't, could you please tell me. My adress is: stephan.swertvaegher@planetinternet.be The .dll that contains this API is olepro32.dll. Download the zip and find out...","Inputs":"System Color","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Normal RGB color","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function TranslateColor Lib \"olepro32.dll\" Alias \"OleTranslateColor\" (ByVal clr As OLE_COLOR, ByVal palet As Long, Col As Long) As Long\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91528202000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"stephane swertvaegher","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10866,"Title":"Atomic Time Sync *UPDATED*","Description":"Thanks to CZ of www.FreeVBCode.com it now uses the winInet API instead of the winsock control and also takes into account daylight saving correctly. Oh, for a long lasting erection, checkout http://www.em.f2s.com\n *blatant & false advertising*\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91628212000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"em┬á","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10878,"Title":"DTMF-Phon (UPDATE)","Description":"Hold your telephone in front of your speakers and let it beep! New Options dialog included + 3 secret sounds :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008211324196918.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD93338262000.ZIP ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Oliver Salzburg","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10886,"Title":"Live Longer with this Program!!!","Description":"It has been proven that when you see a happy face, it also makes you smile or be happy as well, which is part of positive thinking and causes you to live longer. This program displays a yellow happy face on the screen, always on top of other windows. It moves to a different random location when you move the mouse over it. This code demonstrates how to make a window on top, move the form on the screen, and how to make certain parts of the form transparent. Good luck and be happy!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Don't forget to add this program to your startup folder!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20008221436445896.GIF ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD92158222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Brent Hather","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10892,"Title":"Make desktop icon text background transparent!","Description":"Ever wanted to make the butt ugly block of colour behind desktop icon's text disappear through code? well, now you can! I searched the net hi and low for VB code to do this but to no avail, so I wrote this. To my knowledge it's the FIRST EVER VB code for this, so check it out. It's only been tested on Win 9x & Win ME. Take a peek at my site at http://www.em.f2s.com if you like this code. Hope you learn something =)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2000822033365438.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD91948222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":23,"UserRatingTotal":112,"AuthorName":"em┬á","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10898,"Title":"Add Horizontal Scrollbar to Listbox","Description":"Automatically add a horizontal scrollbar to a listbox, quickly and completely. I wasnt satisfied with the ones on planet so I created my own.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SendMessageA\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long\nPublic Const LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT = &H194","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":17,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":65,"ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10901,"Title":"Payroll Program","Description":"Are you sick of using a calculator to find out how much money you made this week?, then this program is for you.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"You have to change the path of the wav. file of this code if you move it to another file and remove it from the desktop...\nThis code only calculates time and a half NOT double time.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD92038222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":28,"AuthorName":"ES-Technologies","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":10902,"Title":"Set/Get Internet Cookies","Description":"Set/Get Internet Cookies- Great Code!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD92048222000.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Money 911","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":692,"Title":"StayOnTop","Description":"Keep a form always on top (topmost floating form) in windows 95.\nAlbetski, Allan\" <AlbetsAl@amsworld.com>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":22,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":695,"Title":"Use of the Toolbar Control","Description":"Short tutorial on how to use the toolbar in VB4/5 32 bit.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":35,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":699,"Title":"Common Dialog","Description":"Use commondialog control without ocx !\nhttp://","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":106,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":9,"UserRatingTotal":41,"AuthorName":"Found on the World Wide Web","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":714,"Title":"Connect To and Disconnect From Network Drive(s)","Description":"Being an NT network administrator and software engineer sure has its advantages.\nVisual Basic 4.0 has afforded me the opportunity to create useful apps that\ngreatly reduce the amount of time it takes to perform those tasks that many of us\nperform often. This little app simply uses the Windows 32 API (Win95 or NT 4.0 only)\nto open the network resource browse list. You can map network resources or disconnect\nfrom network resources.\nEnjoy the code! We've been using it for months in several VB apps on our network\nand it works GREAT!","Inputs":"NONE","Assumes":"Some knowledge of the Windows API would help.","CodeReturns":"Opens the respective (Connect To) dialog box or (Disconnect From) dialog box!","SideEffects":"not aware of any","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function WNetConnectionDialog Lib \"mpr.dll\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal dwType As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function WNetDisconnectDialog Lib \"mpr.dll\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal dwType As Long) As Long\nPublic Const RESOURCETYPE_DISK = &H1, RESOURCETYPE_PRINT = 0\n","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":25,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Keith Keller","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":726,"Title":"Send a preformated file to any printer","Description":"Q. How can I send a preformated file to a printer \"as is\". If I use Printer.Print then things like ESC get converted to a box or whatever chr$(27) is in the current font.\nA.I'm using following code to send AutoCAD .plt-files to my printer, and it works ok for me. \"Soren Staun Jorgensen\" <ssj@post2.tele.dk>","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function CopyFile& Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"CopyFileA\" (ByVal\nlpExistingFileName As String, ByVal lpNewFileName As String, ByVal\nbFailIfExists As Long)","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":18,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":159,"AuthorName":"Newsgroup Posting","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":745,"Title":"Compression, uncompression using RLE-algorithm","Description":"Compresses strings, most effective on bitmap files","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":55,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"jouni.vuorio@vtoy.fi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":749,"Title":"clsSendKeys","Description":"Allows users to be able to send keystrokes to dos programs running in a windows95 dos box","Inputs":"This class has one property, Destination, which needs to be the handle returned from the shell function of the dos program or any program \nstarted with the shell function.\nIt also has one method called, SendKeys, this is the string to be sent to the destination.","Assumes":"Nothing except how to use a class module in their code","CodeReturns":"N/A","SideEffects":"None that I am aware of","ApiDeclarations":"none, everything is done in the class module","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":68,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":104,"UserRatingTotal":615,"AuthorName":"Steve Register","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":754,"Title":"DebugTimer","Description":"Have you ever been asked: Which part of the routine is taking so long? or did you ever wonder what function was bogging your app down, or did you ever just want to time a particular statement or function? Welcome to DebugTimer. It's not a resource hog and uses no active-x controls... just the built-in Timer function in VB. This is a very easily implemented class module that allows you to time any line(s) of code or functions or whatever. You can even use multiple timers or nest them. I wrote this to determine the length of time it took to perform various stored procedures, and it worked great. If you\nhave a similar need, I'm sure this will do the trick.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Add a new class module to your project, and name it clsDebugTimer. Paste the following code into it:\n\n' METHODS:\n'\n' Begin(nTimerIndex, nTimerDescription)\n' - Starts/resets a new timer. Both parameters are optional.\n'\n' nTimerIndex should be a number from 0 to 9 to specify\n' which timer is to be used. Omitting this param is the same\n' as passing a zero as this parameter.\n'\n' nTimerDescription is a description which can be anything you\n' like, but should probably describe what it is you are timing.\n' Omitting this param will set the description to \"Timer 1\" (or\n' whatever time index you are using instead of 1)\n'\n'\n' ShowElapsed(nOutputType, nTimerIndex)\n' -Displays the elasped time for the timer specified in nTimerIndex\n' since the Begin method was called. Both parameters are optional.\n'\n' nOutputType should be either 1 or 2, and you can use the constants\n' outImmediateWindow and outMsgBox, repectively. This param\n' determines where the output will go- either the immediate window or\n' a message box. The description will be displayed along with the\n' elpased time. If this param is omitted, the output goes to the immediate\n' window.\n'\n' nTimerIndex is used to specify which timer you want to display the\n' elapsed time for. (See the description in the Begin method, above).\n' If omitted, timer number 0 (zero) is used.\n'\n'\n'PROPERTIES:\n'\n'Elapsed(nTimerIndex)\n' -Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Begin\n' method was called for the specified timer. If nTimerIndex is omitted,\n' timer 0 (zero) is assumed.\n'\n'\nOption Explicit\nPublic Enum OutputTypes\n outImmediateWindow = 1\n outMsgBox = 2\nEnd Enum\nDim nBegin(10) As Single\nDim sDesc(10) As String\nPublic Sub Begin(Optional nTimerIndex As Integer, Optional sTimerDescription As String)\n \n If (nTimerIndex < 0 Or nTimerIndex > 9) Then Exit Sub\n If sTimerDescription = \"\" Then sTimerDescription = \"Timer \" & Trim(Str(nTimerIndex))\n \n nBegin(nTimerIndex) = Timer\n sDesc(nTimerIndex) = sTimerDescription\n \nEnd Sub\nPublic Property Get Elapsed(Optional nTimerIndex As Integer) As Single\n \n If (nTimerIndex < 0 Or nTimerIndex > 9) Then Exit Property\n Elapsed = Val(Format(Timer - nBegin(nTimerIndex), \"####.##\"))\n \nEnd Property\n\nPublic Sub ShowElapsed(Optional nOutputType As OutputTypes, Optional nTimerIndex As Integer)\n If nOutputType = 0 Then nOutputType = outImmediateWindow\n \n If nOutputType < outImmediateWindow Or nOutputType > outMsgBox Then Exit Sub\n \n If nOutputType = outImmediateWindow Then\n Debug.Print sDesc(nTimerIndex) & \": \" & Elapsed(nTimerIndex) & \" seconds\"\n Exit Sub\n End If\n \n If nOutputType = outMsgBox Then\n MsgBox sDesc(nTimerIndex) & \": \" & Elapsed(nTimerIndex) & \" seconds\", vbOKOnly, \"Debug Timer\"\n Exit Sub\n End If\nEnd Sub\n\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":81,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":105,"UserRatingTotal":629,"AuthorName":"Matthew Heydman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":755,"Title":"How to open a file with one line of code!","Description":"You create a funtion that can open a file with just one line of code.","Inputs":"Form is your Form, RichTextBox is your RichTextBox, and \nCommondialog is your Commondialog.","Assumes":"This code requires a Commondialog and a RichTextBox.","CodeReturns":"The file you just open in the richtextbox you picked.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":15,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"Nick Pordash","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":760,"Title":"File/Directory/Drive Exists (Updated)","Description":"This code returns a true/false if a specified drive/directory/pathname exists. \nThis is a small, fast routine.","Inputs":"A string containing a pathname must be passed.\nIf checking for a directory you must also set the second optional argument to True.","Assumes":"'To check if a specific drive letter exists, use strings for the PathName argument that look like this (the strings themselves should not include quotation marks):\n'\n'\"c:\"\n'\"c:\\\"\n'\n'Eg. DriveStat= File_Exists(\"c:\\\")\n'(NOTE: The backslash is optional.)\n'\n'To check if a specific directory exists, use strings for the PathName argument that look like this (the strings themselves should not include quotation marks). ALSO, you must use True for the second optional argument, otherwise the function will not work on all directories.:\n'\n'\"c:\\temp\\\"\n'\"c:\\windows\\\"\n'\n'Eg. DirStat = File_Exists(\"c:\\temp\", True)\n'\n'To check if a specific file exists, use strings for the PathName argument that look like this (the strings themselves should not include quotation marks):\n'\n'\"c:\\temp\\somefile.exe\"\n'\"c:\\windows\\notepad.exe\"\n'\n'Eg. FileStat = File_Exists(\"c:\\windows\\win.ini\")","CodeReturns":"True if the pathname and/or file exists. \nOtherwise it returns false.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":17,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Jan Nawara","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":761,"Title":"GetShortFileName","Description":"A short pathname of the passed string containing a long pathname.\n'For example it turns \"C:\\Windows\\MY Long Path Name\\My Long Name File.txt\" into \"c:\\windows\\mylong~1\\mylong~1.txt\" (The actual resulting pathname is determined by the short names that windows assigns to all files and directories).\n'This is useful when you need to create a fail proof pathname (assuming the file exists and is accesible).","Inputs":"Requires that a pathname be passed.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A short DOS 8.3 format pathname.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetShortPathNameA\" (ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal lpszShortPath As String, ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long\n\t\t","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":11,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":5,"AuthorName":"Jan Nawara","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":762,"Title":"Exclusive Mode (Updated)","Description":"This function allows the application to enter and exit exclusive mode. In this mode any message boxes or prompts from Windows and other applications will not show up infront of the program. This is useful when you don't want anything to come up infront of your application window.","Inputs":"Reguires a True to turn exclusive mode on and False to turn it off.","Assumes":"Essentially this code makes Windows think that your application is a screen saver. The only type of application that Windows will not interupt with message boxes, etc.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"This code may cause some problems with screen savers that do not use the normal Windows interface such as After Dark. Users should be made aware of this.","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib \"user32\" Alias \"SystemParametersInfoA\" (ByVal uAction As Long, ByVal uParam As Long, ByVal lpvParam As Any, ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long\n\t\t","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":6,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Jan Nawara","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":794,"Title":"Change Form Shape","Description":"Can Change The Shape of any form","Inputs":"Look Below","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"The border can be preatty messed up if you don't know what your doing","ApiDeclarations":"Public Declare Function CreateEllipticRgn Lib \"gdi32\" _\n (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, _\n ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long\nPublic Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib \"user32\" _\n (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, _\n ByVal bRedraw As Boolean) As Long","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":5,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":105,"UserRatingTotal":621,"AuthorName":"David Serrano","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":795,"Title":"Converting Decimal numbers to Binary","Description":"A function for converting decimal numbers to binary. Very fast.","Inputs":"Decimal number (Long)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Binary number (string)","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":19,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"K. Mehdi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":816,"Title":"Make Form Transparent.","Description":"Makes a Form Trans Parent","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"No Controls are Visible on the Form","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpRECT As RECT) As Long\nDeclare Function GetClientRect Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpRECT As RECT) As Long\nDeclare Function CombineRgn Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hDestRgn As Long, ByVal hSrcRgn1 As Long, ByVal hSrcRgn2 As Long, ByVal nCombineMode As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function CreateRectRgn Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long\nDeclare Function ScreenToClient Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long\nDeclare Function SetWindowRgn Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Boolean) As Long\n\nPublic Const RGN_AND = 1\nPublic Const RGN_COPY = 5\nPublic Const RGN_DIFF = 4\nPublic Const RGN_OR = 2\nPublic Const RGN_XOR = 3\n\nType POINTAPI\n x As Long\n Y As Long\nEnd Type\nType RECT\n Left As Long\n Top As Long\n Right As Long\n Bottom As Long\nEnd Type\n\t\t","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":47,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":104,"UserRatingTotal":614,"AuthorName":"Kalani COM","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":820,"Title":"ComboBox on Toolbar","Description":"This subroutine shows how to Really put a ComboBox (or any control with a hWnd) onto a ToolBar\n(or any other control/window with a hWnd).","Inputs":"There are no input paramaters","Assumes":"Add a ComboBox, CheckBox and Toolbar to Form1.\nKeep the default names of the above mentioned controls.\nDon't worry about control placement or size.\nClick the form after you run the app.\n","CodeReturns":"There are no function returns","SideEffects":"No side effects, completely safe.","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":26,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":164,"AuthorName":"Andrew Mitchell Barfield","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":823,"Title":"Detect Idle Mouse (GetCursorPos)","Description":"This code can be used to determine the X,Y coordinates of the mouse cursor\nand use them to check for idle mouse activity. This code is useful in that it does\nnot require your current form to be in focus (active windows status). The\nGetCursorPos can be used in conjunction with or be replaced by another API\ncall GetCaretPos, which determines the X,Y coordinates of the text cursor.\nHopefully this will be useful to anyone looking to check for an idle desktop.\n(Richard Puckett, puckettr@mindspring.com)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"1. Take out all of the ME.PRINT statements, since they are only to illustrate how\nthe function works (I used this code in a login program to monitor mapped \nnetwork drive connections in lab environments.) 2. All of the declarations are\nin a module. 3. This example is only using the X coords to determine activity, I\nam sure a more complex method can be devised.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'API Call establishes mouse coords\nPublic Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib \"user32\" _\n(lpPoint As PointAPI) As Long\nPublic Pnt As PointAPI\n'These values MUST be public\nPublic OldX As Long\nPublic OldY As Long\nPublic NewX As Long\nPublic NewY As Long\nPublic Type PointAPI\n X As Long\n Y As Long\nEnd Type\n'This Const determines the total timeout value in minutes\nGlobal Const MINUTES = 15\nPublic TimeExpired\nPublic ExpiredMinutes\n\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":50,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Richard Puckett","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":841,"Title":"SMTP: Simple Mail Testing Program","Description":"Allows sending of e-mail (SMTP) directly from a VB app using Winsock, WITH OUT having to buy an expensive add on componet","Inputs":"Requires: Server Address (Name or IP), Senders & Recipeient's Names, Sender & Recipient E-Mail address, Body of message","Assumes":"Very straight forward. Makes sending mail from a VB program EASY!","CodeReturns":"Nothing really, does give status on sending operation","SideEffects":"NONE!","ApiDeclarations":"None\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":100,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":8,"AuthorName":"Brian Anderson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":842,"Title":"RmDir","Description":"This Procedure Deletes all Files in Directory as well as all Sub Directories and Files","Inputs":"vFile = Directory to Delete","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":51,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Robert A. Charest Jr.","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":843,"Title":"MsSpellCheck( string ) : string","Description":"This short and sweet function accepts a string containing text to be\nspell checked, checks the text for spelling using MS Word automation,\nand then returns the processed text as a string. The familiar\nMS Word spelling dialog will allow the user to perform actions such\nas selecting from suggested spellings, ignore, adding the word to a\ncustomized dictionary, etc.","Inputs":"String - Text to be checked for spelling","Assumes":"You need to have Microsoft Word95 or higher installed on the PC. Just place the function in a project module or the general declaration section of a form.","CodeReturns":"String - Text after modification by user from the Word spell checking dialog.","SideEffects":"There are no known side effects.","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":45,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":105,"UserRatingTotal":627,"AuthorName":"Eric Russell","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":860,"Title":"Randomize","Description":"Ensure that the random number generator is seeded properly.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"Using the VB statement \"Randomize\" by itself to seed the random number generator implicitly means \"Randomize Timer\", with the timer function returning the number of seconds that have elapsed since 12:00 A.M. (midnight). If a program is started at roughly, or worse, launched at the same time each day, the timer could return the same seed each day. To avoid this problem, use a seed based on the date and time.","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none\n\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":4,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Tom Rezek","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":869,"Title":"CreateShortcut in Windows using VB5","Description":"Creates a Windows Shortcut to a program executable, and places it on the Desktop, Start Menu, or a Start Menu subfolder.","Inputs":"frm - A form to hook onto.\nstrGroupName - The name of the Group where this shortcut\n will be placed. By default, this group is\n always placed in the 'Start Menu/Programs' folder.\n You can pass '..\\..\\Desktop' to put this on\n the Desktop, or '..' to put this on the 'Start Menu'.\nstrLinkName - Text caption for the Shortcut link.\nstrLinkPath - Full path to the target of the Shortcut link.\n Ex: 'c:\\Program Files\\My Application\\MyApp.exe'\nstrLinkArguments - Command-line arguments for the Shortcut link.\n Ex: '-f -c \"c:\\Program Files\\My Application\\MyApp.dat\" -q'\n","Assumes":"The Windows API/Global Declarations section and the code should be placed in the same bas module. Preferable it's own module because there are a lot of functions need to check the platform your using, convert short filenames, create menu folders/groups ect...","CodeReturns":"Nothing","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD250612231999.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":11,"UserRatingTotal":52,"AuthorName":"Drew","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":870,"Title":"IsNumber","Description":"This routine was designed to act as a numbers-only mask for any TextBox Keypress event. Simply call it from any KeyPress event and feed it the KeyAscii return value.","Inputs":"AsciiCode - This is the ascii code of the character to be tested.","Assumes":"HOW TO CALL:\nIn the KeyPress event of Text1 (just an example), all you need is\nIf Not IsNumber(KeyAscii) then KeyAscii=0\nand the text box will accept only numbers from the user while allowing them to use BACKSPACE.\n","CodeReturns":"Returns TRUE if the ascii code was of a numeric character OR backspace (saves time...you'll see), FALSE if not.","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":8,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":40,"UserRatingTotal":163,"AuthorName":"Matthew Inman","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":875,"Title":"RegularExpression","Description":"This is a class module that performs regular expression searches in a string.","Inputs":"Use the Init method to initialize to a specific regular expression (which will be precompiled), then use Match to check if a string contains such a substring.","Assumes":"a) Put this code in a new .CLS file (NOT in a class module).\n'b) The syntax for range (e.g. [a-z]) is the same as for operator Like.\n'c) Not calling Init, or passing an empty pattern, will result in an \"Illegal function call\" error.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":222,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"visual basic prof. edition","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":880,"Title":"Elasic","Description":"This class can change size and location of contlols on your form if you\n 1. Resize form\n 2. Change screen resolution\n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"1. Add Elastic.cls \n2. Add declaration 'Dim El as New Elastic'\n3. Insert string like 'El.init Me' (formload event)\n4. Insert string like 'El.FormResize Me' (Resize event)\n5. Press 'F5' and resize form ....","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":104,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":161,"AuthorName":"Mikhail Shmukler","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":883,"Title":"Mosaic","Description":"Takes a picturebox, and it's contents, and runs an animated mosaic transition through it","Inputs":"pctMosaic, the picturebox object that you're wanting to manipulate\nMosaicMode, set it to 1 for mosaic, 2 for demosaic, 3 for mosaic, then demosaic","Assumes":"Nothing. If you want to edit it, that's another story :)","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Can crash some computers. Seems to be a display driver to windows problem! I don't know what causes this!","ApiDeclarations":"'Functions for Processing Bitmaps\nDeclare Function VarPtrArray Lib \"msvbvm50.dll\" Alias \"VarPtr\" (Ptr() As Any) As Long\nDeclare Sub CopyMemory Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"RtlMoveMemory\" (pDst As Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long)\nDeclare Function GetObjectAPI Lib \"gdi32\" Alias \"GetObjectA\" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, lpObject As Any) As Long\nType BITMAP\n bmType As Long\n bmWidth As Long\n bmHeight As Long\n bmWidthBytes As Long\n bmPlanes As Integer\n bmBitsPixel As Integer\n bmBits As Long\nEnd Type\nType SafeArrayBound\n cElements As Long\n lLbound As Long\nEnd Type\nType SafeArray2D\n cDims As Integer\n fFeatures As Integer\n cbElements As Long\n cLocks As Long\n pvData As Long\n bounds(0 To 1) As SafeArrayBound\nEnd Type\n\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":222,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":100,"UserRatingTotal":600,"AuthorName":"Dave Hng","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":886,"Title":"WinKill","Description":"WinKill destroys a window if you know its title bar caption. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"' Create a form a text box called txtName and a command button called cmdKill","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"' Api constants for General DeclarationsConst WM_DESTROY = &H2\nConst WM_CLOSE = &H10' Api Functions for general declarations\nPrivate Declare Function FindWindowA Lib \"user32\" (ByVal lpClassName As Any, ByVal lpWindowName As Any) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function SendMessageA Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, lParam As Any) As Long\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":16,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":65,"AuthorName":"Matthew Grove","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":891,"Title":"Get User Name","Description":"Returns the current user name using a dll call","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The current user that is logged on","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib \"advapi32.dll\" Alias \"GetUserNameA\" (ByVal lpbuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":14,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Matthew Grove","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":892,"Title":"A Non-Repeating Random Number Generator","Description":"With this simple, and very fast, routine you can generate a series of non-repeating random numbers. You can select a series of 10 numbers, or a series of a million...It doesn't matter. Can be useful for image fades, deck shuffling, random tip of the day, etc. - It even tells you how long it took to generate the series.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A popup message stating how many numbers had been mixed up and how long it took.","SideEffects":"The larger the series of numbers the more RAM required. Uses arrays.","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":36,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":8,"UserRatingTotal":35,"AuthorName":"Kevin Lawrence","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":893,"Title":"Easy tiled-image form backgrounds","Description":"\nThis code, which was inspired by a similar snippet of code by Ian Ippolito, permits tiling an image onto a form's background. This variant, though, resides in a module and is called by a form instead of residing within the form's code itself. This permits using the feature project-wide without redundant code all over the place.\n","Inputs":"\nThree inputs are required in the actual sub call:\n frm: The name of the form to tile an image onto\n picholder: The name of a PictureBox control on that same form, which will be used to hold the image to tile. (See the explanation for required settings)\n bkgdfile: The image file to load, with complete path.\nThe best place to put the call I find is in the form's Form_Paint() event.\n","Assumes":"\nTo use this code, you'll need to create a PictureBox control on your target form and set its AutoRedraw, AutoSize, and ClipControls properties to TRUE, and its Visible property to FALSE. When you call the sub, you'll be passing the form's name and the name of this PictureBox to the sub.\n","CodeReturns":"\n Nothing returned.\n","SideEffects":"\nLarger forms (read: INSANELY large forms) might take some time to refresh on slow systems. Also, very small images take noticeably longer to tile than larger ones, so aim for about 125x125 pixel sizes for the tilable images.\nFinally, although this code can use GIFs, interlaced GIFs tend to produce a single-pixel horizontal banding effect. So convert 'em to non-interlaced, etc.\nAlso, this does NOT work on MDI parent forms, although it works great on MDI child forms.\n","ApiDeclarations":"\n\t\t","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":22,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":43,"UserRatingTotal":186,"AuthorName":"Tom Honaker","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":894,"Title":"Tiled backgrounds on an MDI parent form? Yep!","Description":"\nThis code, which was inspired by a similar snippet of code by Ian Ippolito, permits tiling an image onto an MDI parent form's background. Getting an image onto an MDI parent is easy. Getting a tiled one is another story. We could try using a Clipboard operation, or build a big tiled background and save it and then laod it into the MDI parent's Picture property, but these are nasty, anal-retentive, and likely to simply not work. This code, however, works...\n","Inputs":"\nThree inputs are required in the actual sub call:\n MDIForm: The name of the MDI parent form to tile an image onto.\n bkgdtiler: The name of a form that is used to generate the tiled background. Check the rest of the docs for the -required- parameters. \n bkgdfile: The image file to load, with complete path.\nThe best place to put the call I find is in the form's Form_Load() event.\n","Assumes":"\nTo use this code, you'll need to create a conventional (not an MDI parent or child) form and place PictureBox control on the form. Set the PictureBox's Name to Picture1, AutoRedraw, AutoSize, and ClipControls properties to TRUE, and its Visible property to FALSE. \nThe form also has certain requirements. Set its AutoRedraw and ClipControls properties to TRUE, its ControlBox and Visible properties to FALSE, remove its Caption, and set its BorderStyle property to 0 - None. When you call the sub, you'll be passing the form's name to the sub. The sub loads the form, tiles it, transfers the results to the MDI parent, and unloads the form.\nDO NOT use this form for anything else as it's not kept in memory.\n","CodeReturns":"\n Nothing returned.\n","SideEffects":"\nLarger forms (read: INSANELY large forms) might take some time to refresh on slow systems. Also, very small images take noticeably longer to tile than larger ones, so aim for about 125x125 pixel sizes for the tilable images.\nFinally, although this code can use GIFs, interlaced GIFs tend to produce a single-pixel horizontal banding effect. So convert 'em to non-interlaced, etc.\nAlso, this does NOT work on forms other than MDI parent forms. I've submitted the non-MDI version of this code to this same location and this is the one for non-MDI-parent forms.\n","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":30,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":24,"AuthorName":"Tom Honaker","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":896,"Title":"Sliding Divider (slider bar)","Description":"Resizes two text boxes AS a divider is dragged left or right. Maintains full bounds checking. The methods used can be applied to other controls as well. This is a form of splitter bar.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is a very simple form with only two text boxes and a picture box. All the code is fully documented and fully adaptable.\n***************************************************************************\nCreate a new form. The name is irrelevant to this code.\nPlace two text boxes and a picture box on the form. Name one text box \"TextLeft\" and the other \"TextRight\". Name the picture box \"SlidingDivider\".\nAll other attributes should be left as-is. Location and dimenstion of the controls are irrelevant.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":128,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Aaron Stephens","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":897,"Title":"qsort","Description":"Want to sort 5,000 10-byte strings in about 1/10th of a second? This will do it (at least on my PII-233!). The insertion sort manages the same task in about 60 seconds (even when optimized it still took about 15 seconds on the same machine).","Inputs":"strList (a string array)","Assumes":"Want to sort 5,000 10-byte strings in about 1/10th of a second? This will do it (at least on my PII-233!). The insertion sort manages the same task in about 60 seconds (even when optimized it still took about 15 seconds on the same machine).","CodeReturns":"strList (the same array - sorted)","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":72,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Mike Shaffer","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":899,"Title":"Insert text","Description":"This code inserts text at the end of a textbox (or anything with a .text, .selstart, .sellength, and .seltext property) without adding the entire contents of the textbox all over again\nit saves a lot of time with long text and opening text files","Inputs":"textcontrol as object,text as string","Assumes":"nothing","CodeReturns":"1 if successful\n0 if any error occurs","SideEffects":"none i know of","ApiDeclarations":"nope\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":25,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":159,"AuthorName":"justin holland","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":900,"Title":"FilesSearch","Description":"This sub/function searches your hard drive(s) or directories for file(s) like the Windows 'Find Files or Folders...'. It uses mainly the Dir() command and can be used with any programs and visual basic I have encountered. This helps uses to quickly find a file or program for their applications.","Inputs":"It needs two parameters, the start directory or drive and the extension. Example: FilesSearch \"C:\\\", \"*.txt\".","Assumes":"None that I am aware of.","CodeReturns":"Finds the file(s) with a particular extension from a start directory.","SideEffects":"None. Slightly slower than the windows 'Find Files or Folder...' function.","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":47,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":30,"AuthorName":"Andrew Tang","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":902,"Title":"Credit Card Checksum Checker","Description":"Checks to see if a Credit Card Number is valid by performing the LUHN-10 check on it.","Inputs":"CCNum as String","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"True if Valid, False if Invalid","SideEffects":"May cause skin irritation","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":17,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":106,"UserRatingTotal":625,"AuthorName":"John Anderson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":903,"Title":"Credit Card Identification","Description":"Determines type of Credit Card by it's number.","Inputs":"Card Number as String","Assumes":"This is based on documents from CyberCash's home page.","CodeReturns":"Card Type as String","SideEffects":"Is not Year 2061 Compliant","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":50,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"John Anderson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":906,"Title":"Draw a moving starfield on a form","Description":"It draws a moving starfield on a form with simple VB graphics methods and a timer control.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\n\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":39,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":101,"UserRatingTotal":604,"AuthorName":"Theo Kandiliotis","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":920,"Title":"3D-Stars in a Form","Description":"Draws a nice 3D-Starfield in a Form (uses X,Y,Z positions)\nwidth a very short code\nShades each star depending on the distance.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Create an Timer for the form called Timer1\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None (maybe some flickering)","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":39,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":50,"AuthorName":"Mikael Rickan","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":927,"Title":"rsform.bas","Description":"This .bas module allows you to re-size your form and all the controls re-size with it. I kept looking for code out on the internet that would do this right but I was never successful. So, I wrote this to eliminate the need for any ocx's or dll's. It resizes the SStab control which I found was a problem with most resizing routines (check it out for yourself). It also handles lines. It's also alot quicker. All you have to remember is two things. First, add the resize module (rs_form.bas), Second, Add one line of code (ResizeForm Me) to each form you want to re-size.","Inputs":"Add the rs_form.bas file to your project,\nPut this code in your Form_Resize event:\nResizeForm Me\nThat's it!","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/CODE_UPLOAD244512211999.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":17,"AuthorName":"Scott Whitlow","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":937,"Title":"clsTimer","Description":"This code keeps a count in milliseconds of how long it takes between calls of StartTimer and StopTimer or Elapsed.","Inputs":"None.","Assumes":"Make a class called clsTimer and paste this in there.\nCall order is something like:\nDim t1 as new clsTimer\nt1.StartTimer\n'do something that takes a while\nDebug.Print \"Right now, current elapsed = \" & t2.Elapsed\n'do something else?\nt2.StopTimer\nDebug.Print \"Total elapsed = \" & t2.Elapsed","CodeReturns":".Elapsed returns the number of milliseconds between calls to .StartTimer and .StopTimer. If .StopTimer hasn't been called, it returns the number of milliseconds since .StartTimer was called.","SideEffects":"No side effects.","ApiDeclarations":"Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib \"kernel32\" () As Long\n\t\t","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":25,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"John Lambert","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":948,"Title":"Capturing the Screen","Description":"Capture a screen in a window, this one actually works...","Inputs":"'Inputs: None","Assumes":"You need to create a form, add 2 menu items, item1 and item2, then add 2 picture boxs one named piccover and one named picfinal, make them the same size, and lay them right on top of each other... the size of them is the size of the screen captured... so if you want a 1024x768 screen captured be sure to size the picture boxes as big as you can.. The two menu items you can call whatever you like.. Capture screen for the first, and Clear window for the second if you like...","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"'Make these one line, this window isn't big enough\nPrivate Declare Function GetDC% Lib \"USER32\" (ByVal HWnd%)\nPrivate Declare Function ReleaseDC% Lib \"USER32\" (ByVal HWnd%, ByVal HDC%)\nPrivate Declare Function GetDesktopWindow% Lib \"USER32\" ()\nPrivate Declare Function BitBlt% Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal DestDC%, ByVal X%, ByVal Y%, ByVal W%, ByVal H%, ByVal SrcHDC%, ByVal SrcX%, ByVal SrcY%, ByVal Rop&)\nPrivate Declare Function DeleteDC Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal HDC As Long) As Long\nConst SRCCOPY = &HCC0020\n\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":34,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":1,"AuthorName":"TK","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":959,"Title":"Stop Typeing in Textboxes but dont diasble them","Description":"This Code stops the End-user typing o#into a textbox but still allows them\nto scroll it because it is not disabled","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":7,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":159,"AuthorName":"Andrew Timberlake","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":969,"Title":"Open default email client/browser to your address","Description":"Sometimes in the about box of your program you want to put your email address, and web site address, wouldn't it be great if at one click the default email client would open with your address in it?, or the default web browser to your address?, and a plus!, open any file to its association, all of this with no declarations, no APIs, and with ONE line of code? Sounds impossible? here's how:","Inputs":"Email address or Web site address or File name to open with path.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Returns nothing, the good thing, it doesn't generate errors, if an association is not found it does nothing, just stays quiet, instead of crying \"ERROR!, I don't know what to do!\".","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":45,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":5,"AuthorName":"Luis Cantero","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":973,"Title":"Only one Instance","Description":"If the programm runs, you can't start it again!","Inputs":"base module(insert the code)\nchange in project/options \"form1\" into \"Sub Main\"","Assumes":"nothing","CodeReturns":"nothing","SideEffects":"none","ApiDeclarations":"none","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":10,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":4,"AuthorName":"DUKE","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":981,"Title":"Trim non alphanumeric characters FAST","Description":"It will erase any non-alphanumeric characters from a string rapidly. Usefull if you want to check strings for non-valid characters.\nStrings such as email or web addresses, you can even make so that only numbers can be entered in, for example, a text box.","Inputs":"Any string","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The filtered string","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":20,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Luis Cantero","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":985,"Title":"RECURSIVE DESCENT PARSER FOR NUMERIC EXPRESSIONS","Description":"RECURSIVE DESCENT PARSER FOR NUMERIC EXPRESSIONS","Inputs":"A string with a nummeric expression to parse","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"The result of the parsing as a string","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":245,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":5,"AuthorName":"Sven-Erik Dahlrot","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":989,"Title":"FloatingForm","Description":"Creates a floating form on top of a previously existing form. Its useful for floating toolbars e.tc.","Inputs":"Parent form name, Floating form name","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":3,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Fl@w Xploit@","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":994,"Title":"TimeDelay","Description":"TimeDelay fuction is good for when you want to time out a loop, in milliseconds.\nDoes'nt use a timer control, Uses simple api declare.","Inputs":"Delay as Long, milliseconds","Assumes":"Create a module with the following api declare and function\nUsage can be\nDo\n FuncThatRetunsTrue\n MoreCode\n EctEct\nLoop until ( FuncThatRetunsTrue=True) or (TimeDelay(60000)=True)","CodeReturns":"TimeDelay as boolean, turns turn if time reached,else false","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Declare Function GetTickCount& Lib \"kernel32\" ()\n\t\t","CategoryId":1,"CodeLineCount":21,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":38,"UserRatingTotal":159,"AuthorName":"Mitch Mooney","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":995,"Title":"Center a form - Short, Simple, and Sweet","Description":"This code allows you to quickly center a form within the screen without eating up alot of cpu time.","Inputs":"none","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"none","SideEffects":"none. The form gets centered.","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":4,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Scott Fitzhugh","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1003,"Title":"Expiredate","Description":"Expiredate, it's very usefull for makers of shareware. It can worked for 30 days long or 60 days long. you can make new demo for. After expiredate your programma will not worked until customer pay to you. \n","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":37,"CodeLineCount":93,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":163,"AuthorName":"Edward Tie","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1008,"Title":"Rotating Cube Demo","Description":"The HELLO WORLD of 3D programming :)\nA rotating cube demo. You can adjust the rotation (clockwise or anticlockwise) and the speed by moving the mouse cursor towards the right and left edges of the form.\n","Inputs":"Nothing","Assumes":"This is Math stuff mostly,has little to do with VB's methods. I used the Line method to do all the drawing on the form.\nTo run this project ,you have to paste the text indicated, into a blank text file and save it in ASCII format with an FRM suffix.\nNotice that it WILL NOT work if you paste it directly on a VB5 code window...Also make sure that no lines are wrapped before you save it as FRM.\nHave fun!\n","CodeReturns":"Nothing","SideEffects":"No Side Effects","ApiDeclarations":"No API's\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":164,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":103,"UserRatingTotal":609,"AuthorName":" Theo Kandiliotis","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1015,"Title":"Convert Common Dialog Control Color to WEB Hex","Description":"This code takes the common dialog color, extracts the R, G, B values, and \nconverts each value to the correct HEX equivilant supported by HTML.","Inputs":"Function requires a common dialog control color being selected and passed to the\nfunction","Assumes":"You must add the common dialog control to your application. After the ShowOpen event\noccurs, pass the color selected by the user to the function:\nDim sColHex as String\nsColHex = HexRGB(cdlCont.color)\n","CodeReturns":"Function returns properly formatted HEX color value for HTML","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None\n\t\t","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":37,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Charlie Wilson","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1029,"Title":"Make your own chat room in 10 minutes!","Description":"Ever want your own chat? Ever want your own rules? This code allows you to make your own chat room! Allows 2 people to chat from anywhere in the world from any internet provider! Perfect for quick and private communication!\nNOTE: This program requires mswinsck.ocx","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"There are alot of things to set up in order for this code to work correctly. Here are the complete list of things you will need to do:\n1. Add the mswinsck.ocx to your project\n2. Create a textbox and name it txtHost This will be the box where the remote host is entered\n3. Create a textbox and name it txtLocalP. This will be the box where the local port is entered\n4. Create a textbox and name it txtRemoteP This will be the box where the remote port is entered\n5. Create a textbox and name it txtNick This will be the box you will enter your nickname (aka screenname)\n6. Create a textbox and name it txtSend This will be the box you type in to send stuff to the chatroom\n7. Create a large textbox and name it txtMain This will be the chatroom\n8. Make txtMain multiline and also add vertical scrollbars\n9. Create a command button and name it cmdC. Give it the caption \"Connect\"\n10. Create a command button and name it cmdD. Give it the caption \"Disconnect\"\n11. Create a command button and name it cmdSend. Give it the caption \"Send\". This will be the button that sends the text in txtSend to the chatroom.\n12. Put a winsock control on the form and name it sckSend\n13. Labels can be put so you can remember which text box is which. Also, it would be best to erase all the text in the text boxes (ie: Get rid of Text1 written in the box)\nWhen 2 people have the program running, this is how you connect:\n1. First, enter a nickname in the txtNick box. This is the name that will come before what you say in the chatroom.\n2. In the txtHost textbox, you must put the other person's IP address or hostname.\n3. You and the other person must both think up any number to be your local port (Just make sure they're different numbers. ie: My local port is 1000, my friend's local port is 2000)\n4. After you've both made up your local host and entered it in the txtLocalP textbox, you must next enter the other person's local port in your txtRemoteP textbox. For example, My local port is 1000. and my remote port is 2000... My friend's local port would be 2000 and my friends's remote port would be 1000.\n5. Both of you must now click the connect button.\n7. Now just type text in the txtSend textbox and click the \"Send\" button. You will notice the text moved into the chatroom. This text is visible by both people! Congratulations!","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":68,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":5,"AuthorName":"Chaz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1051,"Title":"Open Folders As Windows from VB5","Description":"This code is for those people who want to open up folders/directories as separate windows, as compared to the alternative fileboxes.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Nothing","CodeReturns":"Opens a folder/directory in a separate window","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":3,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":14,"AuthorName":"Ted R. Smith","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1061,"Title":"ConvertToSoundex","Description":"Converts a name or word string to a four digit code following Soundex rules.\nSimilar code is used by geniological groups and the US Census Bureau for\nlooking up names by phonetic sound. For example, the name Darrell can\nbe spelled many different ways. Regardles of how you spell it, (Daryl, Derrel,\nDarel, etc.) the Soundex code is always D640. Therefore, you assign a field\nin your database to the Soundex code and then query the database using\nthe code, all instances of Darrell regarless of spelling will be returned. Refer\nto the code comment section for more information.","Inputs":"A single name or word string.","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"A four digit alphanumeric Soundex code.","SideEffects":"This code has not been commercially tested.","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":124,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":15,"AuthorName":"Darrell Sparti, MCSD","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1064,"Title":"RegisterHotKey","Description":"Register a system wide hot key","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"Const WM_HOTKEY = &H312\nConst MOD_ALT = &H1\nConst MOD_CONTROL = &H2\nConst MOD_SHIFT = &H4\nConst MOD_WIN = &H8\nPrivate Declare Function RegisterHotKey Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal id As Long, ByVal fsModifiers As Long, ByVal vk As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GlobalAddAtom Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GlobalAddAtomA\" (ByVal lpString As String) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function GlobalDeleteAtom Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal nAtom As Integer) As Integer\nPrivate Declare Function UnregisterHotKey Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal id As Long) As Long\t\t","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":35,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":39,"UserRatingTotal":166,"AuthorName":"Andy Barilla","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1067,"Title":"Replace System Files After Rebooting","Description":"When you are creating a sort of Setup program, etc. sometimes you want to replace some system files or delete some other files, however if they are in use by Windows at the time, you can't. You need to update the files after rebooting, you know that message that says \"Please wait while windows updates your configuration files\", the utility that does this is called Wininit, and here's how to use it! I've included a small example that should work under Win9x/ME/NT/2K/XP.","Inputs":"Windows Directory, path of the file to be replaced, path of the file that will replace it (this is not necessary of the file is to be deleted)","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Just be careful when replacing system files, you should use a method for checking file versions to avoid replacing newer system files with older ones, this is the MAIN reason why windows is so unstable!","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":35,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Replace_Sy113775822002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":100,"UserRatingTotal":600,"AuthorName":"Luis Cantero","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1069,"Title":"TextEffect","Description":"The following code will add great text effect to your applications. It changes the spacing between the characters. By changing spaces, the characters move on the screen.","Inputs":"obj As Object\n ByVal sText As String\n ByVal lX As Long\n ByVal lY As Long\n Optional ByVal bLoop As Boolean = False\n Optional ByVal lStartSpacing As Long = 128\n Optional ByVal lEndSpacing As Long = -1\n Optional ByVal oColor As OLE_COLOR = vbWindowText","Assumes":"Nothing.\nEx :\n TextEffect Picture1, \"\", 12, 12, , 128, 0, RGB(&H80, 0, 0)\n TextEffect Me, \"\", 12, 12, , 128, 0, RGB(&H80, 0, 0)\n","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"\t\t\n\t\t' #VBIDEUtils#************************************************************\n' * Programmer Name : Waty Thierry\n' * Web Site : www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/6311/\n' * E-Mail : waty.thierry@usa.net\n' * Date : 24/09/98\n' * Time : 15:38\n' * Module Name : TextEffect_Module\n' * Module Filename : TextEffect.bas\n' **********************************************************************\n' * Comments : Try this text effect, great effects\n' * Ex :\n' * TextEffect Picture1, \"\", 12, 12, , 128, 0, RGB(&H80, 0, 0)\n' * TextEffect Me, \"\", 12, 12, , 128, 0, RGB(&H80, 0, 0)\n' *\n' *\n' **********************************************************************\nOption Explicit\nPrivate Declare Function timeGetTime Lib \"winmm.dll\" () As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetTextCharacterExtra Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nCharExtra As Long) As Long\nPrivate Type RECT\n Left As Long\n Top As Long\n Right As Long\n Bottom As Long\nEnd Type\nPrivate Declare Function OffsetRect Lib \"user32\" (lpRect As RECT, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function SetTextColor Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function FillRect Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hDC As Long, lpRect As RECT, ByVal hBrush As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DeleteObject Lib \"GDI32\" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function GetSysColor Lib \"user32\" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long\nPrivate Const COLOR_BTNFACE = 15\nPrivate Declare Function TextOut Lib \"GDI32\" Alias \"TextOutA\" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long\nPrivate Declare Function DrawText Lib \"user32\" Alias \"DrawTextA\" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal lpStr As String, ByVal nCount As Long, lpRect As RECT, ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long\nPrivate Const DT_BOTTOM = &H8\nPrivate Const DT_CALCRECT = &H400\nPrivate Const DT_CENTER = &H1\nPrivate Const DT_CHARSTREAM = 4 ' Character-stream, PLP\nPrivate Const DT_DISPFILE = 6 ' Display-file\nPrivate Const DT_EXPANDTABS = &H40\nPrivate Const DT_EXTERNALLEADING = &H200\nPrivate Const DT_INTERNAL = &H1000\nPrivate Const DT_LEFT = &H0\nPrivate Const DT_METAFILE = 5 ' Metafile, VDM\nPrivate Const DT_NOCLIP = &H100\nPrivate Const DT_NOPREFIX = &H800\nPrivate Const DT_PLOTTER = 0 ' Vector plotter\nPrivate Const DT_RASCAMERA = 3 ' Raster camera\nPrivate Const DT_RASDISPLAY = 1 ' Raster display\nPrivate Const DT_RASPRINTER = 2 ' Raster printer\nPrivate Const DT_RIGHT = &H2\nPrivate Const DT_SINGLELINE = &H20\nPrivate Const DT_TABSTOP = &H80\nPrivate Const DT_TOP = &H0\nPrivate Const DT_VCENTER = &H4\nPrivate Const DT_WORDBREAK = &H10\nPrivate Declare Function OleTranslateColor Lib \"olepro32.dll\" (ByVal OLE_COLOR As Long, ByVal hPalette As Long, pccolorref As Long) As Long\nPrivate Const CLR_INVALID = -1\n","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":121,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":1,"UserRatingTotal":1,"AuthorName":"Waty Thierry","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1083,"Title":"AmtToWords","Description":"This function converts amount in words with supplied currency parameters.\ne.g. AmtToWords(12345.01, \"GB POUND\", \"PENNY\", \"GB POUNDS\", \"PENNIES\") will return GB POUNDS TWELVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE and ONE PENNY ONLY\n","Inputs":"Amount As Currency, UnitCurr As String, DecCurr As String, UnitsCurr As String, DecsCurr As String\n","Assumes":"max amount that can be converted by this function is 922,337,203,685,477","CodeReturns":"It returns amount in words with Currency Parameters","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None\n\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":98,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":11,"AuthorName":"Atul Alurkar","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":1088,"Title":"CPerformance","Description":"This class encapsulate QueryPerfomanceXXX \nAPI functions to mesure small time intervals. You can use this class \nto mesure how much time your code take. This function can mesure time \nintervals near 0.1 ms , 10 times better then timeGetTime() API or \nGetTickCount() that have an error of 50ms.\nExample:\nDim m_performance As CPerformance\nDim i As integer \nSet m_performance = new CPerformance\nm_performance.StartCounter()\n 'Do something\n For i = 1 to 1000\n next i \nm_performance.StopCounter()\nDebug.print m_performance.TimeElapsed() 'Time in ms (1/1000) s \n\t\t\t\t\t'this is a float number \n\t\t\t\t\t'ex: 1.54 ms","Inputs":"None\n","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"Time interval in ms.","SideEffects":"The API function maybe not work, but it's very rare.","ApiDeclarations":"\n\t\t\n\t\t","CategoryId":26,"CodeLineCount":84,"SubmissionTypeId":1,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":1,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Ricardo Saat","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34583,"Title":"Intro Effect","Description":"want to have catchy Intro for your prog.?, here the basic","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Intro_Effe80869582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":6,"UserRatingTotal":26,"AuthorName":"Cold Blooded King","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34584,"Title":"Port Scanner (fast+simple+easy to understand)","Description":"Scan for opening Port on given IP Address. I tried to make this Short and easy to understand as i can...... enjoy","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Port_Scann80871582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":16,"AuthorName":"Cold Blooded King","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34585,"Title":"A Simple Access Db Example (Updated)","Description":"This code will demonstrate opening, reading, editing, moving within, adding and deleting records within an Microsoft Access database. Updated with some error handling and other stuff :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/A_Simple_A80877582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":12,"UserRatingTotal":54,"AuthorName":"Duane┬áWarsham","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34588,"Title":"Homey's Duck Hunt","Description":"Parody of Duck Hunt by Nintendo, and this time with the source code.","Inputs":"mouse","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"humor","SideEffects":"you might feel the need to visit my website, so you better just go there...","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200258193928299.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Duck_Hunt80953582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":22,"AuthorName":"Stuart the Great","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34590,"Title":"Using Java applet as a background in a VB form","Description":"Ever wondered how a java applet would look as a background in a VB form?, well 'check out this example.\nThis example uses Anfy lake class to demonstrate this effect","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":43,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200258213844129.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Using_Java80977582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":57,"UserRatingTotal":276,"AuthorName":"louie","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34592,"Title":"Freedom","Description":"Just quit smoking? This simple tool keeps you informed of your progress.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":5,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002582311385409.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Freedom80997582002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"Al Moledina","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34597,"Title":"Secure Folder","Description":"Updated! Denies access to any specified folder. It will close ALL objects that contain the name of folder to secure, and it's parent object, if it's scanning aggressively. I've seen other code attempting to do the same thing here but nothing that is as aggressive as this is. Fully commented!\nUPDATED! Fix security holes when editing the registry. When the engine is running, If the controller did not initiate the changes to the password or folder name, then the engine will ignore them and fix the registry entries. This defeats the so called \"secure folder nuker\" posted here on PSC.\nOnly known way to defeat it (with engine running and scanning aggressively) is to rename the folder in a DOS box. If anyone knows how to stop this, or finds other security holes, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! :)","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"Must be compiled for all functions to work correctly. Place the SEENGINE.EXE under C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM and place the SECUREFOLDERCONTROLLER.EXE anywhere you want.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"Make sure that the name of the folder to protect is unique to anything in your system, or it will close processes that you may not want closed.","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":27,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200251118511340.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Secure_Fol818515112002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Braden","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34599,"Title":"Recordset Paging in Visual Basic !!!","Description":"ADO Recordset Paging in VISUAL BASIC !!!\nThere are many code samples that making recordset paging available in ASP ( Web based ). This example of ADO Paging through a recordset is written in Visual Basic !!!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200259314165512.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ADO_Paging81042592002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":13,"UserRatingTotal":59,"AuthorName":"XIII","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34605,"Title":"Hotmail Account Maker !!!","Description":"THIS CODE MAKES HOTMAIL ACCOUNTS UNDER 10 SECONDS !","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC200259723131762.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Hotmail_Ac81104592002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Kaos","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34614,"Title":"Winsock Programming","Description":"This article is meant to explain how to utilize Windows sockets for network transfers in a Visual Basic program. This example code and the explanation were written and tested in Visual Basic 6.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":39,"CodeLineCount":0,"SubmissionTypeId":5,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Winsock_Pr81146592002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":12,"AuthorName":"Jason Beighel","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34618,"Title":"EASY TO IMPLEMENT API Based AutoComplete Class adding full featured AutoCompletion to VB Combo Boxes","Description":"This class is used to EASILY add AutoCompletion such as in Internet Explorer or MS Access to VB Combo Boxes. It makes use of API calls which makes it EXTREMELY efficient. It also gives you the ability to control various properties:\n1. The AutoDropdown property \n2. Complete RowSource specification (new) \n3. The ForceListUsage property (new) \n4. The LimitToList property \n5. The AutoUpdateList property \n*******************************************\n**********PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE**********\n*******************************************\n","Inputs":"Simply define a class and link it to the target combo box.","Assumes":"The demo project should be self explanatory, but basically all you have to do is add the class to your project and upon the Load event of your form, simply initialize a class instance for each of your combo box controls. The AutoDropdown property can easily be set in code. In the example project I tied it to a check box. Play around with it to see how it works.\n","CodeReturns":"Simply the functionality of AutoCompletion.","SideEffects":"None.","ApiDeclarations":"SendMessage","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002513124507631.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EASY_TO_IM1054787122002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":18,"UserRatingTotal":90,"AuthorName":"Dr. C","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34620,"Title":"Embedding files in VB to be able to make them on the fly","Description":"To be able to make files on the fly. To embed those files within the executable of the vb program. To have one exe file that can make dependent files as needed.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":3,"CodeLineCount":0,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002591535112505.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":3,"CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":5,"UserRatingTotal":25,"AuthorName":"Mike Firoved","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34622,"Title":"Enhancement of Dr. C's API-based Auto Completion Class","Description":"This is an enhancement of Dr. C's code submitted today. His code dealt with EASY TO IMPLETEMENT API Based AutoCompletion Class which features an auto-dropdown option for VB Combo Boxes. He should get full credit for the class developed. It is very good work. Further enhancements made to his fine work includes (1) a simple database which loads the combo box with values, (2) a primary module containing useful stuff, (3) Added a Gotfocus and LostFocus to Combo box to manipulate the displayed value, (4) added ENTER key acceptance capability. His original code can be found at http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=34618&lngWId=1. Users can type in some existing value or create a new value \"on-the-fly\" into the Combobox. Try it and see. I felt many of you would like the changes so I am posting them. Let me know what you think.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Enhancemen81355592002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":20,"AuthorName":"Jeff D","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34623,"Title":"Spinning 3D Cube in pure VB","Description":"This code spins a 3d cube without directX! It uses pure VB and High School Algebra II math. Please vote or comment about this code.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002591721141366.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Spinning_381393592002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Spinflip","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34624,"Title":"Rich Text Label THAT WORKS","Description":"I created this because I am making a WYSIWYG editor and there is NOTHING on PSC that does this. I will admit there are some atempts but nothing I have seen comes close to this. Bascially this control BitBlts the form image under it into a picture box, then it BitBlts the rich text over it. VOTE PLEASE","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"see readme.txt in zip file","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":29,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002591930423223.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Rich_Text_81412592002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":2,"NumOfUserRatings":25,"UserRatingTotal":123,"AuthorName":"Bryan A. Cairns","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34625,"Title":"EasyButton","Description":"If you have artistic talent, you can make buttons with this code \nin any format easily. All that you have to do is draw a image. \nI included some images like example.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":4,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002592136411905.gif ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/EasyButton90321642002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":16,"UserRatingTotal":80,"AuthorName":"Arruda","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34627,"Title":"ADOHelper2.0(Updated)","Description":"ADO Helper 2.0 now includes example projects to demonstrate the working of ADO. This will help to directly use the codes in application. Example projects include: Demonstrates how to use Cross Tab, How to handle ADO Errors, ADO Find and Seek Methods, How to use ADO with Grid Controls, Use ADO with Data Report to create Simple Data Report, A complete ADO Unbound example to show, add, edit, save, delete with navigation with error handling, How to practically handle ADO transactions. These example programs will definitely help beginners and pros alike. With the passage of time, ADO Helper will become the complete source of ADO Help and Example programs at one place.\nComing soon are topics such as: Data Consumers, Data Shaping, ADO MD to summarize data, Creating Data Sources, A complete payment management system using ADO and crystal report.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":6,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/ADOHelper28288651420.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":4,"NumOfUserRatings":73,"UserRatingTotal":358,"AuthorName":"Avaneesh Dvivedi","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34631,"Title":"Jonny's Browser 2.1","Description":"A web browser with many functions, this really takes VB 6 web browser capabilities to the max, AIM integration, History, music MP3 search, dictionary search, save web pages, print, print preview, favorites, Copy URL, optional pop-up blocker, page properties, view source and help are just some of the MANY features packed into this easy to use web browser. This browser SAVES a user settings so unlike many other browsers redoing the settings with each startup is not needed. Assign your own Homepage, and Start-Up page... and much more! Definately a MUST DOWNLOAD!","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"This is by me Jonny B please do not steal my code. I have to say thanks to Storm Ex Inc for posting their web browser on the internet, from which I learned to create the favorites form.","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":34,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC2002510134217915.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Jonny's_Br814795102002_1_So.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":4,"UserRatingTotal":19,"AuthorName":"Jonny B","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34634,"Title":"Game Box","Description":"It's a packet whit 4 games in it, chess, mastermind, a worm game and a for in a row game.","Inputs":"non","Assumes":"non","CodeReturns":"non","SideEffects":"non","ApiDeclarations":"non","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Game_Box815225102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":3,"UserRatingTotal":13,"AuthorName":"Cereal","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34638,"Title":"Good Map Editor (version 2.0)","Description":"Okey! In this version i have 1 single picturebox for all of it, and it now uses bitblt, also, a grid has been added to help =) Please leave comments and vote (hope you like it now, Hazen! =) )","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":38,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025101017403762.jpg ","SubmissionTypeId":2,"ZipFilePath":"/upload_PSC/ftp/Good_Map_E816055102002.zip ","CodeDifficultyTypeId":3,"NumOfUserRatings":2,"UserRatingTotal":10,"AuthorName":"ReXz","ProductId":1},{"WorldId":1,"id":34645,"Title":"n 3D World Mark III: We All Live in a Fractal World","Description":"This code is an example of a 3D Terrain generator and 3D graphics displaying engine. I uploaded it as it's an excellent example of how easy it is to code 3D and i haven't uploaded any code for ages.","Inputs":"None","Assumes":"None","CodeReturns":"None","SideEffects":"None","ApiDeclarations":"None","CategoryId":46,"CodeLineCount":117,"PicturePath":"/upload_PSC/screenshots/PIC20025101326453.gif