Labels:box | dialog box | monitor | road | shelf | sidewalk | sky | stairs | web site | window OCR: Popup messape UPDATED! 00 UPDATED!- Don't tforgetto Vote This is the Tittle of pop message Error Popup Mossage This is a sample popup message! This is the Tittle of dod message This is sample popup message! None Popup Messag This is the Tittle of pop This is a Sample popup message Warning Popup Message This is the Tittle of pop message Info Popup Message This is a sample popur message! This is the Tittle n pOD message Popup Message This is a sample popup messagel Add To Sustem Tray Exi Program Remove System Traylcon This is the Tittle ot pop message This IS a sample popup message! 6:12 PM forget Warming Fxit Icon