Labels:crt screen | dialog box | monitor | tv | web site | window OCR: bauRSSNews Code project Computers Practical Object-Oriented Programming Using C# Drawing Rectangles Thu, 02Dec 2004 12:28:00 GMT Software Progr amming Using C# and GDI to build a Simple Object-Oriented Drawing Progr rammer's Heaven Code project Find out what your friends/co- -workers have been doing on the Internet! Thu 02 Dec 2004 12:15:00 GMT Developer Fusion Internet Explorer: INDEX.DAT files keep websites you have visited cookies received pue files opened/downloaded irsere IBM Developer Works anyone can find out what you have been doing on the Internet! Devx Practical Object Oriented Programming Using Drawing Lines Thu, 02Dec 2004 11 :35:00 GMT Only4Gurus Downloads Web Authoring Your Visual Studio .NET Source code Homepage Microsoft Companies Magazine Create high And per watch formance ...