Labels:clock | crt screen | dialog box | monitor | sky | stairs | web site | window OCR: Text converter 1.0 [build 1008] Bv Asylum GOX The return carrge [VbCrLf] will be replacec 6y space *0 show up in the encoded text. Input: #inchide stdio #inchide estring .h #inchide Estdlib h int main char input[128]; Conver: sion type Encode Decode Starting text format: Decoding only] format [Encoding only] HEX HEX ASC ASC OCT OCT BINARY BINARY When decoding everything will be comerted to "Text' le.g Hello World!] When encoding. everything I must START "Text" format (e.g Hello World!] Convert! Exit Output: 0010001 101 10100101 10111001 10001 101101 10001 11010101 10010001 1001010010000000111100011 10001001100010111011001 101001011011110010111001 101 100000111110001 100010000000 1011010 010110111001 10001 1011011000111010101 10010001 : 10100000100000000 11100011 10011011 1101000 111001 100 ...