Labels:crt screen | laptop | monitor | window OCR: DM web Encrypter Microsolt Internel X View Favorites Tools Back Address C\Documents pue Settings s\Ben\Desktop\HTMLLockiexampl Go Links The progr ram not only encrypts but you can also disable the broswei disableing right click, stopping user from selecting text and draging Some features of the program. Disabling selection of text try selecting the text below try select ting me ,try selecting me ,try selecting me Done My Computer demo .htm Notepad File Format View Help <htm <head> <t e>DM web Encrypter </title> <meta http -eauiv Cont ent -Type cont ent "text /htm1; char se 50 -8859 /head> tbody bgco or #FFFFFF" text #000000 Ct lanquage= VBScr ipt Dim 1zstr im tData ua UaVIEE04 uYO - ij -4 uau FY04 uaus etEY yIE yu H- Tu u-yIEy- a0 Internet Explorer tDoruments Encrvpter html cbody bgcol Tan ...