Labels:banana | crt screen | door | earth | frame | monitor | person | plant | sky | tree | unknown | windowpane OCR: Opti ion Explicit Pi .cture Frame UserControl 'by roger gil lchrist 'Based on the upl load 'Bacl kBorders //:d14 WWW Planet- rCE -Code com vb/ scripts ShowCode asp?txtCode Id=55728&lngWId=1 and trvi inr th s0lve the nroh ATY nronosed thare Swi tcl that Hide Picture yor Opaque Border Percent Border Pixels 'Tri icks In this demo there only this button Main Picture [Click to close the program] Corner Pictures but you could hide anything you ike back Righ Edge Pictures Bight-click the frame here to get the picture back The Maximize Normal Hi Minimize upload BackBorders Exit