Labels:cell phone | crt screen | dialog box | monitor | plant | web site | window OCR: Ready 10 POP MAIL SERVER DOD .net Server POP USERNAME Headers lesIFMATICheckM password GO POP PASSWORD Viewing email messages Mhh Emails for Deletion off POF Host? No Return-Path: <cid=79-uid=A02C88CA-B40A -4D55-A7D6-89A97373210D-mid=1043-pid=6- -@bounce zd-swx. com> Status LTEE Received from mxsf21 cluster1[10.20. .201 221] Mail Messages: from host? To: From [Peter Coffee Kcoffee@eletters eweek com Mail Messagest How Many] Date Mon, 2004 22:05:4 Subject: Applying Durselves to Metadata Models Connected Check Mail Attachments 0 attachments! How many attachments DeI THE EMAIL HOME NEWS REVIEWS ASE MESSAGEIN HTML OT TEXT STUD IES RESEARCH TOOLS TECH JOBS Other Places August 31 2004 EMAIL My Documents TT HIS ISSIF Shared Documents My Computer PETER COFFEE Appl ...