Labels:dialog box | monitor | sky | web site OCR: Ptoioc JnnoToolhsr? Inno Setup Toolbar Scrint Wizard Welcome to the Visual Basic Inno Setup Wizard! or De This wizard will guide you through the process of creating a new Inno Setup script file The results will be used to generate Niz a new script file which can be compilied directly or saved on for later use rpo dB ON all features of Inno Setup are covered by this wizard. See pat the docurmentation for details uo creating Inno Script setup files! o0 Note This wizard is you supported by Inno Setup, it is ID fact third party wizard intended for use as a 'package and deploymen wizard replacement in the Visual Basic 6 IDE Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit this wizard Next Finish Cancel Welc come qenerate ectly disk coverec docurnentation creatinc Inng deployment renlacement