Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky | window OCR: This is a third party review on where to find Free Obsolete Versions Of VB Other Compilers. discovered these sites with obsolete editor compilers while digging around the web the other dav Iwas especially fond of discovering http://i /imaginatica .us es/ wopr2k/ qbdl/ because they have every version of basic compiler that Microsoft manufactured from the beginning up to VB4. These progr ams are obsolete discontinued. Most of these files are zipped up floppy disks uev mav take little finagling to dei setup tested VBDOS windows was the trickiest to qet setup Simply read the file HOW TO INSTAUL included in contains the trick You mav also want to pay special attention the named PACKINGJIST , it is text I was also impressed to find this section at Borland to obtain free complimentary copies of t ...