Labels:clock | crt screen | monitor | plant | sky | tree | window OCR: get the text for a specific "cell" in the listbox set the Font/Forecolor/ set the text for an individual "cell" in the listbox you can Back kcolor seperately for both th Form1 header and the list itself get the cell text f6r. row column set the cell text for select row. click any of the column headers stock sym bol stock type stock scope current price and the contents get sorted Yhoo. stock overseas 10.22 acending or descending order like vsmx mutual fund U.S. $28 50 r outlook vIvaX mutual fund 0.8 $21 20 siri stock +5 .60 adding row formatted with individual cells is as simple as ListGrid addRow text 1|text2|text3 etc Backcolor vtsmx vivex formattec ListGrid1