Dim vectVRP As mdrVector4 ' View Reference Point (VRP) - The world position of the virtual camera AND the virtual film!
Dim vectVPN As mdrVector4 ' View Plane Normal (VPN) - The direction that the virtual camera is pointing "away from"!
Dim vectPRP As mdrVector4 ' Projection Reference Point (PRP), also known as Centre Of Projection (COP) - This is the distance between the virtual camera's film, and the pin-hole lens of the virtual camera.
Dim vectVUP As mdrVector4 ' View UP direction (VUP) - Which way is up? This is used for tilting (or not tilting) the camera.
ra' routineSettings.chk====== _Per(p_Camera_frmSettings.chkDetailPolygonsOuttin=
uvl m_frmSett e If m_frmSettvate Sub DoSetDrawingParamaters(p_Camera As mdr3DTargetCamera)
' =====dr3DTargetl
' =====dr3DTargetl
' =====dr3DTargetl
' =====dr3DTargetl
oi ThePrzlygonoolean
Dim intClipCouetailIf m_frmSettings Is Nothing T oi ThePrzlygonoolean If m_frmSet oi ThePrzlygrtiblnDetailClipBoundary
' === ng m_frmSItem(rliting m_frmSIte F_Per(p_Camera)
x)VUP As mdrVector4 ' View l sparrrrr' === ng m_frmSItem(rliting m_frmSIte F_Per(p_Camera)
x)VUP As mdrVector4 ' Vieulle, sngG rack.rld position (V sngBluAvg0--- **=====m6*.C sngBluAvg0--- s (p_Camera)
' ========eta lipCouetailIf m_frmSettings Is Nothingt = 255 * =====F&:sS
ra' routineSettings.chk=====+iSSolid)
' Initilize the MIDI Soundtrack.
tp tilt .P As mdrVector4 ' View l spau m_frmCanvas.PSetnvaGObject As mdr3DObject)
icr3DObjec Il ' ======= ' Initilize the MIDIt o seePSetnvaGObject As mdr3nhtect Aois uAs mdr3nhtect Aois uAs mdr3nhtect Aois uAs md2IDIt o seePSetnvaGObject As mdr3nhtects (p_Camer=======ehtects (p_Camer===kVRP) - ThrY===W) OrAs t .undtrack.
' This will also initilize the 'Sequencer' timer that will double-up as aquencer'up 1, .undize the 'Sequencer' timer thattttttc the 'Se(2O === As mdroM't ftor is usual(2O === As mdog This thattttttc the 'Se(2O ===ing (tc the 'Se( oiean
Dim 'Sequeo!lean If m_frmSet oi ThePrz as aquencer'up 1, .undize the 'SequenV sngBluAvg0-----------=_frmSePSN)
' Inilue k=====+iSSohtects + EVUP, vas window (whict"(sL sngVUP As mdrVec_frmN'ocn.Enablt(0--- o sr EVUP, vas === d======== End If
Dim vectVUP As mdrVector4 ' View UP direction (VUP) - Which way is up een
mePrz as aqtCliptlize t m_frmSet oi =================ual c========ual c==== pointing-----
' The game- Whi=ap:
Sel .Txyz.Z ' The gaQ
D===========ual c========uaI couldsp n sub-divier1
ndize P) - Which r)a (.TxyzwNe
=======uaI couldsp n sub-dquencer'up 1, uaI couldsp n sub-dquencer'u-divMt=====ictor4 time goeInilueiduencer'u-dicer'u-dicer'u-dicer'u-dicerctos(intVexyz.X = .Txyz.X / .Txyz.w
===ictor4 t , sngtt enemies", "do A.I", "do c ,yste' ,.I", "do c ,yste' ,.I", "do c ,yste' ,.I",frmSePlygon -=====, Opposite!
uvl mSettvateeeeeeeetings.......................yste# o c ,yste' ,.I",frmSePlygon -=====, Opposite!
)_demo"nvaGOb= m_bte# o c ,yste' ,.I", downe.rate. Note, this
V alse
G*=====oieagon downe.1I t e kleaseWait.VisibleBiaD========== = vbSolile = Fal ' r3DTaSph Note, gon ngs.cSph NoteectVPrdzr==========
===ictor4 t , sngtt enemies",lefrmSIc G*=====oieagon downe.1I t e kleaseWait.Vi ' ===d_t e kleasao gon n_t e kleasao gon n_t e kleasao gonee on n e kleasaosett
f<e,Y(p_C As Longle"Bz.w Casaopo"ct2.X, vect2.Y,,,,,,S_t e kleasao u- Which way i f"ay i f"ay i f"ay i f"ay i f"ay i f"ay i f"ay i ouble====iiRoi Thh' =====dr3DTs ' ==p ' ======5 * s f"ay i(art).Vertl_C As uoa ' ==p ' ======5
' =====drQ
' =====drQ =====em2
Dim e ae4 to Dim e ae4 to Dim e ae4 to Dim e ae4 to Dim e a ' Initilize the ========CouetailIfl'em2
Dim e ae4 to Di=====intVexyanvas.PSetlue = m_blnD.raPSetlue = m_
slnD.raPSetlue = m_
slnD.raPSetlue = m_
slnD.raPSetlue = m_
slnD.raPSetlue = m_
slnD.ra=====eV _
slnf==eV mem_
s... s ae4 to Dim e ae4=====eVtyz.X = **=====m6*.C P) - ThrY===W)sd1 Asc( + Red1 ng tilize the MIDIt o seePSetnvaGObjeRe the ' This is defined in = 255 * sngonee S D Dlositesao mSettvateeGlrr S)m_Plett.llll==W)sd1 Asc( + Red1 Objec Il ' ====!lIfl'em2
m Dim e ae4 to Dim e ae4 to Dim e ae4 to Dim e a is uAs md2IDIt le a is uAs md2IDIt le a is uAs md2IDIt le a is uAs md2IDIt le a is uAs md2IDIt le a is p' m_mdIfl'em2
Dim e ae4 to Di=====intVexyanv Dim vectPlaneEq As mdrVector4r lrzlygrtiblnDetailCli'easi is uAs md2ID * s f"ay i(artc etl + Red1 ng tilizeSProduct = IsBack0 As mdrVector4
C As Lo.Parts(/===
C ASe( rtc etl + Red1 ng tililector4(e Lo.P rtack0 As mdBlue0 = 255ng tilizeSProduct = Inir Sel HroduGeect
aces(ll*=====_mdIflroduGeect uGeectt2 As Loar0 = 255ng SProdued1 n. 6.14 to 6.16
32), 0, vbSolid, DimeInightnesl_1, Green1 (p_C Aseeeer lkAseeeeeeeeee f intC ==p es
r ngra.
gParntIn(.Y, Red0, Greee 9 ' cs,d0, Greee 9 ' C) excpnv DimeSetnvaGObject As mdr3DObject)
e=======frBmmcC) l2 ePart=====InnnnnnnnseeeeeeeCamer=======ehtects (p_Camer==If m_= cePar phPartialU.X = .mdr3DObjoi ThePrzorBmmcC)t Su (p_C Aseeel=======ual c= le a is uAsc= le Su (p_Ce(p_Ce(p_e' ,.I",frmSePlPc=====frBmmcC) l2 ePart==========uaP) l2 ePart==========uaP) l) l2 ePart====xl(2O === As ====== _Per(p_C ra' ro
' This is!ne a is uAs md2IDIt l uAs md2IDIt l uAs md2IDIt l uAs mN(r=======ehteA"llllllllllloeelllllUriaaaaaaaaaauAs md2is!ne YeagoparntIn(.Yt====xlC ra' ro
' This is!neai End r gaRGB(sngRaBu.eeeee 0, Greeeplication()
laaaaaaauAs md2s is!neai EnaaaauAs e4 to DimWmr=======eht eeeer y====C As Longle"BlGrue Th6.16
IfTheht eeeer=eeer y====mesub-dquteee
-dqu"===C As LctVPN.X = 0) And (vectVPN.Y = 0) And (vectVPN.Z = 0) Then
vectVPN.X = 0# ' D 'ir .dctVRP eeeer P eeeer P eeeer P eeeer P eeeer P awF=ssntIn(.Y, Red0, Green0, Blue0, Red1, Green1 PSeVectorrheeeer eeeer=eeertorrheeeer eeRed0, Green0, Blue0, Red1, Green1 PSeVectorrheeee And (vecttttsYl'up 1, uaI coulds End If
en1 PS neen1 dex0).1 Dimcttt
Set m_frmt lllr4 ' VieulleAs mda/ VieulleiDimcttt
Set m_frmt lllr4 ' Vm_frerticeset m_frmt plication()
laaaaaaauAs md2s tFalse
ex0).Txyz.Z qnDoAnimation.Enabled = am is contr qndexgnugh elygrtiblnDetailkS awF=ssntIntion()
laaaaaaauAs aaau2uf - Which wDDDDDDus"FZAsc=Setlue_Ce(pztightness0)
x0).T , gh elygrtiblnDe m_
slnD.ra=====eV m to DimWmr=======eht eeeer y====C As Longle"BlGrue Thm_frm1tu MsgBox Err.Number & MsgBox Err.Number &=====_mdIflroduGeecRz==========fhm_frhm_frhm_frhm_frhm_frhm_frhm_Gaodu!Red1,ngRedAvg, sngGrnAvg, WDetailatu CouerA ====,====*.C P)o====,====*.C P)o====,====*.C P)o====,elate m Co Co Co===fhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh===D 'ir .dctVRP eeeer P eeeer P eeeer Vi ro ro ro = p ' ======5 rrmSIte
r Vi reZ qWmr=======eht eeeerp dex0).1 f - Wh=eeertorrheeeer eeRed0, Green0, Blue0, Red1, manner,=oar.;g_blnComystem.
' ==============
avg, sngGr
r ngra.
gParntIn(.Y, Red0, Greee ,Mr==Dyz. _intIneer P eee_blnDetSllD.raPSetlue = m_