Title: A great utility, I call it quick tray quicktray 1.0.14
Description: A mutant cross of your quick launch and system tray! quickTray is to help you save taskbar space, and allowing you to close your windows and open them back up...
I made this because taskbar space is something very important to me, and I never seem to have enough of it. Like, When I download a movie lets say, I open d:\downloads, then I have to decompress it, then I open that folder, and either un ISO it or just move it then to d:\Movies, or music, etc etc. You get the point.
Anyways, this is so that you can access webpages apps, folders, anything you need to at the easy click of a mouse.
This app isnt commented, because I dont like commenting code, but it shows you how to change the registry, how to add files and read files from a txt, and how to open applications using simple system32 api.
I call it... quickTray
<b>Beware, this may cause mild forms of efficiency!</b>
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