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Attribute VB_Name = "mSubclass"
Option Explicit
'mSubclass.bas 7/5/04
' Uses a separate cSubclassHub object for each window that is subclassed. The
' cSubclassHub object is responsible for delivering the messages to the requesting objects.
' pcSubclassHub
' cSubclass
'1. Private Interface - Utility procedures
'2. cSubclass Interface - Procedures called by cSubclass
'3. cSubclasses Interface - Procedures called by cSubclasses
#Const bVBVMTypeLib = False 'Toggles between using the MSVBVM type library
Private Type tSubclassClient 'store one record for each object requesting subclasses
hWnd() As Long 'store the hWnds being subclassed
hWndCount As Long 'store the count of the hWnds
Ptr As Long 'store the pointer to the object
iControl As Long 'keep track of changes for enumeration
End Type
Private mtClients() As tSubclassClient 'one record for each object requesting subclasses
Private miClientCount As Long 'current record count
Public mCollSubclasses As Collection 'collection of pcSubclass objects to relay the messages
'<Private Interface>
Public Property Get MsgHubObject( _
ByVal hWnd As Long, _
Optional ByVal bForce As Boolean) _
As pcSubclassHub
On Error GoTo NotThere
Set MsgHubObject = mCollSubclasses("h" & hWnd) 'return the collection item for this hWnd
Exit Property
If bForce Then
If mCollSubclasses Is Nothing Then Set mCollSubclasses = New Collection
Set MsgHubObject = New pcSubclassHub
mCollSubclasses.Add MsgHubObject, "h" & hWnd
If Not MsgHubObject.Subclass(hWnd) Then gErr vbbApiError, "cSubclasses.Add"
gErr vbbItemDetached, "cSubclass"
End If
End Property
Private Sub RemoveHub( _
ByVal hWnd As Long)
On Error Resume Next
mCollSubclasses.Remove "h" & hWnd 'Remove the object from the collection
End Sub
Private Function FindClient( _
ByVal iPtr As Long, _
Optional ByRef iFirstAvailable As Long) _
As Long
Dim liTemp As Long
iFirstAvailable = Undefined 'Initialize the first available slot to nothing
For FindClient = 0& To miClientCount - 1& 'loop through each client
liTemp = mtClients(FindClient).Ptr 'store the client's pointer
If Not (liTemp = 0& Or liTemp = Undefined) Then 'if this pointer is valid
If iPtr = liTemp Then Exit Function 'if the pointer matches then bail
Else 'if the pointer is invalid
If iFirstAvailable = Undefined Then _
iFirstAvailable = FindClient 'it may be the first available slot
End If
FindClient = Undefined 'if we made it out here, then the client was not found
End Function
'private implementation of ArrRedim to allow strong typing
Private Sub ArrRedimT( _
ByRef tArray() As tSubclassClient, _
ByVal iElements As Long, _
Optional ByVal bPreserve As Boolean = True)
'Adjust from elements to zero-based upper bound
'iElements is now a zero-based array bound
iElements = iElements - 1&
Dim liNewUbound As Long: liNewUbound = ArrAdjustUbound(iElements)
'If we don't have enough room already, then redim the array
If liNewUbound > ArrUboundT(tArray) Then
If bPreserve Then _
ReDim Preserve tArray(0 To liNewUbound) _
Else _
ReDim tArray(0 To liNewUbound)
End If
End Sub
Private Function ArrUboundT( _
ByRef tArray() As tSubclassClient) _
As Long
On Error Resume Next
ArrUboundT = UBound(tArray)
If Err.Number <> 0& Then ArrUboundT = Undefined
End Function
'</Private Interface>
'<Public Interface>
'<cSubclasses Interface>
Public Function Subclasses_Add( _
ByVal iWho As Long, _
ByVal hWnd As Long _
) As cSubclass
If Not MsgHubObject(hWnd, True).AddClient(iWho) Then gErr vbbKeyAlreadyExists, "cSubclasses.Add"
Dim liIndex As Long
Dim liFirst As Long
liIndex = FindClient(iWho, liFirst) 'get the index of the client if it exists, and get the first available slot
If liIndex = Undefined Then 'if the client was not already there then
If liFirst = Undefined Then 'if there was an open slot then
liFirst = miClientCount 'next index is current count
miClientCount = miClientCount + 1& 'inc the count
ArrRedimT mtClients, miClientCount, True 'resize the array
End If
With mtClients(liFirst) 'with this array index
.Ptr = iWho 'set the pointer to this object
.hWndCount = 0 'initialize the hWnd count
End With
liIndex = liFirst 'store this index
End If
Incr mtClients(liIndex).iControl
'add the hWnd to the table
ArrAddInt mtClients(liIndex).hWnd, mtClients(liIndex).hWndCount, hWnd
Set Subclasses_Add = New cSubclass
Subclasses_Add.fInit iWho, hWnd
End Function
Public Sub Subclasses_Remove( _
ByVal iWho As Long, _
ByVal hWnd As Long)
On Error GoTo NotThere
Dim loHub As pcSubclassHub
Set loHub = MsgHubObject(hWnd)
If Not loHub.DelClient(iWho) Then
gErr vbbKeyNotFound, "cSubclasses.Remove"
End If
If Not loHub.Active Then 'If there's nobody left to notify then destroy the object
Dim liIndex As Long
liIndex = FindClient(iWho) 'get the index of the client in our array
If liIndex <> Undefined Then 'if the index was found
With mtClients(liIndex) 'remove the hWnd from the table
ArrDelInt .hWnd, .hWndCount, hWnd
If .hWndCount = 0& Then 'if that was the last hWnd
.Ptr = 0& 'remove the client from the table
End If
Incr .iControl
End With
'This would be bad!
'client wasn't found!!
Debug.Assert False
End If
Set loHub = Nothing 'destroy our reference to the object
RemoveHub hWnd 'remove the object from the collection
End If
End Sub
Public Function Subclasses_Item( _
ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal iWho As Long) _
As cSubclass
On Error GoTo NoHub
If MsgHubObject(hWnd).ClientExists(iWho) Then
Set Subclasses_Item = New cSubclass
Subclasses_Item.fInit iWho, hWnd
gErr vbbKeyNotFound, "cSubclasses.Item"
End If
End Function
Public Function Subclasses_Exists( _
ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal iWho As Long _
) As Boolean
On Error GoTo NoHub
Subclasses_Exists = MsgHubObject(hWnd).ClientExists(iWho)
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function Subclasses_Count( _
ByVal iWho As Long) _
As Long
Dim liIndex As Long
liIndex = FindClient(iWho) 'find the index of the client
'if the index was found, return the hWnd count
If liIndex > Undefined Then
With mtClients(liIndex)
Subclasses_Count = .hWndCount
For liIndex = 0& To .hWndCount - 1&
If .hWnd(liIndex) = 0& Or .hWnd(liIndex) = Undefined _
Then Subclasses_Count = Subclasses_Count - 1&
End With
End If
End Function
Public Function Subclasses_Clear( _
ByVal iWho As Long) _
As Long
Dim liIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim loHub As pcSubclassHub
liIndex = FindClient(iWho) 'Find the index of the client
If liIndex <> Undefined Then 'If the index was found
With mtClients(liIndex)
For i = 0 To .hWndCount - 1& 'loop through each hWnd
If .hWnd(i) <> Undefined Then
Set loHub = MsgHubObject(.hWnd(i)) 'Retrieve the subclasser associated with this hwnd
If Not loHub Is Nothing Then
'Tell the object to cease notifications for this client
If loHub.DelClient(iWho) Then _
Subclasses_Clear = Subclasses_Clear + 1&
If Not loHub.Active Then 'If there's nobody left to notify then destroy the object
Set loHub = Nothing
RemoveHub .hWnd(i)
End If
'hWnd is not subclassed???
Debug.Assert False 'this would be bad!
End If
End If
.hWndCount = 0& 'remove the hWnd
.Ptr = 0& 'remove the ptr
Incr .iControl
End With
End If
End Function
'Public Sub Subclasses_NextItem( _
' ByVal iWho As Long, _
' ByRef tEnum As tEnum, _
' ByRef vNextItem As Variant, _
' ByRef bNoMore As Boolean)
' Dim loSub As cSubclass
' Dim liIndex As Long
' Dim liClient As Long
' Dim i As Long
' liClient = FindClient(iWho)
' If liClient <> Undefined Then
' liIndex = tEnum.iIndex
' liIndex = liIndex + 1&
' With mtClients(liClient)
' If .iControl <> tEnum.iControl Then gErr vbbCollChangedDuringEnum, "cSubclasses.NewEnum"
' For i = liIndex To .hWndCount - 1&
' If .hWnd(i) <> Undefined Then 'if the hWnd exists
' Set loSub = New cSubclass 'create a new subclass object
' loSub.fInit iWho, .hWnd(i) 'initialize it
' Set vNextItem = loSub
' Exit For
' End If
' Next
' If i = .hWndCount Then bNoMore = True
' End With
' tEnum.iIndex = i
' Else
' bNoMore = True
' End If
'End Sub
'Public Function Subclasses_Skip( _
' ByVal iWho As Long, _
' ByRef tEnum As tEnum, _
' ByVal iSkipCount As Long, _
' ByRef bSkippedAll As Boolean)
' Dim liSkipped As Long
' Dim liClient As Long
' liClient = FindClient(iWho)
' If liClient <> Undefined Then
' With mtClients(liClient)
' If .iControl <> tEnum.iControl Then gErr vbbCollChangedDuringEnum, "cSubclasses.NewEnum"
' For tEnum.iIndex = tEnum.iIndex + 1& To .hWndCount - 1&
' If .hWnd(tEnum.iIndex) <> Undefined Then liSkipped = liSkipped + 1&
' If liSkipped = iSkipCount Then Exit For
' Next
' bSkippedAll = CBool(liSkipped = iSkipCount)
' End With
' Else
' bSkippedAll = False
' End If
'End Function
'Public Function Subclasses_Control(ByVal iWho As Long) As Long
' Subclasses_Control = FindClient(iWho)
' If Subclasses_Control <> Undefined Then
' Subclasses_Control = mtClients(Subclasses_Control).iControl
' Else
' 'client not there!
' 'Debug.Assert False
' End If
'End Function
'</cSubclasses Interface>
'</Public Interface>