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MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "Cls_Cab"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
'This class file can be used to show the contents of an CAB-archive
Private Type CabFileHeaderType
signature As Long ' MSCF (cabinet file signature )
HeadCRC As Long 'CRC 32 of the cab header
cbCabinet As Long 'size of this cabinet file in bytes
FolderCRC As Long 'CRC 32 of the folder header
coffFiles As Long 'offset of the first CFFILE entry
FilesCRC As Long 'CRC 32 of the Files header
versionMinor As Byte 'cabinet file format version, minor
versionMajor As Byte 'cabinet file format version, major
cFolders As Integer 'number of CFFOLDER entries in this cabinet
cFiles As Integer 'number of CFFILE entries in this cabinet
Flags As Integer 'cabinet file option indicators
'bit 0 = Has Previous Cab file
'bit 1 = Has Next cab file
'Bit 2 = reserve
setID As Integer 'must be the same for all cabinets in a set
iCabinet As Integer 'number of this cabinet file in a set
' cbCFHeader As Integer '(optional) size of per-cabinet reserved area
' cbCFFolder As Byte '(optional) size of per-folder reserved area
' cbCFData As Byte '(optional) size of per-datablock reserved area
' abReserve As Byte '(optional) per-cabinet reserved area
' szCabinetPrev As Byte '(optional) name of previous cabinet file
' szDiskPrev As Byte '(optional) name of previous disk
' szCabinetNext As Byte '(optional) name of next cabinet file
' szDiskNext As Byte '(optional) name of next disk
End Type
Private Type CFFolderType
coffCabStart As Long 'offset of the first CFDATA block in this folder
cCFData As Integer '??number of CFDATA blocks in this folder
typeCompress As Integer 'compression type indicator
End Type
Private Type CFFileType
USize As Long 'uncompressed size of this file in bytes
UoffFolderStart As Long 'uncompressed offset of this file in the folder
IFolder As Integer 'index into the CFFOLDER area
'&h0000 = FIRST
'&h0001 = NEXT
FDate As Integer 'date stamp for this file
FTime As Integer 'time stamp for this file
Attribs As Integer 'attribute flags for this file
'and &h0001 = READONLY
'and &h0002 = HIDDEN
'and &h0004 = SYSTEM
'and &h0008 = VOLUME
'and &h0010 = DIRECTORY
'and &h0020 = ARCHIVE
'szName is variable length string with Chr$(0) terminator
'See GetInfo to see how seek is adjusted for block alignment
FileName As String 'name of this file
End Type
'Would have been nice if the Crc and
'Compressed size were in CFFILE above
Private Type CFDataType
CRC32 As Long 'checksum of this CFDATA entry
CSize As Integer 'number of compressed bytes in this block
cbUncomp As Integer 'number of uncompressed bytes in this block
' abReserve As Byte '(optional) per-datablock reserved area
' ab[cbData] As Byte 'compressed data bytes
End Type
Private Type CabFileDataType
USize As Long 'uncompressed size of this file in bytes
UoffFolderStart As Long 'uncompressed offset of this file in the folder
IFolder As Integer 'index into the CFFOLDER area
'&h0000 = FIRST
'&h0001 = NEXT
FDate As Integer 'date stamp for this file
FTime As Integer 'time stamp for this file
Attribs As Integer 'attribute flags for this file
'and &h0001 = READONLY
'and &h0002 = HIDDEN
'and &h0004 = SYSTEM
'and &h0008 = VOLUME
'and &h0010 = DIRECTORY
'and &h0020 = ARCHIVE
'szName is variable length string with Chr$(0) terminator
'See GetInfo to see how seek is adjusted for block alignment
FileName As String 'name of this file
CRC32 As Long 'checksum of this CFDATA entry
CSize As Integer 'number of compressed bytes in this block
cbUncomp As Integer 'number of uncompressed bytes in this block
DataOffSet As Long 'start position if the compressed data
Method As Integer
' abReserve As Byte '(optional) per-datablock reserved area
' ab[cbData] As Byte 'compressed data bytes
End Type
Private CabFiles() As CabFileDataType
Private CabHead As CabFileHeaderType
Private Const m_Unpack_Supported As Boolean = False
Public Function Get_Contents(ZipName As String) As Integer
Dim FileNum As Long
Dim FileLenght As Long
Dim ByteVal As Byte
Dim LN As Long
Dim X As Long
Dim CabFolder() As CFFolderType
Dim CabReserve As Integer
Dim FolderReserve As Byte
Dim dataReserve As Byte
Dim CAbPrevName As String
Dim CabPrevDisk As String
Dim CabNextName As String
Dim CabNextDist As String
PackFileName = ZipName
PackComments = ""
PackFileType = 0
FileNum = FreeFile
Open PackFileName For Binary Access Read As #FileNum
If LOF(FileNum) < Len(CabHead) Then
Close #FileNum
Exit Function
End If
'get the end of central date
Get #FileNum, , CabHead
If CabHead.signature = &H4643534D Then
PackFileType = CABFileType
If (CabHead.Flags And 4) Then 'reserve
Get #FileNum, , CabReserve 'Reserved header space
Get #FileNum, , FolderReserve 'Reserved folder space
Get #FileNum, , dataReserve 'Reserved Datablock space
If CabReserve > 0 Then
Seek #FileNum, Seek(FileNum) + CabReserve + 1 'Skip reserved block
End If
End If
If (CabHead.Flags And 1) Then 'Has Previous
Get #FileNum, , ByteVal
If ByteVal = 0 Then Exit Do
CAbPrevName = CAbPrevName & Chr(ByteVal)
Get #FileNum, , ByteVal
If ByteVal = 0 Then Exit Do
CabPrevDisk = CabPrevDisk & Chr(ByteVal)
End If
If (CabHead.Flags And 2) Then 'Has Next
Get #FileNum, , ByteVal
If ByteVal = 0 Then Exit Do
CabNextName = CabNextName & Chr(ByteVal)
Get #FileNum, , ByteVal
If ByteVal = 0 Then Exit Do
CabNextDist = CabNextDist & Chr(ByteVal)
End If
ReDim CabFolder(CabHead.cFolders)
For X = 1 To CabHead.cFolders
Get #FileNum, , CabFolder(X)
If FolderReserve > 0 Then
Seek #FileNum, Seek(FileNum) + FolderReserve + 1 'Skip reserved block
End If
ReDim CabFiles(CabHead.cFiles)
If Seek(FileNum) <> CabHead.coffFiles + 1 Then Seek #FileNum, CabHead.coffFiles + 1
PackTotFiles = CabHead.cFiles
For X = 1 To PackTotFiles
With CabFiles(X)
Get #FileNum, , .USize
Get #FileNum, , .UoffFolderStart
Get #FileNum, , .IFolder
Get #FileNum, , .FDate
Get #FileNum, , .FTime
Get #FileNum, , .Attribs
Get #FileNum, , ByteVal
If ByteVal = 0 Then Exit Do
.FileName = .FileName & Chr(ByteVal)
.Method = CabFolder(1).typeCompress
End With
'At this point the CFDatablock begin
'These are compressed blocks from uncompressed blocks up to 32K
'The files are stored into a buff of 32K until its full, After that the compression
'starts. That's why there are no CRC-value of the independed files
' If Seek(FileNum) <> CabFolder(1).coffCabStart + 1 Then Seek #FileNum, CabFolder(1).coffCabStart + 1
' For X = 1 To PackTotFiles
' With CabFiles(X)
' Get #FileNum, , .CRC32
' Get #FileNum, , .CSize
' Get #FileNum, , .cbUncomp
' .DataOffSet = Seek(FileNum)
' .Method = CabFolder(1).typeCompress
' Seek #FileNum, Seek(FileNum) + .CSize
' End With
' Next
End If
' Close FileNum
End Function
'Unzip as file and return 0 for good decompression or others for error
Public Function UnPack(ZippedFile() As Boolean, ToPath As String) As Integer
Erase PackData
End Function
Public Function Pack(ZipName As String, Files() As String, CompType As Integer, CompLevel As Integer, Optional IncludeDir As String = "") As Integer
End Function
Public Property Get CanUnpack() As Boolean
CanUnpack = m_Unpack_Supported
End Property
Public Property Get FileCount() As Long
FileCount = PackTotFiles
End Property
Public Property Get FileName(FileNum As Long) As String
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
FileName = CabFiles(FileNum).FileName
End Property
Public Property Get CommentsFile(FileNum As Long) As String
CommentsFile = ""
End Property
Public Property Get CommentsPack() As String
CommentsPack = ""
End Property
Public Property Get IsDir(FileNum As Long) As Boolean
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
If (CabFiles(FileNum).Attribs And &H10) > 0 Then IsDir = True
End Property
Public Property Get Method(FileNum As Long) As String
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
Method = Methods(CInt(CabFiles(FileNum).Method And &HF))
End Property
Public Property Get CRC32(FileNum As Long) As Long
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
CRC32 = CabFiles(FileNum).CRC32
End Property
Public Property Get Compressed_Size(FileNum As Long) As Long
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
Compressed_Size = CabFiles(FileNum).CSize
End Property
Public Property Get UnCompressed_Size(FileNum As Long) As Long
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
UnCompressed_Size = CabFiles(FileNum).USize
End Property
Public Property Get Encrypted(FileNum As Long) As Boolean
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
Encrypted = False
End Property
Public Property Get FileDateTime(FileNum As Long) As Date
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
FileDateTime = GetZipDate(CabFiles(FileNum).FDate, CabFiles(FileNum).FTime)
End Property
Public Property Get SystemMadeBy(FileNum As Long) As String
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
SystemMadeBy = "UnKnown"
End Property
Public Property Get VersionMadeBy(FileNum As Long) As String
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
VersionMadeBy = "Unknown"
End Property
Public Property Get SystemNeeded(FileNum As Long) As String
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
SystemNeeded = "Unknown"
End Property
Public Property Get VersionNeeded(FileNum As Long) As String
If NotGood(FileNum) Then Exit Property
VersionNeeded = Trim(CabHead.versionMajor & "." & CabHead.versionMinor)
End Property
Private Function NotGood(FileNum As Long) As Boolean
If FileNum = 0 Then NotGood = True: Exit Function
If FileNum > PackTotFiles Then NotGood = True: Exit Function
If PackFileType = 0 Then NotGood = True: Exit Function
End Function
Private Function DataSize() As Long
On Error Resume Next
DataSize = UBound(PackData) + 1
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
DataSize = 0
End If
End Function
Private Function VersionTo(Version As Byte) As String
VersionTo = Fix(Version / 10) & "." & Version Mod 10
End Function
Private Function Methods(MethodType As Integer) As String
Select Case MethodType
Case 0: Methods = "No Compression"
Case 1: Methods = "MsZip"
Case 2: Methods = "Quantum"
Case 3: Methods = "Lzx"
Case Else: Methods = "Unknown"
End Select
End Function