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MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "cLine"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder6" ,"Yes"
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes"
' =========================================================
' === Project of Data-flow Visual Programming Language ===
' =========================================================
' Copyright Emu8086, Inc. Free Code !
' URL: http://www.emu8086.com/vb/
' info@emu8086.com
' =========================================================
' The class for cLine
' (works with Line - VB Object
' two these objects are single big object).
' cLine connects cBlock one with another.
' =========================================================
Option Explicit
Public theObjectLine As Line
'local variable(s) to hold property value(s)
Private mvarsFrom As String 'local copy
Private mvarsTo As String 'local copy
Private mvar_sCaption As String ' added to support no GUI.
Public Property Let sCaption(ByVal vData As String)
mvar_sCaption = vData
If bGUI Then
frmMain.lblLineCap(theObjectLine.Index).Caption = mvar_sCaption
If sCaption <> "" Then
frmMain.lblLineCap(theObjectLine.Index).Visible = True
frmMain.lblLineCap(theObjectLine.Index).Visible = False
End If
End If
End Property
Public Property Get sCaption() As String
sCaption = mvar_sCaption ' frmMain.lblLineCap(theObjectLine.Index).Caption
End Property
Public Property Let sTo(ByVal vData As String)
'used when assigning a value to the property, on the left side of an assignment.
'Syntax: X.sTo = 5
mvarsTo = vData
End Property
Public Property Get sTo() As String
'used when retrieving value of a property, on the right side of an assignment.
sTo = mvarsTo
End Property
Public Property Let sFrom(ByVal vData As String)
'used when assigning a value to the property, on the left side of an assignment.
'Syntax: X.sFrom = 5
mvarsFrom = vData
End Property
Public Property Get sFrom() As String
'used when retrieving value of a property, on the right side of an assignment.
sFrom = mvarsFrom
End Property
' updates line position and its arrow:
Public Sub updateLine()
Dim iFrom As Integer
Dim iTo As Integer
Dim lineIndex As Integer
If Not bGUI Then Exit Sub
' temporary variables:
Dim x1 As Single
Dim y1 As Single
Dim x2 As Single
Dim y2 As Single
With frmMain.theBlockCollection
iFrom = .getIndexFromTag(sFrom)
iTo = .getIndexFromTag(sTo)
End With
' set start of line (not an arrow)
' to the nearest edge of the block (source):
' arrow will be on the right side:
If frmMain.shp(iTo).Left > (frmMain.shp(iFrom).Left + frmMain.shp(iFrom).Width) Then
x1 = frmMain.shp(iFrom).Left + frmMain.shp(iFrom).Width
y1 = frmMain.shp(iFrom).Top + frmMain.shp(iFrom).Height / 2
' arrow will be at the bottom:
ElseIf frmMain.shp(iTo).Top > (frmMain.shp(iFrom).Top + frmMain.shp(iFrom).Height) Then
x1 = frmMain.shp(iFrom).Left + frmMain.shp(iFrom).Width / 2
y1 = frmMain.shp(iFrom).Top + frmMain.shp(iFrom).Height
' arrow will be on the left:
ElseIf (frmMain.shp(iTo).Left + frmMain.shp(iTo).Width) < frmMain.shp(iFrom).Left Then
x1 = frmMain.shp(iFrom).Left
y1 = frmMain.shp(iFrom).Top + frmMain.shp(iFrom).Height / 2
' arrow will be at the top:
x1 = frmMain.shp(iFrom).Left + frmMain.shp(iFrom).Width / 2
y1 = frmMain.shp(iFrom).Top
End If
' set end of line (an arrow)
' to the nearest edge of the block (target):
' arrow will be on the right side:
If frmMain.shp(iFrom).Left > (frmMain.shp(iTo).Left + frmMain.shp(iTo).Width) Then
x2 = frmMain.shp(iTo).Left + frmMain.shp(iTo).Width
y2 = frmMain.shp(iTo).Top + frmMain.shp(iTo).Height / 2
' arrow will be at the bottom:
ElseIf frmMain.shp(iFrom).Top > (frmMain.shp(iTo).Top + frmMain.shp(iTo).Height) Then
x2 = frmMain.shp(iTo).Left + frmMain.shp(iTo).Width / 2
y2 = frmMain.shp(iTo).Top + frmMain.shp(iTo).Height
' arrow will be on the left:
ElseIf (frmMain.shp(iFrom).Left + frmMain.shp(iFrom).Width) < frmMain.shp(iTo).Left Then
x2 = frmMain.shp(iTo).Left
y2 = frmMain.shp(iTo).Top + frmMain.shp(iTo).Height / 2
' arrow will be at the top:
x2 = frmMain.shp(iTo).Left + frmMain.shp(iTo).Width / 2
y2 = frmMain.shp(iTo).Top
End If
' update position of line's caption:
If frmMain.lblLineCap(lineIndex).Caption <> "" Then
lineIndex = theObjectLine.Index
Dim tL As Single
Dim tT As Single
tL = x1 + (x2 - x1) / 2 - frmMain.lblLineCap(lineIndex).Width / 2
tT = y1 + (y2 - y1) / 2 - frmMain.lblLineCap(lineIndex).Height / 2
' to prevent flickering:
If (Fix(frmMain.lblLineCap(lineIndex).Left) <> Fix(tL)) _
Or (Fix(frmMain.lblLineCap(lineIndex).Top) <> Fix(tT)) Then
frmMain.lblLineCap(lineIndex).Move tL, tT
' Debug.Print "Label updated: " & frmMain.lblLineCap(lineIndex).Index
End If
End If
' to prevent flickering (and unnecessary actions):
If (Fix(theObjectLine.x1) <> Fix(x1)) Or (Fix(theObjectLine.y1) <> Fix(y1)) _
Or (Fix(theObjectLine.x2) <> Fix(x2)) Or (Fix(theObjectLine.y2) <> Fix(y2)) Then
theObjectLine.x1 = x1
theObjectLine.y1 = y1
theObjectLine.x2 = x2
theObjectLine.y2 = y2
' update arrow for this line:
' Debug.Print "Line updated: " & theObjectLine.Index & " " & x1, y1, x2, y2
' Debug.Print theObjectLine.y1, y1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub showArrow()
Dim mSin As Double
Dim mCos As Double
Dim pril As Double
Dim prot As Double
Dim gip As Double
Dim arINDEX As Integer
arINDEX = theObjectLine.Index
pril = (theObjectLine.x1 - theObjectLine.x2)
prot = (theObjectLine.y1 - theObjectLine.y2)
gip = Sqr(pril ^ 2 + prot ^ 2)
If gip <> 0 Then
mSin = prot / gip
mCos = pril / gip
mSin = 0
mCos = 0
'Debug.Print "gip is zero!"
End If
Dim iXcor As Double
Dim iYcor As Double
Dim new_mSin1 As Double
Dim new_mCos1 As Double
Dim new_mSin2 As Double
Dim new_mCos2 As Double
Dim arrow_angle As Double
Dim arrow_len As Double
arrow_angle = 0.5
arrow_len = 15
' according to quadrant add or subtract angle:
If (mSin >= 0) And (mCos >= 0) Then
new_mSin1 = sIn(Arcsin(mSin) - arrow_angle)
new_mSin2 = sIn(Arcsin(mSin) + arrow_angle)
new_mCos1 = Cos(Arccos(mCos) - arrow_angle)
new_mCos2 = Cos(Arccos(mCos) + arrow_angle)
ElseIf (mSin <= 0) And (mCos >= 0) Then
new_mSin1 = sIn(Arcsin(mSin) - arrow_angle)
new_mSin2 = sIn(Arcsin(mSin) + arrow_angle)
new_mCos1 = Cos(Arccos(mCos) + arrow_angle)
new_mCos2 = Cos(Arccos(mCos) - arrow_angle)
ElseIf (mSin >= 0) And (mCos <= 0) Then
new_mSin1 = sIn(Arcsin(mSin) + arrow_angle)
new_mSin2 = sIn(Arcsin(mSin) - arrow_angle)
new_mCos1 = Cos(Arccos(mCos) - arrow_angle)
new_mCos2 = Cos(Arccos(mCos) + arrow_angle)
ElseIf (mSin <= 0) And (mCos <= 0) Then
new_mSin1 = sIn(Arcsin(mSin) + arrow_angle)
new_mSin2 = sIn(Arcsin(mSin) - arrow_angle)
new_mCos1 = Cos(Arccos(mCos) + arrow_angle)
new_mCos2 = Cos(Arccos(mCos) - arrow_angle)
End If
' arrow point:
iXcor = theObjectLine.x2
iYcor = theObjectLine.y2
Dim X As Double
Dim Y As Double
X = iXcor ' xRadius=0
Y = iYcor ' yRadius=0
frmMain.aDot(arINDEX).Left = X - frmMain.aDot(arINDEX).Width / 2
frmMain.aDot(arINDEX).Top = Y - frmMain.aDot(arINDEX).Height / 2
frmMain.arrUp(arINDEX).x1 = frmMain.aDot(arINDEX).Left + frmMain.aDot(arINDEX).Width / 2
frmMain.arrUp(arINDEX).y1 = frmMain.aDot(arINDEX).Top + frmMain.aDot(arINDEX).Height / 2
frmMain.arrDown(arINDEX).x1 = frmMain.arrUp(arINDEX).x1
frmMain.arrDown(arINDEX).y1 = frmMain.arrUp(arINDEX).y1
' xRadius=yRadius=0
frmMain.arrUp(arINDEX).x2 = new_mCos1 * arrow_len + iXcor
frmMain.arrUp(arINDEX).y2 = new_mSin1 * arrow_len + iYcor
frmMain.arrDown(arINDEX).x2 = new_mCos2 * arrow_len + iXcor
frmMain.arrDown(arINDEX).y2 = new_mSin2 * arrow_len + iYcor
frmMain.arrUp(arINDEX).Visible = True
frmMain.arrUp(arINDEX).ZOrder 0
frmMain.arrDown(arINDEX).Visible = True
frmMain.arrDown(arINDEX).ZOrder 0
frmMain.aDot(arINDEX).Visible = True
frmMain.aDot(arINDEX).ZOrder 0
End Sub