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BASIC Source File
109 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "conn"
Option Explicit 'Makes sure all the variables are declared
'This module contains all the code for the conn command. ie "conn home" etc.
'I put it in here to clean up the code on the frmGame a bit :-)
'This is connecting to the Home Computer
Public Sub ConHomeComputer()
Connecting = True 'This tells the program that it is connecting. So _
if the user enters code it does nothing
Disconnected = False 'This tells the program that it is not disconnected
Level = "home" 'This sets the Level to the home directory (C:\)
Server = "Server X10 - Home Computer" 'Sets the server / Maybe used in missions ??
frmGame.txtConsole.SelText = "Connecting to Home Computer ."
'Checks to see if they want to play the dial.mp3 file.
If PlayFile = False Then
'Plays the dial.mp3 file in the Sounds directory
PlayFile = FileExists(App.Path & "\Sounds\dial.mp3")
If PlayFile = True Then
frmGame.PlayMp3.FileName = App.Path & "\Sounds\dial.mp3"
Pause (5)
End If
End If
Pause (0.5)
frmGame.txtConsole.SelText = "."
Pause (0.5)
frmGame.txtConsole.SelText = "."
Pause (0.5)
frmGame.txtConsole.SelText = "." & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = ""
frmGame.txtConsole.SelText = "Connected to Home Computer"
Pause (0.5)
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = ""
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "************************Login************************" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "User Name: " & s_UserName & vbCrLf
'This Looks Cool :-) Basically it counts the number of characters in the password, then enters that as (*)'s
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "Password: "
Dim TempNum
TempNum = 0 'Set it so it starts at zero
While TempNum < Len(s_Password) 'Keep adding the (*) until the Variable is the same size as the Password
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "*"
Pause (0.09) 'Pause for effect
TempNum = TempNum + 1 'This makes sure that it keeps going
'Pause (0.5) 'Another Pause for Effect
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "*****************************************************" & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "."
Pause (0.5)
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "."
Pause (0.5)
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "."
Pause (0.5)
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "."
Pause (0.5)
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "." & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "Verification Accepted." & vbCrLf
Pause (0.5)
If NewServer = True Then
SetupNewServer 'This loads SetupNewServer from (main.bas)
End If
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = "" 'Clear the Text in the console
frmGame.txtConsole.SelText = "Welcome " & s_UserName & " To Server X10 (Home Computer)" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
'Plays the welcome.mp3 file in the Sounds directory
PlayFile = FileExists(App.Path & "\Sounds\welhome.mp3")
If PlayFile = True Then
frmGame.PlayMp3.FileName = App.Path & "\Sounds\welhome.mp3"
End If
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "From here you can access your Computer's Files etc." & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "If you Need Help Press F1 or type Help." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "The commands are:" & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "dir - To see what is in a directory" & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "cd - To Change directory i.e. (cd home)" & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "cls - Clears the Screen" & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "del - Deletes a file you specify i.e. (del home)" & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "view - Viewes a file you specify i.e. (view file.jpg)" & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "deltree - Removes a whole directory and its contents." & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "disc - Disconnects from the current computer" & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "conn - Connects to a Computer IP (i.e. home, 312.324.1.5)" & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "For a Full List of Commands see the Help File" & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & "or Type commands" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
frmGame.txtConsole.Text = frmGame.txtConsole.Text & Lvl & vbCrLf
Connecting = False 'We have finished connecting so allow user input
NewServer = False 'Because this server has been set-up (it isn't new anymore)
End Sub