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748 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "NetFast"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
#Const ShowDebugTimes = 0
' Neural Net Code and classes originally by Ulli (umgedv@aol.com)
' Conversion to ActiveX Object Library and other improvements
' by Jonathan Daniel (bigcalm@hotmail.com)
' This class is an array based version of a neural net.
' This code is shareware. Please credit the authors if you use this code.
' Bugs, fixes, improvements, and suggestions to bigcalm@hotmail.com
' Many thanks to Chikh for all his help.
' Some code was adapted from Jason Tiscione's java code.
' Urgh my brain hurts after reading the neural net FAQ at faqs.org
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Type Synapse
TransferWeight As Double
End Type
Private Type Neuron
Value As Double
Error As Double
BaseValue As Double
End Type
Private Type Layer
StartNeuron As Long
EndNeuron As Long
StartDendrite As Long
EndDendrite As Long
NeuronCount As Long
DendriteCount As Long
End Type
Private StartTime As Long
' Constants for load/save.
Private Const OCXNAME As String = "Perceptron"
Private Const VERSION As String = "1.3"
' Main objects
Private Dendrites() As Synapse
Private Neurons() As Neuron
Private Layers() As Layer
' From cNet
Private mvarCreated As Boolean
Private mTag As Variant
Private mTrainingCycles As Long
Private mLearningCoefficient As Double
Private mLearningRateIncrease As Double
Private mLearningRateDecrease As Double
'Private mMaximumErrorRate As Double
Private mAnnealingEpoch As Long
Private mAnnealingSSE As Double
Private mLastAnnealingSSE As Double
Private mSumSquaredError As Double
Private mRunning As Boolean ' Because we're allowing the caller to utilise
' DoEvents when we Raise an event, we need a Boolean value to stop
' something being called twice (or say Destroy being called while we're training).
' Also allow owner to read this property if they want.
Private mStopping As Boolean ' Set this flag to abort current procedure.
' Set by calling StopWorking. Not available as a property (yet).
' Events
' These three events will be raised so the controlling application has information
' on what's going on. It'll also give the controlling app a chance to do things
' like DoEvents for example.
' These are useful for progress bars/panels/etc. Just define your net "WithEvents"
' to use these.
Public Event InfoMessage(vTag As Variant, Info As String)
Public Event Progress(vTag As Variant, Percentage As Single)
' Example use for Progress...
' Private WithEvents MyNet as New cNet
' Private Sub Form_Click()
' If MyNet.Running = True Then
' Exit Sub
' End If
' ProgressBar1.Visible = True
' ProgressBar1.Min = 0
' ProgressBar1.Max = 0
' ProgressBar1.Value = 0
' MyNet.CreateNet(Array(60,8,2))
' ProgressBar1.Visible = False
' End Sub
' Private Sub MyNet_Progress(vTag as Variant, Percentage as Single)
' ProgressBar1.Value = Percentage
' DoEvents
' End Sub
' Property Let/Get/Sets. from cNet
Public Property Get Created() As Boolean
Created = mvarCreated
End Property
Friend Property Let Created(ByVal vData As Boolean)
mvarCreated = vData
End Property
Public Property Get TrainingCycles() As Long
TrainingCycles = mTrainingCycles
End Property
Friend Property Let TrainingCycles(ByVal vData As Long)
mTrainingCycles = vData
End Property
Public Property Let LearningCoefficient(ByVal vData As Double)
mLearningCoefficient = vData
End Property
Public Property Get LearningCoefficient() As Double
LearningCoefficient = mLearningCoefficient
End Property
Public Property Let LearningRateIncrease(ByVal vData As Double)
mLearningRateIncrease = vData
End Property
Public Property Get LearningRateIncrease() As Double
LearningRateIncrease = mLearningRateIncrease
End Property
Public Property Let LearningRateDecrease(ByVal vData As Double)
mLearningRateDecrease = vData
End Property
Public Property Get LearningRateDecrease() As Double
LearningRateDecrease = mLearningRateDecrease
End Property
'Public Property Let MaximumErrorRate(ByVal vData As Double)
' mMaximumErrorRate = vData
'End Property
'Public Property Get MaximumErrorRate() As Double
' MaximumErrorRate = mMaximumErrorRate
'End Property
Public Property Get SumSquaredError() As Double
SumSquaredError = mSumSquaredError
End Property
Friend Property Let SumSquaredError(ByVal vData As Double)
mSumSquaredError = vData
End Property
' This should properly be called "Mean Square Error"
Public Property Get AverageSquaredError() As Double
If mvarCreated = True Then
AverageSquaredError = mSumSquaredError / Layers(UBound(Layers)).NeuronCount
AverageSquaredError = 0
End If
End Property
Public Property Get AnnealingEpoch() As Long
AnnealingEpoch = mAnnealingEpoch
End Property
Public Property Let AnnealingEpoch(ByVal vData As Long)
mAnnealingEpoch = vData
End Property
Public Property Get Tag() As Variant
If IsObject(mTag) Or mTag Is Nothing Then
Set Tag = mTag
Tag = mTag
End If
End Property
Public Property Set Tag(ByVal vData As Variant)
Set mTag = vData
End Property
Public Property Let Tag(ByVal vData As Variant)
mTag = vData
End Property
Public Property Get Running() As Boolean
Running = mRunning
End Property
Private Property Let Running(ByVal vData As Boolean)
mRunning = vData
End Property
Public Property Get TotalNeuronCount() As Long
TotalNeuronCount = UBound(Neurons) - LBound(Neurons) + 1
End Property
Public Property Get OutputLayer(Index As Long) As Double
If mvarCreated = True Then
OutputLayer = Neurons(Layers(UBound(Layers)).StartNeuron + Index - 1).Value
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 2, "Perceptron", "You must initialise your net before you attempt to retrieve output from it"
OutputLayer = 0
End If
End Property
Public Sub SetInput(Data As Variant)
Dim i As Long
If mStopping = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
' error checking on passed Data here:
RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Initialising Input Layer")
For i = Layers(LBound(Layers)).StartNeuron To Layers(LBound(Layers)).EndNeuron
Neurons(i).Value = CDbl(Data(i))
Next i
End Sub
' This can be publicly called - the function that actually does the work is a hidden
' procedure called CalculateOutput (below).
Public Sub ProcessOutput()
If mvarCreated = False Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 2, "Perceptron", "You must initialise your net before you attempt to retrieve output from it"
Exit Sub
End If
If mRunning = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
#If ShowDebugTimes = 1 Then
StartTime = GetTickCount
#End If
mRunning = True
mStopping = False
#If ShowDebugTimes = 1 Then
Debug.Print "Time to process output: " & GetTickCount - StartTime & " ms"
#End If
mRunning = False
End Sub
Friend Sub CalculateOutput()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim TotalToDo As Long
Dim Percentage As Long
Dim WorkDone As Long
Dim PrevNLayerPtr As Long
' Calculate work to be done
TotalToDo = UBound(Neurons) - Layers(LBound(Layers) + 1).StartNeuron + 1
Percentage = TotalToDo / 100
WorkDone = 0
' Apologies for the complexity of this - whenever I've seen nn code before, it's
' always too complex to understand. Hence the original OO stuff adapted from
' Ulli. However, I've gone back to complexity to save on speed. :-(
' Go through all the layers except the first one
For i = LBound(Layers) + 1 To UBound(Layers)
RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Calculating Output For Layer " & i)
' Go through all neurons in this layer
For j = Layers(i).StartNeuron To Layers(i).EndNeuron
' for each neuron, sum the total of it's inputs from the previous layer.
Neurons(j).Value = 0
PrevNLayerPtr = Layers(i - 1).StartNeuron
For k = Layers(i).StartDendrite + ((j - Layers(i).StartNeuron) * Layers(i - 1).NeuronCount) To Layers(i).StartDendrite + ((j - Layers(i).StartNeuron) * Layers(i - 1).NeuronCount) + Layers(i - 1).NeuronCount
Neurons(j).Value = Neurons(j).Value + (Neurons(PrevNLayerPtr).Value * Dendrites(k).TransferWeight)
PrevNLayerPtr = PrevNLayerPtr + 1
Next k
' sigmoid squash
Neurons(j).Value = Squish(Neurons(j).Value + Neurons(j).BaseValue)
WorkDone = WorkDone + 1
If WorkDone Mod Percentage = 0 Then
RaiseEvent Progress(mTag, (WorkDone / TotalToDo) * 100)
End If
If mStopping = True Then
Exit For
End If
Next j
If mStopping = True Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub AdjustWeights(Target As Variant)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim Percentage As Long
Dim WorkDone As Long
Dim TotalToDo As Long
Dim SSE As Double
Dim PrevNLayerPtr As Long
j = 0
RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Training the Net")
'calculation of raw error in output layer
SSE = 0
For i = Layers(UBound(Layers)).StartNeuron To Layers(UBound(Layers)).EndNeuron
Neurons(i).Error = CDbl(Target(j)) - Neurons(i).Value
SSE = SSE + (Neurons(i).Error * Neurons(i).Error)
j = j + 1
Next i
' Simulated annealing - adjustment of learning coefficient to match error value.
If mAnnealingEpoch > 0 Then
mAnnealingSSE = mAnnealingSSE + SSE
If mTrainingCycles Mod mAnnealingEpoch = 0 And mTrainingCycles > 0 Then
If mLastAnnealingSSE > 0 Then
If mAnnealingSSE < mLastAnnealingSSE Then
mLearningCoefficient = mLearningCoefficient * mLearningRateDecrease
mLearningCoefficient = mLearningCoefficient * mLearningRateIncrease
End If
End If
mLastAnnealingSSE = mAnnealingSSE
mAnnealingSSE = 0
End If
End If
mSumSquaredError = SSE
If mStopping = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Calculate work to be done
TotalToDo = UBound(Neurons) - Layers(LBound(Layers) + 1).StartNeuron + 1
Percentage = TotalToDo \ 100
WorkDone = 0
'hidden layers
For i = UBound(Layers) To LBound(Layers) + 1 Step -1
RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Running Back Propogation on Layer " & i)
For j = Layers(i).StartNeuron To Layers(i).EndNeuron
' Back propagate.
With Neurons(j)
.Error = .Error * .Value * (1# - .Value) ' proportional error
End With
' Now, update all connected neurons error appropriately:
PrevNLayerPtr = Layers(i - 1).StartNeuron
For k = Layers(i).StartDendrite + ((j - Layers(i).StartNeuron) * Layers(i - 1).NeuronCount) To Layers(i).StartDendrite + ((j - Layers(i).StartNeuron) * Layers(i - 1).NeuronCount) + Layers(i - 1).NeuronCount
Neurons(PrevNLayerPtr).Error = Neurons(PrevNLayerPtr).Error + (Neurons(j).Error * Dendrites(k).TransferWeight)
PrevNLayerPtr = PrevNLayerPtr + 1
Next k
Next j
WorkDone = WorkDone + 1
If WorkDone Mod Percentage = 0 Then
RaiseEvent Progress(mTag, (WorkDone / TotalToDo) * 100)
End If
If mStopping = True Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
If mStopping = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Calculate work to be done
TotalToDo = UBound(Neurons) - Layers(LBound(Layers) + 1).StartNeuron + 1
Percentage = TotalToDo \ 100
WorkDone = 0
' Update weights
For i = UBound(Layers) To LBound(Layers) + 1 Step -1
RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Updating Weights in Layer " & i)
For j = Layers(i).StartNeuron To Layers(i).EndNeuron
' update base value
With Neurons(j)
.BaseValue = .BaseValue + mLearningCoefficient * .Error
End With
' update dendrite weights
PrevNLayerPtr = Layers(i - 1).StartNeuron
For k = Layers(i).StartDendrite + ((j - Layers(i).StartNeuron) * Layers(i - 1).NeuronCount) To Layers(i).StartDendrite + ((j - Layers(i).StartNeuron) * Layers(i - 1).NeuronCount) + Layers(i - 1).NeuronCount
With Dendrites(k)
.TransferWeight = .TransferWeight + mLearningCoefficient * Neurons(PrevNLayerPtr).Value * Neurons(j).Error
End With
PrevNLayerPtr = PrevNLayerPtr + 1
Next k
' reset neuron error for next training cycle.
Neurons(j).Error = 0
WorkDone = WorkDone + 1
If WorkDone Mod Percentage = 0 Then
RaiseEvent Progress(mTag, (WorkDone / TotalToDo) * 100)
End If
If mStopping = True Then
Exit For
End If
Next j
If mStopping = True Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub Train(Data As Variant, Target As Variant)
If mvarCreated = True Then
If mRunning = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
' need some error checking for data and target arrays to see if they're valid.
mRunning = True
mStopping = False
#If ShowDebugTimes = 1 Then
StartTime = GetTickCount
#End If
SetInput Data
If mStopping = False Then
If mStopping = False Then
AdjustWeights Target
End If
End If
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, "Perceptron", "You must initialise your net before you attempt to train it"
mStopping = True
End If
If mStopping = False Then
mTrainingCycles = mTrainingCycles + 1
End If
#If ShowDebugTimes = 1 Then
Debug.Print "Time for one training cycle to take place: " & GetTickCount - StartTime & " ms"
#End If
mRunning = False
End Sub
' Test Ok.
Public Sub CreateNet(pTag As Variant, ParamArray Struc() As Variant)
Dim TotalToDo As Long
Dim TotalDone As Long
Dim PercentageHit As Long
Dim i As Long, TotalNeurons As Long, TotalSynapses As Long
If mRunning = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
mRunning = True
mStopping = False
#If ShowDebugTimes = 1 Then
StartTime = GetTickCount
#End If
' Initialise
' Need to destroy first
Set Tag = pTag
mTrainingCycles = 0
mSumSquaredError = 0
' Redim all arrays.
' Layers
ReDim Layers(LBound(Struc) To UBound(Struc)) ' maintains array base of ParamArray
' Neurons
' Total neurons - add up all the values in the Struc array.
' Total synapses = Layer1*Layer2 + Layer2*Layer3 + Layer3*Layer4 etc.
TotalNeurons = 0
TotalSynapses = 0
RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Initialising Neural arrays")
For i = LBound(Struc) To UBound(Struc)
Layers(i).StartNeuron = TotalNeurons
TotalNeurons = TotalNeurons + Struc(i)
Layers(i).EndNeuron = TotalNeurons - 1
Layers(i).NeuronCount = Struc(i)
If i <> LBound(Struc) Then
Layers(i).StartDendrite = TotalSynapses
TotalSynapses = TotalSynapses + (Struc(i) * Struc(i - 1))
Layers(i).EndDendrite = TotalSynapses - 1
Layers(i).DendriteCount = Struc(i) * Struc(i - 1)
Layers(i).StartDendrite = 0
Layers(i).EndDendrite = 0
Layers(i).DendriteCount = 0
End If
Next i
ReDim Neurons(0 To TotalNeurons)
ReDim Dendrites(0 To TotalSynapses)
' Calculate work to be done
' RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Randomising Weights and Base Values")
' TotalToDo = -LBound(Neurons) + UBound(Neurons) + 1 - LBound(Dendrites) + UBound(Dendrites) + 1
' PercentageHit = TotalToDo / 100
' TotalDone = 0
' ' Set BaseValue for each neuron
' For i = LBound(Neurons) To UBound(Neurons)
' Neurons(i).BaseValue = GetRand
' TotalDone = TotalDone + 1
' If TotalDone Mod PercentageHit = 0 Then
' RaiseEvent Progress(mTag, (TotalDone / TotalToDo) * 100)
' End If
' Next i
' ' Set TransferWeight for each dendrite.
' For i = LBound(Dendrites) To UBound(Dendrites)
' Dendrites(i).TransferWeight = GetRand
' TotalDone = TotalDone + 1
' If TotalDone Mod PercentageHit = 0 Then
' RaiseEvent Progress(mTag, (TotalDone / TotalToDo) * 100)
' End If
' Next i
' For i = LBound(Layers) To UBound(Layers)
' Debug.Print "Layer " & i & ": Neurons: " & Layers(i).StartNeuron; " - " & Layers(i).EndNeuron & "(" & Layers(i).NeuronCount & ")" & " Dendrites: " & Layers(i).StartDendrite & " - " & Layers(i).EndDendrite & "(" & Layers(i).DendriteCount & ")"
' Next i
If mStopping = True Then
mvarCreated = True
End If
#If ShowDebugTimes = 1 Then
Debug.Print "Time to create net: " & GetTickCount - StartTime & " ms"
#End If
mRunning = False
End Sub
' This is a bit pointless now - just here to preserve compatibility with original cNet module.
Public Sub DestroyNicely()
If mRunning = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
#If ShowDebugTimes = 1 Then
StartTime = GetTickCount
#End If
RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Destroying Dendrites")
Erase Dendrites
RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Destroying Neurons")
Erase Neurons
RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Destroying Layers")
Erase Layers
mvarCreated = False
#If ShowDebugTimes = 1 Then
Debug.Print "Time to destroy net: " & GetTickCount - StartTime & " ms"
#End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
mvarCreated = False
mLearningRateIncrease = 1#
mLearningRateDecrease = 1#
mAnnealingEpoch = 0
mAnnealingSSE = 0
mLastAnnealingSSE = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Erase Dendrites
Erase Neurons
Erase Layers
End Sub
Public Sub Jitter(Optional MaxVariance As Double = 0.05)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim Variance As Double
Dim TotalToDo As Long
Dim TotalDone As Long
Dim PercentageHit As Long
If mRunning = True Or mvarCreated = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
mRunning = True
mStopping = False
#If ShowDebugTimes = 1 Then
StartTime = GetTickCount
#End If
TotalToDo = UBound(Dendrites) - LBound(Dendrites) + 1
PercentageHit = TotalToDo / 100
TotalDone = 0
RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Adding random noise to the net's weights")
For i = LBound(Dendrites) To UBound(Dendrites)
Variance = (MaxVariance * Rnd * 2) - MaxVariance
Dendrites(i).TransferWeight = Dendrites(i).TransferWeight + Variance
If Dendrites(i).TransferWeight < -1 Then
Dendrites(i).TransferWeight = -1
End If
If Dendrites(i).TransferWeight > 1 Then
Dendrites(i).TransferWeight = 1
End If
TotalDone = TotalDone + 1
If TotalDone Mod PercentageHit = 0 Then
RaiseEvent Progress(mTag, (TotalDone / TotalToDo) * 100)
End If
Next i
#If ShowDebugTimes = 1 Then
Debug.Print "Time to jitter net: " & GetTickCount - StartTime & " ms"
#End If
mRunning = False
End Sub
Public Sub KickZeros(Optional Amount As Double = 0.05)
Dim i As Long
Dim tmpAmount As Double
For i = LBound(Dendrites) To UBound(Dendrites)
If Dendrites(i).TransferWeight <= 0.001 And Dendrites(i).TransferWeight >= -0.001 Then
tmpAmount = Amount * 2 * Rnd - Amount
Dendrites(i).TransferWeight = tmpAmount
End If
Next i
For i = LBound(Neurons) To UBound(Neurons)
If Neurons(i).BaseValue <= 0.001 And Neurons(i).BaseValue >= -0.001 Then
tmpAmount = Amount * Rnd
Dendrites(i).TransferWeight = tmpAmount
End If
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub StopWorking()
mStopping = True
End Sub
' ok
Public Function SaveNet(Filename As Variant, Optional SaveVersion As String = VERSION) As Boolean
Dim FileNumber As Long
Dim ll As Long
Dim Percentage As Long
Dim WorkDone As Long
Dim TotalToDo As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim SaveHeader As String
Dim strVersion As String
If mRunning = True Then
Exit Function
End If
mRunning = True
mStopping = False
#If ShowDebugTimes = 1 Then
StartTime = GetTickCount
#End If
If mvarCreated = False Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 3, "Perceptron", "There is no Net to save."
' Version 1.3 save format
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
If VarType(Filename) = vbString Then
FileNumber = FreeFile
Open Filename For Binary Access Write As #FileNumber
FileNumber = Filename
End If
On Error GoTo 0
If SaveVersion = "1.2" Then
SaveNetOnePointTwo FileNumber
' Work out how much there is to do
RaiseEvent InfoMessage(mTag, "Saving Neural Net")
Percentage = TotalNeuronCount
WorkDone = 0
TotalToDo = TotalNeuronCount
i = 1
SaveHeader = OCXNAME
Put #FileNumber, , SaveHeader
strVersion = VERSION
Put #FileNumber, , strVersion ' Write header
Put #FileNumber, , CLng(UBound(Layers) - LBound(Layers) + 1) ' Write Number of layers
Put #FileNumber, , Me.TotalNeuronCount ' Write Total number of neurons
Put #FileNumber, , CLng(UBound(Dendrites) - LBound(Dendrites) + 1) ' Write total number of dendrites
Put #FileNumber, , Me.TrainingCycles ' Write Total amount trained
' Write learning coefficient information
Put #FileNumber, , mAnnealingEpoch
Put #FileNumber, , mAnnealingSSE
Put #FileNumber, , mLastAnnealingSSE
Put #FileNumber, , mLearningRateDecrease
Put #FileNumber, , mLearningRateIncrease
Put #FileNumber, , mLearningCoefficient
lename) = vecpealingSSE
Put #FileNum Write foMessage(mTag, "DestrtrrHandler
) = vecpealingug ' Work rTo UBound(ingug ' Work rTo UBound(ingug ' Work gSSEug ' WmTag, "DestroyirrrrrrbTo UBounde1w much there is to Dendrites
Erase Neurons
Erase , , SaveHeaderc PropeemErase"raBindingBehavSSEug '
Erase Neurons
Erase , , SaveHeaderc PropeemErase"raBindingBehavSSEug '
Erase Neurons
Erase , , SaveHeauch theSTot Erasee , , SaveHeal = TotaemErase"raBindingBehavSSEuamt #FileNumb s
ta nHeauch theSTot Enf, , Put endriteu PraBmendriEximumEa nHeauch theSTondrHeauB pAmo Pra tmpAmount EVariant)
DAmo rErase"raBindingr oes ' Write Topr/tm Nt PutSaveHeal = Toth"r, ,ingBehavS
evNLay , CLng(UBound(Dendrites) - LBound(De.veCount = Struc(i) * Struc(i - 1)
Layers(i).StartDendrite = earni/Heauch theSTondrHeaDendrite sAs Dm strVersd(De.veCmRunning = Trdl lse Then
CLng(UBound(Dennnnnnnnnnnnnn_TermiCLng(UBoCvlNoppi - 1)
LublEx = 0
l arltaaCmRunning = Trrt
LublEx = 0
l eub Class_Terminate( SEug se"raBindingBehni/Heau Put #Fime to cre agpTrue O
LublEx = 0
l arltaaCmRunning = Trrt
Lu #FileNum Write foMessage(mTag, "DeOeR O
LublEx =n
se DeTrrT(mTag, "Des
or Write foMessage(M
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l arltaaCmeUrT(mTag,he"raBindingnn
se DeTrrT(mTag, "Des
or Write foMessageMtar auBx = 0
l arltayou attemns)
r Wr
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Lu 1themhcnSTondrHeauBx = 0
l arltaaCmeUrT(mTag,he"raBinre
ta nHeauch ns)rrt
LufendrHeauBx = 0
se Derrt
Lu / te
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Lu 1themhcnSTondrHefendrHeauBx = 0
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Put #Fiu PraBmmTaFalse
Enx = 0
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If mvarCreated = False Then
ta ne Class_ theSTotaBouatosa(lms"
#End If
mRuh Era If mvarCratosa(lms"
#EndgeMtar auendrue Derrt
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Lu / tehtopWorkingN Erase Dy Put #F f
mRuhse D
oyirrrrrrbTo UBou e D
oyirrrr If Dendrites(i).TransferWeaes(i)mRunninga Purons
Erase , )mRu)s) + 1).Searni/Hea NeeeeeeeeeeaaC'hoaBinn