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MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "cFancyTooltips"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = True
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Enum enShowDelay
[1 second] = 1
[2 seconds] = 2
[3 seconds] = 3
[4 seconds] = 4
End Enum
Private m_tip_show_delay As enShowDelay
Private m_hide_on_mouseover As Boolean
Private btag_show_delay As Boolean
Private m_hide_tooltips As Boolean
Private m_your_form As Form
Attribute m_your_form.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Private Const m_def_tip_show_delay = 2
Event MouseDown(pallette_hwnd As Long)
Sub add_ctrl(ctrl_hwnd As Long, pallette_ctrl As Object)
Dim u As Long
If m_your_form Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise 23232, , "You must set the value of "".your_form"""
Exit Sub
End If
u = upper
ReDim Preserve code.m_arr_ctrls(u)
ReDim Preserve code.m_arr_pallette(u)
code.m_arr_ctrls(u) = ctrl_hwnd
Set code.m_arr_pallette(u) = pallette_ctrl
SetParent pallette_ctrl.hwnd, Ftip.hwnd
End Sub
Private Function upper() As Long
If IsArray(m_arr_ctrls) Then
upper = UBound(m_arr_ctrls) + 1
upper = 0
End If
End Function
'-- check to see if item is array or array is initialized
Function IsArray(varArray As Variant) As Boolean
Dim upper As Integer
On Error Resume Next
upper = UBound(varArray)
If Err.Number Then
If Err.Number = 9 Then
IsArray = False
End If
IsArray = True
End If
End Function
Private Sub your_form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Unload Ftip
Set Ftip = Nothing
End Sub
'this sub can only be called from Ftip and would only
'be called because the [hide_on_mouseover] = false AND
'the user has clicked the "tooltip" (Ftip)
Friend Sub friend_mouse_down(tip_hwnd As Long)
RaiseEvent MouseDown(tip_hwnd)
End Sub
Public Property Get your_form() As Object
Set your_form = m_your_form
End Property
Public Property Set your_form(ByVal vNewValue As Object)
On Error Resume Next
Set m_your_form = vNewValue
With Ftip
'show it in a manner that makes it owned by the caller
'that way this form will unload with the calling form
'and wont be left hanging in memory
.Show vbModeless, m_your_form
'keep it hidden to start
.Visible = False
Set Ftip.calling_class = Me
End With
End Property
Public Property Get hide_tooltips() As Boolean
hide_tooltips = m_hide_tooltips
End Property
Public Property Let hide_tooltips(ByVal vNewValue As Boolean)
'set the value of a tag
m_hide_tooltips = vNewValue
'the value is passed on to the public var
'in the module [code] so Ftip can read it
'and decide to show itself or not
mod_hide_tooltips = vNewValue
'this val is also passed to module var
'so ftip can read it as to whether to
'hide itself on mouseover
mod_m_hide_on_mouseover = m_hide_on_mouseover
'check to see if user specified a
'tim_show_time and tip_show_delay
'if not we will use the m_def defaults
tip_show_delay = IIf(btag_show_delay = True, m_tip_show_delay, m_def_tip_show_delay)
End Property
Public Property Get tip_show_delay() As enShowDelay
tip_show_delay = m_tip_show_delay
End Property
Public Property Let tip_show_delay(ByVal vNewValue As enShowDelay)
btag_show_delay = True
m_tip_show_delay = vNewValue
'set the value in ftip [form]
Ftip.m_show_delay = vNewValue
End Property
Public Property Get hide_on_mouseover() As Boolean
hide_on_mouseover = m_hide_on_mouseover
End Property
Public Property Let hide_on_mouseover(ByVal vNewValue As Boolean)
m_hide_on_mouseover = vNewValue
End Property
Function help_about() As String
Const R = vbCrLf
help_about = "FancyTooltips is a way of implementing different ""pallettes"" for different controls on your form." & R & _
"a ""pallette"" being any valid container control such as a picturebox or a frame." & R & _
"You simple draw the controls/objects onto the different pallettes in any manner you choose" & R & _
"using different labels, lines, ..whatever in any manner u see appropriate." & R & _
"You simply assign the pallette object as the second parameter for the ""add_ctrl"" method" & R & _
"For example, say on your form you want a fancyTooltip for ""command1"". You simply place (in the form_load)" & R & _
" ""fancyTooltips1.add_ctrl command1, frame1"" assuming that you want ""frame1"" to be the pallette for command1"
Debug.Print help_about
End Function