Description: This code demonstrates how to use macromedia flash files in vb6...this means that with it you
can send the flash player values...I've done this here with setting the value of a variable which was
declaired and used in the ".fla" file from within the vb programme,and flash player can also send
values to your vb programme.You'll have to use the Shockwave Flash Component...and set the
"Allow Action Script" to "alwaya" which is the default value i think...In this example I have a flash
file...when you click the "Walk" button the vb programme tells the flash player to move the
character...and when the character reaches the "Finish" thingy the flash player tells vb that so...
Its my first submission here,and i've seen few things like this here, but they were all just
examples of how to use flash files in vb and thats all...whereas this examples tells how to use
the action script of the flash file from vb6.This a part of an another project which i'm doin'...and
being a beignner I find ths quiet usefull! :)....SPACIAL THANX TO THE isButton..which i'm using
in this programme..ITS AWSOME!..if u don't have downloaded it already then please do so from
this site...this gives you programme very cool look ;)
I've updated this submission with the "*.fla" file this time,and now you can view the flash code if it is not deleted by PSC :)
anyways here is the Action Script
Paste This Code On The First Frame
walk=a Movie Clip...The Walkin Character
fin= A Movie Clip...The Finish Thing At The Bottom
var Move;
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
fscommand("fin", "true");
By Aryan Sinha
This file came from home millions of lines of source code
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