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MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "cFont"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'cFont.cls 1/17/04
' Wrap a LOGFONT structure and expose its members.
' Convert LOGFONT <--> StdFont
' Browse For Font.
' Font Source can be any system, ambient or custom font.
' When set to a system or ambient font, you will need to call
' OnSettingChange or OnAmbientFontChanged in the WM_SETTINGCHANGE
' handler or the usercontrol's AmbientChanged event, respectively,
' for the font to update itself.
' Persistable.
' N/A
Option Explicit
Public Enum eFontWeight
fntWeightDefault = 0
fntWeightThin = 100
fntWeightExtraLight = 200
fntWeightLight = 300
fntWeightNormal = 400
fntWeightMedium = 500
fntWeightSemibold = 600
fntWeightBold = 700
fntWeightExtraBold = 800
fntWeightHeavy = 900
End Enum
Public Enum eFontCharset
fntCharsetANSI = 0
fntCharsetDefault = 1
fntCharsetSymbol = 2
fntCharsetShiftJIS = 128
fntCharsetOEM = 255
End Enum
Public Enum eFontOutputPrecision
fntOutPrecCharacter = 2
fntOutPrecDefault = 0
fntOutPrecDevice = 5
fntOutPrecOutline = 8
fntOutPrecRaster = 6
fntOutPrecString = 1
fntOutPrecStroke = 3
fntOutPrecTTOnly = 7
fntOutPrecTT = 4
End Enum
Public Enum eFontClipPrecision
fntClipPrecDefault = 0
fntClipPrecCharacter = 1
fntClipPrecStroke = 2
fntClipPrecMask = &HF&
fntClipPrecEmbedded = 128
fntClipPrecLHAngles = 16
End Enum
Public Enum eFontQuality
fntQualityDefault = 0
fntQualityDraft = 1
fntQuallityProof = 2
End Enum
Public Enum eFontPitchAndFamily
fntPitchDefault = 0
fntPitchFixed = 1
fntPitchVariable = 2
fntFamilyDecorative = 80
fntFamilyDefault = 0
fntFamilyModern = 48
fntFamilyRoman = 16
fntFamilyScript = 64
fntFamilySwiss = 32
End Enum
Public Enum eFontSource
fntSourceCustom = 0
End Enum
Public Enum eFontDialog
dlgFontScreenFonts = &H1
dlgFontPrinterFonts = &H2
dlgFontScreenAndPrinterFonts = &H3
dlgFontUseStyle = &H80
dlgFontEffects = &H100
dlgFontAnsiOnly = &H400
dlgFontNoVectorFonts = &H800
dlgFontNoOemFonts = dlgFontNoVectorFonts
dlgFontNoSimulations = &H1000
dlgFontFixedPitchOnly = &H4000
dlgFontWysiwyg = &H8000& ' Must also have ScreenFonts And PrinterFonts
dlgFontForceExist = &H10000
dlgFontScalableOnly = &H20000
dlgFontTTOnly = &H40000
dlgFontNoFaceSel = &H80000
dlgFontNoStyleSel = &H100000
dlgFontNoSizeSel = &H200000
' Win95 only
dlgFontSelectScript = &H400000
dlgFontNoScriptSel = &H800000
dlgFontNoVertFonts = &H1000000
dlgFontApply = &H200
dlgFontEnableHook = &H8
'dlgFontEnableTemplate = &H10
'dlgFontEnableTemplateHandle = &H20
'dlgFontNotSupported = &H238
dlgFontRaiseError = &H10000000
End Enum
Public Event Changed()
lStructSize As Long ' Filled with UDT size
hWndOwner As Long ' Caller's window handle
hdc As Long ' Printer DC/IC or NULL
lpLogFont As Long ' Pointer to LOGFONT
iPointSize As Long ' 10 * size in points of font
Flags As Long ' Type flags
rgbColors As Long ' Returned text color
lCustData As Long ' Data passed to hook function
lpfnHook As Long ' Pointer to hook function
lpTemplateName As Long ' Custom template name
hInstance As Long ' Instance handle for template
lpszStyle As String ' Return style field
nFontType As Integer ' Font type bits
iAlign As Integer ' Filler
nSizeMin As Long ' Minimum point size allowed
nSizeMax As Long ' Maximum point size allowed
End Type
Private Const DEF_FaceName As String = "MS Sans Serif"
Private Const DEF_Height As Long = -11&
Private Const DEF_Width As Long = ZeroL
Private Const DEF_Escapement As Long = ZeroL
Private Const DEF_Orientation As Long = ZeroL
Private Const DEF_Weight As Long = fntWeightNormal
Private Const DEF_Italic As Byte = ZeroY
Private Const DEF_Underline As Byte = ZeroY
Private Const DEF_Strikeout As Byte = ZeroY
Private Const DEF_Charset As Byte = ZeroY
Private Const DEF_OutPrecision As Byte = ZeroY
Private Const DEF_ClipPrecision As Byte = ZeroY
Private Const DEF_Quality As Byte = ZeroY
Private Const DEF_PitchAndFamily As Byte = ZeroY
Private Const DEF_Source As Long = fntSourceAmbient
Private Const PROP_FaceName As String = "Name"
Private Const PROP_Height As String = "Height"
Private Const PROP_Width As String = "Width"
Private Const PROP_Escapement As String = "Esc"
Private Const PROP_Orientation As String = "Orient"
Private Const PROP_Weight As String = "Weight"
Private Const PROP_Italic As String = "Italic"
Private Const PROP_Underline As String = "Underline"
Private Const PROP_Strikeout As String = "Strikeout"
Private Const PROP_Charset As String = "Charset"
Private Const PROP_OutPrecision As String = "OutPrec"
Private Const PROP_ClipPrecision As String = "ClipPrec"
Private Const PROP_Quality As String = "Quality"
Private Const PROP_PitchAndFamily As String = "PitchFam"
Private Const PROP_Source As String = "Source"
Private Const ClassName As String = "cFont"
Private Declare Function ChooseFont Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "ChooseFontA" (chfont As TCHOOSEFONT) As Long
Private Declare Function MulDiv Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal nNumber As Long, ByVal nNumerator As Long, ByVal nDenominator As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function lstrcmpi Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrcmpiA" (ByRef yStart1 As Byte, ByRef yStart2 As Byte) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Private mtLogFont As LOGFONT
Private miFontSource As eFontSource
Private Property Let pFaceName(ByRef sName As String)
Dim ls As String
Dim iLen As Long
ls = StrConv(sName, vbFromUnicode)
iLen = LenB(ls)
If iLen > 0& Then CopyMemory mtLogFont.lfFaceName(0), ByVal StrPtr(ls), iLen
Then ZeroMemory mtLogFont.lfFaceName(iLen), (LF_FACESIZE - iLen) _
Else mtLogFont.lfFaceName(LF_FACESIZE - 1&) = ZeroY
End Property
Private Property Get pFaceName() As String
pFaceName = StrConv(mtLogFont.lfFaceName, vbUnicode)
Dim i As Long
i = InStr(1&, pFaceName, vbNullChar)
If i Then pFaceName = Left$(pFaceName, i - 1&)
End Property
Private Sub pPutStdFont(ByVal oFont As StdFont)
On Error Resume Next
pFaceName = oFont.Name
With mtLogFont
.lfHeight = -MulDiv(oFont.Size, 1440& / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY, 72&)
.lfWeight = IIf(oFont.Bold, fntWeightBold, fntWeightNormal)
.lfItalic = Abs(oFont.Italic)
.lfUnderline = Abs(oFont.Underline)
.lfStrikeOut = Abs(oFont.Strikethrough)
.lfCharSet = oFont.Charset And &HFF
.lfEscapement = 0&
.lfOrientation = 0&
.lfWidth = 0&
.lfOutPrecision = 0
.lfClipPrecision = 0
.lfQuality = 0
.lfPitchAndFamily = 0
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub pGetStdFont(ByVal oFont As StdFont)
On Error Resume Next
With oFont
.Name = pFaceName()
If mtLogFont.lfHeight Then
.Size = MulDiv(72&, Abs(mtLogFont.lfHeight), (1440& / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY))
End If
.Charset = mtLogFont.lfCharSet
.Italic = CBool(mtLogFont.lfItalic)
.Underline = CBool(mtLogFont.lfUnderline)
.Strikethrough = CBool(mtLogFont.lfStrikeOut)
.Bold = CBool(mtLogFont.lfWeight > fntWeightNormal)
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub pPutFont(ByVal oFont As cFont)
oFont.fGetLogFont mtLogFont, miFontSource
End Sub
Private Sub pGetFont(ByVal oFont As cFont)
oFont.fPutLogFont mtLogFont, miFontSource
End Sub
Friend Sub fPutLogFont(ByRef tLogFont As LOGFONT, ByVal iFontSource As eFontSource)
LSet mtLogFont = tLogFont
miFontSource = iFontSource
RaiseEvent Changed
End Sub
Friend Sub fGetLogFont(ByRef tLogFont As LOGFONT, ByRef iFontSource As eFontSource)
LSet tLogFont = mtLogFont
iFontSource = miFontSource
End Sub
Friend Sub fPutLogFontLong(ByVal lptr As Long)
CopyMemory mtLogFont, ByVal lptr, Len(mtLogFont)
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End Sub
Friend Sub fGetLogFontLong(ByVal lptr As Long)
CopyMemory ByVal lptr, mtLogFont, Len(mtLogFont)
End Sub
Public Property Get Height() As Long
Height = mtLogFont.lfHeight
End Property
Public Property Let Height(ByVal iNew As Long)
If CBool(iNew Xor mtLogFont.lfHeight) Then
mtLogFont.lfHeight = iNew
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Width() As Long
Width = mtLogFont.lfWidth
End Property
Public Property Let Width(ByVal iNew As Long)
If CBool(iNew Xor mtLogFont.lfWidth) Then
mtLogFont.lfWidth = iNew
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Escapement() As Long
Escapement = mtLogFont.lfEscapement
End Property
Public Property Let Escapement(ByVal iNew As Long)
If CBool(iNew Xor mtLogFont.lfEscapement) Then
mtLogFont.lfEscapement = iNew
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Orientation() As Long
Orientation = mtLogFont.lfOrientation
End Property
Public Property Let Orientation(ByVal iNew As Long)
If CBool(iNew Xor mtLogFont.lfOrientation) Then
mtLogFont.lfOrientation = iNew
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Weight() As eFontWeight
Weight = mtLogFont.lfWeight
End Property
Public Property Let Weight(ByVal iNew As eFontWeight)
If CBool(iNew Xor mtLogFont.lfWeight) Then
mtLogFont.lfWeight = iNew
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Italic() As Boolean
Italic = CBool(mtLogFont.lfItalic)
End Property
Public Property Let Italic(ByVal bNew As Boolean)
If CBool(bNew Xor Italic) Then
mtLogFont.lfItalic = Abs(bNew)
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Underline() As Boolean
Underline = CBool(mtLogFont.lfUnderline)
End Property
Public Property Let Underline(ByVal bNew As Boolean)
If CBool(bNew Xor Underline) Then
mtLogFont.lfUnderline = Abs(bNew)
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Strikeout() As Boolean
Strikeout = mtLogFont.lfStrikeOut
End Property
Public Property Let Strikeout(ByVal bNew As Boolean)
If CBool(bNew Xor Me.Strikeout) Then
mtLogFont.lfStrikeOut = Abs(bNew)
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Charset() As eFontCharset
Charset = mtLogFont.lfCharSet
End Property
Public Property Let Charset(ByVal iNew As eFontCharset)
If CBool(iNew Xor CLng(mtLogFont.lfCharSet)) Then
mtLogFont.lfCharSet = iNew And &HFF
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get OutPrecision() As eFontOutputPrecision
OutPrecision = mtLogFont.lfOutPrecision
End Property
Public Property Let OutPrecision(ByVal iNew As eFontOutputPrecision)
If CBool(iNew Xor CLng(mtLogFont.lfOutPrecision)) Then
mtLogFont.lfOutPrecision = iNew And &HFF
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get ClipPrecision() As eFontClipPrecision
ClipPrecision = mtLogFont.lfClipPrecision
End Property
Public Property Let ClipPrecision(ByVal iNew As eFontClipPrecision)
If CBool(iNew Xor CLng(mtLogFont.lfClipPrecision)) Then
mtLogFont.lfClipPrecision = iNew And &HFF
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Quality() As eFontQuality
Quality = mtLogFont.lfQuality
End Property
Public Property Let Quality(ByVal iNew As eFontQuality)
If CBool(iNew Xor CLng(mtLogFont.lfQuality)) Then
mtLogFont.lfQuality = iNew And &HFF
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get PitchAndFamily() As eFontPitchAndFamily
PitchAndFamily = mtLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily
End Property
Public Property Let PitchAndFamily(ByVal iNew As eFontPitchAndFamily)
If CBool(iNew Xor CLng(mtLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily)) Then
mtLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily = iNew And &HFF
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Property
Public Property Get FaceName() As String
FaceName = pFaceName()
End Property
Public Property Let FaceName(ByRef sNew As String)
pFaceName = sNew
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End Property
Public Property Get Source() As eFontSource
Source = miFontSource
End Property
Public Property Let Source(ByVal iNew As eFontSource)
If iNew >= fntSourceCustom And iNew <= fntSourceSysSmallCaption Then
If iNew > fntSourceAmbient Then
mSysParamInfo.GetSystemFont iNew, mtLogFont
miFontSource = iNew
RaiseEvent Changed
If iNew Xor miFontSource Then
miFontSource = iNew
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End If
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
End If
End Property
Public Sub OnAmbientFontChanged(ByVal oFont As StdFont)
If miFontSource = fntSourceAmbient Then
If Not oFont Is Nothing Then
pPutStdFont oFont
miFontSource = fntSourceAmbient
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub OnSettingChange(Optional ByVal wParam As Long = SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS)
If miFontSource >= fntSourceSysMenu And miFontSource <= fntSourceSysSmallCaption Then
mSysParamInfo.GetSystemFont miFontSource, mtLogFont
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetHandle() As Long
GetHandle = CreateFontIndirect(mtLogFont)
End Function
Public Function ReleaseHandle(ByVal hFont As Long) As Boolean
ReleaseHandle = DeleteObject(hFont) <> 0&
End Function
Public Sub GetFontInfo(ByVal oObject As Object)
If Not oObject Is Nothing Then
If TypeOf oObject Is StdFont Then
pGetStdFont oObject
ElseIf TypeOf oObject Is cFont Then
pGetFont oObject
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub PutFontInfo(ByVal oFont As Object)
If Not oFont Is Nothing Then
If TypeOf oFont Is StdFont Then
pPutStdFont oFont
ElseIf TypeOf oFont Is cFont Then
pPutFont oFont
End If
End If
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End Sub
Public Function Browse( _
Optional ByVal iFlags As eFontDialog = dlgFontScreenFonts, _
Optional ByVal hdc As Long, _
Optional ByVal hWndOwner As Long, _
Optional ByVal iMinSize As Long = 6, _
Optional ByVal iMaxSize As Long = 72) _
As Boolean
'init to log font and limit size
Const FontFlags = &H2000& Or &H40&
Dim ltLogFont As LOGFONT
LSet ltLogFont = mtLogFont
Dim ltChooseFont As TCHOOSEFONT
With ltChooseFont
.lStructSize = LenB(ltChooseFont)
.Flags = iFlags Or FontFlags
.hdc = hdc
.hInstance = ZeroL
.hWndOwner = hWndOwner
.lpLogFont = VarPtr(ltLogFont)
.nSizeMax = iMaxSize
.nSizeMin = iMinSize
End With
If ChooseFont(ltChooseFont) = OneL Then
Browse = True
LSet mtLogFont = ltLogFont
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
RaiseEvent Changed
End If
End Function
Friend Function fComp(ByRef tLF As LOGFONT) As Boolean
fComp = CBool(MemCmp(VarPtr(tLF), VarPtr(mtLogFont), LenB(mtLogFont)))
End Function
Public Function Comp(ByVal oFont As cFont) As Boolean
Comp = oFont.fComp(mtLogFont)
End Function
Private Sub Class_InitProperties()
miFontSource = DEF_Source
pFaceName = DEF_FaceName
With mtLogFont
.lfCharSet = DEF_Charset
.lfClipPrecision = DEF_ClipPrecision
.lfEscapement = DEF_Escapement
.lfHeight = DEF_Height
.lfItalic = DEF_Italic
.lfOrientation = DEF_Orientation
.lfOutPrecision = DEF_OutPrecision
.lfPitchAndFamily = DEF_PitchAndFamily
.lfQuality = DEF_Quality
.lfStrikeOut = DEF_Strikeout
.lfUnderline = DEF_Underline
.lfWeight = DEF_Weight
.lfWidth = DEF_Width
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Class_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
miFontSource = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_Source, DEF_Source)
If miFontSource >= fntSourceSysMenu And miFontSource <= fntSourceSysSmallCaption Then
mSysParamInfo.GetSystemFont miFontSource, mtLogFont
ElseIf miFontSource <> fntSourceAmbient Then
miFontSource = fntSourceCustom
pFaceName = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_FaceName, DEF_FaceName)
With mtLogFont
.lfHeight = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_Height, DEF_Height)
.lfWidth = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_Width, DEF_Width)
.lfEscapement = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_Escapement, DEF_Escapement)
.lfOrientation = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_Orientation, DEF_Orientation)
.lfWeight = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_Weight, DEF_Weight)
.lfItalic = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_Italic, DEF_Italic)
.lfUnderline = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_Underline, DEF_Underline)
.lfStrikeOut = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_Strikeout, DEF_Strikeout)
.lfCharSet = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_Charset, DEF_Charset)
.lfOutPrecision = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_OutPrecision, DEF_OutPrecision)
.lfClipPrecision = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_ClipPrecision, DEF_ClipPrecision)
.lfQuality = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_Quality, DEF_Quality)
.lfPitchAndFamily = PropBag.ReadProperty(PROP_PitchAndFamily, DEF_PitchAndFamily)
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_Source, miFontSource, DEF_Source
If miFontSource = fntSourceCustom Then
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_FaceName, pFaceName, DEF_FaceName
With mtLogFont
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_Height, .lfHeight, DEF_Height
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_Width, .lfWidth, DEF_Width
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_Escapement, .lfEscapement, DEF_Escapement
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_Orientation, .lfOrientation, DEF_Orientation
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_Weight, .lfWeight, DEF_Weight
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_Italic, .lfItalic, DEF_Italic
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_Underline, .lfUnderline, DEF_Underline
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_Strikeout, .lfStrikeOut, DEF_Strikeout
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_Charset, .lfCharSet, DEF_Charset
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_OutPrecision, .lfOutPrecision, DEF_OutPrecision
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_ClipPrecision, .lfClipPrecision, DEF_ClipPrecision
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_Quality, .lfQuality, DEF_Quality
PropBag.WriteProperty PROP_PitchAndFamily, .lfPitchAndFamily, DEF_PitchAndFamily
End With
End If
End Sub