ReDim Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Dendrites(Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).DendriteCount) As Dendrite 'Redim the dendrite var
For k = 1 To ArrayOfLayers(i - 1)
Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Dendrites(k).Weight = GetRand 'Set the weight of each dendrite
Next k
End If
Next j
Next i
CreateNet = 1
End Function
Function Run(ArrayOfInputs As Variant) As Variant 'It returns the output inf form of array
Dim i, j, k As Integer
If UBound(ArrayOfInputs) <> Network.Layers(1).NeuronCount Then
Run = 0
Exit Function
End If
For i = 1 To Network.LayerCount
For j = 1 To Network.Layers(i).NeuronCount
If i = 1 Then
Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Value = ArrayOfInputs(j) 'Set the value of input layer
Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Value = 0 'First set the value to zero
For k = 1 To Network.Layers(i - 1).NeuronCount
Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Value = Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Value + Network.Layers(i - 1).Neurons(k).Value * Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Dendrites(k).Weight 'Calculating the value
Next k
Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Value = Activation(Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Value + Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Bias) 'Calculating the real value of neuron
'Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Value = tanh(Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Value + Network.Layers(i).Neurons(j).Bias) 'Calculating the real value of neuron
End If
Next j
Next i
ReDim OutputResult(Network.Layers(Network.LayerCount).NeuronCount) As Double
For i = 1 To (Network.Layers(Network.LayerCount).NeuronCount)
OutputResult(i) = (Network.Layers(Network.LayerCount).Neurons(i).Value) 'The array of output result
Next i
Run = OutputResult
End Function
Function SupervisedTrain(inputdata As Variant, outputdata As Variant) As Integer '0=unsuccessful and 1 = sucessful
Dim i, j, k As Integer
If UBound(inputdata) <> Network.Layers(1).NeuronCount Then 'Check if correct amount of input is given
SupervisedTrain = 0
Exit Function
End If
If UBound(outputdata) <> Network.Layers(Network.LayerCount).NeuronCount Then 'Check if correct amount of output is given
SupervisedTrain = 0
Exit Function
End If
Call Run(inputdata) 'Calculate values of all neurons and set the input
'Calculate delta's
For i = 1 To Network.Layers(Network.LayerCount).NeuronCount