.Add "CatForeColor", ps2.CatForeColor, psColor, , psImgFontColor, , "Returns/sets category foreground color used to display text and graphics of an object"
.Add "ForeColor", ps2.ForeColor, psColor, , psImgFontColor, , "Returns/sets foreground color used to display text and graphics of an object"
.Add "SelForeColor", ps2.SelForeColor, psColor, , psImgFontColor, , "Returns/sets selection foreground color used to display text and graphics of an object"
.Add("(About)", "", psCustom, , psImgNotes, "Click the button for information about this control", "Show propertysheet about box").ForeColor = vbBlue
.Add("(Revisions)", "", psCustom, , psImgWebPage, "Click the button for revision file", "Open the revision file for PropertySheet control").ForeColor = vbBlue
.Add("(Readme)", "", psCustom, , psImgFile, "Click the button for read-me file", "Open the readme file for PropertySheet control").ForeColor = vbBlue
End With
End With
With .Add("Position", , "@Fields in red are read-only")
Private Sub ps2_Browse(ByVal Left As Variant, ByVal Top As Variant, ByVal Width As Variant, ByVal Prop As PropertySheet.TProperty)
If Prop.Caption = "Popup window" Then
Dim f As Form5
Set f = New Form5
Load f
f.Move Left, Top
f.Show vbModal
Prop.Value = f.PictureIndex
Unload f
Set f = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ps2_BrowseForFile(ByVal Prop As PropertySheet.TProperty, Title As String, InitDir As String, Filter As String, FilterIndex As Integer, flags As Long)
' BrowseForFile allows to configure file dialog before opening
If Prop.Caption = "File" Then
Title = "Open"
Filter = "Batch files (*.BAT)|*.BAT"
FilterIndex = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ps2_EditError(ErrMessage As String)
' show error message
MsgBox ErrMessage
End Sub
Private Sub ps2_GetDisplayString(ByVal Prop As TProperty, DisplayString As String, UseDefault As Boolean)
' you may customize the display string of the property
' just modify thr DisplayString variable accordingly your needs