Function Button_Enable(Index As Integer, NewValue As Boolean)
Bar_Button1(Index).Enabled = NewValue
End Function
Function Button_Caption(Index As Integer, NewValue As String)
Bar_Button1(Index).Caption = NewValue
End Function
Function Button_Icon(Index As Integer, NewValue As Integer)
Bar_Button1(Index).Icon = NewValue
End Function
Private Function LoadBmpMenuLines(Legnth As Integer, ColorPallet As String, X As Integer, Y As Integer, Optional Gray As Boolean = True, Optional Brightness As Integer = 0) As Integer
If ColorPallet = "" Then Exit Function
Dim PixCount
Dim Colors() As String, CurrentRow, CurrentColumn, Count, Rows
Colors = Split(ColorPallet, ",")
Rows = Int(Split(ColorPallet, ",")(0))
For Count = 1 To UBound(Colors)
If CurrentRow > (Rows) Then CurrentRow = 0: CurrentColumn = CurrentColumn + 1
If Colors(Count) = &HFF00FF And Brightness <> 0 Then
If Gray = True Then
UserControl.Line (X + CurrentColumn, Y + CurrentRow)-(X + CurrentColumn + Legnth, Y + CurrentRow), AdjustBrightness(Colors(Count), Brightness)
UserControl.Line (X + CurrentColumn, Y + CurrentRow)-(X + CurrentColumn + Legnth, Y + CurrentRow), MakeGrey(Colors(Count))