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MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "clsFMOD"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'ClsFMOD - An easy to use class interface for FMOD
'Version 1.2 - 16:29 2003-10-02
'By Paul Berlin for Simple Amp
Option Explicit
Private Const SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX As Boolean = True
Dim lStreamPtr As Long 'Pointer to loaded stream
Dim lChannel As Long 'Pointer to used channel
Dim lModulePtr As Long 'Pointer to loaded module
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
On Error Resume Next
ManStopped = True
If lStreamPtr <> 0 Then FSOUND_Stream_Close lStreamPtr
If lModulePtr <> 0 Then
FMUSIC_StopSong lModulePtr
FMUSIC_FreeSong lModulePtr
End If
End Sub
Public Function Init(ByVal lMixrate As Long, ByVal lMaxChannels As Long) As Boolean
'This inits FMOD with selected settings
On Error GoTo errh
Init = True
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
Init = False
End Function
Public Function ReturnDrivers(ByRef sDrvArray() As String) As Boolean
'This returns the names of availabe drives in the array
'Output must be set before using this or there will be 0 drivers
On Error GoTo errh
Dim X As Integer
If FSOUND_GetNumDrivers > 0 Then
ReDim sDrvArray(FSOUND_GetNumDrivers - 1)
For X = 0 To FSOUND_GetNumDrivers - 1
sDrvArray(X) = GetStringFromPointer(FSOUND_GetDriverName(X))
Next X
ReturnDrivers = True
ReturnDrivers = False
End If
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
ReturnDrivers = False
End Function
Public Function InitOutput(ByVal eOutType As FSOUND_OUTPUTTYPES) As Boolean
'Sets output type
'MUST BE CALLED BEFORE Init, If you do not call this before Init,
'the best output type will be autodetected.
'use ReturnDrivers to see which drives support the selected output type
On Error GoTo errh
InitOutput = True
If FSOUND_SetOutput(eOutType) = False Then GoTo errh
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
InitOutput = False
End Function
Public Function InitMixer(ByVal eMixerType As FSOUND_MIXERTYPES) As Boolean
'Sets mixer to use
'MUST BE CALLED BEFORE Init, If you do not call this before Init,
'the best mixer type will be autodetected.
On Error GoTo errh
InitMixer = True
If FSOUND_SetMixer(eMixerType) = False Then GoTo errh
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
InitMixer = False
End Function
Public Function InitBuffer(ByVal lBufferLenMs As Long) As Boolean
'Sets buffer size in milliseconds.
'Buffer size < 100 might cause problem on certain settings.
'MUST BE CALLED BEFORE Init, If you do not call this before init,
'an optimal value will be autodetected.
InitBuffer = True
If FSOUND_SetBufferSize(lBufferLenMs) = False Then GoTo errh
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
InitBuffer = False
End Function
Public Function InitDriver(ByVal iDriveNum As Integer) As Boolean
'Must be called before init, If you do not call this before init,
'an the default driver will be selected.
'Drive num 0 will set to default driver.
'You can get available drivers and their numbers with ReturnDrivers.
On Error GoTo errh
InitDriver = True
If FSOUND_SetDriver(iDriveNum) = False Then GoTo errh
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
InitDriver = False
End Function
'Plays mp3, mp2, wma, ogg, wav, asf, midi
Public Function StreamPlay(ByVal sFilename As String, Optional ByVal bVBR As Boolean = False, Optional bVolume As Byte = 255) As Boolean
'Will play the sFilename stream.
'bVBR is for variable bitrate mp3s.
On Error GoTo errh
StreamPlay = True
If lStreamPtr <> 0 Then FSOUND_Stream_Close lStreamPtr
If bVBR Then
lStreamPtr = FSOUND_Stream_Open(sFilename, FSOUND_NORMAL Or FSOUND_MPEGACCURATE, 0, 0)
lStreamPtr = FSOUND_Stream_Open(sFilename, FSOUND_NORMAL, 0, 0)
End If
If lStreamPtr = 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not recognize & play """ & sFilename & """.", vbExclamation, "FMOD Error"
StreamPlay = False
Exit Function
End If
lChannel = FSOUND_Stream_Play(FSOUND_FREE, lStreamPtr)
FSOUND_SetVolume lChannel, bVolume
'lChannel = FSOUND_PlaySoundEx(FSOUND_FREE, lStreamPtr, 0, True)
'FSOUND_SetPaused lChannel, False
'Call FSOUND_Stream_SetEndCallback(lStreamPtr, AddressOf StreamEndCallback, 0)
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
StreamPlay = False
End Function
Public Function StreamPausePlay() As Boolean
'this will pause or play the current stream
On Error GoTo errh
If lStreamPtr <> 0 Then
StreamPausePlay = True
ManStopped = Not CBool(FSOUND_GetPaused(lChannel))
FSOUND_SetPaused lChannel, ManStopped
End If
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
StreamPausePlay = False
End Function
Public Function StreamStop() As Boolean
'this will stop and restart stream
On Error GoTo errh
StreamStop = True
If lStreamPtr <> 0 Then
StreamStop = True
If lChannel <> 0 Then
ManStopped = True
FSOUND_StopSound lChannel
FSOUND_Stream_SetTime lStreamPtr, 0
lChannel = 0
lChannel = FSOUND_Stream_Play(FSOUND_FREE, lStreamPtr)
End If
End If
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
StreamStop = False
End Function
Public Function StreamUnload() As Boolean
'this will stop and unload stream
On Error GoTo errh
StreamUnload = True
ManStopped = True
If lStreamPtr <> 0 Then FSOUND_Stream_Close lStreamPtr
lStreamPtr = 0
lChannel = 0
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
StreamUnload = False
End Function
Public Property Get StreamFrequency() As Long
'NOTE: FSOUND_GetFrequency(Channel) does not seem to work with wma, asf
StreamFrequency = FSOUND_GetFrequency(lChannel)
End Property
Public Property Let StreamFrequency(ByVal lFreq As Long)
FSOUND_SetFrequency lChannel, lFreq
End Property
Public Property Get StreamVolume() As Byte
StreamVolume = FSOUND_GetVolume(lChannel)
End Property
Public Property Let StreamVolume(ByVal bVolume As Byte)
FSOUND_SetVolume lChannel, bVolume
End Property
Public Property Get StreamIsLoaded() As Boolean
StreamIsLoaded = (lStreamPtr <> 0)
End Property
Public Property Get StreamIsPlaying() As Boolean
If lChannel <> 0 Then
StreamIsPlaying = (FSOUND_GetPaused(lChannel) = 0)
End If
End Property
Public Property Get StreamSongLen() As Long
If lStreamPtr <> 0 Then
StreamSongLen = FSOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs(lStreamPtr)
End If
End Property
Public Property Get StreamSongPos() As Long
If lStreamPtr <> 0 And lChannel <> 0 Then
StreamSongPos = FSOUND_Stream_GetTime(lStreamPtr)
End If
End Property
Public Property Let StreamSongPos(ByVal lPos As Long)
If lStreamPtr <> 0 And lChannel <> 0 Then
FSOUND_Stream_SetTime lStreamPtr, lPos
End If
End Property
Public Property Get StreamKbps() As Long
'This calculates Kbps by dividing length of stream in bits with length of stream in seconds.
On Error Resume Next
StreamKbps = (FSOUND_Stream_GetLength(lStreamPtr) \ (FSOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs(lStreamPtr) \ 1000)) * 8 \ 1000
End Property
Public Property Get StreamPanning() As Byte
StreamPanning = FSOUND_GetPan(lChannel)
End Property
Public Property Let StreamPanning(ByVal bPanning As Byte)
If bPanning = 128 Then
End If
End Property
Public Property Get StreamSurround() As Boolean
StreamSurround = FSOUND_GetSurround(lChannel)
End Property
Public Property Let StreamSurround(ByVal bSurround As Boolean)
Call FSOUND_SetSurround(FSOUND_ALL, bSurround)
End Property
'the below stream functions are used to get info from the stream
'when you do not want to play it
'use GetStreamOpenFile to open a file
'use GetStreamCloseFile to close it after you are done
'not closing after you are done will produce errors or hangs
Public Function GetStreamOpenFile(ByVal sFilename As String, Optional ByVal bVBR As Boolean = False) As Long
'opens file and returns handle
'make sure you close handle with GetStreamCloseFile later
If bVBR Then
GetStreamOpenFile = FSOUND_Stream_Open(sFilename, FSOUND_NORMAL Or FSOUND_MPEGACCURATE, 0, 0)
GetStreamOpenFile = FSOUND_Stream_Open(sFilename, FSOUND_NORMAL, 0, 0)
End If
End Function
Public Sub GetStreamCloseFile(ByVal lHandle As Long)
'closes file opened with GetStreamOpenFile
Call FSOUND_Stream_Close(lHandle)
End Sub
Public Function GetStreamLength(ByVal lHandle As Long) As Long
'gets length of opened stream
GetStreamLength = FSOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs(lHandle) / 1000
End Function
Public Function GetStreamTag(ByVal lHandle As Long, ByVal eTag As FSOUND_TAGFIELD_TYPE, ByRef sTagName As String) As String
'gets a tag from opened stream handle
Dim lFieldvalue As Long
Dim lFieldlength As Long
If FSOUND_Stream_FindTagField(lHandle, eTag, sTagName, lFieldvalue, lFieldlength) Then
If sTagName = "COMM" Or Left(sTagName, 1) = "W" Then
'comment tag may contain other information than just the comment,
'seperated by chr(0), but the comment is always last.
'We extract the comment from the other information below
GetStreamTag = GetStringFromPointerEx(lFieldvalue, lFieldlength)
GetStreamTag = Left(GetStreamTag, Len(GetStreamTag) - 1)
GetStreamTag = Mid(GetStreamTag, InStrRev(GetStreamTag, Chr(0)) + 1)
GetStreamTag = Trim(Replace(GetStringFromPointerEx(lFieldvalue, lFieldlength), Chr(0), " "))
End If
GetStreamTag = Trim(GetStringFromPointer(lFieldvalue))
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function GetStreamTagNumTags(ByVal lHandle As Long) As Long
Call FSOUND_Stream_GetNumTagFields(lHandle, GetStreamTagNumTags)
End Function
Public Sub GetStreamTagByNum(ByVal lHandle As Long, ByVal lNum As Long, ByRef eTagType As FSOUND_TAGFIELD_TYPE, ByRef sTagName As String, ByRef sTagValue As String)
Dim lVal As Long, lLen As Long, lName As Long
Call FSOUND_Stream_GetTagField2(lHandle, lNum, eTagType, lName, lVal, lLen)
sTagName = sNT(GetStringFromPointer(lName))
If sTagName = "COMM" Or Left(sTagName, 1) = "W" Then
'comment tag may contain other information than just the comment,
'seperated by chr(0), but the comment is always last.
'We extract the comment from the other information below
sTagValue = GetStringFromPointerEx(lVal, lLen)
sTagValue = Left(sTagValue, Len(sTagValue) - 1)
sTagValue = Mid(sTagValue, InStrRev(sTagValue, Chr(0)) + 1)
sTagValue = Trim(Replace(GetStringFromPointerEx(lVal, lLen), Chr(0), " "))
End If
sTagValue = Trim(Replace(GetStringFromPointerEx(lVal, lLen), Chr(0), " "))
End If
End Sub
'Plays Mod, S3m, Xm, It, Midi, Rmi, Sgt
Public Function MusicPlay(ByVal sFilename As String, Optional ByVal bLoopit As Boolean = False, Optional bVolume As Byte = 255) As Boolean
'Will play the filename music
On Error GoTo errh
MusicPlay = True
If lModulePtr <> 0 Then
FMUSIC_StopSong lModulePtr
FMUSIC_FreeSong lModulePtr
End If
lModulePtr = FMUSIC_LoadSong(sFilename)
If lModulePtr = 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not recognize & play """ & sFilename & """.", vbExclamation, "FMOD Error"
MusicPlay = False
Exit Function
End If
Call FMUSIC_SetLooping(lModulePtr, bLoopit)
Call FMUSIC_PlaySong(lModulePtr)
FMUSIC_SetMasterVolume lModulePtr, bVolume
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
MusicPlay = False
End Function
Public Function MusicStop() As Boolean
'this will stop and resume music
On Error GoTo errh
If lModulePtr <> 0 Then
MusicStop = True
If FMUSIC_IsPlaying(lModulePtr) Then
FMUSIC_StopSong lModulePtr
FMUSIC_PlaySong lModulePtr
End If
End If
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
MusicStop = False
End Function
Public Function MusicUnload() As Boolean
'this will stop and unload music
On Error GoTo errh
If lModulePtr <> 0 Then
MusicUnload = True
FMUSIC_StopSong lModulePtr
FMUSIC_FreeSong lModulePtr
lModulePtr = 0
End If
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
MusicUnload = False
End Function
Public Function MusicPausePlay() As Boolean
'this will stop and unload music
On Error GoTo errh
If lModulePtr <> 0 Then
MusicPausePlay = True
FMUSIC_SetPaused lModulePtr, Not FMUSIC_GetPaused(lModulePtr)
End If
Exit Function
If SHOW_ERROR_MSGBOX Then MsgBox FSOUND_GetErrorString(FSOUND_GetError), vbCritical, "FMOD Error"
MusicPausePlay = False
End Function
Public Property Get MusicVolume() As Byte
MusicVolume = FMUSIC_GetMasterVolume(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Let MusicVolume(ByVal bVolume As Byte)
FMUSIC_SetMasterVolume lModulePtr, bVolume
End Property
Public Property Get MusicName() As String
MusicName = GetStringFromPointer(FMUSIC_GetName(lModulePtr))
End Property
Public Property Get MusicNumChannels() As Long
MusicNumChannels = FMUSIC_GetNumChannels(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Get MusicNumIntruments() As Long
MusicNumIntruments = FMUSIC_GetNumInstruments(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Get MusicNumOrders() As Long
MusicNumOrders = FMUSIC_GetNumOrders(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Get MusicNumPatterns() As Long
MusicNumPatterns = FMUSIC_GetNumPatterns(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Get MusicNumSamples() As Long
MusicNumSamples = FMUSIC_GetNumSamples(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Get MusicBPM() As Long
MusicBPM = FMUSIC_GetBPM(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Get MusicIsLoaded() As Boolean
If lModulePtr <> 0 Then MusicIsLoaded = True
End Property
Public Property Get MusicOrder() As Long
MusicOrder = FMUSIC_GetOrder(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Let MusicOrder(ByVal lNewOrder As Long)
FMUSIC_SetOrder lModulePtr, lNewOrder
End Property
Public Property Get MusicPattern() As Long
MusicPattern = FMUSIC_GetPattern(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Get MusicRow() As Long
MusicRow = FMUSIC_GetRow(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Get MusicSpeed() As Long
MusicSpeed = FMUSIC_GetSpeed(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Get MusicTime() As Long
MusicTime = FMUSIC_GetTime(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Get MusicIsPlaying() As Boolean
If FMUSIC_GetPaused(lModulePtr) = False Then
MusicIsPlaying = FMUSIC_IsPlaying(lModulePtr)
End If
End Property
Public Property Get MusicIsFinished() As Boolean
MusicIsFinished = FMUSIC_IsFinished(lModulePtr)
End Property
Public Property Get MusicNumRows() As Long
MusicNumRows = FMUSIC_GetPatternLength(lModulePtr, FMUSIC_GetOrder(lModulePtr))
End Property
Public Property Let MusicPanSep(ByVal sPan As Single)
FMUSIC_SetPanSeperation lModulePtr, sPan
End Property
Public Property Get MusicSongLen() As Long
'This will calculate the songs length in ms
'This is mostly accurate, but can be highly inaccurate
On Error Resume Next
Dim Kbps As Double, st As Double, i As Long, t As Long
Kbps = (FMUSIC_GetBPM(lModulePtr) * 2) / 5
st = ((1 / Kbps) * 1000) * FMUSIC_GetSpeed(lModulePtr)
For i = 0 To (FMUSIC_GetNumOrders(lModulePtr) - 1)
t = t + FMUSIC_GetPatternLength(lModulePtr, i)
Next i
MusicSongLen = t * st
End Property
Public Property Get MusicSongPos() As Long
'This will calculate the current song time in ms
'This is mostly accurate, but can be highly inaccurate
On Error Resume Next
Dim Kbps As Double, st As Double, i As Long, t As Long
Kbps = (FMUSIC_GetBPM(lModulePtr) * 2) / 5
st = ((1 / Kbps) * 1000) * FMUSIC_GetSpeed(lModulePtr)
For i = 0 To (FMUSIC_GetOrder(lModulePtr))
t = t + FMUSIC_GetPatternLength(lModulePtr, i)
Next i
t = t - (FMUSIC_GetPatternLength(lModulePtr, FMUSIC_GetOrder(lModulePtr)) - FMUSIC_GetRow(lModulePtr))
MusicSongPos = t * st
End Property
Public Function MusicGetRows(ByVal lOrder As Long) As Long
MusicGetRows = FMUSIC_GetPatternLength(lModulePtr, lOrder)
End Function
Public Function GetMusicOK(ByVal sFilename As String) As Boolean
'This opens an music file and checks if fmod recognises it
On Error GoTo errh
Dim tmpMusic As Long
tmpMusic = FMUSIC_LoadSong(sFilename)
GetMusicOK = (FMUSIC_GetType(tmpMusic) <> 0)
FMUSIC_FreeSong tmpMusic
End Function
Public Sub GetMusicData(ByVal sFilename As String, ByRef lLength As Long, ByRef sName As String)
'This opens an music file, gets the length and name, and closes it
'This will calculate the songs length in ms
'This is mostly accurate, but can be highly inaccurate
On Error Resume Next
Dim Kbps As Double, st As Double, i As Long, t As Long
Dim tmpMusic As Long
tmpMusic = FMUSIC_LoadSong(sFilename) 'load song
If FMUSIC_GetType(tmpMusic) <> FMUSIC_TYPE_NONE Then
Call FMUSIC_SetMasterVolume(tmpMusic, 0) 'set volume to 0
Call FMUSIC_PlaySong(tmpMusic) 'play song, must be played to get BPM
'set order to in the middle, because this should increase the accuracy of the time
Call FMUSIC_SetOrder(tmpMusic, FMUSIC_GetNumOrders(tmpMusic) / 2)
sName = Trim(GetStringFromPointer(FMUSIC_GetName(tmpMusic))) 'get name
'calc time
Kbps = (FMUSIC_GetBPM(tmpMusic) * 2) / 5
st = ((1 / Kbps) * 1000) * FMUSIC_GetSpeed(tmpMusic)
For i = 0 To (FMUSIC_GetNumOrders(tmpMusic) - 1)
t = t + FMUSIC_GetPatternLength(tmpMusic, i)
Next i
lLength = (t * st) \ 1000
If lLength > 3600 Then lLength = 0
If lLength < 0 Then lLength = 0
'stop song
FMUSIC_StopSong tmpMusic
End If
'unload song
FMUSIC_FreeSong tmpMusic
End Sub
Public Sub CDEject(Optional ByVal bDrive As Byte = 0)
FSOUND_CD_Eject bDrive
End Sub
Public Function CDGetNumTracks(Optional ByVal bDrive As Byte = 0) As Long
CDGetNumTracks = FSOUND_CD_GetNumTracks(bDrive)
End Function
Public Function CDPlay(ByVal lTrack As Long, Optional ByVal bDrive As Byte = 0) As Boolean
CDPlay = True
If FSOUND_CD_SetPlayMode(bDrive, FSOUND_CD_PLAYONCE) = 0 Then CDPlay = False
If FSOUND_CD_Play(bDrive, lTrack) = 0 Then CDPlay = False
End Function
Public Sub CDPausePlay(Optional ByVal bDrive As Byte = 0)
FSOUND_CD_SetPaused bDrive, Not CBool(FSOUND_CD_GetPaused(bDrive))
End Sub
Public Sub CDStop(Optional ByVal bDrive As Byte = 0)
FSOUND_CD_Stop bDrive
End Sub
Public Function CDGetTrackLength(ByVal lTrack As Long, Optional ByVal bDrive As Byte = 0) As Long
CDGetTrackLength = FSOUND_CD_GetTrackLength(bDrive, lTrack)
End Function
Public Function CDGetTrackTime(Optional ByVal bDrive As Byte = 0) As Long
CDGetTrackTime = FSOUND_CD_GetTrackTime(bDrive)
End Function
Public Sub CDSetTrackTime(ByVal lMs As Long, Optional ByVal bDrive As Byte = 0)
FSOUND_CD_SetTrackTime bDrive, lMs
End Sub
Public Sub CDSetVolume(ByVal bVol As Byte, Optional ByVal bDrive As Byte = 0)
FSOUND_CD_SetVolume bDrive, bVol
End Sub
Public Property Get CPUUsage() As Single
End Property
Public Property Get FMOD
R Get CPUUs, OptOTUssGetopertbDrive As Bytlc
Pt CPUUND_GtopertbDrive As Bytlc
Pt CPUUND_GtopertbDrive As BytlletCPUUsagiPUUNDhlUs, OptOTUssGetopertbDrive 1RuND_GtopertbDrive As Bytlc
uletCPUUtOTUssGetouletCPUUpertbDrive As BytlTagPUUthlUs, OptOTUssGetopertbDrive 1etCPUUpe ssGetou 'Thp
LengtCp FMUSIC_nrm 1etCPUmKbp
nal ByValeyVal lTfea ,opeetCPUUpe ssGetou 'Thp
LenT)sGetou 'Tere ssGetou 'Thp
'------aYPive sGelUSIC_yMetou 'Thp
LenT)s Byte = 0)
FSOUNDly aceBGelUic Property Get CPUUsage() As Single
End Property
Public Property Get FMOD
R Get CPUUs, OptOTUu GettODet CPUGetou 'ThpfrDrivtou 'Thp IPunction
P CPUUsage =
Uu GetCPUUsagi=
OUNDage =
Uu GetCPUUsagi=
etTrUND'Thp IPunvtoiFDage = hlMs A Long=
Uu hGrc Pro Uu GeCipe ssUGetou 'ThpfrDrivtou 'Thp IPunction
P CPUUsaFunction c(s opens mp2, wma, ogg,AckLength(tb'ThpfrDrivtou 'Thp IPunction
Rublic Function MusicPlay(ByVal sFilename As String, Optional ByVal bLoopit As BoIIr'ThpfyVal ng
)yVal sFilename As String, Optional ByVal'---CPUUsagial ByVal al'---CPUUa