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MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "cSort"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
'15Aug2004 UMG
'Changed all Asc to AscB
'Changed all Params to ByVal
'This gave an overall timing improvement by about 10 percent (tnx to ...)
'Modified Property Let Alphabet and Property Let KeyTranslation
'Got rid of some superfluous variables and moved others into the appropriate modules
'Added TranslateKey by Array rather then by ASC(Mid$...
'Did a little code cosmetic and added notes and comments
Public Enum SortDirection
Ascending = 1
Descending = -1
End Enum
Public Enum PartialKeys
LessFullKeys = 1
GreaterFullKeys = 2
NotAllowed = 3
End Enum
#If False Then
'Preserve Capitalization
Private Ascending, Descending, LessFullKeys, GreaterFullKeys, NotAllowed
#End If
'Event Declarations
Public Event QueryKey(ByVal SortId As Long, ByVal Pointer As Long, ByRef Key As String)
Public Event NextPointer(ByVal SortId As Long, ByVal Pointer As Long, ByRef Cancel As Boolean)
Attribute NextPointer.VB_MemberFlags = "200"
'Property Variables
Private myLowBound As Long
Private myHighBound As Long
Private myKeySize As Long 'the actual keysize is one more
Private myKeyPosition As Long
Private mySortId As Long
Private myAlphabet As String
Private myKeyTranslation As String
Private myRightToLeft As Boolean
Private mySortDirection As SortDirection
Private myPartialKeys As PartialKeys
'Working Variables
Private Anchor() As Long
Private Chain() As Long
Private TranslateKey(1 To 256) As Long
Private KeyAscB As Long
Private Idx As Long
Private CntUniq As Long
Private Busy As Boolean
Private Cancel As Boolean
Private XlatKey As Boolean
Private Indirect As Boolean
Private QueriedKey As String
Private DummyTable() As String
Public Property Get Alphabet() As String
Alphabet = myAlphabet
End Property
Public Property Let Alphabet(ByVal nuAlphabet As String)
Dim Pos As Long
Dim Char As Long
Dim HiChar As String
HiChar = Chr$(255)
XlatKey = False
myAlphabet = vbNullString
myKeyTranslation = vbNullString
Select Case Len(nuAlphabet)
Case Is > 256
ShowError 380, "Sort", "Alphabet is too long."
Case Is > 0
myAlphabet = nuAlphabet
myKeyTranslation = String$(256, HiChar)
For Pos = 1 To Len(myAlphabet)
If InStr(Pos + 1, myAlphabet, Mid$(myAlphabet, Pos, 1)) Then
ShowError 380, "Sort", "Alphabet character '" + Mid$(myAlphabet, Pos, 1) & "' is not unique."
Else 'NOT INSTR(Pos...
Mid$(myKeyTranslation, AscB(Mid$(myAlphabet, Pos, 1)) + 1, 1) = Chr$(Char)
Char = Char + 1
End If
Next Pos
Pos = 0
Do Until Char > AscB(HiChar)
Pos = Pos + 1
If Mid$(myKeyTranslation, Pos, 1) = HiChar Then 'not yet replaced
Mid$(myKeyTranslation, Pos, 1) = Chr$(Char)
Char = Char + 1
End If
XlatKey = True
End Select
End Property
Private Sub BuildAndOutputChains(Table() As String, ByVal Level As Long, ByVal Start As Long)
Dim Ptr As Long 'recursive variables, have to be here
Dim NextPtr As Long
Dim LoKey As Long
Dim HiKey As Long
If myRightToLeft Then
Idx = myKeyPosition - Level
Idx = myKeyPosition + Level
End If
LoKey = 257
HiKey = 0
Ptr = Start 'initial pointer into chain
'cut and re-link chain(s)
'get key value for this level
KeyAscB = 0 'reset first
If Indirect Then 'get key from client
RaiseEvent QueryKey(mySortId, Ptr, QueriedKey)
If Idx >= 1 And Idx <= Len(QueriedKey) Then
KeyAscB = AscB(Mid$(QueriedKey, Idx, 1)) + 1
End If
Else 'take key from table 'INDIRECT = FALSE/0
If Idx >= 1 And Idx <= Len(Table(Ptr)) Then
KeyAscB = AscB(Mid$(Table(Ptr), Idx, 1)) + 1
End If
End If
If KeyAscB Then 'we have a key value (ie the key is long enough to be examined at this level)
If XlatKey Then 'need translation
KeyAscB = TranslateKey(KeyAscB)
End If
Else 'key is too short 'KEYASCB = FALSE/0
Select Case myPartialKeys
Case GreaterFullKeys
KeyAscB = 257
Case NotAllowed
ShowError 5, "Sort", "Incomplete key in element(" & Ptr & ")."
End Select
End If
'save range of keys for this level
If KeyAscB < LoKey Then
LoKey = KeyAscB
End If
If KeyAscB > HiKey Then
HiKey = KeyAscB
End If
'extend chain on this anchor, the anchor being selected by the recursion level and
'the sort key byte value of the current element in the table at this level (which
'in turn corresponds to the byte position within the key)
NextPtr = Chain(Ptr) 'save pointer to next chain member temporarily
'put current anchor value in chain - this is either zero when this anchor did not yet
'point to a chain (this zero now indicating end of chain), or it is the pointer to
'the previous start of a chain, this pointer now becomes a member of the chain
Chain(Ptr) = Anchor(Level, KeyAscB)
'put current pointer into anchor as new pointer to the start of a chain
Anchor(Level, KeyAscB) = Ptr
Ptr = NextPtr 'continue with next chain member (pointed to by this chain member)...
Loop While Ptr '...if any
If mySortDirection = Descending Then
'exchange LoKey and HiKey because we will scan the chains in the opposite direction
LoKey = LoKey Xor HiKey
HiKey = HiKey Xor LoKey
LoKey = LoKey Xor HiKey
End If
'now that the chains have been re-linked let's have a look at each one of them
'a - if there are any chains with one member only then output that member; it has a
' unique sort key.
'b - chains with more than one member require further examination:
'b1 - if we are at the end of the key we can safely assume that nothing more will
' happen so output all members of those chains; they all have an identical sort key.
'b2 - if we are not at the end of the key then chains with more than one member
' may need to be further subdivided by recursion; call myself pointing to the
' start of the chains in question and advance to the next byte in the sort key.
For NextPtr = LoKey To HiKey Step mySortDirection 'scan chains in saved key range
Ptr = Anchor(Level, NextPtr)
If Ptr Then 'the anchor points to a chain start
Anchor(Level, NextPtr) = 0 'clear this anchor (it may possibly come up again)
If Chain(Ptr) Then 'there is a chain with at least two members on this anchor
If Level = myKeySize Then 'all members of the chain have identical keys
Do 'so output them one after t'other
RaiseEvent NextPointer(mySortId, Ptr, Cancel)
Ptr = Chain(Ptr) 'follow chain...
Loop While Ptr And Cancel = False '...to it's end
CntUniq = CntUniq + 1
Else 'keys of chain members may still be different, recursion to next level 'NOT LEVEL...
BuildAndOutputChains Table(), Level + 1, Ptr
End If
Else 'chain start is chain end, so one member only, key is unique 'CHAIN(PTR) = FALSE/0
RaiseEvent NextPointer(mySortId, Ptr, Cancel) 'so out with it
CntUniq = CntUniq + 1
End If
End If
If Cancel Then
Exit For 'loopávarying nextptr
End If
Next NextPtr
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBusy()
If Busy Then
ShowError 5, "Sort", "You cannot alter properties or perform a sort while a sort is busy."
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'set defaults
myKeySize = 0 'the actual keysize is one more
myKeyPosition = 1
mySortDirection = Ascending
myPartialKeys = NotAllowed
myRightToLeft = False
End Sub
Public Property Get HighBound() As Long
HighBound = myHighBound
End Property
Public Property Let HighBound(ByVal nuHighBound As Long)
myHighBound = nuHighBound
End Property
Public Property Get KeyPosition() As Long
KeyPosition = myKeyPosition
End Property
Public Property Let KeyPosition(ByVal nuKeyPosition As Long)
If nuKeyPosition < 1 Or nuKeyPosition > 65535 Then
ShowError 380, "Sort", "KeyPosition must be below 64k."
myKeyPosition = nuKeyPosition
End If
End Property
Public Property Get KeySize() As Long
KeySize = myKeySize + 1
End Property
Public Property Let KeySize(ByVal nuKeySize As Long)
If nuKeySize < 1 Or nuKeySize > 256 Then
ShowError 380, "Sort", "KeySize must be from 1 thru 256."
myKeySize = nuKeySize - 1
End If
End Property
Public Property Get KeyTranslation() As String
KeyTranslation = myKeyTranslation
End Property
Public Property Let KeyTranslation(ByVal nuKeyTranslation As String)
XlatKey = False
myKeyTranslation = vbNullString
Select Case Len(nuKeyTranslation)
Case 256
myKeyTranslation = nuKeyTranslation
XlatKey = True
Case 0
'do nothing
Case Else
ShowError 380, "Sort", "KeyTranslation must be 256 characters long."
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get LowBound() As Long
LowBound = myLowBound
End Property
Public Property Let LowBound(ByVal nuLowBound As Long)
myLowBound = nuLowBound
End Property
Public Property Get PartialKeys() As PartialKeys
PartialKeys = myPartialKeys
End Property
Public Property Let PartialKeys(ByVal nuPartialKeys As PartialKeys)
If nuPartialKeys <> LessFullKeys And nuPartialKeys <> GreaterFullKeys And nuPartialKeys <> NotAllowed Then
ShowError 380, "Sort", "Value for PartialKeys is incorrect."
myPartialKeys = nuPartialKeys
End If
End Property
Public Property Get RightToLeft() As Boolean
RightToLeft = myRightToLeft
End Property
Public Property Let RightToLeft(ByVal nuRightToLeft As Boolean)
myRightToLeft = CBool(nuRightToLeft)
End Property
Private Sub ShowError(Number As Long, Source As String, Optional Description As String)
Dim MP As Long
MP = Screen.MousePointer
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
If Len(Description) Then
Err.Raise Number, Source, Description
Err.Raise Number, Source
End If
Screen.MousePointer = MP
End Sub
Public Property Get SortDirection() As SortDirection
SortDirection = mySortDirection
End Property
Public Property Let SortDirection(ByVal nuSortDirection As SortDirection)
If nuSortDirection <> Ascending And nuSortDirection <> Descending Then
ShowError 380, "Sort", "Value for sort direction is incorrect."
mySortDirection = nuSortDirection
End If
End Property
Public Function SortIndirect(Optional ByVal SortId As Long = 0) As Long
Indirect = True
SortIndirect = SortIt(DummyTable(), SortId)
End Function
Private Function SortIt(Table() As String, ByVal SortId As Long) As Long
Dim Reverse As Boolean
If myLowBound <= myHighBound And Sgn(myLowBound) = Sgn(myHighBound) Then
Busy = True
Cancel = False
CntUniq = 0
mySortId = SortId
If XlatKey Then
'translation array
For Idx = 1 To 256
TranslateKey(Idx) = AscB(Mid$(myKeyTranslation, Idx, 1))
Next Idx
End If
'anchor array
ReDim Anchor(0 To myKeySize, 0 To 257) 'myKeySize is one less than the key length
'create initial chain
'there is a positional(!) relationship between the chain members and
'the elements in the table, however the chain is a linked list with each
'member pointing to the next in sequence, so therefore we can (later on)
'indirectly re-arrange the sequence of the elements in the table, by cutting
'and re-linking the chain(s).
'the last member in a chain of course does not point to the next and therefore
'it has a zero indicating end of chain; though the positional relationship
'to the corresponding element in the table still exists.
'the array of anchors has pointers that point to the beginning of each chain.
If myKeySize And 1 Then 'odd keysize
Reverse = (mySortDirection = Ascending)
Reverse = (mySortDirection = Descending)
End If
If Reverse Then 'initial links must point downward in order to make the sort stable
ReDim Chain(myLowBound To myHighBound + 1)
'build chain
For Idx = myLowBound To myHighBound
Chain(Idx + 1) = Idx
Next Idx
Idx = myHighBound 'set to start of chain
Else 'initial links must point upward in order to make the sort stable 'REVERSE = FALSE/0
ReDim Chain(myLowBound - 1 To myHighBound)
'build chain
For Idx = myLowBound To myHighBound
Chain(Idx - 1) = Idx
Next Idx
Idx = myLowBound 'set to start of chain
End If
BuildAndOutputChains Table(), 0, Idx 'this is the sort proper
SortIt = CntUniq
Erase Anchor, Chain 'release memory
Busy = False
ShowError 17, "Sort", "Illegal sort bounds (" & Format$(myLowBound) & " To " & Format$(myHighBound) & ")."
End If
End Function
Public Function SortTable(Table() As String, Optional ByVal SortId As Long = 0) As Long
Indirect = False
If myLowBound >= LBound(Table) And myHighBound <= UBound(Table) Then
SortTable = SortIt(Table(), SortId)
ShowError 9, "Sort", "Sort bounds (" & myLowBound & " To " & myHighBound & ") outside table bounds."
End If
End Function
':) Ulli's VB Code Formatter V2.17.4 (2004-Aug-15 13:25) 65 + 412 = 477 Lines