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BASIC Source File
280 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "modMain"
'Option Explicit
Public alphabetWords(26) As New CollStrC
Public Full_list_count As Long
Public Full_list(400000) As String ' replace the 40000 with the the rough amout of words in the databse + 10,000
'Public Declare Function GetInputState Lib "user32" () As Long
Public Sub Main()
Dim n As Integer
For n = 0 To 26
Set alphabetWords(n) = New CollStrC
Next n
End Sub
Public Sub closer()
Dim n As Integer
For n = 0 To 26
Set alphabetWords(n) = Nothing
Next n
For i = 0 To UBound(Full_list)
Full_list(i) = ""
Unload Form1
Unload frmSpelling
Unload frmYourProgGoesHere
End Sub
Public Sub LoadWords()
On Error Resume Next
Dim a As Long
Dim ds As Long
Dim awrds As Integer
Dim last_awrds As Integer
Dim word As String
Dim meaning As String
Dim intFileNum As Long
Dim strSpell As String
ds = GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Words", "Count", "25000")
intFileNum = FreeFile
Open App.Path & "\word.lst" For Input As #intFileNum
Do While Not EOF(intFileNum)
Line Input #intFileNum, strSpell
If Len(strSpell) > 0 Then
'If InStr(1, strSpell, ":") > 0 Then
' word = Left$(strSpell, InStr(1, strSpell, ":") - 1)
' meaning = Right$(strSpell, Len(strSpell) - InStr(1, strSpell, ":"))
word = strSpell
meaning = " N\A"
'End If
Select Case UCase(Left$(word, 1))
Case "A": awrds = 0
Case "B": awrds = 1
Case "C": awrds = 2
Case "D": awrds = 3
Case "E": awrds = 4
Case "F": awrds = 5
Case "G": awrds = 6
Case "H": awrds = 7
Case "I": awrds = 8
Case "J": awrds = 9
Case "K": awrds = 10
Case "L": awrds = 11
Case "M": awrds = 12
Case "N": awrds = 13
Case "O": awrds = 14
Case "P": awrds = 15
Case "Q": awrds = 16
Case "R": awrds = 17
Case "S": awrds = 18
Case "T": awrds = 19
Case "U": awrds = 20
Case "V": awrds = 21
Case "W": awrds = 22
Case "X": awrds = 23
Case "Y": awrds = 24
Case "Z": awrds = 25
'Case Else: awrds = 26
End Select
If Not awrds = last_awrds Then
Form1.Label1.Caption = "Loading" & "... " & UCase(Left$(word, 1))
last_awrds = awrds
End If
alphabetWords(awrds).Add word, meaning
If Not alphabetWords(awrds).Status = estrStatus.NameExists Or _
Not alphabetWords(awrds).Status = estrStatus.NameToShort Then
Full_list(a) = word
End If
a = a + 1
End If
Close #intFileNum
SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Words", "Count", a
Full_list_count = a
Unload Form1
'MsgBox (Full_list(116))
End Sub
Public Sub LoadMoreWords()
On Error Resume Next
Dim a As Long
Dim ds As Long
Dim awrds As Integer
Dim last_awrds As Integer
Dim word As String
Dim meaning As String
Dim intFileNum As Long
Dim strSpell As String
ds = GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Words", "Count", "25000")
intFileNum = FreeFile
Open App.Path & "\CustomWord.txt" For Input As #intFileNum
Do While Not EOF(intFileNum)
Line Input #intFileNum, strSpell
If Len(strSpell) > 0 Then
'If InStr(1, strSpell, ":") > 0 Then
' word = Left$(strSpell, InStr(1, strSpell, ":") - 1)
' meaning = Right$(strSpell, Len(strSpell) - InStr(1, strSpell, ":"))
word = strSpell
meaning = " N\A"
'End If
Select Case UCase(Left$(word, 1))
Case "A": awrds = 0
Case "B": awrds = 1
Case "C": awrds = 2
Case "D": awrds = 3
Case "E": awrds = 4
Case "F": awrds = 5
Case "G": awrds = 6
Case "H": awrds = 7
Case "I": awrds = 8
Case "J": awrds = 9
Case "K": awrds = 10
Case "L": awrds = 11
Case "M": awrds = 12
Case "N": awrds = 13
Case "O": awrds = 14
Case "P": awrds = 15
Case "Q": awrds = 16
Case "R": awrds = 17
Case "S": awrds = 18
Case "T": awrds = 19
Case "U": awrds = 20
Case "V": awrds = 21
Case "W": awrds = 22
Case "X": awrds = 23
Case "Y": awrds = 24
Case "Z": awrds = 25
Case Else: awrds = 26
End Select
If Not awrds = last_awrds Then
Form1.Label1.Caption = "Loading" & "... " & UCase(Left$(word, 1))
last_awrds = awrds
End If
alphabetWords(awrds).Add word, meaning
If Not alphabetWords(awrds).Status = estrStatus.NameExists Or _
Not alphabetWords(awrds).Status = estrStatus.NameToShort Then
Full_list(a) = word
End If
a = a + 1
End If
Close #intFileNum
SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Words", "Count", a
Full_list_count = a
Unload Form1
'MsgBox (Full_list(116))
End Sub
Public Sub addWord(word)
strSpell = word
If Len(strSpell) > 0 Then
'If InStr(1, strSpell, ":") > 0 Then
' word = Left$(strSpell, InStr(1, strSpell, ":") - 1)
' meaning = Right$(strSpell, Len(strSpell) - InStr(1, strSpell, ":"))
word = strSpell
meaning = " N\A"
'End If
Dim tmpword As String
tmpword = word
exists = alphabetWords(awrds).Exist(tmpword)
If Not exists Then
Open App.Path & "\CustomWord.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, word
Close #1
End If
Select Case UCase(Left$(word, 1))
Case "A": awrds = 0
Case "B": awrds = 1
Case "C": awrds = 2
Case "D": awrds = 3
Case "E": awrds = 4
Case "F": awrds = 5
Case "G": awrds = 6
Case "H": awrds = 7
Case "I": awrds = 8
Case "J": awrds = 9
Case "K": awrds = 10
Case "L": awrds = 11
Case "M": awrds = 12
Case "N": awrds = 13
Case "O": awrds = 14
Case "P": awrds = 15
Case "Q": awrds = 16
Case "R": awrds = 17
Case "S": awrds = 18
Case "T": awrds = 19
Case "U": awrds = 20
Case "V": awrds = 21
Case "W": awrds = 22
Case "X": awrds = 23
Case "Y": awrds = 24
Case "Z": awrds = 25
Case Else: awrds = 26
End Select
alphabetWords(awrds).Add word, meaning
a = a + 1
End If
End Sub