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BASIC Source File
193 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "BasMaths"
Option Explicit
Public Const Pi = 3.141549265
Public Const Deg = (Pi / 180)
Public Declare Function Polygon Lib "Gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, lpPoint As Point2D, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long
Public Type Point2D
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type
Public Type Vector
X As Single
Y As Single
Z As Single
End Type
Public Type ColRGB
R As Integer
G As Integer
B As Integer
End Type
Public Type Face
A As Integer
B As Integer
C As Integer
Normal As Vector
Center As Vector
Col As ColRGB
TCol As ColRGB
Visible As Boolean
End Type
Public Type SpotLight3D
Origin As Vector
Direction As Vector
Color As ColRGB
Falloff As Single
Hotspot As Single
BrightRange As Single
DarkRange As Single
Enabled As Boolean
End Type
Function ColorInterpolate(A As ColRGB, B As ColRGB, Alpha As Single) As ColRGB
ColorInterpolate.R = A.R + Alpha * (B.R - A.R)
ColorInterpolate.G = A.G + Alpha * (B.G - A.G)
ColorInterpolate.B = A.B + Alpha * (B.B - A.B)
End Function
Function ColorAdd(A As ColRGB, B As ColRGB) As ColRGB
ColorAdd.R = A.R + B.R
ColorAdd.G = A.G + B.G
ColorAdd.B = A.B + B.B
End Function
Function ColorScale(A As ColRGB, B As Single) As ColRGB
ColorScale.R = A.R * B
ColorScale.G = A.G * B
ColorScale.B = A.B * B
End Function
Function CrossProduct(V1 As Vector, V2 As Vector) As Vector
CrossProduct.X = (V1.Y * V2.Z) - (V1.Z * V2.Y)
CrossProduct.Y = (V1.Z * V2.X) - (V1.X * V2.Z)
CrossProduct.Z = (V1.X * V2.Y) - (V1.Y * V2.X)
End Function
Function DotProduct(V1 As Vector, V2 As Vector) As Single
DotProduct = (V1.X * V2.X) + (V1.Y * V2.Y) + (V1.Z * V2.Z)
End Function
Function GetCenter(V1 As Vector, V2 As Vector, V3 As Vector) As Vector
GetCenter.X = (V1.X + V2.X + V3.X) / 3
GetCenter.Y = (V1.Y + V2.Y + V3.Y) / 3
GetCenter.Z = (V1.Z + V2.Z + V3.Z) / 3
End Function
Function GetNormal(V1 As Vector, V2 As Vector, V3 As Vector) As Vector
GetNormal = CrossProduct(VectorSubtract(V1, V2), VectorSubtract(V3, V2))
End Function
Function Normalize(V As Vector) As Vector
Dim L As Single
L = VectorLength(V)
If L <> 0 Then
Normalize.X = (V.X / L)
Normalize.Y = (V.Y / L)
Normalize.Z = (V.Z / L)
End If
End Function
Function Rotate(SrcVec As Vector, Axis As Byte, Angle As Single) As Vector
Select Case Axis
Case 0:
Rotate.X = SrcVec.X
Rotate.Y = (Cos(Angle) * SrcVec.Y) - (Sin(Angle) * SrcVec.Z)
Rotate.Z = (Sin(Angle) * SrcVec.Y) + (Cos(Angle) * SrcVec.Z)
Case 1:
Rotate.X = (Cos(Angle) * SrcVec.X) + (Sin(Angle) * SrcVec.Z)
Rotate.Y = SrcVec.Y
Rotate.Z = -(Sin(Angle) * SrcVec.X) + (Cos(Angle) * SrcVec.Z)
Case 2:
Rotate.X = (Cos(Angle) * SrcVec.X) - (Sin(Angle) * SrcVec.Y)
Rotate.Y = (Sin(Angle) * SrcVec.X) + (Cos(Angle) * SrcVec.Y)
Rotate.Z = SrcVec.Z
End Select
End Function
Function VectorAdd(VecA As Vector, VecB As Vector) As Vector
VectorAdd.X = VecA.X + VecB.X
VectorAdd.Y = VecA.Y + VecB.Y
VectorAdd.Z = VecA.Z + VecB.Z
End Function
Function VectorAngle(VecA As Vector, VecB As Vector) As Single
If VectorCompare(VecA, VectorNull) = False And VectorCompare(VecB, VectorNull) = False Then
VectorAngle = DotProduct(Normalize(VecA), Normalize(VecB))
End If
End Function
Function VectorCompare(VecA As Vector, VecB As Vector) As Boolean
If VecA.X = VecB.X And VecA.Y = VecB.Y And VecA.Z = VecB.Z Then VectorCompare = True
End Function
Function VectorDistance(VecA As Vector, VecB As Vector) As Single
VectorDistance = VectorLength(VectorSubtract(VecB, VecA))
End Function
Function VectorGetXPitch(V1 As Vector, V2 As Vector) As Single
If VectorCompare(V1, VectorNull) = False And VectorCompare(V2, VectorNull) = False Then
VectorGetXPitch = VectorAngle(VectorInput(V1.X, 0, V1.Z), VectorInput(V2.X, 0, V2.Z))
End If
End Function
Function VectorGetYYaw(V1 As Vector, V2 As Vector) As Single
If VectorCompare(V1, VectorNull) = False And VectorCompare(V2, VectorNull) = False Then
VectorGetYYaw = VectorAngle(VectorInput(0, V1.Y, V1.Z), VectorInput(0, V2.Y, V2.Z))
End If
End Function
Function VectorInput(X!, Y!, Z!) As Vector
VectorInput.X = X
VectorInput.Y = Y
VectorInput.Z = Z
End Function
Function VectorLength(V As Vector) As Single
VectorLength = Sqr((V.X * V.X) + (V.Y * V.Y) + (V.Z * V.Z))
End Function
Function VectorNull() As Vector
End Function
Function VectorReflect(VecA As Vector, VecB As Vector) As Vector
If VectorAngle(VecA, VecB) < 0 Then
VectorReflect = VectorAdd(VecA, VectorScale(VectorScale(Normalize(VecB), DotProduct(VecA, Normalize(VecB))), -2))
End If
End Function
Function VectorScale(Vec As Vector, S As Single) As Vector
VectorScale.X = Vec.X * S
VectorScale.Y = Vec.Y * S
VectorScale.Z = Vec.Z * S
End Function
Function VectorSubtract(V1 As Vector, V2 As Vector) As Vector
VectorSubtract.X = V1.X - V2.X
VectorSubtract.Y = V1.Y - V2.Y
VectorSubtract.Z = V1.Z - V2.Z
End Function