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Begin VB.Form frmLander
Appearance = 0 'Flat
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
BackColor = &H00000000&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "VB Lander"
ClientHeight = 6360
ClientLeft = 150
ClientTop = 720
ClientWidth = 8880
FillStyle = 0 'Solid
Icon = "frmLander.frx":0000
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 424
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 592
StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default
Begin VB.Menu mnuGame
Caption = "&Game"
Begin VB.Menu mnuGameNew
Caption = "&New game"
Begin VB.Menu S1
Caption = "-"
Begin VB.Menu mnuGameStart
Caption = "&Start"
Shortcut = ^S
Begin VB.Menu mnuGamePause
Caption = "&Pause"
Shortcut = ^P
Begin VB.Menu S2
Caption = "-"
Begin VB.Menu mnuGameAbout
Caption = "&About game"
Begin VB.Menu mnuGameExit
Caption = "&Exit"
Attribute VB_Name = "frmLander"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'* (C) Sala Bojan 2004, alas@eunet.yu
'* You may use any file as you like, if you liked it, you can vote.
'* This is not finished game, just a simple 'Lander' demo.
'* It can be played on any computer with Win32, with the same quality
Option Explicit
' Some holders for DC's we will use in the game
Dim hLunar As HHOLDER ' Lunar module
Dim hlSide As HHOLDER ' Side fire, left and right image...
Dim hlDown As HHOLDER ' Down fire image
Dim hlCrashed As HHOLDER ' Crashed lunar module image
Dim hLevel As HHOLDER ' Moon surface
' Location data
Dim hlLeft As POINTAPI ' This is a location of the left lander's leg
Dim hlRight As POINTAPI ' Right leg
Dim hlMiddle As POINTAPI ' The middle one
Dim pMouse As POINTAPI ' Location of the mouse
' Some other stuffs now
Dim lPen As Long ' Pen that will be used for a moon surface, it is be HPEN in c++
Dim BitmapLoaded As BITMAP ' Bitmap that we have just loaded, we will store the data here
Dim BitmapInfoHeader As HBITMAPINFOHEADER ' Bitmap INFOHEADRER, a bitmap file informations header
Dim IsGameRunning As Boolean
Dim IsGamePaused As Boolean
' When the lander safely lands, both IsCrashed and IsLanded will be TRUE!
Dim IsCrashed As Boolean ' If the lander has landed and/or crashed, this is TRUE
Dim IsLanded As Boolean ' But if it is landed, this option will be TRUE too
Dim lTmrCounter As Long ' Just a counter for performance
Dim lmX As Single ' lunar module position X
Dim lmY As Single ' lm position Y
Dim lmAccX As Single ' Acceleration increment
Dim lmAccY As Single
Dim gTime As Long ' Count the socore, the faster you land, better
'* This function will create a new empty DC
'* W - Width of the new DC
'* H - Height of the new DC
'* BPP - Bit count, 1, 4, 8, 24...
'* hDC - A buffer that will recieve the created DC
Public Sub CreateBlankDC(W&, H&, BPP&, hdc&, hBMP&)
Dim hDIB& ' DIB location
' Write some basic bitmap informations by using INFOHEADER
With BitmapInfoHeader
.biSize = Len(BitmapInfoHeader) ' size of the structure in bytes
.biBitCount = BPP
.biHeight = H
.biWidth = W
.biPlanes = 1 ' Must be one :)
.biSizeImage = GetImageSize(W, H) ' Image size, use the function I've found somewhere
End With
hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0) ' Create empty DC (device context)
hDIB = CreateDIBSection(hdc, BitmapInfoHeader, DIB_RGB_COLORS, 0, 0, 0) ' Create DIB section
If hDIB Then ' If it was created
hBMP = SelectObject(hdc, hDIB) ' Select our DIB to DC, BMP that is
BitBlt hdc, 0, 0, W, H, hdc, 0, 0, vbBlackness ' Just fill the image with blackness
MsgBox "Error in creation of DIB"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
'* It will copy desired bitmap to a specifed DC, simply draws the bitmap to it
'* BitmapFileName - File name of the bitmap
'* BPP - Bit count
'* hDC - Where to paint the BMP
'* hBMP - ID for the bitmap, to have it in memory :)
Public Sub LoadBitmapIntoDC(BitmapFileName$, BPP&, hdc&, hBMP&)
Dim VBImage As StdPicture ' VBA's object for some image manipulations, VERY nice stuff!
Dim hDCT&, hBMPT& ' Temporary data to copy the bitmap
Set VBImage = LoadPicture(BitmapFileName) ' Load the image, you can even open JPG, GIF, WMF...
GetObjectA VBImage.handle, Len(BitmapLoaded), BitmapLoaded ' Get the handle of BITMAP structure
' This function is made to CREATE DC and COPY the bitmap to it, to simplify the process
CreateBlankDC BitmapLoaded.bmWidth, BitmapLoaded.bmHeight, BPP, hdc, hBMP ' Now we will create simple blank DC, so you wouldn bother with it
hDCT = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc) ' Create a temporary dc, to store the bitmap
hBMPT = SelectObject(hDCT, VBImage.handle) ' Temp bmp
' Now we will simply copy the bitmap from temp to specified DC bit by bit, safer way to "put" the bitmap to a DC
BitBlt hdc, 0, 0, BitmapInfoHeader.biWidth, BitmapInfoHeader.biHeight, hDCT, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy
' Select the temp, delete it, not needed anymore
SelectObject hDCT, hBMPT
DeleteDC hDCT
DeleteObject hBMPT
End Sub
'* This func will create a black mask of the source HDC
'* SrcDC - Source DC, to create mask for
'* DstDC - Destination, where to put the mask
'* DstBMP - Destination bitmap for the mask (just long integer data)
'* W - Width of the dst bitmap
'* H - height
Public Sub CreateMaskDC(SrcDC&, DstDC&, DstBMP&, W&, H&)
Dim x&, y&
CreateBlankDC W, H, 24, DstDC&, DstBMP ' Create new DC
' Now cycle pixels
For x = 0 To W
For y = 0 To H
If GetPixel(SrcDC&, x, y) <> 0 Then ' If we have some 'non-black' color
SetPixel DstDC&, x, y, RGB(255, 255, 255) ' Put the WHITE color
End If
Next y
Next x
' We have used white for mask, black for background, invert it to be correct
BitBlt DstDC&, 0, 0, W, H, DstDC&, 0, 0, vbDstInvert
End Sub
'* Simply draws a moon surface to a hLevel's hdc
Public Sub DrawLevel()
Dim i&
' pt is array of points for line(s)
' First fill memory with black color
BitBlt hLevel.hdc, 0, 0, Me.ScaleWidth, 60, 0, 0, hLevel.hdc, vbBlackness
' Create a PEN which we will use for drawing a surface (see included module for API explanations)
lPen = CreatePen(0, 1, RGB(255, 255, 255))
SelectObject hLevel.hdc, lPen ' Select created pen to surf DC
' Now put some random points to a memory
For i = 0 To 10
Randomize i * GetTickCount
pt(i).x = i * CInt((Me.ScaleWidth / 10))
pt(i).y = CInt(Rnd * 50) + 1
Next i
pt(10).x = Me.ScaleWidth + 1 ' Last one must be >= then the form's width
' There must be at least two points with the same Y, so lander could land
i = CInt(Rnd * 10) + 1: If i > 10 Then i = 10 ' Check if i is bigger then 10 (dunno why, it just happends)
pt(i).y = pt(i - 1).y ' See...
' Now just draw the level
For i = 1 To 10
' We use 'p' just because stupid API Text Viewer have only Ex version of this api
MoveToEx hLevel.hdc, pt(i - 1).x, pt(i - 1).y, p
LineTo hLevel.hdc, pt(i).x, pt(i).y
Next i
' Fill it with the white color, there must not be a "leak"!
FillColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
ExtFloodFill hLevel.hdc, 0, 59, 0, 1 ' You see... only 'Ex' or 'Ext' versions are avivable :P...
End Sub
'* This func will calculate image size, not written by me...
'* W - Width
'* H - Height
Public Function GetImageSize(W&, H&) As Long ' from c++ macro
GetImageSize = ((W * 3 + 3) And &HFFFFFFFC) * H
End Function
'* Form's 'load' message handler
Private Sub Form_Load()
' The game has started
IsGameRunning = True
' Show the form just before the loop, 'DoEvents' message processor will not do this
' Set lander's position to center
lmX = Me.ScaleWidth / 2 - 10
lmY = 50
' Create some sprites
LoadBitmapIntoDC App.Path & "\lander.bmp", 24, hLunar.hdc, hLunar.hBMP
CreateMaskDC hLunar.hdc, hLunar.mhDC, hLunar.mBMP, 30, 25
LoadBitmapIntoDC App.Path & "\lside.bmp", 24, hlSide.hdc, hlSide.hBMP
LoadBitmapIntoDC App.Path & "\ldown.bmp", 24, hlDown.hdc, hlDown.hBMP
LoadBitmapIntoDC App.Path & "\lcrashed.bmp", 24, hlCrashed.hdc, hlCrashed.hBMP
CreateBlankDC Me.ScaleWidth, 60, 24, hLevel.hdc, hLevel.hBMP
lmdMaxFuel = 500 ' Starting fuel level
lmdFuel = lmdMaxFuel ' Current fuel :)
GameLoop ' Start the loop
End Sub
'* If player has moved the mouse on this form, activate the game
'* (if it is not paused before by him)
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Not IsGameRunning Then
If Not IsGamePaused Then IsGameRunning = True
End If
End Sub
'* Delete holders from memory
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
DeleteHolder hLunar
DeleteHolder hLevel
DeleteHolder hlDown
DeleteHolder hlSide
DeleteHolder hlCrashed
End Sub
'* Now the game starts
Public Sub GameLoop()
Dim kLeft As Boolean ' If LEFT was pressed
Dim kRight As Boolean ' RIGHT
Dim kDown As Boolean ' DOWN
Dim kLegs(1 To 3) As Boolean ' To see if all the legs have touched the surface at the same Y level
Dim i% ' :), '%' is integer
Dim sBuf$ ' Buffer to store some strings
If Not IsGamePaused Then SetWindowCaption "" ' Set the window title to default
SetBkMode hdc, 0 ' Set background mode, TRANSPARENT in this case (hdc is the 'default' hdc, window's in this case)
' Set window font now
Font.Bold = True
Font.Size = 10
' Here we go
While IsGameRunning
DoEvents ' Process some messages
GetCursorPos pMouse ' Get the mouse position
' See if user has left the window with his mouse, pause the game then
With pMouse
' VB Form position is in Twips, so we must divide it with 15
If .x < Left / 15 Then GoTo pause
If .x > Left / 15 + ScaleWidth Then GoTo pause
If .y < Top / 15 + 48 Then GoTo pause
If .y > Top / 15 + ScaleHeight Then GoTo pause
End With
' If TMR_INTERVAL time has passed, then process next frame...
If lTmrCounter + TMR_INTERVAL <= GetTickCount Then
lTmrCounter = GetTickCount ' Reset counter
gTime = gTime + 1 ' Count the players time, for scoring
' Reset key indicators
kDown = False
kRight = False
kLeft = False
' As I said, IsCrashed indicates if player has crashed OR/AND landed ('soft' crashing... :)
If Not IsCrashed = True Then
lmAccY = lmAccY + 0.05 ' Send the lander down, gravity
If lmdFuel > 0 Then ' If we have some fuel
' Use GetKeyState api to check if the key is pressed, slow but better
' than VB's key events
If GetKeyState(vbKeyDown) < 0 Then
kDown = True
lmAccY = lmAccY - 0.1
End If
If GetKeyState(vbKeyRight) < 0 Then
lmAccX = lmAccX - 0.05
kLeft = True
End If
If GetKeyState(vbKeyLeft) < 0 Then
lmAccX = lmAccX + 0.05
kRight = True
End If
lmdFuel = 0 ' If it is <0 for some reason, like -1
End If
lmX = lmX + lmAccX ' Now move the ship
lmY = lmY + lmAccY
End If
' Set position of the module's legs
hlLeft.x = lmX
hlLeft.y = lmY + 24
hlRight.x = lmX + 29
hlRight.y = lmY + 24
hlMiddle.x = lmX + 15
hlMiddle.y = lmY + 24
' Reset legs, all of them must touch the land at the same frame
For i = 1 To 3: kLegs(i) = False: Next i
' Check for lander's collision, first check if he is in the needed range
If lmY + 24 > Me.ScaleHeight - 60 Then
' One by one, check all the legs by using GetPixel
If GetPixel(hLevel.hdc, hlLeft.x, hlLeft.y - (Me.ScaleHeight - 59)) = vbWhite Then
IsCrashed = True
kLegs(1) = True
End If
If GetPixel(hLevel.hdc, hlRight.x, hlRight.y - (Me.ScaleHeight - 59)) = vbWhite Then
IsCrashed = True
kLegs(2) = True
End If
If GetPixel(hLevel.hdc, hlMiddle.x, hlMiddle.y - (Me.ScaleHeight - 59)) = vbWhite Then
IsCrashed = True
kLegs(3) = True
End If
' Lander has landed, all the legs have collided
If kLegs(1) And kLegs(2) And kLegs(3) Then
If lmAccY < 1 Then
IsLanded = True
End If
End If
End If
' Drawing part, just to draw the game
BackColor = 0 ' Set the back color to BLACK
Cls ' Clear the window
' Draw the level
BitBlt hdc, 0, Me.ScaleHeight - 60, Me.ScaleWidth, 60, hLevel.hdc, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy
' Now draw lander (if it has landed it looks a bit different)...
If IsCrashed And Not IsLanded Then
BitBlt hdc, lmX, lmY + 10, 30, 25, hlCrashed.hdc, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy
ElseIf IsLanded Then
BitBlt hdc, lmX, lmY - 1, 30, 25, hLunar.mhDC, 0, 0, vbSrcAnd
BitBlt hdc, lmX, lmY - 1, 30, 25, hLunar.hdc, 0, 0, vbSrcPaint
BitBlt hdc, lmX, lmY, 30, 25, hLunar.mhDC, 0, 0, vbSrcAnd
BitBlt hdc, lmX, lmY, 30, 25, hLunar.hdc, 0, 0, vbSrcPaint
End If
' Draw acceleration flame
If Not IsCrashed Then
If kRight Then
BitBlt hdc, lmX - 12, lmY + 4, 18, 9, hlSide.hdc, 18, 0, vbSrcInvert
lmdFuel = lmdFuel - 1
End If
If kLeft Then
BitBlt hdc, lmX + 24, lmY + 4, 18, 9, hlSide.hdc, 0, 0, vbSrcInvert
lmdFuel = lmdFuel - 1
End If
If kDown Then
BitBlt hdc, lmX + 8, lmY + 17, 14, 31, hlDown.hdc, 0, 0, vbSrcInvert
lmdFuel = lmdFuel - 1.5
End If
End If
ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) ' Set fore color for text
' Print some text
sBuf = "Speed: " & Round(lmAccY, 1)
TextOut hdc, 16, 16, sBuf, Len(sBuf)
sBuf = "Fuel: " & Round(lmdFuel, 0)
TextOut hdc, 16, 32, sBuf, Len(sBuf)
sBuf = "Time: " & gTime
TextOut hdc, 16, 48, sBuf, Len(sBuf)
' Handle 'landed', and 'crashed' modes
If IsCrashed Then
If IsLanded Then
With frmResult
.picRes(0).Visible = True ' Change the picture
.Caption = "You have landed..."
.lblRes = "You have landed, now how to go back... one-way ticket I guess..."
.Show vbModal, Me
End With
With frmResult
.picRes(1).Visible = True
.Caption = "You have crashed..."
.lblRes = "Very nice hole... well, you know what? I bet you can make a bigger one!"
.Show vbModal, Me
End With
End If
IsGameRunning = False
IsGamePaused = True
End If
End If
' Finito
Exit Sub
SetWindowCaption "- PAUSED"
IsGameRunning = False
IsGameRunning = False
End Sub
'* Set the title of the main window
Public Sub SetWindowCaption(Text As String)
Caption = "Lunar Lander " & Text
End Sub
Private Sub mnuGameAbout_Click()
frmAbout.Show vbModal, Me
End Sub
'* Exit game
Private Sub mnuGameExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
'* Restart game
Private Sub mnuGameNew_Click()
lmX = Me.ScaleWidth / 2 - 10
lmY = 50
lmdMaxFuel = 500
lmdFuel = lmdMaxFuel
IsLanded = False
IsCrashed = False
IsGameRunning = True
IsGamePaused = False
gTime = 0
End Sub
'* Pause game
Private Sub mnuGamePause_Click()
IsGameRunning = False
IsGamePaused = True
End Sub
'* Unpause game
Private Sub mnuGameStart_Click()
IsGameRunning = True
IsGamePaused = False
End Sub