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Attribute VB_Name = "AttMod"
Option Explicit
'Declare picture variables to hold the images in the resource file
Public picCancel As Picture
Public picCancel2 As Picture
Public picCancel3 As Picture
Public picOk As Picture
Public picOk2 As Picture
Public picOk3 As Picture
Public picYes As Picture
Public picYes2 As Picture
Public picYes3 As Picture
Public picNo As Picture
Public picNo2 As Picture
Public picNo3 As Picture
'Declaration of variable identifiers
Public attContext As AttValue
Public attBoxLayout As AttType
'Enumerations of values
Public Enum AttValue
attOK = 0
attCancel = 1
attYes = 3
attNo = 4
End Enum
Public Enum AttType
attOkOnly = 0
attOkCancel = 1
attYesNo = 2
End Enum
Public testMsg As String
Public testType As AttType
'API declaration for counting the lines of the textbox
Private Declare Function Sendmessageaslong Lib "user32" _
Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Const EM_GETLINECOUNT = 186
'procedure to load the images onto the picture variables
'allows for faster image swapping
Public Sub LoadAttImages()
Set picCancel = LoadResPicture("CANCEL", vbResBitmap)
Set picCancel2 = LoadResPicture("CANCEL2", vbResBitmap)
Set picCancel3 = LoadResPicture("CANCEL3", vbResBitmap)
Set picOk = LoadResPicture("OK", vbResBitmap)
Set picOk2 = LoadResPicture("OK2", vbResBitmap)
Set picOk3 = LoadResPicture("OK3", vbResBitmap)
Set picYes = LoadResPicture("YES", vbResBitmap)
Set picYes2 = LoadResPicture("YES2", vbResBitmap)
Set picYes3 = LoadResPicture("YES3", vbResBitmap)
Set picNo = LoadResPicture("NO", vbResBitmap)
Set picNo2 = LoadResPicture("NO2", vbResBitmap)
Set picNo3 = LoadResPicture("NO3", vbResBitmap)
End Sub
'procedure to unload the images
Public Sub UnloadAttImages()
Set picCancel = Nothing
Set picCancel2 = Nothing
Set picCancel3 = Nothing
Set picOk = Nothing
Set picOk2 = Nothing
Set picOk3 = Nothing
Set picYes = Nothing
Set picYes2 = Nothing
Set picYes3 = Nothing
Set picNo = Nothing
Set picNo2 = Nothing
Set picNo3 = Nothing
End Sub
'procedure to count lines in a textbox
Public Function LineCount(msgTxt As TextBox) As Long
LineCount = Sendmessageaslong(msgTxt.hWnd, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0)
End Function
'calling procedure of attention box
Public Function AttBox(Optional ByRef attString As String, Optional ByRef attBoxType As AttType) As AttValue
With frmMsgBox
.txtNoScroll.Text = attString
If LineCount(.txtNoScroll) > 8 Then
.txtNoScroll.Visible = False
.txtScroll.Text = attString
.txtScroll.Visible = True
.txtNoScroll.Visible = True
.txtScroll.Visible = False
.txtNoScroll.Text = attString
End If
Select Case attBoxType
Case 0
.picB(1).Visible = False
Set .picB(0).Picture = picOk
attBoxLayout = 0
.Show vbModal
AttBox = attContext
Case 1
.picB(1).Visible = True
Set .picB(0).Picture = picCancel
Set .picB(1).Picture = picOk
attBoxLayout = 1
.Show vbModal
AttBox = attContext
Case 2
.picB(1).Visible = True
Set .picB(0).Picture = picNo
Set .picB(1).Picture = picYes
attBoxLayout = 2
.Show vbModal
AttBox = attContext
End Select
End With
End Function