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Text File
6,172 lines
Begin VB.Form Form1
Caption = "Calories Calculator"
ClientHeight = 3852
ClientLeft = 1992
ClientTop = 2004
ClientWidth = 9936
Icon = "Calorie.frx":0000
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 3852
ScaleWidth = 9936
Begin VB.CommandButton Command4
Caption = "TOTAL"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 18
Charset = 204
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 612
Left = 1920
TabIndex = 16
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 2640
Width = 1812
Begin VB.TextBox Text4
Alignment = 2 'Center
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 24
Charset = 204
Weight = 400
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Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 612
Left = 3822
Locked = -1 'True
TabIndex = 15
TabStop = 0 'False
Text = "0"
Top = 2640
Width = 2292
Begin VB.CommandButton Command3
Caption = "Validate"
Height = 372
Left = 7920
TabIndex = 13
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 1920
Width = 972
Begin VB.CommandButton Command2
Caption = "Validate"
Height = 372
Left = 4560
TabIndex = 12
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 1920
Width = 972
Begin VB.CommandButton Command1
Caption = "Validate"
Height = 372
Left = 1320
TabIndex = 11
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 1920
Width = 972
Begin VB.TextBox Text3
Alignment = 2 'Center
Height = 372
Left = 7560
TabIndex = 7
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 1440
Width = 1572
Begin VB.TextBox Text2
Alignment = 2 'Center
Height = 372
Left = 4320
TabIndex = 6
TabStop = 0 'False
Text = "0"
Top = 1440
Width = 1452
Begin VB.TextBox Text1
Alignment = 2 'Center
Height = 372
Left = 1080
Locked = -1 'True
TabIndex = 5
TabStop = 0 'False
Text = "0"
Top = 1440
Width = 1452
Begin VB.ComboBox Combo3
Height = 288
Left = 6840
Sorted = -1 'True
TabIndex = 2
TabStop = 0 'False
Text = "None"
Top = 1080
Width = 2892
Begin VB.ComboBox Combo2
Height = 288
Left = 3600
Sorted = -1 'True
TabIndex = 1
TabStop = 0 'False
Text = "None"
Top = 1080
Width = 2892
Begin VB.ComboBox Combo1
Height = 288
ItemData = "Calorie.frx":0152
Left = 360
List = "Calorie.frx":0154
Sorted = -1 'True
TabIndex = 0
TabStop = 0 'False
Text = "None"
Top = 1080
Width = 2892
Begin VB.Label Label7
Caption = " :Total"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 24
Charset = 204
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 612
Left = 6240
TabIndex = 17
Top = 2640
Width = 2652
Begin VB.Label Label6
Caption = "Choose your food :"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "Papyrus"
Size = 25.8
Charset = 0
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 852
Left = 120
TabIndex = 14
Top = 120
Width = 9012
Begin VB.Line Line1
X1 = 0
X2 = 9960
Y1 = 0
Y2 = 0
Begin VB.Label Label5
Caption = "Cal\"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 12
Charset = 204
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H000000C0&
Height = 372
Left = 7080
TabIndex = 10
Top = 1560
Width = 612
Begin VB.Label Label4
Caption = "Cal\"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 12
Charset = 204
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H000000C0&
Height = 372
Left = 3840
TabIndex = 9
Top = 1560
Width = 492
Begin VB.Label Label3
Caption = "Cal\"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 12
Charset = 204
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H000000C0&
Height = 372
Left = 600
TabIndex = 8
Top = 1560
Width = 612
Begin VB.Label Label2
Caption = "+"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 12
Charset = 204
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 252
Left = 6600
TabIndex = 4
Top = 1080
Width = 372
Begin VB.Label Label1
Caption = "+"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 12
Charset = 204
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 252
Left = 3360
TabIndex = 3
Top = 1080
Width = 372
Begin VB.Menu help
Caption = "Help"
Begin VB.Menu help2
Caption = "Help"
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Private Sub c2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
If Combo1 = "Asparagus" Then
Text1.Text = 10
End If
If Combo1 = "Artichoke" Then
Text1.Text = 5
End If
If Combo1 = "Apple" Then
Text1.Text = 60
End If
If Combo1 = "Apple Juice" Then
Text1.Text = 115
End If
If Combo1 = "Apricot" Then
Text1.Text = 50
End If
If Combo1 = "Avocado" Then
Text1.Text = 305
End If
If Combo1 = "Anchovies" Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Abalone" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "American Cheddar" Then
Text1.Text = 106
End If
If Combo1 = "Aioli 21g" Then
Text1.Text = 195
End If
If Combo1 = "Apricot Brandy" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Brisket, lean only, braised" Then
Text1.Text = 205
End If
If Combo1 = "Brisket, lean & fat, braised" Then
Text1.Text = 335
End If
If Combo1 = "Bacon, Breakfast strips" Then
Text1.Text = 160
End If
If Combo1 = "Bacon, Gammon, lean only, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 130
End If
If Combo1 = "Bacon, Gammon, lean&fat, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 205
End If
If Combo1 = "Bacon, Rashers" Then
Text1.Text = 360
End If
If Combo1 = "Blue Fish" Then
Text1.Text = 105
End If
If Combo1 = "Brill, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Bream, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Buffalo Steak, meat" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Banana" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Bilberries" Then
Text1.Text = 57
End If
If Combo1 = "Blackberries" Then
Text1.Text = 23
End If
If Combo1 = "Blueberries" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Green Beans" Then
Text1.Text = 20
End If
If Combo1 = "Beansprouts" Then
Text1.Text = 35
End If
If Combo1 = "Beet Greens" Then
Text1.Text = 25
End If
If Combo1 = "Beets" Then
Text1.Text = 35
End If
If Combo1 = "Broccoli" Then
Text1.Text = 15
End If
If Combo1 = "Brussels Sprouts" Then
Text1.Text = 50
End If
If Combo1 = "Baked Beans, Heinz" Then
Text1.Text = 75
End If
If Combo1 = "Baked Beans, Sugar-free" Then
Text1.Text = 63
End If
If Combo1 = "Borlotti Beans, canned" Then
Text1.Text = 168
End If
If Combo1 = "Butter Beans, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 103
End If
If Combo1 = "Butter Beans, dried" Then
Text1.Text = 293
End If
If Combo1 = "Buffalo milk" Then
Text1.Text = 236
End If
If Combo1 = "Buttermilk, cultured" Then
Text1.Text = 99
End If
If Combo1 = "Blue Cheese" Then
Text1.Text = 100
End If
If Combo1 = "Barley" Then
Text1.Text = 88
End If
If Combo1 = "Burrito" Then
Text1.Text = 294
End If
If Combo1 = "Bagel, plain" Then
Text1.Text = 195
End If
If Combo1 = "Bagel, egg" Then
Text1.Text = 200
End If
If Combo1 = "Bread, Brioche" Then
Text1.Text = 135
End If
If Combo1 = "Bread, Italian" Then
Text1.Text = 70
End If
If Combo1 = "Bread, Vienna" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Breadcrumbs, dry" Then
Text1.Text = 350
End If
If Combo1 = "Breadsticks, Sesame" Then
Text1.Text = 50
End If
If Combo1 = "Blue Cheese Dressing" Then
Text1.Text = 149
End If
If Combo1 = "Beer, Generic" Then
Text1.Text = 145
End If
If Combo1 = "Beer Light, Generic" Then
Text1.Text = 100
End If
If Combo1 = "Brown Ale, Generic" Then
Text1.Text = 96
End If
If Combo1 = "Becks" Then
Text1.Text = 145
End If
If Combo1 = "Budweiser" Then
Text1.Text = 145
End If
If Combo1 = "Bud Light" Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Bordeaux" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo1 = "Burgundy, red" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo1 = "Burgundy, white" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Benedictine" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo1 = "Bloody Mary" Then
Text1.Text = 120
End If
If Combo1 = "Bourbon & soda" Then
Text1.Text = 120
End If
If Combo1 = "Brandy" Then
Text1.Text = 125
End If
If Combo1 = "Chuck, blade, lean & fat" Then
Text1.Text = 330
End If
If Combo1 = "Chuck, pot roast, lean & fat" Then
Text1.Text = 300
End If
If Combo1 = "Chuck, blade, lean only" Then
Text1.Text = 235
End If
If Combo1 = "Chuck, rib roast/steaks, lean & fat" Then
Text1.Text = 365
End If
If Combo1 = "Chuck, stewing meat, lean & fat" Then
Text1.Text = 280
End If
If Combo1 = "Center Loin Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text1.Text = 165
End If
If Combo1 = "Center Rib Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text1.Text = 185
End If
If Combo1 = "Canadian Vegetarian Bacon " Then
Text1.Text = 130
End If
If Combo1 = "Cured Breakfast strips " Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Catfish, fried, boneless" Then
Text1.Text = 195
End If
If Combo1 = "Catfish, baked" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Clams, steamed " Then
Text1.Text = 235
End If
If Combo1 = "Cockles, fresh" Then
Text1.Text = 50
End If
If Combo1 = "Cod, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Cod, fried" Then
Text1.Text = 175
End If
If Combo1 = "Cod, fishcakes each" Then
Text1.Text = 60
End If
If Combo1 = "Cod, fishfingers" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Crab, boiled, no shell" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo1 = "Flounder, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 70
End If
If Combo1 = "Haddock, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo1 = "Hake, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Halibut, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Herring, baked" Then
Text1.Text = 160
End If
If Combo1 = "John Dorey, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 70
End If
If Combo1 = "Kippers, broiled/grilled" Then
Text1.Text = 180
End If
If Combo1 = "Lemon Sole, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 70
End If
If Combo1 = "Lobster, Boiled, no shell" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Mackerel, baked" Then
Text1.Text = 190
End If
If Combo1 = "Mackerel, canned in water " Then
Text1.Text = 235
End If
If Combo1 = "Monkfish, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 65
End If
If Combo1 = "Mullet, Red, steamed with bones" Then
Text1.Text = 120
End If
If Combo1 = "Mussels, boiled, no shell" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Octopus, raw" Then
Text1.Text = 65
End If
If Combo1 = "Oysters, raw, no shell" Then
Text1.Text = 55
End If
If Combo1 = "Perch, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 66
End If
If Combo1 = "Plaice, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 70
End If
If Combo1 = "Red Snapper, baked" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo1 = "Salmon, baked" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Salmon, pink, canned" Then
Text1.Text = 120
End If
If Combo1 = "Sardines, canned, oil " Then
Text1.Text = 220
End If
If Combo1 = "Sardines, canned, water " Then
Text1.Text = 155
End If
If Combo1 = "Scallops, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo1 = "Sea Bass, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 85
End If
If Combo1 = "Shrimp, canned " Then
Text1.Text = 155
End If
If Combo1 = "Shrimp, cooked, no shells" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Skate, fried, whole" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Sole, fried, no bones" Then
Text1.Text = 162
End If
If Combo1 = "Swordfish, broiled/grilled" Then
Text1.Text = 135
End If
If Combo1 = "Trout, baked" Then
Text1.Text = 100
End If
If Combo1 = "Tuna Bluefin, baked/broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 210
End If
If Combo1 = "Tuna Skipjack, baked/broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Tuna, canned, oil" Then
Text1.Text = 190
End If
If Combo1 = "Tuna, canned, water" Then
Text1.Text = 100
End If
If Combo1 = "Turbot, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 75
End If
If Combo1 = "Whitebait, fried" Then
Text1.Text = 395
End If
If Combo1 = "Whiting, steamed" Then
Text1.Text = 70
End If
If Combo1 = "London Broil, lean only" Then
Text1.Text = 170
End If
If Combo1 = "Rib roasted, lean only" Then
Text1.Text = 210
End If
If Combo1 = "Rib roasted, lean & fat" Then
Text1.Text = 330
End If
If Combo1 = "Rib broiled, lean only" Then
Text1.Text = 200
End If
If Combo1 = "Rib broiled, lean & fat" Then
Text1.Text = 315
End If
If Combo1 = "Rib Eye, lean only, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 195
End If
If Combo1 = "Rib Eye, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 250
End If
If Combo1 = "Round, Top, lean only, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 155
End If
If Combo1 = "Round, Top, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 155
End If
If Combo1 = "Rump Roast, lean only" Then
Text1.Text = 170
End If
If Combo1 = "Rump Roast, lean & fat" Then
Text1.Text = 285
End If
If Combo1 = "Sirloin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 185
End If
If Combo1 = "Sirloin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 240
End If
If Combo1 = "Steak, porterhouse, lean, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 185
End If
If Combo1 = "Steak, porterhouse, lean & fat" Then
Text1.Text = 255
End If
If Combo1 = "Steak, T-bone, lean, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 185
End If
If Combo1 = "Tenderloin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 175
End If
If Combo1 = "Tenderloin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 230
End If
If Combo1 = "Top Loin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 180
End If
If Combo1 = "Top Loin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 250
End If
If Combo1 = "Hamburger, lean only, broiled/grilled" Then
Text1.Text = 180
End If
If Combo1 = "Hamburger, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 240
End If
If Combo1 = "Corned Beef, cooked" Then
Text1.Text = 315
End If
If Combo1 = "Beef Liver, fried" Then
Text1.Text = 200
End If
If Combo1 = "Beef Tongue, braised" Then
Text1.Text = 210
End If
If Combo1 = "Beef Tongue, canned/pickled" Then
Text1.Text = 230
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Chop, arm, braised, lean only" Then
Text1.Text = 270
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Chop, arm, braised lean & fat" Then
Text1.Text = 300
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Chop, loin, lean, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 185
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Chop, loin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 250
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Chop, rib, lean, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 195
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Chop, rib, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 350
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Leg, lean only, roasted" Then
Text1.Text = 165
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Leg, lean & fat, roasted" Then
Text1.Text = 240
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Shoulder, lean only, roasted" Then
Text1.Text = 175
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Shoulder, lean & fat, roasted" Then
Text1.Text = 290
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Liver, broiled" Then
Text1.Text = 225
End If
If Combo1 = "Lamb Tongue, braised" Then
Text1.Text = 220
End If
If Combo1 = "Pork Blade Steak, broiled/grilled" Then
Text1.Text = 195
End If
If Combo1 = "Loin Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text1.Text = 175
End If
If Combo1 = "Loin Chop, no bone, broiled/grilled" Then
Text1.Text = 175
End If
If Combo1 = "Loin Roast, no bone" Then
Text1.Text = 165
End If
If Combo1 = "Rib Chops" Then
Text1.Text = 185
End If
If Combo1 = "Rib Roast, no bone" Then
Text1.Text = 180
End If
If Combo1 = "Sirloin Roast" Then
Text1.Text = 185
End If
If Combo1 = "Ham, lean only" Then
Text1.Text = 160
End If
If Combo1 = "Ham, lean and fat" Then
Text1.Text = 250
End If
If Combo1 = "Pork Sausages, broiled/grilled" Then
Text1.Text = 240
End If
If Combo1 = "Pork Sausage Rolls, flaky pastry" Then
Text1.Text = 360
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicken breast, meat & skin, roasted" Then
Text1.Text = 165
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicken breast, meat & skin, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicken breast, meat only, roasted" Then
Text1.Text = 140
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicken breast, meat only, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 140
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicken drumstick, meat only, fried" Then
Text1.Text = 175
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicken drumstick, meat only, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicken leg, meat & skin, roasted" Then
Text1.Text = 210
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicken leg, meat & skin, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 210
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicken leg, meat only, roasted" Then
Text1.Text = 180
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicken leg, meat only, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 160
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicken Nuggets " Then
Text1.Text = 190
End If
If Combo1 = "Turkey, meat only, roasted " Then
Text1.Text = 190
End If
If Combo1 = "Veal Loin, broiled/baked" Then
Text1.Text = 200
End If
If Combo1 = "Veal Rib Roast" Then
Text1.Text = 230
End If
If Combo1 = "Veal Chop, lean only" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Veal Liver, fried" Then
Text1.Text = 222
End If
If Combo1 = "Veal Sweetbreads, baked" Then
Text1.Text = 145
End If
If Combo1 = "Buffalo Steak, meat only" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Venison, lean meat, roasted" Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Venison, cured, roasted " Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Rabbit" Then
Text1.Text = 215
End If
If Combo1 = "Duck, roasted, lean only" Then
Text1.Text = 145
End If
If Combo1 = "Duck, roasted, lean & fat" Then
Text1.Text = 260
End If
If Combo1 = "Grouse, roasted" Then
Text1.Text = 130
End If
If Combo1 = "Partridge, roast, lean only" Then
Text1.Text = 160
End If
If Combo1 = "Pigeon, roast " Then
Text1.Text = 220
End If
If Combo1 = "Rhea, roast, lean only " Then
Text1.Text = 105
End If
If Combo1 = "Quail, breast, roasted" Then
Text1.Text = 105
End If
If Combo1 = "Cantaloupe" Then
Text1.Text = 55
End If
If Combo1 = "Cherries" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Cranberries" Then
Text1.Text = 14
End If
If Combo1 = "Currants - dried" Then
Text1.Text = 244
End If
If Combo1 = "Damsons - stewed" Then
Text1.Text = 28
End If
If Combo1 = "Figs" Then
Text1.Text = 214
End If
If Combo1 = "Gooseberries - stewed" Then
Text1.Text = 13
End If
If Combo1 = "Grapefruit" Then
Text1.Text = 43
End If
If Combo1 = "Grapes" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Greengages - stewed" Then
Text1.Text = 37
End If
If Combo1 = "Guava" Then
Text1.Text = 57
End If
If Combo1 = "Honeydew Melon" Then
Text1.Text = 39
End If
If Combo1 = "Kiwi" Then
Text1.Text = 45
End If
If Combo1 = "Kumquat" Then
Text1.Text = 64
End If
If Combo1 = "Lemon" Then
Text1.Text = 15
End If
If Combo1 = "Loganberries" Then
Text1.Text = 17
End If
If Combo1 = "Lychee" Then
Text1.Text = 14
End If
If Combo1 = "Mandarin" Then
Text1.Text = 30
End If
If Combo1 = "Mango" Then
Text1.Text = 75
End If
If Combo1 = "Medlars" Then
Text1.Text = 43
End If
If Combo1 = "Mulberries" Then
Text1.Text = 35
End If
If Combo1 = "Nectarine" Then
Text1.Text = 53
End If
If Combo1 = "Olives" Then
Text1.Text = 85
End If
If Combo1 = "Orange" Then
Text1.Text = 50
End If
If Combo1 = "Orange Juice" Then
Text1.Text = 105
End If
If Combo1 = "Papaya" Then
Text1.Text = 45
End If
If Combo1 = "Passionfruit" Then
Text1.Text = 15
End If
If Combo1 = "Peach" Then
Text1.Text = 50
End If
If Combo1 = "Pear" Then
Text1.Text = 50
End If
If Combo1 = "Pineapple" Then
Text1.Text = 46
End If
If Combo1 = "Plums" Then
Text1.Text = 26
End If
If Combo1 = "Prunes" Then
Text1.Text = 134
End If
If Combo1 = "Quinces" Then
Text1.Text = 25
End If
If Combo1 = "Raisins - dried" Then
Text1.Text = 247
End If
If Combo1 = "Raspberries" Then
Text1.Text = 25
End If
If Combo1 = "Rhubarb - stewed" Then
Text1.Text = 8
End If
If Combo1 = "Sharonfruit" Then
Text1.Text = 130
End If
If Combo1 = "Strawberries" Then
Text1.Text = 26
End If
If Combo1 = "Sultanas - dried" Then
Text1.Text = 249
End If
If Combo1 = "Tangerine" Then
Text1.Text = 30
End If
If Combo1 = "Topaz" Then
Text1.Text = 65
End If
If Combo1 = "Uglifruit" Then
Text1.Text = 140
End If
If Combo1 = "Watermelon" Then
Text1.Text = 54
End If
If Combo1 = "Cabbage - raw" Then
Text1.Text = 25
End If
If Combo1 = "Cabbage - red" Then
Text1.Text = 20
End If
If Combo1 = "Carrots" Then
Text1.Text = 22
End If
If Combo1 = "Cassava" Then
Text1.Text = 154
End If
If Combo1 = "Cauliflower - raw" Then
Text1.Text = 30
End If
If Combo1 = "Celeriac" Then
Text1.Text = 14
End If
If Combo1 = "Celery" Then
Text1.Text = 5
End If
If Combo1 = "Chicory" Then
Text1.Text = 9
End If
If Combo1 = "Chilies - dried" Then
Text1.Text = 338
End If
If Combo1 = "Chilies - fresh" Then
Text1.Text = 21
End If
If Combo1 = "Chinese Leaves" Then
Text1.Text = 11
End If
If Combo1 = "Chives" Then
Text1.Text = 36
End If
If Combo1 = "Collard Greens" Then
Text1.Text = 25
End If
If Combo1 = "Corn Kernels" Then
Text1.Text = 165
End If
If Combo1 = "Corn on Cob" Then
Text1.Text = 85
End If
If Combo1 = "Cucumber" Then
Text1.Text = 15
End If
If Combo1 = "Dandelion" Then
Text1.Text = 50
End If
If Combo1 = "Eggplant/Aubergine" Then
Text1.Text = 26
End If
If Combo1 = "Endives" Then
Text1.Text = 10
End If
If Combo1 = "Fennel" Then
Text1.Text = 11
End If
If Combo1 = "Horseradish" Then
Text1.Text = 60
End If
If Combo1 = "Kale" Then
Text1.Text = 40
End If
If Combo1 = "Leeks" Then
Text1.Text = 32
End If
If Combo1 = "Lettuce" Then
Text1.Text = 15
End If
If Combo1 = "Mangetout" Then
Text1.Text = 43
End If
If Combo1 = "Mushrooms" Then
Text1.Text = 18
End If
If Combo1 = "Okra" Then
Text1.Text = 50
End If
If Combo1 = "Onions" Then
Text1.Text = 40
End If
If Combo1 = "Parsley - raw" Then
Text1.Text = 21
End If
If Combo1 = "Parsnips" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo1 = "Peas" Then
Text1.Text = 125
End If
If Combo1 = "Pepper - red" Then
Text1.Text = 25
End If
If Combo1 = "Pepper - green" Then
Text1.Text = 20
End If
If Combo1 = "Plantain boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 125
End If
If Combo1 = "Potato Salad" Then
Text1.Text = 360
End If
If Combo1 = "Potato, Sweet" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Potatoes, baked" Then
Text1.Text = 104
End If
If Combo1 = "Potatoes, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Potatoes, fries" Then
Text1.Text = 239
End If
If Combo1 = "Potatoes, new" Then
Text1.Text = 75
End If
If Combo1 = "Potatoes, roast" Then
Text1.Text = 123
End If
If Combo1 = "Pumpkin" Then
Text1.Text = 50
End If
If Combo1 = "Radishes" Then
Text1.Text = 15
End If
If Combo1 = "Salsify, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 18
End If
If Combo1 = "Sea Kale, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 8
End If
If Combo1 = "Shallots/Spring Onions" Then
Text1.Text = 26
End If
If Combo1 = "Spinach" Then
Text1.Text = 10
End If
If Combo1 = "Squash" Then
Text1.Text = 100
End If
If Combo1 = "Swede" Then
Text1.Text = 20
End If
If Combo1 = "Tomato" Then
Text1.Text = 20
End If
If Combo1 = "Turnip" Then
Text1.Text = 55
End If
If Combo1 = "Wakame, raw" Then
Text1.Text = 45
End If
If Combo1 = "Watercress" Then
Text1.Text = 25
End If
If Combo1 = "Yams, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 114
End If
If Combo1 = "Zucchini/Courgette" Then
Text1.Text = 40
End If
If Combo1 = "Flageolet Beans, canned" Then
Text1.Text = 115
End If
If Combo1 = "Flageolet Beans, dried" Then
Text1.Text = 350
End If
If Combo1 = "Garbanzo Beans, canned" Then
Text1.Text = 75
End If
If Combo1 = "Lentils" Then
Text1.Text = 100
End If
If Combo1 = "Peas, frozen" Then
Text1.Text = 65
End If
If Combo1 = "Peas, split, boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Peas, split, dried" Then
Text1.Text = 300
End If
If Combo1 = "Garbanzo Beans" Then
Text1.Text = 325
End If
If Combo1 = "Mung Beans" Then
Text1.Text = 180
End If
If Combo1 = "Fresh whole milk" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Chocolate Milk low-fat " Then
Text1.Text = 158
End If
If Combo1 = "Goats Milk, evaporated" Then
Text1.Text = 160
End If
If Combo1 = "Sheeps Milk" Then
Text1.Text = 264
End If
If Combo1 = "Reindeer Milk" Then
Text1.Text = 580
End If
If Combo1 = "Soya Milk" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Cream, half-and-half " Then
Text1.Text = 20
End If
If Combo1 = "Cream, coffee " Then
Text1.Text = 29
End If
If Combo1 = "Yogurt, fat-free" Then
Text1.Text = 100
End If
If Combo1 = "Yogurt, full-fat" Then
Text1.Text = 140
End If
If Combo1 = "Camembert" Then
Text1.Text = 85
End If
If Combo1 = "Derby" Then
Text1.Text = 100
End If
If Combo1 = "Feta" Then
Text1.Text = 75
End If
If Combo1 = "Fontina" Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Gruyere" Then
Text1.Text = 72
End If
If Combo1 = "" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo1 = "Mozzarella" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Parmesan, grated" Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Port du Salut" Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Ricotta" Then
Text1.Text = 216
End If
If Combo1 = "Eggs - Boiled" Then
Text1.Text = 75
End If
If Combo1 = "Eggs - Blintzes" Then
Text1.Text = 186
End If
If Combo1 = "Eggs - Fried" Then
Text1.Text = 105
End If
If Combo1 = "Eggs - Omelet" Then
Text1.Text = 330
End If
If Combo1 = "Eggs - Sandwich" Then
Text1.Text = 255
End If
If Combo1 = "Eggs Park Avenue" Then
Text1.Text = 750
End If
If Combo1 = "Eggs Romano" Then
Text1.Text = 365
End If
If Combo1 = "Cornflakes, plain" Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Noodles, egg" Then
Text1.Text = 340
End If
If Combo1 = "Noodles, rice" Then
Text1.Text = 361
End If
If Combo1 = "Couscous" Then
Text1.Text = 107
End If
If Combo1 = "Pasta, Farfalle" Then
Text1.Text = 345
End If
If Combo1 = "Pasta, Macaroni" Then
Text1.Text = 310
End If
If Combo1 = "Pasta, Spaghetti" Then
Text1.Text = 338
End If
If Combo1 = "Pasta, Tagliatelle" Then
Text1.Text = 372
End If
If Combo1 = "Pasta, Vermicelli" Then
Text1.Text = 338
End If
If Combo1 = "Rice, brown" Then
Text1.Text = 350
End If
If Combo1 = "Rice, basmati" Then
Text1.Text = 330
End If
If Combo1 = "Tortillas" Then
Text1.Text = 340
End If
If Combo1 = "Croissants, Chocolate" Then
Text1.Text = 440
End If
If Combo1 = "Croissants, Plain" Then
Text1.Text = 310
End If
If Combo1 = "Danish, Apple" Then
Text1.Text = 265
End If
If Combo1 = "French Bread" Then
Text1.Text = 70
End If
If Combo1 = "Muffin, Blueberry" Then
Text1.Text = 195
End If
If Combo1 = "Muffin, English" Then
Text1.Text = 135
End If
If Combo1 = "Roll, Hamburger" Then
Text1.Text = 125
End If
If Combo1 = "Roll, Onion" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Mayonnaise" Then
Text1.Text = 220
End If
If Combo1 = "Vinaigrette" Then
Text1.Text = 180
End If
If Combo1 = "Peanut Butter Dressing" Then
Text1.Text = 220
End If
If Combo1 = "Oil & Vinegar Dressing" Then
Text1.Text = 140
End If
If Combo1 = "Cocktail Sauce" Then
Text1.Text = 45
End If
If Combo1 = "Ketchup" Then
Text1.Text = 56
End If
If Combo1 = "Tabasco" Then
Text1.Text = 6
End If
If Combo1 = "Lyonnaise" Then
Text1.Text = 45
End If
If Combo1 = "Cheeseburger" Then
Text1.Text = 660
End If
If Combo1 = "Hamburger" Then
Text1.Text = 520
End If
If Combo1 = "Sausage, Fried/Battered" Then
Text1.Text = 100
End If
If Combo1 = "Hot Dog" Then
Text1.Text = 240
End If
If Combo1 = "Pizza, Pepperoni" Then
Text1.Text = 1100
End If
If Combo1 = "Mex Taco" Then
Text1.Text = 550
End If
If Combo1 = "Desserts - Sundae, Caramel" Then
Text1.Text = 305
End If
If Combo1 = "Shakes" Then
Text1.Text = 360
End If
If Combo1 = "Carlsberg" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Heineken" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Old Milwaukee" Then
Text1.Text = 140
End If
If Combo1 = "Zima" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Cabernet Sauvignon" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Champagne" Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Merlot" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo1 = "Muscatel" Then
Text1.Text = 160
End If
If Combo1 = "Reisling" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Rose" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo1 = "Sauvignon Blanc" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Tokay" Then
Text1.Text = 165
End If
If Combo1 = "Margarita" Then
Text1.Text = 160
End If
If Combo1 = "Tequila" Then
Text1.Text = 115
End If
If Combo1 = "Whiskey" Then
Text1.Text = 150
End If
If Combo1 = "Martini" Then
Text1.Text = 155
End If
If Combo1 = "7-Up" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Cola" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Grapejuice" Then
Text1.Text = 110
End If
If Combo1 = "Lemonade" Then
Text1.Text = 80
End If
If Combo1 = "Orange Juice" Then
Text1.Text = 90
End If
If Combo1 = "Tonic" Then
Text1.Text = 70
End If
If Combo1 = "Water" Then
Text1.Text = 0
End If
If Combo1 = "Leffe Beer" Then
Text1.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Asparagus" Then
Text2.Text = 10
End If
If Combo2 = "Artichoke" Then
Text2.Text = 5
End If
If Combo2 = "Apple" Then
Text2.Text = 60
End If
If Combo2 = "Apple Juice" Then
Text2.Text = 115
End If
If Combo2 = "Apricot" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Avocado" Then
Text2.Text = 305
End If
If Combo2 = "Anchovies" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Abalone" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "American Cheddar" Then
Text2.Text = 106
End If
If Combo2 = "Aioli 21g" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Apricot Brandy" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Brisket, lean only, braised" Then
Text2.Text = 205
End If
If Combo2 = "Brisket, lean & fat, braised" Then
Text2.Text = 335
End If
If Combo2 = "Bacon, Breakfast strips" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Bacon, Gammon, lean only, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 130
End If
If Combo2 = "Bacon, Gammon, lean&fat, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 205
End If
If Combo2 = "Bacon, Rashers" Then
Text2.Text = 360
End If
If Combo2 = "Blue Fish" Then
Text2.Text = 105
End If
If Combo2 = "Brill, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Bream, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Buffalo Steak, meat" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Banana" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Bilberries" Then
Text2.Text = 57
End If
If Combo2 = "Blackberries" Then
Text2.Text = 23
End If
If Combo2 = "Blueberries" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Green Beans" Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Beansprouts" Then
Text2.Text = 35
End If
If Combo2 = "Beet Greens" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Beets" Then
Text2.Text = 35
End If
If Combo2 = "Broccoli" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Brussels Sprouts" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Baked Beans, Heinz" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Baked Beans, Sugar-free" Then
Text2.Text = 63
End If
If Combo2 = "Borlotti Beans, canned" Then
Text2.Text = 168
End If
If Combo2 = "Butter Beans, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 103
End If
If Combo2 = "Butter Beans, dried" Then
Text2.Text = 293
End If
If Combo2 = "Buffalo milk" Then
Text2.Text = 236
End If
If Combo2 = "Buttermilk, cultured" Then
Text2.Text = 99
End If
If Combo2 = "Blue Cheese" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Barley" Then
Text2.Text = 88
End If
If Combo2 = "Burrito" Then
Text2.Text = 294
End If
If Combo2 = "Bagel, plain" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Bagel, egg" Then
Text2.Text = 200
End If
If Combo2 = "Bread, Brioche" Then
Text2.Text = 135
End If
If Combo2 = "Bread, Italian" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Bread, Vienna" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Breadcrumbs, dry" Then
Text2.Text = 350
End If
If Combo2 = "Breadsticks, Sesame" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Blue Cheese Dressing" Then
Text2.Text = 149
End If
If Combo2 = "Beer, Generic" Then
Text2.Text = 145
End If
If Combo2 = "Beer Light, Generic" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Brown Ale, Generic" Then
Text2.Text = 96
End If
If Combo2 = "Becks" Then
Text2.Text = 145
End If
If Combo2 = "Budweiser" Then
Text2.Text = 145
End If
If Combo2 = "Bud Light" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Bordeaux" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Burgundy, red" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Burgundy, white" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Benedictine" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Bloody Mary" Then
Text2.Text = 120
End If
If Combo2 = "Bourbon & soda" Then
Text2.Text = 120
End If
If Combo2 = "Brandy" Then
Text2.Text = 125
End If
If Combo2 = "Chuck, blade, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 330
End If
If Combo2 = "Chuck, pot roast, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 300
End If
If Combo2 = "Chuck, blade, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 235
End If
If Combo2 = "Chuck, rib roast/steaks, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 365
End If
If Combo2 = "Chuck, stewing meat, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 280
End If
If Combo2 = "Center Loin Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Center Rib Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Canadian Vegetarian Bacon " Then
Text2.Text = 130
End If
If Combo2 = "Cured Breakfast strips " Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Catfish, fried, boneless" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Catfish, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Clams, steamed " Then
Text2.Text = 235
End If
If Combo2 = "Cockles, fresh" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Cod, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Cod, fried" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Cod, fishcakes each" Then
Text2.Text = 60
End If
If Combo2 = "Cod, fishfingers" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Crab, boiled, no shell" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Flounder, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Haddock, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Hake, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Halibut, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Herring, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "John Dorey, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Kippers, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Lemon Sole, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Lobster, Boiled, no shell" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Mackerel, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 190
End If
If Combo2 = "Mackerel, canned in water " Then
Text2.Text = 235
End If
If Combo2 = "Monkfish, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 65
End If
If Combo2 = "Mullet, Red, steamed with bones" Then
Text2.Text = 120
End If
If Combo2 = "Mussels, boiled, no shell" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Octopus, raw" Then
Text2.Text = 65
End If
If Combo2 = "Oysters, raw, no shell" Then
Text2.Text = 55
End If
If Combo2 = "Perch, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 66
End If
If Combo2 = "Plaice, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Red Snapper, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Salmon, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Salmon, pink, canned" Then
Text2.Text = 120
End If
If Combo2 = "Sardines, canned, oil " Then
Text2.Text = 220
End If
If Combo2 = "Sardines, canned, water " Then
Text2.Text = 155
End If
If Combo2 = "Scallops, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Sea Bass, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 85
End If
If Combo2 = "Shrimp, canned " Then
Text2.Text = 155
End If
If Combo2 = "Shrimp, cooked, no shells" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Skate, fried, whole" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Sole, fried, no bones" Then
Text2.Text = 162
End If
If Combo2 = "Swordfish, broiled/grilled" Then
Tex2.Text = 135
End If
If Combo2 = "Trout, baked" Then
Tex2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Tuna Bluefin, baked/broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 210
End If
If Combo2 = "Tuna Skipjack, baked/broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Tuna, canned, oil" Then
Text2.Text = 190
End If
If Combo2 = "Tuna, canned, water" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Turbot, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Whitebait, fried" Then
Text2.Text = 395
End If
If Combo2 = "Whiting, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "London Broil, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 170
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib roasted, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 210
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib roasted, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 330
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib broiled, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 200
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib broiled, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 315
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib Eye, lean only, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib Eye, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 250
End If
If Combo2 = "Round, Top, lean only, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 155
End If
If Combo2 = "Round, Top, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 155
End If
If Combo2 = "Rump Roast, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 170
End If
If Combo2 = "Rump Roast, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 285
End If
If Combo2 = "Sirloin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Sirloin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 240
End If
If Combo2 = "Steak, porterhouse, lean, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Steak, porterhouse, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 255
End If
If Combo2 = "Steak, T-bone, lean, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Tenderloin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Tenderloin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 230
End If
If Combo2 = "Top Loin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Top Loin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 250
End If
If Combo2 = "Hamburger, lean only, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Hamburger, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 240
End If
If Combo2 = "Corned Beef, cooked" Then
Text2.Text = 315
End If
If Combo2 = "Beef Liver, fried" Then
Text2.Text = 200
End If
If Combo2 = "Beef Tongue, braised" Then
Text2.Text = 210
End If
If Combo2 = "Beef Tongue, canned/pickled" Then
Text2.Text = 230
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, arm, braised, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 270
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, arm, braised lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 300
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, loin, lean, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, loin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 250
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, rib, lean, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, rib, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 350
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Leg, lean only, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Leg, lean & fat, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 240
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Shoulder, lean only, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Shoulder, lean & fat, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 290
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Liver, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 225
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Tongue, braised" Then
Text2.Text = 220
End If
If Combo2 = "Pork Blade Steak, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Loin Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Loin Chop, no bone, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Loin Roast, no bone" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib Chops" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib Roast, no bone" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Sirloin Roast" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Ham, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Ham, lean and fat" Then
Text2.Text = 250
End If
If Combo2 = "Pork Sausages, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 240
End If
If Combo2 = "Pork Sausage Rolls, flaky pastry" Then
Text2.Text = 360
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken breast, meat & skin, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken breast, meat & skin, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken breast, meat only, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken breast, meat only, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken drumstick, meat only, fried" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken drumstick, meat only, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken leg, meat & skin, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 210
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken leg, meat & skin, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 210
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken leg, meat only, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken leg, meat only, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken Nuggets " Then
Text2.Text = 190
End If
If Combo2 = "Turkey, meat only, roasted " Then
Text2.Text = 190
End If
If Combo2 = "Veal Loin, broiled/baked" Then
Text2.Text = 200
End If
If Combo2 = "Veal Rib Roast" Then
Text2.Text = 230
End If
If Combo2 = "Veal Chop, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Veal Liver, fried" Then
Text2.Text = 222
End If
If Combo2 = "Veal Sweetbreads, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 145
End If
If Combo2 = "Buffalo Steak, meat only" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Venison, lean meat, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Venison, cured, roasted " Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Rabbit" Then
Text2.Text = 215
End If
If Combo2 = "Duck, roasted, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 145
End If
If Combo2 = "Duck, roasted, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 260
End If
If Combo2 = "Grouse, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 130
End If
If Combo2 = "Partridge, roast, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Pigeon, roast " Then
Text2.Text = 220
End If
If Combo2 = "Rhea, roast, lean only " Then
Text2.Text = 105
End If
If Combo2 = "Quail, breast, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 105
End If
If Combo2 = "Cantaloupe" Then
Text2.Text = 55
End If
If Combo2 = "Cherries" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Cranberries" Then
Text2.Text = 14
End If
If Combo2 = "Currants - dried" Then
Text2.Text = 244
End If
If Combo2 = "Damsons - stewed" Then
Text2.Text = 28
End If
If Combo2 = "Figs" Then
Text2.Text = 214
End If
If Combo2 = "Gooseberries - stewed" Then
Text2.Text = 13
End If
If Combo2 = "Grapefruit" Then
Text2.Text = 43
End If
If Combo2 = "Grapes" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Greengages - stewed" Then
Text2.Text = 37
End If
If Combo2 = "Guava" Then
Text2.Text = 57
End If
If Combo2 = "Honeydew Melon" Then
Text2.Text = 39
End If
If Combo2 = "Kiwi" Then
Text2.Text = 45
End If
If Combo2 = "Kumquat" Then
Text2.Text = 64
End If
If Combo2 = "Lemon" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Loganberries" Then
Text2.Text = 17
End If
If Combo2 = "Lychee" Then
Text2.Text = 14
End If
If Combo2 = "Mandarin" Then
Text2.Text = 30
End If
If Combo2 = "Mango" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Medlars" Then
Text2.Text = 43
End If
If Combo2 = "Mulberries" Then
Text2.Text = 35
End If
If Combo2 = "Nectarine" Then
Text2.Text = 53
End If
If Combo2 = "Olives" Then
Text2.Text = 85
End If
If Combo2 = "Orange" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Orange Juice" Then
Text2.Text = 105
End If
If Combo2 = "Papaya" Then
Text2.Text = 45
End If
If Combo2 = "Passionfruit" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Peach" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Pear" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Pineapple" Then
Text2.Text = 46
End If
If Combo2 = "Plums" Then
Text2.Text = 26
End If
If Combo2 = "Prunes" Then
Text2.Text = 134
End If
If Combo2 = "Quinces" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Raisins - dried" Then
Text2.Text = 247
End If
If Combo2 = "Raspberries" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Rhubarb - stewed" Then
Text2.Text = 8
End If
If Combo2 = "Sharonfruit" Then
Text2.Text = 130
End If
If Combo2 = "Strawberries" Then
Text2.Text = 26
End If
If Combo2 = "Sultanas - dried" Then
Text2.Text = 249
End If
If Combo2 = "Tangerine" Then
Text2.Text = 30
End If
If Combo2 = "Topaz" Then
Text2.Text = 65
End If
If Combo2 = "Uglifruit" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Watermelon" Then
Text2.Text = 54
End If
If Combo2 = "Cabbage - raw" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Cabbage - red" Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Carrots" Then
Text2.Text = 22
End If
If Combo2 = "Cassava" Then
Text2.Text = 154
End If
If Combo2 = "Cauliflower - raw" Then
Text2.Text = 30
End If
If Combo2 = "Celeriac" Then
Text2.Text = 14
End If
If Combo2 = "Celery" Then
Text2.Text = 5
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicory" Then
Text2.Text = 9
End If
If Combo2 = "Chilies - dried" Then
Text2.Text = 338
End If
If Combo2 = "Chilies - fresh" Then
Text2.Text = 21
End If
If Combo2 = "Chinese Leaves" Then
Text2.Text = 11
End If
If Combo2 = "Chives" Then
Text2.Text = 36
End If
If Combo2 = "Collard Greens" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Corn Kernels" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Corn on Cob" Then
Text2.Text = 85
End If
If Combo2 = "Cucumber" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Dandelion" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggplant/Aubergine" Then
Text2.Text = 26
End If
If Combo2 = "Endives" Then
Text2.Text = 10
End If
If Combo2 = "Fennel" Then
Text2.Text = 11
End If
If Combo2 = "Horseradish" Then
Text2.Text = 60
End If
If Combo2 = "Kale" Then
Text2.Text = 40
End If
If Combo2 = "Leeks" Then
Text2.Text = 32
End If
If Combo2 = "Lettuce" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Mangetout" Then
Text2.Text = 43
End If
If Combo2 = "Mushrooms" Then
Text2.Text = 18
End If
If Combo2 = "Okra" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Onions" Then
Text2.Text = 40
End If
If Combo2 = "Parsley - raw" Then
Text2.Text = 21
End If
If Combo2 = "Parsnips" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Peas" Then
Text2.Text = 125
End If
If Combo2 = "Pepper - red" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Pepper - green" Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Plantain boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 125
End If
If Combo2 = "Potato Salad" Then
Text2.Text = 360
End If
If Combo2 = "Potato, Sweet" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Potatoes, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 104
End If
If Combo2 = "Potatoes, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Potatoes, fries" Then
Text2.Text = 239
End If
If Combo2 = "Potatoes, new" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Potatoes, roast" Then
Text2.Text = 123
End If
If Combo2 = "Pumpkin" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Radishes" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Salsify, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 18
End If
If Combo2 = "Sea Kale, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 8
End If
If Combo2 = "Shallots/Spring Onions" Then
Text2.Text = 26
End If
If Combo2 = "Spinach" Then
Text2.Text = 10
End If
If Combo2 = "Squash" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Swede" Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Tomato" Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Turnip" Then
Text2.Text = 55
End If
If Combo2 = "Wakame, raw" Then
Text2.Text = 45
End If
If Combo2 = "Watercress" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Yams, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 114
End If
If Combo2 = "Zucchini/Courgette" Then
Text2.Text = 40
End If
If Combo2 = "Flageolet Beans, canned" Then
Text2.Text = 115
End If
If Combo2 = "Flageolet Beans, dried" Then
Text2.Text = 350
End If
If Combo2 = "Garbanzo Beans, canned" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Lentils" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Peas, frozen" Then
Text2.Text = 65
End If
If Combo2 = "Peas, split, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Peas, split, dried" Then
Text2.Text = 300
End If
If Combo2 = "Garbanzo Beans" Then
Text2.Text = 325
End If
If Combo2 = "Mung Beans" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Fresh whole milk" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Chocolate Milk low-fat " Then
Text2.Text = 158
End If
If Combo2 = "Goats Milk, evaporated" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Sheeps Milk" Then
Text2.Text = 264
End If
If Combo2 = "Reindeer Milk" Then
Text2.Text = 580
End If
If Combo2 = "Soya Milk" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Cream, half-and-half " Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Cream, coffee " Then
Text2.Text = 29
End If
If Combo2 = "Yogurt, fat-free" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Yogurt, full-fat" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Camembert" Then
Text2.Text = 85
End If
If Combo2 = "Derby" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Feta" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Fontina" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Gruyere" Then
Text2.Text = 72
End If
If Combo2 = "Mozzarella" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Parmesan, grated" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Port du Salut" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Ricotta" Then
Text2.Text = 216
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs - Boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs - Blintzes" Then
Text2.Text = 186
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs - Fried" Then
Text2.Text = 105
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs - Omelet" Then
Text2.Text = 330
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs - Sandwich" Then
Text2.Text = 255
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs Park Avenue" Then
Text2.Text = 750
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs Romano" Then
Text2.Text = 365
End If
If Combo2 = "Cornflakes, plain" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Noodles, egg" Then
Text2.Text = 340
End If
If Combo2 = "Noodles, rice" Then
Text2.Text = 361
End If
If Combo2 = "Couscous" Then
Text2.Text = 107
End If
If Combo2 = "Pasta, Farfalle" Then
Text2.Text = 345
End If
If Combo2 = "Pasta, Macaroni" Then
Text2.Text = 310
End If
If Combo2 = "Pasta, Spaghetti" Then
Text2.Text = 338
End If
If Combo2 = "Pasta, Tagliatelle" Then
Text2.Text = 372
End If
If Combo2 = "Pasta, Vermicelli" Then
Text2.Text = 338
End If
If Combo2 = "Rice, brown" Then
Text2.Text = 350
End If
If Combo2 = "Rice, basmati" Then
Text2.Text = 330
End If
If Combo2 = "Tortillas" Then
Text2.Text = 340
End If
If Combo2 = "Croissants, Chocolate" Then
Text2.Text = 440
End If
If Combo2 = "Croissants, Plain" Then
Text2.Text = 310
End If
If Combo2 = "Danish, Apple" Then
Text2.Text = 265
End If
If Combo2 = "French Bread" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Muffin, Blueberry" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Muffin, English" Then
Text2.Text = 135
End If
If Combo2 = "Roll, Hamburger" Then
Text2.Text = 125
End If
If Combo2 = "Roll, Onion" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Mayonnaise" Then
Text2.Text = 220
End If
If Combo2 = "Vinaigrette" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Peanut Butter Dressing" Then
Text2.Text = 220
End If
If Combo2 = "Oil & Vinegar Dressing" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Cocktail Sauce" Then
Text2.Text = 45
End If
If Combo2 = "Ketchup" Then
Text2.Text = 56
End If
If Combo2 = "Tabasco" Then
Text2.Text = 6
End If
If Combo2 = "Lyonnaise" Then
Text2.Text = 45
End If
If Combo2 = "Cheeseburger" Then
Text2.Text = 660
End If
If Combo2 = "Hamburger" Then
Text2.Text = 520
End If
If Combo2 = "Sausage, Fried/Battered" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Hot Dog" Then
Text2.Text = 240
End If
If Combo2 = "Pizza, Pepperoni" Then
Text2.Text = 1100
End If
If Combo2 = "Mex Taco" Then
Text2.Text = 550
End If
If Combo2 = "Desserts - Sundae, Caramel" Then
Text2.Text = 305
End If
If Combo2 = "Shakes" Then
Text2.Text = 360
End If
If Combo2 = "Carlsberg" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Heineken" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Old Milwaukee" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Zima" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Cabernet Sauvignon" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Champagne" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Merlot" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Muscatel" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Reisling" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Rose" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Sauvignon Blanc" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Tokay" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Margarita" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Tequila" Then
Text2.Text = 115
End If
If Combo2 = "Whiskey" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Martini" Then
Text2.Text = 155
End If
If Combo2 = "7-Up" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Cola" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Grapejuice" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Lemonade" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Orange Juice" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Tonic" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Water" Then
Text2.Text = 0
End If
If Combo2 = "Leffe Beer" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Combo2_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
If Combo2 = "Asparagus" Then
Text2.Text = 10
End If
If Combo2 = "Artichoke" Then
Text2.Text = 5
End If
If Combo2 = "Apple" Then
Text2.Text = 60
End If
If Combo2 = "Apple Juice" Then
Text2.Text = 115
End If
If Combo2 = "Apricot" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Avocado" Then
Text2.Text = 305
End If
If Combo2 = "Anchovies" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Abalone" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "American Cheddar" Then
Text2.Text = 106
End If
If Combo2 = "Aioli 21g" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Apricot Brandy" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Brisket, lean only, braised" Then
Text2.Text = 205
End If
If Combo2 = "Brisket, lean & fat, braised" Then
Text2.Text = 335
End If
If Combo2 = "Bacon, Breakfast strips" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Bacon, Gammon, lean only, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 130
End If
If Combo2 = "Bacon, Gammon, lean&fat, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 205
End If
If Combo2 = "Bacon, Rashers" Then
Text2.Text = 360
End If
If Combo2 = "Blue Fish" Then
Text2.Text = 105
End If
If Combo2 = "Brill, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Bream, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Buffalo Steak, meat" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Banana" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Bilberries" Then
Text2.Text = 57
End If
If Combo2 = "Blackberries" Then
Text2.Text = 23
End If
If Combo2 = "Blueberries" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Green Beans" Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Beansprouts" Then
Text2.Text = 35
End If
If Combo2 = "Beet Greens" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Beets" Then
Text2.Text = 35
End If
If Combo2 = "Broccoli" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Brussels Sprouts" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Baked Beans, Heinz" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Baked Beans, Sugar-free" Then
Text2.Text = 63
End If
If Combo2 = "Borlotti Beans, canned" Then
Text2.Text = 168
End If
If Combo2 = "Butter Beans, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 103
End If
If Combo2 = "Butter Beans, dried" Then
Text2.Text = 293
End If
If Combo2 = "Buffalo milk" Then
Text2.Text = 236
End If
If Combo2 = "Buttermilk, cultured" Then
Text2.Text = 99
End If
If Combo2 = "Blue Cheese" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Barley" Then
Text2.Text = 88
End If
If Combo2 = "Burrito" Then
Text2.Text = 294
End If
If Combo2 = "Bagel, plain" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Bagel, egg" Then
Text2.Text = 200
End If
If Combo2 = "Bread, Brioche" Then
Text2.Text = 135
End If
If Combo2 = "Bread, Italian" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Bread, Vienna" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Breadcrumbs, dry" Then
Text2.Text = 350
End If
If Combo2 = "Breadsticks, Sesame" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Blue Cheese Dressing" Then
Text2.Text = 149
End If
If Combo2 = "Beer, Generic" Then
Text2.Text = 145
End If
If Combo2 = "Beer Light, Generic" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Brown Ale, Generic" Then
Text2.Text = 96
End If
If Combo2 = "Becks" Then
Text2.Text = 145
End If
If Combo2 = "Budweiser" Then
Text2.Text = 145
End If
If Combo2 = "Bud Light" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Bordeaux" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Burgundy, red" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Burgundy, white" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Benedictine" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Bloody Mary" Then
Text2.Text = 120
End If
If Combo2 = "Bourbon & soda" Then
Text2.Text = 120
End If
If Combo2 = "Brandy" Then
Text2.Text = 125
End If
If Combo2 = "Chuck, blade, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 330
End If
If Combo2 = "Chuck, pot roast, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 300
End If
If Combo2 = "Chuck, blade, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 235
End If
If Combo2 = "Chuck, rib roast/steaks, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 365
End If
If Combo2 = "Chuck, stewing meat, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 280
End If
If Combo2 = "Center Loin Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Center Rib Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Canadian Vegetarian Bacon " Then
Text2.Text = 130
End If
If Combo2 = "Cured Breakfast strips " Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Catfish, fried, boneless" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Catfish, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Clams, steamed " Then
Text2.Text = 235
End If
If Combo2 = "Cockles, fresh" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Cod, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Cod, fried" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Cod, fishcakes each" Then
Text2.Text = 60
End If
If Combo2 = "Cod, fishfingers" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Crab, boiled, no shell" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Flounder, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Haddock, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Hake, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Halibut, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Herring, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "John Dorey, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Kippers, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Lemon Sole, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Lobster, Boiled, no shell" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Mackerel, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 190
End If
If Combo2 = "Mackerel, canned in water " Then
Text2.Text = 235
End If
If Combo2 = "Monkfish, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 65
End If
If Combo2 = "Mullet, Red, steamed with bones" Then
Text2.Text = 120
End If
If Combo2 = "Mussels, boiled, no shell" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Octopus, raw" Then
Text2.Text = 65
End If
If Combo2 = "Oysters, raw, no shell" Then
Text2.Text = 55
End If
If Combo2 = "Perch, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 66
End If
If Combo2 = "Plaice, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Red Snapper, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Salmon, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Salmon, pink, canned" Then
Text2.Text = 120
End If
If Combo2 = "Sardines, canned, oil " Then
Text2.Text = 220
End If
If Combo2 = "Sardines, canned, water " Then
Text2.Text = 155
End If
If Combo2 = "Scallops, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Sea Bass, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 85
End If
If Combo2 = "Shrimp, canned " Then
Text2.Text = 155
End If
If Combo2 = "Shrimp, cooked, no shells" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Skate, fried, whole" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Sole, fried, no bones" Then
Text2.Text = 162
End If
If Combo2 = "Swordfish, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 135
End If
If Combo2 = "Trout, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Tuna Bluefin, baked/broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 210
End If
If Combo2 = "Tuna Skipjack, baked/broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Tuna, canned, oil" Then
Text2.Text = 190
End If
If Combo2 = "Tuna, canned, water" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Turbot, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Whitebait, fried" Then
Text2.Text = 395
End If
If Combo2 = "Whiting, steamed" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "London Broil, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 170
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib roasted, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 210
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib roasted, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 330
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib broiled, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 200
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib broiled, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 315
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib Eye, lean only, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib Eye, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 250
End If
If Combo2 = "Round, Top, lean only, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 155
End If
If Combo2 = "Round, Top, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 155
End If
If Combo2 = "Rump Roast, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 170
End If
If Combo2 = "Rump Roast, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 285
End If
If Combo2 = "Sirloin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Sirloin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 240
End If
If Combo2 = "Steak, porterhouse, lean, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Steak, porterhouse, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 255
End If
If Combo2 = "Steak, T-bone, lean, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Tenderloin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Tenderloin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 230
End If
If Combo2 = "Top Loin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Top Loin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 250
End If
If Combo2 = "Hamburger, lean only, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Hamburger, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 240
End If
If Combo2 = "Corned Beef, cooked" Then
Text2.Text = 315
End If
If Combo2 = "Beef Liver, fried" Then
Text2.Text = 200
End If
If Combo2 = "Beef Tongue, braised" Then
Text2.Text = 210
End If
If Combo2 = "Beef Tongue, canned/pickled" Then
Text2.Text = 230
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, arm, braised, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 270
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, arm, braised lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 300
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, loin, lean, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, loin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 250
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, rib, lean, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Chop, rib, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 350
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Leg, lean only, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Leg, lean & fat, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 240
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Shoulder, lean only, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Shoulder, lean & fat, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 290
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Liver, broiled" Then
Text2.Text = 225
End If
If Combo2 = "Lamb Tongue, braised" Then
Text2.Text = 220
End If
If Combo2 = "Pork Blade Steak, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Loin Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Loin Chop, no bone, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Loin Roast, no bone" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib Chops" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Rib Roast, no bone" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Sirloin Roast" Then
Text2.Text = 185
End If
If Combo2 = "Ham, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Ham, lean and fat" Then
Text2.Text = 250
End If
If Combo2 = "Pork Sausages, broiled/grilled" Then
Text2.Text = 240
End If
If Combo2 = "Pork Sausage Rolls, flaky pastry" Then
Text2.Text = 360
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken breast, meat & skin, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken breast, meat & skin, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken breast, meat only, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken breast, meat only, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken drumstick, meat only, fried" Then
Text2.Text = 175
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken drumstick, meat only, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken leg, meat & skin, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 210
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken leg, meat & skin, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 210
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken leg, meat only, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken leg, meat only, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicken Nuggets " Then
Text2.Text = 190
End If
If Combo2 = "Turkey, meat only, roasted " Then
Text2.Text = 190
End If
If Combo2 = "Veal Loin, broiled/baked" Then
Text2.Text = 200
End If
If Combo2 = "Veal Rib Roast" Then
Text2.Text = 230
End If
If Combo2 = "Veal Chop, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Veal Liver, fried" Then
Text2.Text = 222
End If
If Combo2 = "Veal Sweetbreads, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 145
End If
If Combo2 = "Buffalo Steak, meat only" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Venison, lean meat, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Venison, cured, roasted " Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Rabbit" Then
Text2.Text = 215
End If
If Combo2 = "Duck, roasted, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 145
End If
If Combo2 = "Duck, roasted, lean & fat" Then
Text2.Text = 260
End If
If Combo2 = "Grouse, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 130
End If
If Combo2 = "Partridge, roast, lean only" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Pigeon, roast " Then
Text2.Text = 220
End If
If Combo2 = "Rhea, roast, lean only " Then
Text2.Text = 105
End If
If Combo2 = "Quail, breast, roasted" Then
Text2.Text = 105
End If
If Combo2 = "Cantaloupe" Then
Text2.Text = 55
End If
If Combo2 = "Cherries" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Cranberries" Then
Text2.Text = 14
End If
If Combo2 = "Currants - dried" Then
Text2.Text = 244
End If
If Combo2 = "Damsons - stewed" Then
Text2.Text = 28
End If
If Combo2 = "Figs" Then
Text2.Text = 214
End If
If Combo2 = "Gooseberries - stewed" Then
Text2.Text = 13
End If
If Combo2 = "Grapefruit" Then
Text2.Text = 43
End If
If Combo2 = "Grapes" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Greengages - stewed" Then
Text2.Text = 37
End If
If Combo2 = "Guava" Then
Text2.Text = 57
End If
If Combo2 = "Honeydew Melon" Then
Text2.Text = 39
End If
If Combo2 = "Kiwi" Then
Text2.Text = 45
End If
If Combo2 = "Kumquat" Then
Text2.Text = 64
End If
If Combo2 = "Lemon" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Loganberries" Then
Text2.Text = 17
End If
If Combo2 = "Lychee" Then
Text2.Text = 14
End If
If Combo2 = "Mandarin" Then
Text2.Text = 30
End If
If Combo2 = "Mango" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Medlars" Then
Text2.Text = 43
End If
If Combo2 = "Mulberries" Then
Text2.Text = 35
End If
If Combo2 = "Nectarine" Then
Text2.Text = 53
End If
If Combo2 = "Olives" Then
Text2.Text = 85
End If
If Combo2 = "Orange" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Orange Juice" Then
Text2.Text = 105
End If
If Combo2 = "Papaya" Then
Text2.Text = 45
End If
If Combo2 = "Passionfruit" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Peach" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Pear" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Pineapple" Then
Text2.Text = 46
End If
If Combo2 = "Plums" Then
Text2.Text = 26
End If
If Combo2 = "Prunes" Then
Text2.Text = 134
End If
If Combo2 = "Quinces" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Raisins - dried" Then
Text2.Text = 247
End If
If Combo2 = "Raspberries" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Rhubarb - stewed" Then
Text2.Text = 8
End If
If Combo2 = "Sharonfruit" Then
Text2.Text = 130
End If
If Combo2 = "Strawberries" Then
Text2.Text = 26
End If
If Combo2 = "Sultanas - dried" Then
Text2.Text = 249
End If
If Combo2 = "Tangerine" Then
Text2.Text = 30
End If
If Combo2 = "Topaz" Then
Text2.Text = 65
End If
If Combo2 = "Uglifruit" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Watermelon" Then
Text2.Text = 54
End If
If Combo2 = "Cabbage - raw" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Cabbage - red" Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Carrots" Then
Text2.Text = 22
End If
If Combo2 = "Cassava" Then
Text2.Text = 154
End If
If Combo2 = "Cauliflower - raw" Then
Text2.Text = 30
End If
If Combo2 = "Celeriac" Then
Text2.Text = 14
End If
If Combo2 = "Celery" Then
Text2.Text = 5
End If
If Combo2 = "Chicory" Then
Text2.Text = 9
End If
If Combo2 = "Chilies - dried" Then
Text2.Text = 338
End If
If Combo2 = "Chilies - fresh" Then
Text2.Text = 21
End If
If Combo2 = "Chinese Leaves" Then
Text2.Text = 11
End If
If Combo2 = "Chives" Then
Text2.Text = 36
End If
If Combo2 = "Collard Greens" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Corn Kernels" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Corn on Cob" Then
Text2.Text = 85
End If
If Combo2 = "Cucumber" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Dandelion" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggplant/Aubergine" Then
Text2.Text = 26
End If
If Combo2 = "Endives" Then
Text2.Text = 10
End If
If Combo2 = "Fennel" Then
Text2.Text = 11
End If
If Combo2 = "Horseradish" Then
Text2.Text = 60
End If
If Combo2 = "Kale" Then
Text2.Text = 40
End If
If Combo2 = "Leeks" Then
Text2.Text = 32
End If
If Combo2 = "Lettuce" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Mangetout" Then
Text2.Text = 43
End If
If Combo2 = "Mushrooms" Then
Text2.Text = 18
End If
If Combo2 = "Okra" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Onions" Then
Text2.Text = 40
End If
If Combo2 = "Parsley - raw" Then
Text2.Text = 21
End If
If Combo2 = "Parsnips" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Peas" Then
Text2.Text = 125
End If
If Combo2 = "Pepper - red" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Pepper - green" Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Plantain boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 125
End If
If Combo2 = "Potato Salad" Then
Text2.Text = 360
End If
If Combo2 = "Potato, Sweet" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Potatoes, baked" Then
Text2.Text = 104
End If
If Combo2 = "Potatoes, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Potatoes, fries" Then
Text2.Text = 239
End If
If Combo2 = "Potatoes, new" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Potatoes, roast" Then
Text2.Text = 123
End If
If Combo2 = "Pumpkin" Then
Text2.Text = 50
End If
If Combo2 = "Radishes" Then
Text2.Text = 15
End If
If Combo2 = "Salsify, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 18
End If
If Combo2 = "Sea Kale, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 8
End If
If Combo2 = "Shallots/Spring Onions" Then
Text2.Text = 26
End If
If Combo2 = "Spinach" Then
Text2.Text = 10
End If
If Combo2 = "Squash" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Swede" Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Tomato" Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Turnip" Then
Text2.Text = 55
End If
If Combo2 = "Wakame, raw" Then
Text2.Text = 45
End If
If Combo2 = "Watercress" Then
Text2.Text = 25
End If
If Combo2 = "Yams, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 114
End If
If Combo2 = "Zucchini/Courgette" Then
Text2.Text = 40
End If
If Combo2 = "Flageolet Beans, canned" Then
Text2.Text = 115
End If
If Combo2 = "Flageolet Beans, dried" Then
Text2.Text = 350
End If
If Combo2 = "Garbanzo Beans, canned" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Lentils" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Peas, frozen" Then
Text2.Text = 65
End If
If Combo2 = "Peas, split, boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Peas, split, dried" Then
Text2.Text = 300
End If
If Combo2 = "Garbanzo Beans" Then
Text2.Text = 325
End If
If Combo2 = "Mung Beans" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Fresh whole milk" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Chocolate Milk low-fat " Then
Text2.Text = 158
End If
If Combo2 = "Goats Milk, evaporated" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Sheeps Milk" Then
Text2.Text = 264
End If
If Combo2 = "Reindeer Milk" Then
Text2.Text = 580
End If
If Combo2 = "Soya Milk" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Cream, half-and-half " Then
Text2.Text = 20
End If
If Combo2 = "Cream, coffee " Then
Text2.Text = 29
End If
If Combo2 = "Yogurt, fat-free" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Yogurt, full-fat" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Camembert" Then
Text2.Text = 85
End If
If Combo2 = "Derby" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Feta" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Fontina" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Gruyere" Then
Text2.Text = 72
End If
If Combo2 = "Mozzarella" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Parmesan, grated" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Port du Salut" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Ricotta" Then
Text2.Text = 216
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs - Boiled" Then
Text2.Text = 75
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs - Blintzes" Then
Text2.Text = 186
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs - Fried" Then
Text2.Text = 105
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs - Omelet" Then
Text2.Text = 330
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs - Sandwich" Then
Text2.Text = 255
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs Park Avenue" Then
Text2.Text = 750
End If
If Combo2 = "Eggs Romano" Then
Text2.Text = 365
End If
If Combo2 = "Cornflakes, plain" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Noodles, egg" Then
Text2.Text = 340
End If
If Combo2 = "Noodles, rice" Then
Text2.Text = 361
End If
If Combo2 = "Couscous" Then
Text2.Text = 107
End If
If Combo2 = "Pasta, Farfalle" Then
Text2.Text = 345
End If
If Combo2 = "Pasta, Macaroni" Then
Text2.Text = 310
End If
If Combo2 = "Pasta, Spaghetti" Then
Text2.Text = 338
End If
If Combo2 = "Pasta, Tagliatelle" Then
Text2.Text = 372
End If
If Combo2 = "Pasta, Vermicelli" Then
Text2.Text = 338
End If
If Combo2 = "Rice, brown" Then
Text2.Text = 350
End If
If Combo2 = "Rice, basmati" Then
Text2.Text = 330
End If
If Combo2 = "Tortillas" Then
Text2.Text = 340
End If
If Combo2 = "Croissants, Chocolate" Then
Text2.Text = 440
End If
If Combo2 = "Croissants, Plain" Then
Text2.Text = 310
End If
If Combo2 = "Danish, Apple" Then
Text2.Text = 265
End If
If Combo2 = "French Bread" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Muffin, Blueberry" Then
Text2.Text = 195
End If
If Combo2 = "Muffin, English" Then
Text2.Text = 135
End If
If Combo2 = "Roll, Hamburger" Then
Text2.Text = 125
End If
If Combo2 = "Roll, Onion" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Mayonnaise" Then
Text2.Text = 220
End If
If Combo2 = "Vinaigrette" Then
Text2.Text = 180
End If
If Combo2 = "Peanut Butter Dressing" Then
Text2.Text = 220
End If
If Combo2 = "Oil & Vinegar Dressing" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Cocktail Sauce" Then
Text2.Text = 45
End If
If Combo2 = "Ketchup" Then
Text2.Text = 56
End If
If Combo2 = "Tabasco" Then
Text2.Text = 6
End If
If Combo2 = "Lyonnaise" Then
Text2.Text = 45
End If
If Combo2 = "Cheeseburger" Then
Text2.Text = 660
End If
If Combo2 = "Hamburger" Then
Text2.Text = 520
End If
If Combo2 = "Sausage, Fried/Battered" Then
Text2.Text = 100
End If
If Combo2 = "Hot Dog" Then
Text2.Text = 240
End If
If Combo2 = "Pizza, Pepperoni" Then
Text2.Text = 1100
End If
If Combo2 = "Mex Taco" Then
Text2.Text = 550
End If
If Combo2 = "Desserts - Sundae, Caramel" Then
Text2.Text = 305
End If
If Combo2 = "Shakes" Then
Text2.Text = 360
End If
If Combo2 = "Carlsberg" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Heineken" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Old Milwaukee" Then
Text2.Text = 140
End If
If Combo2 = "Zima" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Cabernet Sauvignon" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Champagne" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Merlot" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Muscatel" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Reisling" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Rose" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
If Combo2 = "Sauvignon Blanc" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Tokay" Then
Text2.Text = 165
End If
If Combo2 = "Margarita" Then
Text2.Text = 160
End If
If Combo2 = "Tequila" Then
Text2.Text = 115
End If
If Combo2 = "Whiskey" Then
Text2.Text = 150
End If
If Combo2 = "Martini" Then
Text2.Text = 155
End If
If Combo2 = "7-Up" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Cola" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Grapejuice" Then
Text2.Text = 110
End If
If Combo2 = "Lemonade" Then
Text2.Text = 80
End If
If Combo2 = "Orange Juice" Then
Text2.Text = 90
End If
If Combo2 = "Tonic" Then
Text2.Text = 70
End If
If Combo2 = "Water" Then
Text2.Text = 0
End If
If Combo2 = "Leffe Beer" Then
Text2.Text = 95
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Combo3_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
If Combo3 = "Asparagus" Then
Text3.Text = 10
End If
If Combo3 = "Artichoke" Then
Text3.Text = 5
End If
If Combo3 = "Apple" Then
Text3.Text = 60
End If
If Combo3 = "Apple Juice" Then
Text3.Text = 115
End If
If Combo3 = "Apricot" Then
Text3.Text = 50
End If
If Combo3 = "Avocado" Then
Text3.Text = 305
End If
If Combo3 = "Anchovies" Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Abalone" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "American Cheddar" Then
Text3.Text = 106
End If
If Combo3 = "Aioli 21g" Then
Text3.Text = 195
End If
If Combo3 = "Apricot Brandy" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Brisket, lean only, braised" Then
Text3.Text = 205
End If
If Combo3 = "Brisket, lean & fat, braised" Then
Text3.Text = 335
End If
If Combo3 = "Bacon, Breakfast strips" Then
Text3.Text = 160
End If
If Combo3 = "Bacon, Gammon, lean only, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 130
End If
If Combo3 = "Bacon, Gammon, lean&fat, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 205
End If
If Combo3 = "Bacon, Rashers" Then
Text3.Text = 360
End If
If Combo3 = "Blue Fish" Then
Text3.Text = 105
End If
If Combo3 = "Brill, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Bream, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Buffalo Steak, meat" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Banana" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Bilberries" Then
Text3.Text = 57
End If
If Combo3 = "Blackberries" Then
Text3.Text = 23
End If
If Combo3 = "Blueberries" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Green Beans" Then
Text3.Text = 20
End If
If Combo3 = "Beansprouts" Then
Text3.Text = 35
End If
If Combo3 = "Beet Greens" Then
Text3.Text = 25
End If
If Combo3 = "Beets" Then
Text3.Text = 35
End If
If Combo3 = "Broccoli" Then
Text3.Text = 15
End If
If Combo3 = "Brussels Sprouts" Then
Text3.Text = 50
End If
If Combo3 = "Baked Beans, Heinz" Then
Text3.Text = 75
End If
If Combo3 = "Baked Beans, Sugar-free" Then
Text3.Text = 63
End If
If Combo3 = "Borlotti Beans, canned" Then
Text3.Text = 168
End If
If Combo3 = "Butter Beans, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 103
End If
If Combo3 = "Butter Beans, dried" Then
Text3.Text = 293
End If
If Combo3 = "Buffalo milk" Then
Text3.Text = 236
End If
If Combo3 = "Buttermilk, cultured" Then
Text3.Text = 99
End If
If Combo3 = "Blue Cheese" Then
Text3.Text = 100
End If
If Combo3 = "Barley" Then
Text3.Text = 88
End If
If Combo3 = "Burrito" Then
Text3.Text = 294
End If
If Combo3 = "Bagel, plain" Then
Text3.Text = 195
End If
If Combo3 = "Bagel, egg" Then
Text3.Text = 200
End If
If Combo3 = "Bread, Brioche" Then
Text3.Text = 135
End If
If Combo3 = "Bread, Italian" Then
Text3.Text = 70
End If
If Combo3 = "Bread, Vienna" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Breadcrumbs, dry" Then
Text3.Text = 350
End If
If Combo3 = "Breadsticks, Sesame" Then
Text3.Text = 50
End If
If Combo3 = "Blue Cheese Dressing" Then
Text3.Text = 149
End If
If Combo3 = "Beer, Generic" Then
Text3.Text = 145
End If
If Combo3 = "Beer Light, Generic" Then
Text3.Text = 100
End If
If Combo3 = "Brown Ale, Generic" Then
Text3.Text = 96
End If
If Combo3 = "Becks" Then
Text3.Text = 145
End If
If Combo3 = "Budweiser" Then
Text3.Text = 145
End If
If Combo3 = "Bud Light" Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Bordeaux" Then
Text3.Text = 95
End If
If Combo3 = "Burgundy, red" Then
Text3.Text = 95
End If
If Combo3 = "Burgundy, white" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Benedictine" Then
Text3.Text = 95
End If
If Combo3 = "Bloody Mary" Then
Text3.Text = 120
End If
If Combo3 = "Bourbon & soda" Then
Text3.Text = 120
End If
If Combo3 = "Brandy" Then
Text3.Text = 125
End If
If Combo3 = "Chuck, blade, lean & fat" Then
Text3.Text = 330
End If
If Combo3 = "Chuck, pot roast, lean & fat" Then
Text3.Text = 300
End If
If Combo3 = "Chuck, blade, lean only" Then
Text3.Text = 235
End If
If Combo3 = "Chuck, rib roast/steaks, lean & fat" Then
Text3.Text = 365
End If
If Combo3 = "Chuck, stewing meat, lean & fat" Then
Text3.Text = 280
End If
If Combo3 = "Center Loin Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text3.Text = 165
End If
If Combo3 = "Center Rib Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text3.Text = 185
End If
If Combo3 = "Canadian Vegetarian Bacon " Then
Text3.Text = 130
End If
If Combo3 = "Cured Breakfast strips " Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Catfish, fried, boneless" Then
Text3.Text = 195
End If
If Combo3 = "Catfish, baked" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Clams, steamed " Then
Text3.Text = 235
End If
If Combo3 = "Cockles, fresh" Then
Text3.Text = 50
End If
If Combo3 = "Cod, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Cod, fried" Then
Text3.Text = 175
End If
If Combo3 = "Cod, fishcakes each" Then
Text3.Text = 60
End If
If Combo3 = "Cod, fishfingers" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Crab, boiled, no shell" Then
Text3.Text = 95
End If
If Combo3 = "Flounder, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 70
End If
If Combo3 = "Haddock, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 95
End If
If Combo3 = "Hake, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Halibut, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Herring, baked" Then
Text3.Text = 160
End If
If Combo3 = "John Dorey, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 70
End If
If Combo3 = "Kippers, broiled/grilled" Then
Text3.Text = 180
End If
If Combo3 = "Lemon Sole, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 70
End If
If Combo3 = "Lobster, Boiled, no shell" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Mackerel, baked" Then
Text3.Text = 190
End If
If Combo3 = "Mackerel, canned in water " Then
Text3.Text = 235
End If
If Combo3 = "Monkfish, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 65
End If
If Combo3 = "Mullet, Red, steamed with bones" Then
Text3.Text = 120
End If
If Combo3 = "Mussels, boiled, no shell" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Octopus, raw" Then
Text3.Text = 65
End If
If Combo3 = "Oysters, raw, no shell" Then
Text3.Text = 55
End If
If Combo3 = "Perch, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 66
End If
If Combo3 = "Plaice, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 70
End If
If Combo3 = "Red Snapper, baked" Then
Text3.Text = 95
End If
If Combo3 = "Salmon, baked" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Salmon, pink, canned" Then
Text3.Text = 120
End If
If Combo3 = "Sardines, canned, oil " Then
Text3.Text = 220
End If
If Combo3 = "Sardines, canned, water " Then
Text3.Text = 155
End If
If Combo3 = "Scallops, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 95
End If
If Combo3 = "Sea Bass, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 85
End If
If Combo3 = "Shrimp, canned " Then
Text3.Text = 155
End If
If Combo3 = "Shrimp, cooked, no shells" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Skate, fried, whole" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Sole, fried, no bones" Then
Text3.Text = 162
End If
If Combo3 = "Swordfish, broiled/grilled" Then
Text3.Text = 135
End If
If Combo2 = "Trout, baked" Then
Text3.Text = 100
End If
If Combo3 = "Tuna Bluefin, baked/broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 210
End If
If Combo3 = "Tuna Skipjack, baked/broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Tuna, canned, oil" Then
Text3.Text = 190
End If
If Combo3 = "Tuna, canned, water" Then
Text3.Text = 100
End If
If Combo3 = "Turbot, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 75
End If
If Combo3 = "Whitebait, fried" Then
Text3.Text = 395
End If
If Combo3 = "Whiting, steamed" Then
Text3.Text = 70
End If
If Combo3 = "London Broil, lean only" Then
Text3.Text = 170
End If
If Combo3 = "Rib roasted, lean only" Then
Text3.Text = 210
End If
If Combo3 = "Rib roasted, lean & fat" Then
Text3.Text = 330
End If
If Combo3 = "Rib broiled, lean only" Then
Text3.Text = 200
End If
If Combo3 = "Rib broiled, lean & fat" Then
Text3.Text = 315
End If
If Combo3 = "Rib Eye, lean only, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 195
End If
If Combo3 = "Rib Eye, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 250
End If
If Combo3 = "Round, Top, lean only, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 155
End If
If Combo3 = "Round, Top, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 155
End If
If Combo3 = "Rump Roast, lean only" Then
Text3.Text = 170
End If
If Combo3 = "Rump Roast, lean & fat" Then
Text3.Text = 285
End If
If Combo3 = "Sirloin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 185
End If
If Combo3 = "Sirloin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 240
End If
If Combo3 = "Steak, porterhouse, lean, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 185
End If
If Combo3 = "Steak, porterhouse, lean & fat" Then
Text3.Text = 255
End If
If Combo3 = "Steak, T-bone, lean, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 185
End If
If Combo3 = "Tenderloin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 175
End If
If Combo3 = "Tenderloin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 230
End If
If Combo3 = "Top Loin, lean only, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 180
End If
If Combo3 = "Top Loin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 250
End If
If Combo3 = "Hamburger, lean only, broiled/grilled" Then
Text3.Text = 180
End If
If Combo3 = "Hamburger, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 240
End If
If Combo3 = "Corned Beef, cooked" Then
Text3.Text = 315
End If
If Combo3 = "Beef Liver, fried" Then
Text3.Text = 200
End If
If Combo3 = "Beef Tongue, braised" Then
Text3.Text = 210
End If
If Combo3 = "Beef Tongue, canned/pickled" Then
Text2.Text = 230
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Chop, arm, braised, lean only" Then
Text3.Text = 270
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Chop, arm, braised lean & fat" Then
Text3.Text = 300
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Chop, loin, lean, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 185
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Chop, loin, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 250
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Chop, rib, lean, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 195
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Chop, rib, lean & fat, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 350
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Leg, lean only, roasted" Then
Text3.Text = 165
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Leg, lean & fat, roasted" Then
Text3.Text = 240
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Shoulder, lean only, roasted" Then
Text3.Text = 175
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Shoulder, lean & fat, roasted" Then
Text3.Text = 290
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Liver, broiled" Then
Text3.Text = 225
End If
If Combo3 = "Lamb Tongue, braised" Then
Text3.Text = 220
End If
If Combo3 = "Pork Blade Steak, broiled/grilled" Then
Text3.Text = 195
End If
If Combo3 = "Loin Chop, broiled/grilled" Then
Text3.Text = 175
End If
If Combo3 = "Loin Chop, no bone, broiled/grilled" Then
Text3.Text = 175
End If
If Combo3 = "Loin Roast, no bone" Then
Text3.Text = 165
End If
If Combo3 = "Rib Chops" Then
Text3.Text = 185
End If
If Combo3 = "Rib Roast, no bone" Then
Text3.Text = 180
End If
If Combo3 = "Sirloin Roast" Then
Text3.Text = 185
End If
If Combo3 = "Ham, lean only" Then
Text3.Text = 160
End If
If Combo3 = "Ham, lean and fat" Then
Text3.Text = 250
End If
If Combo3 = "Pork Sausages, broiled/grilled" Then
Text3.Text = 240
End If
If Combo3 = "Pork Sausage Rolls, flaky pastry" Then
Text3.Text = 360
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicken breast, meat & skin, roasted" Then
Text3.Text = 165
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicken breast, meat & skin, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicken breast, meat only, roasted" Then
Text3.Text = 140
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicken breast, meat only, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 140
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicken drumstick, meat only, fried" Then
Text3.Text = 175
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicken drumstick, meat only, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicken leg, meat & skin, roasted" Then
Text3.Text = 210
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicken leg, meat & skin, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 210
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicken leg, meat only, roasted" Then
Text3.Text = 180
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicken leg, meat only, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 160
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicken Nuggets " Then
Text3.Text = 190
End If
If Combo3 = "Turkey, meat only, roasted " Then
Text3.Text = 190
End If
If Combo3 = "Veal Loin, broiled/baked" Then
Text3.Text = 200
End If
If Combo3 = "Veal Rib Roast" Then
Text3.Text = 230
End If
If Combo3 = "Veal Chop, lean only" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Veal Liver, fried" Then
Text3.Text = 222
End If
If Combo3 = "Veal Sweetbreads, baked" Then
Text3.Text = 145
End If
If Combo3 = "Buffalo Steak, meat only" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Venison, lean meat, roasted" Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Venison, cured, roasted " Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Rabbit" Then
Text3.Text = 215
End If
If Combo3 = "Duck, roasted, lean only" Then
Text3.Text = 145
End If
If Combo3 = "Duck, roasted, lean & fat" Then
Text3.Text = 260
End If
If Combo3 = "Grouse, roasted" Then
Text3.Text = 130
End If
If Combo3 = "Partridge, roast, lean only" Then
Text3.Text = 160
End If
If Combo3 = "Pigeon, roast " Then
Text3.Text = 220
End If
If Combo3 = "Rhea, roast, lean only " Then
Text3.Text = 105
End If
If Combo3 = "Quail, breast, roasted" Then
Text3.Text = 105
End If
If Combo3 = "Cantaloupe" Then
Text3.Text = 55
End If
If Combo3 = "Cherries" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Cranberries" Then
Text3.Text = 14
End If
If Combo3 = "Currants - dried" Then
Text3.Text = 244
End If
If Combo3 = "Damsons - stewed" Then
Text3.Text = 28
End If
If Combo3 = "Figs" Then
Text3.Text = 214
End If
If Combo3 = "Gooseberries - stewed" Then
Text3.Text = 13
End If
If Combo3 = "Grapefruit" Then
Text3.Text = 43
End If
If Combo3 = "Grapes" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Greengages - stewed" Then
Text3.Text = 37
End If
If Combo3 = "Guava" Then
Text3.Text = 57
End If
If Combo3 = "Honeydew Melon" Then
Text3.Text = 39
End If
If Combo3 = "Kiwi" Then
Text3.Text = 45
End If
If Combo3 = "Kumquat" Then
Text3.Text = 64
End If
If Combo3 = "Lemon" Then
Text3.Text = 15
End If
If Combo3 = "Loganberries" Then
Text3.Text = 17
End If
If Combo3 = "Lychee" Then
Text3.Text = 14
End If
If Combo3 = "Mandarin" Then
Text3.Text = 30
End If
If Combo3 = "Mango" Then
Text3.Text = 75
End If
If Combo3 = "Medlars" Then
Text3.Text = 43
End If
If Combo3 = "Mulberries" Then
Text3.Text = 35
End If
If Combo3 = "Nectarine" Then
Text3.Text = 53
End If
If Combo3 = "Olives" Then
Text3.Text = 85
End If
If Combo3 = "Orange" Then
Text3.Text = 50
End If
If Combo3 = "Orange Juice" Then
Text3.Text = 105
End If
If Combo3 = "Papaya" Then
Text3.Text = 45
End If
If Combo3 = "Passionfruit" Then
Text3.Text = 15
End If
If Combo3 = "Peach" Then
Text3.Text = 50
End If
If Combo3 = "Pear" Then
Text3.Text = 50
End If
If Combo3 = "Pineapple" Then
Text3.Text = 46
End If
If Combo3 = "Plums" Then
Text3.Text = 26
End If
If Combo3 = "Prunes" Then
Text3.Text = 134
End If
If Combo3 = "Quinces" Then
Text3.Text = 25
End If
If Combo3 = "Raisins - dried" Then
Text3.Text = 247
End If
If Combo3 = "Raspberries" Then
Text3.Text = 25
End If
If Combo3 = "Rhubarb - stewed" Then
Text3.Text = 8
End If
If Combo3 = "Sharonfruit" Then
Text3.Text = 130
End If
If Combo3 = "Strawberries" Then
Text3.Text = 26
End If
If Combo3 = "Sultanas - dried" Then
Text3.Text = 249
End If
If Combo3 = "Tangerine" Then
Text3.Text = 30
End If
If Combo3 = "Topaz" Then
Text3.Text = 65
End If
If Combo3 = "Uglifruit" Then
Text3.Text = 140
End If
If Combo3 = "Watermelon" Then
Text3.Text = 54
End If
If Combo3 = "Cabbage - raw" Then
Text3.Text = 25
End If
If Combo3 = "Cabbage - red" Then
Text3.Text = 20
End If
If Combo3 = "Carrots" Then
Text3.Text = 22
End If
If Combo3 = "Cassava" Then
Text3.Text = 154
End If
If Combo3 = "Cauliflower - raw" Then
Text3.Text = 30
End If
If Combo3 = "Celeriac" Then
Text3.Text = 14
End If
If Combo3 = "Celery" Then
Text3.Text = 5
End If
If Combo3 = "Chicory" Then
Text3.Text = 9
End If
If Combo3 = "Chilies - dried" Then
Text3.Text = 338
End If
If Combo3 = "Chilies - fresh" Then
Text3.Text = 21
End If
If Combo3 = "Chinese Leaves" Then
Text3.Text = 11
End If
If Combo3 = "Chives" Then
Text3.Text = 36
End If
If Combo3 = "Collard Greens" Then
Text3.Text = 25
End If
If Combo3 = "Corn Kernels" Then
Text3.Text = 165
End If
If Combo3 = "Corn on Cob" Then
Text3.Text = 85
End If
If Combo3 = "Cucumber" Then
Text3.Text = 15
End If
If Combo3 = "Dandelion" Then
Text3.Text = 50
End If
If Combo3 = "Eggplant/Aubergine" Then
Text3.Text = 26
End If
If Combo3 = "Endives" Then
Text3.Text = 10
End If
If Combo3 = "Fennel" Then
Text3.Text = 11
End If
If Combo3 = "Horseradish" Then
Text3.Text = 60
End If
If Combo3 = "Kale" Then
Text3.Text = 40
End If
If Combo3 = "Leeks" Then
Text3.Text = 32
End If
If Combo3 = "Lettuce" Then
Text3.Text = 15
End If
If Combo3 = "Mangetout" Then
Text3.Text = 43
End If
If Combo3 = "Mushrooms" Then
Text3.Text = 18
End If
If Combo3 = "Okra" Then
Text3.Text = 50
End If
If Combo3 = "Onions" Then
Text3.Text = 40
End If
If Combo3 = "Parsley - raw" Then
Text3.Text = 21
End If
If Combo3 = "Parsnips" Then
Text3.Text = 95
End If
If Combo3 = "Peas" Then
Text3.Text = 125
End If
If Combo3 = "Pepper - red" Then
Text3.Text = 25
End If
If Combo3 = "Pepper - green" Then
Text3.Text = 20
End If
If Combo3 = "Plantain boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 125
End If
If Combo3 = "Potato Salad" Then
Text3.Text = 360
End If
If Combo3 = "Potato, Sweet" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Potatoes, baked" Then
Text3.Text = 104
End If
If Combo3 = "Potatoes, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Potatoes, fries" Then
Text3.Text = 239
End If
If Combo3 = "Potatoes, new" Then
Text3.Text = 75
End If
If Combo3 = "Potatoes, roast" Then
Text3.Text = 123
End If
If Combo3 = "Pumpkin" Then
Text3.Text = 50
End If
If Combo3 = "Radishes" Then
Text3.Text = 15
End If
If Combo3 = "Salsify, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 18
End If
If Combo3 = "Sea Kale, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 8
End If
If Combo3 = "Shallots/Spring Onions" Then
Text3.Text = 26
End If
If Combo3 = "Spinach" Then
Text3.Text = 10
End If
If Combo3 = "Squash" Then
Text3.Text = 100
End If
If Combo3 = "Swede" Then
Text3.Text = 20
End If
If Combo3 = "Tomato" Then
Text3.Text = 20
End If
If Combo3 = "Turnip" Then
Text3.Text = 55
End If
If Combo3 = "Wakame, raw" Then
Text3.Text = 45
End If
If Combo3 = "Watercress" Then
Text3.Text = 25
End If
If Combo3 = "Yams, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 114
End If
If Combo3 = "Zucchini/Courgette" Then
Text3.Text = 40
End If
If Combo3 = "Flageolet Beans, canned" Then
Text3.Text = 115
End If
If Combo3 = "Flageolet Beans, dried" Then
Text3.Text = 350
End If
If Combo3 = "Garbanzo Beans, canned" Then
Text3.Text = 75
End If
If Combo3 = "Lentils" Then
Text3.Text = 100
End If
If Combo3 = "Peas, frozen" Then
Text3.Text = 65
End If
If Combo3 = "Peas, split, boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Peas, split, dried" Then
Text3.Text = 300
End If
If Combo3 = "Garbanzo Beans" Then
Text3.Text = 325
End If
If Combo3 = "Mung Beans" Then
Text3.Text = 180
End If
If Combo3 = "Fresh whole milk" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Chocolate Milk low-fat " Then
Text3.Text = 158
End If
If Combo3 = "Goats Milk, evaporated" Then
Text3.Text = 160
End If
If Combo3 = "Sheeps Milk" Then
Text3.Text = 264
End If
If Combo3 = "Reindeer Milk" Then
Text3.Text = 580
End If
If Combo3 = "Soya Milk" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Cream, half-and-half " Then
Text3.Text = 20
End If
If Combo3 = "Cream, coffee " Then
Text3.Text = 29
End If
If Combo3 = "Yogurt, fat-free" Then
Text3.Text = 100
End If
If Combo3 = "Yogurt, full-fat" Then
Text3.Text = 140
End If
If Combo3 = "Camembert" Then
Text3.Text = 85
End If
If Combo3 = "Derby" Then
Text3.Text = 100
End If
If Combo3 = "Feta" Then
Text3.Text = 75
End If
If Combo3 = "Fontina" Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Gruyere" Then
Text3.Text = 72
End If
If Combo3 = "Mozzarella" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Parmesan, grated" Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Port du Salut" Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Ricotta" Then
Text3.Text = 216
End If
If Combo3 = "Eggs - Boiled" Then
Text3.Text = 75
End If
If Combo3 = "Eggs - Blintzes" Then
Text3.Text = 186
End If
If Combo3 = "Eggs - Fried" Then
Text3.Text = 105
End If
If Combo3 = "Eggs - Omelet" Then
Text3.Text = 330
End If
If Combo3 = "Eggs - Sandwich" Then
Text3.Text = 255
End If
If Combo3 = "Eggs Park Avenue" Then
Text3.Text = 750
End If
If Combo3 = "Eggs Romano" Then
Text3.Text = 365
End If
If Combo3 = "Cornflakes, plain" Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Noodles, egg" Then
Text3.Text = 340
End If
If Combo3 = "Noodles, rice" Then
Text3.Text = 361
End If
If Combo3 = "Couscous" Then
Text3.Text = 107
End If
If Combo3 = "Pasta, Farfalle" Then
Text2.Text = 345
End If
If Combo3 = "Pasta, Macaroni" Then
Text3.Text = 310
End If
If Combo3 = "Pasta, Spaghetti" Then
Text3.Text = 338
End If
If Combo3 = "Pasta, Tagliatelle" Then
Text3.Text = 372
End If
If Combo3 = "Pasta, Vermicelli" Then
Text3.Text = 338
End If
If Combo3 = "Rice, brown" Then
Text3.Text = 350
End If
If Combo3 = "Rice, basmati" Then
Text3.Text = 330
End If
If Combo3 = "Tortillas" Then
Text3.Text = 340
End If
If Combo3 = "Croissants, Chocolate" Then
Text3.Text = 440
End If
If Combo3 = "Croissants, Plain" Then
Text3.Text = 310
End If
If Combo3 = "Danish, Apple" Then
Text3.Text = 265
End If
If Combo3 = "French Bread" Then
Text3.Text = 70
End If
If Combo3 = "Muffin, Blueberry" Then
Text3.Text = 195
End If
If Combo3 = "Muffin, English" Then
Text3.Text = 135
End If
If Combo3 = "Roll, Hamburger" Then
Text3.Text = 125
End If
If Combo3 = "Roll, Onion" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Mayonnaise" Then
Text3.Text = 220
End If
If Combo3 = "Vinaigrette" Then
Text3.Text = 180
End If
If Combo3 = "Peanut Butter Dressing" Then
Text3.Text = 220
End If
If Combo3 = "Oil & Vinegar Dressing" Then
Text3.Text = 140
End If
If Combo3 = "Cocktail Sauce" Then
Text3.Text = 45
End If
If Combo3 = "Ketchup" Then
Text3.Text = 56
End If
If Combo3 = "Tabasco" Then
Text3.Text = 6
End If
If Combo3 = "Lyonnaise" Then
Text3.Text = 45
End If
If Combo3 = "Cheeseburger" Then
Text3.Text = 660
End If
If Combo3 = "Hamburger" Then
Text3.Text = 520
End If
If Combo3 = "Sausage, Fried/Battered" Then
Text3.Text = 100
End If
If Combo3 = "Hot Dog" Then
Text3.Text = 240
End If
If Combo3 = "Pizza, Pepperoni" Then
Text3.Text = 1100
End If
If Combo3 = "Mex Taco" Then
Text3.Text = 550
End If
If Combo3 = "Desserts - Sundae, Caramel" Then
Text3.Text = 305
End If
If Combo3 = "Shakes" Then
Text3.Text = 360
End If
If Combo3 = "Carlsberg" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Heineken" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Old Milwaukee" Then
Text3.Text = 140
End If
If Combo3 = "Zima" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Cabernet Sauvignon" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Champagne" Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Merlot" Then
Text3.Text = 95
End If
If Combo3 = "Muscatel" Then
Text3.Text = 160
End If
If Combo3 = "Reisling" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Rose" Then
Text3.Text = 95
End If
If Combo3 = "Sauvignon Blanc" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Tokay" Then
Text3.Text = 165
End If
If Combo3 = "Margarita" Then
Text3.Text = 160
End If
If Combo3 = "Tequila" Then
Text3.Text = 115
End If
If Combo3 = "Whiskey" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
If Combo3 = "Martini" Then
Text3.Text = 155
End If
If Combo3 = "7-Up" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Cola" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Grapejuice" Then
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Lemonade" Then
Text3.Text = 80
End If
If Combo3 = "Orange Juice" Then
Text3.Text = 90
End If
If Combo3 = "Tonic" Then
Text3.Text = 70
End If
If Combo3 = "Water" Then
Text3.Text = 0
End If
If Combo3 = "Leffe Beer " Then
Text3.Text = 95
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
If IsNumeric(Text1.Text) And IsNumeric(Text2.Text) And IsNumeric(Text3.Text) Then Sum = Val(Text1.Text) + Val(Text2.Text) + Val(Text3.Text)
Text4.Text = Sum
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Combo1.AddItem "Asparagus"
Combo1.AddItem "Artichoke"
Combo1.AddItem "Apple"
Combo1.AddItem "Apple Juice"
Combo1.AddItem "Apricot"
Combo1.AddItem "Avocado"
Combo1.AddItem "Anchovies"
Combo1.AddItem "Abalone"
Combo1.AddItem "American Cheddar"
Combo1.AddItem "Aioli 21g"
Combo1.AddItem "Apricot Brandy"
Combo1.AddItem "Brisket, lean only, braised"
Combo1.AddItem "Brisket, lean & fat, braised"
Combo1.AddItem "Bacon, Breakfast strips"
Combo1.AddItem "Bacon, Gammon, lean only, boiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Bacon, Gammon, lean&fat, boiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Bacon, Rashers"
Combo1.AddItem "Blue Fish"
Combo1.AddItem "Brill, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Bream, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Buffalo Steak, meat"
Combo1.AddItem "Banana"
Combo1.AddItem "Bilberries"
Combo1.AddItem "Blackberries"
Combo1.AddItem "Blueberries"
Combo1.AddItem "Green Beans"
Combo1.AddItem "Beansprouts"
Combo1.AddItem "Beet Greens"
Combo1.AddItem "Beets"
Combo1.AddItem "Broccoli"
Combo1.AddItem "Brussels Sprouts"
Combo1.AddItem "Baked Beans, Heinz"
Combo1.AddItem "Baked Beans, Sugar-free"
Combo1.AddItem "Borlotti Beans, canned"
Combo1.AddItem "Butter Beans, boiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Butter Beans, dried"
Combo1.AddItem "Buffalo milk"
Combo1.AddItem "Buttermilk, cultured"
Combo1.AddItem "Blue Cheese"
Combo1.AddItem "Barley"
Combo1.AddItem "Burrito"
Combo1.AddItem "Bagel, plain"
Combo1.AddItem "Bagel, egg"
Combo1.AddItem "Bread, Brioche"
Combo1.AddItem "Bread, Italian"
Combo1.AddItem "Bread, Vienna"
Combo1.AddItem "Breadcrumbs, dry"
Combo1.AddItem "Breadsticks, Sesame"
Combo1.AddItem "Blue Cheese Dressing"
Combo1.AddItem "Beer, Generic"
Combo1.AddItem "Beer Light, Generic"
Combo1.AddItem "Brown Ale, Generic"
Combo1.AddItem "Becks"
Combo1.AddItem "Budweiser"
Combo1.AddItem "Bud Light"
Combo1.AddItem "Bordeaux"
Combo1.AddItem "Burgundy, red"
Combo1.AddItem "Burgundy, white"
Combo1.AddItem "Benedictine"
Combo1.AddItem "Bloody Mary"
Combo1.AddItem "Bourbon & soda"
Combo1.AddItem "Brandy"
Combo1.AddItem "Chuck, blade, lean & fat"
Combo1.AddItem "Chuck, pot roast, lean & fat"
Combo1.AddItem "Chuck, blade, lean only"
Combo1.AddItem "Chuck, rib roast/steaks, lean & fat"
Combo1.AddItem "Chuck, stewing meat, lean & fat"
Combo1.AddItem "Center Loin Chop, broiled/grilled"
Combo1.AddItem "Center Rib Chop, broiled/grilled"
Combo1.AddItem "Canadian Vegetarian Bacon "
Combo1.AddItem "Cured Breakfast strips "
Combo1.AddItem "Catfish, fried, boneless"
Combo1.AddItem "Catfish, baked"
Combo1.AddItem "Clams, steamed "
Combo1.AddItem "Cockles, fresh"
Combo1.AddItem "Cod, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Cod, fried"
Combo1.AddItem "Cod, fishcakes each"
Combo1.AddItem "Cod, fishfingers"
Combo1.AddItem "Crab, boiled, no shell"
Combo1.AddItem "Flounder, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Haddock, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Hake, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Halibut, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Herring, baked"
Combo1.AddItem "John Dorey, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Kippers, broiled/grilled"
Combo1.AddItem "Lemon Sole, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Lobster, Boiled, no shell"
Combo1.AddItem "Mackerel, baked"
Combo1.AddItem "Mackerel, canned in water "
Combo1.AddItem "Monkfish, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Mullet, Red, steamed with bones"
Combo1.AddItem "Mussels, boiled, no shell"
Combo1.AddItem "Octopus, raw"
Combo1.AddItem "Oysters, raw, no shell"
Combo1.AddItem "Perch, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Plaice, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Red Snapper, baked"
Combo1.AddItem "Salmon, baked"
Combo1.AddItem "Salmon, pink, canned"
Combo1.AddItem "Sardines, canned, oil "
Combo1.AddItem "Sardines, canned, water "
Combo1.AddItem "Scallops, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Sea Bass, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Shrimp, canned "
Combo1.AddItem "Shrimp, cooked, no shells"
Combo1.AddItem "Skate, fried, whole"
Combo1.AddItem "Sole, fried, no bones"
Combo1.AddItem "Swordfish, broiled/grilled"
Combo1.AddItem "Trout, baked"
Combo1.AddItem "Tuna Bluefin, baked/broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Tuna Skipjack, baked/broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Tuna, canned, oil"
Combo1.AddItem "Tuna, canned, water"
Combo1.AddItem "Turbot, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Whitebait, fried"
Combo1.AddItem "Whiting, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "London Broil, lean only"
Combo1.AddItem "Rib roasted, lean only"
Combo1.AddItem "Rib roasted, lean & fat"
Combo1.AddItem "Rib broiled, lean only"
Combo1.AddItem "Rib broiled, lean & fat"
Combo1.AddItem "Rib Eye, lean only, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Rib Eye, lean & fat, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Round, Top, lean only, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Round, Top, lean & fat, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Rump Roast, lean only"
Combo1.AddItem "Rump Roast, lean & fat"
Combo1.AddItem "Sirloin, lean only, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Sirloin, lean & fat, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Steak, porterhouse, lean, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Steak, porterhouse, lean & fat"
Combo1.AddItem "Steak, T-bone, lean, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Tenderloin, lean only, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Tenderloin, lean & fat, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Top Loin, lean only, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Top Loin, lean & fat, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Hamburger, lean only, broiled/grilled"
Combo1.AddItem "Hamburger, lean & fat, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Corned Beef, cooked"
Combo1.AddItem "Beef Liver, fried"
Combo1.AddItem "Beef Tongue, braised"
Combo1.AddItem "Beef Tongue, canned/pickled"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Chop, arm, braised, lean only"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Chop, arm, braised lean & fat"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Chop, loin, lean, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Chop, loin, lean & fat, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Chop, rib, lean, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Chop, rib, lean & fat, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Leg, lean only, roasted"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Leg, lean & fat, roasted"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Shoulder, lean only, roasted"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Shoulder, lean & fat, roasted"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Liver, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Tongue, braised"
Combo1.AddItem "Pork Blade Steak, broiled/grilled"
Combo1.AddItem "Loin Chop, broiled/grilled"
Combo1.AddItem "Loin Chop, no bone, broiled/grilled"
Combo1.AddItem "Loin Roast, no bone"
Combo1.AddItem "Rib Chops"
Combo1.AddItem "Rib Roast, no bone"
Combo1.AddItem "Sirloin Roast"
Combo1.AddItem "Ham, lean only"
Combo1.AddItem "Ham, lean and fat"
Combo1.AddItem "Pork Sausages, broiled/grilled"
Combo1.AddItem "Pork Sausage Rolls, flaky pastry"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken breast, meat & skin, roasted"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken breast, meat & skin, boiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken breast, meat only, roasted"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken breast, meat only, boiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken drumstick, meat only, fried"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken drumstick, meat only, boiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken leg, meat & skin, roasted"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken leg, meat & skin, boiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken leg, meat only, roasted"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken leg, meat only, boiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken Nuggets "
Combo1.AddItem "Turkey, meat only, roasted "
Combo1.AddItem "Veal Loin, broiled/baked"
Combo1.AddItem "Veal Rib Roast"
Combo1.AddItem "Veal Chop, lean only"
Combo1.AddItem "Veal Liver, fried"
Combo1.AddItem "Veal Sweetbreads, baked"
Combo1.AddItem "Buffalo Steak, meat only"
Combo1.AddItem "Venison, lean meat, roasted"
Combo1.AddItem "Venison, cured, roasted "
Combo1.AddItem "Rabbit"
Combo1.AddItem "Duck, roasted, lean only"
Combo1.AddItem "Duck, roasted, lean & fat"
Combo1.AddItem "Grouse, roasted"
Combo1.AddItem "Partridge, roast, lean only"
Combo1.AddItem "Pigeon, roast "
Combo1.AddItem "Rhea, roast, lean only "
Combo1.AddItem "Quail, breast, roasted"
Combo1.AddItem "Cantaloupe"
Combo1.AddItem "Cherries"
Combo1.AddItem "Cranberries"
Combo1.AddItem "Currants - dried"
Combo1.AddItem "Damsons - stewed"
Combo1.AddItem "Figs"
Combo1.AddItem "Gooseberries - stewed"
Combo1.AddItem "Grapefruit"
Combo1.AddItem "Grapes"
Combo1.AddItem "Greengages - stewed"
Combo1.AddItem "Guava"
Combo1.AddItem "Honeydew Melon"
Combo1.AddItem "Kiwi"
Combo1.AddItem "Kumquat"
Combo1.AddItem "Lemon"
Combo1.AddItem "Loganberries"
Combo1.AddItem "Lychee"
Combo1.AddItem "Mandarin"
Combo1.AddItem "Mango"
Combo1.AddItem "Medlars"
Combo1.AddItem "Mulberries"
Combo1.AddItem "Nectarine"
Combo1.AddItem "Olives"
Combo1.AddItem "Orange Juice"
Combo1.AddItem "Orange"
Combo1.AddItem "Papaya"
Combo1.AddItem "Passionfruit"
Combo1.AddItem "Peach"
Combo1.AddItem "Pear"
Combo1.AddItem "Pineapple"
Combo1.AddItem "Plums"
Combo1.AddItem "Prunes"
Combo1.AddItem "Quinces"
Combo1.AddItem "Raisins - dried"
Combo1.AddItem "Raspberries"
Combo1.AddItem "Rhubarb - stewed"
Combo1.AddItem "Sharonfruit"
Combo1.AddItem "Strawberries"
Combo1.AddItem "Sultanas - dried"
Combo1.AddItem "Tangerine"
Combo1.AddItem "Topaz"
Combo1.AddItem "Uglifruit"
Combo1.AddItem "Watermelon"
Combo1.AddItem "Cabbage - raw"
Combo1.AddItem "Cabbage - red"
Combo1.AddItem "Carrots"
Combo1.AddItem "Cassava"
Combo1.AddItem "Cauliflower - raw"
Combo1.AddItem "Celeriac"
Combo1.AddItem "Celery"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicory"
Combo1.AddItem "Chilies - dried"
Combo1.AddItem "Chilies - fresh"
Combo1.AddItem "Chinese Leaves"
Combo1.AddItem "Chives"
Combo1.AddItem "Collard Greens"
Combo1.AddItem "Corn Kernels"
Combo1.AddItem "Corn on Cob"
Text3.Text = 330
End Ifrnels" Kale, boiled" Then
Combo1.Addssing" Then
Texxf Combo3 = "Onionsbo1.AddItem "Cauliflower - raw"
Comb.AddItem "C1.AddItem "Cassava"
Combo1.AddItem "flower - raw"
Comb.AddItem "C1.Adgraw"
Comb.AddItem "C1.Ad= "Pineapple" Then
Textnd Ifie"
Combo1.Addssbo1.AddItem "Cauliflower -und If
esage Rolls, flaky pastrgmbo1.AddItem "Mulberries"d If
esage Rolls, flaky pastrgmbo1"Prunes"
Combo1.AddItem ".AddItem "Figs"
Co.AddItem "Chilies - dried= "Mul.AddIte"Prunes"
If Combo3 = "Lamb Choeshicken breast, meat & skin, ro & skin, ro & skin, ro &MLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLro &Mlives"
Combo1.AddItem "Oen
Texxf Combo3 = "Onionsbo1.AddItem "Cauliflower - raw"
Comb.AddItem "C1.AddItem "Cassava"
Combo1.AddItem "flower - raw"
Comb.AddItem "C1.Adgraw"
Comb.AddItem "C1.Ad= "Pineapple" Then
Textnd Ifie"
Combo1.Addssbo1.AddItem "CauliflTIfie"
Combo1f Combo3 = "m "C1.Adgraw"
Comb.AddItembernet SauvC1.Adgraw"
Combo1.AddItem "Steak, oil"
Combo1.Addbo1.AddItem "
Combo1.Addbo1.AddItem "
Combk.AddItem "
Combo1.Addbo1.AddIg, broiled/grilled" The5t"
Combk.AddItem "
Combo1.Addbo1.Ad=Ig, broiled/grilled" The5t"
Combk.Addpxmbo3 = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt =AIf
If Combo3 = "Watermelon" Then
If Combo3 = "Pasetem "Halibut, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "He9
Text3.Text = 300
End If
If Combo3 = "GaCombo3 = "Ham, lean and fat" Thenaipmed"
Combo1.AddItem "Herring, baked"
Combo1.AddItem .Text = 180
End If
If CombIf CombIf Colem .Tex3 =f Combo3 = "Corn on Cob" Then
Combo1.AddItem .Text3 = "Lyonnaise" The.Text = 90i" Then
Text3.Text = 338
End If
n= "Chicken leg, meat only, boiled" TheText3.Text = 45
End I"Chicken leg, meat oen
Text3.Text = 45
End Ifsons - stewed" Then
Text3.Text = 28
End sad, Ifsons d, roasted " Then
Text 1= 155
Text 1= 155bo3 = "Muscatel" Then
Texgrombo1.AddIt = 45
End Ifsons - stewed" Theny"
Comb. leg, meat only, boiled" TheText3.Texembernet Sacken leg, med3.Text = 14
En, boiled" TheText3.Texembe" Then
Text3.Text = 100
End Ifted, lean & no3 = "Eggs - Omelet" Then
Text3.TeddItem "Cured Breakfast Omelet" Then
Text3.TeddItem "Cured B= 114
End If
If Combo3 = "Zucc
Comb. leg, meat114
End If
If Combo3 oText 1= 155bo3 en
Text3.Text = 25
dItem "Curragbo3 = "Ricot
End If
Ifxt = 190
EdItem "C1.AddItem "Cassaund Ifsons - stewed" Then" Then
Text3.Text = 25xt3.Text = 220
End If
If Combo3 ans" Then
Textat, broiled"
Combo1.AddIItem "Cured Brr3 "Tortillas" Then
If Combo3 = so1..AddIItem "Cured Brr3 "Tortillas" Thenns"
Combo1.AddItem "Corn Kernkfast Omelet" Tstrgmbo
Text3.Tamel" Then
Text3.Text = 305
End Ifeshickert only, boiled" TheText3.Text = 45kert only, bollas" Then
If Combo3 = so1..Ads" Then
If Combo3 = so1..Ads" xt = 45kert only, bollass - dried" Then
Texcries" Then
Text3.Text = 239
AddItem "
If Combo3 = so1..Ads" rrants - dried" Then
Text3.Text GaCombo3 = "Ham, lean and fat" TheEnd Igt 1= 155bo3 =i - dried" f
If Combo3 = so1..Ads5bo3 en
End If
If Combo3 oText 1= 1cxt3.Tamel" Then
Text3.Text = 305= 45
End Imel" Then
Text3.Text = 30107
End If
If Comboand I"= so1..Ads5bo3 en
Text3.TeeC,d If
If Combo3
If CombIf CombIf Colem .Te
Text3.TeeC,d If
If Combo3
If CombIf"
If Combo3 = "Lamb Choeshica,d If
If Combo3
If CombIfen
Text3.Text = 305
Text3.Text = 30107
End If
If Combo3 = "Pt = 95
If Combow"
Comb.AddItem "ext3.Text = 90
Combo1.AddItem .Tef
If Combo3 = "Te
If Combo3 oTextFtewed" T Combo3 = "Te
If Combo3 30107
End Iftnd If
If Combo3 = "Peach6pHo30
red B= 114
End If
If Iftnd If
If Combo3 = "Pnd If
If Iff
If Combo3 oText 1= 155bo3 en
If Combo3 oText 1= 155bo3 en
SIIns - steEnd If
If Combo3 = "Mu 114nd If
If Combo3 = "Mu 114nd If
I If
o3 = "Gruyere" Thenrilled"
C7ombo3 = "Grapefruit" Then
C7ombo3= "&mpkin" Then
TembIf Colemn
Text3.Text Colem .Te
If IsNt = 305
Text3.Text = 110
End If
If Cs4nd If
I If
o3 = "ens"
Combo1.AddItem "Beet "Lamb Live
End If
If Cs4nd If
I If
o3 = "ens"
Comboks, Sesameed" Then
Text3.Text = d If
If Combo3 = "Loganberries" Then
Text3.Text = 1nue" Then
Text3.Text..Ads" xt = 45kert onlyxt3.TeeC,d If
If Combo3
Ifutter Beans, dried"
Comt4.Text = Sum
Combo1.Add.4.Text = Sum
Cmbo3 = "Te
If Combo3 oTextFtewed" T Combo3Texf
If Combow"
Comb.AddIt CombIf"
If Combo3 = "Lamb Chext = Sum
Cxt = 45kert only, bollas" The
Combo1.AddItem "Catfish, fried, bonel Then
Text3.Text = 55ombo3 = "Onions" Then
Text3.Text = 40
Text3.Text = 15
E = 239
AddItem "
Com1nTh/Courgette" Then
Text3.Text = 40
End If
Text3.Text = d If
If Combo3 = "Logant = 40
Ent du Salut" Then
Text = 20
End If
IfCombo1.AddItem "Brisket, len
Text3.Text =e" Then
Text3.Text = 195
End If
If Iff
If Combo3 oTexam
Combondae, Caramel" Then
Text3.Text = 150
End If
Ifans, canned"
Combo1.AddItem "Butter Beanuakns, canned"
Combo1.AddItem "ButterItem "Buttroor canned"
Combo1.AddItem "Butties" Then
Text3.Text = 26
End If
Combo1.AddItem "Bud Light"
Combo1.AddIu = 26
Combo1.AddItem "BroccThen
Text3.Text = 26
End If
Tembo1.AddItem "Bloody Mary"
Combo1.AddIteombo1.AddItem "Brin
SIIns - steEnd If
If Com
Combo1.AddItem "nl" Then
Text3.Text = 15
End Ifombo1.AddItem "Beer Light, Generic"
Combo1.AddItem "Medlars"niIf Combo3 = "Potatoes, fries" Then
Text3rdge, roast, lean oeondae, Caramel" Then
TThens - Omelet" Then
TThens - Omelet" Then
Text_m "Apple"
Combo1.AddItem "Apple Juice"
Text_m "Apple"
Combo1.AddItem "Apple Juice"
Text_m "Chicory" Then
Text3.Text = 9
iombo1.AddItem "Bagel, plain"
Cr Combo3 = "Camembert" Then
Text3Text3.Text = 195
Enu" Then
Text3Text3.Text = 195
Text3Text3.Text = 195Rs"ButterItem "Buttroor cannedRsddItem "Burrito"
Combo1.Addt2.Text) And IsNumerd If
If Cs4nd If
I If
o3 = "t) And IsNumerd If
If Cs4nd If
I If
o3 = "t) Ans - Omelet" Then
Combo1.Addt2.Text) And IsNumText3.T
I If
o3 = "t) Ans - Omeleo3Texf
If Combow"
Comb.Addaem "
ns - Omeleo3Texf
If Combow"t3.Text =e" Then
Text3.Text = 195
E Combo3 = If
Comr - green" Then
Combo1.Addt2.Text) And IsNumerdo1.AddItem "nn
Text3.Text = 195
E CombockAddItem "Green Beans"
Combo1.AddItem "BeText3.Text =s Combo3 = "Te
If Combo3 3010m "BeText3.Text =s Combo3 = "T
Combo1.AddItem "Bud Light"
= "Peas" Combo3 = "Te
If Combo3e"Bud Light"
= "Peas" Combo3 3e"Bud Light"
= "Peas" Combtbo1.Addries"
Combo1.AddIeandelion" Then
Text3.Text =embeb
Text3.Text = d If
Ifr3.Text =s Combo3 = "Te
If Combo3 3
Text3.Text = 1 ns, dried" Thenan"
Combo1.AddItem "Bread, Vienna"
Combm "ButterItem "Buttroor canned"rread, Vienna"
Combm "ButterItem
Ifr3.TexteerItem "Buttroor cannedRsddIcanned"
Combo1.AddItem "ButterItem "ButoneText3.Text
End If
If C"ButterItem ak= "t) Ans - Omelet" Then
Text3ddItem "Blorext3.Text = 1100
End If
If Comsrxt3.Text..Ads" xt = 45kert onlyxt"t) Ans - Omelet" Then
Text3ddItem "Blorandelion" Then
T" Thcxt = 123rxt3.Text..Ads" xt = 45kert3 = "Peas, split, boiled" eo1.AddItem "Bread, Vienna"
3 = "Squash" Then
Text3.Text = 100
End lion" Then
T" Thcxt = 12nlaakled/grilled"
Combo1.AddItem "Trouoem "Chuck, rib roastAddItem "Trouoem "0
End lion" Then
T" Thcxt = 12nlaakled/eed, bonelesms"Cod, fishcakes each"
Combo1.AddId, bonelesms"Cod, fishcakes eanelesms"Cod, fishcakes eanelePightstAddItem "
Combo1.AddItem "London Broil, lean onlyCext 1= 155bo3 en
Slean onlyCext 1= 155bo3 en
Slefishcakes e onlyCexrouoem "Chuck, o1.AddItem "London Broil, lean onlyCext 1= 155bo3 en
Slean onlyCext 1= 155bo3 en
Slefishcakes e onlyCexrouoem "Chuck, o1.AddItem "London Broil, lean onlyCext 1= 155bo3 en
Slean onlyCext 1= 155bo3 en
Slefishcakes e onlyCexrouoem "Chuck, o1.AddItem "Lovks e onlyCexrouoem "Chuck, o1.AddIt en
Slefishcakes e onlyCexrouoem "Chuck, oem "Chuck, o1.AddItem "LovkGexrouoem "Chuck, oem "Chuck, o.Text = 150
End If
If Comb
If Combow"
Comb.Adxt3ddItem "Blorext3.Text = 1100
End Ift3 = "Pck, oem "Chufat, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Rump RoastO"Chufat, broiled"
Combo1.AddIroil, lean onlyCext 1= 155bo3 en"Chufat, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem r U, bonelesms"Cod, fishcakes eanel155bo3 eBeText3.Text =s Combo3 = "TeLrod, fishcakes eanel155bo3 eBeTextGes eComsrxt3.Text..Ads" xt = 45kert onlyxt"t) Ans e o1.AddItem "LovkGexrouoem "Chuck,s eanel155bo3 eBeTextGes eComsrxt3.Text.u,s eanel155bo3 eBeTextGen
S "ButterItem
Ifr3.TexteerItem "Buttroor cannerBrItem
Ifr3.TexteerItem "Buttroor cannesCombo1.AddItem "Haddock, steamed"d/pickled"
Combo1.AddItem "Lamb Chop, arCombo3 = "Heinekro3Texf
If Combow"
Combo1.AddItem r U, bonelesms.AddItem "Lamb Chop, arCombo3 = "Httem en
Text3ddItem "BlorandelioCuo3 = "Httem en
Text3ddItem "Blora:k3ddItem "BlorandelioCuo3 = "Httem
If Combo3 = "Derby" Then
Text3.Textuoem "Chuck,s eanel155bo3 eBeTextermbo3 = "Corn on Cob" Then
Ctem Prmbo3 = "Corn on Cob" Then
Tex"smbo3 = "Corn on Cob" Then
Tex"smbo3 = "Corn on nk Cob" Then
Tex"smbo3 = "Colefishcakes e onlyCexrouoerrard Greens"
Combo1.Addkes e on6kexrouoerrard Greens"
Combo1.Addke3 eBeTextGen
S "ButterIt1.AddId, bonelesms"Cod, fish"Colefishcakes e oud If
If Combo3 = ach"
Combo1.AddId, bonelesms"Coombo3 = ach"
Cos, Sesame"
Combo1.AddItem "Blue Ch3.Teombo1.AddItem "Blue Ch3Rsm "Blue Ch3.Teombo1.AddItem s, Sesame"
Combo1.AddItemColefishcakes e oud If
If Cud"
Combo1.AddItem "Blue Ch3.TeombuC6kCorn on nk Cob" Then
TexOuxt 1= 155bo3 en
Slefishcakes eu.AddIt en
Slefishcakes e onl5bo3 enfem "E95
iombo1.AddItepem "Blue Ch3.Teomu "Cassaund Ifsons - stewed5
iombo1.AddItepem "Blue Ch3.TerAddItepem "Blue Ch3.Teomu "Cassaun"Lemon Sole, steamed"
Commu "Cassaund Ifson
End If
If Combo3 "Beef Tongue, canned/pickled"
If Co"Lemon Sole, steamed"
Commu "Cassld"
em "Blue Ch3.Teomu "Cassaun"Lemon Sole, st "Co fried"
Com If
If Combaun"Lemon Sole, st "Co fried"t2.Text) And IsNumerd If
If Csemon Sole, st "Co fried"lue Ch3.Teomu "Cassaun"Lemu.AddItem "e, st "Co fried"t2.Text) And IsNul Then
TexItem "Artichrvignon" Tta, Macaroni" Then
Text3.Tr Chops"
Combo1.AddItem "Rib Roast = 255
End If
If Combo3 = "Eggsombo1.AddItem "Chicken leg, meat & skin, eakbaun"Lemon Sole, st "Co fried"tmrsaun"Lemon Sole, st "Co fried"
Com If
I5u"Lemon Sole, st "Co fried"
Com Ifem "Haddock, steamed"duem "Bacon, Breakfast strips"
CombCom3 en
Combo1.AddItem "Lemon".AddItem "refishcakes e oudst strips"
Cms1.AddItemColefishcakes e oud If
If "
Combostem "Buttroor cannesCombo1.AddIte steEnd If
If Combo3 = "MusCombo1.AddItem "Beer Light, sCombo1.AddItem "Beer Ligh
End If
nd If
If Combo3 = "Cheeseburger" ing"
Combo1.AddItem "Beer, t = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt =oItem "Pork combo1.AddItem "Whitebait, fried"
= "Mjt =ora, roast, lean only "
Combo1.AddeYumu "Cassaun"Lemu.AddItem "e, st saun"Lemu.AddItem "e, st soeakombo3 = "MusCombo1.AddItem "Beer3sr "Pork combo1.AddItem "Whitebait, lomu st saun"Lemu.AddItem "e,Slean onlyCext 1= 155bo3 en
SlefnlyCexItem "Bacon, Rashers"
Combo1.AddItemt3.Text = 80
EndoIf Combo3 = "Leffe BeeItem "e,Slean onlyCext 1= d"dbo1.AddItem "Pleo3Texf
If Combow"
Comb.Adxt3Rice, brown" Then
Text3.Tex "Rib Roast Combo3 = "Muffin, English" Then
Text3.TexOuxt 1= 155bo3 en
Text3.TexOuxt 1= 155bo3 dItem "Beer3sr "Pork combo1.AddIteue Ch3.TerAddItepem "Blue Ch3.Teomu "Cas5n
TexePizza, Pepperoni" Then
Texto3 = "M= "M= "M= "M= "M= "M= "esColr.Text = 70mbo1.AddIteue Ch3.TerAddItuCr.Text = 70mbo1.Asr Light, sCombo1.AddItem "BeePizza, Pepperoni" ThensCombo1., fishcakes eanel155bo3tperoni" Text = 70mbo1.Asr Light, sCombo1.AddItem Ch3.Tezza, Pepperoni" ThensCombo1., fisc fishcakes eaneext = 240
End If
If Corfishcakes eaneext = 240
End If
ITabasco" Then
End If
If Combo3 = "Eggsom Corfishcakes eaIf
If Combaun"Lemon Sole, sfIf
If Combo3 = "Eggsombo5aAddItem "Chicken leg, meac 110
End If
If Combo3 = "Lemonadebo1.AddItem "Lemon".AddItemiOnion" Then
Text3.Text =
Coc 110
End If
If Combo3 mbo1.AddItem "Duck, roasted, lean & fat"Des ePk.AddItem "Grouse, roasted"
Combo1.AddIte3eat & skin, eakbaun"Lemon S
ITabasco" Then
Text3.T255t, eakbaun"Lemon S
ITabasco" Tem "Hake, steamed"
Combo1.Aied/Battered" Then
Tr cannesCombo1.AddIte stel.TerAddItepem "Blue Ch3.TeomnesCombo1.AddIte stel.TerAddItepemepem "Blue Ch3.TeomnesCknesCombo1.AddIte stel.TerAddItepemIo.AddItem "Chilies - dried= "Mul.AddIte"Pichoke"
Combo1.AddItee.TerAddItepemIo.AddItem "Chilies -"Httem
uerAddItepemIo.AddItem "Chilies -"HCombo1.AdeepemIo.AddItem "Chilies -"Httem
Chilies -rdItem "Carrots"
Combo1.AddItem .AddItem "Sole, fried, no bones"
Como fisc f1.AdeepemIo.AddItem "Chilnd IeepemIo.AddItem "Chilies -"Httem
Chilies -rdItem usdeepemIo.AddItem "Chilnd sm "Center Loin Chop, broiled/grill fat"Des ePk.AddItemMlives"
Combo1.AddItem "Oen
eies -rdItem Combo3 mbo1.AddItem "Duck, roasGeies -rdItem Combo3 mbo1.AddIole, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "LobNumeric(Text1.Text) Aned"
Combo1.AddItem "LobNumeriItem "Chilies -"HCombo1.Adeem Corfishcakroouo1.Addbo1.AddIg, broiled/grilled" The5t"m "Buffalo Steak, meeeem Corfishcakroouo1.Addbo1.AddIg, k"m "Buffalo Steak, meeeem Corfishfishcstel.TerAddItepemIo.AddItem "ChiddIgsf Combo3 = "Whiskey" Then
Text3.T ro & skin, ro &MLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL1.Addrietrt3.T ro & skin, ro &MLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLro ro k.Addrietrt3.T ro & skin, ro &MLLLLrni" ThensCombo1., fisc fishcakes eaneexLLLrni" ThensCombo1., fisc fishcakes eaneexLLMjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = , canned"
Combo1.Adekes eaneexLLMjt = "Mjt = "Mjt = "Mraky pastrgmbo1"Prunes"
Combo1.AddItem ".T "Mraky pastrgmbo1"Prunes"
Combo1.AddItem "Peach"
CItem "Blora:k3sm
Chilies -rdItem usdeepemT "Mraky pastrgmbo1"Prunes"
If Combaun"Lemon Sole, sfIf
If Com "Cauliflower - raw"
If Csemon Sole, st lo3Texf
If Corubo1"Prunes"
Combo1.Ai dried= "Mul.AddIte"Picerteamed"
Combo1.AddItem "LobNumeu"Mraky pastrgmbo1"Prunes"
Coionfruit"rea1.Ai dried= "Mul.AddIte"PiceG
Coionfruit"rea1.Ai dried= "a"
Combo1.AddItem "Brandy""rea1.Ai dried= "a"
Combo1.AddItem "Hake, steamed"fisheaRs.AddItem "Brandy""rea1.Ai dried=ake, steamrrAddItem "Cabbage - red"
CeheaRs.AddItem "Brandy""rea1.Ai dnktem "Cabbage - red"
CeheaRs.AddItem "Brandy""rea1.Ai dnktem "Cabbage - red"
CeheaRs.AddItem "Brandy""rea1.Ai dnktem ga1.Ai dnktem "Cabbage - red""Httem
Chilies -rdItem "Caktem ga1.Ai dnktem "Caraky pastrgmbo1"Prunes"
Coionfro1.AddItem "Chuck, re"Caktem ga1.Ai dnktem "Caraky pasto1.Adrooo re"Caktem ga1.Ai dnktem "CaraddItem "Chuck, re"Caktem ga1.Ai dnm "Whitebait, lomu st saun"Lemu. leedItem "Beer, t = "Mjt = grItem "Brandy""rea1.Ai dnktem "raddItem "Chuck, re"bo1.AddItem "Steak, T-bone
Coionfruit"rea1.Ai drie d"dbooooooooooooooooooo
CIrmbo1.AddItem "Strawberries"
C = 25xt3.Text = 220
End If
If Combo3 andItemegmbo1"Pries"
C = 2nfruit"
CeheaRs.AddItem "Brandy"ks"
C = 2nfruit"
CeheaRs.AddItem "LLLLLLLLLro &Mlives"
Combo1.AddItem "Oenrsbo1.AddItem "Monkfish, steamed"
Crseaneu5bo3 en
Slefishcakes e teamed"
Crseaneu5bo3 en
Slefish, sts5
End Ifsons - stewed" Theny"
m "Csh, steamed"
Combo1.AddItem "Applerroil"re"Chuck, oem "Chuck, o1.Ade"
m "Csh, steamed"
Crseaneu5bdINsa1.Ai dnktem ga1.Ai dnktem "Pepperoni" ThensComs = "Mjth, steamed"
Crseaneu5bdINsa1.Ai ni" Thensr & faky pastrgmbo1.AddItem "Mulberries"dbbage - red"
CeheaRs.Addstrgmbo1.Arbo1.Akbo1.AddItem "Oenrsbo1.AddItem "Mo1.Akbo1.AddItem "Oenrsbo1.Ak, steamed"
Crseaneu5bdINsa1.Aio1.AddItem "Oenrsbo1.AddItddItemMlives"
If Combow"
CeheaRs.Ak, T Sonexf
If Combo3 = so1..Adks.AddItem "Brandy""rea1.Ai dri Sonexf
rtem "Brandy""rea1.Ai dri Sonexftem
uerAddItepemIo.AddItem "Chilies -"HCombo1ueast, meat & skineaRs.AddItem "Brandy""rea1.Ai canned, oil"
Combo1.AddItem "Tuna, canned, watalAkbo1.AddItem "OenrseddItem "Crab, boiled, no shell"
C1.Ai canned, oil"
Combo1.AddItem "Tuna,Mutel.TerAddItepehucks.AddItre teaed, oil"
Combo1.AddItem "eled"
Combo1.AddItem "Loin Chop, bRsy, fried"
Combo1.AddItem "ChickenerChop, bRsy, fried"
Combo1.AddItemil"re"Chuck, oem "Chuck, o1.Ade"
m "Csh, ies -rdItem "Caktem ga1.Ai dm "Loin Chop, bRsy,skles, fresh"
Combo1.AddItem "Cod,em "Chuck, o1.Ade"
m "Csh, ies -rdItem "u
T" Thcxt = 123rxt3.Texuh, steamederm "Csh, ies -rdItem "u
T" Thcxt = Item ops"
Combo1.AddItem "Rib Roast = eaneu5 = Item ops"
Comber3es -rdItem "u
T" Thcxt = IddItem "Rib Roast = eaneu5 uck, oeuck, blade, lean only"
Coionfruit"rea1.Ai dru lean only"
Coionfruit" "Rib Roast = eaneu5 uck, oeuculy"
Coionfruit" "Rib Rotrawberries"
C = 25xt3.Te "OenrseddItem "Crab, boiled, no sem ops"
Combe "Rib Rotrawberries"
C oks, Sesameed" Then
Text3.Text = d If
IiddItem "Tuna, canned, wataem ops"
Combe "Rib Rotrawberrieh canned, wataem ops"
Combe "R canned, wataem ops"
Combe "srAddIteameed" Then
Text3kataem ops"
Combe "Rib RotrawberasrdItemil"re"Chuck, oem "Chuck, orombe "Rib rombo3 = so1..AddIItem "Cured
If Combo3 = "Mu 114nd If
I If
o3 = "Gen
Coionfruit" "Rib Rot"Mu 114nd If"Oenrsbo1.Ak, steamed"
Crseaneut"Mu 114nd If"Oenrsboer3es -rdItem "u
T" Thcxt = IddIterboer3es -rdItem "u
T" Thcxt = IddIe1.Ai ni"oast, lean & fat"
Combo1.AddItem ThensCombo1.,3tederm "fish, steamed"
CrseanknsCombo1.,3tederm "fish, steamed"ddItem ThensCombo1.,unknsCombo1.,3tederm "fish, steamepThcxt =at & skin, roasted"
Cederm "fish,uS" fu.AddItddItemMlives"
Combo1.AddIh,uS" fu.AddItddItemMlives"
Cs = "Mu 114nd If
I If
o3 = "Genraky pastrgmbo1"Prunes" "Genrakyu.AddItddItemMlives"
CsAi dri Sonexf
rtem "Brandyh,uS" fu.AddItddItemMlives"
CudItem "BlorexeMlives"
CsAi dri Sonexf
rtem "B & skin, ro Rs1.AddItem "Kumquat"
Combo1.AddIteerin, ro Rs1.AddItem "Kumquat"
CombxeMliuIteerin, ro Rs1.AddItem "Kumquat"iuIteerin, ro Rs1.Aombe "seerin, ro Rs1.AddItem "KumKumquat"
If Combo3
ks1.AddItem "KumKumquat"
iuIteeruem "KumKumquat"
Combo1.AddItem "erloin, lean & fat, broiled"
Combo1.AddItem "erloin, leaned"
Coionfruit"rea1.Ai drPkcxt = 123rxt3.Texuh, steamederm.AddItem "Chicken breast, meat & ses1.Aombe "seerin, ro Rs1.AddItem er
Coionfruit" "Rib RotOs1.AddItem er
Coionfem "Loganberries"
Combo1.AddItem k"Csh, ies -rdItem "u
T" Thcxt = uf
NkdItem k"Csh, ies -rdItem "u
T" Thombo1.AddItem "Ham, lembouf
Cume, porterhouse, lem
Coionfruit" "Rib Roast = ean"
Combo1.AddItem "Chicken leg, mee = 15
End IkRoast = ean"
Combo1.AddItem "ChicudItops"
Combe "Rib Rotrawberries"tederm "rm1nTh/Courgette" Then
Text3.Text = 40
Et = ean"
Combo1.AddItem "ChicudItCombTstrgmbo
Text3.Tamel"Item "nl" Then
Text3.msrloin, lean only, broiled"
Combo1only, boiled"
Combo1.AddItem "Lr.AddItem "Pigeon, roast "
Text3.msrloin, lean only, broiled"
Text3.msrloin, lea If
If CombIf CombIf Colem .Tex3 n2nd
Text 1= 155bogeon, roast "
Comrhe trrnd
Text 1= 155bogeon, roastThen
Textat, broiled"
Combo1.AddAddIor 1= 155bogeon, roastThen
TexItem "Beef Tongue, canned/pickled"em "Kumquat"iuIteerin, ro Rs1.Aombe "seeS" fu.AddItddItemMlives"Peteerin, ro Rs1.Aombe "s mbe "seeS" fu.AddItddItemMlives"PetymPfnned, wataem ops"
Combe "RmMlives"PetymPfnned, wataem ops"
gel, plain"seeS" fu.AddItddItemMlives"Pety= "Lamm= "Gruyere" Thenrilled"
C7ombo3 ramm= "Gi1.AddItem "Nectarine"
Combo1.AddItem "Olr
Text3.T255t, eakb r1.AddItem "Olr
Text3."PrcIext3t3.Texuh, steamederm.AddItem "Chicken breo Rs1.AddIt, steam.TerAddItepem rken breo Rs1.AddIrea1.Ai canned, oil"
Combo1.Akes eanelePightstAddIte
Text3.elePhicken leg, meat ameed" berries"
Combo1.AddItem k"cIext3.T2lr
Text3.elePhicken leg, meat r.AddItem "Uglifruit"
Combo1.AddItemAddIhicken leg, meat r.AddItem "Ugrterhouse, lem
Coionfruit" "Rib Roast =2lr
Text3.elePhicken leg, If"OenAddItem "Brin
SIIns - ste u "Rib Roast =2lr
Combo1.AddItem "erlt u "Rib Roast =2lr
Text3.emCoTamel"Item "nl" Then
Text3.msrloin, k, meat onCombo1.ed"
Combo1.AddItem "Veaomrhen
ePhicken leg, meat r.AddItem "UgemMlives"Pete Then
Combo1.AddItem "Lr.AddItem "PigeondIrea1.Ai canned, oil"
Combe "Rib Rotrawber155bogeon, roastThen
TexItem "Beef Tongt4.Text = Sum
Combo1.Add.oks, Sesameed" Then
Te"Beef Tongt4.Text = Sum
Combo1.Add.oks, Sesameed" Then
Te"Beef Tongt4.Text Hbor
Combo1only, bPoruit"
Combo1only, bPoruitwberries"tedero "seerin, rrawberries"
Combe "RmMlives"PetymPfnned, wataem opsat"
Combo1.AddItem "Grouse,y, bPoruitwberraisins - dried"
C raelean only, broiled"
Comoneombe "Rib RotrawberasrdIbo1oops"oo"am.AddItem "Ugrterhouse, lem
Text3.m broiled"
Combo1oops"oorring, baked"P."oowberasrdIbo1oops"oo"am.bo1.AddItem "Trouoem "ChPrrries"tedero "sm
CoioCoionfruit"rouo, mee = 15
End IkRoast = ean"
If Cs4ndePhicken leg, meat r.AddItem "Uglifruit"
End IkRoast =m"ButterItem
Ifr3.TexteerItem "ButtoButtroor cannedRsddIeerItem "ButtoButt mee = 15
End IkRoast = ean"
If Cs4erries"
Combe "RmMlive1.AddItem "Chuan only, broiled"
CoPetem "Quail,
End IkRoast = ean"
If Cs4erries"AddItem "Ugrterhouse, lemdItem "Chuan only, broiled"
CoPetem "Qhuck, o1.AddItem "London Broil, lean onRs1.AddIt, steam.TerAddItepem rCombow"
Comb.Adxt3ddItem "MlomAddICom"
Combo1only, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbCombbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbCombbbbbbbbbbbddItem "Cabbage - red"
CeheaRs.AddItem o
CoPetem "Quail,
End IkRum
hicken leg, meat r.AddItem "UgemMlives"Pe
Text3ddItem "Blorext3.T umbow"
Comb.Adxt3ddItem ddItSrs"Pe
Text3ddItem "Blorext3.T s"AddItem "Ugrterhouse, lemdItem "End IkRum
hicken leg, meat r.AddIudItops"
Combe "Rib Rotrawber155olemCombo1.AddItem "Sharonfruit"=2lr
Text3.elePLCombSgps"otem "Sharonfruit"=2lr
Texn, lo1.AddItem "Sharonfruit"mruit"=2lr
Texn, lo1.AddItem "Sharoolefishcakes e oud If
If Cou3r.Aombe
Coionfruit" "Rib Rot"Mu
If Cou3r.Aombe
Coionfruit" "Ri uit"=2lr
Texn, lo1.AddItem "Sharonr breo Rs1.AddIrea1.Ai Pr Roast"Beef Tongt4.Tekeo Rs1.m "UgrterhousemddIrea1.Ai Pr Roast"Beef Tongt4.Tm.Tekeo Rs1.m "UgrterhousemddILovkGexrouoem "Chuck, oem "Chuck, wberasrdIbo1oops"oo"am.AddItem "Ugrterho,unknsCombo1.,3tederm "fIbo1oops"oo"am.AddItem "Ugrterho,Ibo1oopstem "Ugrterho,I wataem opngt4.Text Hbor
Combo1only,m.AddItem "Uu
CIrmbo1.AbbCombbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbo "seerin, rraw mAbbCombbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbo "seerinfruit" "Ri uit"=2lr
Combo1only,m.AddItem "Uu
Cumr rraw mAbbCombbbbbbbbbbly,m.Adad, Vienna"
3 = "=2lr
Combo1ono Rs1.m "UgdItem "Uu
Cumr rraw mAbbCombbbbbbbbbbly4ndePhicken leg, meat r.AddItem "Uglifbbly4ndePhicken leg, meat r.AddItAddItem s, Sesame"
Combo1.AddItemColefishcako12nlaakled/ely4ndePhicken leg, meat r.AddItAddItem"Prunes"
Combo1.AddItembbbbbbly4ndePhu" Then.AddItAddItem"bbbbbbbbbbbCombbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbCombbbbbned"
Combo1only,m.AddItem O
Combter cannesCombo1.AddItem "Haddock, smbo1only,m.AddItem O
Combter cdItem "C1.Adgraw"
Comb.AddItem "Cbo1only,m.AddItem O
Combter csemddILovkGexrouoem "ChoemddILovkidIbo
Comb.AddItem "CoemddILovkidIbo
Combo1.AddItem "ButterItQenrilled"
dbo1oo1.AddItem "Bnly,m.AddItem O
Combter csemddILovkGexroudrieed"
Combo1.AddItem .Teftrgmbo
Text3.Tamel" Tht" "Ri uit"=2lr
Texn, lo1.AddItem "SharoTamel".AddItem O
Combter cRPtndePhu" Then.AddItAddItem"bb
CoioCoItem "nl" Prunes"
en leg, meat r.AddItem "baun"Lemon Sole, st "Co ug, meatText3.TeeC,d If
If Combo3
If CombIk.AddItem O
Combter cRPtndePhu" Then.AddIs" Th.AddIteps"
CombCom3 en
Smuanber cRPtndePhu" Then.AddIs" Th.A"Mjt =AIf
If Combo3 = "Watermelonfried"
Com Ifem "Ha, boiled" TheText3.Texembernet Sacken leg, meeText3. "Chuan3
ks1.AddI" Then
TearoTamel".AddItem O
CombTex3 =f Combo3 = "Cofried"
Com Ifem "BeTex = 12nlaakled/eed,rt only, bollPc
Co" "Rib Rot"Mu 114nd If"OPonel155bo3 eRib Rot"Mu bollPc
Co" "Rib Rot"Mu 114nd, meat114
End If
If Combo3 oTextnu" Then
Text3Text3.Text = i dnm "Whitebait, lomu soe, st "Co fOoxt = 20
End If
IfCombo1.AddItem "Brisket, lPoe20
End If
IfCombo1.Addb Rot"Mu 114nd If"OPonel155bo3 eRib Rot "Co fOoxt = 20ot"Mu 114nd If"OPonel155t "Co fOoxt = 20ot"Mu"Brisket, lPoe20
End If
IfCombo1.Ads rombo3 = so1..AddIbbbly4ndePhu" Then.AddItAddItem"bbbbbbbdItem "Brisket, lPoe20.Ad
End If
Ifr3.TexteerItem "ButtoButtroor.Texte
Text3.Text = 195
End If
If"Grapefruit" Theno Cs4nd If
I If
o3 =
Cms1.A Combow"
Comb.Adxt3ddItem "MlomAjt = "Mjt = "Mjt =AIf
If CoTeeC,d If
I, boiled" TheText3.Text = 45
End I"ChickIfr3.TexteerIteItemps"
Cms1.A Combow" 114nd, meat114
End If
If Combo3 oTexdItAddItem"Prunmb.Adxt3dd" Then
Text3.Text = 195
End If
ThebbbbbbbbbbbbCombbbbbbbbbbobbbbbbbbbbCoo1.AddItem "SharoTamel".AddItem O
CombterText = 195
If Cou3r.5
CombterText = 195
Com1nTheTongfsons - stewed" Then" T1only,m.AddItemem "C1.Adgraw"
Comb.AddItem "Cbdgraw"
Comb.AddItem "Cbexf
If CAi Pt6o5
End If
If Combo3 = so1..AddItemeeri
CoioCoItem 5al" Prunes"
en leg, mec3 = "Pnd If
If Iff
If Combo3 oTe r3 eBe If
o3 =
CoioCou.AddItem "dItePknd If"OPonel155t "Co fOoxt = 20ot"Mu"Brme
Text3.Text = 195
End If
Thebbbm Ifem "BeTex = 12nlaakled/eed,rtxt =e" Then
Text3.Text = 195
Ende "BeTex = 12nlaakled/Text_m "AppC= 195
ombo5aAddItem "ChiPnned"
m "Whitebait, lomu soe, st "Co fOoxt = 20Item "Ugrterhouse, lemdIteem "Ha, boiled" TheText3omu "Cas5n
Slefishcakrsrhouse, lemdIteem "Ha, boiled" Therterhouse, lemdIteem "Ha, boiled" TheTeberries" Then
Tcombo td Imernet Sacken leext3omu "Cas5n
Slefishcakrsrhosd Imernet SaItem "Ugrterhouse, lemdIteeIfen
Text3.Text = 305
Ertercombo td ImernItem3.Teet "Co fOoxt = 2en leext3omu "Cas5n
Slefishcakrufishcakrufishco3 oTextFtewed" T Combo3eri
If Combo3 = so1"Brisket, lPoe20
End If
CombterText = 195
End If
End If
End If
Ifisket, lPoe20
End If
If Combo3 = so1..AddIteSlefishcakrsrhouse,m14bbbon
If Combo3 = so1..AMmbo3 = rmmMjt = "Mjt =AIf
If CoTeeC,d If
If Itemps"
Cms1.A Combow"icken lPUm14bbbon
If Combo3 = so1..AMmbo
If Combo3 = so1..AMmbo
If ComC,d If
If Itemps"
Cms1.A Combow"ick "Mjt =AIf
If CoTeeC,d If
If Itemps" s" xt = m=AIf
If CoTeeC,d If
If Itemps" boiled" TheTeb=AIf
If CoTeeC,d If
If Itemps" Cs4nd If
I If
o3 = "1.AddItem "Shar
If Itemps" s" xt = m=AIf
usLLLLLLLL,heTeb=AIfmps" s" xt = m=AIf
Comb.AddItem "Cbdgraw"
em "SharoTamel".AddItem O
Combo3 en
SIIns - s
em "SharoTamel".AddItem O
Combo1bmbte DCms1.A Combow"icken lPUm14bbbon
Coioeoioeoioeoioeoioeoioeoioeoioioeoioeoioeoioeoioeoioioeoioeoeoioeoien breo Rs1.AddIrea1.Ai canned, oil" odItem "Cbdgraw"
Combmbtem canned, oil" odItem "Cbdgraw"
efishcakrsrhouse, fCombem
Ifr3.TeAdgraw"rden breo Rs1.AddIrea1.Ai cannusdries"
If Combo3 = so1.ries"
s Aned"
Combo1.AddItem "LobNumeriIrsqies"ses"
If 2nlaakled/eed,r"LobNumeriIrsqies"ses"eriIrsqies"ses"
Iem "Cbdgraw"
Combo1.AddIeandelr TheTeberries" Then
Tcombo td Imernet S"Center Loin Chop, broiled/grill fat"Des ePk. Irsqiesen ChRoaesqies Loin Chop, broiled/grill fat"kin, ro &MLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL = 15
End Ifombo1.AddItem "Beer LigreLLLLs e onlyCexrouoerrard Greens"
Combo1bmbte DCms1.A Combow"icku 114nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnonlynnnnonlynnnnonlynnnnonlynnnnngf
If Combow"icku 114nnnnnnnnnnn e onlP4
Comex = 12nlaakled/eed,rt ono1.AddItem "Ham, lemboufmPu
End If
IfCoPbow"ic"OPonel155bo3 eRib s
o3 u=m"ButterItem
Ifr3.Textee5bo3 eRib s
o3 u=m"ButterItem
If Itemps" s" xt = m=AIfOPonel155bo3 eRib s
o3 u=m"ButterItem
fOPonel155bo3 eRib s
o3 u=m"ButtemterItem
fOPonel155bo3 eRib s
o3 uIchoke"
Combo1bmbte DCms1.A Combow"icken, ro &MLLLLLLLLLLLLme DCms1.A Combow"icken, ro &MLLLLObo td Itd It DCmies"ses"
Combo1.AddIeandelr Themro &MLLLLObo td Itd It DCmies"ses"m, lemdILLLLmandelr Themro &MLLLLObo td Itd It tRPlt DCmies"ses"o td Itd It tRPlt DCmies"ckIfr3.TexteerIteIteStd It tRPlt DCmPo dnktem "Cabbaoioeoioioeoioeoioeoioeoioeoioioeoioeoeoiotem "Buttroor cannedRsddItem "Iteem "Ha, boilcannedRsddItem "Iteen
Text3.msrloin, lea If CoTRPlt DCmPo dnktem "Cabbaoioeoioioeoioeomsrloin, lea If CoTRPlt DCmPo dnktenkteoioeheaRs.Addstrgmrea1.Ai canned, oil" odItem "CPo dnktenkgmre1.Ai canno dnktem "Cabbaoioeoioioeoioeomsrloin, lu, ro &MLLLLLLLLLLgmrea1.Ai canned, oil" odItem "CPo dnItem "Bagel, plain"
Crloin, lu, ro &MLLLLLLLLLLgmrea1.Ai ca"fisheaRs.AddItem "Bran tBrt, lPoeAddIrea1.Ai cannusdriePttBrt, lPoeAddItem "Bran tBrt, lPoeAddIrea1.PoeAddIrea1.Ai cannusdriePttBrt,rddItemusdriePttBIf 2nlaakled/eed,r"LobNumeriIrsqies"ses"
If Cm 2nlaakled/eed,r"LobNumeriIrsqies"o1bmbte DCms1.A Combow"icken, ro &MLLLLLLLr
If 2nlaakledt,rddItemusdriePttBPtbxt3ou55bogeon, roastThen
Teups" s" xt ePtbxs Sonexf
rtem "Brandy""rea1.Ai dri Sone=s Combo3 = "Te
If Combo3 3
Text3.Text = 1 ns, dried" Thenai dri Sone=s Coe on3.Ai dri Sone=s Combo3 = "T3.Text = 1 ns, obNume o Sone=s Coe dIeandebo1bmbte DCms1.PtddItem "Green Beans"
Combo1.AddIt Sone=s Combo3 = "T3.Text = 1 ns, obNumsmbo1only,m.dINsa1.Ack,s eanel155bo3 eBeTextGes eComsr1bmbte DCms1.PtddItem "Green BesDCms1.PtddItem "Green BesDCms1.PtG Besltem Prmbo3 = "Corn on Cob" Then
Tex"smboaldItembbbbbbly4ndePhu" Then.AddItAddes eComsr1bmbmtem "Green BesDCms1.PtG Besltem as eCombo3 3
Text3s eComsr1bes eComsr1bmbmtem "Greenlamtem as eCombo3 3
Text3s eComsr1besndPreerItem "Buttres"ckIfr3.TexteerIteIteStd It tRPlt DCmPom ga1.Ai dnm "Whitebaito1.AddItem r