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Text File
688 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "clsParseTextFile"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder" ,"Yes"
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes"
' clsParseTextFile.cls
' Created by: Light Templer
' Started : 05/26/2004
' Last edit : 06/15/2004
' Purpose : Do some text file parsing in an object oriented, easy to use way.
' Even for very large files we don't need many memory. (This class
' doesn't read the whole file into memory, we are parsing
' line-by-line. For TAIL() a ring buffer is used.)
' So far this class encapsulates the following functions/properties:
' __________________________________________________________________
' Append() Append a text to a file (file will be created if needed)
' CAT() As Unix CAT command (gives ALL lines)
' HEAD() As Unix HEAD command (gives first n lines)
' TAIL() As Unix TAIL command (gives last n lines)
' GetTemp() Get a unique temp path/filename
' CancelParsing Abort parsing if set to true (e.g. in raised event)
' Filter Filter lines (comparing with VB's LIKE)
' IgnoreEmptyLines Ignore empty lines
' IgnoreLinesWith Ignore lines starting with this value (e.g. to skip comment lines)
' LinesToHandle Lines raised to deal with
' LinesTotal Number of all the lines we read from text file
' LastErrMsg Get last error message
' __________________________________________________________________
' Update 1 : Thx for the hint to Sven Maes! If 'IgnoreLinesWith' was empty, ALL lines were skiped. Fixed.
' Update 2 : This one I discovered by myself. The check for missing path/filename was against the wrong var.
' Private WithEvents oTEXT As clsParseTextFile
' Private Sub main()
' Set oTEXT = New clsParseTextFile
' With oTEXT
' .IgnoreEmptyLines = True
' .IgnoreLinesWith = "'"
' .Head 10, "C:\Temp\testfile.txt" ' Show first 10 lines of this file
' Debug.Print "Total lines: " & .LinesTotal & ", handled lines: " & .LinesToHandle
' End With
' Set oTEXT = Nothing
' End Sub
' Private Sub oTEXT_Error(sErrMsg As String, lLineNo As Long)
' Debug.Print "Error: " & sErrMsg & " - Line# " & lLineNo
' End Sub
' Private Sub oTEXT_HandleLine(lLineNo As Long, sLine As String)
' Debug.Print lLineNo, sLine
' End Sub
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text ' Change to 'Option Compare Binary', if the 'Filter' property (VB 'Like'
' used in 'IsLineValid()' doesn't what you want!
' *******************************
' * EVENTS *
' *******************************
Public Event HandleLine(lLineNo As Long, sLine As String)
Public Event Error(sErrMsg As String, lLineNo As Long)
' *************************************
' *************************************
Private Declare Function API_GetTempFileName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempFileNameA" _
(ByVal Path As String, _
ByVal PrefixString As String, _
ByVal Unique As Long, _
ByVal TempFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function API_GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" _
(ByVal nBufferLength As Long, _
ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long
' *************************************
' *************************************
' Here we hold all local info in a handy way
Private Type tpMvars
sPathFilename As String ' Input
sOutputFile As String ' Output (used with Append() only!)
sErrMsg As String ' Last Error
sIgnoreLinesWith As String ' e.g. = ";" -> we ignore lines when there first non-space char
' is ";" . Used to ignore comments or so
sRegExp As String ' For filtering lines with VB's 'LIKE' string compare function
flgIgnoreEmptyLines As Boolean
flgAbortParsing As Boolean
lLinesTotal As Long
lLinesToHandle As Long
End Type
Private mvars As tpMvars
' *************************************
' *************************************
Public Function Append(sText As String, Optional sPathFilename As String) As Boolean
' Append a string to a file. File will be created if it doesn't exists.
' Use it lie >> in DOS command shell/Unix shell.
' If 'sPathFilename' is empty last output file is used. If you never have used one, you 'll get an error!
With mvars
' Check parameters
If sPathFilename = "" Then
If .sOutputFile = "" Then
.sErrMsg = "Need a filename to append text in 'Append()'"
raiseErr .sErrMsg
Exit Function
End If
.sOutputFile = sPathFilename
End If
If sText = "" Then ' Nothing to do ... (for a new line use sText= vbCrLf !)
' Append = True ' Maybe you don't this reported as an error: Remove comment sign.
Exit Function
End If
' Start appending
If Do_APPEND(sText, .sOutputFile) = True And .sErrMsg = "" Then
Append = True
End If
End With
End Function
Public Function CAT(Optional sPathFilename As String = "") As Boolean
' Returns True when parsing is done without any errors
' As the UNIX cataloge command CAT: This gives every single line of a text file, line by line
' Check parameters
If sPathFilename <> "" Then
mvars.sPathFilename = sPathFilename
End If
If mvars.sPathFilename = "" Then
mvars.sErrMsg = "Need a filename to parse in procedure 'Cat()'"
mvars.flgAbortParsing = True
raiseErr mvars.sErrMsg
Exit Function
End If
' Start parsing
If Do_CAT() = True And mvars.sErrMsg = "" Then
CAT = True
End If
End Function
Public Function GetTemp(Optional sPath As String, Optional sPrefix As String = "~") As String
' Wrapper arround two API functions to get a new, unique filename in 'sPath'.
' If 'sPath' is empty, we ask Windows for current temp directory.
' If 'sPath' points to an existing directory, we get the unique filename within this directory
' 'sPrefix' is a leading part of this filename. If empty, the default ('~') will be used.
' RESULT: A valid path/filename to open a file, e.g. "C:\Temp\~B7.tmp"
' On error: Result is empty and 'mvars.sErrMsg' holds the error message.
Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260
Dim sBuffer As String
Dim lResult As Long
' Ensure having a path
If sPath = "" Then
sBuffer = Space$(MAX_PATH)
lResult = API_GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, sBuffer)
If lResult > 0 Then
sPath = Left$(sBuffer, lResult)
mvars.sErrMsg = "Error getting Windows Temp-directory by API!"
Exit Function
End If
End If
' Get a new, unique filename
sBuffer = Space$(MAX_PATH)
If API_GetTempFileName(sPath, sPrefix, 0&, sBuffer) = CREATION_ERROR Then
mvars.sErrMsg = "Error getting an unique filename in '" + sPath + "'by API!"
Exit Function
End If
GetTemp = Left$(sBuffer, InStr(1, sBuffer, vbNullChar) - 1)
End Function
Public Function HEAD(NumberOfLines As Long, Optional sPathFilename As String = "") As Boolean
' Returns True when parsing is done without any errors
' As the UNIX command HEAD: This gives the first n lines of a text file, line by line
' Check parameters
If NumberOfLines < 1 Then
mvars.sErrMsg = "Wrong parameter! Number of requested lines below 1 in procedure 'Head()'"
mvars.flgAbortParsing = True
raiseErr mvars.sErrMsg
Exit Function
End If
If sPathFilename <> "" Then
mvars.sPathFilename = sPathFilename
End If
If mvars.sPathFilename = "" Then
mvars.sErrMsg = "Need a filename to parse in procedure 'Head()'"
mvars.flgAbortParsing = True
raiseErr mvars.sErrMsg
Exit Function
End If
' Start parsing
If Do_HEAD(NumberOfLines) = True And mvars.sErrMsg = "" Then
HEAD = True
End If
End Function
Public Function TAIL(NumberOfLines As Long, Optional sPathFilename As String = "") As Boolean
' Returns True when parsing is done without any errors
' As the UNIX command TAIL: This gives the last n lines of a text file, line by line
' Check parameters
If NumberOfLines < 1 Then
mvars.sErrMsg = "Wrong parameter! Number of requested lines below 1 in procedure 'Tail()'"
mvars.flgAbortParsing = True
raiseErr mvars.sErrMsg
Exit Function
End If
If sPathFilename <> "" Then
mvars.sPathFilename = sPathFilename
End If
If mvars.sPathFilename = "" Then
mvars.sErrMsg = "Need a filename to parse in procedure 'Tail()'"
mvars.flgAbortParsing = True
raiseErr mvars.sErrMsg
Exit Function
End If
' Start parsing
If Do_TAIL(NumberOfLines) = True And mvars.sErrMsg = "" Then
TAIL = True
End If
End Function
' *************************************
' *************************************
Private Function Do_APPEND(sText As String, sPathFilename As String) As Boolean
' Append a string to a file. File will be created if it doesn't exists.
Dim lFhndl As Long
On Local Error GoTo error_handler
lFhndl = FreeFile
Open sPathFilename For Append As #lFhndl
Print #lFhndl, sText
Close #lFhndl
Do_APPEND = True
Exit Function
mvars.sErrMsg = "[" & Err.Description & "] in procedure 'Do_Append()', text was: '" & sText & "'"
If lFhndl Then
Close #lFhndl
End If
raiseErr mvars.sErrMsg
End Function
Private Function Do_CAT() As Boolean
' Gives every single line of a text file, line by line
Dim lFhndl As Long
Dim sLine As String
On Local Error GoTo error_handler
lFhndl = FreeFile
With mvars
.flgAbortParsing = False
Open .sPathFilename For Input As #lFhndl
Do While EOF(lFhndl) = False And .flgAbortParsing = False
Line Input #lFhndl, sLine
.lLinesTotal = .lLinesTotal + 1
If IsLineValid(sLine) = True Then
.lLinesToHandle = .lLinesToHandle + 1
' Finally, here we give the line outside
RaiseEvent HandleLine(.lLinesToHandle, sLine)
End If
Close #lFhndl
End With
Do_CAT = True
Exit Function
mvars.sErrMsg = "[" & Err.Description & "] in procedure 'Do_CAT()', text line was: " & mvars.lLinesTotal
mvars.flgAbortParsing = True
If lFhndl Then
Close #lFhndl
End If
raiseErr mvars.sErrMsg
End Function
Private Function Do_HEAD(lNumOfLines As Long) As Boolean
' Gives the first n lines of a text file, line by line
Dim lFhndl As Long
Dim sLine As String
On Local Error GoTo error_handler
lFhndl = FreeFile
With mvars
.flgAbortParsing = False
Open .sPathFilename For Input As #lFhndl
Do While EOF(lFhndl) = False And .flgAbortParsing = False
Line Input #lFhndl, sLine
.lLinesTotal = .lLinesTotal + 1
If IsLineValid(sLine) = True Then
.lLinesToHandle = .lLinesToHandle + 1
' Finally, here we give the line outside
RaiseEvent HandleLine(.lLinesToHandle, sLine)
End If
If .lLinesToHandle >= lNumOfLines Then
Exit Do
End If
Close #lFhndl
End With
Do_HEAD = True
Exit Function
mvars.sErrMsg = "[" & Err.Description & "] in procedure 'Do_HEAD()', text line was: " & mvars.lLinesTotal
mvars.flgAbortParsing = True
If lFhndl Then
Close #lFhndl
End If
raiseErr mvars.sErrMsg
End Function
Private Function Do_TAIL(lNumOfLines As Long) As Boolean
' Gives the last n lines of a text file, line by line
' TACTIC: Divided into two parts:
' 1- We read the whole text file, line by line. To avoid wasting
' memory and to be able to parse very large files we only save
' the last 'lNumOfLines' lines read in a circular buffer.
' 2- After this we write (raise) this buffer line by line.
' HINT: Filtering empty lines and line to ignore is done in part 1!
' So we really got 'lNumOfLines' valid lines (or less if file is too small)
' Because of this '.lLinesTotal' are always equal to '.lLinesToHandle' on TAIL!
Dim lFhndl As Long
Dim sLine As String
Dim sLineBuffer() As String ' Here we hold the last 'lNumOfLines' lines in a circular buffer
Dim lPtrIntoBuffer As Long
Dim i As Long
On Local Error GoTo error_handler
ReDim sLineBuffer(1 To lNumOfLines)
lFhndl = FreeFile
With mvars
.flgAbortParsing = False
' Part 1 - Read in and save into ring buffer
Open .sPathFilename For Input As #lFhndl
Do While EOF(lFhndl) = False
Line Input #lFhndl, sLine
If IsLineValid(sLine) = True Then
' New position in ring buffer (reaching the end means: start from beginning!)
lPtrIntoBuffer = lPtrIntoBuffer + 1
If lPtrIntoBuffer > lNumOfLines Then
lPtrIntoBuffer = 1
End If
' Save a line a current position in ring buffer
sLineBuffer(lPtrIntoBuffer) = sLine
' We need the true number of lines saved in buffer to get them out.
' Size of buffer is max for this.
If .lLinesTotal < lNumOfLines Then
.lLinesTotal = .lLinesTotal + 1
End If
End If
Close #lFhndl
' Part 2 - Give the lines saved in ring buffer to caller
If .lLinesTotal > 0 Then ' If we really have lines ...
lPtrIntoBuffer = IIf(.lLinesTotal < lNumOfLines, 0, lPtrIntoBuffer)
i = i + 1
lPtrIntoBuffer = lPtrIntoBuffer + 1
If lPtrIntoBuffer > lNumOfLines Then
lPtrIntoBuffer = 1 ' Jump to start when end is reached
End If
RaiseEvent HandleLine(i, sLineBuffer(lPtrIntoBuffer))
Loop While i < .lLinesTotal And .flgAbortParsing = False
End If
.lLinesToHandle = .lLinesTotal
End With
Do_TAIL = True
Exit Function
mvars.sErrMsg = "[" & Err.Description & "] in procedure 'Do_TAIL()', text line was: " & mvars.lLinesTotal
mvars.flgAbortParsing = True
If lFhndl Then
Close #lFhndl
End If
raiseErr mvars.sErrMsg
End Function
Private Function IsLineValid(sLine As String) As Boolean
' Here all checking for every line is done: Use the line or skip it?
Dim sLineTrimed As String
With mvars
sLineTrimed = Trim$(sLine)
' Handle empty line
If sLineTrimed = "" And .flgIgnoreEmptyLines = True Then
Exit Function
End If
' Handle ignoring
If Len(.sIgnoreLinesWith) Then ' Changed (fixed) - thx to Sven Maes!
If Left$(sLineTrimed, Len(.sIgnoreLinesWith)) = .sIgnoreLinesWith Then
Exit Function
End If
End If
' Handle filtering with LIKE
If Len(.sRegExp) Then
If Not (sLine Like .sRegExp) Then
Exit Function
End If
End If
End With
IsLineValid = True
End Function
Private Sub raiseErr(sErr As String)
RaiseEvent Error(sErr, mvars.lLinesTotal)
End Sub
Private Sub ResetAll()
' Reset for a new start
With mvars
.flgAbortParsing = False
.lLinesToHandle = 0
.lLinesTotal = 0
.sErrMsg = ""
End With
End Sub
' *************************************
' *************************************
Public Property Get LinesToHandle() As Long
' How many line were to handle (without ignored ones, e.g. when flgIgnoreEmptyLines= True !)
LinesToHandle = mvars.lLinesToHandle
End Property
Public Property Get LinesTotal() As Long
' How many lines in textfile
LinesTotal = mvars.lLinesTotal
End Property
Public Property Let CancelParsing(ByVal flgAbort As Boolean)
' Abort parsing when flag set to true (e.g. in raised event 'HandleLine()'
mvars.flgAbortParsing = flgAbort
End Property
Public Property Get ParsingCanceled() As Boolean
' Was parsing aborted by user?
ParsingCanceled = mvars.flgAbortParsing
End Property
Public Property Let IgnoreEmptyLines(ByVal flgIgnore As Boolean)
' We don't raise on empty lines
mvars.flgIgnoreEmptyLines = flgIgnore
End Property
Public Property Get IgnoreEmptyLines() As Boolean
' For later questions or just to be complete in properties ;)
IgnoreEmptyLines = mvars.flgIgnoreEmptyLines
End Property
Public Property Let IgnoreLinesWith(ByVal sStartString As String)
' We don't raise on lines starting with this string. e.g. used to ignore comment lines
mvars.sIgnoreLinesWith = sStartString
End Property
Public Property Get IgnoreLinesWith() As String
' For later questions or just to be complete in properties ;)
IgnoreLinesWith = mvars.sIgnoreLinesWith
End Property
Public Property Let Filter(ByVal sRegExp As String)
' We only raise on lines matching this 'regular expression' filter (in form of VB's 'LIKE' command)
mvars.sRegExp = sRegExp
End Property
Public Property Get Filter() As String
' For later questions or just to be complete in properties ;)
Filter = mvars.sRegExp
End Property
Public Property Get LastErrMsg() As String
LastErrMsg = mvars.sErrMsg
End Property
Public Property Let PathFilename(ByVal sPathFilename As String)
' Set file here or give filename as arg on parse call
mvars.sPathFilename = sPathFilename
End Property
Public Property Get PathFilename() As String
' File used
PathFilename = mvars.sPathFilename
End Property
Public Property Let OutputFile(ByVal sPathFilename As String)
' Set file here or give filename as arg on Append() call
mvars.sOutputFile = sPathFilename
End Property
Public Property Get OutputFile() As String
' File used for output with Append()
OutputFile = mvars.sOutputFile
End Property
' #*#