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MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "cDIBDither"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder6" ,"Yes"
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes"
' Class: cDIBDither.cls
' Author: Carles P.V.
' Dependencies: cDIB.cls
' cPalette.cls
' Last revision: -
Option Explicit
'-- API:
cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type
Private Type SAFEARRAY2D
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm50" Alias "VarPtr" (Ptr() As Any) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (lpDst As Any, lpSrc As Any, ByVal ByteLength As Long)
'-- Private Variables:
Private m_Pow2(31) As Long
' Class
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim lIdx As Long
For lIdx = 0 To 30
m_Pow2(lIdx) = 2 ^ lIdx
Next lIdx
m_Pow2(31) = &H80000000
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Erase m_Pow2()
End Sub
' Methods
Public Sub DitherToGreyScale(oDIB32In As cDIB, oDIBOut As cDIB, Optional ByVal Diffuse As Boolean = False)
'-- Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion
Dim aBitsIn() As Byte
Dim aBitsOut() As Byte
Dim x As Long, xIn As Long
Dim y As Long, yIn As Long
Dim W As Long
Dim H As Long
Dim L As Byte
Dim errR As Long, errG As Long, errB As Long
Dim newR As Long, newG As Long, newB As Long
If (oDIB32In.BPP = [32_bpp]) Then
Call pvMapDIB(oDIB32In, aBitsIn(), uSAIn)
Call pvMapDIB(oDIBOut, aBitsOut(), uSAOut)
W = oDIB32In.Width - 1
H = oDIB32In.Height - 1
For y = 0 To H
For x = 0 To W
'-- Get grey level
xIn = 4 * x
L = (299 * CLng(aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y)) + _
587 * CLng(aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y)) + _
114 * CLng(aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y)) _
) \ 1000
'-- Pre-dither source
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y) = L
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y) = L
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y) = L
'-- Set target index/color
Select Case oDIBOut.BPP
Case [01_bpp]
xIn = x \ 8
If (L < 128) Then
aBitsOut(xIn, y) = aBitsOut(xIn, y) And Not m_Pow2(7 - (x Mod 8))
L = 0
aBitsOut(xIn, y) = aBitsOut(xIn, y) Or m_Pow2(7 - (x Mod 8))
L = 255
End If
Case [04_bpp]
xIn = x \ 2
If (x Mod 2 = 0) Then
aBitsOut(xIn, y) = (aBitsOut(xIn, y) And &HF) Or L * &H10
aBitsOut(xIn, y) = (aBitsOut(xIn, y) And &HF0) Or L
End If
L = L * 17
Case [08_bpp]
aBitsOut(x, y) = L
Case [24_bpp]
xIn = 3 * x
aBitsOut(xIn + 0, y) = L
aBitsOut(xIn + 1, y) = L
aBitsOut(xIn + 2, y) = L
Case [32_bpp]
xIn = 4 * x
aBitsOut(xIn + 0, y) = L
aBitsOut(xIn + 1, y) = L
aBitsOut(xIn + 2, y) = L
End Select
'-- Diffuse error
If (Diffuse) Then
xIn = 4 * x
errB = CLng(aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y)) - L
errG = CLng(aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y)) - L
errR = CLng(aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y)) - L
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y) = L
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y) = L
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y) = L
'-- Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion...
If (Abs(errB) + Abs(errG) + Abs(errR) > 3) Then
If (x < W) Then
xIn = 4 * x + 4
newB = aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y) + (7 * errB) / 16
newG = aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y) + (7 * errG) / 16
newR = aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y) + (7 * errR) / 16
If (newB < 0) Then newB = 0 Else If (newB > 255) Then newB = 255
If (newG < 0) Then newG = 0 Else If (newG > 255) Then newG = 255
If (newR < 0) Then newR = 0 Else If (newR > 255) Then newR = 255
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y) = newB
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y) = newG
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y) = newR
End If
If (y < H) Then
xIn = 4 * x
yIn = y + 1
newB = aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) + (5 * errB) / 16
newG = aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) + (5 * errG) / 16
newR = aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) + (5 * errR) / 16
If (newB < 0) Then newB = 0 Else If (newB > 255) Then newB = 255
If (newG < 0) Then newG = 0 Else If (newG > 255) Then newG = 255
If (newR < 0) Then newR = 0 Else If (newR > 255) Then newR = 255
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) = newB
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) = newG
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) = newR
If (x < W) Then
xIn = 4 * x + 4
newB = aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) + errB / 16
newG = aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) + errG / 16
newR = aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) + errR / 16
If (newB < 0) Then newB = 0 Else If (newB > 255) Then newB = 255
If (newG < 0) Then newG = 0 Else If (newG > 255) Then newG = 255
If (newR < 0) Then newR = 0 Else If (newR > 255) Then newR = 255
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) = newB
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) = newG
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) = newR
End If
If (x > 0) Then
xIn = 4 * x - 4
newB = aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) + (3 * errB) / 16
newG = aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) + (3 * errG) / 16
newR = aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) + (3 * errR) / 16
If (newB < 0) Then newB = 0 Else If (newB > 255) Then newB = 255
If (newG < 0) Then newG = 0 Else If (newG > 255) Then newG = 255
If (newR < 0) Then newR = 0 Else If (newR > 255) Then newR = 255
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) = newB
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) = newG
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) = newR
End If
End If
End If
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y) = L
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y) = L
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y) = L
End If
Next x
Next y
Call pvUnmapDIB(aBitsIn())
Call pvUnmapDIB(aBitsOut())
End If
End Sub
Public Sub DitherToColorPalette(oPalIn As cPalette, oDIB32In As cDIB, oDIBOut As cDIB, Optional ByVal Diffuse As Boolean = False)
'-- Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion
Dim aBitsIn() As Byte
Dim aBitsOut() As Byte
Dim x As Long, xIn As Long
Dim y As Long, yIn As Long
Dim W As Long
Dim H As Long
Dim aPalette() As Byte
Dim aEntry As Byte
Dim lEntry As Long
Dim errR As Long, errG As Long, errB As Long
Dim newR As Long, newG As Long, newB As Long
If (oDIB32In.BPP = [32_bpp]) Then
Call pvMapDIB(oDIB32In, aBitsIn(), uSAIn)
Call pvMapDIB(oDIBOut, aBitsOut(), uSAOut)
W = oDIB32In.Width - 1
H = oDIB32In.Height - 1
'-- Speed up for GetNearestPaletteIndex
ReDim aPalette(4 * oPalIn.Entries - 1)
Call CopyMemory(aPalette(0), ByVal oPalIn.lpPalette, 4 * oPalIn.Entries)
For y = 0 To H
For x = 0 To W
'-- Get palette index
xIn = 4 * x
Call oPalIn.ClosestIndex(aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y), _
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y), _
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y), _
lEntry = 4 * aEntry
'-- Set target index/color
Select Case oDIBOut.BPP
Case [01_bpp]
xIn = x \ 8
If (aEntry = 0) Then
aBitsOut(xIn, y) = aBitsOut(xIn, y) And Not m_Pow2(7 - (x Mod 8))
aBitsOut(xIn, y) = aBitsOut(xIn, y) Or m_Pow2(7 - (x Mod 8))
End If
Case [04_bpp]
xIn = x \ 2
If (x Mod 2 = 0) Then
aBitsOut(xIn, y) = (aBitsOut(xIn, y) And &HF) Or aEntry * &H10
aBitsOut(xIn, y) = (aBitsOut(xIn, y) And &HF0) Or aEntry
End If
Case [08_bpp]
aBitsOut(x, y) = aEntry
Case [24_bpp]
xIn = 3 * x
aBitsOut(xIn + 0, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 0)
aBitsOut(xIn + 1, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 1)
aBitsOut(xIn + 2, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 2)
Case [32_bpp]
xIn = 4 * x
aBitsOut(xIn + 0, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 0)
aBitsOut(xIn + 1, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 1)
aBitsOut(xIn + 2, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 2)
End Select
'-- Diffuse error
If (Diffuse) Then
xIn = 4 * x
errB = CLng(aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y)) - aPalette(lEntry + 0)
errG = CLng(aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y)) - aPalette(lEntry + 1)
errR = CLng(aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y)) - aPalette(lEntry + 2)
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 0)
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 1)
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 2)
'-- Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion...
If (Abs(errB) + Abs(errG) + Abs(errR) > 3) Then
If (x < W) Then
xIn = 4 * x + 4
newB = aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y) + (7 * errB) / 16
newG = aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y) + (7 * errG) / 16
newR = aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y) + (7 * errR) / 16
If (newB < 0) Then newB = 0 Else If (newB > 255) Then newB = 255
If (newG < 0) Then newG = 0 Else If (newG > 255) Then newG = 255
If (newR < 0) Then newR = 0 Else If (newR > 255) Then newR = 255
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y) = newB
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y) = newG
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y) = newR
End If
If (y < H) Then
xIn = 4 * x
yIn = y + 1
newB = aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) + (5 * errB) / 16
newG = aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) + (5 * errG) / 16
newR = aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) + (5 * errR) / 16
If (newB < 0) Then newB = 0 Else If (newB > 255) Then newB = 255
If (newG < 0) Then newG = 0 Else If (newG > 255) Then newG = 255
If (newR < 0) Then newR = 0 Else If (newR > 255) Then newR = 255
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) = newB
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) = newG
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) = newR
If (x < W) Then
xIn = 4 * x + 4
newB = aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) + errB / 16
newG = aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) + errG / 16
newR = aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) + errR / 16
If (newB < 0) Then newB = 0 Else If (newB > 255) Then newB = 255
If (newG < 0) Then newG = 0 Else If (newG > 255) Then newG = 255
If (newR < 0) Then newR = 0 Else If (newR > 255) Then newR = 255
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) = newB
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) = newG
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) = newR
End If
If (x > 0) Then
xIn = 4 * x - 4
newB = aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) + (3 * errB) / 16
newG = aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) + (3 * errG) / 16
newR = aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) + (3 * errR) / 16
If (newB < 0) Then newB = 0 Else If (newB > 255) Then newB = 255
If (newG < 0) Then newG = 0 Else If (newG > 255) Then newG = 255
If (newR < 0) Then newR = 0 Else If (newR > 255) Then newR = 255
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, yIn) = newB
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, yIn) = newG
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, yIn) = newR
End If
End If
End If
aBitsIn(xIn + 0, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 0)
aBitsIn(xIn + 1, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 1)
aBitsIn(xIn + 2, y) = aPalette(lEntry + 2)
End If
Next x
Next y
Call pvUnmapDIB(aBitsIn())
Call pvUnmapDIB(aBitsOut())
End If
End Sub
' Private
Private Sub pvMapDIB(oDIB As cDIB, aBits() As Byte, uSA As SAFEARRAY2D)
With uSA
.cbElements = 1
.cDims = 2
.Bounds(0).lLbound = 0
.Bounds(0).cElements = oDIB.Height
.Bounds(1).lLbound = 0
.Bounds(1).cElements = oDIB.BytesPerScanline
.pvData = oDIB.lpBits
End With
Call CopyMemory(ByVal VarPtrArray(aBits()), VarPtr(uSA), 4)
End Sub
Private Sub pvUnmapDIB(aBits() As Byte)
Call CopyMemory(ByVal VarPtrArray(aBits()), 0&, 4)
End Sub