Labels:computer | crt screen | dialog box | monitor | window OCR: MobileVBProject1 Microsoft Visual Basic [desicn] [Form] (Fcrm)] File Edit Yiew Prcject Fomat Debug Pun Query DiaqiarT Tocls MobileV3 Add-Ins Window Help Show B Credits 3690 447 Oth er Utilities 02 Project MobileYBFroject1 General Torml MoblleVBPro ecti Mobile Forms CIck ME Form (Forn J) = 4 Decign Target Selectior Choose Design T Target MOBILEVB Select platform to use as the deig target tor you new project: Propertics Form1 Nrkia nnm iniratnr Form1 Form Pam 0S Alphabetic Categorized Pocket P Sony Ericsson F800 Name Apcearance AutoRedraw FalSe Bac Cclor &HOOFFFF This eclection denloedt wil nol picycnt :hc praicel BorderStyle FIxed single from heing adritinn Caption Form. ClipControls Trrr Cance ControBox Trrr Form EditoX DrawMode 13 - Copy Pen DravStyle Sold DrawWidt Enabled True FillColor ...