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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2010-11-12  |  246KB  |  1280x800  |  24-bit (139,396 colors)
Labels: computer | crt screen | dialog box | laptop | monitor | plant | road | sidewalk | sky | window | windowpane
OCR: Prajeci Mierosoft Visual Basic [design] [Forml (Code)] Client Demo ClientDemo XE Coatrol Scretch [ 27978 Disconect -apture rrotrol Srratrt 27978 Disconect Copture User Password Client Demo Fasswod Password control scretc7 127.00.1 27978 Caney Disconect assword Password Linvist Trrrngrwocamel Private Sub Torm Load RDServer= ibout End Sub Private Sub Form Unload (Cancel integer Name RDSerVer Start Fa 'se Reburrs access ob ect the am usedin code te identify =form, contra daee End Sub Form Taynul Private Sub ListVi iew: IouseDown (But ton AS integer Shift integer ListV ev1 ListItems Count Then Ext Sub Button Then Exit Sub Fnrm1 start Client LabM.. demo Lasso. Lancu.. Projecm Capture Serxe. EN 105PM Prajec Micrresoft rrntenl Comost Disconsct Passworo Clienl Scretca iCapture nte ...