Labels:crt screen | dialog box | sky | web site | window OCR: Eclipse Origins Your Offer Their Offer Health 315/315 Spiri 80 8o Experience 13900 23200 Gold: 10,138g Ping Local Inv Slills Char Opt Trade Exit Inventort Total Worth: 108og Worth 1500g 1ok Accept trade? [Map] Rory: Sounds good Ive got few tablets and pieces 01 equipment from the next town over. Will those be okay? [Map] Robin: Wow that sounds fantastic. They'd be Derfect. [Map] Rory: Fantastic! Offer me trade and l can give you them Click on the player you wish to trade with. You ha VE ir vited Rory to trade Rory has accepted your trade request Chat: Spirit 1o8og Dechn perfect