Labels:crt screen | monitor | tv | web site | window OCR: Disclaimer tan This 01 tware and accompan 6UT6 documentation are provided on an "AS BAS IS without Warranty of any kind The author doe: not warrani guarantee DF make represent tations regard ing the use the resu 1ts use of this product in terms of correc tne accuracy re iahi curren tnes OF otherwise The entire the pue perf owmance this umen the he author produc ha not be he iah le any wer indirec COOS guent inc identa damages DUT> lud ins pat ient persona death ris 6Ut out he use h S0 tware Expert med: ica app ic a1 iona 01 tware we sults interpre tat ions conc lusions derr ived must be te ted and ver ified in ica context qua 1i+ ied xpert This sof tware product pre sented as agno Kand educat iona does 0ot suhst itute human judgement and such umes pons ihiLif Decline Accept accompanying BI ...