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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2012-05-02  |  73KB  |  549x470  |  16-bit (6,073 colors)
Labels: dialog box | monitor | sky | stairs | window
OCR: C "Compiling VB Source Code Compi ling Kens Sof tware Anot therRe boot AnotherRe boot vhp Compi iing Kens sof tware API Hash API Hash Demo vhp Compi iling "Kens Software DiscDataWipe DDW ipe Group. U Compi 6UT1 Kens Software kiCrypt kiCrypt Group vhg De let ted C:\Kens Software DiscDataWi ipe \kiWipe exp De leted ile Kens Software kiCrypt ki iCrypt. exp De le ted ile Kens Sof Ftwa re DiscDataWipe kiWipe Deleted file Kens Software kiCrypt kiCrupt Tih Finis shed perforning comp Press any key to cont inue XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX YB Compile Report 05/01/2012 7:02:05 .37 Build of Another Reboot exe succeeded Build API Hash Demo exe succeeded Build DDWi ipe Group .vbg succeeded Build 0f 'kiCrypt Group .vbq succeeded End of report kicr