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MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "clsCreature"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Public NP As Long
Public InvNP As Single
Private P() As tPoint
Public NL As Long
Private L() As tLink
Public LinkLeft As Long
Public LinkRight As Long
Public CurrCenX As Single
Public CurrCenY As Single
Public CurrVX As Single
Public CurrVY As Single
Public CurrDX As Single
Public CurrDY As Single
Public CurrHeightfromGround As Single
Public InvSIZE As Single
Private Const BrainedLinkMAXExcursion As Single = 0.8 '.6 '1=from 50% to 150%
Public TaskWalk As Single
Public TaskAVGheight As Single
Public TaskMAXHeight As Single
Public TaskDontJUMP As Single
Public TaskVerticality As Single
Public TaskHorizontality As Single
Private Const Walk_Mult As Single = 0.01
Private Const AVGH_Mult As Single = 0.14
Private Const MaxH_Mult As Single = 0.05
Private Const DontJump_Mult As Single = 1
Private Const Orient_Mult As Single = 20
Public DrawOffset As Long
Public CurrANG As Single
Public OLDAng As Single
Public RotVEL As Single
Public Property Get getpointX(wP As Long) As Single
getpointX = P(wP).X
End Property
Public Property Get getpointY(wP As Long) As Single
getpointY = P(wP).Y
End Property
Public Property Let AdjAddedBrainLenToReach(wL As Long, Value As Single)
'Value Must be between -0.5 and 0.5
L(wL).AddedBrainLenToReach = L(wL).MainLen * Value * BrainedLinkMAXExcursion
End Property
Public Property Get GetLinkP1(wL As Long) As Single
GetLinkP1 = L(wL).P1
End Property
Public Property Get GetLinkP2(wL As Long) As Single
GetLinkP2 = L(wL).P2
End Property
Public Property Get GetLinkTension(wL As Long) As Single
GetLinkTension = L(wL).TENSION
End Property
Public Property Get GetLinkMainL(wL As Long) As Single
GetLinkMainL = L(wL).MainLen
End Property
Public Property Get GetCurrAddedBrainLen(wL As Long) As Single
GetCurrAddedBrainLen = L(wL).CurrAddedBrainLen
End Property
Public Property Get GetTouchGround(wP As Long) As Single
GetTouchGround = P(wP).IsOnGround
End Property
Public Property Get IsLinkDynamic(wL As Long) As Boolean
IsLinkDynamic = L(wL).Dynamic
End Property
Public Property Let IsLinkDynamic(wL As Long, V As Boolean)
L(wL).Dynamic = V
End Property
'Public Property Get GetDX() As Single
' 'GetDX = (P(NP).X - P(1).X)
' GetDX = 0.5 * (P(L(NL).P1).X + P(L(NL).P2).X - P(L(1).P1).X - P(L(1).P2).X)
'End Property
'Public Property Get GetDY() As Single
' 'Getdy = (P(NP).y - P(1).y)
' GetDY = 0.5 * (P(L(NL).P1).Y + P(L(NL).P2).Y - P(L(1).P1).Y - P(L(1).P2).Y)
'End Property
'Public Property Get GetPOS() As Single
' GetPOS = (P(1).X + P(NP).X) * 0.5
'End Property
'Public Property Get GetHeightAVG() As Single
' Dim I As Long
' For I = 1 To NP Step 1 '3
' GetHeightAVG = GetHeightAVG + P(I).Y
' Next
' GetHeightAVG = GetHeightAVG / (NP)
'End Property
'Public Property Get GetHeightfromGround() As Single
' Dim I As Long
' Dim Max As Single
' Max = 0
' For I = 1 To NP
' If (MaxY - P(I).Y) > Max Then Max = MaxY - P(I).Y
' GetHeightfromGround = Max
' Next
'End Property
'Public Property Get GetVY() As Single
' Dim I As Long
' For I = 1 To NP
' GetVY = GetVY + P(I).vY
' Next
' GetVY = GetVY / NP
'End Property
Public Sub ADDpoint(X As Single, Y As Single)
NP = NP + 1
ReDim Preserve P(NP)
With P(NP)
.X = X
.Y = Y
.vX = 0
.vY = 0
.IsOnGround = 0
.IvX = 0
.IvY = 0
End With
InvNP = 1 / NP
End Sub
Public Sub AddLink(P1 As Long, P2 As Long, ByVal Stren As Single, Optional IsDynamic As Boolean = False)
Dim Xmax As Single
Dim Xmin As Single
Dim Ymax As Single
Dim Ymin As Single
Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
Dim I As Long
Dim V As Single
Dim lTOP As Long
Dim lBOTTOM As Long
'If IsDynamic Then Stren = Stren * 0.75
NL = NL + 1
ReDim Preserve L(NL)
With L(NL)
.P1 = P1
.P2 = P2
.Dynamic = IsDynamic
.MainLen = PointDist(P(P1), P(P2))
.InvMainLen = 1 / .MainLen
.Stren = Stren
.AddedBrainLenToReach = 0
.CurrAddedBrainLen = 0
End With
Xmax = -999999999
Xmin = 99999999999#
Ymax = -999999999
Ymin = 99999999999#
For I = 1 To NL
X = (P(L(I).P1).X + P(L(I).P2).X) * 0.5
If X > Xmax Then Xmax = X: LinkRight = I
If X < Xmin Then Xmin = X: LinkLeft = I
Y = (P(L(I).P1).Y + P(L(I).P2).Y) * 0.5
If Y > Ymax Then Ymax = Y: lBOTTOM = I
If Y < Ymin Then Ymin = Y: lTOP = I
If Xmax - Xmin > Ymax - Ymin Then
V = (P(L(LinkRight).P1).X + P(L(LinkRight).P2).X) * 0.5 - _
(P(L(LinkLeft).P1).X + P(L(LinkLeft).P2).X) * 0.5
V = (P(L(lBOTTOM).P1).Y + P(L(lBOTTOM).P2).Y) * 0.5 - _
(P(L(lTOP).P1).Y + P(L(lTOP).P2).Y) * 0.5
End If
If V <> 0 Then InvSIZE = 1 / V
End Sub
Public Sub ClearAll()
NP = 0
NL = 0
CurrCenX = 0
CurrCenY = 0
CurrVX = 0
CurrVY = 0
CurrDX = 0
CurrDY = 0
CurrHeightfromGround = 0
CurrANG = 0
OLDAng = 0
RotVEL = 0
End Sub
Public Sub ResetTaskValues()
TaskWalk = 30
TaskAVGheight = 0
TaskMAXHeight = 1E+17
TaskDontJUMP = 0
TaskVerticality = 0
TaskHorizontality = 0
End Sub
Public Sub DRAW(hdc As Long, ByVal drPANX As Long, Optional DrawPts As Boolean = False, Optional Antialias As Boolean = False)
Dim x1 As Long
Dim y1 As Long
Dim X2 As Long
Dim Y2 As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim C As Long
Dim C1 As Long
Dim C2 As Long
Dim V As Single
For I = 1 To NL
With L(I)
x1 = P(.P1).X - drPANX + DrawOffset
y1 = P(.P1).Y
X2 = P(.P2).X - drPANX + DrawOffset
Y2 = P(.P2).Y
C1 = .TENSION * 255
If Abs(C1) > 255 Then C1 = Sgn(C1) * 255
If Antialias Then
If .Dynamic Then
C = GradDynamic2.GetGrad(C1)
C = GradStatic2.GetGrad(C1)
End If
AAA.LineDIB x1, y1, X2, Y2, C
If .Dynamic Then
C = GradDynamic1.GetGrad(C1)
C = GradStatic1.GetGrad(C1)
End If
FastLine hdc, x1, y1, X2, Y2, 2, C
End If
End With
'Y1 = CurrCenY \ 1
'X1 = CurrCenX \ 1
'Y2 = Y1 + CurrVY * 100
'X2 = X1 + CurrVX * 100
'FastLine HDC, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, 2, vbRed
'X2 = X1 + (CurrDX * 0.5) \ 1
'Y2 = Y1 + (CurrDY * 0.5) \ 1
'FastLine HDC, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, 2, vbGreen
If DrawPts Then
For I = 1 To NP
C = P(I).IsOnGround * 510 - 255
If Antialias Then
C = GradGround2.GetGrad(C)
AAA.CircleDIB P(I).X \ 1 - drPANX + DrawOffset, P(I).Y \ 1, 1, 1, C
AAA.CircleDIB P(I).X \ 1 - drPANX + DrawOffset, P(I).Y \ 1, 2, 2, C
C = GradGround1.GetGrad(C)
MyCircle hdc, P(I).X \ 1 - drPANX + DrawOffset, P(I).Y \ 1, 3, 2, C
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub DoPhysics2(ByVal MyIDX As Long)
Dim dx As Single
Dim dy As Single
Dim ndx As Single
Dim ndy As Single
Dim D As Single
Dim I As Long
Dim resF As Single
Dim vX As Single
Dim vY As Single
Dim CX As Single
Dim CY As Single
Dim DDD As Single
Dim A As Single
Dim vx1 As Single
Dim vy1 As Single
Dim vx2 As Single
Dim vy2 As Single
Dim MAG As Single
For I = 1 To NL
With L(I)
dx = P(.P2).X - P(.P1).X
dy = P(.P2).Y - P(.P1).Y
dx = dx + (P(.P2).vX - P(.P1).vX) * 10
dy = dy + (P(.P2).vY - P(.P1).vY) * 10
D = Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)
If D <> 0 Then
ndx = dx / D
ndy = dy / D
End If
.CurrAddedBrainLen = .CurrAddedBrainLen * 0.98 + .AddedBrainLenToReach * 0.02
If .Dynamic Then
resF = (.MainLen - D + .CurrAddedBrainLen)
.TENSION = 3 * resF / (.MainLen + .CurrAddedBrainLen)
resF = resF * .Stren
resF = (.MainLen - D)
.TENSION = 3 * resF * .InvMainLen
resF = resF * .Stren
End If
resF = resF * 0.01 '0.01 ' 0.012
dx = ndx * resF
dy = ndy * resF
If Abs(.TENSION) > 1 Then .TENSION = Sgn(.TENSION)
P(.P1).IvX = P(.P1).IvX - dx
P(.P1).IvY = P(.P1).IvY - dy
P(.P2).IvX = P(.P2).IvX + dx
P(.P2).IvY = P(.P2).IvY + dy
End With
CurrHeightfromGround = 9999999
For I = 1 To NP
With P(I)
.IsOnGround = .IsOnGround * 0.985
.vX = .vX + .IvX: .IvX = 0
.vY = .vY + .IvY: .IvY = 0
.vY = .vY + GravityY
.vX = .vX * AirResistence
.X = .X + .vX
.Y = .Y + .vY
If .Y > MaxY Then
' Update2: smoothed touch ground sensor (Sort of Pressure) ---------------
.IsOnGround = .IsOnGround + .vY * 15 ' 100 * Sqr(.vY * .vY + .vX * .vX)
If .IsOnGround > 1 Then .IsOnGround = 1
If MyIDX = CurBEST Then
A = Atan2(.vX, -.vY)
MAG = Sqr(.vX * .vX + .vY * .vY) * 1.1
If MAG > 0.02 Then
vx1 = Cos(A + 0.25) * MAG
vy1 = Sin(A + 0.25) * MAG
vx2 = Cos(A - 0.25) * MAG
vy2 = Sin(A - 0.25) * MAG
AddParticle .X + DrawOffset, .Y - 1, .vX * 1.2, -.vY * 1.2 - 0.01
AddParticle .X + DrawOffset, .Y - 1, vx1, vy1 - 0.01
AddParticle .X + DrawOffset, .Y - 1, vx2, vy2 - 0.01
End If
End If
.Y = MaxY
.vY = -.vY * Bounce
.vX = .vX * Friction
End If
CX = CX + .X
CY = CY + .Y
vX = vX + .vX
vY = vY + .vY
If (MaxY - .Y) < CurrHeightfromGround Then CurrHeightfromGround = MaxY - .Y
End With
CurrCenX = CX * InvNP
CurrCenY = CY * InvNP
CurrVY = vY * InvNP
CurrVX = vX * InvNP
CurrDX = (P(L(LinkRight).P1).X + P(L(LinkRight).P2).X - P(L(LinkLeft).P1).X - P(L(LinkLeft).P2).X) '*.5
CurrDY = (P(L(LinkRight).P1).Y + P(L(LinkRight).P2).Y - P(L(LinkLeft).P1).Y - P(L(LinkLeft).P2).Y) '*.5
OLDAng = CurrANG
CurrANG = Atan2(CurrDX, CurrDY)
RotVEL = 100 * AngleDIFF(OLDAng, CurrANG)
If RotVEL > 1 Then
RotVEL = 1
ElseIf RotVEL < -1 Then RotVEL = -1
End If
DDD = Sqr(CurrDX * CurrDX + CurrDY * CurrDY)
If DDD <> 0 Then CurrDX = CurrDX / DDD: CurrDY = CurrDY / DDD
TaskWalk = TaskWalk - (CurrVX) * Walk_Mult
TaskAVGheight = TaskAVGheight + CurrCenY * AVGH_Mult
If CurrCenY < TaskMAXHeight Then TaskMAXHeight = CurrCenY * MaxH_Mult
TaskDontJUMP = TaskDontJUMP + CurrHeightfromGround * DontJump_Mult
TaskVerticality = TaskVerticality + Abs(CurrDX) * Orient_Mult
TaskHorizontality = TaskHorizontality + Abs(CurrDY) * Orient_Mult
End Sub
Public Sub SaveMe(ByVal filename As String)
Dim MinX As Long
Dim MinY As Long
Dim MaxX As Long
Dim MaxY As Long
Dim I As Long
If Right$(filename, 4) <> ".cre" Then filename = filename & ".cre"
filename = App.Path & "\" & filename
MaxX = -1
MaxY = -1
MinX = 9999999
MinY = 9999999
For I = 1 To NP
If P(I).X > MaxX Then MaxX = P(I).X
If P(I).Y > MaxY Then MaxY = P(I).Y
If P(I).X < MinX Then MinX = P(I).X
If P(I).Y < MinY Then MinY = P(I).Y
Open filename For Output As 1
Print #1, "Points:"
Print #1, NP
For I = 1 To NP
Print #1, P(I).X - MinX
Print #1, P(I).Y - MaxY
Print #1, "Links:"
Print #1, NL
For I = 1 To NL
Print #1, L(I).P1
Print #1, L(I).P2
Print #1, Replace(L(I).Stren, ",", ".")
Print #1, CLng(L(I).Dynamic)
Close 1
End Sub
Public Sub LoadMe(ByVal filename As String, Left As Long, Bottom As Long)
Dim I As Long
Dim S As String
Dim V1 As Long
Dim V2 As Long
Dim Stre As Single
Dim v4 As Long
Dim N As Long
If Right$(filename, 4) <> ".cre" Then filename = filename & ".cre"
filename = App.Path & "\" & filename
Open filename For Input As 1
Input #1, S '"Points:"
Input #1, N
For I = 1 To N
Input #1, V1
Input #1, V2
ADDpoint V1 + Left, V2 + Bottom
Input #1, S ' "Links:"
Input #1, N
For I = 1 To N
Input #1, V1
Input #1, V2
Input #1, Stre
Input #1, v4
AddLink V1, V2, Stre, CBool(v4)
Close 1
End Sub