Title: LIGHTBOXv2*** */REFIXED/* the UNIQUE on PSC. VISTA EFFECT on modal forms, **MUST SEE**
Description: LIGHTBOXv2*** */REFIXED/* the UNIQUE on PSC. VISTA EFFECT on modal forms, **MUST SEE**
i was in a hurry... fixed some important errors. Download this file instead.
brightness adjust to the disabled form
now the ability to change brightness (-255 to 255 :: -100% to 100%)
and the ability to change the increment of change (0 to 18)
special thanks to Florian Egel for his "FoxCBMP3.dll" post "Advanced Graphics Routines 3.2 UPDATED **must see!**" - made this code possible.
"foxcbmp3.dll" was renamed to "lightbox.dll" and embedded into a .res file and is extracted automatically when the application starts.
i used the function "FoxBrightness" to adjust the image.
sorry for my english, i'm from argentina
download and test!!!
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