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770 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "cKeyEdit"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder6" ,"Yes"
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes"
' ***************************************************************************
' Module: cKeyEdit
' Description: These are the common edit routines you will find in most
' word processors. (Copy, Cut, Paste)
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 02-JUL-1998 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote module
' 11-Jan-2009 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Updated ProcessNumericOnly() routine flower box with an
' additional code suggestion.
' 20-Dec-2010 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' - Major update to CenterCaption() routine.
' - Changed ErrorMsg call to InfoMsg call in CenterCaption()
' and CenterReportText() routines.
' 25-Dec-2010 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Rewrote CenterReportText() routine.
' 18-Feb-2011 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Added NoCopyText() routine.
' 16-Mar-2011 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Updated CenterReportText() routine
' 10-Jul-2011 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Fixed a bug in CenterCaption() routine.
' 02-Oct-2011 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Fixed minor bugs. See ProcessNumericOnly() and
' ProcessAlphaNumeric() routines.
' ***************************************************************************
Option Explicit
' ***************************************************************************
' Constants
' ***************************************************************************
Private Const MODULE_NAME As String = "clsKeyEdit"
Private Const LOGPIXELSY As Long = 90
' ***************************************************************************
' Type structures
' ***************************************************************************
Private Type LogFont
FontHeight As Long
FontWidth As Long
FontEscapement As Long
FontOrientation As Long
FontWeight As Long
FontItalic As Byte
FontUnderline As Byte
FontStrikeOut As Byte
FontCharSet As Byte
FontOutPrecision As Byte
FontClipPrecision As Byte
FontQuality As Byte
FontPitchAndFamily As Byte
FontFaceName As String * 32
End Type
cbSize As Long
iBorderWidth As Long
iScrollWidth As Long
iScrollHeight As Long
iCaptionWidth As Long
iCaptionHeight As Long
LFCaptionFont As LogFont
iSMCaptionWidth As Long
iSMCaptionHeight As Long
LFSMCaptionFont As LogFont
iMenuWidth As Long
iMenuHeight As Long
LFMenuFont As LogFont
LFStatusFont As LogFont
LFMessageFont As LogFont
End Type
' ***************************************************************************
' API Declares
' ***************************************************************************
' The GetSystemMetrics function retrieves various system metrics and
' system configuration settings. System metrics are the dimensions
' (widths and heights) of Windows display elements. All dimensions
' retrieved by GetSystemMetrics are in pixels.
Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" _
(ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
' The GetDeviceCaps function retrieves device-specific information
' about a specified device.
Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" _
(ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
' The SystemParametersInfo function queries or sets systemwide
' parameters. This function can also update the user profile while
' setting a parameter. This function is intended for use with
' applications, such as Control Panel, that allow the user to
' customize the Windows environment.
Private Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32" _
Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" (ByVal uAction As Long, _
ByVal uParam As Long, lpvParam As Any, _
ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long
' ZeroMemory is used for clearing contents of a type structure.
Private Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" _
(Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
' ***************************************************************************
' **** Methods ****
' ***************************************************************************
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: CenterCaption
' Description: Centers a caption on a form.
' Parameters: frmForm - Name of form whose caption is to be centered
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 17-OCT-2000 Tom Pydeski
' http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=12103&lngWId=1
' 20-Dec-2010 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Modified and documented
' 10-Jul-2011 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Exit routine if form caption is empty.
' ***************************************************************************
Public Sub CenterCaption(ByRef frmForm As Form)
Dim strCaption As String
Dim lngTwips As Long
Dim lngCtrlBox As Long
Dim lngTbarWidth As Long
Dim lngTbarHeight As Long
Dim lngCaptionWidth As Long
On Error GoTo CenterCaption_Error
Set frmForm.Font = GetTitleFont(frmForm) ' Get font information
strCaption = TrimStr(frmForm.Caption) ' Capture form caption
' If no caption then leave
If Len(strCaption) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
lngTbarHeight = GetSystemMetrics(4) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX ' height of window title bar area
lngTbarWidth = GetSystemMetrics(30) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX ' width of button in window title bar area
lngTwips = (frmForm.TextWidth(strCaption)) / Len(strCaption) ' get average size of character in twips
lngCtrlBox = (lngTbarWidth * 3) + lngTbarHeight ' Calculate box space used on caption bar
lngCaptionWidth = (frmForm.Width - lngCtrlBox) / lngTwips ' Calculate total caption space
strCaption = Space$(Fix(lngCaptionWidth / 1.5)) & strCaption ' Format caption string
frmForm.Caption = strCaption ' Return modified caption
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
Resume CenterCaption_CleanUp
End Sub
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: CenterReportText
' Description: Center text on a line
' Parameters: lngLineLength - Length of report line
' strMiddle - Optional - String of data to be centered.
' (ex: "My name and email")
' Default = vbNullString
' strLeftSide - Optional - String of data to remain at left
' most end of output string. (ex: "25-Dec-2010")
' Default = vbNullString
' strRightSide - Optional - String of data to remain at right
' most end of output string. (ex: "Page 1")
' Default = vbNullString
' Returns: Formatted text
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 25-Dec-2010 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote routine
' 16-Mar-2011 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Added better parameter evaluation with error messages
' 11-Sep-2011 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Made line length parameter mandatory
' ***************************************************************************
Public Function CenterReportText(ByVal lngLineLength As Long, _
Optional ByVal strMiddle As String = vbNullString, _
Optional ByVal strLeftSide As String = vbNullString, _
Optional ByVal strRightSide As String = vbNullString) As String
Dim lngDataLength As Long
Const ROUTINE_NAME As String = "CenterReportText"
CenterReportText = vbNullString ' Verify return string is empty
' If no line length, data cannot be centered
If lngLineLength < 1 Then
InfoMsg "Line length must be a positive number." & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & MODULE_NAME & "." & ROUTINE_NAME
Exit Function
End If
' Remove leading and trailing blank spaces
strLeftSide = TrimStr(strLeftSide)
strMiddle = TrimStr(strMiddle)
strRightSide = TrimStr(strRightSide)
' Capture data length
lngDataLength = Len(strLeftSide & strMiddle & strRightSide)
Select Case lngDataLength
Case Is < 1 ' If no data to process then leave
InfoMsg "No data to process." & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & MODULE_NAME & "." & ROUTINE_NAME
Exit Function
Case is > lngLineLength ' If too much data then leave
InfoMsg "Line length must be equal to or greater than data length." & _
vbNewLine & "Line length: " & CStr(lngLineLength) & _
vbNewLine & "Data length: " & CStr(lngDataLength) & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & MODULE_NAME & "." & ROUTINE_NAME
Exit Function
End Select
' Add a blank space to beginning and end of
' middle string of data until line length
' requirement has been met or exceeded
Do While Len(strMiddle) < lngLineLength
strMiddle = Chr$(32) & strMiddle & Chr$(32)
' Verify string length equals line length
strMiddle = Left$(strMiddle, lngLineLength)
' If data is available then overlay left side
If Len(strLeftSide) > 0 Then
Mid$(strMiddle, 1, Len(strLeftSide)) = strLeftSide
End If
' If data is available then overlay right side
If Len(strRightSide) > 0 Then
Mid$(strMiddle, (lngLineLength - Len(strRightSide)) + 1, Len(strRightSide)) = strRightSide
End If
' Remove any excess trailing blanks because
' only leading blanks are needed to push data
' to middle of line.
CenterReportText = RTrim$(strMiddle)
End Function
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: TextBoxKeyDown
' Description: Processes a KeyDown() event for a textbox. A combination
' of keys that have been depressed in a TextBox
' Syntax: Private Sub txtLength_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
' ' Process any key combinations
' mobjKeyEdit.TextBoxKeyDown txtLength, KeyCode, Shift
' End Sub
' Parameters: ctlTextBox - TextBox control
' intKeyCode - Possible special key being pressed (Ctl, Alt, etc)
' intShift - Possible shift key being pressed
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 06-APR-2002 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote routine
' ***************************************************************************
Public Sub TextBoxKeyDown(ByRef ctlTextBox As TextBox, _
ByRef intKeyCode As Integer, _
ByRef intShift As Integer)
Dim CtrlDown As Integer
Dim PressedKey As Integer
' Initialize variables
CtrlDown = (intShift And vbCtrlMask) > 0 ' Define control key
PressedKey = Asc(UCase$(Chr$(intKeyCode))) ' Convert to uppercase
' Check to see if it is okay to make changes
If CtrlDown And PressedKey = vbKeyX Then ' Ctrl + X was pressed
Edit_Cut ctlTextBox
ElseIf CtrlDown And PressedKey = vbKeyA Then ' Ctrl + A was pressed
TextBoxFocus ctlTextBox
ElseIf CtrlDown And PressedKey = vbKeyC Then ' Ctrl + C was pressed
Edit_Copy ctlTextBox
ElseIf CtrlDown And PressedKey = vbKeyV Then ' Ctrl + V was pressed
Edit_Paste ctlTextBox
ElseIf PressedKey = vbKeyDelete Then ' Delete key was pressed
Edit_Delete ctlTextBox
End If
End Sub
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: TextBoxFocus
' Description: Processes a GotFocus() event for a textbox. Whenever the
' textbox has been first entered then all the text within
' will be highlighted.
' Syntax: Private Sub txtLength_GotFocus()
' ' Highlight all the text in the box
' mobjKeyEdit.TextBoxFocus txtLength
' End Sub
' Parameters: ctlTextBox - TextBox control
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 06-APR-2002 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote routine
' ***************************************************************************
Public Sub TextBoxFocus(ByRef ctlTextBox As TextBox)
' Called by TextBoxKeyDown()
' Highlight all the text in the box
With ctlTextBox
.SelStart = 0 ' Start with first character in TextBox
.SelLength = Len(.Text) ' To last character in TextBox
End With
End Sub
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: NoCopyText
' Description: Prevents text from being copied from a textbox.
' Syntax: Private Sub txtLength_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
' ' Protect data from being copied
' mobjKeyEdit.NoCopyText txtLength, KeyCode, Shift
' End Sub
' Parameters: ctlTextBox - TextBox control
' intKeyCode - Possible special key being pressed (Ctl, Alt, etc)
' intShift - Possible shift key being pressed
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 18-Feb-2011 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote routine
' ***************************************************************************
Public Sub NoCopyText(ByRef ctlTextBox As TextBox, _
ByRef intKeyCode As Integer, _
ByRef intShift As Integer)
Dim CtrlDown As Integer
Dim PressedKey As Integer
' Define control key
CtrlDown = (intShift And vbCtrlMask) > 0
' Convert keycode to uppercase then to decimal
PressedKey = Asc(UCase$(Chr$(intKeyCode)))
With ctlTextBox
If (CtrlDown And PressedKey = vbKeyX) Or _
(CtrlDown And PressedKey = vbKeyA) Or _
(CtrlDown And PressedKey = vbKeyC) Or _
(CtrlDown And PressedKey = vbKeyV) Then
.SelStart = 0 ' Keep mouse pointer at beginning of data
.SelLength = 0
Clipboard.SetText vbNullString ' capture an empty string
Clipboard.Clear ' Empty clipboard
End If
End With
End Sub
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: ProcessNumericOnly
' Description: Processes a KeyPress() event for a textbox. Numeric only
' data. ASCII 9 (TAB), 13 (ENTER), 8 (BACKSPACE), 48-57 (0-9)
' Syntax: Private Sub txtLength_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
' ' Save only numeric and the backspace character
' mobjKeyEdit.ProcessNumericOnly KeyAscii
' End Sub
' Parameters: intKeyASCII - key being pressed
' NOTE: To prevent someone from pasting a non-numeric value
' into this textbox, insert the code below into the
' textbox_Change() event. Change "txtbox" to the name
' of the textbox control.
' ' Prevent user from pasting a non-numeric value
' ' into this textbox
' If Not IsNumeric(txtbox.Text) Then
' txtbox.Text = vbNullString
' End If
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 06-APR-2002 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote routine
' 11-Jan-2009 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Added above note to prevent a user from pasting non-numeric
' data into a textbox. Got code from Masino Sinaga (04-Aug-2003)
' http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=47381&lngWId=1
' 02-Oct-2011 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Fixed bug. ENTER key improperly recognized. Now sends a
' TAB key response.
' ***************************************************************************
Public Sub ProcessNumericOnly(ByRef intKeyASCII As Integer)
Select Case intKeyASCII
Case 9, 13
' Tab key, ENTER key
intKeyASCII = 0
SendKeys "{TAB}"
Case 8, 48 To 57
' Backspace and numeric keys only
Case Else ' Everything else (invalid)
intKeyASCII = 0
End Select
End Sub
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: ProcessAlphaNumeric
' Description: Processes a KeyPress() event for a textbox. All keyboard
' characters. ASCII 32-126
' Syntax: Private Sub txtLength_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
' ' Save only alphanumeric characters
' mobjKeyEdit.ProcessAlphaNumeric KeyAscii
' End Sub
' Parameters: intKeyASCII - key being pressed
' blnAcceptSpaces - [Optional]
' TRUE=Accept blanks spaces as input (DEFAULT)
' FALSE=Do not aceept any blank spaces as input
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 06-APR-2002 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote routine
' 02-Oct-2011 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Fixed bug. ENTER key improperly recognized. Now enters a
' Carriage Return and Linefeed.
' ***************************************************************************
Public Sub ProcessAlphaNumeric(ByRef intKeyASCII As Integer, _
Optional ByVal blnAcceptSpaces As Boolean = True)
If blnAcceptSpaces Then
Select Case intKeyASCII
Case 9, 13
' Tab key, ENTER key
intKeyASCII = 0
SendKeys "{TAB}"
Case 8, 32 To 126
' Backspace and other
' valid data keys
Case Else ' Everything else (invalid)
intKeyASCII = 0
End Select
' Do not accept blank spaces
Select Case intKeyASCII
Case 9, 13
' Tab key, ENTER key
intKeyASCII = 0
SendKeys "{TAB}"
Case 8, 33 To 126
' Backspace and other
' valid data keys
Case Else ' Everything else (invalid)
intKeyASCII = 0
End Select
End If
End Sub
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: ProcessAlphabetic
' Description: Processes a KeyPress() event for a textbox. Alphabetic
' only data. (A-Z, a-z)
' Syntax: Private Sub txtLength_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
' ' Save only alphabetic only characters
' mobjKeyEdit.ProcessAlphabetic KeyAscii
' End Sub
' Parameters: intKeyASCII - key being pressed
' blnUppercaseOnly - [Optional] - Allow only uppercase
' values to be entered.
' TRUE=Convert all letters to uppercase
' FALSE=Upper and lower case allowed (DEFAULT)
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 06-APR-2002 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote routine
' ***************************************************************************
Public Sub ProcessAlphabetic(ByRef intKeyASCII As Integer, _
Optional ByVal blnUppercaseOnly As Boolean = False)
If blnUppercaseOnly Then
Select Case intKeyASCII
Case 9, 13
' Tab key, ENTER key
intKeyASCII = 0
SendKeys "{TAB}"
Case 8, 65 To 90
' Backspace and uppercase
' alphabetic keys only
Case 97 To 122
' Convert lowercase to uppercase
intKeyASCII = intKeyASCII - 32
Case Else ' Everything else (invalid)
intKeyASCII = 0
End Select
' Case does not matter
Select Case intKeyASCII
Case 9, 13
' Tab key, ENTER key
intKeyASCII = 0
SendKeys "{TAB}"
Case 8, 65 To 90, 97 To 122
' Backspace and alphabetic keys only
Case Else ' Everything else (invalid)
intKeyASCII = 0
End Select
End If
End Sub
' ***************************************************************************
' **** Internal Functions and Procedures ****
' ***************************************************************************
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: GetTitleFont
' Description: Captues the font information
' Parameters: frmForm - Name of the form whose caption is to be centered
' Returns: Complete type structure describing the font used on this form
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 17-OCT-2000 Tom Pydeski
' http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=12103&lngWId=1
' 16-APR-2001 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Modified and documented
' ***************************************************************************
Private Function GetTitleFont(ByRef frmForm As Form) As StdFont
' Called by CenterCaption()
Dim typLogFont As LogFont
Dim typTargetFont As Font
On Error GoTo GetTitleFont_Error
ZeroMemory typNCM, Len(typNCM)
ZeroMemory typLogFont, Len(typLogFont)
typNCM.cbSize = Len(typNCM) ' initialize variables
' Make the API to get the windows position
SystemParametersInfo SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0&, typNCM, 0&
' See if there are any fonts
If typNCM.iCaptionHeight = 0 Then
' If no fonts involved then set to zero
typLogFont.FontHeight = 0
' save the height of the caption font
typLogFont = typNCM.LFCaptionFont
End If
Set typTargetFont = New StdFont
With typTargetFont
.Charset = typLogFont.FontCharSet
.Weight = typLogFont.FontWeight
.Name = typLogFont.FontFaceName
.Strikethrough = typLogFont.FontStrikeOut
.Underline = typLogFont.FontUnderline
.Italic = typLogFont.FontItalic
.Bold = (typLogFont.FontWeight = 700)
.Size = -(typLogFont.FontHeight * (72 / GetDeviceCaps(frmForm.hDC, LOGPIXELSY)))
End With
Set GetTitleFont = typTargetFont
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
ErrorMsg MODULE_NAME, "GetTitleFont", Err.Description
Resume GetTitleFont_CleanUp
End Function
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: Edit_Copy
' Description: Copy highlighted text to the clipboard. See Keydown event
' for the text boxes to see an example of the code calling
' this routine.
' Special Logic: When the user highlights text with the cursor and presses
' CTRL+C to perform a copy function. The highlighted text
' is then loaded into the clipboard.
' Parameters: ctlTextBox - TextBox control
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 06-APR-2002 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote routine
' ***************************************************************************
Private Sub Edit_Copy(ByRef ctlTextBox As TextBox)
' Called by TextBoxKeyDown()
Clipboard.Clear ' Clear clipboard contents
Clipboard.SetText ctlTextBox.SelText ' Load clipboard with highlighted text
End Sub
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: Edit_Cut
' Description: Copy highlighted text to the clipboard and then remove it
' from the text box. See Keydown event for the text boxes to
' see an example of the code calling this routine.
' Special Logic: When the user highlights text with the cursor and presses
' CTRL+X to perform a cutting function. The highlighted text
' is then moved to the clipboard.
' Parameters: ctlTextBox - TextBox control
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 06-APR-2002 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote routine
' ***************************************************************************
Private Sub Edit_Cut(ByRef ctlTextBox As TextBox)
' Called by TextBoxKeyDown()
Clipboard.Clear ' Clear clipboard contents
Clipboard.SetText ctlTextBox.SelText ' Load clipboard with highlighted text
ctlTextBox.SelText = vbNullString ' Empty TextBox contents
End Sub
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: Edit_Delete
' Description: Copy highlighted text to the clipboard and then remove it
' from the text box. See Keydown event for the text boxes to
' see an example of the code calling this routine.
' Special Logic: When the user highlights text with the cursor and presses
' CTRL+X to perform a cutting function. The highlighted text
' is then moved to the clipboard and the clipboard is emptied
' Parameters: ctlTextBox - TextBox control
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 06-APR-2002 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote routine
' ***************************************************************************
Private Sub Edit_Delete(ByRef ctlTextBox As TextBox)
' Called by TextBoxKeyDown()
ctlTextBox.SelText = vbNullString ' remove highlighted text from TextBox
End Sub
' ***************************************************************************
' Routine: Edit_Paste
' Description: Copy whatever text is being held in the clipboard and then
' paste it in the text box. See Keydown event for the text
' boxes to see an example of the code calling this routine.
' Parameters: ctlTextBox - TextBox control
' ===========================================================================
' ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
' 06-APR-2002 Kenneth Ives kenaso@tx.rr.com
' Wrote routine
' ***************************************************************************
Private Sub Edit_Paste(ByRef ctlTextBox As TextBox)
' Called by TextBoxKeyDown()
ctlTextBox.SelText = Clipboard.GetText() ' unload clipboard into TextBox
End Sub