Power Bytes: Board & Strategy Games
Text File
64 lines
You win the tournament!!!!
I win the tournament!!!!
wins the tournament!!!!
Please wait while I log off...
Invalid Dice Values...please re-enter
Your turn...
That's what I like... A player with guts...
I wouldn't have accepted either!...
OK... let's see who would have won...
Press any key or button to continue...
Your Move...
Double accepted... game continues...
Double refused... game ended...
Doubles...we automatically double the stakes...
Waiting for
to roll the dice again...
More Doubles!! ...
Forfeit refused... game continues...
Forfeit accepted... game ended...
quits!... Terminating Network Play!
quits!... Hanging up phone!
can't move...
wins the game!!!
Please wait...
is backing up a move...
goes first...
You Go First...
You can''t move... opponents turn...
You must use the "Backup" command to undo a move
You don't have a die with that value!
You win the game!
Are you sure? Press "Y" or LEFT button to accept...
OK...let the game continue then...
You have no more moves... Press "Y" or left button to accept...
's turn...
You can't double after you rolled!
You can't double...I hold the doubling cube!
You can't double...We''re playing out a WON GAME!
OK... I accept your double...
No thanks... I know when i''m licked...
Please wait... sending backup data...
Ok... let's see who would really have won...
Offering the double...
Sorry, the doubling cube is already at 512!
You can''t back up more than one move...
I refuse your forfeit... let's finish the game...
Offering Forfeit...
Illegal setup file...defaulting to standard...
Welcome to Ultimate Backgammon
Play Style set to: Conservative Play
Play Style set to: Aggressive Play
Play Style set to: Playing For Blood!
Waiting for
to start game...
Roll the dice to begin the game...
Are you sure you want to quit?
I Double... Do You Accept?
Would you care to play the game out?
Doubles... Do You Accept?
Forfeits... Do You Accept?
I Forfeit... Do you accept?
Are you sure you want to resign? ''Are you sure you want to resign?