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473 lines
(* Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler --- Replaces int 9 keyboard handler *)
PROCEDURE Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler(
Flags, CS, IP, AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, DS, ES, BP : WORD );
(* Interrupt; *)
(* *)
(* Procedure: Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Replaces standard interrupt 9 keyboard driver *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* -- Called by system only! *)
(* Remarks: *)
(* *)
(* This routine replaces the standard interrupt 9 keyboard *)
(* driver so that the extended key combinations will work *)
(* properly. *)
(* *)
(* This handler is a slight modification of one by *)
(* Neil J. Rubenking. *)
(* *)
Ctrl_Keys : ARRAY[0..12] OF BYTE =
( 119, 160, 132, 161, 115, 162, 116,
163, 117, 164, 118, 165, 166 );
BEGIN (* Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler *)
$E4/$60/ { IN AL,$60 ;Read the keyboard port}
$88/$C1/ { MOV CL,AL ;Save the key in CL}
$3C/$E0/ { CMP AL,224 ;Check for scan code of 224}
$75/$09/ { JNE ChkRel ;No -- may be release}
$A2/>KBD_SAVE_SCAN/ { MOV BYTE [>Kbd_Save_Scan],AL}
$E8/$B2/$00/ { CALL ReadPort}
$E9/$8E/$00/ { JMP SendEOI}
$3C/$80/ {ChkRel: CMP AL,$80 ;Is is a RELEASE? If so,}
$72/$08/ { JB ChkPrt ;}
$C6/$06/>KBD_SAVE_SCAN/$00/ { MOV BYTE [>Kbd_Save_Scan],0;clear scan code flag, and}
$E9/$89/$00/ { JMP NormalKey ;treat as Normal}
$3C/$37/ {ChkPrt: CMP AL,55 ;Check for PrtSc or kpd * key}
$75/$03/ { JNE ChkEnt ;No -- may be Enter or keypad}
$E9/$E0/$00/ { JMP ChkPrtSc ;Yes -- process PrtSc/kpd * key}
$3C/$1C/ {ChkEnt: CMP AL,28 ;Check for ENTER key}
$75/$03/ { JNE ChkBS ;No -- may be backspace}
$E9/$A4/$00/ { JMP ChkEnter ;Yes -- process enter key}
$3C/$0E/ {ChkBS: CMP AL,14 ;Check for backspace key}
$75/$03/ { JNE ChkSls ;No -- may be slash}
$E9/$0A/$01/ { JMP ChkBackSp ;Yes -- process backspace key}
$3C/$35/ {ChkSls: CMP AL,53 ;Check for forward slash}
$75/$0A/ { JNE ChkKeyPad ;No -- may be keypad key}
$80/$3E/>KBD_SAVE_SCAN/$E0/ { CMP BYTE [>Kbd_Save_Scan],224 ;Yes -- Check for 224 as scan code}
$75/$69/ { JNE NormalKey ;No -- ordinary slash, process as normal}
$E9/$1B/$01/ { JMP ChkSlash ;Yes -- process keypad slash}
$3C/$47/ {ChkKeyPad: CMP AL,71 ;71 = value for HOME key}
$72/$62/ { JB NormalKey ;Below Home is normal}
$3C/$53/ { CMP AL,83 ;83 = value for DEL key}
$7F/$5E/ { JG NormalKey ;Above Del is normal}
$B8/>KBD_ROM_DATA/ { MOV AX,>Kbd_ROM_Data}
$8E/$C0/ { MOV ES,AX ;Point ES at the ROM DATA}
$26/$A0/>KBD_FLAG/ { ES: MOV AL,[>Kbd_Flag] ;Pick up shift key flags}
$A8/$F3/ { TEST AL,$F3 ;Check if shifts other than alt, ctrl}
$75/$51/ { JNZ NormalKey ;If so, normal}
$88/$C3/ { MOV BL,AL ;Copy shift state}
$80/$E3/$0C/ { AND BL,$0C ;Remove all but Ctrl + Alt}
$80/$FB/$0C/ { CMP BL,$0C ;We only want one shift --}
$74/$47/ { JE NormalKey ;If Ctrl + Alt, pass key on.}
{; If we got here w/o a jump, it's one of our}
{; special keystrokes.}
$E8/$5E/$00/ {Special: CALL ReadPort ;Read the keyboard port.}
{; Figure out TURBO code for key based upon scan code.}
{; For normal keys, add nothing. For ALT keys, add 103.}
{; For control keys, special mapping is required.}
$A8/$08/ { TEST AL,8 ;Check for ALT}
$74/$06/ { JZ TestCtrl}
$80/$C1/$67/ { ADD CL,103 ;+103 converts to TURBO code for ALT}
$E9/$11/$00/ { JMP InsCode}
$A8/$04/ {TestCtrl: TEST AL,4 ;Check for CTRL}
$74/$0D/ { JZ InsCode ;otherwise it is unshifted}
$8D/$1E/>CTRL_KEYS/ { LEA BX,[>Ctrl_Keys] ;Get address of ctrl key table}
$80/$E9/$47/ { SUB CL,71 ;Zero origin for key}
$30/$ED/ { XOR CH,CH}
$01/$CB/ { ADD BX,CX ;Get offset of new key value}
$8A/$0F/ { MOV CL,[BX] ;Pick up TURBO value from table}
$8A/$26/>KBD_SAVE_SCAN/ {InsCode: MOV AH,[>Kbd_Save_Scan] ;Get back saved scan code header}
$88/$C8/ { MOV AL,CL ;Get the key back from CL}
$86/$C4/ { XCHG AH,AL}
$26/$8B/$1E/>KBD_TAIL/ { ES: MOV BX,[>Kbd_Tail] ;Get tail of keyboard buffer}
$26/$89/$07/ { ES: MOV [BX],AX ;Put the key in the buffer}
$81/$C3/$02/$00/ { ADD BX,2 ;Advance the tail pointer}
$81/$FB/>KBD_BUFFER_END/ { CMP BX,>Kbd_Buffer_End ;If at end of buffer...}
$7C/$03/ { JL BufOK}
$BB/>KBD_BUFFER/ { MOV BX,>Kbd_Buffer ;...set back to beginning.}
$26/$89/$1E/>KBD_TAIL/ {BufOK: ES: MOV [>Kbd_Tail],BX}
$B0/$20/ {SendEOI: MOV AL,$20 ;Send the EOI to the}
$E6/$20/ { OUT $20,AL ;...interrupt controller}
$E9/$D9/$00/ { JMP Exit ;and return}
{; NormalKey}
{; ;Chain to old keyboard ISR}
$FF/$36/>KBD_SAVE_IADDR+2/ {NormalKey: PUSH [>Kbd_Save_IAddr+2] ;Push address of old ISR onto stack}
$FF/$36/>KBD_SAVE_IADDR/ { PUSH [>Kbd_Save_IAddr] ;Need to do this before DS restored!}
$5B/ { POP BX ;BX = OFS(Old_Keyboard_Interrupt)}
$58/ { POP AX ;AX = SEG(Old_Keyboard_Interrupt)}
$87/$5E/$0E/ { XCHG BX,[BP+14] ;Swap old BX and Ofs(Old_Key...)}
$87/$46/$10/ { XCHG AX,[BP+16] ;Swap old AX and Seg(Old_Key...)}
$89/$EC/ { MOV SP,BP ;Restore other registers}
$5D/ { POP BP}
$07/ { POP ES}
$1F/ { POP DS}
$5F/ { POP DI}
$5E/ { POP SI}
$5A/ { POP DX}
$59/ { POP CX}
{; ;BX and AX restored earlier.}
{; ;Their places on stack now have}
{; ;old keyboard interrupt address,}
{; ;which is where return will go.}
$CB/ { RETF ;Chain to Old_Keyboard_Interrupt}
{; Read keyboard control port.}
$50/ {ReadPort: PUSH AX}
$E4/$61/ { IN AL,$61 ;Read keyboard control port}
$88/$C4/ { MOV AH,AL}
$0C/$80/ { OR AL,$80 ;Set the "reset" bit and}
$E6/$61/ { OUT $61,AL ; send it back to control}
$86/$C4/ { XCHG AH,AL ;Get back the control value}
$E6/$61/ { OUT $61,AL ;Send it out also}
$58/ { POP AX}
$C3/ { RET}
{; Handle Enter key. We're only interested in Alt-Enter,}
{; which we want to return as Esc + CHR( 28 ).}
$B8/>KBD_ROM_DATA/ {ChkEnter: MOV AX,>Kbd_ROM_Data}
$8E/$C0/ { MOV ES,AX ;Point ES at the ROM DATA}
$26/$A0/>KBD_FLAG/ { ES: MOV AL,[>Kbd_Flag] ;Pick up shift key flags}
$80/$3E/>KBD_SAVE_SCAN/$E0/ { CMP BYTE [>Kbd_Save_Scan],224 ;Distinguish Enter from Keypad Enter}
$74/$0E/ { JE ChkKEnt ;No difference on some keyboards}
$A8/$F7/ { TEST AL,$F7 ;Test for shifts other than ALT}
$75/$C3/ { JNZ NormalKey ;If so, treat as normal key.}
$A8/$08/ { TEST AL,8 ;Check for ALT}
$74/$BF/ { JZ NormalKey ;Process as normal key if not ALT}
$80/$E9/$67/ { SUB CL,103 ;Bias for ALT key code above}
$E9/$72/$FF/ { JMP Special ;Go insert ESC 28.}
$A8/$F3/ {ChkKEnt: TEST AL,$F3 ;Test for shifts other than CTRL, ALT}
$74/$02/ { JZ ChkKEnt1}
$EB/$B3/ { JMP NormalKey ;If so, treat as normal key.}
$B1/$08/ {ChkKEnt1: MOV CL,8}
$A8/$08/ { TEST AL,8 ;Check for ALT}
$75/$2D/ { JNZ ChkPrtSc2 ;}
$B1/$09/ { MOV CL,9}
$A8/$04/ { TEST AL,4 ;Check for CTRL}
$75/$27/ { JNZ ChkPrtSc2 ;}
$B1/$07/ { MOV CL,7 ;Unshifted}
$E9/$22/$00/ { JMP ChkPrtSc2 ;Go insert ESC + Code.}
{; Handle PrtSc or Keypad * key.}
$B8/>KBD_ROM_DATA/ {ChkPrtSc: MOV AX,>Kbd_ROM_Data}
$8E/$C0/ { MOV ES,AX ;Point ES at the ROM DATA}
$26/$A0/>KBD_FLAG/ { ES: MOV AL,[>Kbd_Flag] ;Pick up shift key flags}
$A8/$F3/ { TEST AL,$F3 ;Test for shifts other than CTRL, ALT}
$75/$95/ { JNZ NormalKey ;If so, treat as normal key.}
$80/$3E/>KBD_SAVE_SCAN/$E0/ { CMP BYTE [>Kbd_Save_Scan],224 ;Distinguish PrtSc from Keypad *}
$75/$14/ { JNE ChkStar ;No difference on some keyboards}
$B1/$0B/ { MOV CL,11}
$A8/$08/ { TEST AL,8 ;Check for ALT}
$75/$08/ { JNZ ChkPrtSc2 ;}
$B1/$0C/ { MOV CL,12}
$A8/$04/ { TEST AL,4 ;Check for CTRL}
$75/$02/ { JNZ ChkPrtSc2 ;}
$B1/$0A/ { MOV CL,10 ;Unshifted}
$E8/$97/$FF/ {ChkPrtSc2: CALL ReadPort ;Read keyboard port.}
$E9/$51/$FF/ { JMP InsCode ;Go insert ESC + Code.}
$B1/$02/ {ChkStar: MOV CL,2 ;Code for Alt}
$A8/$08/ { TEST AL,8 ;Check for Alt}
$75/$F4/ { JNZ ChkPrtSc2}
$B1/$03/ { MOV CL,3 ;Code for Ctrl}
$A8/$04/ { TEST AL,4 ;Check for Ctrl}
$75/$EE/ { JNZ ChkPrtSc2}
$B1/$01/ { MOV CL,1 ;Code for unshifted}
$EB/$EA/ { JMP ChkprtSc2}
{; Handle backspace key. We're only interested in Alt-backspace,}
{; which we want to return as Esc + CHR( 171 ).}
$B8/>KBD_ROM_DATA/ {ChkBackSp: MOV AX,>Kbd_ROM_Data}
$8E/$C0/ { MOV ES,AX ;Point ES at the ROM DATA}
$26/$A0/>KBD_FLAG/ { ES: MOV AL,[>Kbd_Flag] ;Pick up shift key flags}
$A8/$F7/ { TEST AL,$F7 ;Test for shifts other than ALT}
$74/$03/ { JZ ChkBacSp1 ;If so, treat as normal key.}
$E9/$5A/$FF/ { JMP NormalKey}
$A8/$08/ {ChkBacSp1 :TEST AL,8 ;Check for ALT}
$75/$03/ { JNZ ChkBacSp2}
$E9/$53/$FF/ { JMP NormalKey ;Process as normal key if not ALT}
$B1/$AB/ {ChkbacSp2: MOV CL,171 ;Alt-backspace code}
$E8/$68/$FF/ { CALL ReadPort ;Read keyboard port}
$E9/$22/$FF/ { JMP InsCode ;Go insert ESC 171.}
{; Handle / key. We're only interested in the keypad /,}
{; so the scan code flag must be 224 to process this.}
$B8/>KBD_ROM_DATA/ {ChkSlash: MOV AX,>Kbd_ROM_Data}
$8E/$C0/ { MOV ES,AX ;Point ES at the ROM DATA}
$26/$A0/>KBD_FLAG/ { ES: MOV AL,[>Kbd_Flag] ;Pick up shift key flags}
$A8/$F3/ { TEST AL,$F3 ;Test for shifts other than Ctrl, Alt.}
$74/$03/ { JZ ChkSlash1 ;No -- handle it here.}
$E9/$3B/$FF/ { JMP NormalKey ;Else treat as normal key.}
$B1/$05/ {ChkSlash1: MOV CL,5 ;Scan code if ALT flag.}
$A8/$08/ { TEST AL,8 ;Check for Alt}
$75/$08/ { JNZ ChkSlash2}
$B1/$06/ { MOV CL,6 ;Scan code if CTRL flag.}
$A8/$04/ { TEST AL,4 ;Check for CTRL}
$75/$02/ { JNZ ChkSlash2}
$B1/$04/ { MOV CL,4 ;Scan code with no shifts}
$E8/$44/$FF/ {ChkSlash2: CALL ReadPort ;Read keyboard port.}
$E9/$FE/$FE); { JMP InsCode ;Go insert ESC + Code.}
END (* Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler *);
(* Ext_Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler --- Replaces int 9 keyboard handler *)
PROCEDURE Ext_Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler(
Flags, CS, IP, AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, DS, ES, BP : WORD );
(* Interrupt; *)
(* *)
(* Procedure: Ext_Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Replaces standard interrupt 9 keyboard driver for *)
(* extended 101-key keyboards. *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* -- Called by system only! *)
(* Remarks: *)
(* *)
(* This routine replaces the standard interrupt 9 keyboard *)
(* driver so that the extended key combinations will work *)
(* properly. This version for the 101-key keyboard is much *)
(* simpler than for the 83/84-key keyboards since only the *)
(* keyboard <ALT>key combinations need to be handled. *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* Ext_Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler *)
$E4/$60/ { IN AL,$60 ;Read the keyboard port}
$88/$C1/ { MOV CL,AL ;Save the key in CL}
$3C/$E0/ { CMP AL,$E0 ;Check for scan code of 224}
$75/$06/ { JNE ChkRel ;No -- may be release}
$A2/>KBD_SAVE_SCAN/ { MOV BYTE [>Kbd_Save_Scan],AL}
$E9/$63/$00/ { JMP NormalKey}
$3C/$80/ {ChkRel: CMP AL,$80 ;Is is a RELEASE? If so,}
$72/$08/ { JB Chk224 ;}
$C6/$06/>KBD_SAVE_SCAN/$00/ { MOV BYTE [>Kbd_Save_Scan],0;clear scan code flag, and}
$E9/$57/$00/ { JMP NormalKey ;treat as Normal}
$80/$3E/>KBD_SAVE_SCAN/$00/ {Chk224: CMP BYTE [>Kbd_Save_Scan],0;Check for extended scan code}
$74/$08/ { JE ChkKeyPad ;No -- go check keypad}
$C6/$06/>KBD_SAVE_SCAN/$00/ { MOV BYTE [>Kbd_Save_Scan],0;Yes -- clear scan code flag,}
$E9/$48/$00/ { JMP NormalKey ;and treat as Normal}
$3C/$47/ {ChkKeyPad: CMP AL,71 ;71 = value for HOME key}
$72/$44/ { JB NormalKey ;Below Home is normal}
$3C/$53/ { CMP AL,83 ;83 = value for DEL key}
$7F/$40/ { JG NormalKey ;Above Del is normal}
$B8/>KBD_ROM_DATA/ { MOV AX,>Kbd_ROM_Data}
$8E/$C0/ { MOV ES,AX ;Point ES at the ROM DATA}
$26/$A0/>KBD_FLAG/ { ES: MOV AL,[>Kbd_Flag] ;Pick up shift key flags}
$A8/$F7/ { TEST AL,$F7 ;Check if shifts other than alt}
$75/$33/ { JNZ NormalKey ;If so, normal}
{; If we got here w/o a jump, it's one of our}
{; special keystrokes.}
$E8/$4A/$00/ {Special: CALL ReadPort ;Read the keyboard port.}
{; Figure out TURBO code for key based upon scan code.}
{; For normal keys, add nothing. For ALT keys, add 103.}
{; For control keys, special mapping is required.}
$A8/$08/ { TEST AL,8 ;See if ALT turned on}
$74/$2C/ { JZ NormalKey ;No -- treat as normal key.}
$80/$C1/$67/ { ADD CL,103 ;+103 converts to TURBO code for ALT}
$8A/$26/>KBD_SAVE_SCAN/ {InsCode: MOV AH,[>Kbd_Save_Scan] ;Get back saved scan code header}
$88/$C8/ { MOV AL,CL ;Get the key back from CL}
$86/$C4/ { XCHG AH,AL}
$26/$8B/$1E/>KBD_TAIL/ { ES: MOV BX,[>Kbd_Tail] ;Get tail of keyboard buffer}
$26/$89/$07/ { ES: MOV [BX],AX ;Put the key in the buffer}
$81/$C3/$02/$00/ { ADD BX,2 ;Advance the tail pointer}
$81/$FB/>KBD_BUFFER_END/ { CMP BX,>Kbd_Buffer_End ;If at end of buffer...}
$7C/$03/ { JL BufOK}
$BB/>KBD_BUFFER/ { MOV BX,>Kbd_Buffer ;...set back to beginning.}
$26/$89/$1E/>KBD_TAIL/ {BufOK: ES: MOV [>Kbd_Tail],BX}
$B0/$20/ {SendEOI: MOV AL,$20 ;Send the EOI to the}
$E6/$20/ { OUT $20,AL ;...interrupt controller}
$E9/$29/$00/ { JMP Exit ;and return}
{; NormalKey}
{; ;Chain to old keyboard ISR}
$FF/$36/>KBD_SAVE_IADDR+2/ {NormalKey: PUSH [>Kbd_Save_IAddr+2] ;Push address of old ISR onto stack}
$FF/$36/>KBD_SAVE_IADDR/ { PUSH [>Kbd_Save_IAddr] ;Need to do this before DS restored!}
$5B/ { POP BX ;BX = OFS(Old_Keyboard_Interrupt)}
$58/ { POP AX ;AX = SEG(Old_Keyboard_Interrupt)}
$87/$5E/$0E/ { XCHG BX,[BP+14] ;Swap old BX and Ofs(Old_Key...)}
$87/$46/$10/ { XCHG AX,[BP+16] ;Swap old AX and Seg(Old_Key...)}
$89/$EC/ { MOV SP,BP ;Restore other registers}
$5D/ { POP BP}
$07/ { POP ES}
$1F/ { POP DS}
$5F/ { POP DI}
$5E/ { POP SI}
$5A/ { POP DX}
$59/ { POP CX}
{; ;BX and AX restored earlier.}
{; ;Their places on stack now have}
{; ;old keyboard interrupt address,}
{; ;which is where return will go.}
$CB/ { RETF ;Chain to Old_Keyboard_Interrupt}
{; Read keyboard control port.}
$50/ {ReadPort: PUSH AX}
$E4/$61/ { IN AL,$61 ;Read keyboard control port}
$88/$C4/ { MOV AH,AL}
$0C/$80/ { OR AL,$80 ;Set the "reset" bit and}
$E6/$61/ { OUT $61,AL ; send it back to control}
$86/$C4/ { XCHG AH,AL ;Get back the control value}
$E6/$61/ { OUT $61,AL ;Send it out also}
$58/ { POP AX}
$C3); { RET}
END (* Ext_Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler *);
(* Install_Keyboard_Handler --- Installs new interrupt 9 keyboard driver*)
PROCEDURE Install_Keyboard_Handler;
(* *)
(* Procedure: Install_Keyboard_Handler *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Replaces standard interrupt 9 keyboard driver *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Install_Keyboard_Handler; *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* Install_Keyboard_Handler *)
(* Make sure keyboard scan is zero *)
Kbd_Save_Scan := 0;
(* Set interrupt routine address *)
IF ( ( Mem[$40:$96] AND $10 ) <> 0 ) THEN
SetIntVec( Kbd_Interrupt , @Ext_Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler )
SetIntVec( Kbd_Interrupt , @Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler );
END (* Install_Keyboard_Handler *);
(* Remove_Keyboard_Handler --- Removes installed interrupt 9 driver *)
PROCEDURE Remove_Keyboard_Handler;
(* *)
(* Procedure: Remove_Keyboard_Handler *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Restores standard interrupt 9 keyboard driver *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Remove_Keyboard_Handler; *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* Remove_Keyboard_Handler *)
(* Restore the previous interrupt pointers *)
SetIntVec( Kbd_Interrupt , Kbd_Save_Iaddr );
END (* Remove_Keyboard_Handler *);