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221 lines
(* Kermit_Chk8 --- Compute 6-bit checksum for sector in Kermit *)
PROCEDURE Kermit_Chk8( VAR Sector ;
Sector_Length : INTEGER;
VAR CheckSum : INTEGER );
(* *)
(* Function: Kermit_Chk8 *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Computes 8-bit checksum for Kermit type 1 block check *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Checksum := Kermit_Chk8( VAR Sector ; *)
(* Sector_Length : INTEGER; *)
(* VAR CheckSum : INTEGER ); *)
(* *)
(* Sector --- data for which to compute checksum *)
(* Sector_Length --- length of Sector in bytes *)
(* Checksum --- computed checksum *)
(* *)
(* Calls: None *)
(* *)
(* Remarks: In Pascal one could write the body of this procedure *)
(* as follows: *)
(* *)
(* CheckSum := 0; *)
(* *)
(* FOR I := 1 TO Sector_Length DO *)
(* CheckSum := ( CheckSum + Sector[I] ) AND 255; *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* Kermit_Chk8 *)
$1E { PUSH DS ;Save DS}
/$31/$D2 { XOR DX,DX ;Accumulates checksum}
/$31/$C0 { XOR AX,AX ;Clear byte holder}
/$8B/$8E/>SECTOR_LENGTH{ MOV CX,[BP+>Sector_Length] ;Get sector length}
/$C5/$B6/>SECTOR { LDS SI,[BP+>Sector] ;Get sector address}
/$BB/$FF/$00 { MOV BX,255 ;1 byte checksum}
/$FC { CLD ;March forward}
/$AC {Chk8: LODSB ;Get next byte in sector}
/$01/$C2 { ADD DX,AX ;Add next byte to checksum}
/$21/$DA { AND DX,BX ;Mask out high-order checksum bits}
/$E2/$F9 { LOOP Chk8}
/$C4/$BE/>CHECKSUM { LES DI,[BP+>CheckSum] ;Get result address}
/$26/$89/$15 { ES: MOV [DI],DX ;Move checksum to function result}
/$1F { POP DS ;Restore DS}
END (* Kermit_Chk8 *);
(* Kermit_Chk12 --- Compute 12-bit checksum for sector in Kermit *)
PROCEDURE Kermit_Chk12( VAR Sector ;
Sector_Length : INTEGER;
VAR CheckSum : INTEGER );
(* *)
(* Procedure: Kermit_Chk12 *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Computes 12-bit checksum for Kermit type2 block check *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Checksum := Kermit_Chk12( VAR Sector ; *)
(* Sector_Length : INTEGER; *)
(* VAR CheckSum : INTEGER ); *)
(* *)
(* Sector --- data for which to compute checksum *)
(* Sector_Length --- length of Sector in bytes *)
(* Checksum --- computed checksum *)
(* *)
(* Calls: None *)
(* *)
(* Remarks: In Pascal one could write the body of this procedure *)
(* as follows: *)
(* *)
(* CheckSum := 0; *)
(* *)
(* FOR I := 1 TO Sector_Length DO *)
(* CheckSum := ( CheckSum + Sector[I] ) AND 4095; *)
(* *)
(* Kermit_Chk12 := CheckSum; *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* Kermit_Chk12 *)
$1E { PUSH DS ;Save DS}
/$31/$C0 { XOR AX,AX ;Gets bytes in sector}
/$31/$D2 { XOR DX,DX ;Accumulates checksum}
/$8B/$8E/>SECTOR_LENGTH{ MOV CX,[BP+>Sector_Length] ;Get sector length}
/$C5/$B6/>SECTOR { LDS SI,[BP+>Sector] ;Get sector address}
/$BB/$FF/$0F { MOV BX,4095 ;1 byte checksum}
/$FC { CLD ;March forward}
/$AC {Chk12: LODSB ;Get next byte in sector}
/$01/$C2 { ADD DX,AX ;Add next byte to checksum}
/$21/$DA { AND DX,BX ;Mask out high-order checksum bits}
/$E2/$F9 { LOOP Chk12}
/$C4/$BE/>CHECKSUM { LES DI,[BP+>CheckSum] ;Get result address}
/$26/$89/$15 { ES: MOV [DI],DX ;Move answer to function result}
/$1F { POP DS ;Restore DS}
END (* Kermit_Chk12 *);
(* Kermit_CRC --- Compute cyclic redundancy check for Kermit *)
PROCEDURE Kermit_CRC( VAR Sector ;
Sector_Length : INTEGER;
(* *)
(* Procedure: Kermit_CRC *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Computes 16-bit CRC for Kermit type 3 block check *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Kermit_CRC( VAR Sector ; *)
(* Sector_Length : INTEGER; *)
(* VAR CRC : INTEGER ); *)
(* *)
(* Sector --- data for which to compute CRC *)
(* Sector_Length --- length of Sector in bytes *)
(* CRC --- computed CRC *)
(* *)
(* Calls: None *)
(* *)
(* Remarks: In Pascal one could write the body of this procedure *)
(* as follows: *)
(* *)
(* Crc := 0; *)
(* *)
(* FOR I := 1 TO Sector_Length DO *)
(* BEGIN *)
(* C := Sector[I] XOR LO( Crc ); *)
(* CSave := ( C AND $F0 ) SHR 4; *)
(* C := C AND $0F; *)
(* Crc := ( Crc SHR 8 ) XOR *)
(* ( CrcTab[ CSave ] XOR CrcTab2[ C ] );*)
(* END; *)
(* *)
CrcTab: ARRAY[0..15] OF WORD
= ( $0000, $1081, $2102, $3183, $4204, $5285, $6306, $7387,
$8408, $9489, $A50A, $B58B, $C60C, $D68D, $E70E, $F78F );
CrcTab2: ARRAY[0..15] OF WORD
= ( $0000, $1189, $2312, $329B, $4624, $57AD, $6536, $74BF,
$8C48, $9DC1, $AF5A, $BED3, $CA6C, $DBE5, $E97E, $F8F7 );
BEGIN (* Kermit_CRC *)
$1E/ { PUSH DS ;Save DS}
$07/ { POP ES ;DS to ES}
$06/ { PUSH ES}
$31/$D2/ { XOR DX,DX ;Accumulates CRC}
$8B/$8E/>SECTOR_LENGTH/ { MOV CX,[BP+>Sector_Length] ;Get sector length}
$C5/$B6/>SECTOR/ { LDS SI,[BP+>Sector] ;Get sector address}
$FC/ { CLD ;March forward}
$51/ {Crc1: PUSH CX ;Save loop counter}
$AC/ { LODSB ;Get next byte in sector}
$30/$D0/ { XOR AL,DL ;C = B XOR LO( Crc )}
$88/$C3/ { MOV BL,AL ;CSave := C}
$81/$E3/$F0/$00/ { AND BX,$F0 ;Csave := ( CSAve AND $F0 )}
$D0/$EB/ { SHR BL,1 ; ... SHR 1}
$D0/$EB/ { SHR BL,1 ; ... SHR 2}
$D0/$EB/ { SHR BL,1 ; ... SHR 3}
$25/$0F/$00/ { AND AX,$0F ;C := C AND $0F}
$D0/$E0/ { SHL AL,1}
$B1/$08/ { MOV CL,8}
$D3/$EA/ { SHR DX,CL ;CRC := ( CRC SHR 8 ) ...}
$8D/$3E/>CRCTAB/ { LEA DI,[>CrcTab]}
$01/$DF/ { ADD DI,BX}
$26/$8B/$1D/ { ES: MOV BX,[DI] ;CrcTab[ CSave ]}
$8D/$3E/>CRCTAB2/ { LEA DI,[>CrcTab2]}
$01/$C7/ { ADD DI,AX}
$26/$8B/$05/ { ES: MOV AX,[DI] ;CrcTab2[ C ]}
$31/$D8/ { XOR AX,BX}
$31/$C2/ { XOR DX,AX}
$59/ { POP CX ;Restore loop counter}
$E2/$CE/ { LOOP Crc1 ;Go back if sector not done yet}
$C4/$BE/>CRC/ { LES DI,[BP+>Crc] ;Pick up return address}
$26/$89/$15/ { ES: MOV [DI],DX ;Store result}
$1F); { POP DS ;Restore DS}
END (* Kermit_CRC *);