Composed by T.o.B / DAMoNeS & Jim Jackson / Damn's All of guitarsamples were sampled by us with Jackson PS-1 If ya wanna contact us DDDD OOO N N TTT D DO O NN N T D DO O N NN T DDDD OOO N N T -------------------- BUT if ya wanna a good studio- guitarist... CALL: +358-77-23619/Jim Some samples stolen from some bastards who've stolen them from other bastards and so on... ?|-O> Thanks goes to micron for using his car and everything else he might own... or so.. Approx running time: 01:56 Jim wants to say hello to all his fans... Wayne Gretzky, Kirk Hammet, V.I. Lenin, Jimi HendriX, SRV, and so on... I'd (T.o.B) like to send my greetz to "Big Gee", All E-S users, DAMoNeS members, Byterapers inc., and of course to my lovely girl Tiina.... Bye for this time... this is maybe my only tune for months... CIAO!