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- '─ Area: F-QUICKBASIC ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ' Msg#: 283 Date: 06 Apr 94 23:33:01
- ' From: Eric B. Ford Read: Yes Replied: No
- ' To: All Mark:
- ' Subj: 1/3 Neural Network Source Code
- '──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 'Here's a small old Basic program to perform a simple back propagation neural
- 'network. Note: This isn't my code! Whoever wrote it, I can't critize,
- 'because I never got around to writing one in Basic, but it's obviously old.
- 'If you start playing with this, here are a few suggestions...
- ' 1. Use lots of trainging interations... I typically use 5000 for my
- 'scientific work, just to see if a network is promising. Also change the
- 'iteration counter to a long, so it can train alot longer. I've removed the
- 'print statement for the "round", but I didn't want to post altered code, since
- 'it isn't mine.
- ' 2. Feel free to modify it to use more hidden nodes. I typically use
- 'between 10 and 100, but it depends on what your doing.
- ' 3. Neural network scientists are famous for leaving computers on all
- 'weekend to train networks. Once you've typed in a good bit of data and have a
- 'reasonable sized network (approx 25-75 hidden nodes), let it run all night. I
- 'frequently do that all night. I even have Cray Y-MPs work on these for several
- 'hours!
- ' 4. Add a feature to save a network, so you could pick up where you left
- 'off. This way you could come back to promising nets. Also add something to
- 'load and save the training patterns, so you don't have to type them over and
- 'over.
- ' 5. At this point email me about getting either C code or a few EXEs to
- 'work with. If you've gotten this far, you may want to apply it to anything
- 'from handwriting recognition to stock market prediction. NNs are currently
- 'being used for both and many other interesting things.
- 'If anyone's interested I have much more advanced C and C++ code.
- 'This progrma should be seen as a toy and learning tool, and not as something to
- 'do meaningful work with. If you want to apply this, my C implementations are
- 'much more powerful and a lot faster. I'm pretty experienced at this kind of
- 'stuff, so I should be able to help anyone interested in neural networks. I'm
- 'currently using similar techniques for:
- ' 1. Long range navigation of planetary rovers in virtual reality
- ' 2. Direct mail - predicting which households are likely to respond to a
- 'direct mail package 3. Image processing - getting more detail of images from
- 'astronomical observatories
- ' 3. Intel - Automating microchip manufacture. Confidential
- 'As you old-timers know, I always was a Post-It advocate, but I don't know what
- 'the official view of Postit is now, so I'll just post the code. Let me know if
- 'you have any questions!
- 1 DIM wout(10, 10), outa(10), win(10, 10), hidnet(10), OUTNET(10), DELTAOUT(10)
- 5 DIM INA(10), TARG(10), OEXAM(10, 10), IEXAM(10, 10), HIDA(10)
- 10 CLS
- 11 thrval = .4: REM default threshold value
- 14 PRINT "Enter # of INPUT neurons "; : GOSUB 950: nin = c
- 20 PRINT "Enter # of OUTPUT neurons "; : GOSUB 950: nout = c
- 30 PRINT "Enter # of training CASES "; : GOSUB 950: ncase = c
- 35 PRINT "Enter # of HIDDEN neurons "; : GOSUB 950: nhid = c
- 40 REM
- 110 GOSUB 6000
- 120 PRINT
- 130 PRINT "0. Exit"
- 140 PRINT "1. Set rate of learning (Default ="; : PRINT rate; : PRINT " )"
- 160 PRINT "2. re-enter pattern"
- 170 PRINT "3. Make a Prediction"
- 177 PRINT "5. Train Network"
- 178 PRINT "6. New Threshold value (Default = "; : PRINT thrval; : PRINT " )"
- 180 PRINT
- 190 PRINT "What is your choice ";
- 200 GOSUB 950
- 211 IF c = 0 THEN 220
- 212 IF c = 1 THEN 270
- 213 IF c = 2 THEN 350
- 214 IF c = 3 THEN 430
- 215 IF c = 4 THEN 10
- 216 IF c = 5 THEN 360
- 217 IF c = 6 THEN 900
- 219 GOTO 120
- 220 PRINT
- 230 PRINT "Are you sure (0 to exit) "
- 240 INPUT c
- 250 IF c = 0 THEN END ELSE 120
- 270 PRINT
- 280 PRINT "What is the new rate?"
- 290 INPUT rate
- 330 GOTO 120
- 350 PRINT
- 355 GOSUB 5000
- 360 PRINT "How many rounds of teaching? "
- 370 INPUT c
- 380 FOR l = 1 TO c
- 385 PRINT "ROUND", l
- 390 GOSUB 1000
- 400 NEXT l
- 410 GOTO 120
- 430 GOSUB 4000
- 440 GOTO 120
- 900 INPUT "New threshold value ="; thrval: GOTO 120
- 950 REM keyboard input routine
- 960 c$ = INKEY$: IF c$ = "" THEN 960 ELSE 970
- 970 PRINT c$: c = VAL(c$): RETURN
- 1000 REM
- 1010 FOR I1 = 1 TO ncase
- 1015 FOR J1 = 1 TO nin
- 1020 INA(J1) = IEXAM(I1, J1)
- 1030 NEXT J1
- 1040 FOR K1 = 1 TO nout
- 1050 TARG(K1) = OEXAM(I1, K1)
- 1060 NEXT K1
- 1065 GOSUB 8000
- 1070 NEXT I1
- 1990 RETURN
- 4000 REM
- 4010 FOR i = 1 TO nin: PRINT "Enter value of neuron ", i: GOSUB 950: INA(i) =_
- c: NEXT i
- 4020 GOSUB 7000
- 4030 REM ouput neuron values
- 4050 FOR j = 1 TO nout
- 4060 PRINT " Output neuron "; j; " has a value of "; outa(j)
- 4070 IF outa(j) > thrval THEN PRINT "==>1<==" ELSE PRINT "==>0<=="
- 4090 NEXT j
- 4130 PRINT
- 4140 PRINT
- 4145 FOR l = 1 TO nout: FOR m = 1 TO nin
- 4147 PRINT "WIN"; : PRINT l; : PRINT m; : PRINT "="; : PRINT win(l, m)
- 4148 NEXT: NEXT
- 4150 PRINT "Another PREDICTION (1 = yes, 0 = Exit to main menu) ";
- 4160 GOSUB 950
- 4170 IF c <> 0 THEN GOTO 4010
- 4180 RETURN
- 5000 REM
- 5005 FOR K = 1 TO ncase
- 5010 PRINT " value of neurons: INPUT"
- 5012 FOR i = 1 TO nin
- 5015 PRINT "Neuron "; i; "="; : GOSUB 950: INA(i) = c
- 5025 IEXAM(K, i) = INA(i)
- 5030 NEXT i
- 5035 PRINT " Value of neurons: OUTPUT"
- 5040 FOR j = 1 TO nout
- 5050 PRINT "Neuron "; j; "="; : GOSUB 950: TARG(j) = c
- 5055 OEXAM(K, j) = TARG(j)
- 5060 NEXT j
- 5080 PRINT
- 5090 NEXT K
- 5320 RETURN
- 6000 REM
- 6010 FOR h = 1 TO nhid
- 6020 FOR i = 1 TO nin
- 6090 win(h, i) = .1 * (h - i)
- 6100 NEXT i
- 6110 NEXT h
- 6120 FOR j = 1 TO nout
- 6130 FOR h = 1 TO nhid
- 6140 wout(j, h) = .1 * (j - h)
- 6150 NEXT h
- 6160 NEXT j
- 6170 rate = .5
- 6180 RETURN
- 7000 REM **** sigmoid output *****
- 7010 FOR h = 1 TO nhid
- 7020 hidnet(h) = 0
- 7030 FOR i = 1 TO nin
- 7040 hidnet(h) = hidnet(h) + win(h, i) * INA(i)
- 7050 NEXT i
- 7060 HIDA(h) = 1 / (1 + EXP(-hidnet(h)))
- 7070 NEXT h
- 7080 FOR j = 1 TO nout
- 7090 OUTNET(j) = 0
- 7100 FOR h = 1 TO nhid
- 7110 OUTNET(j) = OUTNET(j) + wout(j, h) * HIDA(h)
- 7120 NEXT h
- 7130 outa(j) = 1 / (1 + EXP(-OUTNET(j)))
- 7140 NEXT j
- 7150 RETURN
- 8000 REM *** sigmoid matrix update ****
- 8010 GOSUB 7000
- 8020 FOR j = 1 TO nout
- 8030 e = EXP(OUTNET(j))
- 8040 DELTAOUT(j) = (TARG(j) - outa(j)) * e / ((1 + e) ^ 2)
- 8050 FOR h = 1 TO nhid
- 8060 wout(j, h) = wout(j, h) + rate * DELTAOUT(j) * HIDA(h)
- 8070 NEXT h
- 8080 NEXT j
- 8090 FOR h = 1 TO nhid
- 8100 dum = 0
- 8110 FOR j = 1 TO nout
- 8120 dum = dum + DELTAOUT(j) * wout(j, h)
- 8130 NEXT j
- 8140 e = EXP(hidnet(h))
- 8150 deltahid = (e / ((1 + e) ^ 2)) * dum
- 8160 FOR i = 1 TO nin
- 8170 win(h, i) = win(h, i) + rate * deltahid * INA(i)
- 8180 NEXT i
- 8190 NEXT h
- 8200 RETURN