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- '─ Area: F-QUICKBASIC ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ' Msg#: 407 Date: 12 Apr 94 23:58:00
- ' From: Howard Hull Jr Read: Yes Replied: No
- ' To: Corey Seliger Mark:
- ' Subj: Qbasic Ascii Characters
- '──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 'CS> DC> My QBasic book has a table of ASCII characters in the back that lists
- 'CS> DC> 011 as the medical symbol for male, the circle with the arrow pointing
- 'CS> DC> out diagonally. But when I do PRINT CHR$ (011), I get nothing.
- 'CS> DC> I know that the first 32 characters are supposed to be functions, but
- 'CS> DC> the other symbols in the table seem to print fine. Is there a way to
- 'CS> DC> get that symbol to display?
- '************* Program Start ******************
- '$INCLUDE:'\qb\qb.bi'
- CALL PrintChar(CHR$(11))
- SUB PrintChar(Char$)
- '*****************
- '* This sub will print virtually all letters on
- '* the ASCII character chart. It will advance the
- '* cursor and scrool the screen as needed
- '* Characters not supported: 7, 10 & 13
- '*
- '******************
- DIM Reg AS RegTypeX
- Reg.ax = &HE00 + ASC(Char$)
- INTERRUPTX &H10, Reg, Reg