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- Terms and Conditions Under Which MLIB May Be Distributed
- MLIB(TM) Version 3.0, (C) Copyright 1994 Terry Venn
- All Rights Reserved
- Shareware Release
- Distributors:
- If you intend to distribute this software for a fee, please read the TERMS OF
- DISTRIBUTION FORM near the end of this file.
- Program Name: MLIB
- Version: 3.0
- Publisher: Terry Venn
- BOX 3A-10,
- D'ARCY, SK.,
- S0L 0N0, CANADA.
- Phone (306) 379-4505
- Preferred BBS Filename: MLIBV30.LZH (OR ZIP)
- BBS Short Description: MLIB Version 3.0, an event-driven mouse support
- library for QuickBASIC 4-4.5 and Visual Basic for DOS
- System/Software Requirements: IBM PC, XT, AT, 386 or compatible computer, a
- Microsoft compatible mouse plus QuickBASIC
- 4-4.5 or Visual Basic for DOS compilers.
- Description:
- MLIB is a full featured (not disabled in any way) mouse support library for
- QuickBASIC 4-4.5 and Visual Basic for DOS. It contains a complete set of
- mouse handling routines programmers can use to add mouse support to their
- programs.
- MLIB now offers more BASIC mouse power than ever before. In addition to the
- standard mouse handling routines, a complete new set of event-driven routines
- have been added to the library. Mouse events can now be captured and stored
- in the background (to be used later) while your code is busy crunching
- numbers elsewhere. Mouse events can read from the event storage buffer
- simular to the way you would poll for key presses; this means no more missed
- clicks, double-clicks etc... Not only will MLIB save you hours of coding
- time, you will be able to add full mouse support to your programs with the
- greatest of ease!
- Major Features:
- 1. All routines are written in assembly language for maximum speed and
- minimum size (no knowledge of assembly required)
- 2. A set of non-event-driven and event-driven mouse handling routines
- 3. The event handler is capable of capturing and storing these events in the
- background:
- ∙ Mouse pointer movement/location
- ∙ Left, right and center button presses and releases
- ∙ Left, right and center button double-clicks
- ∙ Shift-State key and mouse event combinations
- 4. Every aspect of the internal event handler can be controlled by the
- programmer, ie., enable, disable, trap specific events or, even use
- multiple instances!
- 5. Library contains pre-defined ready-to-use mouse cursor shapes
- Registration Fee:
- $25.00 US/CDN, plus $2.50 for shipping and handling (US, or CDN funds only).
- Payment must be made in the form of a money order or check. Checks must be
- drawn on a US or CDN bank. There may be a delay in processing orders for non-
- certified check clearance. All orders are shipped by air mail. Foreign
- orders are welcome.
- Note: The fee for upgrading from a previous version of MLIB is $12.50 plus
- $2.50 for shipping and handling.
- Registered Users Will Receive:
- 1. The latest release of MLIB
- 2. A license or the right to distribute .EXEs that have MLIB library routines
- linked in
- 3. Free technical support
- 4. Editor for creating your own custom mouse pointer shapes
- 5. Conversion utilities to turn raw pointer shape data into BASIC DATA
- statements or assembly source code ready to assemble (MASM compatible
- assembler required) and link into libraries
- 6. A font toolkit FKIT(TM) is offered FREE to anyone who orders MLIB. The
- FKIT package includes fast assembly EGA-VGA font printing routines, sample
- disk/library fonts plus a font editor for creating your own custom fonts
- (the font editor requires VGA and mouse). FKIT supports QuickBASIC 4-4.5
- and Visual Basic for DOS
- Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- QuickBASIC and Visual Basic are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
- IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Terms of Distribution Form
- for
- MLIB Version 3.0
- Anyone who copies and distributes MLIB for a fee must agree and adhere to the
- Terms of Distribution as outlined below, plus, complete this form and return
- it by mail to the author. Returning this form will ensure that you will
- receive the latest version of this software and/or future update/versions as
- they become available.
- Terms of Distribution:
- 1. Disk distributors must not charge more than $15.00 for each copy of this
- software.
- 2. All copies must be made from the copy sent to you by the author.
- 3. All the files provided with this software must be included with each copy
- and must not be altered of modified in any way. You may include additional
- files along with this software providing none of MLIB's files are
- destroyed or overwritten in the process.
- 4. MLIB may be distributed as shareware only.
- 5. You must immediately stop selling/distributing copies of this software
- upon notice from the author.
- Company Name: ________________________________________________________
- Your Name: ________________________________________________________
- Address: ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- City: ________________________________________________________
- Prov/State: _______________________ Postal/Zip Code: _____________
- Country: _______________________ Phone: _______________________
- Date: _______________________ Control: #0101/040594_________