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- PBASMLIB Assembly Language Routines for PB3C
- Version 1.0
- Integer/Word Array Manipulation Routines (ARRAY)
- (C) Copyright 1994 by Tim Gerchmez
- All Rights Reserved.
- This unit contains many routines that manipulate numeric (integer and
- word) arrays in various ways, all of them lightning-quick in assembly
- language. It is contained in PBASMLIB.PBL, and the routines listed here
- will be immediately accessible using $INCLUDE "PBASMLIB.INC" and
- $LINK "PBASMLIB.PBL" at the top of your programs.
- CAUTION: These routines do not do error checking. Be sure to pass
- them only valid values, or sections of memory may be unintentionally
- overwritten. For example, calling FILLARRAY with a 5-element integer
- array, and asking it to fill 10 elements starting with the first, will
- cause problems, and may result in a system crash.
- The ARRAY module supports both integer and word arrays. Integer arrays
- elements have a value from -32768 to +32767 (I.E. they are signed), while
- word array elements have a value ranging from 0 to 65535 (unsigned). Only
- single-dimensional arrays are supported by this module, and an array can be
- dimensioned to only integer values (I.E. the maximum LBOUND is -32768 and the
- maximum UBOUND is 32767). This allows you to use arrays that are up to 64K
- elements in length. For example, the following BASIC code is valid:
- dim ary%(-32768 to 32767)
- call fillarray(ary%(-32768,65535,10) 'Fills elements -32768 to 32767 with 10
- The formula for calculating the highest element filled given the parameters most
- of these commands use is (start element + number of elements) - 1. For example,
- if you use [FILLARRAY AR%(-11),80,10], calculate the top element by using
- (-11 + 80) - 1, which means that element 68 will be the highest element filled.
- Note: a "bug" in PowerBASIC prevents you from accessing the entire contents of
- an array using a for/next loop with an integer counter variable. For example,
- the following code will cause an OVERFLOW error:
- dim ary%(-32768 to 32767)
- for t% = -32768 to 32767 : print ary%(t%) : next t%
- This is because the last iteration of the loop will increase the loop variable
- one number beyond the upper limit, causing an error condition. For this reason,
- it's recommended that you use 32766 for a UBOUND limit with arrays rather than
- the value 32767.
- ================================================================================
- sub negarray(ary%(se%),ne??)
- Negates the values of an integer array, making negative
- numbers positive and positive numbers negative. Starts with
- a particular element and continues for a particular number of
- elements. This command applies to integer arrays only, as negation
- is a moot point with word arrays.
- ary%(se%): Set se% to the starting element you want to negate in ary%.
- Only integer arrays can be passed to this routine.
- ne??: Set to the number of elements to negate, starting with and
- including the number specified with se%.
- Example: negarray ary%(1),50 'Negate elements 1 through 50
- Example: negarray ary%(-80),41 'Negate elements -80 through -40
- ================================================================================
- sub shrarray(ary(se%),ne??,ct%)
- Shifts the bits of each element in an integer or
- word array right (SHR) by a certain number of bits.
- This effectively divides each number by 2 times
- the number of bits shifted [ary%(se%)\(ct% * 2)].
- ary(se%): Set se% to the start element of the array to SHR. Either
- integer or word arrays can be passed.
- ne??: Set to number of elements to SHR, inclusive of the
- first element specified in se%.
- ct%: Set to number of bits to shift right by
- Example: shrarray ary%(1),100,1 'Shifts elements 1 through 100 right by one bit
- Example: shrarray ary%(-5),11,4 'Shifts elements -5 through 5 right by 4 bits
- Example: shrarray ary??(1),100,2 'Shifts elements 1 through 100 right by 2 bits
- ================================================================================
- sub shlarray(ary(se%),ne??,ct%)
- Shifts the bits of each element in an integer or
- word array left (SHL) by a certain number of bits.
- This effectively multiplies each number by 2 times
- the number of bits shifted [ary%(se%)*(ct% * 2)].
- ary(se%): Set se% to the start element of the array to SHL. Either
- integer or word arrays can be passed.
- ne??: Set to number of elements to SHL, inclusive of the
- first element specified in se%.
- ct%: Set to number of bits to shift left by
- Example: shlarray ary%(1),100,1 'Shifts elements 1 through 100 left by one bit
- Example: shlarray ary%(-5),11,4 'Shifts elements -5 through 5 left by 4 bits
- Example: shlarray ary??(1),100,2 'Shifts elements 1 through 100 left by 2 bits
- ================================================================================
- sub rorarray(ary(se%),ne??,ct%)
- Rotates the bits of each element in an integer or
- word array right (ROR) by a certain number of bits.
- ary(se%): Set se% to the start element of the array to ROR. Either
- integer or word arrays can be passed.
- ne??: Set to number of elements to ROR, inclusive of the
- first element specified in se%.
- ct%: Set to number of bits to rotate right by
- Example: rorarray ary%(1),100,1 'Rotates elements 1 through 100 right by one bit
- Example: rorarray ary%(-5),11,4 'Rotates elements -5 through 5 right by 4 bits
- Example: rorarray ary??(1),100,2 'Rotates elements 1 through 100 right by 2 bits
- ================================================================================
- sub rolarray(ary(se%),ne??,ct%)
- Rotates the bits of each element in an integer or
- word array left (ROL) by a certain number of bits.
- ary(se%): Set se% to the start element of the array to ROL. Either
- integer or word arrays can be passed.
- ne??: Set to number of elements to ROL, inclusive of the
- first element specified in se%.
- ct%: Set to number of bits to rotate left by
- Example: rolarray ary%(1),100,1 'Rotates elements 1 through 100 left by one bit
- Example: rolarray ary%(-5),11,4 'Rotates elements -5 through 5 left by 4 bits
- Example: rolarray ary??(1),100,2 'Rotates elements 1 through 100 left by 2 bits
- ================================================================================
- sub notarray(ary(se%),ne??)
- Logically NOTs the bits of each element in an integer or word array
- with a given value, starting with a particular element and continuing
- for a particular number of elements. This forms the one's complement
- (inverts the bits) of the array elements.
- ary(se%): Set se% to the start element of the array to NOT. Either
- integer or word arrays can be passed.
- ne??: Set to number of elements to NOT, inclusive of the
- first element specified in se%.
- Example: notarray ary%(1),100 'NOTs elements 1 through 100
- Example: notarray ary%(-5),11 'NOT elements -5 through 5
- Example: notarray ary??(1),100 'NOT elements 1 through 100
- ================================================================================
- sub xorarray(ary(se%),ne??,xv??)
- Exclusive-OR's (XOR's) the values of each element in an integer or
- word array with a given value, starting with a particular element
- and continuing for a particular number of elements.
- ary(se%): Set se% to the start element of the array to XOR. Either
- integer or word arrays can be passed.
- ne??: Set to number of elements to XOR, inclusive of the
- first element specified in se%.
- av??: Set to the word value (0-65535) to XOR each array element
- with (see examples below).
- Example: xorarray ary%(1),100,32 'XORs elements 1 through 100 with 32,
- 'toggling bit 5.
- Example: xorarray ary%(-5),11,40 'XOR elements -5 through 5 with 40,
- 'toggling bits 5 and 3.
- Example: xorarray ary??(1),100,65535 'XOR elements 1 through 100 with 65535,
- 'toggling all bits.
- ================================================================================
- sub orarray(ary(se%),ne??,ov??)
- Logically ORs the values of each element in an integer or word
- array with a given value, starting with a particular element and
- continuing for a particular number of elements.
- ary(se%): Set se% to the start element of the array to OR. Either
- integer or word arrays can be passed.
- ne??: Set to number of elements to OR, inclusive of the
- first element specified in se%.
- av??: Set to the word value (0-65535) to OR each array element
- with (see examples below).
- Example: orarray ary%(1),100,32 'ORs elements 1 through 100 with 32,
- 'switching on bit 5 if not already set.
- Example: orarray ary%(-5),11,40 'OR elements -5 through 5 with 40,
- 'switching on bits 5 and 3.
- Example: orarray ary??(1),100,8192 'OR elements 1 through 100 with 8192.
- ================================================================================
- sub andarray(ary(se%),ne??,av??)
- Logically ANDs the values of each element in an integer or word
- array with a given value, starting with a particular element and
- continuing for a particular number of elements.
- ary(se%): Set se% to the start element of the array to AND. Either
- integer or word arrays can be passed.
- ne??: Set to number of elements to AND, inclusive of the
- first element specified in se%.
- av??: Set to the word value (0-65535) to AND each array element
- with (see examples below).
- Example: andarray ary%(1),100,31 'AND elements 1 through 100 with 31,
- 'limiting to values between 0 and 31.
- Example: andarray ary%(-5),11,40 'AND elements -5 through 5 with 40.
- Example: andarray ary??(1),100,8192 'AND elements 1 through 100 with 8192.
- ================================================================================
- sub addarray(ary(se%),ne??,va%)
- Adds a given value to each element of an integer or word array,
- starting with a particular element and continuing for a particular
- number of elements.
- ary(se%): Set se% to the start element of the array to add the
- value to. Either integer or word arrays can be passed.
- ne??: Set to number of elements to add the value to, inclusive
- of the first element specified in se%.
- va%: Set to the integer value to add to the specified array elements.
- To subtract, add a negative value. If the calculated new value
- exceeds the limits of an integer/word value, it will "wrap around"
- rather than causing an error. To add a word-length value to a word
- array, use the BITS% statement (see last example below).
- Example: addarray ary%(1),100,32 'Add 32 to elements 1 through 100 of ary%().
- Example: addarray ary%(-5),11,40 'Adds 40 to elements -5 through 5 of ary%().
- Example: addarray ary??(1),100,-32 'Subtract 32 from elements 1 through 100 of ary??().
- Example: addarray ary??(1),10,bits%(40000) 'Add 40000 to elements 1 through 10 of ary??().
- ================================================================================
- sub randfillarray(ary(se%),ne??)
- Fills (initializes) an integer or word array with
- pseudo-random values (-32768 to 32767 for INT arrays
- or 0 to 65535 for word arrays.) Use ANDARRAY to limit
- the array to certain ranges of values.
- ary(se%): Set to array to fill, with se% equalling the starting
- (first) element to fill. Integer or word arrays can
- be passed.
- ne??: Set to number of elements to fill, including the first
- element (se%). See example below.
- Example: randfillarray ary%(1),100 'Fills elements 1 through 100 with random values
- Example: randfillarray ary%(-10),20 'Fills elements -10 through 9 with random values
- Example: randfillarray ary??(5),10 'Fills elements 5 through 15 with random values
- ================================================================================
- sub fillarray(ary(se%),ne??,v%)
- Fills (initializes) an integer or word array with a
- certain specific value.
- ary(se%): Set to array to fill, with se% equalling the starting
- (first) element to fill. Integer or word arrays can
- be passed.
- ne??: Set to number of elements to fill, including the first
- element (se%). See example below.
- v%: Set to value to fill array with (integer only). To
- convert a word value, use the BITS% command.
- Example: fillarray ary%(1),100,-10 'Fills elements 1 through 100 with -10.
- Example: fillarray ary%(-10),20,50 'Fills elements -10 through 9 with 50.
- Example: fillarray ary??(5),10,32 'Fills elements 5 through 15 with 32.
- Example: fillarray ary??(1),100,bits%(65000) 'Fills elements 1 through 100
- 'with the value 65000.