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- PBASMLIB Assembly Language Routines for PB3C
- Version 1.0
- Text Screen/Memory Routines (SCREEN.ASM)
- (C) Copyright 1994 by Tim Gerchmez
- All Rights Reserved.
- This module includes routines that let you manipulate text screens
- and memory directly (read FAST!). It is included in the PBASMLIB.PBL
- library, and the routines contained herein will be immediately accessible
- to your programs by using the statements $INCLUDE "PBASMLIB.INC" and
- $LINK "PBASMLIB.PBL" at the top of your programs.
- Note: For fastest speed possible, these routines do not
- do "snow checking" on CGA monitors. If this feature
- is requested in a future version, it may be added.
- All routines that directly manipulate the text screen work
- with the currently visible page, unless otherwise noted.
- All routines support 80x25 color text mode. Some routines
- will support other modes (40x25, 80x43, etc). When in doubt
- try the mode you want with a particular routine - it won't do
- any damage.
- ================================================================================
- sub blankin <MCGA, VGA ONLY>
- Makes the contents of the screen reappear instantly after using FADEOUT
- or BLANKOUT. FADEIN does the same thing, but slowly. Note that you
- cannot use blankin while the screen is visible - it must have been blanked
- with BLANKOUT or faded with FADEOUT first.
- Example: blankout 'Hide the screen
- color 15,1:cls
- print "This is a test"
- blankin 'Make the screen visible
- ================================================================================
- sub blankout <MCGA, VGA ONLY>
- Blanks the contents of the screen out instantly. You can then
- change the screen contents "behind the scenes," and use FADEIN to
- fade the new screen contents into view, or BLANKIN to instantly reshow
- the screen. Note that you cannot use blankout after using fadeout - the
- screen contents must be currently faded in (visible) for this routine to work.
- Example: CLS 'clears the screen first
- call blankout 'Blanks screen, preparing for fadein
- locate 10,10:print "THIS IS A TEST" 'This won't show up right away
- fadein 20 'Fade the screen in slowly now
- ================================================================================
- SUB blockfill (seg??,ofs??,nbytes??,byte%)
- Fills an area of memory with a byte value.
- seg??: Set to start segment of memory area to fill
- ofs??: Set to start offset of memory area to fill
- nbytes??: Set to number of bytes to fill (1-65535)
- byte%: Set to byte value to fill memory with
- Example: blockfill &hb800,0,4000,32 'Clear Screen
- ================================================================================
- SUB Blockmove(sseg??,sofs??,dseg??,dofs??,nbytes??)
- Moves a block of memory from one place to another
- (actually makes a copy, doesn't change original).
- sseg??: Set to source segment to move
- sofs??: Set to source offset to move
- dseg??: Set to destination segment to move
- dofs??: Set to destination offset to move
- nbytes??: Set to number of bytes to move (1-65535)
- Example: blockmove &hb800,0,&hb800,&h1000,4000 'Copy text page 0 to page 1
- ================================================================================
- FUNCTION calcaddr(y%,x%)
- Calculates an absolute screen offset address,
- given Y and X positions.
- y%: Set to Y location (row) (1-25) on screen
- x%: Set to X location (column) (1-80) on screen
- calcaddr: Returns absolute text screen offset address
- (80x25 screen) - 0-4000.
- Example: print calcaddr(15,5)
- ================================================================================
- FUNCTION calcattr(fgd%,bckg%)
- Returns an attribute byte value, given a foreground
- and background color. Opposite of calcucolors.
- fgd%: Set to foreground character color
- bckg%: Set to background character color
- calcattr: Returns attribute byte value (FN)
- Example: a%=calcattr(10,1)
- ================================================================================
- SUB calcucolors(attr%, foregd%, bckg%)
- Given a screen attribute value, returns foreground
- and background colors to be used with the COLOR statement.
- Opposite of CALCATTR.
- attr%: Set to attribute value (0-255)
- foregd%: Returns foreground character color value
- bckg%: Returns background character color value
- Example: calcucolors 31,f%,b%
- ================================================================================
- SUB calcyx(offset%,y%,x%)
- Given an absolute text screen offset address,
- calculates the Y (row) and X (column) locations
- on the screen (80x25 screen). Opposite of CALCADDR.
- offset%: Set to absolute text screen offset value
- y%: Returns Y position (1-25) in y%
- x%: Returns X position (1-80) in x%
- Example: calcyx 320,y%,x%
- ================================================================================
- SUB caveincls(delay%)
- Clears the screen by "caving it in" on itself.
- Uses the current color values set by COLOR.
- d%: Set to delay value (15-20 is about right)
- Example: caveincls 15
- ================================================================================
- SUB caveoutcls(delay%)
- Clears the screen by "caving it outward."
- Uses the current color values set by COLOR.
- d%: Set to delay value (15-20 is about right)
- Example: caveoutcls 15
- ================================================================================
- SUB clearline(ln%)
- Clears the text screen line specified.
- ln%: Set to screen line to clear (normally 1-25)
- Example: clearline 25 'clear bottom screen line
- ================================================================================
- SUB clsto(fgd%,bkg%)
- Similar to CLS, but works only in text modes, and lets
- you "clear to" any color you want without changing the
- COLOR attributes or the cursor location. Essentially a
- way of changing screen background colors, but clears the
- screen at the same time.
- fgd%: Set to foreground color of new, cleared screen
- bkg%: Set to background color of new, cleared screen
- Example: clsto 31 'Blue screen, bright white "spaces"
- ================================================================================
- SUB dscroll (uly%,ulx%,lry%,lrx%,atr%)
- Scrolls a portion of the screen down by one row.
- uly%: Set to upper left Y position (1-25)
- ulx%: Set to upper left X position (1-80)
- lry%: Set to lower right Y position (1-25)
- lrx%: Set to lower right X position (1-80)
- atr%: Set to attribute to scroll into blanked area
- Example: dscroll 1,1,25,80,1
- ================================================================================
- sub fadein(dly%) <MCGA, VGA ONLY>
- Fades the screen in after fading it out with FADEOUT or blanking with
- BLANKOUT. You can change the contents of the screen while it's faded out,
- then call fadein to fade the new screen in. See FADEOUT and BLANKOUT for
- more information. The delay value you provide lengthens the time it takes
- to fade in as the value increases. Fadein works with most screen modes,
- graphics and text included.
- dly%: Set to delay value (0-32767)
- Example: fadein 20 'Fade the screen in with a delay value of 20
- ================================================================================
- sub fadeout(dly%) <MCGA, VGA ONLY>
- Allows you to slowly fade the contents of the screen out in any
- screen mode, graphics or text. You can then change the contents of
- the screen if desired, and fade it back in using FADEIN, or make it
- reappear instantly using BLANKIN. The delay value you provide to
- FADEOUT will lengthen the time it takes to fade out as the value gets
- higher.
- dly%: Set to delay value (0-32767)
- Example: fadeout 20 'Fade the screen out
- sleep 'Wait for a keypress
- fadein 20 'Fade the screen back in
- ================================================================================
- sub faderestore <MCGA, VGA with PC/AT or PS/2 ONLY>
- Restores the normal screen if CTRL-BREAK was pressed during a FADEIN
- or FADEOUT. This will leave the screen in a partially faded state, and
- FADERESTORE will change the screen back to its default values. If this
- routine is used on a PC/XT, the screen will be cleared and screen contents
- lost, or the result may be unpredictable.
- Example: call faderestore
- ================================================================================
- SUB fastprint(s$,attrib%,y%,x%)
- Prints very quickly to the screen, using direct
- video buffer access. Prints to currently visible
- page.
- s$: Set to string to print. Cursor is not updated
- and no CRLF is performed afterward.
- attrib%: Set to attribute to print string in
- y%: Set to Y position (normally 1-25) on screen to print at
- x%: Set to X position (normally 1-80) on screen to print at
- Example: fastprint "Testing",7,1,1
- ================================================================================
- SUB fillattr(x%)
- Fills the text screen with the attribute specified.
- CALL fillattr(x%), where x%=0-255.
- Uses current visual screen page (normally 0).
- Example: fillattr 31 'Set screen to white-on-blue
- ================================================================================
- SUB fillchar(x%)
- Fills the text screen with the ASCII character specified.
- Syntax: CALL fillchar(x%), where x%=0 to 255
- Uses PowerBASIC's "active" screen page (normally 0).
- Example: fillchar 65 'Fill screen with "A"
- ================================================================================
- SUB lscroll(uly%,ulx%,lry%,lrx%,atr%)
- Scrolls a portion of the screen left by one column.
- uly%: Set to upper left Y position (1-25)
- ulx%: Set to upper left X position (1-80)
- lry%: Set to lower right Y position (1-25)
- lrx%: Set to lower right X position (1-80)
- atr%: Set to attribute to scroll into blanked area
- Example: call lscroll(uly%,ulx%,lry%,lrx%,atr%)
- ================================================================================
- SUB pgcopy(source%,dest%)
- Allows copying of one text-screen page to another,
- mimicking QuickBASIC's PCOPY command in text mode.
- This will not work with a monochrome card, since
- only one screen page is available.
- No check is done for illegal values, so be careful.
- source%: Set to source page (0-3 CGA, 0-7 EGA/VGA) to copy
- dest%: Set to destination page (0-3 CGA, 0-7 EGA/VGA) to copy
- Example: pgcopy 0,1
- ================================================================================
- SUB pglayer(source%,dest%)
- Similar to PGCOPY, but only stores the source to the
- destination if the destination is blank at the stored
- spots. This has the effect of "layering" the source
- screen onto the destination screen. Will not work with
- monochrome card, since only one page is available. No
- check is done for illegal values, so be careful.
- source%: Set to source page (0-3 CGA, 0-7 EGA/VGA)
- dest%: Set to destination page (0-3 CGA, 0-7 EGA/VGA)
- Example: pglayer 1,0
- ================================================================================
- SUB pgswap(page1%,page2%)
- Allows you to swap the contents of two text-screen pages,
- replacing one with the other. Won't work with a monochrome
- card, as only one screen page is available. No check is done
- for illegal values, so be careful.
- page1%:Set to first page (0-3 CGA, 0-7 EGA/VGA)
- page2%: Set to second page (0-3 CGA, 0-7 EGA/VGA)
- Example: pgswap 0,1 'Swaps the contents of page 0 and page 1
- ================================================================================
- SUB readchar(y%,x%,ch%,atr%)
- Reads a character from the visible text screen page
- (80x25 only), and returns character/attribute values.
- MUCH faster than using the SCREEN function.
- y%: Set to text screen Y offset (1-25) to read
- x%: Set to text screen X offset (1-80) to read
- ch%: Returns character value at y%,x%
- atr%: Returns attribute value at y%,x%
- Example: readchar 1,1,ch%,atr%
- ================================================================================
- SUB reattr(oldattr%,newattr%)
- Changes all specified attributes on the text screen
- (visible page) to a new attribute. This allows you to
- recolor only specific portions of the screen.
- oldattr%: Set to old attribute to change
- newattr%: Replaces all old attributes found with new attributes
- Example: reattr 7,31
- ================================================================================
- SUB rechar(oldchar%,newchar%)
- Changes all specified characters on the text screen
- (visible page) to a new character.
- oldchar%: Set to old character to change
- newchar%: Replaces all old characters found with new character
- Example: rechar 32,asc(".") 'Changes all spaces on screen to dots
- ================================================================================
- SUB restorearea(uly%,ulx%,s$)
- Allows you to restore an area of the screen
- previously saved with SAVEAREA$.
- uly%: Set to upper-left Y position to restore area to
- ulx%: Set to upper-left X position to restore area to
- s$: Set to string previously retrieved with SAVEAREA$
- Example: restorearea 1,1,s$
- ================================================================================
- SUB restoretextarea(uly%,ulx%,s$)
- Restores an area of the screen (text portion only)
- previously saved with SAVETEXTAREA.
- uly%: Set to upper-left Y position to restore area to
- ulx%: Set to upper-left X position to restore area to
- s$: Set to string previously retrieved with SAVETEXTAREA$
- Example: restoretextarea 1,1,s$
- ================================================================================
- SUB rscroll(uly%,ulx%,lry%,lrx%,atr%)
- Scrolls a portion of the screen right by one column.
- uly%: Set to upper left Y position (1-25)
- ulx%: Set to upper left X position (1-80)
- lry%: Set to lower right Y position (1-25)
- lrx%: Set to lower right X position (1-80)
- atr%: Set to attribute to scroll into blanked area
- Example: rscroll 1,1,25,80,7
- ================================================================================
- function savearea$(uly%,ulx%,lry%,lrx%)
- Saves an area of the text screen (visual page)
- and returns a string holding the saved area.
- uly%: Set to upper left Y position
- ulx%: Set to upper left X position
- lry%: Set to lower right Y position
- lrx%: Set to lower right X position
- savearea$: Returns string (see RESTOREAREA)
- Example: s$=savearea$(1,1,25,80) 'Returns 4004-byte string
- ================================================================================
- function savetextarea$(uly%,ulx%,lry%,lrx%)
- Saves only the text portion of an area of the screen,
- thus using only half the memory. Use RESTORETEXTAREA
- with the string returned by this routine to restore the
- saved area.
- uly%: Set to upper left Y position
- ulx%: Set to upper left X position
- lry%: Set to lower right Y position
- lrx%: Set to lower right X position
- savetextarea$: Returns string (see RESTORETEXTAREA)
- Example: s$=savetextarea$(1,1,25,80) 'returns 2004-byte string
- ================================================================================
- SUB stepfill(seg??,ofs??,nbytes??,stepval%,byte%)
- Fills an area of memory with a byte value, using a
- given step value. Similar to a FOR-NEXT loop using
- a step value and POKE. The fill starts at the given
- offset, and skips stepval%-1 bytes between each store.
- Useful for filling different types of arrays, and the screen.
- seg??: Set to start segment of memory area to fill
- ofs??: Set to start offset of memory area to fill
- nbytes??: Set to number of bytes to fill (1-65535)
- stepval%: Set to step value (for example, stepval of
- 2 will fill every other byte, starting with
- the first byte indicated in ofs??).
- byte%: Set to byte value to fill memory with
- Example: stepfill &hb800,0,2000,2,asc("A") 'Fill the screen with "A"
- stepfill &hb800,1,2000,2,31 'Then fill attribute bytes
- ================================================================================
- SUB tearcls(delay%)
- Clears the screen so that it appears to "tear" apart.
- delay%: Set to delay value (15-20 is about right).
- Example: tearcls 15
- ================================================================================
- SUB uscroll (uly%,ulx%,lry%,lrx%,atr%)
- Scrolls a portion of the screen up by one row.
- uly%: Set to upper left Y position (1-25)
- ulx%: Set to upper left X position (1-80)
- lry%: Set to lower right Y position (1-25)
- lrx%: Set to lower right X position (1-80)
- atr%: Set to attribute to scroll into blanked area
- Example: uscroll 1,1,25,80,7
- ================================================================================
- FUNCTION vidseg
- Returns current text-screen segment -
- &hb000 for monochrome or &hb800 for color.
- vidseg: Returns video segment (FN)
- Example: print vidseg
- ================================================================================
- SUB writechar(y%,x%,ch%,atr%)
- Writes a character to the active text screen page
- (80x25 only) using specified attribute value.
- MUCH faster than locate/color/print combination, and
- doesn't disturb cursor or COLOR settings.
- y%: Set to text screen Y offset (1-25)
- x%: Set to text screen X offset (1-80)
- ch%: Set to ASCII value of character to write (0-255)
- atr%: Set to attribute value to write
- Example: writechar 1,1,1,31